Deadlift from the floor is classic. All about the deadlift: execution technique, secrets and mistakes of beginners. Proper weight lifting

The benefits of the deadlift, considered a cult exercise, have been heard by literally everyone who lifts iron in gym or at home. The effectiveness of the exercise is palpable only if the execution technique is followed. This is the reason for the need to know the basic (theoretical) foundations of the deadlift, the features and differences of its various types.

Many articles, which are presented in large numbers on the Internet, state that deadlift is the main discipline, without which it is impossible to achieve results in pumping up certain muscles. How fair this allows us to judge a clear idea of ​​which muscle groups are involved in the exercise, how they work at the same time.

Deadlift is a multi-joint exercise with lifting such sports equipment as dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells. It involves about seventy-five percent of the muscles, the load on which is different. Only active biceps hips, extensors ( long muscles) back, buttocks. Forearm, abs, biceps, triceps and quadriceps, lats and calf muscles The load is purely static.

Execution technique

To accept the starting position:

  1. Get close to the bar;
  2. The feet are placed parallel to the width of the shoulders so that they protrude beyond the neck;
  3. The back is straightened, the shoulder blades are reduced, the gaze is raised up;
  4. Legs, keeping the back straight, bend;
  5. With a direct grip, they take the neck, placing their hands slightly wider than their shoulders.

When the starting position is accepted:

  1. Take a deep breath;
  2. On exhalation, they very smoothly begin to raise the barbell, while straightening the legs with the body;
  3. They lower the barbell back in the same smooth movement, moving the bar strictly vertically, making sure there is no displacement along the shins, without spreading the shoulder blades, without bending the back;
  4. When the bar crosses the knees, they squat, touch the floor with pancakes.

In one approach, subject to the perfect execution of the deadlift, it is recommended to perform six to eight repetitions. You should not "chase" the quantity, since the key to the effectiveness of the exercise is its correct execution. Everything else is secondary.

When performing the exercise, you can not:

You can keep your back straight only when taken correct weight. If the back is rounded, it is necessary to reduce the load. To avoid injury, it is recommended to perform deadlift using a special belt.

It is better for beginner athletes and girls to perform deadlifts with dumbbells, and not with a barbell. The advantage of this exercise is the low weight of the dumbbells and the distribution of the center of gravity, since the sports equipment is held on the sides. The requirements for the execution technique, regardless of the projectile, remain unchanged.

The main types of deadlift

There are four types of deadlift:

  1. Weightlifting, which is called classical;
  2. "Sumo" or elevator;
  3. Romanian, called "dead";
  4. With raising the trap bar.

Each version has its own characteristics and differences from other types of traction.

Performed with feet shoulder-width apart and ideal for those who are working on building an athletic, beautiful physique. The technique allows you to work out all the muscles involved in the exercise to the maximum, promotes growth and an increase in their volume.

In power extreme and triathlon (powerlifting), the usual deadlift - classical is the main discipline. Those involved in bodybuilding and fitness include exercise in training in order to develop various muscle groups back.

Ideal for powerlifters. The "lifter" technique of execution involves a stance with legs wide apart. As a result, there is a significant reduction in the range of motion. This allows the athlete to lift the maximum possible weight.

Performed with straight or slightly knees bent. Position knee joints is determined by the anatomical features of the athlete performing the thrust. Features of the rack during weight lifting allow you to do deadlift Romanian draft more focused than the classical one.

It aims to work rear surface hips, and the load on the long muscles of the back is significantly reduced. In fitness and bodybuilding, deadlifts are included in hamstring training.

Lifting heavy weights and powerlifting athletes do not include the exercise in their training. This is due to the fact that a stand with legs straightened or slightly bent at the knees does not allow you to lift the maximum weight.

With trap bar

A feature of this type of deadlift is the use of a trap bar. It has a neck in the form of a hexagonal frame, on which the handles are parallel. This type of barbell is ideal for those who are engaged in bodybuilding or fitness.

