Sergei Valentinovich Kushchenko son Alexander. Biography. Awards and titles

Hello! I am Sergey Kushchenko, the author of this site. Since 2013, I have been promoting the method of controlling diabetes mellitus with help for patients who speak Russian. The system includes not only a diet, but also methods for accurately calculating insulin doses and other tricks.

I can teach you how to maintain a stable normal sugar level of 3.9-5.5 mmol/l 24 hours a day. This is achievable even with severe type 1 diabetes. And even more so with type 2 diabetes, which is generally easy to control. Moreover, you can do without fasting, taking harmful and expensive pills, hard sports and injections of large doses of insulin.

Tens of thousands of people learned from me about it, which helps with diabetes. At the same time, it relieves high blood pressure, fatty liver disease (fatty liver) and poor cholesterol tests. A lot of reviews have accumulated, which I use to convince more and more diabetics to join our “sect.”

I have just one small request for you. Switch to a low-carb diet for a short time, just 3 days, try it. Stock up on test strips for your glucometer in advance. Measure your sugar several times a day. And you will quickly understand everything yourself. Please note that your health and blood pressure levels also normalize. Cholesterol blood test results improve later, after about 6 weeks.

Benefits for diabetics treated with this system:

  1. Stably normal sugar is 3.9-5.5 mmol/l 24 hours a day, like in healthy people. Including in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Spikes in blood glucose levels stop. This is achieved by giving up harmful pills, as well as reducing insulin dosages by 2-7 times. Improves well-being, energy, and performance.
  3. Confidence in the future appears, depression goes away. Because the threat of complications to the kidneys, legs, vision, as well as early heart attack and stroke disappears.
  4. Monthly costs for medicines are reduced several times.
  5. Some patients treated with insulin manage to “jump” from injections. But I don’t promise this to everyone. Depends on the severity of your illness. You may need to take insulin injections during colds and other infections.

You can watch me, for example, in this video.

Individual consultations

Many readers of the site order individual consultations. Without false modesty, I have accumulated a lot of experience in treating diabetes. Because I communicate with hundreds of patients, have already answered thousands of their questions and continue to do so every day. I have maintained relationships with many diabetics for many years in a row. You can use my experience to your advantage so that you don’t have to step on other people’s mistakes.

For clients who order individual support, I help build a system for controlling diabetes and maintaining consistently normal blood sugar. Each patient has his own glucose metabolism disorders and life circumstances, so the approach to treatment must be individualized. Although the basic principles are the same for everyone.

At the beginning of your “new life” you will have a transition period when my individual support will be useful. How does it happen? Initially, you will receive 1-2 long consultations via Skype or another method of communication. In a few days you will definitely have a lot of questions. I will answer them quickly and in detail. Diabetics who have to inject insulin need to keep a diary every day. In addition to analyzing the questions, we will analyze it together with you, learn to select the optimal doses and timing of injections.

It costs 3,000 rubles per month. You can extend it for the next month at a discount for 1800 rubles.

Payment methods are numerous and convenient:

  • Through the nearest payment terminal - Yandex Money, Webmoney
  • Electronic money
  • It is convenient to send Money to Yandex from a Sberbank card
  • For residents of Ukraine - Privat-24
  • Transfer to my card by number
  • I can even accept bitcoins :).

In principle, you can do without paid individual support. If your budget is modest, it is better to spend it on:

  • high-quality low-carb products;
  • test strips for glucometer;
  • medications that are really needed;
  • good imported insulin.

Many patients should also reduce their workload so that they have time and energy to take care of themselves.

Most diabetics study the materials on this site on their own, and then successfully solve their problems. I answer questions in detail in the comments to articles. I sort out the accumulated comments and personal messages 1-2 times a month. I can’t do this more often because I’m studying at university and preparing new articles. Customers who have ordered a paid service receive responses quickly, usually within a few hours.

What is your occupation? Do you have a medical degree?

Almost my entire professional life I have been doing what I sow that is reasonable, kind, and eternal :). For many years I sold books - first paper, then online. During this period, I accidentally learned about low-carbohydrate nutrition, tried it and became convinced of its effectiveness. Smoothly switched to promoting this diet via the Internet for a Russian-speaking audience.

The doctor says that this diet will cause the appearance of acetone in the urine and will damage the kidneys. Who to believe?

