Stretching exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle. Shoulder stretches: simple exercises that will relieve pain and discomfort. Palms locked on the lower back

Properly selected exercises for the shoulder joint will help not only strengthen it, but also avoid joint disease, and in some cases even cure them.

Only properly recommended gymnastics can optimally influence the functions of the shoulder joint. Therefore, the choice of exercises for shoulder diseases must be taken conscientiously, and in the case of prevention and strengthening of the shoulder joint, you can use the proposed exercises as basic ones, gradually increasing the load on the shoulder and constantly listening to your body.

12 effective exercises for the shoulder joint


Take the starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands clenched into fists and placed on the belt. Open your hand with your palm up and raise your arm in front of your chest, straightening it completely above your head, then squat slightly. We perform the same movement with our left hand. Perform up to 20 times in each direction.


Take the starting position: standing, hands on your belt, legs slightly apart. With tension, we raise both arms above our heads, moving them along our chest. We turn our palms up, with our fingers pointing towards each other. We squat slightly, achieving a feeling of stretching in the shoulder girdle area.

Holding your hands above your head, tilt your head back and look at the back of your hands. We remain in this position for some time and then return to the starting position.


Take the starting position: stand facing the wall at a distance of one step from it. We touch the wall with our fingers and, like the tentacles of a scorpion, move them, moving as high as possible. Having reached the highest point, we linger in the pose for one or two minutes, then move our fingers down. We do several repetitions in each approach.


Take the starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, fingers clasped behind your head at the base of the skull. Slowly, tensing our muscles, we pull our shoulders forward so that our elbows touch each other, then we spread our elbows to the sides. We repeat several times.


Take the starting position: standing, fists on your belt and turned up. We turn our hands with our palms inward and slowly spread our arms to the sides, while turning our palms back. We return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise 20 times.

With effort, we raise our fists lengthwise to chest level. Then we open our palms and slowly, with tension, stretch our arms forward.


Take the starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, hands on your belt, thumbs behind, the rest in front. Slowly raise both arms along the body to chest level, pause and move our shoulders back and forth. Raise your arms to your armpits and perform the same movements with your shoulders. Perform the exercise 20–30 times.


Take the starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, arms at waist level, hands clenched into fists and palms facing up. We present left hand to the chest, open your palm, push your hand forward, then pull it back. We repeat several times.


Take your starting position: standing, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, arms hanging freely along your body. Attention: Lifting is performed due to the force in the shoulders, and when pushing up, the force comes from the hands.

We turn our palms up and raise our hands to shoulder level, as if holding a basket in them. At the same time, slightly bend your knees and get into the “rider” position. Then we turn our palms down and slowly, as if experiencing reverse resistance, lower our arms along our chest. At the same time, we slowly straighten up, returning to the starting position. We do several repetitions in each approach.


Take the starting position: squat slightly and spread your legs shoulder-width apart. We clench our hands into fists and elbows so that our forearms are in a vertical position. We perform several rotations in shoulder joint, describing semicircles alternately with the right and left forearms. Perform 10 rotations in each direction.


Take the starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging freely along the body. Flexing elbow joints, raise your hands and place your fingertips on your shoulders. Rotate your shoulders forward. Then we shrug our shoulders and rotate them in the opposite direction. We perform 10 rotations in each direction.


Take the starting position: standing, legs together. We clench our hands into fists and hold them at the waist. Slightly straightening your fingers, we make an empty fist and withdraw right hand to the side and make three circles back and three circles forward. Repeat with your left hand.


Take the starting position: we stand freely. Attention! While performing movements, your palms should be facing up at all times.

Leaving behind left leg take one step to the side, lunge with your body forward. Bend your hands into hooks and turn them palms up. We pull our palms to the armpits.

There are many hand stretches that can help relieve tension and increase flexibility. Most of the sitting and standing exercises can be done anywhere.

The tension in the upper body that many people suffer from is associated with constant stress in the Everyday life. Upper body muscle stiffness is a common problem for many athletes who do not pay enough attention to stretching this area.

