Sbu running exercises. Types of training: special running exercises – SBU (guest post). Modes for performing special running exercises

Many people remember that in classes on physical culture exercises called - or SBU for short - were often given. Why are these exercises so important for developing running technique and physical fitness and what basic exercises are used for these purposes, we will learn in this article.

General and special exercises

In the classification of physical activity and physical exercise there are two terms: general and special exercises or load.

The first term means that an exercise or load is given to develop general physical fitness, that is, not related to a specific sport. Special exercises or load, on the contrary, affect those muscle groups, functional systems, or form motor skills and abilities that determine success in the sport in which we practice.

Based on this provision, it can be assumed that “Special running exercises» will contribute to the growth of special physical and technical training necessary in running, and it really is.

We have already talked about the anatomy of running, and said that running involves many muscles that perform different functions. To increase the strength or endurance of these muscles, you can use various exercises with weights in gym, but, in this case, our muscles work in conditions other than running.

In order for the muscles not only to receive physical activity, but also the correct structure of movements was formed, “Special running exercises” were developed. Each of these exercises is a separate element of running, be it a hip lift or a foot push, but with an emphasis on strengthening its execution. Thus, in specific running exercises, we still move forward as in running, but in each exercise we focus on different technical elements of running.

Modes for performing special running exercises

Specific running exercises can be used for several purposes:

1. Firstly, as part of a warm-up, to activate and warm up target muscle groups. In this case, the total volume and intensity special exercises will be small.

2. In the second case, as a means of correcting running technique. The dosage of special exercises in this case will depend on which aspect of the technique is being affected. If this is a correction of physical deficiencies, then the volume will be increased, but if the structure of movements is corrected, then the volume and intensity will be less, since it is necessary that the student be fresh enough to form correct technique.

3. Thirdly, special running exercises can be used as means of special physical training runner. In this case, the dosage and intensity will also differ depending on what physical quality development is underway. If, for example, we develop strength qualities with the help of the “Multi-Jump” exercise, then we can limit ourselves to performing 10 jumps with maximum intensity. But if we want to develop strength endurance using the same exercise, then we correspondingly reduce the intensity and increase the number of jumps, for example, up to 30-40 in one approach.

10 special running exercises

So, after we have figured out what, when and where it is used, we can move on to analyzing the exercises themselves. For this case, we have prepared for you 10 special running exercises that you can use in your training. Once again we thank the school RunLife for assistance in filming the video for this article.

1. Running with high hips.

The main purpose of the exercise- impact on the muscles of the anterior thigh, feet, hip flexors, improving intermuscular coordination.

Running with high lifting hips will also be useful for runners who do not lift their hips enough when running or have too much shin overlap.


Standing high on the foot, we alternately begin to bend our legs at the hip and knee joints, while moving a little forward.

Hip in this exercise rises parallel to the surface, and when landing, the leg is elastically placed on the support. Accent in the exercise should be aimed at removing the leg from the support, and not at placing it.

In this exercise, the torso takes a vertical position, and the arms work in the same way as when running.

Possible mistakes:

1. Thigh not parallel to the ground.
2. Poor posture and hand function;
3. Lack of elasticity or sagging in the foot;
4. Emphasis on placing the leg on the support, instead of emphasizing raising the hip.

2. Running with shin choking.

This exercise mainly aimed to warm up the knee joint and muscles back surface hips. The exercise will also be especially useful for runners with weak hamstrings.


In this exercise we perform a kind of elastic run, alternately bending our legs in knee joint, throwing the shin back to the buttock.

The torso is slightly tilted forward, the arms work the same as when running. Don't forget that your shoulder girdle should be relaxed, since excessive tightness will then have a bad effect on running efficiency.

When performing the exercise, pay attention to the soft and silent removal of the leg from the support.

Possible mistakes:

1. Lack of elasticity when placing the foot;
2. Excessive tilt of the body;
3. Bringing the hip forward beyond the vertical when folding the leg;
4. Incomplete folding of the leg;
5. The shoulder girdle is tight, the hands are not working properly.

3. Heel-to-toe rolls

the main task in this exercise, feel the muscles involved in pushing.


As the name suggests, in this exercise we perform heel-to-toe rolls. Starting from the heel, we apply force through thumb feet, followed by pushing forward, after which we land again on the pushing leg and perform a new push with the other leg.

The torso takes a vertical position during the exercise. The movement of the arms can be performed in two ways: perform arm movements as in running, or straighten and relax your arms and maintain balance only through small rotations in the shoulders.

When performing the exercise, also remember to land softly.

4. Multi-jumps

Exercise, at its core, represents jumping from foot to foot and, as a result, develops the muscles of the back of the thigh and calf muscles well. Multi-jumps are often used in the jumping training of athletes and serve good remedy development of strength endurance.