There really is acetone in urine. But this is not harmful or dangerous as long as your blood sugar is below 9.0 mmol/l. Check your glucose levels. If necessary, take an insulin injection to reduce it. Drink plenty of fluids. There is no need to worry about acetone. Its appearance means that the body is burning its fat reserves. For patients with type 2 diabetes, this is just what you need.

Many doctors propagate the myth that high protein intake is bad for the kidneys. In fact, it destroys the kidneys of diabetics increased level blood glucose. A low-carb diet makes it possible to bring sugar levels back to normal. Thanks to this, the kidneys are restored if the threshold of glomerular filtration rate of 40-45 ml/min has not yet been passed. The issue is discussed in more detail in the section on complications of diabetes on the kidneys.




Sergey Kushchenko: You need to be able to cope with psychological pressure in any case

Executive Director of the Russian Biathlon Union Sergei Kushchenko commented on the situation around the Russian national team, writes Sport-Express. This season has a peculiarity. We change plans, methods, rearrange personnel, work on the model with an eye to the Olympics. And in the men's team, it seems, they managed to find the ideal combination that produces results. Lopukhov is not just a talented functionalist, he also has an excellent sense of the situation.

Sergei Kushchenko: “In 2013, Russia will host two stages of the World Cup”

In addition to the traditional stage of the World Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk in 2013 best biathletes world will visit Sochi, where they will compete on the Olympic track that had been built by that time. These are the data of the internationally agreed upon draft IBU calendar for the next four years, said Sergei Kushchenko, executive director of the Russian Biathlon Union.
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Russian biathlon competitions will be included in the international calendar

First vice president International Union biathletes (IBU) and executive director of the Russian Biathlon Union Sergei Kushchenko presented at a meeting of the IBU Executive Committee Russian Federation reports on the international competitions on Russian territory.

Kushchenko: Pichler works honestly, and athletes trust him

Executive Director of the Russian Biathlon Union and First Vice-President of the International Biathlon Union Sergei Kushchenko appreciated the work of the coach of the Russian women's team, Wolfgang Pichler. But many people also did not accept Lopukhov and criticized him until they saw the result! We, along with all the fans, are also waiting for results from Pichler. And we have two compelling arguments: the athletes trust him and he works honestly,” Moskovsky Komsomolets quotes Kushchenko as saying.

Sergei Kushchenko: the leaders of the Russian biathlon team are the same

First Vice-President of the International Biathlon Union, Executive Director of the Russian Biathlon Union Sergei Kushchenko spoke about how the athletes of the Russian national team are preparing for the start of the first stage of the World Cup in Ostersund, which is scheduled for December 1. composition for the starting stages. It’s felt that the guys are feeling a little nervous, but this is normal before the start of the season,” Sergei Kushchenko was quoted as saying by Sport-Express. Sergei Kushchenko also said that there is already certainty about which biathlete will make it into the squad: “In each of the teams There is fierce competition for numbers five and six, and so on. In principle, the leaders remained the same - remember the composition of the Olympic relay races.
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Kushchenko: it’s not at all a fact that “native walls” will help our biathletes in Sochi

Executive Director of the Russian Biathlon Union and First Vice-President of the International Biathlon Union Sergei Kushchenko spoke about the Olympic route in Sochi. In principle, each route is unique - somewhere more flat, somewhere with steep slopes or a difficult approach to the shooting range. Everywhere has its own specifics. In Whistler in 2010, for example, it was very difficult in terms of weather conditions, but not difficult in terms of terrain. And in Sochi, on the contrary, there will be very difficult terrain - a large number of steep descents and ascents. It is clear that for them this last Stand, and he is the most difficult. Psychology and preparation will play a role here, and even a call from relatives on the day of the start can be decisive,” the official website of the SBR quotes Kushchenko.

Sergey Kushchenko: “Children’s schools need a licensing system”

Executive Director of the Russian Biathlon Union Sergei Kushchenko, 4 days after the tragedy in Izhevsk, spoke in an interview with the official website of the SBR about what is already known about the causes of the incident, what the special commission is currently doing, and explained why the Union considers it necessary to control children's schools, but does not have such a possibility.
link: index_local.asp?curNewsId= 45340

The Biathlon World Championships opened in Khanty-Mansiysk

The opening ceremony of the Biathlon World Championships with the participation of more than 400 representatives of creative teams took place in Khanty-Mansiysk. The opening ceremony was attended by the President of the International Biathlon Union (IBU), Anders Besserberg, the First Vice-President of the IBU and a member of the Executive Committee Olympic Committee Russia Sergey Kushchenko.

