Scenarios for a sports festival for a summer camp. Scenarios for summer camp - sports festival "Berenday" in a school health camp Sports festivals in the camp

Holiday script for the camp “Hello, sunny summer”

Scenario for 1st lazy summer for children's camp. An interesting and fun scenario for children. Poems and many songs, fun games for schoolchildren. Characters: two presenters, children - readers. What is needed in preparation: learn songs and poems with children, organize teams, decorate the stage.

Humor Day at Children's Camp

Scenario for Humor Day at a children's camp. An interesting and fun scenario for children. Poems and many songs, fun games for schoolchildren. Characters: presenter, teams of children. What is needed in preparation: props - paper and cardboard, pens, headscarves, plastic bottles, hoops, cell phones, Chinese caps, cardboard thermometers.

Scenario for opening a camp shift

Scenario for opening a camp shift at a children's school camp. The oath of allegiance to the camp, other interesting rituals aimed at strengthening friendship between children. Characters: two presenters, children. What is needed in preparation: children need to draw posters, emblems of their squad, come up with a motto, squad name, squad song.

Scenario for Dating Day at Camp

An event for the first day of camp, when children are not yet familiar with each other, teachers and the laws of the camp. Dating games for schoolchildren to get to know each other in a playful way. Characters: teachers, children. What is needed in preparation: educators must prepare props for games and provide instructions for children.

Scenario for the summer health camp “Mysteries of Summer”

Scenario of an event in a health school camp for children aged 7 to 10 years, which takes place in an interesting form of traveling through imaginary stations. Actors: presenters for each station, team. What is needed in preparation: preparation and execution of assignments; venue; formation of teams, jury; making cards.

Scenario of an event dedicated to June 1 - Children's Day in a children's camp. On this day, children are told about the holiday. Collective games for children in the camp. Characters: the presenter, the cat Basilio and the Fox Alice. What is needed in preparation: props for games, prizes, room decoration, costumes of fairy-tale characters.

Scenario for Children's Day in the “Childhood Holiday” camp

Scenario for a game show dedicated to International Day child protection. It is advisable to hold this event on the street, where there are book exhibitions and playgrounds. Characters: presenter, clowns, artist, Uncle Styopa, Fiona, Fiona's assistants 2-3 girls, robot - Palamarchuk. What is needed in preparation: props for games, costumes of characters, room equipment.

Script for kindergarten or a school camp on the theme of the holiday - Children's Day. It takes place outside. Children, led by funny presenters, play games and solve riddles. Characters: Liar-Bully, Clown Smeshinkin (performed by adults). What is needed in preparation: costumes of the heroes - presenters, props for games.

Scenario for the summer music and sports festival camp “Long live children all over the planet”

Scenario sporting event outdoors for children's camp. The holiday is held on the street, children are divided into teams and participate in outdoor games. Characters: presenter, grandmother, two girls. What you need in preparation: a beautifully decorated area balloons, ribbons, flags, props for games.

Script for summer camp"Sun Festival"

The Sun Festival scenario for a children's camp is ideal for uniting and making friends with children. Games, riddles, Interesting Facts from the Sun. Characters: presenter. What is needed in preparation: decorating the site with many “suns”, a “Sunny Bunny” costume, music, a poster with quiz questions about the sun.

Scenario of the event for the summer camp “Day of Miracles”

Scenario for a fun, interesting holiday for a children's camp. According to the scenario, 2 teams of children must find a magic tree using a fragment of the map. Characters: presenter, Baba Yaga, Basilio the cat, Alice the fox. What is needed in preparation: purchase bananas according to the number of children participating and hang them on the tree, prepare cards and tasks for teams, costumes for heroes.

Scenario "Day of Liars" in a summer camp

Scenario for a very fun holiday at the school summer camp “Liars' Day”. The holiday develops children's imagination and creative abilities. Funny Games and competitions. Characters: two presenters, two liars. What is needed in preparation: the day before, each squad must compose an implausible funny story about life in the camp for the competition. You will also need props for competitions and fun music.

Scenario competitive program for the summer camp “The Best”

The scenario of the competition program “The Most” is ideal for entertaining children at a school summer camp. Competitions must evaluate both intellectual and sports achivments children, erudition, ingenuity. Characters: two presenters, jury. What you need in preparation: awards for the winners, props for competitions, fun music.

