Methods of push-ups on uneven bars. How to pump up on parallel bars, types of exercises, training program and correct push-up technique. Emphasis on the pectoral muscles

One of the most effective and at the same time simple, affordable exercise machines are parallel bars. What do parallel bars pump and how effective can training on such a sports equipment be? With the help of training on the uneven bars, you can thoroughly pump up your entire upper body. The main thing is to be patient and have enough free time.

The benefits of parallel bars training

It has been proven that the bench press is a less effective exercise in terms of muscle load than the parallel bars. What do the bars swing? If we go back several decades into the past, then they acted as the basic simulator for However, the development of the industry for the production of new types sports equipment somewhat reduced interest in this projectile.

Why did athletes decide to abandon simpler and at the same time effective ones in favor of innovations? It's all about the reputation of parallel bars as one of the most dangerous exercise machines.

Generally speaking, for practicing on the uneven bars, neither insurance nor observers are required. Training perfectly develops the outer and lower areas of the pectoral muscles. Regular classes on uneven bars allow you to feel a noticeable effect in a very short time.

Muscles involved in parallel bars training

When practicing on the uneven bars, the following muscles work:

  • chest;
  • deltoid;
  • triceps;
  • latissimus muscles.

Features of the exercises

As noted above, it is the parallel bars that carry a considerable risk of injury. What such exercise machines pump up is the abs, pectoral muscles, biceps, triceps, and a whole host of other small ones. However, it is worth noting that you can only get injured on the uneven bars if you use the wrong technique for doing the exercises.

Before you start active regular training on uneven bars, you should familiarize yourself with the following requirements:

  1. It is necessary to start the lesson from the upper support, which allows the muscles to fully tone up and prepare for work.
  2. When lowering, the torso should be tilted slightly forward, because in a vertical position the main load will fall only on the triceps.
  3. Legs should be bent at the knees with ankles crossed. This approach to performing exercises greatly simplifies keeping the body in an inclined position.
  4. It is better to rest your chin on your chest, maintaining this position until the end of the approach.
  5. When lowering, bend your elbows until your wrist joint is in line with your armpits. In this case, it is necessary to carry out the descent slowly. Quick jerks when reaching the top position are fraught with injuries to the pectoral muscles.
  6. After taking a short pause while lowering, you must return to the starting position evenly and slowly.

Abs workout

What do dips do? First of all, despite this, parallel bars can be an excellent exercise machine for working out the abdominal muscles. The most common exercise on the parallel bars for training the abs is the “corner”. the main task here it consists of resting your hands on the bars while lifting your knees up to your chest and lowering them down. During each approach, you should try to fix your knees in the upper position for some time. You can perform the “corner” exercise not only on the uneven bars, but also on the horizontal bar. However, it is the first option that is more powerful.

On parallel bars you can do it by raising your legs. Despite the obvious simplicity of the exercise, it is quite difficult to do, especially without any preparation. To perform the exercise, it is enough to rest your hands on the bars while simultaneously raising both legs above the level of the bars, spreading them to the sides. If desired, this exercise can be somewhat diversified by alternately moving your legs in one direction or the other over the right and left crossbar.

Another effective exercise on the parallel bars for pumping up the abdominal muscles is raising the torso. To perform it, you need to sit on one of the bars, hooking your legs behind the other. Sitting on the uneven bars in this way, you should lower your torso as low as possible, trying not to sag in your back. As a result of proper execution, the abdominal muscles will always remain fully tense.

on the uneven bars?

Perhaps, parallel bars are the most effective way to thoroughly work out the muscle mass of the chest area. Push-ups on parallel bars are particularly simple, but the following conditions must be met:

  • Before you start pumping up your chest on the uneven bars, you need to thoroughly warm up and warm up your muscles;
  • before performing the next approach, you should rest for a few minutes, trying to completely relax the muscles;
  • For chest pumping to be effective, the distance between the crossbars should be slightly greater than the width of the shoulders;
  • to achieve noticeable results, you should exercise regularly;
  • to avoid injury, you should ask a specialist about how to pump your chest on the uneven bars correctly;
  • the number of repetitions in each approach should be at least 10-12 lowering and lifting.

Pumping triceps on parallel bars

To pump up your triceps on the parallel bars, you need to use the correct technique. The distance between the parallel crossbars must necessarily exceed the width of the shoulders, but only slightly. There is a significant risk of injury when performing parallel bars exercises that are too far apart. shoulder girdle.

