The backs of the jocks. Rating of the best exercises for developing back muscles. Back workout

Not only does a pumped-up back look amazing, it helps the athlete achieve his goal and makes it much easier daily life, protects the spine and ensures posture!

There's nothing more amazing than good developed muscles backs that twist like roads on a map: broad dorsals like jet wings and lower back muscles. Be sure to warm up before your workout!

Who needs to pump up their back muscles?

Back training is important for many reasons: pumped-up back training will immediately make you stand out from the crowd of athletes, because only a real bodybuilder can work out the “wings”! Your body will look harmonious and balanced.

There is nothing to do in martial arts without a strong back: the strength of your muscle corset your stabilization depends. The back is the frame that holds all the muscles and unites the efforts of the whole body. Weak back muscles cannot properly perform their stabilizing role, and problems may arise in maintaining straight position housings. In wrestling, pumped-up back muscles make it easier to perform throws with body extension.

Powerlifters also strive to effectively pump up their backs: in powerlifting, this is the key to success in performing deadlifts, one of competitive disciplines powerlifting.

Why is it not easy to work out your back?

In addition, by pumping up your back muscles, you will significantly make your daily life easier, because we perform most of the functional movements, for example, carrying heavy objects, on our backs. From a medical point of view, developed back and core muscles help maintain correct posture and spinal position, which has a positive effect on vital organs abdominal cavity. You see how important it is to train your back, are you ready to train? If you are already in the gym and ready to start, we recommend 2 programs from our training videos. Further in the article you will find several more program options.

However, many people ignore the importance of this muscle group. The main reason for this is complexity, because it is quite difficult to feel how the back muscles work. The secret is to start all exercises using not only your arms, but also your back muscles.

How to pump your back if you still have problems? use special hooks for lifting. This will reduce the stress on your back, putting more pressure on your back.

Another reason for a weak back is that people simply don't train enough with insufficient weights. If you need to make your muscles tighter, use more weight in your rowing exercises. ? Instead of using points that can cause your back muscles to become “high”, get some good deadlift work done.

Note that this is about using enough weight, not too much. Train hard, but not so hard that you cheat for the sake of lifting, which is guaranteed to disable the muscles from the movement.

Human back: anatomy

Knowing muscle function is critical when designing a workout and understanding proper technique. With that in mind, let's take a look at the anatomy of the back:

Trapezius muscle

It is a very wide, triangular-shaped muscle that covers almost all the muscles in the back of the neck and large part of the back. It originates in the occipital bone at the base of the skull and enters the shoulder blades and collarbones. The fibers of this muscle ensure its stretching in three directions: up, down and inward. The functions of the trapezius muscle are to turn the head and raise the shoulders.

Many people work the trapezius muscle along with the shoulders, and this is a great method, however, in this article we will include the trapezius muscles in the back.

Rhomboid minor/major muscles

The rhomboid muscles begin on the spine and attach to the middle of the shoulder blades. Their function is to bring the shoulder blades towards the spine.

Teres major muscle

This muscle originates on the outer edge of the scapula and attaches to the humerus. Its function is to stretch the arm back.

Latissimus dorsi muscles

These are the most big muscles backs. Large, V-shaped and pumped, they provide back strength. are attached to the upper end of the humerus and descend down the spine and pelvic girdle. The function is to pull the arm down, and, if the arm is in a fixed position, to help pull the arms up.

Erector back muscles

The main function of these muscles is to support and stretch the spine. This group includes the following muscles: longissimus, spinalis and iliocostalis.

As you can see, working the back muscles, the anatomy of which has so many nuances, is quite difficult. However, there are two main types of movements that help tone your back: rowing movements and downward movements. In addition, there are such as deadlifts, snatches and power cleans. These exercises work much more than just your back - thanks to them, you involve and pump up your whole body! These compound movements cause a dramatic natural increase in the amount of anabolic hormones in the body such as testosterone and growth hormone.

How to properly pump up your back

Since the biceps are actively involved in all back exercises, it makes sense to train them after the back. It's a good idea to include the forearms in this workout, but there is a theory that the forearms, like the forearms, need to be worked on more often than others. These muscles are high and are involved in every exercise performed (after all, a grip is needed to hold the barbell), so work them hard no more than once a week along with the biceps.

The main thing is that you feel how the training works for you. Before going to the gym again, just make sure your muscles are fully. Remember, growth only happens if there is sufficient recovery, and certainly not because of how many hours each day you spend in gym.

Back muscle workout #1

Attention: If you can do that many pull-ups in one set, do two sets of 25 reps. Use a wide overhand grip and full range of motion

Attention: Use a weight that you can lift for 8 reps. Rest and then complete the set.

To properly tone your back muscles with this workout, remember this: your deadlift should be sharp and active, but completely controlled, and slow on the downward movement. Use full at, concentrating only on the back, and not on. Remember that your biceps are just hooks, nothing more.

