Theory for the Physical Education Olympiad. Online Olympiads in physical education. Olympics in physical education. Stages

The harmonious development of modern man largely depends on physical education lessons, which imply not only practical, but also theoretical study. Teachers should pay special attention to how they are absorbed by students and constantly test the knowledge and skills of schoolchildren. This can be done using our website “Aida”, which regularly hosts physical education Olympiads for schoolchildren.

Testing knowledge in physical education through online Olympiads

Online Olympiads on our website are free for participants, are ongoing, and can be completed at any convenient time. Online Olympiads are tests that include fifteen multiple-choice questions. Students are asked to choose the correct option. The more of them there are, the more successful the Olympics will be. Its results appear immediately after testing is completed. This can be first, second, third place, a laureate or a participant.

Olympiads in physical education involve accepting work from practical recommendations, which are created by students under the guidance of a teacher. They are reviewed by the competition jury for two days after receipt, and then the authors of the works also receive first, second, third place, and become participants or laureates.

Based on the results of the Olympiads, students and teachers can receive diplomas that cost 89 rubles. They include the last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher and student, the results of the Olympiads, and their date. Diplomas are assigned an individual number. They are issued a few minutes after payment is received electronically, then, if necessary, printed on paper.

Certification of physical education teachers

Teachers can use the diplomas that schoolchildren receive after Olympiads in physical education to improve their qualifications. They are attached to the portfolio and shown together with it to the certification commission. This will help speed up the process of advanced training, resulting in a significant increase in salary. The more active the participation of schoolchildren in physical education Olympiads, the more diplomas their teacher can receive. And the sooner it will be assigned a new, more promising category.

“Physical education” 7-8 grades

Theoretical tour

Possible number of points

Number of points scored

Paintings of jury members



You are offered 27 questions that meet the minimum knowledge requirements for the subject “Physical Education”. For each question there are 4 answer options: a, b, c, d. Among them there are both correct and incorrect answers. Read the questions and suggested answer options carefully. Your task is to choose one of the four answer options that you think is correct and circle it. Be careful when marking the correct answer. Corrections and erasures are scored as an incorrect answer. We wish you success!

    The term "Olympiad" in ancient Greece meant...

a) competitions held during the Olympic Games;

b) the year of the Olympic Games;

c) a four-year period between the Olympic Games;

d) the first year of the quadrennial, the onset of which is celebrated by the Olympic Games.

2. B Ancient Greece great attention was paid physical training young men. Specialized institutions were created everywhere where teenagers went in for sports, which were called...

a) amphitheater;

b) hippodrome;

c) stadium;

d) palaestra.

3. Athletes who inflicted mortal wounds on an opponent during the Olympic Games, Hellas judges...

a) were recognized as winners;

b) declared heroes;

c) flogged with a laurel wreath;

d) expelled from the stadium.

4.What sports did women compete in during the first Winter Olympics?

A) ski race;

b) speed skating;

V) figure skating;

d) all answers are correct

5. The initiator of the revival of the modern Olympic Games is...

a) Roman Emperor Theodosius I;

b) ancient philosopher and thinker Aristotle;

c) Pierre de Coubertin;

d) Juan Antonio Samaranch.

6.What is the Olympic Charter?

a) a document that sets out the tasks and principles of the IOC’s activities;

b) a set of laws by which he lives olympic movement;

c) rules of competitions included in the program of the Olympic Games;

d) a party of athletes advocating healthy image life.

7.The five Olympic rings symbolize...

a) harmony in the education of the basic physical qualities: strength,

speed, endurance, flexibility, agility;

b) the unity of athletes from five continents of the globe;

c) the main colors included in the flags of all countries participating in the Olympic Games;

d) unity of athletes of the five leading powers of the world.

8.When was our country granted the right to host the Olympic Games?

a) in 1992, the Games of the XXV Olympiad were held in St. Petersburg;

b) in 1980 took place in Moscow Games XXII Olympics;

c) in 1976, the XXI Olympic Games;

d) in 1988, Kazan hosted athletes participating in the Games of the XXIV Olympiad.

9. For the first time in Russia, he developed the theory of preschool education, substantiated the content, means and methods physical education At school…

a) N.G. Chernyshevsky;

b) Jan Amos Kamensky;

c) P.F. Lesgaft;

d) A.S. Makarenko.

10. Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) in the book “The Canon of Medical Science” in the chapter “Preserving Health” indicated that the main thing for maintaining health is...

a) sleep mode;

b) diet;

V) physical exercise;

d) sport mode.

11.Basic physical education is predominantly oriented on the …

a) maintaining and restoring health;

b) ensuring a person’s physical fitness;

c) development of reserve capabilities of the human body;

d) preparation for professional activity.

