Strength training for women. Strength training program at home for girls. Strength training program for men

When choosing strength training for a girl, the main thing is the goal. As a rule, women are not interested in such noticeable growth muscle mass like men. The fair sex does not want to “pump up”, but to “tighten muscles” and at the same time lose weight. This problem is best solved by group strength training.

The most effective lessons are those using small weights and basic strength exercises (squats, push-ups, etc.) “Such training is safer for female physiology,” says Ruslan Panov, expert methodologist of the direction group programs federal network X-Fit fitness clubs.— In the gym, exercises are often done with critical (maximum) weights, which creates maximum tension abdominal cavity And pelvic floor. This, in turn, is fraught with problems with the reproductive organs.” Group classes pass to cheerful music and include a lot different exercises, so you won’t be bored with them.

If a woman wants to do training process more diverse, then it is worth adding such calm areas as yoga and Pilates. In the gym, you should choose weights that are no more than half your body weight.

Best Strength Workouts for Women: Pump

This program is developed by a fitness company Les Mills and has clear rules. The main attribute of the workout is a special stacking barbell weighing from 0.5 to 50 kg. Distinctive feature: the exercises are performed in a fairly fast pace(compared with gym) and do a lot of repetitions. In an hour, they work through everything one by one. muscle groups: legs, buttocks, back, abs, chest, shoulders, arms. "Are used simple exercises, mostly basic and symmetrical,” says Ruslan Panov. “This makes it possible to focus on the sensations of tension and quality technique. We work at different paces, with continuous approaches reaching 7 minutes.”

Due to the pace and a large number of repetitions, the main muscle groups are perfectly worked out and endurance improves. So exercisers develop muscles and burn fat at the same time. The training quickly gives an effect, for which women come to strength training. So Pump can safely be considered a hit strength training for girls.

Body Sculpt or Super Sculpt

The content of the lesson is similar to Pump. But this program does not have a strict format, so each coach can make his own adjustments to it. It's built like interval training: we do the exercises sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, the length of the approaches is shorter than in Pump.

Here you can pick up not only a barbell, but also any weights - dumbbells, body bars, shock absorbers. The exercises are the same classic strength exercises: squats, lunges, push-ups, bench presses. The whole body is worked out, and Bottom part, and up. In general, we get the same desired effect: strengthening muscles and burning fat. But the load here will be lower than on Pump, so it may take longer to achieve the goal. But it won’t be so difficult for beginners.

Training for problem areas

These classes are suitable for those who want to correct specific problem areas. Here they are used as basic exercises, and isolated, which include a small number of muscles. Due to this, despite the strength nature of the exercises, the exercises effectively dry fat in problem areas and tighten them; muscle relief is a secondary task here. Here weights are used less often, exercises with own weight, on the ground, static. These are all Lower Body type workouts (legs, buttocks, abs, Upper body(back, chest, abs, arms), Abs/Core (abdomen, lower back), ABL (abs, buttocks, legs), Bums (buttocks, thighs), etc.

Functional training

This training has a completely different format. It uses body positions and movements necessary for a person to Everyday life. For example, get up from a chair, take a child in your arms, open a door, jump over a puddle. These functional movements are not trained with classic strength exercises.

“The class includes basic body positions that require balance, functional strength, and reactivity,” says Ruslan Panov. — The body’s stabilizing muscles are also included in the work, which, like the moving muscles, need to be worked out. The difficulty of training stabilizing muscles is that they are activated at an unconscious level. External muscles we can force work by deciding “now I will bend my arms or straighten my legs.” Stabilizers only work in so-called exercise progressions. We take basic body positions and make progressions, such as balance. This trains the stabilizers to turn on when, for example, we slip. Functional training prepares the body for unexpected environmental changes.”

The movements in functional training are natural, moreover, this training prepares the body for an injury-free life. If you have problems with your back or knees, then it is better to prefer these classes rather than strength group classes. At the same time, they perfectly strengthen muscles and burn fat. Girls should add this activity to their list of hits along with Pump.

