Ice skating techniques. Riding in reverse

Ice skating is becoming an increasingly popular and fashionable pastime. Both adults and children can come here, either alone or with the whole family or in a group of friends. But many people are scared of the possibility of falling on the ice or, worse, knocking someone else down while learning. In reality, everything is much simpler and easier than it seems at first glance.

It is believed that the first lessons in skating can begin at the age of 3–4 years. If you are planning to send your child to sports section, it is optimal to start at this age. But don’t despair if you are already much older: it’s never too late to learn to skate from scratch as an adult!

When visiting the skating rink for the first time, don’t rush to be on the ice right away; it’s better to walk around in your skates a little on your own, getting used to them.

Once the balance point is found, go out onto the ice. Holding onto the side with one hand, try to slide, maintaining your balance as much as possible without the help of the side. It’s ideal to find someone who can help you - a coach or a friend who will take your arm for a few laps.

Take the basic position: knees slightly bent, body tilted forward, the main goal of this exercise is to find a balance point and maintain balance, remembering your sensations.

When you feel more confident, ask them to turn you around, rolling you in this position. If you can't see where you're going, it's harder to maintain balance, but it's easier to feel your body and its signals.

During the first workout, it is better not to overdo it, limiting it to 15–20 minutes. A longer approach will result in sore throat, even if you lead active image life, and the muscles are accustomed to stress. Most often, out of habit, the knee joints suffer.

What to pay attention to during the first lesson:

  • Correct body position (basic position);
  • Point of balance and balance.

Once you get used to the new sensations, you will subconsciously remember how to properly hold yourself on the ice. And very soon you will learn to skate freely.

Basic technique

Whatever you plan to do next, correct technique Riding is always done in stages and gradually. Don't rush: in the second lesson, start at the side, moving your legs, remembering how to properly balance on the ice. Having remembered the basics, proceed to the warm-up:

  1. Move forward in small steps without the help of the side. Your feet work as if you were walking in regular shoes - this helps you learn to balance.
  2. As soon as you feel that you can do it and it’s starting to work out consistently, return to the side and try to do the same, but with your back turned forward.
  3. Using the side, do several squats parallel to the ice, leaning forward slightly.

Once you have learned to keep your balance on the ice, you move on to directly learning skating techniques. Always start with a herringbone walk. To do this, place one leg diagonally forward and push off with the inner edge of your back leg. By alternating your feet in this way, it’s like drawing a figure eight, synchronously spreading and bringing them together - this is a stable technique that allows you to quickly learn how to ride and feel on the ice. You can move forward either face-first or backwards.

When forward movement is mastered, they move on to learning turns. To turn from the herringbone movement, it is enough to bring your feet parallel to each other and, bending your knees, lean slightly in the desired direction. To shorten the trajectory in a turn, push outside leg, not internal. The tilt force adjusts the degree of rotation.

And of course you need to be able to brake and stop properly on skates. When you are already confidently performing figure eights, then braking should not cause any particular difficulties: to do this, it is enough to spread your legs to the sides, as if you were moving forward, but then sharply bring them together at one point, resting your heels on the ice. Practice braking close to the side, having the opportunity to secure yourself.

Another more complex technique is to press the heel of the foot perpendicular to its trajectory. When braking, take the basic position: the body is tilted forward, the knees are slightly bent!

Learning to fall correctly and safely

No matter how hard you try, you will have to fall on the ice. You can overcome your fear by knowing the principles of proper falling techniques. The best prevention injuries is learning to fall correctly.

The most important thing to remember on the ice: if you lose your balance, you are unlikely to regain it. The higher the speed, the less chance there is. Therefore, do not try to grab hold or slow down against other people, but try to reduce your speed as much as possible and group your whole body before falling.

To fall safely, you need to bend your knees as much as possible, pressing your hands to your body “at the seams.” By sticking your arm out during a fall (a purely reflexive gesture that needs to be controlled), you risk seriously injuring it or even breaking it.

