Scenario of a volleyball sporting event. Sports competitions Astrakhan volleyball players will determine the strongest

Number of players: at least 20-30 people
Optional: checkbox
Before the start of the game, one of the participants by lot becomes the driver, or, as they usually call him in this game, “the tongue.” The rest of the participants in the game join hands and form a circle, that is, a “bell,” and with a song they begin to slowly move in a circle, first to the right, then to the right. left side. At this time, the driver tries to separate the hands of the players, that is, to break the “bell” and break out of the circle.

Free space - an active game for adults

Number of players: any
Additional: no
Having chosen the leader, the participants of the game stand in a circle with their backs to the center. The leader runs around the circle with outside, stops for a second in front of any player, claps his hands and runs in the same direction. The one he called immediately runs, but in the opposite direction. Task: take an empty seat. The one left without a seat drives.

Ring - an outdoor game for adults

Number of players: 14-16
Additionally: a rope four meters long.
7-8 people stand on both sides of the rope. The task of each side is to encircle the opposing party.

Rings of Saturn - sports game

Number of players: any
Additionally: gymnastic hoops (preferably plastic), beer (Cola, Sprite, etc.), preferably in glasses (this will be more original), but can also be in jars or bottles
Everyone can take part in the game. The number of simultaneously participating depends on the number of props. As you may have guessed, you need to spin the hoop on your belt (arm, leg, neck) and at the same time drink (try to drink) beer (Cola, Sprite, etc.).

With a chair - a sports game

Number of players: any
Additionally: chairs with backs
Two chairs are placed (they need to have backs - for complexity), on which the players sit. A pack of cigarettes is placed behind the chair (almost under it). Players on command raise their feet off the ground. Without touching the ground with any part of your body, you need to take out a pack of cigarettes with your teeth and return to the starting position in the same way.
The one who does it first wins.

With a bottle - a sports game for adults

Number of players: any
Optional: empty plastic bottles
Everything seems simple - you have to break it plastic bottle(screwed, but empty) with a kick. No such luck!! She just doesn't want to break! No matter how they beat her.
Advice: to break her as quickly as possible, you need to hit her “butt”. You can complicate the competition by placing the girls on the shoulders of the guys, who will “break” the bottles.

Fishing - a sports game

Number of players: any
Extras: fish, rope, wooden sticks
In the middle long rope salted or smoked fish is tied, with two wooden sticks at each end. Two participants quickly wrap a rope around a stick for a while.
Whoever reels in the fastest is the one for whom the fish is intended.

Figures - sports game

Number of players: several pairs
Additional: no
The presenter selects the required number of pairs and shows 3-4 figures. Each figure is called differently. The competition begins with a rehearsal: the presenter names a figure, and the players quickly move into the desired position.
After the rehearsal, the competition itself begins; only now the last pair to complete the figure is eliminated.

Goals and objectives:

Popularization of volleyball among students, improvement of playing skills.

Increasing the education of students in the field of the history of the origin and development of volleyball, creating their desire to engage in this sport.

Instilling in the younger generation a sense of pride in the honor of their team.

Development of student self-government.

Organizers: The organization and conduct of the event is the responsibility of the hostel educators E.K. Batyrova and the teacher physical culture Dmitrieva V.A

Event participants:

Students take part in the eventIII And IVfloors. Team composition 6 people


Winners and runners-up are awarded medals.

Progress of the event:

To the sounds of a sports march, participants enter the gym and line up.(As students pass, text sounds in the background)

1 presenter: In the name of future victories,

For glory student sports,

Meet the athletes of today,

Going to new records!

2 presenter: Walk together, strong and brave!

Spread your shoulders wider, tanned ones!

Guys, pull yourself up! For new records

Fight every day!

1 presenter: Hello dear participants, dear fans and guests! We are pleased to welcome you to our holiday, which is dedicated to the wonderful sport of volleyball.

2 presenter: Today we will witness interesting matches, exciting fight, technical possession of the ball, lightning-fast passes and accurate shots. We will get a lot of positive impressions and a boost of energy.

1 presenter: We present to you the participants. The teams participating in our competitions are:


1 presenter: Passions are raging again

There is a match on the court.

He rose to power


As if magnetized

Eyes caught.