12. Which of the following is not a distinctive feature of physical culture?

a) various types of gymnastics, athletics, games, varieties of exercise sets;

b) ensuring life safety;

c) knowledge, principles, rules and methods of using exercises;

d) positive changes in a person’s physical condition.

13.Indicate which tasks solution contributes to the implementation common goal physical education.

a) adaptation and health-improving;

b) educational, educational and health-improving;

c) methodological and competitive;

d) motor and hygienic.

14.Teaching motor actions is built in accordance with...

b) objectives of physical education;

c) training targets;

d) patterns of formation of motor skills.

15. Complexes of genetically determined biological properties of the human body, thanks to which motor activity is possible, are usually called...

a) functional systems;

b) muscle tension;

c) physical qualities;

d) coordination abilities.

16.Which of the proposed definitions is formulated incorrectly?

a) Strength is manifested in the ability to overcome external

resistance through muscle contractions.

b) Speed ​​is the quality on which speed depends

characteristics of movements.

V) Explosive force determines the ability to achieve maximum

level of muscle tension in a minimum time.

d) All proposed definitions are formulated correctly.

17. Physical exercise is usually called...

a) repeated repetition of motor actions;

b) movements that improve performance;

c) motor actions organized in a certain way;

d) movements aimed at developing posture

18.System special training a person to a specific activity chosen by him as his main one is called...

a) health-improving and rehabilitation physical culture;

b) basic physical culture;

c) adaptive physical culture;

d) professional and applied physical culture.

19. The process of developing physical qualities and mastering vital movements is called...

a) physical training;

b) physical education;

c) physical improvement;

d) physical development.

20. When monitoring the condition of the body based on external signs, they do not monitor...

a) sweating;

b) change in skin color;

c) lack of coordination;

d) pulse mode.

21. In what sports is the speed of a complex motor reaction of the greatest practical importance?

A) gymnastics, acrobatics, gymnastics;

b) cyclic sports;

c) archery, ski jumping;

d) team sports, martial arts.

22. Determine which of the international sports federations below has the abbreviation incorrectly presented?

a) International Football Federation (FIFA);

b) International Volleyball Federation (FIVB);

c) International Basketball Federation (FIBA);

d) International Athletics Federation (LAAF).

23. Establish a correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns. One element in the left column corresponds to one element in the right. Write your answer in the table.


Kind of sport

    Sergey Bubka

A) Hockey

2.Vladislav Tretyak

B) Swimming

3.Alexander Popov

B) Gymnastics

4.Lyudmila Turishcheva

D) Football

    Lev Yashin

D) Athletics

24. List the sports included in the triathlon_________________________________ ______________________


25. Complete the statement: The rational use of natural forces of nature to increase the body’s resistance to the influences of various environmental factors is called_______ _________________________________________________________________

26. Complete the statement: The state of the body, characterized by perfect self-regulation of organs and systems, a harmonious combination of physical, moral and social well-being, is called___ ___________________________________________

27. In order to remember and subsequently perform sets of exercises independently, their content is written down in the form of pictograms. Draw images of motor actions:

Main stand

Hands to the sides

Hands at sides, legs apart



Sitting legs apart

Sit with emphasis on hands from behind

key: 7-8 grade Olympiad school tour possible number of points 40










10-v (2 points),



13-b, (2 points)

14-b, (2 points)



17 –a,

18 –g,


20 -g,



23.for each correct answer – 1 point (maximum 5 points)






24. swimming, cycling and road running (1 point for each correctly listed)

25. hardening – 2 points for the correct answer

26. health – 2 points for the correct answer

27. (for each correct 0.5 points ) If

all pictograms correct – 3 points

Regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren physical culture in St. Petersburg took place on February 7 and 8, 2020.

Results of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physical education in the 2019/2020 academic year

The award ceremony for the winners and runners-up took place on March 3, 2020 at the Carnival concert hall.

St. Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity

Regional stage 2019-2020 academic year

The regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physical education took place on February 7 and 8, 2020

Theoretical tour:

on the basis of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 210 of the Central District (Nevsky Prospekt, 14, Admiralteyskaya metro station / Nevsky Prospekt)

Practical tour:

February 7 and 8 as scheduled in SDYUSSH OR No. 1 GBNOU "SPB GDTU" (Sports building, Fontanka, no. 33; metro station Gostiny Dvor)

and in Sports complex « Athletics arena» (Krestovsky Island, Tennis Alley, 3, lit. A; metro station Novokrestovskaya / Krestovsky Island)

Passing points for participation in the regional stage 2019-2020 school year:

  • Identity document (passport);
  • Certificate from the institution where this moment the participant is studying;
  • Medical certificate of admission to participate in the Olympics;

Analysis of tasks, display of works and appeal will take place on February 19, 2019 at 16:00 at the site of the Olympiad Center at the address: Ostrovsky Square, 2B

Passing points for participation in the regional stage:

If you find yourself on the list, then register

Documents for participation in the regional stage:Archive

Dear winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physical education in the 2018-2019 academic year

The award ceremony will take place

on the Small Stage of the Anichkov Palace

at Nevsky Prospekt, 39

The beginning of the Ceremony is at 16:00

Registration starts at 15:30

Have with you:

passport or student ID with photo, replacement shoes/shoe covers.

The final stage of the Secondary School of Physical Education took place in Ulyanovsk from April 15 to April 21, 2017.

The St. Petersburg team consisted of 3 young men.
Alexey Smirnov, a student of school 422 in the Kronstadt district, has won a winner’s diploma for the second year.
Dmitry Bezrukov (gymnasium 402 of the Kolpinsky district) was awarded an Olympic medalist diploma.
We congratulate the graduates, their parents and teachers!

All-Russian Olympiad in physical education among schoolchildren is one of 24 disciplines for which the best representatives are selected annually school age throughout the federation. The initiator of this competition, covering all regions of Russia, is the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In the 2018–2019 academic year, the 19th event will take place, annually identifying the most prepared schoolchildren not only in physical fitness, but also in the theoretical part of knowledge about physical education.

Main stages

All competitions are divided into 4 main stages:

  • school level;
  • municipal competitions;
  • regional stage;
  • All-Russian competition (final).

School level

Organized and conducted within one school institution (secondary school, lyceum, gymnasium, etc.). Competitions are held between students of the same parallel, from 5th to 11th grade. Junior school students are not allowed to participate in the Physical Education Olympiad. The tasks offered to participants are developed by the city methodological commission, and the function of checking the results is assigned to school teachers.

Municipal competitions

During this round, students compete who have shown top scores at the previous stage. Municipal tour introduces an age limit: children under 7th grade cannot take part in it. Assignments are prepared by members of regional commissions, and organizational issues and the provision of a site for the Olympiad are managed by city or district administrations.

Regional stage

Prize-winners of municipal competitions who took 1st – 3rd places are allowed to participate in this round. Participants are divided into 2 groups: grades 7-8 and grades 9-11.

Final (all-Russian stage)

Winners from all regions who have scored the passing number of points go here. The passing limit is affected by the overall indicators for this year across the country. Representatives and members of the Ministry of Education are involved in drawing up assignments and organizing this tour.

TO regional competitions may be admitted without preliminary selection of participants who became winners of the regional stage in the previous year. However, those who took a prize place but did not achieve the passing score for the next round cannot take advantage of this advantage. Age limit increases for students: only students in grades 9-11 can participate.


The school level of the 2018-2019 Physical Education Olympiad is held locally from the second half of September to the first half of October. Municipal competitions start on October 20 and end in mid-December.

A regional round will be announced from mid-January to the end of February 2019, and the dates for the final competition will be from April 13 to 19. The final will take place in Ulyanovsk.

Task structure

All stages of the All-Russian Olympiad in Physical Culture are organized according to a single template. They contain 2 types of tasks:

  • theoretical part containing test questions and questions without answer options;
  • practical part – physical standards(assessed separately for boys and girls).

Theoretical tasks are framed in the form of questions that reveal knowledge about sports, the physiology of the body during physical activity etc. In addition to tests, there are a small number of tasks where you need to complete a phrase or compare definitions, identify the correct order of abstracts or remember a definition. The highest number of points is awarded for successful completion of such tasks. 60 minutes are allotted to complete the theoretical part.

Practical honor contains standards that are included in the school course “Physical Education”. The main exercises relate to gymnastics, football, basketball, athletics, etc. Assessment is carried out based on age characteristics. The results of the theoretical and practical parts are summarized.

How to participate

To become a participant in the All-Russian Olympiad in Physical Culture, you must complete the following steps:

  • find out all the details, time and place of school competitions and express your desire to participate in the event to the physical education teacher or head teacher;
  • show up at the venue school competitions on time, having sports uniform with you (lack sports uniform is grounds for disqualification).

The results will be available from your physical education teacher. You can also find out from him about the time and place of the next level.

Incentives for winners

Winners of all age groups in the final round will be issued appropriate diplomas allowing them to receive further benefits. The Russian government has prepared cash prizes for such gifted children, which encourage talented youth to further achievements and achievements in sports.

