Breathing exercises by N Strelnikova. Breathing exercises for weight loss according to Strelnikova. Beneficial effects on the body

Proper breathing is one of the main principles of good health in Eastern medicine. Breathing methods were mastered by people in Ancient India, China and Tibet. Today this practice is popular all over the world. One of known techniques in Russia – breathing exercises by Strelnikova.

At first, the basis of gymnastics included exercises aimed at developing vocal abilities in people. But, having used this method on her own daughter, who suffered from heart disease, Strelnikova saw that the child’s condition improved significantly. A set of breathing exercises helped cure the disease forever.

Over time, Strelnikova’s daughter joined her mother to study the effect of breathing exercises not only on the development of vocal abilities, but also on the restoration of the entire body.

The Strelnikovs also revealed a positive effect of the technique on such a serious disease as bronchial asthma. Subsequently, the respiratory system according to Strelnikova was studied by Mikhail Shchetinin, a patient and student of the teacher. Many teaching aids have been published under his authorship.

The essence of Strelnikova’s gymnastics is exercises based on inhalation and exhalation. In this case, inhalations may differ from each other in depth, intensity and frequency, and exhalations are spontaneous. During these exercises, the whole body heals, waste and toxins are released.

Inhalation is of great importance. The fact is that on the nasal mucosa there are receptors that are connected to all organs human body. Abundant air entering through the nose saturates all these systems and has a positive effect on the entire body.

Basic principles and benefits of breathing exercises

The effectiveness of the respiratory system depends on its correct execution in compliance with the following recommendations.

  1. Exercises should be performed every day in the morning and evening for an hour. On average, a course of treatment includes 15 procedures.
  2. The correct exercises are in which the inhalation of air occurs very noisily and with tension in the diaphragms, and the exhalation is free.
  3. This means a combination of inhalation and exhalation with special exercises. This combination involves the arms and legs, head, neck, lumbar region, abdomen, hips, shoulders and spine, allows you to strengthen muscles and tone the body.
  4. Inhalations are carried out comprehensively, up to 32 times per interval. Between complexes there are short pauses for rest, 3-5 seconds. The optimal option is 96 breaths, 4 per series with short intervals. Such a series of breaths is called the “Strelnikov hundred”. You can master them only after long training.
  5. One procedure includes at least 10 exercises.

Benefits of breathing exercises:

  • strengthening the body's defense system;
  • increased tone and energy;
  • improving the functions of internal organs;
  • stabilization of breathing and functioning of the respiratory organs;
  • destruction of inflammatory infections;
  • improvement of general well-being.

Indications for use

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are recommended for the following diseases and conditions:

  • diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma;
  • skin diseases;
  • pathologies of male and female genitalia;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • voice related problems.

Breathing exercises for expectant mothers - excellent preparation for childbirth. If you perform the Strelnikova complex during pregnancy, the body will prepare for childbirth and become resistant to infectious influences.

Proper breathing helps get rid of toxicosis, relieves increased uterine tone, and saturates the body with oxygen in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Breathing exercises can be successfully combined with other physical exercise– running, fitness, swimming, horse riding. It is also useful to practice breathing exercises not only during treatment, but also for prevention.

Every evening approaches 30 times will increase energy tone, lift your spirits, relax and relieve fatigue and tension accumulated during the day. In this case, you only need to think about breaths, train and count them.

Contraindications and potential harm

There are categories of people for whom this technique is contraindicated. These are people suffering from myopia and glaucoma, high blood or eye pressure, renal failure,. People with heart disease should perform the exercises with caution (they are not direct contraindications, they just require a balanced approach).

In addition, contraindications for Strelnikova’s gymnastics include combination with other breathing techniques - yoga, oxysize or qigong.

Exercises according to Strelnikova

The basic gymnastics complex consists of 13 exercises (in addition, the author of the method advises repeating “Pump” to get 14 exercises), which are very easy to perform.


This exercise is a warm-up exercise. It is performed according to the following algorithm: standing, you need to bend your elbows and turn your palms away from you. As you inhale, you need to squeeze your palms tightly and relax while exhaling. You only need to work with your fingers.


You need to stand up straight, straighten your arms parallel to your body. Then bend your elbows so that your fists are pressed to your stomach. Tighten your arms and shoulders, while inhaling, lower your arms sharply, unclench your fists, spread your fingers.

As you exhale, you need to return your hands to your stomach.


To execute this exercise, you need to stand up straight, straighten your arms parallel to your body. Then, lowering your head and rounding your back, slowly bend towards the floor at an angle of no more than 90 degrees.

At the end point of the tilt, you need to take a quick breath of air and return to the starting position without straightening up completely.


To perform the “Cat” exercise, you need to stand up straight, straighten your back, spread your legs not reaching shoulder width, press your arms to your sides and bend your elbows. The hands should be lowered and kept at chest level.

Inhaling, squat down slightly, turn to the side and seem to grab the air with your hands. Exhale when returning to the starting position. You need to alternate turns right and left.


This exercise can be performed either standing or sitting. When inhaling, you need to tilt your head to the right or left, as if reaching your shoulder with your ear. You need to exhale while returning to the starting position. You only need to use your neck.

"Hug your shoulders"

While performing this exercise, you need to stand up straight, straighten your back, bend your arms at the elbows and raise them above your chest, as if you were sitting at a desk. During inhalation you need right hand grab left shoulder, and with your left hand - your right shoulder. This must be done so that the elbows come together at one point.

"Big Pendulum"

This exercise is an alternation between the Pump and Shoulder Hug exercises. On one exhalation, you need to hug yourself by the shoulders, on the other, lean forward. You can perform the “Big Pendulum” either standing or sitting.

