Vertical twine. How to sit on the twine: longitudinal and transverse. Rules for conducting exercises for longitudinal twine

  1. Depending on which leg is in front and which is behind. It often happens that one option, for example, with the right foot in front and the left behind, is easier than the other. In this case, it is recommended to strengthen the training on the leg on which the twine is given worse. It is important to train both types symmetrically.
  2. Depending on the place of execution, on the floor or in the air, in front of you and behind you, in a jump, or with a support (pylon, crossbar).

Longitudinal twine standing, on the back and on the pole (pole)

Longitudinal split in a jump

Warm up

Warm-up before the main set of exercises for longitudinal twine very important. It helps to avoid injuries, sprains.

Head rotation

  • starting position - standing.
  • tilt your head to the right-left, forward-backward;
  • turn alternately in both directions;
  • rotate eight times, the movement kneads the ligaments of the cervical region.

You can not throw your head back too much, make sudden movements. The neck is very fragile, easily injured.

Circular hand movements

This exercise develops deltoid muscles and shoulders:

  • starting position - standing.
  • rotate right hand back and forth, repeat with the left hand;
  • we perform ten times, at the same time with this movement it is recommended to walk or run in place.

Trainers advise when performing this exercise to tilt behind the arm in both directions. This strengthens the muscles between the ribs, the muscles on the sides of the press.

Leg rotation

Starting position - standing, arms at the chest, bent.

  • we lean on one leg, bend the other a little and raise it, perform rotations from the hip (at the beginning outward from the center, then to the center);
  • we return to the starting position;
  • repeat the movement with the other leg;
  • perform eight times on each leg.

The exercise helps to strengthen the hip flexors, increases the mobility of the hip joints. You can not perform movements quickly, the amplitude must be chosen comfortable for yourself.

Rotational movements of the foot:

  • starting position - standing;
  • raise the leg, bent at the knee, as high as possible;
  • twist the foot clockwise, then against;
  • repeat with the 2nd leg;
  • do the exercise eight times.

This complex develops the buttocks, ankle. If the circles are large, then the lower leg is also warmed up.

forward bends

  • starting position - feet shoulder width apart, hands on hips;
  • lean forward bending in the lower back;
  • spring up and down thirty times.

Warm up the back of the thigh, tendons under the knees, lower back, back muscles.

Another option for tilting from a standing position:

  • starting position - legs slightly wider than shoulders, arms apart parallel to the floor;
  • with a straight back, we lean forward and, twisting the body, reach out with the right hand to the toe of the left leg, return to the starting position and repeat the movement in the other direction;
  • weight on the toes, but the heels do not come off the floor.

Tilts down-back:

  • starting position - legs slightly wider than shoulders;
  • lean at an angle of 90 °;
  • then we bend down as low as possible, without bending our knees.

The movement helps to warm up the back of the thigh, the area under the knees, the rectus muscles of the back.

Starting position - sitting, feet together, knees apart. We carry out the movement, as in the picture. If the knees are too high from the floor, then we press on the cups with our hands, without sudden movements. If you feel muscle tension, you need to take a breath.

Stretching at the machine

A special machine will replace improvised interior items at home: a table, a high chair, a window sill.

  • we throw a leg on the selected object.
  • we lean towards it (do not bend the supporting limb, do not twist the body);
  • repeat the exercise twenty times, then change the leg;
  • we do the movement in three approaches.

The second exercise with the machine: we throw one leg on the machine, we begin to squat slowly. This movement can only be performed by people who have at least a slight stretch.

Sitting bends

  • starting position - sitting, legs straightened, apart;
  • stretch your arms in front of you, lean forward;
  • to facilitate the task, you can put your palms on the surface and “slide” forward. At the point of tension, we freeze for sixty seconds.

You can't make sudden movements. If pain occurs, you need to move back a little. Over time, the muscles will begin to stretch, and it will become easier to bend over.

Rules for conducting exercises for longitudinal twine

Before starting directly exercises for stretching the muscles, you need to warm them up well. It is impossible to stretch without preliminary preparation. To do this, you can perform cardio exercises for about half an hour.

