Ball exercises for pregnant women 2nd trimester. Exercises on a fitball at different stages of pregnancy and after childbirth. Prohibitions for sports during pregnancy

The pregnancy period is a very important period for a woman, but many neglect sports for fear of harming the baby. In fact, to maintain vigor, excellent muscle tone and good mood, you need to do physical exercise at any stage of pregnancy. Provided that everything goes well and there are no pathologies in the development of the fetus. Of course, not every exercise will be useful, but special gymnastics for pregnant women can help avoid recruitment excess weight, the appearance of stretch marks, keep the body in good shape and gently prepare it for the upcoming birth. This type of gymnastics includes fitball for pregnant women.

A fitball is a large rubber ball that is used as a fitness apparatus. With its help, you can perform a set of exercises without being afraid to even sit on it. Created using special technology, it can withstand even heavy loads and does not explode. If you accidentally puncture the ball, it will slowly descend without causing harm to the person.

Exercises on a fitball for pregnant women help reduce the load on the spine, which reduces the manifestation of pain in the lower back. The main advantage of training is strengthening muscles, improving well-being and the absence of pain during exercise. Such training has virtually no contraindications and is recommended for all pregnant women. However, it is better to consult with your local doctor before starting this type of gymnastics.

Features of choosing a ball for practice

Exercises on a fitball for pregnant women are varied, but in order to perform them comfortably, you need to choose the right equipment when purchasing. It is important that it meets all the requirements, and that practicing on it is convenient and useful.

In the 1st trimester, a pregnant woman needs to be careful, so it is recommended to do no more than 3-4 approaches. Wherein important point is the correct load distribution. Before you start, you need to warm up your muscles a little, for this you can:

  • Walk in place.
  • Make arm swings.
  • Turn your head in different directions.

The main goal is to prepare the muscles, but the warm-up should be small and not cause discomfort or pain. In the 1st trimester, you need to give up pumping your abs, and pay more attention to working out the muscles of your hips and shoulders. The whole complex will look something like this:

Lie on a flat surface, place your right foot on the ball, your foot should rest against it. The second leg is bent and rests on the floor. Slowly straightening your right leg, you need to roll the ball back and forth. After several repetitions, do the same for the second leg.

You need to sit on the fitball like on a chair and bend your arms with dumbbells at a right angle. Without changing the position, you need to move them in different directions and return them to their original position.

Sitting on the ball, your legs spread to the sides and your body leans forward slightly. The right hand rests on the legs, the other with the dumbbells is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and slightly pulled back along with the shoulder. You need to straighten and bend your arm at the elbow several times, then repeat for the other arm.

If it’s a little unclear how all this should be done, you can watch the video tutorial and just repeat it. It is only important to make sure that they are suitable for expectant mothers early stages.

2nd trimester

With the beginning of the second trimester, you can gradually increase the load with the ball, since at this moment the baby is no longer in danger. This period is considered the safest and most useful for training. It is recommended to perform exercises on:

  • Training the muscles of the groin area.
  • Relaxation.
  • Stretching.

To stretch, sit on the ball and rest your palms on it. You need to make swaying movements with your pelvis, moving back and forth. This exercise is also useful for nursing mothers and is often used during childbirth.

The second exercise will be to rotate your torso while sitting on the ball, while trying to reach the opposite leg as far as possible. This will significantly strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and lower back. This exercise on a fitball is also recommended after childbirth.

You can strengthen the ligaments of your legs in the following way: sit on the floor, spread your knees as far as possible and hold a fitball between them. Squeezing it and unclenching it, you need to make several approaches until it appears feeling light fatigue.

3rd trimester

In the 3rd trimester, exercises should be as simple and easy as in the first months. At this time, few people find it easy to do physical exercise; they want to lie down more and save energy. However, it is at this time that exercises with a fitball can bring maximum benefit.

In fact, during this period all the exercises that will be used during childbirth are mastered. They will help relieve pain, increase dilation, and ensure blood flow to the pelvic area. If there are no contraindications, then you should definitely exercise, and when it’s difficult, put more emphasis on relaxation.

Physical activity during pregnancy can bring a lot of benefits to both mother and baby. However, it is important to consult with your doctor and follow the recommended set of exercises. This will prepare the body for childbirth and strengthen it, making it stronger and more resilient.

Exercises after childbirth

Exercises with a fitball are useful not only for expectant mothers, but also for those who simply want to get rid of lower back pain. The description of physical manipulations is already a kind of warm-up technique lumbar region at home. The body will quickly get used to this load, after which you can complicate the exercises by gradually adding other exercises. As a basis, take video lessons for beginners mastering exercises on a fitball.