Back muscle training No. 2

Attention: of which 2 approaches with average wide grip from above, and 2 - with a wide grip

Attention: All are working, so use a weight that will allow you to complete the required number of repetitions.

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Power cleans are a sharp exercise. Be sure you understand this feature of the exercise and always keep your reps under control. should be performed with continuous tension: contract your muscles and count to 3 as you lower the weight to your chest. If possible, reverse the movement for a count of 4. Use the same repetition method during . When performing shrugs, pull your shoulders up towards your ears, hold and contract the muscles, work this way in any manner, not just when pumping up the back muscles.

Workout for the broad back muscles No. 3

Attention: 30 reps for as many sets as needed. If you can do that many pull-ups in one set, do two sets of 30 reps. Use a wide overhand grip and full range of motion

* — The service is in beta testing

As you deadlift, pull the barbell toward your upper chest. In this and the next exercise, maintain continuous tension for the best back training. Pause and contract the muscles at the peak of the movement, counting to 3. Move up sharply, move down slowly and in a controlled manner.

Workout for thickening back muscles #4

When deadlifting, use a heavier weight than usual. Move up sharply, stay at the peak for three counts, and only then slowly lower down. The scheme is similar. The features of pull-downs and push-ups here are as follows: maintain constant tension, and count to 5, hold at the peak. Stop with these two exercises halfway through each repetition and pause briefly for another 5 counts.

Every time you pump up your back muscles with a workout like this, you really work your whole body. Try it and you will notice a huge natural hormone production as a result of training.

For the main sets of these workouts, use heavy weights and keep the reps firm but controlled and smooth on the way back.

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1-2 capsules daily, preferably during meals.

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Dymatize | ISO 100?

If necessary, you can add one serving before bedtime.

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TwinLab | Men's Ultra Multi Daily ?

1 capsule each.

Twinlab Men's Ultra Multi Daily vitamin and mineral complex developed specifically for men contains the necessary set of nutrients and special matrices to improve prostate function, as well as antioxidants and tonic components.

Universal Nutrition | Ultra Whey Pro

1-2 measuring spoons are mixed with 200-250 grams of water or any other liquid.

Back: top and bottom

The back muscles are divided into the latissimus dorsi (upper) and lower muscles backs. Often and trapezius muscles belong to the same muscle group. Well-developed lats are visible from the front and are considered one of the most impressive muscle groups that give the torso " V "- figurative form.

The upper back muscle group also includes three muscles that can be called secondary - teres minor, teres major and rhomboid. These muscles are located in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and are well worked during lat exercises.

Upper back muscles

To properly develop your upper back muscles, you must strive to develop both thickness and width. When performing exercises, you should contract and stretch your muscles as much as possible. Many muscle groups benefit greatly from stretching, and broadest backs not an exception. Concentrate on both stretching and contraction. This will give you even greater intensity and, as a result, greater muscle growth.

Tip: Stretching a muscle during overload involves more work. muscle fibers, and also increases the intensity of work. It is important to understand the significance of this "overload stretch" and avoid partial repetitions. Think about it, if you can lengthen a muscle by stretching, then in a tense state it will have a significant larger volume.

All exercises that directly stimulate the muscles of the upper back are considered "pulling" movements. That is, the “pulling” moment manifests itself at every point of the movement, for example, in an exercise such as “barbell row to the chin.”

The upper back muscles are a very large and strong muscle group that respond well to overload training. But many underestimate its power, and therefore never achieve its maximum development.

Lower back muscles

Athletes often neglect training the muscles of the lower back. This one of the most “unpleasant” muscle groups, as a rule, is trained either only as an auxiliary one, or because “that’s the custom.”

However, developing and maintaining the strength of this muscle group is extremely important, since the lower back muscles are the connecting link between the upper and lower parts of the body. Another connecting link is muscles abdominals. Most injuries occur due to insufficient development of these two muscle groups. If you have not yet experienced all the “delights” of back injuries, I warn you that such injuries can permanently stall your progress.

Weak lower back muscles make it difficult to perform almost any exercise. It is unlikely that you will want to reduce working weights due to injuries. But it will have to, because the lower back will not be able to withstand heavy loads. This is why it is so important to develop your lower back muscles.

So you have to work on bottom back with the same diligence with which you work on any other muscle group. This is a very important and necessary condition for growth. muscle mass almost any muscle group.

Now let's look at which exercises are best suited for generating maximum muscle growth, and which ones you shouldn’t pay attention to.

Upper back - lats


- the “king” of exercises for the widest backs. The main working muscles involved in this movement are the latissimus dorsi. Secondary muscles are the biceps, forearm muscles, deltoids, and to a small extent the chest muscles.

Pull-ups are performed with weight own body. This exercise is quite difficult for beginners, but for advanced ones, on the contrary, it is too easy.


Pull-ups on the bar are a very simple exercise, and yet many people fail to produce maximum superload due to incorrect technique.

