DIY step platform. Exercises on the step platform. Step platforms - types, how to choose, benefits, exercises Wooden step platform

Exercises on a special step platform are the most effective in matters of figure correction. Classes on this equipment can be carried out both at home and in gym. The board takes up little space, does not require special care, and you can make it yourself. A home-made step platform completely replaces a purchased one.

The step board is unique and very a simple simulator, which makes it possible to organize a full-fledged fitness training without leaving home if going to the gym is unavailable for some reason.

In specialized sports stores you can buy boards various types and modifications, but their cost cannot be called cheap. Therefore, many who want to practice step at home are wondering what to replace the step platform with. The article talks about this, as well as what kind of equipment it is and what characteristics it should have.

Why do you need a step platform?

In order to make a complete and, most importantly, safe structure for humans, you need to know what it is and what qualities it has.

This simulator is designed for the comprehensive development of the muscles of the buttocks, legs and of cardio-vascular system. Exercises on this equipment represent an imitation of walking up steps with the inclusion of dance elements. The board can also be used as a sports bench.

Sports equipment and supplies intended for active activities, must initially be strong and stable. The same applies to the platform. This simulator resembles a step or an ordinary box with rectangular shape. Industrial platforms are made of high-quality plastic with a rubberized surface and are sold at any sporting goods store.

For safe practice when making a board yourself, it is important to comply with a number of requirements.

Requirements for classes and platform for step dance

Step aerobics is similar to sports dancing, with the only difference being that in step the movements are performed around a platform, with ascent and descent from it, which imposes certain requirements on the classes.

  • It is necessary to exercise in light sneakers with ventilation (mesh) and non-slip soles.
  • The space for performing exercises should be sufficient so that you do not have to touch nearby objects during the dance.
  • The platform must be installed on a flat surface to prevent it from loosening and shifting during movements.

A correctly calculated step design will make it possible to avoid sprains and injuries and allow you to enjoy your workout.

A do-it-yourself step platform must meet the following requirements.

  • Good strength characteristics. This is important, especially if a person has excess weight. The board must not break or be damaged in any other way during class.
  • Non-slip surface. This requirement applies both to the upper surface, which is directly involved in performing the exercises (that is, the leg should not be able to slide off the board), and to the lower part (that is, the platform itself should not slide on the surface on which it is installed).
  • Excellent stability. This quality will not allow the board to turn over if the athlete steps on the edge of the simulator.

These requirements are met correct selection the material from which the platform will be made independently, as well as the choice of its design and weight.

What is the difference

A do-it-yourself step platform still has a number of differences from industrial products that you need to know. She does not have the following qualities.

  1. Cushioning of foot impacts on the surface. This applies to jumping and vigorous steps. Purchased boards are made from special springy plastics that are not available for sale. Therefore, it is dangerous to jump on a home board, as you can twist your joints. You should try to do exercises that do not involve jumping and skipping.
  2. Height adjustment. This feature is designed to increase or decrease the load during exercise. This is especially important at the beginning, when the beginner must have a lower platform. There is no point in complicating the home structure for the sake of this. Moreover, you cannot pile parts of the simulator on top of each other. It's easier to make a taller board over time.

Platform options

The size requirements for the manufacture of this simulator are as follows:

  • The width of the upper working surface must be such that the athlete’s foot can freely fit on it. At the same time, it should not be too wide so that one can easily step over it. The optimal width, depending on the size of the leg and height, will be from forty centimeters to half a meter.

  • The height of the step platform depends on the level of training of the athlete. For beginners, this size should be from ten to fifteen centimeters, over time it increases to thirty. It has been proven that increasing step height by five centimeters adds up to 12% strain on muscles.
  • The length of the board is one to one and a half meters. The parameter depends on the comfortable position of “legs slightly wider than shoulder width.” With this positioning of the body, the feet should not hang over the edges and should stand straight. This way you can choose the optimal length.

Materials for production

To meet all the requirements for this simulator, a step platform can be made with your own hands from wooden boards of appropriate sizes. You will also need small nails and PVA glue.

It would also be nice to have a rubberized canvas or drape fabric to cover the working surface and rubber lining for an improvised bottom or legs.

If a solid board of appropriate height is taken for production, then you only need to process all sides and glue the coating onto top part boards and rubber strips - on the bottom.

In order to accurately measure dimensions, you will need a ruler, and to measure evenness, you will need a level. The platform must be made without distortions and not wobble.

How to make a step platform yourself

In order to make your own step platform, you need to take the following steps.

