Pump up narrow hips in women. How to make your hips wider. Clothes that help visually enlarge your hips

Many girls, especially teenagers, are thinking about how to enlarge their hips and give them roundness. The figure acquires feminine curves due to restructuring hormonal levels during puberty and the release of estrogen into the blood - the female sex hormone. If a girl doesn’t think her hips are round enough, she can correct this without resorting to surgery. The long-awaited result can be obtained with the help of nutritional adjustments and special strength exercises, which are easy to perform both at home and on professional exercise equipment in the gym.

The most effective exercise for extension muscle mass on the hips - these are squats. It must be included in the warm-up or in the main complex. To get more effect from the exercise, it should be performed with free weights. Using a load (for example, dumbbells), you can work all the muscles of the buttocks, back and legs. In this exercise, you need to make sure that your knees do not “walk” and your heels do not leave the floor. Then the exercise will be performed correctly.

In order to seriously engage in building muscle on the hips and buttocks, it is advisable to purchase dumbbells: with them, the effect of the exercises will increase several times. But good shells cost a lot of money, and not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a quality product. In this case sports equipment They can easily replace 1.5 liter water bottles. You can do exercises with them initial stage. Then you can increase the load to 5-10 liter containers.

Those who have such an opportunity should buy an exercise bike. With it you can work all the muscles of the thighs and buttocks without special effort. For those who do not have a simulator, a bicycle will do. If you go for a half-hour walk in the park every day, the effect will be noticeable within a few days.

Complex for studying at home

Classic squat. This exercise uses almost all the muscles of the lower torso. This allows you not only to increase the width of your hips, but also to improve your posture, remove excess fat from the abdomen and pump up your abs.

Starting position - legs together, shoulders back, arms extended in front of you. Technique:

  • You need to squat so that your knees are at an angle of 90 degrees and your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • The foot should not be lifted off the floor, otherwise you may lose balance during the exercise.
  • Before starting a squat, you need to take a deep breath and squat as you exhale.

Exercises to build muscle must be performed slowly, without haste or fuss. The muscles should be as tense as possible.

Plie squat. This exercise works the hamstrings and gluteal muscles. The plie squat makes your shape more rounded and your legs slimmer.

Starting position: legs spread as wide as possible, toes turned outward, arms clasped in front of the chest. Exercise technique:

  • You need to squat in such a way that your buttocks do not fall below your knees; the back should be absolutely straight and not arch in the lower back.
  • Having squatted, you need to stay in this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.
  • The exercise must be performed in 4 sets of 10-12 squats.

Lunges. The exercise perfectly trains the thigh muscles and prevents cellulite.

Starting position: straight back, hands on your belt or sides. Execution algorithm:

  • With your right foot you need to step forward and lower yourself so that the stepped leg forms an angle of 90 degrees; The left leg must also be lowered, but not touching the floor.
  • You need to stay in this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.
  • You need to do 20 lunges on each leg.

You can do backward lunges in the same way.

Before you start doing the exercises, you need to do a warm-up. Everyone chooses it independently, but it should include exercises that work joints and all muscle groups.

Large hips, like elastic and rounded buttocks, become undoubted advantages of every woman, who with such shapes is a tasty morsel for many men. But what about the fair sex, who by nature have very modest sizes and shapes of hips? Should you humble yourself and develop your other qualities? Not at all, you can enlarge your hips at home, and completely free of charge. All you need to grow your hips is patience and a certain amount of free time that you are willing to spend on regular workouts. So, what increasing exercises can you use at home to achieve a large increase in hip width in a short period of time?

Be prepared for the fact that desire and training at home will not be enough to achieve noticeable results.

You will need to follow the following rules:

  • Do all exercises with correct technique– you can learn more about performing certain movements on the Internet by watching video tutorials.
  • The exercises you choose to increase the narrow hips you hate should be performed regularly - only a systematic approach can bring the expected result. Be patient!
  • Along with training, you need to reconsider your diet - since the emphasis is on increasing thigh muscles, you should add more animal proteins to your diet and complex carbohydrates, cutting down on the amount of fast carbohydrates and various fats.

Now that you know how to achieve maximum effect From doing exercises to grow your thighs, you can begin to analyze the workouts themselves, which you should stick to.

3 main exercises

The exercises listed below are basic and necessary - if performed correctly, they can have a killer effect on the thigh muscles, causing them to increase in size. Pay careful attention to the technique of performing movements to avoid injury:

All of these exercises must be performed in several approaches, starting with three sets of 8-10 repetitions. The weight of the weight should be selected in such a way that the last (9-10) repetitions are given with great difficulty - the so-called “working weight”. It is recommended to take training program three times a week, with one day off between adjacent days of hip muscle training.

