Breathing exercises for losing weight. Proper breathing for weight loss: well-known exercises and techniques. Technique and benefits of belly breathing

It's no secret that the most the best way Losing weight involves following a diet and exercising. But what should people do who want to lose extra pounds, but for some reason cannot exercise or are simply too lazy to do it? A way out of the situation can be such a “frivolous”, in the opinion of many, activity as breathing exercises. Just 15 minutes of regular breathing exercises for weight loss per day and breathing control allow you to significantly increase the speed of getting rid of excess weight and provide a real opportunity to slowly but surely move towards a “thin” and happy life.

Researchers have long found a relationship between the process of losing weight and the process of completely saturating the body with oxygen and came to the following conclusions:

Oxygen levels in the atmosphere are slowly but steadily decreasing due to climate change (global warming) and pollution;

The fast pace and constant stress present in the life of every adult significantly changes our breathing: about 90% of men and women begin to take shallow short breaths, and such breathing is superficial and limits the saturation of the body with oxygen, which is simply necessary in sufficient quantities for separation with extra pounds.

The effectiveness of breathing exercises for weight loss

The effectiveness of breathing exercises for weight loss has long been proven by hundreds of real examples: with its help, hundreds of men and women have of different ages were able to get rid of excess weight, improve contours and even solve some health problems.

Breathing exercises help activate the following processes:

  • - dulls the feeling of hunger;
  • - helps food digest;
  • - promotes the breakdown of fat cells;
  • - gives a surge of vigor and strength;
  • - strengthens the immune system;
  • - calms the nervous system.

Why is breathing exercises for weight loss so effective?

Oxygen ensures the absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract. Our digestive system has many tiny fibers that are needed for the absorption of calcium, iodine, healthy fats and amino acids, as well as other nutrients that enhance metabolism. For maximum efficiency, the villi require more oxygen than other tissues and organs. human body. And if there is not enough oxygen due to “shallow” breathing, the ability of the villi to absorb nutrients immediately decreases by 72%, and the metabolic rate by 30%.

Sustained weight loss depends on how quickly food and fats entering the body are converted into useful energy, when adenosine triphosphate (or ATP) molecules appear, which are actively involved in the breakdown of fat cells. But these ATPs work effectively only in a slightly alkaline environment (pH at least 7). Oxygen is a favorable factor for the development of an alkaline environment, therefore deep breathing allows you to constantly maintain pH, ideal for activating ATP and therefore breaking down fat cells.

Breathing exercises for weight loss are also considered very useful because it helps remove harmful substances(preservatives, pesticides and other toxins) that accumulate in fat cells. Toxins have been shown to have a negative effect on hormone production thyroid gland both adrenal glands and the body, trying to protect its vital organs, accumulates fat cells and uses them as a kind of storage for harmful substances. It turns out that up to 70% of toxins can easily be converted into gases released through deep breaths. This means that proper breathing can significantly reduce the toxic load on the body that each person receives in one way or another. To do this, simply breathe deeply and slowly - the amount of “exhaled” toxins will increase tenfold.

Oxygen entering the body, oxidizes body fat . Its interaction with fat cells is the first step towards getting rid of extra pounds. Most of us use no more than 30% of our lung capacity. If you increase the amount of oxygen entering the body and improve the depth of breathing, fat cells will begin to break down much faster.

Breathing exercises help reducing the amount of stress hormones in blood. And many people, as you know, are accustomed to “eating” stress. If there are fewer stress hormones, the need to “eat it up” will disappear by itself, which will not fail to affect the volume of the figure.

How breathing exercises for weight loss work

All breathing exercises for weight loss are based on one principle:

special breathing causes oxygen to enter the blood faster,
and this leads to a significant acceleration of metabolism
and, therefore, to the burning of fat deposits

And here abdominal breathing is used more actively than chest breathing, since when breathing with the stomach, the diaphragm becomes more tense. The lungs expand significantly, their vital volume increases - up to 0.3 liters in two to three months of regular exercise.

In addition, abdominal breathing causes increased blood flow in the organs, and contractions of the diaphragm further stimulate them.

Types of breathing exercises for weight loss

The most popular methods today are:

  • - breathing exercises according to Strelnikova;
  • - "Jianfei";
  • - Oxysize complex.

Bodyflex was once developed by an American named Childers Greer, who was able to adapt the yoga exercise “Uddiyana Bandha” for direct weight loss. Her book “Great Figure in 15 Minutes a Day” contains 13 exercises, of which 11 are for the body and 2 for the face. The bodyflex technique increases the concentration of carbon dioxide accumulated in the blood, which helps isolate incoming oxygen from hemoglobin. And only then “free” oxygen, along with the blood flow, is sent straight to the so-called muscle tension zone, in which the active process of fat breakdown begins.

Many people confuse the complex with the world-famous bodyflex “ Oxysize" This method of breathing exercises came to our country quite recently, and therefore there are very few experienced trainers in this complex. The mechanism of weight loss when practicing Oxysize is exactly the same as in bodyflex. But at the same time, Oxysize offers its fans a softer and easier breathing system, in which there are no sharp exhalations, therefore this type of breathing exercises has fewer contraindications - even pregnant women can successfully practice it. In addition, Oxysize has another advantage over Bodyflex: breathing exercises can be performed at any convenient time, not necessarily on an empty stomach. It is noteworthy that when exercising using the Oxysize method, calories are burned one and a half times faster than when riding an exercise bike. This complex gives good load abdominal muscles: in 15 minutes they manage to contract at least 250 times. "Oxysize" is recommended for people suffering from migraines, diseases of the digestive tract, and the female reproductive system.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova was developed back in the late 30s of the last century in the USSR as effective method voice restoration for opera and pop singers.
This gymnastics is considered one of a kind, when a sharp and short breath is taken through the nose while compressing the chest.
This technique is recognized as effective not only for getting rid of extra pounds, but also for treating various diseases - asthma, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, sexual disorders.