They always fall sideways, ideally on the thigh: this is the strongest part in our body, and even at high speed with such a fall you are at most in danger of a couple of bruises and minor contusions. And never swing your skates while losing your balance. The skate has a sharp base, which can seriously injure people near you, do not forget about it.

But they get up after falling from a kneeling position. If there is no one nearby to help and you are not confident in your ability to stand, move to the side to rise to your feet.

Experience comes with time: the more time you spend on skates, the faster you will learn to ride. Ice skating is great way relieve stress, have a good time and improve your health, because the classes will teach you how to find balance and maintain balance in any body position.

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From the outside it may seem that skating is easy, but in fact, staying on sliding surface not easy, the process is quite complex and requires special training, during which the body adapts to a new type of movement. So, before you go on the ice, you should develop the basic skills of this.

At the initial training stage Usually they master the technique of skating off the ice, moving without skates off the ice, and skating on compacted snow. Also provided special exercises which are made on ice.

The exercises are performed in a variety of ways, including walking on heels and toes, as well as in a full squat and half-squat, on different sides of the foot. Running is a must, during which you need to learn how to turn in different directions, move with side steps and cross steps, run backwards, ride with a high hip lift, right and left side. The training program includes an exercise that involves alternating running with turns and stops. During the training, you will definitely be taught to move from a crouching position, a lying position, to jump not only in one place, but also in motion, alternately on the left and then on the right leg, as well as on two legs at the same time. You will find jumping exercises using a skipping rope, various somersaults, jumps while running, jumps with turns of 90, 180 and 360°, on the right and left leg. You will learn to jump on both one and two legs, walk on narrow support, on a swinging log.

Experts such as Polopovtsev and Panov are of the opinion that it is very easy to acquire the wrong motor skill. Wherein It is not always possible to correct incorrect technical skating. This usually results from the use of introductory imitation exercises when one does not know the elements of skating technique. If you use such exercises in too large a volume, then misconceptions about the most subtle mechanisms of coordination of muscle efforts may become entrenched; you should be very careful with this.

It is best to start learning to skate on something other than a slippery surface. Typically, some kind of open area. It could also be a large locker room or a corridor with a rubber mat. Remember that it is advisable to take your first steps on skates not on ice.

On this moment became popular individual sessions with professional sliding trainers. Which provide training for young hockey players, as well as NHL and KHL players. One of these private schools is Skating-Star - where training sessions for hockey players are held. I would like to note that one-on-one lessons with a coach are the most effective, since he will immediately tell you your mistakes and correct all inaccuracies in skating as quickly as possible, without allowing you to memorize them.

Each of your workouts must be preceded by short-term preparation, which is usually given 10 - 15 minutes. This is the so-called athletic training, which involves various exercises, including running, jumping, walking, exercises aimed at developing balance, flexibility and agility.

Lead-up exercises performed on and off the ice can be very different. This includes walking in different directions, and moving with side steps, first on one side or the other, and moving with turns at different angles, and squats, and walking in a half-squat. Such exercises also include the basic stance of a hockey player, walking backwards, “springs” (half squats with arms extended forward), “tumblers” (we lower the body, move the skates in the same direction), “heron” (we stretch our arms to the sides and walk in a half squat ). No less interesting are the following exercises: “make a figure” (you need to make a certain figure, for example a “swallow”); walking in a full squat with jumping; jumping on skates, accompanied by forward movement; walking on toes and heels, walking by stepping on a turn to the right and left side. Each of the above exercises involves focusing on the athlete’s stance, maintaining balance, as well as shifting the center of gravity.

Before going out on the ice, you need to work out on compacted snow, let it be at least 7 sessions. So, you can learn to feel a slippery surface. The first lessons usually include learning to self-belay and fall. You shouldn’t ignore running and sliding on compacted snow.