Hand exercises No. 1

In a kneeling position, bend down and reach the floor with your outstretched arms, and then, lightly pressing your palms to the floor, move back. This stretch can be done with one or both hands together. The one-arm option allows you to more effectively control the amount of load and train each side of the body separately. You should feel a stretch in your shoulders, arms, latissimus dorsi or sides of your torso, upper back, and even your lower back. When performing the exercise for the first time, you may only feel a stretch in your shoulders and arms, but as you become more comfortable with the movement, you will learn to stretch other areas of the body; By moving your pelvis slightly to the right or left, you can increase or decrease the stretch. Don't tense up. Relax. Hold the stretch for 15 seconds.

Exercise for forearms and wrists No. 2

Place your knees and palms on the floor. Your toes should point outward and your fingers should point toward your knees. With your palms flat on the floor, lean back to stretch the front of your forearms. Hold a gentle stretch for 10-20 seconds. Relax and then stretch again. You may be surprised at how tense your muscles are in this area.

When performing upper body stretches, bend your knees slightly.

With your arms extended above your head and your palms together as shown in the figure, stretch your arms up and slightly back. Inhale as you stretch. Hold the stretch for 5-8 seconds without holding your breath. This is an excellent exercise for the muscles on the outer arms, shoulders and chest. It can be performed anytime and anywhere to relieve tension, achieve a feeling of relaxation and well-being.

Remember: When doing the exercises, breathe deeply and relax your lower jaw.

To stretch the shoulder and midsection shoulder girdle, smoothly pull your elbow towards the opposite shoulder. Hold for 10 seconds.

Hand exercises No. 3

Stretching using the PNS method: contraction - relaxation - stretching.

Take a standing position with your knees slightly bent. With your left hand, grab outer surface right arm just above the elbow. Move your right hand to the side, overcoming the resistance of your left hand. Hold your hand in a state of static contraction for 3-4 seconds (Fig. 1). After a moment of relaxation, gently pull your right hand towards your left shoulder until you feel a pleasant stretch in the outer part of the shoulder and the right half of the shoulder girdle (Fig. 2). Hold for 10 seconds, then repeat the exercise for the other hand.

I suggest you simple stretching for triceps and upper shoulders. Raising your arms above your head, grab your elbow with one hand and the other. Gently pull your elbow behind your head, creating a slight stretch. Perform the movement slowly. Hold for 15 seconds. Don't hold your breath.

Stretch both sides. Do you feel a difference in their mobility? This good way developing flexibility in the shoulders and arms. This stretch can be done while walking.

Hand exercises No. 4

Stretching using the PNS method: contraction - relaxation - stretching.

Take a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Grab your right elbow with your left hand. Try to move your right elbow down, overcoming the resistance of your left hand. Hold static reduction hands for 3-4 seconds (Fig. 1). After relaxing for a second, gently pull your elbow behind your head until you feel a slight stretch in the back of your shoulder, much the same as in the previous exercise (Fig. 2). Hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat for the other hand.

Take a standing position with your knees slightly bent. Bend your right arm at the elbow and place it behind your head. Grab your right elbow with your left hand. To stretch your axillary and shoulder muscles, tilt your head back toward your right forearm until you feel a pleasant stretch. Hold for 10-15 seconds. Do the exercise for both sides.

Hand exercise option

Take a standing position, legs slightly bent at the knees (2-3 cm). Gently pull your elbow behind your head while leaning to the side. Hold a gentle stretch for 10 seconds. Repeat for the other side. To maintain balance, your legs should be slightly bent at the knees. Don't hold your breath.

Hand exercises No. 5

Another shoulder exercise

Place your left hand behind your head as far as possible and, if possible, reach the fingers of your right hand, placed behind your back from below, palm facing out. Interlock your fingers and hold the position for 5-10 seconds. If you can't clasp your hands, try one of the following options.
Have someone help you pull your arms toward each other until you feel a slight stretch and hold them there. Don't stretch too much. Quite a sufficient stretch can be achieved without joining the hands. Stretch according to your capabilities.