If you experience pain that does not go away even after several training days, it is recommended to reduce the load or completely abandon hip exercises for a while, so as not to cause irreparable damage to your health.

It is important to be careful in this matter!

Alternative hip exercises

You can use many various exercises in order to enlarge your hips. If for some reason you are contraindicated to lift heavy weights, you can use other methods that can affect the growth of your thigh muscles:

  • Running with high lifting knees
    A very simple and accessible exercise for everyone, during which the thigh muscles receive the high load necessary for efficient growth. It is enough to jog for 5-10 minutes every day to notice the first results within a few weeks. The main thing is not to quit.
  • Swing your legs
    An exercise almost similar to running in terms of its impact on the muscles, which is performed while standing against a wall. It is necessary to rest firmly, then take your right leg back and hold it in this position for 5-7 seconds. Next, the leg should be moved forward and held again. The second leg is trained in the same way. It is enough to perform 20 swings with each leg daily - it’s not that difficult.

Needless to say, but somewhere at the genetic level, it is definitely laid down in men that an attractive woman should have appetizing and rounded shapes, and this primarily concerns the hips.

Many scientists justify this by the fact that since ancient times, a woman for a man is a potential basis for procreation, which should definitely give birth to healthy and strong offspring.

It is believed that women with a wide pelvis are able to cope with this function in the best possible way. One way or another, the fact remains, and representatives of feminine smooth and streamlined forms are not deprived of male attention.

Due to the modern lifestyle, the problem of an irregular figure has spread among women and girls, and along with obesity, the problem of lack of weight has arisen, especially in certain areas of the body.

The figures of modern girls are quite typical - long thin arms and legs, quite powerful shoulders and a small basin. The lack of sports, as well as constant diets, which the fair sex like to starve themselves with, so as not to have extra folds in different areas, began to lead to such changes in the female body.

That is why, for quite some time now, the question has arisen among girls and women about how to enlarge their hips and buttocks, because appetizing curves still remain the standard of beauty and femininity.

Diet away! Proper nutrition - come!

First of all, you need to pay attention to your diet. Exhaustive diets and constant calorie counting will be unnecessary here. Of course, no one talks about overeating and eating everything that is bad.

After all, the point is: we practically cannot change the shape pelvic bone what is given by nature cannot be corrected with the help of exercises, but with muscle tissue and fatty layers can be fought, they can even be controlled so that they stack up in your “favour”.

In order for the thighs to acquire beautiful and voluminous shapes, it is necessary to work on their muscle tissue, and as you know, it consists almost entirely of protein. Remember the pictures beautiful bodies With prominent muscles, so before you get such a figure, you need to learn how to eat right.

Your daily diet should include foods that are easily digestible, for example, boiled chicken breast and seafood. Sour cream and cheese also help in this matter; sometimes you can treat yourself to creamy ice cream, nuts and condensed milk without sugar.

By the way, women gain muscle mass well if they sometimes eat infant formula, because they are designed to form muscles in the baby.

But you can use them no more than 2-3 times a week, these porridges have too quick an effect. Many women do not risk resorting to such an “anti-diet”, because they are very afraid of gaining weight, gaining extra sides and bellies, and this is in vain! Shaping your beautiful butt can't do without heavy physical activity, which simply will not let you get better.

So, eat to your health, and remember that if you want to shape your hips, you will have to eat 20-30 minutes before training, and repeat the diet immediately after it. The choice of sport is also important - grueling fitness or jogging is unlikely to help you with this, you, of course, will tighten your muscles and your body will look better, but at the same time you will dry it out, making your butt look even smaller.

Which sport to choose?

As we already said, narrow hips can easily be enlarged physical exercise, you just need to choose the right sports bias. Sports clubs, which involve training for a long duration of time, but with low intensity, will not suit you, you are not trying to lose weight.

The best option is a gym, where you can easily focus on your problem area. By the way, you can practice at home, the main thing is the desire, not the opportunity. The entire workout will not take you more than 30 minutes, and only if you want to pump up other parts of the body.

If you decide to go to Gym, then know that your best friends in this matter are a barbell and heavy dumbbells. Most often, various squats are performed with them, and their working weight should reach such a figure that you can do only 5-8 squats, no more needed!

At first, you will have to squat with a bar, since the barbell will seem very heavy, and you need to perform the exercises carefully so as not to damage the weakened ligaments and muscles of the legs.

In general, it is better to start with preliminary preparation, which includes the usual ones - they will help you get into the right tone. Then you can complicate them a little - squat with dumbbells or with bottles of water, or even with - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is the result.

