Car burning continues in Yekaterinburg. The envoy of Shakro Young came to the Urals for money and power “I was in the Donbass, now I am engaged in patriotic education”

In Yekaterinburg, cars began to be set on fire again. City residents consider this a new redistribution of car parking. Some car enthusiasts still remember how in the 90s there was a rule - without paying for parking, the car owner could later find his car in a deplorable condition. It is this version that is proposed to be taken as the main one in explaining the arson epidemic. At least until the arsonists were caught.

More than 30 expensive cars became victims of unknown vandals in April 2015 alone. Taking into account the apparently criminal arson fires that burned from January to March in Yekaterinburg, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, there were about a hundred; the police opened a little more than 20 criminal cases under the article “Deliberate damage to someone else’s property.” The prosecutor's office has already drawn attention to this, inviting security forces to more carefully study the causes of fires and more thoroughly investigate crimes, combining the efforts of the best detectives. In the meantime, police and firefighters are conducting checks on a number of burned-out cars.

Who controls parking lots in Yekaterinburg

In the pre-crisis years, no one paid attention to the suspicious nature of legal, semi-legal and completely illegal parking. Fifty to seventy rubles a night didn’t make a difference, but the parking attendants had enough clients. Now things are objectively worse.

The parking business has long been quite clearly divided between groups. For example, part of the center of Yekaterinburg, the Kirovsky district, especially its part - reinforced concrete products is controlled by Herman Hardt, better known as Hera with reinforced concrete products. This is a famous fighter, trainer martial arts and a long-time companion of former Yekaterinburg City Duma deputy Andrei Bura. Gardt is the founder of Soyuz Parking LLC, which, as the name suggests, operates parking lots in the capital of the Middle Urals.

There is an unofficial version that the businessman showed all the signs of a raider. Using connections with Mr. Bura, who dealt with city security issues in the Duma, he developed his business at a good pace. Interestingly, while controlling a large number of parking areas, the entrepreneur was not included in the list of about a hundred formally legal parking lots in Yekaterinburg. People around the businessman who owns a production company (who was making a film about the Dyatlov Pass) refused to comment on this nuance - Hardt himself did not get in touch.

National diasporas also have a share from the residents of Yekaterinburg for car parking. People from Dagestan and Armenia are seen in the “selling of asphalt”, but Chechens play a significant role. For example, the commercial success in this business of entrepreneur Aslanbek Khalidov, who is the son-in-law of the head of the Ordzhonikidze district Oleg Lefton, is obvious. “URA.Ru” has already described how fruit stalls ended up under Ramzan Kadyrov’s fellow countrymen, the owners of which became subtenants and pay rent to the official’s relative. A similar scheme has been implemented with parking lots. And it makes a profit even after Mr. Khalidov was behind bars.

As a number of interlocutors note, police officers also provided protection for semi-legal businesses. Cases of people in uniform appearing in fights over overnight parking were once noticed at VIZ. But in general, it is not by chance that officials appear on this topic (the example with Lefton is very indicative). The fact is that the right to dispose of land for parking - to issue papers and regulate formalities - is delegated to district authorities. This was confirmed in a conversation with URA.Ru by the press secretary of the Yekaterinburg mayor’s office Denis Sukhorukov. He explained that this is why the above-mentioned register with “legal” parking lots on the city hall’s website has not been updated for quite some time. And this despite the fact that problems with illegal parking continue, although not at the same pace as several years ago. Mass liquidations of illegal businesses are no longer reported.

Fight for place

An informed interlocutor of URA.Ru, who wished to remain anonymous, says that businessmen are still ready for expansion, the struggle for the market and spheres of influence. “The sweetest thing is to climb onto the territory immediately next to the new house. As soon as the construction fence is removed, a booth appears and they begin to collect money. If the residents create an HOA and unite or the management company takes over the security function, then everything is in order. Otherwise you will have to pay. Well, or prepare for problems,” a market participant explains the principle of operation. He does not hide the fact that it is always possible to reach an agreement with officials at the district level.

He also says that arson is the most difficult crime to investigate. Often, fire investigators simply do not see signs of a crime and refuse to initiate a criminal case. “They write “rejection” material, indicating that no fuel container was found. But it may not exist! The same bag burns without a trace. Therefore, the reason is often attributed to a technical malfunction and the material is not transferred to the police. Although they should if there are several fires in atypical places. Fire at night is also a typical sign of arson. But more often it happens that they simply cannot see the signs of a crime due to poor qualifications,” Sobolev sums up. He also says that it is possible to appeal the refusal to initiate a criminal case, but an independent examination is needed. Otherwise, you can end up with the position of the interrogator: “I think so - so it will be.”

To summarize, we can say that the atmosphere of the 90s reigns in the car parking business, when the strongest won. So now, when trying to organize a new one or seize an occupied area, up to a dozen cars with “fighters” with ironclad arguments can arrive at the “strelka”.