Proceed directly to stretching should be when there is a feeling that the body is well warmed up. To do this, you need to perform the complex described above.

For classes to bring quick result they need to be done regularly. Doing exercises in the morning is hard enough, but this can be achieved best result. In the evening, training is easier, since muscles are developed during the day, so it is best to do two workouts, in the morning - the main one and in the evening - fixing. If you do not train for several days, this will immediately affect the condition of the muscles, and you will have to start all over again.

If the room is not hot, then you need to practice in closed clothes. Muscles rapidly lose heat at low temperatures.

It is very important to follow the sensations and signals of the body. Exercise shouldn't hurt. At first, we will allow discomfort, as the muscles stretch, that is, they change their structure. However, the degree of discomfort should not be high, if there is pain, you need to reduce the effort. Muscles should be pulled gradually, accustoming them to a new position.

A series of exercises should be carried out completely, first on one side, and then on the other. The body is symmetrical, and "one-sided" training will bring much less pronounced results.

Exercises for longitudinal twine

Pulling cold muscles should not be done, as this will result in sprains and other injuries.

In each position, you need to linger for at least 30-40 seconds, gradually increasing this time.

Faster and more pronounced results will bring the implementation of each movement several times (3-4).

  • We make a deep lunge forward and take an emphasis on outstretched arms, the chest is above the knee. The knee of the second leg is fully extended. The forward leg forms a right angle. We remain in this position for a while, then on a smooth exhalation we raise the body, straightened arms are directed upwards, we try to pull the pelvis down, making sure that the back does not sag. We observe the center of gravity, evenly distributing the weight on both limbs. This exercise is designed to stretch the muscles of the back and front of the thighs, as well as the hamstrings.

  • With one foot we step far forward, we make a deep lunge. The exercise is similar to the previous one, only we put our hands on one side of the front leg and focus on the forearms. At the same time, we make sure that the back remains flat, does not bend or round. The shoulders are straightened and lowered, the neck is extended, the gaze is directed in front of you. At correct execution tension will be felt in the groin area. We are in the position for sixty seconds, breathing measuredly and calmly. This exercise is aimed at stretching the muscles of the inner thigh and working out the joints of the pelvis.

  • Remaining in a deep lunge, we rest with straight arms on the floor, placing them on both sides of the front leg. Then we bend back leg resting your knee on the floor. The pelvis is extremely lowered down. You can shake it up and down several times, but after that you need to take a static position and stay in it for 30-40 seconds or a little longer.

  • The previous exercise is mainly aimed at stretching the front leg. If it is slightly supplemented, then you can increase the load on the back leg. You will need a chair or other object to lean on. We bend the back leg at the knee, resting the upper surface of the foot on the support. Then we raise the body, keeping the back straight, we stretch our head up, and with our palms we rest against the lower back, slightly pressing to increase the load on the front leg.

Option similar exercise depicted in the picture below:

A similar movement can be performed with dumbbells, as in the photo below:

  • Remaining in a lunge, place the back and thigh of the leg extended back in a straight line. Exhaling, straighten both legs, lifting the tailbone up. We rest our head with our forehead on the knee of the front leg, and our hands on the floor in front of it.

  • We kneel and straighten one leg forward, the toe looks up. We tilt the body to the leg extended forward, touching the knees with the chest, stretch the arms forward or lower them to the elbows on both sides of the leg.

  • We take the position of a dove (one leg is straight, stretched back, the front leg is bent, its heel is pressed by the thigh of the opposite leg). Emphasis on the hands. We wrap the foot of the leg located behind with the same hand and pull it to the buttock. We maintain this position for 30-40 seconds, then we take the foot with the opposite hand, while lowering the body, resting our head on the free hand. We stretch the muscles of the front surface of the thigh.

  • Lie on your back, bend your legs. We straighten one leg and pull it towards us. Bringing it to the maximum to the stop, we linger in this position. It is important not to bend the knee of the outstretched leg.

  • We rest our hands on the floor, while the legs are straight, the face looks at the knees. The body must form a right angle. This pose is called in yoga "downward-facing dog". From this position, raise your leg to the stop and stay in the limit position for 30-40 seconds.

