Strength training with a bodybar for men. The bodybar is a useful fitness tool. Video exercises with bodybar

And now let's find out who he is - a bodybar ?!

What is a bodybar and its advantages

So, a bodybar is a rubberized gymnastic stick with thickenings (knobs) at the ends. In appearance, it resembles a mixture of barbells and dumbbells. The average length of the bodybar is about 120 cm (it must be selected depending on the height, the higher the person, the longer the projectile should be), and its weight ranges from 3-8 kg (the weight must be adjusted depending on the level physical training).

This projectile is an excellent weighting agent, thanks to which the effectiveness of training a particular muscle group increases many times over, thereby positive results from training come much faster.

Benefits of training with a bodybar:

Increases the effectiveness of training;

Promotes rapid fat burning (more than 500 kilocalories are burned during training with a bodybar);

A large number of variations of exercises;

Increases muscle tone;

Bodybar exercises help build muscle;

Favorably affects the entire muscle group;

Develops, dexterity and improves body coordination;

Corrects posture;

Convenient and easy to use. It seems to be a small stick, but how many positive qualities it contains!

A set of exercises with a bodybar

With this mini-trainer, you can perform almost any exercise, namely:

1. Exercises with a bodybar for the buttocks. Everything is simple here, do squats (of any kind), but with a bodybar, while when you squat, raise your hands up with a projectile. Also an effective exercise for working out gluteal muscles- outbursts. We perform lunges, holding the bodybar at shoulder level.

Modern fitness clubs do not bypass bodybars and acquire equipment of different weights in large quantities. Group lessons for women cannot be imagined without the use of bodybars in exercises of the power part of aerobics or functional training. Also, the effectiveness and compactness of the projectile makes weight training at home affordable, getting a load on all muscle groups.

What is a bodybar - what weight to choose?

Bodybar is a fitness equipment in the form of a stick with a certain weight, ranging from 1 kg to 20 kg without additional pancakes and twists. Intended for strength exercises, imitating the neck of the bar to work out all the muscles.

In training with a bodybar, it is important to correctly consider the weight of the load. For beginners, bodybars weighing from 1-3 kg have been developed, allowing those who start training from scratch to load. Usually, the standard parameters of projectiles are the weight of the load in the amount of 1, 3, 5, 7 kg. For trained and physically strong women, there are bodybars weighing 10 kg, and even 20 kg. Therefore, it is important to determine the desired degree of load and take into account your own strengths. You need to understand that with a comfortable performance of squats with a weight of 10-20 kg, it will be impossible to perform exercises on small bundles of deltas or triceps. For this, it is desirable to have two bodybars, as for shoulder girdle, also for large and strong muscles legs, back and chest.

Major manufacturers of bodybars

  • Reebok.
  • V-Sport.
  • Jordan.
  • Gymstick.
  • Fitex.

A set of exercises with a bodybar

1. Squats

Squats tone the gluteal and quadriceps muscles of the thigh. Connects the muscles of the press.

  1. Place the bodybar on your shoulders, just below cervical spine.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, tighten your abdominal muscles.
  3. While inhaling, squat to the parallel of the floor, do not overwhelm the body on the hips under the weight of the load, keep your eyes on the ceiling.
  4. Exhale as you extend your torso.

2. Lunges

This exercise with a bodybar can improve the shape of the buttocks.

  1. Place the bodybar on your shoulders, place your feet together.
  2. As you inhale, take a step forward with one foot, transferring your body weight to the front supporting foot.
  3. Don't lean forward too much and don't arch your lower back.
  4. Exhale as you bring your front leg back, pushing off with your heel.
  5. Do the same lunge on the second leg, alternating movements for the same number of repetitions.

3. Standing bends

  1. This exercise develops the hamstrings, buttocks and lumbar extensors.
  2. Place the bodybar on your shoulders, feet hip-width apart.
  3. Tighten your abdominal muscles, lower your torso forward while inhaling, slightly bending your knees.
  4. Don't lower your torso too low, keep your gaze straight ahead.
  5. With an exhalation, unbend the torso, feeling the tension in the lower back and buttocks.

4. Belt pull

The bodybar pull to the belt exercise is aimed at strengthening the back muscles.

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, take the bodybar in your hands with an average grip (shoulder-width apart).
  2. Tilt your body forward at a 45-degree angle, bend your knees slightly and hold the position.
  3. Hands are freely lowered down.
  4. As you exhale, stretch the bodybar to the lower abdomen, tensing your back muscles. Don't round your back.
  5. As you inhale, extend your elbows and repeat the movement.