The design of the bar and the way you grip are the two main reasons why people often make mistakes. Choose a straight crossbar, without bends at the ends. The distance between your hands should be 6 to 8 inches greater than shoulder width. The following method will help you check the correct grip width. When you are at the top of the movement, your chin touching the bar, your forearms should be perpendicular (pointing straight down) to the floor. If your forearms are at an angle, then you have either a too wide or too narrow grip.

Many people use too wide a grip. Indeed, in most designs, the bars have bends that determine the width of the grip, thereby promoting an overly wide grip. Do not grasp the corner parts of the crossbar. This can seriously damage the shoulder joint, and even minor damage to the shoulder will cause you to almost completely stop training.

Advice: If you're unable to do more than one or two pull-ups, try the following method, which will help you complete six full reps. To do this you will need the help of a partner. Ask him to stand behind you, and at a time when your strength is running out, let your partner push you slightly, helping you overcome the “blind spot”. He should not help you throughout the entire repetition, but only in the impassable area. After some time, you won't need your partner's help.

When starting the exercise, look at the ceiling. Pull yourself up powerfully, trying to touch the bar with your chest. Slowly descend along the same path, B lowest point movement, pull your lats for 1 second and perform the next repetition. On the last rep, stretch your lats for 3 seconds.

Advice: As you develop strength, you may need to use a special belt with additional weights. This will help increase the overload while staying within the required six reps. At first, pull-ups with extra weight will seem too difficult and uncomfortable, so before using the belt, practice your pull-up technique well with own weight.

Chest cravings block simulator

A basic exercise similar to pull-ups, but performed on a machine, the advantage of which is that it allows you to adjust the load. The main working muscles are the latissimus. Secondary - biceps, forearms, shoulder girdle muscles, and partially pectoral muscles.


A block trainer is standard equipment that can be found in almost any gym. Like all exercise equipment, some are more convenient than others. Most of these simulators assume sitting position with fixed hips, allowing more use heavy weights than your own body weight. In addition, it is very convenient from a security point of view.

Rows while sitting on a machine

One of the best exercises for developing the width and thickness of the lats. Performed while sitting on a block simulator. The main muscles worked are the latissimus. Secondary - biceps, forearms, shoulders, lower back muscles, quadriceps, leg flexors, and to a small extent chest muscles.

Belt row on the machine powerful exercise. You can use different handles for variety, but I recommend a straight handle and a shoulder-width grip.


Grab the handle at shoulder-width distance. Take your starting position on the machine and bend your knees slightly. With a powerful movement, pull the handle to the bottom of the sternum. As you move, your back forms an arch and your chest expands. At the end point, do not lean back more than 10-15 degrees. Touch your chest, hold for a moment, and then slowly return to the starting position, stretching the muscles. Work smoothly, moving the weight evenly throughout the set. Before you begin the exercise, make sure you have enough cable left in stock. This will protect you from injury.

Bent-over barbell row

If squats are indispensable for developing legs, then for the upper back such an exercise is. The bent over row is what separates a man from a boy. The main working muscles are the latissimus. Secondary - biceps, forearms, shoulders, lower back muscles, quadriceps, leg flexors, and to a small extent pectoral muscles.


Bent-over rows can be performed on a platform or on a regular flat bench press. Grip the bar at shoulder-width distance. Remove the bar from the racks and lean forward until the plane of your back is parallel to the plane of the floor. Arch your back a little. Pull the barbell towards you powerfully and touch the bar to the bottom of your sternum. While moving, try to keep your elbows close to your body. The moment the bar touches your body, further tighten your muscles. Slowly lower the projectile to the starting position. The ascent speed should be twice the lower speed. At the bottom point, fully stretch the muscles.

Advice: When performing exercises on the back muscles, it is very useful to have special seat belts. With their help you can work with heavy weights,Not worrying about being tired grip

T-bar row

This movement produces similar effects to bent over barbell rows. - great exercise to increase the thickness of the back muscles. The main muscles are the latissimus. Secondary - biceps, forearms, shoulders, lower back muscles, quadriceps, leg flexors, and to a small extent chest muscles.


There are many various options T-trainers, if you can call them that. There are really good cars, but there are also completely unsuitable for training. The movement should be natural, that’s the whole point. Therefore, if you feel uncomfortable in a T-trainer, then most likely such a machine will do you more harm than good.

Grab the handles of the machine (I recommend a narrow grip, with your palms facing each other) and pull the apparatus to the bottom of your chest. Look straight ahead. At the top of the movement, straighten your chest and arch your back. Keep your knees slightly bent and your back straight - don't round it. Slowly lower the apparatus to the starting position and stretch the muscles. The lowering speed should be half the ascent speed.

One-arm dumbbell row

We consider movements that are performed with one limb to be extremely ineffective, since they require almost twice as much energy and time. So, from the standpoint of possible overload and efficiency between the bent-over and bent-over barbell rows, I would give preference to the former.

And yet, one-arm rows are so good exercise, that I recommend doing it from time to time as an exception. The main working muscles are the latissimus. Secondary - biceps, forearms, shoulders, lower back muscles, and to a small extent chest muscles.


