Exercises for children's fitness 4 5 years old. The child and the children's aerobics program: a set of exercises. Features of aerobic exercise

IN childhood it is necessary to lay the foundations for the formation physical health. Aerobics for children is one of the ways to engage younger generation to the right way of life.

The exercise program is carried out in a playful and exciting way, which makes playing sports interesting and fun. Let's consider the features of children's aerobics classes and their benefits for the growing body.

The benefits of children's fitness aerobics

Aerobics is not only a set of exercises aimed at weight loss, but also a rather complex sport. It intertwines various artistic elements taken from dance, gymnastics, fitness and tap. In this case, the execution of movements is accompanied by rhythmic music, as in a dance.

When competitions are held, judges evaluate the performance according to the following parameters:

  • mastery of performance
  • interaction
  • emotions of partners.

Athletes demonstrating their abilities in competitions must be flexible, endurance, artistic and have good coordination. They are required to demonstrate the presence of these qualities and the level of complexity of the program being performed - individually and in groups.

In order to achieve high results, you need to work with early age. Children's sports aerobics can begin at the age of 5–7 years.

At the same time, it is important that there are no contraindications to playing this sport and that the child has plasticity. In addition, he must have a desire to visit aerobic training.

Adults must understand that they should not expect children to quick results, because the sport exercises Aerobics, being very complex, require labor-intensive work over many years.

  1. Fitness aerobics for children develops character and endurance, even if the person does not become Olympic champion.
  2. In addition, people involved in this sport are distinguished by their posture, excellent physical fitness, grace and good health.

Children's aerobics is a fun and interesting sport.

Features of aerobic exercise

To conduct children's aerobics classes, special children's rooms and halls are equipped. It is important to have swings, ropes, a children's sports complex, etc.

The workouts are based on aerobic steps specially adapted for children. When drawing up a program and developing a set of exercises, not only the age of the students is taken into account, but also their interests and level of development.

It is important to prepare children a uniform for classes so that the clothes emphasize the focus of the training. These should be one-piece swimsuits without deep cutouts on the top. The child should be able to move comfortably.

Advice from nutritionist Irina Shilina
Healthy eating incompatible with strict dietary restrictions, malnutrition and long fasting. There is no need to strive for abnormal thinness by depriving yourself of food that brings pleasure. Pay attention to the latest weight loss techniques.

According to experts, children as young as 1 year can perform exercises to music. The duration of classes is set depending on age group.

For example, for children under 2 years old it should be a maximum of 10 minutes, and by the age of three it can be increased to 20 minutes. In addition, modern methods allow a child up to 3 years old to study with his mother.

Little athletes start with three workouts in Week. Then the number of classes gradually increases to 2 times a day.

Sports aerobics includes the following acrobatic and gymnastic elements:

  1. Push ups various types.
  2. Demonstration of static forces (for example, the “corner” exercise).
  3. Body rotations in the air and jumps.
  4. Movements demonstrating flexibility and plasticity of the body (dance elements).

A set of exercises for each lesson is selected depending on the level of training and age of the children.

For example, basic complex with low load is suitable for everyone without exception. When the complex involves a high load, the lessons include muscle warm-up, jumping, walking, running and combined movements of varying loads for the arms and legs.

Low-load complexes involve performing exercises with one leg on the floor. In this case, the amplitude of horizontal arm movements should not exceed the height of the practitioner’s shoulders.

With a high shock load, all movements are performed in short-term flight. In this case, the arms are raised above shoulder level and both legs must be lifted off when performing the exercises.

Unlike classical exercises, physical exercise During aerobics, children are given in a playful and exciting format.

A set of exercises for children's health

The effectiveness of these loads for the child’s body is high.