Try throwing a towel held in one hand behind your back. With your other hand, grab the bottom of the towel. Gradually grab the towel higher and higher, pulling the hand behind your head down. Do this exercise every day, stretching further and further. Over time, you will be able to perform these stretches without assistance. Exercise reduces tension and develops flexibility. In addition, it helps get rid of fatigue.

Lock your fingers in front of you at shoulder level. Turn your palms outward while straightening your arms forward to feel a stretch in your midsection, shoulders, forearms, hands, fingers, and wrists. Hold the gentle stretch for 15 seconds, then relax and repeat.

Hand exercises No. 6

One shoulder shrug

Start the exercise with your relaxed shoulders down. Lift your left shoulder up towards your left earlobe. Hold for 3-5 seconds. Relax your shoulder and lower it down, then repeat the movement with the other shoulder. This stretch is great for relieving shoulder tension.

Hand exercises No. 7


Raise your shoulders toward your ears until you feel a slight tension in your neck and shoulders. Hold for 5 seconds. Then relax your shoulders and lower them down.

Say to yourself: “Shoulders up, shoulders down.”

Now slowly lower it down right shoulder and at the same time tilt your head towards your left shoulder. Hold a nice stretch for 5 seconds, then repeat with your left shoulder. Interlock your fingers above your head and, with your palms facing upward, extend your arms up and slightly back. Feel the stretch in your arms, shoulders and shoulder girdle. Hold for 15 seconds. Don't hold your breath. This stretch can be done anywhere, anytime. It's great for relaxing your shoulders.

Breathe deeply. Stand with your knees slightly bent and place the palms of your hands, fingers down, on your lower back, just above your hips. Gently push your lower back forward to create a stretch in that part of your body. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat the movement twice. Use this stretch after sitting still for a long time. Don't hold your breath

To stretch the side of your neck, tilt your head toward your left shoulder and at the same time with your left hand, pull your right arm down and to the left behind your back. Hold the gentle stretch for 10-15 seconds. Repeat for the other side.

Stand in the doorway and place both hands on the door frames at shoulder level. Promote top part move your torso forward until you feel a pleasant stretch in your arms and chest. While performing the exercise, keep your chest and head upright, and bend your legs slightly at the knees. Hold for 10-15 seconds.

The following exercises are performed with the fingers locked behind the back.

The first stretch is performed by slowly turning your elbows inward. This way you stretch your shoulders, arms and chest. Hold for 10-15 seconds. If you find this exercise too easy, raise your arms behind your back until you feel a stretch in your arms, shoulders, or chest. Hold the gentle stretch for 5-10 seconds. This workout is very useful for people prone to slouching. The chest should be pushed forward as much as possible and the chin should be tucked back. Performed at any convenient time.


Exercises can be performed in the specified order, as a single complex.

Understretching is always better than overstretching. Each time, try to leave some reserve of painless movement, without trying to reach the limit of your capabilities. At the same time, it is advisable to perform hand exercises as often as possible.

Digital technologies, which make the life of a modern person much easier, undoubtedly have a lot of advantages, but technological progress has led to the fact that most of us have to spend almost the whole day in a sitting position, and not in the most comfortable position for the body. Only a few of us manage to keep correct posture, working at a computer or laptop, which, among other things, leads to pain in the neck, head, shoulders and discomfort throughout the body. This happens because overstraining one muscle group entails a whole cascade of negative changes. Therefore, today our portal will tell you why it is so important to regularly perform shoulder stretching exercises and how to do it correctly.

Why shoulder stretching is necessary for every person

The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body, which is why it is at higher risk of injury and pain. Moreover, this joint is connected to the neck, ribs and scapula.

The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body, which is why it is at higher risk of injury and pain.