"Head turns"

The exercise is performed while standing, with the back straight and motionless. As you inhale vigorously, you need to turn your head to the right and left, exhaling between turns.

"Pendulum head"

This exercise is performed in exactly the same way as “Ears”, only in this case you need to tilt your head forward and back.

“Rolls” with the right foot forward

You need to stand up straight, put your right leg forward a little. As you inhale, the entire weight should be placed on the right leg, which should squat.

“Rolls” with left foot forward

Performed in the same way as the previous exercise, with a change of leg.

"Forward Step"

This exercise is similar to walking in place. When inhaling, one leg, bent at the knee, rises to the stomach, and the other squats. On the next inhalation, the legs change.

"Backward Step"

It is performed in the same way as the previous exercise, with the legs pressed against the buttocks.

Breathing exercises for children

Strelnikova’s technique successfully helps treat respiratory diseases, heart disease, diabetes, neurological diseases, and stuttering. In addition, exercises develop plasticity and flexibility in children.

The advantage of Strelnikova’s gymnastics for children is that there are no age restrictions. You can perform the exercises with children 3-4 years old. This age is characterized by an increased risk of colds and infectious diseases that children bring from kindergarten.

Breathing exercises will help strengthen the body’s protective functions and strengthen the immune system without the use of drugs and pharmaceutical vitamins.

Another reason why babies are introduced to breathing exercises is their inability to breathe. Because of this, the body does not receive enough oxygen, hence colds, and low immunity, and hyperactivity, and even poorly developed speech.

Also, breathing exercises according to Strelnikova can save a child from stuttering. To do this, you need to regularly perform the “Pump” and “Hold Your Shoulders” exercises. They improve lung ventilation and teach you to breathe deeply, which helps completely change your breathing technique. Several months of exercise twice a day effectively treat the disease.

Proper breathing in combination with physical exercise also provides effective help for adolescents. Gymnastics helps balance hormonal balance, relieves pain for girls and regulates the menstrual cycle. Boys, by performing breathing exercises, reduce the risk of phimosis and cryptorchidism.

Proper breathing will help in the fight against characteristic adolescence skin problems.

Strelnikova’s world-famous breathing exercises date back to 30-40 years, and were then positioned as a way to restore the voice (A.N. Strelnikova was a singer). Officially registered in 1972 and received a patent examination: the author, Alexandra Nikolaevna, was issued a special certificate recognizing the method as therapeutic.

The respiratory organs are responsible for 4 human functions/capabilities: breathing, speaking, screaming and singing. The most difficult part is singing. This means that if breathing exercises can restore the voice, then they can also restore simpler functions, including relates to breathing, will have an even greater positive effect. The guess was proven in practice - thanks to this method, Strelnikova’s student and follower, Mikhail Shchetkin, got rid of bronchial asthma, which tormented him for many years.

The essence and positive effects of gymnastics

Gymnastics is one of a kind in its technique and gives truly amazing results.

  • Inhale - during all exercises short, sharp, noisy inhalation through the nose(3 breaths within 2 seconds), which is performed at the peak of movements (exercises) compressing the chest.
  • Exhale - you need to exhale voluntarily, through the mouth. Exhalation is passive, or rather, you cannot concentrate on it at all: it is believed that the body itself will throw out excess air.

During classes, all parts of the body are involved in work, which causes a general, pronounced physiological reaction of the body and, accordingly, an increased need for oxygen.

  • All exercises are performed in parallel with breathing. This leads to increased tissue respiration and helps all tissues of the body better absorb oxygen and activate all metabolic processes.
  • A special inhalation leads to irritation of a large area of ​​receptors located on the nasal mucosa. The receptor zone provides reflex connections between the nasal cavity and almost all organs. This determines the widest range of effects of exercises, helps in the treatment of various diseases of almost all organs and systems, but they have the strongest effect on the respiratory system and are especially relevant for bronchitis, asthma, and acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Inhalation “sends” the inhaled air to the deepest parts of the bronchi, due to which the lungs are completely filled with air. The vital capacity of the lungs increases by 0.1-0.3 liters after the 1st lesson. The gas composition of the blood is normalized, arterial blood contains more oxygen. Since inhalations occur parallel to active movements, the diaphragm is also fully involved in the work. As you know, this is the most strong muscle, which is involved in both breathing and sound production. The so-called diaphragmatic massage of almost all abdominal organs is also implemented.
  • At the same time, the cerebral cortex is also saturated with oxygen, which leads to an improvement in the functioning of all centers that regulate the functions of the body.
  • The process of self-regulation of metabolic processes is being implemented.

Mechanism of action

The most main feature exercise is the use of forced inhalation involving the diaphragm. During training, concentration on the breaths is mandatory: you need to think about them, you should concentrate on them, and you should count them.

A large number of repetitions (1-5 thousand breaths-movements in 60 minutes) and regular, daily training (twice a day, morning and evening) within 12-15 sessions guarantee strengthening of the respiratory muscles, restoration of respiratory function, strengthening of the chest muscles, and the beginning of elimination of spinal deformities (full normalization will require more time).

A significant load does not lead to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, which means there is no pain during and after exercise.

Let us dwell in more detail on the benefits of exercise for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. An increase in the excursion of the chest leads to an increase in its suction effect. This improves lymph and blood circulation. Hyperventilation of the lungs leads to mechanical stretching of the broncho-alveolar link and activates the resorption of exudate. The development of the adhesive process is stopped, atelectasis is straightened out. Regular exercises can significantly reduce the amount of drug therapy, and in some cases, completely abandon it (for bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis).