The trap bar is safer than sports equipment with a straight neck. Its use minimizes the load on the lumbar region. The trap bar exercise can be a great replacement for the classic squat if, due to injuries, it is not possible to squat with a regular barbell on your shoulders.

For “siloviks”, pulling with a trap bar is not suitable. Including it in the training is not appropriate. At competitions, deadlifts are performed with a classic barbell with a straight neck.

There are three types of grip:

  1. "straight";
  2. "Range";
  3. "castle" or "weightlifter".

The first is widely used by amateurs and beginners. The location of the hands at a distance equal to the width of the shoulders allows you to exert maximum load on the muscles of the forearm and train the strength of the grip being performed. The disadvantage is the difficulty of holding a large weight. To avoid unclenching the hands, athletes resort to the use of special auxiliary equipment, which includes various grips, including straps for deadlift.

The mixed type of grip or "different grip" differs from the others in the position of the hands. One palm is directed towards you, the other - away from you. This hand position greatly reduces the chance of the bar slipping out of your hands while lifting the barbell. The mixed grip is most often used by professionals working with a lift. heavy gravity athletes. Performing a "grip" requires special care. The resulting torque negatively affects the spine.

The main feature of the "castle" is the position thumb. It is clamped between the rest of the fingers and is located directly on the neck, acts as a kind of strap, eliminating the need to use auxiliary equipment. The disadvantage of the "weightlifting" grip is the pain experienced by the athlete while lifting the barbell. This is due to the fact that the "lock" is used quite rarely.

Deadlift value

For the "siloviki" exercise is an integral part of the training. For those who work on building an athletic body, its role is overestimated. This is confirmed by the fact that it is impossible to achieve a spectacular view of the back without a targeted study of the latissimus dorsi (main) muscles. When performing a rod thrust from a standing position, they experience an exclusively static, but not active load.

A completely different effect is given by traction with a barbell in an inclination and wide pull-ups. Both exercises are aimed at “building up” the thickness and width of the back. Bent over thrust also has a high static load on the back extensors. The deadlift should be considered an auxiliary, but not the main exercise for a bodybuilder.

A full-fledged training for working out the muscles of the back must necessarily include traction and pulling up the barbell in an inclination. Deadlift should be performed only after working out latissimus dorsi. The degree of load exerted by the deadlift, if you focus on performing only this exercise, taking it as the main one, will not be enough. This will not allow main goal for every bodybuilder - to have an impressive back.

The main load in the exercise falls on the extensors of the back, with the parallel participation of the biceps of the thighs and glutes. But you will be very mistaken if you assume that the deadlift is designed to target pumping of these muscle groups. Being a complex exercise, heavy traction involves a voluminous muscle mass (up to 80% of the muscles), stimulating an increase in total mass.

Recommendations on how to perform the exercise classic deadlift with a barbell

  1. In this exercise, the pronated grip is considered a classic. When performing a deadlift in a power style when lifting critical weights, it is allowed to use a different grip (lifting technique) - it allows you to develop the maximum power of muscle effort and guarantees control over a super-heavy projectile. However, it is not worth practicing it on an ongoing basis - it gives an asymmetric load on the muscles.
  2. The exercise requires compliance with the fundamental conditions:
    a) keeping a straight waist in all phases of movement;
    b) close relative position of the neck of the projectile to the legs - the bar should literally “roll” over the surface of the thigh to the knees or slightly lower.
  3. Performing "in a rebound" reduces the effectiveness of the exercise and can lead to injury - lowering the barbell is done confidently and smoothly, with a light touch of the projectile on the floor.

Contraindications and warnings

With back injuries (osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, pronounced scoliosis) it is recommended to refuse to perform the “basic” thrust - and this rule applies to all its modifications without exception, since each of them seriously loads the problem area.

