Exercises for shoulders at home. Training deltoid muscles at home (video exercises). How to pump up your shoulders: principles of training

In this article we will tell you how to pump up your shoulders, but we will not repeat thousands and thousands of materials copied from each other, which provide only basic information and convey no more than 10% of the essence. Today you will gain fundamental knowledge based on practice! We will tell you what exercises for deltoids with dumbbells, barbells and other equipment you can do at home and in the gym, how many times a week you need to pump your shoulders, and we will also tell you everything about the correct technique for doing the exercises. A lot depends on the correct technique and the development of the brain-muscle connection. The deltoids are a very small muscle group and require the development of ideal sensation in each of the three heads. Only in this case will you be able to work them all out efficiently, creating a rounded and aesthetically beautiful shape.

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a professional athlete, we are sure that this article will be useful to you. Having obtained the necessary knowledge about how and with what to pump your shoulders, you can achieve decent results even at home. BUT! In our opinion, home workout can never compare to the gym. Yes, at home you can train your shoulders in the same way with a barbell and dumbbells, but you can only experience real pleasure and drive in a sports “party.” Firstly, you gain more knowledge from “people in the subject”; secondly, you are constantly motivated by athletes who show top scores, and thirdly, you train with like-minded people and really enjoy it.

By the way, a detailed answer to the question of why it is better to train in the gym will be given by this video:

How to properly organize training taking into account the anatomical features of the shoulder?

It is impossible to talk about how to properly pump your shoulders without delving into the anatomy of the muscles.

The part that interests us in this article is the shoulder joint and the muscles surrounding it. First, let's look at the joint itself and its capabilities:

The shoulder joint is a hinge-type structure (the spherical head of the bone fits into the socket (glenoid fossa) of the scapula). Thanks to this design, the shoulder joint is the most mobile in the human body and has a wide range of motion (rotates in almost any direction).

The movement of the arm is carried out not only due to the joint, but also thanks to the deltoid muscle of the shoulder.

The muscle got its name due to the fact that it resembles the Greek letter delta (Δ) upside down. The deltoid muscle is divided into three heads: anterior, middle and posterior, which are responsible for different trajectories of arm movement.

Your home shoulder training should be based on understanding which deltoid head is working in a particular exercise, so let's look at this in more detail using illustrations.

Flexion of the shoulder from position A to position B occurs due to the FRONT delta beam. Extension of the arm from position A to position B is carried out due to the REAR delta beam. Thus, by moving the arm back and forth in a position parallel to the floor, we alternately engage the front and back bundles.

In the following image, the FRONT head of the shoulder moves the arm from position A to position B, and the BACK head moves the arm back.

In the next image, the movement of the hand from position B to position D is carried out due to ALL THREE bundles (but the back one is slightly involved).

Let's not forget about the incredible mobility of the shoulder joint, which allows it to move in all planes and also perform rotational movements. The FRONT head of the delta not only raises the arm up (flexes), but also supinates (turns inward). And the BACK part not only takes the arm back (extends), but also pronates (turns outward). Both movements can be seen in the image below:

Thus, if the FRONT and MIDDLE heads work simultaneously, then simultaneous flexion and slight abduction of the arm occurs. If the MIDDLE and POSTERIOR work, then extension and abduction.

Shoulder exercises at home clearly demonstrate this type of work:

In this case, the FRONT and MIDDLE heads work:

In this case, the REAR and MIDDLE heads work:

If you are hoping to pump up your shoulders at home without dumbbells and barbells, then there is only one type of training available to you - push-ups. If you look at the anatomy of this exercise, you can see that no matter how hard you manage to do push-ups, mainly only the FRONT delta bundle is involved. And this is unlikely to give your shoulder a uniformly rounded shape.

Unfortunately, you are unlikely to be able to build up big shoulders quickly at home. Even if you take into account that you will have a variety of equipment, you will still reach a certain “ceiling” that you can only overcome by training in the gym.

You can find out how to pump up your shoulder muscles yourself, but only a professional trainer, or “mentor,” can give you more practical information. In addition, working with a coach gives you another important advantage - outside assessment. You don't always notice your strengths and weak sides. Only a coach can guide you in the right direction (especially for those who want to make really high-quality, outstanding form).

You can do gymnastics at home shoulder girdle master exercises if you are a beginner, stretch, learn to feel your muscles. This will be an excellent basis for moving on to more serious training in the gym.

Below we will tell you about the correct technique for exercises with dumbbells, which you can easily master at home.

Well, now let’s move on directly to the practice of pumping shoulders with dumbbells at home.

Naturally, you will need equipment for training. The simplest and affordable option- dumbbells. It is desirable that these be paired dumbbells in a certain weight range:

For women:

  1. 1.5 kg;
  2. 3 kg;
  3. 5 kg.

For men:

  1. 5 kg;
  2. 10 kg;
  3. 15 kg.

Most the best option for exercises with dumbbells on the shoulders for men - collapsible equipment. These dumbbells are designed like a barbell with interchangeable discs, so the weight can vary for your convenience.

Are there differences in shoulder workouts for women and men? In fact, no. In terms of technique and types, shoulder exercises for women and men will not be any different, but the set of these exercises can be completely different.

Thus, some women who naturally have a developed shoulder girdle prefer isolating exercises that develop the front and rear heads of the deltas, which makes the shoulders more rounded, but does not broaden them significantly. Some exercises that involve the maximum average head can help the deltoids grow wider. This option is ideal for girls with a wide waist who want to narrow it visually by expanding the shoulder girdle, buttocks and hips.

