Three types of loads. Power training. Strength training for bodybuilding Types of training programs

Every self-respecting fitness club has space for a gym and offers strength training in an ever-growing range of fitness services. You have already read about fitness psychologists.

However, I have not seen fitness clubs with a high price for a club card that offer bodybuilding. These clubs say yes to strength training, but don't want to talk about bodybuilding.

The fact is that many fitness clubs say that they are afraid to build up big muscles. Bodybuilding is not only in low demand, but there is a lot of fear about it. Why? And what is the difference between bodybuilding and strength training?

People see nothing wrong with strength training, just like power types sports No one speaks ill of wrestling, boxing, gymnastics, weightlifting or kettlebell lifting.

A long time ago, when the first competitions in the decorative sport of bodybuilding were held, all athletes with well-developed muscles took part in it. For example, the first champion of the USSR was a circus gymnast who trained his body with his own body, and not with strength equipment from Western manufacturers.

The standard of muscularity in the Soviet Union was Chingachgook the Big Snake - actor Gojko Mitic, also a gymnast.

In the pre-steroid era, circus athletes wrestled, lifted barbells or weights and... flexed their muscles - posed.

Go outside now and ask: who is a bodybuilder? More than half of people will say: a person who drinks proteins and takes anabolic steroids.

There is one more negative by-effect on the minds of ordinary people: inflation is the devaluation of the role of labor in the final result.

For example, how do you like this word - “pump up”? Nobody wants to “pump up”, but “pump up”, why not?

If over a period of several years a professional bodybuilder gains 60 kg of pure muscle, then why not “pump up” twenty kilograms of sculpted muscles in a year?

There was such a bodybuilder Phil Hill. Flex magazine wrote about him: “Phil’s hands started working right away. After a year they became 48 cm, after two - 56.” After two years, the “athlete’s” arm became like the leg of an ordinary person.

If you can become the Hulk in two years, then why not at least become Jay Statham in a couple of months?

Crap! Yes, because only cats will be born quickly - the duration of a cat's pregnancy is 65 days - the desired period for “pumping up muscles”, which is voiced by an ordinary person when buying a gym membership.

But human biology is not cat biology. A person grows at a rate of approximately 3-4 kg per year. I'm telling you for those who don't know. After the sperm unites with the egg, a human baby weighing 3.5 kg is born nine months later - about four kilograms per year.

Is it possible to bypass the laws of nature and speed up the growth process? Easily! You just need to create all the conditions for accelerated growth: Lots of food, lots of sleep and growth stimulants. I almost forgot, the most important thing is that there is no work: neither mental nor physical - stress interferes with growth. That's why it's in fashion short workouts 20-40 minutes - no longer possible, because cortisol - maximum twice a week.

During training at home, we perform physical exercises. Depending on the intensity of muscle contraction, the duration of contractions and the force applied for this, they are divided into 3 groups:

  • Power exercises . They are characterized by strong muscle tension at low speed and short duration of movement. They are divided into static and dynamic.
  • Speed-power exercise is dynamic exercises performed at high speed with intense muscle contraction.
  • Endurance exercises. Main sign– duration of execution; the intensity of the load on the muscles and the speed are low.

Strength exercises help reset excess weight, overcome depression, cardiovascular diseases. Regular training at home will increase self-confidence and stabilize mood. Power complex exercise triggers an energy transformation mechanism in the muscles, with the help of which they adapt to increasing load.

The fat layer decreases, muscle mass increases. The body copes better at home and at work with physical activity, becomes more resilient. Bodybuilding is useful for developing the main masculine qualities: courage, willpower, constancy.

“The world has never been interested in weakness. He always stayed strong. That same inner strength that years of training with iron add to us. So the main difference between us and others is not the bulging muscles, but another, incomparably tall and strong spirit"says Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Frederic Delavier, author of the book “Anatomy of Strength Exercises,” explains and illustrates the technology for performing each element of training from the point of view of human anatomy and physiology. The pictures show the colors of the muscles that bear the load, provide recommendations for implementation and warnings against muscle injuries.

For beginners, this encyclopedia of bodybuilding - an indispensable tool for studying at home. Frederic Delavier - French scientist, former weightlifting champion; anatomy and physiology physical development- the subject of his scientific interest.

Anatomical differences

Before choosing a specific set of strength exercises for home, determine your body type. There are 3 types:

  • Mesomorphic– muscular anatomy of the body, wide bones, massive torso, no fat layer;
  • Endomorphic– abundance of subcutaneous fat, lack of muscle development, no athletic qualities;
  • Ectomorphic– thinness, thin bone, weak muscles, thin fat layer.

Training is easiest for mesomorphs, because they naturally have a strong, resilient body. Endomorphs will first have to lose weight and take care of acquiring strong-willed qualities, while ectomorphs will have to intensively gain weight and train endurance. Pure body anatomy is rare; The human body combines signs of different qualities, but one of them predominates.

To determine your body type, measure your wrist circumference. In adult men it occurs:

  • 15-17.5 cm – fine-boned structure;
  • 17.5-20 cm – average bone width;
  • More than 20 cm – broad-boned type.

In women of the mesomorphic type, the figure resembles an hourglass, no overweight, the wrist can be easily grasped with the thumb and middle finger. Endomorphic women tend to be overweight, they have a wide waist and hips, and it is impossible to wrap their fingers around their wrist. Ectomorph ladies are thin, have a thin bone structure, narrow shoulders and hips; When grasping the wrist, the fingers overlap each other.

The main thing is motivation

Regardless of body type, Every person can achieve success by training at home. Strength, speed-strength and endurance exercises not only form beautiful muscle relief. They are good for health and development physical strength and endurance, education of strong-willed qualities in men and women.

Anatomy of Strength Exercise contains the best strength exercises and workout plans for women and men. They start with programs for beginners, choosing them for their body type, personal qualities and adapting them at home.

Motivation to exercise is initially unstable. During the first 6-12 weeks of studying at home, you have to show perseverance, consistency and willpower. There are no visible results yet, and the body is actively resisting the load. If you are overweight, dieting is also difficult.

After 3-6 months, the first visible changes appear. At this stage, the amateur athlete wants to quickly develop the achieved strength qualities, and the danger of exceeding the load is high. It is important to gradually add load at home, changing the program no more than once every 3 months.

The training program for men and women at home is designed for a year. During this period, the amateur athlete thoroughly studies the characteristics of his body, strength qualities and selects for himself effective load. He overcomes the plateau period - getting used to strength training and gradually increases the number, intensity and number of repetitions of strength and aerobic exercises.

