Exercises with a hoop for children 3 years old. Hoop exercises for children and adults. A set of hula hoop exercises at home for weight loss. Hoop games for a large company

Tatiana Shelkova

Morning Exercise for the child’s body is an important aspect of the formation of the child’s future personality. It’s not without reason that it says proverb: V healthy bodyhealthy mind! That is why in preschool institutions great importance is given to the physical development of children.

Morning exercise in kindergarten is an everyday activity aimed at performing various physical complexes exercises. The main goal of the classes is to improve the health of children, strengthen the muscular system and improve the health of the body.

Therefore, in my practice I often use various forms of charging. To make it interesting for children, and most importantly, beneficial for the body.

Today I will share materials from one of morning charging in preparatory group, using hoops.

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time; walking and running in all directions. At the teacher’s signal, form in 3 columns.

2. I. p. - stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hoop in bent arms at the chest. 1 - turn the body to the right, arms straight; 2 - starting position. Same to the left (8 times).

3. I. p. - stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hoop in bent arms at the chest. 1 - raise your hands up; 2 - starting position (6 times).

4. I. p. - stand with your feet together, hoop in bent arms at the chest. 1 - sit down, bring your arms forward, 2 - starting position (5 times).

5. I. p. - standing in front hoop, arms freely along the body. Jump on two legs hoop, from hoop; turn around, repeat jumping. It is performed only at the teacher’s expense at an average pace several times in a row.

6. At the end of the exercise, breathe exercises

Publications on the topic:

Morning exercises for early ages"Get up, we have to go to kindergarten!”, and we hear in response: “I don’t want to.” Many parents face this problem every day, it is difficult to wake them up.

Consultation-workshop for parents “Morning exercises for preschoolers” Task: give practical advice parents on organizing and conducting morning exercises with baby. Physical exercise.

Project “Story-based morning exercises for kids” project on the topic “Story-based morning exercises for kids” State budgetary educational institution school No. 1466 named after “Nadezhda.

Project “Morning Gymnastics” Project MBDOU kindergarten “Sobolenok” Educator Morokova T.K. Morning exercises. We go out to exercise, Charging begins. Step in place.

Morning exercises 1st junior group Execution time 5 min. All exercises are performed as shown by the teacher. Goal: To evoke an emotional response in children to a gaming activity.

Morning exercises for children 5–6 years old. "Heroes of Fairy Tales" Morning exercises for children 5-6 years old. “Heroes of Fairy Tales” (a complex with elements of corrective gymnastics, using a chair) Water part.

Morning exercises for an early age group Morning exercises (set of exercises with a handkerchief) Program objectives: - exercise children in walking and running in a flock behind the teacher; -fix.

Tatyana Zhileeva
Physical education lesson with hoops in the preparatory group

Program content:


Performing snake movements along the way leading: walking, running, crawling,

Climbing into the rolling hoop.


Jumping from hoop to hoop moving forward on one or two legs.

Pin: Rolling hoop into the distance, rotation hoop.

Improve motor skills in outdoor games.

To develop creative thinking, initiative, and creativity in children.

Promote the manifestation of reasonable courage, determination, and self-confidence.

Bring up: attention, friendly feelings, persistent interest in classes physical culture and sports.

Equipment: hoops for every child, phonograms of children's songs for musical accompaniment classes.

Progress of the lesson.

Introductory part: P/n. "Be careful". On the floor around the perimeter of the hall are laid out hoops for every child.

Children perform all imitation movements along the snake path between hoops behind the leader: walking on toes (mice, walking on heels (ducks, jumping (monkeys), walking with deep gray hair (geese, crawling on high all fours (bears, crawling on middle all fours (cats, easy running) (breeze). At the sound signal (whistle, children must occupy the houses(hoops) . At the end of the introductory part, children must quickly take a sound signal hoop on your shoulder and continue walking around the hall. Reorganization in three columns.

1. "On the heel".

I. p.: O. s., hoop at the shoulders. V.: 1-2- hoop up, look into it, right (left) leg to the side on the toe; 3-4-I. P. (8-10)

2. "Get into hoop» .

I. p.: O. s., hoop in right hand. V.: 1-2-sit down, put hoop on the floor, holding, crawl into it, 3-4-I. P. (5 rubles in each st.)

3. "Lean over".

I. p.: feet on w. P., hoop with your arms raised above your head. 1-tilt to the right, hoop to the right. 2-I. p., 3-4 the same to the left. (5-6r per k.s.)

4. "Legs in hoop» .

I.P.: sitting, legs together, hoop in straight hands on your knees. V.: 1-2-Bend your legs, thread them through hoop, straighten, put; 3-4-I. P. (8-10)

5. "Knock".

I.p.: lying on your back, legs together, hoop V outstretched arms above V.'s head: 1-2-sit down get hoop the floor behind your feet(try as far as possible, knock hoop on the floor; 3-4-I. P. (6-8)

6. "Rocking chair".

I.p.: lying on your stomach, legs together, hoop in outstretched arms above the head; V.: bend your back, raise your outstretched arms and legs up and sway back and forth. (6-8)

7. "Jump-Jump".

I. p.: o. With., hoop on the floor at the side. Jump in hoop and jump out of it, moving in a circle. (2 laps in each direction).

8. Repeat the first exercise.

(V at a slow pace)

Basic Part:

Game exercise “Don’t drop the ride”. Ride hoop and catch up with him so that he doesn't fall. (frontal)

Game exercise "Yula". Twisting hoop with fingers in place. (frontal)

Game exercise "Hula Hup". Rotation hoop on the hips. (frontal)

Creative moment: P/n. "Make a figure"

Children perform dance movements to the music; when the music stops, they freeze, making beautiful figure. The player whose figure the leader likes the most becomes the leader. (3-4 rubles)

Game exercise "Climb through without hurting". One child rolls hoop, the second crawls into the rolling hoop, then the children change places. You need to climb into the hoop without touching the rim.

(in pairs)

Game exercise "Classics".

Laid out on the floor hoops in order – 1,2,1,2… Children jump from one two hoops(in each hoop on the leg, then, on the contrary, into one.

Jumping from hoop into a hoop on one leg.


Outdoor game: "Homeless Hare".

