DIY wooden cart drawings. A Russian horse cart is the best assistant in the modern outback. Step-by-step instructions for making a carriage

Those who often visit the village probably know what an ordinary cart or sleigh for a horse looks like. Despite its primitiveness, this type of horse-drawn carriage is still widely used in private households in our 21st century. Do you know how to harness a horse to a cart or sleigh? If not, then we are ready to tell you complete detailed instructions.

A cart or cart (cart) is a simplified version of a four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage used as a cargo or transport vehicle. In the form in which we see the cart today, it presumably originated back in the 12th century, as a type of freight cart. Initially they were made of wood, including large wheels. Today, carts are also made of wood, but with a metal frame structure. Rubber spring tires.

Although today the word “cart” is often used as a general name for any work or transport horse-drawn cart, there are differences. A horse cart is a one-horse, springless cart with a carrying capacity of about 500-700 kg. To harness a horse, a shaft harness is most often used, but a drawbar harness can also be used. For all carts, the distance between the wheels is about 100 cm, with the diameter of the front wheels being slightly smaller than the rear ones. Average weight carts about 200 kg.

If we consider the design of a regular cart, it includes:

  • chassis – frame with two axles, four wheels, support plates;
  • body – wooden platform with or without sides;
  • shafts.

Depending on the purpose of use, carts are divided into flatbed and platform. The latter are used as freight transport, in which it is easy to transport large loads. The flatbed has a wider range of uses and, in addition to transporting goods and hay, can also be used as a vehicle. It is very convenient if the sides are folding and the back wall is removable. Then an ordinary cart can be turned into a loading platform.

It is important to remember that in order for the cart to serve for a long time and be in good working order, it should not be kept outside in the open air. Moisture, cold and dampness deteriorate the rubber of wheels, as well as metal and wooden structure. Certainly, ideal place There will be a horse stable to store the cart. If there is no space, then a regular canopy with walls will do. In extreme cases, the cart can be placed in a horse pen, but then it must be completely hidden under a protective film or tarpaulin, and the rubber wheels must also be well wrapped for the winter.

Harnessing a horse to a cart

Harnessing a horse to a carriage may seem like a complicated process to many. However, this is only at first glance. Of course, before you harness a horse to a cart, you need to thoroughly study the structure of the horse harness and know its components. You can find out about this in our previous article - link.

Only after the design of the harness has been studied and its integrity has been checked, you can begin harnessing.

  1. The first step is to put a bridle on the horse. To do this, stand on the left side at the level of the horse's neck, in right hand take the bridle and hold the horse's head with your left hand. First, put on the snaffle strap, then the noseband, inserting the bit onto the toothless edge of the animal’s mouth with your left hand. After this, put your ears through the back of the head strap, straighten your mane and bangs, and fasten the chin strap.
  2. Now we move on to putting on the saddle. Check the integrity and cleanliness of the pad under the saddle, inspect all the places that will be adjacent to the horse’s body. First, put it on the level of the withers, then move it to the desired place, thereby smoothing out the raised hair. Take the girth and fasten it on the left side so that the saddle fits snugly to the animal’s back, but does not pinch the stomach.
  3. Take the collar and harness. Also carefully inspect the integrity of the felt under the clamp, the clamp itself, and whether the tugs are the same in length. Turn the collar over with the pliers up, put it on the horse's head, straighten the harness and then, turning the collar with the pliers down along the direction of the mane, put it on the horse's shoulders. Be sure to check that no mane gets caught under the collar.
  4. Straighten the harness along the horse's body.
  5. Now you can lead the horse into the shafts and make an arc. To do this, take an arc, and wrapping the left tug around the shaft from bottom to top, we insert the lower edge of the arc into the resulting loop and tighten it. We throw the arc over and in the same way fasten the right shaft to the right tug.
  6. Now you need to tighten the clamp so that the arc stands evenly and firmly, without wobbling. To do this, we tie the end of the soup into a loop so that it can be easily untied at any time.
  7. Then we put on the necklace and tie the shafts.
  8. We fasten the reins last. For more details on the entire harnessing process, see the video below (Tatyana Tusheva).

Horse-drawn sleigh - return to ancient Rus'

Many people know that horse-drawn sleighs are an ancient traditional way of Russian riding. But few people know that sleds are also the most ancient look transport. Archaeologists find the first images of sled-like devices for dragging loads in ancient Rome. Building blocks, heavy loads, etc. were placed on primitive skids. In Rus', due to the peculiarities of Russian winters (lots of snow), sleds were the main form of transport. Legends are made about the famous troika with bells all over the world.

