Military rank of third Vladislav. Vladislav Tretyak: biography of a hockey player. Family life of a domestic hockey player

The grandson of goalkeeper Vladislav Tretyak, famous in Soviet times, Maxim continues his work, achieving high sporting success, despite his young age of 21. His physical data (190 cm/93 kg) already allows him to defend the goal at the highest level.

First successes in sports

Maxim was born in Moscow in the fall of 1996, on October 22. Famous grandfather from the very early age I worked a lot with my grandson, walked with him, took him to hockey games. It is viewing hockey matches in the company of the famous goalkeeper, who told the boy in detail about the progress of the game, made Maxim become interested in this sport.

At his request, the boy was sent to the CSKA Children's School. His grandfather, Vladislav Tretyak, shone with his sporting successes in this club. Maxim took his training very responsibly and quickly began to show excellent results. The CSKA junior team with goalkeeper Maxim Tretyak repeatedly won the Moscow Cup. He also took part in international competitions.

Beginning of a professional career

First professional contract Maxim quite expectedly signed for 3 years with CSKA Moscow. This happened due to the fact that he topped the goalkeeper rankings in 1996 and was chosen by a famous club. The newly minted army goalkeeper took number 20, which CSKA goalkeepers have not taken since the days of Vladislav Tretyak. But, despite the impressive sporting achievements, Maxim was still too young, and he was not allowed to play for CSKA either in the playoffs or in the regular season.

Game in "Admiral"

Tretyak needed to further improve his goalkeeping skills, and in 2016 he moved to Admiral as the third goalkeeper. This club bought all the rights to the player. The management of Admiral did not hide the fact that the famous surname played a big role in this acquisition. Journalists took great pleasure in interviewing both the grandfather and the grandson, which attracted interest in the club itself.

Before the first season, Maxim attended two club training camps: in Moscow and Tyumen. Then he played 2 games in a tournament established by the Kazakh President, but again did not participate in the KHL championship.

Game at HC Sakhalin

Maxim realized that to play in the KHL, he must undergo training in the lower leagues, and moved to HC Sakhalin as the third goalkeeper. But after playing 4 games, I realized that the level of the opponents was low and would not allow the development of professional goalkeeping skills. Therefore, he returned back to Admiral, for which he plays this moment. Considering his good sports uniform, showing remarkable sports results, a desire to participate and win in tournaments of the highest rank, very soon he will be able to fulfill his dream - to become the number 1 goalkeeper in the CSKA team.

Attitude towards your achievements

Maxim Tretyak believes that his famous surname sometimes prevents him from being seen in the shadow of his grandfather. But he works hard, pays great attention to training, continues to improve his skills, and it pays off. At the end of the club tournament, he was recognized as the best goalkeeper, and his team achieved first place.

Vladislav Tretyak sometimes comes to his grandson’s matches, although due to his busy schedule this is not possible often. He helps his grandson with advice, which the young goalkeeper listens to, but also brings his own ideas. Maxim considers the main qualities of a successful goalkeeper to be psychological stability, hard work, the desire to work hard and constantly improve his skills.

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The famous Soviet hockey player Tretyak Vladislav Aleksandrovich, whose biography will be briefly described in this article, is a three-time champion Olympic Games and a ten-time world champion, thanks to which he is included in the Guinness Book of Records. No matter that his career ended more than a quarter of a century ago, he still remains the most famous hockey player in the world and the idol of millions of fans.

The beginning of the journey (numbers that speak volumes)

Vladislav Tretyak, whose photo you can see in our article, was born on April 25, 1952 in the Moscow region. It was, and following the example of his older brother, he became interested in swimming, and then in diving.

At the age of 11, Vladislav began playing hockey in sports school CSKA. There he was coached by Vladimir Efimov, who was replaced by Anatoly Tarasov in 1967. In 1968, he made his debut in a match against Spartak as part of the CSKA team. And in 1969, in a match with Finland, he already played in the national team.