At first, the number of steps should not be taken into account. When training, first you push with one leg, then slide with the other. Further, the number of steps decreases, and the glide becomes longer. After this, we carry out a run-up, pushing with both legs. So, taking the stance of a hockey player, we glide on two legs. Next, we do a similar exercise, but when sliding we transfer the center of gravity from foot to foot. In order to better master the “push-off” technique, try doing an exercise called the “herringbone”. Before starting the exercise, draw a picture, then do the exercise, comparing it with the sample. You can do the same exercises on packed snow as you can on a rubber mat. You can also resort to using game exercises and outdoor games, which will be a wonderful and complete preparation for going on the ice. Before you go on the ice, you will need to make sure that everything is ready for classes and check that your skates are properly sharpened.

It is best to make your first exit on snow that will not be too slippery. This is usually unplowed snow. Next, you will need to improve the quality of the ice, this must be done taking into account how quickly the children gain confidence.

Don't forget that learning can be difficult if there is a disruption due to fear or shyness. There may be a decrease in interest in sports due to the imposition of too high demands, which usually lead to a significant weakening of discipline in the group, to a large dropout from it. An individual approach should be used to each of those involved. The implementation of the didactic principles of accessibility, clarity and systematicity is encouraged. Negative events can be prevented through the use of proper equipment. It is important to follow the correct sequence of training in equipment techniques. At first, this is the basic stance of a hockey player, which can be low, medium and high. Then - sliding simultaneously on both legs without leaving the ice surface.

When studying sliding, you can use an additional movable support and resort to the help of a partner. In the future, when sliding, you will be able to vary your stance, squat, and do this alternately on each leg.

When learning to slide on two legs occurs, the main attention is paid to the correct execution of the push-off, which is performed to the side and back. When studying such an element, it is advisable to carry it out with your hands resting on the side. A partner can also help you. If this is sliding on one leg, then training can be carried out through the use of some additional support, for example, a chair.

Braking technique

Mastering braking techniques is quite difficult. Thus, when braking with a “plow”, you can use the emphasis of the internal ribs of both skates on the surface as a new element. “Semi-plough” braking involves stopping with the inner edge of one of the skates.

The most best exercise to start learning braking, use a “flashlight”, here you have to go around several obstacles, taking a running start. When gliding on both feet, children take turns connecting and spreading the toes of their skates. The exercise allows them to quickly learn exactly how to place their skates. There is also something like this interesting exercise: the athlete pushes his partner from behind and, due to this, carries him, and he brakes in different ways.

Running with a wide sliding step

By running with a wide sliding step we mean the basis of skating technique; let's look at this issue in more detail. Often young athletes experience incorrect landing. So, hockey players start running in a high position, when half the distance is covered, they tilt their body, and then straighten it again. This can be explained very simply - it is difficult for children to maintain stable balance on ice; the situation is aggravated by the fact that the back and abdominal muscles are weak. So, children take the position that seems most comfortable to them. If you want to master the technique of running with a wide stride, you should start with sliding in a high seat. This way, you can quickly achieve your goal and gain confidence in your actions.

At this stage, you should not require children to take a low position, which involves tilting the body forward and bending the knees. This can lead to rapid fatigue. When performing movements on skates, the muscles are subjected to severe tension, which leads to their rapid fatigue. This creates a desire to raise the body higher. This is quite normal for the first stage of learning.

This reason explains that little hockey players, starting their training, do not have the opportunity to overcome 10 - 15 m by pushing. They certainly switch to double support with their heads lowered

Active sport life- the key to well-being and good health. However, for the sport to be safe, it is important to become a master of your craft. It is especially important to monitor the improvement of skills when practicing ice sports. Every athlete should know what methods are used to improve skating technique in hockey. It's never too late to learn, and if you have a skill, you need to improve it.

Doing the right thing in hockey is half the success. The more confident an athlete feels on the ice, the more maneuverable he will be. A hockey player's success largely depends on how quickly he can move across the ice surface, make turns and change direction.

Proper skating is a good skill. However, this is not enough for a professional high-quality hockey game. Most adult athletes managed to independently master the basic techniques and improve them.

If parents are thinking about how their child can learn to skate on hockey skates, it is worth discussing this with the coach. Professional help in teaching children is indispensable, even if parents know the basics of these skills.

