Strength exercises for home. Strength exercises at home: a complex for men. General Benefits of Strength Exercise

An unfit body, health problems and even depression are all consequences of an inactive daily routine.
Sport has its advantages:

  • You strengthen your immunity.
  • Correcting your figure.
  • Make your body elastic.
  • Normalize your sleep.
  • Charge yourself with positivity.

To keep your body in good shape, you don't have to go to the gym. Most exercises can be performed at home using a minimum amount of equipment. The most important and key factor will be your desire and motivation - to become better and prolong your youth.

We will create a training program for girls, designed for a week, with the help of which we can quickly achieve the desired result. Classes will be intensive and regular.

The training plan for the week is as follows:

Important: Each workout should start with cardio exercises. This can be either running or. Also, the following home girls can also perform for weight loss.
After running, you should thoroughly stretch your muscles so as not to pull them during training. In order to start the fat burning process, your workout should last at least 30 minutes.

Perform a set of exercises that can replace running at the beginning of each workout. Do each exercise for 40 seconds and leave 40 seconds to rest between breaks. All exercises are performed at maximum speed.

Jumping with clap– we spread our legs wide, lower our arms along the body, keep our back straight, lift our feet and clap above our heads, jump up and clap again.

Plank jump– get into a plank position, hold your palms under your shoulders, start in a lying position, straighten your arms up, feet together, straight back, no arching in the lower back. We alternately step forward and backward with our hands, starting with the right palm, while simultaneously jumping with our feet to the sides.

Lunges to the side with a swing

  • We place our feet shoulder-width apart;
  • We lunge to the side, the knee does not go beyond the toe;
  • pushing off from the floor, we make a swing, trying to keep our leg parallel to the floor;
  • Then repeat on the other leg.

Repeat the exercises for 3-4 circles.

Workout 1

Circular workout for thighs and buttocks. You will work on everything below your waist: the most problematic female areas, the top of the buttocks, the riding breeches area, inner part hips All this must be done intensively, without weights.
For the exercises you will need:

  • rug.

Side step squat

(20 reps one way and 20 the other, 2-3 sets)

  1. Starting position – legs together, take a step to the side and lower yourself straight into a squat.
  2. We return to the starting position and do the same in the other direction.

We follow all the rules of squatting technique.

  • We sit down until it is parallel to the floor. The knees do not go inward; when squatting, we push them outward.
  • Don't lean on one hip. Keep your back straight.
  • Lean your body forward slightly, but do not bend your spine.
  • The lower back should be tense, and we bring our arms out in front of us to create a natural balance.

Lunges "Curtsy" on the spot

(20 times on one leg and 20 immediately on the other, 2-3 approaches)
- one of the most best exercises, which pull the buttocks up.

  1. We perform it on the spot, without taking a step forward or backward.
  2. It is very important to keep your hips straight and not turn your pelvis.
  3. Cross your legs, your pelvis “looks” forward, and lower yourself down.
  4. For your buttocks to work, follow all the nuances: your knees should not go forward, your back should lean slightly forward.

Bend forward on straight (conditionally) legs

  1. We bend our legs quite a bit and fix them at this angle.
  2. Bend your straight body forward.
  3. The lower back is fixed.
  4. We hold our hands in front of us.
  5. The center of gravity should be on the heel.
  6. The feet are parallel and not at a great distance from each other.
    Do it at an intense pace.

Swing your legs while lying on the mat

(20-50 reps, 2-3 sets)

  1. Lie down on the mat, starting position on your back.
  2. Legs are bent at the knees, toes pointing down.
  3. We straighten our legs upward, straining them, spread them out, collect them and return them.

  • Make sure that when your legs straighten, they are tense, make the movement clearly.
  • When extending, the front part of the thigh is worked, while swinging – the inner part.

Hip raises while lying on the floor on your stomach

(20-30 times, 2-3 approaches)

  1. Starting position: lying on your stomach, legs bent at the knees at a right angle, heels together, toes apart.
  2. We place our hands in front of us on our elbows.
  3. We try to press ourselves completely to the floor in order to concentrate everything on the buttocks.
  4. Tightening our buttocks, we lift our hips off the floor and do everything while exhaling.
  5. We try to fix ourselves a little at the top.

Workout 2

Back workout. We remove fat folds and strengthen the muscles.