Imagine - great goalkeeper played in championships Soviet Union 482 matches! He played 117 games at the World Championships and Olympic Games, participated in Canada Cup tournaments 11 times, was the best among hockey players in the USSR five times and in Europe three times. The talented athlete was recognized four times best goalkeeper in world championships.

Love and sport

The International Fan Federation named him the best goalkeeper of the 20th century. Vladislav Tretyak, at the age of 17, was already at the goal of the USSR national team - this, by the way, is an unprecedented precedent in the history of world hockey! And for 10 years in a row, coaches brought him to every match, because Vladislav was considered absolutely irreplaceable. The goalkeeper himself says with a smile that his wife helped him stay on top all the time.

In the Tretyakov’s house there are many letters in old, battered envelopes. Vladislav’s wife collected them for 12 long years, while her husband was at sports training camps or competitions. And the hockey player himself re-read them before each match, because he so needed the warmth, love and support that were stored in these letters written by the woman he loved.

How Vladislav Tretyak and his wife met

By the way, at one time this couple was matched the old fashioned way, behind the scenes. Mom’s friend praised young Tanya so much that Vladislav eventually realized: he couldn’t escape this girl, and agreed to meet her. Although at that time he, in general, had no time for novels - the Olympics in Scarborough were approaching.

By the way, Tanechka was very late for her first date because she didn’t catch the train, which is why Vladislav had to wait for her for an hour, standing on the square of three stations. The girl was very worried, because she did not know what the guy looked like to whom they had so diligently matched her. But Vladislav Tretyak, seeing such a pretty girl, decided that he would be with her all his life.

The family is getting bigger

The wedding took place a month later. After the wedding ceremony, the young hockey player went to training camp, although his thoughts, of course, were very far from sports. And that's probably why last game he missed as many as 9 goals! By the way, this was observed by representatives of the NHL, who decided unequivocally that there was a real “hole” in front of them. Such a conclusion will cost them dearly in the future, because in further games Tretyak will show a real miracle of goalkeeper art.

As expected, 9 months after the wedding, the first child, Dmitry, appeared in the family. Vladislav celebrated the birth of his son widely with all his teammates (thank God they didn’t have training camps then!). And in 1977, another child appeared in the family - daughter Irinka. But at that time Vladislav Tretyak was in America, and when he received a telegram, the Americans immediately brought drinks and ice cream cake to his room. But since the goalkeeper had to play the next day, the feast did not work out.

Being the wife of a famous hockey player is also a talent

In her interviews, Tatyana Tretyak often says that being the wife of a celebrity is a lot of work, because she spent her whole life learning not to be jealous of her husband for hockey (although the goalkeeper’s wife laughs that she never understood hockey). But she learned something else - to make her husband always want to be at home, because there his wife’s delight and her words await him: “You are my best!”

By the way, in the 70s, Vladislav Tretyak, whose biography is presented to your attention, was a real idol of the nation, and bags of letters from enthusiastic admirers came to him from all over the vast country. Every second woman declared her love, claiming that she dreamed of giving birth to a child and becoming a faithful wife. Probably only a wise woman could take this calmly, accepting the endless confessions with a smile.

By the way, such families have only two options - either live as neighbors under the same roof and then separate, or make sure that the man always wants to return to his nest, because he knows that he will be understood and consoled there. It was just such a nest that his wife Tatyana managed to create for Vladislav. When Tretyak decided to retire from sports in 1984, she was incredibly glad that they would finally live together like an ordinary family.

But, alas, her joy was premature, as Vladislav soon received an offer to become a children's coach in Chicago. And the family now began to live in 2 countries - 2 weeks at home, 2 weeks in America.

Vladislav Tretyak: the family is getting bigger

By the way, Tretyak’s son Dmitry did not follow in his father’s footsteps - he became a dentist, got married, and in October 1996 became the father of a son, Maxim. The proud grandfather immediately declared that he would definitely make an excellent hockey player out of his grandson. And his words came true to some extent, since now Maxim too hockey goalie and plays for the CSKA team, and in 2014 he was accepted into the Russian national team.