How to Improve Your Skating Skills

Regular lessons with a coach allow you to grow in hockey skating professionalism. However, some decide to study on their own. It is also possible to acquire a skill using this method. Consistency and regularity are important. Even if there are periodic trainings with a master, you cannot refuse additional independent studies, in which it is possible to hone each technique and movement separately.

It is impossible to achieve heights in any sport if you only occasionally go out on the ice to skate. The benefits will come from systematic exercise. The training must take a certain amount of time, the muscles must remember the sequence of movements.

The following aspects are important in the improvement process:

  • practicing basic movements;
  • development of acceleration and braking skills;
  • making sharp turns;
  • skating practice;
  • honing coordination movements.

The technique of skating on hockey skates is different from the usual one. The athlete is required to have greater stability on the ice. He must develop the muscles of his legs and back in order to confidently control his own body.

You should start training by improving the basics. Each exercise should be repeated several times. Simply moving forward, but over a long period of time, will allow the brain to bring this element to the level of automaticity. Then it will be possible to learn new actions.

Proper skating in hockey is impossible without the skill of quickly developing speed and braking. This is the basis for any professional. The essence of the game requires high activity from the participants. If such maneuvers are performed hesitantly, there will be problems. Without good skills, the likelihood of injury increases.

Making sharp turns on ice usually becomes accessible to a person who has thoroughly mastered the basics of skating. If an athlete stands confidently on the ice, knows how to accelerate and stop, move on to learning this element.

Skating in reverse is an equally difficult element in skating when playing hockey. Only relatively experienced athletes can engage in this movement.

Practicing backward movements and sharp turns is carried out under the supervision of an experienced player or coach. Such movements on ice can cause serious injuries to the joints, spine and bone fractures.

Such movements are no less dangerous for those who are also on the ice arena at that moment. An inept movement can cause harm to those skating nearby. It is important to conduct such training carefully and carefully.

A hockey player's skating is more dynamic and aggressive. The transition from one position to another can be rapid. To practice some movements, it makes no sense to ride alone. Practice catching the puck with at least one partner.

Improving skating technique

It is possible to improve your skating skills in hockey with the help of special simulators. Modern advances in technology have made it possible to invent something like a treadmill on which skating classes are held.

The hockey skating simulator is an innovative training equipment that allows for individual playing abilities. The device has the following purpose:

  • improve your skating technique;
  • improve the quality of throwing skills;
  • develop the player's peripheral vision.

Some models can be used to conduct professional training hockey players. The advantages of the products include the following:

  • possibility of individual use;
  • low noise level;
  • barrier-free passage of the puck to the court.

Most often, these are installed in training centers.

It is not easy to focus on speed or competition, but on the quality of execution of each movement. The clearer each element is, the faster the athlete will achieve success.

Balanced effort for power skating with explosive speed

Power skating is one of the riding techniques in hockey. To implement it, you need to be trained and ready to further develop. If you do not master this skill, you will quickly feel tired and lethargic during the game.

When playing hockey, the load falls on the athlete's legs. reaches a width of no more than 3 mm, and it does not constantly come into contact with the surface. The hockey player makes extra efforts to overtake the opponent with speed and not lose sight of the puck. It is clearly evident that strong legs are needed to perform such maneuvers.

For power skating it is important to train bottom part bodies. If the leg muscles are not strong, the athlete will not be able to maintain perfect balance. It is important to strengthen your muscles even before starting training on the ice.

For a professional hockey player, the following muscle groups are of particular importance:

  • gluteal;
  • torso;
  • femoral;
  • knee

When a player first steps on the ice, these muscles still lack strength. Because of this, it is simply impossible to make active movements. Needed power training V gym. Only with trained muscles can an athlete achieve success.

Canadian Hockey Lessons

Children take their first hockey lessons at the age of 3-4 years. Although some parents bring their children to more early age, is not The best decision, since the musculoskeletal system during this period is not yet fully formed and problems may arise.

Even at a later age, it is possible to master the technique of hockey driving too. It all depends on the desire and degree of effort.

A professional trainer will help you create a personal training plan and select the best program. However, there is no need to rush regular classes important.