The classic barbell deadlift for girls and beginners has the following rules: until you ideally learn this technically complex movement, do not even think about overloading the bar with pancakes. In parallel with the development of the deadlift, it is not superfluous to do a tightening of "weak" places - strengthen the muscles of the core by performing hyperextensions and the bar.

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Deadlift- This is an exercise that involves almost all the muscles in our body. The weight that has to be lifted is the heaviest of all exercises and the response to such a load is an increase in strength and, as a result, mass.

If you want to build a huge muscle mass, without a deadlift, this cannot be done. Your old T-shirts and shirts will tear at you as you progress in this truly multi-joint exercise.

Proper Deadlift: A Comprehensive Guide

The deadlift is a very energy-intensive exercise. It includes the following exercises in mechanics: leg press, hyperextension for the back muscles (lying on a fitball - the pelvis and legs are motionless, the straight back muscles work in dynamics), classic hyperextension (works hip joint, extensor muscles and biceps femoris), leg abduction on the gluteal muscle simulator, forearm training, pull-ups, shrugs and barbell curls for biceps.

Impressive! And all this in one movement. Let's figure out how to get the most out of this exercise and don't hurt yourself.

What you need to know in advance

To master the right technique you need to be flexible enough. Pay attention to the following joints and muscles: Achilles tendons, biceps femoris, buttocks, as well as adductors of the thigh. Take the time to develop flexibility for at least a month, otherwise you risk learning the wrong technique, which will later be very difficult to refuse.

Make sure your back is okay. And now remember once and for all - the back is straight during the entire exercise, the lower back is naturally bent and maximally tense in all phases of movement - this is an axiom. Fix the same cervical region. Looking forward and in front of you helps keep the spine straight. As soon as you lower your chin, your lower back will round out. Fixing in thoracic region achieved by pushing the chest forward.

Straight back during deadlift

In this exercise, the pace of execution is slow so that you concentrate on the technique as much as possible and do not overload your lower back with dangerous loads. This is the most demanding exercise. Take it seriously. While progressing, constantly monitor the quality of performance and increase the weight very slowly.

    What will be required

    The deadlift is one of the most common exercises among all sports disciplines. It is actively used in crossfit, and is also a good auxiliary exercise to increase the overall strength and power of the athlete, so fighters mixed martial arts, fans of boxing and oriental martial arts also do not bypass it, thereby gaining crazy strength and increasing the overall sports potential. Today we will tell you how to do the deadlift correctly, as well as the main types, techniques, standards and alternatives to this exercise.

    What is deadlift?

    What is this exercise - deadlift? In short, this is lifting a barbell (or other weights) from the floor, performed due to the work of the muscles of the legs and back. This exercise is excellent for gaining muscle mass, increasing strength indicators, since here we can work with serious weights, while involving almost all muscle groups of our body. The deadlift is rightfully considered a classic basic exercise, which no athlete can exclude from his program.

    Beginners, as well as experienced athletes, are strongly advised to start their deadlift training with a thorough warm-up and stretching. The movement must be powerful and synchronous, each muscle must be included in the work exactly when necessary, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to perform a deadlift technically correctly without proper preparation our muscles and articular-ligamentous apparatus to hard power work.

    There are 3 main types of deadlift: classical, sumo and Romanian. Each of them is complemented by a different variation of weights (barbell, kettlebell, dumbbells, Smith machine, trap bar, etc.) We will talk about each type separately.

    The difference between them lies in the position of the arms and legs, due to which the load falls more on the back or legs. There are also several additional species of this exercise, which are of no less interest to us, for example:

    • deadlift on straight legs (Romanian draft);
    • deadlift in the Smith simulator;
    • deadlift with a trap bar;

    We will discuss each of these types in more detail in this article.

    Deadlift Equipment

    A conversation about the deadlift would be incomplete without mentioning the current records in this movement. Deadlift can be performed without the use of equipment and with equipment. The question arises: what can be considered equipment? Overalls? Shoulder straps? Or even a belt? We share the most conservative position on this issue, namely: equipment is what increases your result, so straps, overalls and knee bandages can be safely attributed to the equipment division.