A whole layer of our culture is associated with sleighs; it is not surprising that different regions of Rus' had their own traditions of craftsmanship and design of sleighs. Today they can be divided into Russian cross-country, city, hunting, sledge and sports for riding in troikas. The simplest type is the sledge, which was used everywhere by peasants in the form of freight transport. More compact and allowing higher speeds - urban ones - were used as a private mode of transport with or without a cab driver. The troika in a sleigh deserves a special mention, about which you can learn more in the video from the GalileoRU channel.

Harnessing a horse to a sleigh

As a rule, Russian horse-drawn sleighs have a bow and shafts, just like a cart. Therefore, the method of harnessing a horse is no different from the previous one. If you need to harness a troika to a sleigh, then a troika harness is used, where the root horse is harnessed to the shafts, and two harness horses are fastened to the harnesses.

However, it is worth noting that in some regions, in particular in Ukraine, sleds were used by workers with a drawbar harness. This harness is distinguished by a more simplified design, where instead of a shaft, only one drawbar is used in the middle of the sleigh, and the horse is fastened by the lines.

  1. As with the cart, the bridle is always put on the horse first. However, in winter you definitely need to warm the iron snaffle in your hand so that it doesn’t cause damage in the cold. soft fabrics horse's mouth.
  2. After this, a harness with lines is put on the horse’s body. The horse starts up in front of the sleigh with right side Lines are fastened from the drawbar and to special rings.
  3. A belt or chain from the drawbar is placed on the horse's head and distributed in the narrowest part of the neck - just behind the poll.
  4. The reins are fastened and the sled is ready for use.

Happy owners of a garden try in every possible way to improve their possessions and give them an aesthetic appearance. Installing a decorative cart on a summer cottage carries several functional solutions. On the one hand, it can serve as a flower bed, replacing several flower beds at once, and on the other hand, it can be an original element of garden design.

The choice of garden carts is quite wide. They can be different in size, as well as in style. Typically, decorative carts are made in an old country style, but there are exceptions. For example, garden carts in the style of the Wild West or French Provence are no less popular.

Types and sizes of decorative carts for the garden

Decorative carts for gardens and cottages can be made of wood, metal, or combined (made of wood and metal).

If we talk about size, they can be divided into three types:

  • Large(classic four-wheeled carts, more than three meters long; they are often too bulky and require a lot of free space).
  • Average(two- or four-wheeled carts of larger dimensions, usually no more than two and a half meters in length)
  • Small(small decorative carts or wheelbarrows, about a meter long, and often even less)

The size of the future decorative cart must be decided in advance. It directly depends on the amount of free space and the area of ​​the summer cottage. Moreover, these parameters need to be assessed quite objectively.

How to make it yourself

Buying a decorative cart in a specialized store will not be difficult - the choice of such garden decor is quite large. And those who want to have an exclusive item on their site can take a different, more complicated route - try to make it with their own hands. Of course, in such a matter one cannot do without certain knowledge and skills, as well as without special carpentry tools.

Assembling wheels from wood

It is recommended to start creating a decorative cart for the garden with the most difficult thing, namely the wheels. The very first thing you will need in the manufacturing process is a sheet of plywood and a pencil and compass. So, on the plywood you need to select a point around which, using a compass, draw a circle of the desired size. After which, the circle should be evenly divided into eight parts and connected to each other. Using the resulting segments, cutting the bars for the rim will not be difficult. We place a small block in the center of the resulting circle - it will serve as a hub.


Sample drawing:

Now let's move on to the knitting needles - they can be made using a lathe. Or you can buy cuttings for small hand tools in the store and, adjusting them to right size, use them. Next, you need to drill dense holes in the cut blocks and chocks to match the diameter of the prepared knitting needles. After all the preparations are completed, you can begin the most interesting part - assembly.

You will find all the information about making garden furniture from pallets.

We connect all parts of the wheel using regular PVA glue. Special attention We pay attention to the ends of the blocks. They must be coated with glue on both sides so that they do not have time to dry during the assembly process. When the wheel is ready, it needs to be allowed to dry thoroughly.

Afterwards you can begin the final decor. To make the wheel round you need to cut off the corners of the joints a little. Now the surface of the wheel is carefully sanded and varnished. The wheel is ready! We use the same method to make the three remaining wheels.

