Types of surfing. Types of surfing: active recreation on the water. Feb Surfboards: their types and purpose

Today surfing is not only interesting option for relaxation, but also one of the types water sports occupying a leading position. During its development, many new varieties appeared. Types of surfing can depend on the boards used by the surfer, as well as the locations, waves and any supporting equipment. Let's look at the main areas of surfing.

In terms of extremeness, this type of surfing takes first place, since its main component is huge waves, and it is impossible to get to them without a jet ski. Today, thanks to modern technology, true professionals can catch up with the world's largest Jows wave. To perform various maneuvers and increase speed, surfers had to modify their own board, namely:

  • improve aerodynamic properties;
  • attach rotary hinges;
  • reduce its size.

For this type of surfing, a small piece of hard foam is used, which ensures gliding along the waves. The tail of the meter board has the shape of a crescent. Surfers can ride lying down, sitting or standing. In the first case, fins are needed, as they facilitate repulsion from the water surface.

It does not require additional devices; only the human body is used to move along the waves. This type of surfing looks more like entertainment than a sport, but competitions are held in it, where real professionals participate. Special equipment uses half-meter boards that are attached to the hands.

Wake surfing, as surfing behind a boat is called, is one of the many water sports. The equipment used is a special cable attached to the boat and which the surfer holds on to. When the speed reaches 16 km/h, the athlete releases the rope and continues moving along the waves.

This is riding on a large three-meter board, quite stable, which makes it difficult to perform any maneuvers. A longboard is more suitable for learning the basics of surfing, so it is ideal for beginners.

This type of surfing is practiced on an oval board in shallow water. After the ebb of a large wave, the athlete accelerates, throws the skimboard into the water, then lies down on it and begins to move along the waves.

The surfer uses a wide board. Riding occurs on your knees, and due to air resistance, the athlete can climb higher onto the wave. Any maneuvers are carried out thanks to the work of hands and oars.

Tandem allows you to perform various tricks, so this type of surfing can be considered exciting. Partners can stand on each other's shoulders or perform complex elements.

The peculiarity of this type of surfing is the power of the wind. It is possible to control the board thanks to the tilt of the mast and the board itself. The difference between this kind of surfing is that it can be practiced in any wind except hurricane winds. Professionals are able to perform the most difficult tricks and demonstrate mastery of the board.


Spectacular surfing destination. Kitesurfing combines the conquest of water and air space. It is in this sport that you can show truly unique tricks.

To master any type of surfing, you should visit the best spots and study at a surf school. You can start your studies in Russia, however, to achieve high level professionalism, you need to go where surfing is developed at the proper level.

Surfing is a popular sport recently. However, it can hardly be called monotonous - there are really many types of surfing, and many are extravagant.

Tau surfing

Tau surfing is the most extreme form of surfing. They ride in it on simply huge waves, which cannot even be reached without the help of a towing jet ski. Modern technology allows extreme sports enthusiasts to reach the Joze wave - the largest wave in the world. Only true professionals and daredevils can ride it.

Tau surfers were forced to modify their boards - they were smaller, acquired swivel loops and metal plates on the nose, due to which the weight and speed of the board increased, and also improved aerodynamic properties.

The tugboat also does a lot of work in tau surfing - its task is to deliver the athlete to the right place at the right time.


This type of surfing uses a small, specially shaped piece of coarse foam to glide over the waves. They usually ride it while lying down, although sometimes it is done while sitting and even standing. Usually, fins are worn for lying down - this makes it more convenient to push off from the water. The size of the bodyboard is only a meter, and its tail is shaped like a crescent. This type of surfing is the most ancient; Hawaiian savages rode this way on boards called “paipo”.


This type of surfing is the simplest and most fun - only the body is used to ride the waves, and no additional devices are used. Many people have fun like this without even thinking of calling it a form of surfing. However, there are even bodysurfing competitions – there are real professionals in this sport. There is also equipment for bodysurfing - special mini-boards up to half a meter long, attached to the hands.


Longboarding is mainly for beginners. A longboard is a large three-meter board, more stable, but due to this less maneuverable. It’s good to learn to ride on such a board, but you won’t be able to perform any tricks on it.


Skimboarding is riding on a wide oval board in shallow water after the big wave has passed. As soon as the wave leaves the beach, the surfer runs up, throws the skimboard into the water, lies down and begins to glide along the remaining waves.


In this type of surfing, people ride on a light, short and wide board, and do it on their knees. Kneeboarding is a transitional stage between bodyboarding and surfing. Maneuvers and turns on it are carried out not with feet, but with special mini-oars and hands. Since the athlete is on his knees, the low air resistance allows him to ride the wave higher and go deeper into the pipe.

Surf tandem

This type of surfing is more like an exciting show, because here a couple rides a board. Tandems perform various tricks, stand on each other's shoulders and do things that ordinary surfers have never dreamed of.