    The belt is a slightly different story. Of course, an athletic belt helps lift a little more weight when doing a deadlift, but its original function is to protect you from an umbilical hernia or lower back injuries, so its use is acceptable and often even necessary in naked powerlifting, and this does not contradict the rules of the federations. There are no unique ones like Konstantin Konstantinov, who are able to pull more than 400 kg without a belt, in the whole world, so it’s better to take care of your health in advance and not neglect the use of a belt ..

    Deadlift records

    One way or another, the current absolute record in the deadlift belongs to Icelander Benedikt Magnusson ( weight category over 140 kg). He obeyed 460 kg. There are two more equally impressive records, however, they were made using straps and overalls. However, this does not detract from their importance:

  1. Briton Eddie Hall conquered 500 kg (weight category over 140 kg), watch the epic video of this event below;
  2. Russian Yuri Belkin submitted 450 kg (ATTENTION, weight category up to 110 kg).

Which of these is more significant for the development of sports in general and setting the right example for novice athletes, decide for yourself. My opinion is the following: Belkin's result is just space. We wish the athlete to set new world records and that injuries bypass him.

Types and technique

Classic deadlift

The classic version of the deadlift is perhaps the most common in power extreme and powerlifting. There is no exact information about what sports discipline it originated in, but most likely it was weightlifting - the first part of the push is precisely this movement.

So, how to do the deadlift step by step (execution technique):
  • When the athlete takes the bar shoulder-width apart, the legs are a little narrower, the feet are parallel to each other.
  • The bar of the bar is as close to the shins as possible, so it is recommended to use leggings when performing deadlifts.
  • The shoulder blades and shoulders are laid back a little.
  • The movement begins with the movement of the legs - the bar must be “torn off” by the effort of the quadriceps and buttocks. When the bar has passed 20-30% of the amplitude, the athlete should start moving with his back, fully straighten in the lower back and fix in the final position.

Short video with deadlift technique:

Most of the load in the classic deadlift falls on the muscles of the back (namely, the extensors of the spine and trapezius muscles), so this option is recommended for athletes whose back muscles predominate over the muscles of the legs. There are also a number of anatomical features of the structure of the body (for example, Long hands or short torso), in which it is worth performing exactly the classic thrust.

The main mistake of beginners here is the rounding of the back when lifting (traction “hump”). By doing so, you risk serious injury back and forget about sports longevity.

Pay close attention to processing correct technique exercises, only in this way you can get the most out of this movement.

A detailed video on the correct execution of the classic deadlift, analysis common mistakes beginners:

Sumo deadlift

Deadlift with dumbbells

An obvious plus in working with dumbbells is a longer amplitude, since the dumbbell neck will be located below the barbell neck. Therefore, it is quite possible to be in the training process of a crossfit athlete, since it is convenient to combine it with dumbbell push-ups or thrusters.

In addition to the semblance of a classic deadlift, there is an exercise called plie squats, which is popular among many girls who are fond of fitness. The movement is similar to the sumo deadlift, however, we do not put the dumbbells on the floor and work non-stop in the top position in a shortened amplitude, keeping the hip adductors in constant tension. The back should be kept straight throughout the exercise, the weight of the weights is selected individually, however, it should be borne in mind that in such isolated exercises there is practically no point in working less than 10-15 repetitions. Here we are working on target muscle groups, and not setting strength records.

Deadlift regulations

Separate deadlift competitions are held under the auspices of all powerlifting federations operating in Russia (FPR, WPC / AWPC, ACM Vityaz, etc.). At the same time, there is no distinction in what style an athlete should pull: sumo or classic. For many athletes, this moment causes indignation, someone demands to introduce a separate division for sumo pulling, someone demands to completely ban sumo pulling, and invalidate the current records, or create a separate federation where everyone will pull in sumo ... These statements are heard, in my opinion, it's just absurd. The rules of the federation do not regulate any type of deadlift as the only correct one, and each athlete has the right to choose the style in which he is able to show the greatest result, at his own discretion.