A mandatory activity for any spinal complex is to work on the organs of the lumbar region of the spinal region. Popular is next exercise: you need to lie on the mat and place your feet on the fitball in an extended position. We strain the pelvic muscles, raising the pelvis to the same line with the body at the same level. We provide the body with a motionless state for a few seconds. Then slowly, without sudden jerks, we lower ourselves down and take the starting position. The movements are shown to be performed at least 15-20 times.

Now you need to perform more complex movements. They look like inversions in appearance. We take the starting position: we lie with our chest on the ball and begin to slowly roll to the lower abdomen, then to the neck and back. In this exercise, the human body repeats the movements of a rounded implement: the ball, rolling itself, promotes a complete roll of the body. Having achieved the correct execution of the exercise conditions, we perform the same actions, but in the opposite trajectory. It is recommended to perform several repetitions. When performing manipulations, you should feel the tension in the back muscles.

These two types of exercises will help quickly restore strained muscles abdominals. After operation caesarean section Exercises with a fitball can be started after a month if the suture heals normally.

After complete recovery, you can begin to perform. If you have back problems, you will need to do this.

For women who are in an interesting position, light physical activity is considered only a plus. One of the options for gymnastics for pregnant women is exercise with fitball, which is gaining popularity everywhere.

What options are there for exercising on a ball for pregnant women, and which fitball is better to choose? Read more in our article!

What is fitball

Fitball represents gymnastic ball, which is designed for fitness and allows you to perform a variety of physical exercise. The ball has a comfortable shape, allows it to withstand heavy loads, you can safely lie down on it, sit astride it and even jump on it.

In essence, the ball is a universal fitness device, but is especially suitable for pregnant women who want to keep their body in good shape. And it also helps to cope with the load on the back and pain in it, which is the lot of pregnant women.

Undoubtedly, before you start exercising, you need to consult with a gynecologist who is monitoring the expectant mother. Although, as practice and reviews from “experienced” people show, the ball for pregnant women has practically no contraindications, and many gynecologists recommend using it before childbirth.

In addition, exercises with a fitball do not cause muscle pain and, unlike strength training, do not increase muscle mass. All exercises should be done slowly and maintain a measured pace.

What do classes give?

Among the benefits that gymnastics on fitball provides are:

  • Relieving the spine from constant tension. Sitting on the ball, it is formed correct posture, the muscles surrounding the spinal column relax;
  • There are significant improvements in the functioning of the respiratory system, blood vessels are strengthened and the heart rate is normalized;
  • The circulatory system is activated, which avoids stagnation in blood circulation and supplies oxygen to all organs;
  • Thanks to exercises on the ball for pregnant women, you can develop the pelvic muscles, which will help avoid ruptures and injuries during childbirth;
  • Exercises on a fitball have positive effect for the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys, and also prevent uterine prolapse;
  • There is a significant strengthening of the abdominal and back muscles;
  • Exercises that are performed while standing on all fours allow you to improve blood circulation in the uteroplacental region and kidneys;
  • Good prevention of hemorrhoids, which is especially important for pregnant women.

Using a fitball as an alternative to a regular chair allows you to get a relaxing effect even when watching TV or reading a book. And you can cope with back pain with the help of regular rocking on a ball.

Fitball is also an excellent assistant during childbirth, it can significantly reduce pain during contractions and makes it possible to maintain strength. And short jumps on the ball cause additional blood flow to the pelvic organs and increase the dilatation of the cervix.

Basic exercises

To get an effective result, it is not necessary to perform complex gymnastic pirouettes, but rather master a few simple exercises. Moreover, you don’t need to do a lot of grueling repetitions and work yourself up to a sweat, but do each version of the exercise only 3 or 4 times.

It is necessary to start exercising on a gymnastic ball for pregnant women in the early stages, gradually increasing the time to 10 minutes a day.

Before you start exercising, you need to stretch your muscles for 5 minutes to avoid sprains and prepare your body for the load. To do this, just make a couple of swings with your arms, walk in place, stretch from side to side and tilt your head.

If during the exercise you begin to feel discomfort in any area or pain appears, you need to interrupt the exercises and rest for a while.

  • Lying down;
  • Sitting;
  • Standing on all fours.

Let us note a couple of simple exercises that are basic and have tangible benefits for the body.

“Spring” - performed while sitting and involves springing movements, keeping your feet on the floor. You can complicate the exercise by raising your arms up or adding body rotations.

