Leg training on an exercise bike. The benefits and harms of an exercise bike. What does an exercise bike do: what muscles does it train, how many calories does it burn? What muscles work on an exercise bike?

There is an opinion that to keep your body in shape you need to work out in the gym. But the same results can be achieved at home, as they say, if there is a desire. Moreover, today the market is overflowing with new technical means, the use of which will make training as effective as possible. Such means include exercise bike, whose popularity needs no proof.

How to use this machine to lose weight? What preparation is needed before classes? Which program to choose to achieve best results? The answers to these and other questions will be discussed in our material.

If initially only professionals in the world of sports could exercise on equipment like exercise bikes, then in the 90s they became available to the masses. But then not everyone could afford to purchase such a simulator, but today it is available to everyone. There are exercise bikes for sale at home and almost every fitness club has them in stock, you just need to buy a subscription.

This is a cardio simulator with which it is possible to carry out aerobic training in an intensive mode to increase endurance, work out the heart muscle in the direction of strengthening it, and also for the purpose of:

  • losing weight;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • development and strengthening of leg muscles;
  • heart development;
  • make your figure fit and slim;
  • development of the respiratory system.

The results of training on exercise bikes live up to expectations, since this device allows you not only to effectively burn calories, but also to solve the problem of accumulated fat, transforming it into energy. It is also important that during such activities it is almost impossible to get injured. In addition, such training is not contraindicated for people experiencing problems with joints and the spine.

If we compare training on a bicycle station with training on a treadmill in terms of the number of calories consumed, then there is practically no difference between these trainings in this indicator. According to the results of the study, about 500 kcal are burned in one hour of such exercise. As a result, a person who regularly trains using this device develops sculpted calves and a slimmer waist, hips, and buttocks.

Read more about the benefits of working out on an exercise bike at home:

  • the ability to exercise at any time, regardless of weather conditions;
  • no special shoes, helmet or other equipment is needed for convenience and safety;
  • no risk of receiving;
  • compactness of the simulator;
  • control over the state of the body and the effectiveness of training.

IN modern models computer equipment is provided, thanks to which it is possible to monitor indicators: calories burned, pulse, kilometers traveled and others. Also, the ability to select intensity modes helps in the matter of proper distribution of loads. The device is designed so that anyone can achieve results, even if they are sports training at a minimum level.

Main rules of classes

At first glance it seems obvious that in order to lose weight and create a beautiful and slim figure You just need to turn the pedals. However maximum benefit from classes will be achieved subject to a competent and serious approach, and not with unsystematic intense loads.

The effectiveness of classes depends on the following parameters:

  • compliance with technique, body position;
  • optimal load limits;
  • monitoring indicators;
  • equipment;
  • compliance with basic fitness rules.

Each of the parameters needs to be considered in more detail.


A prerequisite for effective training is adherence to technique. Beginners most often make several mistakes when exercising on an exercise bike, including incorrect position of the back, namely its deflection in the lower back. It is important that the back is relaxed, in its natural position, perhaps with a slight rounding of the shoulders.

It is also necessary to ensure that the main weight is not transferred to the hands. They should be relaxed. The position of the feet is parallel to the floor. And to evenly distribute the load on the muscles, the direction of the knees should be slightly inward or forward. The seat height must be adjusted! The head position is similar to the position when riding a regular bicycle - straight and forward.


During training, you need to rely on your feelings and monitor your pulse. It is important to remember that these workouts will be most beneficial for the body provided that your capabilities match the range of loads. To reduce weight, it is recommended to exercise at medium intensity, when you do not need to exert any effort to rotate the pedals. special efforts. As the load increases, the training time should be reduced. In order for the fat burning process to start, the minimum training duration should be half an hour.

As for the pulse, its frequency is an important indicator. First of all, the upper limit of the heart rate is calculated, then its optimal zone is determined, which allows you to train most effectively with the help of this device for weight loss and the formation of a slim figure. The heart rate during warm-up is 60% of the upper limit, during training – 65-75%.

