Exercises for fingers and hands: complexes for healthy hands. Strengthening exercises for the hands and fingers Gymnastics for developing hand strength

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers, to the pages of my blog about sports, beauty and health. First of all, today I would like to talk to men. Firstly, today you will learn what you need to protect yourself from getting sports injuries and stretching by performing strength exercises on the arms. Secondly, how to avoid accidentally damaging your hand or wrist when boxing a bag or an enemy’s jaw. Finally, how to become the master of the situation with the first handshake. Have you already guessed what we're talking about? That's right, today we will discuss and perform exercises for the hands and fingers.

You can do most of the exercises yourself, at home, especially if you have dumbbells. In the gym we will need a barbell, and in disassembled form. Also take with you an expander and a regular tennis ball. Are you ready? Then let's start with the sports ground in our yard.

You can learn how to properly and effectively train in the yard in order to impress everyone with your trained body from an effective video course " Street Bodybuilding Workout"

What you need to know

First of all, by training our hands and fingers, we develop grip strength. Having worked hard on this, your handshake can plunge almost anyone into a silent stupor or a quiet groan. unprepared person. Also, by pumping this area of ​​the arms, you practically eliminate injury when performing strength exercises in your arms. Interested? Then let's, as always, start with theory.
What types of grip strength do you know? I thought so. So listen carefully. The choice of exercises will depend on what kind of strength we develop.

  • Compression force. I think everything is clear here. Yes?
  • Holding strength. You will need this strength to perform, for example, standing barbell rows.
  • Plucking force. Depends on how long you can hold the object between your palm and thumb. Therefore, you will have to work on it.
  • The strength of your wrists. Try to take a stool in the kitchen by the very bottom of the leg and, maintaining its vertical position, lift it. Hold it longer. Happened? Well, yes, we have to work.

Stretch your hands and fingers, and let's start training. How to stretch your fingers? You can, for example, clasp your hands in a lock and try to break it as much as possible. In this tense state, hold the “lock” for a minute. Do this several times. Or you can do statics. Fan out your fingers and tighten as much as possible. Hold the tension for about a minute, repeating. Or bend them as if you were holding onto a bar. Again - several approaches per minute of tension. Have you warmed up? Well now we can start.

What exercises can you do in the yard?

Since we are already with you at sports ground, then let's go straight to the horizontal bar. An exercise familiar to you from our previous classes - on the fingers. Hold on to the bar only with them, try to hang longer until either your hands or forearms give out. This exercise is great for beginners. For experienced athletes, no one has canceled the additional weight.

It is aimed primarily at endurance. If you managed to hold out for 2-3 minutes, then the muscles of the hand and forearm are worthy of praise.

Without leaving the horizontal bar, you can also perform finger pull-ups. This training will be more effective if the crossbar is quite thick. This is one of best options to strengthen the entire hand and, in fact, the grip.

Let's go before we get into Gym, let's deal with balls and expanders. Do you know what to do with an expander? Fine. Did you know that they come in different resistance levels? Start with one that you can squeeze at least 10-15 times.

It’s a wonderful thing for strengthening the hand, and also for finger strength. Depends on how you compress it. Just don't stay at one load level. To achieve results you need to work for progress. By the way, this applies to absolutely all exercises today: for the hand, for the muscles of the fingers - we work to increase the load.

Any ideas on what to do with a tennis ball? Try pressing it in with four fingers. So? Great!

Another option is to press with your thumb only. This is exactly what it is basic exercise to strengthen and pump it. So get busy.

How to exercise in the gym

Now let's go to the gym. What are we interested in? Rope climbing is perfect for our goal today. You know how to do it yourself. So let's go straight to training arms with a barbell.
Firstly, if you have a wide bar, then use it to perform standing deadlifts. Believe me, the usual number of exercises with a regular bar will not work for you.