The winners of the Olympiad in Physical Culture, who will take prizes during the finals held in Moscow, are provided with benefits when entering state universities for a budget-funded form of education. If the situation and competition for places allows, then such applicants can be admitted without entrance exams. The only condition for the implementation of this benefit is admission to the “physical education” profile; this advantage does not apply to other areas.

The Ministry of Education recommends that all winners who take prizes be automatically given an annual “excellent” grade in physical education.

The 2017-2018 Olympics in Physical Culture will be the 18th event, which is held annually under the auspices of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. It will be attended by schoolchildren in various age categories who are interested in or actively involved in sports. The Olympiad tasks are designed in such a way as to reveal not only the level of physical fitness of students, but also their mental abilities.

The All-Russian School Olympiad in Physical Education for the 2017-2018 academic year provides for 4 consecutive stages. This list includes:

  • school;
  • municipal;
  • regional;
  • All-Russian.

The school Olympiad is held within one educational institution, where children of the same parallel age compete with each other, starting from the 5th grade. The start of this event is scheduled for September-October 2017, while representatives of each educational institution have the right to determine the exact date of the event independently. The development of assignments is entrusted to members of the city-level methodological commission, and the verification will be entrusted to school teachers.

On municipal stage The winners of the school level of grades 7-11 compete at the Olympiad in Physical Education (grades 5 and 6 do not participate). This event will take place in December-January of the 2017-2018 academic year. The development of tasks is entrusted to the responsible members of the commission at the regional level, and officials of the city (district) administration are obliged to provide the appropriate place for the competition.

Students of general education institutions who took prizes at the municipal event are allowed to participate in the regional level of the Physical Education Olympiad, which is scheduled for January-February 2018. In addition, the winners of the regional selections of the past academic year have the right to start from the regional stage.

The All-Russian School Olympiad in Physical Culture 2017-2018 is highest level subject disciplines, where only the winners of the regional selection and last year’s triumphs demonstrate their skills. However, not all winners of the previous stage are eligible to participate. For example, schoolchildren who took first place in the region but did not score the required number of points are not admitted (the passing limit is set based on the results shown in the country). All participants are divided into two age groups: 7-8 and 9-11 grades. The organization of this event, as well as the preparation of assignments, is carried out by representatives of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The winners of the All-Russian Olympiad in Physical Education can take part in similar international competitions, which will take place in the summer of 2018. For the triumphant group of grades 9-11, some establish benefits when enrolling in a budget-funded form of education, or generally accept them without entrance exams for certain specialties. To the winners of VOS in all age groups The Ministry of Education recommends giving the highest grade in the subject “Physical Education”.

How is the Physical Education Olympiad going?

The scheme for the 2017-2018 Physical Education Olympiad is the same at all stages. It consists of two parts:

  • theoretical assignment;
  • compliance with physical standards.

In the theoretical part, schoolchildren must take a test in the form of questions (both with and without answer options). Mainly checked basic knowledge about sports, the physiological characteristics of the body in the process of physical education, etc. In tasks without answer options (about 10-20%), you should correlate concepts and definitions, supplement the phrase, arrange theses in the correct order, and supplement the graphic diagram. As a rule, they are awarded more points. The test execution time does not exceed 45-60 minutes.

Practical assignments involve passing the standards included in the school discipline “Physical Education”. The main exercises are associated with sports such as gymnastics, Athletics, football, basketball, etc. Grading criteria are determined taking into account gender, individual, and age criteria. The results for the theoretical and practical parts are summed up, after which the total number of points determines whether the student will be able to perform at the next stage.


The 2017-2018 Olympics in Physical Culture pursues a number of important educational and educational goals:

  • popularization of healthy lifestyle among young people;
  • stimulation of activities various types sports;
  • identification of talented, diligent, promising students.

The increase in crime among teenagers, the decline in the health of students, and the catastrophic statistics on drug, computer and alcohol addiction among young people make it necessary to find alternative activities for schoolchildren. Sports help students throw out negative emotions, reach new heights, and diversify their leisure time with useful and interesting activities. Physical activity is considered the key to good health, the development of willpower, and the formation of a harmonious personality. Therefore, the need to hold the Olympiad in physical education has long been beyond doubt, both among politicians, officials, and public figures.

The 2017-2018 Physical Education Olympiad is a wonderful opportunity for schoolchildren to realize their sporting potential. The event will start in October 2017, when school stage selection. On final stage All-Russian school Olympiad The best students from all over the country will gather to demonstrate their intellectual knowledge and physical skills.

For information on how the All-Russian Olympiad in Physical Education 2016-2017 took place in Ulyanovsk, see the following video: