Tamir Sheikh VKontakte. Fighter and trainer Tamir Sheikh: biography, exercises and interesting facts. Tamir Sheikh: biography

A sedentary lifestyle, bad habits and laziness - this is exactly what Tamir Sheikh’s propaganda is fighting against. For him, sport is not just a hobby, it is a way of life! This man is chanting active image life and, through his example, instills in young people a desire for sports.

Who is Tamir Sheikh

First of all, Tamir is a propagandist and athlete known throughout the Internet. This person selflessly holds events in many cities, conducts free workout training, street fight and self-defense for everyone. The activist collects money to transfer it to orphanages, builds new ones where the younger generation could transfer their energy in a righteous direction. The athlete and his team create many manuals, lessons on YouTube and articles that will help the average person harmoniously develop their body.

Biography of the athlete

Tamir Sheikh leads a low-public lifestyle. The biography of the athlete does not shine with bright facts and loud scandals. This is a simple person who decided to devote himself to sports and its promotion.

The real name of the activist is Maxim Shikhaliev. Tamir is, as the athlete himself claims, his middle name, his pseudonym. Maxim made a lot of efforts to develop the youth movement Street Workout, which in English means “street training.” He also founded his own fight club called “Personal Freedom”.


Tamir Sheikh was born on July 8, 1974. He was born and studied in the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv. Shikhaliev received his secondary education in high school No. 157 (address: Obolonsky Prospekt, 12v). The education of the future athlete did not end there. Tamir decided to continue his studies at the prestigious Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev. He entered the Faculty of Biology at the Department of Molecular Genetics. While still in higher education, he underwent military training. On this moment Maxim Shikhaliev’s favorite place to live and train is the Republic of Crimea.

Tamir’s parameters: height is 185 centimeters, and the athlete’s weight varies from 75 to 90 kilograms (this depends on activities and nutrition).


There is very little reliable information about Tamir Sheikh’s family. Maxim's father was an athlete. He was studying aquatic species sports and was a member of the national team Soviet Union in water polo. It was dad who set the right example for his son and instilled in him a love of sports from childhood. It is known that Tamir - middle child in family. He has an older brother and a younger sister. Maxim Shikhaliev also has a son, Tamerlan.

Tamir on VKontakte

The Internet has begun to influence many aspects of human life. Tamir Sheikh started a page for himself on the most popular VKontakte network. It is thanks to this profile that many people can receive free advice from a famous athlete. On his page Maxim posts his educational video tutorials and useful materials for beginners and experienced athletes. It is there that you can see original videos about the development of your body, which Tamir Sheikh guarantees.
Training and advice from a famous turnstile man help beginners with certain techniques that will soon lead them to success.

Maxim Shikhaliev’s contribution to the development of sports

Developing a sport and maintaining its popularity is not an easy task, but Tamir copes with it by promoting healthy image life. He himself invested a lot of effort in the development of sports. Not only does Tamir build sports grounds and conduct training, he himself has invested a lot of effort and achieved a lot in sports. According to many sources, Shikhaliev has the title of MSMK (international master of sports), which in itself is prestigious. From numerous videos, it can be argued that the athlete has been professionally involved in martial arts for many years. There is also a record recorded on video for lifting a weight with one leg. Tamir managed to lift 32 kilograms. Unfortunately, this was not included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Street workout

Street workout is a youth movement of athletes working out on the street using popular equipment such as parallel bars, horizontal bars, ladders, etc.
Tamir Sheikh directly began to raise this movement in the CIS countries thanks to his videos and street training. This is what instilled interest in the younger generation in outdoor activities. Athletes and young people working out on the horizontal bar began to be called workouters or turnstile men. Street workout allows a person to develop strength, agility and other parameters in his body.

Tamir Sheikh and Shavkat Muhammedov

There are many rumors about the relationship and in general about the role of Shavkat Muhammedov in the life of Maxim Shikhaliev. Internet users are divided into two camps in their disputes: some say that this is simply a fictitious person, while others say that this is a legendary sensei and the best mentor. Be that as it may, there is still a lot of controversy about this mysterious person.

Tamir himself, in his video messages, more than once mentioned Mukhamedov himself and his influence on the student’s worldview. "Shavkat Muhammedov has considerable strength, endurance and steely character", says Tamir Sheikh. Fighting in the area martial arts and the coach gave Maxim considerable experience, so we can consider that it was this person who provided a good basis for the development of Tamir Sheikh.

Maxim Shikhaliev has done a lot to develop sports and attract young people to it. The "Street Workout" movement, which he co-founded, has become a real mainstream in the field of sports and training.

