How many times has Khorkina been an Olympic champion? Svetlana Khorkina: personal life of an outstanding gymnast. Svetlana's personal life

Svetlana Khorkina is a Russian gymnast, holds the title of Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation. Deputy of the State Duma of the 5th convocation, active state adviser of the Russian Federation of the 3rd class.

Nature did not endow Svetlana Khorkina with the data to practice rhythmic gymnastics, and if it were not for the foresight of her first coach, who was able to recognize her potential, then Russia would not have received such an outstanding athlete. Her perseverance and incredible hard work were awarded Olympic gold in 1996 and 2000, she climbed to the highest step of the World Championships podium nine times, and became European champion thirteen times. This list might have been much longer if the athlete had not retired at the age of 25.


Svetlana Khorkina was born on January 19, 1979 in Belgorod. Her parents are originally from Mordovia; they came to Belgorod for a short time to earn money, but it turned out that they stayed in this city forever. Dad worked at a construction site, mom was a nurse in a kindergarten. A few years later, another daughter was born in the family - Julia, who also reached good results V artistic gymnastics. She became an international master of sports and heads the Belgorod sports gymnastics school, curated by Svetlana Khorkina.

The Khorkins lived quite modestly, they didn’t particularly pamper the girl, but they tried to provide her with everything she needed. When Sveta was five years old, her father received a dorm room with an area of ​​eleven square meters. It was infested with all sorts of insects, especially bedbugs. With the help of a wardrobe, they divided it into two parts, in one of which there was a parents’ bed and a chair-bed for Sveta, and a small dining table was barely shoved into the other. Above this table, the father came up with the idea of ​​setting up a real sports corner for his daughter; there was even a rope hanging there so that the girl could learn to climb. Sveta was often sick as a child, doctors advised her parents to send her to sports section. A woman living next door recommended classes in the rhythmic gymnastics section, and the girl’s parents supported this idea.

Svetochka was only 4 years old when she entered the gym, and since then classes have become regular.

It is worth noting that the girl did not have physical qualities inherent in female gymnasts, but despite this, the coach decided to try to work with the baby. So, thanks to coach Boris Pilkin, Svetlana had hope of achieving good results. He was very impressed by her perseverance and ability to work; she could repeat a difficult exercise many times until it turned out perfectly. To achieve the desired result, Svetlana worked to exhaustion.

Khorkina’s sports biography developed at a rapid pace, except for some obstacles at the very beginning. For a long time she was not accepted into the youth team of the Union, although among gymnasts of her age she showed best result. Khorkina was a provincial, and the capital’s athletes did not perceive her as an equal; there were always some comments and nit-picking addressed to her. However, Svetlana paid little attention to the nagging of her colleagues and continued to work hard. Only thanks to her iron will and perseverance, she joined the Russian artistic gymnastics team in 1992.


The sports career of gymnast Khorkina consists of many victories, which were periodically replaced by disappointing defeats. But, according to the athlete, it is also impossible without them, because it is falls and defeats that shape the will and strengthen character.

In 1995, Khorkina was supposed to take part in the World Championships in the Japanese city of Sabae, but two weeks before the competition she had the imprudence to injure her back in training. The pain was very strong, Svetlana could hardly walk, and there was no point in even thinking about exercise. She was given a painkiller injection and sent to the hospital. The doctors made a verdict - you need to undergo serious treatment and forget about the championship, despite the fact that it took years to prepare for it.

She was only 16, but she herself decided to continue treatment and train at the same time.

The girl took a great risk with her health, but decided to prepare for the control training. If she succeeds, then her trip to Japan will not have to be cancelled.

Khorkina gathered all her will into a fist, she thought only about victory, and these thoughts helped her cope with the inhuman pain in her back. She passed this test, visited Japan, won the World Championship, and returned from there with several medals.