  • The previous exercise can be done against the wall. The supporting leg is pressed against it with the heel, and the second - with the instep of the foot. We gradually move our hands closer to the legs, and try to press the pelvis against the wall.

  • As it appears desired stretch, you can enter an exercise as close as possible to the twine. For its implementation, you will need a low support, for example, a sofa or bed. It is necessary to put the lift of the foot on the sofa, and gradually pull the other leg forward, trying to reach the position of the legs necessary for the twine.

How soon will you be able to sit on the longitudinal twine?

It is impossible to say with complete certainty when it will be possible to master the twine. It all depends on innate flexibility. In any case, you need to give training 5-6 days a week. Warm-up and preparatory exercises take 60-90 minutes. On average, the movement can be completed in six months.

What is a crooked twine, what consequences is it fraught with?

Curved twine is not difficult to distinguish from longitudinal: the hips are not directed forward, but to the side. The exercise usually fails to perform correctly if the hips and buttocks are poorly prepared.

When the split is done correctly, the body becomes straight automatically due to the mobility hip joint. With crooked twine, the body is leveled due to deflection in lumbar. If there are problems in this area, then they will manifest themselves: pain will appear. Therefore, the movement must be performed only according to all the rules.

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For any dancer (not necessarily a dancer in ballroom dancing) good stretch very important. Stretching not only allows you to do fundamentally different elements, but also increases the speed of movement and stride length, since constrained muscles prevent you from moving freely, that is, as a result, without good stretching, there will be neither plasticity nor energy. Moreover, stretching is not only the ability to sit on the splits, but also the ability to raise the leg high enough (ideally, the ability to raise the straight leg to the head). In this article, we will consider how to quickly and simply sit on the splits and do the splits while standing (raise the straight leg to the head while standing), and the stretch will persist even in the absence of constant training. All exercises are tested on my own experience (in a week of exercises I managed to do more than in five years of extreme stretching).

In general, there are two main stretching methods:

1) Sharp extreme load

2) Gradual loading method

First method very simple: a person puts his legs as far as possible in different directions, two scumbags hold his hands, the third puts pressure on his shoulders (or sits on his shoulders). They will put him on the splits quickly, but it is quite possible to do two twines at once: the first in his life and the last. This is of course exaggerated, but in reality people are trying to sink as low as possible until wild pain stops them. There is probably no need to explain anything, this method is too traumatic, in addition, as soon as you stop stretching, the ligaments will stop stretching very quickly, since they are essentially injured by this method. In addition, after one day of such stretching, everything hurts and you can’t stretch for a long time, and by the time you can, stretching will already become normal. (so you can stretch for years and never sit on the splits, having a good stretch). This method is convenient if you urgently need to lower yourself a little lower on the twine (for example, for a performance), but it is not very suitable for constant training.

Second method requires a lot more time (for exercises), but gives real results and is used in most martial arts(although there are other exercises). Remember the anecdote, all the Chinese took part in hacking the Pentagon server, every second password was Mao Tse Tung, on the third billion the Pentagon server agreed that he had the password Mao Tse Tung. Just like your ligaments, if you give them a sharp load, they can stretch, or they can tear, and in any case they will try to return to their normal state. Another thing is if you give them constant, and not very large loads, for them stretched will become a normal state.

The point of the exercises is that the ligaments are essentially the same muscles and are trained in the same way. That is, you all know the rules for pumping muscles in the gym:

  1. You can’t give a very strong load on the muscles, the load should be 60% of the maximum (that is, lowering yourself to pain on the twine, this is the same as lifting the exorbitant weight of the barbell, the muscles will only get injured, not training)
  2. Can't lift too much big weight except for a speech
  3. Muscles may ache, but there should be no severe pain during or after exercise (same for ligaments)
  4. Nobody expects big progress after 5 - 10 minutes gym per day, you need to practice for a very long time from 30 minutes to 2 hours. (stretch 5 - 10 minutes a day is the same as 5 - 10 minutes in the gym)

Okay, more specifically, this exercise is best done at home:

