Football coaches. Individual football training for children Individual football training

The work is aimed at high-quality development of individual elements that are necessary for a successful game:

  • — Stops during the game;
  • — Pass;
  • — Taking the ball away from members of the opposing team;
  • — Leading and turning;
  • - Feints.

It is based on specially created and proven techniques. They provide mastery of diverse techniques. This is excluded during classes in large groups at the Youth Sports School. The problem is that the number of repetitions is limited due to large number athletes. On average, during one training session at a youth sports school, an athlete touches the ball 200-300 times. This is negligible. Members of the world football academy express the opinion that in order to achieve excellent results in big football at least a thousand touches are required in one session.

FC Stuttgart coach on children's football

FC Stuttgart coaches

Malyukov Oleg

Senior coach


2014 – UEFA license B

1992-1998 – Football player Apoel-Ironi-Rishon Lezion, Israel

1998-2004 – CSKA football player, Moscow

2005 – Football player Khimki, Moscow

2006-2008 – Spartak football player

2009 – Anzhi football player

2010 – Football player Kuban

2011 – Football player Salute, Belogorod

2013 – 2016 Coach Academy Dynamo Moscow

2016 – Coach FC Stuttgart

Presses Mikawa

Head coach goalkeepers


2011 – Belgium, UEFA certificate, Goalkeeper Coaching Course in Belgium

2010 – Georgia, UEFA license

Graduate of the State University named after. Ilya Chavchavadze Zugdidi branch, faculty of “Physical Culture and Sports”, specialty “Teacher”

2017 – Coach FC Stuttgart

2016-2012 – Coach of FC Zugdidi

2012-2010 – Georgian Football Federation, goalkeeper coach of the Georgian youth team, individual training, participation in championships and qualifying tournament in Malta, Poland and Germany, participation in a friendly tournament in Sweden

2010-2008 – Football player of FC “Zugdidi”

Igor Kryzhanovsky


2017 – license C UEFA

Moscow Institute physical culture and sports

2006 – 2007 Football player of FC Saturn

2007 – 2010 Football player of FC Khimki

2010 – 2011 Footballer FC Zvezda

2011 – 2012 Football player of FC Helios

2012 – 2013 Football player of FC Olympic

2013 – 2016 Coach of the Ball School

2017 – Coach FC Stuttgart

Semenov Mikhail


National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after. P.F. Lesgafta, St. Petersburg, majoring in physical education and sports.

2018 - coach of FC Stuttgart

2018 - player of the Mashtech team

2017 - player of KPF CSKA

2016 - player of PFC Spartak

2015 - player of KPF CSKA

2010 – 2012 Nevsky Front

2008 - player of the Dynamo - 2 team

2007 - player of the Eurostroy team

Borschevich Daniil


2018 – UEFA license C

2002-2010 – Football player of FC “Olympic”

2010-2014 – Football player of FC Nika

2014-2016 – Coach of FC SportMax

2017 – Coach FC Stuttgart

2018 – Internship in Germany, Stuttgart

Dmitry Leonov


2018 - Coaching certification level “C” (Center for the Training of Children's and Youth Football Coaches named after K.I. Beskov

2009-2013 - secondary vocational (sports and pedagogical college)

2013-2018 - Higher pedagogical education, bachelor (Moscow International Academy)

2009 - MFK Dynamo-2 football player

2011 - MFC CSKA football player

2014 - Star Lyubertsy football player

2015-2017 - Pinkov Academy football coach

2018 - Coach FC Stuttgart

Medvedev Alexey


2015 – license D

National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after. P.F. Lesgafta, football department

2015 – 2018 Trainer ABC of Sports

2018 – Coach FC Stuttgart

Bychkov Alexander


2017 – license C UEFA

RGUFKSMIT, Department of Theory and Methodology of Football

2016 – Coach FC Stuttgart

2017 – Internship in Germany, Stuttgart

Subscription prices:

"1 on 1"- 2000 rub. in one workout

Classes are conducted one-on-one with a trainer - a technology specialist;

- the program is intended for children from 6 years old.
- flexible training schedule

"Group 2 to 4"- 1500 rub. in one workout

Classes are held in groups of 2 to 4 people, groups are formed by age and level of training;
- training duration 90 minutes;
- individual training program based on the results of level testing technical skill football player;
- the program is intended for children from 6 years old;
- flexible training schedule.

