Straightening the thoracic spine. How to straighten your posture: causes of curvature, exercises, tips. Complex Spinal Stretch

This article will tell you how to straighten your spine. There is only one real helper in this matter - physical activity. We will talk about how to approach exercises with scoliosis. What exercises and complexes to perform, what orthopedic products and exercise equipment to use.



What to do if you have back curvatures? Unfortunately, this is one of those pathologies where prevention is much easier than treatment.

To get rid of pain and neurological symptoms, medications will help: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, muscle relaxants. However, do not deceive yourself; medications will not cope with the curvature itself.

We get diseases of the joints, including intervertebral discs, by moving incorrectly. And they can only be cured with the help of healthy physical activity. This includes therapeutic exercises, exercises with traction machines, orthopedic belts and corsets.

One of the most effective methods straightening becomes swimming in the pool. The thickness of the water supports a person and distributes his kilograms evenly. Swimmer's movements help increase the distance between the vertebrae and stretch the back.


Physiotherapeutic procedures will help cope with curvature:

  • magnetic treatment;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • applications with paraffin.

During physiotherapy sessions, tissue metabolism, blood circulation and the functioning of nerve endings improve. Painful sensations disappear, intervertebral discs again receive a sufficient amount of nutrients. However, physiotherapy against the background of exercise therapy remains an auxiliary tool.

In advanced stages, when the curvature greatly impairs the quality of life, surgery may be indicated. Its cost is quite high, the result is not 100% guaranteed, and the rehabilitation period is long.

However, medical complexes and clinics have their advantages. So, here you can find special exercise machines for those suffering from curvature. With their help, you can stretch the spine so that this result will be consolidated and contribute to treatment. Such procedures are carried out only by an experienced orthopedist; they are unacceptable for home exercises.

One of these simulators is the Evminov board. On it the human body is located at an angle, and the spine stretches under own weight. To treat the cervical spine, a special tape is useful, but the patient must be assisted by a specialist in its application.

After the shape of the spine has improved, the orthopedist usually prescribes the wearing of special corsets. They help maintain the physiological position of the spinal column. They consist of fabric or neoprene material, reinforced with metal or plastic stiffeners and straps.

Such orthopedic devices are useful not only because they directly fix the ridge. Their benefit is also that wearing them reinforces the habit of keeping your back straight. However, you should not wear corsets for a long time, as this can worsen the condition of the back muscles.

At home

We offer the following simple exercise therapy complex, answering the question of how to straighten your back:

  1. Lean your hands on the wall. Press your palms in until you feel like your chest muscles are tightening. Three sets, fifteen reps each.
  2. Take the “frog” position. Lie face down, bend lower limbs and grab their feet with your palms. Pull your toes toward your head until you feel your back muscles tighten. Ten repetitions will be enough.
  3. Take a soldier pose. Stand up, straighten your spine, upper limbs lower along the body. Smoothly lower your head, trying to touch your chin to your chest, and at the same time rise on your toes. Two approaches are enough, each with a dozen repetitions.
  4. Clasp your palms behind your back. At the same time, stand straight. Pull your joined palms down and your chin up. Feel how the spinal column stretches. Four sets, six reps in all.
  5. Perform fifteen minutes of hanging on the horizontal bar every day.

Hanging on the bar

Japanese traditional gymnastics also knows how to correct scoliosis:

  1. Make a roll out of a terry towel. Tie it with something so it doesn't fall apart. Width - about ten centimeters.
  2. Lie down on a flat surface, placing a cushion under your lumbar region.
  3. Move your legs to the sides without bending them knee joint. The feet should touch the big toes. If you can’t fully take a similar position, take the most similar one – if possible.
  4. Stretch your upper limbs in the opposite direction. Touch your little fingers to each other.
  5. Stay in this position for several minutes.

Japanese stretch

Safety precautions

Only an orthopedic doctor can choose the right set of therapeutic exercises. Regardless of the chosen exercise technique, the first classes should be supervised by a physical therapy instructor. You should visit your doctor at least once a month to monitor the dynamics of changes.

Observe the following safety rules when performing physical therapy exercises:

  • do not start training if your back hurts;
  • You should not do the exercises if you are feeling poorly in general;
  • avoid sudden movements, move smoothly;
  • if discomfort occurs during the exercise, stop performing it;
  • if the same movement brings discomfort, give it up altogether;
  • Tell your doctor about any painful sensations.

While observing all these rules, remember that even in physical therapy, the principle of increasing the load is one of the main ones. If you don’t make an effort on yourself, no therapeutic effect or result will follow.

Another requirement is regularity. If you practice only occasionally, you will not achieve any effect. The back should be constantly stretched. The result of the training, noticeable to the naked eye, will be noticeable only after a few months. But you can’t stop there either - you need to continue studying until the correction is complete.


Prevention of scoliosis primarily involves healthy posture. The best thing to do is to keep your back straight at all times.

However, this is not always possible to do in modern conditions. Thus, a huge number of people are now employed in sedentary jobs. Bent over in front of a monitor screen, managers ruin their own backs.

Listen to the following preventive recommendations so that you don’t have to worry about fixing your back:

  • buy an office chair with adjustable height;
  • When at home, you should keep your legs elevated while sitting;
  • do not place your lower limbs or feet in a crossed position, this increases the load on the lower back;
  • keep the monitor and TV at the same height as your eyes and directly in front of you so as not to strain cervical region;
  • buy only those shoe models that have a slightly raised heel and enough room for your toes;
  • give up tight shoes, wear shoes with stiletto heels only on special occasions;
  • lose excess weight, give up junk food;
  • sleep on a medium-hard bed, ideally on an orthopedic mattress;
  • the neck should be in line with the spinal column during night rest;
  • wear backpacks only with evenly distributed load inside;
  • do sports, at least exercise or go for walks;
  • visit the swimming pool;
  • balance your diet;
  • do not carry bags with one strap, especially heavy ones;
  • Get checked for scoliosis by a doctor if negative symptoms appear.

If you have managed to cure the disease, remember that relapses are always possible. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are difficult to treat. And if you don’t pay attention to prevention, they can quickly return. Prevention rules should become part of your life as good habits if you do not want to treat scoliosis again.

Video “Exercise therapy for spinal curvature”

This video talks about what exercises will help straighten your back.