Rules for beginners

Before training, warm-up at home or outdoors is required, and after it - stretching. Warm-up example (7-10 min):

  • Running in place – 3 minutes;
  • Rotation of the wrists – 15 times;
  • Swing your arms – 15 times;
  • Rotation knee joints– 12 times;
  • Side bends – 10 times;
  • Bend forward and back – 8 times;
  • Rotate your head – 6-8 times;
  • Swing with straight legs - 6-8 times.

To perform strength exercises at home, you need dumbbells (preferably collapsible), a low wide bench, weights for the arms and legs, a horizontal bar, gymnastic ball. If sports equipment not at home, they use bottles with sand, a bag with stones. Horizontal bar and bars - on sports ground in the courtyard.

For muscle development, acquisition of good physical fitness and there are no obstacles to the strong-willed qualities of an athlete!

Strength training at home is alternated with aerobic exercise (exercise on an exercise bike, treadmill, swimming, aerobics): strength training – 3 times a week, aerobic training – 4 times a week (every other day). Once a month, increase the number of approaches (1-3) and repetitions for each exercise; Between approaches you need a rest of 30-60 seconds.

Program for endomorphic type

  • While standing, do push-ups from the bar – 8-15 times.
  • Squat, holding the ball between your shins – 8-15 times.
  • Lying down, raise straight legs – 8-15 times.
  • Lying down, legs on feet. Raise your arms straight up, simultaneously raise your pelvis and back, maintain balance by leaning on your shoulders – 8-15 times.
  • Stand on a low bench or step of a ladder. Rise and fall on your toes 8-15 times.
  • While standing, raise your arms straight with dumbbells to the sides 6-12 times.
  • Bend over with dumbbells 6-12 times.
  • Seated dumbbell press – 6-12 times.

After training 10-15 minute stretching is required to develop ligaments and relieve muscle tension.

Program for mesomorphic type

  • On your knees, do push-ups from the floor 10-12 times.
  • Squat, holding the ball between your shins – 10-12 times.
  • Stand on a low bench or step of a ladder. Rise and fall on your toes 10-12 times.
  • Lying down, legs on feet. Raise your arms straight up, simultaneously raise your pelvis and back, maintain balance by leaning on your shoulders – 10-12 times.
  • Lying on the ball, raise your opposite arm and leg parallel to the floor – 6-10 times.
  • While standing, raise your arms straight with dumbbells to the sides 10-12 times.
  • Bend over with dumbbells 8-12 times.
  • Seated dumbbell press – 8-12 times.
  • Twisting the body – 8-15 times.
  • Lying on the floor, lift your leg bent at the knee and straighten it, slowly lowering it to the floor - 6-12 times with each leg.

After training, a 10-15 minute stretch is required to develop ligaments and relieve muscle tension.

Program for ectomorphic type

A low repetition rate is used. Instead of aerobic training Walking or running in the air for 15-20 minutes is recommended.

  • On your knees, do push-ups from the floor 8-10 times.
  • Squat, holding the ball between your shins – 8-10 times.
  • With weight on your shoulders, rise and descend with one leg onto a low bench 8-10 times.
  • Side Lunges bent leg with dumbbells in hands – 8-10 times.
  • Bend over with dumbbells 8-10 times.
  • Lying down, legs on feet. Raise your arms straight up, simultaneously raise your pelvis and back, maintain balance by leaning on your shoulders – 8-10 times.
  • Lying on the ball, raise the opposite arm and leg parallel to the floor - 6-8 times.
  • Seated dumbbell press – 6-10 times.
  • Twisting the body – 8-10 times.
  • Lying on the floor, lift your leg bent at the knee and straighten it, slowly lowering it to the floor - 6-8 times with each leg.

After training at home, 10-15 minutes of stretching are required to develop ligaments and relieve muscle tension.

For greater effectiveness, it is better to alternate exercises at home with training in gym(1 workout at home, 2 in the gym). You can compare the load applied at home with the weights when training in the gym, and adjust it. When creating and changing a program To develop individual strength qualities, consultation with a professional trainer is recommended.

The term "strength training" is most often associated with dumbbells and bodybuilding, but in fact it covers a much larger variety of exercises. We can say that strength training is always used when it is necessary to tone any muscle group: banal pumping of the press, which is included in school curriculum, also applies to strength training, as does difficult exercises with weights on power machines. In fact, strength training is the other side of the cardio training coin: while the latter allows you to lose weight, the former allows you to build a beautiful and elastic body with strong prominent muscles. It is this goal - the formation of a strong, toned and beautiful body - that is central to the entire system of strength training.

"works" in the following way: You perform exercises at a low to medium pace that target specific muscle groups, with or without weights. For example, to pump up your abs, you lift your torso and legs, and also perform side bends that work the oblique abdominal muscles. Exercise strengthens muscles and increases muscle mass. In this way, an “iron” and relief press: the more developed the muscles and the thinner the fat layer, the better the outlines of elastic muscles are visible through the skin. Once you reach the desired shape, your mission is not completed: the muscles are prone to gradual atrophy; if you do not continue exercising, they will weaken again, become flabby and slowly but surely become overgrown with treacherous fat. Therefore, you continue to exercise in order to keep your muscles toned.

Power training, although not aimed at intense combustion calories, still the same helps fight excess weight . The fact is that muscles consume much more energy than subcutaneous fat And internal organs. The more muscles you have in your body, the more calories you need to maintain their vital functions, the more energy your body spends daily. Therefore, muscle mass literally keeps you in shape even when you are at rest. Besides, it's good developed muscles play a supporting role skeletal system, spine and joints. Well-developed and strong back muscles, for example, are a determining factor in the development of correct and beautiful posture. In general, the effect of strength training that develops muscles on the body can be called comprehensive and very beneficial in every sense.