Exercises are performed using horizontal bench. Rest your knee and hand against it so that the plane of your back is parallel to the plane of the floor. Take a dumbbell and pull it towards your lower chest. Make sure to pull the weight toward the bottom of your chest. Try to keep your elbow as close to your body as possible throughout the entire set. Additionally, tighten your latissimus muscles at the top of the movement and stretch at the bottom.

Advice: Pull the dumbbell towards the bottom of your chest. This will take the load off the deltoids and transfer it to the lats.

There are many exercises for building wide, thick and strong muscles upper back. There are also many different exercise machines for this purpose, but there are no better exercises than those described in this article.

Lower back muscles


The key to developing a strong, muscular lower back and overall powerful physique. This is a very serious exercise that gives very serious results. Deadlifts not only develop the strength of the lower back muscles, but just like squats, they work the entire body. The main working muscles are the muscles of the lower back. Secondary - biceps, forearms, deltoids, traps, upper quads and leg flexors.

Using the appropriate technique when performing deadlifts makes it possible to work with mind-blowing weights. You must master the technique well deadlift, if you want to quickly build strength while avoiding injury.


IN deadlifts the weight rises from the floor to mid-thighs. Grab the projectile lying on the floor at a shoulder-width distance, using the so-called overhand grip - when one palm is directed towards you and the other away from you. Get into a squat position. Keeping the bar as close to your shins as possible, begin lifting the bar by straightening your legs. Don't look down, keep your gaze straight ahead. In this movement, about 2/3 of the way, the muscles of the entire lower back are working. Straighten up and fix the position.

Don't round your back. From the very starting point of the lift, drive the projectile as close to your shins as possible, keeping your back straight. This is important to prevent injury. Deadlifts require very careful technique.

"Good Mornings"

Exercise "" is also designed to develop the muscles of the lower back. It got its name because similarities with the morning bow and greeting, as is done in eastern countries: “Good morning!”

In this exercise, we primarily work long muscles back (torso extensors). Secondary - shoulders, upper muscles back and leg flexors.

A similar effect can be achieved by performing an exercise on a block simulator.


Place the barbell on your shoulders in the same way as for doing squats - closer to the back heads of the deltoids. Bend your knees slightly and lean forward, bending your torso at the waist. Bend over until your back is parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position and then perform the next repetition. Save full control above the weight, and your back straight throughout the entire approach. Don't neglect technique and don't rush.

Hyperextension with additional weight

An excellent exercise is one with added weight that directly targets the muscles of the lower back. The main working muscles are the long back muscles (torso extensors). Secondary muscles are the upper back muscles and leg flexors.


This exercise is performed on a special bench. Hyperextensions are similar to abdominal sit-ups, but in reverse - face down. Typically, a hyperextension machine is an inclined (45-degree) bench with leg attachments, on which you sit face down, resting your lower abdomen on the stand. This position allows you to bend forward and rise to the starting position using only the torso extensors. To increase the load, you can use additional weight by holding it in front of your chest or behind your head.

Slowly tilt your torso approximately 70 degrees, then rise to the starting position. Many people perform partial hyperextensions from the starting position, but not down, but up, that is, they lean back from the starting position. This a good option execution, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with it. Tighten your muscles additionally at the end of each repetition.

Traction on block head trainer

Not only does this movement limit overexertion of the muscles, it also creates unwanted stress on the muscles. shoulder joints. The less overload an exercise allows, the more traumatic it is. Leave this exercise and let the octopuses do it.

One-arm row on a pulley machine

For what? What is the purpose of this exercise? It's pointless. And your task is to create the maximum superload in the minimum time. One-arm rows can create only minimal superload, but require twice as much energy and time. Truly an exercise for idiots. Forget about him.

Pull-ups with a grip

The exercise puts more stress on the biceps than the back.

Any isolation trainer

Compound exercises provide a good back workout. The back muscles cannot be isolated and trained separately. Many muscles are always involved in working your back, so let them work together.

A wide back gives the bodybuilder massiveness and significantly increases physical performance. Therefore, this article will discuss how to pump up your back muscles.

There are many exercises that are aimed at pumping up certain parts of it; it is important to correctly combine them in your training plan, and only then will the result meet your expectations.

Mindlessly performing movements has little effect on the development of the back. To tone up your back, it is important to include protein-rich foods in your diet.

Anatomy of the back muscles

There are many muscles in the back; every athlete should have an idea of ​​the anatomy and know what exactly he is training, then it will be much easier to pump up his back.