Advantages of the method

  • No material costs or special conditions for classes.
  • There is an almost complete absence of contraindications, which we will mention below, including age-related ones. The exceptions are severe, bedridden patients, patients in a coma, very young children who, due to their age, are not able to understand the technique.
  • In addition to direct therapeutic effect, classes relieve fatigue, increase vitality, give a great mood, invigorate, and improve memory. These “bonuses” are especially important for students, schoolchildren, and people employed in stressful professions.
  • Combination with familiar cyclic exercises such as running, walking, swimming.
  • Possibility of parallel drug treatment.
  • Restoration of altered organs and systems and prevention of diseases.
  • Breathing, which occurs during movement, allows you to restore the energy balance of the body.
  • The preventive use of the method in schoolchildren can reduce the incidence of ARVI by 2-4 times.
  • In just 10-15 minutes of the most simple activities, a completely different feeling appears: a person feels light, cheerful and in a great mood. This means that in a minimum period of time, completely free of charge, you can get the maximum result. And at the current pace of life, this is very important!


“Paradoxical gymnastics” (that’s what it’s called) is indicated for almost all diseases and any health problems. Main indications for breathing training:

  • neurotic conditions and chronic depression;
  • stuttering;
  • myopia;
  • inflammation of the lungs and bronchi;
  • bronchial asthma, COPD;
  • vasomotor rhinitis in acute and chronic forms;
  • ARVI;
  • diseases of an allergic nature, including;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • heart diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • history of heart attacks and strokes;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • headache;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including scoliosis;
  • malfunctions thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • pregnancy period;
  • obesity. Recommended for weight loss with slight excess body weight;
  • smoking.

In addition to improving the condition of various respiratory diseases: bronchial asthma, COPD, chronic bronchitis, etc., gymnastics helps:

  • For the spine- training helps eliminate stooping, helps create a springy, light gait, makes the body plastic and flexible. With regular and constant practice, Strelnikova’s gymnastics for children and adolescents with scoliosis and postural disorders give very good results.
  • Restoring nasal breathing even in those patients who did not benefit from surgery - one of the many positive effects. Even with free nasal passages, patients continue to breathe through their mouths out of habit due to the fact that they have formed a complex of conditioned reflex connections in which the higher parts of the central nervous system take part. nervous system. To consolidate the once lost skill of nasal breathing, time and perseverance of the patient are required. It is in this case that a special breathing technique is simply irreplaceable and helps to significantly shorten the recovery period.
  • Vision - exercises stop the decline in vision, and in a good situation they can improve it by 2-3 diopters. This allows children and adults with myopia to preserve their vision and improve its sharpness.
  • Stuttering - breathing exercises change the breathing pattern, producing an extremely deep breath. If you also carry out special sound exercises in parallel with this, you can achieve good results with stuttering.
  • Smell - stimulation of the large reflexogenic area of ​​the nasal mucosa provides a reflex connection with the olfactory center. This allows you to improve your sense of smell.
  • Genitourinary system— Strelnikova’s gymnastics exercises have an excellent tonic and strengthening effect on the genitourinary system:
    • Eliminate enuresis, help normalize the menstrual cycle and eliminate pain during menstruation.
    • Training has an excellent therapeutic effect for varicocele in adolescents and young men. Exercises from the “Urological Complex” and special massage can eliminate phimosis and cryptorchidism.
    • In most cases, deep breathing helps to normalize sexual function and increase potency, especially in young men.
    • With regular use of the same “Urological complex” it is possible to get rid of such a diagnosis as chronic prostatitis.
    • The so-called “Gynecological complex” helps in the treatment of female diseases - uterine fibroids, tubal obstruction, endometriosis, ovarian cysts.
    • Numerous positive examples of the use of training during pregnancy make it possible to use it in this category of the population.
  • Postoperative period— for some time, this technique was actively used in the surgical departments of City Clinical Hospital No. 50 in Moscow. All patients had a high healing effect after excision interventions inguinal hernias. In general, early training postoperative period after resection of the stomach, removal of the gallbladder, hysterectomy, appendectomy, it helped the fastest and complete healing of postoperative sutures.
  • For tuberculosis - at the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, at the beginning of 1992, a scientific experiment was conducted to introduce the Strelnikovsky breathing technique into the complex of treatment and rehabilitation of adolescents suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. There was significant improvement in ECG, hemodynamics and function external respiration. There was a rapid resorption of infiltrative foci and the healing period of decay cavities was shortened. Until now, this method is officially used in the complex treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in children and adolescents.

Positive reviews from doctors about Strelnikova’s gymnastics and the official recognition of the method as therapeutic are the best guarantee of the effectiveness of the training. But like anyone else treatment method, training requires regularity and adherence to technique.

Training can be done simultaneously with the use of drug therapy. Completely healthy people can use Strelnikova’s method for prevention.


  • Acute conditions with elevated body temperature;
  • Severe pathologies and general unsatisfactory condition;
  • Acute thrombophlebitis;
  • Internal bleeding.

In any case, if there is a chronic or acute pathology, without prior consultation with your doctor, independently prescribe this training Not recommended.

Features of the exercises and what is needed to perform them

How to learn to breathe according to Strelnikova?

To learn special breathing techniques and exercises, it is best to watch Strelnikova’s gymnastics on video: the proverb is relevant here that it is better to see once than to hear 100 times. Plus it's free. The technique is simple, both children and elderly people can easily master it.

The main condition for exercise is access to fresh air, that is, it is best to conduct training in fresh air or on the balcony, at least with open vents or windows.

What is the paradox of the method? During inhalation, the chest is in a compressed state, and not in its usual expanded state. Despite this, the workout does not cause fatigue, and ventilation increases fivefold.