Functions of strength training

Despite the narrow focus of strength training, which consists of carefully working out various muscle groups, they perform several functions at once, each of which can be a full-fledged goal in itself:
  • Building muscle mass. Strength training with weights (on weight machines or using simple dumbbells and barbells) in combination with a protein-rich diet provides reliable and sufficient quick results, expressed in building muscle mass. If your fat layer is thin, then the muscle relief will soon become visible, but if the fat layer is significant, then the actual increase in muscle mass will become noticeable by an increase in body volume. If your goal is to build muscle mass, trainers recommend concentrating on gradually increasing the weight of the weight when working certain muscle groups. The weight of the weights and the number of repetitions and approaches are determined strictly individually depending on the physical condition of the person, his initial weight, age, etc.
  • Development muscle strength. There are a wide variety of approaches to developing muscle strength - from the maximum effort method to the “impact” or dynamic effort method. The choice of one or another method of developing muscle strength depends on the goals and training program. For example, best effort method is based on working with maximum (and exceeding maximum) weight of weights; isometric effort method- performing short-term exercises, the tension in which lasts no longer than 5-10 s; method repeated unlimited efforts– repeated exercises with medium or light weights; dynamic force method– performing high-speed exercises with minimal weights. The most complete and harmonious strength training, developed professionally, should, if possible, include several methods at once.
  • Formation of a beautiful body. To create a beautiful toned body Most often, moderate to high intensity exercises with minimal weights are used. If your goal is not to build muscle mass, then classic strength exercises that work different muscle groups are what you need. And performing such exercises in a coherent complex and in fast pace, you get the effect of burning fat and getting rid of excess weight. For example, shaping and power aerobics. However, to strength exercises, forming beautiful body, also include such “eternal” workouts as squats, push-ups, leg raises - without weights, using only weight own body.

Types of strength training

Strength exercises can be divided into three groups according to the type of resistance, which, in fact, forces us to make efforts that develop muscles.

  • Exercises with overcoming your own body weight (without weights)
This type of exercise does not involve the use of weights (dumbbells) or any other equipment. You perform exercises against the opposing force of your body. As an example, we can recall push-ups or pull-ups on a horizontal bar, squats. Efficiency is achieved by a large number of repetitions and deep, correct execution.

In this article, I have compiled bodybuilding training programs based on the principles and articles of this resource. I guarantee that by adhering to these regimens, you will finally be able to quickly build muscle mass.

In my opinion, building muscles is not only physical work, but also intellectual work. It is important to think through and plan everything clearly. And the better you do it, the best results you will achieve it.

That’s why I prepared this lesson so carefully, in which I will tell and show absolutely everything.

  • Training diary+ pen or fitness app for bodybuilding AtletiQ
  • Water (regular without gas 1-1.5 liters, at your discretion)

1) Training diary (step #1 specificity is the key to success)

The essence of the diary: manage muscle growth.

Growing muscle mass is a constantly progressive load.

In order for there to be a progressive load, you need to control your working weights, repetitions, approaches, write everything down in a diary and see what and how!

In this scheme we will use the following load progression (see below for explanations):

1st method. Let's say on Monday you bench press at incline bench 50 kg for 6 reps, this means that the next workout (next Monday) you must do 50 kg for 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 reps (depending on your strength). In any case, if you did one or two or three repetitions more than the previous one, then your task is completed.

Conclusion: That week it was 50 kg for 6 times, this week it’s already 7 times or 8 or 10 (depending on how much you got) = progression of load = muscle growth.

2nd method. Okay, we're up to 12 reps on the incline press. That is 50 kg for 12 times. The next progression will be to increase the working weight, not the repetitions.

That is: 52 kg for 6-12 repetitions you see is no longer 50, already 52 = progression of weights (so, let’s say it turned out to be 52 kg for 8 repetitions, we again use the 1st method of progression - repetitions) we do 52 kg not for 8, and already at 12.

Then again we use the 2nd method and increase the weight = 54 kg by 6-12 (etc.). I think you get the point.

We did less than 12 repetitions (let’s say there are 10, we use the 1st method and increase the repetitions), as soon as we reach 12 repetitions we increase the weight (2nd method).

Oh, and one more thing, you should use progressive loads (both methods) in all exercises, not just the bench press (this is just an example for you).

Conclusion: in order to manage the progression of the load (muscle growth) you need to have a training diary.


Vital during training, because dry mouth will not bring you anything good. On the contrary, it can only cause harm (dizziness, nausea), don’t be afraid, water is not high in calories, you can drink it as much as you like (of course, if it’s plain water, not Coca Cola, etc., otherwise it will already be high in calories) + water during training , enveloping the joints and penetrating into soft fabrics, protects them from injury.

For those who have amino acids in soluble (powdered) form, they can be mixed together with water and absorbed during exercise for maximum effectiveness. (not necessary)

Conclusion: take at least 1-1.5 liters of plain still water with you.

It’s good to have it with you during training and why we’ve already discussed it. Now I present to you the compositions training complex, by day and week.

I identified 4 training programs that I based on:

  • For beginners (3-4 or 2 workouts per week)
  • for intermediate level (split 3 days a week)
  • for intermediate level and more experienced (split both 3 and 5 days a week)
  • for experienced athletes (split 5 days a week)

For beginners (3-4 or 2 workouts per week)

Once you start bodybuilding using this training program in the gym, stick to it for at least 6 months. After which you can move on to the next training program.

The essence of this training program is as follows: we break the body into two workouts using a split. Split - translated from English. split. This means that we will split muscle groups into different days. Namely:

  • Day 1 - Legs, back.
  • Day 2 - Chest, shoulders, arms.

After each such workout in the gym, we rest the next day. If you are not young or have a very stressful job, you can safely take two days of rest instead of one.

Therefore, in a week we will have either 3-4 or 2 workouts in the gym.

  • Day 2. Tuesday - Rest
  • Day 3. Wednesday - Chest, shoulders, arms
  • Day 4. Thursday - Rest
  • Day 5. Friday – Legs, back
  • Day 6. Saturday - rest
  • Day 7. Sunday - Chest, shoulders, arms

Etc. Did you get the point? For those who have a nervous job, constant stressful situations, poor nutrition, if you are already aged, etc. and so on. feel free to add two days of rest instead of one.

It will look like this:

  • Day 1. Monday - Legs, back
  • Day 2. Tuesday - Rest
  • Day 3. Wednesday - rest
  • Day 4. Thursday - Chest, shoulders, arms
  • Etc.


  • Seated leg extension 4xMAX (to warm up the knee joints)
  • Squats 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x8-12 (working sets)
  • Leg press 1-2x8-10 (warm-up) + 3x8-12 (working)
  • Pull-ups (if you can) or chin pull-downs 4x8-12
  • Bent-over barbell row 4X8-12


  • Bench press on an incline bench 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x8-12 (working)
  • Incline Dumbbell Press 4x8-12
  • Barbell press, standing from the chest 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x8-12 (working)
  • Lifting the barbell for biceps 1x10-15 (warm-up) + 4x8-12 (working)
  • Bars 4x6-12

For intermediate level (Split 3 days a week)

First of all, decide whether the first training program continues to work or not?