Kushchenko: We should expect predictable and typical actions from Tikhonov. In general, no comments

Executive Director of the Russian Biathlon Union Sergei Kushchenko commented on his election as first vice-president of the International Biathlon Union (IBU). It has not yet been determined which sector of work I will be entrusted with at the IBU, but I expect that my area of ​​activity will be related to the development of strategy and policy. Naturally, such a position is especially interesting for our country on the eve of the home Olympics in Sochi. For me personally, as a member of the executive committee of the Russian Olympic Committee, it is very important to try to have the maximum impact on the policy of one of the largest federations in winter species sports

Sergey Kushchenko: In Perm there are not even minimal conditions for professional clubs kept athletes

The focus of attention of members of the Public Chamber of the Perm Territory, who gathered on December 22 for their regular meeting, was the issue of development in the region physical culture and sports. Here are just some of the speeches that were made during this meeting.

Head of the Federal State Institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Central" sport Club Army", President of the CSKA Professional Basketball Club, member of the ULEB Euroleague Council, Euroleague champion, seven-time Russian champion, two-time Russian Cup winner, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Born in 1961 in the village of Novye Lyady, Ordzhonikidze district, Perm. Father - Valentin Ivanovich Kushchenko (born 1936). Mother - Zoya Ilyinichna (born 1938). Wife – Svetlana Kushchenko (born 1967). Daughter – Anastasia (born 1993). Sons: Alexander (born 1999), Victor (born 2006).

At the end of the 20th century, a new field of activity was formed in Russia - sports management. Often representatives of this profession are in the shadows, less often they become public figures, but in any case they are influential, noticeable, iconic people. Most often they are driven by ambition, they have well-developed intuition and business acumen, and are often artistic and charming. In this case, these non-mathematical conclusions apply to a specific individual. Is this Sergei Kushchenko, a generally recognized manager? 1 of Russian basketball, who quickly burst into the world of the popular game, with honest work gaining well-deserved authority with a series of unique evidence - real achievements that are inextricably linked with his name. It is not possible to trace the gene pool of Sergei Kushchenko as a successful businessman, a new type of sports manager. His parents had a completely different profession, they were typical Soviet builders, strong masters of their craft. They lived hard (a barracks, a one-room Khrushchev apartment), and nothing foreshadowed that their son would become a real celebrity.

The makings of a future leader appeared in Sergei very early. Student of the school? 128 Kushchenko was a constant leader in the class, played the guitar at school evenings, and held the best discos in the village. In high school, together with his friends, he signed up for the basketball section of the local sports center. Sergei’s first coach, Vitaly Veniaminovich Torsunov, managed to instill in his pupil a love of sports that does not go away over the years.

After graduating from school and railway technical school, in 1981 Sergei won his first sports title - as part of the Zvezda team he became the champion of the Perm region in basketball.

After serving in the army (1981–1983), Sergei devoted himself entirely to his favorite activity - discos. The most famous musical projects are the disco “Sounds of Time” and urban humor. The fame of one of the best disc jockeys in the city brings him to television. He becomes the host of the popular program “Hello” on regional TV. At the same time, together with friends, he created the first private recording studio in the city.

In the early 1990s he went into business, and here he was successful. However, he does not forget about basketball. Together with old friends, basketball players, he continues to play his favorite sport, participates in regional championships as part of the Great team. It was this group of enthusiasts who in 1995 took the initiative to create a new basketball club, Ural Great, on the basis of the Polytechnic team. People who have achieved serious success in business decided to invest their money in a new type of team.

Starting in 1996 from 24th place in major league national championship, Ural Great, under the leadership of Sergei Kushchenko, managed to achieve unprecedented success in just a few years. A real basketball fever began in the town.

Best of the day

“At first, Ural Great was a hobby and a common hobby,” says Sergei Kushchenko, “but the hobby ended very quickly. People in Perm quickly got used to success and began not only to expect it, but to demand it.” Since 1998, the team has been playing on the largest basketball court in Russia - in universal palace sport "Hammer", which attracts up to 7,500 fans. The club from Perm very quickly attracts the attention of the country's sports community - in 1999, the “All Stars of Russia” match was held at the Molot UDS site, which until that moment had been held only in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

“Ural Great was the fastest to get used to the new economic and social reality, and understood how to live and work in the current situation,” says Sergei Kushchenko. – The future of Russian basketball in those years was connected with the provinces; it was in the regions that enormous material and human wealth was concentrated, which could be used for good purposes, without waiting for instructions from the capital. They often told me: give me money and we’ll be done? We’ll do no worse than in Ural Great. I answer: five years ago no one gave money to the team. First they did the job, then the sponsors themselves came and asked to take the money.”

