World Sea Day in kindergarten. Senior group. Holiday script. Sea and river inhabitants. Physical education lesson Fishing Physical exercises about the world around us on a marine theme

Physical exercises for children
One, two - head up.
Three, four - arms, legs wider.
Five, six - sit down quietly.
There is a forest on the mountain
circular movements with hands
He is neither short nor tall.
sit down, stand up, hands up
An amazing bird gives us a voice.
eyes and hands up, stretch
Two tourists along the path
We walked home from afar
walking in place
They say: “We have never heard such a whistle before.”
raise your shoulders
Let's raise our hands up - once
Above the nose, above the eyes.
Hold your hands straight up
Don't sway, don't tremble.
Three - put your hands down,
Stay where you are, don't move around.
Up one, two, three, four, down!

We repeat, don’t be lazy!
We will make turns.
Do everything willingly.
Once - turn left,
Two - now it's the other way around.
So, without any haste,
Repeat 8 times.
Hands on the belt, legs wider!

One - get up, pull yourself up
Two - bend over, straighten up
Three - three claps of the hands, three nods of the head.
Four - wider legs.
Five - wave your arms.
Six - sit down quietly at the table.
Five merry brownies
On a festive night
We partied too much.
Standing on tiptoes
One spun in a waltz
And the second one tripped and bloodied his nose.
The third jumped to the skies
I picked stars from the sky.
And the fourth stomped like a clubfooted bear
The fifth sang until he was hoarse
Song after song.
That night the brownies had a lot of fun.
Winter evening in the blue sky
get up from the table
The blue stars are lit
stand on your toes, stretch
The branches are pouring blue frost
shaking your hands, slowly sit down
On a snowy meadow.
The steamer pushed off from the green pier
stand up
He stepped back first
step back
And then he stepped forward
step forward
And swam, swam along the river
hand movements
Getting into full swing.
walking in place

Linden trees
Here is a clearing, and around
The linden trees lined up in a circle. With a wide gesture, spread your arms to the sides.
The linden trees are rustling,
The winds hum in their leaves
Raise your arms up and swing them from side to side.
The tops are bent down
And they swing them, swing them. Leaning forward, swing your body from side to side.

We repeat all the warm-up movements without hesitation!
Hey! They jumped on the spot.
Eh! We wave our hands together.
Ehe-heh! The backs were bent,
We looked at the shoes.
Hey - hey! Bent down lower
We leaned closer to the floor.
Turn around in place deftly.
We need skill in this.
What did you like, my friend?
Tomorrow we will repeat the lesson!

Little white cloud
Rounded arms in front of you
Rising above the roof
Raise your arms above your head
The cloud rushed
Higher, higher, higher
Pull your arms up; smooth swinging of the arms above the head from side to side
The wind is a cloud
Got caught on a cliff.
The cloud turned into a thundercloud
With your hands, describe a large circle downwards from the sides and lower them, sit down.

Animal exercise
Once - squat,
Two - jump.
This is a rabbit exercise.
How can the little foxes wake up?
rub your eyes with your fists
They like to stretch for a long time
Be sure to yawn
yawn, covering your mouth with your palm
Well, wag your tail
movement of hips to the sides
And the wolf cubs have an arched back
bend your back forward
And they will jump lightly
light jump up

Well, the bear is clubfooted
arms are bent at the elbows, palms connected below the waist
Paws spread wide
feet shoulder width apart
Either one or both together
stepping one's feet on one's feet
Marks time for a long time
swinging the body to the sides
And for whom charging is not enough -
Starts all over again!
spread your arms out to the sides at waist level, palms up

Cha, cha, cha
Cha, cha, cha (3 hip claps)
The stove is very hot (4 jumps on two legs)
Chi, chi, chi (3 overhead claps)
The stove bakes kalachi (4 squats)
Let's do a warm-up, keep your back straight!
Head back, forward, right, left, turn!
Raise your arms straight up -
How tall they are!

Reach even higher
Turn right, left.
And now the pelvis is dancing -
Look at us!
This glorious exercise
Let's cheer up.
Next we will squat:
Sit down together and stand up together!
We are not too lazy to jump -
Like a ball all day long.

Two girlfriends in the swamp -
two green frogs -
In the morning we washed ourselves early,
rubbed with a towel,
They stomped their feet and clapped their hands.
Leaned left and right -
Mosquitoes scattered -
Everyone was left without food.
Chu, chu, chu (3 claps behind your back)

Gymnastics in verse
We'll clap our hands - Clap-clap-clap,
We'll stomp our feet - Top-top-top,
We all raised our hands
And they lowered it together.
And everyone boarded the magic plane.
(arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest)
Started the engine - F-f-f, f-f-f
(we rotate our arms slowly in front of our chest, increasing the tempo)
The plane is flying, and the engine is humming - Oooh, ooh, ooh
(arms to the sides, alternate tilts to the left and right),
We flew... (usually after making a couple of circles around the room, we fly to eat or wash, and sometimes we “fly up” to a map hanging on the wall to play geography)
Clap! One more time

We'll clap now.
And then quickly, quickly
Clap, clap, have fun!
Clap, clap, clap!
Finger on finger, knock and knock,
Stomp, stomp, stomp!