Indicators: observation, control, evaluation

It is recommended to keep a lesson log that will contain detailed information about indicators: distance traveled, heart rate and others. Thanks to this data, you can achieve the greatest productivity from your training. You need to monitor not only calories burned and weight, but also your feelings. Thus, the results of the classes will be clearly presented in the journal for their subsequent evaluation.


There are several simple requirements for clothing for classes: it should not hinder movement and make it easier to fit. Cycling shorts and a tank top are the perfect solution. You can use special gloves to ensure better contact with the steering wheel. As for shoes, a model with a rigid sole is preferable, as it provides better grip with the pedals. These can be sneakers, sneakers, but it is not recommended to exercise in Czech shoes or slippers.


Despite the fact that almost everyone knows about these rules, many ignore them:

  • uniform breathing through the nose;
  • mandatory warm-up: exercises to warm up muscles, ligaments, joints;
  • at the end of the training, “cool down” - exercises for the gradual transition of the heart to a normal frequency of contractions;
  • You cannot exercise if you are weak, have any ailment, or feel unwell.

Duration and load should be optimal for physical capabilities and the goals of the training person. To lose weight, the minimum workout duration should be 40 minutes. You can use music to lift your mood during class.

Preparatory stage

When choosing a time for training, the main guideline should be the body’s biorhythms: for those who like to get up early - morning classes, for “night owls” - afternoon, evening. The main thing is that the time interval between training and time before/after sleep is at least two hours.

Also, eating before classes is allowed at least 1.5 hours before, and drinking drinks, medications, and smoking – 1 hour before. To eliminate the feeling of thirst, if any occurs during training, you should rinse your mouth with water or take one small sip.

The warm-up program should include exercises involving those muscle groups who will be involved in the training. These can be bending, squats, as well as exercises to warm up the joints and muscles. shoulder girdle. Due to the fact that the main load is on the knees, it is recommended to massage and rub their joints. You should also not forget about stretching exercises for your leg muscles.

Cycling program

Regularity is the most important condition effectiveness of classes. On initial stage training can be carried out according to the schedule: weekly 3-4 (minimum) 20-minute training sessions. In the future, the duration must be gradually increased to 45 minutes, then to an hour.

As for the loads, you need to choose one of two existing species: uniform and interval. In the first case, the entire workout is carried out at the same pace, in the second, an intense pace alternates with a moderate/calm one. As experience shows, the interval type of exercise is most effective in stabilizing weight and correcting the figure; it also allows you to achieve pronounced results in a minimum amount of training time.

Interval training program:

  1. Warm-up – calm pedaling while simultaneously warming up your arms – 5-10 minutes.
  2. 30-second acceleration - at an average pace with mandatory breathing control.
  3. 30-second maximum load - at the most intense pace.
  4. Several alternations calm pace with fast.
  5. 10-15 minute cool down.


Before starting to train on an exercise bike, even people who are confident in their health are advised to consult a doctor. During the first trainings, it is necessary to strictly monitor the sensations. In case of dizziness, pain in the heart area, shortness of breath, nausea and other unpleasant sensations, classes should be stopped.

Also, such training is contraindicated if a person suffers from:

  • cardiovascular failure;
  • asthma;
  • hypertension stages II and III;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tachycardia;
  • angina pectoris, coronary artery disease;
  • diabetes mellitus in the acute phase;
  • thrombophlebitis.

In addition, it is not recommended to exercise during a cold, infectious diseases, weakness or pain in the spine or joints. If previously received injuries have not been completely cured, including bruises and sprains, fixing agents should be used - special bandages and tapes.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

17 Mar 2017


Just a few decades ago, exercise bikes were not as common as they are today. Modern technologies provide people with many opportunities to stay fit and healthy. It has become possible to play sports at any time - in special centers or at home, on exercise bikes.

Why do you need an exercise bike?