2001 was the most successful year in the history of Ural Great - the club from Perm became the champion of Russia, the winner of the regular championship of the Russian Super League and won 1st place in the prestigious North European Basketball League.

The next season was no less impressive. Ural Great received an offer to become second after CSKA Russian team in the most prestigious club tournament of the Old World - the ULEB Euroleague Championship. The Urals did not lose the honor of Russian basketball and, in the company of the most famous clubs in Europe, they were by no means in the role of extras. In the very first season in the Euroleague, “Ural Great” reached the 2nd stage of this tournament - TOP 16, where, in fact, until the last moment it was claiming to participate in the “Final Four”.

During the Euroleague championship, Perm spectators were able to see such famous teams as the Italian “Scavolini”, the Croatian “Cibona”, the Spanish “Real” and “Taugres”, the Turkish “Efes Pilsen”, etc. Without exception, everyone emphasized the highest organization of the games in Perm and great pre-match show. Having successfully completed the Euroleague tournament, Ural Great defended its position in the Russian Championship and won gold medals for the second time in a row.

Shortly before the end of the 2001/02 season, the talented manager received an offer to head the administration of the army club. IN sports world it had the effect of a bomb exploding - never before in history Russian sports I didn’t know examples of transitions of club managers so high level not just from club to club, but to the camp of the main competitor. The desire of the founders of CSKA to invite Kushchenko to the position of general director was easily explained. Despite the solid budget and availability good players For the second season in a row, CSKA not only remained without first place in the national championship, but also without medals at all. An unprecedented situation for the famous super club.

“It has been a tradition for many years that the best Russian players and coaches defend the colors of CSKA. It's time to extend this rule to top managers. It seems to me that the time has come to combine the capabilities of CSKA and the knowledge and skills of Kushchenko. CSKA must become the bearer of the country’s advanced basketball ideology and technology, and Kushchenko knows best how to do this,” said the President of PBC CSKA, Honored Coach of the USSR, at a special press conference dedicated to Kushchenko’s transfer to CSKA. Olympic champion AND I. Gomelsky.

In turn, Kushchenko then outlined his main task at CSKA: “Bring the club infrastructure in line with today’s realities. CSKA should and must be proud of its achievements, but, in addition to the glorious past, an equally impressive present is required. Today's economy requires new managers, new ideas, and therefore the club infrastructure must be mobile and modern. The main goal is to revive or create anew the CSKA basketball product.”

In 4 years at CSKA, Kushchenko managed to create the first superclub in Russia. Not a single area of ​​the team’s development was forgotten. For the first time, marketing was declared one of the priorities. From the very beginning, the new general director tried to do everything possible and impossible in order, firstly, to attract as many spectators as possible to the stands of USC CSKA, and, secondly, to create the most comfortable conditions for them. One of Sergei’s postulates: “the hall should smell like popcorn,” which he insisted on from the very first day at CSKA, yielded real results. The pre-match show surprised even the spoiled Moscow public - a laser, clips on two huge screens, spectacular numbers from the support group. The show's script changes at every match and hardly leaves anyone indifferent. The typical attendance of previous years of 300 people for the Russian championship and two-thirds of the audience for Euroleague games quickly became a thing of the past. Further, going to CSKA basketball has become fashionable. Gradually, both ordinary people and very, very influential officials joined the ranks of army fans.

The steps taken by the army club and its leader did not go unnoticed in Europe. First, the Euroleague included CSKA in the marketing commission, then Kushchenko joined the Euroleague Council. The army's influence extended beyond Russia. A super club, it is a super club because it has no national boundaries. It is quite natural that other teams in the league wanted to adopt the best practices. And it is quite natural that the Euroleague was not averse to including the much-hyped show at the main tournament of the year. The 2005 Final Four quite logically went to Moscow. Holding such a major competition was a real test for Kushchenko and his team, but the test was passed with honor. However, it is not Kushchenko’s rule to stop there.