Scenario for the “Creativity Day” holiday in a summer camp

A very interesting holiday scenario for a summer camp for schoolchildren. Creative competitions in the categories “Dancers”, “Fashion Designers”, “Writers”, “Artists”, “Poets” should help every child show their talent. Characters: presenters. What is needed in preparation: assignment sheets for each unit, props for creative competitions, awards for winners, music for a dance competition.

Game scenario for the summer camp "Polundra"

Scenario of a fun outdoor game for a summer school camp. The essence of the game is for teams to complete competitions and, as a result, reach a place where a large box of chocolates is hidden for the winners. Characters: presenters. What is needed in preparation: tasks for teams, props for competitions, candy, music. The game can be played both outdoors and indoors.

Scenario of a patriotic holiday on Russia Day for a summer school camp. Beautiful poems and songs about Russia. It’s good if the children read their poems about the Motherland. Characters: presenters, poetry readers. What is needed in preparation: learn songs and poems, decorate the hall with flags and balloons in the color of the Russian flag, set up tables and chairs.

Scenario for closing a shift at a summer camp

Scenario for closing a shift at the summer camp “Welcome from the opposite side!” A cheerful holiday is ideal for children saying goodbye to camp. Characters: 2 buffoons, presenter, Padishah, translator, gardener, nurse. What is necessary in preparation: compose poems, ditties or songs about each counselor, teacher, etc., distribute the words in advance, because they are quite complex.

Scenario of a disco with competitions at a school camp

Scenario for a fun disco at a summer school camp. Dancing and other competitions at the disco will make it more interesting for the participants. Characters: disco host, fishermen. What is needed in preparation: fishermen's costumes, props for competitions, awards for winners, musical equipment.

Scenario for a dating holiday at the opening of a school camp

This dating holiday scenario is proposed to be held in the “light” format at the opening of a school camp. The purpose of the holiday is to let children get to know each other and create an atmosphere of trust in the camp. Characters: presenter, counselors. What is needed in preparation: cardboard stars with questions for children, come up with chants.

Scenario of the Olympic Games in the summer camp “Faster, Higher, Stronger”

Scenario of a sports event for a school summer camp, which can be held as Olympic Games. Sports competitions, competitions, interesting facts about the Olympics. Characters: presenters, Prometheus, Zeus. What you need in preparation: props and Sports Equipment For sports competitions, awards for winners, music.

Scenario for opening a school camp for children 7 - 10 years old

This scenario for opening a shift at a school camp is suitable for younger schoolchildren - children 7 - 10 years old. The purpose of the holiday is to give children the opportunity to get to know each other and express themselves. Games, riddles for children. Characters: presenter. What you need in preparation: props for competitions and games.

Scenario for the opening of a camp shift with the participation of life-size puppets

This scenario for opening a shift at a summer camp is quite labor-intensive, but very bright and interesting. Games, competitions, riddles for children, presentations by counselors, stories about the camp. Characters: 2 presenters, life-size puppets: Baba - Yaga, Cat, Hare, Tiger. Hut. What is needed in preparation: Costumes of life-size dolls, music recordings, refreshments, T-shirts for counselors.

Scenario of the counselors’ concert at the opening of the camp shift

A concert by counselors will be a successful event at the opening of a shift at a summer camp. Children will be able to learn more about their counselors and make friends with them. The concert needs to end with an evening gathering of the squad. Characters: counselors, children. What is needed in preparation: costumes for counselors, stars to give to children.

Scenario of the ceremonial ceremony for the opening of the shift in the camp

Usually the opening of a camp shift begins with a ceremonial assembly. We offer a script for a lineup with the removal of the Russian flag and welcoming words from the camp management to the children. Characters: counselors, teachers, camp director, children. What is needed in preparation: Russian flag, musical equipment, microphones.

Scenario of a game entertainment program for Children's Day

The game entertainment program dedicated to International Children's Day is designed for older preschoolers - children aged 5 - 6 years. It is advisable to hold games and competitions for children outside. Characters: 2 presenters, children - readers, Vredina (adult). What is needed in preparation: props for games, Vredina’s costume, prizes for competition winners, music.

Prepared by: Sukhareva I.A., teacher of additional education

Target: development of dexterity, accuracy, resourcefulness, the ability to correlate one’s actions with the actions of other team members.

Necessary equipment: colored flags, balls of different sizes, a tennis ball, ropes, hoops, story pictures, a target, a rubber ring, a soft toy.

“Sports Kaleidoscope” consists of several short sports and educational competitions. They develop dexterity, as well as accuracy, resourcefulness, and the ability to relate their actions to the actions of others.

