Exercises for posture in the gym. Exercises for correct posture in the gym (video). wall exercises

Posture exercises should become regular from the age of 4, when the skeleton is formed and the muscles of the back develop. Their fulfillment throughout life good prevention and a method for eliminating spinal deformities. Correct posture is an attractive appearance, energy and self-confidence.

beautiful posture- This is a flat back and a straightened chest:

Causes of bad posture

Changes in the spinal column lead to:

Consequences of bad posture

Bad posture affects the work of all body systems, spoils the appearance, changes the gait:

Correct posture tests

To check the correct posture, exercises are performed - tests:

A set of exercises at home

Exercises that do not take much time form the habit of "holding" the back:

A set of exercises in the gym

Exercises for children

To acquire a beautiful posture, children preschool age and students at school can perform the same set of exercises. Preschoolers need to be engaged in the morning or afternoon, short and non-intense workouts. With age, the intensity of training should increase.

For teenagers "adults" can be taken simple exercises, with fewer approaches.

Examples of exercises for preschoolers:

Exercises for schoolchildren:

  1. Position on the back. Rotate imaginary pedals.
  2. Lying on your back, rest your feet on the floor. For five seconds, tear the pelvis off the floor and raise it as high as possible.
  3. Hugging your knees with your hands, roll on your back from the head to the coccyx.

Exercises for girls and women

Exercises for female posture and beautiful back aimed not only at strengthening muscular frame, but also on the formation of a thin waist, high breasts and the elimination of fat deposits in the back. For women, it is important to tone the muscles, and not to achieve the manifestation of muscles.

The load should be smooth and regular:

Exercises for boys and men

For men whose muscles are naturally more developed, the best remedy for the formation of a healthy posture is a horizontal bar. Exercises on the horizontal bar will not only strengthen your back, but also create a beautiful muscular relief.

The following exercises are among the simplest and most effective:

Amosov complex

Exercises for the back posture of academician Amosov are performed in 20 approaches:

A set of Chinese exercises

Classes relax, develop chest muscles, eliminating stoop:

A set of Japanese exercises

Not difficult exercises that take a few minutes a day, forming a graceful posture:

A set of yoga exercises

A week later regular classes flexibility will improve, the habit of “holding” your back will appear:

A set of exercises for the back and press

good posture- This is a strong back and a strong press. Exist universal exercises for the back and abdomen, with which you can maintain your posture in perfect condition.

The exercises are as follows:

A set of exercises with a gymnastic stick

Exercises for the prevention of osteochondrosis and the formation of a beautiful posture of the back:

A set of exercises with a heavy ball

The medicine ball is used to increase the load, strengthen the muscles to form a beautiful posture:

A set of exercises with dumbbells

After doing simple complex exercises, it is advisable to complicate them with additional weight of dumbbells:

"Plank" and "side plank" for correcting posture

Difficult exercise which tones the muscles that stabilize the spine. 2-3 sets of 30 seconds are enough to get a good load.

Exercises in progress in the following way:

Exercises on the horizontal bar

Exercises on the horizontal bar improve flexibility and relieve back tension. This is important for the formation of a beautiful posture.

The simplest exercises include the following:

wall exercises

Chair exercises

Exercises stretch the pectoral, cervical, trapezius muscles, increasing their elasticity, thereby correcting posture.

Push-ups from the floor

Push-ups for posture are somewhat different from the classic version. Hands are placed on the floor, shoulder width apart, and legs are on gymnastic ball(fitball).

The instability of the ball forces you to balance in the process of push-ups. As a result, the muscles that keep the back straight are strengthened and developed.

Stretching on the transverse twine for a beautiful posture

Elastic muscles form a beautiful posture, thin waist and easy gait.

Stretching exercises should be performed after intensive warming up of the muscles:

Prevention of bad posture

Prevention of changes in posture is a set of measures, including:

According to orthopedists and instructors, special physical exercises for posture is:

  • most effective method posture correction. These complexes are simple, do not take much time, with regular performance they will lead to a noticeable result in 2 weeks;
  • publicly available and effective measures to strengthen posture. There are practically no contraindications to their implementation. In combination with massage, they will eliminate stoop, quickly normalize spasmodic muscles;
  • methods recognized by official medicine (in particular, the Academician Amosov complex), which are intended not only to correct changes in posture, but also to treat diseases of the back and spine.