We walk along the path
Top-top, legs, top!
And we clap our hands.
Clap-clap, hands, clap!
Hey kids!
Hey guys!
Hands to the sides, in a fist,
Unclench it to the side.
Left up!
Right up!
To the sides, crosswise,
To the sides, down.
Knock-knock, knock-knock-knock! (knock fist on fist)
Let's make a big circle. (“draw” a circle with your hands)
We stomp our feet, stomp-stomp-stomp!
We clap our hands, Clap-clap-clap!
Shaking our heads
And we turn our heads.
We raise our hands,
We give up
We shake hands
And we run around.
Hey! They jumped on the spot. (jumping)
Eh! We wave our hands together. (scissoring motion with hands)
Ehe-he! Bend your backs (lean forward, hands on your belt, bend your back)
We looked at the pictures. (bending over and raising your head as high as possible)
Hey-hey! Bent down lower. (deep forward bend, hands on waist)
We leaned closer to the floor. (touch the floor with your hands)
Uh-uh! What a lazy person you are! (straighten up, shake a finger at each other)
Stretch, but don't yawn! (stretch your arms up, rising on your toes)
Turn around in place deftly. (spin around)
We need skill in this.
What did you like, my friend? (stopped, arms to the sides, raised shoulders)
Tomorrow there will be another lesson! (hands on the belt, turned the body to the right, right
hand to the side, then to the left and left hand to the side)
And now all the children stand up,
Raise your hands slowly
Squeeze your fingers, then unclench them,
Hands down and stand like that.
Everyone rested a little (lean forward and shake your arms)
And we hit the road. (steps in place or in a circle)
Show all your palms (raising your arms above your head, rotating your hands, “flashlights”)
And clap a little
Clap-clap-clap, Clap-clap-clap.
Look at me now (make any movement)
You will repeat everything exactly.
One-two-three, one-two-three.
Now let's show the legs
And we'll drown a little.
Top-top-top, Top-top-top.
Show me your arms, legs,
Play with them a little (voluntary movements with your arms and legs)
One-two-three, one-two-three.
There is a lock on the door. (hands clasped)
Who could open it? (trying to separate hands)
Turned, twisted,
They knocked and opened it.
We have a nice posture
We squeezed our shoulder blades together.
We walk on our toes
And then on your heels.
Let's go softly, like little foxes,
Well, if you get tired.
Then let's all go clubbing,
How bears go into the forest.
We sat on the carousel. (mother and baby stand opposite each other, holding hands, and walk in circles)
The carousels are spinning
The carousel started spinning.
Moved to the swing
They flew up (they stood up and stretched upward)
They flew down (squatted down)
They flew up
They flew down
And now it’s just the two of us (we pretend we’re sailing on a boat)
We are sailing on a boat.
The wind is blowing across the sea (we wave our arms outstretched)
Our boat is rocking. (hands on waist, sway your whole body)
The planes hummed (rotating in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows)
The planes took off. (arms to the sides, alternate tilts left and right)
They sat quietly in the clearing (sit down, hands to knees)
And they flew again. (arms to the sides, “flying” in a circle)
Ooh, ooh, ooh...
Tiki-tock, tiki-tock, (knock with outstretched arms On the sides)
So the clock is knocking.
Tuki - so, here - so, (hands in front of you, fists clenched, “bicycle”)
So the wheels are knocking.
Currents - current, currents - current, (hands clenched into fists, knocking one on the other)
This is how the hammer hits.
Touki - tok, touki - tok, (we stomp on the floor)
That's how the heel clicks.
The rhythm gradually speeds up.
Mill, mill grinds flour. (we twist our hands “mill”)
It blows - the wind blows stronger. (smoothly wave your arms above your head from side to side)
The mill grinds flour faster.
It blows - the wind blows stronger.
The mill grinds flour even faster.
It blows - the wind blows stronger.
We ground flour (we knock fist on fist)
Huge bags. (depicting “big bags”)
Made from flour, made from flour (clap our palms upside down, pretending to be pies)
We baked pies
Okay, okay, (clap)
Pancakes were baked.
We knock on the floor with our fists, imitating drops, or walk and stomp to the beat of the drops.
Quiet, quiet rain. Drip-drip-drip.
Heavier, heavier rain. Drip-drip-drip,
Heavy, heavy rain. Drip-drip-drip!
Thunder! Thunder! (clap)
Lightning flashes in the sky! (hands up)
Here is a clearing, and around (with a wide gesture spread your arms to the sides)
The linden trees lined up in a circle. (clasp your rounded hands above your head)
The linden trees make noise (hands up, shake them from side to side)
The winds hum in their leaves (lean forward)
Bend the tops down (leaning forward, swing your body from side to side)
And they rock them and rock them.
After rain and thunderstorms (straighten up, raise your arms)
Linden trees shed streams of tears. (smoothly lower your hands, moving your fingers)
Each leaf has a tear (hands down, shake vigorously with brushes)
Must be thrown onto the paths.
Drip and drip, drip and drip - (clap your hands)
Drops, drops, drops, drops!
How weak the leaf is! ("drop" hands)
He will wash himself with the rain, (stroke first one hand, then the other)
It will get stronger every day. (clench fists)
White cloud (rounded hands in front of you, fingers locked)
It rose above the roof. (without releasing your arms, raise them above your head)
A cloud rushed in (straighten your arms)
Higher, higher, higher. (stretch your arms up)
The wind is a cloud (smooth swaying of arms above your head from side to side)
Got caught on a cliff. (clasp hands with fingertips above head)
A cloud has turned into a cloud (use your hands to describe a large circle downwards from the sides)
Into a rain cloud. (sit down)
Spun, spun (spun in place)
White snowflakes.
They flew up in a white flock (raise your hands)
Light fluff. (spin on your toes)
The evil blizzard has calmed down a little - (put your hands down, stand up straight)
They settled down everywhere. (sit down, hands to the floor)
They sparkled like pearls (stand up, hands forward)
Everyone marvels at the miracle. (spread your arms to the sides)
Sparkled, sparkled (use your hands to perform the “scissors” movement)
White girlfriends.
We hurried for a walk (steps in place)
Moms and kids.
We depict the size of the cabbage with our hands, then show how we cut, salt, three and mash the cabbage.
We have cabbage
Big cabbage.
We cut the cabbage, cut it,
We salt the cabbage, we salt it,
We three, three, cabbage
We mash the cabbage and mash it.
Chock-chock, heel! (stomp your feet)
A cricket spins in a dance. (spin around)
And the grasshopper makes no mistakes (moves his hands like when playing the violin)
Performs a waltz on the violin.
The butterfly's wings flicker. (we wave our arms like wings)
She flutters with the ant. (spin in circles)
Curtsying (doing a curtsey)
And again he spins in the dance. (spin around)
To a cheerful hopak (dance movements, like in a hopak)
The spider dances wildly.
Hands clap loudly! (clap your hands)
All! Our legs are tired! (sit or lean forward, hang your arms down)
On a level path (walking in place)
On a flat path
Our feet are walking.
One-two, one-two,
Over the pebbles, over the pebbles, (we jump, moving slightly in place)
By pebbles, by pebbles...
Into the pit - bang! (squat down)
On a smooth path,
On a flat path.
Our legs are tired
Our legs are tired.
This is our house -
This is where we live.
At the end of the text, we run into the house (we agree in advance where the house will be - on the sofa, chair, etc.).
In the morning the gnomes went into the forest. (step in place)
On the way we found a mushroom. (lean forward, straighten up, hands on waist)
And then one, two, three - (torso tilts from side to side)
Three more showed up! (arms forward, then to the side)
And while the mushrooms were being picked, (bends forward, hands to the floor)
The gnomes were late for school. (hands to cheeks and shake head from side to side)
We ran, we hurried (running in place)
And the mushrooms all dropped! (sit down)
Once upon a time there lived a little gnome (sit down, stand up)
With a large cap (arms extended upward, palms joined)
He was a dwarf traveler. (hands on waist, steps in place)
He rode on a frog: (we jump)
Jump-jump, qua-qua!
And he flew on a dragonfly: (we wave our hands)
Wow, high! (stand on tiptoes)
Floated along the stream in a teacup: (we swim in any style)
He rode a turtle: (hands on the belt, stomp on the spot)
And, having trodden all the paths,
He was swinging in the web, (swinging from side to side)
Bye-bye! Bye-bye!
Morning will come, (arms up, to the sides, down)
The gnome will go on a hike again! (steps in place)
Ding-dong, ding-dong, (bending from side to side, hands on the belt)
The gnomes are building a new house, (knock fist on fist)
Paint the walls, roof, floor (we “paint” with our hands from the side, top, bottom)
They clean everything up. ("sweeping" with a broom)
We will come to visit them (steps in place)
And we'll bring gifts. (arms forward, palms up)
On the floor - a soft path (lean forward, “lay” the path with your hands)
Spreading it to the threshold. (step back)
Two pillows on the sofa (put your hands palms together, first under one cheek, then under the other)
A jug of linden honey. (arms rounded and extended in front of you)
Oh, oh, what's that thunder? (hands to cheeks, tilts to the side)
The fly is building a new house. (hand movements simulating working with a hammer)
Hammer: knock-knock
The rooster comes to help. (steps with side bends)
Hooves clatter loudly. (steps in place)
A horse is racing across the bridge. (jump like a horse, raising your knees high)
Clack, clack, clack!
Jump after her (running in place with jumps)
Foal and boy.
The clop of a foal's hoof. (stomp your right foot)
The click of the heel on the board is loud. (stomp left foot)
We rushed, only dust swirled. ("winder" with hands)
Everyone had to step aside. (back up on your heels)
Little bull, (sit down, stand up)
Yellow barrel, (tilts to the side)
We step with our feet (we stomp)
Shakes his head. (we shake our heads)
-Where is the herd? Mu-u-u (turn the torso to the right, right, straight arm to the side, then to the left and left arm to the side)
It's boring to be alone! (leaned down and waved with outstretched arms)
Early in the morning in the clearing (clap)
This is how monkeys frolic:
Right foot stomp, stomp!
Left foot stomp, stomp!
Hands up, up, up!
Who will rise the highest? (stand on your toes and stretch up)
A turkey walks around the yard (steps in place, hands on his belt)
Among ducks and girlfriends.
Suddenly he saw a rook. (stop, spread your arms to the sides, look down in surprise)
Got angry. (shake finger up)
He stomped in the heat of the moment, (stomp his feet)
He flapped his wings. (with your hands, like wings, pat yourself on the sides)
All swollen up like a ball (hands on the belt)
Or a copper samovar. (clasp rounded hands in front of chest)
Shake his beard, (shake his head, “chat” like a turkey)
He took off like an arrow (running in place)
The little crane stood on its legs (stand up, straighten your backs, straighten your shoulders)
I decided to walk a little. (steps with high knees)
He looks into the distance from under his palm. (movements in accordance with the text)
Who's jumping along the path? (jump in place, hands on belt)
The toads came out into the meadow. (steps in place)
The toads all stood in a circle. (form a circle)
They raised their heads important. (head up)
Look how clever we are! ("proud" turns of the head to the right - to the left)
They clapped their hands. (clap your hands)
Look how clever we are!
We jumped around a little. (jump on both legs)
Let's gallop, gallop. (jump on your right or left foot)
Spun around, circled around. (spin in place)
And then they stopped. (stop, lean forward, shake with straight arms)

