Make a pool on the roof. House with a rooftop pool. Step-by-step instructions for making a rooftop platform for a swimming pool

The installation of swimming pools on the roof surface of private houses is a fairly common phenomenon in the West. In our country, this type of architectural form has not yet found its own niche. Therefore, it is quite difficult to obtain permission to install such structures on the roof surface of a multi-storey building, but it is quite possible to install a small model on the flat roof of your own country cottage.

Arranging a swimming pool on the roof of your own country house provides the following opportunities:

  • Save space on a small plot of land.
  • Reduce the cost of electrical energy for heating the water in the pool, since in the summer it will be heated by the sun.
  • Set up an original recreation area on your own property.
  • A house with a rooftop pool can significantly increase the cost of its rental/sale.

In addition, a house with a rooftop pool has many other advantages.

In this article

Types of roof pools

Similar structures installed on the roofs of houses are divided into three types:

  • Stationary
  • Frame (collapsible)
  • Inflatable

Swimming pools can also be outdoor or indoor.


Stationary type products are divided into built-in and surface-mounted. The first option is most often designed and built together with the house itself. The second - after the completion of the building, if the strength of the foundation and load-bearing walls allows this.

Brick, concrete, and building blocks are used to construct such structures.


  • Practicality. Maintenance of the structure only involves draining water to winter period time, replacement of filter elements.
  • Reliability. A well-made design does not require repairs during operation. It does not need to be reconstructed and leaks fixed every year.
  • Durability. When used qualitatively building material Such pools have a fairly long operational period.

According to the type of arrangement, stationary structures are divided into covered (with an automatic sliding roof) and open structures. The roofing material is usually polycarbonate.


The design of this type includes: a metal frame, an elastic bowl, additional components, and, depending on the type, a sliding roof.


  • Practicality. A frame pool on the roof of a house does not require any repair work during operation. Only durable materials and a special protective coating are used to make the bowl.
  • Easy to install. The products are easy to install and, if necessary, also easy to dismantle.
  • Versatility. Possibility of installation not only on the roof, but also in other places; you can also reinstall the product from one area to another.
  • Durability. The service life of a product made of high-quality material with a high-quality protective coating is from 10 years.
  • Economical. Installing a frame-type pool does not require the construction of an additional foundation or walls, which means significant savings.

Frames for swimming pools are made of stainless steel.


Inflatable pool structures have a significant advantage over other structures - they are easy and quick to install and remove. There are many options for such products: standard inflatable bowls, inflatable pools with additional lighting, and a hydromassage system. At the same time, the soft walls of the structure significantly reduce the possibility of injury as a result of a person colliding with them.

For the production of products, heavy-duty polypropylene and polyethylene are used. They can also have a variety of parameters: depth - 0.5 - 1.5 meters, diameter of the thicket - 3.0 - 5.0 meters.

Polyethylene is not strong enough to install such a pool on the roof of a building. Therefore, such structures are pre-equipped specialized sites. The base in this case is polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam.

To fill the rubber bowl, an ordinary rubber hose is most often used. And to drain the water, especially if the container is large enough, an electric pump is used.

Important! Regardless of the type of pool installed on the roof, the main thing is to ensure waterproofing, a slight roof slope, and drains in case of depressurization of the pool bowl.

The popularity of green roofs is growing incredibly quickly. Experts even predict a construction boom, because any fantasy can be realized on it - creating gardens with fountains, arranging spa areas and much more.

A rooftop pool is undoubtedly a stylish design solution. More and more homeowners, regardless of additional issues, are striving to equip their home in this way, especially in suburban construction. Even a modest swimming pool on the roof of a house, built on the roof of a private mansion, radically changes the life of the owners for the better. By installing sun loungers and awnings, you can enjoy a beach holiday almost without leaving your home.

The construction of rooftop pools allows:

  • save land space;
  • save energy costs, since in this case solar energy is partially used to heat water;
  • organize an original holiday;
  • increase the potential value of the house and land, and more.

Of course, the design of a house with a rooftop pool requires careful consideration. It is necessary to take into account not only technical, but also sanitary standards. A competent calculation of the supporting structure of the house is necessary, which will guarantee its resistance to the effects of powerful loads. The system for supplying and discharging water must be thought out to the smallest detail, lifting to the roof, etc. must be provided, which will ensure the functionality and safety of operation of the structure. You should also take care of installing a filter, disinfecting water, and assembling electrical units.