For these reasons, shoulder stretches are not only necessary for people with sedentary work. When carrying a heavy bag or backpack, many people do not notice how much their body position changes. Thus, to avoid overvoltage shoulder muscles and prevent the occurrence of pain, you must regularly perform:

  • warm-up before shoulder stretching;
  • Shoulder stretching exercises.

How to warm up before shoulder stretching

Before performing any exercises, including those aimed at stretching the shoulders, you must first warm up the muscles - this will help minimize the risk of injury.

To do this, you will need to do one of the simple steps below:

  • extend your arms in front of you and move them back and to the sides so that your body resembles the letter T;
  • take a warm shower;
  • run in place for several minutes;
  • perform “feet together, feet apart” jumps.

Before performing any exercises, including those aimed at stretching the shoulders, you must first warm up the muscles.

After warming up, you can start performing simple exercises for shoulder stretching.

Shoulder stretching exercises: how to relax muscles and relieve discomfort

In general, a good way to stretch your shoulders is to sit in a good sitting position: just sit up straight with your back straight and your shoulders back a little. Such actions can and should be performed at least every half hour at the workplace. The following exercises will help straighten your shoulders:

  1. Circular movements

Stand up straight and begin to make circular movements with your shoulders, gradually moving them up, down, forward and back. Or, while standing, start drawing circles with your hands, as shown in the picture below. Complete 10 circular movements, pointing your hands forward, and 10 - back.

Sit up straight with your back straight and your shoulders back slightly. Such actions can and should be performed at least every half hour at the workplace.

  1. Neck stretch

Very often, muscle strain is observed precisely in the area that is worked during this exercise:

  • touch your right shoulder with your right ear;
  • place your right hand on your left temple and, applying light pressure, gently tilt your head to the right;
  • hold in the final position for 30 seconds.

Repeat on the other side of the body.

  1. "Thread the Needle"

This shoulder stretching exercise is more suitable for doing at home and is particularly effective. It is performed as follows:

  • get on all fours and lift your left hand off the floor;
  • move your left hand through the space between your right leg and hand so that your left hand touches your right;
  • Turn your upper body slightly to the right, but keep your hips level.

  1. Chest stretching

The muscles of the chest and shoulders are interconnected, therefore, if there is overstrain in one area, negative changes can affect the neighboring one. To stretch your chest muscles you will need:

  • stand near the doorway;
  • raise your hand and keep it parallel to the floor;
  • grab the door frame and lean forward;
  • thus, your hand will be behind your shoulder;
  • hold the position for 30 seconds and repeat with the other arm.

This exercise stretches the chest, upper arm, and deltoid muscles.

  1. Rhomboid stretch

The rhomboid muscles, located in the upper back, extend from the shoulder blades to the spine. To stretch them you will need:

  • find a pillar or column that you can grab;
  • relax your shoulders and begin to move your body back, straightening your arms;
  • hold for 20 seconds at the end point and repeat the exercise on the other side.
  1. "Scratching your back"

This shoulder stretch requires a certain level of flexibility, so don't be discouraged if you fail to do the following the first few times:

  • take a small towel or T-shirt;
  • bend one arm above your head, placing the towel on your back;
  • bend your other arm behind your back and grab the free end of the towel;
  • move the towel up and down as if trying to scratch your back;
  • perform 3-5 times, and then switch hands.

Our back is designed to constantly move, and restrictions in this lead to pain and tightness in the muscles. Every person, regardless of age and gender, can benefit by performing the back and spine exercises that are given in the article.

Back stretching for beginners requires certain conditions to be met. Things to consider:

  • Comfortable clothes that will not hinder movement.
  • The process should be painless; no need to twist your body into difficult positions.
  • Perform all exercises slowly, avoiding jumping and doing proper squats.
  • The surface must be clean and level, with plenty of free space to move around.
  • You can hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds to soften the joints and muscles. Stretching for the back is performed regularly; relief will not occur the first time. As a rule, for a tangible result you need to do the complex 5-6 times.