Also, regarding preparation for home workouts for beginners, remember the basic rules:

  1. Don’t chase the scales, but try to practice your technique;
  2. In exercises, work slowly and at full amplitude - this will allow you to feel the target muscles and improve the neuromuscular connection;
  3. Be sure to enable basic exercises into your program - this will allow you to develop strength and increase weights in the future, and therefore progress in shape.

Do not forget that before each workout, a warm-up is carried out, which will allow blood to flow to the target muscle group and warm up the joints and ligaments.

Well, now let’s move on directly to what exercises to pump up your shoulders at home?

First of all, these will be exercises with dumbbells, and, in general, a beginner should not bother with anything more. Dumbbells will allow you to work out all the deltoids and are a truly effective and efficient option for pumping up your shoulders.

Don’t forget that the best exercises for a guy that will help you build up your shoulders quickly are the basic ones! Focus on them to develop strength and be able to increase working weights.

Below we will describe all the exercises in more detail; you will learn how to pump up your shoulders with roundness, as well as how to make them visually wider. Be sure to pay attention to the anatomy of the technique in order to understand how a certain type of load affects the heads of the deltas.

So, best exercises on the shoulders with dumbbells:

  1. Press standing or sitting;
  2. Lifting or spreading through the sides;
  3. Lift or swing in front of you;
  4. Lifting or bent over swings;
  5. Lifting or pulling to the chin;

Exercise type: multi-joint.

Load area: the shoulders swing due to the contraction of all beams (heavy load on the middle and front head).

Features of the technique: depending on the angle of rotation of the forearm, the load can shift from the front deltoid to the middle one, and vice versa. So, if you sit straight and your forearm is parallel to your body, then the emphasis is transferred to the middle delta (you can strengthen this emphasis by turning your palm as far as possible towards the ceiling). If you sit tilted back, your forearm moves about 15 degrees from parallel to the body, and the emphasis is transferred to the front deltoid. You can also place emphasis on the front deltoid by placing your arms and shoulders in front of your body and pressing movements in front of you.

Exercise type: basic.

Load area: the entire delta is involved (when you turn the forearm, the back head turns on).

Features of the technique: pumping your shoulders with dumbbells in the Arnold press is quite difficult. main feature this exercise is something you can incorporate into your work rear delta when turning the forearm. A mandatory nuance is to move the arm from a position in front of you to a position on the side of the body, simultaneously with the rotation of the forearm.

It will be quite difficult for a beginner to “feel” the work of the deltas in this exercise for the arms and shoulders, especially with regard to the back head. So it is recommended for beginners to start with a regular bench press.

Exercise type: insulating.

Load area: the entire delta is involved, but the emphasis is on the middle one.

Features of the technique: in this shoulder exercise, it is advisable to keep your arms with dumbbells straight in order to maximally engage the middle delta. But, an option is allowed when the arms are bent at the elbows, which additionally turns on the front delta (if desired, you can turn on the front delta by turning your arm inward when lifting). To work in isolation medium bun, you must keep your palms strictly parallel to the floor. Lifting the projectiles is carried out strictly with the shoulders, without swaying the body.

Exercise type: insulating.

Load area: the middle and anterior deltoids are involved, with an emphasis on the latter.

Features of the technique: according to the classical scheme, the exercise is performed with straight arms, palms facing the floor. But for maximum isolation of the front beam, your hands can be turned palms up. To make this technique more convenient, you can pick up one dumbbell in your hands, lifting it as if you were scooping up water.

Swings are great for isolating individual bundles, but if you answer the question whether you can pump up your shoulders only with swings, the answer will be ambiguous. Why?

Remember when we said that basic exercises are essential to developing shoulder strength? So, by performing only swings and giving an isolating load, you will lift working weights very slowly, accordingly, getting less return from training and less muscle growth.

Exercise type: insulating.

Load area: middle and posterior muscle shoulder, with emphasis on the latter.

Features of the technique: according to the classical scheme, tilted swings are performed from a position of the torso “parallel to the floor” with straight arms. To make it easier, you can bend your elbows slightly. Make sure you grip and tilt your torso so that your shoulder maintains a position “perpendicular to your torso” even during movement. If you are doing the exercise for the first time, it may be difficult for you to swing with both arms at the same time. So it is possible to perform the exercise with one hand.

If you want to build broad shoulders, then be sure to combine bent over swings with dumbbell raises to the sides.

Exercise type: multi-joint.

Load area: the middle and front deltas are activated, with an emphasis on the middle, depending on the position of the hands.

Features of the technique: pulling with dumbbells at home is performed according to the same scheme as with a barbell. The advantage is that you can spread your arms out to the sides as much as possible so that your shoulder moves in the plane of your torso. If you move your shoulder out of the plane of your body and make movements in front of you, you engage the front delta as much as possible.

Pulling allows you to make your shoulders more rounded, but requires the correct technique, as it also works well on the trapezius. If the technique is violated, it can pull most of the load onto itself.

Shoulder training program at home

What's the best way to lift your shoulders at home? If you are a beginner, then include shoulder exercises at home in your training split along with muscle groups such as the back and/or legs. If you've been training for a long time, you can devote an entire workout to deltoids.

As for the training program, it will look something like this:

First day:

  • Dumbbell raises to the sides;
  • Dumbbell rows to the chin;
  • Swing dumbbells in front of you.

Second day:

  • Bent-over dumbbell swings (rear deltoid);
  • Dumbbell raises to the sides.

We perform 3-4 working approaches in the range of 8-15 repetitions.

Answering the question of how to build broad shoulders at home, let’s say that to do this you just need to do as many basic exercises as possible! For beginners, it is advisable to start with a classic standing or sitting press, since the Arnold press will be quite difficult for them in terms of execution technique.

It's obvious that shake your shoulders It’s much easier and more interesting in the gym! The "arsenal" of exercise equipment boasts great variety and functionality. To give you an idea of ​​this benefit, let's get down to the basics - what stimulates muscle growth?