Organization options:

The training plan is developed by a team of senior guys, who also organizes all the events;

The sports kaleidoscope is carried out by all squads in turn, changing its content each time;

All squads simultaneously participate in the development of the kaleidoscope (team units prepare individual relay races, attractions, and team games). Thus, a kaleidoscope is carried out within each detachment according to its own program.

To conduct a kaleidoscope, several playgrounds. Additional education teachers prepare the necessary equipment. Classes (squads) form teams of 10-12 people, choose a captain, draw up a record sheet (for example, in the form of a multi-colored circle, divided into as many sectors as the number of competitions planned by the organizers). The reverse side indicates the team number, class (squad), and the names of team members.

After this, the teams participate in relay races, perform various tasks, including creative ones, answer quiz questions, etc.

The “Sports Kaleidoscope” tasks can be completed in any order. It is important that the team manages to take part in all competitions within the allotted time (1-1.5 hours). The judges' results are entered into registration card, which is handed over to the control center, where the final results are summed up.

Set of tasks:

Arms - legs - head. The relay race is carried out in four stages: “Wheelbarrow” (one walks on his hands - the other holds his legs), “Ostrich” (running together - the head of one is under the armpit of the other), “Turtle” (running on all fours with his back to the ground), “Three-legged” (the right leg of one runner is tied to the left leg of the other).

Electric train . At the finishing flags for each team there are 10 towns-“cars”. The first participant, having taken the town, places it near the line of additional flags “on the butt”. The remaining participants place their “cars” close together, as if forming an “electric train”. The team that completes the task first receives 10 points, the second - 9, the third - 8, etc. A committed and uncorrected mistake is punishable by a fine - minus 0.5 points.

Letka-enka . Teams line up at their starting flags in a column one at a time and place their hands on the belt of the person in front. In this position, they dance to the music, moving towards the finish line. If a team gets to it “broken”, it is awarded penalty points (depending on the number of breaks).

Ball - to the center . Each team forms a circle. At the referee's signal, the captains standing in the center take turns throwing the ball to each player of their teams and immediately receiving it back. The final challenge to the captain is the final. Penalty points are awarded for a player skipping or for the ball falling on the floor.

Accurate shot. Three targets are suspended at a height of 1.5 m from the ground different sizes and shapes, such as a small toy, a rubber ring and volleyball. Each team member tennis ball makes three throws at any target. Hitting a large target - 3 points, a medium one - 4, a small one - 5. For students in grades 1-3, the distance to the target should be 2 m, for grades 4-5 - 3 m, for grades 6-8 - 4 m.

Perpetual motion machine You should play on asphalt or hard ground.) At a signal, everyone begins to twirl their hoop with one hand. The participant whose hoop spun the longest brings his team 5 points (if five teams are playing), the rest - 4, 3, 2, 1 point, respectively.

"Sports guessing game":

Without looking, draw cards with pictures of various sports shoes, name the sport in which they are used;

Identify the sports depicted by pictograms;

In 1-1.5 minutes, find ten differences between two pictures based on a sports story;

Based on the pictures depicting the elements of refereeing in various game situations, determine the type of sport and the meaning of the referee’s gesture.

I also recommend creating a crossword puzzle “Outstanding Athletes”, holding a quiz “Salute, Olympics!”, opening a portrait gallery “Pride” Russian sports"(children must sign the names of the athletes depicted and indicate the type of sport they are involved in).

Intricate inventors. Make a detailed caption for a photograph, drawing, poster on sports theme; compose a sports ditty; in 3 minutes, imagine a sculptural image of an athlete (skater, weightlifter, basketball player, etc.).

For a task completed within the designated time, the team is awarded 5 points. Those who do not meet the allotted minutes are fined, and incentive points are added for early response and originality.


Winner's reward ceremony



structural unit "Center for Extracurricular Activities"

GBOU secondary school "Education Center" village. Varlamovo

Scenario of a sports festival in a summer camp with daytime stay for children

"Sports Kaleidoscope"

Prepared by: Sukhareva I.A.,

additional education teacher


Scenario of a sports festival in a summer camp with children’s day stay “Sports Kaleidoscope”

Prepared by: Sukhareva I.A., teacher of additional education

Target: development of dexterity, accuracy, resourcefulness, the ability to correlate one’s actions with the actions of other team members.

Necessary equipment:colored flags, balls of different sizes, a tennis ball, ropes, hoops, story pictures, a target, a rubber ring, a soft toy.

