Smart words about sports. Great people about sports. Physical activity for a child

Quotes about sports from successful athletes and businessmen should definitely help if you lack motivation for sports or that magical kick in life!

Quotes about sports for girls from successful athletes

« A fit woman always achieves what a woman in a robe can only dream of»

- said journalist and presenter Evelina Khromchenko.

“The ability to overcome oneself is without a doubt the most valuable property of sport”

Super quote about sports from Olga Korbut, Soviet gymnast, four-time Olympic champion.

“When I go out onto the court, I don’t pay attention to who my opponent is. Although I respect every opponent, my only desire is to win.”

If you go into a tournament thinking that someone else will win, you have a serious problem.

Statements about sports with meaning from one of the best tennis players in the world, Maria Sharapova.

One of the shortest motivations is quotes about sports from the world famous tennis player Serena Williams:

« He who sleeps gets nothing but dreams».

Quotes about sports from successful men

An athlete who needs no introduction, Arnold Schwarzenegger:

« Triumph does not give real strength, it is created by struggle. Fighting doubts, fears, laziness. Fight and don't give up and you will gain strength».

Successful motivation about sports from Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Look, only 4 minutes!

By the way, the same Schwarzenegger asked Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, about his attitude and motivation towards training and sports. And I received this answer:

"Staying in shape is very important. Doing anything well takes energy, and you have much more energy when you're in shape. I make sure I exercise at least three times a week - it's usually the first thing I do when I wake up!"

Another modern billionaire is Richard Branson, here is his quote - motivation for sports:

« Take time for yourself. Working out doesn't drain my energy. On the contrary, they fill me with energy and make me feel like a young boy again».

And look at the photo, not only feel it, but also be it! Excellent sport motivation for training, don’t you agree?

« What drives me on the way to my goal? My weakness, which I cannot stand and turn into strength to continue the fight." - Michael Jordan.

Imagine, even the strongest athletes feel weakness, lack of motivation phase and are familiar with it, but at the same time they remain outstanding!

Think about the meaning of the following quote about sports and motivation from Mike Tyson. Mike Tyson is sure that

« If a person gets up after falling, it's not physics, it's character».

And we agree with him 100%

« Exercise can replace many medications, but no medicine in the world can replace exercise." - Angelo Mosso.

Great quote - motivation about sports right now.

Fitness quotes also deserve special attention - as an integral part of sports.

« Fitness is not only one of the keys to a healthy body, but also the basis of dynamism and creative thought.» - John Kennedy, US President

“Another training session is another step towards victory. Exercises help keep your muscles toned and your body healthy” - Larisa Latynina

« Strength does not come from physical endurance. It comes from an unshakable will" - Mahatma Gandhi, Indian public figure and politician.

Do like Messi to ensure you give it your all:

« I play every match the same - like it's a final».

Great sport begins where health care ends.
Bertolt Brecht

No effort is in vain: Sisyphus developed muscles.
Paul Valéry

Sport does not develop character, but reveals it.
Heywood Brown

Nobody remembers who finished second except the one who finished second.
Bobby Unser

A professional is an athlete who does not have a profession and is forced to earn a living through sports.
Jean Giraudoux

A professional athlete is a public whore who is required to behave honestly.
Jean Giraudoux

The Olympics are a circus in which the performance takes place in twenty arenas at the same time.

For your team to win the high jump, you need one guy who jumps seven feet, not seven guys who jump a foot each.
Frederick Terman

A person who goes in for sports can even endure cultural life.
Oliver Hassenkamp

I want to use whole body gymnastics to make him more balanced.

Sport becomes a means of education when it is everyone’s favorite activity.
Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Sport is physical education taken to the point of absurdity.
Leo the Brief

Sports: fun until you sweat.
Maurice Decobras

Gymnastics is complete nonsense. Healthy people do not need it, but it is contraindicated for sick people.
Henry Ford

Alpine skiing is a downhill race for money.
"Kommersant - Money"

The important thing is not to win but to take part.
Pierre de Coubertin
(motto of Olympic athletes)

Remember: it doesn't matter whether you win or lose; All that matters is whether I win or lose.
Darrin Weinberg

An amateur athlete these days is someone who only accepts cash and not a check.
Jack Kelly

A professional athlete: a public whore who is required to behave honestly.
Jean Giraudoux

Oh sport, you are the world!
Pierre de Coubertin

Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. Serious sport is war minus murder.
George Orwell

If you want to put together a team to win the high jump, you're looking for one guy who can jump seven feet, not seven guys who can jump a foot each.
Frederick Terman

IN healthy bodyhealthy mind.

A body that is too healthy can hold too little spirit.
Alfred Konar

They pump up the muscles, pumping them away from the brain.
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Not only brains are flowing out of the country, but also muscles, if they have brains.
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

If I ever need a brain transplant, the best donor would be a sportswriter. A guy with a brain that hasn't been used.
Norm Van Brocklin

Sport is becoming a favorite subject of thought and will soon become the only method of thinking.
Vasily Klyuchevsky

Athletes follow correct principles nutrition. Almost all of them look at alcohol and cigarettes with contempt. Outstanding athletes are not only known for their achievements in the arena and on the track. They gave the world many interesting quotes that are great motivation for playing sports.