  1. Do the usual light stretching and warming up exercises (if you have never stretched seriously).
  2. Find yourself any activity that does not require movement, such as watching TV, working on a laptop, reading, etc. You can place a stool or chair in front of you.
Begin to sit on the twine (longitudinal or transverse) to that minimum level, when it still does not cause any serious unbearable tension or pain. Your task is not to try to sit as low as possible, but to give tension to the muscles. In principle, you can sit much higher than the minimum level for you (up to a reasonable limit), the main thing is that it was comfortable to sit for such a long time. You can put the body on a chair, or lean on it with your hands (you can lean on the floor with your hands). And try to spend the maximum time in this position (if there is no pain). You can go up and down (if you feel that the stretch has become better), but try not to experience strong pain. If you can no longer stand like this, get up and try this exercise again after a while. It is not necessary to sit constantly (and it is unlikely to work out), you can take any number of breaks (for any time), the main thing is the total exercise time. Try to sit relaxed, do not strain your legs and go about your business (this distracts you from stretching and you do not strain) .
  • This exercise it is better to do it for a long time, from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours (although the maximum time is limited only by your well-being and free time) with breaks (but at the same time you are doing other things). Naturally, you don’t need to try to do it right away for a long time, most likely, in the first days it won’t work out for more than a few minutes, but at the same time you can’t do this exercise for show. The main thing is that there is no pain either before, or severe pain or inability to move your legs after the exercise.
  • In this exercise, first of all, not haste and constancy are important. You should feel your stretch, but at the same time do not try to force things by lowering yourself to pain (i.e., you can periodically lower yourself until pain appears, checking your stretch, but as soon as it appears, rise up). Every day is recommended, but not required.
  • If you have already stretched before sitting down, you can improve your stretching in a matter of weeks, its main disadvantage is that it takes quite a lot of time (although it can be combined with other activities). The main problem is the desire to force events, sinking to the point of pain, which causes the muscles to stop stretching.

    Vertical twine (standing twine).

    Oddly enough, most people think that in order to raise a straight leg high up to the head, standing on the other one needs to stretch the same muscles as with a longitudinal or transverse split. That is, the ability to raise the leg up to the head will come when training the longitudinal or cross twine(that is, this ability, something like a very, very cool twine). In fact, splits are not even needed for this (although a more or less good stretch is desirable). Try to raise your leg by bending it at the knee to your chest, and then do the same, straightening your leg completely. As they say in Odessa, these are two big differences, the fact is that there are ligaments all over the leg from the foot to the hip, and it is them that they are not stretched (well, we don’t raise our legs to the head in ordinary life) and interfere with us, but not those ligaments at all, that are between the legs and stretch with twine. How to stretch the ligaments of the leg? Of course, you can stand, but this is inconvenient (and you can easily lose balance), it's easier to do the following exercise:

    Lie on your back (you can on the bed), stretch your legs, and then lift one leg up until pain occurs (the second lies on the floor (bed) and is straightened, although this of great importance does not, the main thing is not to raise the leg by bending the lower back). You can lift your leg both up and to the side (lying on your side). It is desirable that the leg be as straight as possible (it is better to straighten the knee almost back as in the Cha-Cha-Cha dance, and pull the toe up, just be careful, as this can bring the leg down a lot, which is quite unpleasant), you can help hand. If there is a wall or furniture nearby, you can put your foot there (so that it stays there), freeing your hands. Again, hold the leg as long as possible, alternating legs. In this exercise, you can also go about your business (reading, watching TV, etc.) and all the principles are the same as in the previous exercise, the main thing is to create constant tension (trying to raise your leg as high as possible is not necessary, the main thing is to keep it as long as possible Keep). The main muscle tension is likely to be under the knees (except for the tension near the hips) they can be massaged with your hands (or rubbed with ointments).

    You can do the same exercise while sitting, by the way, note that despite the fact that the angle between the legs is not 180 degrees, but only 90 degrees, stretching while sitting is almost as difficult as standing or lying down and it is most likely impossible to raise the leg much closer to the head (if you keep the body straight ).

    By the way, in my opinion, these ligaments stretch a little easier than ligaments with twine, but keep in mind that lying down is easier to stretch than standing (and sitting a little easier than lying down), so when you try to lift your leg, you most likely will not be able to lift it as high to the head as lying down.