“Sports Kaleidoscope” consists of several short sports and educational competitions. They develop dexterity, as well as accuracy, resourcefulness, and the ability to relate their actions to the actions of others.

Organization options:

The training plan is developed by a team of senior guys, who also organizes all the events;

The sports kaleidoscope is carried out by all squads in turn, changing its content each time;

All squads simultaneously participate in the development of the kaleidoscope (team units prepare individual relay races, attractions, and team games). Thus, a kaleidoscope is carried out within each detachment according to its own program.

To conduct the kaleidoscope, several playgrounds are created. Additional education teachers prepare the necessary equipment. Classes (squads) form teams of 10-12 people, choose a captain, draw up a record sheet (for example, in the form of a multi-colored circle, divided into as many sectors as the number of competitions planned by the organizers). The reverse side indicates the team number, class (squad), and the names of team members.

After this, the teams participate in relay races, perform various tasks, including creative ones, answer quiz questions, etc.

The “Sports Kaleidoscope” tasks can be completed in any order. It is important that the team manages to take part in all competitions within the allotted time (1-1.5 hours). The judges record the results on a record card, which is handed over to the control center, where the final results are summed up.

Set of tasks:

Arms - legs - head.The relay race is carried out in four stages: “Wheelbarrow” (one walks on his hands - the other holds his legs), “Ostrich” (running together - the head of one is under the armpit of the other), “Turtle” (running on all fours with his back to the ground), “Three-legged” (the right leg of one runner is tied to the left leg of the other).

Electric train . At the finishing flags for each team there are 10 towns-“cars”. The first participant, having taken the town, places it near the line of additional flags “on the butt”. The remaining participants place their “cars” close together, as if forming an “electric train”. The team that completes the task first receives 10 points, the second - 9, the third - 8, etc. A committed and uncorrected mistake is punishable by a fine - minus 0.5 points.

Letka-enka . Teams line up at their starting flags in a column one at a time and place their hands on the belt of the person in front. In this position, they dance to the music, moving towards the finish line. If a team gets to it “broken”, it is awarded penalty points (depending on the number of breaks).

Ball - to the center . Each team forms a circle. At the referee's signal, the captains standing in the center take turns throwing the ball to each player of their teams and immediately receiving it back. The final challenge to the captain is the final. Penalty points are awarded for a player skipping or for the ball falling on the floor.

Accurate shot. Three targets of different sizes and shapes, such as a small toy, a rubber ring and a volleyball, are suspended at a height of 1.5 m from the ground. Each team member makes three shots at any target with a tennis ball. Hitting a large target - 3 points, a medium one - 4, a small one - 5. For students in grades 1-3, the distance to the target should be 2 m, for grades 4-5 - 3 m, for grades 6-8 - 4 m.

Perpetual motion machine. 1 person is invited from each team. With hoops in their hands, they form a circle with a diameter of 8-10 m. (Play should be on asphalt or hard ground.) At a signal, everyone begins to twirl their hoop with one hand. The participant whose hoop spun the longest brings his team 5 points (ifplay five teams), the rest - 4, 3, 2, 1 points, respectively.

"Sports guessing game":

Without looking, they draw cards with images of various sportsshoes , name the sport in which it is used;

Identify the sports depicted by pictograms;

In 1-1.5 minutes, find ten differences between two pictures based on a sports story;

Based on the pictures depicting the elements of refereeing in various game situations, determine the type of sport and the meaning of the referee’s gesture.

I also recommend making a crossword puzzle “Outstanding Athletes”, holding a quiz “Salute, Olympics!”, opening a portrait gallery “The Pride of Russian Sports” (children must sign the names of the athletes depicted, indicate the type of sport they are involved in).

Intricate inventors. Make a detailed caption for a photograph, drawing, poster on a sports theme; compose a sports ditty; in 3 minutes, imagine a sculptural image of an athlete (skater, weightlifter, basketball player, etc.).

For a task completed within the designated time, the team is awarded 5 points. Those who do not meet the allotted minutes are fined, and incentive points are added for early response and originality.


Winner's reward ceremony

Short description

Popularization of physical culture and sports, active rest children


last name, first name, patronymic of the author– Ektova Lesya Nikolaevna
the name of the institution– MBOU"Sofrinskaya secondary school No. 2"
discipline- Physical Culture
subjectsport competitions

Class– 1-4 grades

Explanatory note:

1. Educational – to promote the accumulation of motor experience. Create a need for exercise physical culture, broadening your horizons.
2. Educational – to cultivate a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, self-discipline, will and attention.
3. Wellness – promoting the health of students, increasing their functional capabilities, developing application skills breathing exercises Strelnikova in everyday life.