Many of the presented exercises are used in programs therapeutic gymnastics. To improve the posture of the back, you need to exercise regularly, and to enhance the effect, you can add swimming.

Video about exercises for back posture

Exercises for the formation of correct posture in children:

back posture exercises gym for girls:

Correct posture makes us visually slimmer. It also helps you breathe deeply, which means you spend more energy during training and regular activities. In addition, the correct position of the spine is the key to the quality work of all systems and organs of the body. Those who don't slouch are generally less prone to chronic disease and have stronger immune systems.

We are used to thinking that if the posture is spoiled from childhood, nothing will help in adulthood. In fact, you can always strengthen your muscles and teach yourself how to walk, stand, sit. And it is easier for adults than for children, because they act more consciously. True, correcting posture is quite difficult. You will need special strength and aerobic classes and at least 3 months of time.

twenty years old

It will be useful for you to know that even serious scoliosis can be corrected if you get down to business before the age of 27. So stop complaining about a difficult childhood spent reading textbooks and take action. Your muscles are already quite developed, but, nevertheless, exercise power load in the gym with large weights you should not yet.

If there is a violation of posture, you first need to strengthen the back with softer means. At the same time, you miss your Pilates class. There is a solution. You need two hip-hop, funk, street jazz dance workouts, and two classes called Core.

Dancing will teach you to move with a straight back and "return" the shoulder blades to the correct position from almost any position. And they will also remove the “shoulder clamp” and you will stop lifting them up, which means that the trapezoid muscles will no longer hurt.

Core - classes on special unstable platforms or hemispheres Bosu. They perfectly strengthen the latissimus dorsi muscles and transverse muscle the press is the main muscles for your posture. And classes on an unstable platform teach you to keep your posture in any situation and relieve the load from the spine. If you don’t have Core at your disposal, practice on a fitball or Power Plate platform.

thirty years old

If you have not done fitness before, you should start gradually. At this age, you have great potential for developing strength, but quite a bit of time for training. Therefore, it is worth choosing the most “economical” programs that allow you to work out the body from heels to the crown in an hour.

Fitness beginners should swim in the pool 2 times a week for 45 minutes and attend a Pilates Matwork lesson twice a week. If you're used to hitting the gym five times a week, add in a Body Ballet class to get extra leg work. Before you dive into the pool on your own, hire a coach to show you the technique. Lazy hanging on the side will not affect your posture in any way. best style for "straightening the back" - breaststroke.

More advanced clients can try

Pilates Reform

- Classes in special Pilates simulators. In terms of load, they are identical to strength lessons, but do not give axial pressure on the spine, but allow you to strengthen the muscles in a gentle mode.

forty years old

At this age, you need to concentrate not on the number of classes, but on their quality. You should try yoga. For beginners, classical Hatha Yoga is suitable, while more “advanced” ones can choose one of the dynamic styles - Ashtanga, Vinyasa. Yoga should be practiced three times a week to achieve significant spinal traction. It is better to work under the guidance of an instructor, as you improve, you can move on to self-study at home. Yoga classes will not only correct posture, but will also serve as a prevention of osteochondrosis.

Additionally, you can choose either moderate cardio training on an elliptical or rowing machine, or swimming. Beginners can limit themselves to just one extra activity in Week

At any age, constant monitoring of posture is important. Get comfortable furniture for work, the posture while sitting should not be tense. Choose comfortable shoes and don't forget to tighten your stomach and bring your shoulder blades to your spine.

The formation of correct posture should begin from childhood. To do this, you must regularly perform gymnastic exercises and cultivate such a way of life in yourself and in your loved ones. It is gymnastics that gives the answer to the question: “How to form the correct and?”.

Anatomy and Physiology

For a better understanding of what posture is, you need to know what forms it. Several anatomical structures take part in the formation of our posture with you, these include:

  • . It consists of several bends (lordosis, kyphosis), which are fundamental in the development of anatomically right position back.
  • . Some muscle fibers are attached to the spinal column, which are responsible for its support, flexion and extension. What muscles shape posture? Basically, these are paravertebral (deep), superficial (trapezoid, belt, latissimus) and other muscle fibers.
  • secondary education. Ligaments, intervertebral discs and anatomical features of the vertebrae also take part in the formation of correct posture.