Among the players are chosen "hunter" And "homeless hare". The rest of the players - "hares" I occupy my houses. A homeless hare runs away, and the hunter catches up with him. A hare can escape from a hunter by running into any hoop; then the hare standing in hoop, must run away now, because he is now becoming homeless and, as soon as the hunter catches the hare, he himself becomes a hare, and the former hare becomes a hunter. (3-4)

Breathing exercise "Ball". Take a deep breath through your nose (round your belly, hold your breath, and then slowly sit down and release the air. (3-4)

Publications on the topic:

"Autumn". Non-traditional physical education activity for children of the preparatory group Goal: to form in children a conscious attitude towards healthy image life, using health-saving technologies and non-traditional methods.

Physical education lesson on traffic rules in a preparatory school group Objectives: To consolidate knowledge about the rules in a playful way traffic, road signs; Develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge.

Physical education lesson with elements of health-saving technologies, preparatory group for school Topic: “Travel to a desert island.

Physical education lesson in the younger group Program content of the lesson: Use improvisational forms of dialogue between characters Develop memory, attention, thinking.

Physical education lesson in the preparatory group Physical education lesson in the preparatory group. Objectives of the lesson: To teach children the ability to walk on a gymnastic bench with preservation.

Ekaterina Moskaleva-Potemkina

I hear quite regularly that younger preschoolers don't know how to handle hoop, they don’t understand what it’s for. In my practice, I was convinced that they can be taught, and they learn games with hoop the kids are quite successful. I present to your attention a summary hoop exercises in a group of younger preschoolers(children from 2.5 to 4 years old)

Target classes:introduce children to a new snarch house, teach games with hoop, keep your distance, listen to the teacher’s commands

Equipment:hoops with a diameter of 60 or 80 cm according to the number of children. At first classes several hoops lie on the floor in the form of a path

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introductory part. Walking in a circle behind the teacher, walking on tiptoes, on heels, slow running behind the teacher for 1 minute, walking with arms raised while inhaling, walking between hoops, jumping from hoop to hoop.

2. Main part.

outdoor switchgear with hoop:

1) I. p. - standing, legs together, preferably heels together, toes apart, hoop hold with outstretched arms in front of you. 1-2-raise hoop to the top, you can reach for it, stand on your toes, 3-4 - return to i. p. 6-8 times

2) I. p. - the same. 1-2 - turn the body to the right, 3-4 return to i. p., 5-6 - turn the body to the left, 7-8 - return to i. p. 6-8 times

3) I. p. - standing, legs together, hoop hold with straight arms vertically at the top. 1-2 tilt to the right, 3-4 - return to i. p., 5-6 tilt to the left, 7-8 - return to i. p. 6-8 times

4) I. p. - the hoop is on the floor, the child is standing in the center hoop. 1-2 sit down, take hoop with hands, 3-4 stand up, hoop hold at hip or waist level, carefully lift 5-6 hula hoop, 7-8 - the child stands, holding hoop over your head, then 1-2- lower hoop to waist level, 3-4 child stands, holding hoop at hip or waist level, 5-6 sit down, put hoop on the floor, 7-8 return to and. point 4 growth

5) I. p. standing, hoop at the back, hoop as if hanging on the shoulders of a child. 1-2 bend forward, 3-4 return to i. p. 6-8 times

Games with hoop:

1) Chain. Children stand in a circle, holding hoop in front of you, then stand close to each other, holding their hoop in front of you and grabbing hoops neighbors on the right and left. Educator speaks: “We’ll go right first, one, two, three,” everyone goes right. “And then let’s go left, one, two, three,” everyone goes left. “We’ll sit down and rest,” the children squat down. “Let’s stretch and move on,” the children get up and lift hoops to the top.

What does it look like (empty hoop is mine) :

2) Skating hoop in a circle

3) and if you ride hoop succeeds for the majority, then you can arrange a small competition: who will ride further and/or run with simultaneous skating hoop(in 1 younger group won't work) .Photo taken from spring classes:

3. Final part. Walking in a circle behind the teacher, breathing exercises and collecting hoops on a special rack.

Class can be carried out both indoors and outdoors.

Thank you for your attention!

We all know that for the comprehensive development of a child it is necessary to use exercises both for the development of intelligence and mental processes, and physical exercise. One of the common techniques for the physical development of children is exercises with a hoop.

A little history

Before you start doing hoop exercises for children, kids need to be interested. For example, you can tell the story of the creation of a hoop. This Sports Equipment invented in America, invented by Arthur Melin. Later in Bulgaria, hoops were often used in circus art. Then circus performers began to try to twist several hoops on their bodies at once. Next, children can be invited to play as such circus performers and try to perform with them simple complexes exercises with a hoop.

Benefits of exercises with a hoop

For a growing child's body, using this type of exercise will help them strengthen the core muscles of the arms, legs, back and shoulders. The hoop can also be used to stretch muscles in children, but this must be done with extreme caution so as not to harm the child.

In addition, hoop exercises for children help develop flexibility, strength and good coordination movements, and if you perform these exercises to cheerful music, you will also gain a sense of rhythm and a good mood.


Age restrictions There is no hoop for classes. However, it is still better to do exercises with a hoop for children. preschool age. It was at this age physical development children requires increased attention, and the execution of the exercises will be much better and better.

However, there are certain contraindications for hoop training. For example, if your child has any medical conditions internal organs, in particular the intestines and kidneys, then you can’t practice with a hoop. In addition, it is not recommended to perform this type of exercise for those children who have disorders in the functioning of the spine. With such children, exercises are performed under the strict supervision of specialists, for example, at exercise therapy.

Contraindications also include skin diseases, since using the hoop can further damage the skin. However, after complete recovery, children are allowed to perform exercises with a hoop.

Rules for practicing with a hoop

To perform hoop exercises for children, products made of plastic are used. They are lighter and do not cause injury to the child’s body the way a metal or aluminum hoop can.

The hoop should have a diameter of 55-65 cm, and the cross-section of the rim should be 1.5-2 cm.

Before starting the exercises, the muscles must be warmed up by performing simple warm-up exercises.