240 short phrases and quotes about sports

  1. Sport is a possible source of self-improvement for every person. (Pierre de Coubertin)
  2. Sport is the only way to preserve the qualities of a primitive person in a person. (Avicena)
  3. Sport is a cure for bad mood and depression. (Maris Decobra)
  4. Sports are fun until you sweat. (Hippocrates)
  5. Sport is an advertisement for physical education: at the cost of the health of some, the health of many improves. (Ilya Shevelev)
  6. Sport is the only spectacle in which, despite the number of repetitions, the end remains unknown. (N. Simon)
  7. Sport is hard work, but not everyone can cope with it. (Irina Viner-Usmanova)
  8. Sport is physical education taken to the point of absurdity. (Arkady Davidovich)
  9. Sport is a waste of time and a waste of energy. Below the athlete is only his spectator. (Marina Tsvetaeva)
  10. Sport is remarkable for its improvisation of skill. (Mikhail Lomonosov)
  11. Sport does not develop character, but reveals it. (Heywood Brown)
  12. Sport is very good at helping you get rid of all bad habits. (Jean Paul Belmondo)
  13. Sport does not believe in words, only in deeds. (Alexander Yakushev)
  14. Sport improves physical qualities and checks morals. (Laysan Utyasheva)
  15. Sport is becoming a favorite subject of thought and will soon become the only method of thinking. (Vasily Klyuchevsky)
  16. Sport teaches you to live and smile through pain. (Konstantin Kushner)
  17. Sport creates a culture of optimism, a culture of cheerfulness. (Avicena)
  18. Sport is purer and more beautiful than any war. Cold or hot. (Soviet Union team)
  19. Sport is your heartbeat, your breathing, your rhythm of life. (Dale Carnegie)
  20. Sports: fun until you sweat. (Maurice Decobras)
  21. An amateur athlete these days is someone who only accepts cash and not a check. (Jack Kelly)
  22. The athlete can achieve high results and without natural talent, but never without hard work and perseverance. (Peter Kwiatkovsky)
  23. A professional athlete is a public whore who is required to behave honestly. (Jean Giraudoux)
  24. A professional athlete is a person who agrees to grow old and retire at the age of thirty. (Jean Giraudoux)
  25. An athlete trains her muscles, while a real woman trains the necessary parts of her body. (Unknown author)
  26. The amateur athlete these days is one who only accepts cash and not a check. (Jack Kelly)
  27. Athletes are people just like everyone else, only they hate each other’s successes more. (Mikhail Mamchich)
  28. The sleeper will get nothing but dreams. (Serena Williams)
  29. Becoming a champion is much easier than holding this title and living with it all your life (Roy Jones).
  30. Sports are physical education plus electrification of the entire country. (Alisher Faiz)
  31. Alcohol is entertainment for the poor, Drugs are for the weak, Sports are for the strong! (Konstantin Kushner)
  32. Running is a big question mark. Every day he asks you: “Who will you be today - a weakling or a strong-willed person?” (Peter Mayer)
  33. Running in sacks: the winner is not the one who runs fast, but the one who runs fast in a sack. (Arkady Davidovich)
  34. Jogging is an activity for people who are not developed enough to watch morning television. (Victoria Wood)
  35. Business is a combination of war and sport. (Andre Maurois)
  36. Thanks to health running people get heart attacks in much better health than before. (Mohammed Ali)
  37. God gave you a body that can handle almost anything! Your task is to convince your mind of this! (Vincent Lombardi)
  38. The fight should last 13 seconds: 2 seconds to approach, 1 second to strike, 10 seconds for the referee to count. (Mike Tyson)
  39. Boxing is an art, everything else is a sport! (Peter Kwiatkovsky)
  40. Boxing is a science that tests a person's strength. (Mohammed Ali)
  41. Boxing is not a fight - it’s a sport of brave people... (Vladimir Vysotsky)
  42. Boxing is friendly hemorrhages. (Mohammed Ali)
  43. The pain you overcome today will turn into the strength you feel tomorrow. (Dan Gable)
  44. Big sport is not only the loss of the best years, but also the prize years of life. (Bertolt Brecht)
  45. Great sport begins where health care ends. (Bertolt Brecht)
  46. One who gives up physical exercise often wastes away, because the strength of his organs weakens due to refusal to move. (Avicenna)
  47. Be strong in sports, be simple in life (Iker Casillas)
  48. Being fit is a political act: you take responsibility for your own life. (Jane Fonda)
  49. There are no tough guys in boxing, there are only those who haven’t been kicked in the mouth yet. (Mohammed Ali)
  50. Those who are physically stronger live better in life. (Mikhail Kalinin)
  51. In a healthy body healthy mind. (John Goto)
  52. I play every match the same way - as if it were a final. (Eric Barrondo)
  53. In mass development physical culture and sports I see one of best options in the battle for human health, creativity and longevity. (N. Hill)
  54. In science, as in sports, participation is important, not results. (Lomonosov)
  55. In general, the conclusion is this: walk and you will be happy, walk and you will be healthy. (Charles Dickens)