There are no indifferent people here,

Everyone was filled with excitement!

2 presenter: What is volleyball?

It doesn't look like football.

You don't have to run far

Just jump until you drop.

Hit the ball harder

Well, and most importantly, more accurately.

Very friendly game

It's time to find out more about her.

1 presenter : Let everyone remember this day,

Enthusiasm will take him with him,

And who will one day make friends with volleyball,

This friendship will carry through the years!

2 presenter: Thank you, volleyball,

Because you are cheerful

For being cheerful

You always give to us.

Thank you, volleyball,

Here's to sunny starts!

We tell you:

Physical training!

1 presenter: Our holiday has come to an end. We wish you health, success and new victories. Until next time.(Music sounds and columns of students leave).

Location: gym or outdoor sports ground.

Equipment and inventory: balls, whistle, stopwatch, net, flag.

Musical arrangement: hymn Russian Federation.

Participants: 4 teams 10−11's classes of 8 people each (4 boys and 4 girls).

Referee panel: Healthy, Ball, Whistle, Serve, Receive, Pass, Attack, Block, Fan.

(To the sounds sports uniform, the captain with the name of his team stands in a general formation. In front of them panel of judges The big man and his assistants.)


Hello guys! The holiday "Volleyball Player's Day" is declared open. Captains! March to raise the flag!

(The captains run to the flagpole. Everyone turns to the flagpole. The flag of the Russian Federation is raised to the sounds of the Russian anthem. At the end of it, the captains join their teams.)


Volleyball means “flying ball.” Yes, this name is quite true. After all, in the game volleyball should only be in the air, only momentarily freezing in the hands when serving. What seems easier, he took and hit the ball with his hand. But this is apparent simplicity. Anyone who plays volleyball knows that in order to tame the ball in the game, you need to work hard in training. And for success in volleyball, as, of course, in many other games, team cohesion, strong-willed spirit, and emotional uplift are important. Today the teams participating in our holiday must demonstrate these qualities. I present to you my assistants in conducting our competitions. These are my constant companions in team sports: Ball and Whistle.

I'm flying over the platform

It's like I have wings.

I flutter through the net

Back and forth many times.

Go down to the platform

They skillfully don’t give it to me.

Eh! I love to break through the block,

When the pass is hit hard.

One-two-three, I'm in the rhythm of the waltz, Reception from below - pass - strike. Hey, player, try so that I don’t fall down! Twenty-five is the top of the score, And again the game is from scratch, But victory awaits someone, A draw is unfamiliar to me!

Oh, beautiful! How beautiful

It's sports time!

When my clear trill

The game opens.

Oh, wonderful! How lovely

Two teams - “physical education - hello!”

After them the game is wonderful

I give the green light!

Oh, nice! So glad,

When it's fair game.

It's so gratifying after the match

Hear me “physical education-hurray!”


The panel of judges also includes: Serve, Receive, Pass, Strike and Block.

(When introduced, everyone takes a step forward.)

That's what a nice team of judges we have. My assistants are eager to start the competition. And I see you guys are eager to fight. Well, let's begin.


In the first type of task, 2 boys and 2 girls from each team take part. They pass the ball with both hands from above themselves, without leaving a circle with a diameter of 2 meters. The transmission height is at least 1 m. Until the first error. Completion time is no more than two minutes. The team counts the sum of the passes of all four participants.

(After completing the task, the places of the teams are announced.)

In the second task, the same participants need to alternate passing from above with receiving from below in the same circle with the same pass height. Before the first error, no more than 2 minutes. The number of passes and receptions of 4 participants is counted.

(After completion, the results of the tasks are summed up.)


The next task is completed by the other four team members. At a distance of no closer than 1.5 meters from the wall, alternate passes into the wall from above and below with both hands. The number of bounces of the ball from the wall before the first mistake is counted, but the time for the task is no more than 2 minutes. The team scores the sum of the results of all 4 participants.

(After completing the task, the results are announced).


And full teams participate in this competition. On one side of the net the captain with the ball, on the other - his team in a column, one at a time. The captain passes the ball to the first number, who returns it back and becomes the last. The captain to the second, etc. A pass is allowed both from above and from below, but only with two hands. The number of passes is counted.