Below are the standards for deadlifts for men, approved by probably the most popular federation among amateur athletes - AWPC (Doping Control Division). The deadlift standards of this federation are quite democratic, so it will not be too difficult for any more or less prepared athlete to prepare for some regional competitions and complete the first adult category to begin with. And then - more. Therefore, if you have already achieved certain results in the deadlift, try to confirm them in competitions. An adrenaline rush and an unforgettable experience are guaranteed.

Category standards for men in deadlift without equipment (AWPC):

Weight categoryEliteMSMKMSKMSI categoryII categoryIII categoryI juniorII Jun.
52 197,5 175 152,5 132,5 115 105 90 75 60
56 212,5 187,5 162,5 142,5 125 115 97,5 82,5 65
60 225 200 172,5 150 132,5 120 105 87,5 70
67,5 247,5 217,5 190 165 145 132,5 112,5 95 75
75 265 232,5 202,5 177,5 155 142,5 122,5 102,5 80
82,5 277,5 245 215 185 162,5 150 127,5 107,5 85
90 290 255 222,5 195 170 155 132,5 112,5 90
100 302,5 267,5 232,5 202,5 177,5 162,5 140 115 92,5
110 312,5 275 240 207,5 182,5 167,5 145 120 95
125 322,5 285 247,5 215 190 175 150 125 100
140 332,5 292,5 255 222,5 192,5 177,2 152,5 127,5 102,5
140+ 337,5 300 260 225 197,5 182,2 155 130 105

For women:

Weight categoryEliteMSMKMSKMSI categoryII categoryIII categoryI juniorII Jun.
44 127,5 115 100 85 75 70 60 50 40
48 140 122,5 107,5 92,5 82,5 75 65 52,5 42,5
52 150 132,5 115 100 87,5 80 70 57,5 45
56 157,5 140 122,5 105 92,5 85 72,5 60 47,5
60 165 147,5 127,5 110 97,5 90 77,5 62,5 50
67,5 177,5 157,5 135 117,5 102,5 95 82,5 67,5 55
75 185 165 142,5 125 110 100 85 72,5 57,5
82,5 192,5 170 150 130 112,5 105 90 75 60
90 200 177,5 152,5 132,5 117,5 107,5 92,5 77,5 62,5
90+ 202,5 180 155 135 120 110 95 80 65

You can download and print the table if necessary by.

Alternative deadlift exercises

What can replace the deadlift? I must say right away that the following information is intended for those athletes who cannot perform traction due to medical contraindications, but want to work out target muscle groups using other exercises.

For everyone else, the answer is in the following way: NOTHING.

The deadlift is a multi-joint exercise that uses almost every muscle in our body. And the effect it has on our strength and muscle mass is unlikely to be replaced by hyperextensions, barbell bends, or hip adductor exercises. Therefore, if you cannot perform a deadlift due to the fact that you are contraindicated axial load on the spine, include in your training process the following exercises:

  • Pull-ups on the bar- maybe, better exercise in the world to gain back muscle mass and give a V-shaped silhouette. It is important to try to carry out the movement by contracting the latissimus dorsi, while bringing and spreading the shoulder blades, while minimally including the forearms and biceps. So you get the maximum efficiency from this exercise. Perform other exercises on the widest, where the axial load is minimal (traction of the vertical block wide grip, thrust of the horizontal block narrow grip, pullover with upper block, traction in the Hummer, etc.) in order to put more stress on the muscles and create the preconditions for muscle growth.
  • maintaining proper technique at maximum weights
  • Rod acceleration

    The more acceleration you set when the bar breaks, the easier it will be for you to complete the movement. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to the explosive strength of the legs and back, and you should include the following exercises in your training process, which will help you make deadlifts more explosive and faster:

  1. Squats with a pause at the bottom;
  2. Jumping on the box;
  3. Getting up with a barbell from gray hair;
  4. Squats with a barbell on a bench;
  5. Fish pull-ups.
  6. Deadlift with a pause at the level of the knees.