  56. The sport is based on the idle interest of connoisseurs of unique fights. (Georgy Alexandrov)
  57. A body that is too healthy can hold too little spirit. (Alfred Konar)
  58. In sports, delusions of grandeur are of no help. But persecution mania helps a lot. (Stas Yankovsky)
  59. In sports, as in casinos, it is very difficult to win by chance. (Georgy Alexandrov)
  60. IN gyms there are a lot of guys who want to look like men, as if “looking like men” means looking like sculptors or advertising photographers say. (Chuck Palahniuk)
  61. This is the tragedy of an athlete: if you don’t die in time, you’re destined to pull a boring job. (Erich Maria Remarque)
  62. The most important condition for improving memory performance is the healthy state of the nerves, which requires regular physical exercise. (Konstantin Ushinsky)
  63. Lead a healthy lifestyle and set the right example for the younger generation (Mark Twain)
  64. Everything requires skill, hardening, training... (Ivan Privalov)
  65. The ability to overcome yourself is without a doubt the most valuable property of sport! (Olga Kogut)
  66. Will is what makes you win when your mind tells you that you are defeated (Carlos Castaneda).
  67. Second place is first among losers. (Alexander Minchenkov)
  68. Yesterday you said that you would do this tomorrow. Let's do it today! (John Mason)
  69. Gymnastics is complete nonsense. Healthy people do not need it, but it is contraindicated for sick people. (Henry Ford)
  70. Gymnastics is a healing part of medicine. (Plato)
  71. Gymnastics illuminates the perfection of the body with its flight of beauty. (Laysan Utyasheva)
  72. Gymnastics prolongs a person’s youth. (D. Locke)
  73. Gymnastics, physical exercise, and walking should become firmly established in the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, and a full and joyful life. (Avicena)
  74. The important thing is not to win but to take part. (Pierre de Coubertin)
  75. Alpine skiing is a downhill race for money. (Arkady Davidovich)
  76. Even in a sports fight, sometimes money is won. (Georgy Alexandrov)
  77. The tree also needs evaporation and frequent refreshment with the help of winds, rains, and cold weather, otherwise it easily weakens and withers. In the same way, the human body generally requires strong movements, activities and serious exercise. (Jan Komensky)
  78. Proportion, beauty and health require not only education in the fields of science and art, but also lifelong physical exercise and gymnastics. (Plato)
  79. There is nothing to maintain health, and especially to prevent normal diseases better than exercise bodily or movements. (M. Wise)
  80. Catching up doesn't mean winning. (Mohammed Ali)
  81. The only beauty I know is health. (Christian Johann Heinrich Heine)
  82. The only way to stay healthy is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you don't like. (Mark Twain)
  83. The only person who can say that I am weak is the coach. (Wayne Rooney)
  84. If the TV and refrigerator were closer to each other, many of us would not even know what exercise is. (Joey Adams)
  85. If people at 30, 40 and even 50 do not exercise, this is a prejudice inherited from the old days, when an idle life was considered the ideal of well-being. (Avicena)
  86. If you're wondering what you'll be like in ten years, look in the mirror after a marathon. (False Skaff)
  87. If you want to put together a team to win the high jump, you're looking for one guy who can jump seven feet, not seven guys who can jump a foot each. (Avicena)
  88. If your dog is getting fat, it means you don't have enough physical exercise. (Arkady Davidovich)
  89. If the wind is always in your face, then you are running too fast. (Mohammed Ali)
  90. If you engage in physical exercise, there is no need to take medications taken for various diseases, if at the same time you follow all other requirements of the normal regimen. (Elena Isimbaeva)
  91. If it seems that an athlete’s movements are easy to repeat, but in reality you have to learn them for years, this is a real athlete. (G. Alexandrov)
  92. If someone doesn’t want to run in the morning, then nothing can stop him (Yogi Bera)
  93. If anything moves me forward, it is only my weakness, which I hate and turn into my strength (Michael Jordan).
  94. If I ever need a brain transplant, the best donor would be a sportswriter. A guy with a brain that hasn't been used. (Norm Van Brocklin)
  95. If we don’t take care of our body, then where will we live? (Dan Gable)
  96. If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you're sick. (Quintus Horace Flaccus)
  97. If you don't sweat, it's not a sport. (Mohammed Ali)
  98. If you don't play with the best, you won't become the best. (Neil Simon)
  99. If you don't succeed the first time - parachuting not for you. (Adam Miller)
  100. If you are not ready to work, then you are ready to lose. (Mark Spitz)
  101. If you get tired from walking, run. (Tiger Woods)
  102. If you want to be better than others, then get ready to do what others don't want to do. (Mohammed Ali)
  103. If you feel like you're giving up, remember what you were holding on for before! (Jared Leto)
  104. If I'm not in the mood to work out, I'll never drink another cup of coffee or wait an extra half hour. I'll go for a run right away. The longer you put it off, the harder it is to start. (Leonel Messi)