If you continue to gain strength and muscle mass, then nothing needs to be changed. This rule applies to any training scheme. While the complex physical exercise It works in the gym, don’t change it. If progress is not visible, move to the next level.

The essence of this training program is as follows: we pump the whole body in three workouts.

We train the back together with the deltoids, and the chest with the arms.

We have specially allocated a separate day for legs (this will allow for better training of the largest muscle group). Training days(Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) we adapt to ourselves.

Stick with this program as long as there is progress, it is very efficient system workouts that will give you guaranteed results!

It will look something like this:

  • Day 1. Monday - Legs
  • Day 2. Tuesday - Rest
  • Day 3. Wednesday - Back-Deltas
  • Day 4. Thursday - Rest
  • Day 5. Friday - Chest, Arms
  • Day 6-7. Saturday-Sunday - rest

This is what a training split looks like:

  • Delta's back
  • Chest Hands

Program and selection of exercises:

  • Squats 4x8-10
  • Bench leg press 3x8-10
  • Seated leg extension 3xMAX (finishing exercise)
  • Calf raises, standing 3x8-10

Back deltoids

  • Pull-ups or block rows to the chest 4x6-12
  • Bent-over barbell row 4x6-12
  • Horizontal thrust 3x6-12
  • Barbell press, standing behind the head 3x6-12
  • Pulling (barbell row to the chin, medium grip) 3x6-12
  • Abduction of arms with dumbbells to the side 3x6-12


  • Bench press lying on an incline bench 4x6-10
  • Incline Dumbbell Press 3x6-10
  • Bars 4x6-12
  • French bench press, lying 3x6-10

For intermediate level and more experienced (Split 3 or 5 days a week is suitable)

The essence of this training program is as follows: we train one muscle group during training, the intensity of the training increases, because we have more strength, and we can fully work on a specific target muscle more thoroughly.

This is what a training split looks like:

  • Mon. Breast
  • Tue Back
  • Wed. Legs
  • Thurs. Shoulders
  • Fri. Hands

Program and selection of exercises

Mon. Breast

  • Bench press on an incline bench (30 degrees no more) 4x6-12 reps

Tue Back

  • Pull-ups or pull-downs (for those who cannot do pull-ups) 4x6-12 reps
  • Lever row 4x6-12 reps
  • Leg press 4x6-12
  • Seated leg extension 4x6-12
  • Lying leg curl 4x6-12

Thurs. Shoulders

  • Swings, standing (3 approaches of a drop set, first heavy, medium, light all for 6-15 repetitions, rest 20 seconds)
  • Barbell curl for biceps 4x6-12
  • Hammers with dumbbells 4x6-12

Features of these training schemes (see explanation of the programs)

  • Split 2,3,5 days a week
  • Macroperiodization is mandatory in all schemes
  • There is a progression of load (required in all schemes)
  • Training time - 40-45 minutes
  • Basic exercises in all schemes
  • Work in 4 sets of 6-12 reps
  • Last rep failed

Explanations for all training programs

  • We use smart 2, 3, 5-day splits that do not cause conflicts in the recovery process.
  • We use macrooverodization (we gradually increase the weights at each workout and work in the planned number of repetitions without breaking the schedule - we don’t take more heavy weight than was planned).
  • We keep a training diary, thanks to which we use both methods of load progression (1st method of repetition, 2nd method of increasing weights).
  • We use basic exercises (these are exercises that involve several muscles or muscle groups, in short this heavy exercise which are performed with free weights). Why? How more muscles participates in work, the better for general development muscle mass.
  • We use the golden mean, namely 3-4 working approaches, after 2 warm-up approaches (these approaches include a warm-up + a leading approach, where the warm-up is an empty bar, then add weight (50-60% of the working weight) in the range of 12-15 repetitions. Then add more weight and do a lead-in approach (already 70-80% of the working set) for 8-10 reps. And only then perform working approaches (100%).
  • Each exercise performs 6-12 repetitions. The only exception is the calf muscles (shin) where we perform 15-20 repetitions. Why? The fact is that muscle failure should occur within 10-30 seconds. During this time interval you will have time to perform no more than 6-12 repetitions. But in the case of calf muscles(shin) because there the amplitude is very short, then where we managed to do 6-12 repetitions during this time, here we will have time to do 15-20 repetitions during this time. That's the whole secret to increasing the number of repetitions for the lower leg.
  • If we use FAILURE (that is, the last repetition is a failure), you are no longer able to complete the last repetition of the exercise with the correct technique. Important: failure should occur within 10-30 seconds (6-12 repetitions).

Your actions before training

1) Open your training diary and see previous results for that week.

Then write down:

  • Day of the week (for example, Monday)
  • Muscle group (for example, chest)
  • Number (for example, 07/1/2013)
  • Working weight, sets, repetitions (for example, 50kg x 10 times x 4 sets).

In the last point, it is important to progress (look at the previous results for that week in order to know how much to increase the load now. All this is done in order to control the progression of the load using a diary (see below how to keep it).

How to keep a training diary

I think this method is the most convenient and understandable, but you can use other methods that are convenient for you (the main thing is that you understand the essence).

On the first Monday, I wrote out all the exercises, weights, repetitions, approaches. So that you understand, below is a clear example of how easy it is to do it (but I also added - here we use the 1st method, there is no need to write this, this is for you to understand).

Monday: breasts (07/1/2013)

  • Incline Bench Press 50kg x 6 reps x 4 sets
  • Incline Dumbbell Press 16kg x 6 reps x 4 sets
  • Barbell press horizontal bench 50kg X 6 reps X 4 sets

Next Monday: chest (07/8/2013) - here we use the 1st progression method

  • 50kg x 10 x 4
  • 16kg x 10 x 4
  • 50kg x 10 x 4

Next Monday: chest (07/15/2013) - here we use the 1st progression method

  • 50 kg x 12 x 4
  • 16 kg x 12 x 4
  • 50 kg x 12 x 4

Next Monday: chest (07/22/2013) - here we are already using the 2nd progression method

  • 53 kg x 6 x 4
  • 18 kg x 6 x 4
  • 53 kg x 6 x 4

2) Do a good warm-up. Warm up without weights. For 5 minutes, until your forehead is covered with sweat. Rotate your body, swing your arms up and down, left and right, jump rope...

This is where your imagination comes into play.

The purpose of the warm-up is to warm up the body, muscles, ligaments and joints and prepare the body for strength work.

Then proceed to the exercise, for example, bench press, perform with light weights (50-60% of the working weight) in the range of 12-15 repetitions.