Shoulder volume and any other muscles increases in a linear relationship: exercise stress, stress → microtrauma muscle fibers→ restoration and increase in volume.

What does it take to get this “stress”?

  1. Increase in working weights;
  2. Changing the number of repetitions and approaches;
  3. Changing the amplitude of movement;
  4. Combination different types loads (supersets, etc.);
  5. Introduction of pre-fatigue.

In the gym you can change the type of load much easier and more often and, accordingly, pump up your shoulders more powerfully it will be easier for you than shaking your shoulders with dumbbells only.

Another important advantage is the presence of like-minded people and motivation. When training in the gym, you are constantly in the sports “get-together”, improving your knowledge, receiving additional motivation and simply enjoying the company “in the know.”

We have already started talking about a larger “arsenal” of the gym for working out the deltoids, so we will pay more attention to this issue.

In addition to exercises with dumbbells on the shoulders, you have access to such a universal equipment as a barbell. The barbell gives a basic load to your deltoids, and, unlike dumbbells, the weight of the projectile can be as large as possible.

By adding an incline bench press to the barbell, you get another multifunctional piece of equipment.

By changing the backrest angle, you can shift the emphasis from the front deltoid to the middle deltoid on the bench press. So, you can pump the anterior shoulder muscle in a semi-lying position, tilting the back slightly back.

In addition to the barbell, in the gym you will find a lot of exercise machines with which you can isolate your back as much as possible while pumping up your shoulders. Various bench press machines also have a preset range of motion, which allows you to focus less on technique and more on the neuromuscular connection.

For those who have already mastered the barbell and dumbbells perfectly, and are simply tired of the monotony, there are block exercise machines. How to pump up your arms and shoulders? You can use only blocks or combine the load of blocks with dumbbells. But we'll talk about this some other time.

And now we will present you a list of exercises for pumping up the shoulders, which are the most popular and effective:

  1. Barbell press standing or sitting;
  2. Bench press;
  3. Barbell row to the chin;
  4. Smith machine press;
  5. Presses in specialized simulators;
  6. Lifting a barbell or swing in front of you.

Now let's look at the technology.

We have already talked about how to pump up your shoulders at home using a similar exercise. So, the barbell press is not much different from the dumbbell press.

Exercise type: basic.

Load area: the entire delta is involved, but the emphasis is on the middle and front.

Features of the technique: the press is performed standing from the chest. If you work with heavy weights, it is better to take the projectile from the racks. In other cases, the projectile is lifted from the floor with one jerk. If your elbows are down and your palms are turned up as much as possible, then the middle deltoids are working as much as possible. But if you turn your elbows slightly upward, as if you were going to squat frontally, then include the front shoulder bundle into the work as much as possible.

Exercise type: multi-joint.

Load area: the middle delta and the front delta are involved, with an emphasis on the latter.

Features of the technique: performed from a standing or sitting position. The barbell is holding wide grip, slightly wider than your shoulders so that your forearms are parallel to each other. You need to press the projectile straight up, without swinging or moving it forward or backward at the peak point.

The overhead press is a rather traumatic exercise for pumping up the shoulders, so it should not be performed by beginners.

Exercise type: basic.

Load area: the middle and anterior deltas are activated, with an emphasis on the first.

Features of the technology: load with middle delta it shifts to the front due to a change in the position of the hands - they should be spread strictly to the sides, moving in the plane of the body. If you move your arms forward, the front delta takes the load. Also, your arms may extend too far forward due to a too narrow grip.

To develop shoulder strength, perform this basic exercise for 8-10 reps per set with maximum weight.

Smith machine presses

Exercise type: basic.

Load area: load on the anterior and middle deltas, with an emphasis on the first.

Features of the exercise technique for developing shoulder muscles: the execution technique does not differ from the classic chest press. But thanks to the Smith's limited plane of motion, your technique will be more precise—you won't be swinging and moving the bar forward or backward. If you perform the exercise while sitting, you can change the emphasis from the middle deltoid to the front by changing the tilt of the back (the back leans slightly back).

Typically, the gym is equipped with various types of exercise equipment for pumping shoulder muscles, which are ideal for beginners. The simulator already has a predetermined range of motion, which “evens out” your technique and allows you to focus on sensations.

Exercise type: basic.

Load area: middle and anterior delta.

Features of the technique: the technique is very similar to classic bench press. To maximally engage and isolate your shoulders, do not hold the handle of the machine, but push with your open palm. Also, such exercise machines do not always have an adjustable back (usually it is tilted back). As we said earlier, tilting the backrest back shifts the emphasis from the middle deltoid to the front. And since in most people the anterior delta is already well developed, I would like to shift the emphasis to the middle one. To do this, you just need to sit on the simulator in reverse - facing the back. This will keep your torso perpendicular to the floor.

Lifting a barbell or swinging in front of you

Exercise type: insulating.

Load area: front bun and middle bun, with emphasis on the first.

Features of the technology: great exercise for swinging the shoulders, which allows you to maximally load the front delta. The barbell is held with a straight grip, pressed against the hips. The projectile is lifted with straight arms to a position “parallel to the floor.” By the way! By lifting the barbell above your shoulders, you put additional stress on the rear deltoid.

Video of our shoulder workouts - advanced version

If you want to know how to build huge shoulders, we recommend that you watch the workout video from the Fit Magazine team! Our program is an advanced option and will be of interest to experienced athletes who want to diversify and add a little “pepper” to their loads:

Want to learn even more about shoulder exercises? Then we advise you to follow the link! Another training session from our team awaits you, as well as many nuances and secrets that will help you achieve great results.

