Vadim Streltsov weightlifting biography. "Silver at the Games apparently doesn't mean anything." Rio medalist Vadim Streltsov talks about bureaucratic indifference. Pancakes are worth their weight in gold

The twists and turns of fate of Olympic silver medalist Vadim Streltsov in a short summary of Nasha Niva.

Belarusian Vadim Streltsov took second place in weightlifting in the weight category up to 94 kilograms. Only Mahrab Maradi was stronger than him.

Originally from Kostyukovichi district

Vadim Streltsov is 30 years old. In his professional career there were different things - bright ups and steep downs. But for various reasons, Streltsov went to this Olympics as the undisputed favorite. They didn't just expect medals from him, but awards of the highest standard.

Even in official biographies Everywhere it is written that Vadim Streltsov is from Mogilev. He really lives in this regional city. However, the athlete comes from the village of Gavrilinka, Kostyukovichi district. When the guy was 13 years old, the physical education teacher took him to the Kostyukovichi coaches, and they redirected the boy to Mogilev.

Before weightlifting, Vadim was a runner, his signature distance being 1000 meters. “I won’t say that I was strong at that time, but I definitely wasn’t weak,” said Streltsov.

Failure at the Beijing Olympics

Streltsov won gold for the first time at world competitions exactly ten years ago - in 2006 at the junior championship in Guangzhou, China. Then there was bronze at senior competitions in Chiang Mai. At the 2008 Olympics, a medal was expected from Streltsov. But he went to the Games completely ill, he was tormented by injuries, but he could not not go, as he would have received penalties. As a result, he couldn't even lift the barbell. Failure.

After this, Streltsov’s career went downhill. At world championships he placed below tenth. There was nothing good on the horizon. But the Mogilev resident pulled himself together and restarted his career. Last year in Houston he became the world champion for the first time, lifting a very impressive 405 kilograms. Streltsov came out to the medal presentation wearing a cowboy hat. This is Texas after all.

Note that the athlete has never been found doping - a rarity for weightlifters.

They insisted that he end his career

After the “steering wheel” at the Beijing Olympics, Vadim Streltsov began to think about quitting sports altogether. Even my own father advised this. And the non-coaches were not particularly delicate. For example, the national team coach Alexander Goncharov suggested: “Just think about it, maybe stop already.” Streltsov says that Goncharov insisted that other coaches not take the athlete anywhere. However, there was Shershukov, who considered that it was too early to give up on Streltsov. I invested my money in it, and it paid off.

However, Goncharov says that he tinkered with Streltsov more than anyone. “He has a complex character. After he was given a presidential scholarship, no matter how much he played around, it was a difficult time,” said coach Goncharov.

Knows how to do everything with his own hands

In Vadim Streltsov’s home village of Gavrilintsy, his grandmother Svetlana, his father’s mother, still lives. She is one of her grandson’s most devoted fans, watches the competitions, and is the first to congratulate him.

“His parents divorced when Vadim was studying in Mogilev,” says Svetlana. “No matter who criticized him, he said that he would achieve success, and he achieved it!”

The grandmother says that her grandson always worked for pleasure: digging up potatoes and mowing the yard. “We are people from the plow, you understand,” she says.

Doesn't show off your private life

Vadim Streltsov graduated from the faculty physical education Mogilev State University named after Kuleshov. In April he was named one of Mogilev's people of the year.

Vadim Streltsov is married and has a daughter. But my privacy the weightlifter does not show off.

Vadim Nikolaevich Streltsov(Belarusian Vadzim Stratsov; born April 30, 1986, Mogilev) - Belarusian weightlifter, competing in the weight category up to 94 kg, world champion 2015, Olympic silver medalist (2016), Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus (2016).

Sports career

December 2015 of the year. Performance at the World Championships in Houston was a triumph for Vadim Streltsov - Golden medal. Vadim was 14 kg ahead of the Pole, the silver medalist, in the double-event total. The Stetson cowboy hat on the podium suited him.

August 14 2016 of the year. At the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Streltsov had only two attempts to lift weight out of six that were successful. In the first approach he pulled out 175 kg. However, the next two approaches (179 and 180 kg) are unsuccessful. Both times there was one mistake - the bar was behind and there was no question of fixing it above the head. (This is where the athlete himself is to blame, not the 230 kg clean and jerk.) The first 220 kg clean and jerk is successful. Two attempts to lift 230 kg in the clean and jerk failed, although both times I was very close to the goal. This was enough for a silver medal.

