Everything about tourism as a sport. Sports tourism and its types Conditions for sports and tourism

Chapter 1. Characteristics sports tourism as a sport

The conditions for overcoming obstacles are also varied: climatic, meteorological, alpine, etc. When overcoming natural obstacles, they are used various techniques and tactics, various means of transportation and security.

Overcoming natural obstacles requires varying amounts of time and intensity of work by the tourist-athlete. Tourist work in this case is a combination of physical and technical actions of a tourist-athlete. It has a certain similarity with physical exercises, accepted as a fundamental principle in theory and methodology. physical education, but much broader in content. Tourist work has a certain, different from physical exercise structure. Its structural basis is the actions of the tourist-athlete, aimed at overcoming natural obstacles with minimal effort and maximum safety.

Certain restrictions on minimizing efforts and maximizing the level of safety are associated with the nature of obstacles and the conditions for overcoming them, and therefore, in each specific case, a solution to the optimization problem is required. For example, when traversing difficult rocky terrain, it is necessary to use perfect rock technique and provide reliable insurance. An optimal solution to this problem is possible when operating at moderate power. Both slow and accelerated passage of complex rocky terrain in hiking conditions may lead to a loss of the required level of security.

In theory sports training(Matveev L.P., 1991) the primary basis is the actual competitive exercises (often identical to the concept of “sport”) and training forms of competitive exercises. Competitive exercises are considered as integral actions (including complex sets of actions), which serve as a means of conducting wrestling and are performed in the same composition as in the conditions of competition in the chosen sport. In this sense, the main elements of tourist work can be considered competitive exercises, taking into account the features of the training forms of such exercises and the features of their use in the preparation of tourist athletes. In sports tourism, these exercises are varied. They can be speed-strength, and actual power, and complexly coordinated. They can have relatively stable and variable forms depending on situational conditions. At the same time, complexly coordinated exercises form the basis of tourism techniques in overcoming natural obstacles.

Sports tourism refers to sports that are characterized by active motor activity with the manifestation of physical and volitional qualities. It can be classified as a complex (mixed) sport such as all-around. A tourist athlete must have specific multi-event special tourist endurance.

Hiking involves many hours of cyclical work associated, for example, with long walks along the trail with backpacks. This work is usually of moderate power. There is also acyclic work in tourism when overcoming various natural obstacles. Basically, this work is also of moderate power, although some parts of it are in the zones of high, submaximal and maximum power.

A characteristic of athletes’ readiness for loads can be the data on heart rate during bicycle ergometry of 18 masters of sports in mountaineering aged from 28 to 48 years, given in Table. 1 (Gazenko O.G., 1987).

The table presents individual and group average values ​​of the studied indicators under different physical loads of a submaximal level. Exercise tolerance was assessed as good, i.e. the response of all ECG indicators was adequate to the work performed, and their normalization was almost complete by the end of the 10-minute recovery period for all indicators, except for heart rate, which remained above the initial level by approximately 30%.

The average volume of work performed per person in the group at a pulse rate of about 150 beats/min was 17458 + 920 (11250-25050) kgm, the volume of work per 1 kg of the subject’s weight was 244.0 + 11.0 (156.3- 321.2) kgm/kg, minute oxygen consumption during this period on average for the group was 3096 ± 54 (2750-3568) ml/min, oxygen consumption per minute per 1 kg of weight -43.5 + 1.04 (36. 8-51.7) ml/kg, and oxygen consumption to perform 1 kgm of work is 2.33 ± 0.04 (2.00 - 2.62) ml/kgm.

The results of this survey revealed the presence high level performance in this group of athletes preparing for the Himalayan expedition.

From the experience of ski trips of the highest categories of difficulty and ascents within the framework of the USSR championships (Fedotov Yu.N., 1985), we can conclude that the model characteristics physical activity, in sports tourism ( mountain view) and mountaineering are almost the same. Therefore, both the training and preparedness of athletes in these formal different types sports are almost identical.

The data given in table. 1, can serve as a model in preparing tourist-athletes for complex hiking trips in any type of sports tourism, although they most adequately reflect the specifics of mountain tourism.

These data also make it possible to roughly estimate the average maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) of tourist-athletes as model characteristics. The MIC value (in ml per minute per 1 kg of weight) reliably characterizes physical performance human and is the basis for determining maximum aerobic power. MPC estimates exist in various sports and fluctuate, according to V.L. Karpman, from maximum to ski racing on long distances(for men - 77±3) to the minimum for throwers athletics(43±1).