You will receive the following information:

  1. How to pump up your shoulders quickly with dumbbells and barbells;
  2. How to perform basic and isolation exercises correctly;
  3. How many approaches and repetitions to do;
  4. You will also learn some “tricks” of doing the exercises.

Our training is a clear example how cool it is to train in a team, not only with your friends, but also with people who understand you and help you improve.

Nuances and our training program

For your convenience, we will outline our training program so that you know how to properly engage in bodybuilding at an advanced level 😉

The training was carried out in power pump mode and was aimed at working out as many muscle bundles as possible:

  1. Swings with dumbbells to the sides (first of all, we raise the elbow, followed by the hand, as if pouring wine into a glass): 5 * 15, 12, 10, 8, 6;
  2. Press in the simulator: 5*15, 12, 10, 8, 6;
  3. Rear delt swings: 5*15, 12, 10, 8, 6;
  4. Press with emphasis on the front deltoid (elbows placed narrowly): 5*15, 12, 10, 8, 6;
  5. Pulling with a barbell (you can say a mixture of shrugs and pulling: 5 * 15, 12, 10, 8, 6;
  6. Forward swings with dumbbells: 5*15, 12, 10, 8, 6;
  7. Pulling a dumbbell with one hand. 5*15, 12, 10, 8, 6.

This program will also be useful to those who want build shoulder muscles at home, as it gives an understanding of some important features training process, BUT repeating it at home and without appropriate vitamin support makes no sense!!!

For a deeper understanding of the process, it is important to understand one more feature - the energy supply of muscle activity.

Why is this so important? Surely, you have noticed that not all athletes who pay great attention to delt training have decent results. The only thing that matters more than WHAT exercises you use is HOW you do them.

On this moment There are two theories of muscle growth:

  1. The theory of muscle destruction - subsequently microtrauma increases protein synthesis and muscle growth. Simply put: “It hurts, it means it grows”;
  2. Accumulation theory, or static-dynamic training (based on the development of slow muscle fibers).

Most people adhere to the first theory, thinking that the more intensely we train, the more weights we lift, the more microtraumas we receive, and the better we grow. But it’s not always true that “everything that hurt grew, and everything that grew hurt,” right? Apparently, the connection here is not so linear, and there is some kind of catch.

Another trigger for muscle growth is not the presence of microtraumas, but the production of certain anabolic factors: for this there are 4 circumstances:

  1. The presence of hormones in the cell;
  2. The presence of amino acids in the cell;
  3. Availability of free creatine;
  4. Moderate acidification with lactic acid.

In order to perform the exercises correctly, you need to understand the very concept of “acidification” and energy supply to muscle activity.

We think most of you know that the main energy components of a muscle cell are ATP, Creatine and Glycogen. When performing work, our muscles consume these reserves sequentially:

  • First we use up ATP;
  • Then we connect Creatine phosphate;
  • And lastly, glycogen is consumed to form lactic acid.

It is up to this stage - the production of lactic acid - that you must work if you want to use your potential to 100%. But how do you know if you are training for moderate acidification? How do you know if lactic acid is being produced?

The formation of lactic acid in the muscles causes a burning sensation and swelling during exercise, as well as a feeling of soreness after it. There is a time range for acidification: 40 seconds under load in a shortened amplitude. As a rule, the rest between approaches is also 30-40 seconds.

When you reach a certain level, you begin to understand which muscle group/muscles you are lagging behind and which require a standard load. Since it is the shoulders (and back) that make the V-shape of the silhouette, and it is rare to see an athlete in whom this muscle group is ideally developed, almost any athlete pays special attention to delt training.

Professionals can often devote an entire workout to one muscle group to work it out as much as possible.

So we decided to show you what such a program looks like for 4 weeks:

1 workout:

  • Standing barbell press;
  • Swings with dumbbells at an angle;
  • Swings with dumbbells to the sides (rear delta);
  • Smith incline barbell press (front deltoid);

2 workout:

  • Press in the simulator;
  • Barbell row to the chin;
  • Abduction of the arm to the side block simulator;
  • Swings with dumbbells in an inclined position (rear delta).

3 workout:

  • Swings with dumbbells to the sides;
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you;
  • Swings with dumbbells in an inclined position (rear delta);
  • Barbell row to the chin;
  • Rows in a block machine with a cable handle (rear deltoid).

4 workout:

  • Bench press sitting behind the head;
  • Swings with dumbbells at an angle (rear delta);
  • Smith Incline Press;
  • Pulling the barbell back (to the rear deltoid);
  • Lifting the barbell in front of you;
  • Swing dumbbells to the sides.

Shoulder exercises won't be effective if you don't recover enough. After all, your muscles grow during recovery. But what can give you a full recovery? First of all, it's nutrition. But, as you know, the diet of an athlete differs in many ways from the diet of an ordinary person. . Eating for weight gain involves consuming more calories, as well as a better balance of nutrients (BJ).

A weight gain diet involves consuming approximately 1.5-2 grams of quality protein per kg of body weight. Naturally, it will be extremely difficult to get, say, 180 grams of protein, and a complete one, from food alone.

That is why the athlete’s diet includes sports supplements, which are pure sources of essential elements (proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, etc.).

The most popular supplements that will allow you to not only improve recovery, but also increase the effectiveness of your training are:

  1. Amino acids and protein are building material for our muscles, protect them from catabolism;
  2. Multivitamins and omega-3 – support immunity and protect the body from stress;
  3. Creatine – increases energy reserves muscle cells, helps to increase strength indicators and endurance;
  4. Pre-workout complex – provides additional motivation and energy for training.

Sports nutrition today can give you a lot necessary additives, with which your results will definitely go uphill!