  105. If you want to become better, fight with someone superior to you. (Harun Agatsarsky)
  106. If a person gets up after falling, this is not physics. This is character. (Mike Tyson)
  107. If a person doesn’t want to run in the morning, nothing can stop him. (Yogi Berra).
  108. If a person takes care of his own health, then it is difficult to find a doctor who would know better what is beneficial for his health than he does. (Socrates)
  109. If I lose, I'll walk away and I won't regret it... Because I know I did everything I could (Joe Frazier).
  110. There are athletes, and there are people with an “athletic” mentality. (Arkady Davidovich)
  111. It is a pathetic delusion to imagine that bodily exercises harm mental activities! As if these two things should not go side by side, as if one should not direct the other! (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
  112. Life is not only wrestling, but also other sports (B. Krutier).
  113. Aerobic exercise causes the release of endorphins, the enzymes of happiness, and happy people do not kill their husbands. (Mahatma Gandhi)
  114. Playing sports is never superfluous. But it’s better to understand this now, and not at the moment when half a dozen zombies are chasing your fat, heavily breathing body. (Avicenna)
  115. Sports are the most formidable weapon in the fight against approaching old age and its indispensable companion - physical decrepitude. (Igor Ilyinsky)
  116. If you want, you will find time. If you don't want to, you'll find a reason. (Avicena)
  117. A healthy person is the most precious product of nature. (T. Carlyle)
  118. A healthy mind in a healthy body is a short but complete description of a happy state in this world. (John Locke)
  119. Health depends much more on our habits and nutrition than on the art of medicine. (John Lubbock)
  120. Gold medals are not made of gold. They are made of sweat, determination and a very rare mixture called willpower. (Dan Gable)
  121. And in sport, as in argument, truth is born. (Mohammed Ali)
  122. Only the one who receives it knows the strength of the blow, and not the one who inflicts it. (Mohammed Ali)
  123. Not only brains are flowing out of the country, but also muscles, if they have brains. (Mikhail Zhvanetsky)
  124. Sometimes in sports it seems like a clear victory, but you still can’t wash it off. (Avicena)
  125. All ages are submissive to art, sports and love! (Mikhail Ilyaev)
  126. Just as clothiers clean cloth, knocking it free of dust, so gymnastics cleanses the body. (Hippocrates)
  127. Whatever your goal is, you can achieve it if you are willing to work hard. (Mohammed Ali)
  128. When your mood or well-being deteriorates during the game, you should hear “Come on, Maria!” How everything goes. And when everything works out, the exclamations of admiration only make you play better. (Maria Sharapova)
  129. When you train for years, you have nothing to regret, even if you fail to become a champion. You've still gotten better. (Evander Holyfield)
  130. When I go on the court, it doesn't matter to me who is on the opposite side. I just want to play my game. I respect any opponent, but at the same time I always want to win. (Michael Phelps)
  131. Horses harnessed to a chariot run faster than alone, not because with their combined efforts they cut through the air more easily, but because they are fueled by competition and rivalry with each other. (Plutarch)
  132. The beauty of bodily forms always coincides with the concept of healthy strength, sports, and active vital energy. (Lev Tolstoy)
  133. Bodybuilders dream of making their body a work of art. It's a pity that they have neither taste nor sense of proportion. (Mohammed Ali)
  134. The best fitness center is the nearest park. (Alexander von Schonburg)
  135. Love gymnastics, it will give you good physical development and health, good spirits! My 90 years guarantee you this! (Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov)
  136. Amateur sport is life with the game. Professional sport is a game with life. (Stas Yankovsky)
  137. People make the mistake of thinking that great Olympians are athletes. Everyone is an athlete. If you have a body, then you are an athlete. (Phil Knight)
  138. People who are naturally weak in body become stronger through exercise. (Socrates)
  139. It’s not enough to hit the goal, you also have to miss the goalkeeper. (Arkady Davidovich)
  140. I love that I do something that others don't, so I'm a winner! (Jay Cutler).
  141. My main rival is myself. (Yelena Isinbayeva)
  142. My only advice is to build your life and your daily routine in such a way that physical education becomes as indisputable a necessity for you as sleep or breathing. (Igor Ilyinsky)
  143. We must always go beyond our limits. (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
  144. Watch your body if you want your mind to work properly. (Rene Descartes)
  145. You must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be mentally healthy. (Lev Tolstoy)
  146. Teach an athlete to fight for any place, and he will be able to fight for first. (Larisa Latynina)