Power yoga

It cannot be classified as active strength training - it has a completely different mode of work. The focus here is not so much on “pumping up” muscles and burning fat, but on the harmonious development of the whole body, during which both muscles and fat layer. Static load is used.

“The founder of power yoga, Beryl Birch, has developed a set of asanas that are technically simple, but with a hold of up to 80 seconds each,” explains Ruslan Panov. “This shifted the emphasis of the load to the strength side. The difference from Hatha or Iyengar yoga is precisely the static tension.” In general, this direction is for those who cannot or do not want to perform full-fledged strength exercises in dynamics, or additional, unloading training for everyone else.


For some reason it is considered something easy like stretching and breathing exercises. But in reality, everything is radically different. “Professional fitness has never considered Pilates as a recovery exercise after the main training,” says Ruslan Panov. — This workout perfectly eliminates body dysfunctions through the formation muscle corset. And it is created only through tension. Therefore, Pilates is initially a strength training, and dividing this area into strength and non-strength lessons is a mistake.” Alas, now, especially in small fitness studios, you can actually find Pilates lessons that are completely incomprehensible in content, where there is nothing but stretching. Try to get into classes with real professionals certified by the International Pilates Institute. Then you can safely include Pilates in your list of strength training hits.

Pump, functional training and Pilates are the classes to combine, especially if you're interested in strengthening your muscles without going to the gym.

The content of the article:

Although the myth about the high benefits of cardio for weight loss has long been dispelled, not all girls want to do strength training at home for women. Meanwhile, today there is a lot of scientific evidence that with the help of strength training you can perfectly accelerate your metabolism and after such exercise the body actively burns fat for 12 hours.

This suggests that it is effective to get rid of excess weight In problem areas, it is strength training at home for women that will help, and not cardio sessions. I would like to once again assure all girls that they should not be afraid of gaining excessive muscle mass. Without the use of steroids, this is simply impossible due to the physiological characteristics of the female body.

Strength training at home for women can bring you double benefits while fighting excess weight:

  • significantly more energy is expended compared to cardio exercises;
  • the body continues to expend energy during the recovery period.

How to organize strength training at home for women?

Note that it is enough for girls to do two or three strength training sessions over the course of a week, each lasting half an hour. Agree that every woman can find an hour and a half a week. Let's look at the main benefits that strength training at home for women will give you:

  • you can choose your own training schedule and easily coordinate it with your schedule;
  • the vagaries of the weather cannot affect your training process;
  • no need to spend money on a subscription, a trip to the fitness center and expensive sportswear;
  • the time that you could spend on the road can be spent on your loved ones;
  • You can involve your little ones in training by turning training into a game.
Since women are not faced with the issue of gaining the maximum possible muscle mass, a large amount of sports equipment or equipment is not required. All you need is to have one of the following at home:
  • dumbbells, the weight of which is from 4 to 5 kilos;
  • a weight weighing eight kilos;
  • sandbag, which weighs 10 kilos.
The easiest way is to buy weights and this modest set will be enough for you to get your body in perfect order.

The Best Strength Training Exercises for Women at Home

Before considering the simple but effective exercises for girls, it is necessary to say a few words about warming up. Its duration should be from 15 to 20 minutes. Start with a 5-minute run, performing several small accelerations. Then begin to knead your joints, moving from top to bottom. Perform all exercises at a slow pace so that you can feel the work of your muscles and joints.

Exercise "Plank"

Although this exercise is static (you must hold as much possible time a certain position), it very effectively strengthens the muscles, which is exactly what girls need. Lie on your stomach with your arms bent at a 90-degree angle.

After this, you need to take a rest position on your elbows and stretch your body in a straight line. Make sure that your lower back does not arch or round. You only need to lean on your toes and forearms. Hold the position for at least ten seconds and eventually work your way up to one minute by doing three sets of this.