Larisa Kutsenko

Topic: "Sailors rush to the rescue."


Educational: form ideas about the life of sailors, the appearance of sailors, consolidate the idea of ​​​​the mathematical concepts of “big-small”, “wide-narrow”, repeat colors.

Educational: development of memory, attention, observation; develop interest in sports and educational entertainment.

Speech: development of coherent speech, enrichment of children's vocabulary with nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs on the topic.

Educational: to cultivate interest in the life of people of the seafaring profession, patriotic feelings, curiosity, culture of behavior, mutual assistance, friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to negotiate, the desire to participate in joint games.

Integration of educational areas:

“Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Physical education”.

Material and equipment:

Sailor collars according to the number of children, two boats different sizes, two strips of different widths, an easel, “Ship” lacing, a ship made of fabric, put on chairs;

Competition “What a sailor needs”: a toy airplane, caps, caps, caps, collars, vests, pistols, daggers, binoculars, a nurse’s cap and bag, a steering wheel, a tank, a boat, a lifebuoy, a pilot’s cap, as well as toys not related to military topics;

Combat readiness test competition: basket;

Competition “Assemble a ship” - cut-out pictures;

Competition "Reefs": sports islands;

“Catch a Fish” competition: two sticks, a rope with a fish attached to each;

Competition “Vegetables for fish soup”: dummies “Fruits-Vegetables”;

Tidy up the deck competition: plastic cubes in 4 primary colors, 4 baskets;

Penguins Competition: Balloons by the number of children;

Competition "Jumpers": two big ball with ears";

Competition "Tug of War": rope;

Musical arrangement: cheerful music for sports relay races;

Video design: video excerpt from the cartoon “Boat” Mom’s Sunshine; video excerpt from the cartoon “Cartoons for the little ones - Geometric shapes - Ship”; video with soundtrack “Sea”; video “Dance”; animated video "Redo's Ship"; video excerpt from the cartoon "Katerok").

Preliminary work:

Making paper boats with children. Learning poems, songs, dances, sports relay races. Looking at illustrations.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, we received a video - a telegram, let’s see what’s in it!

Slide No. 1 (video excerpt from the cartoon “Boat” Mommy’s Sunshine)

Educator: What happened to the boat? (children's answers) That's right, the boat is in trouble! Stuck in ice floes and freezing! Shall we help him? I suggest you say the magic words: “I spin and spin, I’ll turn into a sailor,” so that you can turn into real sailors and go to sea ​​swimming. You stand in a circle and spin a little, saying the magic words, you will turn into a sailor (children spin around, saying the phrase). Yes! You don’t look like sailors, you don’t have a uniform! Well, it’s okay, now we’ll dress up!

D/game “What a sailor needs.”

On the table there are attributes and sets of clothes: a toy airplane, caps, caps, caps, collars, vests, pistols, daggers, binoculars, a nurse’s cap and bag, a steering wheel, a tank, a boat, a lifebuoy, a pilot’s cap, as well as toys not related to to military topics. At the teacher’s command, children must choose and put on clothes (collar on shoulders, headdress on head) and sailor’s attributes.

Educator: White cap, striped collar,

You guys are brave, answer directly:

What items have you chosen for yourself, show and tell the sailor what they are for? (children's answers) Who chose the helm? And why does a sailor need it? Who should be at the helm? Of course the captain!

Our sailors are ready, the captain is in place. Does our captain know poems about sailors?

Child: Sailor hat,

Rope in hand

I'm pulling the boat

Along the fast river

And the frogs jump

On my heels

And they ask me:

Take it for a ride, captain!

Educator: I would like to remind you that only the resourceful, courageous and courageous will be able to serve in the navy. There are many challenges ahead of us, be careful!

