Technological map for physical education on the topic: "Games: "Hit the ball", "Rope under your feet." Relay races. Development of speed-strength abilities" (2nd grade). Outdoor game “Simple traps” Outdoor game rope under your feet

"Calling numbers"

Preparation. The players are divided into 2-4 equal teams and line up in columns one at a time, one parallel to the other. If the room allows and there are few players, you can line them up in two lines facing the same direction on the same line. At a distance of 2 m from the line of players (starting line), the finish line is drawn parallel to it.

The team with the most victory points wins.

Rules of the game. 1. In order to arouse interest among the players, the game can be diversified by introducing new elements: start - high, low, crouching with your back to the starting line, sitting on the floor, etc.; while covering a distance: jumping over obstacles, climbing into a hoop with your left (right) side, throwing a ball into a basket, etc. 2. If the rules of the competition are violated, the player is given a penalty point, and his team is deducted one point from the total amount scored.

"Rope under your feet"

Preparation. The players are divided into 2-4 equal teams and line up in columns one at a time, one parallel to the other. The distance between players in a team is one step, and the distance between teams is 2 m. The guiding players in the columns each receive a short rope.

Game content. At the leader’s signal, the guide passes one end of the rope to the person standing behind, both players carry the rope under the feet of the entire column (the rope should not touch the ground (floor)). All participants standing in the column jump rope. The guide (the player who started the game) remains behind, and the one who helped carry the rope (the second number) runs forward. He hands the free end of the rope to the third, and the rope is again passed under the feet of everyone standing in the column. Now the second number remains at the end of the column, and the third runs forward, etc. During the game, all players must jump rope under the feet of the members of their entire team. The game ends with the player who was first at the beginning of the game. His task is to quickly become the head of the column and lift the rope up.

Rules of the game. 1. Players are prohibited from touching the rope with their feet. 2. Each player must jump over the rope. 3. For each violation of the rules, teams are awarded penalty points.

"Run of the Penguins"

Preparation. The players are divided into 2-4 equal teams and line up in columns one at a time, one parallel to the other. Players standing first hold a volleyball or medicine ball between their legs (above the knees).

Rules of the game. 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. If the ball falls to the ground (floor), you need to grab it with your feet again and continue playing.

"Sharp on target"

Preparation. A line is drawn in the middle of the site, along which 10-15 chips (towns) are placed. The players are divided into two teams, lining up in rows one behind the other on one side of the court facing the chips. Participants in the front line stand behind the starting line and receive a tennis ball.

Game content. At the established signal from the leader, the players in the first rank throw balls at the chips, trying to knock them out of place. Knocked down chips are counted and put in place by the participants. The ball is picked up by the one who made the throw and passes it to the member of the next team, the one who was behind him during the throw. At the command of the leader, the players of the second rank (team) also throw balls at the chips. The knocked down chips are counted again. The game continues 2-4 times. The team that manages to knock down the most chips during the game wins.

Rules of the game. 1. Throw balls only upon a signal from the leader. 2. When throwing, you cannot go beyond the starting line. The throw of the one who crossed the line does not count.

"Cones, acorns, nuts"

Preparation. All players, divided into threes, form a circle, in the center of which stands the driver. Each of the three stands one behind the other at a distance arm's length facing the center (the first number is three to four steps from the driver). The leader gives all the players names: the first in threes are “cones”, the second are “acorns”, the third are “nuts”.

Game content. The game begins at the leader's signal. The driver says loudly, for example: “NUTS!” All players, called “nuts,” must change places, and the driver strives to quickly stand in any vacant place. If he succeeds, then the player left without a place becomes the driver. If the driver says “ACORNS”, those standing second in threes change places, if “CONES” - those standing first in threes, etc. When the game is mastered, the driver can call two or even three players in a trio at the same time, for example: “cones, nuts.” Those called must also change places. The winners are the players who have never been a driver.

Rules of the game. 1. Those called are prohibited from remaining in place. 2. Players cannot move to any other three (otherwise the player becomes the driver).

"Basketball with a bouncy ball"

Preparation. Two teams (4-6 players each) are randomly positioned on a basketball court (as in basketball). The captains go to the middle.

Game content. The leader throws an inflatable ball between the captains, after which it falls to one of the teams. Its players, jumping up and bouncing the ball with their hands, pass it to each other. When the ball touches basketball backboard, the team gets a point. Once the goal is achieved, the ball is played again in the center of the court between the captains or players they can choose from among their team. The game lasts 10 minutes. with changing sides of the court after the first 5 minutes. games. The team with the most points wins.

Rules of the game. 1. While jumping, you are not allowed to push other players away, or run with the ball in your hands. 2. For a violation, the ball is transferred to the other team; for a repeated violation, the player is removed from the court for 1 minute. without the right of replacement.

Note. When playing with an inflatable ball, you should have 2-3 inflated balls in stock so that you can quickly replace a burst one.

Amusement games

Attraction games – short game exercises, which allow participants to demonstrate dexterity, speed, eye and coordination. They do not require lengthy preparation, bulky equipment, special training participants, very easy to use.

"The Elusive Cord"

Preparation. A 2m long cord is placed on the ground (floor). One competitor stands on both sides of the cord, facing its ends (the cord is located between the players’ feet).

The one who manages to do this first wins.

Rules of the game. 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. Do not bend your legs while bending. The game can be played in teams.