Sohrab Moradi, an athlete from Iran, won, beating Vadim in both the snatch (182 kg) and the clean and jerk (221 kg).

Lithuanian Aurimas Didzbalis won bronze (392 kg = 177 + 215). (Weightlifters from Russia were not present at this Olympics for doping reasons.)

silver medal- is this a failure? This is, although incomplete, a success. To understand this clearly, you need to calculate everything possible options the true failures that Vadim avoided in Rio.

Didzbalis I was only 3 kg behind Streltsov. He could have gotten ahead of Vadim if he had gone to 220 or 221 kg in the last clean and jerk instead of 223 kg. The Lithuanian already lifted 221 kg in Tbilisi 2015 and became the European champion. His failures were zero in the clean and jerk in Houston and in the snatch in Rio, where he almost grabbed the steering wheel at 177 kg. They forced the Lithuanian to start the clean and jerk in Rio extremely carefully - 210 and 215 kg. Aurimas has already begun to think about securing bronze for himself. All this helped the Belarusian not to lose silver because of thoughts about Gold.

Vadim could get steering wheel in snatch 175 kg. Since starting a competition with the weight you finished competing in Houston 2015 is very dangerous. Better - with a weight of at least 2-3 kg less. We must not forget the zero ratings of the strongest athletes of the USSR in Munich in 1972 (Kanygin, Shariy, Pavlov, Riegert).

Streltsov could, for example, be sued judges... This is reality! In a couple of days, the judges will not count two attempts by Iranian heavyweight Olympic champion 2012 in London Behdad Salimi at 245 kg. And both times the weight was actually lifted - even the spectators in the hall saw this. By the way, the judges defended the weight, and then a certain commissioner overturned their decision... I didn’t have enough strength for the third approach - only two minutes of rest. Not to mention the explosion of negative emotions in the athlete. And the new world record holder in the snatch (216 kg, August 16, 2016), a real contender for Gold, will get the steering wheel in the clean and jerk. To avoid emotional excesses of the athlete, right on the platform, in full view of the audience, the coaches will take Salimi backstage in a crowd. This is a complete collapse of all Iranian hopes! Years of titanic labor in vain... How can he look his family and friends in the eyes upon returning home? It's time to shoot yourself...

So, Silver is success.

Could a Belarusian win Gold?

Yes, he could... Physically, Vadim Streltsov was perfectly prepared for Rio. There are no complaints about the push - it is excellent. To win in Rio, after Houston it was necessary not to become complacent, but to pay a lot of attention to technique jerk. Gaining 7 or 8 kg from a powerful Iranian after the snatch in Rio is practically an illusion. (Although Streltsov believed that the situation after the snatch would be repeated in Rio - as in Houston. I’ll win back in the clean and jerk! I didn’t win back... By the way, the coach could even have foreseen this in advance.)

You have to love lifting the barbell if you want to confidently win and become first in the world! This is a mistake in the training of the athlete and, first of all, his coach. The coach had to constantly warn Vadim about possible and unexpected dangerous opponents. (Little was known about the Iranian Moradi before Rio and he was not in Houston 2015. He did not compete in the 94 kg weight class. But coaching intelligence could report on the Iranian.)

For the family of Olympic silver medalist in Rio de Janeiro, weightlifter Vadim Streltsov, now is the happiest time. Wife Irina and one-and-a-half-year-old daughter Kristinka try to spend every free minute with dad and husband and are incredibly proud of him. The winner, like a man, is stingy with emotions, but cannot hide the warmth in his eyes: “Family is very important to me.” Vadim talked about his career, bureaucratic indifference and how he managed to get seriously ill after the Olympics.

Belarusian weightlifter Vadim Streltsov won a silver medal at Olympic Games ah in Rio de Janeiro. Streltsov became second in the weight category up to 94 kilograms. In the snatch, the Belarusian showed a result of 175 kilograms, failing in the second and third attempts. In the clean and jerk current champion world championship, he immediately took 220, after which, for the sake of the gold medal, he took a risk and declared a weight of 230. Alas, he had to repeat his best result Streltsov couldn’t. And based on the sum of the two movements, his result was 395 kg.

The one-room service apartment of the Streltsovs in the center of Mogilev is cozy and hospitable. From the threshold you can see: an athlete lives here. There are diplomas and medals on the walls, and cups occupy free space on the shelves.