Let's take a barbell; for some, just a bar may be enough, and let's go to the bench. Sit down, grab the barbell overhand grip, place your hands on your knees so that your wrists hang freely. Slowly raise your hands up and also lower them. The top point is straight at the wrist.

Now we do the same thing, but underhand grip. First, at the top point, try to fix the position for a few seconds. Secondly, if at the lowest point you still open your palms, the effect of the exercise will increase.

Obviously, the barbell here can be perfectly replaced with dumbbells. But if you replace it with heavier pancakes, and hold them with a pinch grip, an even greater effect is guaranteed! Perform these exercises daily and triceps.

Next we need two pancakes. Start with 5 kg. The smoother they are, the better for us. This is an exercise for the finger muscles. If you want to pump them up, do it. So, fold two pancakes, lift them and hold them in your freely hanging hand with just your fingers. So how? Hold it all the way. When you can hold 2 x 20 kg in this way, you can really be proud of yourself - this is truly a RESULT. To perform this exercise, special devices are widely used to ensure maximum smoothness, which means an even greater load. Best result is achieved in this way.

What else can you do

You've probably noticed that most exercises for pumping up the hands and fingers also pump up the forearm well. A suitable and effective training for these muscle groups is cable twisting with a load. You can never part with an expander at all. Try moving metal balls in your hand. The heavier they are, the better.

There are countless different kinds of mini-exercise machines for fingers and hands. However, if you follow the recommendations, I guarantee you results. Take care of yourself, exercise and be healthy.

Any athlete sooner or later faces the question of how to pump up their wrists. This task is very difficult, but not impossible. You just need to find correct exercises and perform them regularly.

The main difficulty is that there are very few muscles on the wrists, and therefore there is nothing special to pump. But at the same time, even the slightest increase in volume can give them a more solid and massive appearance. And strong and voluminous wrists are an indispensable component of an athletic body.

The absence of a large number of muscles in the wrist area does not make the task insoluble, since they can be enlarged and strengthened using tendons. They are the main object for study.

Tendons, like muscles, adapt to loads, grow and strengthen, which in turn gives a significant increase in hand strength. So, how to pump up your wrists and make them voluminous and strong?

How to pump up your wrists? Carpal expander as an example of an effective method

This inconspicuous and simple tool can significantly increase hand strength and work the muscles and tendons in the wrist area. Those who really want to achieve a positive result need not just deal with it, they need to love it. Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the gym, and not everyone has dumbbells or a barbell at home.

But a wrist expander is not an expensive thing and does not take up much space, but it’s worth taking it out of your pocket during a break between tasks and doing it a couple of dozen times. Regular classes An expander can do wonders for your hands and wrists.

Bodyweight exercises

To get started, do the most simple exercises without the use of projectiles and improvised objects.

  • Extend your arms in front of you, palms down. Clench your hands tightly into fists and hold for a second, then release. Complete the required number of repetitions.
  • The position of the hands is the same. Bend your arms upward at the wrists so that the hand, in its extreme position, is perpendicular to the forearm.
  • A similar exercise, only the wrists are bent downwards.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

Every boy knows from childhood that the horizontal bar is the very first assistant in the development of all muscle groups. Any exercises on the bar are done using the hands, which means the wrists are worked along with all the other muscles. Despite this, there are several exercises that work this area even better, namely:

  • Pull-ups or hanging on your fingertips.
  • Hanging in the highest position. To do this, you need to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar and hold in this position for as long as you can. You can perform the exercise by grasping the bar with either a regular or reverse grip.
  • Pull-ups on ropes or towels. To do this, you need to tie them to the crossbar and, holding them with your hands, do pull-ups. Rope climbing has a similar and no less effective effect on the wrists.
  • Pull-ups on a thickened tube. You can thicken the crossbar using plastic pipe or throw an existing towel over it.

Push ups

This exercise can also be performed in different variations while training different groups muscles. With the help of some of its types, you can work out your wrists and hands by subjecting them to greater loads than with classic push-ups. The catch is that they are not suitable for beginners, and to perform them you need to be physically fit and have strong arms.

