Training exercise 5. What are sets and repetitions, supersets and maximum weight. Building muscle mass

The Five Tibetan exercises are designed for the 19 energy centers or vortexes that a person has. Most of them are located on the 12 main joints of the limbs.

The Eye of Rebirth training helps restore the strength and speed of energy vortices. The complex is also able to tone and strengthen the main muscle groups, restore faster and gain good health. physical fitness. Ideally, each of the five exercises should be repeated 21 times. This number was not chosen by chance. It is this number of repetitions that allows you to achieve the desired effect from a set of exercises.

At first, not everyone will be able to repeat the exercise 21 times, but this is normal. You need to start the Eye of Revival or five Tibetans with 3-5 repetitions, gradually increasing their number. The process of approaching the final result is good in itself; it will bring a lot of pleasure to a person practicing according to the five Tibetan system.

Tibetan pearl No. 1.

Stand straight with your feet almost shoulder-width apart? Tuck your tailbone under you and pull your stomach in, arms to the sides at shoulder level.

Looking at some point in front of you. Slowly begin to rotate around your axis until you feel slightly dizzy. You need to rotate strictly clockwise.

To prevent severe dizziness and nausea, at first, you need to perform the first exercise 3-5 times. After finishing the exercise, take a rest - inhale-exhale.

After completing the required number of revolutions, if you feel dizzy or tired, sit down or lie down on the sofa, do not ignore the natural desire of your body.

After a few weeks of training according to the system Tibetan lamas you will train your vestibular system enough so as not to experience severe dizziness. Not allowing long break you must immediately proceed to the second exercise

Tibetan Pearl No. 2

You need to lie on the floor with your back. straighten your legs, stretch your arms along your body, palms on the floor, chin merged with your chest. Raise your straight legs up, perpendicular to the floor, make sure that your pelvis is pressed tightly to it. We always start the exercise with an exhalation. At the very beginning, you need to exhale, while raising your legs and head, take a deep and full breath. Lowering your legs - exhale the same way.

Try not to lose the rhythm, breathe at the same pace, if you can’t do the exercise with straight legs, do it with bent ones, gradually you will learn to do it correctly.

After several weeks of training, you will be able to lift your legs further and further behind your head, the main thing is not to bend them. Then slowly return to the IP.

After finishing the exercise, place your feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale and exhale 3 times

Tibetan pearl No. 3.

You need to kneel down, spreading them slightly so that your thighs are strictly perpendicular. Place your palms under gluteal muscles. Lean your head forward and tuck your chin toward your chest. Gradually throwing your head back, arching your back, straighten chest and bend the spine. help yourself by resting your hands on your hips. At the very beginning of the third exercise, you need to exhale deeply, and while bending backwards, gradually inhale, returning to the IP - exhale. After finishing the exercise, place your feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale and exhale 3 times

Tibetan pearl No. 4

It could seem difficult exercise at first glance, but this is not so. Even elderly sick people mastered it, strengthening their body and spirit. Sit on the mat with your legs straight out in front of you. Your feet should be approximately shoulder-width apart. Straighten your back, touching your chin to your chest. Rest your palms on the floor, fingers should “look” forward. Throwing your head back as far as possible, lift your torso up so that it assumes a horizontal position. Your shins and arms should be perpendicular to the floor, like the legs of a table. After holding this position for a few seconds, return to IP. After finishing the exercise, rest - put your feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale and exhale 3 times

Tibetan Pearl No. 5

The final exercise of the 5 Tibetans complex allows you to consolidate the results obtained and raise your energy potential one more level. Lie face down on the floor, palms should be directly under your shoulders, fingers “look” forward, feet on your toes.

Raise your upper body and stretch your crown to the ceiling, leaning on your hands - this is the starting position, throwing your head back, exhale, bend your spine, leaning on your toes and palms. Inhale - round your back and lift your pelvis as high as possible, while your head hangs down as much as possible.

The body should seem to fold in half hip joints. Try to make the body resemble an acute angle, the apex of which is directed upward. Press your chin to your chest, pointing your head forward as much as possible, as if diving forward, bending in your back and again stretching the top of your head up, exhale. Arms and torso are in the same plane, the torso does not touch the floor.

After finishing the exercise, rest - put your feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale and exhale 3 times.

At the end of the complex, a relaxation exercise is recommended: lie on your back, arms approximately 30-40 cm from the body, palms up, legs straightened and relaxed, all attention in the solar plexus, calm inhalation - long smooth exhalation, exhalation longer than inhalation, all attention in the solar plexus - feel how the energy spreads out, is distributed throughout the body, track your sensations, relax your arms, legs, body, face, feel how warmth fills every cell of yours, your whole body. relax.