5. Bench press

The pectoral muscles take on the main load during the bench press, and the triceps are additionally connected.
The exercise is performed lying on a small horizontal hill - a bench or.

  1. Grab the projectile wide grip.
  2. Keep your elbows straight, bodybar over your chest.
  3. While inhaling, lower the projectile to the top point chest, elbows go down as much as possible, stretching the muscles of the chest.
  4. As you exhale, straighten your elbows.

6. Press from behind the head

The exercise can be done standing or sitting. Aimed at the development of the rear and middle delta.

  1. Place the projectile on your shoulders, grab a wide grip.
  2. The elbows are lowered to the floor, while exhaling, extend the elbows, raising your arms above your head in a vertical line.
  3. As you inhale, slowly lower your arms in reverse order, do not throw weight on the cervical region.

7. Front swings

This exercise trains the front delta.

  1. Hold the projectile in front of you on your hips, with a medium overhand grip.
  2. Feet hip-width apart, elbows slightly bent and turned to the sides.
  3. As you exhale, raise your arms in front of you to eye level.
  4. As you inhale, slowly lower your arms, do not swing your torso.

8. Extension of the arms from behind the head

The exercise is aimed at strengthening the triceps, performed standing or sitting.

  1. Grab the bodybar with a medium overhand grip.
  2. Raise above your head with your elbows fully extended.
  3. As you inhale, lower your hands behind your head without moving your elbows.
  4. Exhale as you extend your arms to a vertical position.

9. Standing bicep curl

  1. Grasp the stick with a medium grip from below, place your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Press your elbows to your body, tighten your abdominal muscles, avoiding swinging.
  3. As you exhale, bend your elbows, and due to the biceps, raise your hands to your shoulders without lifting your elbows.
  4. Extend your arms as you inhale.

10. Bodybar raises

It can be performed in several versions of the position of the bodybar - on the shoulders or collarbones. The first option is the most difficult, so it is worth choosing a small weight of the equipment. You can put your legs point-blank, bending at the knees, or perform the exercise with straight legs without emphasis.

  1. Lie on your back, press your lower back to the floor, tear your shoulder blades off the floor.
  2. Exhale as you twist, lifting vertebra by vertebra off the floor.
  3. When inhaling, do not rush to lower yourself, do not relax your abdominal muscles.
  4. AT lowest point try not to touch the floor with your shoulder blades.

To lose weight quickly and effectively, it is not enough just to stick to a diet. You must also enter physical activity, for example, . More recently, we have already talked about “We lose weight without problems”, and how you can lose weight with it.

Let's remember that a bodybar is a projectile up to 120 cm long, the weight of which can be different. It is much more convenient than a barbell, but, in fact, with its help you can do absolutely all the same exercises as with a barbell or dumbbells.

Let's look at specific exercises and learn use this interesting power projectile to your advantage.

Exercise 1. We twist the body!

Despite its apparent simplicity, this is a fairly effective exercise that trains upper body muscles.

Position - standing, feet should be shoulder width apart. Bring the bodybar from the back to the shoulders. It is important not to touch the cervical vertebrae. Keep your arms bent and palms pointing up. Slightly bending your knees, group the pelvis and try to fix the hips in this position.

Now you need to turn your shoulders alternately to the right and left, lingering in the middle with each turn.

Without moving your hips, smoothly make 8-10 turns to the right and left.

Exercise 2. Twisting with biodibar

The purpose of this bodybar exercise is to develop the upper part of the press. If you have a heavier bodbar, it is better to choose it.

Place your palms on the bodybar at a shoulder-width distance, lie on the bench with your back, bend your knees, straighten your arms and in this position raise the bodybar in front of you. Thus, the bodybar is right above your chest.

Now you need to perform the usual twisting of the press, trying not to bend your arms at the elbows. Lifting your shoulders off the bench, lift them up. Next - return to the starting position, always with smooth movements.

Repeat exercise with a bodybar - 10-20 times.

An advanced version of this exercise- Pilates style. Raising your chest, you simultaneously raise your straight legs (see photo):

Use a Body Bar for Pilates Style Exercises

Exercise 3

Another effective exercise with a bodybar on the site site. Trains the thighs and buttocks.