Squats with a barbell must be performed correctly - the barbell is placed on the shoulders, the legs are set shoulder-width apart. Remember to always look straight ahead to avoid losing body control. The pelvis must be lowered slowly, without sudden movements, move it back a little, as if you were sitting down on a chair.

Some girls, especially those who love heels, may find this difficult; their heels will never want to reach the floor. This indicates that the Achilles tendons are not elastic; place a small platform of 2-3 cm under your heels, and after a while try to remove it.

The lower you squat, the more benefits you will bring to your buttocks. Another useful exercise- These are lunges, both direct and reverse. When performing any exercise, watch your posture - your back should be straight, and do not slouch under any circumstances.

In total, you need to do three sets of squats and lunges, each exercise is repeated 5-8 times on each leg, because you don’t want your buttocks to turn out different.

At the end of your workout, be sure to stretch; it will help you do the exercises deeper and more confidently each time. It will also not be superfluous to pump up your abs and perform bends, which can prevent the appearance of a fat layer on the sides, which will keep your waist in a consistently thin state.

How to visually enlarge your hips with clothes?

If you are not going to the beach or to the pool, where it will be difficult to disguise your problem hips under a swimsuit, then you can work on your appearance, which will help visually make your figure more proportional.

If we talk about trousers, then tapered and straight options are not for you; the best way out of the situation is tapered trousers, which expand quite well in the right place. Use top part clothes - it should attract minimal attention to the shoulders and chest, unless you want to gain a considerable advantage in the upper zone. Always try to highlight the waistline - with the help of belts, tapered blousons and jackets.

As summer approaches, girls begin to work hard on their bodies. This is not strange, every girl wants to see her body in great shape. Whatever they say, I will probably say on behalf of all men, we don’t really like a very thin body, it’s good when there are good, round shapes, as they say: there is something to hold on to. Therefore, girls who have an excessively thin physique want to see their hips are more rounded and wider. But in order to make them like this, you need to pump up your gluteal and thigh muscles. We present to your attention a set of exercises that will make your hips rounder and wider at home.

Exercises for hip circumference and gluteal muscles

1) Stand straight, feet should be close together, and hands on your belt. Inhale, as you exhale, squat and move your tailbone back. Squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor, then lock this position and hold it for about 10-20 seconds. Then, as you inhale, begin to slowly straighten your legs. Take a little rest repeat this exercise 10 times.

2) Take the following starting position: lie on your back, put your hands behind your head and clasp them in a lock, pull your toes towards you. As you exhale, bend your right leg at the knee and pull it towards your chest. As you inhale, straighten your leg, but do not place it on the floor. As you exhale, you can lift your leg up perpendicular to the floor. As you inhale, release your leg to the floor. Do 20 reps. Then change legs.

3) Lie on your right side, place your arms so that you can maintain balance. As you exhale, begin to lift your leg up, while pulling your toe toward you. Swing your leg up and down without lowering it completely to the floor. Do this for 50 repetitions, then do the same with the second leg.

4) Take the starting position: lie on your back, place your hands behind your head, lift your legs up, pull your toes towards you. As you inhale, begin to slowly spread your legs to the sides, and as you exhale, bring them back at the same pace. Do your daily exercise for 5 minutes.

5) Place your elbows behind your back and lean on the floor. Bend your knees and pull them towards your chest. As you inhale, stretch your legs above the floor, as you exhale, bend them again, and point your knees towards you. Do 20 reps.

6) The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Place your hands under your forehead. As you exhale, lift your right leg above your head and hold it in this position for a while. As you inhale, lower your leg to the starting position. Then alternate with the other leg. Do 30 reps with each leg.

If you study at home, then of course the most effective exercise for the volume and width of the hips, is a squat. It affects the majority important groups muscles. But it is recommended to use some kind of load for squats, for example dumbbells; using a projectile will give the gluteal muscles, back muscles, and leg muscles the opportunity to work well. The main thing is to watch your knees and make sure your heels don’t leave the floor.

Of course, not everyone has dumbbells at home, and good equipment is quite expensive these days, so I think everyone has a 5-10 liter bottle of water at home. This is a pretty good load for a girl. To prevent the handle from stinging you, you can wrap it in a towel, but it is better if you take the bottle like a barbell and throw it over your neck. So do squats, believe me, the effect will be much better than you can expect.

Very good exercise for the muscles of the buttocks and thighs is exercise bike. You may not have the exercise machine itself, but most people have a bicycle. It is enough to go for a 30-minute ride every day, for example in a park, and you will already notice the effect in a week, but it is also important to do all the above-mentioned exercises.