(A competition is held and the places of the teams are announced.)

In this type of competition, teams are also in full strength.

In the second zones of the volleyball court, lines are drawn through the middle of the center line and the side line at a distance of 2 meters from the center line. The teams line up one at a time in these opposite zones. The first number passes the ball to the first number of the other team and stands at the end of his column. The first player of the opponent passes the ball to the second player of the other team, etc. If the player does not accept the pass or when the ball after his pass goes outside the marked area, he is out of the game. The task completion time is no more than 3 minutes. The team with the most players left wins. The winners play for 1st-2nd places, the losers for 3rd-4th places.


In our competitions there is a short time-out, during which the Fan will read his poem to us. Please.


Passions are raging again -

There is a match in the school hall.

He rose to power


As if magnetized -

Eyes caught.

There are no indifferent people here,

Everyone was filled with excitement.

Friendly wins

And a skillful class. On the court you need a friend to make a sure pass. Let them lack Mastery sometimes. The light of happy eyes caresses my heart!


Thank you. We continue our competitions.


Two boys and two girls from each team are invited to hold a serving competition. Each of them makes 3 deliveries to the specified zone. The team counts the number of accurate serves by all 4 participants. its results are announced.)

Forward kick:

I ask the teams to select two boys and two girls to perform an offensive strike. The passer for all teams will be Pass. At first the boys compete, then we lower the net and the girls do. The essence of the task: a forward from any place on the court gives a pass to the passer, receives a pass for a shot at the net and makes it. We evaluate the quality of an offensive strike using a 10-point system. Two attempts are given, the best one counts. The team's assets include the sum of points of all 4 participants.


Thank you guys for completing the task beautifully. And now the guys will demonstrate their theoretical knowledge by answering 5 questions that they will receive from the panel of judges. Please.

(The fan gives the teams envelopes with questions that are the same for everyone. The teams answer in writing and hand over the envelopes to the panel of judges after 6 minutes.)

Quiz questions:

1. What are the dimensions of the volleyball court and how are substitutions made in the game?

9x18 m. Reverse replacements, number is not limited.

2. Year and place of birth of volleyball.

1895 USA.

3. When volleyball became an Olympic sport

XVII 1st Games in Tokyo, 1964

4. First Olympic champions in volleyball.

In menUSSR, womenJapan in 1964

5. When the USSR women's volleyball team

became an Olympic champion?

At the XIX-x games in Mexico City, 1968


While the judges are summing up the results of the quiz, the support group of one of the teams performs their dance.



Thanks to the girls for the inspirational performance, and we move on to final stage programs of our day. Please, Whistle and Ball, your task.

My task is as follows. The entire team stands behind the front line of the volleyball court. At the signal of the Whistle, the first pair of young men, at a distance of 5-7 meters from each other, moving sideways, with side steps, passes the ball to each other. As soon as they reach the opposite end line, the third young man begins to move from the starting point, passing the ball above himself. As soon as he reaches the front line, the boy and girl start, performing the task of the first pair, then the girl moves, making passes above herself. A pair of girls completes the relay, completing the task of the previous pairs. The time of each team that competes in turn is recorded. If you make a mistake in completing a task, you will receive a 4-second penalty. Places are determined by time.

(After the competition, the places of the teams are announced.)

And at the end there is a blitz volleyball tournament. A 2x2 game of one game up to 12 points on a court measuring 4 (along the grid) x 6 meters. Substitutions are permitted. Boys and girls compete separately, playing simultaneously on both halves of the court. Pairs of teams are determined by lot. The winners play in the final for 1st-2nd places, the losers for 3rd-4th places.

(A blitz tournament is held, the Whistle announces its results.)


So all the tasks of our holiday are over. Now the panel of judges will sum up its results, and you and I will sing our volleyball anthem. The vocal group will help us with this, we will all join in the chorus.

(The vocal group begins to perform a song to the tune of “March of the Cheerful Children.” Music by I. Dunaevsky. Lyrics by A. Maltsev.) How good it is that there are games in the world, in which the joy of moving with the ball. The ball on the planet unites us and lights our hearts with fire.


And we are not afraid of any submissions.

As a friend, we will greet the ball flying towards us.

We will offer him ways to play

And we will show the skill of the gears.

