Triceps brachii exercises for women. Exercises to pump up the triceps: the key to success for women and young girls. Triceps chair push-ups

Any woman wants to have not only a beautiful face and fashionable clothes, but also a slim elastic body with aesthetically toned muscles. But not everyone has the courage, time and desire to go to the gym to burn extra calories and structure muscle mass.

Several benefits of working out at the gym

  1. Atmosphere. It is more effective to pump up muscles where a person is separated from everyday problems and where he is surrounded by exercise equipment and sports mats. Nothing distracts from the process.
  2. Equipment. As a rule, gyms have a whole arsenal of means for pumping up muscles, so the process goes faster and more efficiently.
  3. Help. For an inexperienced novice athlete, a coach can select the first set of exercises or, in extreme cases, suggest how to pump up a particular muscle group.

Push-ups for women and girls are usually initial stage are difficult. But regular training and systematic exercises give excellent results.

Ways to perform bench presses in the gym:

  • on your own (without help) additional funds);
  • with dumbbells (they can be used in different body positions);
  • with a bench;
  • on uneven bars, a special turnstile or a wall bars.

It’s always very unpleasant when your arms are flabby: it’s both aesthetically unsightly and you don’t have to wear open clothes. How to remove sagging triceps on a girl’s arms is a burning question. Several methods are offered.

The girl's hands deserve special attention. To preserve their beauty, prevent muscle sagging and sagging in the shoulder area, it is necessary regular classes sports. Complex simple exercises for training your arms at home will help you keep your arm muscles toned.

Women's triceps exercises

Exercise 1 - Classic Floor Presses

An old, proven, “grandfather’s” method. Allows you to quickly pump up for women imply the following sequence:

  1. get on all fours;
  2. hand placement - shoulder-width apart, palms “looking” at the floor;
  3. legs - straight;
  4. slowly descend, then rise. Repeat 5-12 times.

If the exercise is difficult to do with straight legs, you can try bending them. But then only the upper part of the body will work.

Exercise 2 - reverse push-ups

Hands stand behind the torso with palms on the edge of the bench. Next, the body lowers and rises, and the elbows bend synchronously.

Exercise 3 - with dumbbells

The first option is to extend the arms on a bench with the back straight and at an angle. Take a dumbbell(s) in your hands. Sit on a special bench. The arms are bent, and the palms with the projectiles are behind the head. Next, the arms reach up and straighten. Repeat 6-10 times.

If the back is tilted at least 20 degrees, the load on the triceps increases significantly. This exercise also works the shoulders.

Reverse push-ups are in no way inferior to classic push-ups (from the floor) in terms of the effectiveness of pumping up the triceps. And reverse (back) push-ups provide the development of coordination and static stability.

The second option is bending arm extension. Triceps exercises for girls cannot be imagined without this body movement. Stand with your knee with your shin and palm (on one side) on the bench. Bend and straighten the other arm with dumbbells in the air.

The third option is lying arm extension. IN supine position Stretch your arms with dumbbells in front of you and do flexion-extension.

The fourth option is extension-bending of the arms while standing ( French press). The same as in the first exercise, only performed in a standing position.

Every woman decides for herself how to pump up her muscles, in particular her triceps. But it doesn’t hurt to first consult with a specialist and read specialized literature.

Greetings to everyone who urgently needs to remove the wings on their arms and shine at the evening in an open dress. Four triceps exercises for women, designed specifically for home use, will help you correct your position.

Why do you need triceps exercises?

What to do if you already have your eye on a great off-shoulder dress for the holiday, but it doesn’t look the way you want? You will need two dumbbells and a square meter of floor.

Triceps, also known as the triceps brachii muscle (from the Latin triceps, that is, “three-headed”), occupies the entire back side of the shoulder - from the shoulder blade to the elbow. From a physiological point of view, the triceps is an extremely important part of the musculature. Without it, a person would not be able to move his arm back, bend it at the elbow, or even simply pull it to his body.