Inventory:paper, pencil, eraser, plastic bottles, rope, scarves, basketballs, hoops, plastic cups, water, paper airplanes, letters, newspapers, treasure hunting diagrams.
Location: playground before school.
Panel of judges: teachers
Awards: teams are awarded certificates
PROGRESS OF THE EVENT 1. Team building.
1.1. Welcome speech from the competition leader:
- Good afternoon, dear guys! I am again glad to welcome you to our summer recreation area. Today you have to participate in various competitions, show dexterity, ingenuity, and speed. Team captains will show their topography abilities, ability to organize their teams and set them up for victory.
1.2. Each team presents its name and motto.
- Breathing exercises, outdoor gear.

1.3. The presenter invites the team captains to his place and gives them the first task - to draw a topographic plan of the area where the competition will take place, and also to draw (by drawing lots) routes for their teams.

2. Relay races – Competitions:

Team members must guess as many riddles as possible in 1 minute. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

1st station – “Smart guys and smart girls.”
Team members must guess as many riddles as possible in 1 minute.

The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

2nd station – “Cosmic Football”.
There is 40 on the field plastic bottles. Required in 30 seconds, the whole team
get the most bottles into the gate. The team wins
who drove the largest number of bottles into the gate.

Station 3 – “The Sixth Sense”
Blindfolded participants walk under a stretched rope at a height of 1 m from
earth with a rope. The team with the most participants wins
which will not touch the rope.

4th station – “Water Drinks”
Players hold a large plastic glass of water on their heads. They run
distance and pour the water into the jar. Whoever fills a liter jar faster will
the team won (time the task).

5th station – “Young pilots”
At the signal, at the same time, team members launch paper airplanes,
which must fly over the line. Which team has more planes?
flies over the line, she won.

6th station – “Pumpkin”
Teams receive a hoop and a basketball. At the judge's signal, you must
use the hoop to roll the ball to the turntable and back. Wins
the team that showed the best time.

7th station – “Add a word”
Teams line up in a column one at a time behind the starting line. Near
a stack of letters lies in a column. At the judge's signal, the first participant runs until
turn line and places a letter on it. Comes back and passes the baton
touching the hand of the next participant. The letters are laid out along one line.
The result should be the word “Competition”. Team captains
help to collect the word. The team that completes it faster wins.

Station 8 – “Help Harry Potter make the Snitch”
Each participant has a sheet of newsprint in front of them. Participants on signal
the judges, at the same time, begin to crumple a ball from a newspaper sheet, trying
gather it into a fist. The team that completes the task first wins.

9th station – “Find the treasure”
Each team captain is given a diagram indicating the place where
hidden treasure. While the jury members are summing up the results, the teams are looking for the treasure.
3. Summing up the competition.
Awarding of winning teams (presentation of certificates).
Concluding remarks from the presenter:
- Thank you for your attention, for your enthusiasm, for your ringing laughter,
For the fire of competition that ensured success.
Now the moment of farewell has come, our speech will be brief
We say to you: “Goodbye! See you happy, new meetings!”

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Competition Smart-dexterous-brave-skillful (camp, 06.13).docx

Sports event at summer school camp

"Smart, dexterous, brave, skillful"

place of residence (city, town), region, region, region;

name of educational institution – MBOU"Sofrinskaya secondary school No. 2"

discipline – physical education

theme: sports competitions

grade – grades 1-4

Explanatory note:

Target: popularization of physical culture and sports, active recreation of children


    Educational – to promote the accumulation of motor experience. Create a need for physical education and broaden your horizons.

    Educational – to cultivate a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, self-discipline, will and attention.

    Wellness – promoting the health of students, increasing their functional capabilities, developing skills in using Strelnikova’s breathing exercises in everyday life.

Inventory: paper, pencil, eraser, plastic bottles, rope, scarves, basketballs, hoops, plastic cups, water, paper airplanes, letters, newspapers, treasure hunting diagrams.

Location: sports ground in front of the school.

Panel of judges: teachers

Awards : teams are awarded certificates


    Team building.