“That's not all. We hid so many of them away from the child - they barely fit in the box!” - says Vadim’s wife Irina and invites him into the kitchen. It's lunch time for Christina. Sitting on a highchair, the baby eats mashed potatoes with appetite and laughingly throws multi-colored plastic straws for cocktails and sweets in rustling wrappers at her dad.

Over a cup of coffee, Vadim tells how he got sick after the Olympics and turned on the air conditioning in the car when he went to Minsk:

“I’ve never been so seriously ill in my life.” For several days the temperature was 38.7. I don’t know whether the stress at the Olympics affected the immune system, but the national team doctor said that there was no need to turn on the air conditioning after all. Mostly treated folk remedies- tea and milk with honey. I also took ibuprofen.

According to the weightlifter, even in such a simple situation as a cold, athletes can only take certain medications. Which ones are prescribed by the team doctor, since even the simplest drugs can affect the doping test.

About doping

This topic is difficult for athletes, says Vadim. He does not hide his position on this issue.

— When we pass a doping test, we have the right to open the sample for 10 years. I heard that they open samples of even those athletes who are no longer alive, they say that they are positive, and they want to posthumously deprive them of their medals. In my opinion, this is wrong. Firstly, the samples are opened without the presence of the athletes,” Vadim takes a significant pause. - Secondly, this is not very fair. This is what you need to do: they took a sample before the competition, checked it, if everything was clean, they let you perform. If the athlete wins, they are awarded a medal, and that’s it. And given the current situation, many questions arise.

The weightlifter emphasizes: for an athlete, all medals, of any denomination, received at any competition, are important, since all of them are not easy to come by.

About the road to big sport and “writing off”

TO Olympic medal Vadim turned 30. The path was not easy; it began, as for him, with school competitions.

Streltsov grew up in the village of Gavrilinka, Kostyukovichi district. Until the 8th grade he studied at a local school, participated in school competitions By athletics. At some point, the director of the Gavrilinskaya school, Grigory Gorky, learned that weightlifting coaches would come to Kostyukovichi to select students for the school Olympic reserve.

— We passed the standards - standing jumps, pull-ups. There was also a 40 kg barbell lift and squats. It was the first time I saw a barbell, but they explained the technique to us - me and another applicant, my friend. Lobachev for me (Anatoly Leonidovich, first and former coach Streltsova. — Approx. TUT.BY) then he said: “If you squat with 85 kg, we’ll take it right away.” Goncharov was with him (Alexander Vasilyevich, also Streltsov’s first and former coach. - Note TUT.BY), Vadim recalls. — On July 7, 1999, I arrived in Mogilev and underwent a medical examination. They taught me a little technique, and on September 1st I came to study.

Get used to the routine hard training it was difficult, says the Olympic medalist. I wanted to go home to my parents. Fellow countrymen who also studied here supported me - they showed me where the physical dispensary was, where the post office was, where I could call home.

Vadim attended the Olympic Reserve School until 2008. He says that he, a weightlifter who regularly won medals at competitions at various levels, was deliberately left in the 2nd year several times so as “not to lose an athlete with medals.” Then he said: that’s enough, I need to go to university. In 2008, Vadim entered the correspondence course at Moscow State University. Kuleshov to the Faculty of Physical Education.

— I started thinking about the Olympics when I won the World Junior Championships. The closest Olympic Games were in Beijing in 2008. But then there was an injury, I couldn’t perform,” Vadim speaks calmly, but it is noticeable that he is nervous, he is still worried that he missed the moment. “I started getting ready for London, but I pulled my groin. Then, in 2012, Goncharov abandoned me and wrote me off. I told him that I wanted to train, that I had the strength, I just haven’t had any luck with the Olympics yet. But they gave up on me.

However, Vadim did not give up. He regularly came to the gym, created a training program himself, and worked on himself. Then Viktor Shershukov took him under his wing - now he Main coach Belarusian weightlifting team . Streltsov does not hide: the following awards appeared largely due to the fact that Shershukov believed in him. In November 2015, Streltsov became the world weightlifting champion at a competition in Houston. And at the Olympics in Rio he brought silver to the Belarusian national team.

But Vadim still remembers how he first climbed onto the platform at the school, how they were taught to prepare themselves psychologically for a performance. He says self-control is no less important than mastery of technology.