Combat readiness test competition.

Educator: Children, do you know what, sailors learn to gather on alarm, and this must be done very quickly, carefully and correctly. And now we will check it, how quickly and correctly you prepare for the alarm. You will have to take off your shoes and put them in the basket, on command you run up to the basket with shoes, find yours and put on your shoes. So we'll see who puts on their shoes faster.

Educator: How fast you all are! But before such a serious journey, it is necessary to study the daily routine of sailors. Do you agree? (children’s answers) (As the teacher shows, children perform movements to cheerful music)

Physical exercise “Exercising sailors.”

Early in the morning, sailors do exercises (raise your arms up and lower them to your shoulders)

Do the exercises only in order. (arms to sides to shoulders)

Lower the anchor into the water (hands in the lock are lowered down, tilts without bending the knees)

Stop the car, no progress. (hands clenched into fists, tap fist on fist in front of you)

They wash the deck in the morning (children imitate washing the floor)

Checking the networks (hands raise up, turn right, left)

It's time for us to go fishing - we'll do this (children imitate throwing a fishing rod with their right and left hands)

The holds are full of fish, (spread arms to the sides)

We are terribly hungry! (rubs belly with both hands)

Let's have lunch and hit the road (they bring the right and left hand to the mouth)

It's time to set the sails. ( breathing exercise turning the head from right to left)

The anchor is raised, the sea is waiting - (hands clasped in front of us, raised to the chest and lowered down)

Whoever can do this - step forward!

Educator: The team has been formed, the captain has been appointed, but where is our ship?

Slide No. 2 (video excerpt from the cartoon “Cartoons for the most small - Geometric shapes - Boat")

D/i “Assemble the ship.”

Children make a picture of a boat on an easel, each adding one puzzle.

Educator: Hello blue road, our ship is setting sail.

Peak cap and vest, and anchors on the ribbons.

The belts have a large buckle; they were given to the sailor for a reason.

The ship is launched, the sailors are on deck, the captain is on the bridge. Full speed ahead! The sea is calling us!

Slide No. 3 (video with the soundtrack “Sea”).

Breathing exercise “Sea”.

Educator: Let's look at the sea, admire the seascape, listen to the sound of the surf and breathe in the clean sea air. (children do a breathing exercise).

The sea is asleep, the sea is calm,

Silence for hundreds of miles.

The sea is gentle and sweet,

It calmed down and froze.

Resting Sea-

The storm will return soon.

In the meantime, the sea is resting and calm, you and I will dance. Guys, did you know that sailors have their own sailor dance? It's called "Bullseye". To be real sailors, you need to learn how to dance it, because sailors not only always work and keep watch, they also have fun. Repeat all the movements of the “Apple” dance after me and you and I will also have a fun time.

Dance "Apple".

Slide No. 4 (video “Dance Apple”)

Educator: Well done! They did a great job with the dance! But you are still not real sea wolves. Now I will test your strength, endurance, agility and dexterity. Ready? All hands on deck! (to the accompaniment of cheerful music, children begin their tasks).

Slide No. 5 (animation clip “Redo's Ship”)

1. Competition "Reefs".

Educator: Barrier reefs are on your way,

Try to get through them together!

(walk along the “stones” laid out like a snake, ring the bell at the finish line)

2. Competition "Fishermen".

Educator: Catch some fish quickly to cook your own fish soup.

Take a fish off the hook and you get fish soup.

(children wind a string around a stick, thereby pulling the fish towards them)

3. Competition “Vegetables for fish soup”.

Educator: There is a fish, cook the fish soup,

There is a hunt for a fisherman.

D/ and “Fruits - Vegetables”.(choose only vegetables for soup from the basket of vegetables and fruits.)

Educator: The ship must always be clean. Sailors, who will get the deck in order faster?

4. “Get the deck in order” competition

Someone who wants to become a sailor

Loves cleanliness and work!

Cleaning the deck is not easy -

We can handle this too!

Get ready to clean the deck!

D\i “Arrange the cubes by color.”

(Collect scattered garbage (cubes, classifying by color) from the deck (floor) into baskets)

Educator: Our ship plows the seas! The sea has a moderate wind and light waves. The sailors did a great job

I dedicate you to sea wolves!

And I invite you to play.

Outdoor game “The sea is agitated once...”

(Children stand up at will and perform imitative movements with their hands according to the text spoken together with the leader).

The sea is agitated once

The sea is worried two

The sea is worried three,

Marine figure, freeze in place!

Educator: Our brave and courageous sailors rested, played and are ready for new challenges! But what do I see! (looks through binoculars) Oh, guys, I see ships!

Slide No. 6 (video excerpt from the cartoon “Katerok”)

D/i "Two boats".

Educator. Guys, while we were playing, two boats sailed to us - a large one and a small one. (Children look at the boats.) Place the large boat on a wide strip, and the small one on a narrow strip. (Children complete the task.) On which strip is the big boat located? and the small one? Is it possible to put a large boat on a narrow strip? If not, then why. (Suggested answers: wider, narrower.)

Educator: Well done, team! We continue to rush to help.

We will raise anchors!

A boat is waiting for us at sea! In places! Full speed ahead!

I hear SOS signals! He is calling us to help! I see a ship ahead! The ship has crashed!

Don't waste your time! Quickly save our boat.

Educator: Boats on the water! But what? What do our sails look like? Needs to be fixed urgently!

D/i "Ship".(lacing)

Educator: So we fixed the sails, well done! But what is this? There are ice floes in front of us!

To cross the ice floes,

You need to try really hard:

One is a jump, and two is a jump,

Can't catch up with you, my friend!

5.Competition “Jumpers”.(jumping on large inflatable balls with ears)

6. Competition "Penguins".(The ball is clamped with their knees, the players quickly move to the pin, go around it and return to the finish line)

Educator: Where ice floes climb into the sea,

Penguins having fun:

They have competitions

Slipped - and crashed!

7.Tug of War competition.

Educator: Take the rope in your hands,

Show your strength.

You pull very amicably,

And free the ship!

So we helped the boat! Freed from icy captivity! Well done guys, you are all very friendly, brave, dexterous, and courageous. You completed all the tasks very quickly and correctly. You guys will grow up to be brave sailors. And a surprise awaits our friendly and skillful guys in the hold of our ship. Find him and help yourself. A prize has been found in the hold! Hooray! The game is over!