A straight spine is probably every person’s dream. From childhood to the present day, we diligently spoil our posture. The fact that a stooped, lopsided figure is ugly is obvious to everyone, but not everyone makes a direct connection between posture and their not only physical, but also spiritual health. And this connection is obvious. That’s why exercises for straightening the spine are threefold important, and you just need to try to allocate at least 15–20 minutes to them within your extremely compressed work schedule.

Correct posture is needed not only for beauty, but also for physical and spiritual health.

The importance of spinal straightening exercises

  1. Prolonged incorrect posture affects vital functions internal organs
    For example: after a hearty lunch, sit down immediately at the computer and, bending at the waist and hunching, plunge into such an interesting and real life for you. What will you feel in a couple of hours, besides the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis - tension in the occipital and neck muscles?
    • At first, you may feel pain in your right side, then intestinal or stomach cramps will begin.
      This is not surprising: with the wrong posture you have bent the bile ducts. This led to stagnation of bile and digestive disorders. If sitting like this after eating is normal for you, then get ready to soon experience a bunch of gastrointestinal diseases:
      Cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, gastritis, ulcers
    • After another hour, you will feel a strange suffocation: there will be a feeling that undigested food is pressing on the diaphragm and preventing you from breathing.
      In fact, in addition to the heaviness in the stomach, you literally do not have enough air: the ribs twisted in a slouched posture and the thoracic spine bent in an arc provide a third less volume of inhaled air than with a straight, relaxed posture
    • And after some time, suddenly a feeling of fatigue and indifference and no ability to work will suddenly appear - just the desire to sleep.
      This means that your crooked spine literally “cut off oxygen” to the brain:
      Improper incomplete breathing led to insufficient oxygen supply to the blood, which caused oxygen starvation of all organs
      If you still have cervical osteochondrosis, which in itself worsens the blood supply to the brain, we can definitely conclude that prolonged sitting in an incorrect position is simply deadly for a person with problems in the cervical spine!
  2. Long-term incorrect position of the spine affects the state of the human psyche
    This has actually been proven in the previous example: due to improper breathing and blood supply, the active activity of the brain is slowed down. Apathy develops, quickly turning into depression.

Ancient people replaced the boring word “psyche” with a more understandable one – “spirit”. And indeed, it is more suitable here: “spirit” is a modified root of the words “breath”, “soul”.

The relationship between correct posture and internal state

Sit down. Lower your shoulders and head, bend your back, lower your arms limply - and after some time your spiritual state will come into conformity with the physical. It will be depressive, there will be feelings of hopelessness and indifference to everything.

Now raise your head, straighten your shoulders, and not just straighten, but “open” - so that the shoulder blades are drawn together at the back. Straightening your back, raise your arms, take a deep breath and look up, into the sky, into space, into the eyes of the Creator - even if there is an ordinary ceiling above you. Feel yourself a part of the Universe, dissolving in it and being filled with a joyful feeling of unity with the world and love for it. Do you feel how streams of cosmic energy rush through your fingertips, arms, head and spine? Having lowered our hands, we exhale, mentally directing this energy further down to our feet. Then we inhale again, raising our hands and imagining not ordinary air, but vital energy.

The above exercise is an example of spiritual auto-training that can be practiced twice a day: in the morning to “charge” for the whole day and in the evening to relieve fatigue. In the evening, the exercise can be performed lying down, ending with complete relaxation of the whole body.

In addition, there are exercises to correct the posture itself, which can be performed at home.

When straightening the spine, do not overdo it - do not smooth out all its natural lateral curves.

Not only the back is involved in creating posture, but also the shoulders, buttocks, arms, stomach and legs - in a word, the whole body. Therefore, exercises to straighten the spine should affect almost all muscle groups.

Posture Tests

Before you start, do two tests:

Test for scoliosis:

Stand up straight with your arms down. The following signs indicate scoliosis:

  1. One shoulder is higher than the other
  2. Hands that visually appear to be different lengths
  3. Curved spine line on the back
  4. Costal and scapular humps
  5. Dimples on the chest

In this case, you need physical therapy, which should be prescribed by an experienced vertebrologist, and it should be carried out, at least the first test exercises, not at home, but in the clinic

Test for lateral bends and correct posture:

  • Stand with your back against the wall so that the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks and calves touch your back. This pose corresponds to correct posture
  • If there is no contact at some point, then it is this muscle group responsible for this point that needs to be developed
  • Try to move away from the wall while maintaining this posture. If it takes a lot muscle tension and is difficult, it means your muscles have weakened: you are too often in a relaxed position

Unlike scoliosis, lateral posture can be corrected at any age, you just need perseverance.

Exercises to straighten the spine should affect all muscle groups

Exercises for the spine at home

  1. Having started gymnastic stick behind your back at the level of your shoulder blades, holding its ends with your hands, turn your body left and right as far as possible with each turn (10 - 15 in total in each direction)
  2. We try to lower the stick, placed behind the head, down the back as low as possible. If it’s difficult, make your grip wider. Do it 10 times
  3. Isometric exercise - without movements, but with effort: we try to move the wall, resting our hands on it
  4. Resting your hands on the table, bend your elbows at 90°. Raise each leg alternately so that, together with the torso, it is parallel to the floor, holding this position for several seconds. Repeat 10 times for each leg.
  5. Raise your arms with dumbbells alternately above your head and in front of you: combine the lift with inhalation. We start with 10 repetitions and a small weight of 0.5 kg, then gradually increase the weight, bringing the number of repetitions to 30 times.
  6. Resting your straight arms and toes on the floor, we stretch your body into a “string”, tensing the muscles of your abdomen, buttocks and legs. We hold the position as long as we can
  7. Carrying a book on your head is very useful for training your posture. Try to walk around the room with it, kneel down, climb onto a chair - so that the book does not fall

And also - exercises for straightening the spine in this video:

How to straighten the spine?

Curvature of the spine not only spoils your posture and appearance, but also negatively affects your health. It is important to identify the problem in time to make it easier to get rid of it. I would like to say right away that straightening the spine at age is difficult, since the muscles and skeleton are already formed. To make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment, you need to consult a doctor.

How to straighten a curvature of the spine?

To cope with the existing problem, it is important not only to perform exercises, but also to constantly monitor your back, following the recommendations. When the problem is serious, training should only take place under the supervision of a doctor on special simulators. For mild forms of the disease or as a preventative measure, you can train at home.