Then add more weight and do a lead-up approach (already 70-80% of the working set) for 8-10 repetitions.

And only then perform working approaches (100%). All these warm-up and lead-up approaches are done in order to warm up and prepare the muscles for heavy strength work.

In the following exercises, the warm-up is no longer so important, you need to look at how you feel (for the psyche, you can also do a warm-up).

3) After each workout it is important to do a cool-down

Cool down - performed at the end of the workout.

Consists of calming exercises to calm the cardiovascular system, reduce the risk of blood stagnation in the muscles, and prevent the appearance of muscle pain, return contracted muscles to their normal state, lower body temperature to normal, etc. You can just lie down and relax.

4) Immediately after training after you enter the locker room, it is important to eat simple carbohydrates + fast proteins

At this time, the protein-carbohydrate window opens, and nutrients are absorbed many times better and faster. But remember, you can eat a full meal only after 30-40 minutes after training, so we eat fast carbohydrates + fast proteins.

For example:

  • Simple carbohydrates (any sweet: chocolate, Snickers, gingerbread, banana, sweet juice)
  • Fast proteins ( Whey Protein either amino acids, gainer, or regular products (boiled eggs).

Combined with proper nutrition, this training regimen will help you achieve fantastic results, believe me, I know what I'm talking about.

Okay, at this point, I gave you three training complexes (2, 3 and 5-day splits), told you about the features and explanations for all schemes, and gave step-by-step actions.

I took away the last set of exercises from these three, because it is radically different from those training programs. You will find out why by studying it!

Now I will share some bodybuilding tricks, namely, I will tell you about the fascia training system, Fascia Stretch Training-Seven (FST-7).” Famous bodybuilders such as Jay Cutler, Phil Heath and others train using this system.

Fascia is a connective tissue membrane that covers organs, vessels, nerves and forms cases for muscles in vertebrates and humans; performs supporting and trophic functions.

When training the fascia, our main goal is to deliver as many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, oxygen, etc. as possible. into the muscle, as well as stretching the fascia that surrounds it - this allows you to achieve maximum muscle growth.

Fascia is a limiting factor in muscle growth, because the muscle grows only as long as there is free space. By training them in 7 sets in a pump style, we can stretch the fascia and thereby make room for muscle growth.

There are 3 types of fascia in the human body, but bodybuilders should only pay attention to one of them - the deep fascia. It is dense fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels of the body.

The high density of this collagen fiber provides the deep fascia with its strength and integrity. Its expandability and elasticity are determined by the number of fibers. In other words, some of us have fascia that is thicker and more rigid than others.

Genetically gifted bodybuilders have thin fascia, so their muscles look larger and more puffy, classic examples being Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heath - these are people with thin fascia. Their muscles expand more easily.

But, for example, Jay Cutler has thick fascia. But as you can see, this did not stop him from gaining more muscle mass, but his muscles look kind of round.

How to train fascia?

You should train with heavy weights using basic exercises, generally as usual within 6-12 repetitions, when you have completed the planned number of exercises for a specific target muscle group, you must perform last exercise(as a rule, in simulators where the load is isolating) in 7 sets of 12-15 repetitions, rest between sets is minimal (no more than 30 seconds, this is the only way we will get the maximum possible pump. (This will be fascia training).

The last exercise in 7 approaches is performed at the end of the workout with the same weight; as a rule, we reduce the weight by 30%.

For example, if you perform 70 kg on the bench press, then 70 * 30:100 = 21 kg. This means that the last exercise (fascia training in 7 sets will be performed with 21 kg).

It is vital to drink as much water as possible during training. At least 1.5 liters, depending on your personal characteristics (sweating), season and your weight. In summer you need more water.

What exercises are best for the 7 sets of fascia training?

Basic compound exercises such as deadlifts, squats, etc. - a bad choice for two reasons:

  • They involve other muscles and prevent them from giving full load to the target muscle
  • Required good technique and balance, which get compromised when you try to complete a large number of sets in a short time.

The best choice is on simulators (because there is an insulating load), which is what interests us.

An example of a compiled training program along with fascia training

I have compiled a specific example of a training program, split 5 days a week (the program is suitable for experienced athletes) for beginners, there is no point in training with it. The usual training scheme, but at the end there is a final exercise, training the fascia, this is what we discussed today.

  • Seated leg extension 4xMAX (as a warm-up, the exercise can be ignored altogether)
  • Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 4x6-12
  • Leg press 4x6-12
  • Lying leg curl 4x6-12
  • Calves, standing in the simulator 4x15-20
  • Calves sitting in the 4x15-20 machine
  • Fascia: sitting leg extension 7x10-15

Tue Breast

  • Bench press on an incline bench (30 degrees no more) 4x6-12 reps
  • Incline dumbbell press (30 degrees) 4x6-12 reps
  • Bench press on a horizontal bench 4x6-12 reps
  • Fascia: bench press or dumbbells on an incline bench in a Smith machine 7x10-15

Wed. Back

  • Pull-ups or pull-downs (for those who cannot do pull-ups) 4x6-12 reps
  • Bent-over barbell rows 4x6-12 reps
  • Bent-over dumbbell row 1 arm 4x6-12
  • Horizontal block row 4x6-12 reps
  • Fascia: horizontal thrust block 7x10-15

Thurs. Shoulders

  • Barbell row to the chin with a medium grip (broach) 4x6-12
  • Barbell press, standing from the chest 4x6-12
  • Dumbbell raises to the side (swings) 4x10-15
  • Fascia: swings, standing (3 sets of drop sets, first heavy, medium, light all for 6-15 repetitions, rest 20 seconds)

Drop sets are sets where you drop weight. For example, take 12 kg for 6-15 reps, immediately take 10 kg for 6-15 reps, immediately do 8 kg for 6-15 reps, and do 3 sets of these with a rest of 20 seconds.

  • Barbell curl for biceps 4x6-12
  • Bars (emphasis on triceps) 4x6-12
  • Hammers with dumbbells 4x6-12
  • Barbell bench press narrow grip 4x6-12
  • Fascia: Biceps curl + Arm extension at the block) superset 7x10-15.

A superset is weight lifting in which the bodybuilder combines two various exercises, designed to work with the same muscle group, performing it without rest. In our case, we did a barbell curl for the biceps and immediately did an arm extension at the block without rest!

I tried to touch on and show you everything, I can’t imagine what else I could add. I assure you, other resources will never share anything worthwhile, at least for free. Therefore, I hope for your positive feedback.

Request: Dear bodybuilding gurus, if you copy information from this site, then at least insert a link to the original source, be human!