The approximate value of the MOC of tourist-athletes can be determined on the basis of the well-known statement that well-trained athletes with a heart rate of 150 beats/min have an average oxygen consumption of 65% of the MOC (Chepik V.D.). In this case, it is not difficult to estimate the model characteristic of the MOC of tourist-athletes, equal to 66.9 + 1 (56.6-79.5), which is comparable in terms of the average value with the MOC of athletes involved in race walking and rowing, and to the maximum - with cross-country skiing.

Table 1 - Heart rate (beats/min) during bicycle ergometry


Load levels, kgm/min

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Main questions:

History of the development of sports tourism



Compiled by: Head of the Department of L/A and L/S

Associate Professor, Ph.D. Gulidin P.K.

Vitebsk 2016

history of the development of sports tourism

Tourism as a mass social phenomenon began to emerge only after the Second World War, although the roots of tourism go back to the deep past. There are four stages in the history of tourism development.

The first stage is from antiquity to the beginning of the 19th century.

The second stage is from the beginning of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century.

The third stage is from the beginning of the 20th century to the Second World War.

The fourth stage is after the Second World War to the present day.

The first stage of tourism development is called the prehistory of tourism. The beginning of this stage dates back to the ancient period ( Ancient Greece and Rome), when the main motives for travel were trade, pilgrimage, treatment, and education. Sports travel was born during this period. For example, participants and spectators Olympic Games traveled to the competition site from the most remote corners of Greece. Later, in the Middle Ages, a religious factor became an incentive to travel - worship of the shrines of Christianity and Islam. As a result of the development of the productive forces of society, a distinction is made between working time and the employee’s free time (vacation). This created the preconditions for the second stage of tourism development.

The second stage of tourism development is called elite tourism. The most important role at this stage of tourism development was played by revolutionary changes in transport. The means of delivery and transportation have changed. In 1807, the inventor Fulton designed and built the first steamboat. The first steam locomotive was created by Stephenson in 1814. The means of delivering mail were improved and the road network expanded. All this led to much greater reliability and speed of movement. At the same time, travel costs were reduced due to more economical means of transportation.

Scientific and technological progress and the social struggle of workers for their rights, as well as the growing prosperity of society, have created the opportunity to travel for the majority of ordinary people.

The third stage marked the beginning of the development of social tourism. First World War, the economic depression of the 1930s and World War II had a negative impact on the development of tourism. At the same time, it was during this period that elements of mass tourism appeared, which reached its peak in the post-war decades.

The fourth stage is called the mass tourism stage. It was during this period that tourism became widespread.

Tourism as a sport was included in the United All-Union sports classification(EVSK) in 1949. The USSR Tourism Federation, as well as tourism within the EWSK, existed until 1958, and then, for purely bureaucratic reasons, tourism was excluded from the EWSK, and the Tourism Federation was liquidated.

After 1958, for the next seven years, sports tourism remained entirely under the care of tourism boards (i.e. trade unions). The number of accidents on tourist routes (and this is what served as the reason for excluding tourism from sport), however, has not decreased, but, on the contrary, has increased significantly. And tourism was restored in EVSK in 1965.

All these years (from 1958 to 1976 inclusive, at all levels - from regional to the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions - public commissions worked on types of tourism and sections of work (route qualifications, competitions, preparation and certification of public tourist personnel, etc.).

By a joint resolution of Belsovprof and the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the BSSR dated February 15, 1977, the Federation of Tourism (FT) was created, which, in fact, had already existed for a number of years in the form of the Council for Mass Types of Tourism under the Bel Council for Tourism and excursions and which was the predecessor of the current (since 1991) Federation of Sports Tourism. When the tourism federations were formed in 1977, there was no need to invent anything special or revolutionary. The structure was already there. Moreover, in Belarus, on the initiative of Yu. M. Kokorev, a tourist and mountaineer with pre-war experience, already in 1963 a body was formed that united the activities of all republican commissions by types and sections of work, including the commission on terrain orientation. Eduard Tochitsky was elected the first chairman of the Republic Tourism Federation (1977). Five years later - Georgy Shishko, the third chairman of the Federation became (until 1991) Alexander Bitus. The first two are masters of sports in mountaineering, A. Bitus is a master of sports in water tourism.