Making the body

The bottom is made of wooden boards, which are attached to several bars with a diameter of approximately 5x5 cm. These same bars will subsequently serve to secure the wheels.

Now, to the sides of the resulting base, you need to attach bars that will serve as a frame. All that remains is to sheathe this frame with boards - and the cart body is ready. Just like the wheels, it must be sanded and varnished on top.

Put it on wheels

To make axles, you can use cuttings for brushes or shovels. In the center of the wheel hubs we drill holes suitable for the diameter of the axles. You can attach the axle to the cart according to the same principle as to the wheel, with the only difference - we make the block not round, but flat on one side. We attach the chocks to the lower bars at the bottom of the cart, and then thread them through the holes of the axle.

For complete aesthetic perception, you can also make shafts. They will require two round bars. You can again use cuttings. The shafts will need to be attached to the front axle.

After all the manipulations, the decorative cart for the garden is finally ready. Now you should find a convenient place for her in your summer cottage.

Garden plot decor

The simplest and most popular use of a decorative cart in the garden is to use it as a flower bed. There is enough space inside the cart to accommodate several boxes of flowers or vegetables. Instead of boxes, you can use a wooden barrel with climbing plants planted in it. Such a composition together with the cart will look quite harmonious.

An interesting design solution would be to tilt the cart towards the ground and continue planting flowers. The result will be a kind of flower waterfall that can smoothly flow into an alpine slide.

In addition to flowers, a cart can accommodate many things. These can be various garden sculptures, figurines or dolls - a little imagination and now you have a finished work of art in front of you.

Video: how to make a beautiful wheelbarrow for the garden

In the video - how to make a decorative cart for the garden with your own hands:

A decorative cart is not a cheap pleasure. Well, if you make such decor yourself, you will need a lot of effort and patience. But, despite the complexity of execution and high cost, such an element of garden decor will add zest to the summer cottage.

For greater ambiance, in addition to the decorative cart, you can install elements of similar style in the garden. Wooden signs, a carved bench, clay flower pots, a mill, a well and a wheel - all this will give the garden area a stylish vintage look and add a piece of antiquity to its design.

A horse cart is one of the oldest vehicles. Over time, it has been transformed and improved according to human needs. Now there are several types of such vehicles.

A horse cart is one of the oldest vehicles.

A horse carriage is usually a cargo type vehicle with 4 wheels. It is also called underwater. Carts are rarely used as passenger transport due to the inconvenience of their design. Nowadays, the term “cart” refers to many types of horse-drawn carriages. In fact, this was originally the name given to 4-wheeled springless carts, which were harnessed to one horse. Their carrying capacity varies between 500-700 kg. In most cases, a drawbar and shaft type harness is used. But there are also heavy trucks that can transport up to 2 tons of weight.

Despite their primitiveness, carts are still used as freight transport in many countries. The design is quite complex. They are commonly used on farms and households.

It is believed that carts were first used in the 12th century. The design made at that time is practically no different from today's, with the exception of a few improvements. Modern specimens, as before, are made of wood with a lower metal structure. Spring-type rubber wheels. Often rear wheels slightly larger than the front ones. There are platform and side carts.

In order for the horse to be properly harnessed to the cart, it is necessary to understand its design. The process itself depends on this. The harness performs the function of transferring traction gain from the animal to the cart itself. Then the horse remains functional for a long time. To achieve better effect, the harness is selected individually for each horse, depending on its size and constitution. Additionally, special belts are used for adjustment.

There are 3 main types of harness: for one horse, a pair of horses, and also a multi-horse variety, which is used for threes. As for the latter, in Western countries there are still subspecies for four, six and eight horses. In addition, there are harnesses: traveling, transport, arcless and arc. A more detailed classification is also known: row-and-drawbar, clamp-shaft, row-by-row and Russian. All these options differ in their design and way of harnessing the horse.

Gallery: horse cart (25 photos)

Horse chaise (video)

Shaft-arc harness

Shaft-arc type harness is considered a traditional method. By the way, it is an original Russian version. To understand how to harness a horse, you must first know what parts the structure consists of. It is imperative to check the presence of all elements. There must definitely be a horse clamp with tugs. A cap, a bow, a saddle and other parts are also required. Clamps are selected for all horses, based on the individual parameters of each. This design should fit neatly to the horse's shoulders. If the part is too large, then it is narrowed inside by sewing felt. If the structure is small for a horse, then it cannot be used with a cart. You also don’t need to use the saddle without a saddle, as the thin strap rubs a lot skin. It must be pulled tight and passed through the top of the saddle. The harness must be completely assembled. This part evenly distributes pressure on the horses body.

