Coach Alexander Zhulin personal life. Alexander Zhulin. My love story. How did you celebrate the New Year?

Any dance, any ride in figure skating- this is history. During his career, Alexander Zhulin is a champion of the USSR, Europe and the world in figure skating, a coach in...

Zhulin Alexander: photo, biography, personal life and sports career

From Masterweb

18.04.2018 19:01

Any dance, any performance in figure skating is history. During his career, Alexander Zhulin - champion of the USSR, Europe and the world in figure skating, coach - created a lot of stories on the ice. But there is one that cannot be invented, it is the most important. This is the story of his life, his family, his career.


Alexander Zhulin was born in Kaliningrad, Moscow region on July 20, 1963 in the family of Vyacheslav Zhulin and Nadezhda Chevitaeva. He received his name in honor of his paternal grandfather. Until the age of five, Sasha grew up like all children, not thinking about sports. Caring for her grandson's health, his grandmother brought him to the figure skating skating rink. The child mastered the first steps on the ice, spinning, and gliding so easily that the coaches paid attention to him.

Four years later, Sasha Zhulin was invited to Moscow to a sports school, taking into account his sports results, which the boy had were simply wonderful. He lived and studied in a boarding school at sports school. We can say that from that time Sasha grew up, and his independent life began, without parental care.

Sports career

From the fourth grade, Alexander Zhulin took part in sports competitions and championships as a singles skater. And at the age of 17 he moved to pair skating, and Maya Usova became his first partner. More than once these guys took the highest steps of the podium at various competitions, world and European championships, skating together for almost 10 years.

Win the highest award at Olympic Games the couple could not, so they decided to end their careers after the Lillehammer Olympics in 1994, taking silver there. After going through two days of stress, Alexander told himself that a lot of athletes would like to have silver, but they don’t have it, but their couple does. Therefore, you need to rejoice at this victory, accept it, and not anger God with your pride. After graduating from amateur skating, the couple performed for four years in professional shows held in America and Russia.

Coaching work

An important event that happened in the late 90s in the biography of Alexander Zhulin was his decision to become a coach and educate Olympic champions. His first couple is Roman Kostomarov and Tatyana Navka. The ambitious coach gave the students quite high bar- gold at the upcoming Olympics.

Zhulin is a demanding and even strict coach. He's smiling in real life. It seems that this man cannot not only shout, but even raise his voice, but on the ice he became different. He does not tolerate laziness or failure to complete coaching assignments during training. According to Alexander, the purpose of the coach is that he knows how to make a champion out of a skater.

European champions in 2011 - Nathalie Pechalat and Fabian Bourza - also trained under the guidance of Zhulin. Alexander took part in the sports career of solo dancer Alexander Abt.

From Zhulin's personal life

In the sports biography of Alexander Zhulin, his personal life was in plain sight for everyone. The handsome guy couldn’t help but touch the hearts of his fans. Alexander's first love affair was with his partner, Maya Usova. In May 1986, the partners became a family, but their marriage broke up four years later, although the couple continued to perform at the Olympic Games and after them in various ice shows, until Alexander’s decision to leave for the coaching work.

In the life of every athlete there are many different events and interesting facts. Alexander Zhulin is not an exception, but rather a rule in the cycle sports life. So, Tatyana Navka was not only his student, but also became Alexander’s wife. Their love affair began during the training of the Navka-Kostomarov couple in the USA.

The couple registered their marriage in one of the notary offices in America in the winter of 2000. And in May their daughter Sasha was born. Tatyana thought that her figure skating career was over, but deep down she still wanted to return to the ice. And after giving birth, two weeks later, Navka immediately began preparing for the Olympics. She knew it wouldn't be easy, because after grueling workouts She had a little daughter waiting for her at home, who needed attention.

Olympic medal of Turin

It is impossible to prepare for serious competitions, as Zhulin said, “at full tilt,” especially for the Olympics. Navka and Kostomarov understood this too. The harsh rhythm of life continued for six long years. All these years, Navka was torn between training and her daughter. But the strong-willed Tatyana promised her coach-husband that they would have gold. And in the end they took gold medals at the Olympics in Turin, Italy.