    P.S. I am not a stretcher (but just discovered these exercises for myself and stretched myself), and although these exercises are safe in my opinion, you should not try to do them with fanaticism if you have never stretched (better start with a few minutes a day , small load, watch your well-being, it is better to spend more time, but it is safe). Of course, you can combine these exercises with any others for stretching (it is also desirable to do them for as long as possible, and not as hard as possible). main feature of these exercises is that you can combine them with other more enjoyable activities.

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    According to statistics, the longitudinal twine is easier than the transverse one. Why? It's simple - it does not depend on the eversion of the hip joints. In the longitudinal, it is much more important that the hamstrings and tendons, the front and back of the thigh, and the lower back are well stretched.

    Based on this, we bring to your attention 5 simple exercises, performing which for a certain period (each has its own), you will achieve the perfect longitudinal twine!

    And tell us about these exercisesour favorite sports expert - Anna Gordienko.

    Anna - Main coach and founder of the Stretching Press Club - sports studio stretching, yoga and complex training for women.

    This set of exercises will help you stretch all of the above muscle groups and prepare your body for splits. The exercises are designed for average level training, because they are suitable for both a beginner and a person with an average stretch.

    Exercise number 1 - seated fold

    Sit comfortably on your buttocks, bringing your legs forward. Inner part we connect the hips and heels together, the feet are shortened towards themselves, the knees are even. We make an inclination of the body with a flat back, lower our shoulders, the neck is long, we try to grab onto the socks and cuddle up to the legs. Hold the position for up to 2 minutes. With the help of the fold, we stretch the hamstrings and tendons well, as well as the lower back.

    Exercise number 2 - lunge forward with the capture of the rear foot

    Take a step forward and lower your back knee to the floor. Under the knee of the front leg, the angle is 90 degrees, the pelvis is lowered as much as possible. We raise the foot of the hind leg and grab the foot with the opposite hand, press the heel to the pelvis and transfer the body weight to posterior thigh. Hold the position for 1 minute on each leg. This exercise helps us stretch upper part the thigh, which in most people is very tight and does not allow you to press the back leg to the floor during splits.

    Exercise number 3 - leg towards you

    lying on your back, bend the supporting leg at 90 degrees, and take the second by the heel / ankle and align it with you. Gradually align the supporting leg and press it to the floor. Hold the position for 1 minute on both legs. It is important to keep the straight knee of the leg that we pull towards us. In this position, you will stretch the back of the thigh well.

    Exercise number 4 - twine standing

    Standing near the wall, we press one leg with the heel against the wall, and raise the other along the wall, pressing the instep of the foot against the wall. We tilt the body down, with our palms we come closer to the supporting leg, and try to press the pelvis against the wall as much as possible. We stand in this position for 1 minute on both legs. With this exercise, we will stretch the upper thigh and hamstrings/tendons.

    Exercise number 5 - sagging twine

    Go to a low surface (chair, bed, nightstand...) and place the instep of your back foot on the surface. We try to gradually align the front leg and disperse into a longitudinal twine. We sag in this position for 1 minute on both legs. Who is already close to the twine - this exercise will allow you to quickly stretch and sit in it.

    Well, of course, we perform the twine itself: we put one foot on the knee, with the foot on the rise, align the second leg and part in the twine. It is important to shift the weight of the body to the back thigh and align the back as much as possible. We sit for 1 minute on both longitudinal twine. And we do the second approach!

    How often do you see or hear from someone the phrase "Now, if I had a twine, I would ..."? I am very often. Probably, the specifics of the social circle affects, but that's not the point. This phrase is usually pronounced with a dreamy sigh and a roll of the eyes to the sky, where, apparently, bright pictures of a bright future are rushing through the clouds, if this "if" happened. In such cases, I ask again with a smile: "What kind of twine do you want to sit on?" And the answer to me is widened eyes in surprise, they say, what's the difference. Boys and girls, there are so many of these twines! And each of them requires its own stretching exercises.