When your wrists and fingers have sufficient strength, you can begin to perform push-ups leaning on your fingers. At first, you can focus on your knees. When your arms become powerful enough, you can move on to performing a full-fledged exercise with emphasis on your toes.

The same applies to the next variation, namely push-ups. outside palms. It is very important to do the exercise carefully to avoid injury.

Dumbbells and barbells

When pumping your wrists, you don’t need to chase heavy weights. This will not lead to anything good. If you use heavy dumbbells and barbells, you can damage the tendons. All previous successes will be lost, and after a long recovery process you will need to start all over again.

1) Take a light dumbbell. Place your forearms on your thigh or bench parallel to the floor. The hand with the dumbbell hangs down and is turned perpendicular to the floor. We lower the brush to the lowest position, then raise it to the highest position. We perform the required number of repetitions and change hands.

2) The exercise is similar to the first, only we place the hand with the palm facing up. After the required number of repetitions, take the dumbbell in the other hand and repeat the exercise. It is better to perform it not on both hands at once, but on each one separately. This will allow you to better concentrate on doing it correctly. You can also use a barbell for this exercise.

3) The position of the hand is similar to the first two exercises, but now the palm faces down. To perform it, you will need a dumbbell or barbell of less weight, since the wrist extensors are weaker than the flexors, and they need to create less load. We make movements to the lowest position and lift up. We perform the required number of repetitions.

4) Next exercise similar to the second one, when the palm faces up. The difference is that while moving the hand to the extreme lowest point you need to straighten your fingers. At this time, the dumbbell rolls down to the fingertips. When bending the fingers in the opposite direction, return the dumbbells to the palm and squeeze, raising the hand up.

5) Take a dumbbell in your hand and place your forearm on your thigh or bench with your palm facing down. Perform rotational movements first in one direction, then in the other direction.

6) Take the barbell behind your back and assume a standing position. Palms are turned back. The arms are straight, only the hands work. Raise and lower the barbell by bending your wrists. It is important that when moving downward, the fingers extend as much as possible and the palm opens. In the lowest position, the bar is held on the fingertips. Next, the fingers are compressed and an upward movement is performed.

Another exercise that can work your wrists and forearms well is the Zottman curl. While performing it, many other muscle groups are developed, but the benefits it has on the forearms and wrists cannot be ignored.

The exercise is performed in this order:

  • In a standing position, you need to hold dumbbells in both hands. The elbows are pressed to the body, the shoulders are motionless, the palms are turned towards the body.
  • We begin to lift the dumbbells onto the biceps and at the same time turn our arms palms up.
  • When the dumbbells are at shoulder level, stop moving and hold them for a few seconds.
  • Next, in the uppermost position, rotate the hands around the axis so that the palms face down.
  • Lower the dumbbells and simultaneously rotate your hands. In the lower position, the palms should be facing the body.
  • We do the same number of repetitions.

This is only a small part of the exercises with which you can pump up your wrists, but by doing them you can achieve good result and within a few months see the fruits of your work.

Well, that's all, strengthen your wrists correctly! And remember that the one who tries, succeeds. We also recommend reading the article on how to pump up your arms at home. Good luck) and see you soon in new articles.

During the day, a person performs many operations with his hands, using his hands and fingers. In many professions, high hand performance is very important, so the hands need to be regularly exercised and kept in shape.

Special exercises for the hands will help not only increase the strength of the hands and fingers or restore the hands after injury, but also prevent problems with the joints, especially those related to occupational diseases.

A set of exercises for fingers

Each exercise is performed 10-20 times with a constant increase in the number of repetitions. We do the first movements in the mode, without putting a sharp load on the joints, but gradually increase the amplitude of movements and bring it to the maximum.