The main goal of the exercises is to strengthen the erector spinae muscle. It is recommended to create a complex based on your own feelings. There are a few simple exercises which are highly effective:

To fix the existing problem, you need to make some changes in your life. For example, you should sleep on a hard bed and work at a comfortable table. When figuring out whether it is possible to straighten your spine, it is worth mentioning some useful habits. If the diagnosis is lumbar scoliosis, then you need to sit with a book or leg under one buttock. For left-sided lumbar scoliosis, it is recommended to stand leaning on left leg.

How to straighten your spine easily and effectively

Every person at birth has the correct spinal configuration. The only exceptions can be people who have had abnormal development in the womb. Over time, due to improper sitting at a desk, computer and a number of other reasons, children experience curvature of the spinal column. This situation can be corrected at any age. Let's look at how to straighten the spine without resorting to complex manipulations.

It is best to sleep on a hard bed. The surface of the mattress must be flat. Avoid spring beds, they put more stress on the spine. Even if your mattress is perfectly flat, gradually such mattresses will cause you to curve. And the hard surface of the bed will help to evenly distribute the load across the vertebrae and give your back a rest.

What is the easiest way to straighten your spine? The best corrector for your back will be your attention. If you periodically correct yourself, straighten your spine and pull the top of your head up, then gradually your back will get used to this position. It will become natural for you and will not require increased attention.

Buy yourself a firm bolster-shaped pillow. The vertebrae on it are located most naturally for themselves. The cushion is usually located at the level of 3-4 cervical vertebrae. This will allow you to avoid serious diseases of the nose, ears, eyes, and headaches.

How to stretch the spine with exercises? One of the most effective of them is the “goldfish”. To perform it, you need to lie with your back on a flat surface, stretch your arms behind your head, and point your toes in your direction. Then slowly begin to move your legs from side to side first, just like the tail of a fish moves. The vibration will gradually move to the hips, lower back, and then to the entire torso and arms. It is enough to perform this exercise for 2 - 3 minutes a day so that the spine gradually begins to straighten.

How to treat spinal curvature? Yoga exercises will help you with this. Sit in the half-lotus position (Turkish style), place your hands behind your back, clasp your fingers. Inhale and stretch the back of your head up. As you exhale, tilt your chin toward your chest. And slowly, opening each vertebra, twist forward. Your back will slowly arch upward, and the top of your head will stretch closer to the floor. When fully twisted, relax and remain in this position for about 1 minute. As you inhale, also slowly straighten up.

Place your palms on your knees and keep your chin near your chest. As you inhale, bend your stomach and chest forward, now bend your spine in the other direction. Also hold this position for 1 minute. Exhale and slowly come back.

We are considering next exercise, which will help you learn how to straighten your spine. Put left hand on your right knee, raise your other palm up. As you inhale, first stretch your spine upward, then as you exhale, bend straight to the left. At full backbend, relax completely. After a minute, inhale and stand up. Swap your palms and repeat the tilt in the other direction.

Sit down, extend your left leg in front of you, bend your right knee, place your hip outside on the floor, place your heel in the groin area. Place your left palm on your right knee, right hand extend at chest level. With your gaze, “catch” your fingers and, with an inhalation, begin to place your hand behind your back, turn your whole body along the axis of the spine, watching your palm. When you have completely twisted each vertebra, lower your right palm to the floor, and try to look behind your shoulder with your gaze. Watch your spine, it should be elongated vertically. After a couple of minutes, raise your right palm above the floor, look at your fingers and slowly unwind as you exhale.

We looked at how to straighten the spine. By following all the above rules, you can easily get rid of back pain and correct your posture.

Spinal Alignment Techniques

Spinal curvature develops as a result of congenital skeletal abnormalities, muscle weakness, neurological and metabolic disorders, and infectious diseases. Most often, changes in posture appear with scoliosis, pathological kyphosis or lordosis, which are formed mainly in childhood. The progression of the disease not only leads to an anatomically incorrect position of the spinal column, but also causes disruption of the functioning of internal organs. Ignoring the problem creates conditions for the appearance of disability, imposing restrictions on physical activity and worsening the quality of life. To prevent back pathology, you need to know how to straighten the spine and eliminate its further curvature.

The first step is diagnosing spinal curvature

To correctly understand the causes and severity of poor posture, you need to see a doctor for a diagnosis.

Only a specialist can correctly diagnose and prescribe a set of treatment measures to achieve a positive result.

Typically, the patient is prescribed an X-ray examination of the spine in direct and lateral projections to determine the direction and degree of curvature in a particular part of the spinal column. Most often the pathology is localized in the chest and lumbar region the back and cervical region suffer much less frequently.

A healthy spine in the lateral projection has physiological curves (kyphosis and lordosis), an increase in the angle of which leads to curvature of the spinal column. In the direct projection, the axis of the spine should be smooth; deviation from the midline of the body causes the formation of scoliosis - the most common cause posture disorders. The disease comes in several degrees:

  • first – axis deviation does not exceed 10 degrees;
  • second - the axis deviation is 11-25 degrees;
  • third - axis deviation corresponds to 26-50 degrees;
  • fourth - the axis deviation reaches more than 50 degrees.

Pathological kyphosis and lordosis, scoliosis cause disruption of the functioning of internal organs

When diagnosing the third and fourth degrees of scoliosis, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is prescribed, which reveals protrusions and herniations of intervertebral discs, which often form with significant curvature of the spinal column.

The second step is determining treatment tactics

Timely contact with a specialist and implementation of his recommendations increases the chances of complete straightening of the spine.

It should be remembered that the formation correct posture can be achieved during the period of skeletal growth, which ends at 20-25 years. After this age, bones, muscles and ligaments become less sensitive to any back correction procedures, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of treatment in adult patients.

In the first and second degrees, leveling is carried out using conservative methods of therapy, such as physical therapy, traction, massage, and physiotherapy. Far advanced cases of the disease require surgery to prevent the progression of the pathology.


Physical education for therapeutic purposes is a set of dosed exercises that are aimed at straightening the spinal column and consolidating the results obtained. Classes can be conducted in special groups at medical institutions or at home. Regardless of the technique, physical therapy must be prescribed by a doctor and be under his supervision to achieve a good therapeutic effect, as well as prevent complications. As the training progresses, the specialist adjusts the intensity and gradually expands the range of exercises. The main rule physical therapy is a gradual increase in load, smoothness of exercises, absence of pain during exercise.

Spinal column alignment device

A simple and accessible set of exercises for spinal alignment.