To work you will need:

  • 2 dumbbells 1.5-2 kg each;
  • the longest stick you can find (mop);
  • chair.

(25 reps, 2-3 sets)

  1. We place the stick on our trapeze.
  2. We place our feet slightly wider than our shoulders, and our back is straight.
  3. We slowly lean forward.
  4. You can bend your knees a little.
  5. We do not straighten our back completely.
  6. Works Bottom part back and works the hamstrings.

Dumbbell lift

(for each hand 15 times, 2-3 approaches)

  1. We rest our knee on the chair, our arm is straight, and we take a dumbbell in the other hand.
  2. The hand with the dumbbell and the back are relaxed, the shoulder blades are open, not contracted.
  3. Try to lift the elbow of the arm with the dumbbell up (towards the chest) as much as possible, at this time we squeeze the shoulder blades (bring them together), then lower and again raise the elbow with the dumbbell to the top.

The back is being worked on.

Swing to the sides

(20 times, 2-3 approaches)

  1. We sit on a chair, take two dumbbells, tilt the body forward and lower the dumbbells down.
  2. We straighten our arms to the sides and lower them. Works your back and arms at the same time.

(20 times, 2-3 approaches)

  1. We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and take dumbbells in our hands.
  2. We tilt our body forward, lower our arms with the dumbbells down, then pull them towards us.
  3. Watch your elbows: they should go back. The dumbbells almost touch the chest.

(20 times, 2-3 approaches)

  1. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in hands.
  2. We bend the body forward and move the dumbbells along the thigh to the bottom.
  3. The back is straight, the pelvis moves back.


(15 times, 2-3 approaches)
All muscles are worked.

Workout 3

Abs and whole body workout. can be performed at the beginning or end of each workout.

Classic squats

(40 times, 2-3 approaches)

Important so that your knees do not go over your toes.

Raising the body from a lying position

(50 times, 2-3 approaches)


(50 times, 2-3 approaches)

Crease on a chair

(30 times, 2-3 approaches)

  1. We sit down on a chair.
  2. We bend our knees.
  3. Then we straighten and pull them towards the chest.

Many women and men have begun to exercise more and more often at home, because with a busy work schedule there is absolutely not enough time to go to the gym. In terms of effectiveness, such training is not inferior to that carried out under the guidance of an experienced master. So that they give desired result, you should acquire the necessary equipment, as well as select an individual program.

Strength training at home will not only help you lose weight, but also make your muscles toned.

Read in this article

The effect of strength training at home

This kind of physical activity is aimed at burning a sufficient number of calories. To get rid of fat deposits using strength training, it is necessary to spend them in such a way that more energy is expended than that received from food. To do this you need to select correct complex weight loss exercises.

In addition to the obvious benefits for your figure, strength training has a positive effect on your health. They strengthen the heart and blood vessels, significantly improve the functions of the musculoskeletal system.

For the workout to be truly effective and to please the slim and fit figure, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  • There is no need to be lazy about warming up and stretching after exercise. This will help the muscles bear the load without any problems.
  • It is necessary to complicate them as the body gets used to training. This is the only way to quickly lose weight and tone your figure.
  • It is important to perform strength exercises in accordance with technique. Incorrect movements will not only not give a significant effect, but will also lead to injury.
  • Training should be carried out regularly, at least three times a week. At home, it can sometimes be difficult to follow this principle, but you still shouldn’t take long breaks.
  • It is necessary to monitor correct breathing. The body must receive enough oxygen. The air should be released simultaneously with muscle tension, and the breath should be taken while relaxing.
  • You don't need to rest too long between sets.

Required Attributes

To do strength training for weight loss, you will need several sports equipment. The most necessary of them is. They should be chosen depending on how long ago the training began. Beginners do not need to buy too heavy options; for the first lessons they may be suitable. regular bottles filled with water. But already more experienced athletes You should opt for dumbbells weighing 4 - 5 kilograms.

Also, the exercises included in the weight loss training program can be performed using a power cable. It allows you to work absolutely any muscle group, and is also more compact than dumbbells.

Men who want to get their figure in order will also need a small barbell. You don't have to choose the heaviest one. After all, its main role when performing weight loss exercises is to serve as a weighting agent. Men may also find it useful for pull-ups.