If you have back or neck pain, it's best to talk to your doctor or physical therapist to discuss whether you should do a specific set of exercises.

Stretching your back and spine, done regularly, can help keep your muscles flexible and prevent back strain and discomfort. Gymnastics for beginners is elementary, and you can do it at home or at work without spending money on GYM's and fitness clubs.

Exercise 1. Cat pose

With this exercise, you can stretch your back and spine well. Take a kneeling pose, hands in front with palms facing the floor. The fingers should be in the opposite direction of the body. Slowly lower your head down and lift your spine up, arching your spine and stretching.

If you have neck injuries, before performing exercises to stretch your back and spine, you should talk to your doctor about whether such exercises can be performed. If you have regular neck pain, you need to make sure that the accepted body position is at torso level; you do not need to tuck your chin down. Also, if you have difficulty rounding your upper back, you will need someone's help. Have someone place their hand between your shoulder blades while your spine arches.

Exercise 2. Transformation from cat to dog

You need to perform the exercise on your hands and knees with a rounded spine, palms on the floor, fingers pointing away from the body. Slowly straighten your back, look up, hold for five seconds and go back to the cat pose. This reduces muscle tension, relieves lower back pain and increases flexibility.

Exercise 3. “Crocodile”

To do this pose, you need to take the position of Bend your elbows and place your palms on the floor at the level of your armpits. After this, emphasis is placed on the chest part of the body and its elevation.

Exercise 3. Hugs

Both hands clasp the body in the chest area. In the “hug” position, you need to stay for at least ten seconds, inhale and exhale to relieve tension from the body.

Exercise 4. Leg hugs

A “leg hug” is performed. This stretches your back, neck and shoulders. Sitting position on the edge of a chair (without wheels), feet on the floor. Bend towards the legs so that the chest touches the shins. Let your arms hang down as if they were dead. After this, feeling relaxed, place your hands around your legs, grabbing the opposite hand by the forearm or elbow. Maintain for at least 10 seconds and repeat at least twice.

Exercise 5. Bends

When you do bending exercises, the hip area is more involved than the back. In this case, the entire spine is stretched, from the neck to the tailbone. Bend over, without bending your knees, you need to reach as far as possible to your toes. Another option is with legs bent touch your fingers and slowly straighten your knees without lifting your hands.

You need to hold on for ten seconds and do the movement five times.

Exercise 6. Forearm and shoulder stretches

Without getting up from the chair, take the opposite hand and move it to the other side of the body. You should try to press your hand as close to your body as possible and feel the tension. Hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds. Five times in both directions.

Exercise 7. For the upper back

Sitting with a straight back, extend your arms parallel. Close your palms and stretch forward a little, as if you need to jump into water, while your head and neck are relaxed. Maintain the position for thirty seconds. Return the torso to sitting position with arms raised at sides, repeat five times.

Exercise 8. Squats

Squats do the right thing muscle corset stronger. To do this, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight and bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees.

How to do exercises for the lazy

For those who don’t want to strain too much, there are many helpers and devices.

Provides relaxation and relief from painful sensations in the muscles of the back and neck. Such inventions help restore correct posture, the shape of the spine, and relieve fatigue. Special corsets can keep your back physiologically correct posture and relieve stress without allowing you to slouch.

The simulators are simple, compact and, when used correctly, have no contraindications. The exercise takes from five to ten minutes a day; with regular use, the muscular corset of the spine is well trained, flexibility increases and tension is relieved.

Stretching exercises for the upper body are important not only for preventing muscle stiffness, but also for improving posture and overall appearance. For example, inflexible or weak muscles in the chest and shoulder girdle can cause slouching and poor posture due to prolonged periods of sitting at a desk, computer, or driving in a crouched position. Incorrect posture in turn, leads to a decrease in the respiratory capacity of the chest (since a full breath requires maximum extension of the spine), and insufficient breathing can negatively affect blood circulation.

Stretching exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle and chest reduces their tension, increases elasticity, increases blood circulation and makes breathing easier.