We also recommend adding a version of the previous exercise to your strength training program at home for women. Take a position similar to a plank, but lean not on your forearms, but on the palms of your straightened arms. After pausing for about 20 seconds, take a step to the side and pause again. Perform three sets of 20 steps in total on each leg.

Exercise “Beautiful Posture”

This exercise is a floor hyperextension. To make your task somewhat easier, you can secure your legs to a sofa or other support. Inhaling, lift your body and pause for one count at the end point of the trajectory. Complete 15 repetitions in total.

There is a second option this exercise. Having taken the starting position, stretch forward, and while lifting, bend your arms at the elbow joints and spread them to the sides. After a short pause, return to the starting position. A total of 15 repetitions must be done.

Exercise "Gluteal bridge"

This movement is considered by many fitness experts to be the best for working the buttocks. Lie on your back and extend your arms along your body. One leg must be placed on the other thigh. As you exhale, you should raise your buttocks as high as possible, and as you inhale, return to the starting position. Perform 20 repetitions on each leg.

Exercise “Elastic buttocks”

Get on all fours and tighten your abdominal muscles, tightening your stomach. Start performing low swings with one leg, keeping its muscles tense. In this case, the thigh should be parallel to the ground, and the toe should be pulled towards you. This position of the foot is called “hatchet” in fitness.

Holding it in this position, and placing your thigh parallel to the ground, imagine that you are resting against a stationary slab. Start pushing it 15 centimeters up. For each leg you need to perform 20 swings and push-outs.

Exercises “Slender legs”

Do the following exercises:

  1. Classic squats- 20 repetitions.
  2. Squats with weights- 20 repetitions.
  3. Lunges- 20 repetitions for each leg.
  4. Standing calf raises- 20 repetitions.

Exercises for the abdominal muscles

You need to perform a set of the following movements:

  1. Tighten your abdominal muscles and spread your legs slightly. Raise your body and legs off the ground at a 45-degree angle. Hold this position for 30 seconds to one minute.
  2. Classic crunches in a supine position - develop the upper abdominal muscles.
  3. Lateral crunches - strengthens the lateral abdominal muscles.
  4. Leg raises while lying on the ground - for the lower abdominal muscles.

All beginners tend to make mistakes and most often they are repeated. Many girls focus on one problem area, forgetting about other parts of the body. This is wrong, because the body should develop harmoniously.

How to make your arms slim?

Beautiful hands can decorate any woman and you shouldn’t be afraid to pump up your muscles. We have already talked about this above, but we will repeat it again. By doing strength training at home for women and working your arm muscles, you will eliminate sagging skin. To do this, you can perform classic power movements with dumbbells or kettlebells, or use the special “Bison-1” simulator. In any case, the results will definitely please you, and the choice is yours.

How to properly create a strength training program at home for women?

Women can use a split system or train the whole body in one workout. At home, you can use the fullbody system. Also, unlike men, girls do not need to work on refusal, although sometimes such recommendations occur. Today, many fitness professionals are leaning towards stopping the use of refusal approaches by athletes on a permanent basis.

There are results of scientific research that indicate the advantages of the theory of accumulation over the theory of destruction. However, let's return to the main issue of today's article and look at an approximate strength training program at home for women.

1st day

  1. Classic squats- hold the dumbbells with your arms straight and lowered. It is also necessary to ensure that your back is straight and in lumbar region was not rounded. Begin to lower your body down, moving your pelvis back. It is important that knee joints did not go beyond the level of the socks. It is necessary to perform three sets of 10 or 15 repetitions each.
  2. Classic push-ups- this movement is familiar to you from school, so we will not pay much attention to it. It is necessary to perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.
  3. Plank with Leg Curl- take the starting position as for performing the previous movement. Bend your right leg at the knee joint and pull it towards your tummy. It is necessary to perform three sets of 20 repetitions each.
  4. Bent over arms- hold the dumbbells in your arms with your palms facing outward. Begin to bend your elbows, which should remain motionless throughout the entire set. It is necessary to perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.
  5. Lunges- holding dumbbells in straight arms, from a standing position, take a wide step forward with one leg, lowering the knee joint of the back leg to the ground. Return to the starting position and perform with the other leg. It is necessary to perform three sets of 20 repetitions each.
  6. Dumbbell rows in an inclined position to the waist- tilt your body at an angle of 45 degrees and move your pelvis back, slightly bending your knee joints. The back should be straight and sports equipment held in lowered hands. Flexing elbow joints lift the dumbbell towards your waist. It is necessary to perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.