Then there were years of recovery, hard training and a rapid ascent to the pinnacle of glory. In 1996, Khorkina participated in the Olympic Games in Atlanta and became the winner. She won gold medal and ended up in second place in team competitions. After a brilliant performance on the uneven bars, Svetlana gained the status of “queen of the uneven bars”. She loved this one very much gymnastic apparatus, and always received the highest score after performances.

After such a tremendous success, the 17-year-old athlete could live peacefully, basking in the rays of fame and recognition of her talent. At first it was like that. After returning from the States, the girl returned home to Belgorod and became a university student. However, very soon she got bored in this slow pace of life, because before that she was used to working hard, devoting all her strength and time to her favorite pastime. Svetlana didn’t think twice – she packed her things and headed back to the capital.

By 2000, Svetlana no longer had equals among domestic athletes, so she was the first contender to participate in the Sydney Olympics. She was already 21 years old, she had excellent preparation and was determined exclusively to win. However, an unpleasant surprise awaited the girl in Australia. Someone installed the projectile incorrectly, and Svetlana injured her knees. But still she performed with dignity, reached the end of the competition and again became Olympic champion on uneven bars. Now she has started making plans for the next Olympic Games.

In 2001, Svetlana was awarded the title absolute champion World Cup In 1995-2001, she was the winner of all world championships and Olympics on uneven bars, which became her favorite apparatus.

After successfully defending her dissertation in 2002, Svetlana received a candidate of pedagogical sciences degree.

In the same year, 2002, Svetlana began her artistic career. The debut took place in the production of “Venus” on the stage of the Vinogradov Theater Company. The script for this production is based on Henry Miller's book of love letters, Dear, Dear Brenda. Svetlana got the role of the main character.

In 2003, the Russian gymnast won the World Championships in Anaheim, and for the third time received the title of absolute champion. She was the first athlete to reach such a height.

In 2004, Khorkina participated in the Olympic Games in Athens. She made the finals on her favorite bars and all-around and was named the games favorite. After the completion of the Olympics, the athlete announced the completion sports career.

In 2007, a monument was erected to Svetlana Khorkina in her hometown of Belgorod. Soon the opening of an educational and sports complex took place, in which future athletes are trained.

Leaving the sport

After leaving big sport Svetlana found a use for herself. She began to be invited to the most interesting television projects; she took part in “Dancing with the Stars” and “Circus with the Stars”. She is also one of those domestic athletes who agreed to a photo shoot for Playboy magazine.

At the end of 2007, Svetlana went into politics. Now she is a deputy of the State Duma of the 5th convocation, the athlete represents the United Russia party. In 2004, she became vice-president of the Artistic Gymnastics Federation, and is firmly convinced that in this status she continues to work for the benefit of the country.

In 2014, Khorkin was delegated as ambassador to the Sochi Winter Olympics. She is still in the center of everyone's attention, despite the fact that she has long retired from sports. At the beginning of 2016, reserve lieutenant colonel Svetlana Khorkina became the first deputy head of CSKA, this is exactly the decision issued by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

Personal life

Svetlana Khorkina became a mother on July 21, 2005. In Los Angeles, her son Svyatoslav was born, who automatically became a US citizen. A report about this event appeared in the media, but nothing was known about the father. For some time, he was considered to be the Hollywood artist Levan Uchaneishvili, but it soon became clear that this was not the case. Svetlana had an affair for many years with billionaire Kirill Shubsky, who supported the athlete at all competitions. Officially, paternity was not advertised because the businessman was married to actress Vera Glagoleva. Neither Svetlana nor Kirill gave any comments on this matter.

Subsequently, Khorkina released an autobiographical book, “Somersaults in Heels,” in which she revealed the secret of her personal life, although the businessman’s last name is not there. Only the name Kirill is mentioned.

In 2011, Svetlana became the wife of Oleg Kochnov, an FSB general, who was 55 years old at that time.