Broad, pumped shoulders are the main feature of a fit and sports figure. Shoulder shape depends on development deltoid muscles, which respond well to any load. Pumped deltoid muscles can increase the width of the shoulders to such an extent that a person with an average physique will look like a professional athlete.

Organizing workouts to pump up your shoulders

Preference should be given to basic exercises that allow you to work the entire delta at the same time. If you notice a lag in a certain muscle group, you need to work on it individually by performing isolation exercises.

You can pump up your shoulders both in the gym and at home. However, for this you will need dumbbells and a barbell. You should be able to choose the weight so that in 1 approach you can lift the apparatus at least 8-10 times. Only this method of training will increase the volume and mass of your shoulders. If you want to increase muscle strength, not size, you need to train with heavy weights. In this case, 1 approach should be 5-6 repetitions.

Experienced trainers recommend that novice bodybuilders perform only 1-2 basic exercises. Basic exercises allow you to qualitatively form the deltoid muscle. After some time, you will need to add several isolation exercises - it all depends on the individual pumping of each muscle.

How to swing your shoulders correctly

When performing any basic exercises, the shoulder muscles take an active part, activating strength and stabilizing the body position. Even when squatting with a barbell, the deltoid muscles are involved as they support the weight. This applies to dips and pull-ups.

Each bundle of deltoid muscles activated when executed various exercises. Part of the middle fascicle and the entire anterior fascicle are responsible for performing pressing exercises, and the rear delta and rear end The middle beam is responsible for traction exercises.

How often should you do exercises to build up your shoulders?

If you have a standard training program and go to the gym 3 times a week, then it is not at all necessary to do a separate workout for your shoulders. You just need to perform 2 exercises - one basic with a barbell and one isolating with dumbbells. Experienced athletes who have been involved in bodybuilding for a long time and want to pay special attention to their shoulders provide a separate workout for the shoulder muscles.

Swinging dumbbells to pump up your shoulders - is it worth the risk?

Delta is quite easily injured. The peculiarity of the structure of the human body is that the delta is included in almost all exercises and performs quite complex work - it activates or stabilizes the mechanism. It should be noted that the more complex the mechanism, the easier it is to break. This is why shoulder injuries are so common. Our deltoids are not designed for such an exercise as arm swings with dumbbells. Yes, this is a very effective exercise, but you are putting your shoulders at great risk. If you will them load heavily, you may injure yourself.

Barbell rows to the chin to pump up your shoulders

This exercise is basic as it involves several joints and muscles. If you want to pump up your rear delts, try to keep your grip width slightly wider than your shoulders. To pump up the trapezius, the grip width should be narrow.

How to pump up your shoulders - standing barbell shoulder press

Professional athletes consider this exercise the most effective. The barbell is taken at a distance slightly wider than shoulder width. The barbell rises from the chin area, without straightening the elbows. All exercises in the approach must be performed without pausing at the top point.

How to pump up your shoulders - seated dumbbell press

This is a good alternative to the standing barbell shoulder press. The seated dumbbell press is a basic exercise. This exercise quite complex, since it involves a large number of muscles that stabilize the vertical position of the dumbbells.

How to build shoulder muscles at home

There is no way to pump up your shoulders at home without special equipment. You, of course, can do push-ups and pull-ups, but this will not give the expected effect. To pump up your shoulders at home you will need 2 collapsible dumbbells weighing 20 kg and a barbell with weights. Only if you have such equipment will you be able to perform the above exercises.

In order to pump up your deltoid muscles, you don't have to go to the gym.

If you don’t know how to pump up your shoulders at home, but really want to learn, then this article is for you.

With this set of exercises you can train at any time of the day, whenever it is convenient for you. You won't have to spend a penny on a gym membership. You don't even need dumbbells or a barbell. This is the beauty of training with own weight– it only contains shoulder exercises at home.

At most, you can purchase an inexpensive resistance band for the perfect workout.

Take a look at any competitive gymnast and you will see massive deltoids, which add incredible strength and masculinity to them. Don't believe me? Watch the video:

Gymnasts train without machines. Almost all of their exercises use only body weight, while their figures are characterized by well-developed muscle corset and, of course, good, strong shoulders.

The secret is tension

Muscles react to tension. They are designed to withstand any force, be it lifting a heavy object, resisting the tension of an elastic band, or isometric tension when pressing on the wall.

The greater the external force, the more the muscles tense. Then how to pump up deltoids at home without iron? Keep reading and you'll learn that dumbbells and barbells are just one of many options for creating this muscle tension.

How to pump up your shoulders at home - video

Verified by NASA

NASA research has shown that the conditions under which you train do not matter for muscle growth. The muscles just need tension. It is this that stimulates their growth and increase in strength.

Kenneth Baldwin, a professor in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at the University of California, supported by NASA, studied muscle growth in rats trained using various types physical activity.

Through painless electrical stimulation, Baldwin stimulated the rats' muscles to contract isometrically (static contraction), isotonic (normal contraction), and eccentrically (negative contraction). The results forever closed the debate about the best way to train.

Baldwin stated, "We found that after 12 sessions of each type of training, the amount of growth muscle tissue each group is the same,” even with isometric exercises that are not actual movement.

Are deltoid exercises at home safe?

Now you know why you can easily tone up your deltoids at home, but how can you tone up your shoulders at home without dumbbells?

Before moving on to practice, we consider it necessary to touch upon an important topic - security.

The human shoulder is an incredibly complex combination of muscles, tendons and bones that can be easily damaged by improper movements.

There are several traditional exercises, which have been included in training for several decades and which have caused a huge number of injuries.

The barbell overhead press, when performed correctly, is a very effective exercise. Unfortunately, few people do it correctly, hence frequent injuries shoulder joint.