Considering that children quickly get bored with doing the same activity, it is necessary to alternate, for example, exercises with a hoop and exercises with a ball or stick.

Morning exercises

General developmental exercises with a hoop are well suited for morning exercises with a child. This will help the baby wake up and warm up his muscles for what’s to come during the day. physical activity and charge good mood. Morning gymnastics with a hoop can be done both in kindergarten and at home individually with your child, if available. necessary equipment.

  1. We take the hoop by the opposite ends, stand up straight, heels together, toes apart. We perform bends. Down - exhale, put the hoop on the floor, without letting go of it. Raise the hoop up and inhale. Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace.
  2. We hold the hoop in the same way, with our feet shoulder-width apart. We press the hoop to our chest, then, turning to the left, straighten our arms and exhale. We press the hoop to our chest again and take a breath. We repeat the same thing in right side. Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace.
  3. We hold the hoop with outstretched arms in front of us. Leaning over, we step into it first with one foot, then with the other. Once inside, lift the hoop up and remove it from yourself. We repeat the same thing. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace.
  4. We put the hoop on the floor and sit in it, crossing our legs. We take the hoop with both hands and raise it above ourselves, inhale, lower it and exhale. Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace.
  5. Place the hoop on the floor and perform jumps in and out. In this case, you can accompany the jumps with clapping. The pace and breathing are arbitrary. After completing the exercise, you need to walk around and restore your breathing.

Exercises with hoops in kindergarten

In kindergarten, this kind of exercise is performed during physical education classes. All kinds of games and relay races can be used here, which cannot be done at home due to the lack of sufficient space.

Let's give the following exercises with hoop for children:

  1. We press the hoop to our chest and place our feet shoulder-width apart. We bend the torso to the sides. When bending over, we inhale, when straightening up, we exhale.
  2. We hold the hoop in our arms extended above our heads, with our feet shoulder-width apart. We rise on our tiptoes, inhale, and lower ourselves, exhale.
  3. Hold the hoop as in the previous exercise. We squat - exhale, rise - inhale.
  4. We hold the hoop behind our back, arms bent. We bend forward, straighten our arms with the hoop - exhale. We return to the starting position - inhale.
  5. "How long". We place the hoop on the floor with its rim and launch it like a spinning top, twisting it around its axis. Let go of the hoop and see who can keep it spinning longer. You need to catch the hoop before it hits the floor.
  6. "Catch up with him." Place the hoop as in the previous exercise. We launch him forward and try to catch up. You need to catch the hoop before it hits the floor.
  7. "Who is faster". We lay out the hoops on the floor. Children run or walk around the hall to the music. When the music stops, children must have time to jump into the hoop and sit down. The last child to do this is considered the loser.

Morning exercise complex No. 1 (with hoop)

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 41 "Martin" Ulan-Ude

Morning exercises.

Sets of exercises for preschool children (5 - 6 years).


(hands to shoulders). Walking on your heels (hands on belt) (hands on belt)

(exercises with hoop).

1. "Window" Initial position: wide stance, the hoop is pressed to the chest;

  1. – pull the hoop forward, look at "window" , 2 – i.p. – 8 times.
  2. "Hoop up - back"

Starting position: feet hip-width apart, hoop below, grip from the sides

Educator: 1- raise the hoop up - back, put your right leg back, bend over, 2- starting position, the same with the left leg (8 times).

3. "Turns" I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hoop near chest

Educator: 1- turn to the right, hoop to the right, straighten your arms, 2- i.p., the same to the left (4-6 times per side).

4. "Tilts with a hoop" . Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hoop at the bottom.

Teacher: 1- lift the hoop forward, vertically, 2- bend over, touch the rim to the floor, 3- rise back, 4- i.p. (8 times).

5. "Ku-ku" Starting position: main stance, hoop on the floor, overhand grip;

1 – sit down, look into the hoop – "Peek-a-boo" , 2 – i.p. (6-8 times).

6. "Squats" Starting position: heels together, toes apart, hoop at shoulders (side grip).

Teacher: 1- sit down, lift the hoop up, 2- i.p. (6-8 times).

7. "Twist the hoop" Starting position: legs slightly apart, hoop at waist (hold with hand).

Educator: circular rotations hoop around the waist.

8. "Jumping" Starting position: legs together, hands on the belt, hoop on the floor B.: jumping into and out of the hoop.

"Rooster" 1 – raise your arms to the sides (inhale),

"ku-ka-re-ku" (exhalation). Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make the exercise more difficult 1. Starting position: wide stance, hoop pressed to the chest; 1 – pull the hoop forward, look at "window" , 2 – starting position 3, 4 – turn to the left, pull the hoop forward, look at "window" 5.6 – the same to the right side 7 – starting position (repeat 4 times for each position).

Morning exercise complex No. 2 (with cubes)


(hands to the side), on your heels (hands behind head) (hands on belt)

1. "Let's grow big" Starting position – hands with cubes below.

1- rise on your toes, 2-3 hands with cubes to your shoulders, up,

4-5 – hands with cubes to the shoulders, down 6 – Starting position (repeat 8 times).

2. "Leg Back" . Starting position: 1 - raise your arms and stretch them out, put your right leg back on your toes, raise your head, arching your back; 2 - initial position.; 3 - raise your arms and stretch them out, set them aside left leg back on your toes, raise your head, arching your back; 4 - starting position (8 times).

3. "Turns" . Starting position - legs apart, arms with cubes below. 1 - cubes forward, turn to the right; 2 - i.p.; 3 - cubes forward, turn left; 4 - starting position (8 times).

4. "Incline" . Starting position - cubes at the bottom behind your back. 1-2 - tilt forward, cubes back and up; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).

5. "Cubes up" . Starting position - legs at a width of 1. 1-3 - with a smooth movement, move the cubes up to failure; 4 - starting position (8 times).

6. “Touch your toe!” . Initial position. - sitting, legs apart, cubes on your knees. 1-2 - cubes up; 3-4 - tilt towards the right leg, touch the toe with the cubes; 5-6 - starting position. Same for the left leg (6-8 times).

7. "Pick up the cube" . Starting position - lying on your back, cubes in your hands on your chest. 1-2 - raise your arms with cubes forward and upward 3-4 - starting position (8 times).