Holiday "World Sea Day" for children of the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Author : Salimova Evgenia Igorevna, teacher at MBDOU kindergarten No. 65 in Orel.
Description of work: I bring to your attention a lesson summary for the senior group of kindergarten. In this work, the guys will get acquainted with the amazing holiday that is celebrated in our country in the last week of September, World Sea Day. In the process of getting acquainted with the tasks of this holiday, we will get acquainted with the marine inhabitants and flora of the sea.
Relevance of the topic : interest in sea creatures evokes positive emotions in children. And if you add a festive mood to the emotions, you will get an amazing event that will remain in the memory of the children. This way the child learns the material better.
Target: Introducing children to the holiday<< Всемирный День Моря>>.
Developmental: introduce children to the purpose of this holiday. To form an idea of ​​the wealth of the underwater world, the benefits of the seas and oceans for humans, as well as what every inhabitant of planet Earth can do to preserve them.
Educational: Expand children's horizons about the flora and fauna of the seabed.
Educational: To cultivate a caring attitude and a desire to help preserve the seas and their biological resources.
Preliminary work: Manufacturing various fish, corals, algae to simulate the seabed, conversations on marine topics, making masks on this topic, reading fiction, observing on the map and getting to know different seas.
Material for work: decorative fish, algae, corals, shells, carnival masks, sound (you can choose any music), Crab toy.

Progress of the event :
Educator: Hello guys. Today I want to congratulate you on an amazing holiday - World Sea Day. This holiday has been celebrated in our country since 1978. It is celebrated in the last week of September. What do you think is the purpose of this holiday?
Children's answers.
Educator: The purpose of this holiday throughout the world is to attract the attention of the public, government and private structures to the problem of preserving the seas and their biological resources. Traditionally, Sea Day is held in kindergartens, schools, and libraries in the form of competitions and festivals that tell the younger generation about the richness of the underwater world, the benefits of the seas and oceans for humans, as well as what every inhabitant of planet Earth can do to preserve them. Tell me, how do you think the seas and oceans are useful to us?
Children's answers.
In their waters, people catch fish, which they then eat. Some algae, such as kelp (seaweed), are beneficial to our body. It contains a high content of vitamins and minerals. One of the oldest Japanese legends tells us about the wise ruler Shan Gin. On the verge of death from cruel conquerors, he appealed to the gods. And the gods brought a wonderful drink that gives strength, durability, fearlessness and longevity. To deliver the drink to all the islands of the state, the daughter of the ruler, the beautiful Yui, drank it and threw herself into the sea. The gods turned Yui into kelp, which absorbed all the power of the divine drink. The algae quickly spread around the islands. Having tried them, the exhausted residents gained resilience and strength, and the enemy was defeated...

During the story, an image of kelp is shown.
Educator: Quite often, public organizations celebrate this holiday by cleaning public beaches, as well as rallies and marches in defense of the seas. What can we do?
Children's answers.
I suggest you go to the bottom of the sea and see what kind of inhabitants live there.
Physical exercise "Sea"
The sea is very wide
(Children spread their arms wide to the side.)
The sea is very deep.
(They squat, touching their hands to the floor.)
Fish live there, friends,
(Perform the “Fish” movement.)
But you can’t drink water.
(They spread their arms to the side, raising their shoulders.)
Educator: Now we can dive to the seabed. Look around, what do you see?
Children's answers.
Let's meet some of the inhabitants. Look, there's a crab hiding under a stone. Hello, Grandpa Crab.
Children greet the Crab.
Crab: Hello Hello! Who came to visit us?
Educator: Children from kindergarten came to visit you. They want to get to know the inhabitants of the seabed.
Crab: This is good! I really love riddles, listen to this:
A flock is sailing on the sea,
It makes a wonderful sound,
Curious, playful,
With fins, but not fish!
Answer: Dolphins
Author: Leonov V.A.

Educator: What do you know about dolphins?
Children's answers.
Dolphins are very smart and amazingly developed mammals. An inexplicable love for people, the amazing process of sleep - these and many other mysteries about dolphins are constantly being studied and confirmed by new facts. It seems that a dolphin looks like a shark, but this is not the case at all. Although they have a fin and impressive teeth, they are not predators at all and, strictly speaking, are not even fish. You talked about how dolphins love children. Some children are specially brought to the dolphins and allowed to swim in the pool together. The child emerges from the water as a completely new person. This is explained by the fact that the dolphin seems to see right through a person and if something hurts, he feels it and can help. Being near them, we calm down and tune in to an optimistic mood, we gain new strength, lightness and joy. Let’s not forget that dolphins always treat us with selfless love and tenderness; any person should learn this attitude.
Across the sea-ocean
A huge giant is swimming.

Educator: Whales are the largest animals on Earth. These are wonderful creatures, and not at all evil inhabitants of the oceans. Whales get their name from the old Greek word ketos (sea monster). They look a little scary, but they are not at all dangerous to people, whales are not predators. And even though outwardly they are huge fish, inside they are not at all like the rest of the inhabitants of the oceans. The whale cannot chew anything and has to swallow his entire meal. Scientists often talk about the extraordinary ability of whales to communicate with each other. They send signals at their own frequency and can tell their relatives about anxiety or fear, even complain about pain. The whale is a family animal that prefers to stick to big companies. Whales are on the verge of extinction and we must take care of them and show respect for these huge creatures of nature.
Crab: What other inhabitants of the seas and oceans do you know?
Children's answers.
What a great fellow you are! Look, do you see?
Islands in the ocean
From living matter.
And the polyps are hard,
Very, very proud -
Without stones and without earth
They were able to build reefs. (Corals, coral polyps, coral reefs)
Educator: Fish live on reefs, let's see what they are like.
The children and the teacher are looking at the reef, near which many different fish have gathered.
Educator: Let's play a little.
Outdoor game<<Море волнуется>>.
Head and many legs
And the character is very strict:
If the guest is not invited to me,
I'm acting nice -
I release it into the ocean
Black ink.(Octopus)

Educator: There are 200 species of octopuses in the world. If you look closely, you can see a hole or a short tube under the eyes - this is a siphon. The siphon leads into the mantle cavity, into which the octopus draws water. By contracting the muscles of the mantle, he forcefully squeezes water out of the mantle cavity, thereby creating a jet stream that pushes his body forward. It just turns out that the octopus is swimming backwards. These animals have three hearts. Octopuses' blood! Octopuses have a special ink sac that stores dye for protection. Octopuses are often colored brown, red, or yellowish, but they can change color no worse than chameleons. Octopuses live alone and are very attached to their area. These animals are active in the dark, they sleep with their eyes open (they only constrict their pupils), and octopuses turn yellow in their sleep.
Crab: I see you guys are very inquisitive! Did you know that today we have a carnival on the reefs in honor of Sea Day! I would like to invite you.
Educator: Thank you, Grandpa Crab. The guys and I just brought masks for the carnival.
The teacher takes out the masks. Children get dressed. The sounds of the ocean + melodic music are turned on. Children are having fun and fish are swimming next to them (the fish can be hung on a fishing line, thus creating the effect that they are on the seabed).

Physical education lessons in verse for 1st grade students

The importance of physical education minutes to relieve the child’s fatigue, to provide leisure and improve students' mental performance.