“Butterfly” - performed lying down and serves to work with internal and external muscles hips From a position lying on its side, the ball is grasped with the legs, and at the same time squeezing movements are performed.


  • There is a threat of miscarriage or the onset of premature labor;
  • The baby is in a malpresentation position;
  • The woman suffers from chronic kidney disease, pneumonia, or has a heart defect.

How to choose a good ball?

When choosing a ball for practice, you need to pay special attention to the size and “try it on” for yourself. The ball is considered suitable if, in a sitting position, the angle between the thigh and shin forms approximately 100 degrees.

If you buy a ball online and you won’t be able to sit on it, then you need to focus on the ratio of height and size of the ball. So, for a height up to 152 cm, a 45 cm ball is suitable, up to 162 cm - a diameter of 55 cm, and for women up to 185 cm in height, you need to take a size of 65 cm.

Today, fitball for pregnant women is not only gaining popularity; perhaps only the most conservative maternity hospitals have not acquired a large ball in the maternity hospital. And this is not surprising; exercises for pregnant women on a fitball are an opportunity to maintain muscle tone during the period of bearing a child, prepare the body for childbirth, get strong muscles abs, perineum, excellent stretching and, of course, master ways to relieve labor pain. In the delivery room, a fitball will serve you well if you are not lazy and learn how to use the ball right now.

Let's start from the very beginning.

What is fitball?

Literally translated, fitball means ball. These are large, bright balls made of special rubber, with a built-in anti-burst system (ABS, Anti-Burst System), which will prevent such a ball from suddenly deflating and protects against possible injury in such a turn of events. That is, no matter how much you weigh, the fitball will support you, and even if you accidentally pierce it, it will not burst, but will quietly deflate.

They invented fitball in Switzerland, that’s what it’s still called today, Swiss ball.

When mastering a fitball for pregnant women, it would be better to buy your own fitball because they come in different sizes.
How to choose the right fitball?

It should suit your height.
The easiest way to choose a fitball is to simply sit on the ball, with your knee bent at a right angle, your legs should be free to stand on the floor with your full feet.

If someone else was sent to pick up the ball, here are the approximate dimensions according to your height:

Height 152 cm and below - fitball size 45 cm
Height 152-165 cm - fitball size 55 cm
Height 165-185 cm - fitball size 65 cm

It’s important to buy a fitball in a certified store; in the market and other dubious places, it’s easy to run into a fake; it will be very unpleasant to get a tailbone injury before giving birth if a fake Chinese fitball simply bursts under you and you fall on your butt (this will have to be assumed that what a score).

Fitball for pregnant women

Exercises on a fitball for pregnant women can be started from 12-14 weeks, when early toxicosis loosens its grip and the risk of miscarriage begins to approach zero. Before starting the exercises, you need to consult with your gynecologist and get a referral from him to a physical therapy room; if you have the opportunity to master the exercises with an instructor, you should definitely use this, because amateur activities in this matter can be dangerous.

We will provide you with exercises for pregnant women on a fitball, both in pictures and on video, however, all recommendations require mandatory consultation with a doctor, the main thing is not to cause harm.

What is a fitball used for during pregnancy?

General exercises, to relieve muscle tension, deeply work out all the muscles of the body
- exercises aimed at stretching and strengthening the muscles of the perineum, abdomen and thighs
- Kegel exercises designed to strengthen the pelvic muscles, and these are such deep muscles that there is no other way to strengthen them, but they are very necessary, as they ensure the rotation of the child during childbirth. In the future, your vagina will quickly return to normal after childbirth, you will not lose all the delights of sex, and you will enjoy it as before giving birth.

Contraindications for exercising fitball during pregnancy

There aren't many of them. This is a threat of interruption, high uterine tone, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, severe orthopedic and somatic pathology. Before starting classes, any woman needs to consult a doctor.
In general, fitball belongs to the category of physical exercises that have very few contraindications and are suitable for everyone, regardless of fitness level. It not only improves blood circulation, relieves back pain, makes muscles strong and trains a sense of balance, but is also simply enjoyable; exercising on a fitball for pregnant women is truly enjoyable.

Fitball for pregnant women in pictures
General activities for pregnant women on a fitball to strengthen the back muscles help relieve back pain common for pregnant women, provide stretching of the spine, help strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms, and finally, most importantly: you will gain strong and elastic abs without special effort, which will give you the opportunity to push effectively during childbirth and quickly restore a slim tummy after childbirth.