On a note

Today it is not so uncommon to have an apartment with a swimming pool on the roof of a high-rise building. This is how the owners of premises on the top floor make their dreams of a great holiday come true. Of course, for this you must first obtain permission from the relevant organizations.

What could a rooftop pool look like?

A rooftop pool can be built of almost any design. The only thing that is important to consider is the possibly increased load that it puts on the supporting system and foundation. A swimming pool on the roof of a private house is especially dangerous in this sense.

There are several options for making a rooftop pool:

  • seasonal. This is an open type design that is used in warm weather.
  • indoor swimming pool with glass wall and roof. Particularly popular is the sliding roof for a pool made of polycarbonate, which works on the principle of a wardrobe. This option is undoubtedly more expensive, but it can be used in any weather conditions.

  • The indoor version is more practical to use. It is only partially closed. The canopy does not interfere with enjoying the delights of water recreation in the summer and protects against water pollution by debris and sediment.


In accordance with design features The rooftop pool can be:

  • stationary;
  • frame;
  • inflatable.

Each type has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

cross-sectional pool design


This type of swimming bowl is comparatively less common on the roof. The design of the pool in this case, in turn, happens:

  • built-in;
  • superficial.

Let's look at each of them separately.

  • Built-in. The depth of the bowl may vary depending on the available space inside the house. They are built from monolithic concrete, foam blocks or bricks. In this case, waterproofing materials and insulation are used. It should be noted that, as a rule, these materials are needed in large quantities. That is, such structures are distinguished by a rather large mass. The design of pools of this type is carried out taking into account all the necessary parameters and an accurate calculation of the required amount of materials.
  • Superficial. They are built on the roof plane, raising the structure to the required height.

rooftop pool photo

Stationary swimming bowls are different:

  • Durability. The structure is built only once. It is periodically cleaned and the bowl is filled with water.
  • Reliability. The maintenance-free service life is quite long, especially if they are properly equipped and finished.
  • Practicality. The design is easy to maintain. Closer to autumn, the water is drained and the bowl is insulated for the winter.

In stationary closed structures, ventilation ducts must be thought out. Otherwise, the heated air will create some discomfort for people in the pool.

How to make a swimming pool in a stationary private house: useful recommendations

One of important points installation involves laying pipes through which water is supplied and drained. Special attention requires sealing of pipe connections and areas at risk of flooding of the structure.

  • Initially, the depth is chosen, and in accordance with it, the stairs necessary to descend into and out of the water are built.
  • When choosing a finish, preference is given to more practical materials that are characterized by
  • ceramic tile;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • glass mosaic.

  • The built-in bowl is qualitatively insulated using special materials. It could be:
  • roofing felt;
  • film;
  • sealant and so on.
  • Pipes connected to the bowl are checked for leaks. If they pass along the roof surface, they must be insulated to prevent freezing of the line. Otherwise, the pipes will have to be replaced.
  • It is recommended to use plastic pipes in the system. The diameter is selected in accordance with their purpose:
  • Waste – 80–100 mm;
  • Feeders – 50–60 mm
  • The best option is the walls of the bowl made of a monolith. The formwork is filled with a concrete solution, which is reinforced with a mesh of metal reinforcement.


It is necessary to take preventive measures to block the path of excess water onto the roof and not flood the house. For this purpose, drain pipes are laid along the walls at a calculated angle, through which water from the roof is discharged directly into the pit.

  • As a safety measure, a fence must be installed on the roof.

The same applies to the construction of structures of the second, surface type.

Frame pool

This design consists of

  • metal frame made of metal;
  • elastic bowl;
  • various additional elements, say, fortifications, stairs or others.

These designs:

  • Practical. They do not require regular repairs or restoration work. Both the material of the bowl, its coating, and the frame are durable.
  • Easy to install. They can be easily and fairly quickly installed, and, if necessary, dismantled.
  • Versatile. Suitable for installation both on the roof and on another convenient area.
  • Durable. The minimum service life is about ten years and even more if the metal frame has a high-quality coating.

On a note

For the manufacture of a metal frame, stainless steel is usually used.

  • Economical. When arranging a frame structure, no financial investments are required for the installation of foundations and walls. All that is needed are pipes through which water is supplied and drained, as well as drain holes.