If we talk about the sports side of things, one of Kushchenko’s first noticeable steps as a general manager was the invitation to the post of head coach of the former coach of the Yugoslav national team, Dusan Ivkovic. Until this time, people only read about the work of specialists of this level in Russia in newspapers. Now the fairy tale has become a reality, and for three years at once. Naturally, the team matched the head coach. Over the course of 3 years, CSKA hosted such of the best point guards in Europe as John Robert Holden and Theodoros Papaloukas, one of the most experienced centers Victor Alexander, and one of the most talented - David Andersen, one of the best American snipers in Europe - Marcus Brown, Greek national team players - Nikolaos Hatzivrettas and Dimos Dikoudis, Estonia - Martin Myursepp, Lithuania - Darius Songaila, Turkey - Mirsad Turkan, and finally Russia - Sergei Panov, Alexander Bashminov, Evgeniy and Zakhar Pashutin, future stars of domestic basketball Viktor Khryapa and Sergei Monya.

Naturally, with such a roster, CSKA immediately became one of the best teams Euroleague, and in the Russian Championship he regained his lost unconditional leadership. CSKA won the national championship right away, but winning the championship in the Euroleague turned out to be much more difficult. In the first season, the renewed CSKA lost in the semifinals to the hosts of the Final Four, the Spanish Barcelona, ​​on next year– the same story, only the location of the tournament has changed. This time the army team could not cope with Maccabi Tel Aviv. In 2005, when CSKA made it to the Moscow Final Four, only the most outspoken skeptics predicted the team's defeat in at least one of the two matches. However, sports fortune was not on the side of the army team in these Moscow May days.

Defeats, first from the Spanish “Tau”, then from the Greek “Panathinaikos”, breaking the fruits of 3 years of hard work, could make anyone, but not Kushchenko, fall into apathy. Less than 2 months later, Ivkovic was replaced by another elite mentor - the Italian Ettore Messina. Only this time, the task of the CSKA head coach should be not only to conquer the peaks of the leading European tournaments by the best players of the old and new world, but also by educating and bringing young Russian players to the highest level. Fortunately, at one time Kushchenko did not let children’s basketball escape his attention. Young and promising players happily signed long-term contracts with CSKA. It was here, in the youth team, that conditions were created for them that were almost in no way inferior to the base. The investment turned out to be a hundredfold. CSKA is the permanent champion of the Russian children's and youth basketball league, a two-time winner of the Euroleague youth tournament.

In the summer of 2005, the Russian youth team, under the leadership of head coach Evgeny Pashutin, who is also one of the CSKA mentors, won the European Championship. The significance of this gain is quite difficult to overestimate. After all, for long years This is the first tournament won by a Russian men's team. Most of the players who showed themselves during the championship went through the CSKA training system, the creation of which Kushchenko once insisted on. This is the most valuable player of the championship Nikita Kurbanov, and defender Vasily Zavoruev, and forward Nikita Shabalkin. All of them, as well as the young center Anatoly Kashirov, entered the sphere of interests of CSKA 2005/06. Messina works with everyone. And together with Kushchenko, they create both the future of CSKA and the future of Russian basketball as a whole. In 2006, PBC CSKA, already under the leadership of head coach E. Messina and club president S. Kushchenko, repeated the success of 2005, winning the Russian Cup for the second time. In the spring of 2006, CSKA won the Euroleague Cup and the title for the first time in decades the best club Europe.

For services to domestic sports in 1998, Sergei Kushchenko was awarded the honorary badge “For merits in the development of physical culture and sports” by the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Russian Federation, in 1999 he was awarded the title “Person of the Year in Russian Basketball”, elected a member of the executive committee of the Russian Basketball Federation, and in December 2000, at the reporting and election conference of the RBF in Perm - vice-president of the RBF. By the decision of the Russian Basketball Federation, Sergei Kushchenko was recognized as the best sports manager in Russia of the last decade of the 20th century. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

In 2006, S.V. Kushchenko was appointed president of the professional basketball club CSKA. Today he is one of the most influential and popular people in Russian basketball.

By order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 2006 S.V. Kushchenko was appointed to the post of head of the Federal government agency Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Central Sports Club of the Army".

Sergei also does not forget the hobbies of his youth - he has collected a unique music library that numbers several thousand records. He enjoys scuba diving. In 1999, by decision of the International Diving Center, he was awarded the prestigious title of “Assistant Instructor”.

However, business, basketball, career - all this is secondary to the main thing. And most importantly - strong and very Friendly family Sergei Valentinovich. The wife and children are as keen on basketball as the head of the family. And the first words spoken by Sergei Kushchenko’s little son Sasha were “basketball” and “Belov.”

Lives and works in Moscow.