We play volleyball with inspiration,

We go through life with volleyball.

We strengthen our spirit and body through play,

And that’s why we won’t get lost anywhere.

Our accurate pass - the ball flies over the net.

Like a wave in a storm - an attacking shaft,

And our player soars up the ridge,

And he didn’t score those kind of goals.

We play volleyball with inspiration,

We go through life with volleyball.

We strengthen our spirit and body through play,

And that’s why we won’t get lost anywhere.

Volleyball will reveal its secrets to us.

The feeling of the ball will become familiar to us.

We will conquer everyone with a beautiful game,

Let us prove that we are not training in vain.

We play volleyball with inspiration,

We go through life with volleyball. We strengthen our spirit and body through play, and therefore we will not get lost anywhere. Our team spirit will rise higher, We will understand each other from a half-gesture. The ball will breathe our inspiration, We will breathe our emotions into it. We play volleyball with inspiration, We walk through life with volleyball. We strengthen our spirit and body through play, and therefore we will not get lost anywhere!


It turned out well for us. Please, panel of judges, your word.

(Results are announced sports festival. Teams and participants will be awarded in individual competition.)


Team captains! Run to the flagpole!

(Captains stand at the flagpole. Everyone turns in that direction. The Russian flag is lowered to the sounds of the Russian anthem.)


Goodbye! See you again!

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Venue: stadium, sports ground. Equipment and supplies: throwing balls, stands, stopwatch, tennis…
  • Goals and objectives. Providing students with knowledge about Russian symbols, instilling a sense of respect for...
  • Regulations on the conduct. Goals and objectives: 1. Cultivate interest in physical education…
  • Venue: assembly and gyms. Equipment and supplies: balls, stopwatch, batons,…

Two chairs with backs are placed in the middle of the room. They put a pack of cigarettes behind the chairs, almost underneath them. Those who want to show their gymnastic abilities sit on chairs.
At the leader's command, the participants raise their feet from the ground. Their task is to remove their pack of cigarettes with their teeth without touching any part of their body to the ground. After this, you need to return in the same way with cigarettes in your teeth to the starting position.
You understand that this task is not easy. It takes a lot of effort to achieve the desired result.



Everyone interested is divided into two teams. Each team must have a number of players that is a multiple of three. For this competition you will also need two stiff volleyballs.
At the leader’s signal, one of the players of each trio stands on the ball, and the other two support him by the elbows. The task of the participant standing on the ball is to step with his feet so that the ball rolls. This must be done quickly, as the game is a race.


Fourteen people participate in the game, seven boys and seven girls. Participants are divided into two teams. Each team lines up in a line, with the backs of their heads facing each other, and is calculated by serial numbers.
The leader places a chair in front of each team. He puts six twigs on the seats, hangs a string on the backs, and places scoops next to the chair. “Trash” in the form of small pieces of paper is scattered behind the chairs.


Team and relay game. The number of participants in each team must be even so that the players can be divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant will play the role of a loader, and the other will be a wheelbarrow.
At the command of the leader, the participant playing the role of a wheelbarrow lies on the ground and focuses on his hands. The “loader” takes his partner by the legs so that the body of the “wheelbarrow” is parallel to the ground. The “wheelbarrow,” moving on its hands, must reach a certain place and return back to its team. Another “loader” with his “wheelbarrow” is waiting for them there.


To play this game, you need to acquire a large slingshot, the size of man's hand. Amateur craftsmen are encouraged to make their own. You will also need small air balloons shaped like hearts.
The main players will be the guys. They will have to use a slingshot to hit the ball into the heart of their chosen one. Girls will play a passive role in this game. They will stand in front of the guys at some distance and wait for the “arrow of Cupid” to pierce their hearts.

Basketball in skirts

To play this game you need a children's bucket and ping pong balls. And most importantly, this is a special uniform for “athletes” - wide skirts.
A children's bucket is placed in front of the competition participants at a distance of two to three meters. The players take the “rider” position, that is, their legs are spread wider than their shoulders and bent in such a way that a fold is formed between the legs, in the middle of the skirt, into which a ping-pong ball is placed. If this fold is sharply pulled by the corners with both hands at the same time, the ball will fly up and forward.