Training in parts. Exercises for problem areas. Fitness for problem areas: waist, abs, legs, arms A set of exercises for women’s problem areas

Did you get the breeches on your hips? Can't button your jeans? Does a heavy butt poison your existence? Do not give up! " Problem areas"not hopeless! The main thing is to know. Which side should you take them from?

"breeches"? As easy as pie!

Where do "breeches" come from? The solution is simple. Fat molecules are like sand in the bloodstream. Where the “flow” is fast, the bottom of the bloodstream is clean. Well, there. Where blood stagnates, fat molecules precipitate. Here you go body fat! You make all movements with your legs back and forth. Blood circulates vigorously in the same direction. Because on the front surface of the legs, above the knees, there is no trace of fat. There’s no way he can resist here! But the “sides” of your hips are a quiet whirlpool. The blood stagnates and fatty molecules settle out like sludge. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to understand what the solution is. Right! It is necessary to direct the blood into these same “breeches” and thoroughly rinse the tissues from fatty deposits! Traditional exercises Not good for feet. This is again a back and forth movement. What then? Here's what!

Has your stomach fallen out? Pull it in!

The talk that “I trained my abs with all my might, but I just don’t have a six-pack” is a lie! Means. I didn’t train enough! World fitness experience says: you get as much as you work! If you're serious about getting a flat stomach, get ready to do some killer work! First, remember, this is work from home. You go to the fitness club two or three times a week, but that’s not enough for your abs. The press needs daily loads! Well, this is only possible at home. But! Never train your abs in the morning! The ligaments in the spine have softened overnight, and an unfortunate injury is possible. Best time- in the evening, an hour and a half after dinner. Secondly, you can’t do without a training ball! I'll have to buy it.


And further. Immediately after sleep, stand in front of the mirror and do “vacuumization”. Place your hands on your sides as if you are about to squat and draw in your stomach. Very very! Let go. Do this 50-100 times. Then switch to delays: pull in and hold until the count of ten! Do this exercise throughout the day. We need to get up to 600 “vacuumizations”!

This exercise is easy to perform and specifically targets the gluteal muscle.

show the exercise technique

  1. get down on the floor (mat) and sit down, bend your right leg at the knee, rest it on the floor and clasp it with your arms
  2. try to keep your back straight
  3. straighten left leg, pull the sock towards you and lift it above the floor
  4. holding your leg suspended, move it to the side as far as possible, and then return it to its original position
  5. Without lowering your left leg to the floor, perform the required number of repetitions, and then repeat the same with your right leg
  6. perform the required number of times
15 reps

Exercise No. 3

Push-ups with narrow setting hands are also often called “narrow” push-ups or push-ups narrow grip. Regardless...

show the exercise technique

  1. lower yourself onto the mat and rest on your knees and palms
  2. place your palms approximately below shoulder level
  3. Please note that the back and buttocks should be in a straight line: do not “drop” your stomach down and do not lift your pelvis up
  4. spread your shoulders back, but do not squeeze your shoulder blades
  5. The head should remain in line with the spine: do not lower it down or throw it back
  6. direct your gaze straight ahead
  7. slowly lower yourself down, bending your arms and moving your elbows back
  8. as you exhale, straighten your arms and return to the starting position
  9. V this exercise, the load on the triceps will be greater, the closer your arms are to your body; accordingly, the closer your palms are to each other
  10. perform the exercise the required number of times
15 reps

Exercise No. 4

Arc swings are a rather unusual variation of the classic swings. The advantage of this exercise is that it...

show the exercise technique

  1. straighten your left leg and pull your toes towards you
  2. describing an arcuate trajectory, place your left leg behind your right and touch the toe to the floor
  3. after that, also “in an arc,” lift your leg and move it to the left and touch the floor with your foot, turning your toe slightly inward (this will engage the muscles of the inner thigh)
  4. make sure that your back and body are fixed and as motionless as possible
  5. try to perform the movement in the greatest possible amplitude
  6. repeat swings with a straight leg in an arc as many times as necessary
15 reps

Exercise No. 5

Bent leg swings are a classic isolation exercise for working the buttocks. It is easy to implement and does not...