, "Blue"? They are returning. In Yekaterinburg, real militants are recruited and “raised” in fight clubs: rude physical strength sometimes it is well monetized or transformed into a political one. The experience of the 90s showed that this is quite possible. Security officials say times have changed. But there is another opinion: strong fists will allow you to make good money. Who does this and how - details in the material "URA.Ru".

It is generally accepted that the traditional division of criminal groups into three large Ural clans - "Uralmash", "Center" and "Blue" - has long been outdated and hopelessly. Groups grew, stratified, disintegrated, and their members created tactical and strategic alliances. Their participants are people of different calibers and stripes.

Experts interviewed by URA.Ru explain the disappearance of large groups by objective reasons. Among them is strengthening law enforcement agencies. More broadly, the growing influence of the state suppresses the political ambitions of the leaders of close-knit groups of physically strong people.

This is exactly what the famous backbone of Uralmash was like in the 90s, which originated in sports sections and entered the establishment of the 2000s. In the 2010s, strong fists ceased to be a political resource, but the demand for them still remains stable. The supply is not far behind: there were always enough young people willing to use their physical abilities.

Moreover, in these times of crisis, guys who are prepared for full physical contact are especially valued. And all this completely forms the market for specific power services provided in the Middle Urals.

Analyzing the market and its players was quite difficult for a number of reasons. One of them is the understandable reluctance of the direct participants to “shine” in the media. Another reason is the lack of objective experts from the outside. A more or less objective picture is obtained by analyzing information from three sources at once - interlocutors from the security environment, former law enforcement officers and people from business structures, often collaborating with paracriminal elements.

The largest player in the market for security services in Yekaterinburg in the last few years has been and remains Hermann Hardt, better known as “Hera with reinforced concrete products,” mentioned in connections with the “convicted thief in law” Trofa. “URA.Ru” is already talking about this man as the controller of the parking business in the capital of the Middle Urals.

Herman Hardt
According to the Kartoteka - Kommersant database, Mr. Hardt is listed as the founder of a number of commercial enterprises. However, he is most often associated with martial arts clubs (one is actually located at ZHBI), and also established a grappling federation in early 2013 ( martial arts) Sverdlovsk region.

“Hera has a completely characteristic fighter training style- through the pain that must be endured. He himself is a hand-to-hand fighter and sees the potential abilities of his students. Over many years of preparation, hundreds of young guys passed through his clubs, dozens of whom created their own clubs, where everyone knows Hardt in one way or another. And if grappling is a more or less academic martial arts, then numerous of Herman’s students often teach “baklanka” - street fighting techniques without rules. Advertisements for those wishing to acquire combat skills can be found anywhere. And we must understand that this is not only business, but also a kind of recruiting,” says an interlocutor from among the former security officials.

According to him, in this way a powerful power resource has been formed in the hands of Hardt that can be used. According to various estimates, the size of this “fight” (as experts call the army of athletes) can reach 400 people. By calling, that is, within a couple of hours, you can gather up to 50 people who want to earn money.

The price of a street fighter is a separate issue. It is quite difficult to earn a lot by participating in promotions: the owners pay a fixed amount to the “foreman” for a one-time participation, or the calculation is carried out from time to time - approximately 1000 rubles per hand.

The press is aware of one case when fighters from “Gera with Concrete Concrete Products” practically took part in hostilities in the spring of 2012 during a “dispute between business entities” on the Kirov wholesale market. Support - not free of charge - was provided to the well-known businessman in Yekaterinburg, Alexander Gorbunov, who came from a security environment (he is a graduate of the Ural Academy of Law) and who retained all the necessary connections. According to the security forces, he does not have his own “combat”, but is listed as a founder of Ratiborets LLC. Therefore, according to other sources, the number of people “from Gorbunov” who are able to physically support at the right moment reaches 300 people.

“A successful combination for conducting internal disputes independently from the authorities is to have a sports club with fighters and your own private security company. Or hire people from outside, strengthening legally working private security officers. This is a common practice for conducting sensitive cases when the private security company’s forces are not enough or it is impossible to risk its license with the police,” notes an interlocutor from a specific business environment.

One more good famous player on the “force field” - Yekaterinburg businessman Valery Yakovlev. An authoritative person with a number of assets (the most famous of which is the Taras Bulba cafe on Belorechenskaya Street). The establishment is curious in many ways because it is a favorite gathering place for crime bosses from among the “Blues” - both local and visiting. In addition, among Mr. Yakovlev’s assets is the Jaguar private security company, which at any time can be reinforced by a small number of “blue” “militants”. Its number, according to various estimates, is about 250 people: perhaps more, perhaps less.