  1. You need to prepare a board one meter long and forty centimeters wide for the working surface. If you want to make the simulator larger, then the sizes are selected individually.
  2. Using a timber, knock together the four sides and the work board so that you get a box about twenty centimeters high.
  3. Measure out a perfectly horizontal surface and, if necessary, process it so that the step board stands firmly and does not wobble.
  4. Sand the outer parts of the machine.
  5. Sports equipment and supplies for active sports must be stable and safe, so a non-slip material is glued to the top surface and nailed to the edges with nails or a mounting gun.
  6. The same material is similarly attached from below along the edges or along the entire length, as desired.

The platform is ready. You can find a lot on Internet resources interesting exercises for training on this simulator. If made independently and correctly, it will bring a lot of benefits and pleasure to the body.

  • Stepping platform
  • Aerobic dumbbells

  • Special clothing

Advanced class

Best dance aerobics

Christina, 27 years old

Valentina, 31 years old

The benefits and benefits of step aerobics for weight loss

Not one-time, but regular classes will help you find thin waist, eliminate unnecessary body fat from the sides. For people with weak physical training There is aerobics for beginners, and for different goals, you can choose water aerobics, step interval, recreational, step aerobics. Dance aerobics for weight loss is very universal; even pregnant women can do it, if there are no contraindications. The benefits of each set of classes are justified, because they are all designed for people of different sizes and ages.

What are the benefits of step aerobics for weight loss at home?

  1. For training, special equipment is used in the form of a step-elevation (not to be confused with a stepper). The height of the platform is selected based on the person’s preparedness and height: 15-30 cm for beginners and over 30 cm for experienced ones. The width of the elevation is about 50 cm.
  2. The duration of the workout does not give a person a feeling of rapid fatigue, so you can practice the step for a long time.
  3. Step aerobics classes burn between 250 and 500 calories.
  4. You can always improve the efficiency of burning fat deposits by exercising with dumbbells and weights.
  5. Feeling that you have already coped with the load of a beginner, you can complicate the movements on the steppe and/or extend the time of aerobics training for weight loss.
  6. Rhythmic favorite music is another bonus; it’s easier to conduct classes to fiery melodies. 120-130 accents per minute will be just right for training.
  7. If it is not possible to attend classes at a fitness center, you can always repeat the step aerobics complex at home using an ordinary small bench and even with an online teacher.

What you need to study at home

A sports set of step aerobics for weight loss at home consists of the following components:

  • Stepping platform

In other words, the step or elevation is selected taking into account the level of training and growth. A beginner will find a platform up to 30 cm comfortable, but a more prepared person will need a step higher. Price sports equipment available, you can choose to suit every taste and budget. There are platforms whose height is adjustable. A beginner should not buy high equipment, even if he wants to quickly lose excess weight from his hips and waist. This rather threatens rapid fatigue and short exercise.

The width of the step platform is 40-50 cm, and the length is 1-1.5 m. The surface should not be slippery, and should be well fixed to the floor from below. Safety during exercise must be observed so as not to harm yourself, so choose step pads with a rubberized or slightly embossed surface, from which the shoes will not slip. You can even replace a step platform at home with a small stool, but only a comfortable one.

  • Aerobic dumbbells

Exercises on the steppe can be carried out with an additional load in the form of dumbbells from 1.5 to 2 kg. This way, a person will be able to maintain his aerobic pace and make the activity more difficult.

  • Sneakers with rigid soles and cushioning

Shoes should be comfortable, properly support the foot during aerobics, and not constrict. Thanks to shock absorption, the load on the joints is reduced, reducing the risk of spraining the foot.

  • Special clothing

A tracksuit should “breathe”, fit exactly in size, and not restrict your step and movements of your arms and legs.

Rules for doing exercises at home

Aerobics is a sport in which the basic rules are taken into account. It is imperative to follow the correct training for weight loss in order to achieve maximum results. Basic Rules:

  1. You need to keep your back straight, do not hunch, and pull your stomach in. The step should be springy, stand on the platform with only the whole foot.
  2. You cannot stop abruptly during aerobics, just gradually reduce the pace, switch to a walk and after a couple of minutes restore the pace of exercise.
  3. A set of classic movements on the step platform includes warm-up – work with the step – step-touch – step-knee – swing. There are other step aerobics exercises, but warming up and preparing the muscles should be mandatory.
  4. Exercises for weight loss are repeated for each leg 20 times.
  5. The final stage is walking in a normal step on the spot, restoring breathing with exercises and deep inhalation and exhalation.

Educational video lessons for beginners

Healthy fitness with a step platform is effective method burning calories and losing excess weight. At regular exercise, intense step exercises will be a real pleasure for a person who wants to get rid of subcutaneous fat. Complex of elements breathing exercises and the right steps will help a person who cannot go to the gym to train at home. Watch the videos to enhance your practice.