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A sedentary lifestyle, bad habits and laziness - this is exactly what Tamir Sheikh’s propaganda is fighting against. For him, sport is not just a hobby, it is a way of life! This person glorifies an active lifestyle and, through his example, instills in young people a desire for sports.

Who is Tamir Sheikh

First of all, Tamir is a propagandist and athlete known throughout the Internet. This person selflessly holds events in many cities, conducts free training in workout, street fighting and self-defense for everyone. The activist collects money to transfer it to orphanages, builds new ones where he could transfer his energy into a righteous direction. The athlete and his team create many manuals, lessons on YouTube and articles that will help the average person harmoniously develop their body.

Biography of the athlete

Tamir Sheikh leads a low-public lifestyle. The athlete’s biography does not shine with bright facts and high-profile scandals. This is a simple person who decided to devote himself to sports and its promotion.

The real name of the activist is Maxim Shikhaliev. Tamir is, as the athlete himself claims, his middle name, his pseudonym. Maxim made a lot of efforts to develop the youth movement Street Workout, which translated from English means “street training.” He also founded his own fight club called “Personal Freedom”.


Tamir Sheikh was born on July 8, 1974. He was born and studied in the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv. Shikhaliev received his secondary education at secondary school No. 157 (address: Obolonsky Prospekt, 12v). The education of the future athlete did not end there. Tamir decided to continue his studies at the prestigious Faculty of Biology, Department of Molecular Genetics. While still in higher education, he underwent military training. At the moment, Maxim Shikhaliev’s favorite place to live and train is the Republic of Crimea.

Tamir’s parameters: height is 185 centimeters, and the athlete’s weight varies from 75 to 90 kilograms (this depends on activities and nutrition).


There is very little reliable information about Tamir Sheikh’s family. Maxim's father was an athlete. He was involved in water sports and was a member of the Soviet Union water polo team. It was dad who set the right example for his son and instilled in him a love of sports from childhood. It is known that Tamir is the middle child in the family. He has an older brother and a younger sister. Maxim Shikhaliev also has a son, Tamerlan.

Tamir on VKontakte

The Internet has begun to influence many aspects of human life. Tamir Sheikh started a page for himself on the most popular VKontakte network. It is thanks to this profile that many people can receive free advice from a famous athlete. On his page, Maxim posts his educational video lessons and useful materials for beginners and experienced athletes. It is there that you can see original videos about the development of your body, which Tamir Sheikh guarantees.

Training and advice from a famous turnstile man help beginners with certain techniques that will soon lead them to success.

Maxim Shikhaliev’s contribution to the development of sports

Developing sports and maintaining its popularity is not an easy task, but Tamir copes with it by promoting a healthy lifestyle. He himself invested a lot of effort in the development of sports. Not only does Tamir build sports grounds and conduct training, he himself has invested a lot of effort and achieved a lot in sports. According to many sources, Shikhaliev has the title of MSMK (international master of sports), which in itself is prestigious. From numerous videos, it can be argued that the athlete has been professionally involved in martial arts for many years. There is also a record recorded on video for lifting a weight with one leg. Tamir managed to lift 32 kilograms. Unfortunately, this was not included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Street workout

Street workout is a youth movement of athletes working out on the street using popular equipment such as parallel bars, horizontal bars, ladders, etc.

Tamir Sheikh directly began to raise this movement in the CIS countries thanks to his videos and street training. This is what instilled interest in the younger generation in outdoor activities. Athletes and young people working out on the horizontal bar began to be called workouters or turnstile men. Street workout allows a person to develop strength, agility and other parameters in his body.

Tamir Sheikh and Shavkat Muhammedov

There are many rumors about the relationship and in general about the role of Shavkat Muhammedov in the life of Maxim Shikhaliev. Internet users are divided into two camps in their disputes: some say that this is simply a fictitious person, while others say that this is a legendary sensei and the best mentor. Be that as it may, there is still a lot of controversy about this mysterious person.

Tamir himself, in his video messages, more than once mentioned Mukhamedov himself and his influence on the student’s worldview. “Shavkat Muhammedov has considerable strength, endurance and a steely character,” says Tamir Sheikh. Fights in the field of martial arts with a coach gave Maxim considerable experience, so we can consider that it was this person who provided a good basis for the development of Tamir Sheikh.

Maxim Shikhaliev has done a lot to develop sports and attract young people to it. The "Street Workout" movement, which he co-founded, has become a real mainstream in the field of sports and training.