  147. Our skaters must skate like cheese in butter. (Elena Isimbaeva)
  148. Don't be afraid to compete with those who are stronger. There are no invincibles. (Iker Casillas)
  149. It doesn’t matter what sport you do, the main thing is that you do it! (Horace)
  150. You should not exhaust your body, but try to give it food, drink, and exercise in moderation, so that the body becomes stronger, without excesses and laziness. (Pythagoras)
  151. Don't be upset by failures. Everyone falls. Only some people get up faster, while others continue to lie around and whine. (Mike Tyson)
  152. Don't strive to be a mountain of muscles. Brute physical strength will not defeat speed and endurance. (Bruce Lee)
  153. It doesn't matter how slowly you go. The main thing is that you don’t stop. (Bruce Lee)
  154. Some people believe that football is a matter of life and death. They are wrong: football is much more important. (Arkady Davidovich)
  155. No effort is in vain, Sisyphus - and he developed his muscles. (Paul Valery)
  156. Nobody remembers who finished second except the one who finished second. (Bobby Unser)
  157. Nothing drains and destroys like this human body as physical inactivity. (Aristotle)
  158. Sports news: amazing swimmer Nyrkov was able to “outdo” the previous record for underwater swimming. The delighted commission handed it to the relatives gold medal and, at the same time, the body of a swimmer. (A. Sadovsky)
  159. You need to keep your body strong to keep your spirit strong. (Victor Hugo)
  160. Every person needs to get involved in physical exercise. Without this, no talk about a healthy lifestyle is unthinkable. (Nikolai Amosov)
  161. Oh sport, you are the world! (Pierre de Coubertin)
  162. About sports: the nervous ones die at the start, the responsible ones at the finish line, the prudent ones go to coaching work. (Vladimir Birashevich)
  163. Olympic passions can only be countered by Olympic calm. (Mikhail Zhivanetsky)
  164. Swimming is not a sport. Swimming is a way to avoid drowning. (George Carlin)
  165. Swimming is very beneficial. Especially if you're drowning. You not only train your cardiovascular system, but you also don’t die. (Jimmy Carr)
  166. It is not the one who is stronger who will win, but the one who is ready to go to the end. (Fedor Emelianenko)
  167. As long as you still have a try, you haven't lost. (Sergey Bubka)
  168. Remember: it doesn't matter whether you win or lose; All that matters is whether I win or lose. (Darrin Weinberg)
  169. Defeat is a temporary state; giving up the fight makes it permanent (Marilyn Savant).
  170. Gradually, sport is becoming a fashionable movement again. Perhaps soon sport will also become the only expression of thoughts. (V. Klyuchevsky)
  171. With the help of exercise and abstinence, the majority of people can do without medicine (Addison Joseph).
  172. With assiduous mental work without movement and bodily labor - real grief. (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)
  173. Principle healthy image life, the principle of optimal physical activity, a person must learn as elements of culture in the worst case from school, in the best - even earlier, in the family, in kindergarten... (Nikolai Amosov)
  174. The reason for my failure is obvious: I didn't train enough. And besides, I didn't train much. And one more thing - I didn’t train much. (Addison Joseph)
  175. A lost fight always makes you realize that you are doing something wrong. (Kostya Tszyu)
  176. A professional is an athlete who does not have a profession and is forced to earn a living through sports. (Jean Giraudoux)
  177. The five components of the path to victory are stamina, speed, strength, skill and will. Moreover, will is the most important thing! (Ken Doherty)
  178. A determined person cannot be prevented from succeeding. Place stumbling blocks in his path, and he will turn them into steps along which he will climb to the top. (David Villa)
  179. No matter who I play with, my main rival is the girl in the mirror. (Serena Williams)
  180. The most important thing in maintaining health is physical exercise, and then food and sleep patterns... (Avicenna)
  181. The most effective medicine for physical health there is a cheerful and cheerful mood of spirit. (Cristiano Ronaldo)
  182. The best thing about exercise is the rest from it. (Konstantin Kushner)
  183. The best thing about sports is improvisation. (Georgy Alexandrov)
  184. The hardest thing about cycling is the bike! (John de Mol)
  185. The most masculine sport on TV is football. (Arnie Lopez)
  186. The most difficult fight is when you have to fight laziness for happiness. (Mohammed Ali)
  187. I owe my longevity to sports. I've never done it. (Winston Churchill)
  188. Do at least once what others say you can’t do. After that, you will never pay attention to their rules and restrictions (James Cook)
  189. Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. Serious sport is war minus murder. (George Orwell)
  190. Strength is health. Health without strength is impossible. (Aishek Noram)
  191. Strength of spirit beats any strength of muscles! (Sylvester Stallone).
  192. Strength does not depend on physical abilities, but on unbending will. (Mahatma Gandhi)