8. "Let's jump!" . Initial position. - standing in front of the cubes, arms along the body. Jumping around the neck to the right (left) with turns alternating with walking (8 times).

III Walking. Breathing exercise "Semaphore" 1 – raise your arms to the sides (inhale),

"s-s-s-s" . Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 7 more difficult. Starting position - lying on your back, cubes in your hands on your chest. 1-2 - raise your hands with the cubes forward and up; 3-4 - raise your legs, touch your knees to the cubes 5-6 - starting position (6-7 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 3 (without items)

I Walking. Run. Walking one after another at the signal "turn" turn around and walk in the opposite direction. Walking on toes (hands behind back), side step to the left (hands on belt)

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

  1. "Turns" . Turn your head and try to see objects behind you (10 times).
  2. "Helicopter" . Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. 1 - arms to the sides, tilt to the right; 2 - starting position; 3 - arms to the sides, tilt to the left; 4 - starting position (8 times).
  3. "Umbrella" . Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - tilt to the right, left hand up, palm down; 2 - starting position; 3 - tilt to the left, right hand up, palm down; 4 - starting position (8 times).
  4. "Swan" . Starting position 1-2 - right leg forward and sit down on it, bending the leg at the knee; 3-4 - starting position; 5-6 - put your left leg forward and sit down on it, bending your leg at the knee; 7-8 - starting position (8 times).
  5. "We are growing" . Starting position: sitting on your heels, hands on your knees. 1-2 - rise to your knees, arms up, stretch; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).
  6. "Corner" . Starting position - lying on your back, straight arms behind your head. 1-2 - raise straight legs forward and up; 3-4 - starting position (6-8 times).
  7. "Basket" . Starting position - lying on your stomach, arms along your body. 1-2 - bend your knees; grab your socks from the outside with your hands and pull your legs up while simultaneously pulling your head and catcher up; 3-4 - i.p. (4 times).
  8. "Scissors" . Starting position - hands on the belt. Jumping one leg forward, the other back, alternating with walking (2 times 12 jumps).

III Walking. Breathing exercise "Watch"

The clock is moving forward

They lead us along.

1 – swing your arms forward – "teak" - inhale, 2 – swing your arms back – "So" - exhale.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 3 more difficult. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - tilt to the right, pull your left hand behind your head; 2 - starting position; 3 - tilt to the left, pull your right hand behind your head; 4 - starting position (8 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 4 (with gymnastic sticks)

I Walking. Run. Walking on toes. Walking from heel to toe. Jump on two legs, moving forward. Running like a snake. Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

  1. "Neck" (kinesiological exercise) Starting position - turn your head slowly from side to side, breathe freely. Lower your chin as low as possible. Relax your shoulders. Turn your head from side to side with your shoulders raised and your eyes open (10 times).
  2. “Look at the stick!” . Starting position - legs slightly apart, stick below, grip wider than shoulders.
  3. - stick forward (keep at eye level); 2 - starting position (8 times).
  4. “Stretch!” . Starting position - legs slightly apart, stick below, grip from yourself. 1 - stick on the chest; 2 - stick up, rise on your toes; 3 - stick on the chest; 4 - starting position (8 times).
  5. "Forward Bends" . Starting position - legs apart, stick at the chest in bent arms. 1-2 - lean forward, lower the stick; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).
  6. “Let’s sit down!” . Starting position: kneeling, stick in front of chest. 1-2 - sit on your heels, stick on your hips; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).
  7. “Roll the stick!” . Starting position - sitting, legs apart, stick on hips, hands to shoulders. 7- lean forward, roll the stick further forward; 5-8 - back (6 – 8 times).
  8. “Look at the stick!” . Starting position - lying on your stomach, stick in straight hands. 1-2 - stick up, look at it; 3-4 - starting position (6-8 times).
  9. "Let's jump!" . Starting position - legs slightly apart, stick on the floor, hands behind your back. 12 jumping jacks alternating with walking (2 times).

III Walking. "Rooster" 1 – raise your arms to the sides (inhale),

2 – slap your hands on your thighs "ku-ka-re-ku" (exhalation). Walking

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 4 more difficult. Starting position - legs apart, stick behind your back. 1-2 - bend forward, stick behind your back up to failure; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 5 (without items)

I Walking. Run. Walking on your heels (hands on belt). Walking with clapping in front of you and behind you for each step Walking. Easy running on your toes. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

  1. "Let's dance!" (kinesiological exercise). Starting position - hands on the belt. 1 - raise your right leg, bend at the knee; 2 - Starting position; 3 - raise your left leg, bend at the knee; 4 - starting position (8 times).
  2. "Adjuster" . Starting position - feet hip-width apart, standing parallel, hands on the waist. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - up; 3 - to the sides; 4 - starting position (8 times).
  3. “Look what's behind you!” . Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the body to the right; 2 - starting position; 3 - turn the body to the left; 4 - starting position (8 times).
  4. "Clapping under the knee" . Starting position: heels together, toes apart, hands on the belt. Teacher: 1- raise your right leg, bent at the knee, clap under the knee, 2- Starting position, the same with the left leg Repeat 8 times.
  5. "Persistent tin soldier» . Starting position: kneeling, hands pressed to the body. Educator: 1 - lean to the right, hold, 2 - Starting position 3 - lean to the left, hold 4 - starting position Repeat 8 times.
  6. “Look at the leg!” . Starting position - lying on your back, hands behind your head. 1 - raise your right leg straight; 2 - starting position; 3 - raise your left leg straight; 4 - starting position (6 – 8 times).
  7. "Airplane" . Starting position - lying on your stomach, legs together, arms forward. 1-2 - raise top part torso, legs and arms extended to the sides; 3-4 - starting position (6 - 8 times).
  8. "Let's jump!" . Starting position: jumping either on the right or left leg, alternating with walking (4 times).

III Walking. Breathing exercise "Geese are flying" .

“Geese are flying high, they are looking at the guys” . Starting position: 1 - raise your arms to the sides (inhale); 2 - lower your hands down with sound “goo!” (exhalation) (2 times). Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 5 more difficult. Starting position: kneeling, hands pressed to the body.