Today, when there are many gyms, a healthy lifestyle and sports are increasingly becoming part of the lives of not only young people, but also quite mature people. Propaganda about the dangers of smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and obesity plays a significant role in a sports lifestyle. IN in social networks people share with each other the most effective methods and exercises to reset excess weight. Many people advise using the method of Tamir Sheikh, a fighter and trainer. He posts videos with training recordings on the Internet, and you can also seek advice from him personally - through the VK network.

Who is Tamir Sheikh? Training using his method is becoming more and more popular among young people, but few people know about the athlete himself. Today we will get to know this fighter in the fight against excess weight.

Tamir Sheikh: biography

Maxim Shikhaliev was born on July 8, 1974 - this is Tamir’s real name. The sheikh claims that he adopted a pseudonym not in order to hide his true name, but in order to become a new person, stronger and more active.

For Tamir, his father was an example. He was an athlete, a member of the USSR water polo team.

Tamir Sheikh was born and raised in Kyiv. There he received his secondary school education and higher education.

At Kiev State University he studied at the Faculty of Biology. He was always interested in the molecular structure of bodies and genetics.

Training had to be interrupted for some time, as Maxim was called to serve. In military affairs, he immediately became one of the best, since before the army he was engaged in martial arts and did not smoke. In the Armed Forces, he finally decided that he would become a coach, help children and teenagers play sports, and instill in them a love for a healthy lifestyle.

Imaginary friend or real guru?

Tamir Sheikh talks a lot about his coach - the great guru of martial arts Shavkat Muhammedov. The athlete assures that when he was fifteen years old, he met this man who arrived from Uzbekistan.

Shavkat taught Tamir not only the basics of martial arts, but also tremendous endurance, and helped him develop an analytical mind.

Tamir, as proof of the existence of his teacher, posted a video in which, in addition to the young Sheikh, there is one more person - presumably Mukhamedov himself. From this video we can conclude that Shavkat is really good at martial arts techniques. The enormous strength of this man is also visible.

It is difficult to say whether this guru actually existed or existed, since Tamir himself did not talk much about him, and does not want to add to his stories.

Master of Sport

On many sites that talk about Tamir, there is information that Sheikh is an international class master of sports in hand-to-hand combat. But Tamir Sheikh does not confirm this information. Many videos where he talks about himself and his achievements do not mention this high level skill. Perhaps the fighter is simply being modest or does not consider it necessary to boast.

Only one thing is known - Tamir can lift a weight of 32 kilograms with one leg! He is a record holder only on video, and this fact is not mentioned in the Guinness Book of Records.

Tamir Sheikh: exercises are available to everyone

If training with professional trainers is not available to everyone due to lack of finances or time to visit gyms, then anyone can train with the Sheikh.

As we have already said, you can watch video lessons from this trainer absolutely free on YouTube or online on other networks. The advantages of these trainings are that you can go online at any convenient time and practice without spending money on fees to the trainer.

You can also “make friends” with Tamir on the VKontakte network, where the coach can pick up individual training with a set of exercises that you need.

Sheikh for teenagers

Tamir is an active promoter in the field of healthy lifestyle and sports. He tries to attract as many young people as possible. Tamir Sheikh believes that teenagers need to be pulled out of doorways and discouraged from drinking alcohol and smoking. He decided to do this by conducting free street training.

Tamir traveled to many cities with his programs and founded the youth movement Street Workout - street training. People of all ages join him.

The reviews on the Internet are the best: parents of teenagers write that with this movement, children begin to get involved in sports, sign up for sport sections or study at home.

Activities for the laziest

For people who do not want to play sports, Tamir Sheikh created a special technique. How to remove the lower abdomen if you have no desire to visit gym and generally resort to physical exercise? Tamir founded a technique consisting of three exercises:

  1. Proper nutrition. This is the first and main condition in order to get rid of belly fat. Tamir advises eating according to a schedule, eliminating all sweet and fatty foods, and reducing bread consumption.
  2. Walking. The Sheikh welcomes walking; he advises leaving the car at least half an hour a day and walking at least one kilometer a day. It doesn't matter if it's a brisk walk or a slow walk, the important thing is to just walk that distance every day.
  3. Positive attitude. Tamir Sheikh is the main enemy of humanity and slim figure names stress and Bad mood. To remove your lower belly and get rid of a couple of kilograms of excess weight, you need to smile more. Tamir recommends being alone for at least five minutes before going to bed, and forcing yourself to smile during this time. Relax, take your mind off the problems of the day.

Tamir Sheikh says that by following this method every day, even a man’s “beer belly” can be noticeably reduced in a month.