Sources interviewed by URA.Ru listed both “authoritative” people with the nicknames Edik Malay, Petlyura, Duren, Vanya Faust, Flower, and specific surnames. Among them there are certain Anton Shishkin and Yuri Kukushkin, where the first comes from the Uralmash group. Oleg Naumov, better known as Naum, was also mentioned as an employer for those with strong fists. Being the owner of a couple of private security companies, it is believed that he could represent a certain force, but due to connections with another representative of the security business, Valery Povarov, he is forced not to “shine” in Yekaterinburg for now.

One way or another, the consolidated army - according to the most rough estimates - can amount to 1,200 well-trained people. The owners will decide how to use them.

["Kommersant - Ekaterinburg", 05/26/2015, "The private security company was covered in an explosion": Yesterday, the appellate instance of the Sverdlovsk Regional Court left the director and co-owner of the private security company "Gyurza" Valery Povarov under arrest. According to the court, the businessman, arrested in October 2014, is charged under Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation through Articles 30 and 33 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Organization of attempted murder,” maximum sanction of 20 years). According to Kommersant's information, the victim in the case is Ekaterinburg businessman Alexander Kasyanov. An attempt on his life was made in 2004. At about five o'clock in the morning on July 20, unknown persons made their way onto the roof of a residential building on Kraulya Street in Yekaterinburg and tried to throw a grant into the window of the apartment on the 9th floor where Mr. Kasyanov lived. Due to an error, the grenade hit the wall of the house, but some of the fragments caught the businessman and wounded his wife (after the emergency, the woman was hospitalized with back injuries).
[...] During the investigation, investigators established that the director of the Gyurza private security company, Valery Povarov, and a number of businessmen who are associated with the Uralmash OPS - Mikhail Klok, Sergey Gorshunov - may be involved in the attack. All of them were detained on suspicion of a series of robberies in 1998–2012. According to Kommersant's information, the investigation believes that Valery Povarov received an order to kill Alexander Kasyanov from “third parties” who had a financial conflict with the victim. According to investigators, he hired the alleged Lithuanian killer Romas Zamolskis as the perpetrator of the murder, who threw a grenade through the window of Alexander Kasyanov (Zamolskis was detained and arrested in 2014).
Valery Povarov is known in Yekaterinburg as a prosecution witness in a number of high-profile criminal cases. In 2010, he acted as a witness for the prosecution in the case of an attempted raider takeover by co-owner of Irbit Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant OJSC Sergei Ostanin, who was sentenced to eight years. In 2013, Mr. Povarov acted as a prosecution witness in the case of former Yekaterinburg Duma deputy Maxim Petlin, who was sentenced to three years in prison for extorting 3 million rubles. - Insert]

"IN this moment the status quo is maintained. There is an unspoken agreement: in order to avoid reprisals from the security forces, the groups do not conflict with each other and, moreover, are coordinated at the level of the “old guard,” who are busy with much more important matters than street showdowns. And as long as this is so, there will be no war between factions. I don’t know who to thank more for this - the security forces or the authorities, but this is so,” says an informed interlocutor from among the former employees.

The only exception may be fighters who have strayed from the groups and decided to start their “own” business using the available physical resources. They pose a much greater danger.

An even more specific position is taken by a current senior employee. In his opinion, there is now no breeding ground for the emergence of super-influential groups, since the police, one way or another, control the situation. “Roughly speaking, they all crushed and are engaged in distribution. They come to a businessman, promise to solve problems, provide security, and then set a price tag. After refusal to pay, the cost of services is reduced. Well, all the potential participants in possible get-togethers know each other. It happened that one group knocked another out of the facility, deliberately increasing the “degree” of intensity, increasing their own value,” the interlocutor sums up.

How the Gardt, "Blue" and Caucasian brigades "sell asphalt"

Original of this material
© URA.Ru, 04/22/2015

"Set a car on fire in 20 seconds? Easy!"

Arseny Vaganov

Arsons of cars in the courtyards and on the streets of Yekaterinburg forced townspeople to once again discuss the topic of the criminal market of car parking. And with the crisis, motorists, accustomed to abandoning their insured cars anywhere, were reminded of the old rules of the 90s: if you don’t pay for parking, expect problems. It is this version that is proposed to be taken as the main one in explaining the arson epidemic. At least until the arsonists were caught.

As URA.Ru already wrote, more than 30 expensive cars fell victim to unknown pyromaniacs in April 2015 alone. Taking into account the apparently criminal arson fires that burned from January to March in Yekaterinburg, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, there were about a hundred; the police opened a little more than 20 criminal cases under the article “Deliberate damage to someone else’s property.” The prosecutor's office has already drawn attention to this, inviting security forces to more carefully study the causes of fires and more thoroughly investigate crimes, combining the efforts of the best detectives. In the meantime, police and firefighters are conducting checks on a number of burned-out cars.

Cui prodest, or Who benefits?