  • We clench our fingers into a fist and do circular movements brushes left and right.
  • We bend and straighten our hands, raising the hand up and down.
  • Forcefully clench your fingers into a fist and spread your fingers to the sides.
  • Straighten your fingers and perform circular movements with your thumb, first in one direction, then in the other direction.
  • We straighten our fingers and, in turn, bend and straighten only the first two phalanges of the fingers.
  • We spread our straight fingers and bend our fingers sequentially in a fan-shaped motion, starting with the little finger. Then we do the same thing, but from the thumb.
  • We place the hands on the table and lift one finger at a time, while the other fingers remain motionless.
  • Bend your index finger right hand and cling to them thumb left, like a hook. We make strong pulling movements with each finger in turn, with the thumb playing the role of a fixed support and providing resistance.
  • We clench our fingers into a fist and extend each finger individually, making sure that the remaining fingers are held together into a fist.
  • Place your bent fingers on the table without touching the table with your hands. We tear the bent finger off the table, straighten it, bend it again and put it in place. We do the exercise with each finger separately.
  • Bend the hand so that the thumb reaches the forearm with inside. We help the finger with our free hand.
  • We press our fingers together, palms not touching. We make springy movements with our fingers, without tearing them apart from each other.
  • We grab the fingertips of the other with one hand in turn and slowly pull them.
  • Rub the cream into the skin of your hands while simultaneously rubbing them well.

After completing the complex, we do light shaking of the hands, three palms against each other and stroke the hands from the outside and from the inside.

Massage of individual fingers, like exercises, has a positive effect on the vital organs of the body, as fingers and internal organs connected to each other. Thus, massage and exercises for the thumb increase the functional activity of the brain. Massage of the index fingers has a positive effect on the stomach, and massage of the middle fingers has a positive effect on the intestines. feels a connection with the ring finger, and the little finger relieves nervous fatigue and significantly improves heart function.

How to pump up your hands

Hands can be pumped up using special exercises, and then the grip strength, so necessary for, will increase significantly. Not everyone uses brushes, and besides, different types grip corresponds to its own method of muscle development. Exercises to develop hand strength should be performed according to the principles strength training, and the equipment can be built independently at minimal cost.

Training compressive grip force(as with a strong handshake) occurs primarily with the help of an expander: buy in sports store This is a simple device and you squeeze the handles throughout the day, doing many approaches.

Grip holding force(squeezing and holding an object for a long time) develops, for example, when used with thick handles and a thick neck. A wide bar makes the exercises more difficult because it is difficult to control and you will have to exert force when performing the press. However, the hands and forearms swing constantly.

Pinch grip strength(holding an object between the thumb and palm) is related to strength thumbs and develops poorly when working on other types of grip, since in this case the load is evenly distributed between all fingers. The pinch grip is best trained when the weight is held only by your fingertips. The easiest way to do this is by holding two smooth pancakes for a while - start with five-kilogram pancakes and increase the weight to 20-kilogram pancakes. By the way, in addition to hand expanders, there are also special finger expanders on sale.

Wrist strength(holding a chair by the front legs) is developed by bending the wrists with a weight (preferably with a weight plate, but a barbell or dumbbells are acceptable). You can take the dumbbell by the end free from the weights and rotate your hand or move it back and forth without using your elbows.

Additional exercises for hands and fingers

The performance of the hands is perfectly restored if on the fingers, fists or edge of the palm. Rope climbing works well on your hands (the effort should be at least 30 seconds). The hang is also suitable for these purposes, and in addition to gripping with the entire palm, you can use the hang on the fingers. Holding a chair by the legs outstretched arms and exercises with it. Squeezing or stretching a regular tennis ball rubber band also strengthens the hands.