The general requirements for the installation of a frame swimming bowl and recommendations practically do not differ from the conditions for the construction of a stationary structure.

Installation of a frame swimming bowl

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to make a swimming pool with your own hands. Of course. Let's note a few important points.

Installation is carried out by at least two people, since the side of the bowl is quite heavy. No special tools or equipment are needed for assembly: just a knife, a level and a screwdriver.

  • Having unfolded the sheet, it is inserted into the guides along the bottom;
  • the connecting element along the top of the frame and the bolts are glued with tape;
  1. secure the hoses with clamps,
  2. assemble and install a skimmer - this is a device that collects water for the filtration system,
  3. hoses are connected to the filter,
  4. a hole is cut in the film according to the size of the skimmer,
  5. install a cleaning filter,
  6. connect equipment;
  • After filling the bowl with water, chemicals are dosed to disinfect the water.

Inflatable bowls

These structures, made of flexible polyethylene, are very durable. Inflatable bottom and soft walls are safe for children swimming in it. They are no less attractive for adults, especially since you can always choose a pool of the appropriate size: the bowl reaches 3 m in diameter with a depth of 50–120 cm. It is very practical: it can easily be placed on the roof, and just as easily removed.

However, working with polyethylene has its own characteristics. During the inflation process, it stretches and can become deformed when punctured or cut. Therefore, the pool is installed on a specially prepared platform, lined with sheets of foam or polyurethane. They are laid out tightly one to the other and securely fastened to each other using special glue and sealant, after which they are laid with roofing felt. Then lay a material that has a soft structure, for example, dense carpet.

You can fill the swimming bowl either from a hose or using available equipment. As for draining, it is recommended to use special equipment for it, say, pumps. Water will be discharged directly into the waste pit through pre-laid pipes of the calculated diameter. It is also advisable to provide drain holes on the roof for emergency situations to avoid flooding: in case of a break in the bowl or excess water.

On a note

A real breakthrough in this area has been glass pools, the water from which, as if by magic, “flows” into the sky.

Watch how to build a pool on the roof of a house in the video

There is a housing and communal commotion in Krasnogorsk near Moscow - a patio with a swimming pool was discovered on the roof of a residential high-rise building, which was built by one of the residents. The opinions of the townspeople are divided - some praise the enterprising resident who found an original way to cope with the surging heat, others are indignant, saying that it will flood the neighbors, or even harm the whole house.

I can see everything from above

It all started just the other day, when photographs of a rooftop recreation area appeared on one of the social networks, taken using a quadcopter - a small radio-controlled flying vehicle with an attached camera. The pictures turned out to be impressive - on the roof of the high-rise building there was indeed a relaxation area with an inflatable pool, numerous trees in tubs, armchairs, sun loungers and other recreational equipment. The pool, judging by the photo, is not very large, but several people can fit there. Social media users generally reacted positively and ironically to this improvement in living space.

Someone decided to set up a mini-resort for themselves! - suggested one of them.

Yes, I probably didn’t have enough money to travel abroad,” echoed another.

However, there were also those who looked at the phenomenon from a different angle. “I wonder how this whole structure withstands hurricanes and natural disasters? Has a fir ever fallen on anyone’s head?” - asked Evgeny Shchepin from Moscow. Many people supported him, saying, how safe is all this arrangement and do the residents object to it? Inflatable pool, as well as plastic chairs can easily be torn off the roof by a hurricane wind, and they can do a lot of trouble on the ground.

Need to check

The story became so widespread that on Wednesday the head of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region, Vadim Sokov, came to the spontaneous resort to inspect it. The result of the visit was the decision to dismantle the recreation area and close the free access to the roof. Earlier statements about the illegal construction of the pool were confirmed and now it will be removed.

As Sokov explained, the roof is a common property, and access to it should be closed for security reasons. And only the majority of residents can give the go-ahead for any transformations, because the property is common property, which means its fate must be decided collectively.

In the management company (MC), to which the house with the pool belongs, at the slightest mention of it, they sigh knowingly and say: “Yes, yes, building 38B on Lenin Street.” The management company has been fighting the spontaneous recreation area on the roof for more than a year, but could not do anything.

According to utility workers, the owner of one of the apartments replaced the doors on the technical floor and deprived them of access to the roof. The management company even went to court, but the case was constantly postponed because the defendant simply did not show up for meetings.