Position - standing. Putting a bodybar or barbell on your shoulders, straighten your shoulders. The shoulder blades should be slightly lowered down and brought together, the abdominal muscles should be in tension. With your feet together, bend left leg, while the right leg rests on the toe. Take a step back with your right foot. Squat down so that both your left thigh and right shin are parallel to the floor, while the angle between them should be 90 degrees. Then try to straighten your right leg while pointing your heel up. Return smoothly to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise for the second leg. 5 times for each leg.

Complicated lunge with bodybar called grand plie and is performed in such a way as to additionally train oblique abdominal muscles(see photo):

Exercise 4. Bodybar for the back

An excellent exercise with a bodybar for the development of the back. It's better to use at first bodybar weighing less because the exercise itself is hard.

Lie on your stomach and place the bodybar in a horizontal position near your chin. Take the projectile with your palms turned to the floor. The arms should be bent at the elbows. Fix the chin on the axis of the bodybar. Then slowly lift the upper half of the body along with the bodybar. Keep the back muscles working, while the hands should be involved only so that the bodybar does not move. Try to keep your legs and stomach in position on the floor. Slowly lower yourself to the floor.

Repeat exercise - 5-10 times.

Exercise 5. Bodybar Chest Press

Such exercises with a bodybar are aimed at training arm muscles, shoulder. The position can be very different: lying on a bench, ball or step. Instead of a bodybar, you can use a barbell or dumbbells.

Press from the chest. With bodybar - the same!

The bodybar must be held in the air, while the arms should be directed perpendicular to the body. Bend your knees, put your feet on the floor. Slowly lower the projectile to your chest, while spreading your elbows to the side and bending your arms. Lower it, lift it up. Pay attention to the fact that the palms should be kept directed towards the knees.

Complicated version of the chest press with a bodybar assumes that you will work with your feet too. This will perfectly strengthen the abs and hips - the whole body will work!

Complicated bench press with bodybar

Exercise 6

During this exercise, the muscles of the back and abs are developed, and the bodybar only enhances the effect.

Position - lying on your back, projectile behind your head, knees bent, feet on the floor hip-width apart. Place your relaxed head and neck on the bodybar. Try to squeeze the abdominal muscles and tear off the shoulders and head along with the projectile from the floor. Watch to Bottom part back did not come off the floor, even if top part and rounded up a bit. Now you can return to the starting position.

Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 7. Another one for the press

The essence of this exercise with a bodybar comes down to training the latissimus dorsi and anterior serratus muscle, which supports the edges. With the help of this, albeit not an abdominal exercise, you can improve the appearance of your torso.

Position - lying on your back on a bench or ball, in outstretched arms at chest height - bodybar. Without bending your elbows, slowly bring the bodybar to your forehead. Make sure your abs are pulled in and relaxed. Try to get involved latissimus dorsi back - for this you need to imagine that you are pulling your waist to your ears.

Repeat exercise - 12 times.

Perform these exercises regularly, and the result will certainly please you! Be healthy!

Gymnastic stick, which is widely used in power aerobics. Separate models of bodybars differ in different weights, which are easily determined according to the color designations on the ends of the sports equipment. Bodybars are made mainly of steel, which is covered with soft, pleasant to the touch materials.

The benefits of training with a projectile

Bodybar - what is it, and what is its use? The bodybar is essentially a successful hybrid of a barbell and dumbbells. Such a machine is not only effective when you need to perform strength training, but can also become an ideal weighting agent, which makes it one of the most versatile fitness tools.

If we talk about the parameters of bodybars, then their average length is about 120 cm. As for weight, it fluctuates between 3-8 kg and should be selected based on the degree of fitness of the athlete.

You can now buy this sports equipment in almost every sporting goods store. At the same time, it is suitable for both beginners and experienced, advanced athletes.

Why choose a bodybar for fitness?

Despite the rather simple design, the bodybar has a whole host of advantages. Among the main advantages of the simulator, first of all, it is worth highlighting:

  • more convenient retention of the projectile compared to the same barbells or dumbbells, as a result of which training becomes many times more effective;
  • uniform distribution of weight along the entire length of the projectile;
  • compactness and small dimensions;
  • the ability to perform a wide range of exercises for building muscle mass and replenishment of the lack of activity in a sedentary lifestyle;
  • low cost and availability;

Bodybar exercises are aimed primarily at improving the figure: posture, chest, abs, buttocks. Regular workouts with bodybar promote quick reset excess weight, the acquisition of muscle tone.

What are the benefits of bodybar training?