Practice the entire set of exercises of the 5 Tibetans and after a month of training you will feel how much it affects your body and will. published

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There are a huge number of exercises and complexes. But perhaps one of the most effective is “5 Tibetan pearls». Ancient technique Tibetan monks will not only make all muscles work, but will also help normalize the functioning of the body.

We are in website We have already tried the exercises and are convinced that they are really simple and do not take much time.

  • We stand up straight, arms to the sides at shoulder level. We keep them parallel to the floor throughout the exercise.
  • We begin to rotate clockwise around our axis until we feel slightly dizzy. To begin with, this will be from 3 to 6 revolutions per approach.
  • We lie on our backs, hands along the floor. Exhale as much as possible.
  • With a deep, smooth inhalation, we raise our head and legs up, trying not to lift our shoulders and pelvis from the floor and not bend our knees. Then, while exhaling smoothly, we return to the starting position.
  • We kneel down, legs parallel to each other. Your knees should be hip-width apart. Hands along the body, palms on back surface hips. We tilt our head forward, touching our chin to our chest. Exhale as much as possible.
  • Inhale deeply and smoothly, at the same time tilt your head back and bend. We try to stick out our chest as much as possible, resting our hands lightly on our hips. On the same exhalation, we return to the first position of the exercise.
  • We sit on the floor, straighten our legs and back. Feet should be shoulder-width apart, palms placed on the floor so that the closed fingers are parallel to the body. Exhale and tilt your head forward towards your chest.
  • As you inhale (we breathe in the same way as in the previous exercises), we tilt our head back as far as possible and lift our torso up. We should be in a horizontal position, leaning on straight arms and legs at right angles. We try to tense all the muscles for a few seconds and stay in this position, then, as we exhale, we return to the sitting position.
  • We stand upright, lying on our hands, bending over. Palms and feet are slightly wider than shoulders. We don't touch the floor with our knees. We throw our heads back and exhale.
  • Together with the inhalation, we raise the pelvis and move into a pose that forms an angle. We press our head to our chest. We try to keep our legs straight, our back and arms should be on the same straight line. Then, as you exhale, we return to the first position. The inhalation in this pose is the same as in the others, but it will take time to get used to inhaling while bending the body and exhaling while unbending. Also, as you get used to the exercise, you can add muscle tension for a few seconds when you reach the 1st and 2nd positions.

General rules

The main thing in execution is regularity. We do the complex once a day. If we want to achieve maximum effect, we increase the number of repetitions of exercises according to the scheme:

  • 1st week - repeat each exercise 3 times;
  • 2nd week - 5 repetitions;
  • 3rd week - 7 repetitions;
  • and so on until 21 repetitions in the 10th week.

If you miss it, it is better to return the number of repetitions to the level of the previous week.

  1. The best time to do it is in the morning before noon, on an empty stomach.
  2. We do not overexert ourselves and do not allow ourselves to become very tired. If it’s hard, we go back for fewer repetitions and let ourselves get used to it.
  3. Let's watch our breathing. Breathe through your nose and evenly.
  4. With a large number of repetitions, we pause between exercises - stand up straight, put our hands on our waists and take a few calm, deep breaths.
  5. After completing the complex, it is better to give yourself a rest, relax while lying down.

Behind long years Since existence, training techniques have become increasingly complex. Show ordinary modern bodybuilders a simple and effective training regimen, and they will laugh at you. They find it difficult to believe that simple training programs can be effective.

They think that working out is difficult and spend more time planning it than doing it. This is not surprising, since nowadays many people like to complicate their lives.

The point is that standard training methods, time-tested, hard to beat. This includes, for example, a 5x5 program (five sets of five repetitions). She was especially loved by Reg Park, Arnold Schwarzenegger's idol, for one simple reason. The program is amazing and correct use Great for building muscle mass and developing strength.

In the presence of a huge amount training methods 5x5 remains one of the most effective programs for increase muscle mass and strength. She's different suitable level intensity and volume, without provoking “burnout” and.

In this article we will take a closer look at the 5x5 program and its correct use. We'll consider various ways increasing the intensity of training to stimulate growth in strength and muscle mass.

If you are tired of complex programs that take longer to plan than to execute, then this program is for you. So let's get started.

What is the 5x5 program?