  • Breathing technique: vigorous inhalation - passive exhalation.
  • Air is inhaled through the nose noisily and quickly, like sniffing, exhalation occurs through a half-open mouth without effort.
  • All movements are performed synchronously with inhalations.

How often to do breathing exercises

As a method of treatment, training is carried out twice a day, 1500 breaths each, morning and evening, before meals or an hour after eating.

As a method of prevention, “breathe” in the morning, replacing the generally accepted morning exercises, either in evening time to eliminate the fatigue that has accumulated during the day. Simple and affordable exercises perfectly train the whole body, from head to toe, providing a rush of blood to internal organs. This determines the wide list of indications for Strelnikova’s breathing exercises.

Timetable of classes:

  • It’s better to start with the first 3 exercises and perform them 2 times a day.
  • Every day you need to add one exercise from the complex until all 11 techniques are included.
  • The rest between movements should initially be 10-15 seconds; by the end of mastering the complex, this break should be 3-5 seconds.
  • Training is carried out throughout life: they replace traditional morning exercises, fitness and other sports.

A set of exercises according to Strelnikova in pictures

In just 8 minutes a day you can gradually recover from diseases that for a long time deprived a person of a normal and fulfilling life and required serious drug therapy (or, at a minimum, to significantly improve their health). Below we will describe all the exercises, but it is better to watch the video for a more clear and understandable technique. You can also watch Strelnikova’s gymnastics in pictures.

Under no circumstances should you independently cancel medical prescriptions or refuse medications prescribed for treatment. You should also discuss the possibility of using the Strelnikova method with your doctor.

Remember: you need to inhale strongly, sharply, through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, arbitrarily. The frequency of movements is 100-120 per minute, the duration of the lesson is half an hour. Movements (exercises) from 2 to 10 are done in 12 approaches of 8 breaths (total 96).

1. Palms

Stand straight, bend your elbows and place your palms up. Take 4 rhythmic breaths, clenching your palms into fists. Lower your arms and rest for 4 seconds. Exhale freely through your mouth. Do 24 approaches.

2. Shoulder straps

Stand straight, clench your hands into fists and press them to your stomach. As you inhale, push your fists down, tensing your shoulders. Then return your arms back and relax them as you exhale. 8 breaths - then 4 seconds of rest.

3. Pump

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along your body. Bend forward and stretch your hands towards the floor, but do not reach it. Inhale simultaneously with the tilt, and you need to exhale while straightening, but you should not straighten completely. Bend over 100 times for 1 minute.

4. Cat

Stand straight, legs narrower than shoulder-length. Sit down a little, turn to the right and take a sharp breath. Return to original position. Repeat the movement to the left. At the same time, the hands perform grasping movements. Keep your back straight, turn at the waist.

5. Shoulder Hugging

In a standing position, bend your elbows and raise them to shoulder level. Take a sharp breath, hugging yourself by the shoulders, but without crossing your arms. If it’s hard, do 4 movements.

6. Big pendulum

Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-length. Lean forward, stretch your arms towards the floor, while inhaling. Then go back, wrap your arms around your shoulders and inhale again.

7. Head turns

Stand straight, legs narrower than shoulder-length. Turn your head to the right - inhale, turn your head to the left - inhale. Exhale between breaths.

8. Ears

Stand straight, legs narrower than shoulder-length. Tilt your head to the right, touch your ear to your shoulder, inhale, head to the left - inhale. Exhale between breaths.

9. Pendulum head

Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-length. Tilt your head forward and look at the floor, inhale. Back, stroking upward, inhale again. Exhale between breaths.

10. Rolls

Stand up straight left leg put forward and move the right one back. Transfer your body weight to your left leg, bend your right leg and place it on your toe. Squat down on your left leg while inhaling strongly. Straighten your leg and shift your weight to your right leg. Squat down on your right leg, inhaling.

11. Steps

  1. Front. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-length. Raise your left leg, bending it at the knee, to your stomach (while the toe is pulled down). Squat down on your right leg while inhaling noisily. Return to starting position. Repeat with the other leg. 8 times 8 breaths.
  2. Rear . Bend your left leg at the knee, while reaching your buttocks with your heel. Squat down on your right leg and inhale. Repeat with the other leg. 4 times 8 breaths.

Such a simple complex is a real treasure trove of health for the patient and persistent. We will be glad to hear your feedback about Strelnikova’s breathing in the comments to the article and the results that were achieved with this or that disease.

Video set of gymnastics exercises by Strelnikova

Modern medicine has long proven that a complete oxygen saturation of the body can save a person from excess weight and help cope with some serious diseases.

Based on the characteristics of the human body, using breathing to fight diseases, various techniques healthy image life and recovery from illnesses. For example, in the West, breathing exercises were implemented in the areas of a healthy lifestyle “oxysize” or “bodyflex”, and in the East the fashionable movement “qigong” appeared.

Initially, Strelnikova’s breathing exercises were intended to restore her singing voice, and she coped with this very well. And later, when people began to notice positive changes in other aspects of health, after carrying out these breathing exercises, Strelnikova’s breathing exercises began to be used to treat many diseases. And, not surprisingly, she really helped to recover from them, she became effective means combating many human ailments. Subsequently, it gained wide popularity and was even recognized by the Ministry of Health of the Union, and Strelnikova received a document confirming copyright for the developed methodology.

The main feature of breathing exercises was special breathing technique - vigorous inhalation and passive exhalation.
As when sniffing, the air should be inhaled through the nose quickly and noisily, and exhaled through a half-open mouth, trying not to strain at all. An important point technique, it is believed that all gymnastics movements must be performed together with exhalations. With this strategy, muscles become more resilient and strengthen faster. Like many other types of gymnastics, all movements are counted at the same pace, calmly but energetically.