Of all of the above, it is necessary to “pump” to help the spine form a beautiful and correct posture. To achieve this goal, you need to visit the gym or perform certain fitness at home.

Criteria for correct posture

How to distinguish the normal arrangement of the bones of the spine from the developing pathology of the back? First of all, some types of pathological changes can be determined:

  1. A simple medical examination (the shoulder girdle has a different height on the right and left, a strong inclination of the spine forward or backward, its deviation to the side).
  2. Instrumental methods (X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography).
  3. Self at home. To do this, you need to stand with your back to the wall, leaning on your head, shoulder blades, sacrum, in this position, the distance between your neck and back should be about 5 cm. If there is a large distance with this test, then you may have a curvature of the spine and bad posture.

To prevent the development of such pathological complications or for treatment, perform regular exercises.


In the gym, you can do a lot of exercises, but not all of them are equally good for the back muscles. The following power movements will be most useful:

  • pull up wide grip. The essence of the exercise lies in the maximum reduction of the shoulder blades and in the physiological extension of the vertebrae. If you can’t pull yourself up, then you can just hang, additionally weighting your legs with a load. When pulling up, the head should look exactly straight, not rise up. The main force is aimed at latissimus dorsi back.

  • Hyperextension. It is performed on a special simulator, where we rest our pelvis against a soft roller, and our legs are fixed with our heels. Next, we perform a fly-extensor exercise, which is safe to perform, subject to the technique. When bending, unbending, the arms are behind the head, which increases the load on the back muscles. For more advanced people, you can take dumbbells in your hands. It is important to note that when doing this exercise the back should be even, otherwise the main physical impact will not go on it, but on the muscles of the buttocks.
  • Mahi arms with dumbbells. First of all, choose the optimal dumbbell weight for yourself. They should not quickly tire the muscles of the hands. With this exercise, you train the shoulder girdle and the muscles adjacent to the shoulder blades. Mahi can be performed to the sides and forward.
  • Incline dumbbell row. Similar exercise, but additional training muscle fibers back (especially lumbar). To do this, lean forward, creating a 90-degree angle with your body, while bending your arms, try to bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible.
  • Thrust of the horizontal block to the belt. When pulling the handle of the simulator towards ourselves, we deviate the back a little back (by 10-15 degrees), and when we return, we lean forward.
  • Lever pull. It has a similar training mechanism, but allows you to adjust the weight of the load. Can be performed with one hand (not desirable) to train individual muscles.
  • Raising the arms to the sides with additional resistance. According to the mechanism of action, they are similar to the dumbbell swing, but they have a greater effect on pectoral muscles and on the shoulder girdle.

When doing any posture exercise, it is important to control the position of your back, it should not be hunched, bent or twisted, only straight and level.

At home

To ensure good posture, it is not necessary to go to expensive gyms. . by the most effective exercises are:

  1. The minimum loads are tilts and rotation of the torso. For weighting, you can stretch your arms up (or behind your head) and take a load in them.
  2. Boat exercise. Lying on the stomach, we tear off the legs and arms from the floor (leaning only on the abdominal muscles), we straighten up like a boat frame. More easy option- this is the lifting of only the upper half of the body.
  3. From a standing position, we put our hands behind our backs and try to connect our palms at the level of the shoulder blades (fingers must be directed upwards).
  4. To represent the correct posture, it is recommended to stand daily against the wall, creating 4 fixation points with the body (head, shoulders, buttocks and heels). It is this posture that you must cultivate in yourself and train it regularly.

Taking care of yourself at home is hard work, it is very difficult to force yourself to do anything in your free time. That is why many choose the gym and work out with a trainer. But if this is not possible, then regularly motivate yourself to do gymnastics at least 3-4 times a week. Force, because it is in childhood most habits are formed. In later life, this will be very useful to him and will allow him to avoid most diseases of the spine.

During intense workouts, your back can respond to you with pain. After any forceful approach do not forget to rest, and before training, do a good warm-up. Any deposit intense workout for the back - this is bending (straightening) of the back, bringing the shoulder blades together and straightening the shoulders.

There is no need to perform exactly all the movements, you can choose the most effective and convenient for yourself, the main thing is to do them correctly. Get into the habit of controlling the position of the back (spine is straightened, head is raised, shoulder blades are brought together). The younger the human body, the easier it is to straighten and train the back, especially the exercises are effective in childhood.