Begins on the uneven bars by adopting a position on straight arms. Next, the arms are lowered to the bottom position until the angle of the arms is about 90 degrees. This is followed by a smooth rise to the starting position without unnecessary jerks. This is how the outer and medial heads of the triceps are effectively worked out.

Weight training

Only parallel bars can completely replace the chest press. What such exercises do has already been described above. In order for parallel bars training to become a basic exercise for working the core muscles, you should work with some weights. You can secure the loads on a special belt to the lower back, each time using more and more significant weight.

Before you begin weight training, you should work hard to perfect the technique of performing the necessary exercises. It is also extremely important to select the most comfortable grip.


Every experienced athlete knows how important a role in the process of muscle growth and achievement. high results plays a recovery process. If we talk about training on the uneven bars, experts recommend doing it no more often than every other day.

In order to thoroughly pump the muscles of the chest area, during the recovery period you should provide the body with a sufficient complex of nutrients and microelements useful for the development of muscle mass, while not forgetting about complete relaxation. By following all the above tips, you can easily and grueling workouts get a really well-developed and attractive torso, beautiful pumped up arms, and clearly visible abdominal muscles.

With arms spread wide. Today it's time to chat about another interesting sports theme. This article will be devoted to how to correctly and, most importantly, quickly learn how to practice on the uneven bars with maximum effect.

Ready? Then I begin to narrate, and you absorb the information.

Exercises on the uneven bars are an excellent addition to the exercises that we can perform on the horizontal bar. The parallel bars will allow the athlete to pump up those muscles that are very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to pump up on the bar. These muscles include: shoulders, and.

There are parallel bars and a horizontal bar in almost every yard, on every sports ground or on school grounds. Anyone can go there for free. It all depends on desire. These two sports equipment if desired, they can give you much more than the entire fitness club combined. So the beauty and health of your body is in your hands.


The parallel bar push-up is one of the simplest and effective exercises, which can be afforded in street conditions. By performing this exercise you can develop your triceps, shoulder and chest muscles. With any exercise on the uneven bars, intensive growth of the entire shoulder girdle occurs, as a result, trainees receive a beautiful body, good health, endurance and strength.

There are a huge variety of push-ups on parallel bars: hanging, push-ups, handstands, reverse grip, with moving the body in different directions, diving, etc.

Execution technique

Dips, however, like any other exercise, have their own technique. I would like to take a closer look at this technique. In order to learn how to do everything correctly, you need to feel the exercise and understand which muscles should tense and which should not.

There are certain rules for dips, so we’ll look at them:

  1. Before performing the exercise itself, you must take the appropriate hanging position. Hands should hold the bars, legs crossed, and also bent at the knees, having an angle of 90 degrees. This position will ensure “clean” muscle pumping and prevent unnecessary jerking of the pelvis and legs.
  2. When doing push-ups on the uneven bars, you need to know one thing - if you do the exercise slowly, lowering and rising to the end, then this is work on strength, but if you do push-ups at speed, then this is work on endurance and relief. The main thing is to understand that one cannot exist without the other.
  3. If you want to put all the emphasis on the triceps, then during push-ups, when you lower, the angle formed at the elbow should be 90 degrees. You don't need to go lower, otherwise your chest muscles will come to your aid, and this will no longer be considered a triceps exercise only.
  4. When performing the exercise, it is necessary to keep the muscle group being pumped under constant tension. This will enhance the quality of the load produced.
  5. Don't forget about breathing. When you go down you need to inhale, when you go up you need to exhale.

Step-by-step exercise

Approach the bars. Their width should be slightly wider than the width of your shoulders. If the width of the bars is much wider than the width of the shoulders, then exercises on them will be a little dangerous for an unprepared body.

We take a hang on the uneven bars, go to straight arms. We start the exercise from the highest point, as this will help prepare the muscles for push-ups. We slightly tilt our torso forward and lower ourselves, bending our arms at the elbow joints. Don't forget to take a breath. You can lower yourself to the limit, using all the muscles, or you can reach 90 degrees in the elbow, using the triceps. Then we rise, gradually exhaling. We repeat.