1.1. Welcome speech from the competition leader:

- Good afternoon, dear guys! I am again glad to welcome you to our summer recreation area. Today you have to participate in various competitions, show dexterity, ingenuity, and speed. Team captains will show their topography abilities, ability to organize their teams and set them up for victory.

1.2. Each team presents its name and motto.


Breathing exercises, outdoor switchgear.

1.3. The presenter invites the team captains to his place and gives them the first task - to draw a topographic plan of the area where the competition will take place, and also to draw (by drawing lots) routes for their teams.

    Relay races – Competitions:

1st station – “Smart guys and smart girls.”

Team members must guess as many riddles as possible in 1 minute. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

2nd station – “Cosmic Football”.

There are 40 plastic bottles on the field. Required in 30 seconds, the whole team

get the most bottles into the gate. The team wins

who drove the largest number of bottles into the gate.

Station 3 – “The Sixth Sense”

Blindfolded participants walk under a stretched rope at a height of 1 m from

earth with a rope. The team with the most participants wins

which will not touch the rope.

4th station – “Water Drinks”

Players hold a large plastic glass of water on their heads. They run

distance and pour the water into the jar. Whoever fills a liter jar faster will

the team won (time the task).

5th station – “Young pilots”

At the signal, at the same time, team members launch paper airplanes,

which must fly over the line. Which team has more planes?

flies over the line, she won.

6th station – “Pumpkin”

Teams receive a hoop and a basketball. At the judge's signal, you must

use the hoop to roll the ball to the turntable and back. Wins

the team that showed the best time.

7th station – “Add a word”

Teams line up in a column one at a time behind the starting line. Near

a stack of letters lies in a column. At the judge's signal, the first participant runs until

turn line and places a letter on it. Comes back and passes the baton

touching the hand of the next participant. The letters are laid out along one line.

The result should be the word “Competition”. Team captains

help to collect the word. The team that completes it faster wins.


Station 8 – “Help Harry Potter make the Snitch”

Each participant has a sheet of newsprint in front of them. Participants on signal

the judges, at the same time, begin to crumple a ball from a newspaper sheet, trying

gather it into a fist. The team that completes the task first wins.

9th station – “Find the treasure”

Each team captain is given a diagram indicating the place where

hidden treasure. While the jury members are summing up the results, the teams are looking for the treasure.

Scenarios for summer camp - Sports festival"Berendey Day" at a school health camp

Goals: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature; learn to work in a group; develop physical qualities: agility, speed, strength.

Equipment: gymnastic mats, ball, gymnastics pommel horse, skittles, hoops, cut-out plans of the area, matches, 2 candles, 2 tables, sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, soundtrack, various plants.

Venue: sports hall.

Progress of the event

In the hall there is an exhibition of works of figurines of forest men (large ones), presented by each detachment. Children's drawings and bouquets of flowers are presented.

Host: Today we will go to visit Berendey. Guys, who is Berendey? (Forest King). Berendey protects the forest and takes care of its wards: animals and plants. But before we go into the forest, let's close our eyes and listen to the sounds of the forest.

The phonogram sounds -"Sounds of the Forest".


Hello forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

What are you making noise about in the leaves?

On a dark, stormy night!

What are you whispering at dawn?

All in dew, like in silver?

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, don’t hide:

You see - we are our own!

Host: Berendey’s assistants have prepared various tasks for you. Each squad will try to win the favor of the forest king and receive a forest prize from his hands.

The hedgehog has prepared your first task. Guess the forest riddles:

Gives time to the young man,

Every year around the ring. (Tree)

Children in skullcaps

The branches stuck around. (Acorns)

It sleeps in winter and makes noise in summer. (River)

The belt surrounded both the lawn and the forest. (Path)

Hey bells, blue color

With the tongue, but no ringing. (Bell)

In the forest near the stump there is running and bustling:

The working people are busy all day. (Ants)

Not a lamb or a cat,

Wears a fur coat all year round.

Gray fur coat - for summer,

For winter - a different color. (Hare)

He stands under the birch tree,

Covered with a black hat. (Mushroom)

The spider has prepared the second task for you.

"Fun Starts": 2 teams are invited to the start.

1. Moving like a spider ( movement on 4 limbs).

2. Moving like a “lizard” ( on his hands, and his legs drag along the floor).

3. Team task"centipede" ( all participants, one after another, in a squat, take hold of the belt of the person in front and move without uncoupling"snake" around the pins).

4. " Grasshopper jumping» ( jumping from a hoop to hoop).

5. "Friendly Ants" ( the captain transports all team members one by one over the line).