Now there are several types of such vehicles

Each detail has its place and sequence when put on. To harness a horse, you must perform the following steps:

  1. You have to start by putting on the bridle. In cold weather, you first need to warm up the bit. Otherwise, the cooled iron can harm the tissues.
  2. Now the harness is coming in the following way: take the harness in left hand, on the right place the saddle, which is supposed to be placed on the back of the horses. First, place it on the area that is located closer to the withers, and then straighten the hair and bring the part further.
  3. The front of the saddle should be located higher than the withers, and the back, on the contrary, should lie lower on the back - approximately between the 9th and 15th ribs.
  4. I straighten the harness of the saddles and place them about 10 cm from the horse’s elbow. Tighten the girth so that 2 fingers can be inserted between the body and the girth.
  5. Then you need to put a collar on the horse. It should be deployed bottom side up and through the horse's head. When the part is level with the narrow part of the neck, you need to turn the clamp over and install it correctly. Then straighten the fur and throw the harness over the animal’s body.
  6. Now you need to lead the horse into the shafts. The ends should be located approximately near the tugs.
  7. On the right side, you need to fasten the interlace to the loops. Then do the same on the other side.
  8. Hold the tug in your left hand, and carefully take the horse's bow. It should be carefully brought under the left shaft and circled counterclockwise. Then tighten the ends into loops. Repeat the same steps only on the other side to install the right shaft.
  9. Now you need to go to the horse’s shoulder blade, take the soup and tighten the 2 ends of the clamp. Be sure to check if there is enough tug. If the ends cannot be closed, then it is necessary to lengthen the clamp itself. If the ends are closed, then the arc is poorly positioned, then it is recommended to shorten the tugs.
  10. Reins must be attached to the bridle, which can be threaded through the middle part of the arch if the harnessed horse is obedient. If she doesn’t listen well, then it’s best to do it from the outside.
  11. It is necessary to ensure that the tugs are located behind the arc, not in front. You should definitely check the horse cart for stability and mobility.

There is another option - a line-drawbar harness. This option is used when work is carried out simultaneously with 2 horses. For example, it is used in agricultural work. But in order to harness a horse to a cart like this, you need a drawbar. This is a single type shaft, which will be located in the middle. Each animal is fastened to it: the horse must stand still. The main parts of such a harness are lines, stripes and bibs. If you need to figure out how to properly harness a horse to such a structure, then the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Put on bridles and collars.
  2. Place the horses on both sides of the drawbar.
  3. Place a strap from each horse on the drawbar and secure it in the bib ring. The stitchers will control how the line is stretched. In addition, they secure the clamp.
  4. Secure the bibs using the lines and clamp.
  5. Attach the reins to the bridle.

Line-by-line harness is another option, the simplest, since there are no shafts, drawbars, or arcs. In most cases, this method is called tie-down. It is used for carts, for carriages, and for various equipment that is used in agricultural work (for example, a plow and a harrow). There is nothing difficult about harnessing a horse using this method. The bottom line is that you need to put a harness on the horse and fix it to the cart ring. The scheme for putting on the harness itself resembles the diagram of a shaft-arc harness.

Horse cart (video)

DIY making

If you are interested in how to make a cart with your own hands, you must first read the instructions, prepare the appropriate tools and materials, and complete diagrams and drawings. Only after this can you make a horse cart with your own hands. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. First you need to complete the chassis of the entire structure. The chassis consists of a welded solid frame and axles for the wheels. You can carry out welding yourself, but if you do not have the necessary experience and skills, then it is best to entrust this work to a specialist. The axles and frame can be made from a profile: then they will be solid. Another option is pipes with thick walls.
  2. Now you need to make a stationary axis, which will be located at the rear. Then make the one that will be in front. It should turn on the pin (2 washers should be fixed).
  3. Before you finish the axle that will be located in the front, you need to decide on the type of cart. If it is a drawbar, then you will have to additionally make a special clamp for the drawbar. The shafts must be welded to the front axle, and a special clamp will also be needed. In other words, the shafts will not be removed, but they must be positioned movably so that, due to the holder, they can be directed to the sides, up, down. By the way, they can be fixed on a bracket. For reinforcement, cords are used - these are wire rods. Their diameter should be approximately 1 cm. The wire rod should be fixed to the front axle and shaft.
  4. The chassis needs to be completed by installing the wheels. If necessary, they also install brakes.
  5. Now you need to make the body to your taste. You can simply cut the boards and make a platform that will be attached to the frame. This option can be modified.
  6. Shafts can be made from metal pipes. Wooden beams are also suitable.
  7. You can make a seat in the back.