show the exercise technique

  1. get down on the floor (mat) and place emphasis on your elbows and knees: your knees should be strictly under your hips, and your palms under your shoulders
  2. maintain a natural arch in the lower back, but make sure that your back is not arched down too much
  3. look down in front of you
  4. bend your left leg at the knee to an angle of 90 degrees and slightly pull the toe toward you
  5. begin to raise your leg as high as possible without changing the angle knee joint, and then lower it to the starting position
  6. make sure that your back and body as a whole are fixed and as motionless as possible, and movement occurs only in the hip joint
  7. the same exercise is performed for the right leg
15 reps

Exercise No. 6

This exercise is aimed at training the oblique abdominal muscles. In addition, it will help stretch back surface legs

show the exercise technique

  1. stand on your palms and toes: position your arms and legs slightly wider than your shoulders
  2. lift your pelvis up so that the silhouette takes the form of an inverted V
  3. touch your right foot with your left palm
  4. It is very important that while performing this movement you twist the body and, accordingly, feel the work of the oblique abdominal muscles
  5. return to the starting position and perform the same touch right hand left foot
  6. try not to bend your knees too much and lower your heels as close to the floor as possible - this will stretch the back of the thigh
  7. repeat as many times as necessary
15 reps

Exercise No. 7

Lead bent leg- the simplest exercise to work the buttocks and outer surface hips at the same time...

show the exercise technique

  1. get down on the floor (mat) and rest on your elbows and knees: knees under your hips, and palms slightly further than shoulder level
  2. maintain a natural arch in your lower back
  3. gaze directed downward in front of you
  4. bend your left leg at the knee to an angle of 90 degrees and pull the toe towards you
  5. move your left leg to the side, and then return it to the starting position
  6. make sure your back is as motionless as possible
  7. the same exercise is performed for the right leg
  8. perform the required number of times (for two legs)
15 reps

Exercise No. 8

Static plie squats will help to significantly strengthen the muscles and “tighten” the inner thigh, which is usually...

Breast shape
Every woman has beautiful breasts as a source of pride. But if your breasts are far from perfect, know that not everything is lost. A special set of exercises for the chest will help you stay in shape.

Special exercise
1. Let's stand up straight or sit down, take an elastic band or expander and stretch our arms forward at shoulder level, while straightening our shoulders and back. We stretch an elastic band or expander in our hands, spread our arms out to the sides as far as possible and hold for 10 seconds at the extreme point, then slowly return our arms to the starting position. Let's do 15 or 20 repetitions.

Additional exercises
1. We do push-ups from the sofa. Let's resist with outstretched arms on the sofa, legs straight, toes to the floor, palms directly under the shoulders. We bend and straighten our arms so that our chest touches the sofa. We don't spread our elbows. Let's do it 15 or 20 times

2. Let's lie on the floor, bend our knees and rest our feet on the floor. Let's stretch our arms with dumbbells up in front of us. Slowly spread our arms to the sides, do not touch the floor with our hands and linger for 10 seconds at the extreme point. When raising your arms, make sure that the spine does not arch, but presses against the floor. Let's repeat the exercise 20 times.

Full hands
You wear long sleeves and do not raise your arms high, otherwise your loose skin starting from the elbow to the armpit.

Special exercise
. Let's stand up straight or sit on a chair. Let's take dumbbells weighing from 2 to 5 kilograms in our hands, lift them in our hands above our heads and bend our elbows, while placing the dumbbells behind our heads. Raise both arms above your head, straighten your elbows. If it is difficult to exercise with two dumbbells, then take one and hold it with both hands, then increase the load. We make sure that our back is straight and we don’t sway. Do not spread your elbows wide, keep them closer to your head. Repeat the exercise 10 or 20 times, doing 2 or 3 approaches.

Additional exercises
1. Let's stand straight, put our feet shoulder-width apart, and bend our arms with dumbbells slightly at the elbows. Raise your arms to the sides, then lower them down, without turning your hands outward. Let's do the exercise 8 or 10 times.

2. Let's stand straight, stretch our arms out to the sides at shoulder level. With straight arms, we describe full circles in one direction for a minute, and then we describe circles in the other direction in the other direction. Let's make 15 circles in each direction.

3. Let's lie on our stomach, place our hands with dumbbells, palms up along the body. Keep your neck relaxed, stomach and back tense. From this position we raise our arms up in fast pace. We start with 10 repetitions, and gradually increase to 50 repetitions.

Shoulder blades are a problem area
The bottom strap of the swimsuit emphasizes the fold of fat under the shoulder blades, so you don’t take pictures on the beach, but prefer to turn your back to the lens.
Special exercise
1. Let's lie on our stomachs and take dumbbells in our hands. Making dumbbells circular movements, in both directions in turn 20 or 25 times.