Chinese breathing exercises" Jianfei" (translated from Chinese as “losing fat”) came to Russia along with the publications of Rosa Yu Bin, an employee of the Russian version of the magazine “China”. The Chinese woman managed to use this technique to lose 10 kilograms in two months, without adhering to a special diet or playing sports. It is believed that “Jianfei” is perfect for “ fasting days", as it helps to dull a strong feeling of hunger. The complex is based on abdominal breathing and includes three exercises: “frog”, “wave” and “lotus”.

Any breathing exercise for weight loss not only helps to reduce body volume, but also has a comprehensive healing effect. It can be a real godsend for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, those who are untrained, and those who are simply too lazy to go to the gym.

Good day to all readers. The long-awaited spring has arrived! It's time to take care of your figure. And you can do this without dieting or going to the gym every day. Breathing exercises for losing belly fat will help you. This gymnastics can be successfully done at home. Let's look at what it is. What are its advantages and does this system have any contraindications?

The basis of any type of such training is diaphragmatic breathing. Thanks to it, the volume of the lungs expands. The blood is very quickly saturated with oxygen. Increased blood flow accelerates metabolism. And this always leads to fat burning

This gymnastics It doesn't just help you lose weight. It is beneficial for the whole body. Because it regulates metabolism and improves lung function.

These days, bodyflex and oxysize have gained great popularity. These systems are united by static exercises with a certain breathing technique. However, they are not the same. I'll tell you what the difference is.

According to the bodyflex system oxygen goes where fat needs to be burned. No diet is required, but you can exercise strictly on an empty stomach. You will only have to spend 15 minutes a day on such activities. Exhalation in bodyflex ends with a deep breath. After this, you need to exhale sharply again and hold your breath. The exercises are performed until you breathe for 8-10 seconds. In our country, this system is actively promoted by Marina Korpan.

Gymnastics Oxysize has similarities with bodyflex. The difference is that there are no sharp exhalations. There are short breaths. Those. One deep breath is taken followed by three short breaths. Next, take a deep breath, followed by three light exhalations. This pattern is repeated up to 30 times. You can exercise after eating. During such inhalations and exhalations, it contracts abdominal Press. In a quarter of an hour, 250 contractions occur. At the same time, calories are actively burned.

Pros and cons of training

I am sure that many of you will be skeptical about this system. How can deep breathing help you lose weight? Please do not draw hasty conclusions. I have seen from my own experience the effectiveness of such gymnastics. The most important thing is to follow all the recommendations. And first of all, learn to breathe correctly.

Research shows that bodyflex promotes active fat burning. It burns 140% more than jogging

I will list the main benefits of breathing exercises:

  • metabolism accelerates, which means fat cells are burned;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • production of positive hormones - endorphins.

And after classes during the day it is supported high level metabolism. Which is exactly what we need :)

Despite its effectiveness, this gymnastics has some contraindications. It should not be practiced if you have asthma or increased intracranial pressure. For diseases such as pulmonary hypertension, glaucoma. As well as heart failure, aortic aneurysm. IN postoperative period, as well as for diseases of the thyroid gland. Bodyflex is ineffective for hormonal disorders.

As for oxysize exercises, they have not undergone clinical trials in our country. The system is more gentle than bodyflex. Although the contraindications are similar. After all, even in oxysize it all comes down to holding your breath. For any serious chronic diseases, exercise is contraindicated.

How to exercise correctly

If you want to achieve results, you must first master the breathing technique. Diaphragmatic breathing is infant breathing. In small children, when inhaling, the stomach rises up. In adults, the chest rises. In the description of the bodyflex or oxysize technique, this is the main parameter. Since I am familiar with bodyflex in practice, I will give recommendations on this system.

To master this technique, Greer Childress (founder of bodyflex) recommends practicing in a certain position. Feet shoulder-width apart, semi-bent. The body is slightly tilted forward. Place your palms on the area slightly above your knees.

  1. Start with a series of even, deep breaths.
  2. Then forcefully push the air out, completely emptying your lungs. After exhaling, inhale quickly through your nose. The belly should be very inflated. When this happens, the lower ribs move apart, and the lungs are better filled with oxygen.
  3. Then exhale forcefully through your mouth, while drawing in your stomach. Those. When you inhale intensely, your stomach should inflate. And when you exhale, it deflates.
  4. After exhaling, you should hold your breath for 8-10 seconds. At the same time, constantly pull in your stomach, do not relax. This type of training is called a “natural pause.” After 10 seconds, inhale again.

The most important thing in this system is the gradual development of breathing techniques. At first, I recommend devoting several classes to this. And only then start bodyflex exercises. You may find it difficult to hold your breath for 10 seconds at first.

It is also necessary to control the movements of the abdomen. Don't breathe through your chest! Static exercises will be of no use if you continue to breathe as usual.

Bodyflex exercises

Marina Korpan has been practicing bodyflex for many years. She has achieved amazing results and shares her experiences with us. These are proven sets of exercises for different parts of the body. We will look at gymnastics for the abdomen and sides, as well as hips.