Trainings take place at:

Metro stations "Nagornaya", "Tulskaya" or MCC " Upper boilers", Varshavskoe shosse no. 14, building 14, stadium "Trud" (training base of the Football Academy "AVANGARDE")

Metro station "Ulitsa Gorchakova", Admiral Rudneva Street, 4.

Goals and objectives of the program depending on the initial level of football players:

1. entry level (experience in football less than 1 year):

  • establishing basic football techniques - dribbling, receiving and handling the ball, turns, passes, deceptive movements;
  • working out all technical elements.

2. average level(experience in playing football from 1 to 3 years in a youth sports school):

  • improving the technical elements that a football player masters - quality of execution and speed of execution;
  • expansion of the arsenal of all technical elements;
  • working with a weak leg;
  • key technical elements - dribbling the ball, turns, deception movements, receiving and handling the ball.

3. high level(experience of playing football from 3 years in a youth sports school):

  • bringing technical elements from a football player’s arsenal to perfection under conditions of additional resistance;
  • mastering and practicing new complex technical techniques;
  • work on weaknesses football player;
  • development of technical skill in combination with the development of physical qualities;
  • key technical elements - ball feel, ball control, passing accuracy, ball speed, complex techniques and handling.

Program "Individual technical training»

Why do you need individual training?

The goal of individual lessons is to expand the technical arsenal of a football player and increase the efficiency of its use.

Even the best football schools and academies secondary training group is 20-25 people. IN younger age from 6 to 12 years, when the technical base is laid, it is very important that young football player did the exercises correctly and touched the ball as often as possible. In conditions where you are 1 in 25, this is almost impossible. The coach evaluates the group as a whole, occasionally paying attention to someone in particular. Each child is individual, with his own characteristics - some perceive the instructions and tasks of the coach better, others worse, some catch everything “on the fly”, while others need time to understand how to complete the task. In the general group, the conditions are the same for everyone, so some players progress faster, while others begin to lag behind, although in general their potential is no worse. It often happens that Good guys, at one time, without receiving enough attention from the coach, they stop growing.

Poor technical training of a football player is a nationwide problem. One of its main reasons is the system of children's competitions. The results of the season affect both the budgets of children's schools and the status and salary of the coach. Therefore, as soon as children begin to perform in official competitions, the coach is forced to pay great attention to group and team interactions, skipping entire stages in the preparation of a football player.

Training program

During training, individual technical elements are focused on using a specially developed methodology: feints, stops, dribbling and turning, passing, tackling, “feeling the ball.” Additional classes allow you to achieve the versatility of a football player’s technique and compensate for the lag of the “weak” leg, which is impossible to achieve with group training in youth sports schools, where the number of repetitions is limited by the composition of participants and training time. On average, during one training session at a youth sports school, a football player touches the ball 200-300 times. According to experts from the world’s leading academy “Ajax” (Amsterdam), to achieve high results in football, a player must make over 1000 touches of the ball in one training session.

AFM Avangard conducts individual training best trainers Academy. During one lesson, each student performs up to 2,500 actions with the ball, which is several times higher than team training. Individual program is formed after determining the level of preparedness based on the results of testing technical skills. IN training process world-recognized methods of Vila Curver, Kamal De Gregory and others are used.

The best trainers - Best Practices - Best exercises- High results.

Disciplines: football, Athletics, general physical training, stretching, crossfit.