Movements - breaths of air should take place in multiple series (for example, from 4 to 32 times). And between such series of exercises, short pauses are made - about 3 to 5 seconds, for a short rest. Full complex gymnastics Strelnikova consists of more than a dozen different exercises, but only some of them are considered important.

In this article we will not dwell in detail on all the breathing exercises according to Strelnikova, but will consider the positive and negative aspects of its use.

Indications and contraindications, benefits and harms of Strelnikova gymnastics

In fact, breathing exercises according to Strelkova, if done correctly and subject to good health, have no contraindications. However, each of us is worried about something, and sometimes we suffer from some kind of ailment. Therefore, this gymnastics, like any effect on the body, must be treated with caution. Let's find out what indications and contraindications, benefits and harms Strelnikova's breathing exercises can bring and in what cases this most often happens.

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova are not prohibited during a normal pregnancy. Most often it is used as a preventive technique against respiratory diseases, especially in children. With the right approach, it can cure asthma in children, as evidenced by many positive reviews on the Internet, in print media and on television. She copes best with this disease.

Also, according to many active followers of Strelnikova, gymnastics helps with:
— respiratory tract diseases;
- heart and blood vessels;
— musculoskeletal system and nervous system;
- genitourinary system;
- digestion; thyroid gland
- allergies; viruses; obesity; snoring; curvature of the nasal septum; diabetes mellitus; anemia; nicotine addiction; stuttering.

Contraindications and possible harm of breathing exercises

If you suffer from chronic diseases, you should practice breathing exercises very carefully. At first, the intensity of exercise should be minimal, and then increase.

It is important to gradually increase the load in order to reach a good pace without harm to health. The main thing to remember is that incorrectly performed exercises can bring harm, not benefit. In addition, at the beginning of the lesson, you should rest more often in between approaches. When the body is not yet accustomed, it is difficult for it to cope with increased loads and the results of deep active breathing.

Harm from gymnastics can occur in the following cases:
— osteochondrosis of the upper spine;
- spinal and head injuries;
- acute thrombophlebitis;
- internal bleeding;
high blood pressure(arterial, ocular, intracranial);
- high body temperature.
You should also not smoke during periods of gymnastics.

Advantages of Strelnikova gymnastics , as an independent method of healing and getting rid of diseases, consists in general positive impact on the body. The body's organs are saturated with oxygen much more than in ordinary life, metabolism and blood circulation improve. Most often, gymnastics normalizes breathing, restores the strength of the vocal cords, calms the nerves, gets rid of allergies and bronchial asthma, develops the lungs and strengthens muscles, lowers blood pressure and relieves pain during various attacks.

Despite the majority of positive reviews from the use of breathing exercises on oneself, there are also negative examples of its use. Certainly, Most often, harm from gymnastics occurs in people whose bodies cannot tolerate respiratory stress. or has an individual intolerance to breathing techniques. In some negative cases of its use, people were not familiar with the contraindications and, while doing gymnastics, caused themselves some harm.

To prevent gymnastics from causing harm, it is best to consult with your doctor before exercising. . Only he knows the characteristics of your body and can clearly answer whether you should try this method of self-medication. In any case, Strelnikova’s breathing exercises brought a lot of benefits different people all over the world, so many people use it on themselves and recommend it to others.

Be healthy!

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises were developed in our country at the end of the 30s and represent a unique proprietary method of treatment. Alexandra Strelnikova was an opera singer and, having lost her singing voice, together with her mother, she came up with a special system of exercises to restore it. Gymnastics using the Strelnikova method is based on taking short and sharp nasal breaths while compressing the chest. This set of exercises involves a large part of the body - therefore it affects many organs and helps with a variety of diseases: bronchial asthma, hypertension, VSD, stuttering, etc. The benefit of this gymnastics also lies in the fact that it can be used to restore nasal breathing in a situation where the patient, even in the absence of any obstacles in the nose, has developed a breathing reflex through the mouth.

Strelnikova’s technique can be successfully used for the prevention and treatment of diseases in both adults and children and adolescents. If gymnastics is a method of treatment, then it needs to be done twice a day. And if this is a method of prevention, then you need to exercise only once: in the morning, as an alternative to regular exercise, or in the evening to relieve tension after a working or school day.

By practicing this system, you can stop slouching and improve the flexibility of your body. Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova, they are effective for developing myopia - it is possible to stop the deterioration of vision. Strelnikova’s “gynecological complex” has a therapeutic effect in some typical female diseases, for example, polycystic ovaries and endometriosis.


It is logical that Strelnikova’s breathing exercises and warm-up exercises are the first thing to master. There are only three of them: “Palms”, “Epaulettes” and “Pump”.

"Palms." You need to stand up straight and turn your palms forward, without moving your arms far from your body. Then take 4 breaths through your nose at intervals of 3 to 5 seconds. In total, you need to do about 24 repetitions (i.e., a total of 96 movements). On the contrary, you need to exhale through your mouth, quietly and effortlessly. Nasal inhalations should be taken without squeezing your lips too tightly. After inhaling, you need to open your lips slightly, then you will exhale as you should, spontaneously. Also make sure that your shoulders do not rise during the exercise. Don't be alarmed if you feel a little dizzy at first - this will go away as you go.

"Epaulettes." Stand with your back straight and press your hands into fists to your sides. Take 8 breaths without pauses, then break for 4-5 seconds and repeat. The norm for the exercise is 12 repetitions. As you inhale, forcefully push your arms down, as if throwing something. As you inhale, your shoulders should tense, your arms should extend to their full length, and your fingers should spread out.