To reduce the belly

Gymnastics is aimed at stretching the sides, as well as abdominal fat. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly. Place your palms slightly above your knees. The position is similar to that of a volleyball player. Do the breathing exercise I described above. Pull your stomach in as you exhale.

Lower left hand, place her elbow on the knee of her left leg. Move your right leg to the side, the toe needs to be extended, the foot does not leave the floor. Pull your right arm up above your head. You should feel a stretch in the muscles from your side all the way up to your thigh. Count to 8-10 seconds, then relax your stomach, you can take a breath. The exercise is repeated 3-5 times. Then change hands.

For waist and hips

This exercise is performed while sitting. It will help you not only remove your belly, but also tighten your thighs. Sit on the floor, cross your legs. Left leg you need to throw it on the right. Bend your legs. Right hand, grab the knee of your left leg. And take your left hand behind your back.

Exhale and inhale, then take a deep breath and exhale sharply. Remember to strongly draw in your stomach as you exhale. Pull your left knee towards you, it should “look” up. At this moment, you seem to twist your body to the left, the tension will be in the waist.

In this situation, you need to try to look back. At this moment, the muscles of the waist and outer thighs will stretch. You need to count to 10 seconds and inhale. The exercise is repeated 3-5 times, then the position of the legs and arms changes. To make it easier for you to understand the set of exercises, I have selected a video from Marina Korpan. In it she explains in detail the breathing technique and how to perform basic exercises.

At first I did it wrong, I had a headache and I quit the exercises, thinking that they were ineffective. Only after watching Korpan’s video lessons did I begin to understand more. In addition, I have low blood pressure, and I wanted everything “to the maximum” :) Monitor your well-being and exercise in moderation.

Also, be sure to read my article “”. This is also a very effective exercise for the waist.

Results of those who tried it

Elena: I worked out on my own and lost 15 kg. The system is working! At the same time, I managed to tighten my figure well. Nothing hangs anywhere, the skin is toned.

Alenka: I did the vacuum exercise for a month. I really wanted to remove my belly. The result is that the waist has decreased by 5 cm. I’m happy as an elephant.))

Forget-me-not: I gained a lot of weight after giving birth. I decided to try bodyflex. I've been doing it for a little over a week. There are results - I pulled on a skirt that I couldn’t fit into. I'll see how it goes, but for now I'm determined.

Oksana: But I couldn’t do it. I guess I was practicing my breathing incorrectly. I feel very dizzy and my heart just jumps out of my chest.

Natasha: I have had zero results in two months. I worked out on an empty stomach in the morning, all my centimeters were with me.)) But after classes I felt great, my energy was in full swing. I regret that I abandoned it, but to be honest, I’m too lazy to start now.

Sisi: The result exceeded all my expectations!! Not only did I lose weight, I stopped getting tonsillitis and ARVI. I got rid of shortness of breath and feel great. I'm not going to quit classes.

I would like to add on my own behalf – don’t expect miracles right away. The result will be, but with the correct breathing technique and daily exercise. Also, do not forget about proper nutrition. Bodyflex combined with cakes is a bad tandem. During your weight loss period, you will need to exercise every day. When you achieve results, classes can be reduced to three times a week.

If you have experience in bodyflex or oxysize, share your impressions! and see you again.

An alternative to exhausting diets and daily physical activity is a system of breathing exercises used to lose weight in the abdomen and thighs. This method is gaining popularity not only among older women, but also among young people. What it is based on, what techniques it includes and how it works - in detail in this material.

The essence of breathing exercises is to perform exercises in a certain sequence, frequency and amplitude, which stimulate the activity of the organs involved in the process. This leads to an increased supply of oxygen, helps stimulate the body's metabolic processes, and breathing is also used to lose weight in the abdomen, thighs and legs.

The benefits of breathing exercises

Systematic breathing exercises bring certain benefits:

The effectiveness of breathing exercises for weight loss

The effectiveness of breathing exercises has long been confirmed by hundreds of people who were able to use it to lose weight, improve the contours of their figure, and also improve their general condition.

Is as follows:

  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Invigorates and gives strength;
  • Normalizes the nervous system. Breathing exercises can reduce the amount of stress hormones. No stress - no habit of eating problems. Moderate food consumption will lead to a decrease in body volume;
  • Promotes rapid digestion of food;
  • Reduces hunger;
  • Breaks down fat cells. Thanks to a sufficient amount of oxygen, the alkaline environment improves and the breakdown of fats accelerates;
  • Deep breathing removes accumulated toxins and pesticides from fat cells and they shrink.

Gymnastics technique

All methods use several techniques:

Preparing for the exercises

Before starting respiratory therapy, the following preparations must be made:

  • Measure the interval from normal exhalation to the desire to inhale through your nose. Time – 60 seconds;
  • Measure your pulse at rest. The norm is up to 60 beats per minute;
  • Sit on a chair, straighten your back;
  • Relax and start breathing slowly. Small breaths should lead to a feeling of lack of air;
  • Gradually take deeper breaths while controlling your lungs.

Rules for performing the exercise

In order to obtain the greatest effect from breathing exercises, you should:

Exercise: mouth breathing

Breathing for losing belly fat through the mouth helps stimulate hormones to combat stress, and this maintains the integrity of the nervous and immune system. Feeling the slightest tension, you should take about twenty deep breaths and the condition will gradually return to normal.

Exercise: Flying Belly Lock

The point is to give the transverse muscle elasticity. You need to pull in your stomach as much as possible, while releasing all the air from your lungs through your mouth and hold your breath. Perform daily for 10 minutes and after a few weeks the muscle will tighten and your waist size will decrease.