Educator: 1 - lean to the right, hold, 2 - Starting position 3 - lean to the left, hold 4 - starting position 5 - lean back, hold, 6 - starting position. Repeat (6 – 8 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 6 (without items)

I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (hands behind head, elbows apart), on your heels (hands behind back) Walking with your toes pointed out to the sides (penguins).

Galloping. Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

  1. "Palm" (kinesiological exercise). Starting position: fingers right hand press forcefully on the palm of your left hand, which should resist; same with the other hand (10 times).
  2. “Roll your shoulder!” . Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. 1-3 - circular movements right shoulder; 4 - starting position; 5-7 - circular movements with the left shoulder; 8 - starting position (8 times).
  3. "Hand jerks" . Starting position: legs on the shoulder, arms in front of the chest, elbows bent.

Teacher: 1- jerk with arms in front of the chest, 2- turn to the right, spread straight arms to the sides, the same to the left (6 - 8 times).

4. "Tilts to the sides" . Starting position - legs apart, hands behind your back - tilt to the right; 2 - starting position; 3 - tilt to the left; 4 - starting position (8 times).

5. "Tilts down" . Starting position - legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-2 - lean forward, touch your toes; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).

6. "Ring" . Starting position - lying on your stomach, arms supported at chest level. 1-3 - straightening your arms at the elbows, raise your head and chest up; bend your knees and reach your head with your toes; 4 - starting position (4 - 6 times).

7. "Fish" . Starting position - lying on your stomach, arms forward and up. 1-3- raise the upper body, arms and legs; 4 - starting position (4 - 6 times).

8. “Turn around!” . Starting position - hands on the belt. Jumping around its axis alternating with walking to the right and left side alternately (10 times each).

III Walking. Breathing exercise "Wings" .

“We have wings instead of hands, so we fly - top class . Starting position - standing, legs slightly apart. 1-2 - raise your arms to the sides (inhale); 3-4 - lower your arms to your sides (exhalation) (6 times). Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 2 more difficult. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. 1-3 - circular movements with straight arms forward; 4 - starting position; 5-7 - circular movements with straight arms back; 8 - starting position (8 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 7 (with a ball)

(hands to the side). Walking on your heels (hands behind head) Running like a snake. Walking in a half squat (hands on belt). Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Throw it - catch it" . Starting position: legs slightly apart, ball at chest, grip from below.

Educator: 1- toss the ball, 2- Starting position (8-10 times).

2. "Show it to your neighbor" . Starting position: feet on the shoulder, ball in straight hands in front of the chest.

Educator: 1- turn right (showed the ball to the neighbor), 2- Starting position, the same to the left (8-10 times).

3. "Tilts" . Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, ball above head, in straight arms.

Teacher: 1- tilt to the right, 2- initial position, 3- tilt to the left, 4- initial position (5 times per side).

4. "Pass the ball" . Starting position: legs slightly apart, ball below, in the right hand.

Educator: 1- raise your arms up from your sides, transfer the ball from your right hand to your left, 2- Starting position, the same in the other direction (8-10 times).

5. "Squats with a ball" . Starting position: heels together, toes apart, ball at chest.

Teacher: 1 - sit down, bring the ball forward, 2 - starting position (8-10 times).

6. "Seated Bend" Starting position: sitting, legs spread wide, ball between legs. 1-2 - roll the ball forward, do not bend your legs; 3-4 - roll the ball back. (8-10 times).

7. "Boat" Starting position - lying on your stomach, legs together, ball in hands. 1-3 - raise your hands up, look at the ball; 4 - starting position (8-10 times).

8. "Jumping" . Starting position: feet together, ball at chest.

Educator: jumping-legs apart, ball up, feet together, ball at chest (10-12 times).

III Walking. Breathing exercise "Hedgehog"

Complication for the second week.

Make the exercise more difficult 1. Starting position: legs slightly apart, ball at chest, grip from below.

Educator: 1- toss the ball with a clap, 2- starting position (8-10 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 8 "To the forest, to the Christmas tree" (without items)

I (hands to the side). Walking on your heels (hands behind head). Run, throwing your heels back. Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

  1. "Christmas tree" . I. similar position - main stance; 1 - arms through the sides up. 2 - starting position Repeat 8-10 times.
  2. "The Blizzard Shakes the Trees" . Starting position – main stance. 1 – arms to the sides. 2 - 3, holding your arms parallel to the floor, bend to the right and left. Repeat 8-10 times.
  3. "Snow" . Starting position: kneeling, arms forward. 1 - hands up. 2 - starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.
  4. "Green Needles" . Starting position - sitting on your heels, arms down; 1 - kneel down, arms up, to the sides; 2 - starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.
  5. "Hedgehog" . Starting position - support on the hands and toes; 1 - support on the forearms and knees; 2 - starting position. Repeat 6 - 8 times.
  6. "Nut" . Starting position - lying on your back, clasp your arms bent knees; 1 - legs straight, arms along the body; 2 - starting position. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.
  7. "Sled" . Starting position - lying on your stomach, arms up, legs slightly up; 1 - 4 - swing forward, backward. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.
  8. "Squirrel" . Jumping on two legs (10-12 times) in alternation with walking.

III Walking. Breathing exercise "Snowstorm" .

The teacher shows the children a picture of a blizzard. The blizzard begins. Children stand with straight backs, then take a deep breath, and as they exhale they say protractedly: "Oooh" .

"Strong Blizzard" - Children increase the power of their voice.

"The blizzard is calming down" - Children reduce the strength of their voice.

"The blizzard is over" - The children fall silent.

Complication for the second week.

To complicate the exercise 1. Starting position - standing, legs slightly apart, hands clenched into fists in front of the chest. 1,2 – spread your arms to the sides. 3,4 – starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.

Morning exercise complex No. 9 (without items)

I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (hands to shoulders). Walking on your heels (hands on belt) Easy running. Walking with high lifting knees (hands on belt). Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

  1. "Palm" (kinesiological exercise) Starting position - with the phalanges of fingers clenched into a fist, make movements according to the principle of a gimlet in the palm of the hand being massaged; then change hands (10 times).
  2. "Ears" . Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist, looking forward.