Thanks to the selection of suitable training programs and the choice of the correct strategy for handling the simulator, you can quickly correct the shape of any part of the body. Currently, bodybar exercises are becoming more and more popular among older women, who find it much more difficult to maintain an attractive outline of their own figure.

Basics of training with a bodybar

Before proceeding to the practical application of the simulator, it is necessary to understand the basic principles of its correct use. pledge effective workouts with a bodybar is to apply the principle of a gradual increase in pace and number of repetitions.

Regardless of the level of training, you need to perform an average of about 20 repetitions per set. Applying 2-3 approaches to each exercise, you should gradually increase the number of repetitions.

Back exercises

What kind of training is the bodybar suitable for? Exercises, fitness programs aimed at strengthening are truly effective thanks to the use of the simulator. With its help, you can tone your back muscles in a short time. It is enough just to correctly select the load and regularly perform simple exercises.

For bodybar, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly, grab the sports equipment with both hands along the edges and perform smooth forward bends in this position so that your arms hang in front of the body. It is necessary to tilt your arms while holding the bodybar until the simulator is at ankle level. In this case, the back should be kept in the most even position.

and shoulders

There is a range effective exercises for the shoulder area, which will allow you to perform a body bar. What it is? The basis of such training is the press of the simulator up. To train the muscles of the shoulder girdle with the help of a bodybar, you need to clasp the sports equipment with your palms shoulder-width apart, bending your elbows and pressing the crossbar to your chest. Then you should smoothly raise the projectile above your head, fully straightening your arms at the elbows. Such exercises become effective only when the simulator is held over your head for a few seconds with each attempt.

To train the biceps with the help of a bodybar, it is enough to grab the bar with your palms out, press your elbows to the body and perform flexion-extension of the arms at the elbows, pulling the simulator to the chest. Performing the exercise, you should maintain the most even, stable position of the body, transferring the main load to the muscles of the hands.

What is a bodybar, if not one of the most effective simulators to train triceps? To pump this area, you need to grab the crossbar of the simulator with both hands shoulder-width apart, then gently lower your arms along the body, then slowly raise them to chest level.

Exercises for the buttocks

The fastest, most noticeable effect can be given by bodybar squats. Performing an exercise with a simulator requires taking the correct position in which the feet are set shoulder-width apart. In this case, the bodybar held in the palms is placed on the shoulders. In this position, rhythmic, deep squats are performed with the most even back and some tilt of the body forward.

Often, so-called lunges are used to train the buttocks with a bodybar, in which the feet are connected together, and the simulator is held on the shoulders with hands along the edges. In this position, alternate lunges are performed with the left and right legs. In this case, the bending angle of the knees should be approximately at the level of 90 degrees.

Exercises for the abs

To train the abdominal muscles, you need to hold the bodybar in your hands, bringing the crossbar behind your head. From lying position the body is torn off as far as possible towards bent knees. Next, the body is transferred to its original position. In order to somewhat complicate the training of the press with a bodybar and give the muscles an additional load, it is necessary to perform all the same actions, lifting the legs off the ground by about 45 degrees.

Leg exercises

As you know, squats help to tone up. Their implementation with a bodybar as a weight can significantly improve the results of training.

The use of a bodybar when doing squats makes it possible to use the femoral muscles, which are quite problematic to pump. To do this, you need to take a prone position, moving the body to one of the sides. A bodybar is placed on the leg that is on top. Holding the simulator with your hand, you need to raise your leg up, tensing your thigh muscles and trying not to bend your knees.


Bodybar - what is it? A machine such as a body bar is an ideal tool for doing resistance training. sports equipment makes it possible not only to increase muscle strength, but also to develop dexterity, endurance, coordination. By regularly performing exercises with a bodybar, you can quickly improve your posture, tone your muscles, and lose extra pounds.

Currently, there is a huge set of exercises using the bodybar. Therefore, before moving on to specific classes, it is necessary to decide on the purpose of training.

Bodybar appeared in the arsenal gyms relatively recently, since 1987. It is a heavy, rubber-coated metal stick, the tips of which are colored in different colors to indicate weight. A bodybar is something like a transitional version of a simulator between dumbbells and a barbell, or a “female” barbell, as it is also called. Power aerobics with a gymnastic stick will allow you to tone your muscles and lose extra pounds. Due to the compactness of this simulator, strength exercises with it have become available at home.

The size of the bodybar ranges from 90 to 120 cm and it is selected individually, depending on the height of the person. The weight of the stick varies from one and a half to 18 kilograms - here you should choose based on the physical condition and level of the trainee. The most common weight is 4-8 kg. At a price this projectile is available to everyone - its cost is about 1000 rubles.