From an aesthetic point of view, the triceps is the arm. This muscle is responsible for how good a woman looks in a sleeveless dress.

You can bring your triceps into a state of combat readiness by performing exercises borrowed from different directions.

You can study anywhere: one square meter of office space is enough. This is how, for example, the coordinator of the TV channel “LIVE!” does it. Maria Tretyakova.

If you don’t have dumbbells, then at first you can use them instead. plastic bottles filled with sand.

1. Diamond - bodyflex exercise

Initial position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

Technique: perform strategically important breathing exercise, borrowed from bodyflex - deep inhale, deep exhale, very deep inhale and powerful exhale, after which you need to hold your breath and draw in your stomach.

Then raise your arms in front of you, elbows at chest level. Hands touch with fingers (not palms), which should be pressed together as tightly as possible. All this time you need not to breathe, holding tension in your hands.

A larger number of approaches is an unjustified waste of energy.

Bodyflex is a fairly strong technique, and one of the advantages is precisely the achievement maximum effect with a minimum of effort.

2. French press

Initial position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

Technique: pick up a two-kilogram dumbbell (or two dumbbells, one kilogram in each hand). Slowly and thoughtfully bend your arms, placing them behind your head. You should try not to move your elbows - only your forearms should work.

Ten approaches for one set is quite enough.

Of course, this is not the “French press” that bodybuilders practice when building muscle mass for performances (they wield heavy barbells while lying on a bench). However, in order to tone the triceps, such a variation famous exercise quite enough.

3. Arm extension

Initial position : standing, legs slightly bent at the knees, body slightly tilted forward.

Technique: Take dumbbells and bend your elbows so that your fists are at waist level. Slowly straighten your arms, making sure to keep your elbows still. You need to straighten your arms completely, feeling the increasing tension in the triceps area.

The triceps is the triceps muscle located in the upper arms. It consists of three connected heads different sizes. To keep your arms looking healthy and toned, it is important to keep your triceps toned. They can help with this simple exercises that can be done in gym.

Triceps exercises in the gym allow you to pump up beautiful muscles hands Regular training will help avoid sagging, stretch marks and excess fat. For girls to achieve good results you need to focus on the number of repetitions, and not on mass and weights.

When pumping muscles, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the training:

  • for weight gain – 8-12 times;
  • to achieve muscle definition – 13-17 times;
  • for fat burning – up to 20 times.

Each exercise is performed in 2-3 approaches. In addition, female athletes need to do short breaks between approaches. The shorter the pause, the better result. Also, do not forget about warming up before training. It is important to warm up all muscle groups well, because many of them are indirectly involved when pumping the triceps.

Stretching is necessary to minimize injuries during exercise, which are possible when tissue elasticity is weak. Each gym has a specialist who will help you choose a training program. When working on mass, communication with a trainer is necessary to complicate the technique of exercises as you master them, and to include weights in the program.

It is not recommended to perform 10 or 15 exercises in 1 workout. 15 minutes is enough. warm-up and 3-4 exercises to pump all triceps heads. Workouts must be structured in such a way as to gradually alternate the selected number of exercises.

Nutrition is also important. When gaining muscle mass, more material is required for tissue construction, so it is necessary to increase the number of meals from 3 to 5. The volume of food consumed also needs to be increased.

The menu consists of the following products:

Complex carbohydrates Fats Squirrels Cellulose
  • Brown rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • potato;
  • oats
  • nuts;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • avocado;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • olive oil.
  • cottage cheese;
  • kefir;
  • beef;
  • bird;
  • rabbit meat;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • legumes
  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • pepper;
  • bran;
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • apples;
  • bananas.

In addition to performing basic exercises you need to follow the classic rules healthy image life.

In combination with training, they promote faster muscle mass gain:

  • sleep at least 7-8 hours a day;
  • drink 2-2.5 liters of still water;
  • Avoid eating carbohydrates after 19:00;
  • perform cardio and power training 3 times a week;
  • do not eat fast food and trans fats.