"Sharp Footballer"

Preparation. A blindfolded participant stands 8-10 steps from the ball (any one) that lies on the floor.

The one who manages to hit the ball wins.

Rules of the game. 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. The game can be played in teams.

« Accurate throws»

Preparation. A chair is placed 3 meters from the line behind which the player stands. In his hands he has three bags (8-12 cm in size, peas are poured inside each bag).

Rules of the game. 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. During a throw, it is prohibited to step beyond the line. 3. You can throw bags only in the indicated way (from below, from above, standing sideways to the line, etc.).


In each approach, the player makes three throws, using three darts (short throwing arrows for playing darts) to hit the target. The winner is the one who reaches 0 first. Figure 6 shows a standard target, which is divided into twenty numbered sections, each assigned a number from 1 to 20. In the center there is a “bullseye”, hitting it is worth 50 points, hitting the ring around him - 25 points. The outer narrow ring means doubling the sector number, the inner narrow ring means tripling the sector number. Hits in all sectors are counted. When entering the doubling sector, the points of the sector are multiplied by 2, when entering the tripling sector, the points are multiplied by 3.

Points are calculated after the player completes 3 attempts using 3 darts in 1 approach. If the dart does not hit the target or falls out of it, the throws do not count and are not re-rolled. The points scored are summed up and subtracted from the total points from the previous approach. After this, the turn passes to the other player. There is a rule in this game: the last throw must hit the doubling of the corresponding sector (for example, if there are 32 points left, then you need to hit the doubling of the “16” sector, and if there are 38 points left, then you need to hit the doubling of the “19” sector). Usually beginners do not adhere to this rule. If the player scored more points than necessary during the last approach, then this approach does not count. For example, if a player has 12 points left, and he ends up in the “19” sector, then on the next approach this player again starts with 12 points.

Technological map of lesson No. 61 physical culture for 2nd grade

Subject : ORU. Games: “Hit the ball”, “Rope under your feet”. Relay races. Development of speed and strength abilities

Teacher : Lobanov S.I.

date : 02/14/2018

Planned educational results of UUD




    Forming an idea of ​​outdoor games as a means of organization healthy image life; at ability to follow the rules of the game;

    Possess the skill of systematic monitoring of your physical condition, by tracking changes in indicators of the development of basic physical quality-strength, coordination of movements, speed.

    Organize health-saving activities through warm-up and outdoor games.

    Accept and maintain goals and objectives educational activities, find means of its implementation, determine common goals and ways to achieve them, plan, control and evaluate educational activities.

    Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities, constructively resolve conflicts by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation.

    Development of adequate motivation for learning activities and awareness of the personal meaning of learning, acceptance and mastery of the social role of the student.

    Manifestation of a culture of interaction, tolerance and tolerance in achieving common goals in joint activities;

    The ability to actively participate in joint activities.

Methods and forms of training

group, individual, game.

Educational Resources

Whistle, volleyball, tennis balls, jump ropes, chips

Organizational structure of the lesson

Form of mutual



Type of control

1. Organizational

Formation, greeting.

Conducts construction, checks readiness for the lesson, creates an emotional mood for learning the material.

Perform swarming in a line.


Ability to show attentiveness and discipline.

Carrying out actions according to instructions

2. Updating knowledge

Preparation for the material being studied.

Voices the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Listen to the teacher’s leading questions and answer.


Formation of knowledge about the importance of warm-up.

Self-monitoring, current.

3. Operational and executive

Slow running.


Formation in 3 lines, distance 3 steps, interval 3 steps

Prepare students' bodies for work in the main part of the lesson.

Execute commands.


Possession of the ability to prevent conflict situations during classes, the ability to assess the situation and quickly make decisions.


outdoor switchgear

Organization of outdoor switchgear complex

Execute commands


Formation of the ability to respond to sound commands.

Be able to technically correctly perform motor actions,keep correct posture with various forms of movement.


Formation in one line

Division into two teams

Forms in one line

Divides into two teams

Execute commands


Formation of the ability to respond to sound commands.


Game "Hit the ball" The players are divided into two teams and lined up on opposite sides of the court so that there is a distance of 18-20 m between them. Lines are drawn in front of the players’ toes, and a volleyball is placed in the middle of the court. Players of one team (by lot) receive a small ball.

At the teacher's signal, players throw balls at the volleyball, trying to roll it to the opposing team. Players from the other team collect the thrown balls and, at a signal, also throw them at the volleyball, trying to roll it back. So the teams take turns throwing the balls a set number of times.

The team that manages to roll the ball beyond the line of the team opposite wins.

If during the game the volleyball rolls out away from the players, it is placed in the court area at the same level.

Follows the rules of the game


Formation of the ability to respond to sound commands.

Be able to technically correctly perform motor actions.


Game "Rope under your feet" Teams stand in a column one at a time. Those standing in front are holding a rope. A stand is placed against each team at a distance of 10-15 m. The player standing in front, after the signal, runs around the stand and returns to his team. He gives one end of the rope to the player, to the one standing first in a column, and the second one holds it himself. They then run along their team and move the rope under the feet of the players who jump over it. The first player remains at the end of the team, and the second runs around the stand, returns to the column, passes one end of the rope to the next player, and again the two of them run along the team, etc. The participant who started the game, having received the jump rope, raises his hands up. If a player catches the rope with his feet, he will receive a penalty point. The team that finishes the game early and has no penalties wins.