Sergey Valentinovich Kushchenko(born May 27, 1961, the village of Novye Lyady, Perm) - Russian sports manager and functionary, president of the VTB United League, member of the Board of Directors of the NBA club Brooklyn Nets and the Council for the Development of Physical Education and Sports under the President of the Russian Federation.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    Sergei studied at school No. 129 in Perm, where he and his friends enrolled in the newly opened basketball section of the local sports center. Sergei's first coach, Vitaly Veniaminovich Torsunov, instilled in him a love of basketball. In 1981 he graduated from school and railway technical school. At the same time he received his first sports title - as part of the Zvezda team he became the champion of the Perm region in basketball.

    In 1981-1983 he completed military service in the Soviet army. He started doing business as an organizer and DJ of discos, together with his friend Perm TV presenter Pavel Pyankov. The most famous musical projects are the disco “Sounds of Time” and urban humor. Soon Kushchenko becomes the host of the popular program “Hello” on Perm regional television. At the same time, together with friends, he created the first private recording studio in the city.

    "Ural Great"

    Sergei doesn’t forget about basketball either. Together with old friends, basketball players, he continues to play his favorite sport, participates in regional championships as part of the Great team. It was they who, in 1995, created a new basketball club, Ural-Great, on the basis of the Polytechnic team. Having started in 1996 from 24th place in the top league of the national championship, Ural Great, under the leadership of Sergei Kushchenko, managed to achieve success in just a few years. Since 1998, the team has already been playing on the largest platform in Russian basketball - in the Hammer Sports Palace.

    The club from Perm very quickly attracted the attention of the sports community - in 1999, the Russian All-Star Game was held at the Molot UDS site, which until that moment had been held only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. According to Sergei, Ural Great was the fastest to get used to the new economic and social reality, and understood how to live and work in the current situation.

    "In sports, the most important thing is the result. There is no gray there, there you either win or lose" - Sergey Kushchenko

    In 2001, Ural Greata won the Russian champion title, won the Super League regular season and took first place in the North European Basketball League (NEBL). In 2002, the club had the opportunity to become the second Russian team after CSKA in the most prestigious tournament of the Old World - the ULEB Euroleague Championship. Already in the debut season of the Euroleague, “Ural-Great” reached the second stage of the tournament - TOP 16. Having successfully completed its performances in the Euroleague, “Ural-Great” defended its position in the Russian Championship and won gold medals for the second time in a row. Shortly before the end of the 2001/2002 season, Sergei Kushchenko received an offer to head the administration of the capital's basketball club CSKA.


    Never before has the history of Russian sports seen examples of such high-level club leaders moving not just from club to club, but to the camp of their main competitor. The desire of Alexander Gomelsky and the main sponsor of CSKA, Mikhail Prokhorov, to invite Sergei Kushchenko to the position of general director was understandable. Despite a solid budget and the presence of good players, CSKA remained without a national champion title and without prizes for the second season in a row.

    “For many years it has been a tradition that the best Russian players and coaches defend the colors of CSKA. It's time to extend this rule to top managers. It seems to me that the time has come to combine the capabilities of CSKA and the knowledge and skills of Kushchenko. CSKA must become the bearer of the country’s advanced basketball ideology and technology, and Kushchenko knows best how to do this,” noted the President of BC CSKA, Honored Coach of the USSR, Olympic champion Alexander Yakovlevich Gomelsky at a press conference dedicated to Sergei Valentinovich’s transfer to the team. Kushchenko himself noted that his “ the main objective- to revive or create anew the CSKA basketball product.”

    One of the first steps of S.V. Kushchenko, as a general manager, was invited to the post of head coach of CSKA by the former coach of the Yugoslav national team, Dusan Ivkovic. I came with a new coach and new team. It was at CSKA that John Robert Holden and Theodoros Papaloukas, centers Victor Alexander and David Andersen, and one of the best American snipers in Europe, Marcus Brown, became European stars. Sergei Panov, Alexander Bashminov, Evgeniy and Zakhar Pashutin became famous in Russia.

    With such a lineup, CSKA immediately became one of the best teams in the Euroleague, and in the Russian Championship regained its lost leadership. Winning the championship in the Euroleague turned out to be more difficult. In the first season, CSKA lost in the semifinals to the hosts of the Final Four - the Spanish Barcelona, ​​and the next - to the Tel Aviv Maccabi. The Moscow Final Four turned out to be the most dramatic: CSKA, as a favorite, lost to the Spanish Tau-Keramika in the semi-finals.