From 1971 to 1980 inclusive, all-Union (in a number of republics - republican) competitions for the best tourist travel were held. The form of conduct is correspondence. This greatly simplifies the competition system, since any team that has applied for participation and then submitted a report to the Ground Jury in a timely manner can take part in them.

Both the All-Union FT and the republican ones carried out a lot of work by organizing sports and tourist rallies. Already at the beginning of this period (1965-1980), rules for competitions in water and mountain tourism techniques were developed, and later - for all other types of tourism included in the sports classification.

By the end of 1980, the All-Union Federation made a number of decisions that qualitatively changed the nature of sporting events: starting from 1981, all-Union competitions for the best tourist travel are transferred to the rank of USSR championships, and tourist rallies are held in accordance with the rules of competitions in the technique of types of tourism. The prestige of the competition has increased noticeably, and consequently, the level of technical complexity of both tourist routes and competition distances has increased. The first three USSR championships in sports tourism (1981, 1983, 1985 - championships are held every two years) indicate a significant complication of sports tourism routes. Belarusian tourists perform successfully in these championships; since the last all-Union competition for the best tourist trip (1977-1980), they are confidently among the leaders of the highest level.

In the period from 1977 to 1991, the FT, like federations for other sports, had its own regional organizations (regional FT), as well as, although it did not exist for long, the DSO tourism federation. Each regional center had its own tourist club with small staff. Tourist clubs have also been created in many areas. At the same time, tourist sections of DSO trade unions, tourist clubs of enterprises, organizations and universities, as well as the entire system of stations for young tourists, worked.

But the time of the 90s turned out to be a completely different time. As a matter of fact, this “new time” began earlier than the last decade of the 20th century. After a fairly calm, unhurried, but progressive development of sports tourism in the period from 1965 to 1980, a completely different period begins - a period of struggle for the survival of sports tourism activities and the structure that ensured this activity.

The “perestroika period”, which ended in 1991 with the collapse of the USSR, step by step changes the established order of things. By the end of 1990, a decision was made to dissolve the All-Union Tourism Federation and create the USSR Tourist and Sports Union, which a year and a half later was transformed into the International Tourism and Sports Union. At the same time, in the most developed (in terms of sports and tourism) republics of the now former USSR (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus), republican tourism and sports unions are created and sports tourism federations are maintained, representing tourism in the sports committees (ministries of sports) of these republics. As for “trade union tutelage,” since the late 80s, trade unions have been step by step getting rid of amateur tourism and by 1990 they were quite successfully coping with this. Federations of sports tourism of the republics of the former USSR are becoming independent federations of sovereign states - began new stage their history - the commercial component in the tourist sports movement has noticeably increased. It lies in the fact that a fairly large number of entrepreneurs from the tourism business, etc., are trying to find themselves in the sports tourism sector, believing that in the future it can bring significant financial and other dividends. The greatest interest is associated with organizing a business in the field of extreme, or simply put, sports tourism, including training personnel for conducting relevant tours. This trend is understandable and it naturally reflects the state of development of the entire country at the present stage. Therefore, there is a primitive, global privatization of the intellectual potential of sports tourism (ST), a complete disregard for security problems in the name of main goal- skim off the cream of the crop as quickly as possible, make a name for yourself, and privatize popular competitions. Any attempts on the part of the Federation to thoughtfully and deliberately build a system, taking into account all its features and finding a niche for any actively thinking person, company, organization, etc. from the opposite side leads to a behind-the-scenes struggle, throwing mud at the leaders of the Federation and reproaches for their conservatism, delaying the release of long-overdue state regulations, laws and instructions.

ST, like the whole country, is entering a period of greater state regulation of all processes, and as a consequence of this, there is greater attention from the state to its development. Moreover, ST has become a kind of battle zone for ministries and departments interested in its development that are in charge of sports, tourism and education. The reason for this lies in ST itself, which is a comprehensive mass sports and health technology on the one hand and, on the other hand, represents the fundamental basis for the development of commercial extreme tourism and the associated system of training personnel of a wide profile: for national parks, recreation areas, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the system of tourist and youth clubs, the management sector, and the traditional direction - organizing and conducting sports trips, trips and tours.