Strength and mass training program in the gym. Find out how heavy strength training helps speed dial muscle mass.

Many people who have been training in the gym for several years do not get stronger. Many of them can barely bench press 100 kilograms, and even in Smith. Or do half-range squats with the same weight. Deadlift and military press They don't really like it at all. They build their workouts according to articles from bodybuilding magazines: a bunch of isolated exercises, a huge number of approaches and repetitions. This gives negligible results. Then strength training comes to the rescue.

Today we'll look at how strength training works, how it differs from traditional muscle-building workouts, and look at the most popular training programs.

Benefits of Strength Training

When trying to gain muscle mass, many novice athletes make the same mistake - they avoid strength training.

An approximate chest workout for beginners looks like this:

  • Smith press lying on a horizontal bench - 4-5 sets of 10-12 repetitions;
  • Dumbbell press on a horizontal bench – 4–5 sets of 10–12 repetitions;
  • Incline barbell press – 4-5 sets of 10-12 reps in a super set with push-ups (to failure);
  • Dumbbell flyes lying on a horizontal bench - 2-3 drop sets to failure.

They train in a similar style every day for 1.5– 2 hours, not realizing that such repeated work until a burning sensation is not suitable for amateur athletes. Instead, spend less time in the gym, lift heavier weights, and do fewer exercises.

Beginners think that strength training does not help in gaining muscle mass. This is a huge misconception.

Strength training and muscle gain

There are three main ways to stimulate muscle tissue growth:

  1. Progression of loads;
  2. Muscle damage;
  3. Fatigue muscle cells.

The most important of this is the progression of loads. The easiest way to do this is to constantly increase the working weights.

As a result of this, the muscles receive microtraumas - microscopic cell damage that occurs under heavy load. The body needs to be “repaired” after these microtraumas, for this it is necessary proper nutrition and rest. Then the muscles will recover, and the muscle cells will be able to cope with the subsequent load.

Fatigue of muscle cells occurs due to intracellular and extracellular changes that occur because the muscles are constantly contracting. When you push yourself to the limit and reach muscle failure, the muscle cells become fatigued.

Working with heavy weights and small increases strength and causes severe muscle damage. Lighter work with higher reps means more time under tension but causes less muscle damage.

Many will disagree with this, believing that pumping not only grows muscles, but also increases strength. This is wrong. But what's surprising is that strength work is also great for gaining muscle mass.

If you want to reach your full genetic potential, you need to do more strength training and less bodybuilding style training.

Many people do not understand this and cite the example of famous fitness models with chic shapes who do hundreds of repetitions in training. But you need to understand that when using anabolic steroids the process of gaining muscle mass becomes easier than ever: you just pump and grow. In this case, it is advisable to work in a large repetition range. With high testosterone levels, muscles grow faster, but joints and ligaments cannot keep up with them.Because of this, it often happens.

If an amateur athlete trains in the same style as those using pharmacology: high volume, high number of repetitions, drop sets, super sets, etc., there will be practically no results. You will fatigue the muscle cells, but this is a weaker stimulus for growth than progressive loads. The results will be very slow.

Often in bodybuilding training isolated exercises prevail over the basic ones. This way, progress will be even less, since muscle mass gain is also influenced by the number of muscle cells under load.

Get strong to get muscular.There is no way without this. However, this does not mean that an amateur athlete cannot work in a high repetition range. High repetitions are suitable for experienced athletes, but they will never replace strength work.

The Best Strength Training Programs for Beginners

If you're used to high-rep, high-rep volume training, switching to strength-based circuits can feel overwhelming at first.

You'll be benching, pulling, and squatting some really serious weights. Depending on what training program you follow, you will train some parts of your body less often and others more often. Overall, you will be less tired from your workouts. You will rest much longer between sets. Training will take less time.

Don't be surprised if you want to do more exercises after switching to a strength training program.less between setsor exercise more often. Don't make this mistake. You don't yet realize how quickly you can fall into overtraining if you do too much strength work.

Remember that your goal during strength training is to get stronger, not to burn as many calories as possible or to pound out your muscles.

If you don't have much experience in the gym yet, we recommend sticking to one of these programs.

Strength for beginners (“Starting Strength”)

This program is, for good reason, one of the most popular. Its author, Mark Rippetoe, first published it in 2005, and a third edition has recently been published. If you are a serious sports enthusiast, read this book, even if you do not intend to follow the training program contained in it.

The reason for the popularity of this program is simple: it is simple, effective and tailored for different purposes - increasing strength, gaining muscle mass and developing functional qualities.

“Starting Strength” – training program in the gym

These workouts are quite simple. They are based on basic exercises, and your goal is to conquer maximum weights. At the same time, it is strictly necessary to comply correct technique performing exercises. They are not dangerous, but if you do not follow the technique, you risk injury. This program includes only two workouts.

Workout "A":

  1. Squats with a barbell – 3x5;
  2. Standing barbell press – 3x5;
  3. Deadlift– 1x5.

Workout "B":

  1. Squats with a barbell – 3x5;
  2. Bench press on a horizontal bench – 3x5;
  3. Deadlift – 1x5.

No, we haven't forgotten anything.

As part of this program, the athlete performs only 4 exercises.

A total of 3 workouts per week. During the first month of classes, the training process is structured as follows:

Week #1:

Monday – training “A”

Tuesday – rest

Wednesday – training “B”

Thursday – rest

Friday – training “A”

Saturday – rest

Sunday – rest

Week #3:

Monday – training “A”

Tuesday – rest

Wednesday – training “B”

Thursday – rest

Friday – training “A”

Saturday – rest

Sunday – rest

Week #2:

Monday – training “B”

Tuesday – rest

Wednesday – training “A”

Thursday – rest

Friday – training “B”

Saturday – rest

Sunday – rest

Week #4:

Monday – training “B”

Tuesday – rest

Wednesday – training “A”

Thursday – rest

Friday – training “B”

Saturday – rest

Sunday - rest

Each exercise should begin with warm-up approaches. This will prepare your muscles for the hard work that follows. The first warm-up approach is done with an empty bar, then the weight is gradually increased. For example, if you are squatting a 250-pound barbell, your warm-up should look something like this:

  1. Empty bar (20 kg) – 2x5;
  2. 60 kg – 2x5;
  3. 85 kg – 1x3;
  4. 105 kg – 1x2;
  5. 125 kg (working weight) – 3x5.

How much weight should you perform working sets of basic exercises with?