Physical activity in the form of physical education sessions relieves fatigue caused by prolonged sitting at a desk, gives rest to the muscles and hearing organs, and restores the child’s strength.

Physical education sessions are necessary to lift children’s spirits, help activate breathing, increase blood and lymph circulation in stagnant areas in the child’s body, and relieve static tension.

Physical education lessons should include complexes consisting of 4-6 exercises: 2-3 of which should purposefully form posture, 2-3 for the shoulders, waist, arms and torso. It is necessary to have a variety of exercises, since a large number of repetitions reduces interest to do the exercises.

Physical education sessions can be carried out without objects or with objects. Complexes can be performed with counting, tape recording, poetic text or musical accompaniment.

Physical education sessions can be carried out in the form of general developmental exercises. In this case, exercises are performed for large muscles that have been under tension for a long time.

Physical education sessions can be carried out in the form of outdoor games or relay races. Games that are combined with the topic of the lesson are especially effective.

Didactic games with movements also contribute to the physical activity of students in the lesson.

When conducting physical education minutes using poetic text, it is necessary to pay attention to the content of the poetic text, which should be understandable to students.

Requirements for organizing and conducting physical education sessions:

    Physical education sessions are held on initial stage fatigue /8-14 minutes of class, depending on the age of the students, type of activity and complexity of the educational material/

    For younger schoolchildren, it is most advisable to conduct physical education minutes between 15-20 minutes.

    Exercises should be entertaining, familiar and interesting to students, easy to do.

    Sets of exercises should be different in content and form.

    Physical education minutes include exercises on different groups muscles.

    Duration of execution is 1.5-3 minutes. During the break between two lessons, it is more advisable to conduct physical education using objects /balls, jump ropes/.

    During physical education minutes, students can sit at a desk or stand near it, be at the blackboard or in the aisles between desks, stand in a circle, scattered, in pairs, threes, in groups.

The teacher must:

    Possess motor culture and demonstrate exercises figuratively.

    Be able to combine movements with musical rhythm.

    Know basic exercise terminology.

And now we are with you, children,

We're flying away on a rocket.

Get up on your toes,

And then hands down.

One two three four -

Here's a rocket flying up!(1-2 - stand on your toes, arms up, palms forming a “rocket dome”; 3-4 - main stand.)


(Back straight, hands on waist. Children smoothly and slowly raise their right hand, then left leg, bent at the knee, and also smoothly lowered. Watch your back.)

- Stork, long-legged stork,

Show me the way home. (The stork answers.)

- Stomp your right foot

Stomp your left foot

Again - with the right foot,

Again - with the left foot.

After - with the right foot,

Then - with the left foot.

And then you will come home.

Our pens

We raise our hands up,

And then we release them.

And then we'll unwrap them

And we’ll quickly press you to us.

And then faster, faster

Clap, clap more cheerfully.

We stomp our feet

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We give up

And let's start writing again.

And the clock goes on and on

Tick-tock, tick-tock

Who in the house can do this?

This is the pendulum in the clock,

Beats every beat (Tilts left and right.)

And there is a cuckoo sitting in the clock,

She has her own hut. (Children sit in a deep squat.)

The bird will crow for time,

He will hide behind the door again, (Squats.)

The arrows move in a circle.

They don't touch each other. (Rotate your body to the right.)

You and I will turn around

Counterclockwise. (Rotate your body to the left.)

And the clock goes and goes (Walking in place.)

Sometimes they suddenly fall behind. (Slow down your walking pace.)

And sometimes they are in a hurry,

It's like they want to run away! (Running in place.)

If they don't get started,

Then they completely stand up. (Children stop.)

One, two - head up

One, two - head up.

Three four - wider arms.

Five, six - everyone sit down.

Seven, eight - we’ll ask you to stand up.

Nine, ten - let's sit together.

Once - we got up

Once - we stood up and straightened up.

Two - bent over, bent over.

Three - three claps with your hands.

And four are on the sides.

Five - wave your arms.

Six - sit down again.

Here are my helpers

Here are my helpers,

Turn them any way you want.

One two three four five.

They knocked and turned

And they wanted to work.

Everyone sat down quietly.

One - rise, stretch

Once - rise, stretch,

Two - bend over, straighten up,

Three - clap, three claps,

Three nods of the head.

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your arms,

Six - in place of tee...

Raise your shoulders.

Jump, grasshoppers.

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Stop! We sat down.

We ate grass

Listen to the silence

Higher, higher, higher

Jump on your toes easily.

The ducks came out into the meadow

The ducks came out into the meadow

Quack, quack, quack.

The green beetle flew

F - f - f.

The geese arched their necks

The feathers were straightened with the beak.

The reeds rustled in the pond

Sh - sh - sh

And again it came...

We walk on our toes

And then on your heels.

Here's a posture check

And they pulled their shoulder blades together.

We wrote

We wrote! We wrote!

Our fingers are tired.

We'll rest a little

And let's start writing again.

Legs up! Stop, one, two! (Walk in place.)

Raise our shoulders higher

And then we lower them. (Raise and lower your shoulders.)

Place your hands in front of your chest

And we perform jerks. (Hands in front of chest, jerks with arms.)

You need to jump ten times

Let's jump higher, let's jump together! (Jumping in place.)

We raise our knees -

We perform the step on the spot. (Walk in place.)

We stretched with all our hearts, (Stretching - arms up and to the sides.)

And they returned to the place again. (Children sit down.)

Seagulls circle above the waves,

Let's fly after them together.

Splashes of foam, sound of the surf,

And above the sea - you and I! (Children wave their arms like wings.)

We are now sailing on the sea

And we frolic in the open space.

Have fun raking

And catch up with the dolphins. (Children make swimming movements with their hands.)

One, two - it's time to get up

One, two - it's time to get up,

Three, four - arms wider,

Five, six - sit down quietly,

Seven, eight - let's discard laziness.

One two three four five

One two three four five

The bunny came out to play

Jump gray hell

He jumped 300 times.

Hares were running in the forest (running in place)

We met a fox there (wag its tail)

Jump-jump, jump-jump, (jumping in place)

They ran under a bush. (sit down)

Blueberries grow in the forest

And blueberries grow in the forest,

Strawberries, blueberries.

To pick a berry,

You need to squat deeper. (Squats.)

I took a walk in the forest.

I'm carrying a basket of berries. (Walk in place.)

Prosypalka (since birth)

We woke up, we woke up.

(Arms to the sides, then crossed over the chest).

Sweet, sweet reached out.

(Pull the handles up)

Mom and Dad smiled.


(group physical education, children repeat everything that is said in the poem)

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We all stomp our feet,

We all clap our hands,

Puff out our cheeks

Let's jump on our toes.

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Put your finger to your temple

And even to each other

Let's show our tongues!