Household exercises with training effects on hands and fingers

  • Hand washing clothes (wringing and wringing clothes is generally great charger for brushes)
  • Splitting and sawing firewood
  • Carrying heavy weights in your hands
  • Kneading dough by hand
  • Medical massage
  • Mowing
  • All household work using a shovel, rake, fork, hoe, crowbar, ax or sledgehammer

As you can see, to fully train your hands and fingers, you don’t need special, expensive ones. Ordinary things around us can provide high-quality exercise to our fingers and hands, but the main thing to achieve results is consistency of training.

Our hands work actively every day, but at the same time, few of us pay enough attention to their health, flexibility, and the condition of the ligaments. As negative consequences this is possible constant feeling tension in the hands and fingers, cracking joints, deterioration of the skin. Help prevent this from happening simple exercises to strengthen fingers and hands. Simple gymnastics– excellent prevention of diseases of ligaments and joints. Exercises are used for children to help them develop fine motor skills, coordination and attention. They are also actively used for rehabilitation after fractures, strokes, and traumatic brain injuries. Exercises can be done anywhere and anytime - at home, at work, and so on. It is only important to do the gymnastics correctly, and then it will give excellent results.

Hand exercises: general rules

For gymnastics to be as effective as possible, follow these recommendations:

  • It is important to do exercises regularly.
  • The complexes are performed with both hands at an identical pace.
  • It is recommended to repeat the complex 2-3 times a day.
  • Watch your breathing, it should be free, do not hold it.
  • It is important not to be distracted and to concentrate on the exercises as much as possible.

Morning Tibetan monks never started without a hand charger. Among them she was considered in a great way to restore energy, maintain strength and health. This is confirmed by science, since we have a huge number of reflex cells on our palms.

Gymnastics to relieve fatigue of the hands

These exercises are especially useful for those who work a lot on the computer or write a lot by hand. But this kind of gymnastics is also recommended for everyone else - it keeps joints healthy and skin youthful. The list of exercises is as follows:

  • Make fists with your hands. Rotate them ten times in each direction.
  • Clench your hand tightly into a fist and hold it there for a few seconds. Then relax your hand and repeat the exercise ten times.
  • Pull the brush towards you as much as possible, then away from you. Do the exercise with each hand five times.
  • Make a fist and alternately clench and unclench your fingers. It is important that they remain motionless.
  • Place the brushes on a hard surface. Lift all your fingers one at a time. When lifting one, do not tear off the others.

These simple exercises perfectly relieve hand fatigue and prevent various joint diseases.

Exercises to strengthen your fingers and hands

The following exercises are aimed at strengthening the hands and fingers and improving their mobility. They are useful for athletes, since they often feel discomfort in their hands.

  • Clench your hands into a fist and gently squeeze them at the wrist joint back and forth to create a pleasant stretching sensation. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • With one hand, clasp the palm of the other and move it to the sides up and down. For each arm, do 5-10 repetitions.
  • Cover your palm with one hand with the other, and then bend and straighten it in the area of ​​the wrist joint. There should be a feeling of pleasant stretching.
  • Place the edge of your palm on a hard surface. Squeeze each finger as tightly as possible. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • The palms should be joined in a horizontal position. Now bend the fingers of one hand and create resistance with the other. Repeat ten times.

All sorts of devices can help strengthen your hands. You can use a tennis ball, an expander, or special rubber bands that need to be stretched or squeezed. Also excellent gymnastics for the fingers are exercises like jumping rope, hanging on a horizontal bar. Modeling from plastic materials is also useful, through which you can introduce a child to gymnastics.

Exercises to improve finger flexibility

Joints perform monotonous work most of the time and do not realize their full potential. Due to this, movements may lose flexibility, agility and speed. If you notice that your arms have lost their former mobility, you can get it back with simple exercises.