Important! A set of exercises for men is significantly different from women's exercises.

The benefits of exercising with a bodybar

Strength training with a gymnastic stick can correct almost any part of the body, while it is quite possible to lose 500 kcal in half an hour of training. A set of exercises with a bodybar allows you to strengthen your back muscles, straighten your posture, tighten your buttocks, pump up pectoral muscles and give the muscles of the hands elasticity, develop coordination and lose extra pounds.

When making a plan strength training take into account age, height, weight, level of physical fitness and the purpose of the classes.

The surface of the bodybar, unlike the barbell, is pleasant to the touch and does not slip. The weight in the stick is evenly distributed, and this will allow you to give a specific load to the body. Many stick exercises are essentially lightweight clones of strength exercises: pulls, crunches, presses. However, there are a number of exercises that can only be performed with this projectile (you can’t clamp dumbbells under your knees, right?).

Important! In the presence of diseases of the back, joints, hypertension and varicose veins, the load in the classroom should be minimal.


  • Pull down. We stand straight, knees slightly bent, hands below - the bodybar is held with a direct grip. We lean forward slowly, pull the tailbone to the ceiling, do not lower our head, lower the bodybar to the middle of the lower leg. Straighten up slowly.
  • Pull up. From the lower position in the previous exercise, we pull the stick to the stomach and slowly lower it down to the middle of the lower leg.
  • Press to the chest. holding a stick reverse grip down, hands down. We raise the bodybar to the chest, bending the arms at the elbows - the hand works, and the forearm remains motionless.
  • Press up. Raise the stick above your head, straightening your elbows.
  • Rise up. We hold the projectile in front of us in straight arms with a direct grip. Raise up vertically, keeping your elbows straight all the time.
  • Live for the head. The bodybar is raised with a straight grip above the head. We start the stick behind the back, bending the elbows.
  • Twisting. We leave the stick behind our back and twist the body to the right and left.
  • Lunges. We still hold the bodybar behind the head and perform lunges alternately on one and the other leg. The thigh of the supporting leg should be parallel with the floor.
  • Squats. Holding a stick behind your head, squat to right angle at the knees and slowly straighten up. We do not tear off the heels from the floor.
  • Body lift. Lying on a gymnastic rug, we bend our knees, we hold the bodybar at chest level with straight arms. We tear off the shoulder blades from the floor and stretch the stick to the knees.
  • Bending back. We turn on our stomach, put a stick behind our head. The shoulder blades are brought together, the head looks straight, the elbows are bent. We perform a backbend and lower ourselves onto the mat slowly.
  • Reverse roll. Lie on your back with your legs bent and hold gymnastic stick below your knees. Gently pull your knees to your chest and slowly return to the starting position.
  • Reverse shoulder bridge (pelvic lift). We lay down on our back, holding the bodybar on the pelvic bones. We retract the stomach and with the strength of the muscles of the thigh and buttocks we rise to the rack on the shoulder blades and feet. We hold the stick with our hands, but do not put pressure on it. The knees should not be scattered to the sides.
  • Tilts to the sides with a bodybar on the shoulders train well lateral muscles torso.
  • Lying on a gymnastic mat, we hold the bodybar at the level of the chin, arms spread shoulder-width apart. Raise the stick above your head, straightening your arms at the elbows.
  • We hold the bodybar at the level of the buttocks behind the back, palms directed towards the body. We raise the stick, moving our hands as far back as possible.
  • Holding the stick with a wide grip on top, we press diagonally (up and forward) to model the bust and décolleté.
  • The subtleties of working with a bodybar

    • For achievement desired results you should always watch your breath.
    • Before the complex, a warm-up is necessarily performed: rotation of the head, pelvis, knees; tilts, swings with arms and legs, squats.
    • The number of repetitions in one approach is at least 20 times, with a gradual increase in pace.
    • The rubber coating on the steel base reduces slipping, but special gloves can also be used to protect the palms from chafing.
    • When performing the complex, the buttocks should be compressed, and the stomach tightened. Forget about hanging belly!
    • When working with a bodybar, one should not lose vigilance - this is a small, but still barbell.
    • Control the correctness of the exercises: the back should be bent, the stick should be grabbed symmetrically.
    • Training is carried out sequentially from top to bottom: shoulders and arms, chest, back, abs, hips, legs.