Correct technique

As far as proper technique is concerned, it is purely a matter of time and experience. It is necessary to work out the deadlift separately in full, shortened and extended amplitudes.

Working in a shortened amplitude (traction from plinths), we can perform an exercise with a lot of weight, shifting the load on the entire array of back muscles. In addition, we develop grip strength and psychologically get used to the maximum weights.

Do not forget about stretching the torso, perform various exercises aimed at stretching the lats, chest, lower back or abdominals, from different angles, not a single muscle of your body should be “wooden”, then the deadlift will become comfortable and absolutely natural for you in terms of anatomy and biomechanics of movement.

Equally important is the isolated work on target muscle groups. working with deadlift. For example, you should perform pull-ups, barbell or dumbbell rows, hyperextensions, and boats to keep your back muscles ready for strength work. Don't forget about our "foundation". Strengthen your leg muscles further, squatting with a barbell, doing leg presses, seated extensions, and other exercises for the quadriceps and biceps femoris.

Crossfit complexes

The deadlift is a great tool not only for a powerlifter, but also for a crossfit athlete, so do not bypass this exercise. By doing it, you will increase your training tonnage and intensity many times over, develop strength and muscle mass, and the level physical training will increase from workout to workout. Below are a few functional complexes that you can try to perform in the upcoming workout. Be careful: the task is clearly not for beginners.

There are such physical exercise, without which it is simply impossible to do. They are called basic. One of these - deadlift - the basis of the foundations of weightlifting, bodybuilding and fitness. The apparent simplicity of execution is fraught with a bunch of nuances, so the deadlift, the technique for performing all its types, is a single and inseparable concept.

Types of rods

There are several types of deadlift, and each of them is applicable and deserves the right to exist. Here are its types and their brief description:

  • Classical (for weightlifters).
  • Romanian.
  • Stanovaya (dead). It is an integral part of Romanian. The only difference is that in it the legs are perfectly straight, and in the previous one they are slightly bent.
  • Sumo system deadlift.
  • Using the so-called trap bar.
  • Thrust in the Smith machine. Convenience is in simplicity, since the weight gained can be fixed at any level, and the weighting progress follows a predetermined trajectory, without any deviations to the sides. Suitable for beginners and people with back pain.

This fundamental exercise is not just for male athletes. In addition to those, it can be successfully used for girls and women.

Why You Should Do This Exercise

The need for a basic exercise called deadlift is quite obvious. Its advantages:

  1. Effectively affects several muscle groups. It is used in order to pump them qualitatively in a short time.
  2. If the thrust is performed reasonably, then their correct implementation in some cases will save the athlete from back pain.
  3. This multi-joint exercise involves about two-thirds of the muscles in the body.
  4. It greatly increases the strength of the athlete, making it possible in the future to create large loads on all muscles, increasing their mass.

For professional athletes– weightlifters, wrestlers – gives an opportunity for best push in the first case, to tear the opponent off the floor - in the second. The exercise is included in the mandatory training of rowers and triathletes in powerlifting.

Widely applicable, as already mentioned in fitness.

Other benefits

There are many reasons for deadlifting, and the main one is a quick set of mass and strength development, because no other machine in the gym gives such an effect, no other exercise uses so many muscles. And more involved means more weight can be lifted, more weight in turn stimulates testosterone production, more testosterone means more strength and muscle again. This is how the cycle turns out. It is known that the maximum production of the hormone testosterone falls on work in heavy basic exercises. And testosterone is useful in that it accelerates protein synthesis in our muscles, thereby affecting their growth. The main stimulus for performing deadlifts is a powerful anabolic effect.