About family

The weightlifter met his wife Irina back in 2006.

“We met on my birthday, August 1, 10 years ago,” says the young mother and smiles. - We just ended up in the same company. We met and ran away. And after 6 years they met again. We got married in 2013 so as not to lose each other again.

The wedding took place on November 23, 2013. We specially planned it to fit into the sports schedule. “Vadim just rests at home from November to January,” explains Irina. “So after the wedding we spent a month together, and then we started training again.”

The woman says she sees her husband only on weekends. Before pregnancy, she also went to his training camp in Stayki, where the young family spent every free minute together. And now Ira and her daughter are waiting for their champion at home.

“Now, after the competition, dad is at home - and we are having the happiest time,” she smiles. - Any professional sportsman I’m deprived of a family, because if you want results, you need to work. I knew who I was marrying, I knew that he would constantly study. I respect his work, so I take his absence calmly. Yes, you have to adapt, but it’s not difficult if you love a person.

Little Christina does not yet fully understand what success her father has achieved. But if he sees a man with a beard and a barbell on the TV screen, he points his finger and shouts: “Dad!”

During the Olympics in Rio, the baby was sleeping. Irina and her parents watched every second of the performance. We watched to the end, then called Vadim, and eventually went to bed at dawn. And at seven in the morning Christina had already woken everyone up.

About housing and the indifference of officials

The family lives in a one-room apartment in the so-called “Chinese wall” in the center of Mogilev. Service housing, rental housing - Vadim received an apartment in 2009 by presidential decree for high achievements In sports.

The athlete says that, according to neighbors, an old woman lived here before him and turned the “one-room apartment” into a dump. After her death, 5 truckloads of garbage were removed from the apartment, and the weightlifter received bare walls with an ingrained unpleasant odor. Over the course of 7 years, Vadim made the renovation himself and turned the apartment into a “candy.”

The Streltsovs want to privatize their housing, they have conducted an assessment, but so far they cannot get a clear answer.

- We are not asking for free, we are ready to privatize the apartment and asked the authorities about it. I think the world champion can count on exclusion,” says Irina. Why is the exception - housing received after 2007 - cannot be privatized by law?

Vadim is also clearly irritated by the topic of housing. Usually calm and silent, he emotionally says:

“We submitted all the documents so that the officials would hand them over to the president, because he will decide what to do with the housing, not the local authorities. So the Mogilev authorities have been sending documents since November last year. The Olympics have already passed.

They are in their repertoire - no one needs anything and no one needs anything. No help. I won the World Championship - I was preparing for the Olympics, I asked for help: after all, pharmacology is needed, at least vitamins. I can’t spend the entire presidential scholarship just on preparing for the Olympics, because I have a family, a child. The diapers alone cost so much!

Vadim says that before the World Cup, the department of sports and tourism of the regional executive committee paid him 3 million rubles (non-denominated). When Streltsov became champion, he asked for a scholarship to prepare for Rio. “So they took those 3 million and said that a presidential scholarship is enough for you,” Vadim shakes his head.

After the Olympics, Streltsov, by invitation, went to the opening of a weightlifting hall in Vitebsk, where “the governor of the Vitebsk region humanely congratulated him and gave him a bonus.” In Mogilev, Vadim was not congratulated.

— I just received flowers at the airport when I arrived from Rio. I didn’t even receive a diploma—a framed piece of paper—from the local authorities. Power me Vitebsk region I was congratulated, since my coach is from Novopolotsk: he agreed at one time that I would represent both regions at competitions. But for Mogilev, silver at the Olympic Games apparently means nothing. On September 1, at least they called me to the line at the Olympic Reserve School and congratulated me. Thank you, at least they didn’t forget that I’m from here,” says the silver medalist.

The Streltsovs are even thinking about moving to Vitebsk, where, in their opinion, the athletes are not indifferently treated.

In the meantime, Vadim is determined to win a medal at the Tokyo Olympics. Will train.

The World Championship continues in Houston. Last night, Moscow time, Belarusian Vadim Streltsov became the winner in the weight category up to 94 kg, and Russian Artem Okulov became the winner in the weight category up to 85 kg.

Houston (USA), 2015 World Weightlifting Championships, November 26, men, weight category up to 85 kg

1. Artem OKULOV (Russia) - 391 kg (176 kg in the snatch + 215 kg in the clean and jerk). 2. Kyanush Rostami (Iran) - 387 (173 + 214). 3. Apti AUKHADOV (Russia) - 380 (168 + 212).