Complex for weight loss

Depending on what level physical training the person has, and the appropriate training program is selected. However, slightly different exercises are suitable for women and men. There is also a separate program for beginners.

For beginners

For those who have just started training, a set of exercises designed for training three times a week is suitable. In this case, it is necessary to distribute the load evenly across all muscle groups. A complex for beginners aimed at losing weight includes various strength exercises, some of which are performed with dumbbells.

Expert opinion

Yulia Mikhailova

Nutrition expert

The training must be very intense. It is recommended to perform the exercises in three approaches. Only enough exercise stress will give a positive result, which will be reflected in the figure. In this case, in each approach it is necessary to perform all exercises 10 times.

Sample lesson plan:

  • Squats. Take dumbbells in your hands, press them towards you at shoulder level, straighten your back. You also need to lean forward slightly. Squats should not be very deep, the knees should not move apart. When returning to the starting position, arms with dumbbells are straightened above your head. This exercise will strengthen the muscles of your legs, arms and back.
  • Lunges forward. There are still dumbbells in your hands. You should lunge forward with your right leg, while your left leg bends at the knee, but does not touch the floor. It is important to save straight posture while performing the exercise. Then change legs and repeat the same thing. The arms are straight along the body all this time.
  • . Take the position as when doing a plank. For beginners, it is better to focus on your knees rather than your feet.
  • Arm extension back. Straighten up, take dumbbells. Bend your elbows and lean forward slightly. Squat down slightly so that your legs are not straight. Pressing your elbows tightly to your body, extend your arms with dumbbells in the opposite direction.
  • Pelvic lift. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head. The legs must be bent and placed on the feet. Lift your pelvis off the floor, trying to raise it as high as possible. To make it more difficult, you can place a not too heavy dumbbell on your hips.

This set of strength exercises for weight loss will be quite enough for beginners. If it is easy and performed very quickly, you can complicate it by adding other types of loads.

For women

Strength training for the fair sex is usually aimed at gradually working out all muscle groups. To the set of basic exercises that beginners are asked to perform, you can add the following:

  • Twisting. Take a supine position. Place your hands in a lock at the back of your head, bend your legs and place them on the ground. Try to lift your shoulders off the floor towards your pelvis as much as possible. The number of approaches and repetitions remains the same as in the previous complex.
  • Plank with knee bend. While in a push-up position, alternately pull your legs as far as possible chest.
  • Raising arms with dumbbells to the sides. Starting position – hands with weights at hip level, back straight, legs slightly apart. It is necessary to spread your arms to the sides, trying to bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible.
  • Deadlift. Hands are located along the hip line, each with a dumbbell. It is necessary to lean forward, keeping your back straight and without bending your knees. At the same time, the hands seem to slide along the side surface of the leg. Approximately at a distance of 20 - 30 centimeters from the ground, begin to return to its original position.

Exercise Deadlift on one leg
  • Leg curls with dumbbells. It is performed lying on your stomach with dumbbells fixed between your feet. Bend your knees. There is no need to rush, movements should be smooth.

For men

Typically, the stronger sex strives not so much to lose weight as to build muscle and provide itself with ideal relief. But strength training, performed regularly, somehow affects overweight. Although a set of exercises will increase muscle mass throughout the body, the exercise will be accompanied by fat burning. Men should include the following loads in their program:

  • Push ups. There are many variations of this exercise: classic, with arms wide apart, narrow counter, with support on an object, with the legs positioned on any surface. Depending on the specific variety, a certain group of muscles of the chest and back is worked out. Can be alternated various ways from one workout to the next. In total, you need to do five sets of 20 repetitions.
  • Squats. Both dumbbells and a barbell are suitable as weighting materials. When performing squats, you need to bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees each time so that your thighs are parallel to the surface. Do five sets of 20 repetitions in total.
  • Hammer. Take dumbbells in your hands. Standing position, straighten your back, hands at hip level. Bend your arms alternately, bringing the dumbbells to your shoulder, while keeping the elbow position fixed. Do 5 sets of 20 repetitions.
  • Seated press. To perform the exercise you will need a regular chair with a backrest. You need to sit on the very edge, without bending your back. Arms with weights are straightened above your head. You need to bend them at the same time, touching your shoulders with your hands. Repeat 5 sets of 20 times.
  • Pull-ups. To perform the exercise you will need a horizontal bar. You need to do pull-ups with your arms wider than shoulder-width apart. Do 5 sets of 15 reps.
  • Bent over row. Take a dumbbell in each hand. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, tilt your body slightly forward, and bend your knees. Hands are lowered in front of you. It is necessary to pull the dumbbells up to chest level. Do 5 sets, each consisting of 20 repetitions.
  • Lifting a load in front of you. There are dumbbells in each hand, arms straight along the body. The back is straight, legs slightly apart. Raise your arms in front of you to shoulder level. Do 5 sets of 20 repetitions.