Let's open our mouths wider,

We'll make all the faces.

How can I say word three?

Everyone freeze with grimaces.

One two Three!

Gray bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears. (raise your palms above your head and wave, pretending to be ears)

Like this, like this

He's moving his ears!

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws. (rub your forearms)

Like this, like this

We need to warm up our little paws!

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump. (jumping in place)

Like this, like this

The bunny needs to jump.

The wolf scared the bunny!

The bunny immediately ran away. (sit down at your desk)

So we threw up our hands,

As if they were surprised.

And to each other to the ground

Bowed to the waist!

Bent over, straightened up,

They bent over and straightened up.

Lower, lower, don't be lazy,

Bow and smile.

Do the exercises together with the child (or with the children in the class). Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart. Recite a poem while performing the movements.

Physical exercise for math lesson (you can select items to count):

Let's sit down as many times as possible

How many snowdrops do we have?

How many snowdrops do we have?

We'll jump that many times.

We repeat the movements after the words:

We raise our hands up,

And then we release them.

And then we'll unwrap them

And we’ll quickly press you to us.

And then faster, faster

Clap, clap more cheerfully.

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We give up

And let's start writing again.

Once - rise, stretch,

Two - bend over, straighten up,

Three - clap, three claps,

Three nods of the head.

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your arms,

Six - sit down quietly.

We'll put our palms to our eyes,

Let's spread our strong legs.

Turning to the right

Let's look around majestically.

And you need to go left too

Look from under your palms.

And - to the right! And further

Through left shoulder!

The text of the poem is accompanied by the movements of the adult and the child(ren).

We put on a record

And we go out to warm up.

We start running on the spot,

The finish line is in two hundred meters!

One-two, one-two,

Enough, let's come running

We stretched and breathed.

Run in place, stop at the penultimate line, stretch at the last line, arms up and lower them to the sides.

Pinocchio stretched,

Once - bent over,

Two - bent over,

Three - bent over.

He spread his arms to the side,

Apparently I couldn't find the key.

To get us the key,

You need to stand on your toes.

Charging for hands (shake your hands and clench and unclench your fingers)

We wrote, we wrote,

Our fingers are tired

We'll rest a little

And let's start writing again.

Here are my helpers,

Turn them any way you want.

One two three four five.

They knocked and turned

And they wanted to work.

Everyone sat down quietly.

We repeat all the warm-up movements without hesitation!

Hey! They jumped on the spot.

Eh! We wave our hands together.

Ehe-heh! The backs were bent,

We looked at the shoes.

Hey - hey! Bent down lower

We leaned closer to the floor.

Turn around in place deftly.

We need skill in this.

What did you like, my friend?

Tomorrow there will be another lesson!

Once - hands waved up

And at the same time we sighed

Two or three bent down and reached the floor

And four - stood up straight and repeat first.

The air we breathe in is strong

When bending, exhale in a friendly manner

But you don't need to bend your knees.

So that your hands don't get tired,

We'll put them on our belts.

We jump like balls

Girls and boys


Little white cloudRounded arms in front of you

Rising above the roofRaise your arms above your head

The cloud rushed

Higher, higher, higher Pull your arms up; smooth swinging of hands over

head from side to side

The wind is a cloud

Got caught on a cliff.

The cloud turned into a thundercloudUse your hands to describe a large circle downwards and

lower them; sit down .


A turkey walks around the yardSteps in place

Among ducks and girlfriends.

Suddenly he saw a rookStop and look down in surprise

Got angry in the heat of the moment.

He stomped in the heat of the moment Stomp your feet

Flapping his wingsWith your hands, like wings, pat yourself on the sides

All swollen up like a balloonHands on the belt

Or a copper samovarClasp your rounded hands in front of your chest

Shake his beard Shake your head, saying “bala - bala - bala,” like a turkey

He rushed like an arrow.Running in place

Animal exercise.

Once - squat,

Two - jump.

This is a rabbit exercise.

How can the little foxes wake up?rub your eyes with your fists

They like to stretch for a long timestretch

Be sure to yawnyawn, covering your mouth with your palm

Well, wag your tailmovement of hips to the sides

And the wolf cubs arch their backsbend your back forward

And jump lightlylight jump up

Well, the bear is clubfootedarms are bent at the elbows, palms connected below the waist

Paws spread widefeet shoulder width apart

Either one or both togetherstepping one's feet on one's feet

Marks time for a long timeswinging the body to the sides

And for whom charging is not enough -

Starts all over again!spread your arms out to the sides at waist level, palms up

“Our rest is a physical exercise minute,

Take your seats.

Sitting down once, standing up twice,

Everyone raised their hands up.

Sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up

It’s as if they became Vanka-stand up

And then they started galloping,

Like my bouncy ball.

Cha, cha, cha

Cha, cha, cha (3 hip claps)

The stove is very hot (4 jumps on two legs)

Chi, chi, chi (3 overhead claps)

The stove bakes kalachi (4 squats)

Chu, chu, chu (3 claps behind your back)

There will be a roll for everyone (4 jumps in place)

Cho, cho, cho (3 claps in front of you)

Be careful, it's hot (walk in place).


Pinocchio stretched,

He bent over once, he bent over twice.

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently I found the key

To get that key,

We need to stand on our toes.

We stomp our feet

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We give up

And let's start writing again.


There lived a parrot in the world.

Spread your wings wider. (Arms to the sides, left, right.)

He loved to fly higher than everyone else

Taller than palm trees, taller than giraffes. (Stretch on your toes, arms up.)

I flew to visit the children,

I rested with them, (Do squats.)

Jumped, bowed, played pranks, (Tilting the head or body forward.)

I talked to the kids.


Starting position: arms down, relaxed. At the same time, chaotic shaking of the arms and legs achieves muscle relaxation until the palms feel warm and red.

Sipping kitty

Starting position: sitting on a desk chair, bend at the waist, hands to shoulders. Inhale - stretch, arms up, hands relaxed. Exhale – bring your hands to your shoulders, bring your elbows forward.

Creative physical exercises for coordination of movements and psychological relief.

You have to stand up and salute at the same time right hand, and extend the left one along the body. Then, raising thumb palm of the left hand, say “Wow!” Then clap your hands and do the same, but with your other hands.

Sitting. Grab your left ear with your right hand, and grab the tip of your nose with your left hand. Clap your hands and quickly change hands: left hand - right ear, right hand - tip of the nose.

4. Micropauses for eye fatigue:

Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, and then open them for the same time. Repeat 6-8 times.

Blink quickly for 10-12 seconds. Open your eyes, rest for 10-12 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

Starting position: sitting, close your eyelids, massage them with your lungs circular movements finger Repeat for 20-30 seconds.

Thematic physical education session “Sea voyage”

1. The fish swam and dived

In clean, light water.