Houston (USA), 2015 World Weightlifting Championships, November 26, men, weight category up to 85 kg, commentary by Artem OKULOV

“I’m very glad that what I’ve been working towards for a long time has happened,” the All Sport agency quotes Okulov. - I won’t hide it, I was ready to fight for first place and flew to America with main goal- win. Two third places at previous world championships gave me the necessary medal foundation to move to the top .

- Was there any plan of action during the competition?

Of course, we acted as one well-coordinated team, together with my coach Rim Akhmetovich Sirazetdinov and the coaching staff of the Russian national team, led by Alexander Ivanovich Venkov. Naturally, a lot was planned in advance. But during the competition, amendments were made that affected the final result. The main task was - regardless of the amount of weight on the barbell, complete all six effective approaches.

That is, you deliberately pushed the main favorite of the competition, Iranian Kianoush Rostami, to a weight exceeding the world record.

Not on purpose. According to my result, the Iranian had no choice but to go for a world record to win.

In the third and final set of the clean and jerk, you stood with the barbell for so long and beautifully, and then confidently pushed it. Did it happen unknowingly or was it homemade?

You could say it's a preparation. This pause gave me the opportunity to rest, gain energy and strength, and successfully complete the approach.

Houston (USA), 2015 World Weightlifting Championships, November 26, men, weight category up to 94 kg

1. Vadim Streltsov (Belarus) - 405 kg (175 kg in the snatch + 230 kg in the clean and jerk). 2. Almaz Uteshov (Kazakhstan) - 402 (172 + 230). 3. Zhassulan Kydyrbaev (Kazakhstan) - 399 (178 + 221)... 7. Alexey KOSOV (Russia) - 381 (181 + 200).

Project partner

Vadim Streltsov took part for the first time in summer games only at the age of 30, although as a junior he was on the same level as Olympic champion Andrey Aramnov.

the site explains why the Belarusian weightlifter added to his collection of awards so late.

Photo: Reuters via TUT.BY

How Streltsov was found for weightlifting

For an answer to this question, we decided to turn to Alexander Goncharov, who led the country’s weightlifting team from 2001 to 2013.

Goncharov remembers how in 1999 Vadim Streltsov was accepted into the Mogilev State School of Olympic Reserve. Few people know, but a 13-year-old boy had difficulty coping with qualifying stage on admission.

“We were faced with a dilemma,” says Alexander Vasilyevich, who then and now works in alliance with colleagues Anatoly Lobachev and Valentin Korotkin. — The fact is that Vadim was diagnosed with poor mobility in the shoulder girdle, despite the fact that his legs and back were well developed. This is not so much a bug as it is a feature anatomical structure bodies. We decided to take it anyway, although, of course, we didn’t know what it would lead to. You could say that they gave him an advance.

Surprisingly, success came to Vadim quite quickly. In 2002 and 2003, he became vice-champion at the European Youth Championship. In 2005, he came second at the World and European Championships, and a year later he rose to the highest step of the podium at these competitions. In 2006, Streltsov was sent to the adult world championship for the first time, where he finished fifth, although he was vying for a medal.

“Judges often get it from athletes, but this was a case when criticism against them was justified,” says Goncharov. — Vadim should have won silver at the World Championships at the age of 20, but the judges did not count his successful attempt in the bench press.

Why Streltsov fell behind Aryamnov

At the Games in Beijing, Belarus in the up to 85 kg category was to be represented by Andrei Rybakov, who smelled gunpowder in Athens 2004, and Vadim Streltsov. The latter took bronze at the World and European Championships in 2007. He had a good chance to compete at the Olympics at the age of 22 and get on the nerves of the favorites, but he missed it.

“During training, Vadim showed excellent form,” recalls Goncharov. — I remember how, just before leaving for Beijing, I lifted 215 kg twice on my chest, but he was unable to push this weight precisely because of the late inclusion shoulder girdle to work. I then told him: “Vadim, let’s finish this.” He first agreed, and then went for another pass. It seems to be good, because he showed character. However, he was injured.

Vadim went to the 2008 Olympics only because he was entered. It was already impossible to change anything. They tried to return him to duty, resorted to in different ways. Vadim was treated by the now famous doctor Valery Belan and Yuri Sonkin, a doctor from our team, but everything was in vain. During the warm-up before the snatch, we realized that Vadim was not able to take part in the Games.