Horse carts are the oldest vehicle. Gradually they were improved and modified, so that new designs appeared (for example, carriages). The harnessing process also gradually became more complicated.

One of the garden decorations that is often found in landscape design is a wooden chaise, which is often also used as a stand for flower pots. In the presence of the necessary tool, you can do it yourself.
To work you will need:

  • Jigsaw;
  • Electric planer;
  • Grinder;
  • Drill or screwdriver;
  • Drill and screws;
  • Clamps;
  • PVA glue;
  • Square, pencil, compass;
  • Paint brush;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Varnish, stain;
  • Wood.
The first stage of work is assembling the lower part of the chaise. To make it you will need a 50x50 mm beam. You need to fasten three beams together, two of which will be 30 cm long, and the third 35 cm. The 35 cm long beam should be on top, since the wheels will subsequently be attached to it. However, please note that the second beam must be cut in the middle, so that another 50x50 cm beam can be inserted into it. You need two units of such parts. The length of the chaise will be 120 cm. Cut this size of timber with a jigsaw. Then thread this 120 cm beam inside the two pieces you made. Use PVA glue as fastening, and also additionally fasten the structure with self-tapping screws. Before tightening the screw, drill a hole for it. This will allow you to avoid chipping the wood.

Next, you can begin assembling the upper part of the chaise. To do this, you will need a board 10 - 20 cm thick. You need to prepare two boards 120x15 cm and two boards 120x20 cm. It is not necessary to choose pure first-grade wood. On the contrary, it is very beautiful to use wood with knots and chips that look natural. This will add aesthetics to your product. In addition, you can artificially trim the edges of these boards using a jigsaw, which will also give an “antique” look.

You also need to make two parts in the shape of a trapezoid. The first trapezoid, which will be in the back of the chaise, should be 30 cm high. To do this, take a 40x30 cm board. If you don’t have one, you can glue two boards together to get the required size. Next, draw a trapezoid on this board. top part, which should have 30 cm, and the bottom 40 cm. The second trapezoid should be lower. To do this, take a board 40x25 cm. Then draw a trapezoid on it, which will be 40 cm at the bottom and 30 cm at the top.

Next, you can begin assembling the cart. Attach the boards that were prepared earlier to the trapezoids on both sides. Bottom part chaises also need to be boarded. When assembling, use self-tapping screws and PVA glue. On the side of the chaise where the lower trapezoid is attached, attach a board 40 cm long, which will be the seat of the chaise.

Now you can start making the wheels. Two cart wheels will have a diameter of 25 cm, and two more wheels will have a diameter of 35 cm. To make the wheel, you will need a 50 cm thick edged board. The wider the board, the better. Take a compass and draw a circle with a diameter of 35 cm on the board. Then, from the same point, draw a circle with a diameter of 30 cm. After that, use a jigsaw to cut out the wheel that you drew on the board. Interior The large wheel has a diameter of 10 cm. It also needs to be cut from a board 50 cm thick. Next, you need to drill 8 holes in the wheel rim with a diameter of 15 mm. This is the diameter the knitting needles should be. After this, thread the spokes into the wheels and fasten them with PVA glue. Small wheels are made in the same way. A circle with a diameter of 25 cm is drawn on the board with a compass, and a circle with a diameter of 20 cm is drawn from the same point. The inner circle will have a diameter of 10 cm. If you do not have a board 35 or 25 cm thick, then in this case you can glue two boards together. To do this, you need to process both sides on a plane, then carefully coat them with PVA glue and secure them with clamps.

Next, the wheels are attached to the bottom of the cart, to a beam that has 5 cm protrusions. The wheels can be secured with long self-tapping screws or a bolt.

Now you can sand the piece to prepare it for painting. After the cart is completely assembled, it must be opened with stain. You can choose the color of the stain to suit your taste. However, lighter colors go well with the green of the lawn and greenery. Next, you need to thoroughly treat the cart with varnish or drying oil. It is better to use high-quality varnish that will protect the wood well from moisture, since this decoration will be located outdoors.