Working weights should be performed with a weight that allows you to do 5 reps with good form. No more and no less. If you are still a beginner, start with a little less weight and gradually increase it.

Rest time between sets

Rest 2 – 5 minutes between sets. When you begin the next set, you should fully restore your breathing.

When should you increase your working weight?

If you successfully completed 3 sets of 5 repetitions in a workout, next time try increasing the weight of the barbell by 2.5 kilograms. For example, if in workout “A” you confidently squatted 100 kilograms for 5 reps, in the next workout “B” work with a weight of 102.5 kilograms.

If you are unable to do the intended volume with this weight and you are doing, for example, 5, 4 and 3 reps, do not increase the weight of the barbell until you have done 3 sets of 5 reps. If you did 5 reps on the first set, but only 2 on the second set– 3 means the weight is too heavy. When you get to the point where you can no longer increase the weights in both workouts, you need to do a “reset.” Perform just one set at 90% of your best weight.

Scheme "5x5"

This training program was developed back in 1976, and it was originally centered around three exercises: the bench press, the squat, and the clean. She looked like this:

Monday (hard training):

  1. Bench press – 5x5, 1x10;
  2. Barbell squats – 5x5, 1x10.

Wednesday (easy workout):

  1. Barbell clean – 5x5;
  2. Incline barbell press – 5x5, 1x10;
  3. Barbell squats – 5x5.

Friday (medium workout):

  1. Barbell clean – 5x5;
  2. Bench press standing behind the head – 5x5, 1x10;
  3. Barbell squats – 5x5.

How to choose the right working weight in approaches?

For each exercise, you start with light weights and gradually increase it. During heavy training, we select the working weight as follows:

1st approach – 35% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

2nd approach – 70% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

3rd approach – 80% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

4th approach – 90% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

5th approach – 100% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

On light workout We select the working weight as follows:

1st approach – 25% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

2nd approach – 50% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

3rd approach – 55% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

4th approach – 65% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

5th approach – 70% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

A set in which you work for 10 repetitions is performed with a weight of 55% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

For a medium-heavy workout, we select the working weight as follows:

1st approach – 30% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

2nd approach – 55% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

3rd approach – 65% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

4th approach – 70% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

5th approach – 80% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

A set in which you work for 10 repetitions is performed with a weight of 65% of the maximum result when working for 5 repetitions.

How to increase working weight?

It is recommended to increase the working weight in each exercise by 2.5% per week. For example, if at the start of the program your working weight in the bench press is 100 kilograms (for 5 repetitions), then the weight should be selected as follows:

Week #1

Bench Press (Heavy Workout):

3rd set – 80 kg (80% of the maximum result for 5 repetitions).

4th approach – 90 kg (90% of the maximum result for 5 repetitions).

5th approach – 100 kg (100% of the maximum result for 5 repetitions).

A set where you work for 10 reps is performed with a weight of 80 kg (80% of the maximum result when working for 5 reps).

Week #2

This week you increase last week's results by 2.5%. Now yours Weight Limit for 5 repetitions equals 102.5 kg.

1st approach – 35 kg (35% of the maximum result for 5 repetitions).

2nd set – 70 kg (70% of the maximum result for 5 repetitions).

3rd set – 85 kg (80% of the maximum result for 5 repetitions).

4th set – 92.5 kg (90% of the maximum result for 5 repetitions).

5th approach – 102.5 kg (100% of the maximum result for 5 repetitions).

Because you increase the maximum weight quite a bit, the weight does not change in the first and second sets. In the third week, increase the working weight by another 2.5% and continue in the same spirit.

Rest time between sets

Rest 2 – 5 minutes between sets.

If you can't complete the set number of repetitions, you need to take a step back. Work with the same weight you worked with 4 weeks ago.

Scheme “Stronglifts 5x5”

This is a simplified version of the classic 5x5 pattern. It is simple, effective and does not require long periods of time in the gym. This program includes two workouts in total.

Workout "A":

  1. Barbell squats – 5x5;
  2. Bench press – 5x5;
  3. Bent-over barbell row – 1x5.

Workout "B":

  1. Barbell squats – 5x5;
  2. Standing barbell press – 5x5;
  3. Deadlift – 1x5.

Only 3 workouts per week. There should be at least one rest day between workouts. Training process is structured in the same way as in the “Starting Strength” program: in the first week we do workouts A, B and A, in the second - B, A and B.

Start with two sets of 5 reps with an empty bar, whether you're doing squats, bench presses, or standing presses. Then add 10-20 kg and do 2-3 repetitions. Continue adding 10-20 kg at a time and doing 2-3 repetitions until you reach your working weight. Don't rest for long periods between warm-up approaches so as not to stretch out the workout. For deadlifts and bent-over rows, do not do sets with an empty bar. Without discs, you will not be able to place the barbell on the floor; you will have to keep it in the air all the time.

Never start working on a 5x5 pattern without warming up. This will make the weight feel heavier than it actually is, you will do fewer reps, and you may get injured. Start with an empty bar so you get the hang of the technique.

Executions won't be enough. This may work against you. Too much cardio before your workout will tire your legs and make it harder to squat with heavy weights.

How to increase working weight?

The principle of progression is simple: add 2.5 kilograms each time for each exercise. Yes, so in a week you will increase your squats by 7.5 kilograms. Beginners can do this quite well. For experienced athletes- impossible.

Rest time between sets

What to do if there is no progress?

If you can't complete the set number of repetitions, you need to take a step back.

The Best Strength Training Programs for Advanced Athletes

Texas method

This is a common training scheme among intermediate and intermediate athletes. high level preparation.

Like other strength programs, the Texas Method only performs 3 workouts per week. On Mondays, volume training, on Wednesdays – light, on Fridays – very hard (we work with maximum weight).

Week "A"

  1. Bench press - 5x5 (with a weight of 90% of the maximum for 5 repetitions).
  2. Deadlift - 1x5 (with a weight of 90% of the maximum for 5 reps).

Wednesday (easy workout):

  1. Barbell squats - 2x5 (with a weight of 70% of the maximum for 5 reps).
  2. Bench press standing behind the head - 3x5 (with a weight of 70% of the maximum for 5 repetitions).
  3. Hyperextension – 5x10.
  1. Bench press – 1x5 (with maximum weight).

Week "B"

Monday (volume training):

  1. Barbell squats – 5x5 (with a weight of 90% of the maximum for 5 reps).
  2. Standing barbell press – 5x5 (with a weight of 90% of the maximum for 5 repetitions).
  3. Deadlift - 1x5 (with a weight of 90% of the maximum for 5 repetitions).