Now both the creator of the recreation area and the management company face fines, and serious ones at that. In addition, the administration of the urban settlement of Krasnogorsk, which is the owner of about 40% of the space in the house, can also be punished.

"IN this moment We are studying all the circumstances and prerequisites for the occurrence of such a non-standard situation. In the very near future, administrative proceedings will be initiated and the amount of punishment will be determined. According to preliminary estimates, the total amount of fines in several cases could be about 300 thousand rubles,” Sokov said.

The case is not exceptional

There are quite a lot of similar situations, as reported by housing inspectorates in Moscow and the Moscow region. True, more often enterprising residents take on the task of improving their own apartments, rather than the common property, according to their own taste and way of thinking.

In Balashikha, for example, recently a resident of a 17-story building demolished several walls in his apartment to expand the bathroom. He combined the toilet, bathroom and corridor into one room, removing all partitions. The room ended up being really spacious - there was room for a jacuzzi, a washing machine, a small wardrobe and there was still a lot of space left.

However, the neighbors below did not like the noisy renovation and demolition of walls so much that they contacted the housing inspector. During the inspection, department specialists recorded that the load-bearing capacity of the remaining walls had decreased due to redevelopment, and drew up a protocol on an administrative violation.

In the case of common property, residents, as a rule, express their indignation even faster and more decisively. In Mytishchi, for example, a resident of one of the houses fell in love with cooking barbecue in the summer and having feasts right on the common balcony, which can be accessed from the entrance. Smoke from the barbecue rose steeply from the second floor and went through the windows and vents up to the 17th floor. It was possible to calm down the grill lover only when a good half of the residents of the entrance came out to protest.

Skeptics, having heard about the story of a house with a swimming pool in Krasnogorsk, immediately began to remember that in Europe, the USA, China and many other countries, recreation areas are often set up on roofs, and no one has ever suffered from this. True, abroad, in such houses, the roofs in use are designed in advance and no one arranges anything without permission. There are also inhabited roofs in Moscow - there are about a dozen restaurants alone. But before they are given the go-ahead to open, they are checked for safety.

Those who go on vacation to seaside resorts often encounter such a phenomenon as a used roof, on which there is not only a solarium, but also a structure for water procedures. Even skeptics find this location convenient and understand that if you build a pool on the roof of a private house, it will save space on the site and provide swimmers with complete privacy. Let's consider how such a vacation can be organized, and how sensible such a decision is.

Artificial pond on the roof

In the modern world, exploited roofs are no longer something surprising: as you know, you can even build a parking lot or a helipad on them.

  • But this is only if you design the building in advance and then build it in full accordance with the project. Loading a ceiling that is not designed for additional loads will only create an endless problem, which can be a pool on the roof of a house.
  • Another thing is to use a flat roof (if a stationary artificial reservoir is not designed on it) to install a portable pool, which can be either inflatable or framed, covered with a waterproof polymer film.

  • This is the cheapest and most acceptable option for private owners who decide to reconstruct the roof of a used house for the pleasure of splashing around in the pool in the summer.
  • A stationary structure, no matter what some “experts” write on the Internet, must be designed without fail. And not after the construction of the building, but along with it!

In the photo - a built-in pool on the roof of the house

Note: Designing any hydraulic structure– is always quite a complex and responsible matter; only a professional should do it. Any mistake can be fraught not only with financial losses, but also downright dangerous for the inhabitants of the house.

Even one cubic meter of water weighs almost a ton, and the smallest pool contains at least 5-6 m3. This is only water, but you also need to take into account the weight of building materials - and this is often solid brick and monolithic reinforced concrete, not counting waterproofing, cladding and the weight of engineering equipment.

So, talking about building a swimming pool on the roof of a private house yourself is simply pointless. But choosing a project if you want to build such a house is a completely different matter.

What types of pools are there?

In the designed building, the pool will be stationary and can be built-in or surface-mounted. The first version of the structure is built into the ceiling, placing the bowl in the room below. In the second case, the pool bath rests on the floor plane and is like a superstructure.

Note: Regardless of the design, the entire weight load falls on the walls (after all, the ceiling also rests on them), and they must be properly reinforced.

A stationary structure is not only labor-intensive, but also quite expensive in cost. It still makes sense where summer lasts most of the year, and the reservoir is constantly used. And even in the south in winter, this pool can be filled with snow. So for Russian latitudes the best solution There will be a temporary option, which is much easier to install and weighs much less.