In the case when your goal is to pump up the pectoral muscles, you need to spread your elbows to the sides when doing push-ups, but when you pump up your triceps, your arms lower along with your body parallel to it. The main thing is to remember that you came to the parallel bars to pump up your muscles, and not to do a huge number of push-ups. It is necessary to divide muscle pumping into several approaches. That is, for example, 3 sets of triceps 30 times and 3 sets of chest muscles 30 times.

If you are a beginner, then take this seriously. this exercise, because due to your inexperience, you can injure yourself. You don't need to do a lot of push-ups at once, because it won't do any good. Choose your average result and do several approaches. Every day, try to increase the number of push-ups you do per set.

Also, don’t forget about good nutrition. A training body needs a balanced diet, otherwise there will be no point in training.

Strength or mass

When doing dips, athletes can focus on either developing strength, increasing muscle size, or both.

Push-ups on parallel bars are usually divided into two phases: the first is negative, the second is positive. When you lower your body down, you go through a negative phase, when you lift it, you go through a positive phase.

If you are interested in strength, that is, you want to do strength exercises, then you need to follow the rule below:

  1. You should lift your body up slowly and lower it quickly. The rise time is 3 seconds and the fall time is 1 second;
  2. It is necessary to constantly increase the number of approaches and repetitions;
  3. When lifting, your muscles should be in constant tension;
  4. It is necessary to gradually reduce the time between approaches;
  5. Every week you need to do an approach for the maximum number of times.

If you want to increase muscle mass, then you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. When doing dips, you need to pay attention to the slow descent of your body and the rapid rise. The lowering time is approximately 3 seconds, and the raising time is 1 second;
  2. There is no need to increase the number of approaches (do, for example, 5 approaches of 20 times);
  3. You need to put all the emphasis on the negative phase, and remember to keep all your muscles tense during the exercise;
  4. The rest time between approaches should be 3 minutes;
  5. After you completely finish the exercise, give your muscles a good rest, and then replenish the missing nutrients in your body that you spent during the workout.

Making push-ups heavier

Do you need weights when doing parallel bars exercises? Yes, we do. However, only experienced athletes who have been practicing on the uneven bars every day for months need to increase the weight.

Beginners, as a rule, are in pursuit of beautiful body make a lot of mistakes. There is no need to rush anywhere because you are putting yourself at risk. Training loves consistency. The body must get used to physical activity, and this should happen gradually. In our lives, everything doesn’t happen at once, it’s time to understand this. Therefore, if you are new to the sport, take your time. From the very beginning, you will have enough weight to do push-ups on the uneven bars, and when you can show results, then you will attach additional weight to yourself.

But as for already experienced athletes, then they can experiment. But again, the rule is the same as for beginners - “No need to rush anywhere.” Add weight slowly. Start, say, with 5 kilograms of added weight, then take 10, then 15, etc.

What can act as a weighting agent? Well, the easiest way is to take a backpack and fill it with some rubbish. This is very convenient; the backpack does not interfere with the exercise at all. Also, athletes use hanging lead bars, clinging to their feet and much more.

This has come to the end of our story about how to properly do pull-ups, push-ups and parallel bars exercises. There's really nothing complicated about it, you just need a little knowledge and great desire train. The main thing is to remember that you don’t do sports for a week or a month, or a year, you need to do sports all your life. Stay healthy and strong. Good luck.

The parallel bar push-up came into bodybuilding from artistic gymnastics. The exercise trains all the “pressing” muscles - chest, triceps, front deltoids. The load can be adjusted by changing the angle of inclination of the body. The more he goes forward, the more the pectoral muscles are loaded. A more vertical position of the body allows you to work the triceps first. The option with an emphasis on triceps is considered basic; training the pecs with push-ups is more common in street gymnastics, rather than in bodybuilding.

The exercise is performed in support on the uneven bars. To accept it, you must:

  • take the parallel bars with a medium grip, palms facing each other;
  • by lightly jumping with your legs, take a standing position;
  • move your shoulders away from your ears, relax your trapezius;
  • place the body vertically so that it stands stably in the bars

The starting position can also be taken from a stand if the projectile is high and it is not possible to jump into a standing position without overloading the shoulder joints. Push-ups in the gym are performed on standard racks, which have footrests. If the exercise is done with a weight attached to the belt, it is advisable not to take the starting position on the uneven bars with a jump, so as not to injure your shoulders.