Safety precautions during training

Correct technique– the key to the success and effectiveness of the exercise. In addition, following the rules and sequence of actions during training helps to avoid injuries and sprains. A good warm-up is the foundation of your workout. Without warming up all muscle groups, the risk of injury increases several times.

During triceps exercises, grip width and elbow position are very important factors. There is no need to start the complex without making sure that your hands are shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. A grip that is too narrow can hurt your wrist in the first few seconds of training. Elbows should not point in different directions or be in a relaxed state.

They help relieve excess stress from the triceps, so they correct position guarantees the quality of the exercise performed. As strength skills improve, weight training is included in the training. It is important here not to overdo it, but to increase the weight of the weights very slowly to avoid injury.

There are also a few things to consider:

  • a set of triceps exercises is performed after pumping the biceps, back or shoulders;
  • the triceps is involved in many bench press exercises, so you shouldn’t set aside a separate day just to train this muscle;
  • the pause between approaches should not exceed 2 minutes, otherwise the muscles will have to be warmed up again;
  • you should not chase the number of repetitions and approaches, as the muscles need rest;
  • there is no need to build a workout from exercises for 1 muscle group, you need to use them all;
  • if the slightest pain occurs, you should stop training;
  • After finishing the set of exercises, you need to spend 2-5 minutes stretching the triceps.

How often should you exercise to achieve results?

Triceps exercises in the gym are sufficient to perform 2-3 times a week. There is no need to load the triceps muscle too often, as you can achieve a completely different effect. Overloading the triceps will not only lead to the formation of large male-type arms, but will also affect the elasticity of the tissue, which can cause injuries in the future.

The duration of 1 workout is 40-45 minutes. This time will be enough to pre-warm up the muscles and perform a set of exercises. To gain muscle mass in the triceps complex training, it is enough to devote 1-2 hours a week for 2-3 months.

Preparation for training

The best way to start doing triceps exercises in the gym is by working with a trainer. Consultations with a specialist and construction of a training plan according to their purpose are necessary both for the correct handling of equipment and for correcting errors during exercises. Total 3-4 joint training will create a basis for subsequent independent work with the body.

In addition, working together will help you better plan exercises for each workout while gaining weight. However, warming up is the basis of training any muscle group. It is necessary to thoroughly warm up all tissues and tendons to give them elasticity.

Don't come to the gym feeling hungry. It is recommended to eat vegetables or potatoes 1.5 hours before training, and drink a glass of still water 20 minutes before training.

It is also important for an athlete to remain positive and avoid stress. During training, it is necessary to mentally work through each movement with a focus on achieving the goal. If you approach classes with positive attitude, then the result will not take long to arrive.

Top 15 Triceps Exercises in the Gym for Girls

Girls should not be afraid of triceps exercises. Fulfilling them will not transform female hands a mountain of muscles, like men's. Their body contains a lot of testosterone, which promotes increased muscle mass gain.

Triceps exercises will help the fair half of humanity get rid of sagging arms and tone the muscles. Besides, exercise stress spreads to other areas of the body, which will allow you to work out almost everything problem areas.

Triceps extensions

Triceps exercises in the gym are performed on lever apparatus. In addition to the triceps, the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles are also involved during the workout. An arm curl machine is best suited for this exercise, but if one is not available, you can use a crossover.

Execution in the lower block:

  1. Take the starting position - stand straight, facing the machine, without bending forward. This will help direct the weight specifically to the triceps, and not to other muscle groups.
  2. Grasp the handles with your palms. Elbows should be motionless pressed to the body. This step is the most important during the entire workout.
  3. Bend your arms, straighten your back, lift your chest and bend slightly at the lower back.
  4. Fully straighten your arms so that the load goes to shoulder muscles.
  5. For convenience, you can put one of your legs forward.

Performing in the lower block is ideal for beginners, and in the upper block - for experienced athletes. Using a simulator for exercises in the upper block is extremely traumatic, therefore it must be performed in the presence of a trainer.