Also this exercise will relieve back pain and relieve stress from the lower back.

Exercise: belly breathing

This technique is that as you inhale, the abdomen fills with air and rounds, and as you exhale, it collapses and releases air from the lungs. This is done smoothly, without jerking. To better feel the exercise, you should place your hands on your stomach.

For maximum effectiveness, this technique should be performed throughout the day. This method can relieve stress, relax, and help you concentrate on what is important. Also, when performing this exercise, it happens beneficial massage internal organs abdominal cavity.

Exercise: Stimulating Breathing

The respiratory function is regulated by the medulla oblongata, which is a center whose activity depends on the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. Stimulating breathing involves stimulating this center, increasing the frequency and depth of breathing with the help of pharmacological stimulants.

After administering such drugs, you should breathe slowly, but not deeply, for 10 minutes until the pulse returns to normal.

Exercise: Skull Radiance

Thanks to the exercise, mental activity becomes toned and lung capacity increases. Skull Radiance activates the spleen, pancreas and liver and strengthens the abdominal muscles. The digestive system also works better, eye irritation disappears and the whole body becomes more energetic.


  1. The back is motionless;
  2. To lower the head;
  3. Inhale slowly;
  4. Exhale quickly;
  5. Hold the breath;
  6. Do 10 cycles.

Exercise: deep breathing

Deep breathing for losing weight in the abdomen consists of strongly drawing in the abdomen and protruding it to its maximum. You can exercise standing, sitting, lying down in any convenient place and time. For relaxation and normalization nervous system It is enough to do the exercise 30-50 times a day.

Exercise: Diaphragm Breathing

The diaphragm is located between the abdominal and pectoral muscles. As she inhales, she tenses and her stomach relaxes.

The technique is as follows:

Exercise: Holotropic Breathwork

The holotropic technique is based on intense breathing combined with music and certain psychological suggestions. It is often used in psychology and during hypnosis to solve individual psychological problems person. Holotropic breathing courses last 2 hours for 3-10 days.

The experiences gained from breathing are comparable to active sports or taking drugs. Therefore, it must be used carefully and only under the supervision of an experienced psychologist. In the absence of a deep problem, breathing brings benefits in the form of vigor, tone and Have a good mood.

Exercise: abdominal breathing

It is important to use proper breathing to train your abs and lose belly fat. Muscles constantly need to replenish oxygen reserves and recharge. Without this, any manipulation of the abs or other muscle is zero, since its tissue burns calories and excess fat only if it is saturated with oxygen.

When training, proper breathing is as follows: when the muscles are maximally tense, exhale during lifting, and inhale during relaxation.

Correct technique breathing for fast weight loss abdomen simplifies any exercise and reduces soreness after performing it. Diligence and endurance during abdominal training are highly valued, but without properly adjusted breathing they will not lead to desired result. Abdominal training should be done 3 times a week.

Types of breathing practices

Breathing practices, which are also used for weight loss, are of the following types:

  • Bodyflex;
  • Strelnikova's technique;
  • Tai Chi;
  • Yoga;
  • Lobanova systems;
  • Muller system;
  • Buteyko method;
  • Bulanov method;
  • Frolov's method.

Bodyflex technique

The essence of the system is to learn to breathe in 5 stages. Classes are conducted on an empty stomach, ideally in the morning before breakfast.

The meaning of this technique is as follows:

  • all air is exhaled as much as possible through the mouth;
  • then inhaled through the nose in the greatest quantity;
  • the stomach fills with air;
  • mouth wide open;
  • all the air is exhaled from the diaphragm.

It is important to ensure that inhalations are made only through the nose, and exhalations through the mouth.

The minimum number of inhalations and exhalations in one session is 50 times. This practice will be most effective in conjunction with muscle stretching exercises. With such deep breathing, oxygen penetrates the blood, is distributed throughout the body, enters the fat cell and burns it.

During retraction of the abdomen, the muscles of the stomach are also trained, which leads to a narrowing of the organ in size, and, consequently, less hunger. Portions are reduced and your figure becomes slimmer. The whole complex takes about 20 minutes, and the first visible results visible after a week of classes.

The most famous and effective exercises:

  1. a lion. Trains the area around the mouth and under the eyes, face and neck. Feet wider than shoulder width, knees slightly bent, buttocks pulled back. Palms on knees. Breathe, then move your lips into a circle, look up, hold the pose for 10 seconds and inhale. Do 5 repetitions.
  2. Side stretch . Trains the sides and waist. Pose as in the “Lion” exercise. Then you need to lower your left hand to your elbow, and extend your right hand up above your ear to feel the lateral tension. Breath. Hold for 10 seconds, exhale. Do 3 repetitions on each side.
  3. Taking the leg back. Trains the buttocks and back surface hips. Get on your knees and elbows. Stretch one leg back. Breath. Hold for 10 seconds. Do 3 repetitions on each leg.

Qigong technique

Qigong exercises came to us from China. They are based on the practice of breathing with the involvement of human energy centers. The technique makes it possible to increase energy and feel vigor throughout the body.

The effect of the technique is not only on the entire body, but also on its local zones: for weight loss, eliminating back pain.