The 5x5 program involves performing five sets of five repetitions. For example, let's look at the barbell deadlift. First, do two warm-up sets. Then select a working weight and perform five sets. If you successfully complete all five sets of five repetitions, increase the working weight by 2-4 kg.

The 5x5 program involves performing five sets of five reps.

If you want to build strength, take three-minute breaks between sets. If gaining mass is a priority, reduce the rest between sets to 90 seconds. For general purposes, take two-minute breaks between sets.

When planning a 5x5 program, you can practice split training, where in one day you work out top part body, and next time - the lower one.

Or you can do a full body workout 2-3 times a week. Try different options to decide which one suits you best. Regardless of the option you choose, during each workout, focus on complex exercises which include bench press, squats, deadlift, weighted dips, barbell rows, etc. You can give Special attention exercises for individual muscle groups, but try not to get too carried away with them.

Concentrate on the most effective exercises(taking into account the effort expended). You can perform certain exercises quite often, for example, bench press three times a week using the 5x5 technique. Or try Louis Simmons' "pairing" principle for a change.

You can perform certain exercises quite often, for example, bench press three times a week using the 5x5 technique.

For example, on Monday do bench press, on Wednesday do weighted dips, on Friday do bench press. incline bench. You'll avoid overuse injuries, and since the exercises are similar enough, you'll see progress in all three of them and build strength overall.

Examples of 5x5 workouts:

Option 1 (full body workout)



  • A-1: (weighted)
  • A-2: (weighted)
  • - 2×5


  • Saxon side bends - 2×5

Second option: Splits

Monday and Thursday

  • B-1: - 2×5
  • B-2: or - 2×5

Tuesday and Friday

  • - 2×5
  • “Turkish lift” - 2×5 (for right and left sides)

Do A-1 and A-2 in turn. In other words, do one set of A-1, rest for a minute, then do set A-2, rest for a minute, then a second set of A-1, etc. Continue alternating A-1 and A-2 until you have completed all five sets.

5x5 Variations for Accelerated Strength and Muscle Building

Now that you've completed a few rounds of standard 5x5 workouts, you can manipulate certain factors to make the program more intense and tailor it to different goals.

Different lengths of breaks in each training session

Let's say your goal is to build strength and muscle mass. In this case, you can control such a factor as the duration of breaks in exercise. For example, if the main goal of your workout is muscle hypertrophy, take one-minute breaks that day. If the emphasis is on developing strength, take two-minute breaks during training.

The breaks should correspond to completely different sets. In the first case, it is necessary to take two-minute breaks, and in the second, four-minute breaks. An example of this kind of program:

Monday (Two minute breaks between sets)

  • A-1: (from bottom position)
  • “Turkish lift” - 2×5 (for right and left sides)

Wednesday (one minute breaks between sets)

  • A-1: (weighted)
  • A-2: (weighted)
  • - 2×5

Friday (30 second breaks between sets)

To increase intensity, reduce the rest between exercises

Another option for increasing intensity is to vary the length of breaks in each training session. For example, perform five sets of five reps of 140kg squats with three-minute breaks. Instead of increasing the weight in your next workout, reduce your breaks to two minutes and thirty seconds.

When you can do five sets again, reduce your breaks to two minutes. The next time you do five sets, reduce them to ninety seconds. When you get to one-minute breaks, increase the weight by 2-4 kg and start training again with three-minute breaks.

Using this mode, as the breaks decrease, you shift your attention from strength development to muscle hypertrophy. Then you re-emphasize strength training.

This way, the intensity of the training is maintained and it remains challenging and interesting.

Cluster training 5×5

Applying the concept of cluster training to the 5x5 mode is like filling a car with rocket fuel. I learned about the method from Charles Poliquin’s amazing book, “Current Trends in Strength Training.”

Cluster training is a combination of pause-rest training and standard training.

This works in the following way. Take 90% of your one rep max and do one rep. Wait 10 seconds, do another repetition. Continue until you complete five repetitions in a rest-pause style.

After completing all five reps, take a three-minute break and perform another cluster set. Each series of repetitions is equal to one set. Applying this method to a 5x5 program, you need to do five sets of five in a rest-pause style.

What are the benefits of using cluster training?

Thanks to cluster training you get much more intense workout. So if your main goal is to increase strength, you will definitely like it. Either way, the volume of exercise is the same as a standard 5x5 program, making 5x5 cluster training a great option for hypertrophy training (HST).