  1. Pose “emphasis” - stand against a wall, rest your hands on it. Press your palms onto a hard surface until you feel tension in the back muscles in the area thoracic. Number of approaches – 3, number of exercises – 15.
  2. Take the “frog” pose - lying on your stomach, bend your legs and clasp them with your hands at the feet. Stretch your toes toward the top of your head until you feel tension in your back muscles. Do the exercise 10 times.
  3. Take a “soldier” pose - straighten your back while standing, place your arms along your body. Slowly lower your head down, touch your chin to your sternum and at the same time rise onto your toes. Perform 2 sets of 12 exercises.
  4. “Castle” pose – standing straight, put your hands back, clasp your fingers. Pull your arms down and your head up until you feel a stretch in your spine. Perform 4 sets of 6 exercises.
  5. If you have a horizontal bar, hang on it for 15 minutes every day.

Exercises to straighten the spine Japanese method for doing at home.

  1. Roll the terry towel into a roll 40 cm long and 10 cm wide. Secure with a rope.
  2. Lie on the floor, place the cushion under your lower back.
  3. Spread your legs apart and tilt your feet towards each other until your big toes join.
  4. Stretch your arms behind your head, placing them on the floor, palms down. Connect your little fingers.
  5. Lie in this position for 5 minutes.

The first results of treatment appear after 4-5 weeks of daily exercise. Training must be done regularly.

Spine stretching

You can straighten the spine using traction on special tables or exercise machines. This method of therapy is used for second and third degree curvatures that threaten or have led to the formation of protrusions and intervertebral hernias.

Thanks to dosed traction, the spinal column acquires an anatomically correct position. This eliminates muscle spasm, pinched nerve roots, pain in the back. During the treatment period and after it, constant wearing of belts or corsets is used, depending on the traction of a particular part of the spine. They keep your back in the correct position after the procedure, which helps to consolidate the positive effect.

Corset for straightening the spine

Belts or corsets are structures made of fabric, reinforced with plastic or iron inserts and equipped with belts. The device fixes the spine as a whole or in a specific section, which has a beneficial effect on muscle tone in the area of ​​pathology, innervation and blood circulation. To ensure correct posture, the bandage must be worn constantly; it can be removed at night.

Other treatments

Conservative therapy for straightening the spinal column includes massage and physiotherapy (magnetic therapy, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, paraffin baths). Due to mechanical and physical effects on soft fabrics back, spasmed muscles relax, normalize metabolic processes, blood flow and nerve conduction, pain sensations are reduced. The reflex effect on skin receptors improves the general condition, activates the work of the central nervous system, mobilizes the body’s internal forces to fight the disease.

The correct posture when working at a desk is indicated in green.

If a violation of mineral metabolism, osteoporosis, inflammatory process in the vertebrae, intense pain syndrome medications are prescribed: NSAIDs, analgesics, multivitamin complexes, calcium supplements. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, the diet is normalized. The diet is enriched with dairy products, fresh vegetables, fish, and lean meats. They recommend walking, water aerobics, swimming in the pool and natural reservoirs, and cycling. In advanced clinical cases, surgery is prescribed, which consists of fixing the vertebrae with metal staples or straightening the back with implants. Price surgical intervention quite high, and the procedure can cause complications and requires a long recovery period.

The third step is to consolidate the results obtained

After achieving positive results, it is necessary to maintain your back health. Basic rules, such as maintaining correct posture when walking or while working at a desk, wearing comfortable shoes, sleeping on an orthopedic mattress, proper nutrition, eliminating heavy labor and lifting weights help maintain the correct position of the spine. You should not give up regular physical activity and therapeutic exercises. They should become constant companions in Everyday life. Equally important is annual preventive medical supervision for timely detection of abnormalities in the health of the spinal column.

People suffering from spinal curvature often face the question of whether it is possible to straighten their back without resorting to surgery. It is impossible to give a definite answer. Much depends on the patient’s age, the specifics of the disease and the severity of the pathology. However, with timely consultation with a doctor and complex therapy, there is a high chance of restoring the health of the spine and the anatomically correct position of the back.

If the slightest pain occurs while performing the arching, you should stop the exercise immediately. There is also an easier option for arching your back with support. It differs from the described exercise in that you need to place your hands on the floor in front of you and, when bending, rest them on the floor.

Straightening the spine using the Vitaly Gitt method

Vitaly Gitt is a famous chiropractor. When asked whether it is possible to straighten the spine, he answers positively. The specialist believes that various curvatures and postural disorders can be cured at any age and with almost any degree of scoliosis or kyphosis.

Often back diseases develop from the most seemingly harmless change in posture - stooping. It is usually observed in adolescents during a period of rapid growth, when muscle mass does not keep up with the rapid pace of skeletal development. To eliminate stoop, the chiropractor suggests performing certain exercises aimed at stretching the articulations of the collarbones with the shoulder blades and sternum.

So, let’s straighten the spine with Vitaly Gitt:

Exercise 1

Lie on the mat, placing a roller-folded towel, a book or a small pillow 2-3 cm thick under your shoulder blades so that your back bends slightly forward. You need to take a load in your hands (women or children - ½ kg, men - up to 2 kg). Swing your arms up and down. The arms are slightly tense and straightened. The maximum possible range of motion should be maintained. It is recommended to do 300 repetitions 1 or 2 times a day. Another advantage of this exercise is that it strengthens the chest muscles well.

Exercise 2

Lie on your stomach with a book (3-5 cm thick) in front of you, your palms folded on top of it, and your chin on top. Relax as much as possible, spread your elbows. Remain in this position for 5-10 minutes (total time per day – 30 minutes). This pose allows you to normalize your head position.

Exercise 3

Stand up, clasp your hands behind your back. Tighten them as much as possible, bringing your elbows together. Pull your shoulders and head back, and bend your chest forward (but not your stomach). Fix yourself in this position for 1-2 seconds, relax, unclasp your arms and pull in your stomach a little. Repeat 2 times per hour.

Now you know how to straighten your spine yourself. If you want to regain good posture, you need to aim for long-term performance of these exercises and recommendations.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the selection of FREE courses and materials currently available:

  • Free video lessons from a certified physical therapy doctor on eliminating lower back pain. The author of the lessons is the doctor who developed unique technique restoration and treatment of all parts of the spine. The number of patients who have already been helped with back and neck problems is more than 2000!
  • The 10 most essential nutritional components for the health of the entire spine - the report at this link will tell you what your daily diet should be for your spine and whole body to be healthy.
  • Are you suffering from osteochondrosis? We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with effective courses of treatment for cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis without resorting to medications.

In contact with

How to straighten your posture: exercises to correct and prevent poor posture (photos and videos).