2nd day

  1. Deadlift- This is a classic exercise that is actively used in bodybuilding. It is necessary to perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.
  2. Superman- take a lying position on your stomach, stretching your limbs. From this starting position, begin to raise your arms and legs at the same time. It is necessary to perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.
  3. Standing arm extensions- another classic exercise aimed at strengthening the biceps. It is necessary to perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.
  4. Lying leg curls- take a lying position on your stomach and hold a dumbbell between your feet. Bending your knee joints, begin to lift them up. It is necessary to perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.
  5. Butterfly crunches- take a lying position on your back and bend your knee joints, spreading them apart. Start lifting top part body, rounding your back and touching your feet with your hands. It is necessary to perform three sets of 15 repetitions each.
  6. Dumbbell row in plank position- take the starting position as for doing push-ups. The dumbbell should be on the ground at eye level. Start pulling the sports equipment with your left hand along the ground to the level of your stomach, and then return it to its place with your right hand. After this, change hands and repeat the movement.
How to organize strength training for women at home, see the following video:

Here's what the article "Why Women Shouldn't Lift Weights" says:

It's all about the special structure of the female skeleton. The fair sex has much more fragile and thin bones than men. Including the spine, which bears the main load when lifting heavy objects.

With systematic (and sometimes one-time!) lifting of weights, women's spinal discs gradually become displaced, which in a few years can lead to such a serious disease as a vertebral hernia.

But the truth is that improper performance of strength exercises leads to injuries and degenerative changes in the spine, regardless of gender. At correct technique the load on the spine is minimal.

In addition, weight training involves gradually increasing the load in parallel with muscle growth and strength indicators. So the health risk practically disappears.

2. Strength training can result in uterine prolapse.

Uterine prolapse is a displacement of the fundus and cervix below the physiological limit due to weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and uterine ligaments. There are many reasons for this disease: from congenital defects in the development of the pelvic organs to injuries received during childbirth. Heavy lifting is almost always mentioned as a risk factor. Some doctors do not recommend lifting more than 5 kg as a preventative measure.

However, don’t confuse lifting weights with proper strength training! Carrying bags of cement without preparation, without correct technique(with a round back) and especially in old age (50% of cases of uterine prolapse are diagnosed in women over 50 years old) - truly unforgivable stupidity and a health risk. However, strength training is a completely different matter.

If strength training with reasonable weight gain and proper technique promoted uterine prolapse, many female athletes would suffer from this condition. The facts indicate the opposite.

Women who go in for sports tolerate pregnancy and childbirth much better, recover faster after it and have fewer problems with the pelvic organs.

After strength training, the oxygen debt increases, which requires a fair amount of calories to cover. According to a recent study EPOC Comparison Between Isocaloric Bouts of Steady-State Aerobic, Intermittent Aerobic, and Resistance Training, after strength training, the oxygen debt remains for 21 hours: all this time the body burns more calories even at rest.

Therefore, if a girl wants to lose weight, she needs weight training, and not long walks or low-intensity jogging in the cardio zone.

5. Strength training does not help you lose weight, but, on the contrary, increases body weight

Strength training helps replace fat with muscle. Your weight may remain the same or even increase, while your volume will decrease.

It’s not for nothing that fitness models urge you not to rely on scales, but to measure your progress using a measuring tape.

Wonderful clear example- This is a photo of fitness blogger Kelsey Wells. In the first photo the girl weighs 65.8 kg, in the second - 55.3 kg, in the third - 63.5 kg.