Tatyana said that thanks to Alexander, she simply fell in love with ice and fell madly in love with figure skating, which she has not parted with to this day. But she separated from her husband in 2010, having lived together for 14 years. Each of them started new families.

So, in 2011, changes occurred in the personal life of Alexander Zhulin. He fell in love with his student Natalya Mikhailova, who soon became his wife. Two years later, Zhulin’s second daughter, Katyusha, was born into the family. As Alexander says, Natasha has a gigantic sense of love. She envelops both him and her daughter with it.

TV shows

In addition to coaching, Zhulin began to think about his further implementation. A talented person never stops there, he goes further, looking for... The next thing bright event in the biography of Alexander Zhulin happened in 2006, when the immediately beloved project “Stars on Ice” was launched on television. Its author was Ilya Averbukh, a good friend of Alexander, and the main judge of the competition was Tatyana Tarasova.

This is where Alexander was able to realize himself in a new way - as a director. He choreographs the performance and chooses music that even the skaters couldn’t imagine dancing to. As a former dancer, Zhulin prepares performances for the show that are striking not in complexity, but in image. His numbers are mesmerizing, he knows how to create such performances in a short time that you can’t take your eyes off. Alexander Zhulin on projects is more likely not a coach, but a director.

Thanks to him, participants in television projects fell in love with figure skating, just like Navka. And he was helped in this by many famous skaters who, having turned professional, helped their partners in the projects “Stars on Ice”, “Ice Age” and “Ice Age. Professional Cup” to open up.

Zhulin gives the impression of a very calm person, but this impression is deceptive. It’s worth watching his performances to understand how many passions rage in the skater’s soul. He has his own manner, his own handwriting. It seems that in ice dancing each couple tells their own love story - short and bright. Alexander said that his role in the project is to come up with an idea, select music and set up steps that would correspond to this music. But the main thing is that the story is interesting to the viewer, remembered and liked. And the compositions that were born on the ice, staged by Zhulin, are masterpieces.

And yet, what kind of Zhulin?

Alexander Zhulin is used to injuries, both professional and personal. He is, as his friends say, resilient tin soldier. Even if something is not going well for him, he never shows it. He was always reserved and smiling, although there were plenty of passions in his life. After time, Alexander considers even the mistakes he once made not as mistakes, but as steps forward.

His approach to everything that happens in this life is calm. He always had a lack of free time, but for Alexander Zhulin children are sacred! So, he tried to spend as much free time as possible with his daughter Alexandra. He always talks about his daughter with tenderness, and is proud that the child started playing tennis at the age of 10. Now the daughter is an adult and has responded with understanding to the changes in Alexander Zhulin’s personal life. New events appeared in her father’s biography, a new family, her sister, Katya. The girl also has a sister in her mother’s new family - Nadya.

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The biography of the Soviet and Russian figure skater Alexander Zhulin deserves special attention. Fans of the Olympic bronze medalist follow with interest the achievements of their idol. Considering the star status of the champion of the world, Europe and the USSR, his wife and children more than once became the subject of discussion.

Alexander Zhulin was born in Kaliningrad, Moscow region on July 20, 1963. Mom and dad surrounded the child with care and attention. The fact that he achieved serious success in big-time sports is a huge credit to his grandmother. The woman wanted to see her grandson healthy and took him to the skating rink.

The coaches were pleasantly surprised to see the five-year-old boy’s confident movements and jumps on the ice. Inspired, Sasha worked out regularly, without missing a single workout. From the age of 9, Zhulin raised the bar, practicing his skills at the Young Pioneers Stadium located in Moscow. In order to create all the conditions for their son, the parents make the difficult decision to send the boy to the capital’s boarding school for athletes.


Sasha's active participation in competitions and championships begins in fourth grade. His teachers and mentors were: Anastasia Nikolaevna Kazakova and Natalya Dubova. Until the age of 17, the young man was engaged in single skating.