Reading time: 26 min

Even posture is not only beauty and grace, but also healthy spine. Violation of posture is not just an aesthetic problem, but also the cause of back pain, which will cause constant discomfort and inconvenience in everyday life. If you feel that you have begun to slouch and want to work on straightening your back, then we offer you an excellent set of exercises to correct your posture.

Correct posture: basic rules

Correct posture is the ability to keep your back straight in a relaxed state. If the support of a straight back is accompanied by additional efforts or tension in the vertebral region, then most likely we can talk about a violation of posture (or stoop).

Today, when an inactive lifestyle has become almost the norm for most people, spinal curvature is a particularly common problem for both children and adults. Stooping can cause many different diseases, and if you do not do exercises to correct your posture, then this is fraught with serious problems.

Violation of posture and stoop can provoke:

  • Acute back pain
  • chronic fatigue
  • Intervertebral hernia and protrusion
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Violation of blood circulation
  • Compression of internal organs
  • Dizziness and general malaise

In addition, at bad posture your appearance suffers, your gait is disturbed, your stomach protrudes and your chest empties. Therefore, both from the point of view of health and from an aesthetic point of view, stoop is extremely Negative consequences. However, there is also good news. Regular posture exercises will help straighten your spine, minimize slouching, and relieve back pain.

Before moving on to posture exercises, let's focus on the basic rules that will help you maintain a healthy spine.

  1. Correct posture must be constantly monitored - when you walk, when you sit, when you stand. Pay attention to the position of the body: the shoulders are straightened and lowered, the chest looks forward, the spine is straightened, the stomach is tightened. When walking, try not to look at your feet.
  2. To maintain the correct posture, you need a strong muscular corset. In addition to doing the exercises that are offered below, we also recommend working on the muscles of the press and back.
  3. An excellent prevention of spinal curvature is walking with a book on your head. You can only hold a book with a straight back, so this is good exercise for posture.
  4. Be sure to take breaks in work to warm up the back and the whole body as a whole. Recommended to see: Exercises for office gymnastics.
  5. When bending over (for example, during physical work), do not round your back and do not slouch. If you can’t bend over with a straight back, then it’s better to bend your knees. When carrying heavy loads, distribute the weight on both hands; it is unacceptable to carry the bag on only one side.
  6. Choose comfortable casual shoes. Heels give a serious load on the spine and also provoke a violation of posture.
  7. A sedentary lifestyle is the source of many problems, including violations of the functionality of the spine. Try to move more daily. You can see ours.
  8. To prevent back pain and posture disorders, it is recommended to sleep on a hard mattress. You can also purchase an orthopedic mattress.
  9. It is better to buy an orthopedic posture bandage only after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, you run the risk of fixing the wrong position of the back due to the bandage, and not correcting it.
  10. Many of us spend a lot of time in sitting position, that's why proper fit at the table plays a crucial role in maintaining posture.

Top 30 Posture Correction Exercises

If you want to correct your posture, then 20-30 minutes of daily exercise is enough for you to notice positive changes in the thoracic spine in a month. Take photos of your back before and after and compare the results after a month regular workouts. Slouching can be corrected if you regularly perform posture exercises! In acute and chronic diseases, it is better to additionally consult a doctor before training.

Perform the exercise 10-20 times if it is performed on the account, or for 30-60 seconds if it is static. Remember to repeat each exercise on the right and left side. Watch your feelings and try to adjust the duration of the exercise at your discretion. During the session, after each strenuous exercise, relax in the child's pose. This will balance the workout and help avoid overload.

Take a deep lunge pose, straighten your back and raise your arms up. Stretch your arms up, feel the stretch in your spine. Hold this position and switch sides.

How much to do:

2. Tilt with hands behind back

Stand up straight and take your hands back behind your back. Place your palms together, crossing your fingers. Tilt your body and raise your arms up, moving them as far forward as possible. Do this posture exercise by opening your shoulders and thoracic region. The back should not be rounded, so you can not lower the body too low, enough to parallel with the floor.

How much to do: 2 sets of 30-60 seconds

3. Wall support

Stand against the wall, bend over and rest your palms against it so that your arms are parallel to the floor. Try to lean as low as possible while keeping your back straight. This posture exercise is also good for opening the shoulder joints.