When training with complex weights, the temptation is always to lift as much as possible. The concept of “more is better” is inherent in human nature. But don't forget that NASA research has shown that it is the tension in the muscles that matters, not the actual weight that caused the muscles to grow.

The more weight you take, the less control you will have over your range of motion, which puts you at risk for serious injury.

Remember the following rules when performing shoulder exercises:

  • The most important factor in muscle growth is tension, regardless of the movement: isometric, isotonic or eccentric.
  • Shoulders – a complex system bones, tendons and muscles that are easily damaged if the exercise technique is not followed.
  • The safest way to quickly pump up your shoulders at home is through slow and focused movements following the technique.
  • In order to get big and powerful deltas, no additional equipment is needed.

How to strengthen your shoulders at home

Now you know that you can strengthen your shoulders without special equipment. You learned what the shoulder girdle is made of and how easy it is to get grass.

It's time to learn how to pump up your shoulders in conditions. By the way, the matter is not limited to push-ups.

Do push-ups!

The venerable first place, of course, goes to push-ups. This exercise was a staple of military training even before the Greeks conquered the world under Alexander the Great.

Correctly performed push-ups are the most effective method pump up your chest, deltoids and triceps.

Let's take a look best variations how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups.

Reverse Grip Push-Ups

Push-ups with reverse grip like a laser-guided missile, they allow you to perfectly pump your deltas.

To begin, get into a standard push-up position with your palms flat on the floor and your fingers pointing forward. Now turn your hands so that your fingertips are pointing towards each other.

Keeping your elbows tightly pressed to your sides, slowly lower and rise to the starting position.

Handstand push-ups

Handstand push-ups are a shoulder-building exercise from powerlifting. At correct execution it helps develop incredible strength.

Unless you have incredible athletic talent or are a professional gymnast, you'll need to hit the wall.

Stand facing a wall, bend over and place your hands on the floor directly in front of you. Raise your legs up so that they rest against the wall. Yes, this may not happen right away, but don’t despair.

While standing still, turn your hands so that your fingers point to the side (not towards the wall). This position of the hands will significantly reduce the risk of injury and fix the shoulder joint in the most comfortable position. Slowly bend your elbows and lower yourself towards the floor, then return to the starting position.

Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work out the first time. There are still quite a few variations of this exercise:

  • Standing bent push-ups: Instead of keeping your spine straight, bend at the waist, placing your feet and palms on the floor.
  • Do handstands without push-ups. Isometric exercises are also good.
  • Partial repetitions. Push up shallowly, gradually, as you increase strength, decreasing the distance from the floor.

Elastic tape

The elastic band provides the ideal resistance to develop strength and muscle size with minimal risk.

The resistance level of the band is ideal for training delts with variable resistance.

Raising arms to the sides with an elastic band

This exercise targets all three parts of the deltoid muscle:

  • Front;
  • Rear;
  • Medial.

Stand on the elastic band, holding the edges firmly in your hands. Slowly raise your arms just above shoulder level, bending your elbows slightly. Maintain this position for as long as possible.

  • By adding isometric exercise By keeping your hands up, you will enhance the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • The variable resistance of the elastic band will help pump up the deltoids as much as possible, stimulating muscle growth.

Raising your arms in front of you with an elastic band

This exercise works well on the front and sides of the deltoid muscle, allowing you to significantly increase strength and endurance.

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Raise your arms straight in front of you until your palms are at eye level. Stay in this position for as long as possible, then return to the starting position.

Raising arms with an elastic band to the sides in an inclined position

It is known that it is difficult to pump up the rear deltoid, however elastic bandgood decision this problem.

This time tilt your body down, lower your arms down, palms facing each other. Slowly raise your arms to the sides and hold them there until the muscles begin to “burn.”

  • Focus on the degree of resistance rather than the number of repetitions.
  • Tension is your best friend. Remember that growth is stimulated by the duration of the effort, not the number of repetitions.

Isometric shoulder exercises at home (static)

Isometric exercises are an unusual way to train muscles with minimal risk of injury. The Doorway Press is an exercise that targets the shoulders and ensures that you get the right load.

Stand in a doorway with strong jambs, raise your arms up and place your palms on the top edge of the door. Making sure that your elbows are slightly bent, push your body forward.

  • This exercise is done for time, not for number of repetitions.
  • Do your best, don't hold back!
  • Do not hold your breath while doing the exercise. Breathe slowly and smoothly.

What are you waiting for?

Now you know how to pump up broad shoulders at home.

For this you do not need a gym, you do not need additional weights. Best weight– your own.

What are you waiting for? Get started! All of the listed exercises will help you pump up your shoulders at home without dumbbells, and the result can be many times better than when training in gym.

Shoulder workout – important element in the training program of every bodybuilder and just an amateur. A huge number of simple and difficult exercises will help you. But in order to pump up your shoulders well, you don’t have to buy an expensive membership to a fitness club. The training can also take place at home. The athlete will be able to improve the general condition of the body, work out the relief, and also increase the volume muscle mass. You can and should train in any conditions. And about how to pump up your shoulders at home, as well as what needs to be done to make the training process more effective, further in the article.

It’s not difficult to pump up your shoulders at home. You must prepare a special place for studying. You can open the windows while exercising Fresh air will saturate your lungs with oxygen. For this lesson you will need special equipment, namely:

  • Dumbbells or weights.
  • Sports uniform.
  • Water bottle.

If you are unable to purchase heavy sports equipment, on initial stage you can do without them. You can also use a bottle of water or sand as weighting agents. In the future, it is recommended to purchase dumbbells that can be easily disassembled. Lighter sports equipment is suitable for girls.