Basic exercises:

  1. Dancing snake. Stand straight, place your hands behind your head. Bend your knees in a circle in one direction and the other. Do half a circle while inhaling, half a circle while exhaling slowly. Do it 5 times.
  2. flying dragon. Stand straight, legs slightly apart. As you inhale, round your back and raise your elbows. As you exhale, move your elbows and shoulders back. Do it 10 times.
  3. Crane coming out of the lake. Stand straight, legs slightly apart. As you inhale, pull your leg towards you and move it to the side, while exhaling, lower it. Do it 5 times.

Strelnikova's technique

Gymnastics involves inhaling quickly and sharply through the nose, which is beneficial chest. Initially, the technique was used to train the voices of singers, but over time it became part of permanent medical practice.

A sharp inhalation and silent exhalation are combined with different movements:

Method by Pam Grout

This technique is aimed at losing weight without exhausting diets, as it can start metabolism, ridding the body of extra pounds. There are about 30 exercises in total, which the author calls cocktails.

The most effective “Queen of the Beach”:

  • Give any motivational speech loudly;
  • Inhale slowly but deeply from your stomach through your nose, counting to 4;
  • Hold the air for 16 counts;
  • Exhale.

Oxysize technique

A technique that allows you to reduce weight by 3 kg and get rid of cellulite significantly increases the amount of oxygen in the body and improves body condition.

Breathing: sharp inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth:

Marina Korpan's technique

Breathing is performed on an empty stomach, which stimulates metabolic processes and entails the burning of subcutaneous fat.

Marina Korpan’s technique combines the basic Bodyflex and Oxysize techniques.

The author recommends practicing her complex for 30 minutes every day, without missing a single day. In addition to the main workout, it is recommended to breathe twice during the day for 5 minutes. The exercises should be done in the morning or 2 hours before meals.

Pranayama technique

The key is to exhale powerfully. Pranayama says that without a strong exhalation there cannot be a strong inhalation. The technique has a tonic effect on the body, relieves runny nose, cleanses the lungs, strengthens the stomach and liver.

Basic exercises:

  1. Lie on the floor, legs together, arms at your sides. As you inhale, raise your hands and slowly lower them behind your head. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Perform for 60 seconds;
  2. The situation too. Raise your leg as you inhale, lower it as you exhale. Repeat for 60 seconds;
  3. Sit on a chair with a straight back, inhale, stretch your neck, lift your chin, exhale through your nose. Continue for 2 minutes.

Jianfei technique

Promotes quick reset weight that remains for many years. The technique also improves health, relieves fatigue and speeds up metabolism.

The exercises are as follows:

  1. Wave. Lie on your back, legs bent, place one palm on your chest and the other on your stomach. As you inhale, draw in your stomach, as you exhale, inflate your stomach. Repeat 40 times.
  2. Frog. Sit on a chair, legs at shoulder level, clench your left hand into a fist, and clasp your fist with your right palm. Inhale through your nose, redistributing the air into your stomach, then exhale evenly, and freeze for a couple of seconds. Repeat 30 times.

Exercises at home

Any of the above methods can be conveniently performed at home, since such exercises have a number of advantages:

  • Lack of additional equipment;
  • Convenient time for classes;
  • Complete relaxation and concentration on the process;
  • Reduced hunger without additional medications;
  • Free fat burning;
  • Cleansing the body;
  • Absence of strangers when exhaling loudly.

Outdoor exercise

Fresh air stimulates greater penetration of oxygen into the body. For outdoor exercises, exercises in a standing or lying position, but with a mat, are suitable.

Breathing for losing belly fat is best done on fresh air.

Techniques useful for outdoor activities:

  • Bodyflex;
  • Oxysize;
  • Qigong.

Exercises in the gym

IN gym convenient to do exercises that require supine position or with the assistance of a trainer.

  • Qigong;
  • Strelnikova;
  • Marina Korpan.

Breathing trainer for weight loss

Breathing simulators are special devices that stabilize the body after illnesses. They are used in all areas of medicine. When choosing a simulator, you need to consult a doctor depending on which zones its action should be directed to.

Exercises for women after 50 years

Many women after 50 years old are faced with the problem of rapid weight gain and the impossibility of losing weight through sports. Breathing exercises help launch oxygen processes in the body, which will lead to the desired result.

The best and most relevant exercises are those that are aimed not only at eliminating extra pounds, but also at strengthening and tightening the muscles of the face, neck, chin, and décolleté.

Best techniques are:

  • Methodology of Marina Korpan;
  • Bodyflex;
  • Oxysizes.

Contraindications to breathing exercises

However breathing techniques have a number of contraindications, which include:

  • Heat;
  • Internal bleeding;
  • Unsatisfactory general condition;
  • Chronic pathology.

One of the most effective exercises for losing belly fat - vacuum. It is both physical and respiratory. Despite its apparent simplicity, it has a complex technique, but with perseverance and patience, everyone can master it. In terms of effectiveness, it is not inferior to planks and crunches. Equally suitable for men and women. To everyone who dreams of slim figure, it's worth including it in your training plan.

Mechanism of weight loss

This exercise harmoniously combines physical activity with abdominal muscles and breathing exercises aimed at enriching the body with oxygen. So it’s not surprising that many people choose a vacuum to lose belly fat. Its effectiveness, which is explained scientifically and confirmed by numerous positive reviews, there is no doubt.

Abdominal pumping, crunches, planks, and various exercise machines work mostly with the superficial (rectus and oblique) muscles. They give a beautiful relief in the form of cubes and slightly tighten the stomach. Vacuum is a training of internal transverse and deep multifidus muscles. They allow you to become the owner of a seductive curve in the back, a completely flat stomach and graceful posture.