Sports career

At the age of 17, dramatic changes occur in Zhulin, with the easy guidance of coach Natalya Dubova. From now on, he trains on the ice not alone, but in tandem with Maya Usova. Their tandem took leadership positions in international competitions.

For 10 years, the couple has managed to maintain leadership among the top three sports medalists. The year 1993 was marked for the duo by winning the European and World Championships. The skaters took second place in 1994 at the Olympics in Lillehammer. But, unfortunately, this was their last joint achievement.

Alexander and Maya call it a day and leave big sport. They were closely connected, but the family boat was wrecked much earlier than the creative union.


Before the young people separated, they, like any normal couple, dreamed of children. But this was not destined to come true. Looking ahead, it should be noted that it turned out that the man always chose figure skaters as his wives.

Upon completion of his touring activities, Zhulin changes direction and becomes a coach. Among his students are such couples as:

  1. and Roman Kostomarov (winners of the 2006 Olympic Games).
  2. Christine Fraser and Igor Lukanin.
  3. Roman and Alexandra Zaretsky (brother and sister).

Returning to Moscow, the famous coach continued to do what he loved. Many athletes worked in his group, including the French. Nathalie Pechalat and Fabian Bourzat, whose mentors were Zhulin and Volkova, became European champions in 2011.

Participation in television projects

In addition to the main coaching work and management of the ice dance school, based in the Olimpiysky sports complex. Alexander Vyacheslavovich appears on television. Shows with his participation instantly win the love of the audience, becoming popular.

Projects of the first channel:

  • “Stars on Ice” - 2006;
  • “Ice Age” and “Ice Age 2” - 2007-2008;
  • “Ice Age: Global Warming” - 2009;
  • “Ice and Fire” - 2010;
  • “Ice Age: Professional Cup” - 2012;
  • “Ice Age 4 and 5” – 2013-2014.


In these projects, Zhulin acted as a coach and skater. In the show “Two Stars” Alexander appeared before the audience in a completely new capacity. Performing the song “Tequila - Love”.

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Family and Children

The famous figure skater often looked at girls, but when he met Maya Usova he experienced real feelings. In 1986, the young people got married, and in the early 90s they separated. Rumor has it that Alexander Zhulin cheated on his wife with Oksana Grischuk. The personal life of the married couple did not work out; they were so busy with their careers that they did not have time to have children.

The second wife of the famous coach in 2000 was his ward Tatyana Navka. Despite the fact that he was 12 years older, they got married. That same year, the newlyweds became parents to their daughter Sasha. But this union also fell apart.


Despite the failure in the relationship, 2 years later the former spouses met as part of the “Ice Age”, performing as a couple.

Before the start of the joint performance, Alexander excitedly admitted that Tatyana would forever remain a close person to him.

A new round of Zhulin’s relationship occurred in 2011, when he got married for the third time. His life partner was figure skater Natalya Mikhailova. In January 2013, she gave him a daughter, Ekaterina.

The athlete’s children quickly found a common language and get along well with each other, maintaining family relationships.

Alexander Zhulin is a Soviet and Russian figure skater, bronze and silver medalist of the Olympic Games, European and world champion in pair skating. Leaving big sport in the mid-90s allowed the athlete to take up coaching career.

Absence olympic gold, as Alexander later recalled, made him “hungry” for international victories their students. The couple made the coach’s dream come true at the 2006 Olympics in Turin.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Vyacheslavovich Zhulin was born in Korolev, former Kaliningrad, on July 20, 1963. He grew up in a prosperous family, where peace and harmony always reigned. Parents raised two children - the eldest Sasha and his younger brother Alexei. The future Olympic medalist was brought to the skating rink by a caring grandmother, whose goal was to improve the health of her beloved grandson. The coaches immediately took notice of the 5-year-old boy, confidently skating, jumping without fear and easily gliding across the ice. He approached his classes responsibly, without missing a single one: Sasha’s grandmother oversaw this.

At the age of 9, the Moscow biography of Alexander Zhulin began: the young athlete was sent to the capital, where he diligently studied figure skating already for more high level. The training took place at the stadium Young Pioneers».