Svetlana Khorkina today

In 2016, the film “Champions: Faster” was released. Higher. Stronger”, which talks about Russian athletes, including about Khorkina. According to many viewers, after watching the film, based on real events, you involuntarily begin to be proud of your athletes, who spared neither effort nor health, and worthily represented Russia at the most prestigious competitions. Khorkina got the role.

In 2016, Svetlana said that while performing in Alexei Nemov’s project, she was injured. The project “Alexey Nemov and Sports Legends 1996-2016” involves both athletes who have completed their careers and those who are now Olympic champions. Svetlana performed floor exercises in this project. She prepared for a week, about an hour and a half a day, but the result of such exercise did not appear immediately.

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Svetlana Vasilievna Khorkina is a legend of rhythmic gymnastics. She took it twice olympic gold. She managed to become world champion nine times. And that’s not all - the biography of Svetlana Khorkina is filled with a series of bright, significant and very important events for the country.


The biography of Svetlana Khorkina dates back to 1979. The girl Sveta was born in Belgorod. Mordovian blood flows in her, since both her father and mother were from Mordovian families. At one time, the parents of the future gymnast moved to Belgorod to earn extra money, but in the end they stayed here forever. Svetlana’s father worked as a construction worker, while her mother managed to get a job as a nurse in a local kindergarten.

Introduction to gymnastics

When Khorkina was 4 years old, a neighbor next door suggested that her mother send the girl to gymnastics. The section was very good in the city. Mom got excited about this idea, and so a little gymnast appeared in the family - Svetlana Khorkina.

The girl really liked the classes and attended them with pleasure. It is worth noting that Svetlana did not have any special physical characteristics at that time. Despite this, gymnastics coach Boris Pilkin saw great determination and hard work in the little girl. It was these human qualities that helped the young gymnast become great. The little gymnast Svetlana Khorkina trained with great diligence, she repeated all the exercises a hundred times. And even if the girl didn’t succeed at all, she went to the end and always achieved a fantastic result.

Her sports career took off very quickly. Once in the capital, the girl set her sights on the USSR youth team. She was suitable both in age and technical equipment. But because of her provincial origin, everyone looked down on the talented gymnast. But this did not break Svetlana. So, in 1992, in the biography of Svetlana Khorkina, new chapter- she became a member of the Russian national team rhythmic gymnastics.

First victories

IN sports biography Svetlana Khorkina had a huge number of victories at different levels. But there were also many falls. According to the eminent gymnast, it was these failures that strengthened her character and gave a kick to new, more powerful achievements.

One of these failures was a fall during training. This happened two weeks before the championship in Japan. The gymnast seriously injured her back. She had difficulty moving, and it was even difficult to talk about exercise. The girl could not do without painkillers. As a result, the doctor said that she should forget about the championship for which she had been preparing so hard. Sveta, at sixteen years old, was already very independent and decisive. She agreed to undergo the full course of treatment, but did not give up training, despite the enormous risk. Gathering her will into a fist, Khorkina performed well in the control training. The championship also gave way under the pressure of a strong-willed Russian girl. She became a champion and took several more important medals.

The Champion's Path

The Olympics became a new goal for Svetlana Khorkina. After intensive treatment, she began to train and prepare to climb Olympus. In 1996, Atlanta welcomed her. This Olympics became extremely successful for the gymnast, as Khorkina received a gold medal in the uneven bars category. She also brought a silver medal for her performance in team championship. So, already at the age of seventeen, the biography of Svetlana Khorkina contained a record of victory in the Olympic Games.

It would seem that, having reached the highest goal, the girl could stop and take a break. But rest is not for Khorkina. Although she tried to return to her homeland and start studying at a university, she quickly became bored with such a life, and the gymnast again went to the capital.

After a long time of working on herself, Khorkina decides to conquer the Olympics again. This time she goes to Sydney. By the 2000 Olympic Games, the girl was twenty-one years old and her level of training was the highest. It would seem that victory was already in Khorkina’s pocket, but all optimism dissipated after the gymnast seriously hurt her knee during one of the training sessions. The cause of this trouble was an incorrectly installed projectile. Despite all the problems, Khorkina still performed well and retained her championship in the uneven bars category. After the victory, the girl immediately announced that she was absolutely going to take Olympic gold for the third time.