Basic exercises on the step platform for beginners

Advanced class

Best dance aerobics

Reviews about weight loss results

Christina, 27 years old

I decided to get rid of extra pounds– I started working out with a step stand, and after a month I saw the results. I lost weight in my legs and tightened my buttocks. For me, the goal was not the mark on the scale, but appearance. The name step aerobics is associated with the word “step”, which means “step”. By performing rhythmic steps to music, I achieved weight loss. I really enjoy attending classes.

Valentina, 31 years old

I took up step aerobics to lose weight to improve my physical fitness. Thanks to the classes, I no longer have shortness of breath when walking, and I have lost one size. I’ve been working out at home for 5 months now, increasing the intensity of my athletic ligaments with dumbbells, because I want to look slim, like in the photo in my student years.

Step aerobics is one of the types of fitness that was developed at the end of the twentieth century by the American Jane Miller. She needed to work out her knee after a serious injury. She simply used the steps that led to her house for training. The program she created helped achieve phenomenal results and almost completely neutralize the consequences of the injury. These results inspired Miller, and she tried to turn it into the new kind fitness that has captivated millions of women around the world. Step aerobics at home has become an excellent solution to losing weight for many.

Benefits of step aerobics and contraindications

This type of fitness has many advantages. Firstly, it is beneficial for the body and body. Step is a set of very similar exercises that are found in regular gymnastics. And as you know, training of this type creates the main load on the heart muscle. This makes it possible to develop movement coordination. Well, of course, we are talking about losing weight. Step aerobics gives even more quick results than gymnastics, since the loads will be more intense. It will make the human body more resilient, flexible and flexible, and will also greatly contribute to the development of the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Another important advantage is that you can safely practice step aerobics at home. This is very simple, given the fact that on the Internet and in particular on YouTube you can find a large number of online courses and guides from fitness trainers who will tell you how to do certain exercises correctly and what you need to know.

But it should be understood that similar exercises- still a burden for the body. And considering that we are talking about losing weight, it will be considerable. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor, as well as a fitness trainer, before even starting exercise at home. The following categories of people are not allowed to do step aerobics:

  1. With high blood pressure and everything related to hypertension;
  2. people diagnosed with joint disease;
  3. With varicose veins veins and sore legs;
  4. with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Another important advantage is that it simply requires minimal financial investment. If we are talking specifically about home exercises, then there is no need to go to the gym or buy any special uniform. You don’t even have to buy a special platform, but simply use a plastic or wooden bench. And now we will pay a little attention to this mandatory element.

The role of the platform for step aerobics and its characteristics

In this type of fitness, all movements are performed on a platform, which imposes a number of requirements on the training. It is best to exercise in light sneakers that have non-slip soles. You also need to have enough space around. The platform must be stable and on a flat surface to prevent it from loosening while performing tasks. After all, this entails a risk of injury. The design of this sports equipment should be such that you can avoid this and enjoy the training.

If you decide to make a platform for step aerobics with your own hands, then it must also meet the following criteria:

  • excellent strength. This is important, especially if the person exercising is overweight. The platform should not break during exercises;
  • good stability. It should not roll over if you accidentally step on the edge;
  • non-slip surface. The platform must be made of such material that the foot cannot slip off the board, and at the same time does not slip on the surface on which it will be located.

That is, we can say that the correct selection of material, as well as a precisely calculated design and weight are the key successful creation own platform for step aerobics. At the same time, this do-it-yourself simulator will have a number of differences from the industrially made version. And you should know these qualities:

  • there is no shock absorption for foot impacts on the surface. In this case we are talking about jumping and energetic steps. The fact is that the boards that are sold in stores are made from certain springy plastics that are not commercially available;
  • no height adjustment. This opportunity usually provided so that you can increase or decrease the load during classes. This is especially important at the very beginning, when you have just started doing step aerobics for beginners at home: the platform should be low so that the loads are not high at first.

Platform parameters and how to make it yourself

If we talk about its physical dimensions, then the width of the working surface should be in the range of 40-50 centimeters. Everything is individual here. The ideal width will be when the student’s foot fits completely on the platform. It is important not to overdo it, because it should be easy to step over.

The height depends on the degree of preparation. Since we are only talking about starting classes, the ideal platform size for beginners will be somewhere around 10-15 centimeters. As experience and preparedness increase, the figure is increased to 30 cm. It has been scientifically proven that by increasing the height every 5 centimeters, we add 12 percent to the load on the muscles. Well, the length of the board should be somewhere around 1-1.5 meters. This parameter will depend on the comfortable position. The optimal formula here would be “legs slightly wider than shoulder width.”