Goncharov was depressed. Anastasia Novikova's bronze medal, Andrei Rybakov's silver and Andrei Aryamnov's gold were his consolation.

By the way, the results of Streltsov and Aryamnov, who competed in different weight categories, in junior age were comparable - both became champions. Aryamnov also won the adult world title for the Beijing Olympics.

Without exaggeration, we can say that the peak of Andrei Aryamnov’s career came in 2008. Vadim Streltsov had to wait another eight years to step onto the Olympic platform for the first time.

Photo: Reuters via TUT.BY

“When he couldn’t perform in Beijing, he didn’t express any emotions due to his character: this guy won’t talk in vain,” says Aryamnov.

Aryamnov and Streltsov met at competitions in Bobruisk in the early 2000s. Their first meeting took place in the dining room.

“I didn’t have enough for food, and I asked Vadim and Vanya Shurupov for a loan. They have replyed: “No problem, Andrey.” Even then I realized that Vadimka is a very good person, conscientious and sympathetic. I managed to figure out whether this situation was a joke (and I love jokes) or a real necessity. Then we became friends.

Why are Streltsov and Goncharov at odds?

Vadim Streltsov failed the next Olympic cycle, as he failed to qualify for the Games in London. Alexander Goncharov explained this failure of his ward due to star fever. They say that the presidential scholarship that the weightlifter received in 2007 had a bad influence on the guy. When he was finally deprived of material support, he began to demonize Goncharov.

The parties quarreled. After the thirteen years they spent together, enough mutual reproaches and complaints had accumulated. The best solution to the situation was separation.

In 2013, Alexander Goncharov ceded the post of helmsman of the national team to his colleague Valentin Korotkin, and he himself returned to work with youth at the Mogilev regional school of higher education. sportsmanship. Streltsov received a helping hand from coach Viktor Shershukov, who helped him prepare for the World Championships in Houston.

In 2015, Vadim Streltsov won gold at the world championship. A year later, he went to the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro as a medal contender and won a silver award.

“Vadim is a man of incredible athletic endurance,” Andrei Aryamnov does not skimp on compliments to his comrade. - Just iron, like the barbells he lifts! I always believed in him, but in order to confirm his skills at the Olympics, something was always missing.

Goncharov watched Streltsov’s performance in Rio 2016 on TV.

— I think that Vadim succeeded because he still had a lot of spiritual and physical strength. He really wanted Olympic medal, laid down a lot of health for her sake. Of course, he deserves the warmest words.

I am sincerely pleased with the victory of Vadim, who represented the Mogilev school of weightlifting with the best side, and proud of him. In Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008, Andrei Rybakov won silver for our school; in London 2012, Dina Sazanovets won bronze. And now Vadim Streltsov continued the glorious traditions. All we have to do is add a little more - and we will have our first gold.

Photo: Reuters via TUT.BY

Goncharov believes that the four unsuccessful attempts that Streltsov made at the Rio Olympics haunt the athlete, and the feeling of dissatisfaction is unlikely to allow him to end his career now.

“He will go to Tokyo 2020 only for gold,” says Alexander Vasilyevich. “I have no doubt that he is capable of surpassing his current achievement.” This is a very strong person.

He adds that he would like to make peace with his former ward and is ready to take the first step for this. On August 18, Alexander Goncharov will go to Minsk-2 airport to shake hands with one of the heroes of the 2016 Olympics.

“I want to act humanely and congratulate Vadim from the bottom of my heart.” It will be right.

How Streltsov and Rybakov’s housing became rental

According to Goncharov, before the Games in Beijing, Vadim Streltsov received from the state a one-room apartment in the center of Mogilev. However, the weightlifter cannot call it his own.

“Like Andrei Rybakov, Vadim “slept through” the moment when housing could be privatized,” explains Alexander Vasilyevich. — Now the guys’ apartments have rental status.

This situation greatly angers Andrei Aryamnov, who calls on officials to give Streltsov what he deserves.

- Let it be a piece of land or a new ten-room apartment. If there are no such people in Mogilev, then let them give you access right away (laughs). Enough with this nonsense—this barbell. After all, Vadim is already thirty years old. It's time to work to increase the birth rate in the country.

Together with his wife Irina, Vadim is raising a one-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Kristina. He dedicated the award he won in Rio 2016 to his daughter.