Lowering the body occurs with inhalation. You need to inhale slowly and lower your body under control in one movement, elbows bent together. Exhalation occurs with effort. Having lowered your body until your forearm is parallel to the floor, you should exhale sharply and, as it were, “squeeze” your body up. Next, the entire planned series of push-ups is performed, and the athlete places his feet on the bars and carefully returns to the starting position. During movement, you need to focus on the work of the triceps.

A technical mistake is to slouch your shoulders forward and perform the exercise with a round back. This is dangerous because when you slouch, the shoulder joints are overloaded, and the person risks injuring the ligaments.

There is no need to “insert” your elbows as on a competitive bench press, this overloads the elbow joints and when performing other high-repetition work on the elbows (presses in machines, with a barbell and with dumbbells), it can lead to injury;

“Throwing” the body down is also a mistake and can lead to injury. In addition, the lack of control during the lowering phase does not allow the athlete to effectively work out the muscles.

Raising the elbows to the sides in the triceps version of the press is not allowed, since the athlete thus shifts the load on the pectoral muscles.

  • Preliminary joint warm-up and light stretching of the triceps, front shoulder and biceps are a must;
  • Each athlete must find an adequate depth of descent for themselves, comfortable for the shoulder joint, and convenient anthropometrically. Push-ups that are too deep can cause hyperextension of the ligaments.
  • You can consciously press your elbows to your sides, this will remove excess stress from the muscles of the shoulders and chest, and shift the work to the triceps.
  • It's important to stop at lowest point, contract muscles, and avoid inertia in movement to get more targeted work;
  • Straightening your legs will help avoid swaying and excessive leaning forward. With your knees bent, it is easier to perform the “chest” rather than the triceps version of this exercise.

The emphasis on the pectoral muscles can be shifted if you choose a projectile with a wider handle arrangement. This will make it easier to perform the exercise with elbow extensions. However, finding such bars is not always possible if the athlete has outstanding anthropometry. In this situation, parallel push-up stands help; they can be positioned so that it is convenient to spread your elbows during push-ups.

Taking the starting position

This stage differs only in that the grip will initially be wider, but the palms will also be directed towards each other. The body remains vertical, the spine is perpendicular to the floor. The arms are bent at the elbow joints, the body is lowered clearly vertically. The legs can be bent at the knees so that the center of gravity of the body shifts, thereby giving the body the correct vertical position.

When lowering while exhaling, the elbows spread, the body smoothly lowers down, the angle between the forearms and the body is approximately 40 degrees;

The push-up occurs in a smooth, controlled manner, but insertion of the elbows should be avoided. This will protect not only the ligaments from inflammation, but also the joint itself from destruction.

Lowering the body down must be controlled. “Throwing” the body down is not recommended, it can lead to loss of control over the muscles. The “beat” style, often practiced in artistic gymnastics and workout, is not the most effective for pumping up muscles.

If the goal is to work the chest muscles, there is no need to bring your elbows towards the body and shift the load. Performing the exercise on wide parallel bars not recommended for chest muscle injuries.

This version of the exercise is more like a bench press, the stretch in the chest muscles should be visible and feel good.


The weight is attached to the body on a special belt. You can put the weights on a belt chain, or attach a weight or dumbbell to it. It is important to secure the load chain so that lowering is controlled

Other options for weights are holding a weight between your knees, or wearing a vest. Holding is not recommended; usually the lifter's pressing capacity exceeds his ability to hold the weight between his legs.

Analysis of the exercise

What muscles work? The working muscles are the upper and lower pectoral muscles, as well as the triceps.

The anterior surfaces of the shoulder help the movement; the core muscles, biceps and trapezius work as stabilizers. If the legs are bent at the knees, they also perform a stabilizing function.


This exercise can be performed anywhere - on the playground, at home, or in any gym. The movement quite quickly strengthens the ligaments and muscles, and allows you to improve your bench press well. For beginners, this movement allows the movement to both gain mass in the triceps and pecs and improve the relief, depending on the weights used and the set-repetition scheme. The exercise works well for anyone who needs to gradually increase the range of motion in the shoulder joint.