Special complex will help you learn to relax, which will be necessary during contractions in childbirth, these exercises on a fitball for pregnant women help make the ligaments and joints of the pelvis and hips mobile, the spine mobile, for which after childbirth you will thank the ball more than once.

Kegel exercises can be done without using a fitball, but using a ball will be more effective and it will be easier for you to feel the muscles.

Briefly and very clearly, exercises for pregnant women on a fitball are described here (also very necessary exercises, intended for relaxation, they are described there well, and our article is already long, so read it), we will provide you with full complex exercises with illustrations.

When starting gymnastics on a fitball for pregnant women, first always do a short warm-up and self-massage. It is necessary to warm up the muscles, as before any other gymnastics.

You can exercise from 12-14 weeks of pregnancy 2-3 times a week, starting with 15 minutes and gradually increasing the duration of the exercises to an hour. Fitball can be used as a separate complex or as an addition to basic complex gymnastics for pregnant women. There are complexes with additional loading, but we present a classic set of exercises that is suitable for most women.

All exercises for pregnant women on a fitball can be divided into two main groups:

Stretching and muscle strengthening exercises
Relaxation exercises
Separately, we highlight Kegel exercises on a fitball, they are needed for training the deep muscles of the perineum

Fitball for pregnant women, stretching and muscle strengthening exercises

1. Exercise for the muscles of the back and lower back. One of best exercises, safe, very necessary in subsequent births, is performed while sitting on a ball. Sit on the fitball, you can lean on it with your hands if it is still difficult to maintain your balance, then you can abandon this support. Make rocking movements with your pelvis, rotational movements, back and forth movements. All this can be done during childbirth. Instead of waiting frozenly for a wave of pain during a contraction, these exercises will help you relax and unwind, and during a contraction, take your mind off the pain. This exercise speeds up labor by promoting the opening of the cervix. During pregnancy, exercise relieves lower back pain by relaxing tense lower back muscles.

2. Strengthen the leg muscles, create stretching. During labor, you will need to push with your legs firmly, and you will need a great stretch; you will have to spread your legs wider than you have ever done before. Sit on the floor, spread your knees and place the ball between them, now squeeze it. Repeat several times until you feel tired.

3. Sit on the fitball, spread your knees and spread your feet wider, reach with the same hand first to your right and then to your left foot. This will not be as easy as it seems; at the same time, you will inevitably shift your pelvis to the opposite side, actively stretching the muscles of your back, shoulder girdle and hips.

4. Your back will experience serious stress during childbirth, you need to strengthen it in advance, these same exercises will save you from such common lower back pain. Sit on the exercise ball, comfortably and steadily, with your legs slightly apart. Turn your body to the right and left, trying to reach the opposite leg as much as you can. This creates a great stretch for the lower back.

6. Lean forward, standing in front of the fitball, touch it with your hands, roll it away from you and back towards you. This will create an excellent load on your spine and shoulder muscles. There is no need to go to the ball, your task is to move the ball away from you as much as possible and roll it towards you, stretching your arms, shoulder girdle and spine.

7. Lean your chest on the fitball, cross your arms under your chin, shift your body weight onto the ball, kneeling in front of it. Alternately swing first with one leg and then with the other. This exercise helps stretch the anterior thigh muscles, strengthen the buttocks and increase the mobility of the lumbar spine.

8. And of course, special attention require abdominal muscles. Forced significant loads on the abdomen during pregnancy are contraindicated, however, exercises have been developed that can successfully strengthen them. Rest your back on the ball, your shoulder blades should be resting on the fitball, and your knees should be bent at right angles. Place your hands behind your head and lift your upper body, holding the position for a few seconds. Watch the video on how to do it correctly.

Fitball for pregnant women, relaxation exercises

Hug the ball, lie on it with your chest, sitting next to it on your knees, relax your back. The ability to relax in this way during childbirth will make it possible to get complete rest between contractions, while blood circulation in the placenta in this position improves, which means that the baby will receive more oxygen. Remember it well, it will be very useful to you in the delivery room. During childbirth, you will need to choose a position in which you will feel maximum comfort, your body itself will help you, just know how to listen to it, you need to learn this right now, while you are pregnant.

Fitball for pregnant women, Kegel exercises on fitball

First, it’s worth understanding what it is and how it works. In the pelvic floor area there is a rather complex multi-layered system of muscles, and these are muscles that we can control; only in ordinary life we ​​use this ability only to control the act of urination. During childbirth, these muscles ensure internal rotation of the fetal head, without which it simply will not be able to pass through the birth canal. In ordinary life, these muscles, when consciously used and strong, can give great pleasure in intimate life to both a woman and her husband. They allow you to control your own vagina.