To further stimulate muscle hypertrophy, reduce the rest time between sets. For example, instead of taking three-minute breaks, take two-minute breaks. Despite the effectiveness of cluster training, it takes some time to put it into practice. If you've never done rest-pause training before, read articles on the topic and start with simpler programs.

Once you are comfortable with both 5x5 and rest-pause training, try combining both methods and start 5x5 style cluster training. It is very intense and three full body workouts will seem quite challenging to many. Try doing two full body workouts per week, with at least a two-day break in between.

Or split your upper and lower training days lower parts body and try working out four times a week. Upper body workout on the first day, then a day off, then a lower body workout the next day, another day off, and then an upper body workout again, etc.

I would also recommend choosing those exercises for cluster training that do not require a lot of time to prepare. For example, the bottom position bench press is better than the standard bench press, where you have to rack the barbell after each rep.

  • (with dumbbell) - 2×5 (standard reps)
  • Take three-minute breaks between cluster sets and two-minute breaks between exercises. Follow cluster training for 4-8 weeks and then return to the standard 5x5 routine.

    Adaptation to High Intensity Training: Start with 5x5

    Ultimately, you can use the 5x5 circuit as a basis for moving into high-volume training. If you successfully complete five sets, stick to the same weight and add another set.

    When you can do six sets, add another set. Continue in this manner until you have done 10x5 sets. When you can do ten sets, increase the weight by 2-4 kg and start again with 5x5.

    This is a great method for transitioning into high volume training and high volume cycling. The most important thing is that this will build your confidence when moving on to high-volume training.

    If you've never done ten sets before, you probably won't be able to handle the volume. By gradually increasing your volume, you prepare your mind and body for the systematic hard work ahead.


    As often happens in life, it's easy to get excited about doing something before actually getting off the couch and taking action. What are you willing to do?

    Try the 5x5 program and build muscle and strength or continue to follow the sophisticated training programs, which takes two hours to complete? Start with a standard 5x5 routine and then build up the intensity as you work your way up to your goal.

    This is an article on strength sports terminology for beginners.
    Sports, like other sciences, have their own terminology. Therefore, many beginners, starting
    to training, at first they don’t understand what they want from them. For you to talk with athletes
    V gym In one language I will explain some initial terms:
    sets, repetitions, rest between sets, superset, maximum strength, basic exercises,
    cardio, free weights...
    I will also show you how to record the necessary parameters in the training program.

    Let's say you did 10 barbell squats, then rested for 2 minutes and did
    10 more squats, again rested for 2 minutes and did 10 more squats.
    In sports language, this means that you did THREE sets of 10 repetitions.
    In this example, the rest between sets was 2 minutes, but the rest could be different,
    it depends on the purpose and the program used.
    The number of approaches and repetitions in each exercise also depends on the purpose of the training.
    Additionally, the training program indicates the load for each exercise.
    Sign up for sports program looks like that:
    Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 3x10/50kg Rest between sets 2 minutes

    Note #1
    IN English language approaches are called "SET"
    Therefore, in our country, too, in the English manner, approaches are often called “sets”
    They say: three sets of ten repetitions. Repetitions in English would be "reps" which is short for the word
    “repetition” which in translation means repetition, repetition.

    Note #2
    Previously, in Soviet sports, approaches were sometimes called “series”
    So the task sounded like this: four series of 12 repetitions

    Note #3
    The recording form may vary
    In bodybuilding it is most often written like this:
    Bench press 3x10/50kg Rest between sets 2 minutes
    This means doing three sets of 10 repetitions with a load of 50 kg.
    In other types of strength sports, the recording may look like this:
    Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 120/3x5 (or 120x3x5)
    This means 120 kg for three times in five approaches, the essence is the same, just the order of recording is slightly different.
    Besides, in strength sports the load may be indicated not in kilograms, but as a percentage of the maximum.
    For example, like this: Squats with a barbell 80%/3x5 (or 80% x3x5)
    This means using a weight of 80% of your maximum and doing five sets of three reps.
    You can choose any convenient recording type for yourself. If you take a ready-made program, then there should be
    it is indicated how approaches and repetitions are designated, what load to use and how much rest between sets
    recommended in this program.

    Superset - performing two different exercises one after another without rest.
    You do the first exercise, then immediately the second, and only then rest - this is one superset approach.
    Then do the first exercise again and immediately the second - this will be the second set of the superset.
    Let's look at an example
    Superset for arm muscles:
    Exercise No. 1 – Standing barbell curl
    Exercise No. 2 – French press with a barbell lying down
    Task: 4x10 Rest 2 minutes
    How to do it:
    First, do the Barbell Curl – 10 reps.
    Then immediately without rest “French press” - 10 repetitions.
    This will be the first set of the superset!
    After this, rest for 2 minutes and do the next set of supersets and so on.