    However, already in the summer of 2005, the Russian youth team, under the leadership of head coach Evgeniy Pashutin, who is also one of the CSKA mentors, won the European Championship. In 2006, CSKA won the Euroleague Champion title, and for the first time since 1971 became the strongest club in Europe. The victorious Final Four took place in Prague, and in the final, CSKA's most important rival, Maccabi Tel Aviv, was defeated.

    On the day of the final match, Kushchenko had a son, who was named Victor in honor of the victory. Immediately after the victory in the Euroleague, an action was held in Moscow organized by the leadership of the army club: posters with the words “Dad, we won!” appeared throughout the city. CSKA dedicated the victory to Alexander Yakovlevich Gomelsky, who did not live to see it for only a few months.

    In 2006, Sergei Valentinovich became president of the professional basketball club CSKA. At the end of the season, the Euroleague recognizes Kushchenko as the “Best Manager of European Basketball.” And in the same year, a few days before the victorious “Final Four” for the army team, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Sergei Kushchenko was appointed to the position of head of the Federal State Institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “CSKA”. Special attention deserves the fact that in summer Olympic Games 2008, held in Beijing, 75% of the medals of the Russian team were won by CSKA athletes.

    Russian Biathlon Union

    In March 2009, Sergei Valentinovich left his post as head of CSKA and soon accepted the offer of the new president of the Russian Biathlon Union (RBU), Mikhail Prokhorov, to take the post of general director of the RBU. On September 2, 2010, Kushchenko was elected first vice-president of the International Biathlon Union (IBU).

    Over several years of work in biathlon, the SBR team achieved notable successes, the crown of which was their performance at the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, where four biathletes brought Russia gold medal. Several new projects were launched from scratch: coaching seminars and advanced training programs, a youth team financing program. With the participation and consultation of the RBU, 10 biathlon centers were built, and an anti-doping project was implemented jointly with RUSADA.

    In May 2014, Sergei Valentinovich resigned as executive director of the SBR, and on July 20, 2014, he was elected president of the VTB United League. Already in October, the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) recognized the VTB United League as an official competition.

    Personal life

    In his spare time, Sergey enjoys diving and is certified by the International Diving Center. Kushchenko has collected a unique music library, which numbers several thousand records. Sergei Valentinovich has a wife, Svetlana, and three children: Anastasia, Alexander and Victor, who share his love for sports.


    Since 2012, he has been a member of the Council for the Development of Physical Education and Sports under the President of the Russian Federation.

    Achievements of Sergei Kushchenko

    Sports achievements (as a manager)

    • Two-time Euroleague champion (2006, 2008);
    • Nine-time champion of Russia (Ural Great 2001, 2002, CSKA 2003-2009);
    • Three-time winner of the Russian Cup (2005, 2006, 2007);
    (1961-05-27 ) (58 years old)

    Sergey Valentinovich Kushchenko(born May 27, 1961, the village of Novye Lyady, Perm) - Russian sports manager and functionary, first vice-president of the International Biathlon Union, member of the Executive Committee of the Russian Olympic Committee, member of the Board of Directors of the Brooklyn Nets BC.


    He completed military service in the Soviet army. He started in business as an organizer and DJ of discos, together with his friend, Perm TV presenter Pavel Pyankov. One of the initiators of the creation of the basketball club "Ural-Great" (Perm), its president from 1995 to 2002. In 1999 he was elected a member of the executive committee of the Russian Basketball Federation, and in December 2000 - vice-president of the RBF.

    On May 20, 2014, Mikhail Prokhorov resigned as president of the RRF, and Kushchenko also left his post in the organization. On June 24, 2014, Sergei Ivanov recommended Kushchenko as his successor as president of the VTB United League.

    Kushchenko has his own opinion about the game of the Russian national basketball team. He opposes the limit on foreign players and the naturalization of foreign basketball players. Sergei Kushchenko advocates revising the system of training basketball players.

    Achievements of Sergei Kushchenko


    • Badge “For Merit in the Development of Physical Culture and Sports” (1998);
    • Medal “200 years of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation” (2006)
    • Order of the Peacemaker of the World Charitable Alliance (2006);

    Awards and titles

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    An excerpt characterizing Kushchenko, Sergey Valentinovich