How to feel these muscles? The easiest way to do this is during the act of urination. Try to hold back the force of the stream of urine the next time you go to the toilet, and try to understand exactly how you do it. Understanding which muscles are used to hold a stream of urine will allow you to control them outside the act of urination.

The Kegel exercise set is named after the doctor who first proposed it. The point of the exercise is that the woman squeezes these deep muscles, imagining that an elevator is going up (remember, they are multi-layered), first up, making 4 pauses and keeping the muscles tense, and then down, pausing between stops. Exercises can be done without using a fitball, but it makes them more effective.

Get on the ball and cut deep pelvic muscles(the elevator went up), at the same time as if plunging into the ball, then stay in a state of extreme muscle tension for as long as you can, and just as slowly emerge from the ball, the elevator goes down, the muscles relax. Look at the video to see how it looks clearly, it will be clearer.

We hope you found this article helpful.

The third trimester is the most difficult time to do any physical exercise. Therefore, at this stage of pregnancy they are recommended - they are comfortable for the pregnant woman.

Even simple exercises on a fitball train your posture, balance and help you carry the weight gained during pregnancy, because during exercises on a ball for pregnant women, those muscles are used that are not strained during regular exercises.

The maximum duration of one fitball workout is 40 minutes. Exercises on the ball should not cause you to feel tired. If you experience abdominal discomfort or dizziness, stop exercising and get some fresh air.

Simple exercises for pregnant women on a ball

    • While sitting on the ball, swing to the sides and back and forth. Make rotational movements with your hips - first clockwise, then counterclockwise. It may be more convenient to place the ball against the wall so that you can stick to it.

      Any swinging on the ball causes blood flow to pelvic area and relieve tone. During pregnancy, if there is no threat of failure, such exercises can be done to eliminate tension and pain and relax. During childbirth, movements on the ball will speed up the opening and facilitate the movement of the baby along the birth canal.

    • Lean on the ball, kneeling, and relax your lower back, finding the most comfortable position. Get down on your knees and lie on the exercise ball with your arms crossed ( top part the torso should be comfortably placed on the ball). Now relax the muscles of the back, pelvis and abs as much as possible - this will relieve pain in the abdomen and back. During childbirth, this exercise will ease contractions.

    • It is convenient to do exercises on the ball to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, that is, strain and relax the perineum.
    • Sit on a chair with a fitball in front of you between your legs. Squeeze the ball with your knees as if you were trying to push your legs together. This movement stretches and strengthens the muscles of the perineum.
    • Bends to strengthen your back and abs. Sit on a fitball with your legs spread apart for stability. Keep your hands on your waist and bend to the sides, then slowly turn your body left and right 15 times in two passes. Muscle pain during exercise is not allowed.
    • Take light ones – up to 1 kilogram – . When balancing on the ball, bend your arms - they need to be strengthened, because you will have to withstand the stress of childbirth, where you will need Strong arms, and then you will need to carry the baby often and a lot.
    • We sit down cross-legged, take the fitball at chest level and squeeze it with our hands, straining. Elbows point out to the sides. For the muscles of the chest and arms, it is also good to raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides while sitting on a fitball.

  • Now lie on your back, keep one foot on the ball, the other “”. The same starting position, but we lean on the floor with one foot and roll the ball back and forth with the other. These exercises provide an outflow of venous blood and are good for varicose veins and edema.

Important! During exercise, it is permissible to lie on your back for no more than 5 minutes so that the large vena cava is not compressed by the uterus.

How to use a fitball to prepare for childbirth

The structure of the ball, unlike a chair or armchair, helps relax the muscles of the back, pelvic floor and abs. That is why it can easily replace a sofa or chair. Sit on the ball and rock slightly while reading, watching TV, or just chatting.

With the help of the ball, it is convenient to master different positions for childbirth - while you are still pregnant, you can determine your sensations and the most comfortable positions. A fitball will help train vertical positions, and using the ball shortens the duration of labor by about an hour.

Some maternity hospitals practice the use of fitballs. You may be able to take your ball to the birth. After discharge, be sure to wash him with warm water and soap.

How the ball will help

  • The ball softens the pain of labor: if you move on the ball in rhythm with the contractions, they are easier to bear.
  • You can lean on the ball while kneeling. These positions ease the pressure on the pelvis and give the baby room to maneuver - he can lower himself with each contraction.
  • On your knees, hug the ball. Rock your hips from side to side.
  • Lean on the ball while standing (the ball lies on the bed or table).
  • When you sit or lean on an exercise ball, your partner can massage your lower back during contractions, which can help relieve pain.