When we know all the necessary parameters, all that remains is to manufacture it. To do this, it is best for us to take thick and strong boards to ensure the strength of the structure. This way it won’t break, and stability and heaviness will be ensured so that it doesn’t “ride” on the floor. Now, based on the boards, we knock together something similar to a box so that the height of its sides is 10-15 centimeters. It depends on the person’s load requirements. The box must be made well so that it stands firmly and level. Now we take sandpaper and sand the structure on all sides except the inside.

Now you need to make sure that the working surface is not slippery. To do this, you can cover it with rubber or something similar. When this has been done, for a better effect, you can nail the edges of the material to the box with a construction stapler. We also glue and nail strips of rubber to the bottom of the sides of this structure from below so that it stands stable. This is how the platform is made in a simple way.

Step aerobics for weight loss at home - exercises

Now that everything is ready, all that remains is to start practicing. It should be understood that step aerobics at home for weight loss should begin gradually. First, do a few easy exercises and as your body gets used to it, you will need to add new, more complex elements.

Any sport naturally begins with a warm-up. To do this, you should march in place for two to three minutes, raising your knees high. After this, the same number of springy steps should be taken, using slight bending of the knees. For example, we take a step to the side with the left one and put the right one next to it and vice versa. It is important to ensure that the step is as wide as possible.

The second exercise is step on the board. It’s easy to do: put left leg to the middle of the platform, after which we attach the right one to it. Now we descend first with our left foot, and then with our right.
The third exercise is called the “step-knee”. To perform it, you need to step with your right foot onto the platform. You need to stand on one leg, lifting your left leg off the ground, bend it at the knee and hold it above the platform. You should try to keep your knee as close to your chest as possible and try to touch your buttock with your heel. After this, the left leg lowers to the floor without touching the platform, and the right leg follows it.
Exercise four - “step-touch”. Stand on the platform with your right foot and place the other one against it. Now the right one turns into a supporting one. The left one slightly touches the toe of the board and immediately put it on the floor, after which we also go there with the right one.

Another element is the swing. To perform it, we stand on the board. Keeping your weight on your right leg, lift your left and swing. At this moment, she should be bent at the knee. We try to reach the buttocks with the heel. Now we lower it to the floor without touching the platform, after which we step down with our right foot.
All mentioned exercises from the second to the fifth inclusive must be performed forty times - twenty times doing it on the right leg and twenty on the left.

And most importantly, all the initial elements of step aerobics are always completed with a step on the spot, as well as deep inhalations and exhalations until smooth breathing is completely restored. Note that all these elements can be performed with dumbbells in your hands. Their weight is calculated individually. But it's best to let your body get used to it first. base loads, and only then begin alternating and combining various elements. This will make step aerobics for weight loss at home more interesting and varied. In addition, this will not cause any painful sensations for muscles that are not accustomed to stress and will allow you to receive only positive emotions from step aerobics.

Despite the growing popularity of strength training, the group direction of step aerobics does not lose fans of rhythmic and intense exercise. This direction involves training on a specially designed step platform. In different clubs you can find all sorts of platform options - from old models to the most modern and expensive ones. Basically, what distinguishes one platform from another is the parameters: dimensions, height adjustment, and most importantly, convenience and safety.

How to choose a step platform?

  1. The first thing you need to pay attention to is safety, which concerns not only beginners, but also advanced aerobics lovers. Because training is not limited to the usual basic steps on the platform, and modern step aerobics over the years increasingly resembles choreography, especially a good non-slip coating is important, which will reduce the possibility of injury due to carelessness at a high rate of load. Manufacturers of modern step aerobics platforms have increasingly begun to produce rubberized surfaces that provide better grip between the sole and the platform, unlike cheap plastic predecessors.
  2. The second, but no less important indicator of the quality of the platform is stands for height adjustment. To begin with, the legs of the platform must be well attached to the step; for this it is better to choose legs with latches, this ensures both safety and convenience. Thus, placing your foot on the edge of the platform, the structure will not fall apart, unlike conventional collapsible supports.
  3. It is also important to choose a platform with rubberized supports (height supports). Otherwise, the plastic surface will slide on the floor, and this is dangerous when performing exercises, and of course – inconvenient. Even the most expensive brands of platforms miss such nuances, because of this, clubs put rubber mats under the step, and this is a big disadvantage, since the mats take up more space.

What types of step platforms are there - the most popular models in fitness clubs

  1. Reconfigurable platforms. The height of the step platform has three levels - 15, 20, 25 cm. The supports are rearranged depending on the desired height, that is, only two supports are adjustable to different heights. These platforms are available in lengths from 90 to 109 cm, and widths from 35 to 41 cm.
  2. Collapsible. The height of such platforms is regulated by special supports in the form of a square, placed on top of each other, the number of which is unlimited. The height of the platform itself starts from 10 cm, and with additional supports you can make it any height. The advantage of such platforms is that they can be used for strength exercises, as a bench for bench presses and jumping. But the security of such platforms is worse than that of the former. The width of collapsible step platforms varies depending on the manufacturer's design: from 69 to 110 cm in length, from 30 to 40 cm in width.