Hockey skating - training from scratch

When visiting the skating rink for the first time, you should not try to immediately perform some kind of maneuver. It's better to just walk on the ice, perhaps holding onto a support.

Then you can try walking a few circles, trying to glide rather than walk. Ideally, the coach will take you by the arm and do a few laps. It is important to feel the ice.

To start skating, you need to take the starting position. Bend your legs slightly at the knees, tilt your body forward. It is important to feel the balance point and try to remember it.

Backward skating should be done with someone on your arm for the first time. It is advisable that there are no people around. Don't be too zealous. To begin with it will be enough short workout. It takes time for the muscles and joints to get used to the new increased loads.

Correct riding technique should be learned slowly and gradually. Not a single athlete reached the heights immediately. The following recommendations will help:

  • learn to walk near the side as if you were wearing shoes, not boots;
  • if the movement is successful, try to repeat it, moving backwards;
  • Holding onto the side, try to do squats.

After successfully getting used to maintaining balance, walk in a herringbone pattern. This is the first and most consistent technique that a beginner should learn.

When the movements become confident, move on to turns. Falling safely is important. If the balance is lost, it cannot be returned. It is better to group your body and try to slow down. To fall safely, bend your knees and place your hands at your sides. Putting your hand forward carries a high risk of injury.

Organized and consistent effort will help you learn how to skate properly when playing hockey. If you already have a skill, it needs to be improved and practiced.

Before we tell you how to brake on skates, we will consider the skating technique itself in general, knowledge of which will be useful for beginning hockey players and figure skaters.

If you are not sure that you can master all the intricacies of skating without the help of a professional and are noticeably timid while on the ice, then lessons with a trainer - individual or group - can help you. For those who want to learn the basics of skating on their own, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following tips.

If you already know the technique of roller skating on asphalt, then it’s best to forget it for now. Now you also have to leave in the depths of your soul the feeling of embarrassment that is inherent in every beginner who goes out on the ice in front of more professional guys. Holding onto the side, step onto the ice and bring your legs together so that they do not move apart in different directions. Stay calm for a few minutes.

For the initial glide, it is necessary to push off with the edge of the skate, promptly bending and straightening the knee of the supporting leg and transferring the body weight to the other leg. The main thing now is to understand that the push should be carried out not with the toe, but with the edge.

However, skating for beginners has a more challenging aspect than gliding. It is very important to learn to brake. Let's find out how this can be done.

How to brake on skates: method 1

Sit down on one sliding leg, and bring the other, free one forward. Wherein rear end the skate will hit the ice. Often, even after slight acceleration, you have to drive 3-6 meters before stopping the movement. But this method also has its advantage - a beginner does not have to make any complex movements.

How to brake on skates: method 2

This method of braking is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that you don’t bring your free leg forward, but take it back to scratch the ice with the teeth of your skate. This will help you slow down and stop. But here it’s worth remembering that figure skates have jagged blades, but hockey skates, alas, do not have them.

How to brake on skates: method 3

This method was called “plow” and was borrowed from skiers. Squat down on both feet, pressing through your heels, and bring the fronts of both skates slowly together at first, and then more sharply.

Skating braking: method 4

Point your right leg to the left side at an angle of approximately 50 degrees. At the same time, press on the limb with such force that friction between the skate and the ice surface appears. Tilt your torso back a little and squat so that the center of gravity moves down and back, otherwise you will be thrown forward.

Skating braking: method 5

Turn your torso and both skates sharply 90 degrees in relation to the Simultaneously tilt your body back and press hard on the skates, as if you were going to cut the ice. Moreover, the higher your speed, the lower you need to lean. Special attention Pay attention to control your balance.

Skating braking: method 6

This method is called "semicircle". While sliding, bring one leg forward, press on the inner edge, trying to place the free leg so that it is at an angle of 90 degrees to the supporting one. You will travel about half a meter more before you stop.

Skating braking: method 7

This method is recognized by speed skaters as one of the simplest. True, it will take time to master it. Shift your body weight from one skate to the other and press very hard on the edge, which will allow you to make an almost instant stop.