“Pump.” Stand with your back straight, and then bend over slightly. Your back should be round and your gaze should be directed to the floor. Inhale in the lower position. Raise yourself slightly, exhaling through your mouth. You need to perform 8 consecutive bends with inhalations, then pause for 3-5 seconds and do it again. A total of 12 repetitions are required, as in the second exercise. However, there are contraindications for performing:

  • injured spine,
  • traumatic brain injuries,
  • long-standing osteochondrosis,
  • intracranial, arterial or ocular pressure significantly higher than normal,
  • kidney, liver stones, bladder stones.

Three warm-up exercises should take 15–20 minutes in the mornings and evenings. Then master one of the exercises per day that the “Main Complex” offers.

Gymnastics Basics

Strelnikova’s gymnastics is divided into different complexes, but among them the most popular is the so-called main complex, consisting of 10 exercises, not counting warm-up exercises. When following this method, it is important to remember a few main rules and always follow them:

  1. The inhalation is always gusty, short and noisy. During classes, you need to concentrate only on nasal inhalations.
  2. Exhalation should be done on its own, without tension, through the mouth. There should be no noise when you exhale.
  3. All movements require one breath.
  4. The count is always only by 8.

It is permissible to exercise standing, sitting, and lying down.

The first exercise will be “Cat”. Without lifting your feet from the ground, do a shallow, springy squat, at the same time turn to the right and inhale. Repeat this in left side. Don't bend your back and use your hands as if you were grabbing something. A total of 12 repetitions of 8 breaths with movements are required.

“Hug your shoulders.” Your starting position is standing, with your arms raised to your shoulders and elbows bent. Make a strong throw of your arms, as if you want to hug yourself by the shoulders; Inhale throughout all movements. Don't spread your arms too far apart, try to keep them parallel. You need to inhale 8 times for 12 repetitions. Contraindications for use:

  • history of heart attack,
  • heart defects,
  • ischemic heart disease.

"Big Pendulum" Place your feet slightly less than your shoulders apart. Lean forward with your arms extended towards the floor and inhale. Without any pause, bend back and wrap your arms around your shoulders, also inhaling. Do not forget that you only need to exhale passively. Perform 8 times 12 repetitions. Contraindications:

  • injured spine,
  • long-standing osteochondrosis,
  • displaced intervertebral discs.

Only after high-quality mastery of the three warm-up exercises and the first three basic exercises You can begin to master the entire complex as a whole. Extend your workouts by one new exercise per day.

"Head turns." Place your feet wider than your shoulders. Turn your head in different directions without stopping in the middle and inhale during all turns. Exhale through your mouth. It is necessary to perform 12 repetitions 8 times.

"Ears". The starting position is the same. Make shallow tilts of your head to the left and right, pointing your ear towards your shoulder; inhale as you bend. And so 12 repetitions 8 times.

"Pendulum head." The starting position does not change. With inhalations, lower and raise your head, and so on for 12 repetitions. Contraindications for performance:

  • old cervical osteochondrosis,
  • traumatic brain injuries,
  • epileptic seizures,
  • intracranial, intraocular or blood pressure significantly higher than normal.

"Rifles". Place your left leg forward and take your right leg back. Bend your right knee and squat down on your left leg while inhaling. Immediately change to your right leg, bending your left, also while inhaling. 12 repetitions of 8 breaths each.

"Forward Step" Stand with your feet slightly less than shoulder-width apart and lift your left leg bent knee to the stomach. Squat down on your right leg, inhale and straighten it back. Do the same with the other leg. 8 repetitions of 8 breaths. Contraindications:

  • ischemic heart disease,
  • history of heart attack,
  • heart defects.

If your legs are injured in any way, do not perform this exercise while standing. During pregnancy, do not raise your legs too high.

“Back step.” Extend your left leg back, squatting slightly on your right and inhaling. Return to initial pose with exhalation. Repeat with the other leg. In total, you need to perform 4 repetitions of 8 breaths.

How to study Strelnikova's program correctly

The breathing training technique offered by gymnastics according to Strelnikova’s program is studied in a certain order. At first, you do only three warm-up exercises - “Palms”, “Epaulettes” and “Pump”. On the second day, add the “Cat” to them, on the third – “Hug your shoulders”, on the fourth – “Big Pendulum”, then, if you feel the need for it, practice these six exercises. After practicing, add other exercises in turn: “Turns of the head”, “Ears”, “Pendulum with the head”, “Rolls” and “Steps”.

When you feel that you have sufficiently mastered the technique of the exercise, perform 16 breaths instead of 8, and then you can reach a maximum of 32 breaths in a row. Start any new exercise with a minimum number of breaths. Regardless of how many times you inhale, your rest should last from 3 to 5 seconds, sometimes up to 10, but no longer. Best time for training - morning and evening, before meals or an hour and a half after.

The maximum benefit from training using the Strelnikova method is possible only when you practice regularly. Dr. Shchetinin, a follower of Alexandra Strelnikova, advises practicing breathing exercises all your life, making it a habit in order to stay in constant tone. Strelnikova’s gymnastics, however, has some general contraindications to exercise:

  • arterial, intracranial or ocular pressure exceeding normal,
  • high degree of myopia,
  • spinal injuries,
  • the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • traumatic brain injuries,
  • fever,
  • gall and kidney stones,
  • long-standing cervical osteochondrosis,
  • glaucoma,
  • thrombophlebitis in acute form,
  • the presence of diseases with internal bleeding.