There is no single generally accepted classification of sports tourism. In the scientific literature there are classifications and groupings of types of tourism based on a variety of criteria. The most common is the classification according to the main type of activity. According to it, they distinguish different kinds sports tourism: sports and recreational, event sports, sports (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Classification scheme for sports tourism

Event sports tourism can be classified according to various criteria, the most important of which are:

Depending on what type of sport the tourist attends: football, hockey, tennis, complex (events where many sports are presented).

Depending on the level of events held, regional, republican, and international are distinguished.

Sports and sports and health tourism can be classified:

depending on the degree of organization: organized and amateur.

depending on the level of training of the participants: professional (sports); amateur (amateur).

depending on the type of obstacles overcome on the routes: mountain; water, etc.

The most diverse classification is the division of sports tourism by type of travel.

Automototourism is a journey using automobile transport along the main part of the route.

Cycling tourism is travel using bicycle transport, which has many varieties: from small walks and excursions to complex bicycle trips.

Water tourism, which includes various types water sports. Rafting is rafting down rapids rivers on inflatable boats. Diving is one of the most difficult and dangerous species sports and tourism, which involves diving under water in a special suit.

Equestrian tourism- tourism carried out in the form of equestrian routes passing through nature reserves or national parks, or other places.

Ski tourism - this also includes weekend health tours, skiing on flat and rough terrain, making short or multi-day treks.

Ski tourism is one of the traditional and very popular types of tourism all over the world. Alpine skiing slopes are divided into several categories according to the degree of difficulty. Each skier can choose the section of the route that corresponds to his class and experience.

Hiking - (trekking): virtually no hiking required special training and equipment. This is the most common type of tourism in Belarus.

Mountain tourism involves walking routes through mountainous terrain, overcoming passes above 3000-3500 m, passing through rocky areas, steep slopes, glaciers, snowfields, mountain rivers. It is not developing in Belarus.

Speleotourism - the exploration of caves, mines, faults or abysses - is one of the most dangerous and difficult activities. Speleotourism can be very different in orientation. Excursion and educational tours are conducted in caves specially equipped for excursion display. In Belarus it can develop in depleted salt mines.

Mountaineering is a type of tourism that involves climbing mountain peaks or overcoming mountain obstacles. Today, mountaineering is an entire industry that is gradually developing and popularizing. As a rule, it is customary to choose summer for climbing, when the weather allows you to reach the intended peak with minimal losses. Due to the flat type of relief, the development of this species natural objects Belarus is impossible, but climbing walls and similar structures are actively developing.

There is also a classification of sports tourism according to age and social criteria, according to which the following are distinguished:

Children's tourism;

Youth tourism;

Adult tourism;

Family tourism;

Tourism for people with disabilities.

IN last years The following areas of sports tourism have received active development:

Travel (including solo travel);

Extreme tourism;

Distance discipline;

Distance discipline indoors on artificial terrain;

Short routes in the sport hiking class.

Depending on the difficulty of overcoming obstacles in the hiking area, autonomy, novelty, length of the route and a number of its other features characteristic of different types of sports tourism, hikes are divided into: according to increasing complexity:

Weekend hikes (non-category hikes);

Hikes 1 - 3 degrees of difficulty - in children's and youth tourism;

In different types of tourism, the number of difficulty categories is different: in hiking, mountain, water, skiing, cycling and caving tourism - six categories of difficulty; in automoto and sailing tourism - five.

There are several approaches to defining the concept of “sports tourism”. Traditionally, the concept of “sports tourism” refers to a type of sport; according to another approach, sports tourism is identified as an independent direction of tourism and, depending on the purpose of travel, is divided into two types: active and passive. In the first case, the main goal of the tourist is the opportunity to engage in any kind of sport, including those similar to sports tourism, but without a competitive component - sports and health tourism. In the second, the purpose of the trip is to attend sporting events and competitions as a spectator or fan - event sports tourism.

Sports tourism is a type of sport that includes: hikes based on competitions on routes, overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment, and at distances laid out in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

A type of sports tourism is tourist-applied all-around events - these are, first of all, competitions in the mastery of various tourist equipment and tactics. TBM distances act as a kind of model of the route of a tourist-sports hike, and the technical stages of TBM act as a model of individual classified sections of the route. With some degree of assumption, we can say that TBM competitions are competitions in technique and tactics for overcoming obstacles (technical stages) characteristic of sports tourism. As in the case of sports tourism, where hikes, according to the method of transportation, are divided into walking (mountain-pedestrian), skiing, water and cycling, TBM competitions are held in the techniques of mountain-pedestrian, ski, water and cycling tourism.