Do not think that the listed methods of braking exhaust the skater’s arsenal. In the process of training, you will gain the necessary practical experience and will soon be able to stop on skates using different methods (depending on the speed and situation).

This beautiful sport is available not only Olympic champions, but also to the general public. Exercises on the court develop muscles and contribute to the formation beautiful posture. But since you have to deal with sharp blades on ice, a beginner needs to know the basic rules of skating, as well as follow safety precautions.

The learning process is influenced not only by the level initial training, but also equipment. You need to choose high-quality shoes of the right size, and also be able to lace them. Read about these important preparations before going to the skating rink and how an adult can learn to skate independently and quickly in our article.

Training at home

Don't look at the graceful figure skaters on TV, start preparing yourself for one of the most popular winter fun in advance. If you have already purchased the basic equipment, you can put it on and walk around the apartment in it. So you will get used to this feeling, height and dimensions. Don't forget to put the plastic protection on the metal part first to avoid damaging the floor.

In addition to this procedure, there are a number of preparatory exercises, which will help you feel more confident on the ice. This is useful because the main problem for beginners is the fear of the court, falling and other campers who move very quickly. Your first visit to the skating rink should be accompanied by an experienced instructor. You can make things easier for your trainer by doing the following exercises:

    "Martin". Take a stable position, then lean your body forward and move one leg back so that it and your torso form one line. Freeze statically for 40 seconds. Repeat 2-3 approaches on both limbs. This action is aimed at developing balance, and this pose also coincides with the one that occurs when sliding.

    "High chair." Press your back against the wall and slowly lower yourself, as if sitting on a stool. Save straight posture and the knee bend angle is 90 degrees. This is how you train posterior muscle hips, which actively works when pushing off the ice.

    "Pistol." If you are a beginner, do supported approaches. Squat down as much as possible on one leg and extend the other leg forward until it is parallel to the floor. Repeat 20 times 3 times. This technique helps improve coordination and strength.

    Exercise with an elastic band. This training dynamic and will require a lot of effort from you. Put on a thick sports band at shin level, squat slightly, bring one limb forward and transfer your body weight to it. This will allow you to get used to the "running" movements.

    Exercise with a chair. Place an improvised projectile in front of you, lean on it with both hands. Squat down and alternate pushing movements. You can use the equipment from the previous lesson. This training will teach you how to move on the ice.

Training for a beginner should be no more than 15 minutes. Before her, be sure to joint warm-up, and also slightly warm up the muscles.

How to dress for the skating rink

If this is your first time on the court, your stay on it should not be too long. Experienced trainers advise spending from half an hour to 40 minutes in a lesson. This rule is associated with high loads on the vestibular apparatus and on the body as a whole. Also, understand that falls are inevitable, but don't be afraid of them.

Riding and learning will be improved by the correct equipment. Basic clothing requirements for young athletes:

    does not restrict movement (elastic);

    has vapor and moisture insulation;

    does not get wet;

    does not have many fastening elements (they can cause injury if moved quickly).

Skating lessons for beginners become much more enjoyable if a person is comfortable and cozy in their equipment. Unlike a ski bag, it should be light, but just as windproof. The Stayer company makes equipment from thin membrane fabric. A person does not feel it on himself because it is light and soft. In addition, windbreakers from this company have a memory effect. They remember the natural curves of the body, so the vacationer can actively train.

For the first time you will need to dress warmly, since you will not move as dynamically as later. You should be wearing:

    soft trousers or leggings (no jeans);




    hat or ear band;


    fabric knee pads;

    woolen ankle pads (optional).

Don't neglect even the small details of your tracksuit, as they all serve a specific function. Gloves will save you not only from the cold, but also from abrasions.

How to put on skates

To achieve maximum comfort and avoid injury, you need to wear the right shoes. Buy shoes that are suitable for you, taking into account individual parameters, such as:

    riding style;

  • rigidity.