Before starting the main training program, warm up your joints and ligaments well. This will protect your shoulder area from some common injuries. Increase the load gradually. Warm up at a slow pace. Stretch your neck muscles well, warm up your shoulder girdle, and stretch your torso.

It is very important to familiarize yourself with correct technique performing exercises. At home, you will not be able to use the services of a trainer; focus on the movements yourself.

Workout Features

The complex, which includes the best dumbbells at home, can be performed by both men and women. Intensive load will help athletes pump up the shoulder area, as well as increase the width of the back muscles. Thus, you can quickly achieve the effect of an ideal male figure.

Girls should not be afraid to pump up their shoulders at home. Intense movements will help remove fat from some problem areas of the body. After just a few classes, you will be able to answer the question of how to quickly lose weight in your arms and shoulders. To dry out, perform the movements very intensely.

Athletes often train using a superset system. You should do several shoulder exercises at once. Don't rest in between. Perform all movements with correct technique. To do this, watch a training video on how to perform. It is also very important to balance your diet.

There is a huge amount useful exercises for the shoulders. Training program can be selected for both beginners and experienced athletes. Clearly define main goal of your classes - for mass, for strength or for relief.

No special equipment

It’s possible to pump up your shoulders without dumbbells. Similar exercises not much. Some of them require special physical skills from the athlete. In addition, if you are wondering what to do to lose weight in your shoulders, then exercises with your own weight will help with this; for this, it is enough to increase the number of repetitions and approaches.


This popular exercise will help broaden your shoulders. The deltoid muscles are actively involved in the work. You can also work your chest and triceps. It is best to perform movements with medium setting hands Push-ups are great for beginner athletes. Simple exercise will help strengthen the torso, as well as prepare the athlete’s body for future stress. After several lessons, you will understand how to pump up your pectoral muscles and shoulders at home without additional equipment.

Handstand push-ups

This exercise is considered technically difficult. It is great for experienced athletes. It is very important to perform handstand push-ups correctly. To do this, you must follow the exact movement algorithm:

  • Touch your back to the wall and then bend down.
  • Place both hands on the floor. They should be located approximately shoulder width apart.
  • Raise your legs up one at a time. Lean them against the wall.
  • Stand firmly on your hands and begin push-ups.

Using sports equipment

You can train your shoulders with a barbell, as well. Dumbbells are best for exercising at home. You will have the opportunity to adjust the weight of the projectile, as well as store it in a convenient place. There are many popular and effective shoulder exercises using weights. You will be able to develop the front, middle, and rear deltas.

If you want broad shoulders, then this exercise is for you. Work with sports equipment that is comfortable in weight.

  • Sit on a chair and grab a pair of dumbbells with your hands.
  • Palms should be at shoulder level.
  • Squeeze the projectile up, work using the efforts of the deltas.

This is one of the most popular exercises. Athletes often perform seated bench presses using a barbell.

This is one of the best basic exercises that will help answer the question of how to pump up your shoulders at home. It is very important to perform the movements correctly.

  • Stand firmly on your feet, straighten your back (or sit on a chair).
  • Pick up a pair of dumbbells.
  • Moving through the sides, lift the sports equipment up to shoulder level, exhale.
  • As you inhale, lower your arms down.
  • Do several reps.

The speed of movements should be moderate. Work only with the help of your shoulders. Thanks to the exercise, you can quickly pump up the deltoid muscle, as well as the trapezius. Perform 3-4 sets, 8-12 reps each. Exercise only with sports equipment that is comfortable in weight.

Shoulder exercises often begin with this movement. Can be performed both at home and in the gym. It will best help the athlete to work the anterior head of the deltoid muscle. There are several variations of dumbbell raises. You can work left and right hand alternately, and also exercise with a barbell.

  • Take dumbbells in your hands. They should touch your hips.
  • Exhale - raise your arms in front of you, inhale - lower them.
  • Straighten your arms at the elbow joint, work only with the force of the deltas.
  • In the upper phase of the movement, the sports equipment should be raised slightly above the shoulders.

Perform shoulder exercises at a slow pace. The number of repetitions and sets depends on the athlete’s experience. It is best to perform 3-4 approaches. Do not use inertial force. Effective exercises are performed in isolation.

This isolation movement will help pump up the back head of the deltoids, as well as make the trapezius more defined. To make dumbbell lateral raises effective, perform all movements technically correctly.

  • Hold the dumbbells in your hands and then bend down.
  • Bend your back slightly at the lower back.
  • Straighten your arms towards the floor, spread the dumbbells to the sides.
  • Raise sports equipment as high as possible.
  • Lower the dumbbells to the starting position.
  • Perform several repetitions.

Sports equipment that is too heavy can cause injury. Exercise at a slow pace, you should feel the work of the back head of the deltas.

This exercise is considered isolating. If the athlete performs all movements technically correctly, he will be able to effectively pump up the rear deltoids.

  • Sit on a bench with your stomach down.
  • Take dumbbells that are comfortable in weight.
  • Raise the dumbbells to your chest, your arms should move parallel to your torso.
  • At the top phase of the movement, you need to bend your elbows.

The exercise is not very difficult, work in moderate pace. 3-4 approaches will be enough for you.

Shoulder exercises can also be performed using a horizontal bar. will help you work not only your back, but also your deltoids. Perform movements at a slow rhythm. It is best to do pull-ups using a medium or wide straight grip.

Exercises for training the shoulder girdle - deltoids and trapezius muscles- at home. If the technique is followed and performed regularly, a beautiful line of the upper arms and back will be formed. Results will appear in 3-4 weeks.