For strength training for men, watch this video:

What you need for the press, how to pump it correctly

We can distinguish a group of exercises aimed at developing the abdominal muscles. This is one of those parts of the body about which girls have especially strong complexes. To make your abdominal muscles toned, you will need dumbbells and a desire to improve your figure.

To achieve a positive result as quickly as possible, you should work out all the muscles. Top part the press swings with the help of itself simple exercise. Lie on your back, bend your legs, and place your feet on the floor. Take a dumbbell in each hand and press it to your chest. Lift your entire body. Using weights will help increase the load on your muscles. Do 3 sets of 20 reps.

To work out the lower part of the abs, an exercise called “weight steps” is suitable. You need to lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body, legs straight. Lift your feet off the floor by about 10 - 15 centimeters. Begin to imitate steps, slightly raising your right and left legs alternately. Perform three sets of 20 repetitions.

Don't forget about the oblique muscles. To put them in order and put them away body fat From this part of the abdomen, you can perform lateral twists. Remaining in the same position, spread your arms to the sides. Close and bend your legs, pull them towards your chest. They need to touch the floor first on one side, then on the other. The upper part of the body is pressed tightly to the floor and does not move. Do 3 sets of 20 reps.

How to exercise with a power cable

The sports equipment can be used when performing some strength exercises for weight loss instead of dumbbells. For example, the cable is perfect for practicing bent-over rows, lateral raises, back extensions, hammers, lunges, bends, and many others.

It is important to remember that training with is only effective when there is a strong tension. With a sagging projectile, it is unlikely that you will be able to lose weight quickly. It is also necessary to ensure that the device is secured: a cable that is not fastened well enough can break and cause harm.

Strength training - anaerobic dynamic exercises using weights and resistance. Recommended for extensions muscle mass through gradual weight gain. Include sets of exercises and work on simulators. They can be used for weight loss, although there is a risk of pumping up muscles.

Effect on the body

It has been scientifically proven that power loads have the most beneficial effect on the body:

  • strengthen the skeletal system;
  • reduce the risk of damage;
  • keep cholesterol levels under control;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • prevent the formation of subcutaneous fat;
  • improve heart function;
  • have a positive effect on the functioning of the respiratory system.

But you shouldn’t think that such training is needed only for pumping muscles. They are also important for weight loss. Firstly, they burn a considerable amount of calories, although this is inferior to cardio exercise. Secondly, the started process of fat burning after training persists for almost 24 hours. In this regard, they have a huge advantage over aerobic exercise.

The golden rule that guarantees maximum weight loss states that exercise should begin with anaerobic exercise (20 minutes), after which you can move on to cardio (another 40 minutes). Such combined workouts are considered the most effective.

What do they include

Strength training, like any exercise, consists of three parts: warm-up, main exercises, cool-down. You cannot ignore any of them, otherwise you can overstretch the muscles and damage them.

What equipment is most often used:

  • dumbbells, pumps, body bars, weights and barbells;
  • simulators (Smith, Gakk);
  • improvised and non-traditional equipment for additional weight (for example, a backpack or chains).

Basic exercises:

  • “butterfly” and “reverse butterfly”;
  • lunges with a barbell;
  • sitting, lying down;
  • for legs: straightening, bending, adduction, extension, raising on toes;
  • leg press;
  • , from the bench, on uneven bars;
  • concentrated flexion;
  • bending to the side;
  • abducting dumbbells to the sides;
  • pull-ups;
  • pelvic lifts;
  • simple, plie, with a barbell on the back;
  • straight and oblique twists;
  • pullover;
  • back extension (hyperextension);
  • : flexion, extension, with a barbell, on a Scott bench, with dumbbells, lying down;
  • dumbbell row on a bench;
  • traction on a high block;
  • French press;
  • steps with a barbell.