In the “fat” pre-crisis years, no one paid attention to the suspicious nature of legal, semi-legal and completely illegal parking lots. Fifty to seventy rubles a night didn’t make a difference, but the parking attendants had enough clients. Now things are objectively worse.

The parking business has long been quite clearly divided between groups. For example, part of the center of Yekaterinburg, the Kirovsky district, especially its part - reinforced concrete products is controlled by Herman Hardt, better known as Hera with reinforced concrete products. This is a famous fighter, martial arts coach and long-time companion of former Yekaterinburg City Duma deputy Andrei Bura. Gardt is the founder of Soyuz Parking LLC, which, as the name suggests, operates parking lots in the capital of the Middle Urals.

There is an unofficial version that the businessman showed all the signs of a raider. Using connections with Mr. Bura, who dealt with city security issues in the Duma, he developed his business at a good pace. Interestingly, while controlling a large number of parking lots, the entrepreneur was not included in the list http://ekaterinburg.rf/officially/parking/ of about a hundred formally legal parking lots on the territory of Yekaterinburg. People around the businessman who owns a production company (who was making a film about the Dyatlov Pass) refused to comment on this nuance - Hardt himself did not get in touch.

The Blue group, representatives of the traditional criminal world, also had its share in the city parking business. Among the influential people, knowledgeable people name thief in law Trofa (Andrey Trofimov), authority Oleg Tyumensky and Naum (Oleg Naumov). In connection with the latter, two Ekaterinburg private security companies are sometimes mentioned - “Brigade” and “Grizzly”, but there are no direct connections. According to the interlocutor, the “blues” control parking lots, in particular, in the Leninsky (South-West) and Verkh-Isetsky districts of the city. They also say that legal support for this business can be provided by a former employee of the prosecutor’s office, Mikhail Milman, who is credited with the laurels of the “liquidator” of the Uralmash OPS. The URA.Ru correspondent was unable to verify this statement.

National diasporas also have a share from the residents of Yekaterinburg who want to have a small guarantee of restful sleep. People from Dagestan and Armenia are seen in the “selling of asphalt”, but Chechens play a significant role. For example, the commercial success in this business of entrepreneur Aslanbek Khalidov, who is the son-in-law of the head of the Ordzhonikidze district Oleg Lefton, is obvious. “URA.Ru” has already described how fruit stalls ended up under Ramzan Kadyrov’s fellow countrymen, the owners of which became subtenants and pay rent to the official’s relative. A similar scheme has been implemented with parking lots. And it makes a profit even after Mr. Khalidov was behind bars.

Burn in 20 seconds

As a number of interlocutors note, police officers also provided protection for semi-legal businesses. Cases of people in uniform appearing in fights over overnight parking were once noticed at VIZ. But in general, it is not by chance that officials appear on this topic (the example with Lefton is very indicative). The fact is that the right to dispose of land for parking - to issue papers and regulate formalities - is delegated to district authorities. This was confirmed in a conversation with URA.Ru by the press secretary of the Yekaterinburg mayor’s office Denis Sukhorukov. He explained that this is why the above-mentioned register with “legal” parking lots on the city hall’s website has not been updated for quite some time. And this despite the fact that problems with illegal parking continue, although not at the same pace as several years ago. Mass liquidations of illegal businesses are no longer reported.

An informed interlocutor of URA.Ru, who wished to remain anonymous, says that businessmen are still ready for expansion, the fight for the market and spheres of influence. “The sweetest thing is to climb onto the territory immediately next to the new house. As soon as the construction fence is removed, a booth appears and they begin to collect money. If the residents create an HOA and unite or the management company takes over the security function, then everything is in order. Otherwise you will have to pay. Well, or prepare for problems,” a market participant explains the principle of operation. He does not hide the fact that it is always possible to reach an agreement with officials at the district level.

It’s easy to create a problem for the owner of an expensive modern car, says Georgy Sobolev, a fire safety expert at the Nezavisimaya Expertiza company.

“You can set a car on fire using a plastic bag filled with gasoline. It is enough to throw it on the windshield, the fuel will flow under the hood and fall over the fender liners onto the wheels. Twenty seconds - and at least two or three fires are ready,” says the specialist.

He also says that arson is the most difficult crime to investigate. Often, fire investigators simply do not see signs of a crime and refuse to initiate a criminal case. “They write “rejection” material, indicating that no fuel container was found. But it may not exist! The same bag burns without a trace. Therefore, the reason is often attributed to a technical malfunction and the material is not transferred to the police. Although they should if there are several fires in atypical places. Fire at night is also a typical sign of arson. But more often it happens that they simply cannot see the signs of a crime due to poor qualifications,” Sobolev sums up. He also says that it is possible to appeal the refusal to initiate a criminal case, but an independent examination is needed. Otherwise, you can end up with the position of the interrogator: “I think so - so it will be.”