Cycling and regular cardio exercises have a complex effect on the body. They reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, strengthen muscles, joints, burn body fat. Cardio exercise bike in last years gained particular popularity. It is a unique bicycle that, under certain loads, helps strengthen the muscles of the back, hips, abs, and legs.

Cardio training, called “cycle,” has become popular in modern fitness. The instructor controls the load, speed, physical condition of the person, and provides psychological assistance. Exercises perfectly train the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, help tighten the legs and buttocks. Regular classes Cycle helps you get rid of extra calories, lose weight and always be in good shape.

How to lose weight on an exercise bike

Regular cycling has proven to be effective when following a diet. You just need to know how to do it. Experts have developed and tested a program for losing weight on an exercise bike. It contributes to the proper supply of oxygen to the leg muscles, slimming the abdomen and lower body. After regular training The human body becomes many times more resilient.

Systematic cardio exercises bring great benefits to a person. They reduce the amount of unnecessary cholesterol in the blood and burn extra calories - this good prevention atherosclerosis and more. During the classes, the muscles of the legs and thighs are trained, which ensures the formation of elastic buttocks and slender legs. Such useful look activities guarantees normalization metabolic processes in the body and weight loss.

When is the best time to practice

The time for cycling training is selected individually, depending on your work schedule. If it is convenient in the morning, before the start of the working day, you can do exercises on an exercise bike after your morning routine. Your body will wake up and be able to work productively all day long; you won’t have to worry about running out of energy for sports in the evening. You can study at lunch or in the evening. The main thing is not to look for excuses to skip training. At the same time, we must not forget about proper nutrition.

How much do you need to study

How to properly exercise on an exercise bike? To maintain your weight and health, you should pedal for 20 to 40 minutes every day. How long should you ride an exercise bike to lose a few pounds? To correct your figure, you need to exercise for 50 minutes every other day, but the load is greater than in the first case. As for cardio training, the purpose of which is to strengthen blood vessels and the heart, classes last 40 - 50 minutes. It is recommended to conduct several sessions with a trainer to select a load that corresponds to the training goal.

How to properly exercise on an exercise bike? The time and severity of training is increased gradually. There is no need to rush to cover the planned distance faster. This makes it more difficult to achieve your goals, but it can cause damage to the body. For the first workout, a healthy person is recommended to exercise intensely for 20 minutes. If there are any risk factors, the lesson lasts a maximum of 15 minutes.

Exercise bike exercises for weight loss

How to exercise on an exercise bike? The first thing you need to do is prepare your body for the start of training. You need to stretch your ligaments, muscles, and joints. To do this, you can warm up your legs, arms and pelvis, turn your head, and run in place for a minute. This will allow the body to get involved and begin the main part. An exercise bike workout starts at a slow pace and gradually increases depending on the level physical training person.


You can’t immediately start training too intensely, counting on quick results. This will only lead to fatigue and disappointment. Fitness on an exercise bike should be planned according to a specific program. To begin with, a 20-minute lesson is enough, then you should increase the time to 30 and 40 minutes. The body itself will tell you when it’s time to make the workout more difficult. Be sure to draw up a schedule - this will make it easier to plan your affairs.

It is necessary to carry out 3-5 workouts per week, but for those who move little, it will be useful to increase them to 6. Rest days are required. You can start with 3 days, gradually increase to 6. You should train in a room where active circulation occurs fresh air. The interval load must be selected according to the system: acceleration 30 seconds, 3 minutes normal mode, acceleration again. Half an hour before and after class, drink a glass of water to replenish the required water balance.

Exercise bike classes for beginners

The first stage of training is always a warm-up, the last is a cool-down. It is necessary to measure your pulse every 5 minutes. For beginners, its indicators should be 60 - 70% of the maximum heart rate. If dizziness occurs, do not suddenly stop pedaling. It is better to gradually reduce the pace and stop. You need to drink water in small sips. Before starting classes, you should consult a doctor and find out if there are any contraindications for training.