The best step platform manufacturers

  1. Reebok - Professional Aerobic Step. The company produces adjustable platforms up to 3 different heights: 15, 20, 25 cm. New model costs about $85. The Reebok Professional Aerobic Step is made of thick plastic and is a simple platform with supports at the base and a rubber surface. Platform length – 90 cm. Rubber material improves shock absorption and protects joints and muscles from impact physical activity. Robust design guarantees long-term use and holds loads of up to 160 kg.
  1. Health Club - Original Aerobic Platform. Made in the United States from durable, recyclable high-density polyethylene. Length – 109 cm, width – 41 cm, platform height 10 cm. The set includes 4 original supports (each 5 cm high), increases the height of the platform by 15 and 20 cm. Holds a load of up to 160 kg. The cost of the brand's platforms ranges from 55 to 65 US dollars.

  1. KLB Sport– A step platform for fitness made of plastic costs between $26 – $28. The step deck can withstand loads of up to 250 kg. Adjustable heights: from 10 to 15 cm. Length 69 cm, width 30 cm.

How to replace a step platform at home

In fact, replacing a high-quality step platform at home is quite difficult. Judging by the length, width and height of the step, it is unlikely that there will be available equipment of such high strength. But you can save money by ordering it from a workshop, or making it yourself, a wooden platform, like the first aerobics platforms. You can make the product with legs or monolithic, choosing the optimal parameters for yourself. The strength of the wood will ensure safety and durability of use.

Useful video about choosing a step platform

Getting your body in order is easy - you just need to be physically active. But most exercises are boring, tedious and uninteresting. You can combine business with pleasure by performing exercises on a step platform - a set of dance exercises performed with musical accompaniment and the use of a low stand.

Types of step aerobics

Training on a stepper (platform) will allow you to:

  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • develop coordination of movements;
  • strengthen the muscles of the legs, buttocks, abdominals;
  • increase physical endurance;
  • Lose excess weight easily and naturally.

Depending on the goals pursued by girls during training, one of the following types of aerobics is selected:

  • dance step - basic exercises to improve coordination;
  • power step - activity aimed at working out muscles and strengthening the work of the heart muscle;
  • comb step - complicated movements that are beyond the capabilities of beginners; recommended for experienced people;
  • interval step - combination and strength training; the right option for those who want to reduce their waist or hips.

When training on a step platform, certain muscle groups and ligaments work; it is advisable to start with simple movements, even if she has experience in other sports, this will help the athlete prevent injuries and sprains.

In sports, as in any business, it is important to have good tools. You need one - a special platform called a stepper. Training at home will become more effective if you choose it correctly.

Features of selecting a step platform

a step board is used as a “step” to train leg muscles, develop coordination and balance

The stand for step training looks like an ordinary bench, only smaller in size. The criteria for its selection are:

  • length Width Height;
  • height adjustment;
  • the presence of a coating that prevents the foot from slipping;
  • the ability to protect joints from injury (depreciation);
  • platform strength (maximum permissible human weight);
  • other functions;
  • price.

Sports stores are filled with step fitness platforms. To choose the right equipment for training, you first need to take a closer look at the size.

make sure your heel doesn't hang down

The width of the stands starts from 28 cm. This is not enough for the average girl. For example, the owner of shoe size 37 has a foot length of 25-27 cm without taking into account the thickness of the sneakers. It is advisable to buy a step platform whose width is 6-8 cm greater than the length of the foot in sports shoes (i.e., for the representative in question, a stand 36-38 cm wide is sufficient).

Uncomfortable shoes when doing step aerobics will cause calluses worse than when walking.

The standard length of platforms ranges from 68 to 110 cm. A common size is 90 cm.

It is desirable that the largest dimension of the stand be 15-20 cm larger than the width of the athlete’s shoulders; otherwise it will be difficult to experience freedom of movement.

The models of steppers currently produced have a height adjustment function. Usually there are 2-3 of them, but sometimes there are more.

The minimum distance of the stand from the floor acceptable for a beginner is 10 cm. As the value increases to 15-25 cm, the load on the legs increases, leading to muscle formation and increased endurance.

Manufacturers set the standard loading capacity of platforms at 90 kg. If the athlete’s weight does not exceed this value, there is nothing to fear. Otherwise, you should ask your consultant about maximum weight, which the platform will raise.

Now that the stand for step aerobics has been purchased, rhythmic dance music is selected, and the novice athlete gets down to business.