Fitball after childbirth

  • After childbirth, it is more comfortable to sit on a lowered ball than on a chair (especially if there are still painful sensations or stitches).
  • It is healthier for posture to feed your baby while sitting on a fitball than on a soft sofa.
  • Swinging on the ball can not only improve your figure, but also calm your baby.
  • You can use a fitball to work at the computer instead of an office chair, and for a growing child, the ball will become one of the fun things to do.

As you can see, such a simple equipment as a gymnastic ball for pregnant women can be a good help in preparing for the birth of a child.

Start doing push-ups and pumping up your abs, if you have never done this before pregnancy, this moment unnecessary, but here’s a feasible workout muscular frame and relaxation exercises are exactly what a fitball can help with.

Gymnastics for pregnant women is very popular among expectant mothers who want to remain active and vigorous throughout the nine months. Pregnancy is not a reason to give up moderate physical activity. On the contrary, thanks to simple exercises designed specifically for pregnant women, a woman can make pregnancy easier and prepare her body for childbirth. Exercises for pregnant women can be easily performed at home; they are aimed at strengthening and maintaining muscle tone, combating swelling, overweight, teach relaxation and proper breathing. Read this article about what exercises pregnant women can do at home by trimester.

Everyone knows about the benefits of physical activity. It has long been proven that regular and moderate exercise during pregnancy has a positive effect on the body, relieves stress, improves mood, and gives a feeling of joy and confidence. Some pregnant women refuse physical activity, mistakenly believing that by loading their body, they can harm the baby. This is wrong. Regular physical exercise, wisely selected for each trimester, helps a woman feel beautiful, cheerful, and also alleviate toxicosis, normalize weight and prepare the body for labor.

Pregnant women who have done gymnastics in an interesting position recover their previous shape more easily and quickly after childbirth. Moderate physical activity will benefit both mother and her baby. Those women who chose a passive lifestyle during pregnancy and refused physical activities, more often suffer from overweight, hormonal surges accompanied bad mood and depression. A sedentary lifestyle leads to sleep disturbances, dizziness, chronic fatigue, and lumbar pain. It is more difficult for the expectant mother to move, shortness of breath, swelling and varicose veins appear. To avoid unpleasant symptoms, pregnant women should take time for regular and moderate exercise, the benefits of which are invaluable:

  1. Physical activity not only makes the body toned and the skin smooth, but also helps strengthen the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to stress and infectious diseases.
  2. With the help of available and effective exercises muscles are strengthened, tension in the back muscles is removed, the spinal column and lower back are unloaded, and correct, beautiful posture is formed.
  3. By performing a set of physical exercises for pregnant women for all 9 months, a woman will quickly regain her slim figure after the baby is born.
  4. Gymnastics has a positive effect on emotional and psychological health expectant mother. Scientists have proven that after physical activity, the body produces adrenaline and the hormone of happiness in the blood, which effectively fights depression and bad mood. Active expectant mothers are not afraid of postpartum depression.
  5. Exercises for pregnant women perfectly prepare for childbirth, help you learn proper breathing and control of your own body. Strong, trained muscles combined with rhythmic breathing are the key to an easy birth, reducing discomfort and pain during contractions.
  6. By doing gymnastics, you quickly burn calories and normalize pregnancy weight. Exercises for the buttocks, thighs, and legs during pregnancy will help avoid the accumulation of fat deposits in problem areas.
  7. The cardiovascular system is strengthened, blood circulation improves, which is an excellent prevention of edema - a frequent companion of pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. Acceleration of blood flow leads to the supply of a sufficient amount of oxygen to the pelvic organs.
  8. Regular exercise normalizes the gastrointestinal tract and prevents hemorrhoids.

Contraindications for exercise during pregnancy

However, physical activity is not beneficial in all cases; there are a number of contraindications in which expectant mothers should refrain from exercising and must be under the supervision of a doctor. Such contraindications include:

  • Miscarriage, the possibility of spontaneous miscarriage, especially if self-abortion has been observed in the past.
  • Presence of toxicosis, gestosis.
  • Pathology of pregnancy: low presentation of the fetus, placental abruption, bleeding, uterine hypertonicity.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases or the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, fever, general weakness and well-being.
  • Blood pressure surges.
  • Anemia (anemia).
  • If a woman is carrying twins or triplets.