Chair for correct posture

Why is it important?

Unfortunately, in our society, many people underestimate posture and do not pay the necessary attention to it. Although it can have a direct effect on human internal organs. You ask why is this? The fact is that our internal organs can function properly only if they receive the correct blood supply.

As you know, there are 26 vertebrae in the spine, and if one of them is compressed, then a person begins to walk or sit incorrectly, as a result of which the blood supply is disrupted and problems with internal organs appear.

Loss of height. This occurs due to the fact that a person is constantly hunched over and at the same time tenses his muscles. The intervertebral discs are compressed, their nutrition is disrupted, as a result of which a person cannot regain his lost height during sleep. Therefore, it is worth monitoring your posture from adolescence, as there is a chance to grow another 15 centimeters.

Your mood also depends on your posture. Haven't you ever noticed that cheerful and smiling people rarely walk with incorrect posture? Now pay attention to stooped people, they rarely smile, they are mostly sad and tired. The fact is that with incorrect posture a person gets tired faster and has to work twice as hard. more effort to complete a particular task.

How to keep your posture correctly?

Correct gait and beautiful posture can tell a lot about a person. In our society, a self-respecting person will not allow such aesthetic shortcomings as drooping shoulders, stooping and a hanging, relaxed belly. All this indicates either a person’s laziness or inability to behave. Therefore, a person who wants to achieve success at work must be sure to monitor his posture. After all good posture indicates self-confidence, success and passion for sports.

  1. Your back should be straight, do not try to arch it too much, so as not to give the impression that a stake was inserted into your back.
  2. Try to straighten your shoulders, don't try to raise them too high.
  3. Watch your head, it should continue the line of the spine. Do not stick your head forward or tilt it back under any circumstances. Lift your chin slightly and look straight.
  4. Don't forget about your abdominal muscles, keep them tense at all times.
  5. Straighten your legs both while standing and walking.

A set of exercises for correct, even posture at home

First you need to strengthen your spine:

  • Take a position lying on your back, straighten your arms to the sides and try to raise your head while straining your neck muscles. At the same time, try to pull your socks towards yourself as much as possible. Stay in this position for about 10 seconds. Do 5 repetitions at 30 second intervals.
  • Sitting on a chair, put your hands behind your head, try to bend your back as much as possible and, counting to 5, relax. Do five of these repetitions.
  • In a standing position, place your hands behind your back and make a “lock”, while trying to tense your arms. Then relax and tense again, do 10 such repetitions.
  • Lie on your back, straighten your arms along your body and try to lift yourself up using your back muscles. Do not lift your feet off the floor and do not bend your knees. You can lightly support your torso with your hands. Hold your breath every time you rise. Number of repetitions – 5-10 times.
  • Now roll over onto your stomach, grab your ankles with your hands and try to touch your head to your feet as close as possible. In this case, the body should be tense like a bow. Stay in this position for a couple of seconds, then relax again. Do 5-10 of these repetitions.
  • Lie on your stomach, straighten your arms along your body, bend your knees and lift your pelvis as high as possible. Stay in this position for about 10 seconds, then relax again. Repeat this exercise 5-10 times.

Let's start with posture exercises

All these exercises are very easy to perform and at the same time very effective. They do not require much time or special conditions to complete. The only thing you need to make a rule is to do them regularly, only then will you be able to achieve desired result. If you also go to the pool or do water aerobics at least once a week, then good results will be noticeable in a short period.

Be sure to do the exercises in front of a mirror. This will help you check whether you are performing the movements correctly. Do at least 10 repetitions of each exercise below.

  • In a standing position, lift first left shoulder, hold it for a few seconds, then lower it and lift your right shoulder.
  • While performing this exercise, keep your back straight and do not raise your shoulders. Now smoothly move both shoulders forward, then back.
  • Place your arms behind your back and, without bending them, raise your arms as high as possible.
  • Inhale and at the same time bring your shoulder blades as close as possible, while pulling in your stomach and bending back slightly. As you exhale, take your starting position.
  • Sit on a chair, straighten your arms up, clasp them together and, bending your elbows, place them behind your shoulder blades. After a couple of seconds, return to the starting position.

Chair for correct posture

Nowadays, most of the population works at the computer, and it has become an indispensable part of our leisure time. For some, give up a few extra hours sitting in front of a computer is a big problem, although everyone knows that excessive sitting in front of this device can greatly damage not only our vision, but also our posture.

In order to at least somehow reduce the load on the spine and thereby not spoil your posture, first of all you need to pay attention to the chair on which you spend most of your time.

And so, a simple armchair or stool is not enough here. A chair with an orthopedic backrest that follows the curves of your back will suit you best. Be sure to pay attention to ensuring that the back of the chair is adjacent to your lower back, only then will you be able to reduce the load on this part of the body.

Choose chair upholstery made from hygroscopic material, as it absorbs moisture and prevents the butt from sticking to the chair. Adjustable armrests will reduce the load and stress in cervical spine and shoulder areas.

All the way, guys. How did you sleep last night? Before I fall asleep, I usually watch a couple of videos of exercises or topics that I have little studied. Recently I wanted to update the information on the topic “How to straighten your posture and strengthen your back muscles.” But I already know something about this topic, but for some reason there is not enough information on my resource. We need to fix this!

From the article you will learn: how to determine incorrect posture, what are the reasons, how to deal with them. We sat up straight, buckled up, and off we went.

Slouching is something that can be observed in a very large number of people. The short and the tall, the old and the young. But the reasons for the appearance of ugly posture are different. This could be weak back muscles in general or those that hold the spine (back extensors, for example), constant reinforcement of bad habits (sitting crookedly, lying down, walking with a leaning forward), working conditions (you never know, maybe someone is standing behind the machine , and the machine is too low for a person’s height of 2 meters).

But to determine what is causing the curvature of the spine, you need to take a simple test, or just think carefully.

How to deal with the reasons

Remember in what position you are reading, working, studying, walking down the street... Do you play sports or at least do exercises? Most likely, in this case there will be weak back muscles plus habits of holding your body in a certain position. But there are cases when a person has physically developed body, one might say, the gym is his home, but he walks around with a stoop. Here everything is a little more complicated.

A common cause in such cases may again be the habit of sitting or walking unevenly, or the predominance of some muscles over others. I'm now talking about the muscles of the front of the body (pectorals, deltoids, abs) over the muscles of the back (latissimus, trapezius, teres and rhomboids, also lower back muscles). By the way, maybe it’s the other way around for you? Does your back dominate your chest?