25-minute exercise bike workout for beginners:

  • We pedal slowly for 3 minutes and accelerate to 20 km/h.
  • We accelerate to 25 km/h and drive for 5 minutes.
  • 3 minutes S - 20 km/h at 15% load.
  • 3 minutes S - 25 km/h without load.
  • 3 minutes S - 20 km/h with 20% load.
  • 5 minutes S - 25 km/h.
  • 2 minutes S – 20 km/h.
  • 1 minute S – 15 km/h.
  • You should train three times a week with a rest of 1 day.

Technique for exercising on an exercise bike

You should always start your exercise session with a 10-minute warm-up and end with a cool-down, for example, stretching. It is advisable to dilute the training with a couple strength exercises, in which the back, abs, and arms work. Should Special attention pay attention to the shoulder muscles - this will help to properly hold your back on the exercise bike. The planting method is selected in advance: vertical or horizontal.

When sitting upright, the workout takes place in the same position as riding a regular bicycle. Horizontal landing provides some advantage. It is a semi-sitting pose, and this relieves the spine and reduces the load on the joints. It is necessary to achieve certain heart rate indicators (120 to 150) in order to start losing excess weight. In addition, you will have to gradually increase the speed. If everything is done correctly, fat burning is guaranteed.

Load levels

To pump up the leg muscles, select the highest level of resistance. Muscles need to work hard with every movement. To strengthen the heart, the most comfortable settings are selected. It is necessary to strictly monitor the level of heart rate (heart rate). If you choose loads on an exercise bike for weight loss, then take a level below average. Remember that during the first 30 minutes, energy from reserves is not consumed - only the remaining 10 minutes of training, the body burns calories, and you lose weight.

What should the pulse be?

It is recommended to maximize training time (45 – 60 m). Heart rate indicators when exercising on an exercise bike for weight loss should be 65-80% of the maximum, but the norm is different for everyone. To calculate maximum heart rate for training, you need to subtract your age from 220, then you will get the required number. For example, at the age of 24 years, heart rate is calculated as follows: 220 – 24 = 196 - this is the maximum heart rate. For weight loss, the frequency range will be 127 – 147 beats per minute.

Interval training on a stationary bike

The main idea of ​​this technique is to alternate intense driving with slow driving. To properly prepare for exercise, adjust the saddle so that it is comfortable to work with a straight back. You always need to start with a warm-up and end with gymnastics. Remember to stay hydrated, monitor your heart rate, and overweight will begin to melt before our eyes.

Interval training on an exercise bike consists of the following stages:

  • First, warm up, pedal for 10 minutes at a minimally low pace. At the same time, do exercises for your arms.
  • Accelerate for 30 seconds to medium speed.
  • The next 30 seconds are as fast as possible.
  • Another 30 seconds of quiet driving.
  • 30 seconds of intense driving, repeat this 8-16 times.
  • At the end of the workout - 10 minutes of gymnastics.
  • Duration interval training, on average, is 15 minutes.

Cardio workout

For the rehabilitation of people with heart problems, a certain type of exercise is recommended. This could be cardio training on a stationary bike. They monitor a person’s cardiac activity during exercise. Such simulators have built-in computers with built-in training programs, an odometer and a stopwatch. The machine itself adjusts the load taking into account the pulse of the trainee.

Increasingly popular in modern fitness clubs is acquiring such a trend as “cycling”. Cycle is group lesson which is carried out using exercise bikes. During the lesson, the instructor controls the riding pace and load, and also provides moral support to the students so that they do not get bored while performing monotonous movements. In turn, every reasonable exerciser thinks, when sitting on an exercise bike, what muscles work during training and how intense pedaling affects his body? Today we will look at these questions and put everything in order.

When you sit on an exercise bike, what muscles are working?