Educational program. Transversus muscle, with which the work is carried out, is called a weightlifting belt, going from left to right. Its task is to hold the internal organs.

Vacuum breathing performed during exercise helps burn visceral fat in the abdomen, waist, and sides. It provides cells with additional portions of oxygen - the main participant in redox reactions, during which adipocytes are broken down. A person does not even suspect that its regular implementation leads to improved functioning of many organs and systems:

  • digestion: oxygen is responsible for the complete absorption of nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood;
  • liver: the respiratory organs additionally remove toxins from the body, facilitating its functions;
  • immunity, which is strengthened by increasing the vital activity of cells;
  • nervous system: exercise gives peace and tranquility.

Directly or indirectly, all this leads to persistent weight loss, especially against the background of regular training. And deep pumping of the abdominal muscles does not leave a single chance for fat to remain in this area.

You shouldn't expect rapid weight loss. Vacuum is an exercise that produces results after a while. Therefore, you need to be patient. By the end of the first month of training, the effect will already be noticeable, but a perfectly flat stomach can be achieved only after six months. Although this will depend on the initial condition of the abdominal muscles and the amount of fat in this area.

From the world of stars. The vacuum has another name - the Schwarzenegger exercise, since the famous Hollywood actor-bodybuilder is a true master of its implementation.


Since losing weight using a vacuum involves working with the deep abdominal muscles, visceral fat and affects the functioning of vital organs, it is not available to everyone.

Absolute contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • recently done C-section and any other abdominal operations;
  • respiratory and cardiovascular diseases;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • menstruation;
  • obesity;
  • abdominal pain of any nature and origin;
  • elevated body temperature, acute illness;
  • neoplasms and inflammatory processes in the pelvic area and peritoneum;
  • pathologies of the biliary tract.

A relative contraindication is postpartum period. First, you need to wait for the lochia to stop and consult with the supervising gynecologist whether it is possible to begin such serious training. This precaution is due to the fact that powerful vacuum breathing stimulates the uterus and can slow down its recovery after childbirth.

Our guide will tell you how to remove a stretched and sagging belly after childbirth without harming your own health.

With the world - one by one. Vacuum is a kind of remake of the yoga exercise Uddiyana bandha (another name is abdominal lock).

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of a vacuum is its high efficiency and versatility. It can be done anywhere and anytime. Don't need any sports equipment And special clothing. It is also valued for the beneficial effects it has on the body:

  • massages organs;
  • normalizes digestion, stimulates peristalsis, tidies up the stool;
  • improves metabolism;
  • removes waste from the body;
  • reduces volumes;
  • burns visceral fat;
  • strengthens abdominal muscles;
  • straightens posture, stops pain syndromes in the spine;
  • prevents the formation of hernias.


  • a large number of contraindications;
  • complex execution technique;
  • achieving results takes too long: sometimes you have to wait six months or even longer;
  • feeling of discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • side effects.

Despite all the effectiveness of vacuum, trainers and doctors warn about side effects and complications when it is performed regularly against the background of existing contraindications - even visceroptosis.

What is the risk of sucking in the abdomen for weight loss: a wasp waist or health problems? The answer can be read at.

The main disadvantage of this exercise is high intra-abdominal pressure. With obesity, it itself is high, and the vacuum increases it even more, which leads to sad consequences:

  • injuries of the distal esophagus;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease.

To avoid such consequences, you need to observe contraindications, perform it correctly and be constantly monitored by doctors.

Through the pages of history. The vacuum was first demonstrated by Frank Zane, an American bodybuilder who in the late 70s of the last century was a three-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title.

There is no need to exhaust yourself. It is impossible to perform a vacuum by force until severe muscle pain appears.

You need to start with 5-10 seconds of holding your breath with your stomach pulled in, and then increase the time by 5 seconds every day. Vacuum breathing exercises are performed in several approaches with an interval of 40 seconds.

The effect of the exercise after 2 months

All exercises for losing belly fat (and vacuum is no exception) are performed on an empty stomach. At least 2 hours should pass after the last meal. Do it twice a day - immediately after waking up and shortly before bed. The greatest benefit can be achieved if you include it in a set of exercises (ours will help you choose separately for men or women). However, with a certain amount of time pressure for constantly busy modern people, this is a real godsend, because you can suck in your stomach anywhere and whenever it’s convenient - while driving a car, during a break at work, in the kitchen. You can do this in the morning without even getting out of bed.

In the first 2 weeks after starting the exercise, you may experience dizziness, drowsiness and lethargy during the day, even with full sleep. This is due to the saturation of cells with additional portions of oxygen. These side effects will soon disappear. But tingling in the muscles (and throughout the body, not just the abdomen) indicates an incorrect technique. Watch video tutorials, master classes, read the instructions again on how to do it without harm to your health.

Don't forget that when losing weight, it is extremely important to improve your diet. Even if you perform the vacuum correctly every day and meticulously, but at the same time overeat fast food and chips, washing them down with carbonated drinks or beer, your stomach will not become flat and beautiful. You don't have to go on a diet. All that is required of you is to gradually reduce your daily caloric intake to your norm (it can be calculated by) and give up unhealthy foods.

Will also help improve results regular workouts. It could be easy charging, or morning run, or dancing, or exercising in the gym - anything that will burn calories and fat. If the most problem area- specifically the stomach, it makes sense to choose a set of exercises specifically for pumping up the abs (see) and include a vacuum in it. The result will exceed all expectations.

Lifehack. Half an hour before and after the vacuum, you should not even drink water.