Educator: 1 - tilt the head to the right shoulder, do not raise your shoulders. 2 - return to the starting position. 3 - tilt the head to the left shoulder, do not raise your shoulders. 4 - return to the starting position. (4 times in each direction).

3. "Tilts to the sides" . Starting position - legs apart, arms with dumbbells below. 1 - body tilt to the right, arms to the sides; 2 - starting position; 3 - tilt the body to the left, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (8 times).

4. "Turns" . Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1 - turn to the right, arms forward in front of you; 2 - starting position; 3 - turn to the left, arms forward in front of you; 4 - starting position (8 times).

5. "Horses" Starting position: basic stance, arms straight in front.

Teacher: 1 - raise the right leg, bent at the knee, pulling the toe down, while simultaneously swinging both straight arms back. 2 - return to the starting position 3 - raise your left leg, with the knee bent, pulling the toe down, while simultaneously swinging both straight arms back. 4 - return to starting position (8 times).

6. "Bend over!" . Starting position - lying on your back, hands behind your head. 1-2 - raise your legs, bent at the knees to the chest; 3-4 - starting position (6 – 8 times).

7. "Airplane" . Starting position - lying on your stomach, arms in front, legs together. 1-2-raise your upper body and arms to the sides (6 – 8 times).

8. "Jumping Sideways" . Starting position – arms bent at elbows 1-4 - jumping to the left; 5-8 - walking; 9-12 - jumps to the right; 13-16 - walking (4 – 6 times).

III Walking. Breathing exercise "Semaphore" 1 – raise your arms to the sides (inhale),

2 – slow lowering of the arms with a long exhalation and pronouncement "s-s-s-s" . Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 6 more difficult. Starting position - lying on your back, hands behind your head. 1-2 - raise your arms and legs up; 3-4 - starting position (6 – 8 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 10 "Exercising athletes" (without items)

I Walking. Easy running. Walking on toes (hands to the side). Walking with the heel of one foot touching the toe of the other (hands on belt) (hands on belt). Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Strongmen" . Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, fingers clenched into fists.

Teacher: 1- forcefully bend your arms to your shoulders, 2- starting position (8 times).

2. "Exercising your arms" . Starting position - o.s. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands up; 3 - arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (8 times).

3. "Running in place" . Starting position: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt.

Educator: take your heels off the floor one by one, keep your toes in place (1-2 min.) (8 times).

4. "On your marks!" . Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. 1-2 - tilt down, arms back - up, keep your head straight; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).

5. « Side stretch» . Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

Educator: 1- tilt to the right, left arm above head, 2- Starting position, same in the other direction (6 times).

6. "Look behind you"

Educator: 1- turn to the right, gently push with your left hand right shoulder back and look behind you, 2- starting position, same in the other direction (6 times).

7. "Side Lunges"

Teacher: 1- lunge with the right foot to the right, back straight, 2- starting position. the same to the left (6 times).

8. "Jumping" . Starting position: legs together, hands on the belt.

Educator: 1-3 - jump in place, 4 - jump as high as possible (6-8 times).

III Walking. Breathing exercise "Grow Big" (inhale) (exhalation), pronounce "Uhhhh" . Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make the exercise more difficult 1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, fingers clenched into fists.

Teacher: 1- forcefully bend your arms to your shoulders, 2- arms up 3- forcefully bend your arms to your shoulders 4- starting position (8 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 11 (with a gymnastic stick)

I Walking. Easy running. Walking on toes (hands to the side). Walking with a side step to the right side, with a side step to the left side (hands on belt) Easy running on your toes. Walking on outside feet (hands on belt). Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

  1. "Wrist" (kinesiological exercise) Starting position: clasp your wrist with your left hand and massage with your right. Same with your left hand (10 times).
  2. "Stick Up" . Starting position - legs apart, stick below, grip from yourself. 1.3 - stick on the chest; 2 - stick up; 4 - starting position (8 times).
  3. "Turns" . Starting position - legs apart, stick behind your back. 1.3 - turn right (left); 2.4 - initial position (8 times).
  4. "Tilts" . Starting position - legs apart, stick below, grip from yourself. 1-2 - bend forward, stick forward, keep your head straight; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).
  5. "Interception" . Starting position - legs apart, stick vertically with one end on the floor, hands on the upper end of the stick. 1-4 - intercepting the stick with your hands, tilt down as low as possible, legs straight; 5-8 - reverse movement (8 times).
  6. “Pull up the stick!” . Starting position - sitting, stick on hips. 1 - stick up; 2 - bend your legs, stick to your knees; 3 - straighten your legs, stick up; 4 - starting position. Back straight (8 times).
  7. “Let’s sit down!” . Starting position - stick vertically with one end on the floor, hands on the upper end of the stick. 1-3 - slowly squat, spreading your knees; 4 - get up quickly (6 times).
  8. "Let's jump sideways!" . Starting position - standing sideways at the end of a stick lying on the floor. Jumping sideways over a stick (moving forward and backward) in alternation with walking (6 times).

III Walking. Breathing exercise "Breathe through one nostril" 1 - close the right nostril with the index finger of the right hand. Take a quiet, long breath through the left nostril; open your right nostril and close your left nostril with the index finger of your left hand. Exhale quietly through the right nostril (2 times). Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 3 more difficult. Starting position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, stick on shoulder blades. 1 – inhale, turn to the right, saying "sh-sh-sh" . 2 - starting position 3 - the same to the left. (8 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 12 "Defender of the Fatherland Day" (without items)

I Walking. Run. Walking one after another on toes (hands to the side), on your heels (hands behind head), with an additional step to the right side (hands on belt). Jumping run. Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

  1. "Toy Soldiers" . Starting position – basic stance, hands "at the seams" . 1 – straight arms forward, 2 – arms up, 3 – arms to the sides, 4 – starting position (8 times).
  2. “Sailors. Starting position: arms bent, pressed towards you, palms down

1-2-3-alternately stand on your heels while simultaneously performing "stroke" hands forward - to the sides 4 - return to the starting position (8 times).

2. "Submariners" . Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head. 1 – tilt towards the right toe, touch with your hands; 2 - initial position 3-4 - the same to the left (4 times in each direction).

3. "Pilots" . Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest, palm to palm. 1-turn to the right, arms to the sides; 2 - starting position 3-4 - also in the other direction (4 times in each direction).