It is quite possible to have developed muscles and ugly posture. To determine which muscles are stronger in your body, you need to stand up straight, straighten your back, but completely relax your arms. This is a kind of test. It doesn’t matter what position your hands will be in (if you are a jock and are carrying “watermelons” or the usual position). The main thing is the thumbs. Raise them (as if showing “class”) with your arms lowered and relaxed. Where are they looking?

With ideal posture, they should look forward. If the chest dominates over the back - forward and inward or only inward (on top of each other). When the back dominates over the chest, forward and outward. If, on relaxed hands, the thumbs touch each other or are very close and look at each other, then things are very bad, friends.

Straightening your back

First of all, fight your own bad habits. I'm not talking about smoking now, but about your way of sitting, lying or walking. Keep your back straight when working at the computer. Is your back hard or tired quickly? Let her rest, leaning on the back of a chair for ten minutes, and then sit again for 5 minutes without a backrest. In the end, adjust the position of the monitor: it should be in front of you, not in front of you and far below (your eyes are just a little higher than the extreme border of the monitor - a maximum of 7-10 cm). Is it like this for you?

Walk like a man. It’s not for nothing that we are erect. Straighten your back, lift your chin a little, lifting your nose, look ahead and not at the floor - and let's go, let's go. No need to strain too much muscle corset holding your back. Relax, but walk smoothly. Over time you will get used to it, the main thing is regularity. At first it will be difficult: your back muscles will ache, you will forget to hold the plank, but then you will get the hang of it. It's like with the abdominal muscles.

There are cases when the abdominal muscles do not hold the internal organs in place, which is why the stomach takes on the shape of a “belly”, although there is not much fat there, even cubes are visible. It's all about the habit of keeping your stomach relaxed. You just need to keep the abdominal muscles a little tense, forcing them to hold the organs. Over time, you get used to it, and the normal position of the abdomen ceases to seem difficult.

Strengthen lagging muscles. As you understand, one side of the body can be stronger than the other. For example, the front is stronger than the back. The result is a hunched position (the muscles of the shoulders and chest pull the whole body forward, and the back muscles cannot resist anything - they are weaker). The conclusion is obvious. You need to pump your back. And it doesn’t have to be in a “gym”: this can be done at home (exercise below). But this will take more time.

Pull-ups, lat pull-downs, lat pull-downs, hyperextensions, bent-over rows, and deadlifts will help you. This is so, exercises offhand.

Straightening your back at home

Sit on the floor close to the wall. With your back, of course. The back in the upper and lower parts should fit snugly against the wall (there can be a gap only in the neck and lower back, but not too much - your hand should not go completely there). Now raise your arms so that your shoulders (the part of your arm away from you) shoulder joint to the elbow - this is the shoulder) were parallel to the floor, but completely adjacent to the wall (in short, parallel to the baseboard). Forearms point up.

From this position, you need to raise your arms up until they are fully straightened, as if you were doing a seated dumbbell press. Now lower it to the original position. It’s clear that you make all these movements along the wall, without even taking your back, arms and head off it for a moment. Do 50-60 repetitions at a time. The minimum number of approaches is 4, and they do not have to be in a row. Stretch them throughout your day. Got a free minute? We made an approach.

Over time, you can pick up a pair of 2-3 kg dumbbells.

Even after reading this article, your posture has straightened by one degree. So subscribe to blog updates so you don't miss out. useful information. Share this material with your friends via social media, maybe they also want to be beautiful? And leave your comments. Steel rails instead of a spine for everyone, bye.

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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The vertebral column runs down the middle of the back and contains spinal cord, which, like a superhighway of nerves, connects the brain to all tissues of the body. Needless to say, spinal health is of utmost importance. On the lateral, or side, side, the spine has three curves that are necessary for flexibility and stability. However, when viewed from the back, the spine should be straight and not deviate too much from side to side. Some people are born with abnormally curved spines, but the more common causes of spinal pathologies are poor health, poor posture and poor diet.


Part 1

How to take care of your spine health

    Maintain good posture. Perhaps the most important thing you can do to improve your spine health is to maintain good posture while you sit, walk, or sleep. Since most people sedentary work, keeping them stationary for most of the day, the height, comfort, and good support of chairs is critical for them. It is advisable to have an adjustable office chair (so it can be adjusted to your size) with lumbar support for the lower spine. At home, use pillows to support your back and elevate your legs while watching TV.

    • Try not to cross your legs or feet when you sit, because this distorts your hips and puts stress on your hips. bottom part backs.
    • Make sure the computer screen is at eye level and centered at the front of the chair, otherwise you will strain your neck, which can cause a crooked neck.
  1. Wear quality shoes. The legs are critical to good posture because they are the foundation for the entire body. Therefore, wear stable shoes with good arch support, a slightly raised heel (1.5 - 1.9 cm), and plenty of room for your toes. However, try not to constantly wear high-heeled shoes, because they affect the body's center of gravity and cause compensatory alignment of the body - they can cause excessive curvature (hyperlordosis) in the lumbar spine.

    • If you have overweight, flat feet, or one leg shorter than the other, then you should purchase orthopedic insoles (custom-made shoe inserts). Orthopedic insoles improve the condition of the spine, supporting the arch of the foot and improving biomechanics when running or walking.
    • Orthopedic insoles are made on the recommendation of a podiatrist, medical specialists and some chiropractors.
  2. Sleep on a hard mattress. You'll likely spend at least 1/3 of your life in bed, so pay more attention to the quality of your mattress and how you sleep on it. For most people, a firm mattress is The best way provide the spine with the necessary support. A memory foam mattress topper may also be helpful. It is necessary to change mattresses every 8-10 years. The thickness of the pillow should correspond to the distance from the side of the head to the tip of the shoulder - this very well helps to align the neck while sleeping.

    Avoid wearing heavy backpacks or bags. Even if you only carry a heavy backpack from class to class or from school to home, it can seriously affect your spine health, as heavy weight compresses the vertebrae. This can cause a curvature of the spine and prevent you from achieving your goals. full height. Even worse, if you carry your backpack or bag on only one shoulder, your spine may begin to curve.