Vacuum breathing

By looking at the pictures that show how to make a vacuum correctly, you cannot master the technique of doing it. They do not fully demonstrate how to breathe. And without this, you will not see a flat stomach and a wasp waist. Therefore, you first need to learn this art using video tutorials or detailed text instructions.

Option 1 is the most common:

  1. Take a deep and slow breath through your nose.
  2. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds. Feel the tension in your abdominal muscles.
  3. A strong, energetic, but equally deep exhalation through the mouth to completely empty the lungs of air.

Option 2 - from the breathing program for weight loss:

  1. Form your lips into a tube, as if for a kiss. Slowly release all the air from your lungs through them.
  2. Take a noisy and sharp breath through your nose.
  3. Without holding your breath, exhale through your mouth as quickly as possible until you hear a loud “groin” sound.

As soon as you exhale completely, proceed to the main exercise - pull your stomach towards your spine, according to the chosen technique. At the same time, his muscles should be as tense as possible. Don't let typical mistake- while exhaling, do not relax them.

In the middle of the exercise, a short breath is taken through the nose so that the lungs feel the air in themselves and have the strength to continue.

Ends with a deep, slow and noisy exhalation through the mouth.

In large cities there are special training centers that teach proper breathing - for the treatment of pulmonary diseases, weight loss and simply improving the health of the body. If yours has one, you should start with it.

Advice from a specialist. Breathing gymnastics trainers advise you to first master bodyflex. First, this system will begin the process of weight loss. Secondly, it will speed up results.

Exercise options

You can learn how to perform the vacuum exercise for losing belly fat at home. Few people succeed the first time, but regular and persistent attempts will lead to the desired result. To master his technique, you need to watch several video tutorials. If mistakes are made during classes, this can not only negate their entire effect, but also harm your health.

The exercise comes in four main variations. Each of them is worth mastering separately. Once you have learned how to do one perfectly, after a while you can move on to another, more complicated one. This will allow you to strain your muscles to the maximum and prevent them from adapting to the load.

Lying down

  1. Spread on the floor. Lie on his back. Relax.
  2. Bend your knees. Stretch your arms along your body.
  3. Perform vacuum breathing described above.
  4. After completely emptying the lungs, straining the abdominal muscles, pull it in as much as possible, trying to bring it closer to the spine. It should appear that the navel has temporarily moved to the back.
  5. Hold your breath for 15 seconds. At first this will be impossible, so you can reduce this time to the best of your ability. But strive for exactly this figure.
  6. Through your nose, take a small, shallow breath in with an incomplete chest, only slightly filling your lungs with air, without relaxing your abdominal muscles.
  7. Feel their tension again and hold in this position for another 15 seconds.
  8. Exhale deeply through your mouth while simultaneously relaxing all muscles.
  9. Release the stomach as slowly as possible, without sudden jerks.

Beginners perform 3 approaches at intervals of 40 seconds, more experienced - 5 approaches.

On a note. In the first six months after birth, the vacuum is done with a breath hold of no more than 5 seconds to avoid uterine tone.


About 2 weeks after mastering the vacuum while lying down, you can improve it by performing it while standing.

  1. Stand up straight: back straight, look straight ahead, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed along the body.
  2. Here it is important to achieve complete relaxation of the body, which in the first version was achieved through posture. And here you have to work yourself: your knees should be soft, your shoulder blades should not be tight, your buttocks should not be tense.
  3. We repeat exactly the instructions for the previous version, starting from the 3rd point.

You need to do at least 5 approaches with an interval of 40 seconds.

Note. For some, the standing vacuum is the most difficult of all. If you feel that you cannot fully perform this exercise, move on to the next option, and you will return to this at the very end of your weight loss program. There is nothing wrong with this: trainers explain this phenomenon by the individual anatomical features of the body.


This option is more complicated, as it involves the work of the back muscles (you will lose weight in it at the same time, if required).

  1. You will need a stable chair with a hard seat without a back.
  2. Sit on it, put your hands on your hips, bend your knees at an angle of 90°.
  3. Look straight ahead without letting your chin rest on your chest.
  4. Then follow the instructions for the first exercise, starting from point 3.

You need to perform 5 repetitions at intervals of 40 seconds. The peculiarity of this option is that at a certain moment the tension in the back will be so strong that you will want to lean back and rest against something. Beginners are not always able to cope with this desire. Therefore, choose a stable chair to avoid falling. Or, at first, protect yourself by choosing a chair with a back.

In addition to losing belly fat, this option helps with back pain of any origin.

On knees

The most complex version of the vacuum, but the most effective. It is recommended to switch to it only after completely mastering the previous practices.

  1. Get on all fours. Elbows and knees are at right angles. The spine is straight, without deflections. Look at your own hands without raising your head.
  2. In this stance, special attention is paid to the chest: it should be straightened, nothing should interfere with breathing.
  3. Repeat the first instruction, starting from the third point.

Option for professionals

Sometimes athletes also need to lose weight and pump up their stomach in a special way. In this case, the trainers invite them to try combined exercise"Plank + vacuum."

  1. Lay out a fitness mat on the floor. Lie on his stomach. Relax.
  2. Perform vacuum breathing.
  3. Rise up on your elbows. Hands under shoulders. The pelvis is tucked in.
  4. Pull your stomach in as far as possible.
  5. Lock in.
  6. Exhale, straighten your stomach, lower yourself onto the mat.

The number of repetitions and duration of fixation is determined.

