Rhythmic gymnastics coach at Vorobyovy Gory. About what is happening in the palace of children's creativity on Vorobyovy Gory. Basics of rhythmic gymnastics

The Rhythmic Gymnastics team appeared at the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren in 1963. The founder of the team is Antonina Arsenyevna Alferova, Excellence in Public Education, judge of the All-Russian category.
Team rhythmic gymnastics works according to a physical education and sports program. Purpose and concept comprehensive program team is aimed at strengthening health, developing memory, attention, volitional qualities, expanding the circle of emotional communication, improving coordination of movements, increasing physical endurance, and developing posture.
Rhythmic gymnastics as a recognized sport is a synthesis of music, the art of movement and sports. Its development as a sports direction led to the integration of sports and art into a single whole. By doing rhythmic gymnastics and performing at competitions of various sizes, a child learns not only rhythmic gymnastics, but also develops personal qualities: confidence, sociability, independent thinking, high intelligence, concentrate and collect attention, think and act in extreme situations.
Students of the team perform at competitions at various levels (city, regional, Russian) and take part in demonstration performances sporting events, festivals “Sport. Beauty. Health", "Crystal Drops".
Currently, the team has about 70 children aged from 6 to 18 years old, among them 3 candidates for master of sports, 2 first-class students.

Contacts: 263-43-95

Mastery of the body, trepidation of the soul,
And the beauty of the flowing gesture,
And elements of difficult turns!


It all started with the fact that the Moscow government decided to transfer part of the buildings of the complex on Vorobyovy Gory commercial organization"International Sports Academy of Irina Viner." For those who don’t know, Irina Viner is the coach of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team, including Kabaeva.

What does this mean for those who take their children to various, let me emphasize - free, sections and clubs of the palace?

This means that 2 buildings are selected and transferred to the Irina Viner International Sports Academy, where classes are far from FREE!!! And in these buildings, by the way, there are almost 4,000 children (among them children with disabilities) FOR FREE!!! They are engaged in painting, cinematography, biology, zoology, chemistry, sing and dance in the ensemble named after. Loktev, play handball, chess, checkers, bringing Russia “gold” and Olympic medals? And now, instead of ending on a positive note academic year, in the Palace, through the efforts of officials of the Department of Education, a nervous state was created for the public and parents?

This means that they (including school Olympic reserve handball) are kicked out onto the street, asking them to look for premises in other centers on their own children's creativity. In particular, the handball school was asked to train children in paid fitness centers. It’s just not clear HOW you can train a handball team in a fitness center!

Those. what I wrote about not so long ago is confirmed.

Here are more quotes from the discussion on the topic:

"...The 5th and 8th buildings were leased free of charge for 49 years to Wiener. The 8th building is a sports building, where there are a lot of sections, they are planned to be crammed into schools. The 5th building is the one opposite the game library. I didn’t find out about it, but all other premises must be vacated on July 1. There is a terrarium (no one knows where it will go) and, for example, chemistry clubs (there will be no experiments now either)..."

"...About the groups that were and were studying in building 5 before the 2nd floor was closed for indefinite repairs (indefinite - because they did not give money for repairs):
- this is the Studio of the Sounding Word (one of the graduates is Sergei Nikonenko), the Theater of the Young Muscovite (you will get tired of listing here, so many famous people are its graduates), the Studio of Literary Creativity (unique in terms of training results - its students are already MATURE MASTERS)
- this is a Game Factory (there are no analogues to this truly unique direction)
- this is the Penguin early development school
is a film school and photography studio with its famous graduates
- this is the sector of chemistry and terrarium (herpentology), which has already been mentioned..."

On May 19, a parent meeting was held, at which important documents and letters were adopted calling on the government to stop this lawlessness. The parent committee of the palace was selected.

Now, apparently, it is necessary to make noise around the problems of the Palace of Creativity, because for now the only thing that officials are afraid of is noise. I ask everyone who cares about the future of our children to spread this information!!!