There are several types of equipment:



    speed skating

In these cases she has different shapes and degree of hardness. For future hockey players, they make the most durable boots with plastic inserts. But for beginners who just want to spend their leisure time at the skating rink, figure skating or figure skating options are suitable. Choose shoes 0.5 - 1.5 sizes larger to accommodate a wool sock.

You need to put on the equipment while sitting to fix your leg in a natural position - the foot is parallel to the floor. The boot has special hooks on both sides of the tongue. Hook the laces by crossing them in the middle. Tighten firmly, but do not pinch the vessels. Otherwise, the limbs will swell, and the learning process itself will become unpleasant.

Out on the ice

After the preparatory activities, you can learn on the court how to learn how to skate well. Choose a weekday when it won't be as crowded. It is better to go for the first attempts indoor skating rink where there is no snow cover on the ice. Artificial turf smoother, without pits and chips. Ice arenas, as a rule, have rubberized sides that you can hold on to or brake on. To successfully ski, you need to master the basic elements.

This video will help you learn the basics:


To start moving, you should bend your knees to 30 - 45 degrees. Don't train on straight legs! This is wrong and traumatic. Don't try to walk or run, the blade is designed to glide:

    Push off with your right limb, lifting it slightly off the surface. Shift your weight to your left. Maintain your balance while the movement lasts.

    Bring your right hand forward, change your center of gravity. Now the other leg will become the pushing leg.

    Alternate the pushes gradually, increasing the length of the slide on one of them.

There are spikes on the blade under the toe that help with braking and turning. But if you don't lift your foot high enough off the ice, you may trip. To prevent this from happening, it is not necessary to ride “swallow”, like figure skaters; when pushing off, it is enough to point your toe not straight down, but slightly to the side.

Look at the correct gliding technique from a master of sports in figure skating.


If you always stop on the side, sooner or later you will break even the most durable equipment. To avoid injuring yourself or others and to keep your athletic shoes in good condition, learn to stop moving. Several exercises will help you with this:

    Emphasis on the ice. This technique uses either an external or internal ridge rib. When stopping, you turn your foot toe outward or inward, respectively. One blade moves perpendicular to the other, but they do not touch. You press hard on the surface, slightly in front of you.

    Plow. This technique comes from skiing. Bring your knees and toes together and squat down.

Braking is an integral part of the entire riding process. It is important to learn how to do this quickly and correctly.


When you feel more confident on the ice, learn how to take turns. Try the simplest option first: start moving in a small arc, changing the position of your foot slightly each time. This option is the safest for beginners, but in terms of low execution speed it is also the leader.

Therefore, there is an alternative for advanced ones: change your legs cross to cross, with emphasis on the left. Place one limb exactly in front of the other. This will shorten the arc.

Learn to turn from the video:

Riding in reverse

How to learn to skate backwards? This technique looks very beautiful and professional, and also gives a lot of pleasure. But there are some difficulties - you need to constantly look over your shoulder. In addition, it is better to start mastering this element no earlier than the fifth lesson. However, the technique is not that complicated:

    Make sure there is no one behind you, and try to push off from a stable support - a side wall or a bench.

    Squat down and shift your body weight from one side to the other, making wave-like movements.

    Complicate the element - push off on your own. Bring your working leg forward, then return it to its place and change it.

A sure sign that you have mastered skating backwards are your tracks. They should be two wavy lines.

Watch the video and learn how to ride backwards:

A fall

Even experienced runners and fans of this sport are not immune from such a curiosity. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to land correctly. Before going out, put on protection: knee pads and elbow pads.

    Group up. Grasp the back of your head with your hands, press your chin to your chest and your knees to your stomach.

    Do not lie on the ice for a long time, this risks hypothermia.

    After falling, clench your hands into fists and pull your legs towards you.

You should also rise correctly and quickly:

    Roll over from your back to your stomach.

    Get on all fours.

    Bend one limb at the knee and lean on it.

    Stand on both feet at once.

This video will help you learn how to fall correctly:

Get good result possible after the first 2-3 lessons. The main thing is to follow safety precautions and take your time. Show persistence, and success will not take long to arrive.