    “God have mercy, you never need a doctor,” she said. Suddenly a gust of wind hit one of the exposed frames of the room (by the will of the prince, one frame was always displayed with larks in each room) and, knocking off the poorly closed bolt, fluttered the damask curtain, and, smelling cold and snow, blew out the candle. Princess Marya shuddered; The nanny, having put down the stocking, went to the window and leaned out and began to catch the folded frame. The cold wind ruffled the ends of her scarf and the gray, stray strands of hair.
    - Princess, mother, someone is driving along the road ahead! - she said, holding the frame and not closing it. - With lanterns, it should be, doctor...
    - Oh my god! God bless! - said Princess Marya, - we must go meet him: he doesn’t know Russian.
    Princess Marya threw on her shawl and ran towards those traveling. When she passed the front hall, she saw through the window that some kind of carriage and lanterns were standing at the entrance. She went out onto the stairs. There was a tallow candle on the railing post and it was flowing from the wind. The waiter Philip, with a frightened face and another candle in his hand, stood below, on the first landing of the stairs. Even lower, around the bend, along the stairs, moving footsteps in warm boots could be heard. And some familiar voice, as it seemed to Princess Marya, said something.
    - God bless! - said the voice. - And father?
    “They’ve gone to bed,” answered the voice of the butler Demyan, who was already downstairs.
    Then the voice said something else, Demyan answered something, and footsteps in warm boots began to approach faster along the invisible bend of the stairs. "This is Andrey! - thought Princess Marya. No, this cannot be, it would be too unusual,” she thought, and at the same moment as she was thinking this, on the platform on which the waiter stood with a candle, the face and figure of Prince Andrei appeared in a fur coat with a collar sprinkled with snow. Yes, it was him, but pale and thin, and with a changed, strangely softened, but alarming expression on his face. He walked onto the stairs and hugged his sister.
    -You didn’t receive my letter? - he asked, and without waiting for an answer, which he would not have received, because the princess could not speak, he returned, and with the obstetrician, who entered after him (he met with him at the last station), with quick steps again he entered the stairs and again hugged his sister. - What fate! - he said, “Dear Masha,” and, throwing off his fur coat and boots, he went to the princess’s quarters.

    The little princess was lying on pillows, wearing a white cap. (Suffering had just released her.) Black hair curled in strands around her sore, sweaty cheeks; her rosy, lovely mouth with a sponge covered with black hairs was open, and she smiled joyfully. Prince Andrei entered the room and stopped in front of her, at the foot of the sofa on which she was lying. Brilliant eyes, looking childish, scared and excited, stopped at him without changing expression. “I love you all, I haven’t done harm to anyone, why am I suffering? help me,” her expression said. She saw her husband, but did not understand the significance of his appearance now before her. Prince Andrei walked around the sofa and kissed her on the forehead.
    “My darling,” he said: a word he had never spoken to her. - God is merciful. “She looked at him questioningly, childishly and reproachfully.
    “I expected help from you, and nothing, nothing, and you too!” - said her eyes. She wasn't surprised that he came; she did not understand that he had arrived. His arrival had nothing to do with her suffering and its relief. The torment began again, and Marya Bogdanovna advised Prince Andrei to leave the room.
    The obstetrician entered the room. Prince Andrei went out and, meeting Princess Marya, again approached her. They started talking in a whisper, but every minute the conversation fell silent. They waited and listened.
    “Allez, mon ami, [Go, my friend,” said Princess Marya. Prince Andrey again went to his wife and sat down in the next room, waiting. Some woman came out of her room with a frightened face and was embarrassed when she saw Prince Andrei. He covered his face with his hands and sat there for several minutes. Pathetic, helpless animal groans were heard from behind the door. Prince Andrei stood up, went to the door and wanted to open it. Someone was holding the door.
    - You can’t, you can’t! – a frightened voice said from there. – He began to walk around the room. The screams stopped and a few seconds passed. Suddenly a terrible scream - not her scream, she could not scream like that - was heard in the next room. Prince Andrei ran to the door; the scream stopped, and the cry of a child was heard.
    “Why did they bring the child there? thought Prince Andrei at the first second. Child? Which one?... Why is there a child there? Or was it a baby born? When he suddenly realized all the joyful meaning of this cry, tears choked him, and he, leaning with both hands on the windowsill, sobbed, began to cry, as children cry. The door opened. The doctor, with his shirt sleeves rolled up, without a frock coat, pale and with a shaking jaw, left the room. Prince Andrey turned to him, but the doctor looked at him in confusion and, without saying a word, walked past. The woman ran out and, seeing Prince Andrei, hesitated on the threshold. He entered his wife's room. She lay dead in the same position in which he had seen her five minutes ago, and the same expression, despite the fixed eyes and the paleness of her cheeks, was on that charming, childish face with a sponge covered with black hairs.