Why does Kelsey look slimmer, fitter and more athletic in the third photo than in the first photo, even though she weighs only 2 kg less? Just because of the percentage of muscle mass. First, the girl lost fat, reducing her weight to 55.3 kg, and then gained 8 kg of muscle mass.

As you can see, strength training reduces body size, but increases weight due to muscle growth. So don’t be afraid of such a quality increase.

6. Women should choose low weights and high reps.

In the gym you rarely see a girl doing, for example, deadlifts or squats with a heavy weight for 3-5 repetitions per set. Much more often, girls choose light dumbbells and do 20 lunges per leg, endlessly squat with an empty bar or body bar, or exercise on machines with light weights, performing many repetitions per set.

This pattern of women's training naturally follows from the myth that women should not lift weights. Since you can’t work with heavy weights, you need to do a lot of repetitions with small ones.

But working with large and small weights has different goals.

By performing 1–3 repetitions per set at 80% of your one-time maximum, for example, you are training absolute strength. By doing high reps with light weights, you increase strength endurance.

To understand exactly how muscles react to a particular load, you need to understand their structure. Muscle fibers are fast and slow.

Slow fibers (red, oxidative, subtype I) use aerobic metabolism (with oxygen) for long muscle activity. They are hardy, small in size and hypertrophy poorly. That is, by training with low weights and multiple repetitions, you will not soon achieve a sculpted body. Proof of this is marathon runners, triathletes, cyclists - hardy, wiry and thin.

Fast muscle fibers(white, glycolytic, subtypes IIa and IIb) work during short-term, high-intensity exercise. They are larger than slow fibers and hypertrophy well.

High-weight, low-repetition exercises train white muscle fibers, which grow quickly and provide beautiful figure powerlifters, weightlifters, sprinters.

If you want to quickly increase definition, be sure to include short-term intense work in your workout: exercises with high weights and low repetitions.

If you don’t have specific goals, you can diversify your training and increase both strength and strength endurance by alternating loads. For example, in one workout, perform exercises with a large weight and a small number of repetitions, in the second - with an average weight and an increased number of repetitions per set, and in the third - with a small weight and a large number of repetitions.

As you can see, the type of exercise depends not on gender, but on the tasks you are pursuing. IN women's training There is a place for cardio exercises, high-repetition exercises with light weights, and working with weights close to the one-time maximum.

Organize your workouts wisely, take care of the correct technique and carefully increase the working weight, and strength training will give you health, strength and a great figure.

Strength training is considered one of the most effective ways body changes for women.

Bodyweight and resistance exercises can be used by beginners and experienced athletes alike.

In this article we will analyze the features of strength training, plan and basic rules such activities.

Strength training for women involves a large number of different areas. These classes are designed for completely different levels. physical training. For this reason, anyone can choose the most suitable option and method for strengthening muscles. The main rule is regularity, otherwise achieving noticeable results will be problematic.

Strength training - what is it?

Strength training is an activity that involves developing strength in all muscle groups.

Rules for effective training

  • intensive warm-up before each lesson. Working with “cold” muscles is not only ineffective, but also quite dangerous due to the risk of injuries, sprains, etc. (this rule is relevant regardless of whether you work with your own weight or weights);

Important! Home workouts also require a good warm-up, even if the pace of exercise is gentle.

  • the training program (especially in the case of beginners) should be written by an experienced trainer. There are many recommendations regarding combinations different groups muscles in one workout, sequence of exercises, number of approaches, repetitions, etc. A frivolous approach to your training plan can not only slow down your progress, but also increase the risk of injury;
  • Monitor your own diet. For quality strength training you need balanced diet, as well as adequate protein intake (necessary for natural processes muscle growth and recovery);
  • keep drinking regime. Drinking clean, still water is especially important during intense exercise. Even 1% dehydration can cause lethargy, headaches and significantly reduce the effectiveness of your workout;
  • Maintain a rest period between strength training sessions. The recommended period for recovery of the body is 2 days;
  • learn to feel your own body, the work of muscles. Concentrate on the target muscles during the exercise - such attention significantly increases performance;

Important! Sudden pain during strength training in most cases indicates some kind of injury - they cannot be ignored (the consequences can be the most dire for the body). Before you continue power loads, it is necessary to understand the cause of such sensations.