Education, sports titles:
RGUFKSMIT, Faculty of Sports Management, specialty - manager in sports, 2015.
Biomechanics course: “Diagnostics of joint mobility and their assessment to identify the presence of dysfunctions,” 2020.
1st degree diploma, final tournament of the Russian championship of the Ural region in football among youths born in 1986, Tyumen (2001).
Faculty of team sports, department of physical education and sports, specialty - football coach (training).
Experience coaching work- 18 years.

I teach football skills using the Brazilian method. Skillful possession of the ball, culture of handling it, quick thinking, high-speed dribbling combined with the ability to think creatively - key factors successful career as a football player. At an expert level, I help solve the tasks assigned to the athlete regarding aspects of the progress of his technical, physical, tactical, psychological and theoretical preparation.

30% discount

1. For one lesson, for each new client who came on recommendation on your behalf. 2. For organizing by you group classes(find partners for joint training), the cost for each student is reduced by a factor (based on the base rate for individual lessons for your area), determined depending on the number of students, but not more than 10 in the group.

District: Altufyevo, Babushkinskaya, Mytishchi, Bibirevo, Molodezhnaya. Departure: Moscow region, Center, South-East, West, South, South-West, North-West, North, East, MCC: East.

Football: 2000-12000 rub. / 60 min. (

2. age of students;

6. level of training;
7. goals and objectives;
8. remoteness;
9. seasons.

Athletics: 2000-12000 rub. / 60 min. (
The cost of the lesson depends on:
1. number of students (individually, mini-group, group, team);
2. age of students;
3. duration (60/90/120 min.);
4. number of classes per week;
5. number of classes per month;
6. level of training;
7. goals and objectives;
8. remoteness;
9. seasons.

Departure: 2000-5000 rub. / 60 min. ( The cost range is from 2000 to 12000 rubles.
The cost of the lesson depends on:
1. number of students (individually, mini-group, group, team);
2. age of students;
3. duration (60/90/120 min.);
4. number of classes per week;
5. number of classes per month;
6. level of training;
7. goals and objectives;
8. remoteness;
9. seasons.

When leaving, rent is paid separately: 1000 rubles. / h

The passion for football in Moscow knows no bounds, and almost every yard has its own team. But professional ball handling is not given by birth - it will take a long time to learn. It is advisable to start playing football when a good personal instructor has been found - despite its apparent simplicity, mastering this sport is not easy.

Football coach - your path to success

At any professional team there is a coach, her success largely depends on him. For beginning football players, a personal instructor is also important, ready at any time to correct mistakes, protect them from injury and teach important nuances games. All conditions have been created for playing football in Moscow, and tournaments are held in both open and indoor areas.

Once a football coach has been found, classes can begin immediately - no complex equipment is required, and the player’s physical condition does not matter much. Endurance, speed and the ability to make instant decisions with a competent training process come quite quickly. They are important to the player.

A personal trainer will teach you how to handle the ball correctly, how to beat a defender and score a goal in any goal, even with the most best goalkeeper on defense. Football is a team game, one whole and living organism. You need to feel your colleagues nearby so that you can pass the ball at the right time and not lose the ball. Only a professional football coach can teach you all the skills of working with the ball, feints and interceptions, dribbles and tackles, moving and chasing with and without the ball, penalties, free kicks, corners and much more. Teamwork should be at the core of your game, individual sessions with a coach does not mean individual play in a team, but it trains you to take a free kick with a masterly hit into the top nine. When playing football with a coach, for the sake of safety, you must undergo a medical examination, since more than half of the playing time you will have to move intensively and the body will be stressed. During the game, the heart rate can fluctuate from 150 beats/min. 80% of players and up to 150 beats/min. the remaining 20% ​​have defenders and a goalkeeper (who do not take active action very often). Running and intensive walking without a ball is 90% of the total playing time. To deliver the right, powerful blow, personal trainer first he must teach you the basics of football, without which you are unlikely to be able to get the ball to that very goal.
We have professional football coaches in our catalog, don’t doubt their achievements and experience!