Performing this exercise, you need to tear the barbell off the floor. The movement is conditionally divided into three phases:

  • Separation.
  • Uplift.
  • Fixation.

Observing the correct technique, the athlete simultaneously squats and pulls the barbell.

For a complete picture of the correct technique, you can watch the video of the execution on youtube. For instance:

  1. At com yougifted, http tvoytrener are sites that are easy to train with as they are a video training system.
  2. On English-language resources - com youg, http www powerlifting gym, etc. Here, too, everything is clear even without translation into Russian.


The right technique for correct execution starts from a strictly defined starting position:

  • You need to get close to the bar.
  • The feet are parallel to the width equal to the shoulders, so that they go beyond the bar of the bar.
  • The shoulder blades should be brought together with a straight back. You should look up a little.
  • The legs are bent with a straight back.
  • The grip is straight, the hands are slightly wider than their own shoulders.

In this case, it is necessary not to bend the back, not to shift the shins, and not to part the shoulder blades.

When the bar crosses the line of the shins, the discs of the projectile touch the floor surface.

They are as follows:

  1. In one approach, 6-8 repetitions are done. Chasing the coveted number of repetitions dramatically reduces efficiency! The main thing is the correct execution.
  2. You can't round your back. A correct position back is possible only if the weight is chosen correctly. If it is not possible to keep the back correctly, then it is necessary to reduce the burden.
  3. Sudden movements, jerks are unacceptable.
  4. It is better to do it using a special belt.

Deadlift with dumbbells is more recommended for girls and beginner athletes. This is done because with light weight the shells are located on the sides during the exercise, and this distributes the center of gravity more evenly, while sparing the untrained back. The execution technique for this case remains the same.

Classic deadlift

The classic deadlift is performed like this:

  • You need to get as close to the bar as possible.
  • Put your feet in a position shoulder-width apart, while your socks are slightly turned outward.
  • The start consists in a semi-squat, the grip of the bar is medium, the shoulders are slightly lowered at the same time.
  • The rise is carried out strictly along the shins (initial phase) - it is done smoothly.
  • Next, the acceleration phase begins, and the thrust is more vigorous.
  • Fixation at the top of the lift.
  • Lowering in reverse order.

This is the classic - the basis of the basics of traction.


Starting position - feet shoulder width apart. The barbell grip is a little wider. Bend over with a slightly arched lower back. Exercise looks more like moving the pelvic part back. In the upper phase, you can not unbend completely - this is fraught with injuries. When the bar moves down, the legs bend slightly in the lower phase. The shoulder blades must be kept in the same position, brought together. The back should not be rounded to avoid injury to the lower back. The bar is not placed on the floor. Inhalation falls on the downward movement, and exhalation occurs in the upper phase of the exercise. 4 sets, each for about 15 repetitions.

Should not be taken excessively heavy weights, since this will not only affect the correct performance of the exercise, but can also cause serious injury!

All back muscles work.


Everything is done in the same way as in the previous case, the only difference is that the legs are slightly bent and this allows you to take large weights, not to mention the fact that the risk of injury is reduced.

Sumo pull

Performing the sumo deadlift has a number of advantages over the classic deadlift. Here they are:

  1. Small range of motion, which allows you to take large weights.
  2. At the start, the muscles of the legs are more loaded (plus the muscles of the gluteal and adductor hips), and not the lower back - this is less traumatic.
  3. With the right technique, the load on the knee joints is significantly reduced.

Now about the deadlift technique:

  • Starting position - the legs are much wider than the shoulders, the socks are turned outward, and the toe-heel-knee should be in the same plane.
  • The hips are also widely separated.
  • The correct grip with the hands is carried out as follows: the hands hang freely before the start - it is from this position that one should grab the bar, that is, shoulder-width apart.
  • Acceptable as a direct grip and mixed grip.