I can't imagine life without sports. I like very much extreme species. Especially surfing. I live far from the sea waves, but surfing is in my blood, because I wakesurf on our lake. Tell me, dear editors of the women's magazine Lady's Giornale, what other types of surfing are there? Thank you in advance. (Valera Syrykh, Orenburg region)

Surfing on this moment is one of the most spectacular and popular types sports Sliding on the waves with the help of a special board delights millions of people on all continents of the world. The art of a surfer lies in the ability to maneuver a board among large waves or quickly climb to the top of a wave and roll down the wave at great speed, and repeat this extreme path with the next wave.

At the moment, several types of boarding on the water surface have become established, which have become independent sports.

  • Classic surfing remains the most spectacular and dangerous species. The main process here is that the athlete independently catches the wave, and having caught it, slides along the wave while standing on the board.
  • Classic Hawaiian surfing differs from previous type the fact that the athlete does not stand here, but lies on the board.
  • Bodysurfing is also an independent sport and it consists in the ability to glide along the wave without using a board, but using only your own body, fins and a special glove in the form of a soft short board, which allows you to lean on the water.
  • Windsurfing- This is riding on a water surface on a board that is equipped with a sail attached to it. This sport is attractive because the pirouettes that athletes perform on their sports equipment, are quite spectacular and amazing. In addition, this type of surfing has an advantage over others in that it can be practiced in any wind force.
  • Kitesurfing- this is the movement of an athlete through the water due to the board and a huge kite. This is a very vibrant and dynamic sport, which usually attracts crowds of thousands of spectators during competitions.
  • Wakesurfing is a type of surfing that is very popular in those countries where there are no ocean waves. Here the desired wave is created by a boat, which passes and creates waves 1 meter high, quite suitable for riding and surfing. The whole process goes something like this: the surfer is attached to the boat with a rope, which he throws after some time and then just follows the boat, maneuvering in the waves left by the boat.

Any type of surfing is considered one of the most extreme and dangerous sports activities. But despite this, millions of people strive to communicate with the water element in this way.

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Surfing is one of the most popular sports. It has been popular ever since people began to study and compete with the forces of nature. Experienced surfers respect the ocean and waves as living elements with their own character.

Initially, surfing was called a type of beach entertainment. It consisted in the fact that a man on a special wooden board climbed onto the crest of a sea wave and quickly slid along it. This activity turned out to be so exciting that it gained wide popularity and received the status of a water sport.

In many countries around the world, an annual competition is held to identify the most experienced and talented wave riding masters.

Hawaii is considered the birthplace of the hobby of surfing.

Surfing: indications and contraindications

Surfing today is available to everyone. On the beaches of America, Asia, Australia, Africa and Europe there are special schools for surfers. Groups of students are selected according to age and experience. If you have never stood on a surfboard, then you should enroll in a group for beginners who learn the technique of riding small waves under the supervision of an experienced trainer.

Despite all the attractiveness of this type of entertainment, you need to think about whether you have health problems that could be a contraindication to surfing. For example, with elevated body temperature, dizziness, feeling general weakness If you have problems with the vestibular system, you can’t surf. If there are no serious deviations in your health, then this sport can be an excellent opportunity to strengthen the muscles of the body, strengthen the body, increase immunity, improve mood, and get rid of depression.

The Dangers of Surfing

Watching a surfer deftly handle a high wave is a mesmerizing sight that cannot be described in words. However, watching and participating are completely different things. You need to understand that surfing is quite dangerous sport which requires the athlete to have exceptional agility, strength, endurance and others physical qualities inherent in a healthy strong body. Giant waves are a powerful force, so even the most experienced surfer risks his life every time he gets on his board to fight the elements.

Not only giant waves, but also sharks, which often wait for daredevils in the dark depths of coastal waters, can kill or maim an athlete. The surfboard resembles sharks' favorite prey: fur seals and seals. Therefore, sharks often attack a surfer moving on a wave.

The coastal waters of Australia, California, Florida and South Africa are famous for the abundance of dangerous sharks.

There are currently many popular aquatic species sports that owe their birth to surfing are wakesurfing, windsurfing, skysurfing, kitesurfing, bodysurfing.

Surfing gained popularity relatively recently, but immediately attracted the attention of a large number of fans. extreme recreation. Surfing lessons are actively offered on the beaches of various resorts around the world, and in some places there are even special schools.

The word “surfing” itself is of English origin (surfing) and means “sliding along a surface.” Such sliding is possible with a special board. made from wood, fiberglass or foam, which ensures that the main requirements are met - lightness and strength of the product. Professional surfers not only ride on the surface of the sea, but also perform various maneuvers, fall down from a huge wave and rise again to the top of the next one. Those who have tried it for themselves claim that the feeling of surfing is truly indescribable.

History of origin

The history of surfing goes back to antiquity and dates back hundreds of years. Although the exact date of its occurrence has not been established. The first people to discover surfing were the residents of the Hawaiian Islands. Or rather, rulers. After all, riding on the sea waves at that time was the prerogative of the rich and powerful; it remained inaccessible to ordinary people. Moreover, illegal. Those who dared to become like the ruler and go surfing were punished by death.