Follows the rules of the game

Comply with safety precautions


Communicate and interact with peers on the principles of mutual respect and mutual assistance, friendship and tolerance. Provide friendly support. Work towards achieving a common goal.


4. Reflexively - evaluative


Summarizing. Ratings.

D/Z ( Throwing a small ball at a target).

Collaborative care.

Forms a line.

Offers answers to questions: what happened in the lesson, what caused difficulties, was everything clear. Assigns homework.

Children analyze and objectively evaluate the results of their own activities


Developing the ability to analyze and objectively evaluate your results.

Evaluating students for their work in class

List of games: 1. “Quickly to places” (“The guys have a strict order!”) 2. “Horsemen are athletes” 3. “Geese are swans” 4. “Traffic light” 5. “Giants are dwarfs” 6. “We are cheerful guys" 7. "Sparrows - jumping sparrows" 8. "Wolf in the ditch" 9. "Attention class!" 10. "Two Frosts" 11. "Guess Whose Voice" 12. "The Kite and the Mother Hen" ("Catch the Dragon by the Tail") 13. "Tag - Transfers" 14. "Owl" ("The Cat is Coming") 15. " Prohibited movement" 16. "Empty space" 17. "The third wheel" 18. "It flies, it doesn't fly" 19. "Shapes" 20. "The odd one out for a walk" 21. "Stand by attention" 22. "To your flags" 23. “Ball for the neighbor” 24. “Who came up?” 25. "Homeless Hare" 26. "Fox and Chickens" 27. "Overtake the Ball" 28. "Hares, Watchman and Bug" 29. "Calling Numbers" 30. "Rope Under Your Feet" 31. "Passed - Sit down!" 32."Falling stick" 33."Day and night 34."Hit the ball" 35."Attack"

No. 1. “Quickly to your places” (“The guys have strict order!”) Equipment: whistle Progress of the game: the players line up, at the leader’s command “Run away!”, the players scatter in different directions. At the command “Get to your places quickly!” all are built in IP. The one who takes the last place loses. Rules: 1. You cannot run off the court 2. Take your place only after the words “Quickly get to your places!” 3. Carry out formation according to the instructions of the leader 4. Do not push a friend 5. Maintain an interval when forming Developing: coordination of movements, speed of reaction, observation Formation options: in a line, in a circle, in a column, in two lines Duration: 3-5 minutes.

“The guys have a strict order. They know all their places. Well, blow the trumpet more cheerfully Tra - ta - ta and tra - ta - ta!

No. 2 "Horsemen - athletes" Equipment: chalk, whistle Progress of the game: on the command "Step of the horse!" The players walk in a circle, raising their knees high. "Turn!" - turn around and continue moving in the opposite direction. "Trotting!" - run in circles. "Into the stalls!" - everyone is trying to take a place. Rules: 1. You are allowed to run to the circles on the command “To the stalls!” 2. The one left without a “stall” loses. 3. Space in the “stall” is for only one player. 4. There should be fewer seats than players We develop: attention, observation, coordination of movements, speed Duration: 5-7 minutes.

No. 3 “Geese - Swans” Equipment: chalk Progress of the game: at one end of the site there is a house where the geese are, at the opposite end there is a shepherd. To the side of the house is a wolf's lair. The rest of the place is meadow. Shepherd. Geese, geese!

Geese. Ha, ha, ha! Shepherd. Do you want to eat? Geese. Yes Yes Yes! Shepherd. So fly home! Geese. We are not allowed, Gray wolf under the mountain He doesn’t let us go home... The shepherd. So fly as you want, Just take care of your wings!

The geese, arms outstretched, fly home, and the wolf runs out and tries to catch the geese. Rules: 1. The one who is touched by the wolf is considered to be caught 2. Swallow to the house line Developing: memory, speed, agility Duration: 5 - 7 minutes.

No. 4 “Traffic Light” Inventory: red, yellow, green circles Progress of the game: the players line up in a line, the leader shows the circles from behind in any order. Red - standing still, yellow - marching in place, green - moving forward. Rules: 1. Perform movements only after showing the color 2. Those who perform the movement incorrectly return to the starting line Develop: attention, memory Duration: 2-4 minutes.

At the very crossroads hangs a three-eyed sorcerer, but never looks with three eyes at once.

No. 5 “Giants are dwarfs” Inventory: - Game progress: on the command “Giants!” - the players walk with long strides or on their toes, at the command “Dwarves!” - in small steps, in a half-squat Rules: 1. Be able to alternate between walking with wide and small steps 2. If the command is not executed correctly, stands inside the circle and continues the game Developing: attention, coordination of movements Duration: 2-4 minutes.

No. 6 “We are cheerful guys” Inventory: Progress of the game: The players are located behind the house line, and the driver is in the middle of the hall.

U.: - One, two, three! I.: - “We are cheerful guys. We love to run and play, Well, try to catch up with us!”

After these words, the players run to the opposite side of the hall, and the driver tries to insult the players. Rules: 1. You can run across to the other side after the words “catch up with us!” 2. You cannot run back from behind the line 3. To catch means to touch the player 4. The driver catches to the house line. Developing: agility, speed, memory Duration: 5-7 min.