Vacuum is popular both among bodybuilders who form six-pack abs, and among “fit girls” who demonstrate perfectly smooth and flat stomachs. If this is your problem area, be sure to master this exercise to lose weight and correct it.

Despite the abundance of existing diets and complexes that promote weight loss, excess weight stubbornly does not want to leave its owners. Why? Let's leave aside the cases of lazy people who try to outwit themselves (for example, after six you should never eat, and after seven, sneakily - please), such people can only blame themselves. Let's talk about those poor souls (who knows, maybe you're just one of them) who, despite all their efforts and efforts, cannot get rid of extra pounds.

Probably the reason for the unsuccessful fight against overweight lies in the lack of oxygen. Most people use shallow chest breathing, which cannot saturate the body with it. It is considered correct that this is how a newborn baby breathes; this is the way of breathing that is most useful. During diaphragmatic breathing, the muscular septum separating the thoracic and abdominal sections is actively used. As you inhale, the diaphragm tenses, straightens and pushes the ribs apart, while the abdominal muscles tense and protrude like a beach ball. This increases the volume of the lungs, allowing a person to inhale more oxygen. As you exhale, the diaphragm relaxes and arches, while the abdominal muscles tense and “hide” under the ribs, the volume of the lungs decreases sharply, due to which the lungs are freed from carbon dioxide.

When breathing in this way, the body, in particular, works at full capacity, which means that the process of losing weight will not take long.

for weight loss?

When oxygen enters the body in limited quantities, energy cannot be released in large quantities, which means that the part of it that was not involved in the oxidation of glucose and its reserves (fats) will be transformed into fat. Therefore, to lose weight, you need to provide the body with as much oxygen as possible.

How to do it? Through execution anaerobic exercise. True, during active physical activity, fat oxidation will begin to occur only after 30 minutes from the start of the workout, and until then, energy will be used by glucose reserves from the liver.

Therefore, it is better to master the technique of diaphragmatic breathing, which will saturate the body with oxygen. Many therapeutic techniques and health systems. For example, it is diaphragmatic breathing that underlies the now widespread complex system for healing the body and saturating it with oxygen, such as bodyflex.

According to the rules of bodyflex, to get maximum effect from performing exercises (i.e., getting rid of excess weight and making the body flexible), you need to master the five-stage breathing technique.

1. Exhale through the mouth.

2. Inhale quickly through the nose.

3. Powerful, full exhalation through the mouth.

4. Holding your breath.

5. Relaxation and calm breathing.

Initially, breathing exercises began to be practiced by yogis. Nowadays, this is a serious addition to the loads during aerobics. Methods of proper breathing may vary somewhat depending on the specific system (bodyflex, yoga, oxysize, etc.), but all of them aim at maximum oxygen saturation, due to which the fat burning process occurs.

for weight loss. We study key points

When playing sports, exhale with effort, and inhale with relaxation.

Under no circumstances should you forcefully hold your breath.

When performing exercises, you do not need to make yourself dizzy; at the first symptoms of malaise, you need to stop the load and analyze your mistakes.

You need to do breathing exercises for weight loss on an empty stomach.

To begin with, use the most simple exercises, transition to difficult exercises is carried out gradually.

For example, the technique of repeated and cleansing breathing is considered the simplest. It consists of performing the following exercises:

  • three times a day, 10 cycles of repeated breathing are performed (deep inhalation for four counts + breath holding for four counts + calm exhalation for four counts). Required condition: the exercise is performed in the fresh air;
  • Cleansing breathing is performed three times a day. It is identical to the previous one, with the exception of exhalation: with effort, the air is exhaled through tightly compressed lips in small portions.

Correct breathing for weight loss. Eliminate side effects

Not worth practicing breathing exercises hypertensive patients, pregnant women, those who suffer from urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, who have problems with the spine. It is also not used when working with young children and the elderly, unless there is medical advice.

Proper breathing for weight loss. We train easily

The following exercises are quite effective; performing them correctly will prepare you for more complex exercises included in the cycle of one or another health-improving techniques(say, yoga or bodyflex). In the meantime, we are mastering proper breathing, which is the first step towards a slim figure and a healthy body.

So, lying on your back, place a not very heavy book on your stomach. Take a shallow breath, and as you exhale, try to clear the air from your lungs as much as possible, for which you also use your abdominal muscles: pull in your stomach and feel how it sticks to your spine. In this case, the book seems to fall into the stomach. Inhaling sharply through your nose, fill your lungs as much as possible with air and inflate your stomach. The book will rise upward. Exhale sharply and repeat this exercise five to six times. You may feel slightly (!) dizzy, this is normal: the body is saturated with oxygen; The desire to cough is also considered normal: mucus that has stagnated in the lungs comes out.

On the way to work, while in transport, you can perform a square breathing exercise. For every four counts, take a deep breath - hold your breath - exhale - hold your breath. The exercise should be performed for at least three minutes. It is very effective for stress and nervous tension.

Another important question for a person losing weight - a question proper nutrition. Moreover, the essence of this process lies not so much in the use of only healthy products, how much is in the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In general, it is ideal to develop a menu (with the help of a doctor) and follow it day after day. Take into account recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss (this is the topic of a separate article, so we will mention this in passing); dishes prepared according to such recipes take into account the needs of a losing weight, and therefore are the element that speeds up the process of acquiring the desired slimness.

Proper breathing for weight loss is the key to success. However, do not forget about a balanced diet and active physical activity. This is the only way to get your figure in order and, no less important, to normalize the functioning of organs and systems in the body.