The year 2001 became significant in the biography of Svetlana Khorkina. This year the gymnast achieved the title of absolute champion at the World Championships. It is worth noting that in the period from 1995 to 2001, Khorkina won absolutely all the championships in which she took part. During these years, Svetlana Khorkina simply did not have a personal life. All her strength was directed towards sports and achieving results.

In 2003, Khorkina again became the winner of the World Cup, making her the world's first three-time champion. Then Khorkina performed at the Olympics in Athens. This time she failed to take gold. Perhaps the reason was excessive self-confidence, or maybe age. The gymnast was able to reach the finals and decided to end her sports career forever.

Leaving the sport

After leaving gymnastics, the former athlete appeared on television several times. With her participation, such shows as “Dancing with the Stars” and “Circus with the Stars” were released. Also in the biography of Svetlana Khorkina there was experience of filming for a glossy magazine. And not a simple one, but one designed for the male audience of Playboy. Here the Russian athlete appeared naked before fans.

Political career

Khorkina first appeared in the political arena in 2007. In the fifth convocation, Khorkina was elected to the State Duma. This information can be seen on the official website of United Russia. The post of vice-president of artistic gymnastics is of particular importance for Khorkina. In this position, Svetlana tries in every possible way to contribute to the development of gymnastics in her country.

In 2014, another important title was added to the biography of Svetlana Khorkina. She is appointed ambassador of the Sochi Olympics.

Personal life

The personal life of Svetlana Khorkina has always been under the close attention of journalists. For a long time they did not know what to cling to. And suddenly, in 2005, the whole world learned about the birth of her first child, Svyatoslav.

The media immediately spread the news that the former athlete gave birth to a son in America. There was no information about the boy's father, so the journalists decided that he was Levan Uchaneishvili.

Later, new rumors appeared about a boy with American citizenship. According to media reports, the baby was born as a result of the union of Svetlana Khorkina and Kirill Shubsky. The man was the official husband of Vera Glagoleva, so many took this assumption as a rumor. Svetlana Khorkina and Kirill Shubsky, in turn, refuse to comment on this situation. It is worth noting that in her book “Somersaults in Heels,” Khorkina absolutely accurately spells out the name of her son’s father and calls him Kirill. Now conversations on this topic have faded significantly. The fact is that in 2011, Svetlana Khorkina’s personal life became much more defined. The former athlete married General Oleg Kochnov. Svetlana Khorkina would like to have two children, but so far she only has a son.

At one time, the famous Russian gymnast was considered a sex symbol domestic sports and could not complain about the lack of fans, but she always carefully hid the details of her personal life from prying eyes. Svetlana Khorkina’s husband is unanimous with his wife in this regard, because by the nature of his service, the general of the Federal Security Service must be a reserved and secretive person.

Vera Glagoleva's husband Kirill Shubsky and Svetlana Khorkina

Rumors about the connection between the famous gymnast and businessman Shubsky arose after Svetlana gave birth to a son in 2005, after finishing her sports career. Neither she nor Kirill commented on all these conversations, and Khorkina was not going to reveal the name of the father of her child, and said that she gave birth to a son only for herself. Only after the release of the gymnast’s autobiographical book “Somersaults in Heels” the veil of secrecy was lifted a little.

Everything that Svetlana had been silent about for so long became clear after her story about an affair with a certain businessman named Kirill, and then the parallels between her and Shubsky became clearer. The connection with Vera Glagoleva’s husband, Kirill Shubsky, became possible due to the fact that the businessman, who headed the large shipbuilding holding Soglasie-Alliance at the time when Khorkina was shining on the gymnastics platform, was a member of the national Olympic Committee.