They will come together and go their separate ways,

They will bury themselves in the sand.Perform hand movements according to the text .

2. The sea is agitated once

The sea is worried two

The sea is worried three -

Sea figure freeze.

Feet shoulder-width apart, swing your arms from right to left, depicting waves.

We raise our hands up and, pretending to be “lanterns,” lower them down.

3.Who is this? What is this?

How to guess?

Who is this? What is this?

How to solve it? Turns left and right with arms outstretched.

Hands raised up. Perform rocking movements left and right.

This is a fishing boat.

Feet shoulder width apart. Arms to the sides, hands raised up. In this position, we rock from side to side.

This is a starfish.

We raise our hands up, squeezing and unclenching our fingers, and lower our hands down.

This is, of course, a snail.Hands to the sides, perform circular movements.

I will unravel you all.We spread our arms to the sides.

Elena Simakova
Lesson notes

Summary of an integrated lesson for children of the preparatory group on familiarization with the environment and manual labor.

Topic: "Sea inhabitants."

Program content: expand and systematize children’s knowledge about representatives of the seabed, their characteristics, and adaptation to life in the aquatic environment. Introduce children to some forms of protecting marine life.

Learn to convey your attitude towards nature in productive activities. Develop imagination, figurative memory, creative abilities. Continue to teach children how to create three-dimensional crafts from strips of paper. Develop fine motor skills hands Encourage initiative and independence.

Material for the lesson: musical accompaniment;

A sheet of blue paper, A1 format; strip of paper 2x10 cm, 34 sheets of colored paper, black squares measuring 1x1 cm, scissors, glue. Glue brush, pencil, illustrations of an octopus and other sea creatures, children's masks - octopuses.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about sea life, making seabed, making children's masks.

Progress of the lesson.

Children sit, but on the carpet in front of the teacher.

Educator: guys, look, an unusual package arrived in our group, let's see what's in it. (Opens the parcel, takes out an envelope)

Educator: There's a letter here, let's read it.

Don't you know me?

I live at the bottom of the sea,

Head and eight legs -

That's all I am. (octopus)

Well done! We guessed the riddle. Guys, you probably guessed that today we will talk about the octopus. Guys, do you know where octopuses live? (Children's answers).

Educator: That's right, octopuses live at the very bottom, hiding between rocks or in underwater caves.

Guys, what else do you know about the octopus? (Children express their assumptions: the octopus is a predator, eats small fish, he has eight legs, etc.)

Educator: guys, do you know why this animal is called that? (children's answers)

Educator: The octopus got its name from the number of legs. There are exactly eight of them. Once upon a time, a very, very long time ago, the number eight was called differently - “eight”, so people began to call this amazing animal “octopus”.

The body of an octopus resembles a large pear with long processes extending from it - tentacles, on which there are suction cups. The octopus has the ability to change color, so it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish it against the background of the bottom or underwater rocks.

Guys, our package contains these wonderful masks. (Takes out and shows octopus masks).

Let us tell you one wonderful poem using these masks. (The teacher puts masks on the children, and together they read a poem by E. Uspensky.)

There lived an octopus with his octopus,

And they had a few octopuses.

They were all different colors:

The first one is green,

The second one is purple

The third one is all striped like a zebra,

Both black - fourth and fifth,

Sixth - dark blue

From nose to feet,

Yellow - pre-yellow

The seventh octopus,

The eighth is like a ripe berry -

Like they're not children

And tubes of paint.

E. Uspensky.

Educator: Well done, real octopuses.

Guys, do you know that octopuses can not only swim, but also walk along the bottom by rearranging their tentacles. Octopuses have special luminous areas of skin on their bodies. These “flashlights” help the octopus at night and at great depths, where it is always dark.

But other inhabitants also live in the sea. Today I invite you to see the seabed with your own eyes. Let's put on our water gear. (Children imitate putting on scuba gear, masks, fins, inserting an oxygen hose).

Educator: Ready? Then we dive into the sea.

Physical education lesson: “Sea voyage”

I.P.- standing near the tables.

Waves: bend your elbows, interlace your fingers, joining your hands. Make several smooth wave-like swings with clasped hands, lifting one or the other elbow.

There are waves in the open air,

Did you find out? This is the Sea.

Fish: Offer to look into the water and see who is splashing there. Hold your palm vertically, making smooth wave-like movements. The fingers are slightly spread: the thumb will represent the fin, the rest will represent the tail. Draw first one fish, and then two, using two palms.

The fish are having fun

In clean warm water,

They will shrink, they will unclench,

They will bury themselves in the sand.

Seaweed:Fish swim in the water and hide among the algae. Algae are aquatic plants. They grow at the very bottom, like grass on the ground. Algae sway underwater.

Raise your palms vertically with your fingers up and move your fingers.

They grow in the water at the very bottom

And they beckon the fish: “Swim to me!”

Cancer: P raise fists at each other ( thumbs are located on top, and the index and middle fingers are extended forward - these are claws). Show how the claws work: the fingers move. Like scissor blades.

At the bottom lies among the stones,

But don't you dare touch him!

Just look from afar

Two huge claws.

Corals: Bend your elbows in front of you. The fingers are fanned out.

And there are underwater castles underwater.

These are corals. Did you recognize them?

Octopus: Place your palms together, bend the thumbs of both hands inside your palms, move the rest of your fingers - the tentacles of an octopus.

Educator: Guys, it's time to go back. Our sea voyage is over.

Educator: Guys, would you like me to teach you how to make an octopus out of paper? (Children's answers) Then go to your seats. (Children go to their places at the tables.)

Educator: Guys, take a strip of paper and glue it together to make a circle. (The teacher shows, the children perform)

Educator: take 1/2 sheet of paper and fold it in half and cut it. (Children do it, the teacher helps them). Guys, take the resulting strips and fold them in half and cut them. (Children complete tasks).

Now we need to take a pencil and twist the resulting strips onto it one by one. ( Children complete the task, the teacher helps them).

Educator: Guys, take a strip and smear it in the middle with glue and glue it with inside your circle, it will be the tentacles of an octopus. (Children complete tasks as shown by the teacher). Glue the rest of the strips as well, just be careful. What a great fellow you are!

(Children complete tasks, teacher helps). Educator: What beautiful octopuses and you turned out. Well, something is missing. How do you think? (children's answers) That's right, the eye. Take black squares and cut out eyes from them and glue them to the octopus's head. (Children complete tasks independently). Well done!

He lives at the very bottom

At a terrible depth -




Goes to sea without boots

Octopus Kalmarych!

G. Kruzhkov.

Educator: Guys, let's release our octopuses into our sea. (Children glue their octopuses to the seabed they prepared in advance.)

Guys, look how beautiful your octopuses turned out. Well done!

(Children look at their octopuses and share their impressions).