  1. Lat. Because of quite big size the latissimus dorsi muscles are trained first; It is their development that makes it possible to create a massive figure for men and a toned figure for women. The muscles allow you to move your shoulder back, pull your arms toward your spine, or move your body toward your limbs.
  1. Trapezius muscles. A whole complex of muscles that is responsible for the shoulder blades and affects the movement of the head. The upper part can be felt between the neck and shoulder; there is also a middle and lower part of the complex. The functions of these back muscles include lifting the limbs, moving the head and shoulder blades.
  1. Vertebral extensors. They also act as a flexor muscle of the back and represent a line located on the upper part of the spine. Their job is to protect this important organ. If you pump up the extensor muscle, your posture and stabilization will improve, and your back density will also noticeably increase.
  1. Diamond-shaped. The function of these muscles is to move and fix the shoulder blades; they are located in the upper back. If you pump up this part of the back, the athlete’s massiveness noticeably increases.
  1. Big round. The shape is elongated and flat, the muscle works in conjunction with the latissimus. To pump it up, the following movements are used: pulling back the arms, rotating inward and bringing the limbs towards the body. A distinctive quality can be called the absence of the need for special exercises, since this muscle participates in almost all movements of the back, and pumping it up is usually not difficult.
  1. Lumbar triangle and quadrilateral. Many professionals consider these parts of the back to be the most difficult to train, and they don't participate much in most spinal exercises. If attention is not paid to them, there is a high risk of developing lumbar hernia. But how to prevent this and pump up your back proportionally? The answer is simple - use abdominal workouts that involve the abdominal muscles (namely, the obliques), which will help overcome the weakness of the triangle and quadrilateral.

How to use the back exercise correctly

Due to the large volume of most back muscles, significant weights are usually used during training. It is important to use training that is quite complex in technique, for example: wide-grip pull-ups or deadlifts. Important point: pumping up your back is worth repeating from 6 to 12 times. The following are training tips:

  1. The back muscles require significant loads, so you should train this part of the body in two workouts a week, the first - mainly the upper part, the second - the lower part. However, the use of such universal exercises as pull-ups, in which almost all back muscles are pumped up to varying degrees, is mandatory.
  2. Training should not be aimed solely at developing a single muscle; in this case, the back simply cannot rest. Also in classes you need to combine the development of the spine with pumping up other parts of the body, for example, arms.
  3. Upper training can be done using exercises such as lat pull-downs or pull-ups. But classes aimed at pumping up the lower back muscles may include deadlift, this movement also perfectly develops the middle part.
  4. You can pump up your back only with a combination of rest and work, so about 3 days should pass between days when the back muscles are developing.
  5. Explosive style is what you need to pump up your back. Professional bodybuilders have noticed that the moment of effort must pass quickly, for example, when doing pull-ups, bending the arms takes place with a powerful force, but lowering to the starting position, on the contrary, is slow. However, you should not violate the technique and confuse the explosive style with ordinary jerks, which are unable to greatly affect the physical condition of the athlete.
  6. In order to pump up your back, you need to use your arms minimally. Otherwise, the muscles of the limbs will get tired, and the back will not receive the necessary load. That is why it is worth using a wide grip, for example, when doing pull-ups or barbell presses, in which the biceps work little, and the back muscles can be pumped up without problems.
  7. The optimal is medium grip, but beginners who cannot yet bear the load on their back muscles on their own should choose a wide one (which, by the way, is also done by many professionals). For deeper development, bodybuilders sometimes narrow their grip to a narrow one, while they pull not with their arms, but with their backs (when necessary).

The best workouts and exercises

Classes should only take place when the muscles are fully ready. It is necessary to warm up to warm up the body and stretch to avoid injury. You can also use warm-up approaches with light weights. You need to prepare carefully for high weights; the warm-up must be done technically perfectly. It is quite difficult to pump up “cold” muscles. After training, it is worth doing a cool-down to gradually bring the body to a state of rest.

As already mentioned, only a few back muscles can be pumped up using general exercises, for the rest it is necessary to use special ones.

Latissimus muscles

You can pump up these muscles using the following exercises:

  • lifting a dumbbell from a bend while resting on your hand;
  • pull-ups;
  • Bent-over barbell row;
  • block pull to the pectoral muscles;

Universal and effective exercise, which is aimed not only at pumping up the muscles of the arms, but also the back. Performing pull-ups is quite difficult, it is important to remember that the correct technique is the key to success.

Next, we will look at wide-grip pull-ups, which are recommended for pumping up your back. However, in classes you should also use a medium grip, where the load is distributed over the entire body and arms, and a narrow grip, aimed at training the arms.

  1. First you need to grip the horizontal bar correctly. After making the jump, you should use a wide grip, with your hands positioned 0.25 meters wider than your shoulders.
  2. Hanging on the horizontal bar, in order to stretch and prepare the muscles for stress, you need to concentrate.
  3. There are two opinions about correct technique breathing: someone believes that effort must be made when holding the breath after inhalation, but exhalation must be done at the highest point; others argue that the exhalation should occur precisely when bending the arms. Therefore, you should perform the exercise based on your own preferences.
  4. When performing pull-ups, it is important to keep your elbows fixed; you cannot pull your arms to your sides or body, this will reduce the effect, and pumping up your back muscles will be problematic.
  5. If, when doing pull-ups with a narrow or medium grip, at the highest point you need to put your chin behind the horizontal bar, then when choosing a wide option, you need to touch the bar with your chest.
  6. Then you need to take the starting position. The choice of breathing (exhale before extending the arms or during the action) is also carried out according to preference.