Women who are afraid to work with weights such as weights, barbells, as well as exercise machines, can be advised to adapt adapted directions in sports. Initially they were aimed exclusively at aerobic exercise, but were subsequently supplemented by force. They not only promote weight loss, but also allow you to form a beautiful, sculpted body.

Power yoga

Developed by American yoga trainer Beryl Bender Birch. She suggested using asanas in classes that are primarily aimed not at body flexibility, but at working all muscle groups. She has two complexes - for beginners and more advanced. Both accelerate metabolism and have a fat-burning effect. With moderate loads, they allow you to lose weight intensively.

Asanas for beginners:

  1. Sumo wrestler.
  2. Warrior.
  3. Sage.
  4. Six points.
  5. Plank.
  6. Boat.
  7. Grasshopper.

More difficult level:

  1. Triangle.
  2. Cobra.
  3. King of fish.
  4. Tree.

Including warm-up and cool-down, classes should last half an hour. Trainings are organized every day, always in the morning, to soak up the positive energy of the sun.

Strength aerobics

Second option aerobic exercise for women. The exercises here are performed with weights at an intense rhythm. This version of aerobics provides intense fat burning while maintaining muscle mass, builds it without increasing fat tissue, and allows you to burn a large number of calories in one session. Program options:

  • AB-Marathon - back and abdominals.
  • ABS - aerobic, anaerobic exercises and stretching.
  • ABT - burning fat in the lower body.
  • Barbell Workout - with a barbell (equally good for both men and women).
  • Body Sculpt - with dumbbells, step platforms, body bars.
  • Circuit Training - circular strength training.
  • Core Barbell - with barbell, core platform and rubber shock absorbers.
  • Core Final Cuts is a core platform.
  • Core Medical Ball - on balance boards with a ball.
  • Core Training - on balance boards.
  • Deadly Force - with a barbell, but at a more intense pace than the previous option.
  • Energy Zone - for endurance, all muscle groups.
  • Flexible strength - back, stretching.
  • Magic Power - for losing weight in the most problematic areas of the body.
  • Power Ball - with a ball, the main load is on the spine.
  • Upper Body - all muscle groups.

Choose the program that will ensure the development of the most problem parts your body. For women power aerobics- this is an ideal option. However, be prepared for the fact that you will have to study in groups.

You cannot eat during training, but you can drink a lot of water (as required by the body or every 20 minutes). If your workout involves performing several sets, you can drink in between. protein cocktail.

Eating after strength training

After strength training, you can eat no earlier than an hour later, or even better - wait 2 hours.

What is allowed:

  • 1% kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, Greek yogurt;
  • vegetable salad with lemon juice or vinegar (without mayonnaise, sour cream, butter and other high-calorie dressings);
  • fresh fruits;
  • greenery;
  • fresh berries;
  • fat burning cocktails.

There should be no fat. If you need to have dinner after training, the dishes should be either baked, steamed, or boiled. Portions should be small in size. From sports nutrition To restore the body and enhance fat burning within an hour, it is recommended to consume BCAAs, a protein shake (features of use and recipes), amino acids or L-glutamine.

  1. Diets are contraindicated to avoid exhaustion of the body.
  2. BJU ratio: 40/10/50.
  3. Six meals a day.
  4. Portion size = your fist.
  5. Dinner - 4 hours before bedtime.

Sample menu for 2 days


This program is designed taking into account the intensity of exercise and involves a harmonious combination of anaerobic and aerobic exercise. Weight loss in a week will be up to 3 kg.

* NI - low intensity, SI - medium intensity, VI - high intensity

Girls should work out using video programs from famous trainers (they are ranked from easiest to most difficult):

  1. Janet Jenkins. Total body pumping (Total Body Circuit).
  2. Michelle Dozois. We make the figure slim, strong, sexy (Slim, Strong & Sexy Body Sculpting).
  3. Tanya Ante. A whole weight loss system called Shakeology.
  4. . No more problem areas(No More Trouble Zones).
  5. Keith Friedrich. Muscle sculptor (Total Muscle Sculpting).
  6. Bob Harper. Exercises for weight loss (Beginner’s Weight Loss Transformation).

A few more program options from the point of view of metabolic and “heavy” training are given in the table below.

Metabolic training (indicated in the table as M) - maximum number of repetitions (15x4) with a light working weight, short rest between sets (no more than 1 minute).