Step platform exercises for beginners

exercises will help you form beautiful figure and tone muscles

Beginners should not grab complex complexes, found on the Internet. It is enough to complete a series basic exercises so that the muscles involved feel the load. These include:

  • steps on and off the platform (with and without turns);
  • jumping with alternating legs;
  • jumping with both feet;
  • side steps;
  • hip lift steps;
  • side lunges.

The heels and toes are completely on the stand, the leg is placed firmly and steadily.

The back is kept straight when performing exercises, lumbar region relaxed, arms slightly bent at the elbows.

Pace physical activity- slightly below moderate (to reduce the likelihood of sprains and injuries).

Educational video training:

If basic complex successfully mastered, the beginner moves on to more intense and targeted training.

Training for advanced athletes:

Exercises for advanced athletes

Basic step

The main muscles involved in the work are the calf, anterior, and. The following are popular exercises that allow you to effectively train the described areas of the body.

Standard step

Back straight, feet hip-width apart; The left foot takes a step forward. Then the right leg repeats this movement; both end up on top of the platform. Then the feet are brought back from the left leg. This is one repetition.

Perform 20-30 times.

Step with shin raise

To avoid injuring the knee joint, make sure that the knee of the leg on which all the weight is placed does not go beyond the line of the toe.

The starting position is the same; hands on the belt, left foot on the platform. The right limb is bent at the knee, raised to hip level or higher (according to ability). The back is straight, looking forward. Then the raised leg is lowered; a similar movement is performed by the other side.

10-15 repetitions with each leg.

Jumping onto the platform

At the end point, the knees should not go beyond the line of the toes.

The starting position is similar, but the feet are wider than the hips. After pushing off with both feet, jump over the stand. In this case, the vertical knee does not extend beyond the toe of the foot and is slightly bent. If you have the strength, also perform a jump (dismount) back; if not, step down.

Perform 10-15 times.

Deep lunges

At the end point, the back knee should be under the thigh, and the one in front should be above the ankle; angle in knee joints– about 90 degrees.

Stand 1 m from the step, place your feet hip-width apart. Make a large lunge forward on one of your legs so that the angle between the knees and hips of both limbs is 90 degrees. Coming back and lunging on the other leg is 1 repetition.

Perform the exercise 10 times.

Advanced athletes can increase the load in three ways - by picking up small ones of 1-1.5 kg, increasing the height of the platform or increasing the intensity of the exercises.

Step aerobics is an acceptable option for people seeking to gain slender body, feel good, but don’t waste a lot of energy and train at home. A minimum of equipment, ease of movements performed to your favorite music are only part of the advantages that make this type of physical activity more popular year after year.

The most interesting thing is that this trend in fitness appeared less than 30 years ago. Trainer Jean Miller injured her leg and during rehabilitation came up with a set of exercises that simulated going up and down stairs. The founder of step aerobics then used a plastic bottle box as a “step”. Reebok picked up the idea of ​​her homemade sports equipment and began producing special platforms that quickly conquered the sports market.

The first plastic step boards had a number of disadvantages: they often broke, had poor shock absorption, were unstable, and had the same height. Modern models significantly better than its predecessors in the following indicators:

  • Withstands any weight due to durable material.
  • Softens the load on joints during intense steps and jumps.
  • They have an anti-slip coating on the legs and on the “working” surface.
  • They have very diverse parameters: width – 24-40 cm, length – 60-120 cm, adjustable height – from 10 to 30 cm.

The step bench has different heights specifically for each level of users. Beginners are advised to choose a board height of 10-15 cm; more experienced athletes practice on platforms with a height of 20 cm. Such equipment has several adjustment levels of 5 cm each. Due to this, the increase in stress on the body when exercising on the steppe will not be so noticeable.

Types of platforms

In addition to differences in height and length, step platforms also differ in type of construction:

  • Non-adjustable - one-piece structures whose height cannot be changed. These are already outdated models that are hardly sold anymore. It is most suitable for beginners.
  • Adjustable - platforms with additional supports that can be used to reduce or increase the height in the range of 10-30 cm. These are universal models that can be used by all steppers.
  • Combined - multifunctional models, which are additionally equipped with expanders, benches, and niches for storing things. There are also combined platforms that can be transformed into other sports equipment.

Inventory purpose

Exercises on a step platform are performed, in most cases. Therefore, during training, first of all, the hips, shins, and calves are pumped. It also tightens your buttocks and strengthens your back.

A step bench is a versatile piece of equipment because there are many ways to use it, not just as a support for your feet when jumping or walking. The step platform can be used for push-ups, plank support, any dynamic workout that will help strengthen the muscles of the whole body and burn calories.