After 2 years, figure skater Zhulin finally moves from Kaliningrad to the capital, where he lives and trains in a special boarding school for young athletes. Famous Russian coaches were involved in his preparation. Since the 4th grade, Sasha has been actively participating in competitions and championships. Until the age of 17, Alexander Zhulin competed as a singles skater.

Figure skating

At the age of 17, Alexander Zhulin’s sports career takes on a new direction: the young skater moves on to pairs performances. Becomes his partner on the ice. Soon the couple demonstrates brilliant success, quickly winning first places in all-Union and international competitions.

Alexander Zhulin and Maya Usova on the ice

For 10 years, the pair of Zhulin and Usova held the lead in the top three sports medalists, often defeating eminent champions of Russia and the world in pair figure skating. 1994 brought the skaters a silver medal at the Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway. This award became the main, but final achievement of the couple. After the Olympics, Zhulin and Usova left big sports, putting an end to their careers.

For 4 years in a row they have been participating in ice shows in the USA and Russia. In the late 90s, Alexander Zhulin finally switched to coaching. His first couple of students were Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov. Young figure skaters under the leadership of Alexander Zhulin win the Olympics in Turin, Italy.

Speech by Alexander Zhulin and Maya Usova

For the next 3 years, the coach prepares the next pair of skaters for future competitions. This time they are French athletes Nathalie Pechalat and Fabien Bourzu. And here the coach achieves a remarkable result: Natalie and Fabien win the European Championship in 2011.

After another victory, coach Alexander Zhulin, who accounted for Olympic victories, continues to prepare other talented skaters for competitions. Among them are Azroyan, Khait and Sakhnovsky, Mikhailova and Sergeev, singles athletes Abt and Suguri.

Today the coach continues to prepare Russian athletes to participate in international competitions and the Olympic Games. At the end of 2016, he prepared the pair and, who in January 2017 competed at the World Championships in Ostrava, Czech Republic, to take to the ice at the European Championship.

Ice shows

The biography of Alexander Zhulin is not only about brilliant results in figure skating. He becomes a participant in popular ice television shows, as well as a coach and director of the famous Ice Dancing School, which is based in sports complex"Olympic".

In 2007-2009, coach Zhulin’s team of figure skaters met with their wards at an ice show. In 2010, in the new television show “Ice and Fire,” Alexander Zhulin acted as a creative director of original numbers.

The man not only trains figure skaters and show business stars who take part in television projects, but also willingly becomes a participant in ice shows. In the 2000s, viewers could watch his brilliant performances as part of the “Stars on Ice” project together with. The athlete’s next performance took place in the program “Ice Age: Professional Cup.”

In 2012, Alexander Vyacheslavovich was preparing to perform on the updated project “Ice Age” new team, which consisted of show business stars and figure skaters.

Alexander Zhulin and Ingeborga Dapkunaite on the project “Stars on Ice”

In 2013, fans of Zhulin’s sports talent saw their favorite in a completely different capacity – as a singer. Alexander became a participant in the show “Two Stars” on Channel One and sang with. The composition “Tequila Love” performed by the stars evoked a storm of positive emotions among listeners and jury members.

In the same year, Alexander Zhulin, together with Polina Gagarina, visited the humorous project “Evening Urgant”, where the couple shared their emotions from participating in the show “Two Stars” and demonstrated an excellent sense of humor.

Alexander Zhulin and Polina Gagarina in the show “Two Stars”

At the beginning of 2016, Alexander Zhulin reminded himself: he became a guest on the program “Alone with Everyone,” telling the audience many unknown details your biography and personal life.

Personal life

The first serious romance in the life of the famous figure skater happened with a colleague. In May 1986, partners Zhulin and Usova became a family. This marriage lasted until the early 1990s and remained in the past long before their dancing couple broke up.

Rumor has it that in the 1990s, Alexander Zhulin had an affair with a young colleague who, according to yellow publications, was crazy about the skater. What added piquancy to the situation was the fact that at that time Zhulin was still married to Maya Usova. Later, when Oksana Grischuk began giving interviews with details of their relationship, Alexander Zhulin called the novel a big mistake.