“Heavy” (T) - fewer repetitions (6x2), more working weight, long rest to restore strength between sets (up to 3 minutes).

Complexes of strength exercises

(under the program given above)

We talk about how to properly combine these types of loads.

For men in the gym

  1. Lifting a weight (the weight is selected depending on physical fitness) with one hand. 20 times for each in 1 approach.
  2. Front squats. 10 repetitions in 3 sets.
  3. Hack squats with a barbell behind your back. 12 repetitions in 4 sets.
  4. Pull-ups. Maximum number of repetitions in 4 sets.
  5. Pushups. Maximum number of repetitions in 3 sets.
  6. Scott's bench: seated barbell curls - biceps. 12 repetitions in 3 sets.
  7. Bench push-ups reverse grip. Maximum number of repetitions in 3 sets.
  8. Intense swings of dumbbells to the sides. 20 repetitions in 4 sets.
  9. Leg press in the simulator: extension of the lower leg. 50 repetitions for 1 approach.

For women at home

Power loads are a mandatory part sports training for weight loss. You can choose only cardio exercises, but there will be no such effect. Know how to combine them correctly to achieve not only a slim, but also a sculpted body.

Our relevant articles will help you create a complex for training men and women - exercises:

At any age, everyone wants to have beautiful figure. This is true for both men and women. A trained body is not only beautiful from an aesthetic point of view, it also means good health, healthy body, positive attitude. It is not always possible to visit a fitness club or Gym due to lack of time or other reasons, but by properly organizing strength training at home, you can achieve a similar result.

One of the most important rules that should be followed during home workouts is to monitor their regularity. Classes at the gym even when you are away personal trainer turn out to be more organized than at home. At home you need to rely only on your own responsibility and in no case be lazy. Thus, first you need to set yourself a goal and gradually work towards it.

A load of a certain intensity should be given depending on what the goal of the exercise is - to lose excess weight or maintain and strengthen the body.

There is no consensus on how often you should practice. Firstly, it depends on the current physical fitness and health status, secondly - from the severity of training. For beginners, it is not recommended to give a strong load right away. A gradual increase in the intensity of training will give a greater effect and will not harm the body.

How to eat properly?

The training program should be designed depending on your daily routine. You can exercise both in the morning and at evening time. It should be kept in mind that at least 2 hours should pass between training and eating.

For those whose goal is to lose excess weight, it is important to wisely choose a diet based on the following rules:

  • Try to consume simple carbohydrates to a minimum. These include potatoes, bread, sweet foods and drinks. If possible, replace them with cereals, vegetables, and grain breads.
  • Avoid fatty and fried foods, fast food and other junk foods.
  • You need to take food often and in small portions, keeping an eye on the total number of calories in your daily diet.
  • Drinking the required amount of fluid helps normalize digestion and improve the condition of the whole body. According to the recommendations of doctors, the water norm is calculated in the following way: For every kilogram of weight, 30 ml of water. The norm applies only to water. Other liquids consumed during the day are not taken into account.

If possible, it is recommended to give up alcohol, since its consumption leads to weight gain: firstly, alcoholic drinks have a high calorie content, and secondly, their consumption is associated with eating food, mostly unhealthy.

Training complex

Before you start strength training, you need to do a warm-up. This will allow the muscles to tone and avoid injuries and sprains.

Depending on which muscle groups are loaded, the following types of exercises are distinguished:

  • lumbar arches;
  • squats;
  • pull-up on the horizontal bar;
  • deadlift;
  • standing barbell row to the chin (broach);
  • bent over row of the barbell to the waist.

This is done as follows:

  • Take the starting position - lie on the bench with your stomach down, fix your heels.
  • Place your hands behind your head.
  • Lift your torso up so that your head is above your buttocks.
  • When performing this exercise, the muscles of the back, buttocks and thigh biceps are worked, including.

Squats and pull-ups

put stress on the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. Beginners can perform this exercise without additional load. Subsequently, you can use the barbell as a load, placing it on your shoulders. When performing this exercise, it is important to follow the correct technique: maintain an absolutely straight back and move your pelvis back. Otherwise, the entire load will fall on the knees and joints, which can result in complications.