To summarize, we can say that the atmosphere of the 90s reigns in the car parking business, when the strongest won. So now, when trying to organize a new one or seize an occupied area, up to a dozen cars with “fighters” with ironclad arguments can arrive at the “strelka”.

“I was in Donbass, now I’m engaged in patriotic education”

How did Andrei Ovchinnikov (Ovchina), arrested in Yekaterinburg, live and why did he end up in a pre-trial detention center?

Today in Yekaterinburg, 51-year-old Andrei Ovchinnikov (Ovchina), a crime boss whose fame thundered in the 80s and 90s, was arrested for 12 days. He is accused of kidnapping previously convicted 58-year-old Anatoly Pletukhov, who managed a parking lot on Grazhdanskaya Street and led the Civil Union organization to help former prisoners. It is quite possible that the kidnapping is an episode of the struggle for the parking lot market that unfolded between Ovchinnikov and his long-time opponent, another representative of the criminal world Andrei Trofimov (Trofa). As the site learned, behind the kidnapped Pletukhov could be Trof’s close associates - Ukrainian citizen Alexander Stetsenko (Philosopher) and Herman Hardt (Gera ZhBI or Hera from Komsomolsky).

“Open up, gas service!”

The detention of Ovchinnikov became known yesterday, January 23. It was rumored that the capture took place in Alapaevsk. In fact, operatives of the Department for Combating Organized Crime of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region, with the force support of SOBR fighters of the Russian Guard, came for authority to the apartment that he rented in Yekaterinburg, according to some sources, in the area of ​​​​the village of Istok. “They came in the afternoon and said ‘gas service’... (Misiyuk now also represents the interests of another well-known defendant - lawyer Iskanderyan, accused of bribery).

An influential Ural thief in law has been released

Together with Ovchinnikov, another person was detained, against whom the security forces had no complaints, and he was soon released. Ovchinnikov was interrogated as a suspect in a criminal case, which was initiated by the Railway Department of the Sverdlovsk Directorate of the Investigative Committee under paragraph “a” of Part 2 of Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Kidnapping committed by an organized group of persons by prior conspiracy”) on November 3, 2017. This article, by the way, provides for a sanction in the form of imprisonment from 5 to 12 years.

We are talking about the abduction of 58-year-old Anatoly Pletukhov from the parking lot on Grazhdanskaya Street, 7A, which the same Pletukhov managed. As follows from the case materials, which were partially read out in court today, the abduction occurred on October 19, 2017 at around 9:30 p.m.

It is known that shortly before this, a watchman called Pletukhov from the parking lot. He said that unknown people drove up to the parking lot, claiming that a car had previously been stolen from this parking lot, and wanting to talk about this with the owner. Pletukhov arrived with his acquaintance. In criminal circles he is known as Crutch. By this time, the beaten guard was already locked in the booth. Pletukhov himself was attacked by eight young guys. The parking attendant was tied up, shoved into a silver "Nine" and taken away in an unknown direction. Nobody saw him again.

Jaromir Romanov / website

A security guard who worked for Pletukhov testified that he identified the man sitting in the “nine” as Ovchinnikov. The witness noted the characteristic “tip of the nose” and “thin lips” as special features.

12 days of arrest

“Ovchinnikov has an alibi - he was not in Yekaterinburg that day. We ask the investigation to check our data, but instead, for some reason, he is being dragged to arrest,” lawyer Misiyuk told a correspondent of our publication today.

He believes that the charge (formally it has not yet been brought against Ovchinnikov) is untenable on several counts. “According to their version, he was sitting in a car into which the victim was pushed and eight people got into it. This is purely physically impossible. My client weighs 100 kilograms. If he sits in the “nine”, then eight more people will not get in there,” the defense lawyer explained. — Identikit photos of [the attackers] have been drawn up—all are young men, Ovchinnikov is not among them. What is the motive [for the crime]? They don’t even know [Plekhanov]! My client parked his Volkswagen Touareg in this parking lot for several years. All the guards there know him like crazy. In the initial testimony they do not name him and then three months later they identify him. Why?"

Also, according to Misiyuk, Ovchinnikov has already moved away from the criminal environment. “As far as I know, he has changed. A person has a family, wife, children. The man was in Donbass and is now engaged in patriotic education.” From the answers to clarifying questions, it turned out that the former, according to his lawyer, Sverdlovsk crime boss fought for some time on the side of the militia in the south-east of Ukraine.

The investigation, however, today requested Ovchinnikov’s arrest for two months. The Investigative Committee officers motivated their demand by the fact that the detainee is accused of a particularly serious crime, has been previously convicted several times, does not have a permanent residence permit, and family relations have not been formalized, therefore, he could hide at any time or try to put pressure on the progress of the investigation and witnesses.