    • When you carry a bag or backpack, make sure the weight is evenly distributed on your shoulders. If you are carrying a very heavy suitcase or briefcase, remember to alternate sides.
    • Consider purchasing a rolling briefcase.
  3. Exercise and be more active. Moderate exercise has many health benefits, including weight loss and increased muscle strength, which will also have a positive effect on the spine. Carrying heavy weights puts undue pressure on your back joints, making them more susceptible to abrasion and distortion. Besides, strong muscles maintain bones and joints in normal position. Power training are in a great way develop muscles, but be careful not to overwork only certain muscle groups while neglecting other muscles, as this can lead to poor posture. Get help personal trainer, if you are not sure how to train correctly.

    • Every morning after waking up, lie on your back and slowly do " snow angels", moving your arms and legs for 3-5 minutes. These movements are great for warming up and lightly stretching many of the muscles that are important for maintaining correct position spine.
    • While studying in gym Using a rowing machine can strengthen the muscles between your shoulder blades and improve your upper body posture.
    • Pilates and yoga are other forms of exercise that stretch and balance the body, especially the core muscles (abdomen, pelvis, lower back) that are the basis for good posture.
  4. Get the nutrients you need. In order for bones to be strong, smooth and healthy, certain nutrients are necessary. Minerals such as calcium, magnesium and boron form the mineral matrix of bone, and a deficiency can cause bones to become too brittle and susceptible to fracture (called osteoporosis). Vitamin D is also important for bone health, and its absence causes bones to become too soft and easily deformed (called rickets in children or osteomalacia in adults).

    Part 2

    Spine assessment
    1. Check for scoliosis. Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine, most often in the thoracic region (the area between the shoulder blades), which can cause back pain and limited movement. For unknown reasons, some people are born with scoliosis, while others develop it adolescence. Scoliosis is usually diagnosed by nurses during school screenings, but most health care providers will also be able to determine if you have scoliosis. The examination usually requires leaning forward to hip level to determine whether one shoulder blade protrudes more than the other.

      Visit a medical specialist. If, as a result of the examination, you are diagnosed with scoliosis or there is reason to believe that your spine is not normal, then visit a specialist doctor. An orthopedic surgeon will carefully examine your spine and will likely order x-rays to better understand the situation. The specialist will look for fairly common spinal pathologies such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and herniated discs - all of which can lead to abnormal curvature of the spine and impaired biomechanics.

      • Doctors may also order a CT scan, MRI, bone scan, or more advanced tests using X-rays to look at your spine in more detail.
      • Surgery is rarely used to repair or treat diseases or abnormalities of the spine.
    2. See a chiropractor or osteopath. Chiropractors and osteopaths who specialize in spine problems use more natural methods of treating the spine and other parts of the body rather than drugs or invasive methods such as surgery. They may examine your spine for any abnormalities, including unusual curvature, limited mobility, or tight muscles.

      Know about the structure of your pelvis. Your pelvis is made up of two bones that are connected by ligaments. If one of these bones is smaller than the other, it may cause you to lean toward the smaller bone when you stand or sit. This can lead to a curved spine and other health problems. If you notice that you often sit tilted to one side, ask your doctor about your pelvic bones.

    Part 3

    Therapeutic procedures
    1. See a chiropractor. Regular treatments (perhaps monthly) by a chiropractor or osteopath will not only help reduce spinal pain, but will also help you maintain good posture. Chiropractors perform physical manipulations called spinal disc realignments, during which they try to realign or unclench the small facet joints of the spine. Spinal alignment will not cure scoliosis, but it may be necessary to maintain a normal spinal curvature - especially after a serious spinal injury, such as whiplash from a car accident.

      • During the process of realigning the joints of the spine, a crunching sound may occur - the same as when cracking your knuckles. This sound occurs as a result of a change in pressure inside the joint, which causes the release of gas bubbles.
      • As a rule, when realigning the vertebrae, any discomfort, if any, will be very minor.
    2. Make an appointment with a massage therapist. Get a back, shoulder and/or neck massage from a qualified professional. If you have tight muscles surrounding or adjacent to and supporting your spine, massage will relieve this tension, which will promote spinal alignment. Massage is also effective in relieving tension that contributes to poor posture, especially in the upper body.

      • Massage helps get rid of lactic acid, toxins and compounds that cause inflammation in muscles and other soft tissues. They enter your bloodstream, so be sure to drink plenty of water to flush them out of your body.
      • Some massage therapists practice reflexology - stimulating areas of the foot to improve health. Ask your therapist to stimulate points associated with spinal health.
    3. See physical therapy. A physical therapist can show you how to do special exercises aimed at strengthening muscles and stretching the spine. Also, if necessary, he will perform electrotherapy on the back muscles, such as therapeutic ultrasound or electronic muscle stimulation. Exercises for the back extensors, neck flexors and pelvic muscles are crucial for proper posture.

      • In some cases, progressive weight training can help stop or reverse bone loss by improving spinal health and alignment.
      • If your muscles are sore after a workout or massage, take a bath with Epsom salt. The magnesium contained in salt is great for helping to relax tense muscles and relieve pain.
    4. Get a prescription for medications. If you have osteoporosis or low density bone tissue in the spine and you are concerned about fractures or deformities, then ask your doctor to write you a prescription for medications that help strengthen bones, such as the many bisphosphonates that are available on the market (Boniva, Reclast, Fosamax). TO hormonal drugs that help increase bone density include raloxifene, calcitonin and parathyroid hormone.

      • Bisphosphonates can increase the risk of fractures and sometimes cause bone, joint, and muscle pain.
      • Teriparatide, a form of parathyroid hormone, increases the rate of bone formation and is currently the only FDA-approved osteoporosis drug that repairs bone.
    5. Consider surgery. People with spinal problems should consider surgery as a last resort, but sometimes in the case of children whose scoliosis is rapidly deforming their spine, this treatment is resorted to first. Surgery for scoliosis is called spinal fusion - it is essentially a process of “fusion”. The idea is to realign and fuse together the crooked vertebrae so that they heal into a single piece of bone. During spinal fusion, a bone graft is used, which is small fragments of bone that are placed in the space between the vertebrae to fuse them. The bones then heal, similar to how a broken bone heals.

      • Typically, metal rods are used to hold the spine in place until the vertebrae fuse. The rods are attached to the spine using screws, hooks and/or wires and then subsequently removed.
      • Possible complications after surgery include infections, allergic reactions to the anesthesia, nerve damage, and chronic swelling or pain.
    • Much of good posture depends on whether you take care of it. Look in the mirror and correct your posture, remember these sensations, and then try to constantly monitor your posture.
    • Spine surgery is a complex procedure that involves moving muscles and transforming the skeleton. After surgery, people experience pain of varying intensity.