At home it is only possible if you have a simulator. When performing this exercise, more than one muscle group is worked - biceps, triceps, chest and back muscles. In order for the exercise to be as effective as possible, you need to lower yourself to a state outstretched arms and rise until your chin reaches the line of the horizontal bar.

– an exercise that requires a barbell to perform. The technique is as follows:

  • Take the starting position, placing your feet on your shoulders and keeping your back straight.
  • With your back straight, bend over so that your body weight rests on your heels and your pelvis is pulled back. Under no circumstances should you bend over with a round back.

When lifting, the barbell should slide over your legs. When it is at the level of the knee line, you can straighten your back, gradually bringing it into straight position. No less important in this exercise lower the bar correctly. Execution speed is not as important as correct technique, therefore it is necessary to carefully monitor the sliding of the bar along the legs and the position of the back at this time. Since the deadlift is a rather complex exercise in terms of technique, it is recommended that you at least watch a training video before performing it.

Standing barbell row to the chin forces the muscles to work shoulder girdle. For correct execution exercises, the barbell is taken with a narrow straight grip and using shoulder muscles rises up to the level of the chin, while the elbows must be spread to the sides.

In order to pump up your shoulders as much as possible, you can use wide grip rods. Rowing a barbell to your waist strengthens your back muscles and improves your posture. The technique is as follows:

  • Grasp the barbell with a medium straight grip (at shoulder width).
  • Bend forward, arching your back; The body weight should remain on the heels.
  • Pull the barbell to the stomach to the level of the lower ribs.

It is important not to rock the body or change its position, rigidly fixing its tilt, not to round the back and wrists, and to point the elbows back.

Exercises with dumbbells

In addition to the barbell, it is useful to have dumbbells or weights in your home arsenal. There are several options for using them. With them you can do:

  • squats;
  • hammer;
  • bench press;
  • traction;
  • exercises targeting specific muscle groups.

Dumbbell squats are similar to barbell squats. The essence remains the same - have a strong back, arch in the lower back and feel the weight of the body on the heels.

It has this name because of the similar movements when working with a hammer: the arms are raised to shoulder level in turn. At the same time, it is important not to swing the body and not move the elbows away from the sides. The pace of execution is slow.

The bench press is performed lying with your back on a bench. You should spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides so that your elbows are approximately at the level of the bench or slightly lower. Making sure that your hands are in the same position relative to each other, raise them up and lower them to the same level.

To perform the deadlift exercise with dumbbells you will need horizontal bench. You need to stand on it with your right knee and lean right hand. Left leg stands on the floor, the left hand with the dumbbells is lowered down. Pull up left hand to waist level, change sides.

Sample lesson plan

The training plan depends on the state of the person. If earlier in his life there was no physical activity, then you should load the body gradually.

From the inventory you can have both simple devices - a barbell (or dumbbells), a horizontal bar, a bench, and specialized exercise equipment. Most often, only a few have simulators; the majority use more budget-friendly and small-sized equipment.

The training plan consists of three sessions over the course of a week.

Day 1 – training the abdominal muscles, lower back, arms and legs

  • squats (can be weighted with a barbell or dumbbells);
  • push ups;
  • Bent over belt pull;
  • lunges;
  • Hammer;
  • Elbow bar.

Day 2 – training the abdominal muscles, upper back, back of the thigh

  • deadlift;
  • “Superman” - the exercise is somewhat similar to lifting the torso from a lying position. The difference is that when performing it, you need to lift both your arms and legs off the bench; accordingly, you need to be in a horizontal position without tilting.
  • extension of the arms in a standing position.

Day 3 – training the shoulder muscles, gluteal muscles and calves

  • - performed from a lying position with bent knees. Helps strengthen the gluteal muscles;
  • lifting from heels to toes (can be performed with weights);
  • push ups;
  • “Bicycle” is an exercise familiar to everyone from school physical education.

Women usually clearly know which part of the body needs adjustment. Standard exercises do not need to be canceled; you can add several others to them, which will be aimed directly at losing weight and reducing body volume in the right places.

Playing sports in itself has a positive effect on the body and improves health, and the benefits of strength training are many times greater. Burnt excess fat, which reduces the load on the heart and blood vessels. It has been proven that those who engage in strength training are less at risk of cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack and stroke. The muscles are in good shape, which helps prolong the youth of the body and have good health even in retirement age (this is especially true for people with sedentary work and lifestyle).