In the photo - Svetlana Khorkina and Kirill Shubsky

In her autobiographical book, Khorkina described the moment she met Kirill, which took place in Lausanne, where both arrived as part of the same delegation from the Olympic Committee. Shubsky immediately captivated the gymnast with his gallant manner, and close communication began between them. Then they had to part for a long time, but Kirill gave his new friend a phone, through which they constantly kept in touch.

In the photo - Svetlana with her son Svyatoslav

Khorkina says that her new acquaintance often flew to her before important competitions to support her, surrounded her with attention and care, and was often in her support group. The affair of a businessman and a gymnast led to Svetlana becoming pregnant, but this, apparently, was not part of any plans of Shubsky, who had no intention of leaving a family in which not only Vera Glagoleva’s two daughters from her first marriage grew up, but also common daughter Nastya.

Vera Vitalievna eventually became aware of her husband’s relationship with Khorkina and that she had given birth to a daughter from Kirill, but the actress was able to forgive her husband and not destroy her family with Shubsky, in which they raised three children, including their common his daughter is with him.

In the photo - Shubsky with his wife Vera Glagoleva and daughter Anastasia

To dispel rumors about a connection with Khorkina and Shubsky, they decided to stage a performance with the participation of actor Levani Uchaneishvili, who lived in the United States of America. Most likely, Shubsky agreed with the Hollywood actor to divert suspicions of paternity from himself, and Levan diligently portrayed concern for Svetlana and the joy of the birth of her son Svyatoslav, playing the role of Svetlana Khorkina’s future husband.

To further confirm her closeness with Uchaneishvili, Khorkina went to give birth to America, where Levan lives, but things did not go further than this in the relationship between the two famous personalities - after the birth of Svyatoslav, the actor left for filming and was in no hurry to officially acknowledge paternity, much less prepare for the wedding. To Svetlana’s acquaintances, Levan’s behavior seemed more than strange, so they doubted the veracity of their relationship and they were right.

Svetlana Khorkina and Oleg Kochnov

Six years after the birth of her son, the gymnast came to a celebration dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the Russian Stuntmen Association, accompanied by an unknown companion, who in appearance could be mistaken for Svetlana’s father. However, in fact, it turned out that it was her husband Oleg Anatolyevich Kochnov, the head of the personal security service of the North-Western Customs Administration, with whom Khorkina signed a month before that evening. The age difference between Svetlana and her husband is about twenty-three years, but this does not bother them at all.

In the photo - Khorkina with her husband Oleg Kochnov

All six years, while Khorkina was raising her son alone, Kirill Shubsky, according to her, helped them financially and supported them in every possible way, but a divorce from Vera Glagoleva, with whom he lived for fifteen years, was not part of his plans.

According to the gymnast, her husband found a common language with her son, otherwise, Svetlana says, she would not have decided to connect her life with Oleg. In her next book, “The Magic of Victory,” the gymnast lifted the veil of secrecy over her personal life and told that she was happy in family life, and Oleg treats her tenderly, carefully and with respect. Her husband is ready to do great things for her, and she is confident in his love.

Khorkina calls her relationship with Shubsky a great experience in her life, thanks to which she began to look at many things differently. A few years later, she insisted that Shubsky recognize his child, which was important not so much for her as for Svyatoslav.

Gymnast Svetlana Khorkina gave birth to a son, Svyatoslav, in 2005 in one of the prestigious American clinics. However, the star tried her best to hide this joyful event. The reason for this was the painful relationship between the famous athlete and the father of her child - businessman Kirill Shubsky, who has been in an official union with the actress since 1992 Vera Glagoleva and raises three children - their common daughter Anastasia, and two daughters of Glagoleva from her previous marriage with director Rodion Nakhapetov - Anna and Maria.