The duty judge of the Zheleznodorozhny District Court of Yekaterinburg, Natalya Kislitsyna, who considered these materials today, made a rather unusual decision. She nevertheless decided to take Ovchinnikov into custody, but only for 12 days, until February 2 of this year. He will spend this term in pre-trial detention center No. 1 of Yekaterinburg.

Look for Crutch!

According to lawyer Misiyuk, this once again demonstrates Ovchinnikov’s innocence. “In other circumstances, if not for his special status, they could have simply been released,” the defense lawyer noted as he left the court. The representative of the Investigative Committee also said that he did not see anything strange in the court’s decision. When asked whether or not Ovchinnikov had the status of a thief in law, he replied: “He was not questioned about that.”

According to the site, Ovchinnikov’s defense intends to ensure that the same Kostyl, who was with Pletukhov at the time of his abduction, will soon appear before the investigator. As it turned out, this Kostyl knows Ovchinnikov well (they served time together) and is ready to confirm on record that on October 19, 2017, the detainee was neither in the parking lot nor in the car in which Pletukhov was taken away.

Also today, the publication’s interlocutors close to the regional security forces said that Pletukhov was found. He is alive, but allegedly refuses to testify against Ovchinnikov.

Jaromir Romanov / website

Operatives of the Sverdlovsk police headquarters, who worked on criminal groups back in the 1990s, say that everything that is happening indicates an attempt to redistribute the city’s parking lots.

“Car parks mean quick and easy money, and in cash. The sphere has attracted the attention of the “blues” since the 1990s. The lion's share of this sphere in the city is controlled by the Philosopher (Stetsenko). Now, according to rumors, he is fighting somewhere in Ukraine on the ATO side (an anti-terrorist operation carried out by the official authorities of Ukraine in the southeast of the country against supporters of autonomy and independence - website). Gera from Komsomolsky is here now for him,” the interlocutor described the situation.

It would seem, what does Chernetsky have to do with this? Or how the killers mixed up the “object”

According to the source, the situation in October 2017 is similar to what happened in the city in 2005-2006.

In March 2005, the head of Yekaterinburg Arkady Chernetsky signed a decree creating a commission to organize the activities of temporary night parking lots in Yekaterinburg. This commission received the right to issue temporary night parking passports to businessmen and monitor their activities.

Soon, teams of strong men appeared in the city, going through the existing parking lots of the city demanding to vacate the territory. To confirm their authority, they provided a copy of the mayor’s decision to create a special commission, constituent papers for the non-profit association “Car Parking Association”, of which they allegedly belonged, and temporary passports for the desired territory. Those who disagreed were promised a conversation with Ovchina.

“In the Verkh-Isetsky district, a certain Gorokhov was liquidated. His relative controlled the parking lot on Metallurgov Street and refused to negotiate. The perpetrators simply mixed up the object and killed the wrong one,” the interlocutor recalls. According to his information, it was precisely because of this story that Ovchinnikov was detained in November 2006 by a joint team of operatives from the Organized Crime Control Department of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk Region, the regional FSB Directorate and the Operational Investigation Bureau (ORB) of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Urals Federal District.

Digression with mention of Varaksin, Khabarov and Lapshin

However, Ovchinnikov was charged under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Fraud committed on an especially large scale” and a completely different story. A statement against the authority was then written by Alexander Varaksin, who was once considered one of the leaders of the Center organized crime group. Varaksin accused Ovchinnikov and Alexander Bulakov of attempting to seize the Shartash market. For this, Ovchinnikov then received 6 years in prison. He came out only in 2012, by his own admission, a “practically dying” man.

It is curious that Varaksin himself was also under investigation at that time. Together with the leader of the Uralmash OPS, Alexander Khabarov, he was accused of forcing the chairman of the board of directors of Bank, Sergei Lapshin, to sell Varaksin a 19.6% stake in the plant building materials“Stroyplastpolymer” (Khabarov was found hanging from his jail cell on January 27, 2005; Varaksin received a sentence, was released and currently prefers to stay in the shadows; Lapshin was declared bankrupt in August 2017 - website note). Rumor has it that Ovchinnikov was so infuriated by the statement signed by Varaksin that he promised to “tear him apart” if he only showed up in the pre-trial detention center. Today in court Ovchinnikov also recalled this old story, calling the case of the raider seizure of the Shartash market “fabricated.”

Who is really behind the parking lots of Yekaterinburg

The above-mentioned Philosopher-Stetsenko deserves special attention. It is known that he is a native of Aldan (Yakutia). However, being registered in Feodosia (Crimea), he had Ukrainian citizenship. Long years was considered the closest assistant to thief in law Andrei Trofimov, Trofa. On his behalf, Stetsenko oversaw the issue of protecting small retail trade and city parking lots, and also delivered “general” items to the Ural zones - essential items needed by Trofa supporters serving their sentences.