We draw your attention to the situation around the former Palace of Pioneers - now the Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity. We have reason to believe that a so-called raider takeover is taking place.
At the end of March this year. on the initiative of the new head of the Moscow Department of Education Kalina I.I. a campaign has begun to reform one of the outstanding educational institutions of the capital - the Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity on the Sparrow (Lenin) Hills, in which educational programs For children from 4 years old. Initially, the concept of reorganization was put forward (http://www.mgdvorec.ru/about/new_conc/), which does not stand up to criticism, both from the point of view of the educational process and from the perspective of the prospects for educating young people. In particular, it is unacceptable to CHANGE the focus of the concept of the functioning of the palace towards the SERVICE SECTOR, which is voiced by the proposed new document.
Parents of children visiting the Palace and an overwhelming number of teachers opposed it, which was not taken into account.
The management of the Palace was dismissed (directly the head Monakhov D.L. and his first deputy Korotun S.N. from the post of acting director (until May 1 he is still acting) - allegedly at their own request. Some of the heads of directions are also resigning “at their own request.” This is T.D. Egnatashvili (head of the Ecology Center, worked in the palace for more than 30 years) and some others.
In the Palace, 1,200 educational groups in 11 educational areas have existed for many years, are successfully developing and are known outside Russia, in which more than 15 thousand of our children are employed. This means that there are no children on the streets or in informal associations.

Of these, only 8 of the most well-known directions were proposed to be left by I.I. Kalina, providing them with high-profile names and labels. Transfer everything else to a paid basis and “see what survives” (quote).
1. Ensemble named after Loktev.
2. Young Muscovite Theater named after. V. Rozova (they plan to assign a name)
3. Club “World-Books-Children” named after. S. Mikhalkova (assigned)
4. Department of Astronomy and Cosmonautics named after. Yu. Gagarin (assigned)
5. Club "Young Paratrooper" named after. S. Margelova (assigned)
6. Studio of the sounding word (appoint S. Nikonenko as curator)
7. Center for Environmental Education (agree with the supervision of N. Drozdov)
8. Phys.-tech. direction on the basis of DNTTM (appoint M. Kovalchuk as curator)

We draw attention to a number of circumstances:
1. Buildings and premises are in need of repair, but are not dilapidated and cannot be demolished. The dismissed director D.L. Monakhov unsuccessfully sought this repair for 10 years. – there are all the materials for the concept of the 2nd stage of the Palace, which the management of the Palace was simply not allowed to carry out.
2. The palace is a STANDARD OF EDUCATION and upbringing younger generation.
3. Currently, only 8% of clubs operate on a paid basis, the rest are free.
4. The Palace constantly hosts public events, to which children from other cities of Russia come. The listing of these events will take more than one page.
5. Many outstanding figures of culture, art and sports came from the Palace. Many of them signed an Open Letter to the Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin. (no response has yet been received). Signatures are also being collected in the electronic system Democrat (problem 4307) - a written appeal was sent, but no response was received.

6. The palace and the park around it are a cultural heritage site and are under state protection, for which there are letters of protection. Here they are http://www.dvorec-online.ru/884
7. For I. Viner (wife of oligarch A. Usmanov), it is planned to give away an entire building - the fifth (for her rhythmic gymnastics school). On the site of building 8 they are also going to build a new building for I. Wiener. In this case, the Youth Handball Sports School will be irretrievably lost.
8. Any construction on the territory of the Palace that is not coordinated with environmentalists may lead to irreversible changes in the ecosystem of the Sparrow Hills.
9. The accusations against the Palace are fabricated and far-fetched - accusations of maintaining a clandestine stuffed workshop (which was never found, simply because it does not exist), closing the living area at the request of the SES in connection with salmonella (an independent examination confirmed the absence of salmonella), etc. .
Thus, the personnel potential of the Palace, its profile orientation (multifaceted education of youth) is lost, preparations are being made for dividing children into “elite” and “budget”, as well as for the creation of so-called professionally oriented training on the basis of the Palace, which contradicts the concept of this educational institution .
At the same time, the Moscow Department of Education refuses to comment to journalists (article in MK dated April 21, 2011), citing the reason as lack of information.
We ask for your help and assistance! Don't let the Palace be destroyed! We demand to STOP any “modernization” and restructuring actions and conduct a public environmental assessment of the Palace modernization project, the beginning of which was announced in the media on 04/06/11 O.Yu. Golodets, deputy. Mayor of Moscow for education and health care, and a project that already exists and was developed by the Palace long before these events.