Classes on an exercise bike are designed to imitate riding a real bicycle, but there are significant differences. For example, the risk of getting injured while riding an exercise bike is negligible, while fans of real (especially extreme) cycling periodically find themselves in unpleasant situations. In addition, the effect on muscles that exercise on an exercise bike has is different from riding a real bicycle. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the bicycle is unstable and moves relative to space, while the exercise bike is motionless and stands firmly on the floor.

By pedaling an exercise bike, you can change the load, simulating riding uphill and changing gears on a real bike. Also, most exercise bikes are equipped with displays that allow you to see how fast you are riding, what your heart rate is, how many calories you are burning, etc.

How exercise on an exercise bike affects the body

To begin with, it’s worth saying a few words about how exercise on an exercise bike, taken together, affects your physical condition. Riding an exercise bike perfectly trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and also develops the muscles of the lower body - legs and buttocks. In addition, intensive cycling classes will help you lose excess weight and improve your well-being.

Do you know which muscles are most affected by cycling?

Let me remind you here that in order to start burning fat, you need to pedal intensely for at least 20-30 minutes. After this period of time, the body will use up the available carbohydrates and reach its fat reserves. An exercise bike is classified as a cardio simulator, which, however, does not interfere with exercise high level receive loads good workout muscles.

Muscle work on an exercise bike

Gluteal and leg muscles

Buttock muscles, quadriceps (front thigh), hamstrings (back), inner thigh muscles, calf muscles– all of them, working together, provide rotational movements of the legs when pedaling.

An exercise bike will not allow you to build up bulky muscles, since the very principle of cardio training contradicts this. But to tone the muscles of the legs and buttocks, give them elasticity and relief, and also reduce the thickness of the fat layer, exercise on an exercise bike can the best way.
Do you want beautiful legs and thighs? Let's go cycling! In terms of load intensity, exercise on an exercise bike is comparable to running in athletics.

Abdominal and lumbar muscles

These muscles come into play during intense pedaling. The abdominal muscles, among other things, serve your respiratory function, and psoas muscles support the spine and allow hip flexion.

What is the difference between an exercise bike and a real bicycle?

What muscles are worked the most by cycling, and how is this different from what muscles are worked on an exercise bike?

Let's first imagine a regular bicycle. Do you remember how you felt when you first switched from a three-wheeled bike to a two-wheeled bicycle as a child? Such a bicycle in itself was a symbol of the transition from pants with straps to “adult” life. What was the first thing you experienced? That's right - the feeling that now in order to ride you need to keep your balance, because a two-wheeled bicycle (unlike a three-wheeled one) tended to fall on its side as soon as you stopped.

Now let's get back to the exercise bike. In terms of stability, it is similar to tricycle– you don’t have to keep a balance. The exercise machine will not fall over anywhere, it is stable on the floor and may well weigh more than you.

The exercise bike is designed to simulate cycling in confined spaces. Therefore, of course, it cannot completely replace a two-wheeled friend.

An exercise bike is an excellent choice for those who want to tone their muscles and lose weight.

In particular, when exercising on an exercise bike, you do not need to maintain balance. You will not fall from it, unless, of course, you specifically set yourself such a goal. When riding a real bicycle, the muscles that provide balance and an even position of the body - the abs and back - additionally work.

The muscles of the arms and shoulders are practically not used when exercising on an exercise bike. You don't need to turn the steering wheel and hold it on a steep descent.

However, an exercise bike is able to give you something that a regular bike cannot - almost complete safety. In addition, it is worth noting the unconditional comfort of training in gym. No wind in your face, dust from under the wheels and the prospect of “getting screwed!” and skin your knees. Cycle is more gentle on your joints and spine; the likelihood of getting injured when exercising on an exercise bike is very low.

Also, keep in mind that high stress on your legs puts your knees and knees at risk. hip joints. Therefore, if you have a history of joint injuries or any underlying diseases, prefer a recumbent exercise bike.

Instead of a saddle, it has a comfortable seat and your body is in a reclining position. When exercising on such a machine, your back is completely relaxed and the load on your knees is reduced.