In 2008, Philosopher-Stetsenko was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for attacking a person in the Yekaterinburg Rings club. He served time in Yekaterinburg IK-2. After this, a decision was made to deport him to Ukraine and ban him from entering Russia for the next five years. Stetsenko did not comply with this order and soon reappeared in the Ural capital.

This person attracted the attention of the FSB in 2014, when, during the events in Ukraine, he began to express support for the Right Sector (an organization banned in Russia - website). During the events on Maidan, Stetsenko is said to have even traveled to Ukraine for some time. Although in the criminal environment they assured that Stetsenko was not interested in politics and his trip was solely aimed at strengthening international ties between the criminal world of the two countries.

However, in April 2014, he was detained in Yekaterinburg by Alpha fighters of the Sverdlovsk FSB Directorate, and soon the migration service went to court with a petition to deport Stetsenko. The conflict of the situation was that at that time Feodosia (as part of the Crimean peninsula) became part of Russia and the Ukrainian authorities objected to accepting the now Russian criminal authority. However, by court decision, the Philosopher was nevertheless handed over to the Ukrainian authorities, taking him to Kyiv.

Herman Hardt, who was also mentioned above by the publication’s source, according to the SPARK system, is a co-founder and director of Soyuz-Parking LLC. The company deals with parking lots. Also among its co-founders are Vladimir Volkhin and Alexander Misharov. In addition to the parking business, Gardt is involved in martial arts. Thus, he is a co-founder of the sports society “Grappling Federation of the Sverdlovsk Region” (grappling is a type of martial arts that combines the techniques of all wrestling disciplines with minimal restrictions on the use of painful and choking techniques - website note). The other two co-founders of this SPARK structure are Maxim Golubev and Pavel Balin.

About how a boy from an intelligent family went to the crown of a thief

Andrei Ovchinnikov himself was born on March 18, 1966 in Nizhny Tagil. His father Boris Ovchinnikov once headed the propaganda and agitation department of the local city committee of the CPSU. As people who knew this family note, Ovchinnikov Jr. grew up “in an intelligent family,” but then he was “overwhelmed by thieves’ romance.” Already in the 1980s, he was part of the group of the well-known authority in Sverdlovsk, Vladimir Cherepanov (Skull). Andrei Trifonov, Trifon, was also there. At the end of the 1980s, the paths of the former comrades diverged, dividing spheres of influence, they started a real bloody war with each other.

From the website of the Boxing Federation of the Sverdlovsk Region

The culmination of the struggle was the events of January 7, 1991. Tryfon's group tracked down Ovchina and tried to deal with him. Ovchinnikov’s “Nine” with Chelyabinsk license plates was caught up near the store “ Child's world"on Bardina Street and shot with a Kalashnikov light machine gun. The fire, as it was later established, was fired from a Kalashnikov light machine gun by Trifon’s assistant, known as Besheny or Garlic. Ovchinnikov’s assistant Igor Bogatyrev died on the spot. An innocent woman, who was returning home from work at that moment, also died from a stray bullet.

All about the funeral and legacy of the thief in law

The case was so egregious that the decision to detain Trifon and Ovchina was then made personally by the prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region, Vladislav Tuikov (he headed the supervisory department from 1985 to 2001). Ovchinnikov was then given 14 years. He served his sentence in the Khabarovsk Territory. Around 1999, information appeared that in the colony Ovchina received the status of thief in law and is now known as Banzai. According to other sources, he never received the crown of thieves. The decision was supposed to be made by Aslan Usoyan (Ded Hasan; died from a killer’s bullet in 2013 in Moscow), but for some reason he delayed the issue. Whether Ovchinnikov has the right to be called a thief in law is still unclear.

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Who invited thief in law Auto to Yekaterinburg and who did not benefit from his visit. Versions and details

Thief in law Auto was looking for part of a criminal cash register in Yekaterinburg. Using the rights of a kingpin and the mandate of Shakro Molodoy, the general of the underworld negotiated, asked questions and irritated everyone. How the lawman was greeted, where his strength was revealed, who he could be afraid of, and why the January fight at the Airship pushed the security forces to a strategic multi-move. Details are in the material “URA.Ru”.

Avtandil Kobeshavidze served an 11-year sentence for robbery and theft in the Tagansky Ryad shopping center

Thief in law Avtandil Kobeshavidze, better known as Auto or Auto Kopala, lived in the Sverdlovsk region for almost three weeks. The event is, in a certain sense, high-profile - there has not been a figure of this caliber in the criminal circle of the Middle Urals for a long time. A number of informed sources of URA.Ru say that the reputable citizen spent his first days in the commercial ward of the New Hospital.

“No one will know what diagnosis he got there with. This is personal information. A citizen has the right to treat anything and anywhere at his own expense. You never know what you can make in prison,” says an informed source of URA.Ru. He recalls that the last thief in law who lived in Yekaterinburg, Timur Sverdlovsky, who died of AIDS and tuberculosis in 2014, used exactly the same tricks: he went to the hospital at the first problems with the security forces.