No. 7 "Sparrows - Jumping Sparrows" Inventory: Game progress: the cat is in a circle 4 - 6 m, the sparrows are outside the circle. At a signal, they begin to jump in and out of the circle. The cat catches the sparrows that have jumped into the circle, and the one caught sits in the center of the circle. When the cat catches 3 - 4 sparrows, a new cat is chosen. The winner is the one who has never been caught, the cat is the one who catches the set number of sparrows faster than others. Rules: 1. You can only fish in a circle. 2. Sparrows jump on only one leg. 3. Anyone who runs through the circle is considered caught. 4. Caught - the one whom the cat touches with his hand is considered to be caught when he was in the circle with at least one leg. We develop: agility, reaction speed, jumping ability. Duration: 3-7 min.

No. 8 “Wolf in the Moat” Equipment: chalk, whistle Progress of the game: two lines are drawn in the middle of the court - “moat”. 1-2 leading “wolves” stand in the ditch. All other players - "goats" - are placed on one side of the court behind the "home" line. On the other side of the site, a “pasture” line is drawn. At a signal, the “goats” run from the house to the pasture, jumping over the “ditch” along the way. The "wolves" catch them when they jump over the ditch. Rules: 1. Wolves can salt goats only when they are in the ditch, when the goats jump over the ditch or stand nearby. 2. A goat that runs along the ditch and does not jump over it is considered caught. 3. Goats can only run across on a signal from the leader. 4. If the goat does not dare to jump over the ditch, the leader counts to three, after which the goat must jump over, otherwise it is considered greasy. We develop: jumping ability, speed, agility, observation. Duration: 5 - 7 min.

No. 9 "Attention class!" Inventory: Game progress: players stand in one line. The leader, standing facing the players, gives commands. The players must perform them only if he first says the word “class” before the command. If he does not say the word “class”, then there is no need to respond to the command. The one who made a mistake takes a step forward and continues to play. Rules: 1. The player who does not follow the command with the preliminary word “class” takes a step forward. 2. The player who tried to execute the command without the preliminary word “class” takes a step forward. We develop: attention, observation. Duration: 2-3 min.

No. 10 “Two Frosts” Equipment: chalk, red and blue noses. Progress of the game: “home” and “school” are marked on opposite sides of the court. Two drivers are selected - “frosts”, the rest of the players are “guys”. The guys are located in one line behind the house line, and in the middle of the site - “outside” there are two frosts.

Frosts: - “We are two young brothers, Two frosts are daring” 1. - “I am frost - a red nose” 2. - “I am frost - a blue nose” Frosts: - “Which of you will decide to set off on the path?” Guys: - “We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost!”

After these words, the children run from home to school. Frosts catch and “freeze” those running across. Greasy, they immediately stop and stand motionless in the place where the frosts froze them. Rules: 1. The players run out only after the words “And the frost will not escape us.” 2. Having run out of the house, you cannot run back or linger in the house. 3. The caught person remains in the place where he was “frozen”. We develop: speed, agility. Duration: 3-7 min.

No. 11 “Guess whose voice” Inventory: chalk Game progress: a driver is selected, takes a place in the center of the circle, and closes his eyes. The leader chooses one of the players who raises his hand (he will speak the words). After this, all the players move in a circle and say the words: “We have made the whole circle, let’s turn around at once,” (they make a full turn and continue moving). “How about we say: “Leap, hop, hop!” - these words are spoken by the designated player. Guess whose voice it is!” At the command of the leader: “It’s possible!” - The driver opens his eyes and guesses who said it. The person recognized goes to the middle, and the leader takes his place. Rules: 1. The driver closes his eyes tightly. 2. Words are spoken by one player and on command. 3. You can guess after the manager’s command “You can!” 4. If the driver did not guess correctly, he drives again. Developing: memory, observation Duration: 3-5 minutes, in the final part

No. 12 “Kite, hen and chickens” (“Catch the dragon by the tail” Chinese game) Inventory: Game progress: 10 - 12 people line up in a column one at a time and put their hands on each other’s shoulders. The leading player in the column is the hen (head), and the one standing behind is the chick (dragon tail). One driver is selected - the kite. The kite tries to catch the chicken that is behind everyone else. The players in the tail section run back, now to the right, now to the left, trying in every possible way to dodge. Chinese - the head tries to catch the tail. If caught, the tail moves forward and becomes the head. If the chicken is not caught within the agreed time, then the kite’s hunt is considered unsuccessful. Rules: 1. When a chicken is caught, the roles of the players change: the chicken becomes a kite, and the kite becomes a hen. 2. If the players disengage, the game temporarily stops. 3. The hen only blocks the kite’s path with her hands. 4. At the beginning of the game, the kite stands in front of the hen, three steps away from her. 5. The kite runs around the entire column without breaking it. We develop: dexterity, coordination of movements, observation. Duration: 3 – 7 minutes, main part.

No. 13 “Salki - transfers” Inventory: Game progress: Salka is selected from among the players. He tries to catch up and touch with his hand one of the players. The player who the tag manages to touch with his hand becomes the new tag. He raises his hand and loudly says “I am Salka!” After the words he tries to catch up with the participants in the game. Rules: 1. The driver does not have the right to pursue a player if another player crosses his path. 2. The new tag should not immediately touch the old driver. 3. When calculating the results of the game, the one who was not the tag wins. 4. You cannot run beyond the “home” line We develop: speed, coordination of movement, dexterity, attention Duration: 5-7 minutes, introductory – preparatory, main part of the lesson.