As Vladislav says, Maxim shows great promise, he is very hardworking and, of course, is in love with the game (although, of course, his grandson often gets nuts from his famous grandfather, because Tretyak Sr. is the harshest critic of Tretyak Jr.’s play).

And Vladislav’s daughter Irina, having graduated from the Institute of International Trade and Law, became a lawyer. In August 2001, she gave birth to a daughter, Anya, and in September 2006, another daughter, Masha. This is how the Tretiaks became three times grandparents.

Tretyak: “I don’t like losing too much!”

Now Vladislav Tretyak serves as the president of the Russian Hockey Federation, and in addition, he is a State Duma deputy. As the famous hockey player himself says: “Any victory is achieved not only with talent, but also with great effort. I don’t like to lose and that’s probably why everything in my life turned out this way and not otherwise.”

There are very few in the world famous athletes who managed to survive and remain just as in demand after their brilliant life in sports. But Tretyak did it! His life is full, rich, he is still open to communication and new achievements. “I’m a very happy person,” says Tretyak, and, apparently, he’s not lying!

He was best hockey player 20th century, he was called the man with a thousand hands and a thousand eyes. At that time, Soviet hockey players were no less famous than actors and even cosmonauts.

Young talented goalkeeper Every day he received fifty letters from girls confessing their love to him. Vladislav Tretyak categorically did not want to meet his future wife, and already 5 days after the first meeting he proposed to the girl and was refused.

Goalkeeper matchmaking

In 1972, his life was firmly occupied only with hockey. Grueling workouts, competitions, training camps. There were, of course, hobbies, but Vladislav did not attach much importance to them. And my mother’s friend Bronislava Efimovna told him at every meeting about the amazing beautiful girl from Monino, where they lived. And she kept saying that it was time for the guy to get married. Young hockey player special attention didn't pay attention to conversations. They invited him to congratulate the girl on her birthday, he congratulated him, but the meeting did not happen: they called him to the next training camp.

Vladislav Tretyak in his youth.

He came to his brother’s wedding in June with a completely different girl, who was 8 years older than the hockey player. And here again Bronislava Efimovna, who only took pity on Vladislav, Tatyana could marry the major, and he hasn’t even met her. This is where Tretyak’s athletic character came into play. He hasn’t met the girl yet, but he doesn’t intend to give in to some major. He, of course, saw off his companion, and immediately called Tatyana in Monino and arranged a meeting.

Vladislav Tretyak in his youth.

She was 45 minutes late for the first date. However, she was always late everywhere. And when the girl got into the car (Tretyak at that time was driving a brand new “kopek”), he was struck by lightning. He fell in love literally at first sight, although he himself did not believe that this was possible.
And soon he came to his father, told him about his passionate love, and they went to Monino to woo the bride. On the fifth day after the first meeting, Tretyak had already bought wedding rings.
The bride's parents and Vladislav's father immediately found a common language. Both dads were military pilots, and my mother just really liked Vladislav. The guy was sent to meet Tatyana, who was returning from study.

Vladislav and Tatiana Tretyak.

Seeing his beloved girl, the young man could not resist - he immediately proposed to her. But she refused without hesitation and suggested getting to know each other better. And so she said affectionately and touchingly that Vladislav very quickly agreed with her. And at home, at the insistence of his father, he asked for Tatyana’s hand in marriage. The girl’s parents immediately agreed and put the rings on the fingers of Vladislav and Tatyana. Flying off to the next competition, he knew for sure: his bride was waiting for him.
The wedding was postponed twice - the sports management did not give permission for him to get married. But coach Anatoly Tarasov allowed it. On August 23, 1972, Vyacheslav Tretyak and Tatyana Mityakova became husband and wife.

Married to a goalkeeper

Family happiness.

It is unlikely that Tatyana, accepting congratulations on her wedding day, imagined what difficulties awaited her. At that moment she liked Vladislav, she considered him good guy, but deep feelings came to her a little later, after the birth of her son Dmitry.
The young husband went to competitions and was very rarely at home. Vacation only in June, during the season I almost didn’t show up at home. After birth, he saw his son at 5 months, his daughter at 10. All worries fell on Tatyana’s shoulders. Even when the matches took place in their native Luzhniki, this changed almost nothing: Tatyana and her children went to the match, and then she returned to Monino with the kids, and her husband went to the training camp.