Bent-over barbell row

The exercise is perfect for pumping up the muscles of the back, namely its lower section. A straight back is the main condition for performing any type of deadlift. If the spine is curved, the risk of injury to muscles or bones increases many times over. Besides, correct position allows you to load and better develop your back muscles.

If it is necessary to transfer a large load to the back, the tilt of the body should be increased; a smaller deviation allows you to work the trapezius. Reverse grip allows you to load the latissimus muscles and biceps, but the straight one - the same trapezius and rear delta.

Lifting a dumbbell while resting on your hand

The exercise helps to pump up the latissimus dorsi muscles. To perform it you will need dumbbells and a sports bench. Initial position - the left arm and leg rest on the bench, the body is tilted, and the right leg leans back and rests on the floor. Then the dumbbell is pulled upward, while being sure to move the arm vertically and not tilt it away from the body. If the technique is not followed, the exercise loses its effectiveness, and it will be difficult to pump up your back.

Here it is worth choosing a narrow grip to increase the back muscles more effectively. It is necessary to sit tightly and rest your hips on the cushion, which should be located near the bench, so the body will be in a motionless state. After which there is a jerk (without fanaticism) of the block towards yourself, then an effort to pull it to the chest. In this case, the back muscles should be tensed, not the arms. Professionals recommend straightening your back and lowering the block as low as possible. It is also worth observing correct breathing(exhale with effort) and perform the exercise quite slowly.

Trapezius muscles of the male back

You can pump up this part of your back using exercises:

  1. Shrugs with a barbell and dumbbells.
  2. Pulls to the chin.

The exercise is perfect for pumping up the trapezius muscles of the back. One of the advantages is the isolation of the trapezius, that is, the maximum movement of the load on this part of the back. In addition, shrugs help improve posture and stability of the shoulder blades, and greatly increase mass.

The exercise is quite simple to perform and usually does not cause difficulties. To begin, you need to stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand, your limbs are straightened out, your spine is completely straight, and your shoulders should be lowered. Then you exhale and raise your shoulders as close to your ears as possible. You cannot bend your arms, otherwise the load will be placed on them. After 10 repetitions (depending on the weight), you must take the starting position.

Chin pull

The exercise pumps up the back muscles well, but it must be performed correctly. To begin with, you should place the projectile on the floor, with a grip shoulder-width apart. Then the back is straightened and fixed during the exercise. As you exhale, you need to raise your elbows up and spread them to the side, the bar rises to the chin. At the end, the bar is lowered to its original position.

As already mentioned, the muscle is important for supporting the spine, so you should approach the exercises carefully.

There are several types of deadlifts aimed at pumping up different muscles back and body, but will be further disassembled classical technique execution. The bar should be taken shoulder-width apart, and the grip should be strong. For experienced bodybuilders who lift heavy weights, straps are suitable. The feet are also shoulder-width apart. Before performing, you should tense your lower back and be sure to arch your back (that is, keep it straight), and your gaze should be directed straight. If the technique is violated, injuries are inevitable, but following the rules and advice will help pump up your back in a short time.

Also, attention should be paid to the correct lowering of the projectile. The legs are slightly bent at the knees, and the pelvis is pulled back. The bar should not touch the legs; it is important to leave the limbs straight.

The muscles are located under the latissimus and extend all the way to the abdomen. It is quite difficult to pump it up, since this part of the back is little involved in most exercises.


The essence of the pullover is to lower your arms with a load behind your head. Starting position - lying on a bench with your feet resting on the surface. The arms are raised up and straightened, the grip is wider than the shoulders. As you inhale, you need to lower your arms so that they become parallel to your body. As you exhale, you need to take the starting position. The pullover is worth using for anyone who wants to pump up their back.


It is quite difficult to pump up the back muscles; for a significant effect, it is important to use exercises aimed at its different parts. You should also strictly follow the execution technique in order to avoid spinal injuries.

The back muscles require careful development, so it is worth pumping them up separately (in one workout - the upper ones, in the second - the lower ones). The workout should take place with a warm-up and cool-down, and you should not overdo it with weights.

And even if you tighten your back, but your arms are not pumped up, it will look unnatural and not beautiful, so we recommend reading the article on how to pump up your arms at home, which will give you unique and working exercises with a guarantee of results. Thank you all for your attention! Follow our updates and see you soon.

Hello! Beautiful back, correct posture- This is the dream of both girls and boys. I really like to train my back and exercises on it do not give me any unpleasant feelings (like my legs).

To work out the muscles of this part of the body, it is not necessary to visit the gym, although the equipment there still allows you to do this better. But in this article you will learn how to pump up your back at home. This is quite real! So, let's begin.