The main thing in this case is that the ceiling is designed for additional load (mainly the weight of water, since the frame pool is very light), which can be discussed with the designer when purchasing the project. There are not many such projects, because such houses are not offered in the standard version, but they still exist. And we will consider one such project of a house with a rooftop pool below.

Real project with a rooftop pool

We are talking about a house with a total area of ​​457 m2, designed for the needs of a family of up to six people. The house has two floors and its plan size is 278 m2. The building is designed for the climate of the Black Sea coast, where there is quite a lot of solar radiation in summer and little precipitation in winter. A house in the high-tech style, in the shape of a parallelepiped with a narrow end part, can be built in fairly cramped conditions - in resort areas only such plots can be purchased.


Here are the main layout characteristics of the house:

  1. Dimensions: 31,145*8,850*11,690 m.
  2. Floors (including the pool superstructure): 2.5.
  3. Area occupied by the pool bowl: 29 m2.
  4. The height of the 1st floor is 2.99 m, the 2nd floor is 2.60 m.
  5. Living area 120 m2.
  6. There is a barbecue area of ​​32 m2.
  7. Next to the house there is a parking lot of 38 m2.

The foundation of the house is a monolithic strip, on which a monolithic reinforced concrete frame of racks and ceilings also rests. The load-bearing walls are made of brick, the rest of the foam blocks. The walls of the pool are reinforced concrete, reinforced with stiffening ribs and faced with mosaics. The facade is finished with slabs of porcelain stoneware or white stone, and wood is used as facade decor.

Layout features

The main entrance to the house is from the parking lot. There is another one that can only be used in summer; it is formed when the sliding glazing system of the walls of the first floor is opened. It includes the following list of premises:

  • hallway with wardrobe, including seasonal storage;
  • boiler room with laundry:
  • toilet;
  • a kitchen combined with a dining room, the walls of which are transformable partitions;
  • pantry;
  • corridor with stairs to the second floor.

On the second floor there is a corridor in the form of a gallery with doors leading to three bedrooms and a common room with a loggia, and a large bathroom. Above the second floor there is a technical floor, which is an attic under the unused part of the roof, and an engineering room for the pool. On the surface of the exploited part of the roof there is the surface of the pool and a terrace on which sun loungers are installed.

Exit to the roof is provided from a glass staircase block. Its doors can open, thanks to the influx fresh air Gives the rooms below the opportunity to cool. The technical floor itself also provides the house with excellent protection from overheating.


As you can see, the layout of the house with a rooftop pool is very ergonomic, and the building structure is quite solid. Using such a water feature will be more convenient than a street one. In it, the water will warm up better, and there will be less leaves flying from the trees - and this, although small, is also a plus. The main thing is to carry out the design correctly, which should be done by specialized organizations.

Well, for owners of apartments located on the top floors of high-rise buildings who decided to install a swimming pool on the roof, let this video serve as a lesson:

About 30–40 years ago, buildings with flat roofs did not attract potential residents; the cost of apartments in them was lower than in other buildings. Residential buildings with a flat roof were inferior to houses with a gable roof. There was a particularly big difference between housing on the first and last upper floors. Everything was explained very simply - the poor quality of roofs became the cause of regular leaks. Now the situation has changed dramatically, and many wealthy homeowners have no problem installing rooftop pools.

In the past, flat roofs leaked for two reasons:

  • irresponsibility of performers. It is no secret that not the best representatives of the working class worked in housing offices; more than one comedy was filmed on this topic and more than one feuilleton was written;
  • lack of reliable roofing materials. To seal flat roofs, ordinary bitumen and roofing felt were used. Bitumen is very afraid of ultraviolet radiation; at low temperatures it loses its plasticity and hardens. The roofing material was made on the basis of ordinary cardboard, the protective impregnation was also bitumen, the strength and durability indicators were unsatisfactory.

Poor quality of fused roofing is the main cause of leaks

Even very experienced and responsible specialists, not to mention housing office employees, could not make a high-quality, durable coating with such dubious materials. The result is regular leaks. And this despite the fact that they tried not to walk on such roofs; a minimum of utilities were placed on them. Currently, the situation has changed radically.