Rules for working with the step platform

In order for exercises on the steppe to benefit the body, you must follow the following rules for working with equipment:

  • Your back should be straight while doing the exercises.
  • Climbing onto the apparatus is carried out using the leg muscles.
  • The entire foot is placed on the surface of the board; there should be no sagging of the heel or toes.
  • You only need to exercise in comfortable non-slip shoes.
  • It is allowed to stick out your butt when doing squats.
  • You cannot jump or lower yourself to the floor with straight, tense legs.
  • Movements should be fast, but not intermittent.

This kind sports loads good for the cardiovascular system, for improving coordination, balance, stability, endurance and elevating mood.

To practice step aerobics, you do not need to have special physical training, because every person can move up and down the steps. During training, walking on the “step” will alternate with jumping and squats. Even those who didn’t like these standards at school are happy to stomp and jump to the music. And losing 4 kg of excess weight from the body in a month will please any athlete.

Moreover, you don’t need to go to the gym specifically to practice the step; you can buy this equipment and practice sports on it at home. The projectile does not take up much space.

Losing weight with steppe

Working out on a step board is not only a fun, dynamic activity, but also an excellent fat-burning process. Steps and jumps familiar from infancy, it turns out, help get rid of excess “reserves” on the body. The following are considered the most effective exercises on a step platform for weight loss:

  1. Intense steps using weights or dumbbells.
  2. Jumping with landing in a half squat.
  3. Squats.

Regular gymnastics or power loads will not provide as much pleasure while burning extra calories as step aerobics. The first noticeable results will appear in a month.

Types of exercises

It is better to perform all movements on the steppe accompanied by dynamic, pleasant music, which makes training process more interesting. In this case, you need to choose a set of exercises on the step platform in accordance with the person’s level of training.

In addition to regular step movements, the board can be used for push-ups. The bench will serve as a rest for the arms or legs, depending on how the person wants to pump his arms and back.

Beginners need to devote 20 minutes to training, more experienced athletes spend up to an hour on the board.

There are many different types exercises on the step platform. The simpler ones are recommended for beginners, and the more complex ones for advanced athletes.

For newbies

Step name Execution technique
Normal step Step onto the platform with your right foot, then your left. Lower yourself down first with your right foot, then with your left. You can change the order of your legs when lifting or perform several approaches with your right leg, then a few with your left.
Side step Step onto the step with your right foot, then place your left foot on it. Lower yourself with your right leg. Start your next lift with your left foot.
V-step When climbing onto the platform, move the toe of your right foot as far as possible to the right, and the toe of your left foot to the left, with your heels standing close to each other. This produces a “V”. Lower your right foot to the floor, then your left.
Step snag Place your right leg on the step, transfer your body weight to it, lift your left leg from the floor as if you are going to step, and lower yourself onto your left leg. Place the right one next to it on the floor. Repeat, alternating legs.
Knee lift step Place your right foot on the platform, bend your left at the knee and lift it as high as possible. You can't help with your hands! Lower with your left foot, place your right foot down. Alternate several times for each leg.
Jumping Jump, alternately placing your right and left foot on the step

For experienced athletes

Step name Execution technique
Lateral squats with swing Stand next to a step board, place one foot on it and begin squatting, pushing your butt back. Keep your back straight. As you rise, swing sideways with the leg that was on the platform and place it on the floor next to your other leg. Repeat, alternating legs.
Straight squats Place your right foot on the step, transfer your body weight to it. Squat, lifting the heel of your left foot off the floor. The thigh of the right leg should be parallel to the floor.
Variable bar Lower yourself onto the platform with your arms bent at the elbows, put your legs back and take a plank pose. Keeping your body muscles tense, gradually rise to the full length of your arms into the “ high bar", then return to the starting position.
Reverse plank Sit on the floor next to the step, place your hands on the edge of the platform and lift yourself up on your hands. The emphasis of the feet is on the heels. Hold out as long as possible.
Steps with dumbbells Various steps are performed using dumbbells and various weights for the arms and legs. The intensity of movements should be higher than for beginners. The height of the bench is raised to a maximum height of 30 cm.
Jumping with two legs You need to jump onto the step with both feet, without bending, and jump back. You can complicate the task: stand sideways to the projectile, jump on it with both feet, and jump off with your feet on different sides of the board.

By performing exercises on the step platform, the athlete receives physical and moral satisfaction, since, among other things, the so-called “hormone of happiness” is released in the body.

For successful training You can take advice from one movie: “In order to rock the crowd, you need to start with 120 heart beats per minute. To get the crowd going, you need to increase your heart rate to 125, or better yet, 128 heart beats per minute. In such a rhythm, it is not you who command the body, but it commands you.” This rule is quite applicable for step training. Beginners should start at 120 beats per minute, while more experienced ones pump their body at a rhythm of 128 beats per minute.