  • Regular attendance helps improve health, increase energy levels and channel children's hyperactivity in the right direction.
  • They also help improve the basic functions of the child's body.
Rescue from problems Health benefits
Nowadays, this sport is becoming the salvation of the younger generation from excess body weight, since children spend a lot of time at the computer and TV. The risk of developing obesity, heart disease, and cancer cells is reduced. Also, the great benefit of aerobics for children is to improve joint function and strengthen the respiratory system during physical activity.
Physically undeveloped children often get sick. The child's immunity increases. At regular classes the body is formed and developed correctly.
As practice shows, a sedentary lifestyle also leads to disorders of the children's nervous system. Presenters active image Throughout life, children are ahead of their peers in terms of the early formation of thought processes and the rapid development of speech skills.

Children involved in aerobic sports, unlike children leading a sedentary lifestyle, have a strong bone structure and a lower risk of developing various diseases.

In addition, the psychological factor also plays an important role, since children with a love for sports grow up to be very active and cheerful.

Lyudmila Krapivina
GCD for fitness aerobics for children 5–6 years old

Synopsis of the district open GCD for fitness aerobics. Group "Grace". Instructor physical culture d./s "Teremok" Krapivina Lyudmila Mikhailovna, age children 5 – 6 years old.

Integration of areas: "Communication", "Motor",


Form of activity: joint activity of the instructor

with kids.

Activities: "Communicative"(are common,


Program tasks:

Educational: learn children climbing onto a step-platform, placing the right - left foot on the toe while performing exercises for the arms; improve step touch up and down (approach from the front); secure the base (basic) step (front).

Developmental: develop physical qualities (flexibility, endurance) And motor abilities; develop dexterity and coordination of movements; develop children interest in training on the step platform.

Educational: cultivate a value-based attitude towards your health; cultivate the ability to express emotional freedom and creativity; cultivate the need for daily physical exercise and sports.

Form of conduct: demonstration of the work of the circle for teachers in the region.

Lesson equipment: step - platforms by number children, gymnastic mats, audio tape recorder, musical soundtracks, hoops for the game.

Lesson outline:

1. Warm up; 2. Outdoor switchgear b/p. ; 3. Parterre (exercises, lying and sitting);4. Education (exercises on the step platform);5. Final part.

1. Warm up.

Walking is normal

Medium tempo

On toes

On your heels

In a half squat

Walking with the right - left side, side step.

Running with high knees

With the shin whipping backwards

Running with hand tasks

2. Outdoor switchgear b/p.

1) I.p.o. With. 1-2 arms through the sides up, right leg back on the toe. 3-4 - same left.

2) I.p.o. With. 1-2 place your foot on your toes on the platform, spread your arms to the sides - turn to the right, 3-4 to the left.

3) I.p.o. With. 1-2 climb onto the platform one by one with your left foot and place your hands alternately on your belt, 3-4 get off.

4)I. p. standing legs apart 1 - tilt, touching the platform, 2 - i. points 3-4 the same.

3. Parterre.

5)I. n. kneeling, emphasis on the platform (palms) 1- straighten your left leg to the side, 2- and. p. 3-4 to the right

6) I. p. sits his legs apart on the platform, supporting himself with his hands behind him. 1- bend your legs at the knees, bring them to your chest (wrap your arms around) 2nd. points 3-4 the same.

7) I. p. sit on the left edge of the platform, support at the back. 1- roll onto your back, bend your knees, pull them to your chest, 2- and. points 3-4 the same.

8) I.p.o. With. hands behind your back, jumping on two legs - legs apart, legs together.

4. Training.

a) teach how to climb onto a step-platform, placing your right and left foot on your toes while performing exercises for the arms;

b) improve touch above and below (approach from the front);

c) consolidate the basic (basic) step (front).

5. Final part. P/n "Homeless Hare".

1-2 min. Keep your head straight, your back straight, don’t slouch, look forward.

Hands on the waist, elbows apart, back straight.

Run easily, breathe through your nose. Raise your knees higher.

Arms straight, toes pointed, knee not bent.

Arms straight, fingers together, turn straight to the sides.

Pay attention to the placement of your feet and the position of your torso.

Do not bend your knees.

Do not bend your back, look forward.