  • Using cream or massage oil, give your hands a light massage.
  • Clench your hands into a fist. Perform circular movements with them ten times in both directions.
  • Make 5-7 movements with each finger, simulating a “snap”.
  • Alternately press the pads of your fingers with one hand onto the pads of the other. Repeat ten times.
  • Gently clench your hand into a fist, then slowly unclench it. Repeat ten times.
  • Take turns rotating each finger in one direction or the other. Complete five repetitions in total.
Hand exercises after a fracture

Therapeutic exercises for the hands after a fracture of the hands or fingers will help improve flexibility, relieve swelling and numbness of the limbs. Each exercise must be repeated 4-5 times. Repeat the complex itself up to eight times throughout the day. You can also do exercises in warm baths, adding decoctions of medicinal plants, for example, chamomile.

Please note that you can begin to perform such exercises only after the plaster has been removed and the bone has grown together.

  • Slowly bring your fingers together and move them apart. Over time, you can speed up the pace of the exercise.
  • Alternately perform circular movements with each finger clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Use the tip of each finger to reach the tip of your thumb.
  • Make clicks.
  • Sharply clench your hand into a fist and then unclench it.
Exercises for arthrosis of the fingers

Suggested below therapeutic exercises will help strengthen limbs affected by arthrosis or arthritis, improve joint mobility and prevent further development of their deformity. Perform the complex at least 2-3 times a week. If any exercise causes severe pain, stop doing it. You can first hold your hands in a warm bath or perform the exercises themselves directly in a container of warm water.

  • With one hand, alternately rub each finger of the other hand from the base to the nail, and then back.
  • Place your palms together and press your fingers together.
  • Make a fist with your thumb on top and hold for up to a minute. Then unclench your fist, spreading your fingers as far apart as possible. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • Place your palms on the table. Try to slowly straighten them so that they become flat and stay in this position for 20-60 seconds. Perform 5-10 times for each hand.
  • Bend your fingers so that the tips reach the tubercles on the palm and the hand resembles a claw. Hold this position for 20-60 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. Do 5-10 times.
  • Take a soft small ball in your palm. Pinch it with your index finger, thumb and little finger. Hold for 20-60 seconds. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Now squeeze the same ball tightly with your fingers and hold for 20-40 seconds. Do 10-15 times.
  • Place your palms on the table. Take turns lifting one finger at a time and bringing it back. Then raise all your fingers at the same time and lower them. Do 8-10 times.
  • Place your palms back on the table. Move your thumb as far as possible, hold it in this position for 20-60 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Your hands should be in front of you. Using your thumbs, try to reach the base of your little fingers. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • Slowly clench and unclench your fists.
  • Using your thumb, touch the other four in turn to form the letter O. Repeat 8-10 times.
Exercises for developing arms after a stroke

Therapeutic exercises are an important part of therapy after a stroke. It helps improve blood circulation and restore motor functions of the hands. It is recommended to perform the exercises while sitting at a table or lying in bed. If the patient himself cannot perform the movements, an assistant does it for him. Please note that the exercises must be approved by a specialist, and it is important to follow all his recommendations.

  • Place your hands on the surface and move each finger separately.
  • Fan your fingers apart, then bring them back together. You can do this both in the air and on the surface.
  • Place your hand on the surface, palm up. Clench and unclench your fist tightly.
  • Using a brush, try to crumple a newspaper or piece of paper.
  • Using your thumb, slowly touch the others from your index finger to your little finger and back, trying to form the letter O.
  • Squeeze a small soft ball.
  • Rub your palms together: to the sides, up and down, in a circular motion.
  • You need small buttons or paper balls. Place your hand on the surface and try to push them away with each finger one at a time.

This list of exercises will help speed up the recovery process.

Children's exercises

In children preschool age The development of the hand and fingers will be facilitated by modeling from plasticine or clay, assembling mosaics, playing with a ball, and tying knots. The importance of exercises is especially great when the child is preparing for school, since when mastering writing, the load on the hands will be very large.