More and more people are joining Tamir and his propaganda. There is information that many have quit smoking, started playing sports, and leading a healthy lifestyle. With these changes, most not only lost a couple of pounds, but also lost significant weight.

A master class on Street Workout for young people was held in Bakhchisaray by the famous athlete and businessman Tamir Shikhaliev, also known as Tamir Sheikh. During the conversation with him, journalists found out that the popular athlete among young people is also a geneticist, and a Doctor of Science.

Tamir was born in Kyiv in 1974, his father came from the Caucasus, was famous athlete, so little Tamir had someone to learn from. Now the athlete devotes a lot of time to promoting a healthy lifestyle, sports, and the fight against bad habits, so it is not surprising that he spends a lot of time in Crimea, escaping the noisy metropolis.

The athlete said that he loves Foros, Crimea and the purpose of his visit was training in the mountains, where this time he will train together with Alexey Pinzeenko, a Bakhchisarai athlete and leader of the Street Workout public movement.

“Street Workout,” says Amir Shikhaliev, “is not only a sports movement, it is more of a philosophical movement; for a young guy it is important not only to be strong and pumped up, to be able to protect a girl, but also to remember that physical strength- not the most important thing, mental development is also important, intellectual, so that everything is harmonious."

Tamir is an active supporter of the development of sports in Ukraine, participates in events to install sports grounds in Kyiv, attracts young people from disadvantaged families to sports - many hooligan guys, thanks to their coach, “switched over to the side of sports.”

To a question from a Novoross. info": "What do you advise the residents of Bakhchisarai?" the famous sportsman replied: “Don’t be under illusions, don’t despair, play sports, do what you love, it doesn’t matter whether it brings you income or not, but, most importantly, don’t ruin your life starting at 8 in the morning at a job you don’t like! After all, a hobby often becomes a source of income , bringing pleasure. You can change your life. They tell me that you have a small town and few prospects, you cannot achieve something. But I believe that new technologies provide new chances to earn money, through the same Internet. After all, a lot depends from the way you are raised - you have to feel like a lion, no matter what you're driving - on a bicycle or in a Mercedes. And remember, Street Workout is fashionable!"

Anna Kel

Real name Shikhaliev Maxim. The pseudonym is Tamir Sheikh, as he claims - his middle name. Is a co-founder sports movement Street Workout (street training). Founder of the fight club “Personal Freedom”. Promotes a healthy lifestyle (for those who don’t know, this is a healthy lifestyle, note harmful). Born in 1974, in the month of July, on the 8th. He studied at secondary school No. 157 in the city of Kyiv, which is on Obolonsky Avenue 12v, then at the Kiev National Shevchenko University at the Faculty of Biology, a specialist in molecular genetics. At the university he passed the military department. Lives mainly in the Republic of Crimea. He is 185 cm tall. Weight, as he himself claims, is from 75 to 90 kg, depending on training and nutrition intensity.

My father was a member of the USSR national water polo team. There is an older brother and a younger sister. Son Shikhaliev Tamerlan Maksimovich.

Known for lifting a 32 kg weight on one leg. There is video evidence. (I don’t know if this is recorded in some “Guinness Book of Records”, but the guy is really cool! Note harm.)

On various secondary sites (like Wikipedia, editor's note) there is information that he is a master of sports of international class in hand-to-hand combat. But neither the website tamircentr.com nor its VKontakte page makes any such claims. Also, having reviewed many of his videos where he talks about himself, such statements were not confirmed. So we will assume that this is a fake.

In his works he often mentions a certain Mukhamedov Shavkat Khalzaevich, an apologist for kungfu and other martial arts (as stated on one of the forums, “Soviet Bruce Lee”, editor’s note). He was originally from somewhere in Central Asia, presumably from Uzbekistan. According to Shikhaliev himself, Mukhamedov, in addition to knowledge of martial arts, has good endurance, an analytical mind, remarkable strength and other superpowers. There is no exact information regarding Shavkat’s age, but in one of his posts Tamir mentioned that “then he (Shavkat, editor’s note) was 27 years old.” He had been in contact with him “since he was 15 years old,” that is, presumably since 1989.

Information about this man is very scarce, with the exception of a few photographs and a few videos of training. Judging by them, Mukhamedov really has knowledge in the field of martial arts. It is impossible to say whether the person depicted on these materials is really Shavkat Muhammedov or whether he is a fictitious character. But in any case, even if this is a collective image shrouded in mystery, it still carries positive aspects in the form of promoting a healthy lifestyle. For which many thanks to Tamir Shikhaliev.