So be sure to consult a doctor before starting classes using the Strelnikova method. The greatest benefit from this type of gymnastics is manifested precisely when practicing with an individual approach, taking into account all contraindications and features. This technique also does not tolerate deviations from the order of exercises - they are built according to the principle “from simple to complex,” and therefore the sequence is so important.

You may have heard about a non-drug method that was created in the 40s. It was originally recommended for restoring the singing voice.

Almost thirty years later (1973), phonation teacher (author of the method) Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova received an author’s certificate for her unique development, which passed the registration procedure by the Institute of Patent Examination.

What is the essence of the technique?

Unlike traditional breathing exercises, which focus on time and exhalation, Strelnikova breathing (exercises) is a simple and accessible method that is based on a powerful, forced inhalation through the nose and a slow and smooth exhalation.

Moreover, this prohibits holding air or expelling it from the lungs when exhaling. An active and powerful breath is combined with compression of the chest. This allows additional oxygen to enter the body’s tissues and improves well-being. Thanks to the inverse coordination of breathing and movements, the development of muscles that are associated with breathing is stimulated.

It should be noted that each breathing exercise gives a very quick effect. Strelnikova was able to develop a complex whose beneficial effects on the body can be felt within 15 minutes. If you do it correctly, your breathing will become easier, there will be lightness, a surge of strength, efficiency, and your mood will significantly improve.


Despite the proven and recognized benefits of traditional medicine, breathing according to Strelnikova (exercises) also has contraindications. These include:

  • pathologies of internal organs;
  • feverish condition and high temperature;
  • brain contusion and spinal injuries;
  • cervical osteochondrosis (old);
  • various bleedings;
  • hypertension;
  • increased ocular or intracranial pressure;
  • myopia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • gallstones or kidney stones;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The question of whether Strelnikova’s technique (short breathing exercises) is right for you can only be answered by your attending physician after additional research. Cases have been recorded where, when performed in a gentle manner, it significantly alleviated the condition even in patients confined to bed.

What do you need to know before starting classes?

Beginners who are just getting acquainted with the Strelnikova method need to learn the basic rules:

  1. First of all, you need to learn how to breathe actively and noisily. At this time, the wings of the nose are pressed against the septum (involuntarily). The energetic inhalation should resemble clapping your hands.
  2. According to those who have already mastered this technique, Strelnikova’s technique is not at all complicated. Short breathing exercises involve a smooth, natural exhalation. Remaining air is removed through the mouth. Exhalation should be without any effort. The desire to exhale actively can cause not only a disruption in the respiratory rhythm, but also lead to
  3. Exercises that are aimed at recovery correct breathing, should be performed on the count. In this case, all elements of this technique are performed correctly, and this will help you (especially at the beginning of classes) to eliminate disruptions in the rhythm.
  4. Movement and inhalation are a single element of breathing exercises. They need to be done simultaneously. You can't do this one by one. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the patient is standing, lying or sitting. This largely depends on the severity of the disease.
  5. The number of any exercises should be a multiple of 4. This is a musical size that will easily help you calculate the load. On the fourth day, the number of exercises increases to 16, and then to 24 and 32. The rhythm, which is made up of odd numbers (for example, 3, 5), according to the followers of this gymnastics, requires skill and physical endurance.

Between series of exercises, a pause for rest of no more than ten seconds is allowed. In this case, the lesson looks like this:

  • first two days: 24 sets of 4 breaths (pauses of 10 seconds);
  • the next two days: 12 sets of 8 breaths (same pauses);
  • fifth and sixth days: 6 repetitions of 16 breaths (pauses ten seconds);
  • from the seventh day: 3 sets of 32 breaths (pauses remain).

In addition to the rhythm, it is necessary to maintain good mood and good spirits while doing the exercises. This way you will achieve greater results in healing your body.

This is very effective gymnastics breathing. Strelnikova developed the exercises with the expectation that they would be performed regularly. Absences from classes are not allowed. After 30 days of training, rest breaks should be gradually reduced to 5, and then to 3 seconds, provided that you feel good.

You should not be bothered by slight fatigue or dizziness. This may be caused by a temporary oversaturation of the brain with oxygen.

Basic exercises

All exercises of the Strelnikova complex do not need to be performed at the beginning of classes. Even the basic 12 episodes should be split up first. Master the first three exercises, only after that add one every day until you master the entire complex.


A very simple breathing exercise. Strelnikova developed it so that even very young children could perform it. Turn your open palms away from you. The elbows are bent and point vertically downwards. We take noisy, powerful breaths, sharply clenching our palms into fists at this time. Repeat the exercise 4 times, exhaling slowly. After four repetitions, pause for 4 seconds.


Feet shoulder width apart. Relax your shoulders, raise your head. Clench your hands into fists at waist level. As you inhale, sharply throw your arms down, unclench your fists and spread your fingers. The muscles of the shoulders, forearms (“shoulder straps”), as well as the hands should experience slight tension at this time. The initial series consists of 8 inhalations and exhalations (3 seconds pause). Number of episodes - 12.


Shoulders down, arms along the body. Bend over (slowly), imagining that you are holding a pump, and inhale loudly and sharply. Then exhale slowly. The exercise is repeated 12 times. Pause - 3 seconds.

Making classes more difficult

Having mastered the basic exercises, you can begin to study the rest of the complex, adding something new to your workouts every day.


Place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Shoulders are relaxed, arms are at the sides of the body. Taking a sharp breath, squat down shallowly. Turn your body to the right. At the same time, bend your elbows and clench your palms into fists. Exhale slowly and you can return to the starting position. After this, the exercise is repeated on the left side. 12 sets of 8 exercises in both directions.