In those days, when the nobility organized water activities, the priests tried to create large waves with rituals and spells, and a huge number of onlookers gathered on the shore. Some even bet on the winner.

Surfboards at that time were made of solid wood, their weight reached 70 kg, and their length was 5 m. Due to such impressive dimensions, no one would even think of stealing the board, so they were safely left on the shore at night.

Christian missionaries who arrived in Hawaii tried to send surfing into oblivion, because it in no way correlated with the tenets of faith. But the local population carefully preserved their culture and managed to preserve the art of surfing.

In the 19th century surfing became widespread thanks to the Hawaiian princess Ka'iulani. She helped spread the word about surfing in Europe. The production of surfboards has become commercial in nature, the supply of these products has increased, as a result of which the price has decreased. Surfing has become accessible to anyone. Since that time, “sliding on the surface” has confidently taken the position of the most popular type of active recreation on the water.

Types and features

Conventionally, surfing is divided into classic and extreme. Classic is for beginners; those who have already acquired enough skills and experience become extreme sports enthusiasts.

TO classic types includes bodysurfing. It serves as the first stage of learning to surf. It does not require a board - the athlete glides through the water directly on his stomach. There are even competitions held in this sport. Once a beginner has mastered bodysurfing, he can begin learning to control the board.

Extreme surfing includes several areas:
  • Wakesurfing. Characteristic of areas remote from seas and oceans with their own waves. In it, a wave is created by a boat, and the athlete moves behind it. At the beginning of the movement, he holds on to the rope attached to the boat, and then throws it and slides along the resulting wave.
  • . From the English “wind” - wind. Sliding along the surface of the water occurs due to the force of the wind at a light speed. The board is controlled by tilting the mast and the board itself. This surf is different in that you can ride in any wind, except, of course, a hurricane. Professionals demonstrate their mastery of the board and perform a wide variety of tricks.
  • Bodyboarding. It is a ride on a short soft board, where the athlete lies down. I provide additional equipment that, if necessary, helps the athlete row.
  • . It is considered one of the most spectacular varieties. Movement on water occurs with the help of a kite. The specificity of this type is the simultaneous conquest of the water and air elements with the help of virtuoso control techniques.
  • Tau surfing– riding in a tugboat on huge waves. This team appearance a sport where participants overcome rising waves, trying to reach the largest one, called “Jose”.
  • Skimboarding. Practiced in shallow waters. The surfer runs up and jumps with his board into the water on the incoming wave. This method allows you to glide through shallow water. The board for this type of surfing is called a skimboard. It is wide and oval in shape. In general, riding them is the same as on regular boards.
  • Bookboarding. A way to ride a board while kneeling. The board used for this is short, wide and light (kneeboard). Control occurs with the help of hands, sometimes small oars. The main difference between kneeboarding is wind resistance, due to which the movement occurs very quickly.

Although modern surfing is quite young, it already has a variety of facts, legends and events in its arsenal. Here are some of them:
  • The first person to describe surfing was Captain James Cook in 1778. “A man on a board, drawn swiftly and smoothly by the sea,” he wrote about a surfer.
  • New materials developed during World War II, such as polystyrene foam, fiberglass, and epoxy resin, helped modernize surfboards, making them lighter and stronger.
  • The first major surfing competition took place in 1928 in California.
  • The creation of the car allowed Californian surfers to look for new places to race. They explored the coast in groups for several days. This is how surf safari was born.
  • The University of Plymouth (UK) provides training in the specialty “Science and Technology of Surfing”.
  • Duke Kahanamoku is considered the founder of modern surfing. This Olympic swimmer opened the first ever surf club in the Hawaiian Islands.
  • Surfing is one of the oldest sports. Cave paintings in Peru depict people riding waves and date back to 5,000 years ago.

  • The surf gear industry is a $10 million industry with 20 million members worldwide.
  • Over the past 15 years, there have been more wave surfing fatalities than in the previous 40, due to the growing popularity of extreme big wave surfing.
  • There is also such a direction as dog surfing. It appeared in 1920. Every year in California, tournaments are held among four-legged friends in order to raise funds for animal welfare organizations. Dogs are judged on two criteria: how well they stand on the board and how long the race lasts.

  • The record for the longest surfing race was set by Gary Saavedra from Panama. In 2011 it was 3 hours 55 minutes. moved along the wave behind the boat.
  • Cameron Diaz broke her nose 4 times while surfing. Patrick Swayze broke 4 ribs on the set of Point Break.
  • Skateboarding is believed to have evolved from surfing. Surfers attached rollerblade wheels to their boards to practice in the absence of waves.
  • In 2015, California set a record for the maximum number of people riding on one board at the same time. Their number was 66 people, the length of the board was 42 feet, the duration of the race was 12 seconds.

  • June 20 is recognized as International Surfing Day.
  • Donald Dettloff is a man who has been collecting surfboards for 15 years. There are 647 boards in his collection. He used them to make a fence for his property.