How much to do: 2 sets of 30-60 seconds

Sit in a simplified lotus position with your legs together near your pelvis. Raise your left arm and bring it behind your back, bending at the elbow. Bring your right hand behind your back so that the elbow is at waist level. Lock your palms together in a castle, straightening your back and bringing your shoulder blades together. If it is not possible to close the palms together, simply pull the fingers of the right and left hands towards each other.

How much to do: 2 sets of 30 seconds each side

Get down on all fours, palms rest on the floor. As you inhale, bend in your back, linger for 5-10 seconds, and as you exhale, round your back. The movement should be carried out due to the deflection in the chest and lumbar. Do not bend only in the lower back, so as not to injure it.

How much to do: 15-20 reps

Remaining in the same position on all fours, lift the opposite arm and leg up so that they form a straight line with the body. Stretch your palms forward, and with your foot back, while raising them as high as possible. Hold this position for 30-40 seconds and switch sides. This is a posture and strengthening exercise. muscle corset will also help you improve your balance and balance.

How much to do: 2-3 sets of 30-40 seconds on each side

From the position with a raised arm and leg, which is described in the previous exercise, grab the foot with your palms and linger in this position, bending in the back. Try to bend not only in the lumbar, but also in the thoracic spine. Do not turn the body, the pelvic bones look forward. The capture should be carried out due to the allotted arm, deflection in the spine and lifting the leg.

How much to do:

8. Twisting in table position

To perform this posture exercise, stay in a table position. Lift your left arm off the floor and lift it vertically up. Rotate the body, straightening the shoulders, opening the chest and bringing the shoulder blades together. Feel a pleasant stretch in your spine. Do the exercise on the right and left side.

How much to do: 2-3 sets of 30 seconds each side

Remain standing in table pose. Slip it in right hand between the left arm and leg, lowering it to the floor. Put your head on the floor right side. Feel the stretch in your spine, open your shoulders.

How much to do: 30-60 seconds per side

The Sphinx is one of the best exercises to correct posture. Lie on your stomach on the floor, then lift your body and rest your forearms on the floor. The movement is carried out due to the deflection in the spine, feel a pleasant tension in the back.

How much to do: 2 sets of 30-60 seconds

26. Side twist for the back

Lie on your back, left leg bent, right leg straight, left hand pushed aside. flip left leg through the right, twisting in the back so that the shoulder blades remain on the floor. Feel the stretch in your spine. Hold this position for 1-2 minutes and repeat on the other side.

How much to do: 1-2 minutes per side

27. Twisting for the back to the side

Lie on your stomach, right arm out to the side, right leg extended. Cross your left leg over your right, twisting your torso and moving to your side. Hold the position with your left hand. The shoulder of the right hand lies completely on the floor. Hold this position for 1-2 minutes and repeat on the other side.

How much to do: 1-2 minutes per side

From the previous position in the side position, grab the foot of the same leg with your hand. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, stretching your spine. Open your shoulders and chest.

How much to do: 1-2 minutes per side

As we said at the beginning, after each exercise (planks, backbends, twists), you can return to the child's position to relax your back and relieve tension. To perform the child's pose, kneel, stretch your arms and lie on your stomach on your feet.

How much to do: 1-2 minutes per side

For the benefit of the back, you can turn first to one side, then to the other, and then to the center.

End your workout with a pose that is very beneficial for your spine and posture. To do this, place pillows under your knees and under your back so that a deflection forms in your back. Lie in this position for 5-10 minutes.

How much to do: 2-3 minutes

Posture correction video

1. A set of exercises for posture and a healthy back

2. How to get rid of stoop and form a beautiful posture

3. Beautiful posture in five minutes a day

4. Gymnastics for posture and strengthening the back

5. Exercises for the back and good posture

The beauty of the figure begins with the correct posture. All efforts to build a harmonious body will be meaningless if the shoulders remain hunched and the back hunched. You can check your posture in a simple way: Lean back against a flat wall. If the heels, buttocks, shoulder blades, shoulders and back of the head are in contact with the wall, and a palm can be inserted between it and the lower back, then the posture is correct. For those who have found themselves with posture disorders, it will help special gymnastics, aligning the back and strengthening the muscular frame.

The complex for posture correction consists of two blocks of exercises. The first block includes fitness exercises for the neck, the second - for the back.