French press or lying triceps extension

Triceps extension is considered best exercise to pump this muscle. It is performed using a barbell. It is important to remember that for results you should take less weight and do more repetitions.

  1. Lie down wide horizontal bench so that the top of the head hangs slightly. Place your feet on the floor, press your buttocks firmly to the bench. The chest is directed upward, the abs are tense.
  2. Lower the bar so that your forearms are straight. The main thing is to watch your elbows, they should not move.
  3. Place your elbows behind your head and slowly lower the bar below the level of the top of your head. The closer the projectile is to the head, the more effective the exercise.
  4. Quickly raise the barbell above your head and repeat the exercise.

When performing a French press, do not lower the barbell too low. It is also necessary to ensure that throughout the entire exercise the lower back and buttocks fit tightly to the bench.

Bench push-ups

Triceps exercises using a bench have gained popularity among athletes due to the fact that they allow you to pump up the triceps heads using your own weight. Among its advantages is also the ability to feel muscle tension during training and control it.

For girls, push-ups on a bench in the gym will help in the fight against cellulite and sagging skin on the arms.

  1. Install benches at a certain distance parallel to each other. It depends on the height of the athlete.
  2. Stand between the benches, place your palms on the back bench and place your feet on the other. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. The feet must be pressed together or a gap must be left between them.
  3. Straighten your legs and bend slightly at the lower back. The buttocks should be a short distance from the palms.
  4. Slowly lower your pelvis down while inhaling, press your arms to your body and bend them at the elbows. It is necessary to lower yourself to a comfortable position, avoiding pain in the joints.
  5. As you exhale, return to the original position.

During execution, you should pay attention to the position of your hands. With a large distance between the palms, the risk of damage to the ligaments and cartilage tissue of the shoulder and shoulder increases. elbow joints.

Push ups

Push-ups help to qualitatively improve the athlete’s endurance and tone the general condition of the body, due to the work of all muscle groups. Classic exercise develops not only the triceps, but also the elasticity of the shoulder muscles.

  1. Lie face down on the floor.
  2. Place your palms under your shoulders, elbows at a 45° angle, not too far apart. The body should form a straight line, the head in the middle position, the back straight. The body should not bend in the pelvis or lower back, the abs should be tense.
  3. Bend your elbows and slowly lower your body as low as possible so that your elbows form a right angle.
  4. Having almost reached the floor with your chest, without touching it, straighten your elbows without sudden movements.

During push-ups, the body should not move, but be in a tense state. This exercise is recommended for girls due to the lack of additional weights - this way the triceps will acquire a natural shape.

Ball push-ups

To complete the exercise you will need any ball (soccer, basketball). Push-ups of this type are good because they allow you to work not only the triceps, but also the abs, as well as the shoulder muscles. It is difficult for beginners to immediately master the technique of working with the ball, but after training, they will definitely appreciate all the benefits of the exercise.

  1. Sit face down on the floor with the ball in front of you.
  2. Grasp the ball with your palms and rest against it, with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Straighten your back and hold it in this position.
  4. As you inhale, bend your elbows and lower yourself down until your chest touches the ball.
  5. As you exhale, straighten your arms and push up from the ball, remembering to keep your back straight.

For experienced athletes, an exercise with 2 balls is also suitable. It will help to additionally load pectoral muscles. During execution, it is necessary to monitor the position of the legs, since a small distance between the feet provokes an increase in pressure on the knees.

Lateral push-ups

Side push-ups are a more advanced exercise. It can be performed by advanced athletes who have mastered the skill of maintaining balance. Side push-ups pump up your arms well and lateral muscles belly.

  1. Lie on the floor, on your right side, bend your knees and put your right hand forward.
  2. Place your left hand in front of your chest, bend your elbow and focus on the floor.
  3. Straighten the elbow of your left hand and lift your body off the floor without lifting your legs and pelvis.
  4. Do the required number of approaches and repeat the exercise on your left side.