"Hug your shoulders"

We continue to study breathing according to Strelnikova. Exercises for asthma necessarily include this series. Bend your elbows, raising them to shoulder level so that your left hand is above your right elbow and, accordingly, your right hand is above your left elbow. Along with a sharp breath, hug yourself without changing your arms or crossing them. One hand will hug the shoulder, the second will be in armpit. We return to the starting position with a slow exhalation. The series consists of 8 inhalation movements, 12 approaches.

"Head turns"

Another exercise that is effective for asthma. Perform alternating turns of your head left and right - without delay, accompanying the movements with sharp breaths. Exhalation occurs through an open mouth involuntarily. 12 sets of 8 movements (break 4 seconds).

"Big Pendulum"

This exercise includes the previous two. First, we perform the movements from the “Pump”, after that, without taking a break, we perform the “Hug your shoulders” exercise. The exercise consists of 12 sets of 8 movements.


We begin to shake our heads: to the right - we reach the right shoulder, to the left - to the left. With every movement there is a noisy sharp breath. Shoulders should not be raised; the body and neck should be relaxed. The exercises included in the basic cycle: “Rolls”, “Steps”, “Pendulum with the head” can be performed only after a good mastery of the first 8 exercises. This complex is shown as effective method treatment and prevention (in the absence of contraindications) for most people. Even pregnant women are shown Strelnikova. Exercises for children, as well as for pregnant women, should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. To prevent diseases, classes are held in the mornings or evenings. After a busy day, they will help get rid of fatigue.

Breathing according to Strelnikova: exercises for bronchitis

Three basic exercises are used to treat and prevent this serious disease: “Hug your shoulders”; "Eight"; "Pump". This complex promotes better mucus removal, it stops coughing attacks, giving rest to the ligaments and bronchi. We recommend that everyone who is susceptible to frequent bronchitis master breathing according to Strelnikova. The exercises are simple, but perform them strictly in accordance with the recommendations of the author of the complex.

What to do during a coughing attack due to bronchitis? You should tilt your head down. Relax your neck muscles completely. Place your palms on your stomach on either side of your navel. When you cough and exhale, push your stomach from top to bottom. This way you will help the diaphragm. As a result, the phlegm will come out easier.

Exercises for weight loss

We continue to tell you about breathing according to Strelnikova. Exercises for weight loss will likely be of interest to many of our readers. To achieve maximum effect, you should follow some rules:

  • The main emphasis is on inhalation. It should be short, noisy, sharp, similar to a clap or a shot.
  • Exhalation is natural, unnoticeable. Don't hold your breath as you exhale.

Do not forget about the basic rule on which breathing according to Strelnikova is based. The exercises begin while inhaling. The main complex is performed four times, eight breaths each. You can gradually increase the number of approaches.

Today Strelnikova breathing is becoming very popular. Exercises for weight loss are basic complex simple but effective movements. They can be performed by people with different levels physical training. In addition, more are used for weight loss difficult exercises. They can be started after lengthy preparation. Start with basic classes. They will allow you to achieve excellent results if you do them regularly and correctly.

First, “Palms”, “Epaulettes”, “Cat” are performed. Then, “Big Pendulum” and “Hug Your Shoulders” are gradually added to them. A simple scheme is strictly followed - 4 sets of 8 breaths with a break of 3 seconds.

It has been experimentally proven that Strelnikova breathing (exercises) is quite effective. Reviews from people who have mastered this technique indicate that regular exercise to lose weight helps cure various diseases. The main principle of this technique is the use of abdominal breathing, while thoracic breathing is suppressed. In this case, the diaphragm becomes much more tense, its muscles are strengthened, and therefore blood flow in the organs improves. This cleanses them of waste and toxins. In addition, abdominal breathing increases lung capacity. After several months of constant exercise, it can be increased by 0.3 liters.

This gymnastics activates the following processes:

  • the feeling of hunger is noticeably dulled;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves;
  • fat cells are actively broken down;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • the functioning of the nervous system is normalized.

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova: exercises for children

This unique technique Suitable for activities with children aged 3 years and older. These simple exercises Sick teenagers can also perform this exercise. Many note that the advantage of this complex is that the whole family can do it. At the beginning (the first lesson with the child), three exercises will be quite enough. You should exercise twice a day - before breakfast and after dinner.

Having mastered this simple gymnastics for breathing, for regular classes you can get rid of various ailments that often affect children aged 3-7 years. They often become chronic - tonsillitis, bronchitis, frequent colds.

So, what movements does Strelnikova’s breathing exercises recommend starting with? The exercises are already familiar to you - “Palms”, “Pump”, “Epaulettes”. This is the basis of the complex, to which more complex elements are gradually added. Having mastered them, you can conduct classes on the treatment and prevention of serious diseases such as bronchitis and asthma. It is better if the first lesson is conducted by a doctor.

Treatment for stuttering

Most effective exercises for the treatment of this pathology are “Hug your shoulders” and “Pump”. With children who stutter, they are carried out twice a day. These exercises are basic, but others can be added to the complex.

Speech therapists note that Strelnikova’s breathing exercises (exercises for children), for example, “Hug your shoulders,” contribute to vocal cords in the larynx they make a counter movement. The baby, through activities, helps them to close closer together. After two months regular training The child's breathing changes. It becomes deeper, the diaphragm and lung tissue are trained, and the muscles of the nasopharynx are strengthened. A stream of air, passing through the larynx during exhalation, vibrates and massages the vocal cords, forcing them to close when pronouncing sounds.

Breathing according to Strelnikova (exercises for children) is advisable to supplement with classes with a speech therapist. In this case, the problem will be resolved faster.