A number of people are genetically unable to perform this movement. These include people with significantly hypertrophied pectoral muscles and insufficient amplitude in the shoulder joint. At a certain stage of development, a beginner must make a choice between dips and heavy presses, since he can significantly damage the shoulder joint if he systematically overloads it with heavy work. Typically, they use periodization, or get away from the weight press, and perform the exercise with a regular stop at the bottom point. The movement may be inaccessible to beginners with weak muscle development, and will have to be introduced to it gradually. You can start doing dips on the uneven bars in a gravitron to avoid shoulder overload and joint problems.

Preparing for the exercise

Before performing push-ups, a warm-up is required. Start with rotations in all major joints - shoulders, elbows, wrists, even fingers. You can then perform several sets of push-ups with medium setting hands to “warm up” the target area. But this is not necessary; there are athletes for whom it is more convenient to switch to push-ups on uneven bars without weights right away. Do you need any additional manipulations with muscles and ligaments? Professional bench pressers usually warm up their triceps and shoulders on an MFR roller or roller, but this is just an option.

Proper execution

This movement is determined by the flexibility and mobility of the shoulder joint. The more adequately he handles the load, the deeper the amplitude can be. BUT the work should be carried out in the comfort zone; you should not go beyond it and actively “clog” the joint with too amplitude movements.

  • For beginners, it is not so much the weight of the weight in push-ups that is important, but the correct passage of the eccentric phase. You shouldn’t go through it with a “jump” and “squeeze” the body out of the dead center. You need to move carefully so that the muscles feel the load, and not just determine the trajectory of movement
  • If you can’t complete an approach without compensation, this is not a reason to refuse the exercise. Girls, complete beginners, and those who for some reason cannot move with good amplitude must compensate part of the body weight through rubber shock absorbers, or the “gravitron” system. If elastic bands are used, they must be secured to the bars so that you can rest with straightened legs so that the trajectory of movement is not disturbed.
  • Simply directing your gaze upward helps keep your body upright. If your eyes are down and your head is tilted, it is easier to do the “chest” version of the exercise.
  • You can pump up your triceps quite well if you take a short pause at the point of maximum muscle contraction and statically contract them at the top of the range of motion.

We have before us a complex but very useful movement. This exercise requires full concentration on technique and “fresh” muscles. It makes sense to put it first in training program, focused on recruiting or drying, and the second for security forces. If the priority is the bench press, perform the competition movement first and then the parallel bars. For bodybuilders, everything can be exactly the opposite. The number of repetitions is determined by the athlete's individual response to the load. The more repetitions, the lighter the weight will be. Most athletes require no more than 3 working sets of 10-20 repetitions.

The training program is compiled depending on the goals, some do not need to add weights, but static dynamics are shown, for others it’s the other way around. Strength programs may include 4-6 rep sets of push-ups.


You cannot perform push-ups on uneven bars if:

  • there is an injury to the rotator cuff (rotator cuff), insufficient or uneven amplitude,
  • there was a tear, separation or rupture of the pectoral muscle;
  • there is tendinitis of the ligaments of the elbow or wrist joint;
  • the movement feels uncomfortable, the trajectory breaks, the nerves seem to be “shooting” in the process of work
  • there were any injuries to the shoulder joint within six months before work. You can start doing push-ups smoothly if your shoulder doesn’t bother you, but it’s better not to act too actively so as not to aggravate your situation

Multiple Olympia champion Jay Cutler came up with a special version of the exercise in which the triceps are used to the fullest. He works in V-shaped bars with his back to the apparatus. This allows even broad back and massive hands. Cutler recommends partial repetitions for this exercise, especially if the lifter is lifting a significant amount of weight. He considers the full amplitude to be traumatic.

How to replace the exercise

Finding a replacement movement is quite easy. If you need to focus on the triceps, you can take a reverse push-up instead of the usual one, and work it out in full or partial amplitude.

IN reverse push-up You can take pancakes as weights and put them on your hips, or fix your hip with rubber.

Dips on parallel bars are classic exercise strength sports, and it deserves beginners to learn how to do it right.

Value and common benefit exercise depends on the effectiveness of the movements and their effect on the muscles. That's why basic exercises are always superior in efficiency to insulating ones. Dips are one of the ultimate exercises for developing the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle. It allows you to effectively work out your upper body both at home and in the gym or on the nearest sports ground. Moreover, push-ups can be progressed almost indefinitely, they are suitable for both beginners and the most trained athletes. Let's figure it out how to do push-ups with parallel bars correctly, what types there are and what their technical features are.