Keep your knees together, back straight, chest forward.

Do not spread your knees, the roll is softer.

Jump higher, lighter, softer.

Game of at a relaxed pace (walking).


1)E. A. Polynskaya « Fitness for you» 2004

2) A. A. Viru, T. A. Yuriplyae, T. A. Smirnova « Aerobic exercise» . "Physical Education and Sports" 1983

3M. M. Boheme "Teaching motor actions".

4)E. Yu. Ponomareva “Technology and content of classes in fitness system» .

5)B. A. Gubanov “Conducting classes with musical accompaniment” 1980

6)N. N. Malyaruk “Direction of health development activities in a preschool institution” No. 7 2012

Modern parents are concerned about the health and comprehensive development of their baby.

It's no secret that properly selected physical activity is already early years have a positive effect on the formation of not only the child’s musculoskeletal system, but are also an integral part of the formation of his character.

Having decided that their child should play sports, parents are faced with a difficult choice: what type of training to prefer?

Recently, children's fitness has become increasingly popular - this is a relatively new sports area designed specifically for children.

Read more about the benefits of such classes and what are the specifics of training programs within this innovative industry.

The main positive features of fitness for children include:

  • Training does not last long and does not overload the child;
  • Aerobics for children involves group (including play) forms of work - accordingly, in addition to physical development, this makes it possible to develop a number of necessary communication skills in children;
  • The instructor always practices an individual approach to each student;
  • Gymnastics for children is the best choice if the child does not attend preschool and against this background experiences a lack of communication and physical activity;
  • During training, children develop many useful skills - in particular, flexibility, mobility, coordination, ability to behave in a team, agility, strength, etc.

Any fitness classes will certainly help normalize the child’s body weight, in addition, physical exercise are an excellent prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, scoliosis, and damage to the knee joints.

The main advantage of children's fitness is a wide range of activities and, accordingly, the presence of a main motive to engage in: the child's interest in this form of pastime.

How the training goes

Children's fitness for kids involves active exercises in a playful way. Thus, children dance and perform simple physical exercises to specially selected songs from cartoons or classical music.

Modern fitness centers offer many options for children's training. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Logo aerobics. The essence this direction– combining physical exercises with reciting poems and unrhymed phrases. The main goal of the classes is to develop coordination.
  • Step by step. At such trainings, instructors teach children to walk correctly, develop the ability to maintain body balance, and develop fine motor skills.
  • Fit Ball. Active physical exercises using large inflatable balls. Classes help develop the child’s musculoskeletal system.
  • Yoga for children. Training has positive impact not only on physical development, but also on the emotional sphere of children.
  • Children's training in the pool. Swimming with elements of aqua aerobics. Great choice for hyperactive guys.

Classes intended for children aged 3 to 7 years should not last longer than half an hour. Training is carried out in specially equipped rooms with good ventilation and the absence of traumatic objects.

The frequency of visits to the gym depends on the age of the baby:

  • Children under three years old usually train no more than 1-2 times a week (30 minutes);
  • 3-6 year olds can study three times during the same period of time;
  • It is recommended that teenagers train the same amount, but the duration of their stay in gym increases from half an hour to 40-45 minutes.

Which form of fitness is best? Everything here is individual and depends on age. Thus, dance and play activities are more suitable for preschoolers, but more complex ones should be selected for primary and secondary school students. training programs, think through physical exercises that purposefully develop their musculoskeletal system.

Experts' opinions regarding strength training(i.e. weight training) for teenagers varies. But most of them agree on one thing: incorrect execution basic exercises(barbell squats,) can affect the health of the guys and significantly affect the subsequent formation of their musculoskeletal system.

It is better for girls and boys under the age of 16 to replace strength training training with own weight(horizontal bar, push-ups, fitness aerobics) and cardio exercises - running, jumping, etc.