    In fact, there is a short break between exercises in a superset while you change the machine
    or take another barbell or dumbbells. It is advisable to quickly move from one exercise to another,
    so that the break does not exceed 10-15 seconds.

    Maximum weight (maximum strength, one-repetition maximum) is the largest weight that can be
    you can raise in this exercise for 1 repetition. In programs it may be designated as “1RM”
    When people at the gym ask how much you can bench press, they usually mean how much you can bench press for one rep,
    that is, they ask about your maximum strength.
    Attention– for beginners, in the first six months of training, I recommend not lifting Weight Limit
    for one repetition (do not go to the maximum as athletes say). Firstly, it takes time to prepare
    your ligaments and joints to maximum loads, secondly, you need to master and consolidate a clear exercise technique,
    otherwise you can get serious injury. Take your time, develop your capabilities gradually.
    To find out maximum strength, athletes do “walking”, you also need to be able to do this correctly!
    You can’t immediately take and lift the maximum weight... I’ll write more about this in another article.

    Free weights- barbells, dumbbells, weights.
    Basic exercises– basic developmental exercises for a specific sport.
    In bodybuilding, powerlifting and weightlifting it is various exercises with a barbell.
    Additional information in the article - aka cardio training, aka aerobic training.
    These are the following types of exercise: light long running, active walking, aerobics, exercise on an exercise bike,
    stepper, etc. Roughly speaking, these are endurance loads of low to moderate power.
    Basically, these loads are aimed at burning fat, warming up/warming up, training the heart, and developing endurance.

    Friends, so that you do it right, I developed detailed programs training

    Each program contains all the necessary instructions and plans for each workout.
    Each program is unique - you will train with pleasure and get excellent results.

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    One of the most popular weight gain programs today is the 5x5 program. Essentially, this program is designed to work your muscles intensely 3 times a week and give them plenty of time to recover. This program was developed mainly for strength athletes, since it is especially effective for increasing strength.
    However, along with strength, an increase in muscle mass can be observed, provided that the athlete consumes enough calories and nutrients for growth.

    Preparatory work

    Selecting working weight

    During this week, you need to choose a weight with which you can do 5 sets of 5 repetitions. This weight shouldn't be too light, you shouldn't feel like you can do much more. Also, the weight should not be so heavy that you would not be able to complete the required number of repetitions with it.
    One of the most significant factors of this program is that you are actually doing 5 sets of 5 reps. This - key factor, which must be completed for the program to bring you progress!
    Before starting the first week, it would be a good idea to determine what maximum weight you can perform 5 repetitions in one set with for each exercise (to be described later). During the first week, use a weight that is less than what you determined in the test. To determine your weight, you can use the CoolBody Calculator. If you know how much weight you can do for a single rep max, then divide it by a factor of 1.2 to get the weight for 5x5.
    If in the first week you managed to complete the planned number of repetitions, the next week increase the weight by 2.5-5 kg ​​(depending on the working weight). If you were unable to complete all 5 sets of 5 reps, the next week keep the weight the same and try to complete 5 reps on each set. If you are unable to complete new weight in 5x5, then it is necessary to increase the weight more moderately.
    Over the course of 4-6 weeks, you will gain the new weight and see a significant increase in strength, provided your body is getting enough calories. Although it is sometimes possible to notice strength gains while not consuming enough calories, this is very rare, especially in advanced athletes.

    Peak phase

    So, you have completed the preparatory phase (4-6 weeks). It's time to move towards the peak phase. For the first two weeks, you'll lower the reps and increase the weight using a 3x3 pattern. As each set gets heavier, you can continue to increase your strength and therefore your single max.
    Perhaps you decide to do squats twice a week instead of three times, which will give you big muscles legs have more time to recover, especially during very intense training.
    During these few weeks, the most important thing to focus on is not so much doing all the reps, but rather increasing the weight. This is your peak phase, at the end of which you reach a new level.
    Finally, in the last week of the cycle, you can move up to one set of three reps, or two sets, or even try a single set with your maximum weight.

    It's important to note that not everyone will choose to do single reps, one set of 3 reps, or even 2-3 weeks of 3x3 while continuing to do 5x5, or finish the cycle. And this is acceptable. It is also important to remember about the technique of performing the exercise, since the fewer repetitions you do, the higher the risk of injury.