  • Exercise "Cockerel". Your palms need to be clasped together. With your left hand, press on the back of your right. The palm needs to be extended, imitating the comb of a rooster.
  • Exercise "Path". Place the thumb of one hand, nail side down, on the thumb of the other to create two steps. Afterwards, place all your fingers one by one with their tips on top of each other, getting a kind of imitation of walking along a path.
  • Exercise "Centipede". Place your fingers on the edge of the table and move them, as if running to the other edge of the table.
  • Exercise "Elephant". All fingers except the middle one will be the legs of the elephant, and the middle one needs to be extended like a trunk. Let the elephant walk slowly, stepping with each foot in turn.
  • Exercise "Flanks". You need to clench your fist. Straighten your palm and spread your fingers. Now they need to be compressed and unclenched.
  • Exercise "Dough". You need to imitate the process of kneading the dough with your hands. This exercise aimed at developing a brush.

Exercises for the hands and fingers are useful for absolutely everyone: adults and children, those who have suffered certain diseases or injuries, and those who use them only for prevention. By regularly performing simple complexes, you will improve not only the condition of your hands, but also your health in general.

When it comes to training your arms, pumped up biceps and toned triceps immediately come to mind. Few people care about strengthening and pumping up their wrists and fingers, although this is a necessary and useful task. The strength of a handshake has always been an indicator of the level of courage, not to mention the importance of pumped up arms for an athlete. Strengthen your hands to have a strong grip and also to prevent sports injuries.

Anatomy of the wrist muscles

The anatomy of the wrist muscles is quite complex and interesting. And the work to strengthen them is very labor-intensive.

In short, our brushes consist of:

  • lumbrical muscles;
  • palmar and dorsal interosseous muscles;
  • muscle groups of the thumb;
  • muscle groups of the small finger.

The muscles of the hands are directly connected to the muscles of the forearm, so exercises aimed at strengthening the first muscle group also work well on the second.

How to pump up your wrists at home

We begin exercises designed to strengthen our grip and strengthen our forearms.

Clenching and unclenching the palm

The first exercise is the most famous and simple; no additional exercises are needed to perform it. sports equipment. But despite its simplicity, clenching and unclenching the palm is very effective and efficient. It is used both as a warm-up for tired hands and as a rehabilitation exercise after serious injuries and even operations.

  1. Make a fist using maximum force.
  2. Keep your fist clenched for 5–10 seconds.
  3. Unclench it, straightening your fingers as much as possible.

This exercise already requires an auxiliary device, namely an expander. There are many varieties of this sports equipment, but we are now exclusively interested hand expanders. They, in turn, are divided into:

  • torsion bars
  • spring
  • U-shaped

The load of these expanders can be adjustable or fixed. There are also rubber and silicone exercise machines, which are better known as “donut” and “egg”.

The technique for performing the exercise itself is very simple:

  1. Place an expander in your palm.
  2. We compress and unclench it.

When you can easily perform 50 repetitions of this exercise, go to a higher level - increase the load on the expander.

Finger push-ups are an excellent workout, thanks to which you can pump not only your hands, but also many other muscles:

  • pectoralis major and minor;
  • deltoid;
  • triceps;
  • muscles of the forearms;
  • trapezoidal;
  • latissimus dorsi muscles.

But do not rush to start the exercise right away if you have never practiced it before. If you distribute your body weight incorrectly, you can seriously damage your limbs. First of all, you need to learn how to stand firmly on your toes. To begin, get into the starting position for push-ups, but on your knees. If you feel that your toes can bear the load, then straighten your legs and stand on your toes, first for ten seconds, then twenty, and so on, until you feel that you are ready for the exercise. Now to the exercise itself:

  1. Taking the starting position as for classic push-ups, but instead of our palms we rely on our fingers.
  2. We inhale and, bending our elbows, slowly lower ourselves so that our chest touches the floor.
  3. We return to the top position.
  4. We perform 10–15 repetitions.

You may not be able to stand on your toes right away, but don’t despair: patience and endurance - best helpers. It’s not for nothing that this exercise is specialized for martial arts masters who can easily do push-ups on one finger. You can master the same skill if you constantly practice and move forward.