Additional exercises
1. Let's lie on our stomachs and take dumbbells in our hands. Let's spread our arms to the sides, raise them and hold them a little in this position 20 or 25 times.

2. Let's lie on our backs. We spread our arms to the sides and forcefully press our hands onto the floor. Let's do 25 compressions.

Problematic armpit skin
You don’t like wearing tank tops and a corset, since unaesthetic folds near the armpits only spoil the whole look.

Special exercise
1. Bend your elbows in the middle of your chest, palms together, fingers pointing up. We press our palms on each other, as if we are squeezing something in them. We alternate several seconds of compression with relaxation. We repeat at least 30 times.

Additional exercises
1. Let's lie on our backs, bend our knees, rest them on the floor, take dumbbells in our hands and lift them up above our shoulders. The arms and body form a right angle, then we spread our arms to the sides, simultaneously bending them at the elbows. Let's return to the starting position. Repeat 15 or 25 times.

2. Let's stand up, put our feet wider than our shoulders, and stretch our arms with dumbbells forward. Let's alternately bend at the elbow, then one arm, and then the other. Repeat 20 times for each hand.

Waist is a problem area
You don't need a belt or belt, they can only emphasize the complete absence of a waist.

Special exercise
1. Let's stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended to the sides parallel to the floor. Let's turn to the right, move our right hand back, and left hand take it to the right, touch the chest. Hands should follow in the same direction as the body. Keep your back straight and fix your hips. We achieve maximum amplitude. Then we turn to the left, move both arms to the left. Let's perform 30 turns in each direction.

Additional exercise
1. Let's lie down, bend our knees, place our feet on the floor, stretch our arms to the sides. Let's lower both knees to the left, and pull the body and left arm to the right, then vice versa. Let's perform 20 movements in each direction.

The stomach is a problem area
Loose, high-waisted dresses will suit you; others just won't be able to hide your belly.
Special exercise
1. Let's lie on the floor, put our palms under our buttocks to support our back, and straighten our legs. Raise your legs above the floor 40 or 50 degrees and lower them to the floor. Let's do it 20 or 30 times.

Additional exercises
1. Let's sit on the edge of the chair and hold the seat with our hands. Slowly raise your straightened legs and reach right angle between the body and legs. We work with the lower press, without arching our back. Let's lower our legs and do 15 lifts.

Sides are a problem area
You don't wear jeans and a short t-shirt, and there is no strip of skin between them, as excess fat can be seen above the waistband of your pants.
Special exercise
1. Let's stand straight, put our feet shoulder-width apart, lower our arms with dumbbells weighing from 2 to 5 kilograms along the body. Let's tilt in right side, while we will slide the dumbbells with our right hand down the leg, and raise our left hand up. Then we will return to the starting position. Let's do the exercise in the other direction. Let's do 15 or 25 tilts in each direction.

Additional exercises
1. Let's stand straight, place our feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on your belt or raise them to shoulder level. We move our shoulders to the right, pulling our body behind them, leaving our hips motionless, as if they were ossified.

Inner thighs
When it’s hot, you wear tights, because your inner thighs and legs will look ugly in minis and loose skin will be visible.

Special exercise
1. Let's lie on the floor and raise our straight legs up. Let's spread our legs a little to create an acute angle between them. Let's stretch our toes towards the ceiling, knee straight, hold them in this position for 15 seconds.

2. Then we spread our legs to a right angle and hold them in this position for 15 seconds. Finally, we spread our legs very wide, so that the knee remains straight, we continue to pull our toes, and we hold for 15 seconds. Let's continue the exercise in the reverse order (acute angle and right angle) holding this position for 15 seconds. Let's lower our legs for 15 seconds and relax. Let's start the exercise again.

Gradually, depending on the sensations, you will feel a slight tension, muscle tremors, increase the delay time to one minute, the number of repetitions up to 10 times.

Additional exercise
1. Let's stand straight, legs together, hands resting on the back of a chair or resting on our belts. Raise your extended right leg high up, without bending or lowering it. Let's do 20 swings. Then we repeat the exercise with the left leg.

Cellulite on the buttocks
A tunic will be your salvation; it will hide cellulite buttocks.
Special exercise
1. Let's lie down, bend our knees, place our feet on the floor, stretch our arms to the sides. Let's tighten our buttocks. Slowly raise your hips up, do not lift your head off the floor or lift your shoulders, and bend your lower back a little. Let's return to the starting position and relax our buttocks. Repeat 15 or 20 times.