No. 14 “Owl” (“The cat is coming”) Inventory: chalk Progress of the game: the driver is chosen - the owl, the rest are mice. The owl gets into the nest, and the mice are placed throughout the room - in “minks”. Day - mice run out of their holes, run, jump. Night - they freeze, the owl flies out to hunt. Rules: 1. When the owl enters the playground, the mice are not allowed to move, but behind the owl’s back the mice can change their position 2. Caught mice do not participate in the game 3. At the signal “Night” the owl must fly into the nest Developing: attention, dexterity, coordination movements Duration: 3-5 min.

U.: “Mice, mice, come out, frolic, dance. Come out quickly, the mustachioed cat is sleeping!” Mice: "Tra - ta - ta, tra - ta - ta, We are not afraid of the cat! U.: The cat is coming! U.: The cat is gone!

No. 15 “Forbidden movement” Inventory: Progress of the game: The players stand in one line. The leader, facing the players, gives commands, having previously designated the “prohibited movement.” Players must perform them, but must not make an “illegal movement.” The one who made a mistake takes a step forward and continues to play. Rules: 1. The player who has performed the “illegal movement” takes a step forward. 2. The player who attempted the “illegal move” takes a step forward. We develop: attention, observation. Duration: 2-3 minutes, introductory – preparatory, final parts.

No. 16 “Empty Space” Inventory: Progress of the game: All players stand in a circle and put their hands behind their backs. Driving around. He runs around the circle, touches one of the players, and then runs in the other direction along the far circle. The player chosen by the driver runs in the inner circle, trying to quickly come to his place. When the players meet along the way, they greet each other, curtsey, etc. The driver is the one who did not have time to take an empty seat. Rules: 1. The driver must touch the hand of one player, challenging him to a competition. 2. When they run around the circle, no one should interfere with them. 3. When meeting, the players must complete the specified task. 4. The one who is left without a place loses.

We develop: speed, agility. Duration: 3-7 minutes, main part.

No. 17 “The third wheel” Inventory: Progress of the game: All players stand in pairs in a circle, the back one to the back of the front one. Two drivers are chosen, one runs away, the other catches up. The runner can be the third in any pair, then the player who has become “superfluous” in the pair must run away. And the driver who is catching up is trying to make fun of the new runner. Rules: 1. The driver must touch the catcher with his hand. 2. When the drivers run around the circle, no one should interfere with them. 3. You can only be the first to get up in any pair. 4. The third participant in the pair runs away. 5. Drivers cannot run through the center. We develop: speed, agility. Duration: 5-7 minutes, main part.

No. 18 “It flies, it doesn’t fly” Inventory: Progress of the game: The players move in a circle in a column one at a time, the driver calls the animals and birds. The players, by moving their hands up and down, show if it flies, hands are pressed to the body - if it doesn’t fly. Rules: 1. Perform the movement in a wide amplitude. 2. If a player makes a mistake and makes a move, he takes a step inside the circle and continues to play. 3. A player attempting to perform a movement by mistake is considered to have violated the rules. 4. Players who have never violated the rules win. We develop: attention, observation, memory. Duration: 3-5 minutes, final part.

No. 19 “Figures” Inventory: Game progress: One driver is selected from among the players, he is located behind the circle. The players sit in a circle, holding hands and moving in a circle, saying the words: “The sea is agitated - once!” The sea is worried - two! The sea is worried - three! Marine figure - freeze! After the words “freeze!”, the players lower their hands and depict a sea figure. The driver chooses the best figure. Option 2 – the driver chooses the player who was unable to hold the position. Rules: 1. Take a pose after the words “Freeze!” 2. The best one becomes a driver. We develop: observation, intelligence, coordination of movements. Duration: 3-5 minutes, final part.

No. 20 “Extra on the walk” Inventory: Game progress: The players are divided into pairs and positioned freely throughout the entire court. Two drivers are chosen, one runs away, the other catches up. The runner can stand in any pair - third, then the player who was not taken by the hand by the player in the pair must run away. And the driver who is catching up is trying to make fun of the new runner. Rules: 1. Playing pairs do not stand still, they move around the court. 2. You cannot break up pairs; you can stand from any edge. 3. Only the third in the newly formed pair escapes. 4. You can only touch a player by touching your hand. We develop: speed, agility, observation. Duration: 5-7 minutes, main part.

No. 21 "Class to attention" Inventory: Progress of the game: Rules: Developing: Duration: No. 22 "To your flags" Inventory: flags of different colors. Progress of the game: The players are divided into groups of 8-10 people and stand in different places on the site. In the center of each circle is a driver with a flag in his raised hand. At the first signal, the players scatter around the court. According to the second, they crouch down and close their eyes tightly, turning away from the drivers, who at this time change places. At the command of the leader: “Everyone to their flags!” - the players open their eyes, look for their flag, run towards it and stand around. The group that forms a circle the fastest wins. Rules: 1. If a player spied when the drivers changed places, the team lost. 2. The drivers change places by agreement. Developing: observation, speed Duration: 5-7 minutes, main part.

No. 23 “Ball for a neighbor” Equipment: volleyball Game Progress: The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step. Choose a driver who is located outside the circle. One of the players (near whom the driver stands) is given a ball. At the signal, the players pass the ball from hand to hand. The driver, running in a circle, tries to touch the ball with his hand. If he succeeds, then the player who had the ball in his hands becomes the driver. Rules: 1. The ball cannot be thrown, everyone must touch the ball. 2. The driver, while running in circles, does not push the players. We develop: coordination of movements, speed. Duration: 5-8 minutes, main part.