Sports (category) hikes differ from recreational hikes, primarily in that their routes include sections of natural obstacles that require special skills. Such sections are called classified sections of the sports and tourist route. Depending on their difficulty and number, sports tourist trips are divided into categories of difficulty - from the simplest (1st category of complexity) to the most difficult (6th category of complexity) (Table 1).

The main goal of sports tourism is to improve tourist skills, improve the technique and tactics of routes, practice various belay techniques, master new types of tourist equipment, as well as actively promote tourism. Sports categories and the title of Master of Sports in Tourism are assigned taking into account the number and complexity of hikes completed, as well as experience self-direction them. The difficulty of the hike is determined by the difficulty category of the route.

Table 1. Basic standards for category tourist trips in Belarus

Type of tourism and characteristics of trips

Degrees of difficulty

Duration of hikes in days (not less)

Length of hikes in km (not less)


water (on rowing ships and rafts)

on bicycles

on motorcycles

on cars


caving trips (number of caves)

Sports tourism is characterized by constant self-improvement: hiking and traveling along remote and increasingly complex routes require continuous improvement in the physical, technical and tactical preparedness of tourist-athletes.

The natural conditions of Belarus allow organizing sports tourism routes of only categories I and II of complexity, which limits the possibilities of offering routes for sophisticated travelers, but makes hiking around the country accessible to all tourists, including poorly trained beginners and groups of children and youth.

The main requirements for the areas for category hikes are inaccessibility and sparsely populated areas, the presence of natural obstacles along the route, overcoming which requires the development of certain skills and mastery of sports tourism equipment.

In Belarus, sports tourism is national species a sport with centuries-old historical traditions. Like any other sport, it is characterized by the complexity and diversity of competitive exercises that form the basis of tourism techniques in the conditions of overcoming natural obstacles associated with active motor activity, the manifestation of basic physical and moral-volitional qualities.

It should also be noted that sports tourism includes such types of tourism activities, in forms, means and content, borrowed from sports tourism, but not related to preparation and performance in sports competitions(non-category or recreational hikes). They are aimed at physical development and education, preservation and promotion of health, active recreation and functional restoration of the human body.

Event sports tourism is a very broad and dynamically developing type of sports tourism in which trips are dedicated to any sporting events and events (participation of a tourist as a fan in various championships and competitions, or his direct participation in amateur or staged competitions within the framework of the so-called “adventure tourism”). This type of tourism is called passive sports tourism. The target audience is sports fans, competition participants and sports managers. The level and importance of competitions are important to them: the Olympic Games, World or European Championships, qualifying matches or finals of professional sports leagues. This is a very large and diverse target audience, so sometimes sports event tourism is considered a separate type of tourism with its own characteristics of organizing and holding events.

Sports and health tourism can include both amateur (amateur) tourist trips and trips of tourists for the purpose of practicing any kind of sport.

Sports tourism is considered not only as a sport, but also as a form of human activity in various living conditions - from active rest to the professional sphere.

Keywords: type of sport, sports tourism, route, refereeing.

Sports tourism was previously considered as fashion hobby youth, then sports tourism was positioned in the market of health services as an area of ​​active recreation for the population. Recently, sports tourism has become increasingly important in the professional sphere.

Goal: to consider sports tourism not only as a sport, but also as a form of human activity in various life conditions - from active recreation to the professional sphere.

Problem: lack of sufficient information and promotion of this sport. There is a need among young people to engage in this sport. A program with a clear mechanism for implementing this sport is needed. The participation of beginners and professionals are completely different things. Those who want to engage in this type of tourism do not know where to start, and do not have a sufficient level of physical fitness, which is necessary specifically for this sport.

Moreover, for a certain part of the population this sport should be positioned as a form of professional and active recreation activity.

Sports tourism is a sport based on competitions on routes that include overcoming obstacles in the natural environment categorized by difficulty (roads and trails with various surfaces and off-road, crossings, passes, peaks, rapids, canyons, caves, etc.), on distances laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain. A route is specified, a route to follow, with certain places.