In the family circle.

She didn't just take care of the children. I arranged my life. She wrote letters to her husband, encouraged him, inspired him. Before leaving, she could have handed him a stack of letters with strict instructions on when and which to open. The letters contained not only words of love, but also her faith in him and in his victory.
The happiest years in the family's life were those years when Tretyak left sports, graduated from the military academy, worked and came home, like all people in the evening. Saturday and Sunday were also dedicated to family. The children waited for dad from work in the evening and went out to meet him with sparkling eyes. And Tatyana had five whole years with her husband. She finally fell asleep and woke up next to him every day, and not two weeks once a year. And he helped solve everyday issues. When store shelves surprised with their meager assortment or complete lack of goods, he could buy everything. For famous goalkeeper the best and most scarce products were found.

Vladislav Tretyak with his family.

When was Tretyak invited to coach? hockey team in Chicago, for Tatyana Evgenievna it was a difficult test. Each parting exploded in her with melancholy and despair. But then there was a meeting and a short period of happiness together.

This is Love

Vladislav Alexandrovich and Tatyana Evgenievna with their family: son Dmitry, his wife Natalya and grandson Maxim, daughter Irina, her husband Sergei and granddaughters Maria and Anna.

Vladislav Tretyak admits that his love has now been supplemented by a feeling of gratitude for her devotion, for her love and long painful wait. Being the wife of a hockey player is not easy, but Tatyana became his beloved woman, friend, assistant and the real keeper of their home. The children have grown up and the grandchildren are growing up. Today Tretyak is on the ice again with number 20 - his grandson Maxim has been playing hockey since he was 5 years old and is also at the goal.

Vladislav and Tatiana Tretyak.

Vladislav and Tatyana still have many plans and hopes ahead. The main thing is that despite all the difficulties, they retained their feelings, multiplying them and filling them with new meaning.

He was recognized five times as the best hockey player of the USSR, three times as the best hockey player in Europe, and four times as the best goalkeeper in the world at the world championships.

From 1984 to 1986, Vladislav Tretyak worked in the international department of CSKA. Since 1986 he was deputy head of the department sports games CSKA.

In the second half of the 1980s, he was a deputy of the Moscow City Council. At the same time, he moved to the international department of the sports committee of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

In 1990, Vladislav Tretyak retired from the Armed Forces and has the rank of reserve colonel.

In the early 1990s, he accepted an offer from the NHL's Chicago Black Hawks to become their goalie coach.
Later he trained children in goalkeeping schools in the USA, Finland, Norway, and worked for the Canadian company Bombardier, which produces snow scooters and motorcycle-type boats.

In 1998 and 2002, Tretyak was a member of coaching staff the Russian team, which won silver (Nagano) and bronze (Salt Lake City) medals at the Winter Olympics.

Vladislav Tretyak is a member of the interdepartmental development commission physical culture, mass sports and traditional types physical activity Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of physical culture and sports.

Tretyak is an Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1971), Honored Trainer of Russia (2002), Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation (2006). He became the first European hockey player to be inducted into the National Hockey Hall of Fame. hockey league(NHL) in Toronto (1989), was among the first to be inducted into the International Hockey Federation Hall of Fame (1997).

According to the International Hockey Federation, Tretyak is the best hockey player of the 20th century.

Vladislav Tretyak was awarded the Order of the USSR "Badge of Honor" (1975), Lenin (1978), Friendship of Peoples (1981), Red Banner of Labor (1984); Russian Order "For Merit to the Fatherland"

Name: Vladislav Tretiak

Age: 66 years old

Place of Birth: Orudevo, Moscow region

Height: 185 cm

Weight: 91 kg

Activity: hockey player, goalkeeper, coach

Family status: married

Vladislav Tretyak - biography

Hockey fans of all times know the famous Soviet hockey player, a goalkeeper who brings victory to the national ice hockey team. Later, he became famous as a coach and showed himself in the political activities of his native state.