    What is twine? Leg-split- this is often the cherished dream of novice athletes and dancers and many "mere mortals". Hand on heart, answer me, who would not want to easily take a kind of Jean-Claude-Van Damme pose or, like Jackie Chan, get his foot to the ear of an indefatigable opponent? Someone just wants to jump over a puddle beautifully, so that casual spectators (and among them - the same handsome prince on a white Porsche) gasped with admiration. But even the three situations mentioned above require three different types of twine.

    To understand the types of twine and easily identify its representatives, I propose to imagine this stretching exercise as a dessert consisting of several components: ice cream, fruit, whipped cream, syrup ... well, a cherry that crowns this magnificence. Ice cream can be chocolate, vanilla, creme brulee... Fruit can be a juicy apple, a fragrant peach or an exotic pineapple. Syrups are also different ... Where am I leading? When you combine different types of these ingredients, you get a lot of desserts of different tastes. So it is with twines: several classification criteria in various combinations give different types twine.

    The twine itself is just one of the stretching exercises. And all its types combine several provisions:

    • legs are spread in opposite directions from each other and form one line;
    • the inner surfaces of the thighs form an angle of at least 180;
    • the conditional line connecting your right and left hip joints is strictly perpendicular to the twine line in its plane (longitudinal twine) or parallel to it (transverse twine);
    • the pelvis itself is turned forward.
    Now the twine criteria themselves.


    Splits can be distinguished in relation to each other by the lines formed by the legs and hips. On this basis, it happens: Cross twine This is the position of the body in which the legs are spread apart, subject to all the rules outlined above. Frogs, by the way, make it easy! Those who sigh on the transverse twine will be interested in the fact that many doctors and trainers claim that this type of twine is not available to everyone. About 13% of humanity, due to the peculiar structure of the hip joint, will never be able to boast of performing this stretching exercise (here are the gifts of evolution for you - in this respect it is more profitable to be a frog!). There is another injustice: transverse twine is much easier for men. This is because the adductor muscles female thigh much better developed than male. It would seem "Hurrah, we girls are strong!", but in this situation there is no place for enthusiasm: the super strength of the muscles of the front of the thigh and does not allow the muscles of the back of the thigh of the weak half of humanity to spread their legs to the sides with the same ease with which it is given to the strong half. Men of this news will rejoice in every sense. We can only hope for compensatory bonuses in the form of roses, chocolate... and longitudinal twine.

    Longitudinal twine This is the position of the body in which the legs are spread back and forth, subject to all the rules outlined above. Nature does not allow you to sit on the transverse twine? And it is not necessary! Give longitudinal! The availability of this stretching exercise for women seems to be opposed to the transverse twine in men. Now the stronger sex will suffer when reaching the cherished goal - it will be disturbed by the naturally powerful and unwilling to relax back surface of the thigh. In fairness, it should be mentioned that, in principle, it is easier to sit on a longitudinal twine than on a transverse one. But ... we also recall that there are two longitudinal twines: left-handed and right-handed. They are distinguished by the leg that is in front.


    Before moving on to the next classification criterion, let's imagine for a second that you have already sat down, for example, in a longitudinal right-sided split. The legs are stretched out to the line, the hips lie on the floor, the heels are already torn off the floor, so we straightened our knees ... mmm ... beauty! And then, through the euphoria of victory, the thought seeps into my head: "What's next? I'm already sitting in the twine!" You should not worry, because there is no limit to perfection. The classification criterion under consideration is the angle of the twine.

    As long as the angle formed by the inner surfaces of your thighs is 180 degrees, only CLASSIC TWINE.

    Do you have healthy well-developed joints, elastic ligaments and well-stretched muscles? Then you may have access to SAG (MINUS) TWINE or oversplit is a transverse or longitudinal split, in which the angle between the legs is more than 180 degrees. To perform this stretching exercise, you will need one or two additional supports, between which you will soon sag, violating all ideas about your own physiology and capabilities. Looks amazingly beautiful and impressive. A chair, a stool, mats, a choreographic machine, ... two cars or two wings of two planes will do =)). And don't forget very healthy knees. Thus, we figured out what kind of twine are in their corner.