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Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that involves performing various gymnastic and dance exercises to music without an apparatus, as well as with an apparatus (jump rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon).

Classes introduce schoolgirls to the world of gymnastics and music, introduce them to the elements of choreography and acrobatics, various exercises with an object (hoop, jump rope, ball). Gymnastics contributes to the formation of a beautiful and slim body, strong muscles, graceful movements. During the lessons, musical and plastic abilities, motor skills and abilities are developed through movements with music.

Thanks to rhythmic gymnastics classes, schoolgirls will get rid of an awkward gait, angularity, excessive shyness, and develop correct posture, beautiful gait, coordination of movements, the beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, respiratory, circulatory and central nervous systems will increase.

Musical accompaniment enriches the lesson, and rhythmic gymnastics exercises make it rich and varied; such an activity improves the emotional state of children. Music develops the rhythm of movements, an ear for music, and improves the culture of movement.

Classes are held at the address: st. Kosygina, 17, bldg. 8

Budget programs

Comprehensive additional general developmental program for the sport “Rhythmic gymnastics”

Age: 8-18 years old

Teachers: Volosova D.A., Zharkova M.A., Lenskaya I.V., Lee E.I., Markina O.M., Plotnikova L.A., Protasova S.V., Rodionova K.V., Chernova N. O.A., Shaveleva E.N.,

Physical education and sports program, budgetary. The program implementation period is 8 years. The educational and training process provides for an annual increase in the volume and intensity of training loads based on general development patterns physical qualities And sports improvement. The training program is divided into stages: stage initial training and the educational and training stage (sports specialization stage). The goal of the program is to create favorable conditions for the creative maturation and disclosure of the personal potential of each child through rhythmic gymnastics, the selection of promising children and adolescents for rhythmic gymnastics, and the performance of sports categories.

from 3 to 6 times a week

from 6 to 18 hours per week

Rhythmic gymnastics for schoolgirls (planned for implementation in the 2019-2020 academic year)

Age: 8-16 years


Rhythmic gymnastics for schoolgirls

(planned for implementation in the 2019-2020 academic year)

Program for sports and recreation groups. Level - basic. Implementation period - 1 year. This program introduces schoolgirls to the world of gymnastics and music, introduces them to the elements of choreography and acrobatics, and various exercises with an object (hoop, jump rope, ball). The program was based on elementary rhythmic gymnastics exercises. Gymnastics contributes to the formation of a beautiful and slender body, strong muscles, and graceful movements. In the process of practicing rhythmic gymnastics exercises, musical and plastic abilities, motor skills and abilities are developed through movements with music. The program is aimed at expanding motor experience, improving previously acquired skills and abilities, developing dexterity, speed, flexibility, a sense of balance, developing independence, and activity, which is so necessary for modern schoolgirls.

2 times a week for 2 hours

Extrabudgetary programs

Basics of rhythmic gymnastics

Age: 4-7 years

Teachers: Volosova D.A., Plotnikova L.A., Protasova S.V., Rodionova K.V., Chernova N.A., Yarmushevskaya V.V.

Program for preschool and junior girls school age. Implementation period - 1 year. Gives basic knowledge about rhythmic gymnastics. The training is aimed at the formation of motor activity, the development of general physical fitness students.

2 times a week for 1 hour