Poor posture is a symptom that characterizes a number of diseases manifested by curvature of the spinal column. The issue of pathological posture is especially relevant today, since a modern sedentary lifestyle, office work on computers, and lack of quality furniture in educational institutions and offices lead to poor posture in children and adults.

Causes of poor posture

There are many reasons for curvature of posture. Various defects arise under the simultaneous influence of several factors. Almost always, posture changes due to a long stay in the wrong position, incorrectly selected furniture, and daily carrying of heavy objects in one hand. Lack of physical activity also plays a significant role in poor posture - weak abdominal and back muscles are unable to hold the body in a physiological position for a long time.

The causes of poor posture can be divided into congenital and acquired:


Congenital causes include pathologies that arise in the womb. If the fetus develops incorrectly, anomalies such as wedge-shaped, additional vertebrae or, on the contrary, an underdeveloped skeleton of the baby develop. These anomalies are the result of a genetic deviation that can be corrected after the birth of the child;


  1. The presence of injuries that affect posture: vertebral fractures, dislocations, impacts, muscle ruptures and strains, etc.
  2. Various pathologies:
    • flat feet;
    • unilateral paralysis;
    • hearing or vision impairment;
    • systemic connective tissue diseases;
    • tumors;
    • rickets;
    • clubfoot;
    • hallux valgus deformity of the foot (“bump” on thumbs legs);
    • osteochondrosis;
    • osteoporosis;
    • spondylosis;
    • radiculitis;
    • herniated intervertebral discs;
    • arthritis;
    • neuralgia, etc.
  3. Among other causes of poor posture, doctors highlight conditions associated with the presence of infections. The leading infection is the tuberculosis bacillus. It provokes the formation of a curvature of the spine in the thoracic region. Infections such as encephalitis, meningitis, polio, abscess, torticollis, and rickets also negatively affect posture.
  4. Presence of diseases of internal organs. In particular, inflammatory processes in abdominal cavity forced to take non-physiological positions to relieve pain.
  5. Prolonged stay in an irrational position at work or in a school institution.
  6. Excess body weight and nutritional deficiency provoke changes in posture. At overweight an additional load is created on the parts of the spinal column. Poor nutrition weakens muscle tissue, which also leads to poor posture. It is important to ensure that your diet contains amino acids and B vitamins.
  7. Passive lifestyle, lack of physical activity, sedentary work cause defective development muscular frame. Thanks to the muscles of the neck, upper shoulder girdle, back and lower back, the spinal column is held in a physiological position.
  8. Wrong choice of shoes (high heels), clothes, furniture.

A straight back every day

Our body changes its position several times throughout the day. To keep your back straight, it is always important to know a number of rules:

You can learn all the rules, but in the everyday bustle we forget about them and take a position that is convenient for us. Therefore, it is important to learn to look at yourself from the outside: a glance cast at your reflection in a store window or mirror will always remind you of your posture. Try to immediately straighten your back and return to your business.

Coping with crooked posture in a week

Correcting the curvature of the spine is possible, but this requires long-term and regular exercise. There is one good and simple method that allows you to learn to keep your back straight:

  1. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, with the entire surface of our feet resting on the floor. Legs straight at the knees, tailbone pointing down, pelvis slightly forward. We tighten the stomach.
  2. We move our shoulders back without using excessive effort. They must be on the same level. With the shoulders in the correct position, the arms hang naturally parallel to the body, elbows at waist level
  3. The head looks straight, the chin is directed forward. We keep our neck straight.

The correct back position is easy to remember. You need to stand with your back to a flat wall, touching it with the back of your head, the surface of your shoulder blades, buttocks and heels. Then move away from the wall, maintaining the pose.

Straightening at home

Training exercises aimed at straightening your posture consist of various elements of standing, sitting, lying down, and on all fours. You need to start with simple exercises, gradually increasing the load. The most difficult exercises- lying down, they are included in the list after a week of classes. There are a lot of exercises, they can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the spine.
  2. Gymnastics for beautiful posture.
  3. Exercises to strengthen the neck muscles.
  4. To strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen.
  5. To strengthen the muscles of the feet.

Exercises for children and teenagers

A child differs from an adult in that he is constantly developing and growing. The plan for correcting posture in adolescents and children should be dynamic, taking into account the constant change in the musculoskeletal system. Physiotherapy and swimming are recommended for all children; moreover, in children and adolescents, these methods can also be used for preventive purposes.

Popular exercises to support posture: “Airplane”, “Mill”, “Lumberjack”, “Fish”, “Yoke”, “Swallow”, “Bicycle”, etc.

Exercises for children and teenagers are needed:

  1. For supporting anatomical structure spinal column.
  2. To correct violations.

Additionally, both adults and children need to pay attention to daily physical activity. It is important not to injure your back. To do this, it is important to learn how to balance a load (briefcase or suitcase). If you are carrying a heavy bag, change hands regularly.

To improve posture, in some cases a massage therapist will help (massage will relax tense back muscles), swimming, or wearing a special corset.

To understand what exactly is right for you, of course, you need to consult with a specialist. Based on people’s experience, we can draw conclusions that we need to look at ourselves from the outside more often and engage in physical culture.

For clarity, here are real reviews:

I'm in the process. Yoga and Eastern dance. In yoga, you learn to realize what and where is wrong and how it should be, how and what to work on. And then you refine it using any method. When you feel your back and know what to do, the exercise machine helps a lot
Alina, Nizhny Novgorod

From my own experience, I can only advise one thing - start controlling yourself. Those. constantly straighten: chest forward, shoulder blades back. I also had a stoop, but within a year I corrected it without any exercise. At first it was difficult to sit straight, stand or walk for a long time, I constantly wanted to make the command “at ease”, but now everything is great
Inna V., Kemerovo

I'm 34, Pilates for 2 years of stable training, swimming for 1 year, my posture has really improved, like everything else.
Olga, Moscow

I really like the “Boat” exercise! When my back hurts, I always do it. 3 times for 60 seconds - and everything goes away! 🙂 🙂 At least it’s getting better for a couple of days. And then more needs to be done. And, of course, gymnastics and physical education are the key Have a good mood and health! 😉
Anna, Samara

It is possible to correct your posture with exercises, but the process is lengthy. Gymnastics must be performed daily to achieve results. It is best to combine exercises with a swimming pool or massage, then the effect will be more sustainable. So that the future generation does not have problems with the spine, it is necessary to accustom children from birth to regular classes physical culture. Therefore, start with yourself first and set an example for your children.

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