During a side push-up, your body weight is transferred to your dominant arm, so it is important to pay attention to the position of your lower body. All actions during the exercise are performed slowly, with a small amplitude.

Standing one-arm extensions

Triceps exercises in this type of gym are performed using dumbbells. Additional weight helps to quickly tone muscles and build mass. In this exercise, the main emphasis is on pumping the back of the triceps.

  1. Stand on the floor, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, straighten your back and hold a dumbbell.
  2. Raise your arm above your head, turning your hand forward so that thumb ended up at the bottom.
  3. Without moving your hand, while inhaling, lift the dumbbell behind your head until your hand touches your biceps.
  4. As you exhale, raise your hand up.
  5. After the required number of repetitions, change hands.

In the gym, you can use a pulley machine with a cable handle to perform one-arm standing extensions. Girls are recommended to start with light weight dumbbells, gradually increasing the load.

One-arm extensions

To perform this exercise you will need a bench and dumbbells. Push-up extensions are effective for the triceps muscle, as well as the biceps, back and shoulders.

  1. Place dumbbells on both sides of the bench.
  2. Place your left knee and palm on the bench and lean your body forward. The back is straight. Right leg on the floor, knee slightly bent.
  3. Right hand take a dumbbell, do not move your shoulder away from your body. Upper and Bottom part your arms should be at right angles.
  4. As you exhale, move your forearm back and hold for a while.
  5. As you inhale, return your hand to the starting position.

Standing triceps extensions with expander

The expander in this exercise helps to organize additional muscle load. In addition, the use of this simulator has a positive effect on muscle elasticity.

  1. In a standing position, place your foot on the middle part of the expander and clasp the handles with your palms.
  2. Raise your arms bent at the elbows so that your elbows point forward.
  3. As you exhale, straighten your arms and hold this position for a few seconds.
  4. As you inhale, lower your arms to the starting position.

Bent-over row

To perform this exercise you must have a barbell. Bent-over rows pump up the muscles of the back, arms and give definition to the abdomen.

  1. Place your hands shoulder-width apart and grab the bar. Keep your back straight and bend your knees slightly.
  2. Bend your elbows and pull the bar towards chest.
  3. Hold the position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

During execution, you must not arch your lower back and make sure that your knees are bent. It is important to fix your gaze strictly in front of you - this will help you not to be distracted and not to disrupt your bent over row technique.

Side plank with dumbbell raise

In addition to working the triceps, the side plank engages the muscles of the legs, abs and back. Exercise relieves lower back pain and helps reduce fat mass around the waist.

  1. Lie on your right side. Take in left hand dumbbell.
  2. Place your elbow with emphasis on the floor. Place your left foot on top of your right.
  3. Raise your body so that your right elbow forms a 90* angle, and the emphasis is only on your arm and lower foot.
  4. Straighten your left arm with weights.
  5. With low amplitude, return the hand to the starting position.

Close grip bench press

To perform this exercise you will need additional tools - a bar and a bench. Press with narrow grip works well for shoulders, abs and triceps muscle.

  1. Lie with your back on the bench. With your hands, grab the bar at a distance equal to shoulder width.
  2. Inhaling, you need to lower your arms down until the bar touches your chest.
  3. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds.
  4. As you exhale, return your arms to a straight position.

Before starting the exercise, you need to warm up well and warm up your muscles. During the bench press, do not grab the bar too wide and lift your pelvis off the bench.

Press down on the block

During the exercise, your knees need to be slightly bent. Keep your chin straight, without pressing it to your neck.

The photo shows the technique of performing an effective triceps exercise for girls in the gym.
  1. Insert the straight handle into the upper block of the machine.
  2. Stand facing the simulator, clasp the handle with your palms. Spread your limbs shoulder width apart. Press your elbows towards your body.
  3. Pull the handle of the exercise machine towards your chest without moving your shoulders.
  4. As you inhale, lower the handle to the base of your thighs.
  5. As you exhale, return your hands to your chest.

It is worth remembering the position of the brushes. They do not need to be tilted down or rotated, otherwise the load will shift to the forearms.