It’s no secret that many girls dream of becoming the owners of smooth and rounded hips, because female figure with such shapes she looks more attractive in any clothes. Sometimes curvy shapes are given by nature, but often the volume in this area, on the contrary, is not enough and then some women go to extreme measures - they increase this area surgically.

However, thin girls with narrow hips should not despair, since the attractiveness of the hips depends solely on the presence of muscle mass, which can be built up. That is, the answer to the question of how to increase hip width without surgery is quite simple: with the help of a number of special exercises.

After just a month of regularly performing exercises, you will notice results. Let's look at some exercises for pumping up the thighs, which can be performed both in the gym and at home.

So, to widen narrow hips, you need to pump up their muscle mass. All exercises to increase thigh volume are recommended to be performed slowly with maximum muscle tension.

1. Classic squats. During squats, almost all the muscles of the lower body, abs and back are involved, and this will allow you to pump up your gluteal muscles, improve your posture, and get rid of excess fat on the stomach and legs:

  • We take the starting position - legs together, shoulders back, arms extended forward.
  • We do a squat so that the knee is bent at an angle of 90 degrees and the thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Toes and heels should not be lifted off the floor during a squat, as there is a risk of losing balance and simply falling.
  • We monitor our breathing: before the squat, inhale; the squat itself is performed while exhaling.
  • Number of repetitions of squats: the first few times it will be enough to do 3-4 sets of 10-15 times, then you should increase the load, bringing it to 150-200 squats per day.

2. Plie squats. The exercise actively involves the hamstrings and gluteal muscles, so it promotes the appearance of more rounded hips, and also makes the legs slimmer, like a ballerina. The execution technique also differs:

  • We take the starting position - legs apart as wide as possible, toes turned outward, buttock muscles as tense as possible, lower back not bent.
  • Your arms can be extended forward or clasped in front of you near your chest.
  • We perform a squat while exhaling: the back remains straight, the buttocks should not fall below the knees.
  • IN lowest point The squat should be held for a few seconds, then while inhaling, return to the starting position, almost straightening your knees.
  • Every day it will be enough to do 3-4 approaches of 15-20 times.

You can make the exercise more difficult and add weight (a barbell or dumbbell at the gym, a bottle of water at home).

3. Lunges forward and backward. Lunges are an excellent prevention against cellulite by activating blood circulation in the thighs:

  • Take the starting position - stand straight, put your hands on your belt.
  • Take a step forward with one leg, while lowering your body so that the knee of the stepped leg bends at a right angle, the left leg should also bend as low as possible, but without touching the floor.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Perform an equal number of times on one and the other leg (20 times).

Back lunges are performed according to the same pattern, only the leg is taken backwards.

4. Lunges to the side. Side lunges or side lunges are performed as follows:

  • We take the starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. From this position, we move our right leg to the side, while left leg supports the body.
  • We take the right leg to right side and bend it at the knee, the back remains straight.
  • You should lower yourself slowly, supporting your spine and keeping your heels off the floor.
  • For balance, your arms need to be extended forward, and your hip bent leg should be parallel to the floor.
  • We smoothly rise to the starting position and do the same with the left leg.
  • You need to do the same number of times for one and the other leg (2-3 sets of 20 times for each leg).

5. Leg Swings:

  • You need to stand facing a support (this can be a chair or a wall), move your right leg to the right and hold it there for a few seconds.
  • Move your leg all the way to the left and again hold it in this position; we do the same with the left leg.
  • Next, the movements need to be accelerated.
  • The exercise is performed in 3-4 sets of 20-25 times on each leg.

6. Squeezing the ball. For this exercise You will need a small rubber ball:

  • We take the starting position - you need to sit on the edge of the chair, your back does not bend, the ball is placed between your knees.
  • We begin to squeeze the ball for about 30 seconds, then relax the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, and repeat the squeeze again.
  • You can do the exercise as many times as your physical capabilities allow.

7. Half bridge. This exercise involves a large load gluteal muscle, therefore, its regular implementation contributes to the formation of rounded buttocks and improvement of the shape of the legs:

  • We take the starting position - lie on your back (on a gymnastics mat), legs bent at the knees, feet pressed firmly to the floor.
  • Hands can be placed along the body or placed behind the head.
  • We rise in the pelvic area, while straining the muscles of the buttocks as much as possible.
  • While raising the pelvis, the shoulder blades and feet should remain pressed to the floor.
  • Then we lower the pelvis completely, or slightly short of reaching the floor surface.
  • You should perform at least 30-40 lifts.

Regularly performing these exercises will allow you to get beautiful, voluminous hips.

In addition to exercise, it will be useful to adhere to proper nutrition, including a large amount of protein foods (lean meat, fish, eggs, seafood, etc.) for a faster increase in lean muscle mass in the thighs.