This is the preparation and conduct of sports trips with the aim of overcoming an extended expanse of wild nature on skis (ski tourism), using rafting means (water tourism) or on foot in the mountains (mountain tourism).

There are two types of sports tourism: active and passive. At active form Tourism is based on the need to engage in some kind of sport. When passive, it is interest in the sport, observation.

Sports tourism is a traditional form of activity. New forms of sports tourism have significantly revitalized it recently.

This is a sport whose main purpose is to cover a certain distance in a certain time with a certain set of obstacles in natural conditions with a high degree of autonomy. Sports tourism includes the following types of tourism: hiking, mountain tourism, cycling tourism, water tourism, ski tourism, horseback riding, auto tourism, caving tourism.

Sports hikes are divided into categories of difficulty: from 1st - the easiest (you need to cover 100 km in at least 6 days in hiking) to 6th category - the most difficult. If the 1st and 2nd categories of complexity are suitable for people with normal physical fitness, then for 3rd and higher you already need to be in excellent sports shape, have good endurance, knowledge and high moral qualities. Not everyone can withstand daily hard physical labor at the limit of their capabilities in a close team and when every drop of comfort is obtained through labor, while maintaining a positive attitude and first of all thinking about each other. In sports tourism they are assigned sports categories up to master of sports.

In sports tourism there are specialized professional titles associated with the right to carry out professional or teaching activities in the field of sports tourism: guide, instructor (senior instructor, international class instructor) of sports tourism. As in other official sports, in sports tourism there is organized and professional refereeing, the activities of which are regulated by relevant regulatory documents. By gaining experience in judging and undergoing the necessary professional training (schools, seminars), judges acquire the corresponding judicial titles up to the All-Russian category judge. At the same time, a certain feature of refereeing in sports tourism is that the remuneration of sports judges is small or refereeing is carried out on a voluntary basis. Many of the judges are tourists themselves - athletes with extensive experience and significant sporting achievements. Sports judges in sports tourism, without exaggeration, are respected, honorable representatives of the sports community.

It should be noted that many tourists also engage in related sports: orienteering and multisport, rock climbing, mountaineering, rafting, mountain biking, alpine skiing, yachting and other types of active recreation and sports. Tourists are a reserve for training rescuers in the natural environment.

Sports tourism - primarily sports trips - is in a commanding manner a sport in which traditions of mutual assistance and mutual assistance, sports discipline, self-improvement and mutual transfer of knowledge and experience are strong. The passion for sports tourism allows you to get acquainted with the culture and way of life of different countries and peoples, with wonderful and often even unique corners of nature, interesting sights, enjoy communication, and acquire reliable comrades.

Participation in sports hikes of initial categories of complexity and in competitions over distances, as a rule, does not require significant financial expenses, at the same time it allows you to gain the necessary basic skills and enjoyment of participating in hikes and competitions. Engaging in sports tourism as a complex sport carried out in a complex natural and social environment, of course, carries certain risks and requires the athlete to have versatile knowledge, skills, experience and good physical, technical and psychological preparation.

In large cities of Russia there are many physical education organizations sports tourism and amateur tourism clubs, which, among other things, conduct tourism training schools. Studying in such schools is desirable, although not mandatory for tourism. That is why sports tourism is divided into different types: cycling, mountain, water, walking and others. Combinations of these types are possible. But in any form, the main thing is the competitive component.

There are more and more people wanting to engage in sports tourism. Moreover, this desire does not depend on social status, age and occupation. Sports tourism is the most democratic sport, balancing physical needs with material capabilities.

Many people who want to join this sport do not know where to start so as not to cause harm to their health.

Krasnodar has developed areas of sports tourism - mountain, hiking, speleo, water, and skiing is gaining popularity. Mountaineering and rock climbing exist in small professional groups.

Conclusion. It should be noted that some types of sports tourism are not only traumatic, but also dangerous to human life as a whole. Therefore, these types of tourism should be carried out with specialists and in special equipment. Moreover, certain areas can be pursued by professionals to perform vital tasks and improve professional skills.


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For citation: Ovchinnikov, Yu. D. Sports tourism as a sport and form of activity / Yu. D. Ovchinnikov, S. N. Talyzov // Physical Culture. Sport. Tourism. Motor recreation. - 2017. - T. 2, No. 2. - P. 117-120.