  • any strength exercise should be performed in 3-5 sets, with a rest period of 30-60 seconds between them. Between individual exercises – 2-3 minutes. During rest, you should not sit still - it is better to move around, walk around (this will improve the flow of blood and oxygen to the muscles for their recovery);
  • Strength training should be practiced 2-3 times a week for 40-60 minutes. At the same time, one muscle group should be trained no more than 1-2 times every 7 days.

Detailed program: a set of basic exercises

  • warm-up: cardio exercises (running, jumping) – 15 minutes;
  • squats. Complex exercise for girls, which is aimed at working out the leg muscles. Stand up straight and place the barbell on your shoulders (weight should be selected individually). Inhaling deeply, smoothly sit down until your thighs are parallel to the floor (or lower), and exhale - rise back up. Do 3 sets of 10-15 times;

Important! During the exercise, your knees should not go beyond the line of your toes - while pointing your pelvis back.

  • barbell bench press. The exercise is focused on working the chest and triceps muscles. Lie down on a special bench and grab the bar at the width of your shoulders. First, remove the barbell and, while inhaling, lower it until it slightly touches your chest. As you exhale, lift the barbell up and stay in this position for a couple of seconds. Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions;

Note! When performing this exercise, the barbell should move only in the vertical plane. The elbows are placed directly under the bar, and the shoulder blades are brought together throughout the movement, lumbar region slightly bent.

  • deadlift. Aimed at training the hamstrings and latissimus muscles backs. Take the starting position, squat down near the barbell and grab it with a medium grip, then lift your pelvis. Next, with a slow exhalation, begin to pull the barbell upward. At the top, squeeze your shoulder blades together and also smoothly return to the starting position. Perform 3-4 sets of 12 repetitions;

Important! Do not jerk or swing - the bar should slowly slide around your feet. It is also very important not to hold your breath during the process; it is recommended to breathe slowly and deeply.

  • platform press. Internal and back surface thighs, as well as gluteal muscles. Position your body in a special exercise machine - your back should be pressed against the chair (especially at the lumbar level). Place your feet on the platform with your toes slightly turned to the sides. Next, raise the platform until your legs are almost straight (leave a minimal bend in the knees to reduce stress on the joints). After inhaling, slowly lower the platform as low as possible. Do 3 sets of 15 reps;

Note! The entire load should fall on the heels - when transferring the center of gravity to the front of the feet, you risk losing overall control of movements.

  • weighted lunges. A fairly common exercise for training the hamstrings and gluteal muscles. To begin, pick up dumbbells of the same weight (weights are selected individually, start with 3-4 kg). Take a medium step forward and bend your knee at a right angle (the joint does not extend beyond the line of your toes). Then raise your body and take a similar step with the other leg. You should walk as straight as possible, without moving your feet in or out relative to the starting position (otherwise it will be difficult for you to maintain your usual balance, which will negatively affect the effectiveness of this exercise). Do 3 hikes 12 times.

Myths about strength training for girls

  1. You can easily pump up and become like a man. The opinion that after several strength training sessions you can become a powerful bodybuilder is quite common. However, no training (even professional level) will not be able to transform female type male figures without the use of steroids. Girls don't naturally have this high level testosterone (male hormone) to pump up big muscles with relief. Thanks to strength training, you will build a simply beautiful and toned body!
  2. Fat can be turned into muscle. Adipose tissue is physiologically unable to become muscle - these tissues are made up of completely different cells! Those. When exercising, you can burn calories (cardio exercise, intense strength training) to speed up the weight loss process and at the same time strengthen your muscles.
  3. Strength training is extremely dangerous for girls. Exercising with weights can increase the risk of injury if the exercise technique is incorrect, but this fact is absolutely independent of the gender of the athlete (if the movements are carefully and accurately performed, there is no danger).