No. 24 “Who came up?” Inventory: Progress of the game: The players form a circle. The driver is in the center. The leader points to the player, who approaches the driver, who stands with his eyes closed, lightly touches the shoulder and raises his voice. The driver, at the command of the leader, opens his eyes. He must guess who approached him. Rules: 1. The player who approaches the driver can change his voice. 2. The driver opens his eyes at the command “You can!” 3. If the driver does not guess correctly twice, he changes. We develop: observation. Duration: 2-5 minutes, final part.

No. 25 "Homeless Hare" Inventory: Game progress: the players, with the exception of two drivers, are divided into groups of 3-5 people. Groups form circles and are placed in different places in the hall, at a distance of 2-4 meters. In each circle - lair - the first number stands in the middle and depicts a hare. One of the leaders is a hunter (wolf), the other is a hare without a den (homeless). The drivers stand away from the circles. On - One!, the hare runs away, on Three! - the wolf is catching up. A hare, fleeing from a wolf, can run into any den. Then the “free” hare runs out and the wolf catches him. If a wolf catches a hare, they change places. Rules: 1. The wolf catches the hare outside the den. 2. The hare and the wolf cannot run through the den. 3. If the hare runs into the den, he must stay there. 4. Players forming a den should not run out and run away. 5. The hare that runs in must stand in the den, choosing a “free” hare. 6. If two players form a den, then the player to whom the hare has his back turned runs away. We develop: agility, speed, observation. Duration: 5-10 minutes, main part.

No. 26 “The Fox and the Chickens” Inventory: 4 benches, chalk Progress of the game: In the middle of the hall in the form of a square, benches are placed with the slats up - a “perch”. One driver is selected - a fox, and one “hunter”. All other players are “chickens”. In one corner of the hall there is a “hole” in which the fox is placed. In the other - a hunter. Chickens are around the roost. At a signal, the chickens begin to fly up to roost, fly off, and then walk around. At the second signal, the fox, approaching the chicken coop, catches any chicken touching the ground with at least one leg. The fox takes the greasy one and leads him into the hole. If he meets a hunter along the way, the fox releases the caught one and runs away. If the hunter catches the fox, a new fox is chosen. Rules: 1. When running into the chicken coop, the fox can only attack one player. 2. When given a signal, the fox must leave the hen house, even if he has not caught the chicken. 3. Those standing on the perch can help each other. 4. Foxes cannot push chickens off their roost. 5. If a hunter runs after a fox, he must let go of the chicken and run away. We develop: speed, agility, observation, coordination of movements. Duration: 3-7 minutes, main part.

No. 27 "Overtake the ball" Equipment: volleyball Game progress: players stand in a circle at arm's length. The driver goes out of the circle. Five to six players from where he is, one of the players is given the ball. At the signal, the players quickly pass the ball from hand to hand in a circle. The driver runs in the same direction. He tries to run around the circle and get to his place before the ball goes around the circle and returns to its starting point. If the driver overtakes the ball, then he takes the place of the one who started passing the ball, and he becomes the driver. Rules: 1. The ball cannot be thrown. 2. The ball and the driver move in the same direction. We develop: speed, coordination of movements. Duration: 3-5 minutes, main part.

No. 28 “Hares, watchman and Bug” Inventory: small equipment, firecracker Progress of the game: two “houses” are designated on the site - watchmen and Bug, and on the opposite side of the hall there are “houses” of hares. The hares go to the garden and collect scattered vegetables. At a signal from the leader, the watchman leaves his house and tries to catch up with the fleeing hares. Hares not caught by the guard put supplies in their houses. Options: Bug helps the watchman. After the Bug barks “Woof! Woof! Woof!”, they and the watchman catch up with the fleeing hares. Rules: 1. Within the garden, hares are only allowed to hop on two legs. 2. Run away only after the signal. 3. The watchman only goes as far as the hares' houses. 4. The fastest and most thrifty hare wins. We develop: coordination of movements, speed, jumping ability, observation, attention. Duration: 5-8 minutes, main part.

No. 29 “Calling numbers” Inventory: Progress of the game: team players line up in front of posts located 15-20 meters away, counting out in order. The leader calls out a number loudly, for example “5”. Players “5” team numbers run to their stand, run around it and return to their places. Whoever crosses the finish line first gets one point. Rules: 1. Call players in any order. 2. Only the player of this number runs when called. 3. Everyone runs around their own counter. We develop: speed, coordination of movements, attention. Duration: 5-7 minutes, main part

No. 30 “Rope (stick) under your feet” Equipment: jump ropes according to the number of teams Game progress: 2-4 teams line up in columns one at a time parallel to each other at a distance of 2 m. The distance between players is 1 m. At a distance of 6-8 m. against Each team is given a stand. At the signal, players with a rope run to their stand, go around it, return to their team, and give one end of the rope to the player in front. Holding the rope by the ends, they run along their column, one on the left, the other on the right, and pass the rope under the feet of the players of the entire team. Players in columns jump over a rope. The pair carries the rope to the end of the column, the player who starts the game remains at the end of the column, and the second runs with the rope to the stand, etc. the game continues until everyone standing in the column runs with a skipping rope to the counter and along the column with a partner. Rules: 1. When a player runs to the counter, the players move back one place in the column. 2. The player who catches the rope receives a penalty point. We develop: coordination of movements, dexterity, speed. Duration: 3-7 minutes, main part.