The two-time Olympic champion met millionaire Kirill Shubsky in the spring of 1997 at a dinner in Lausanne, Switzerland, where they both flew as part of the delegation of the National Olympic Committee. Some time after they met, a romance began between the athlete and the businessman, which actually developed into a civil marriage. Despite all the rumors circulating around them, the couple did not advertise their relationship. “Because of my youth, because of stupidity, because of inexperience, I delayed the initial stage of the relationship with the person who entered my destiny too much, I believed too much in the promises of life together, about creating a family. I repeat, I had no one to consult with. And they told me something about a civil marriage, about the fact that we are like husband and wife,” Svetlana recalls life with Shubsky.

Over time, Khorkina began to feel that her relationship with her married lover had reached its limit. “Gradually I realized that the expression “civil marriage” is self-deception. What marriage?! It’s just cohabitation,” Khorkina recalled. Having learned about her pregnancy, Svetlana immediately informed Kirill about it, for whose sake she kept their love affair in the strictest confidence. However, Shubsky did not take this news at all as she expected.

At the request of Kirill Shubsky, so that this event would not receive wide publicity, Khorkina flew to Los Angeles, where she gave birth under someone else’s name. “The man with whom I was expecting a child hid me from everyone. He didn’t want to advertise our relationship, so he tried not to show me to any of his compatriots. And although, it seems to me, I have not committed a single shameful act in my life, I was told that I should go as far as possible and not tell anyone about my pregnancy. I didn't understand why it had to be this way. And yet she agreed,” Svetlana admitted in an exclusive interview with 7 Days magazine.

Kirill still took her from the maternity hospital, however, there was no talk of continuing the relationship. “It’s a pity that this turned out to be happiness not for the two of us, but only for me,” the gymnast recalls. “But even that couldn’t darken my joy.” I was incredibly happy. And today I can’t imagine life without my little firefly.” A few years later, Shubsky, at Svetlana’s insistence, finally officially recognized his son Svyatoslav. “By and large, this man played too small a role in my life,” shares Khorkina. - Although very important - I have a son from him. But my life no longer intersects with him.”

He is very jealous of his personal life. Now Svetlana Khorkina and Oleg Kochnov - an ordinary family, are raising the athlete’s son, Svyatoslav. Finding out any details about their acquaintance or wedding is extremely difficult; one can only speculate...

In sports

The biography and personal life of Svetlana Khorkina are the subject of close interest of many fans and lovers of artistic gymnastics.

Svetlana's name in sports has become almost a household name. Already at the age of fifteen, the girl became the winner of the European championship, and then the world championship submitted to her.

At the 1996 Olympics, Sveta became first on the uneven bars. A year later, she received the title of absolute champion of the world championships and confirmed it for the next season.

The most successful year in the gymnast’s career was 2001. Again, absolute recognition in all events and first place in vaults and uneven bars.

The last major competition for Khorkina was the 2004 Olympics. Then the team became third, and in the individual championship Sveta won gold in the all-around.

After retirement

Leaving professional sports allowed Svetlana to deal with the development and support of artistic gymnastics in Russia.

At first, Khorkina worked in the Federation of this sport as vice president. In 2007, Khorkina became a deputy in the State Duma. She supervised the problems of her favorite gymnastics. Thanks to her, many young talents had the opportunity to prove themselves at international competitions.

At the Sochi Olympics, Svetlana acted as a goodwill ambassador and lit a fire in her native Belgorod.

Khorkina's creativity

The former athlete turned out to be talented not only on the uneven bars and in the office, but also in the literary genre.

In 2008, the autobiographical story “Somersaults in Heels” was published. In it, the author describes almost his entire life. Here you can find details about the difficult moments of her career, the injustice of the judges and the support of her fans.

He also talks extremely honestly about his personal life before the marriage of Svetlana Khorkina and Oleg Kochnov. Much attention is paid to who the father of her only son is.

The woman in the book explains the reasons for her participation in candid photo shoots for famous men's publications.

In mid-2017, the film “Champions” was released: The film is dedicated to the three best athletes of our time - Alexander Karelin and Popov and Svetlana Khorkina.