4. "Sappers" . Starting position: sitting on your heels, hands on your belt 1 - stand up without using your hands. Repeat 6-8 times.

5. "Tankmen" . Starting position – lying on your back with your hands in a lock on your stomach. 1-sit down, hands – tank muzzle forward; 2 - starting position. Repeat 8 times.

6. "In the Trench" . Starting position - lying on your stomach, palms resting on the floor. 1-2 - raise your torso, bend your back, raise your head; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).

7. "Paratroopers" - jumping on two legs alternating with walking (12-16 times).

III Walking. Breathing exercise "Firework" .

Sailors, artillerymen, border guards, tank crews

Protect peaceful labor. Our army: "Firework!"

1 – inhale, 2 – exhale – sa-lu-u-ut! Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise more difficult 4. Starting position: legs crossed, arms locked forward 1 - sit on the floor without using your hands 2 - stand up without using your hands. Repeat 6-8 times.

Morning exercise complex No. 13 "The birds have arrived" (without items)

I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (hands to the side), on your heels (hands behind head), with an additional step to the right side (hands on belt). Run, jump. Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises "The birds have arrived"

  1. "Wing Test" . Starting position - basic stance, arms along the body. Swing your arms up and down, and after several movements return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times.
  2. "Flap of Wings Ahead" . Starting position - standing, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Swing your arms back and forth with clapping in front. Talk while clapping "Pop!" Repeat the exercise 8 times.
  3. "Flap of Wings" . Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1 - turn to the right, clap with straight arms, say "Pop!" - return to the starting position. 3 - turn to the left and clap too. Repeat the exercise 6 times.
  4. "Wingspan" . Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. 1-2 - cross your arms straight in front of you, say. 3-4 - spread your arms to the sides. Repeat the exercise 6 times.
  5. "Cleaning your feet" . Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1-2 - lean forward, move your arms back. 3-4 - return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 6 times.
  6. "Stretching your legs" . Starting position - basic stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 - sit down, stretch your arms forward, say "sat down" . 3-4 - return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times.
  7. "Flap of wings under foot" . Starting position - lying on your back. 1 - raise your straight leg up, clap under your leg, say "Pop!" - return to the starting position; 3, 4 - also clap under the other foot. Repeat 6-8 times.
  8. "Jumping" Starting position – legs parallel, hands on the belt. Do 8 jumps, walk in place, 8 jumps again. Repeat 2 times

III Walking. "Rooster" 1 – raise your arms to the sides (inhale), 2 – slap your hands on your thighs "ku-ka-re-ku" (exhalation). Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 3 more difficult. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1 – bend forward - down, clap behind the right leg, 2 – starting position 3.4 – clap behind the left leg in the same way. Repeat 6 – 8 times.

Morning exercise complex No. 14 "Parsley" (without items)

I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (hands to shoulders). Walking forward with your back. Easy running. Walking in a half squat. Run, throwing your heels back. Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

  1. "Plates" . Starting position: heels together, toes apart, hands down B.: 1- clap in front of the chest with straight arms, 2-3- sliding movements up and down, 4- starting position (8 times).
  2. "Parsley bows" . Starting position: feet on the shoulder, hands on the belt.

Educator: 1- tilt to the right, 2- Initial position, 3- tilt to the left, 4- initial position (8 times).

3. "Forward Bends" . Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides; 1- lean forward, move your arms straight back, 2- starting position (8 times).

4. "Turns with arms moving to the sides" . Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt; 1- turn to the right, spread your arms straight to the sides, 2- Starting position, the same to the left (8 times).

5. "Parsley is having fun" . Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. 1 – bend forward with a turn towards the right leg, clap between the legs. 2 – starting position 3 – bend forward with a turn towards the left leg, clap between the legs. (6-8 times).

6. "Parsley is dancing" . Starting position: basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 – put your foot forward on your toes. 2 – lift it up 3 – lower it onto the toe. 4 - starting position. Same with the other leg. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times on each leg. (8 times).

7. "Clapping behind the knee" . Starting position: heels together, toes apart, hands on the belt; 1- bend forward, clap behind the knee of the right leg, 2- starting position, the same with the left leg (8 times).

8. "Parsleys are jumping" . Starting position: legs together, hands on the belt; jumping – legs apart, legs together (12 – 16 times).

III Walking. Breathing exercise "Semaphore" 1 – raise your arms to the sides (inhale),

2 – slow lowering of the arms with a long exhalation and pronouncement "s-s-s-s" . Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 7 more difficult. Starting position: heels together, toes apart, hands on the belt; 1- raise the right leg, bent at the knee, clap under the knee, 2- starting position, the same with the left leg (8 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 15 "Space motives" (without items)

I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (hands to shoulders). Walking with your toes pointed out to the sides (like penguins). Running with high knees. Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

  1. "Cosmic Wind" . Starting position: basic stance, arms up. 1-4 - sway like the wind, from side to side. (6-8 times).
  2. "Rocket test launch" . Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. 1 - raise your arms up through your sides, rise on your toes, inhale (8 times).
  3. "Let's check the spacesuit" Starting position - basic stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 – tilts to the right – to the left. 3-4 – bends forward – backward. 5-6 – body turns. 7 – starting position (8 times).
  4. "The rocket is preparing to fly" . Starting position: kneeling, hands down. 1-2 - turn to the right, arms to the sides; 3-4 - starting position, 5-6 - turn to the left, arms to the sides; 7-8 - starting position (8 times).
  5. "Warming up in flight" . Starting position - kneeling, hands on your belt. 1 - arms to the sides, sitting on the heels. 2 - return to starting position (6-8 times).
  6. "State of weightlessness" . Starting position - lying on your stomach, hands under your chin. 1 - raise your head, legs, arms. 2 - return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
  7. "Let's sit in the astronaut's chair" . Starting position - lying on your back, arms along your body. 1 - sit with straight legs, arms down. 2 - return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
  8. "The Joy of Arrival" . Starting position - legs together, hands on the belt. Jumping in place on two legs, alternating with walking.