On the contrary, strengthening your muscles can prevent you from many possible injuries in everyday life and improve your well-being.

  1. Women's and men's workout are fundamentally different. In reality, the training plan and most exercises for working muscles do not differ depending on gender. Any training should include warm-up and working out different muscles, regardless of gender or age. The only difference is in the frequency of training, as well as working weight (as a rule, it is higher for men).

All about the benefits and harms of exercise

Strength training allows you to develop:

  1. Correct posture and good flexibility body by strengthening the muscles around the spine.
  2. Tight abdominal muscles (necessary for maintaining correct position internal organs) and a beautiful toned stomach.
  3. A slim and athletic figure, which is not only considered a symbol of health, but also allows you to look younger than your age.
  4. Proper metabolism within the body (responsible for the absorption of nutrients, providing energy and well-being), as well as rapid blood circulation (prevention of vascular and heart diseases).
  5. The ability to listen to your own body, muscle function, as well as a lot of positive emotions from your own sporting achievements.

Harm from exercise on exercise machines and with your own weight most often falls into the category of “myths” and rumors. However, a certain danger is still present - injuries due to improper exercise technique, or excess working weight. In this case, attempts to speed up training progress can lead to negative consequences.

Features of group classes

Specifics group training define:

  1. Working methods of a fitness instructor. The speed of the training, the set of exercises, the variety of classes and the qualifications of the trainer affect the results of his students.
  2. Level of training. Most often, the coach guides on average performance physical fitness among the group, also offering simplified and more complex exercise options.
  3. Desires of those involved. The group format largely motivates you to study and “forces” you to work harder, but the final result depends only on the effort made and the level of personal responsibility in the lessons.

Important! When choosing a destination it is worth visiting trial classes to assess your basic level of training, training plan, trainer requirements, etc.

Useful video

Main conclusions

Strength exercises help tighten muscles, make the body slimmer and more athletic. For quick results necessary:

  1. Draw up a competent plan for strength training (mandatory warm-up, basic exercises to work the muscles and the right combination of loads).
  2. Carefully monitor your diet (balanced menu with enough protein products).
  3. Maintain a sleep and rest schedule to fully restore muscle tissue between strength training sessions.

Before starting training, seek detailed advice from an experienced specialist - this will be the optimal start to training and the prevention of possible injuries!

You definitely need to go to the gym

But no! Strength training for girls, especially beginners, can be done at home. A beginner does not need heavy barbells or complex exercise machines - just a pair of dumbbells or weights, which can even be replaced with a rubber expander. And some exercises - for example, push-ups - are performed without equipment at all. Therefore, if you want to train, but are not ready to spend money on a subscription, train at home.

It is necessary to consume sports nutrition

To get faster and better results from strength training, women, like men, need to eat right - maintain a balance, monitor the caloric intake, and avoid alcohol. But it is absolutely not necessary to use it if you are able to put your main menu in order. Do you eat enough protein, vegetables and fruits, get enough sleep, maintain a calorie deficit/surplus, exercise wisely, give your body rest between classes? Then you don’t need protein powders, amino acids, gainers, fat burners, energy drinks and other supplements. If your regime leaves much to be desired, from sports nutrition there simply won't be any point.

Strength training is harmful to women's health

As Paracelsus said:

“Everything is medicine and everything is poison.”

This also applies to strength fitness. Proper training will only bring health benefits, while erratic training with incorrect technique and inadequate weights will certainly lead to injury and/or overtraining. The exception is contraindications, which include diseases of the joints and spine, problems with the reproductive, nervous and cardiovascular systems, pregnancy, previous injuries and operations. But even in these cases, a compromise can be found - you just need to consult a good doctor and enlist the support of a qualified trainer.