    We are, thank the Gods, not drawn cartoon characters, and we live in three-dimensional space. Someone will say that there are four or more, but I hope they won’t argue with the fact that there are more than two. What does this give us? The ability to place our twine in space. Provided that physical strength enough for that. If we lay transverse or longitudinal twine along the horizon line, then we get, respectively, HORIZONTAL TWINE.

    But if you decide to diversify your stretching life and raise your extended working leg to your head with the supporting leg standing on the floor, then something happened in your life. VERTICAL TWINE. To perform this exercise, you must not only have an excellent stretch and easily perform both longitudinal and transverse splits on the floor, but also enough strong muscles legs and back.

    You can see in gymnastics or dancing (for example, breakdance) another option for a spatial demonstration of stretching - the athlete stands in a handstand and demonstrates TWINE PERFORMED ON HANDS. It captures the spirit with admiration when an athlete, without leaving this stance, performs alternately transverse and longitudinal splits, while their legs resemble the blades of a helicopter with their movement. To perform this exercise, you must have ... everything. And even a little bigger than everything =).

    And fans of flight and ballet can also remember about TWINE IN THE AIR, which is so, between times, performed by gymnasts and ballerinas.


    P.S. As for the cherry that will crown all this beauty, I associate it with the gigantic pleasure received at the moment when the dream to sit on the twine (any, what can I say) comes true. You walk past for years, you dream, you sigh when you look at those who accidentally fell into in social networks pictures of those who are already SMOG when you haven't even started yet. Then, at some point, you make up your mind - and the path to fulfilling your dream begins under the skeptical views, and sometimes ridicule of others. This path is not always easy. But not a single coach will object to me: at the moment when the calves touch the floor for the first time during the splits, the student’s eyes are filled with such immense happiness, such an all-encompassing joy and pure light that all the euphoria of the world pales in comparison with them. The endorphins released into the blood at this moment are enough for a small European country so that that grief does not know. Just imagine: moral and physical victory over yourself, fulfillment of a long-awaited dream, pleasure from physical activity- such a cocktail "I could / could !!!" will be stronger than any any stress, any doubt. Dare - there are no limits to perfection, but there is no impossible either!


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    600 rub.
    200 rub.

    1 200 rub.
    300 rub.

    Effective Exercises for beginners

    Sh pagat is not just a spectacular pose. For those who master it, twine will bring many benefits: from beautiful shape legs and abs to improve the genitourinary system, spine and intestines. In addition, lightweight twine is a good preparatory exercise for pregnant women and even for those who are just planning a pregnancy.

    There are several types of twine:

    • Transverse
    • Longitudinal
    • Sagging
    • Vertical
    • Twine on hand

    Longitudinal twine is the easiest kind of pose. It uses the same muscles that work when walking, so you can sit in the longitudinal twine the fastest even at home.

    For this, there are several difficult exercises:

    1. The first of these is the so-called runner's pose. Before starting the workout, stand straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, inhale and exhale several times, straighten and relax your shoulders.

    Lunge with one foot forward and place it bent at the knee on a full foot so that from the knee to the foot the leg is perpendicular to the floor. Place your palms on the floor on both sides of the foot, keep your head straight and look ahead. Holding this position for about a minute, spring, pushing off with your palms and straining the muscles of the perineum.

    2. The next pose is a logical continuation of the one described above. Straighten your body, arch your back, and raise your arms. Stretch as high as you can with your palms together and your shoulders back.

    This exercise not only strengthens the muscles of the perineum and stretches the legs, but also very good for the spine. Breathe evenly and look ahead without tensing your facial muscles.

    3. The following exercise effectively stretches and trains the muscles of the “front” leg. Don't forget that everything poses must be performed evenly: both for the right and for the left half of the body.

    So, lower the leg left behind to the knee, the other leg should remain perpendicular. Place your palms or fists on your lower back and bend back as far as you can, with your head thrown back or keeping it straight.

    4. Take the original position: one leg is bent at the knee and thrown forward, the second stretches back. Place your palms on either side of your “front” leg with your toes facing each other, with your elbows apart. Reach out chest to the floor, keeping it parallel to the floor surface.