What exercises can pregnant women do: rules and recommendations

All exercises should bring only pleasure to the pregnant woman. The first rule of any activity during pregnancy, be it yoga, exercise with a fitball or a set of physical exercises, is to stop the activity if pain, discomfort and unpleasant sensations appear in the body. Alarm signals include:

  • Sharp pain in the lower abdomen, especially if there is discharge.
  • Dizziness, weakness in the body, darkening of the eyes.
  • Difficulty breathing, which is accompanied by increased blood pressure or increased heart rate.
  • Excessive activity or prolonged quietness of the child during classes.

Exist sports activities And gymnastics complexes, which contain elements prohibited for pregnant women and are strictly contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Pregnant women are prohibited:

  • Game and contact sports, as well as roller skating and skating, which can lead to injury to a woman.
  • You cannot include abdominal exercises, exercise machines, or perform jumps and somersaults in your classes.

Recommendations for exercising at home during pregnancy

Before you start exercising, ask your doctor for advice. He must select a suitable set of exercises that corresponds to the duration and course of pregnancy.

  1. The room where the classes will take place should be well ventilated; physical exercises are also useful. fresh air, depending on the season.
  2. You should not perform gymnastics immediately after eating, on a full stomach. It is better to start classes an hour or two before meals.
  3. Choose the optimal amount of time to perform a set of exercises and the number of repetitions, taking into account your physical training. Do not overexert yourself, watch your breathing, and do not make sudden jerks.
  4. For exercise, choose clothes made from natural fabrics that do not restrict movement.

Exercises for pregnant women at home by trimester

Since a woman feels differently depending on the stage of pregnancy, she should select a set of home exercises based on the trimester of pregnancy. All exercises, regardless of trimester, should begin with a warm-up, which includes circular rotations shoulders and head, tilting the head to the sides. After a light warm-up, you can start exercising.

Exercises for pregnant women 1st trimester, photo

The first trimester, as a rule, is accompanied by toxicosis and poor health. When performing any load you should be especially careful. An ill-chosen set of exercises can lead to unpleasant consequences and harm the fetus. Before starting sports, a mandatory consultation with a gynecologist is necessary, who, after tests and examination, will give his permission to exercise.

First trimester exercises are designed to relieve fatigue, strengthen muscles and keep the body toned. Breathing exercises are also useful. A set of home exercises in the first trimester should include:

  • Walk in place for a minute, first on your full foot, then on your toes.
  • Torso rotation. Standing still, make smooth circular rotations with your pelvis - in a circle in different directions.
  • Shallow squats. The back is straight. You can use the back of a chair for balance.

  • Strengthening exercises pectoral muscles. With your arms at chest level, spread them one by one, bringing your palms together.
  • The cat is one of the most useful exercises, helps strengthen your back. Get on all fours. When inhaling, you need to smoothly and slowly arch your back like a cat, tuck your stomach, and lower your head. As you exhale, bend slightly, raising your head up.

  • Bridge with hip lift. Lying on your back, bending your knees, lift your hips up without lifting your shoulder blades off the floor. Stay in this position for 1 minute.

Yoga exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester: video

In addition to the complex gymnastic exercises, in the first months of pregnancy, you can do yoga, which will not only strengthen the body, but also energize and normalize blood pressure.

Exercises for pregnant women 2nd trimester

The second trimester is the calmest period of pregnancy, favorable for doing gymnastics. The physical complex during this period is aimed at toning and stretching the muscles of the pelvic floor, hips and legs.

  1. Rotations from a sitting position. Sit on the floor with your back straight and legs crossed. As you exhale, you need to turn your torso, while trying to touch your chin to your shoulder, first to the left, then to the right.
  2. Reach your feet with your hands. Sit comfortably on the floor, legs should be straight and extended forward. Try to reach your feet with your palms.
  3. Perform side bends from a standing position.
  4. Raising your legs from a position on all fours, make springy swings with a straight leg.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women

In the second half of pregnancy, exercise on a fitball is useful. Exercises with a ball relieve discomfort and pain in lumbar region, strengthen the back muscles. A few exercises you can do at home:

  1. Rocking your pelvis to the sides while sitting on a ball.
  2. Sit on the ball, turning your torso, reaching for the opposite leg.
  3. Sliding the ball while standing against the wall. Hold the ball between the wall and your back. Do shallow squats, the ball should slide along the wall.
  4. Find a comfortable position, sitting on the floor. Spread your knees to the sides. Hold the ball between your knees and tense your muscles.
  5. Lean your chest on the ball, arms crossed under your chin. Do alternate leg swings.
  6. Rest your shoulder blades on the ball, bend your knees at a right angle, place your hands behind your head. Do not lift your body suddenly.