This year it is planned to publish another book by the wonderful athlete. The book is called “The Magic of Victory” and is dedicated to Svetlana’s achievements both in sports and in life.


Khorkina considers the most joyful event in her life to be the birth of Svyatoslav, her beloved and so far only son.

This story is shrouded in secrecy. In the fall of 2004, when Svetlana said goodbye to great sport, she held demonstration performances in Mexico City. An unexpected deterioration in health forced Khorkina to seek medical help.

Imagine the gymnast’s surprise when she learned the diagnosis - pregnancy, about 2-3 months! Sveta couldn’t even imagine that you could be so happy and cry with happiness. Before this, she experienced such emotions only on the top step of the pedestal.

As for the father of the unborn child, many claimed that he was the husband of the well-known Vera Glagoleva - Kirill Shubsky. Only 6 years later, after the wedding of Svetlana Khorkina and Oleg Kochnov, this information was confirmed by the athlete herself. At the same time, Kirill officially recognized the boy as his son.

The romance between two famous people lasted about 2 years. Shubsky behaved as if he was going to leave his wife and marry Svetlana. But this did not happen even after the birth of their common child, Svyatoslav. Moreover, the boy was born in Los Angeles, where expectant mother Kirill sent me to give birth.

There was another interesting detail in this story. Wanting to avoid publicity, Shubsky not only changed all of Khorkina’s personal data, but also begged his friend to admit that he was the father of the child.

Svetlana herself considers this period a dark spot in her life. They do not communicate with Svyatoslav’s father, but the boy sees him periodically.

Oleg Kochnov

After such a failure in her personal life, the champion closed herself off from everyone with a veil of silence. She raised her son and waited for a reliable and devoted man to appear in her destiny.

Retired Oleg Kochnov became this leader, and Svetlana Khorkina entrusted herself and her son to him. Strong arms. She is sure that this person will not betray her and will protect and protect their family.

At that moment, several articles appeared in the press with the headline “Khorkina married an old man.” After all, Svetlana’s chosen one is 23 years older than her. The gymnast commented on these attacks with the following words: “But I finally found happiness and peace of mind. And it doesn’t matter what our age difference is. My son accepted and fell in love with him...”.

Oleg Anatolyevich Kochnov, after completing his service in federal bodies, held the position of head of the Security Service in the customs department. Then he began working in the drug control department.

Then he was invited to the Amur region as an assistant to the governor. After several years, the former officer became the authorized representative of this region under the President of Russia.


How exactly Svetlana Khorkina and Oleg Kochnov met is not known for certain. Their wedding took place in April 2011 in a narrow circle of friends. Even the girl’s father did not know about this event, for which he was offended by his daughter for a long time.

The couple's first public appearance in their new status took place at the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Stuntmen Association. It was then that Svetlana Khorkina and her husband, General Oleg Kochnov, appeared in front of the cameras.

Currently, the couple live in Vatutinki. Svyatoslav is already 12 years old, and he respects his stepfather and consults with him on certain issues. Sveta devotes a lot of time to her family, but also manages to take care of herself. The husband tries to keep up with her - after all, they are famous people and should always look good.

  1. Svetlana Khorkina and Oleg Kochnov have one common interest - a passion for weapons. In addition, the wife has a military rank - reserve lieutenant colonel.
  2. Khorkina left her mark in artistic gymnastics. She became the author of several complex elements. Some of them bear her name.
  3. At one time, Svetlana was the host of the famous reality show “Dom-1” and participated in the project “Dancing with the Stars.”
  4. The name of the legendary champion is mentioned in the American TV series "Gymnasts".
  5. A monument was erected in her honor in the athlete’s hometown.
  6. In addition to the fact that Khorkina is married to an FSB general (albeit a former one), she manages to be creative. Recently, Svetlana recorded a disc with her own songs and tried herself as a theater actress in the play "Venus".