Push-ups with a fitball

The exercise is another modification of the classic push-ups. To do this you need to take gymnastic fitball. Exercises with it train the ability to maintain balance and increase endurance.

  1. Lie face down on the floor. Place your palms on the floor. The palms should be positioned slightly wider than the shoulders, the abdominal muscles should be tense, and the arms should be straight.
  2. Place your feet on a fitball, maintaining your balance.
  3. Bend your elbows and lower yourself toward the floor until your arms are at right angles.
  4. While inhaling, slowly return to the starting position.

Extensions with an expander in a horizontal tilt

The exercise trains the entire triceps muscle well, especially its top part. Horizontal extensions are also beneficial for the back muscles.

  1. Stand on the expander and clasp its handles with your palms.
  2. Bend slightly, lean forward, bend your knees.
  3. Pull the expander, moving your elbows and shoulders back.
  4. Slowly move your arms back until they form a straight line.
  5. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Exercises in the gym will help any girl pump up her triceps and tighten her arm muscles. The main thing in this matter is patience, compliance with safety precautions and a focus on results.

Useful videos with triceps exercises for girls in the gym

Triceps training program:

How to pump up your arms:

Triceps are muscles located on the back of the arms. These muscles help to extend the arms, pull, and push. However, most women don't realize how important it is to do triceps exercises for girls to keep them in shape until they have to raise their arms and clap. Flabby arms or Batman wings are not the most pleasant words for weak triceps, so you need to start getting rid of this problem.

In addition to this, training your arms will not make you as muscular as a man. The male body produces much more testosterone than the female body, which promotes muscle growth. So feel free to grab dumbbells and say goodbye to flabby arms. Below you will learn how to pump up your triceps at home. Do these 15 exercises to help you wear a sweater or sleeveless with equal confidence. Let's begin!

1. Triceps extensions

Triceps extensions are very simple, but effective exercise. To perform it, you can use both dumbbells and an expander.

Performing the exercise

  1. Hold a 5kg dumbbell with both hands. Feet shoulder-width apart, abs tense, shoulders relaxed;
  2. Slowly raise your arms above your head. Straighten your arms completely, point your hands toward the ceiling;
  3. Bend your elbows and bend your forearms behind your head so that they touch your biceps;
  4. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

2. French press or lying triceps extension

This is another variation of the triceps extension, but more difficult because it works the triceps against gravity.

Performing the exercise

  1. Lie down on the bench. Take a 2 kg dumbbell in each hand, hands facing each other, arms extended upward;
  2. Bend your elbows and point the dumbbells toward your shoulders;
  3. Pause;
  4. Return your forearms to the starting position;
  5. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

3. Push-ups

Bench push-ups work the triceps, biceps, shoulders, back, glutes and back surface hips. This exercise is great to do at home and gives excellent results when done regularly.

Performing the exercise

  1. Stand with your back to the bench. Lower your body down, resting your hands on the bench. Your fingers should point forward and your legs should be straight. Support your body by resting on your heels and squeezing your abdominal muscles;
  2. Slowly lower your body down with a straight back until your shoulders form a 90-degree angle with your forearms;
  3. Slowly return to the starting position;
  4. Do 3 sets of 5 reps.

4. Push-ups

Triceps push-ups are very similar to classic push-ups. They help work your triceps, core, quads, hamstrings, biceps and back.

Performing the exercise

  1. Lie on your stomach. Lift your body off the floor, resting on your feet and hands. Place your hands narrower than shoulder width;
  2. As you inhale, lower your body down until your chest touches the floor;
  3. Pause and return to the starting position;
  4. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but to perform it you will need a ball. This is a more difficult version of push-ups, as you need to maintain balance.

Performing the exercise

  1. Place the ball in front of you;
  2. Place your hands on the ball. The hands should be located close to each other, and the arms should be fully straightened;
  3. Straighten your legs, place your toes firmly on the floor;
  4. Slowly lower yourself down until your chest touches the ball;
  5. Return to starting position;
  6. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

Side push-ups help tone your triceps, back, and shoulder muscles. They are similar to regular push-ups, but are performed in a slightly unconventional way. You don't need any equipment to complete this exercise.