Video: How to do push-ups on your fingers

Push-ups on the back of your hands

This type of push-up is primarily useful for strengthening the wrists. But if you do not have an urgent need for strong wrists, then you should not perform this exercise, because it is quite traumatic.

  1. We take the classic push-up position, but with emphasis on the backs of the hands;
  2. The palms should be facing inward with the fingers facing each other.
  3. We perform push-ups slowly and without sudden movements.

At first you will feel pain in your hands and wrists, don’t be alarmed, your hands just need to get used to the new type of load.

Barbell wrist curls

This exercise is rightfully considered one of the most effective and useful for both the hands and arms in general, because it affects a large number of muscles, including deep ones. Wrist curls are performed either with an empty bar or with a light weight.

  1. We sit on the bench.
  2. We grab the bar with a medium or narrow grip.
  3. We place it along with our forearms on our knees.
  4. Inhale and straighten your hands upward.
  5. Exhale and bend your hands downwards.

This exercise can be performed by slightly changing the starting position.

  1. We kneel in front of the bench.
  2. We take a barbell and place our arms, bent at the elbows 90 degrees, on the bench.
  3. We perform classic wrist curls.

The grip can be used both overhand and reverse.

Video: Technique for performing wrist curls with a barbell

Dumbbell wrist curls

Dumbbell curls are a variation of the previous barbell exercise. The muscle groups that are worked are the same. But the undeniable advantage of dumbbells is that it is much easier to purchase them and keep them at home than a barbell. Which means. and training with them can be done at home at any free time.

  1. Take the dumbbell in your hand.
  2. Place your forearm on your thigh or bench.
  3. Lower the brush.
  4. Raise the brush to its original position.

Another exercise with dumbbells that works not only the wrists, but also the biceps and triceps.

  1. We take dumbbells in both hands and stand up straight.
  2. We press our elbows to the body and turn our palms there. We don't move our shoulders.
  3. Inhale and as you exhale, lift the dumbbells, turning your arms palms up.
  4. Having raised the dumbbells to the shoulders, we fix our hands in this position for a couple of seconds.
  5. Rotate your hands 180 degrees so that your palms face down.
  6. As you inhale, we begin to lower the dumbbells and again turn our hands so that they are facing the body.
  7. We lower our hands with dumbbells to the starting position.

Use light or medium dumbbells. The lift should be done in about 2 seconds and the lower in 4. To make the Zottman Curl the most effective for your arms, perform them in combination with other exercises.

Video: How to perform Zottman curls

Exercises on the horizontal bar

The benefits of a horizontal bar for wrists will not be a revelation to anyone. If you have a good physical form, but the grip is not strong enough, you simply will not be able to pull yourself up on the bar. Therefore, you should not avoid this projectile. An excellent bonus of training on the horizontal bar will be the benefits for the spine and overall posture.

Hanging on the horizontal bar

In order to work the muscles of the hands on the horizontal bar, it is not necessary to do pull-ups. It is enough to perform the following algorithm of actions with high frequency:

  • Do at least 6 reps of the barbell exercise.
  • If you are serious about strengthening your wrist muscles, then perform exercises with high frequency - at least three times a week.
  • Perform a wrist stretch: stretch your arm out in front of you, palm down. Bend your wrist so that your fingers point to the floor. We gently press on this hand with the second hand for 30 seconds. We change hands.
  • Don’t rush to pump up and strengthen your hands as soon as possible; do everything gradually, without overstraining the muscles.
  • Many people don’t even realize how important physical training hands, so this part of the body is often neglected during training. Meanwhile, a strong grip helps a lot when working on the horizontal bar and allows you to increase results in exercises with barbells and dumbbells. Push-ups and pull-ups on the horizontal bar will also play an excellent role in other important muscle groups: for example, they will strengthen your back and work out your abs.