Strength training makes girls masculine

What makes girls masculine, first of all, is hormonal drugs, which are often used by professional athletes. An illiterate selection of exercises can also make your figure somewhat rougher. Otherwise, a woman’s appearance only benefits from strength training - it is rounded, leveled, becomes flat, and - chiseled, proportions - harmonious.

The benefits of strength training for women

Contrary to stereotypes and prejudices, experienced fitness experts know how women's health can benefit from strength training. Its beneficial effect on the body lies in the following aspects:

  • Changes in the qualitative composition of the body. Reducing the amount of fat and increasing muscle mass affects not only your appearance. An athletic body remains strong and healthy longer, often protecting its owner from diseases of the cardiovascular system, injuries, diseases of the joints and spine.
  • Acquiring functional skills. If you develop your body harmoniously, and not just pump your biceps 3 times a week, over time you will develop skills that will be useful in everyday life - improved coordination and balance, increased strength, endurance and flexibility.
  • Strengthening the immune system. Women who play sports are more resistant to colds and infectious diseases. And this quality, by the way, can be inherited by future children with a high degree of probability.
  • Acceleration of metabolism. Strength exercises themselves help a woman burn about 500 kcal per hour (the figure varies depending on the intensity of the workout, body weight and other factors). In addition, a certain amount of energy is spent on restoring the body - muscles, tendons, nervous system. Thanks to this, a girl can stay slim without tormenting herself with diets.
  • Effectively combat stress. Strength training is the best way to cope with negativity. Firstly, you simply distract yourself from bad thoughts by concentrating on the exercises. Secondly, during training you throw out your aggression - it even fuels your strength. The main thing is not to forget to follow the technique, even if you want to “tear and throw.”

Strength training for girls: basic rules

If you want to train correctly and effectively, becoming stronger, healthier and more beautiful, remember a few basic rules that will help you avoid mistakes, injuries and bitter disappointments.

  • Adequately assess your strength, health, level sports training and well-being.
  • Always balance the workload with your capabilities.
  • Give your body enough time to recover between strength training sessions.
  • Focus on compound exercises - they work the muscles comprehensively, burn more calories than isolation movements, and provide high-quality training stress.
  • Always monitor your exercise technique and improve it.
  • Change your training program from time to time (every 6-15 weeks) to progress.
  • Follow safety rules, even if you train at home.
  • Do not exercise without sports shoes, in uncomfortable clothes, or with loose hair.
  • Don't play music too loud on your headphones - you should be able to hear what's going on around you.
  • Before each workout, do a cool-down (or light cardio) thoroughly before each workout.

Strength training program for women

By tradition, we have compiled an example of a strength training program for girls, designed for 3 sessions per week. To reinforce the above, we decided to focus on basic compound exercises. But this does not mean that you need to strictly follow this plan - you can vary the set and order of exercises depending on your preferences, health status and equipment.

Day 1

  • Romanian barbell deadlift, 4x10-12
  • Lunges with dumbbells, 3x10-12 (each leg)
  • Traction upper block to the chest, 4x10-12
  • Reduction of arms with dumbbells or in a butterfly machine, 4x12-15
  • Bent-over barbell row to the chin, 3x12-15
  • Lying leg raises, 4x15-20

Day 2

  • Stepping onto the platform (without weights), 3x15-20 (on each leg)
  • Hyperextension, 4x12-15
  • Bent-over dumbbell row, 4x10-12 (each side)
  • Reverse push-ups from the bench, 3x8-15
  • Seated dumbbell press, 4x10-12
  • Crunches on a fitball, 4x15-20
  • , 3x40-60 sec

Day 3

  • Squats with a barbell on the shoulders, 4x10-12
  • Weighted gluteal bridge, 4x12-15
  • Lower block row to the belt, 4x10-12
  • Standing barbell row to chest, 4x12-15
  • Bent-over dumbbell raises, 3x12-15
  • Dumbbell press incline bench, 4x10-12

Style Summary

Exercises with weights, if done correctly, will not harm you, but, on the contrary, will make you healthier and more attractive. You just need to train wisely and regularly update your knowledge base - we will help you with this.