Childhood, family

Somewhere at the top of Vladislav’s biography it was written in large letters that he would make his name famous in sports. But Tretyak couldn’t decide on a sport, so he went, using an example that was always nearby: his older brother was seriously involved in swimming. Vladislav quickly mastered the five-meter diving tower. His hobbies included acrobatics and gymnastics, but hockey soon took the most important and important place in the boy’s life. Vladislav's great height and athlete's figure only contributed to this.

Thanks to his parents, he learned to skate well, because skating rinks were popular, and his father and mother often took youngest son with myself. From the age of eleven I became interested in hockey; my mother brought Vladislav to the CSKA Children's School for the first time. The coaches accepted the teenager immediately, since the decisive factor was the candidates’ ability to move backwards, and Tretyak had mastered this move a long time ago and consolidated it well. At the very beginning, the novice athlete was a striker, but the goalkeeper’s place was free. The Moscow club was then coached by Erfilov, Vladislav himself proposed his candidacy.

For a long time, the boy’s father could not come to terms with the fact that his son was a hockey player. At the age of fifteen, Vladislav had money earned from playing for the first time. The CSKA team was prepared by Anatoly Tarasov, who noticed and discerned a future hockey star in the guy.

Since then, the biography of the young goalkeeper has changed: he has become one step closer to fame. Legendary hockey players played for CSKA, and Vladislav played on the team with them. For some time, the goalkeeper from the adult team returned to the youth team, and they won the city champion title, and Tretyak became the best goalkeeper.

Victories began to pour in one after another. In order to understand why sport has become firmly established in Vladislav’s biography, we need to tell you a little about his parents. My mother was a physical education teacher and played bandy herself; my father was a military pilot. Of course, sports played an important role in the lives of parents, and this was passed on to their sons.

Serious victories of Tretyak

For the first time Tretyak met a real opponent when he played for the national team against Finland. Then there was the World Championship and the championship in it. Now no one claimed his place in goal - he had no equal. He became a champion more than once; opponents' pucks bypassed Vladislav's goal, only occasionally allowing himself to fly into it.

The hockey player became the youngest Olympic champion in the history of the game, he also had silver medals and participated in the most serious hockey matches. Goalkeeper Tretyak was noted by all Western coaches; they were delighted with his play and the inaccessibility of his goal. Vladislav Tretyak has played almost five hundred championships of the Soviet Union, more than a hundred world championships and Olympic Games. He played eleven matches in the Canadian Cup tournaments.

Politics and government activities

At the age of 24, Tretiak became a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He was elected to the State Duma from the United Russia party and is the President of the Russian Hockey Federation. Vladislav Alexandrovich carried the national team flag at the opening of the Olympic Games. Victory was not always easy; the Czechoslovakian team was a dangerous opponent for the national team more than once. There were also big mistakes. But there was always a great will to win. Vladislav was always ready for both attack and defense.

Vladislav Tretyak - biography of personal life

When Tretyak turned 32 years old, he left hockey. He wanted to spend more time with his family. One way or another, the athlete did not have to part with sports forever. He became the founder of a non-profit sports organization The Vladislav Tretyak International Sports Academy Foundation was engaged in coaching work. The athlete was married only once. My wife's name is Tatyana. There are two children in the family: a son and a daughter. Dmitry is already working as a dentist, and Irina has chosen to become a lawyer. No one followed in their father's footsteps. But grandson Maxim is already the main goalkeeper of the team in which his famous grandfather, CSKA, began to play.

Vladislav Tretyak has many awards. It is enough just to list some of them to understand how great his services are in the world of sports. He is an Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, he was named the best hockey player in the Union five times, three times in Europe, four times all over the world. He became a champion and silver medalist 13 times, and holds the Soviet Union Cup.

And these are not all the awards and titles awarded to the great hockey goalkeeper. In a team of celebrities such as Valery Kharlamov and Alexander Yakushev, Valery himself became famous. He couldn't play worse than these guys, otherwise he would have let the whole team down. The team spirit still lives in Tretyak.