A set of exercises for children at home

Let's consider a simple option home workout for a child:

  • Starting position – feet stand shoulder width apart. The left (after – right) leg bent at the knee should be raised and touch it to the elbow of the right (after – left) hand. The exercise is repeated six times for each side.
  • Hands on the waist, feet positioned wider than shoulder level. The right leg slowly bends at the knee, the body weight is transferred to it, while left leg stands on the toe. After returning the body to its original position, the exercise is repeated on the other side. Number of repetitions: five times on the right and left legs.
  • Starting position – lying on your stomach, arms extended forward. It is necessary to simultaneously tear off the upper and lower limbs, fix the position of the body at the maximum point of lifting for several seconds. The optimal number of repetitions for this exercise- six times.
  • Feet stand shoulder-width apart, hands on waist. With your feet turned outward and your back straight, you should sit on your toes and stretch your arms forward. Next you need to return to the starting position. The exercise is repeated six to eight times.
  • Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, in hands - gymnastic stick. You should step over one by one Sports Equipment each foot, while trying to keep the stick as close to the ends as possible. The optimal number of repetitions for this exercise is 10 times for each leg.

So, children's fitness is a relatively new, but at the same time very effective approach to organizing training process for preschool children and primary and secondary school students. This form of training has nothing to do with professional sports, its goal is to strengthen the health of children and promote their comprehensive development (including psycho-emotional).

During school years, it is very important to properly form the mental and physiological health of the child. To successfully develop the physical aspect, many parents prefer to send their children to various sections. In these sections, children master a specific sport. IN last years Children's aerobics is very popular. What does this species consist of? children's sports and is aerobics really that good for your health?

Aerobics is considered the most a real and challenging sport. Judge for yourself. It simultaneously includes gymnastic exercises, various artistic elements, dance movements and elements used during fitness classes. Aerobics can be done both at home and by visiting a special section. All sports and dance movements should be performed to music.

Whole varieties of children's aerobics are known. Let's get to know them better.

Main types

There are several varieties.


Involves performing a number of movements in a dance format. All movements used can be related to different types dancing. This aerobic activity should last no more than one hour a day. The loads are moderate.

Each lesson consists of three parts:

Children can do dance aerobics school age(7−13 years) and older. Thanks to such activities, children increase their level of endurance and also improve coordination of movements. Dance aerobics helps to accustom the child to full and healthy image life.

Animal aerobics. This type with an interesting name involves performing exercises that resemble the movements of animals.


This species is fundamentally different from all other varieties. It is considered a real sports direction, which in the future may become part of the Olympic Games program.

This trend has a lot in common with gymnastics. Sports aerobics exercises are similar to gymnastics. The only difference is their degree of complexity. The sport does not involve performing complex acrobatic movements, which are mandatory in gymnastics. To perform this type of exercise, special training is required.

Children over five years old can engage in sports aerobics. Often children study in sections. If the child meets certain requirements ( good flexibility, plasticity and strength data) he will be accepted into the sports aerobics section. The frequency of classes depends on the child’s skills and abilities. At first, visits to the section occur at least three times a week.

To practice, you not only need to meet certain criteria, but also have a certain type of clothing and shoes with you. Girls should stock up on Czech shoes and a swimsuit, and boys should stock up on Czech shoes, shorts and a T-shirt.

Sports exercises provide good physical training.

Step aerobics

Step aerobics children can freely engage in different age category. All group classes occur on the basis of an individually developed set of programs. The training complex is compiled taking into account physical training children. Also taken into account:

Step aerobics exercises for children 10 years and younger should consist of the following stages:

  • The duration of each lesson is no more than 35 minutes.
  • The lesson necessarily includes a little morning exercise.
  • The exercises performed are of a healing nature.

Step aerobics in itself has a beneficial effect on the child’s health. The movements performed teach children to maintain balance correctly. Classes develop the necessary agility, strength and speed. Step aerobics helps you better learn to navigate in space. The child's movements become more precise.

What does this type of physical education for children consist of?

There are several sets of exercises used in the children's fitness program for preschoolers. They are as useful as shaping and fitball. Let's pay attention to one of them. The one we are considering