The dacha is one of the favorite vacation spots for all family members. It should not only be beautiful or well-groomed, but also cozy. To create such an atmosphere, housewives resort to various tricks: decorating flower beds and lawns, placing pots with plants and flowers, using various figures or figurines... For these purposes, you can also use not only standard decorative elements, but also completely unusual and unusual ones. One of them is a wooden cart, which will not only decorate the territory of the cottage or garden, but will also become an indispensable place for placing flowers. This article will tell you about the features of decorative garden carts, as well as the principles of making them yourself.

If homeowners want to install a garden cart in their summer cottage as a decorative element, they definitely need to decide on the size of the future structure. There are three types of such products, these include:

  • small carts, the length of which is no more than a meter (they are installed in small flower beds or lawns, the products do not take up much space);

Large four wheel garden cart
  • three- or four-wheeled structures of medium size (their length is 2-2.5 m);
  • large 4 wheel garden carts classic design(their length is more than 3 meters).

Important! Large garden carts take up a lot of space; experts recommend using them for installation on the territory of country houses.

Technology for making a decorative wooden garden cart: instructions for craftsmen

The principle of constructing a homemade structure is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Its manufacturing technology consists of several successive stages:

  1. Selecting the type of cart and its overall dimensions.
  2. Creating a drawing of the future product and its individual elements.
  3. Manufacturing of cart elements, assembly.
  4. Installation and decoration.

Small decorative carts for placing flower pots

Selecting the type of cart and its overall dimensions

Before starting work on creating a drawing of a future decorative product, it is necessary to determine its design features and overall dimensions (the cart should not block the flowerbed or interfere with the passage).

Advice. For a small summer cottage, a small classic cart or wooden cart is ideal. three-wheeled car. Such products will not only not clutter up the area, but will also become its ideal and irreplaceable decoration.

Creating a drawing, examples

Creating a drawing is the next step. The success of further work directly depends on the correctness of its implementation. The craftsman needs to make a basic drawing of the product, as well as all its elements (wheels, body, axles). The drawings should contain not only schematic images of the future design, but also all the dimensions of its parts, according to which they will be manufactured.

Designing a decorative cart

After creating the drawing, you can begin designing the product. The first step is making the wheel; it is the most difficult and responsible, as it requires care and perseverance.

Wheel making:

  • Prepare a template that will serve as the basis. To do this, draw a circle of a wheel of the required diameter on a sheet of plywood, divide it into eight equal parts, and connect it to each other (the resulting diagram will greatly facilitate the work of the master, as it will help to quickly cut out all the necessary blocks).
  • Prepare a small block that will connect the knitting needles.
  • From cuttings for hand tools that can be found on sale, knitting needles of the required length are cut (they must be adjusted to the desired size, which can also be determined using a prepared template).
  • Carefully make holes in the blocks and the prepared block for installing the knitting needles.
  • The wheel is assembled using special glue. All connecting places are generously lubricated with adhesive liquid, the knitting needles are inserted into the holes in the block, attached to the bars, which are then connected to each other.
  • Sand the dry wheel and coat it with varnish.

The remaining two or three wheels are made using this principle.

Important. Homemade wheels can also be used to decorate rooms, buildings, structures and land. They serve as an original decoration that has a stylish appearance.

To make the body you will need:

  • Prepare the boards that will be used in the body manufacturing process and wooden blocks for the frame.
  • In accordance with the prepared drawing, a frame is assembled from bars, they are connected to each other with glue, nails, screws or other fasteners.
  • The bottom and walls of the prepared frame are covered with boards and securely fixed.
  • The finished body is sanded and varnished.

Treat the product with protective compounds

Axle manufacturing:

  • Two cuttings from shovels (they are best suited for this purpose) are cut into axes of the required length.
  • Holes are made in the wheel chocks for the axle handles, which will be inserted into them.
  • Four additional chocks are prepared, which will be used to install the body (the part must have one beveled side).
  • They are installed on wooden axles so that they become a reliable support for the body.
  • New elements are sanded and varnished.

The decorative cart is assembled according to the principle of the designer:

  • the finished wheels are fixed on axles made from cuttings (they are inserted into prepared grooves in the chocks);
  • the wooden body is installed on the axle so that it rests clearly on special chocks (the joints are generously filled with glue or connected using nails, screws or any other available elements).

The finished decorative cart is installed in a pre-selected location. To decorate it, use pots with flowers of various sizes and shapes. They are placed in the body or placed near the product itself.

An original wooden cart is a worthy decoration for a summer cottage. Make and install such a product at home, and it will simply become an indispensable element of decor that will serve for many years.

Video: how to make a beautiful wheel with your own hands