The third task has been prepared for you by the mole.

The host holds a bouquet of different plants in his hands. One participant from each team is invited to identify the plant from this bouquet by touch and smell. Participants are blindfolded.

The fourth task has been prepared for you by the squirrel.

Other animals will never understand

She’s not white—they call her a squirrel?!

A squirrel is building a house in a tree,

Cones are prepared in it for the winter.

The squirrel has a tail and tufted ears.

She dries mushrooms for herself for the winter.

The squirrels are all too empty-headed.

Pine nuts love to eat.

A squirrel jumps from branch to branch.

We see a squirrel on a delicious candy.

All the squirrels are jumping on the branches

And I don’t mind spinning in the wheel.

The squirrel has a very fluffy tail...

All the guests ask him to give him powder.

Playful squirrels love out of boredom

Play catch-up in the forest at your leisure.

Two teams of 5 people compete in a game on a field of gymnastic mats« rugby kneeling».

Rules of the game: the task of each team, without standing up, with the help of passes to each other, is to place (but not throw) the ball on the floor behind the opponent’s end line (beyond the mat line). If the ball goes beyond the end line during the game, the neighboring team resets. Fight forOnly 2 players can ball.

The fifth task has been prepared for you by the fox.

From each team, 4 participants are invited who will be able to draw silhouettes of birch, maple, rowan, and aspen leaves in 1 minute.

The sixth tourist task has been prepared for you by the old man - the forester.

Host: You and I have been walking through the forest for a long time, it’s time to take a break. In front of us is a wonderful forest clearing, but the path to it is blocked by a tree that fell during a thunderstorm.

Task No. 1

Sitting on a tree (gymnastic horse), without touching the floor, crawl under it and return back.

Host: We are tired, we want to make tea, find water.

Task No. 2

Fold the cut map and find the location of the spring on the map.

Host: We need to build a well for the spring.

Task No. 3

Who can build an improvised well using matches the fastest?

Host: We cooked food on the fire and, leaving the forest, we must put out the fire.

Task No. 4

The teams stand in a circle, in the center of which there is a lit candle on the table. It is necessary to blow out the candle as quickly as possible.

Host: When leaving the forest, let's leave the flowers in the clearing. Who liked it in the forest - a blossoming flower; who is thinking about something - a slightly open flower; whoever was bored today - little bud.

Berendey watched our walk and wants to give his forest souvenir to the most active group.

In conclusion, I would like to convey a request from Berendey’s assistants:« Come to the forest as if it were your home. Don't litter, don't shout, don't offend us!»

The stream flows loudly,

Thunder falls from the sky.

This is its eternal melody

The world is filled with nature!

Birds meet the sunrise

The swallow is glad to see the sun!

Sensitive music lives everywhere,

You just need to listen!

Leading. -Good afternoon, dear girls and boys! Good afternoon, dear teachers!

Today is a great day for me good mood and there are so many cheerful and joyful smiles of friends around!
Tell me, what do you say when you meet a friend?
Children (in chorus). Hello!

Leading. Now we will learn to say hello like good old friends. This is a little game, you have to rhyme me loudly and cheerfully: “Hello!”

When we meet the dawn, we tell it... (Children. Hello!)
-With a smile, the sun gives light, sending us its... (Hello!)
-When you meet after many years, you will shout to your friends... (Hello!)
-And they will smile back at you from a kind word... (Hello!)
-And you remember the advice: give it to all your friends... (Hello!)
-Let’s say everything together in response to each other... (Hello!)

Hello everyone, everyone, everyone!!!

Well, now we are ready to go on a sea voyage to sail along the endless “Ocean of Friendship” and discover unknown islands. Now we are on the “Dating Island”, where you will meet and build a ship.

(For completing a task on each “island”, team captains receive emoticons: smiling or sad)

"Dating Island"

Task 1: Guys, you need to draw a ship on which you will sail further. Everyone draws in turn: the player runs up to a sheet of paper, draws some part of the ship and runs back (as in a relay race).

Task 2: You must write the name of your ship beautifully. In addition, each of you should talk about what you do best in one sentence.