Exercises for pregnant women 3rd trimester

Physical activity before childbirth should be as gentle as possible. Cannot be performed sudden movements or perform heavy loads. The set of exercises includes exercises on a fitball, as well as exercises for intimate muscles, thanks to which the intimate and pelvic muscles are trained.

The complex for the 3rd trimester may include the following exercises:

  1. Shallow slow squats.
  2. Butterfly. Sitting position, spread your hips wide and put your feet together. Perform a springy hip extension, imitating the flight of a butterfly's wings. Ideally, your knees should touch the floor.
  3. Twisting. Position: sitting. Spread your hips, feet together. Slowly turn your body first to the left, then to the right.
  4. Pelvic rotations while sitting on a ball.
  5. Turns on the ball. Sit on the ball with your feet shoulder-width apart. Turn around and touch your left hand to your right knee and vice versa.

Kegel exercises during pregnancy

The purpose of the exercises is to train and prepare the intimate muscles for labor.

Basic exercises:

  1. Sit down on bent legs, legs slightly to the sides, hands on your knees. Inhaling, draw in bottom part stomach, straining intimate muscles. Inhale - relax.
  2. Position – standing slightly bent knees, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Make circular, smooth movements with your hips to the sides, as in belly dancing.
  3. Sit on a chair and completely relax. Inhale and gradually draw in your intimate muscles, simulating an elevator going up. As you exhale, relax your vaginal muscles.

Breathing exercises during pregnancy

Exercises for correct breathing Pregnant women can exercise from the first trimester with the permission of the gynecologist, and in the 3rd trimester it is wonderful relaxation and relaxation. The correct breathing rhythm is the most natural and in a simple way ease contractions when the baby is born. Doing simple things in just 10 minutes a day breathing exercises, you can learn to breathe correctly.

There are several techniques breathing exercises for pregnant:

  1. Abdominal breathing. Place your right palm on your chest and your left palm on your stomach. Start breathing smoothly and slowly. When breathing right hand must be motionless. This breathing technique will allow you to relax between contractions.
  2. Chest breathing. Hands are located on the ribs. It is necessary to inhale as much as possible through the nose, filling the lungs with the chest. As soon as rib cage completely fill with air, exhale slowly, while keeping your stomach motionless.
  3. Intermittent breathing (canine panting). Open your mouth slightly, sticking out your tongue slightly. We breathe through our mouths - often and quickly. This breathing technique will allow the body to prepare during pushing, when it is too early to push and strength is required.
  4. Four-phase breathing. Inhale through your nose and hold the air for 4-6 seconds, exhale and hold your breath for 4-6 seconds. Repeat again. The duration of four-phase breathing is 2-3 minutes.

What exercises can pregnant women do to strengthen their buttocks, legs and back?

Exercises for the buttocks during pregnancy

  • Squats help strengthen weak muscles in the thighs and buttocks. Squats are performed with a straight back. You can add load by doing squats with your leg straight out.
  • Thanks to side lunges, not only the buttocks, but also the legs will be strengthened. To perform the exercise, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and take a step to the side while squatting. Repeat the lunge on the other side.
  • Lateral leg swings. Position: lying on your left side with your legs extended. Raise your leg, performing springy swings for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise on the opposite side.

Leg exercises during pregnancy

The load on the legs helps relieve fatigue, heaviness, and prevent cramps.

  • Lie on your side, rest your head on your hand, one leg is bent, the other should be straight. Lift your straight leg up and rotate your foot in a circle.
  • To work on the arch of the foot, squeezing your toes as if holding a pencil is helpful.
  • To strengthen your calves, lifting on your toes, resting against the back of a chair, is useful.

Exercises for the back and spine during pregnancy

Ideal posture is the dream of every woman. During pregnancy, with increasing load on the back and spine, the center of gravity shifts and posture does not look the best.

  • The “cat” exercise, as well as the “yoga pose”, are useful for the back - sit in the lotus position, lower your body down, trying to reach your heels.
  • Rotating the head and bending in different directions helps to relax the spine.
  • You can strengthen your back muscles by moving your arms straight out to the sides behind your shoulders while holding a stick or towel.

Pregnancy is a great time for gymnastics, which will only benefit mother and baby. Simple exercises should not tire or cause discomfort, but only bring joy and pleasure. Regular classes will maintain muscle tone and will not allow fat deposits to accumulate in problem areas, which are sometimes so difficult to get rid of after the birth of a baby, will strengthen immune system, will give strength, activity and vigor throughout pregnancy.