Auto took advantage of “medical insurance” against possible deportation from the region

The safety of the car was guaranteed not only by doctors. The authoritative thief, who arrived in Yekaterinburg presumably on August 26, was well received and reliably guarded by employees of one of the private security companies. There is information that both cars and bodyguards were provided to citizen Kobeshavidze as a VIP client by the owner of several security companies, Oleg Naumov. They say that his guys did their job well: when moving around Yekaterinburg and the region, the defendant changed their car every three hours. Meanwhile, the thief in law was negotiating.

By purchasing security for himself, the thief was insuring himself against excesses of a slightly different kind. The risk did not come from the security forces, who have no complaints against Auto yet, the source says. We are talking about a rather aggressive environment in which Kobeshavidze found himself in Yekaterinburg.

During those 11 years while he was in prison, his enemy, the former thief in law Trofa (Andrei Trofimov), became stronger. In 2004, he was deprived of his “crown” by thieves from Ded Hasan’s clan, which included Auto himself. But even then, in 2004, Trofa, who was “stopped” in status, was supported by both the Uralmash team and the “centers” who had not been killed by them.

In 2016, the situation changed even more in favor of the crowned Trophy. Today he has firmly occupied his economic niche and lives in peace with the victors of the war of the 90s, but, nevertheless, he has been strengthened by the militants of people close to him. The most powerful ally is known - Herman Hardt with the largest “military” in the Sverdlovsk region.

Some of the criminal “lords” of the Slavic wing are ready to support Trofimov and, of course, create problems for the visiting Avtandil Kobeshavidze

As can be seen from the September events in the gypsy village and the January ones at the Airship, groups of trained young athletes can resolve different issues. This is the objective balance of power on the map of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region by the fall of 2016.

Why did Auto come to the Urals? “Objectively, he could have come for his share in the common fund. After all, during all the time he was imprisoned as a “thief” in the Sverdlovsk region, they collected, and collected a lot. But part of the money could end up with Trofa, and Auto would get nothing. Even before his imprisonment, Kobeshavidze was the poorest thief in law, which is why he was engaged in his specialized craft - stealing. For which he was imprisoned for 11 years. During his imprisonment, he was only able to build himself a house in the Chelyabinsk region, but he has nothing else material. Now, using the right of a “thief in law” and the authority of Shakro Molodoy [Zakhary Kalashov, held in a Moscow pre-trial detention center], Auto can “ask” from Trofa,” says an informed interlocutor.

This version is also supported by a new version of the massacre at the Dirigible shopping center that emerged simultaneously with Kobeshavidze’s arrival. Allegedly, in January 2016, the heirs of Ded Hasan already raised the issue of a “common fund”, but received rebuff from the people united around Trofimov and their militants.

However, the most interesting question is another: who needs a thief in law in the Urals? According to observers, the visit of the thief should be preceded, at a minimum, by the tacit consent of the security forces, without whose knowledge such visits are problematic. “Once they were allowed to come and, moreover, given the opportunity to resolve their issues, including for their share and for the survival of their enemy Trofimov from the Urals, it is clear that Trofa is “eaten up” by the heirs of Ded Hasan and the emissaries of Shakro Young will not “pass”. But that may not be the case. It seems very likely that Auto’s visit to the Urals is part of a large multi-step combination of security forces,” the interlocutor builds versions. According to him, strategic goal It could be this: to shake the existing power “monolith” of paracriminal groups.

After all, if you look at the same fight near the Dirigible shopping center, it was clear that “on the whistle” a brigade of a hundred people had gathered. It is possible that “under Auto”, which also has a crystal clear reputation in terms of thieves, it is possible to attract some of the smaller authorities. And then the reliable principle will work: divide and conquer. And there is also an argument in favor of this theory.

During the lawyer’s visit to Yekaterinburg, his opponents staged a series of intimidation actions, the target of which were possible supporters of Kobeshavidze

One of them was an armed clash in the Academic microdistrict of Yekaterinburg. “The power environment resists influence,” sums up the interlocutor of URA.Ru.

It was assumed that Avtandil Kobeshavidze’s Ural “business trip” would last only a month. According to the agency's source, during this time the lawyer can, at a minimum, agree on the return of the nephew of the aforementioned Timur Sverdlovsky, Giya Akoev (Giya Sverdlovsky), to Yekaterinburg. The latter, who is the grandson of Ded Hassan, should be released in a year. If the maximum program of the security forces does not work, then the authors of the multi-step strategy also do not risk anything. Those in the know say that security forces always have the opportunity to “nullify” the consequences of a lawyer’s visit by “squeezing” him out to the Chelyabinsk or Kurgan region.

Victor Dorofeev