  193. Strong character is only forged when you overcome resistance - and in gym, and in life. (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
  194. No matter how many important fights a boxer has, the most important in life is the next one (Roy Jones).
  195. If you practice moderation in sports, you may not even become a world champion. (Georgy Alexandrov)
  196. Modern sport is such that you will never be able to cleanse yourself of other pure victories. (Alexander Minchenkov)
  197. The saving force in our world is sport - the flag of optimism still flies over it, here the rules are followed and the enemy is respected, regardless of whose side wins. (John Galsworthy)
  198. Only a shooting coach can argue with a wrestling coach. (Nikolai Fomenko)
  199. The desire to be slim is changing the world around you! (Plato)
  200. It's not the mountains you have to climb that are stopping you. No, a pebble in your shoes is bothering you. (Mohammed Ali)
  201. What is not exercised is destroyed. (Peter Lesgaft)
  202. Only in a strong, healthy body does the spirit maintain balance, and character develops in all its power. (Herbert Spencer)
  203. Anyone who wants to be strong and brave becomes one. A real man cannot avoid sports. And if he loves a woman, he must be healthy, strong, generous! (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
  204. You're not a loser until you give up (Michael Jordan).
  205. Thousands and thousands of times I have restored health to my patients through exercise. (Galen)
  206. Boxing has a serious drawback - all the bumps go to the head. (Georgy Alexandrov)
  207. He who does not have a goal does not find joy in any sport. (Plutarch)
  208. I have no desire to prove anything to anyone, I prove to myself that I can become even better and even stronger with every workout! (Dwayne Johnson)
  209. A person who exercises moderately and in a timely manner does not need any treatment aimed at eliminating the disease. (Avicenna)
  210. Tiresome physical exercise exhausts the mind and renders it incapable of attention and pursuit of finer objects (Seneca)
  211. The physical side of development is the basis for the mental one. Without sports it is impossible to build a healthy, prosperous and developing nation. (A.V. Lunacharsky)
  212. Exercise makes you more graceful. When you regularly perform a set of exercises, you walk proudly and smoothly - as if the whole street is yours. (Sophia Loren)
  213. Exercise can replace many medications, but no medicine in the world can replace exercise. (A. Mosso)
  214. The physical education of a child is the basis for everything else. (Avicena)
  215. Physical self-improvement should know neither stops nor breaks. In sports, becoming better means going backwards. (Nikolai Kamanin)
  216. Physical education should be given as much attention as mental education. (Mahatma Gandhi)
  217. Physical education heals, and professional sports cripples. (Alexander Minchenkov)
  218. Physical education is excellent because it leads to health to perfection. (Georgy Alexandrov)
  219. Physical education extends life by five years, but these five years must be spent in the gym. (Mikhail Zhvanetsky)
  220. Normal formula healthy life can't do without sports. (Michael Phelps)
  221. Walking is the best of all exercises (Thomas Jefferson)
  222. Walking and movement promote brain play and thought. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
  223. If you want to be three times stronger, come row a canoe! (Dmitry Guberniev)
  224. If you want to be strong, run. If you want to be beautiful, run. If you want to be smart, run. (Ancient Greek saying)
  225. Man is the highest product of earthly nature. But in order to enjoy the treasures of nature, a person must be healthy, strong and smart. (Ivan Pavlov)
  226. A person either plays sports or gets old and gets sick. (Sergey Fedulov)
  227. A person who goes in for sports can even endure cultural life. (Oliver Hassenkamp)
  228. The more difficult the victory was, the more happy you are that you achieved it. (Pele)
  229. Champions are not made in gyms. A champion is born from what is inside a person - desires, dreams and goals. (Mohammed Ali)
  230. Champions keep playing until they get what they need. (Billie Jean King)
  231. To become a champion, you need to be able to lose. (Horace)
  232. to install sports record, you need to properly mock the body. (Georgy Alexandrov)
  233. I am a body enthusiast. (Arkady Davidovich)
  234. I don't expect the right mood. If you wait for it, you will achieve nothing. (Pearl Buck)
  235. I'm not into physical exercise. To make me bend over, you'd have to scatter diamonds all over the floor. (Joan Rivers)
  236. I never do aerobics. Neurosis replaces exercise for me. And I do it every day. (Woody Allen)
  237. I believed then, and I still believe now, that no matter how much work a person has, he must find time for exercise, just as he finds time for food. (Mahatma Gandhi)
  238. I train not to break everyone, but to prevent myself from being broken. (Iker Casillas)
  239. The gluteal muscles are what make chess a sport. (Ashot Nadanyan)
  240. Sport becomes a means of education when it is everyone’s favorite activity. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Finally about sports