Stop 2 - “Island of Erudites”

1. I sail on a ship, sometimes I lie on the bottom, I hold the ship on a chain, I guard the ship at sea so that the wind doesn’t drive it away, it just rocks on the waves. (ANCHOR)
2. I am inflated by the Wind, but I am not offended at all. Let it inflate me and increase the speed of the yacht. (Sail)

3. Hand weapons for throwing arrows. It consisted of a wooden arch, tied with a bowstring made of tendons or horsehair. (Onion)

4. A type of piercing weapon made of damask steel, steel or iron. Has a tip; the shafts reached a length of 180-200 cm. (Spear)

5. Walks from edge to edge, cutting a loaf. (Knife)

6. Little horse, and drank the whole lake. (Spoon)

7. Water flows from a hot well through the nose. (Kettle)

8. The duck is in the sea, and the tail is on the fence. (Ladle)

The sun sets in the evening

Holds a brush in the sky.

He doesn’t want to leave in vain.

A trace remains - ...(dawn)


* What happens to the crow when she turns 7 years old? (The 8th will go).

*Why do village kids walk barefoot? (On the ground).

* Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak).

* What kind of comb can you use to comb your head? (Petushin).

* How many months of the year have 28 days? (All months).

* How to jump from a ten-meter ladder without hurting yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step).

* Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon).

Stop 3 - “Island of the Hardiest.” Each participant jumps rope. Who takes longer?

Stop 4 – “Island of Artists”. Now you have to show your creativity and draw a beautiful greeting card for your mom. What to congratulate? With whatever you want, come up with it yourself.

Stop 5 - “Island of Fashion Designers”.

Participants are invited to make a costume for one of the girls and comment on it.

Stop 6 - "Island of Artists".

All participants are invited to participate in impromptu theater. Distribute the roles (animate and inanimate: kitten, 2 magpies, puppy, rooster, chickens, paper, wind, porch, sun, fence.)

Text of the skit (read by the presenter, the participating actors imitate)

"Today the kitten left the house for the first time. It was a warm summer morning, the sun

scattered its rays in all directions. The kitten sat down on the porch and began

squint in the sun. Suddenly his attention was attracted by two magpies who

They flew in and sat on the fence. The kitten slowly crawled off the porch and began

sneak up on birds. The magpies chirped incessantly. Kitten high

jumped, but the magpies flew away. It didn't work out.

The kitten began to look around in search of new adventures. Dul

a light breeze blew the piece of paper along the ground. The paper rustled loudly. Kitty

grabbed it, scratched it a little, bit it and, not finding anything in it

interesting, let me go. The piece of paper flew away, blown by the wind.

And then the kitten saw a rooster. Raising his legs high, he walked importantly

yard Then he stopped, flapped his wings and sang his sonorous song.

Chickens rushed to the rooster from all sides. Without thinking twice, the kitten rushed into

flock and grabbed one chicken by the tail. But she pecked the kitten so painfully that

he screamed a heart-rending scream and ran back to the porch.

Here a new danger awaited him. Neighbor's puppy falling on

front paws, barked loudly at the kitten, and then tried to bite it.

The kitten hissed loudly in response, released its claws and hit the dog on the nose.

The puppy ran away, whining pitifully.

The kitten felt like a winner. He started licking the wound

inflicted by chicken. Then he scratched behind his ear with his hind paw and stretched out

the porch at his full height and fell asleep. We don’t know what he was dreaming about, but he

For some reason he kept twitching his paw and moving his whiskers in his sleep. This is how it ended

The kitten's first acquaintance with the street."

Stop 7 - “Agility Island”

Participants speak in turns. A book is placed on their head, their arms need to be extended forward. Task: get to the chair, go around it and go back.

Stop 8 - “Island of Fairy Tales”

You have to guess what fairy tales we are talking about.

1. A fairy tale about how love turns a beast into a man. ("The Scarlet Flower")

2. The tale of the first victim of a bad investment. ("Golden Key")

3. A tale about the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones. ("Three piglets")

4. The Tale of hard way bakery product to the consumer. (“Kolobok”)

5. A fairy tale about a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage 3 times, but then finally found her prince. (G. H. Andersen “Thumbelina”)

6. A tale of the dizzying rise and collapse of a woman’s career from the Primorsky Territory. (A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”)

7. A fairy tale about a vegetable farm. ("Turnip")

Stop 9 - “Island of Invisible Words”

The presenter seems to be writing simple words in the air (mom, cat, summer, dad). The players' task is to guess what word it is.

Stop 10 - “Island of Attentiveness.” Notice what the presenter has changed in the arrangement of things on the table.

Leading. So you've returned home! Well done! Everyone passed the test with honor and deserves a reward! (Prizes and certificates are awarded to all units that took part in the event)