  • Sit on a fitness mat, wrap your arms around bent knees. Straighten your back (pull your shoulder blades together). While inhaling, tilt your head back and try to stretch your neck as much as possible. Repeat the exercise ten times.
  • Sit cross-legged in Turkish style. Grab your shins with your palms. Don't hunch your back. Turn your head to the side. Perform the turn in four counts: one - turn the head, two and three - continue turning to the stop with two jerky movements, four - return to the starting position. In total, you need to make six turns left and right.
  • Lie face down, place your palms on the back of your head and spread your elbows. Put your head on the floor. Inhale and raise your head, while using your hands to create resistance, forcing the neck muscles to tighten more. Do ten times.
  • Get on your knees and straighten your arms. The palms should be under the shoulders. Rotate your head alternately in different directions. Do 6-12 such rotations in total. Please note that the last two exercises cannot be performed in severe forms of osteochondrosis.
  • Get on all fours. Place your palms and knees shoulder-width apart. Raise your right arm and left leg at the same time, stretch them to the ceiling. Do six to eight repetitions with each pair of limbs.
  • Lying on your stomach, rest your head on your folded hands. Connect your legs, stretch your socks. As you inhale, raise your head and shoulders and spread your arms to the sides. Do not tilt your head while doing this. Do 6-10 repetitions.
  • On your knees, raise your arms above your head, turning them forward with your palms. Bring your legs together. Keeping your back straight and exhaling, begin to lean forward and at the same time sit down with your buttocks on your heels. Eventually rib cage should lie on your knees, and head and hands fall to the floor. Use your back muscles to return to the starting position. Put your hands down. Repeat the exercise up to eight times.
  • Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. Raise your legs, arms and head off the floor. Hold this pose for as long as possible (ideally 15 seconds). Relax. Repeat six to eight times.

Fitness exercises from the first block relieve muscle clamps in the neck and shoulder area and tone the muscles of the neck. Exercises from the second block evenly strengthen the spinal muscles and knead the spine. The beauty of posture is achieved by systematic and persistent training. To get rid of stoop, you need to do it as often as possible - at least three times a week.

In another set of exercises for the beauty of posture and the health of the spine, the emphasis is on working out the back and the press:

  • Sitting on a chair, perform turns in different directions. Try to make the turn of the body as full as possible. Repeat the exercise ten times.
  • Standing on all fours, arch your back. Breathe in while making an effort. Relax as you exhale. Do 6-8 repetitions.
  • Assume Sphinx Pose: Lie on your stomach, bend your arms and place your forearms on the floor with your palms down. Gently raise the body on straightened arms. Tilt your head back a little and arch your back. Hold this pose for a few seconds. Do 8-10 repetitions.
  • Lie face down, spread your straight arms and legs to the sides. For two counts, raise all four limbs and stretch them in different directions. For the next two counts, relax and lower your limbs. Do not raise your head while working. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • Lie on your stomach, bring your legs together, keep your hands close to your body. Raise your legs and arms at the same time. The gaze should be directed to the floor. Hold the pose, relax. Repeat up to ten times.

The beauty of posture cannot be achieved if you do not relax and lower your shoulders. They tense and shift from long sitting in the wrong postures, from stress and muscle clamps. A set of fitness exercises to eliminate imbalances shoulder girdle very simple and resembles a light warm-up.

  • Stand up straight, straighten your back, relax your arms. Perform rotations in shoulder joint front to back. You can rotate both shoulders, and each separately. When rotating, do not lift your shoulders up.
  • Put your hands on your belt. Pick up first left shoulder, then right. Perform alternating lifts for 20-30 seconds.
  • Raise both shoulders sudden movement, then slowly lower them. Repeat up to 10 times.
  • Bring one hand behind the back from below, the other - from above (over the shoulder). Try to connect them. Then relax and repeat the action, changing the position of the hands.

Similar fitness can be practiced both at home and at work. Gymnastics to relax the shoulders will take only a few minutes. At sedentary work it is useful to do such exercises every 1.5-2 hours.

For the beauty of posture, not only fitness is important, but also constant monitoring of the correct posture. Until the muscles are strengthened and the habit of keeping the back straight, the stomach pulled in, and the shoulders lowered and deployed, you need to correct your posture as often as possible. Again, the wall will help here. It is recommended to stand near it from time to time and fix correct posture: with heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and back of the head pressed against the wall. Moving away from the wall, you need to try to maintain the achieved position of the body as long as possible. If you often practice this technique, correct posture will gradually become a habit.