What to choose - an exercise bike or a bicycle? Trust your own feelings.

So what should you choose in the end? Brisk pedaling in the gym or riding a real bike? Considering all of the above, if you are not an extreme sports enthusiast, eager to escape from the urban jungle, but simply a person who wants to have beautiful figure and a healthy heart, cycling is what you need. Nice atmosphere fitness club, air conditioning and shower after training are an accompanying bonus.

Well, if your soul does not tolerate closed spaces, and the inconveniences of the city do not prevent you from enjoying cycling, get yourself a two-wheeled friend. In any case, you won’t regret it!

Calf muscles in Everyday life are often subjected to enormous stress. And no wonder, because they are one of the most hard-working muscles in humans. And when active recreation trained calves are especially necessary. And the harmonious appearance of legs has never been in the background for either men or girls.

What needs to be done to achieve this harmony? The logical answer is to regularly perform calf exercises. By the way, there are quite a lot of them: as many as your imagination allows. Well, if you don’t want to “reinvent the wheel,” let’s look at the most common exercises, and at the same time remember which muscles belong to back surface shins.

The structure of the triceps muscle

The triceps surae muscle consists of two heads of the superficial gastrocnemius and one head of the soleus.

The heads originate from the lateral condyles of the femur and from the upper part tibia respectively.

Below, the muscle bundles merge into one tendon, which is attached to the heel. The triceps muscle is well contoured under the skin.

It stabilizes the body during movement and ensures extension of the ankle joint.

There are practically no contraindications to exercises on the calf muscles, except for discomfort and pain in those same muscles. But even in such cases, you can pump your calves, but only with caution and under your own weight.

How to pump up your calves using your own environment

The exercises are simple and do not require any special equipment. sports equipment. All you need is desire and persistence. The main condition is that you should feel the load on the muscles of the dorsal surface of the legs.

In addition to those listed below, you can do other leg exercises in the article “How to pump up your legs at home.”

General principles

Guided by the basic principles, you can quickly pump up your calves both at home and in the gym.

How to effectively pump up your calves at home?

Let’s look at a few “at-home” exercises that won’t require anything other than enthusiasm. In essence, this is an instruction on how to pump up a girl’s calves.

"On your toes": walk, run, jump rope, walk or run up the stairs on your toes, and bend your knees normally when walking, running and jumping.

"Climber": stand in a plank position, alternately bring your legs to your stomach, springing from the floor, and lowering them, bend your ankles as much as possible. This exercise will not only pump up your calf muscles, but also strengthen your abs, upper back and shoulder girdle.

"Springs": standing on the floor, rise on your toes to the maximum possible amplitude and lower without touching your heels to the floor.

By doing this, you will pump up the soleus muscles more effectively, but for desired result a load must be placed on your knees.

If you are doing this exercise on a step, stand on the edge and go up and down as much as you can until you feel a stretch in your calf muscles.

Can “spring” without your heels touching the floor, and in a deep half-squat, legs spread wide. At the same time, tighten your buttocks and outline your thigh muscles.

Jumping out of a squat plie It will also help to effectively pump the dorsal surface of the lower leg: from a squat position, jump as high as possible. Weighten the exercise with a weight. But it is not advisable to do this exercise with a child because of the danger of missing it.

Make a half bridge: lying down, resting on the floor only with the back of the head, shoulder blades and feet (legs bent in knee joints, pelvis raised), fully extend your ankles. Make the exercise heavier by placing a weight on the pelvic area below the abdomen. Do the exercise first on one leg, then on the other. Along the way, you will train your buttocks.

Calf exercises in the gym

If you regularly visit the gym, don't forget to include training complex exercises for the calf muscles. You can do this by using the listed types of exercises, but training on exercise machines will be more effective, since pumping up a man’s calves can only be done with heavy weights.