No. 31 "Passed - sit down!" Inventory: basketballs according to the number of teams Game progress: players stand in two to three columns. The distance between players is the length of their hands placed on their shoulders. One captain with good control of the ball goes beyond the line drawn 5-6 meters in front of the teams. At the leader’s signal, the captain passes the ball (with both hands from the chest or in another way) to the first player in the column, who catches it, returns it and immediately takes a crouching position. The captain passes the ball to the next player. Each player who makes a return pass crouches. When the latter passes the ball to the captain, he raises it up, and the whole team quickly stands up. Option: the last player to receive the ball in the column commands “stand up!”, dribbles the ball to the right of the column to the ring and back. The captain takes the place of the first player, everyone moves one step. The player who brought the ball to the control line begins passing the ball from the captain, etc. Everyone must act as captain. Rules: 1. Pass the ball in the agreed manner. 2. Pass the ball in order to all players in the column. 3. The captain can approach along the second line. We develop: coordination of movements. Duration: 3-5 minutes, main part.

No. 32 "Falling stick" Equipment: gymnastic stick Game progress: players stand in a circle, at arm's length. The driver is in the center of the circle with a stick. He places one end of it on the floor, holds the other vertically with his hand and loudly calls (number) the name of any player. After that, he lets go of the stick and moves to the side. The named player must catch the stick before it falls to the floor. If he does not catch the stick, then he becomes the driver, and the former driver takes his place. Option: You can use a ball instead of a stick. The driver throws the ball into the air and calls the number. Rules: 1. The driver does not let go of the end of the stick before calling someone’s number (name). 2. Players should not interfere with each other. We develop: dexterity, attention. Duration: 3-5 minutes, final part.

No. 33 “Day and Night” Inventory: 2. option – small equipment. Progress of the game: Players stand in 2 lines, at a distance of 1-2 steps, with their backs to each other. In front of each team, at a distance of 15-20 meters, is a “house”. One command is “day”, the other is “night”. The leader shows the outdoor switchgear, the players repeat. During outdoor control, the leader names one of the teams. The players of the named team run away to the owl’s “house”, and the players of the opposite team catch up and make fun of them. A) Defeated players are counted and remain on their team. B) Move to another team. Rules: 1. All players follow the direction of the outdoor switchgear leader. 2. Run away to the “house” only after calling the manager. 3. You can only salt up to the house line. We develop: speed, agility, attention, observation. Duration: 5-8 minutes, main part. Option: players line up one at a time (one step apart in the middle of the court). Calculated on the first, second. On both sides of the players there are placed objects half the size of the players. The leader shows I.P., the players repeat. It is agreed that the objects lying on the right are crows, and on the left are sparrows. If the ending of the word called by the leader is “us” crows, then the players rush into right side trying to grab the object. No. 34 “Hit the ball” Inventory: Progress of the game: Rules: Develop: Duration:

No. 35 "Attack" Inventory: Progress of the game: the players, divided into two teams, line up opposite each other across the width of the hall. At a signal from the leader, one of the teams, holding hands, goes into an “attack” towards the second team. When the players approach at a distance of 3-4 meters, the leader blows the whistle. The players of the attacking team turn and quickly run away beyond the boundaries of their house, and the players of the opposing team try to catch up and insult as many guys as possible. Those caught are counted and continue to play for their team. Then the other team advances. Rules: 1. Run away and catch up only after the signal. Anyone who breaks the rule earns the team 3 penalty points. 2. You can only fish up to the house line. Options: 1. “Attack” with the performance of a song. 3. Those advancing put their hands on each other’s shoulders, join hands, cross, etc. 4. Those waiting, stand with their backs, sideways, sit, take a low start position. We develop: speed, coordination of movements. Duration: 4-8 times, playing the main part of the lesson.

The one who wins the game will be on the edge and an object will be brought to him, he picks up

him up, signaling the end of the game for his team.

The team that finishes the relay earlier wins.

Rules of the game: 1. While running, it is prohibited to touch standing

players, and thus interfere with players making dashes. 2. For

Violations of the rules will result in penalty points.

“Relay race in a circle”, like the “Counter relay race” described

above, can be done while dribbling a basketball.

41. “Fishing Rod” (simple and command)

Preparation. To play you need a rope 3 - 4 m long, at the end of which a bag filled with peas or sand is tied. Sometimes a regular jump rope is used for the game. This is a fishing rod with which the fisherman (driver) catches fish (the rest of the players). All players stand in a circle, and the driver stands in the middle of the circle with a rope in his hands.

Contains games. Option 1. The driver rotates the rope with the bag so that it slides along the floor, making circle after circle under the feet of the players. They carefully monitor the movement of the bag and jump so that it does not hit any of them. The one who is touched by the bag or rope stands in the middle and begins to rotate the rope, and the former driver takes his place in the circle.

The last two or three players remaining win.

Rules of the game: 1. The player is considered caught if the rope touches his leg no higher than the ankle. 2. Players are not allowed to approach the driver during jumping. 3. The player who is touched by the rope is eliminated from the game.

Option 2 (command). Players standing in a circle are counted on first or second and make up teams accordingly. The driver (as in option 1) is the same. The player who is touched by the rope raises his hand: he gives his team a penalty point. After each mistake, the score is announced loudly.

The victory in the game is won by the team that, after 2 - 4 minutes of play, receives fewer penalty points.

The rules of the game are the same as in option 1.