Modern materials and technologies have made it possible to create very durable coatings. They are completely sealed, different high performance mechanical strength, do not react to hard ultraviolet rays. The service life can be fifty years. So tall specifications make it possible to place various objects on the roofs: walking areas, winter gardens, parking lots and swimming pools.

Roofing coverings "TechnoNIKOL"

It should be noted that the regulatory requirements for swimming pools are the most stringent; emergency situations can have extremely Negative consequences. And this despite the fact that the construction technology provides options for quick and safe drainage of water in the event of unexpected breakthroughs and other emergencies.

The construction of swimming pools on the roof should be envisaged at the design stage of the house; such decisions should not be made spontaneously. And it’s not just that a large volume of water can cause serious leaks. The main problem is different - swimming pools create a significant additional load on the ceilings, load-bearing walls and foundation of the building. Such loads cannot be ignored and must be taken into account during calculations of the main architectural components of the structure.

Types of swimming pools by architectural design

When designing buildings with swimming pools, engineers provide several design options.

Table. Types of pools

Pool typeDistinctive features and brief performance characteristics
The pool and the small adjacent area around it are closed; for this purpose, light metal structures covered with tempered glass or polycarbonate are used. These structures are among the most expensive and prestigious; stationary pools are most often located in such shelters. Structures require high maintenance costs; not only significant amounts of energy resources are required, but also qualified maintenance personnel. Have the most heavy weight, create significant additional loads on all load-bearing elements of the structure.
Only a canopy is made over the surface of the pool; most often polycarbonate is used as a roofing material. They are used in warm periods, but there are options with heated water for all-season use.
Relatively cheap structures, construction requires much less time. Design solutions depend on the type of water bowl itself. Disadvantages: problems with maintaining water at the required temperature parameters. They are not used in winter, the water must be drained.
Very complex structures; during construction, the most modern and high-quality waterproofing materials and technologies are required. Only specialized companies should be involved in the creation; they provide a guarantee and undertake compensation for material losses resulting from gross violation of building codes and regulations during the work. Such designs are most suitable for luxury apartment buildings; a bowl of water is placed on the roof surface or built into the body of the house.
The average option for pools, both in quality and reliability, and in terms of estimated cost. The frame is made of metal; water is retained by special sealed plates. There are options when elastic bowls are inserted into the frame. Pools can be completely or partially dismantled for the winter. The designs are practical, universally usable, and reusable. The cost is much cheaper than stationary ones, they are easier to repair and maintain. Some models frame pools They have very complex maintenance equipment; only specially trained people can work with it.
The simplest and cheapest options can be used both on specially prepared roofs and on ordinary ones. They have a relatively light weight and do not have a noticeable effect on the overall load of the load-bearing components of the house. They have different sizes and volumes; it is possible to install units for water purification in automatic mode.

Each design has its own characteristics and requires certain roof preparation. During selection and installation, it must be remembered that if the work technology is violated, swimming pools will cause serious problems not only for the roof, but also for the interior.

Step-by-step instructions for making a rooftop platform for a swimming pool

Whatever type of pool you choose, it is recommended to install it on a specially prepared site. The size of the structure is 6x6 m, you shouldn’t make it smaller, it won’t be a pool, but a large bathtub.

Concreting the base

Prices for cement and basic mixtures

Cement and base mixtures

Step 1. Prepare the edging of the metal platform; you need to weld homemade T-profiles. Place one strip on the edge, the position should be chosen such that on one side there is 1/3 of the width of the bottom strip, and on the other 2/3. Weld the rental. You should work on level ground, follow the rules for performing welding work. If the element is a little misaligned, then you need to make a cut with a grinder, the beam will sit in place.

Step 2. Choose a specific location for the pool. This is a heavy structure and should be placed above load-bearing walls. If there is no floor plan, then you need to inspect the walls from inside the building. It is advisable that the slab under the pool rests on at least three load-bearing walls; choose a symmetrical position.

Step 3. Install formwork for pouring concrete from 25x150 mm edged boards, pour concrete. Allow at least two weeks to harden, remove the formwork and install metal edging. It will not only strengthen the entire structure, but also prevent foot damage to the edges of the site.

Before installing the edging, it is necessary to lay a metal mesh to reinforce the structure. The fact is that in the future there will be a layer of bitumen on it, it is necessary to minimize the likelihood of various deformations and cracks, the protection must be intact and guarantee complete moisture resistance of the roof.