Rules for pumping your back

The spinal muscle group is the second largest on the human body and should never be ignored in the gym. The spinal muscles perform many functions, as they are involved in almost all body movements. For proportional development of the back and increase in muscle mass in this area, it is necessary to follow several rules:

  1. Don't forget to warm up. It is very easy to injure your back; it can cause serious complications in the future and is very painful.
  2. When working on the back muscles, it is very easy to shift the load and pump up your arms. Therefore, learn to feel your muscles and feel how they stretch.
  3. It is better to set aside a separate day for back training. But if you do not have this opportunity, then do not combine it with arm exercises in one training session. The optimal combination would be with deltoids or chest.
  4. To prevent injuries to the spine and the spinal muscles themselves, while performing strength exercises make a slight bend in the lumbar region. You can't round your back.
  5. Don't use too much weight. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to perform the exercise correctly; your arms will quickly get tired and steal the entire load. You also put your lower back at risk.
  6. After exercise you should do some stretching. This will help relieve tension and restore muscles faster. It is also very beneficial to stretch your back muscles between sets.
  7. One set of exercises must include loads on the back muscles from different angles. For example, combine pull-ups with dumbbell rows.

Top 10 exercises to train your back at home

You may need a pull-up bar and dumbbells. Let's look at the most effective exercises for training the back muscles at home.

1) PUSH-UPS. This universal exercise helps But push-ups can also pump up your back. In order for the load to be concentrated specifically on the back muscles, and to be able to properly pump up your back with push-ups, you must:

  • Place the brushes as far apart from each other as possible (about 25-30 cm).
  • The fingers should be turned slightly inward (approximately 45°).
  • Do not do it sudden movements, move slowly and at the same speed.
  • Your body should be parallel to the floor.
  • For a more pronounced effect, it is advisable to place additional weight in the area just below the shoulder blades (I usually put my wife there). But this load initially should not be very large, especially if you have not done this before.

2) PULL-UPS ON A horizontal bar. To do this, grab the horizontal bar overhand grip, thumb also place on top. This way the load will not shift onto your hands. Place the brushes at an average distance from each other. Relax your body, cross your legs at the bottom. Bend your lower back and, exhaling, do a pull-up.

When moving up, try to touch the bar with your chest, while moving your elbows back, bringing your shoulder blades together. Do the exercise slowly, without sudden movements or rocking.

3) HEAD PULL-UPS. This training helps to pump up the upper back muscles. Place your hands on the bar with a wide grip and lower your head. As you exhale, pull yourself up, touching the trapezoid.

4) "SWALLOW". The following exercise is especially suitable for a girl, because it helps correct a slouched posture and make her back beautiful. To do this, kneel down, place your hands on the floor in line with your shoulders, and keep your back parallel to the floor. Pull forward left hand, and take your right leg back.

Hold this position, starting for five seconds, gradually increasing this time. Then switch sides.

5) DUMBEL RAIL ON THE INCLINE. A very effective way to effectively pump up dumbbells. To perform this exercise, you will need a stable, low surface, such as a bench.

Take a dumbbell with your right hand and stand from an elevated position right side. Place your left knee and hand on the surface, while your back should be a straight line, with a slight arch in the lower back. Lower the instrument to the floor as you exhale without changing your back position.

As you inhale, raise your arm toward your body, while placing your elbow behind your back to the maximum allowable distance. Do 10-15 reps and switch hands.

6) DUMBEL RAIL WITH TWO HANDS. Take the equipment with an overhand grip and lower your arms along your body. Spread your legs slightly and tilt at 45 degrees. Inhale and lift the dumbbells towards lower press, while trying to connect the shoulder blades. Pause at the top and slowly return to the starting position.

This training helps to pump up your back much more effectively than with a barbell, as it helps to drive your elbows stronger.

7) HYPEREXTENSION. Very effective exercise, it can also be done at home. To do this, lie on the floor with your feet fixed. Place your hands on the back of your head, clasping them together. Raise your upper body and lower it slowly. Work your way up to 25 reps for 3 sets.

You can make the exercise more difficult by using a fitball as a support. Lie on the ball with your stomach and place your feet on the floor. If it is difficult to maintain coordination, you can use a wall to support your feet.

8) DUMBBELL FLIES INCLINED. Another exercise for those who don’t know how to pump up their back with dumbbells. Spread your feet apart, bend your knees slightly. Bend forward 60 degrees, keeping your back straight. Hold the dumbbells in front of you, approximately in line with your knees, bend your elbows slightly. Raise your arms up, trying to connect your shoulder blades.

9) "BOXER". Get into the starting position identical to the previous exercise, except for the position of your arms. Extend one arm in front of you and the other back. From the side they should form a straight line. Then, using the force of your back muscles, switch your hands, holding at each point for a few seconds.

10) “BOAT”. Lie on your stomach, place your hands palms down along your torso. Lift your chest and lower limbs from the floor, moving your hands as close to your feet as possible. Then stretch your arms out in front of you without lowering your body, and hold this position for a few seconds.

If you want to pump up your back, but there is no opportunity to visit a professionally equipped gym for this, you do not need to give up your goal. You can also be productive at home. I wish you success, friends!