Why do you need a step platform?

In order to make a complete and, most importantly, safe structure for humans, you need to know what it is and what qualities it has.

This simulator is designed for the comprehensive development of the muscles of the buttocks, legs and cardiovascular system. Exercises on this equipment represent an imitation of walking up steps with the inclusion of dance elements. The board can also be used as a sports bench.

Sports equipment and equipment intended for active activities must initially be durable and stable. The same applies to the platform. This simulator resembles a step or an ordinary box with a rectangular shape. Industrial platforms are made of high-quality plastic with a rubberized surface and are sold at any sporting goods store.

For safe practice when making a board yourself, it is important to comply with a number of requirements.

Requirements for classes and platform for step dance

Step aerobics is similar to sports dancing, with the only difference being that in step the movements are performed around a platform, with ascent and descent from it, which imposes certain requirements on the classes.

  • It is necessary to exercise in light sneakers with ventilation (mesh) and non-slip soles.
  • The space for performing exercises should be sufficient so that you do not have to touch nearby objects during the dance.
  • The platform must be installed on a flat surface to prevent it from loosening and shifting during movements.

A correctly calculated step design will make it possible to avoid sprains and injuries and allow you to enjoy your workout.

A do-it-yourself step platform must meet the following requirements.

  • Good strength characteristics. This is important, especially if a person is overweight. The board must not break or be damaged in any other way during class.
  • Non-slip surface. This requirement applies both to the upper surface, which is directly involved in performing the exercises (that is, the leg should not be able to slide off the board), and to the lower part (that is, the platform itself should not slide on the surface on which it is installed).
  • Excellent stability. This quality will not allow the board to turn over if the athlete steps on the edge of the simulator.

These requirements are met by the correct selection of the material from which the platform will be made, as well as by the choice of its design and weight.

What is the difference

A do-it-yourself step platform still has a number of differences from industrial products that you need to know. She does not have the following qualities.

  1. Cushioning of foot impacts on the surface. This applies to jumping and vigorous steps. Purchased boards are made from special springy plastics that are not available for sale. Therefore, it is dangerous to jump on a home board, as you can twist your joints. You should try to do exercises that do not involve jumping and skipping.
  2. Height adjustment. This feature is designed to increase or decrease the load during exercise. This is especially important at the beginning, when the beginner must have a lower platform. There is no point in complicating the home structure for the sake of this. Moreover, you cannot pile parts of the simulator on top of each other. It's easier to make a taller board over time.

Platform options

The size requirements for the manufacture of this simulator are as follows:

  • The width of the upper working surface must be such that the athlete’s foot can freely fit on it. At the same time, it should not be too wide so that one can easily step over it. The optimal width, depending on the size of the leg and height, will be from forty centimeters to half a meter.
  • The height of the step platform depends on the level of training of the athlete. For beginners, this size should be from ten to fifteen centimeters, over time it increases to thirty. It has been proven that increasing step height by five centimeters adds up to 12% strain on muscles.
  • The length of the board is one to one and a half meters. The parameter depends on the comfortable position of “legs slightly wider than shoulder width.” With this positioning of the body, the feet should not hang over the edges and should stand straight. This way you can choose the optimal length.

Materials for production

To meet all the requirements for this simulator, a step platform can be made with your own hands from wooden boards of appropriate sizes. You will also need small nails and PVA glue.

It would also be nice to have a rubberized canvas or drape fabric to cover the working surface and rubber lining for an improvised bottom or legs.

If a solid board of appropriate height is taken for production, then you only need to process all sides and glue the coating to the top of the board and rubber strips to the bottom.

In order to accurately measure dimensions, you will need a ruler, and to measure evenness, you will need a level. The platform must be made without distortions and not wobble.

How to make a step platform yourself

In order to make your own step platform, you need to take the following steps.

  1. You need to prepare a board one meter long and forty centimeters wide for the working surface. If you want to make the simulator larger, then the sizes are selected individually.
  2. Using a timber, knock together the four sides and the work board so that you get a box about twenty centimeters high.
  3. Measure out a perfectly horizontal surface and, if necessary, process it so that the step board stands firmly and does not wobble.
  4. Sand the outer parts of the machine.
  5. Sports equipment and equipment for active sports must be stable and safe, so non-slip material is glued to the top surface and nailed along the edges with nails or a mounting gun.
  6. The same material is similarly attached from below along the edges or along the entire length, as desired.

The platform is ready. On Internet resources you can find many interesting exercises for practicing on this simulator. If made independently and correctly, it will bring a lot of benefits and pleasure to the body.