Additional exercise
1. Let's sit on the floor, lean on our right arm, bent at the elbow. Let's place the foot of the left leg, crosswise behind the thigh of the right leg, then the right leg will be under the left leg bent at the knee, place the elbow of the left hand on the left thigh.

2. Raise your right leg 40% from the floor, bend and straighten it slightly, hold it in this position for 10 seconds. We perform until we feel tension in the muscles. Then we will perform an exercise for the left leg, leaning on the left hand and right leg.

Full knees
You wear maxi length so no one can see your ugly fat knees.
Special exercise
1. Let's stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, take dumbbells in our hands and press them to our shoulders. Let's do 15 lunges and squats.

Additional exercises
1. Let's stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down along the body. Let's rise on our toes, then lower ourselves onto our heels, squat down a little, and stretch our arms forward so as not to lose our balance. Then we return to the starting position and squat down a little again. Let's do 15 or 25 repetitions.

2. Let's assume a position as if we were sitting on a chair, bend our knees, and stretch our arms forward. Let's stay in this position longer for good result You will be in this position for 10 or 15 minutes. Let's do the exercise 2 or 3 times a day.

Knowing all the problem areas and doing exercises, you can cope with these problems. For women, this will be a good guide to take care of your figure and bring it back to normal.

Do you think you won’t be able to celebrate this summer again as you would like? You will still have time to get rid of problem areas with our training. Fitness for problem areas will help you meet the summer fun and happily!

The beach season will begin soon. So why does this shock you instead of make you happy? Problem areas in your figure should no longer bother your mind! After all, it is special complex classes from Jillian Michaels will help you solve this little harmful problem. Do the exercises in the order given. Try not to rest in between to burn more unnecessary calories! Also, don’t forget about the need to warm up and cool down, and follow a nutritious diet.

Exercises for problem areas

Prepare 2-4 kg dumbbells and a jump rope in advance. Take just three days a week out of your busy schedule to study. When you are done with the warm-up, perform each exercise for one minute and repeat the entire complex about three times. It is useful to add cardio training here (do it about 2 times a week).

Warm-up starts with jumping rope or on the spot and lasts 30 seconds. Next, do jumping with touches, devoting the same amount of time to them. Repeat twice.

Jumping with touches will warm up your body. To perform the exercise, place your feet together, lower your arms along your body, and stand straight. Now jump up, spreading your legs apart. When you land, bend your knees and touch the floor with your right hand, reaching back with your left. Next, jump up, keeping your feet together. You need to “jump” like this for a minute, not forgetting to change hands.

The warm-up is over.

Fitness for problem areas

Attention. You can pick up a 5kg pancake

* - The service is in beta testing

In the press and plie exercise, the muscles of the arms, shoulders, buttocks and legs are worked. Stand up straight. Spread your legs quite wide, turning your toes outward. Now take the dumbbells, bending your knees and your arms at the elbows: at shoulder level, hold them with your palms facing away from you. Now stretch up, rising on your toes and raising your arms above your head. Return to IP (starting position). To make it more difficult, always keep your legs half-bent.

The pullover and bridge exercise uses stabilizer muscles, as well as. Lie on your back, press your feet firmly to the floor, bend your knees. Stretch your arms palms up behind your head along with the dumbbells. Now straighten your right leg up, raising your hips and at the same time lowering your arms along your body. Return to IP. Change legs every 30 seconds.

When performing a side plank with crunches, you will force the stabilizer muscles to work. Lie on your left side with your legs together. Leaning on your left forearm, bend your right arm and throw it behind your head. Raise your hips so that they are in line with your shoulders and feet. Now curl your right shoulder forward towards the floor and repeat the movement back. Return to IP. Change sides every 30 seconds.

Now proceed to perform the lunge-knees-touch exercise, which involves the abs, legs, back and shoulders. Many types of fitness work these muscle groups. Just stand straight with your feet together. Straighten your arms up along with the dumbbells. Lunge back with your left leg, place your right foot next to it, and drop to your knees. Now sit on your heels and try to touch your left foot behind your back with your right hand, and your right foot with your left. Repeat everything in reverse order. Return to IP. Don't forget to change legs. The exercise takes a minute.