Performing the exercise

  1. Lie on your side with one leg over the other. Tighten your abs and place your top hand on the floor. With your other hand, “hug” yourself around the waist;
  2. Push off with your upper hand and lift your body off the floor;
  3. Pause and inhale as you lower yourself down;
  4. Do 2 sets of 10 times on each side.

7. Standing one-arm extensions

This exercise differs from regular extensions in that here you will work with each hand in turn. This way of doing the exercise is more effective.

Performing the exercise

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand;
  2. Bend your arms and press them to your chest;
  3. Raise one arm above your head. This is the starting position;
  4. Bend your elbow and lower your forearm back until the dumbbell touches your shoulder;
  5. Slowly straighten your arm;
  6. Do 2 sets of 10 reps on each arm.

8. One-arm extensions in support

This exercise is performed on the same principle as the previous one, but in addition to the triceps, it uses the muscles of the shoulders, back and biceps.

Performing the exercise

  1. Place a 5 kg dumbbell on both sides of the bench;
  2. Place one knee and hand on the bench and lean forward. Keep your body parallel to the floor, place your other leg firmly on the floor, knee slightly bent;
  3. Take a dumbbell, press your shoulder to your body. The shoulder and forearm should form an angle of 90 degrees;
  4. As you exhale, move your forearm back;
  5. Hold, inhale and return your forearm to the starting position;
  6. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

9. Standing triceps extensions with an expander

Triceps extensions with a resistance band are similar to the French press, but here you will use a resistance band. An expander will add variety to your workout and make the task a little more challenging.

Performing the exercise

  1. Grab the handles of the expander, place one foot in the middle of the expander;
  2. Raise your arms up and bend your elbows. Make sure your elbows are pointing forward;
  3. Straighten your arms;
  4. Hold this position. Inhale and lower your forearms;
  5. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

Bent-over row great exercise for working biceps, triceps, core, shoulders and back muscles. You will need a bar.

Performing the exercise

  1. Take the bar. Hands shoulder-width apart, lower back not bent, back straight, knees slightly bent;
  2. Pull the bar towards your chest;
  3. Pause and return the bar to the starting position. The back is straight throughout the exercise;
  4. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

11. Side plank with dumbbell lift

This exercise works the triceps, pectoral muscles, back muscles, core and glutes.

Performing the exercise

  1. Get into a side plank position by lying on one side. Place one foot on top of the other. Top hand take a 2 kg dumbbell, rest your other hand on the floor;
  2. Lift your body off the floor so that the emphasis is on only one foot and arm;
  3. Raise your arm from the dumbbells until fully extended;
  4. Slowly return your hand to the starting position;
  5. Do 1 set of 10 reps on each side.

12. Close grip bench press

This exercise works well on the biceps, triceps, chest, shoulders and core.

Performing the exercise

  1. Lie down on the bench and grab the bar. Arms straight, shoulder width apart , brushes pointing upward;
  2. As you inhale, slowly lower your forearms until the bar touches your chest;
  3. Hold this position. As you exhale, straighten your arms to the starting position;
  4. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

13. Press down on the block

This exercise works your triceps, biceps and shoulders.

Performing the exercise

  1. Attach the straight handle to upper block in the gym;
  2. Stand facing the handle, grab it with a direct grip, arms and legs shoulder-width apart, elbows pressed to the body;
  3. Pull the handle towards your chest. Shoulders should be tightly secured. This is the starting position;
  4. As you inhale, push the handle down until it touches the point where your hips end;
  5. As you exhale, return your forearms to their original position;
  6. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

14. Push-ups with a fitball

These push-ups are similar to classic push-ups for triceps, but for this option you will need a fitball. The exercise ball increases the difficulty level of this exercise to advanced and also improves coordination and strength.