The main thing in the sumo deadlift is the creation of the so-called negative phase due to the gradual tension, and then the lowering of the gluteal muscles.

The exercise requires a very decent stretch (groin muscles) and thigh adductors. Without proper training, it is better to start with classic traction.

Trap bar

You can not ignore another of the now popular thrusts - deadlift with a trap bar. This projectile is made in the form of a hexagon with parallel handles. It is actively used by both bodybuilders and fitness fans. Its advantages:

  1. Safer than a straight bar.
  2. Minimum load on the lower back.
  3. It can serve as a substitute for squats in the case when, for some reason, an athlete cannot do a classic squat (injury, little training experience, etc.)

There is only one minus of such a barbell - it is not suitable for security officials, since such exercises are devoid of expediency, because it is not applicable in competitions.

How to do deadlifts for girls

Insofar as gluteal muscles one of the largest muscles of the body, then this cannot bypass the interests of girls in any way - it is the buttocks that give them a unique sexuality. In addition, the hamstrings and back straighteners are actively working and developing. To train this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, considerable loads are needed, and the deadlift provides them.

In order to reduce the load on the knee joints, the legs in the starting position should be slightly bent. The back is slightly arched.

At the bottom of the exercise, you should feel a stretch in your hamstrings. Gently need to lift the neck or light barbell. No jerks can be done! The neck moves almost close to the legs.

In the upper phase, the shoulder blades should be pressed against each other.

You can’t lower your shoulders much - this happens with a strong rounding of the back, and this is a signal that the latter is experiencing unnecessary stress, which can lead to injury.

You can not lower the torso below the horizontal position.

Errors and remarks

Errors in any strength exercise lead either to injury or nullify its effectiveness. Keep in mind the following:

  • You can't take your heels off the floor.
  • It is not recommended to use shoes on which the soles are too soft or springy, because big weight pushes it into the floor. It is preferable to use thin shoes with a sole of the same thickness over the entire surface (sneakers, say).
  • As for the position of the legs, setting them wider than the shoulders is not a dogma - you should choose your own, acceptable option for yourself. The feet in this case can even be located side by side in order to achieve the correct technique based on their own anthropometry.
  • You should not put more stress on one part of your own body to the detriment of another - the load should be uniform. The guarantee for this is the correct location of the pelvic part. If a large load falls on the legs or back, this is a signal that you need to pay attention to the correct position of the pelvis.
  • The bar should not roll on the floor, slide, etc. In this case, the traction in Smith is more convenient and safe.
  • Socks should be placed on the same line.
  • Mastering the right technique is done with light weights- you need to understand and achieve the correct execution, and the matter will not become big weights. It's just a matter of time.
  • You need to bandage your knees with an elastic bandage to prevent chafing, or wear sweatpants.
  • A special athletic belt must be used!

With dumbbells

Using dumbbells in training, you need to hold them correctly, that is, on the outside of the thigh, so that their necks are parallel to the feet. If the stretch is not good enough, then you should try out the Romanian deadlift.

  • Exercise does not provoke pain in the lumbar region.
  • Less risk of injury.
  • Deadlift with dumbbells is ideal for training at home.
    • There is no way to deal with large weights, because the deadlift suggests just such.
    • Dumbbells are located below the bar, since the diameter of the pancakes is much larger. Therefore, there are difficulties with the execution - with dumbbells you have to work in a greater slope, which causes the back to bend more than with a deadlift with a barbell.


    The choice of deadlift, as well as with what weight the athlete should deal with, depends entirely on the coach, and he must be with great experience. Here, a significant role is played by the physical data of the athlete involved, his constitution and goals. In no way should you give the same program to a young woman who just wants to improve her figure and a strong guy who wants to achieve high results in sports - this sometimes happens with amateur coaches. At least at first, it is better to entrust the deadlift technique to a specialist in his field.