    5. Continuation of the previous exercise. From the same position, try to touch your chest and chin to the floor.

    6. Take the basic pose again. Bring the knee of the “back” leg as close to the floor as possible, thereby pulling the muscles and warming them up before moving on to twine. The final pose is a longitudinal twine or its maximum possible option for you.

    With each workout, you will get closer and closer to the perfect version of the desired pose. At the same time, your muscles and joints will be gently warmed up and exercised, putting your body in order.

    Cross twine

    Cross twine is much more difficult to perform. At the same time he extremely helpful. The transverse twine develops the muscles and joints of the pelvis, healing the genitourinary system, stretching the muscles and improving the shape of the legs, bringing the lower back and spine into a healthy and correct position.

    There are several not very difficult exercises that prepare the legs for the transverse split pose. Even if the pose itself is not given to you right away, all these exercises will benefit and serve the beauty of your body.

    A set of preparatory exercises:

    1. The simplest exercise is the deflection in the lower back. Spread your legs wider than shoulder-width apart, and rest your hands on your lower back. Bend back as far as possible, try to see your heels.

    If you don't mind pumping up the abdominal muscles, try taking your hands off your waist and put them on your stomach. But be careful - do not rush with heavy loads if the body is not yet prepared for them.

    2. Stand a little straight, take a couple of calm and deep breaths. Lean forward keeping your back parallel to the floor.

    Stretch your arms forward, you can clasp your palms in the castle. Raise your head, look ahead. The legs should be spread wide, so that the necessary muscles are tensed and warmed up.

    3. Now try a deep tilt with your palms. The legs are placed so that the shoulders and elbows fit between them. Bend down, resting your palms on the floor. The pelvis, as it were, stretches up, and the shoulders down. The back should be relaxed, the neck and collar zone too. Try not to bend your knees.

    In this position, you can sway gradually achieving the desired effect. Do not rush to get into position with a swoop, stretch slowly and thoughtfully.

    4. When the muscles are ready, you can perform the previous exercise with support no longer on the palms, but on the forearms. This is another step towards the transverse twine.

    5. One of the really hard ones strength exercises This is a squat with legs wide apart. It is necessary to perform about eight approaches, and over time, more.

    Stand in the starting position, stretch your arms up. Socks must be turned outward, so still more effective stretching legs. Slowly do a deep squat, keeping your back relaxed and straight. The knees are widely separated, the hips are maximally deployed.

    6. The next pose may not be available immediately. This is the same squat as in the above exercise.

    Sit down and stay in this pose maximum possible amount of time(at least 30 seconds). The knees and hips are as wide apart as possible, the back and loin are straight, the gaze is directed forward.

    7. The next exercise is known to everyone from school. These are side lunges. Spread your legs wider and perform lunges alternately - either on the left or on the right leg. Bend the knee of one leg, and stretch the other from the very tips of the fingers.

    If this exercise is just a light warm-up for you, try grabbing your ankles, and using them as a lever, lean deeper and closer to the floor. The minimum number of repetitions is about eight.

    8. Now try to spread your legs as wide as possible and close to the position of the twine itself. Lean forward and keep your back parallel to the floor while leaning on the elbows. As you inhale, tighten your leg muscles as much as possible, and relax as you exhale.

    This - last steps to twine. In the same position, with support on the palms, you can do push-ups. They will help not only strengthen the legs, but also the back, and the abs, and arms.

    9. Without lifting the body, try to lower the perineum and stomach to the floor. If this is already possible, then the matter remains small. Try to straighten your pelvis even more, put your feet on your heels, toes up, and straighten your back.

    Remember that everything preparatory exercises as useful as the twine itself. They improve blood circulation in the spine, normalize the intestines and the functioning of the genitourinary organs, not to mention how positively such training affects the appearance and general well-being.

    Such types of twine as sagging (when the angle between the legs is more than 180 degrees) or in the handstand are the aerobatics of gymnastics. They are possible only after mastering the main varieties of posture - longitudinal and transverse twine.

    In conclusion, we suggest watching a video lesson on ballet stretching. With the help of this set of exercises, you can properly stretch your muscles and sit on the twine even faster.