What muscles work when doing dips?

Raising the body on parallel bars - complex exercise, the implementation of which requires the efforts of several muscle groups. However, the main burden falls on:

  • Pectoral muscles;
  • Triceps.

The back acts as auxiliary muscles ( top part), anterior deltoids and biceps.

The key factor is the technique of performing the exercise. Depending on the position of the body, working with parallel bars can load both the chest and triceps. Despite the common name, these two techniques are usually separated, since they are aimed at developing different muscles. It is also worth considering that in the exercise you can adjust the load due to the position of your hands. Basically, the amplitude of movement and grip width are used for this (depending on the bars).

Technique for performing push-ups on parallel bars

Let's consider basic technique dips, regardless of the emphasis on working the pectorals or triceps (average version):

  • Step onto the bars and brace your body. The back and arms should be straight, the head should look forward (neck in a natural position). The legs can be bent at the knees at a right angle (to avoid inertia and loosening of the body);
  • Slowly go down until a right angle is formed between the upper and lower parts of the arm. There should also be a right angle between the shoulder and triceps;
  • Take a short break, then with a powerful movement push the body up, to the starting position.

It is important to understand two critical points that can significantly affect the effectiveness of push-ups. The first is hand position. In the classic version, the brush must be rigidly fixed. This ensures stabilization of the entire body and avoids injury. Movements are carried out only in the elbow and shoulder joints. It is also worth considering that the elbows should be pulled back, not to the sides.

The second rule is to descend more slowly. than lifting the body by extending the arms. Often beginners make one common mistake, which even with correct execution push-ups will reduce effectiveness. We are talking about a rapid lowering of the body down, which occurs by inertia. Coaches call this a “fall,” highlighting it as a blunder. Extension of the arms should be slow and controlled. But the exit is often performed in a fast or even explosive style. Although there are varieties of techniques where both phases of movement are the same in time and tempo.

Push-ups on parallel bars. Do It Right!

Triceps dips

If we take into account classical technique Dips, then the triceps will be loaded to a greater extent. To do this, the body must remain in a strictly vertical position both at the top and during lowering. In this case, the movement is carried out mainly due to the strength of the triceps, loading all three heads (with a slight advantage for the long one).

Beginner athletes may have difficulty When performing triceps techniques, this is due to insufficient muscle strength. In this case There are two ways to lighten the load:

  • Perform push-ups with incomplete amplitude, without bringing the bend in the elbow to a right angle;
  • Use a belay (the belayer helps support the legs bent at the knees, lightly pulling the athlete by the socks).

However, such cheating should not be abused. It is relevant only as a temporary way to make the task easier until muscle strength allows you to work at full amplitude and without insurance.

Chest dips

Dips cannot be called the most popular exercise for the pectoral muscles. However, they are mandatory in the arsenal of all professional athletes. The most important feature exercise is that when working on parallel bars, the chest muscles are loaded even better than in the bench press. For those who train at home and do not have a barbell, such push-ups should become the No. 1 movement for developing the pectoral muscles.

In order for the movement to load the chest muscles, it is important to remember the following rules:

  • When performing, the body should be tilted. To do this, you need to lean forward 35-45 degrees;
  • During body deflection, the lower body is pulled back. So that the body forms a straight line from the neck to the knees;
  • Legs should be brought together and bent at the knees at a right angle.

This technique is especially useful because it loads bottom part pectoral muscles are the most lagging behind.

Dips with weights

When you have already “grown up” from working with own weight, and dips on the uneven bars are easy in 4-5 sets of 10-15 repetitions, it’s time to add weights. There are two ways to add weight: standard barbell plates and metal chains.

The most common way is to use a training belt and a weight plate, which is hung on a special hook. This method has been popular for many decades. Its advantage is that there are belts and hooks in almost all gyms. However, there is also a significant disadvantage - uneven distribution of the load. The pancake pulls the athlete down by inertia, which can worsen the execution technique when working the chest (when the body is tilted).

Therefore, the use of chains is considered more convenient and effective way weight gain. To do this, just hang them on your shoulders, choosing the desired weight. Special chains have removable links, which allows you to adjust the weight pitch up to 0.25 kg. The only disadvantage of such chains is that they are not present in all gyms.