Wednesday (easy workout):

  1. Squats2x5 (with a weight of 70% of the maximum for 5 repetitions).
  2. Bench press – 3x5 (with a weight of 70% of the maximum for 5 repetitions).
  3. Pull-ups reverse grip– 3 sets to failure with your own weight.
  4. Hyperextension – 5x10.

Friday (hard training):

  1. Barbell squats – 1x5 (with maximum weight).
  2. Standing barbell press – 1x5 (with maximum weight).
  3. Deadlift – 1x5 (with maximum weight).

Alternate weeks A and B to progress in both the bench press and standing press. Volume and light workouts are built on a simple principle: you just warm up and do the planned approaches. On Fridays, work with maximum weights. Each exercise starts with warm-up sets and then you do a heavy set of 5 reps. Each time the weight should be increased by 2.5– 5 kilograms.

How to properly warm up before training?

The first warm-up approach is done with an empty bar, then the weight is gradually increased. For example, if you are squatting a 250-pound barbell, your warm-up should look something like this:

  1. Empty bar (20 kg) – 2x5;
  2. 60 kg – 2x5;
  3. 85 kg – 1x3;
  4. 105 kg – 1x2;
  5. 125 kg (working weight) – 3x5.

How to increase working weight?

The goal of the Texas Method is to increase your lifting weights weekly. So we add 2.5 kilograms every Friday when we do heavy sets with maximum weights for 5 reps. Because of this, every Monday and Wednesday you will start from a new number.

Rest time between sets

Rest 2-5 minutes between sets.

What to do if there is no progress?

If you cannot cope with the volume planned for Monday, you need to reduce the volume of work from 5 to 3 approaches or reduce the weight by 10% of the maximum.Pay more attention, to prevent this from happening.

If you can handle a volume workout on Monday but can't conquer new weight on Friday, which means you need to increase your training volume and intensity on Mondays. For example, instead of doing 5 sets of 5 reps with a weight of 90% of your maximum, do 5 sets of 8 reps with a weight of 80% of your maximum.

Scheme "5/3/1"

The “5/3/1” training program is one of the most common because it is intuitive, does not require specific equipment, and the workouts are quite short. And most importantly, it brings the desired results.

In total there are 3-4 workouts per week:

  1. Barbell squats and assistance work;
  2. Bench press and accessory work;
  3. Deadlift and assistance work;
  4. Standing press and auxiliary work.

Each microcycle of training according to the “5/3/1” system of four conditional “waves”.

After completing all stages, everything starts all over again. The microcycle is built as follows:

Wave No. 1

Approach number

Number of repetitions

Wave No. 2

Approach number

% of 90% of the one-time maximum

Number of repetitions

Wave No. 3

Approach number

% of 90% of the one-time maximum

Number of repetitions

Wave No. 4

Approach number

% of 90% of the one-time maximum

Number of repetitions

Initially, the 5/3/1 program calculates 90% of your one-time maximum, and not of your 5-rep maximum, as in other strength programs. In approaches where “+” is indicated in the number of repetitions, you need to do as much as possible more reps. Each workout consists of a warm-up and three hard working sets. Due to such a small amount of work, the 5/3/1 program is subject to a huge stream of criticism. But this does not change the fact that it works.

It won't suit everyone. If you have several years of strength training in the gym under your belt, 5/3/1 is not the best choice. However, beginners can achieve serious results using this approach. Especially if you include “auxiliary” work in the program (more on that later). This way you will create a combined training style, combining power load and working on your “beach” muscles.

Depending on how often you train, the program will vary. If you training, Each microcycle will last 4 weeks. If 3 times – 5 weeks and 1 day. For four workouts per week, the program looks like this:

Week #1

Workout number



Standing press


Bench press


Week #2

Workout number



Standing press


Bench press


Week #3

Workout number



Standing press


Bench press


Week #4

Workout number



Standing press


Bench press


If you train 3 times a week, the whole process will take 5 weeks and 1 day, which is how long it will take to complete all 16 workouts.

Week #1

Workout number




Bench press


Week #2

Workout number



Standing press


Bench press

Week #3

Workout number




Standing press


Week #4

Workout number



Bench press


Standing press

Week #5

Workout number




Bench press


Week #6

Workout number



Standing press



How to properly warm up before training?

1st approach – 40% of one-time maximum for 5 repetitions;

2nd approach – 50% of one-time maximum for 5 repetitions;

3rd approach – 60% of one-time max for 3 reps.

Between warm-up sets we rest for 60– 90 seconds.

How to increase working weight?

Your goal is not just to increase your one-time maximum, but to make continuous progress after each microcycle. When you have completed one microcycle, increase the maximum weight on the bench press and standing press by 2.5 kilograms, and on the squat and deadlift by 5 kilograms. Calculate further weights from current result. If you feel that in the last, heaviest sets, you still have the strength for a few repetitions, do them.

Rest time between sets

Rest 2-5 minutes between sets.

What to do if there is no progress?

If you have or even regression, complete your microcycle, and then reduce the one-time maximum from which you start by 10% and start over. This should be done only in those exercises in which the result does not increase. Do the rest as usual.

What kind of support work needs to be done?

By auxiliary work we mean exercises that you do in addition to the main four. Only you can decide how much utility room you need. This is done for the following reasons:

  • To make stronger those muscles that “fall out”;
  • To increase your results in the four main exercises;
  • So that the muscles develop in a balanced and symmetrical manner;
  • To gain more muscle mass.

The following exercises are best suited to complement the base:

  • Dips (preferably with additional weights);
  • Pull-ups with direct and reverse grip;
  • Bent-over dumbbell row;
  • Bent-over barbell row;
  • Shrugs with a barbell;
  • Dumbbell bench press;
  • Seated dumbbell press;
  • Lunges;
  • Leg press.

The author of the program calls the auxiliary work boring, but effective. He believes that it is optimal to do heavy approaches basic exercises from the program, then do 5 sets of the same exercise for 10 repetitions, and then do 5 sets of an auxiliary exercise for 10 repetitions.

For example, a squat workout might look like this:

  1. Squats are the main working approaches;
  2. Squats – 5x10;
  3. Lunges – 5x10.

How much heavy weight you will use it is up to you, but it is not recommended to take too much a light weight, with which you can sit down more than 10 times.

Bottom line

Strength training isn't just for powerlifters. Everyone needs them. Strength training- a much more effective (and less time-consuming) way to gain quality muscle mass than classic bodybuilding training with high volume, high repetitions and a bunch of isolated exercises.