III Walking. Breathing exercise "Sounds of Space" (for the development of speech breathing). Children make a sound while exhaling for a long time "U-U-U" . Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make the exercise more difficult 1. Starting position – basic stance. 1 – arms to the sides. 2 - 3, holding your arms parallel to the floor, bend to the right and left. Repeat 8 times.

Morning exercise complex No. 16 "Dwellers of the Sea" (without items)

I Walking. Run. Heel-to-toe walking (hands on belt). Walking with clapping in front of you and behind you for every step. Run after each other, with long strides. Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

  1. "Seaweed" Starting position - legs apart, hands down. 1- raise your arms straight up in front of you. 2 - tilt of the body to the right. 3- straighten up, arms up. 4 - starting position. Repeat the exercise 6 times, alternating right and left sides.
  2. "The sea is agitated" . Starting position - basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 – raise your arms up, lock your fingers, 2 – rotate the body clockwise, without bending your arms – to the left 3 – down 4 – to the right 5 – up 6 – in the other direction 7 – starting position. Repeat 4 times in each direction.
  3. "Jellyfish" . Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest. 1- spread your arms to the sides and slowly draw circles in front of you, straighten your legs, rise on your toes, pull in your stomach, stretch your neck. 2 - starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.
  4. "Sea Horse" . Starting position - basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 - lunge forward with your right foot. 2-3 - springy swaying. 4 - starting position. Same with the left foot. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.
  5. "Sea turtle" . Starting position - sitting on the floor, knees pulled up to the stomach, arms hugged, head tilted towards the knees. 1-2 - lift up - straight legs forward ("corner" ) , arms to the sides, raise your head, stretch your neck. 3-4 - return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 6 times.
  6. "Octopus" . Starting position - kneeling, hands on the belt 1,2 - sit on the right thigh, hands to the left. 3.4 – return to the starting position. The same in the other direction. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.
  7. "Starfish" . Starting position - lying on your back, straight arms behind your head. 1-3 - turn to the right (left) side. 2-4 - return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
  8. "Flying Fish" . 1-4 - jumping in place on two legs. Repeat 4-6 times.

III Walking. Breathing exercise "Sea breeze" . Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. Take as much air into your lungs as possible, inhale through your nose, puff out your cheeks, smoothly bend forward and down, lightly tapping your cheeks with your fists, exhale the air in small portions. Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 8 more difficult. 1 – 3 – jumping on two legs. 4 – jump with a 90 degree turn.

Morning exercise complex No. 17 (with rope)

Walking. Easy running. Walking on toes (hands to the side). Walking on your heels (hands behind head) Easy running on your toes. Walking on the outside of the foot (hands on belt). Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Rope Up" . Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, rope below.

Teacher: 1- rope forward, 2- up, 3- forward, 4- starting position. Repeat 8 times.

2. "Rope Down" . Starting position: legs on the shp, rope below 1 – lift the rope up, 2 – bend down 3 – straighten up, lift the rope up, 4 – starting position. Repeat 8 times.

3. "Rotation of the Rope" . Starting position: legs apart, one hand up, the other down, rope vertical. On the count of 1,2, 3, 4 - swap hands, while pulling the rope. Repeat 6-8 times.

4. "Put down the rope" . Starting position: feet on the shp, rope in arms extended forward. 1- bend down, put the rope on the floor, 2- stand up, hands on your belt, 3- bend down, take the rope, 4- starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.

5. "Turns" . Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, rope forward. 1 - turn to the right, 2 - starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 6-8 times.

6. "Tilts" . Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, rope at the top. 1 - tilt to the right, 2 - starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 6-8 times.

7. "Half Squats" . Starting position: heels together, toes apart, rope below. 1-sit down, rope forward, 2-starting position, same in the other direction. Repeat 6-8 times.

8. "Jumping" . Starting position: legs together, rope below.

Teacher: jumping - legs apart, rope up, legs together, rope down. Repeat 6-8 times.

II Walking. Breathing exercise "Hedgehog" 1 - turn the head to the right - a short noisy inhale through the nose, 2 - turn the head to the left - exhale through a half-open mouth. Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make the exercise more difficult. 8. STARTING POSITION: legs together, rope below.

Teacher: jumping - legs apart, rope up, legs cross, rope down Repeat 6-8 times.

Morning exercise complex No. 18 (with handkerchiefs)

Walking. Easy running. Walking on toes (hands to the side). Walking on your heels (hands behind head) Running like a snake. Walking on inside feet (hands on belt). Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

  1. "Show me the handkerchief" . Starting position: legs on sh.st., handkerchief in both hands near the chest. 1- straighten your arms, show the handkerchief, 2- starting position. Repeat 8 times.
  2. "Wave your handkerchief" . Starting position: feet on the shoulder, handkerchief in the right hand, lowered down. 1 - hands up, transfer the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it, 2 - starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.
  3. "Signals to the Airplane" . Starting position: feet on the shoulder, handkerchief in the right hand, lowered down. 1 - arms to the sides, transfer the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it, 2 - starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.
  4. "Replace the handkerchief" . Starting position: feet on the shoulder, hands below, handkerchief in the right hand. 1 - tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side, 2 - starting position, transfer the handkerchief behind your back from your right hand to your left, and the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.
  5. "Spinner" . Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below, handkerchief in the right hand. 1 - tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side, 2 - starting position, transfer the handkerchief behind your back from your right hand to your left, and the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.
  6. "Waving your arms" . Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below, handkerchief in the right hand. 1 - right hand up, 2-3-4-5 - swing your arms up and down, 6 - starting position, 7 - transfer the handkerchief behind your back from your right hand to your left, repeat the exercise, starting with your left hand. Repeat 4 times.
  7. “Let’s lie down!” . Starting position - sitting, bending your knees, holding a handkerchief under your knees. 1-2 - lie on your back; 3-4 - starting position (6 - 8 times).
  8. "Jumping" . Starting position: legs together, handkerchief below; jumping with a handkerchief (12 – 18 times).

III Walking. Breathing exercise "Grow Big" 1 – raise your arms up, stretch, rise on your toes (inhale). 2 – lower your arms down, lower your entire foot (exhalation), pronounce "Uhhhh" . Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 6 more difficult. Starting position: kneeling, hands on your belt.

1 – sit on your heels with your hands up, wave your handkerchiefs 2 – starting position. Repeat 8 times.