Dips in the training program

Let's look at how to effectively use the exercise in a program for the pectoral muscles and when working on the triceps.


  • Warm-up;
  • Bench press;
  • Dumbbell press at an angle;
  • Lying dumbbell flyes;
  • Dips;
  • Pullover;
  • Stretching at the end of your workout.


  • Warm-up;
  • Bench press with a narrow grip;
  • Dips;
  • Standing French press;
  • Bent over arm abduction.

It is important not to make dips the first exercise in your workout, because for this movement the muscles must be well warmed up.

In chest training, it is optimal to place parallel bars as 3-4 exercises, closer to the middle or end of the workout. When working on the triceps - in the first part, together with others basic movements(before insulating ones).

Every man at least once in his life thought about making his body better. First of all, each of them was interested in exercises for which visiting gym not necessary. Today we will talk about one of these exercises. Or, more precisely, about dips. You will learn which muscles work when doing dips, as well as options for performing this exercise.

Dips: benefits

Very good exercise to work out the upper body. Or, more precisely, to work out all the pressing muscles:
  1. Breast.
  2. Triceps.
  3. Front delts.

This exercise is basic, because it involves the shoulder and elbow joints. Many bodybuilders include it in their training programs.

If you don't want to go to the gym, then this exercise will be enough for you to thoroughly work out your pressing muscle groups. There are two options for doing dips:

  1. With an emphasis on the pectoral muscles.
  2. With an emphasis on triceps.

How to pump up your pectoral muscles on the uneven bars? To do this you need to do This is an exercise using the following technique:

In the first stages of training, it is necessary to master the technique of performing this exercise. If you do it haphazardly, there will be no result. Moreover, you risk injury. To begin with, learn to perform this exercise at least 20 times per approach. After this, you can move on to weighted dips.

If you are interested in working out the triceps, then the technique for performing push-ups will be different:

  1. During the approach, try to keep your elbows as close to each other as possible.
  2. When lowering and lifting, move your elbows back.
  3. Rise sharply and powerfully - within one second.
  4. At the top point, fully straighten your arms. This will put maximum stress on your triceps.
  5. It is necessary to linger at the top point for a couple of seconds in order to properly feel the tension in the triceps.

These push-ups must be performed at a higher pace than for the chest. The number of repetitions is not limited. Many fans of horizontal bars and bars reach several hundred repetitions. The main thing is that you like it. To increase the mass of the triceps, you can also hang weights from your belt.

How can you replace dips?

There are three exercises, which can replace push-ups on uneven bars:

It’s better, of course, not to replace push-ups with anything. Don’t be lazy, walk around the area and find an area where there are beams. Firstly, you don't have to do exercises that will cause discomfort. And secondly, this will be a reason to jog before training.

Common mistakes

Many athletes do not benefit from this exercise. desired result because they constantly make mistakes. The most common mistakes made when performing this exercise:

If you are a beginner athlete, then the following dip pattern is ideal for you:

Once you have completed this program, start working on the maximum number of repetitions per set.

For high-quality development of your pressing muscles, the following training scheme is ideal:

  1. Push-ups on wide bars for the chest - 3 sets for a maximum of times.
  2. Push-ups on narrow bars for triceps - 3 sets of maximum reps.

If you are able to do many repetitions in one approach (more than 30), then it is recommended that you use weights. The easiest option is to put a backpack on your back, which will contain any heavy objects. This training will quickly increase the volume of your chest and arms.

Find in your area workout area. There are bars of different widths, and you can train the muscle groups you need according to your training program. Wide bars are more suitable for the chest, and narrow bars are more suitable for triceps.

Don't neglect your pulling muscles. You cannot neglect any muscle groups. This can lead to imbalances in your body. The ideal training schedule is two workouts a week on the uneven bars and two on the horizontal bar.

Warm up properly before training. There are many cases where an athlete did not warm up well and suffered muscle and ligament sprains. Do you need it?

The right approach in any business is to constantly act and not wait for anything. If you want to achieve really good results, then forget about freebies! Exercise regularly, and don’t be fooled when you notice the first results. Don't give up and don't skip training!

Now you know how to do it correctly push-ups on parallel bars. By putting into practice the recommendations from this article, you can pump up your broad pectoral muscles, as well as your arms and shoulders. The main thing is to train regularly, and then the result will not take long to arrive!