In 1994, Alexander Zhulin began training figure skaters Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov. At this time, an affair broke out with a young ward. Zhulin was 30 years old at that time, and Navka was only 18. This passion led to the final break with his first wife Maya.

In 2000, Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin got married. That same year they became parents: their daughter Sasha was born. The family lived in New Jersey, where Zhulin worked as a coach until 2006. Then the couple returned to Moscow, where they lived together for another 4 years. In 2010, they announced their separation.

There were different opinions about their high-profile divorce. Some say that the reason for the breakup was Navka’s affair with the actor, others talk about Alexander’s own infidelity. Be that as it may, the couple announced their separation after 14 years of civil marriage.

2 years later, the former spouses met on ice: as part of the TV show “Ice Age. Professional Cup" Zhulin and Navka performed as a pair. They performed a sensual genre dance of farewell, and the romance “Thank you for everything, good friend” was played as musical accompaniment. Before going to the skating rink, Alexander Zhulin admitted to the audience with a trembling voice that Tatyana remains a close person to him. The nostalgic number that followed was called romantic and not fake in the press.

In 2011, Alexander Zhulin’s personal life took a new turn: the famous coach began to live openly with his third chosen one, Natalya Mikhailova, also a figure skater. The romance between them began 3 years earlier, when the man was still in his second marriage. But even then the athlete realized that Natalya was exactly the person with whom he wanted to live his whole life.

At the beginning of 2013, they had a daughter, Katya. Zhulin introduced the children, and now the eldest daughter Alexandra and the youngest daughter Ekaterina are friends. The girl reacted with understanding to the changes in her father’s personal life. Despite her young age, the youngest Katya is already a professional golfer. 3 times a week the girl attends classes with personal trainer.

In August 2015, Tatyana Navka married. Journalists asked Zhulin if he was going to a wedding. He replied that he was happy for his ex-wife, but he wouldn’t be able to attend the wedding because he would have preparations at that time, “and it’s not customary ex-husbands attend the weddings of ex-wives.”

Zhulin was in no hurry to propose to his common-law wife Natalya, and only in mid-2018 did the couple get married. Photos from solemn ceremony got to the coach's page in "Instagram".

Wedding of Alexander Zhulin and Natalia Mikhailova

The woman took her husband's surname. In an interview, Alexander noted that his wife supported him in everything; Zhulin never heard words of reproach or criticism from her.

Alexander Zhulin now

The famous athlete is rightly called the sex symbol of Russian figure skating: he is not only a living legend of the sport, but also continues to be in excellent sports uniform, delighting fans with talent and skill.

In September 2018, an episode of the program “Secret to a Million” was released on television screens, where Alexander answered 9 tricky questions from the TV presenter. He told the story of love and separation from his first wife, Maya Usova, and told why he had not proposed to his third chosen one, Natalya, for 11 years.

At the end of 2018 in Moscow, Alexander is holding a casting for the 2nd season of the ice dancing show “Ice Age - 2”. Within a month, the main ideologist and trainer of the project is ready to teach everyone who wants to professionally perform various pirouettes on ice. Helps Zhulin in his work. Alexander’s first experience of hosting his own show was back in 2014, in the wake of the Olympics.

Alexander Zhulin on the project “Secret to a Million”

The man continues coaching activities. He created his own Figure Skating Academy, where children of all ages train. age groups, starting from 3-year-old kids and ending with juniors. In February 2019, a new intake of children is taking place in the 3-7 year old group.

Titles and awards

  • 1992 - bronze medal at the Olympics in Albertville
  • 1993 – gold medal at the European Championships
  • 1993 – gold medal at the World Championships
  • 1994 - silver medal at the Olympics in Lillehammer
  • Honored Master of Sports of the USSR
  • Honored Trainer of Russia

Finally, Alexander Zhulin officially married Natalya Mikhailova, with whom he already has a 5-year-old daughter. The famous figure skater prefers to hide his personal life, wives and children, although many fans are interested in the details of his biography.