How to quickly pump up your shoulders at home

Shoulders or, as they are also called in professional sports, “deltas” consist of three muscle groups: anterior, middle and posterior bundles. For the harmonious development of beautiful and broad shoulders you need to work through all three groups. This training is aimed at hypertrophy (mass gain) of the deltoid and trapezius muscles. A set of exercises can be performed by men both at home and in the gym. No additional equipment required. All you need is any elevation (sofa, bench or exercise ball).


Exercises Sets Repetitions/Time
2-3 7-10
2-3 10-15
2-3 10-20

Duration of training is 30-45 minutes.

An effective training program for the shoulder girdle


Before each workout, you need to do a warm-up to warm up your muscles and get a cardio workout.

  • Energetic walking. Accelerates blood circulation and increases body temperature. Lead time: 10 minutes.
  • Circular movements of the shoulders. Prepare the joints and muscles of the shoulder girdle for upcoming loads. lead time: 3-5 minutes.

Don't jump into your workout immediately after warming up. Rest for 1 - 1.5 minutes to restore breathing.

An effective exercise for working the upper chest, arms, deltoids and shoulders. Due to the high load on the muscles, it helps to work out the shoulder girdle at home no less effectively than in the gym. However, it requires preparation (recommended only for trained athletes). Additionally, the core muscles are worked out and the vestibular apparatus is trained.

  1. Hands on the floor, palms down and shoulder width apart. The weight is evenly distributed between the palms.
  2. The body is elongated. The pelvis is slightly moved forward (in lumbar region slight deflection), legs extended along a straight line. For insurance, you can lightly touch the wall with your toes.
  3. As you inhale, gently lower your body down by bending shoulder joints and elbows. In this case, the center of gravity changes slightly, since rib cage leans forward a little.
  4. Linger in extreme lowest point for 1 second.
  5. Then forcefully and smoothly lift the body.

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets, 7-10 repetitions (depending on preparation).

Advice: Before performing, you need to master the correct handstand and learn how to maintain balance. First statically, then while performing the exercise. At first, perform push-ups at an angle of about 50 degrees, gradually increasing the inclination. We recommend mastering the exercise under the supervision of a trainer and with a safety net (mats).

2018-01-18 How to pump your shoulders at home quickly: exercises

An effective exercise for working your shoulders and upper chest at home. The front and middle delta bundles are loaded.

Execution technique (classic version):

  1. Take emphasis on your hands. Select the distance between the hands depending on the training objectives: narrower - more load on the triceps, wider - more work on the chest.
  2. Place your feet on an elevated platform. A fitball, sofa or bench will do.
  3. As you inhale, gently lower your body down, keeping your back straight.
  4. As you exhale, gently lift your body to the starting position.

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets, 10-15 repetitions.

Advice: The higher the legs are, the higher the load on the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Move on to this exercise after classic push-ups become too easy for you. When performing, focus on your sensations and try to use the target muscle group. When the exercise seems easy, you can perform it with weights.

Basic exercise for working the chest and triceps. Also suitable for strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back stabilizers and abs. If the technique is followed, it allows you to comprehensively work out the entire top part bodies. It is an alternative to the barbell bench press, in which the load is created not by the apparatus, but by the athlete’s body.


  1. Take a lying position. Place your hands shoulder-width apart. The hands are pressed to the floor.
  2. Feet rest on the floor with their toes. The body is stretched along a straight line - without bending in the lower back, between the shoulders and neck.
  3. The elbows are almost along the body, but not pressed to the body, but slightly turned outward. The head is slightly raised: the gaze is directed forward and down.
  4. As you exhale, smoothly lower your chest almost to the floor for 2 seconds, remaining suspended.
  5. Then, while inhaling, lift your body for 1 second.

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets, 10-20 repetitions.

Advice: To avoid overloading elbow joints, at the highest point, do not straighten your arms completely, but leave them slightly bent.
If at the initial stage the execution classic push-ups seems too difficult, do the exercise from your knees, from the wall or bending over from a support. These are simplified versions of the basic exercise.

At the initial stage, basic exercises that can be performed without special equipment at home are suitable for working out the target muscle group. Push-ups provide the optimal load on the shoulders. They will give impetus to further development of the body and perform exercises in the gym.

The silhouette of the shoulders is formed by the deltoids or deltoids, which are divided into anterior, middle and posterior. Each beam needs accentuated elaboration. The optimal result is achieved by performing a set of 3 exercises to work out each area.

General recommendations for pumping up the muscles of the shoulder girdle with push-ups

  • To work the anterior bundle of deltoid muscles, place your palms shoulder-width apart, elbows near your body.
  • To emphasize the triceps, place your palms side by side.
  • Push-ups upside down or from a handstand position are considered exercises increased complexity, which require preparation.
  • After strengthening the target muscle groups, when the exercises are performed without much difficulty, you can use weights.
  • Start with basic exercises and work in a comfortable range.
  • Perform the exercises smoothly, since with fast movements the body rises and falls due to inertia, not muscles.
  • Regularly performing push-ups without complex training leads to excessive hypertrophy of the chest and shoulder muscles.
  • For optimal results, you don't need to train your shoulders every day. Give your body time to recover.

Contraindications for push-ups

  • injuries and diseases of the spine (protrusion, hernia, curvature);
  • injuries or inflammation of the elbow, shoulder and wrist joints;
  • overweight (in this case, you can start with simplified options, for example, push-ups from the wall or from the floor on your knees);
  • high blood pressure;
  • heart diseases;
  • increased bone fragility.

When are additional weights needed?

Physically developed athletes can perform exercises with additional loads for accentuated development. pectoral muscles and shoulders.

This is an advanced exercise that is not suitable for beginners. When training in the gym, a device in the form of a special weighted vest is used. At home, it will be replaced by a backpack with a load of the required weight and a reliable fastening.

To avoid injury, consult your trainer first.