Step 4. Use mortar around the perimeter to secure the metal edging to the site. Do not touch the side surfaces yet, they still need to be waterproofed.

Step 5. Weld metal rods approximately 25–30 cm long to the edging. Fix the metal rods to the vertical rods. Pre-drill holes, drive them into the concrete, and use a grinder to cut off the excess.

This is additional insurance against displacement of the edging; it must remain motionless under any load.

Important. If you are working on a finished coating, then you need to be very careful. Various construction debris can damage the roof and cause leaks. Don’t be lazy to immediately clean up after yourself; there shouldn’t be anything lying around under your feet.

The distance between the fastenings is approximately one meter. You can’t go any further, the strip is thin and can become deformed.

Step 6. Secure the harness against movement in the vertical direction. Drive in and weld the pins flush to the edge of the strip, the distance between them is also about one meter.

Step 7 Install the first guide to level the top layer of concrete. The entire site will be filled in separate sections; the guide will then have to be shifted and installed in a new location.

Step 8 Start pouring concrete. The algorithm of actions is standard, the strength of concrete is not lower than M 200.

After the concrete has completely dried, treat the surface. Professionals strongly recommend this operation. The primer not only significantly increases adhesion between the base and the roofing material, but also serves as a fairly reliable water barrier. The solution is deeply absorbed into the concrete, forming an even sealed layer on the surface. It is protected from the negative effects of harsh ultraviolet rays by finishing coatings and lasts much longer than them.

Important. Work should only be done in dry weather. You should not believe manufacturers that surface moisture does not affect the quality of the coating. Practice shows that it has an effect, and very strongly.

Installation of roll roofing materials

Prices for roofing material


The base is prepared for final waterproofing. Lift the burner, gas cylinder and rolls of material onto the roof.

Step 1. Lay down the lining layer. For waterproofing work under swimming pools, only high-quality materials should be used; the small amount of savings on them cannot be compared with the possible losses. Attention should be paid not only to the type of modified bitumen, but also to the physical strength of the base. Fiberglass has the highest indicators for this parameter. Never buy rolls based on non-woven fabric for these purposes. Their tensile strength is almost the same as ordinary cardboard. The only advantage of a non-woven base is that it is not afraid of moisture. Non-woven materials in their structure have nothing to do with conventional fabrics; they do not have strong longitudinal and transverse threads.

Step 2. Glue the finishing layer with stone chips on top of the lining layer. For this, too, purchase only modern, high-quality coatings.

The area for the pool is ready, you can install it.

Prices for frame pools

Frame pools

In this situation, what is more expensive is not always better. Why? A house is a complex engineering structure that has a huge number of individual elements that influence each other’s condition. For example, the increased load on the roof puts pressure not only on the ceiling and walls, but also on the foundations. What factors should you keep in mind when choosing a pool?

  1. A stationary indoor structure is the heaviest structure; its construction can be planned only at the stage of developing the design specifications. You should not hope that the house designs are initially large stock strength and can handle significant additional loads without problems.

  2. in winter better water release regardless of the type of container. Few people will take water procedures and harden at the same time; they will have to do heating. This is not only difficult, but also dangerous.

  3. We must not forget that any pool must be periodically cleaned of dirt, and the water must not only be filtered, but also disinfected. Otherwise, green mucus will appear on the walls and bathing will be unpleasant.

  4. The pool area is at least twenty-five square meters. It is not advisable to undertake complex, expensive work for the sake of a large bathtub.

  5. Don't get carried away with cheap inflatable structures. In the event of a breakthrough, no waterproofing will save you from flooding the lower rooms; leaks will most likely occur.

Don't rush to make final decisions. There are always several options, choose the most optimal one for yourself and your home.

And one last thing. The type and dimensions of the structure must take into account the purpose for which they are made. If only to show your friends once, then you can choose the most simple options. When you plan to use the pool regularly, you should not skimp on reliability and comfort. For such cases, it is recommended to mount a stainless steel container on the platform described above. The pleasure is expensive, but over time it completely pays for itself: significant savings in the cost of periodic maintenance, maximum guarantee of safety of use and an almost unlimited service life.

Video - Swimming pool on the roof

A rooftop pool is an original solution to increase the prestige and comfort of a building; they are installed on inversion roofs. But such roofs can be used for other purposes. What are inversion roofs, what are their performance characteristics and how to build them can you read.