42. “Rope under your feet”

Preparation. The players make up three or four columns, which are lined up in parallel. The distance between them is 2 m, and between players in columns there is one step. The leading players in the columns each receive a short rope.

Contents of games. At a signal, they pass one end of the rope to those standing behind, both players carry the rope under the feet of the whole

columns (the rope almost touches the ground). Those standing in the column jump over a rope. The lead player in the column remains behind, and the one who helped carry the rope (number two) runs forward. He hands the free end of the rope to the third, and the rope is again passed under the feet of all standing children. Now the second number remains at the end of the column, and the third runs forward, etc. During the game, all players must move the rope under the feet of their teammates. The game ends with the player who was first at the beginning of the game lifting the rope up. He ends the game in the same place.

The victory is won by the team that finishes the game first, provided that its players hit the rope fewer times.

Rules of the game: 1. Players are prohibited from touching the rope with their feet. 2. Each player must jump over the rope. 3. For each violation of the rules, teams are awarded penalty points.

43. “Jumpers and tag”

Preparation. The participants of the game are divided into two equal teams, each of which lines up along the sides of the hall facing the middle. By lot, one team is designated as jumpers, the second as tag team. Markings are made on the site. Starting line 1 is drawn 1 m from the front boundary of the site for runners), and ahead, after 3 m, is the second starting line (for jumpers). In front of this line, 10 - 12 m from it, a strip 1.5 - 2 m wide is drawn.

Contents of the game. At the teacher’s command “Let’s start!” four players from the jumping team take places behind the second line. Behind them, immediately behind the line closest to the wall, four from the tag team stand at the back of the head. At the command “Attention!” jumpers and tags take a high start position, and at the command “March!” everyone runs forward. The task of the jumpers is to quickly reach the stripe and jump over it. The task of the tags is to have time to grease the jumpers before they make the jump (1 tags do not jump). If the jumper is not caught before the jump, his team gets a point. The tag that touches the jumper with his hand before the jump also receives one point. After the first fours, the second fours of jumpers and tags enter the fight until everyone takes part in the game. After this, the teams change roles and places on the starting lines.

Relay games, team games

“Rope under your feet” (“Fishing Rod”). 2-4 teams line up in columns, one at a time, parallel to each other at a distance of 2 m. The distance between players in the columns is at least 1 m. Each player marks his place with a circle or a cross. At a distance of 6-8 m, a stand or mace is placed against each column. Players standing in columns in front receive a jump rope (or a 2 m long rope).

At the signal, players with skipping ropes run to their stand, go around it and, returning to their column, give one end of the rope to the player in front. Holding the rope by the ends, they run along their column, one to the left, the other to the right of it, and pass the rope under the feet of the players of the entire column. Players in columns jump over a rope. The pair carries the rope to the end of the column, after which the first player who started the game remains at the end of the column, and the second runs with the rope to his column, goes around it, returns to the column and passes one end of the rope to the next one in front. Together they again carry the rope under the feet of the entire column.

The game continues until everyone standing in the column runs with a skipping rope to the counter and along the column with a partner. When the player who started the game receives the rope, he lifts it up and gives the command “Attention!” The entire column stands at attention. The team whose players finished the game earlier and had no penalties (did not touch the rope with their feet) wins.

"Jump after jump." The players are divided into 2 equal teams, each of which is lined up in a column of two. Both columns are lined up parallel to one another at a distance of 2 m. All pairs of players hold short jump ropes by the ends, stretching them at a distance of 50-60 cm from the floor. The distance between pairs is 1 m (Fig. 15).

At the leader’s signal, the first pairs of each column put their jump ropes on the ground and run along their column to its end, one on the right, the other on the left. From the end of the column, they sequentially jump over the jump ropes of all pairs (one after the other at their discretion) standing in the column. Having returned to their places, both players stop, take their rope from the ground and, stretching it, lift it to a height of 50-60 cm. As soon as they have raised the rope, the players of the second pair in the column put their rope on the ground, jump over the first rope and do everything that 1 pair did.

The winner is the team that is the first to complete the dash with jumping ropes (with the fewest penalty points - you cannot lower the ropes).

"Long Jump Relay" There is a starting line on one side of the hall. At a distance of 6-8 m from it, two lines indicate a strip 1 m wide, and behind the strip, at a distance of 1-3 m, 3 circles are drawn. A flag or stick is placed in each circle.

The players are divided into 3 teams and lined up along 3 walls in the shape of the letter P. The first team numbers stand at the start (Fig. 16).

At the command of the leader, the players run forward from the start, jump over the obstacle course, run up to their circles, raise the flag up, then put it back in the circle and return to their place in the team, bypassing the obstacle course. Then, at the signal, the next players, who have previously taken the starting position, run. The game continues until all players have taken part in the obstacle course run. The team that earns more points wins.

"Hit the ball." A volleyball is placed in the middle of the court. The players are divided into 2 teams and lined up on opposite sides of the court at a distance of 18-20 m. A line is drawn in front of the players’ toes. Players of one team (by lot) receive a small ball.

At the signal, the players, without going beyond the line, throw the balls at a volleyball located in the middle of the court, trying to roll it back to the opposing team. Players from the other team collect thrown balls and, at a signal, throw them into a volleyball,

trying to roll it back. So the teams take turns throwing the balls a set number of times. You can give everyone a ball and then at the same time all the balls are thrown into a large ball.

The team that manages to roll the ball over the other's line wins.