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Finally, we meet you again in our gym! And I am glad to welcome all our guests here! Today our training is for those men who want to have perfect figure. I'm not talking about pumped up chest or biceps, which everyone already devotes a lot of time and attention to. I'm talking about the Figure of a real man! And here the back is more important than anything else. And right now you will learn how to pump up the latissimus dorsi muscles so that as soon as possible achieve this perfection.

Precisely because we cannot see the back in the same way as, for example, the chest or abs, most bodybuilders focus their attention on the latter. And ask any girl - she will tell you: in vain.

Let's start by understanding the anatomical and functional features of the latissimus dorsi muscle, or wings, as this muscle group is often called, and then let's start training. Moreover, you can do most of the exercises yourself, at home, which means you won’t be able to get any advice from a trainer present in any gym. On the other hand, why should I?

Back anatomy

So, this group of muscles starts from the third rib and is attached to the humerus, in fact, for the movement of which it is responsible. Every time you raise your arms above your head, such as when doing pull-ups on a horizontal bar, it is the wings that correctly direct the shoulder blades and stretch the shoulder girdle.

As a matter of fact, this is why the best and, of course, basic exercises for working on the wings are training on the horizontal bar and various training sessions aimed specifically at the back with dumbbells or a barbell.

Therefore, let’s not sit too much, since time is not flexible, and let’s start training. I suggest starting with push-ups, then moving on to sports ground, closer to the horizontal bar, and then we’ll arm ourselves with equipment. One way or another, today you will learn exactly how to quickly pump up your wings and have an enviable male figure.

Push ups

Pumping up the wings alone is quite possible. The only thing is that these push-ups should not be performed from the floor, but on some kind of support. Our regular visitors should remember the parallel bars workout where we tried doing push-ups on this apparatus. However, at home you can find similar devices for this, for example, stools.

It is important not to overdo it with the width - the optimal one is slightly wider than the shoulders. Put your feet up on the sofa or take a third stool. Surely you guessed what the essence of this training is? That's right, you need to bend as deeply as possible at the lowest point, always below the level of your palms.


Experienced athletes, I’m sure, won’t let me lie if I say that pull-ups are one of the best basic exercises for the back in general, and even more so for the latissimus muscles.

So, you are hanging with your arms completely straight. Wiggle around a little so that your back stretches a little. Look: the wider your grip, the greater the load when pulling up will fall on the wings.

I think I don’t need to tell you how to pull yourself up, I’ll just say that if at the top point you reach for the back of your head, then your wings develop in width, and if towards your chin, then also in thickness. By the way, when narrow grip With your palms facing you, you pump not only your biceps, but also the lower part of your latissimus muscle. The one around the waist.


To strengthen and pump up your back, the best exercises with a barbell are squats. In fact, both of these trainings are basic for any bodybuilder.

Deadlift performed in the following way: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and grab the barbell with an overhand grip. Then straighten up. The barbell in freely straightened arms should touch your hips. Looking straight ahead, begin to tilt your body. Important: absolutely straight back and tension in the lower back muscles. At the same time as you bend, bend your knees slightly and move your pelvis back. During the bending process, the bar should move along the line of the legs.

Lifting to the starting position is carried out by tensing the muscles of the legs (back of the thigh) and back.

Having sufficiently strengthened your back, it’s time to work on your wings. And for this, the best exercise is the bent-over barbell row.

It is aimed primarily at thickening the latissimus muscles. In principle, the photo clearly shows the dynamics of this training. I’ll tell you that in order for the load to go specifically to your back, perform traction on your stomach. If you pull to the chest, the main load will fall on the biceps.


Dumbbells will come in handy for our purpose. By doing bent-over belt rows with them, you pump up not only the lats and round muscles back, but also the delta, trapezius and rhomboid muscles.

You will need a bench. At home, you can even get by with a sofa. Dumbbell in right hand, bend over and rest your left knee and palm on the bench or sofa - as in the photo. Ideally, your back should be parallel to the floor. Slightly bend your right knee, keep your arm with the weight relaxed and just hanging, looking straight ahead.

Take a deep breath and smoothly lift the dumbbell to your chest, bending your arm and trying to raise your elbow as high as possible. Fix in the upper position for literally a second, and then, as you exhale, return to the starting position.

So, by performing the required number of repetitions and changing your hand, combining with pull-ups and push-ups, you can quickly pump up your wings at home.

Of course, there are many more exercises that you can perform in the gym using various machines: T-bar rows, overhead rows, etc. But believe me, better than exercise with its own weight, on initial stage, and even secured with dumbbells, you won’t find them.

Remember that you definitely need to warm up before any strength training. And, as always, cardio training is my recommendation for this purpose. Also don't forget about sports nutrition First of all, about proteins, without which you will not get far in sports and especially in bodybuilding. At the same time, it is important to use only high-quality sports products, which can be purchased at sports online store.

Play sports, strive for the culture and beauty of your own body, take care of your health, and see you soon in our virtual gym.