Performing the exercise

  1. Place your hands firmly on the floor;
  2. Place your feet on the fitball and try to keep your balance;
  3. Keep your arms straight, your abs tense, your hands slightly narrower than shoulder width;
  4. Bend your elbows and lower yourself down until your shoulders form a 90-degree angle with your forearms;
  5. Inhale and slowly return to the starting position;
  6. Do 2 sets of 12 reps.

15. Extensions with an expander in a horizontal tilt

This type of extension is a little more complicated than those performed in a vertical position.

Performing the exercise

  1. Grab the handles of the expander and stand on it to fix it;
  2. Lean forward slightly, bend your knees and pull the resistance band so that your shoulders and elbows are pointing back. This is the starting position;
  3. Slowly move your forearms back until your arms are fully extended;
  4. Exhale and return your arms to the starting position.

The exercises described above will help you tone your arm muscles, but in conclusion I would like to remind you that you should not forget about some details.

Things to remember

  • It is impossible to lose weight in any specific part of the body. Before toning your muscles, you should get rid of excess fat;
  • Eat right. Include green leafy vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, fruits, high fiber foods;
  • Avoid fast food, high sugar foods, processed carbohydrates, carbonated drinks, etc.;
  • Spend 3 hours a week training on all muscle groups to burn excess fat;
  • Do not eat carbohydrates after 19:00;
  • Get 7-8 hours of sleep to help your muscles recover faster.

What are the benefits of doing triceps exercises?

Benefits of Triceps Exercises

  1. Regularly working out your triceps makes you stronger;
  2. Stretching the muscles working during exercise will protect you from injury, give you flexibility, and provide good posture and joint mobility;
  3. Improving blood circulation and reducing stress;
  4. Working out the triceps makes your body more mobile.

Now you know 15 basic exercises that will help you tighten your triceps. You no longer have to feel embarrassed about wearing sleeveless dresses. Get started right now! Good luck!

Not every woman (girl) has the strength or ability to go to the gym. Work, children, and housework create an acute shortage of time. But despite this, you always want to look beautiful and fit.

They especially talk about the state of well-groomed hands of a woman. And not only the skin, but also the muscles. Flabby and jelly-like muscle mass always unattractive. Since the triceps mainly provides a beautiful contour of the shoulder at the back, then we will talk about how to do it at home.

A set of simple and effective exercises for pumping up muscles for women

Exercise 1 - push-ups

  1. Floor presses can be performed with different hand positions.
  • The narrow position of the hands means that the thumbs and index fingers of the two palms on the floor form a heart. There is an option to place one palm on top of the other.
  • A wide hand position is considered to be the position of the palms on the floor at shoulder width. Thanks to this, the load will fall on the pectoral muscles.

One of the classic ways to pump up the triceps is dumbbell presses. I am attracted by efficiency, accessibility and speed of results.

All coaches and sports doctors definitely recommend doing presses with narrow setting hands Firstly, in this case the load on the triceps is greater. Secondly, there is less risk of injury to the shoulder capsule.

  1. Next comes flexion and extension of the arms at the elbows with raising and lowering the body. Can be repeated up to 20 times, but through pain and obvious muscle fatigue no need to do the exercise.
  2. When doing floor presses, your legs should be straight and your toes should rest on the floor. But for a beginner, to ease the initial load and prevent stretching, you can bend your legs, placing your shins, knees and feet on the floor, in other words, stand on all fours.

It is possible for a woman to tighten her muscles at home, but she needs patience and regular training.

Exercise 2 - Dumbbell Presses

A fairly large group of exercises that can be performed in various body positions - standing, sitting, lying down. Moreover, you can do exercises with dumbbells while lying not only on the floor, but also on a narrow bed, bench or on a row of chairs (stools).

The main meaning is flexion - extension of the arms at the elbows up and down.

Instead of dumbbells, you can use plastic bottles of various sizes with water or sand.

Another way to pump up a girl’s triceps at home is reverse push-ups.