So, now let's move on to the deadlift with alternating legs, which involves the muscles of the arms, legs, chest and back. Take a lying position with dumbbells. Bend your right arm at the elbow and press it to your side. Return to IP. Now jump forward first with your right leg, then with your left. Return to IP and change hands. You can add push-ups, which is beneficial.

Last exercise- this is a squat-turn . Here the emphasis is on stabilizers, biceps and shoulders, legs and buttocks, which are also well strengthened with the help. Straighten up, put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along your body, squeezing dumbbells in them, and squat down. Now, standing up, bend your elbows, pulling the dumbbells to your shoulders. Next, straighten them and stretch up to the left with your right hand, turning your body. Return to IP. Do this exercise for about a minute. Don't forget to change sides.

Here is another version of a simplified program for problem areas.

Did you like the article? Like it and don’t forget that this workout for problem areas will help you get rid of them. Don't ignore this exercise system. Besides, it doesn’t matter what age you are: 20, 40 or 50! It is useful to do fitness - and this is not discussed!

Many women have “problem areas,” or places in the body where more fat is stored and is difficult to get rid of. In most women these areas are usually the thighs, buttocks, in some women the triceps (back of the arm), and deposits on the waist. After dieting for weight loss and toning those problem areas, the last thing you want to do is get excess fat back. If you don't support proper diet- you will gain excess fat again and, most likely, in these areas. We'll tell you why these areas exist and then lay out a plan for keeping these areas toned and sexy while adding muscle mass.

Just accept that some areas of the body have more receptors that block fat processing than receptors that stimulate it. In men, these areas are - lower press and waist. For women, these are the thighs and abdomen. We'll discuss the physiological factors that control fat loss and then introduce a cardio protocol for hard-to-burn fat, as well as beneficial supplements for fat loss.

Although all cells contain fat, it is primarily stored in muscle (intramuscular triglycerides) and adipose tissue (body fat). Adipose tissue is the main location of fat in the body and the fat that we strive to lose. Adipose tissue divided into individual cells is called an adibocyte. These adipocytes hold accumulated triglyceride droplets (1 molecule of glycerol bound to 3 fatty acids), which serve as a source of energy for the body. These drops are 95% adibocytes. In order to use this stored potential energy (60,00 – 100,000 kcal) and lose fat, lipolysis must be mobilized - the breakdown of fat (the breakdown of triglycerides).

Lipolysis breaks down triglycerides into a glycerol molecule and 3 separate fatty acids. Fatty acids are released from adipocytes and bind to plasma albumin (a protein in the blood) to travel to active tissues where they can be burned. To lose body fat, fatty acids must be burned!

Transporting fatty acids for burning!

Blood flow is important for transport fatty acids from adibocytes to active tissues, where they can be burned. This is especially important during exercise when the amount of energy required increases.

Low blood flow can cause fatty acids to accumulate in adipose tissue, which reduces the amount of fatty acids available for oxidation and increases the chances that fatty acids will be converted back into triglycerides. Areas with hard-to-burn fat (thighs and buttocks) have been found to have poor blood flow. For this reason, we need to increase blood flow to get rid of these areas. So which one The best way improve blood flow? Exercises! In addition to this, some supplements may also increase blood flow (more on this below). Increased blood flow promotes weight loss by transporting fatty acids to places where they can be burned.

Fatty acid oxidation – burning body fat

When fatty acids enter muscle tissue, they move into muscle cells. IN muscle cells they can bind back to glycerol to form triglycerides and be deposited in the muscles, or they can bind to intramuscular protein and be used to create energy in the mitochondria. In mitochondria, fatty acids undergo beta-oxidation, which means they are burned to produce energy.

We want fatty acids to be burned in the mitochondria. Increasing your energy requirement during exercise is the best way to see results, but there are also supplements that can provide you with additional support.

Let's summarize

  • Areas of difficult-to-burn fat are due to a high density of Alpha-2 receptors and poor blood flow
  • Lipolysis must be increased to burn fatty acids
  • Blood flow to adipose tissue and transport of fatty acids from adipose tissue are essential for fat loss
  • Fatty acids must be burned for body fat loss to occur.
  • Exercise is the best way to increase blood flow to fat tissue, transport fatty acids and oxidize them

This knowledge allows us to choose supplements that help burn hard-to-burn fat. The next section will talk about how to help you burn hard-to-burn fat and then highlight some supplements that can help you burn fat in problem areas.