The exercises below are shown for only one half of the body. We will definitely repeat it for the other half. Hold in each position for at least 30 seconds.

When performing any type of stretching, you should always keep these six rules in mind:

1. WARM UP. Warming up increases muscle temperature, which increases blood flow to the tissues. In this case, muscle fibers will respond faster and more efficiently to stretching.

2. CAUTION. Do not use excessive force when stretching the muscle. It takes approximately 6-10 seconds before the muscle's internal defense mechanism adapts to the new condition. Then nervous system will allow muscle fibers relax and change your length.

3. Hold the final position for 30-60 SECONDS.

4. AVOID JERKING. Snatching puts stress on joints, ligaments and muscles.

5. BREATHING. Deep rhythmic breathing from the belly will help increase blood circulation in the muscle tissue. As a result, the supply of nutrients to muscle fibers increases. Breathing helps you concentrate your mind and helps you relax.

6. STRETCH BOTH SIDES. To maintain muscle balance and symmetry, always stretch your left and right side one area or another.

Exercise No. 1

Stretching the muscles that adduct the arm, extend the arm at the shoulder joint and abduct the shoulder joints (deltoid muscle, left latissimus muscle back, left triceps and left rhomboid muscle)

Stand up straight and take a comfortable position, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Straighten your left arm and extend it in front of your chest. With your right hand, press your left elbow to your chest. To enhance the stretch, bend your right arm at the elbow and move it behind the back of your head. The face and shoulders should be facing straight forward. For more deep stretching Turn your torso and face to the right.

Exercise No. 2

Stretching the muscles that rotate the scapula

Stand up straight and take a comfortable position, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your right arm at the elbow and place the back of your hand on your thigh. With the fingers of your left hand, grab your right elbow and pull it forward. As you become more flexible, your elbow will be almost directly in front of your chest.

Exercise No. 3

Stretching the muscles that adduct the arm, elevate and abduct the shoulder joints (right triceps, right latissimus dorsi, deltoid).

Stand up straight and take a comfortable position, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your neck and head straight, gently place your right elbow behind your head as shown in the photo. To reduce neck muscle tension, do not tilt your head forward. For a deeper stretch, tilt your torso to the left.

Exercise #4

Stretching the muscles that flex the arm at the shoulder joint and lower the shoulder joint (large pectoral muscle, front beam deltoid muscle, biceps).

Stand up straight and take a comfortable position, with your feet shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, lift your arms up to the sides, clasp your palms and turn them towards the ceiling. As you exhale, lengthen your palms and crown upward, pull your shoulders down from your ears, and keep your neck long. Feel how your right and left sides are stretched behind your hands. Then, as you exhale, move your arms as far behind your head as possible, opening your chest and shoulders. Make sure there is no excessive arching in the lower back.

Exercise #5

Stand up straight and take a comfortable position, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Clasp your palms behind your back. Next, be extremely careful: turn your clasped palms towards your buttocks, continue to turn them towards the floor. As a result, your palms will turn back. If you did it right - yours rib cage should open up, and the shoulders and shoulder blades will pull back. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, raise your arms up. At the extreme point, freeze.

If your shoulder joints are not mobile enough, use a towel to help.

For a deeper stretch, lean your body forward and gently pull your arms toward the floor, as shown in the photo.

Exercise #6

Shoulder Internal and External Rotator Stretch Using a Towel

Take the towel by the edges and stretch it with your hands so that outstretched arms it could be freely carried behind the back over the head. Don't strain or twist your arms. They should be far enough apart that you can lift them up over your head and behind your back without undue effort. To increase the load, reduce the distance between your hands and repeat the exercise without bending your elbows.

Exercise No. 7

Stretching the muscles that flex the arm at the shoulder joint (pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, biceps)

Stand in front of a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms up. Lean forward with a straight back, place your palms on the back of the chair. Stretch your chest down, lengthen your crown forward, and pull your tailbone back.