Such inspiring and clever words can become a motto for those who are just beginning to comprehend the basics of any sport. After all positive attitude to victories consists not only of regular training and study various techniques and techniques. Wise sayings will create a desire to firmly move towards your goal, without fear of difficulties along the way. Someone will strive to receive sports category, but the most ambitious ones will strive to participate in the Olympiads and set records.

Even if a person just wants to improve his health and find a suitable hobby, then sports activities on weekends will be a great option. Plus, it will be a positive example for the younger generation.

Video: effective motivation for sports

In this video, fitness trainer Denis Semenikhin will tell you several useful truths that will motivate you to exercise:

“When it’s hard for me, I always remind myself that if I give up, it won’t get better,” said world boxing legend Mike Tyson. We have selected the most motivating statements from famous Russian and foreign athletes so that you never give up.

Mike Tyson

If a person gets up after falling, it's not physics, it's character.

Mike Tyson, from the age of ten, helped his older comrades steal, and suffered beatings at home. Mike decided to become a boxer when he was 13, and won his first victory in the ring at 15.

Without discipline you are nothing! Someday you will meet a tough guy who can withstand your most best shots. And he will continue to advance because he is strong. Do not lose your fortitude and courage. This is the time when discipline comes into play.

Tyson will face problems with the law, he will be treated for alcohol and drug addiction. Nevertheless, “Iron Mike” will become one of the most famous boxers in the world and set several world records.

The coach always told me: “You have to beat everyone, you are able to do it, but what happens when they beat you, can you handle it?” And I know I can.

Muhammad Ali

The impossible is nothing.

Cassius Clay, better known as Muhammad Ali, in his first Olympic Games flew wearing a parachute - the future superhero suffered from aerophobia and refused to board a plane without “safety net.” Then there was an Olympic gold medal and three world heavyweight titles.

The most difficult fight is when you have to fight laziness for happiness.

Ali was a pacifist who refused to join the army, he advocated for the rights of African Americans and threw his Olympic medal into the river after a waitress refused to serve him a glass of water because of the color of his skin. He is an idol of several generations and the author of the famous phrase “the impossible is possible,” which in the original sounds even more precisely: “the impossible is nothing.”

Champions are not made in gyms. A champion is born from what is inside a person - desires, dreams, goals.

Lev Yashin

Anyone who wants to achieve convincing victories must try to jump above his head

Olympic champion and World Cup bronze medalist Lev Yashin was the only goalkeeper to ever receive the Golden Ball, a prize awarded annually to the best European football player. This man knew what it meant to not give up. When at the very beginning of Yashin’s career, football did not work out, he did not leave the sport, switched to hockey and even achieved serious success there - he won the USSR Cup.

Any, even the happiest finish is only a precursor to the next start, and past victories, no matter how significant they may be, do not provide any additional privileges.


The more difficult the victory was, the more happy you are that you achieved it.

Pele (real name Edson Arantis do Nascimento), from a simple Brazilian boy who worked as a boot shiner, grew up in best football player XX century. His nickname - the nickname Pele was given to him by one of his friends as a child - turned into a name known to everyone. He won three World Cups and received the unofficial title of King of Football.

Success is not an accident. It's about hard work, perseverance, training, study, sacrifice and most of all, loving what you do or are learning to do.

Larisa Latynina

Teach an athlete to fight to the end for any place, and he will be able to fight for first.

Gymnast Larisa Latynina has nine gold, five silver and four bronze olympic medals. Her name is included in the Guinness Book of Records and in the list of outstanding athletes that adorns the Olympic Hall of Fame in New York.

Never think that you have lost a competition if you still have one last exercise left.

Latynina became the world champion while she was four weeks pregnant. And two months later she returned to the sport again.

One day, while performing a difficult jump on a log, I landed on top of it and broke my tailbone. As a result, I couldn’t sit for a month and stood against the wall during lectures at the institute. But I didn't cry. You can cry from pain, resentment, even from fatigue, but I never cried - neither in training nor in competitions.

On this topic:

Michael Jordan

I can accept failure, but I cannot accept not trying.

The most famous basketball player on the planet, Michael Jordan, knows how to achieve his goals. He's a two-timer Olympic champion, six-time champion of the coolest basketball league - the NBA and one of the richest athletes.

If anything moves me forward, it is only my weakness, which I hate and turn into my strength.

Jordan managed not only to become one of the most popular athletes and turn his name into a brand, but also to earn a fortune. Forbes magazine estimated his 2015 income at $110 million.

When you go towards your goal, an obstacle stands in your way. I've encountered them, everyone has. But don't let obstacles stop you. When faced with a wall, do not turn back, do not retreat. Find a way to overcome this barrier, work on it.

Train at home like the pros with Hollywood trainer Jim Barcena! More details

Kostya Tszyu

Even difficulties in life are needed for something.

When in an interview absolute champion world boxing champion Kostya Tszyu was asked about his life credo, he replied that his motto is “never give up.” In life, an athlete who has won 270 out of 282 fights prefers not to use force. But in training and in the ring he gives it his all.

Someone says that I am talented, my greatest talent was that I could work more than others. Plow.

Tszyu believes that failures can teach you a lot. If you can handle them.

A lost fight always makes you realize that you are doing something wrong.

Outdoor and dacha sports complexes are specifically designed for outdoor sports. They differ from home complexes in the installation method, usually in a larger footprint and in a larger selection of sports equipment.


Universal sports grounds are usually equipped with football, volleyball and basketball stands, badminton stands, etc. Learn more about sports grounds, You can by reading our article.