Like most accomplished skaters, little Sasha has been skating since childhood. At the stadium, the boy felt confident, jumped deftly and easily slid across the ice, thanks to which the coaches noticed him. Later, Alexander was sent to a sports boarding school, where he continued his studies.

Zhulin achieved significant results in pair skating with Maya Usova. For 10 years they did not leave the pedestal and beat the most famous skaters. The Lilyhammer Olympics brought them a silver medal, but after that they left big sport and focused on participating in ice shows.

Having switched to coaching, Zhulin began to show no less significant results. His students, Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov won gold medal at the Olympics in Turin.

And the French couple, Nathalie Pechalat and Fabiana Bourzou, won the European Championship in 2011.

The talented coach still has many famous students in his arsenal, such as:

  • Grebenkina and Arzoyan;
  • Hite and Sosnowski;
  • Mikhailov and Sergeeva;
  • singles athletes Abt and Suguri.

Life on the Screen

While in the position of head of the Ice Dance School, Alexander demonstrated his sportsmanship paired with in 2006, in the project of the first channel “Ice Age”. Then millions of television viewers watched with bated breath the struggle of two teams of eminent coaches Zhulin and Ilya Averbukh, where Tatyana Tarasova herself assessed the professionalism of the athletes.

Later, one could enjoy the man’s singing vocals; in the show “Two Stars,” the skater performed the hit “Tequila Love,” which greatly pleased his fans.

Outside the rink

It so happened that the personal life of Alexander Zhulin and sports biography have always been inextricably linked. His first wife was his ice partner Maya Usova. However, this marriage was short-lived and did not produce common children. According to the woman’s recollections, her husband was quite aggressive in everyday life and did not try to remain faithful at all.

First there was a relationship with Oksana Gri pike, also a figure skater, then with the notorious , as a result, the latter won.

At that time, Zhulin’s young ward was 18, and he was already 30, but love knows no bounds and in 2000 the young people registered their marriage. And soon the wife gave the man a daughter, who was named Sasha in honor of her father. For some time the couple lived in the USA, where Alexander carried out coaching work.

After returning to Moscow, there was a breakdown in their relationship; they were no longer one. The news of the divorce shocked numerous fans and created a lot of hype. There were rumors that Navka, with whom Navka was having an affair, was to blame for everything. Some talked about the man's infidelity, but, despite everything, the beautiful couple broke up.

    Did you like the couple Alexander Zhulin and Tatyana Navka?

Interestingly, 2 years later, Tatyana and Alexander met again on the ice. This happened in the project “Ice Age. Professional Cup”, where they performed a dance, which was later called a farewell dance, to the song “Thank you for everything, good friend.” Zhulin himself admitted that he suffered the divorce from Navka quite hard.

New round

In August 2018, Alexander Zhulin officially registered his relationship with Natalya Mikhailova. In the television project “Secret for a Million” with Lera Kudryavtseva, a rather secretive man lifted the veil of his personal life, told some facts from his biography, and talked about his wives and children.

The third wife of the honored coach, of course, is also a figure skater Natalya Mikhailova. Her classes at the Olimpiysky sports complex in school age took place under the leadership of Zhulin. As the girl recalls, she already fell in love with her future husband.

The first spark ran through the project “Glacial Initiation”, in which, ironically, they performed in pairs.

Their relationship began long before Zhulin’s divorce from Navka, one can only guess that perhaps this romance became the reason for the collapse of the family. Although Alexander himself claims that there was no longer a place for him in Tatiana’s life. In 2013, the man finally divorced and began to live openly with Natasha. I would like to note that the girl’s parents opposed their daughter’s relationship, because she was only 20, and the famous figure skater was already 43.

In the same year, the couple had a daughter, Ekaterina, now the girl is 5 years old. She does gymnastics, sometimes goes to the skating rink with her mother, but gives preference to vocal singing. It should be noted that they have a warm relationship with their half-sister Alexandra.

To questions about why Zhulin delayed the wedding for so long, the man answered that stupid prejudices were to blame. He was afraid that along with the stamp in the passport, what would change in their relationship. Although many say that the reason for the hasty registration was the second Natalia.