Great for training your calf muscles A leg press machine is suitable. Calves can be pumped up in two ways:

  • do a bench press by bending and unbending your knees and squeezing the platform with your toes;
  • Straighten your legs and press the platform with your toes using your ankles, without bending your knees.

For effective development soleus muscles rise on your toes while sitting in a calf machine, lowering the lever in a soft finish to his knees.

Standing calf trainer lower the lever rollers onto your shoulders, bend and unbend your legs at the ankles.

It will be safe with more weight raise on your toes in a Smith machine.

Common errors

Exercises to train your calves do not require any special technique and anyone can do them. But some do not achieve the desired result for the following reasons:

  • incorrect sequence of development of the muscles of the back of the legs;
  • fast pace and too many repetitions;
  • frequent (more than 3 times a week) calf training;
  • inadequate for his physical development weight.

Using the video lesson materials, you will learn how to perform a full range of calf exercises. In the video, an experienced trainer explains the technique, focuses on possible mistakes, and clarifies the sequence of training the calf muscles for more effective development.

A variety of exercises for the calf muscles allows you to train them both at home and effectively work them in the gym. Triceps muscles The lower legs receive the greatest load in everyday life compared to other muscle groups.

And the development of the calf muscles is necessary to give the legs a harmonious sporty look. Calf exercises must be included in the training complex.

Do you do calf exercises? If so, which ones do you like best? Tell us about your calf workouts in the comments.

Exercise bike training should be interval, that is, high speed and high resistance for a short period of time. Why is that? Let's look at runners as an example. Those runners who do a 5-10 km race have dry and unattractive muscles, and all because they develop slowly muscle fibers. But the runners short distances the largest and most powerful muscles. This is because during short runs, fast muscle fibers develop, which are responsible for speed, strength and muscle size.

The training promises to be hellish; beginners should not even think about it. Its duration is 24 minutes.

The load is set for the simulator, which has a maximum level of 25.

Training program for pumping up legs on an exercise bike

  1. A 2-minute warm-up is required, increasing the speed to 25 km/h.
  2. The second warm-up lasts 2 minutes with an increase in speed from 20 km/h to 25 km/h, resistance - 10%.
  3. Raise your pelvis above the seat, 30 seconds at a speed of 20-23 km/h, resistance - 20%.
  4. Sit on the seat of an exercise bike, work for 2 minutes at a speed of 22 km/h, resistance - 11%.
  5. Raise your pelvis above the seat, work for 30 seconds at a speed of 23-25 ​​km/h, resistance -20%.
  6. Sit on the seat of an exercise bike, 2 minutes at a speed of 23-25 ​​km/h, resistance - 11%.
  7. Raise your pelvis above the seat, 30 seconds at a speed of 25-27 km/h, resistance -20%.
  8. Sit on the seat of an exercise bike, 2 minutes at a speed of 23-25 ​​km/h, resistance - 12%.
  9. Raise your pelvis above the seat, 30 seconds at a speed of 27 km/h, resistance -21%.
  10. Sit on the seat of an exercise bike, 2 minutes at a speed of 25 km/h, resistance - 12%.
  11. Raise your pelvis above the seat, 30 seconds at a speed of 20 km/h, resistance -25%.
  12. Sit on the seat of an exercise bike, 2 minutes at a speed of 20-25 km/h, resistance - 13%.
  13. Raise your pelvis above the seat, 30 seconds at a speed of 22 km/h, resistance -20%.
  14. Sit on the seat of an exercise bike, 2 minutes at a speed of 25 km/h, resistance - 14%.
  15. Sitting on an exercise bike, 2 minutes at a speed of 25 km/h, resistance - 10%.
  16. Cool down: 2 minutes at a speed of 25 km/h, at the end of the time slow down until you come to a complete stop.

During this type of training, you need to eat a balanced diet and get good rest. Only 3 workouts per week and with a break of 1 day. For better recovery, recruitment muscle mass legs and overcoming physical activity take: BCAA, omega-3, riboxin, vitamins B, C, E.