Activities with infants

Do you think babies don’t need sports? Whatever the case! After all, the physical development of a child is directly related to mental abilities. Morning exercises, exercise on a fitball... There are plenty to choose from!

Physical activity for a child

Want to know what physical activity is optimal for children? What contraindications exist for playing sports? When is the best time to start playing sports and is there physical education for newborns?

“Nothing depletes and destroys the human body more than physical inactivity” (Aristotle).

“Thousands and thousands of times I have restored health to my patients through exercise.” (Claudius Galen).

“You must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be mentally healthy” (Lev Tolstoy).

“With assiduous mental work without movement and bodily labor - real grief” ( Lev Tolstoy).

“Just as clothiers clean cloth, knocking it out of dust, so gymnastics cleanses the body.” (Hippocrates).

“Gymnastics, physical exercise, and walking should become firmly established in the daily life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, and a full and joyful life.” (Hippocrates).

“Great sport begins where health care ends” (Bertolt Brecht).

“No effort is in vain: Sisyphus developed muscles” (Paul Valery).

“Sport does not develop character, but reveals it” (Heywood Brown).

“Nobody remembers who finished second except the one who finished second.” (Bobby Unser).

“A professional is an athlete who has no profession and is forced to earn a living through sports.” (Jean Giraudoux).

“For your team to win the high jump, you need one guy who jumps seven feet, not seven guys who jump a foot each.” (Frederick Terman).

“A person who goes in for sports can even endure cultural life” (Oliver Hassenkamp).

“I want to use whole body gymnastics to make him more balanced” (Socrates).

“If you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you’re sick.” (Quintus Horace Flaccus).

“Whoever gives up physical exercise often wastes away, because the strength of his organs weakens due to refusal to move.” (Avicenna).

If you engage in physical exercise, there is no need to take medications taken for various diseases, if at the same time you follow all other requirements of the normal regimen.” (Avicenna).

“Gymnastics prolongs a person’s youth” (John Locke).

“In the mass development of physical culture and sports, I see one of the best options in the battle for human health, creative activity and longevity” (Petr Kuzmich Anokhin).

“Sport creates a culture of optimism, a culture of cheerfulness”

“The physical education of a child is the basis for everything else. Without correct application hygiene in the development of a child, without properly organized physical education and sports, we will never get a healthy generation.” (Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky).

“Love gymnastics, it will give you good physical development and health, good spirits! My 90 years guarantee you this!” (Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov).

“After walking and swimming, I feel that I am younger, and most importantly, that I have massaged and refreshed my brain with bodily movements.” (Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky).

“Sport becomes a means of education when it is everyone’s favorite activity” (Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky).

“With the help of exercise and abstinence, the majority of people can do without medicine.” (Addison Joseph).

"Football match: a duel between the referee's whistle and the whistle of the stands" (Slawomir Wroblewski).

“Defeat is a temporary state; giving up the fight makes it permanent.” (Marilyn vos Savant).

“He who wants to be strong and brave becomes one. A real man cannot avoid sports. And if he loves a woman, he must be healthy, strong, generous!” (Arnold Schwarzenegger).

“I have no desire to prove anything to anyone, I prove to myself that I can become even better and even stronger with every workout!” (Dwayne Johnson).

“The most amazing feeling is when you know exactly what your opponent is going to do and you carefully lead him to make a mistake. If you play the combination correctly, you win. Pure chess" (Vladimir Klichko).

“To train selflessly for hours, every day, a person needs to give up ordinary pleasures and relaxation. He must have a strong sense of self-denial, a sense of purpose, which will help him in overcoming temptations. A person whose mind is burning with the desire to learn everything on the chosen Path will devote every possible minute to training” (Masutasu Oyama).

“I like that I do something that others don’t do, so I’m a winner!” (Jay Cutler).

“Life is not only wrestling, but also other sports” (B. Krutier).

"What doesn't kill me makes me stronger" (Friedrich Nietzsche).

“If anything moves me forward, it is only my weakness, which I hate and turn into my strength.” (Michael Jordan).

“If I lose, I'll walk away and I won't regret it... Because I know I did everything I could.” (Joe Fraser).

“No matter how many important fights a boxer has, the most important in life is the next one.” (John Ruiz).

“Wrestling is my whole life. It starts with talent, turns into a hobby, becomes a profitable business and profession, but this is not enough to be completely satisfied, to achieve success in wrestling you just need to love it.” (Karam Gaber).

“If a person doesn’t want to run in the morning, nothing can stop him” (Yogi Berra).

“Will is what makes you win when your mind tells you that you are defeated.” (Carlos Castaneda).

"You're not a loser until you give up" (Michael Jordan).

“Becoming a champion is much easier than holding this title and living with it all your life.” (Roy Jones).

“Strength of spirit destroys any strength of muscles!” (Sylvester Stallone).

“The most important thing for success in bodybuilding is education. But this is not a school, not a college or a university, but a constant study of all available information on this issue." (Flex Wheeler).