However, the man did not confirm this information, although he repeatedly noted that he dreams of a son.

The marriage registration took place on August 11, 2018 at the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow. This became known from Zhulin’s Instagram, where he posted a photo of his wife with a ring on her ring finger.

Alexander Vyacheslavovich Zhulin- figure skater.


Alexander Zhulin was born on July 20, 1963 in Korolev, Moscow region. At the age of 5, his grandmother took him to the skating rink to practice figure skating, and when he began to show success, she sent him to the section. Twice a day Zhulin went to training in his hometown at the Young Pioneers stadium, and when he was 9 years old, he began going to Moscow to train.

For several years, Alexander studied at a boarding school at a sports school. Already from the fourth grade he began to take part in various competitions. Initially he performed alone, and at the age of 17 he was paired up. In 1980, Maya Usova became his partner, who 6 years later also became his wife.

In 1985, the couple won their award for the first time - they became winners of the Nebelhorn Trophy tournament in Oberstdorf, Germany. For a long time the couple could not become leaders within the country; they were either second or third. At the 1992 Olympics they won bronze, and in 1994 - silver. Their rivals in Russia were the pair of Klimov and Ponomarenko, Annenko and Sretensky and Grischuk and Platonov. IN international competition the main competitors were the Duchesne couple.

In 1992, the couple trained in the USA, and in 1993 they won the World and European Championships.

Professional career

The marriage broke up, and the skaters began performing separately until 1998. Then Oksana Grischuk paired with Alexander, with whom he continued to perform in various shows. As part of the show, from 2006 to 2014, he took part in the programs Stars on Ice, Ice Age, Ice and Fire and others on various television channels.


After finishing the tour, he became a figure skating coach, which he is today. His students were Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov, who won the 2006 Olympics, Azerbaijanis Fraser and Lukanin, singles skater Abt, Israelis Hait and Sakhnovsky, brother and sister Zaretsky. He also worked and trained singles Suguri, Grebnkina, Azroyan, pairs Mikhailova and Sergev, Ilinykh and Katsalapov. The latter won the title of world junior champions in 2010.

From 2008 to 2011, he trained the French athletes Pechal and Bourza, who became European champions in 2011. From 2011 to 2013, Azerbaijanis Zlobina and Sitnikov became his students. Since February 2012, he has been training the Russians Monko and Khalyavin and Bobrova and Solovyov.


Zhulin has several orders: For services to the Fatherland, Friendship, Friendship of Peoples. He is an Honored Master of Dispute of Russia and an Honored Trainer.

Personal life and interesting facts

In 2006, he received a US passport and citizenship.

Since 1994, he dated Tatyana Navka, marrying her in 2000. The couple's age difference was 12 years. Initially, he skated with her in a pair, but then he decided to find another partner - he became Roman Kostomarov, whom he began to train together with Navka. From Navka, Alexander has a daughter, Sasha. Zhulin lived with his family in New Jersey, and in 2006 they moved back to Moscow, but in 2010 the marriage broke up. The daughter stayed with her mother.

In 2011, Alexander married again - to figure skater Natalya Mikhailova, who gave birth to his daughter Ekaterina.

In March 2012, during their last joint performance with his ex-wife, Zhulin admitted that Navka still remains a close person to him. On the first show on television, Zhulin skated with Ingeborga Dapkunaite, and Navka skated with Marat Basharov - because of this, rumors spread about the mutual hobbies of the then spouses.

Alexander's direction in figure skating is sports dancing.

Now Zhulin continues to work as a coach and director of an ice dancing school at the Olympic sports complex. In 2010 he acted as a creative director in the show Ice and Fire, and in 2012 in the show Ice Age he was a coach.

He took part in the program “My Pedigree”, and the documentary film “Alexander Zhulin. The Steadfast Tin Soldier". Zhulin was present at the birth of his youngest daughter.

In 2013, the athlete participated in the “Two Stars” show, where he performed songs together with Polina Gagarina.