When pushing off, we fully straighten the pushing leg, while the swing leg, bent at the knee joint, is carried forward. When landing, the foot is planted with an active raking movement using the entire foot. Hands work differently, thereby helping to maintain balance. The torso is also in an upright position, possibly with a slight forward tilt.

Possible mistakes:

1. Putting your foot on your heel

3. Sticking your leg under yourself.

5. Multi-jumps (Multi-jumps through a running step)

The exercise is similar to regular multi-jumps, but has several differences and is also one of the most commonly used exercises in training jumpers.


As in multi-jumps, we perform an active push-off and lift the hip forward upward, however, after landing, we do not jump onto the other leg, but take a normal running step.

This is a more complex exercise in terms of coordination and you will have to spend a little time to perform it correctly. Thanks to the alternation of a step and a jump, we learn to alternate between relaxation and tension of the muscles, so try to monitor the active participation in the push-off after the step.

Possible mistakes:

1. Putting your foot on your heel
2. Weak push forward
3. Sticking your leg under yourself.
4. Violation of the stride structure

6. Jumping with step setting

In this exercise, the main emphasis is on the flexor muscles of the foot and leg, which produce repulsion.


The exercise is somewhat reminiscent of a heel-to-toe roll, however, in this exercise the push-off occurs starting from the front of the top, and not from the heel. Having pushed off, we slightly bend the thigh at the hip and knee joint and lift it up a little.

Landing occurs on almost two legs at the same time: first on the pushing leg, and then actively on the swing leg, after which we again perform an active push-off.

Possible mistakes:

1. Performing a roll instead of pushing off

2. Weak shock absorption when landing

7. Running on straight legs.

Running on straight legs works well on calf muscles, as well as the muscles responsible for adducting and abducting the hips. This exercise is also used to correct weak push-off in running.


When performing this exercise, we perform an active “raking” placing of the straight leg on the support and a quick extension of the swing leg, at approximately an angle of 45°. Our foot must actively meet the support in order to propel the body forward.

The torso is in an almost vertical position, the arms perform active work, as in running.

It should feel like we are moving forward with small elastic leaps.

Possible mistakes:

1. Sluggish, inelastic repulsion;
2. Deflection of the body back;
3. Incorrect hand operation.
4. Bent legs;

8. Running backwards

Besides that this exercise perfectly improves coordination of movement, trains our peripheral vision and hearing, it also strengthens our buttocks, the back of the thigh, as well as the abdominal and back muscles.


To perform this exercise, take a stance with your back facing the direction of movement. Bend one leg at the knee and take a step back. The landing starts on the toe and then rolls back. Without waiting for a full roll, take a step back with the other leg.

Keep your torso upright. Leaning your body too far back can cause you to fall. Don't forget to also turn your head occasionally to assess your surroundings.

The arms are also bent at the elbows. The movements are the same as when running, but with a slightly smaller amplitude

9. Cross-step running

Cross-step running can be good exercise to develop mobility in hip joint, strengthening the muscles of the foot and the adductor and abductor muscle groups of the thigh. If a runner has low mobility in the hip joint, then this exercise is well suited for correcting this deficiency.


This exercise must be performed on both the right and left sides. Do not forget to perform the exercise in each direction, as in this case you will achieve more harmonious and symmetrical development.

As an example, let's look at a cross step with the right side

The exercise is performed on a high foot. Perform the right step in right side, and then step the left back behind the right leg. After this, again take a step with your right to the right side, and then a step with your left but forward with your right foot, etc.

When performing this exercise, you must maintain balance, which is achieved by alternately twisting the torso. At the same time, do not deviate your torso from a vertical position.

During a cross step, the arms are raised to the sides to shoulder level. You can perform the exercise with both straight arms and alternate bending right and left hands to maintain balance.

Possible mistakes:

1. Low hand position.
2. Lowering onto the heel.

10. "Wheel" or "Bicycle"

This exercise often used I am used to teach running technique, as well as to strengthen the muscles of the foot, hamstrings and hip flexors.

This exercise is already quite complex and requires more physical effort.


The exercise itself reminds many of running. The leg bends at the knee joint, the thigh rises parallel to the ground. Then the shin is brought forward and the leg, with a raking motion, begins to lower down onto the support under the center of gravity. After pushing, the pushing leg whips back and the movement is repeated, but with the other leg.

A set of special running exercises will help correct inaccurate movements or running technique. When performing intense exercises, almost all muscles are involved, and accordingly, the power of the whole body increases.

Running involves many muscles that perform different functions. In order for the muscles not only to receive physical activity, but also to form the correct structure of movements, they were developed special running exercises (SBU). This is a set of running exercises aimed at developing strength, power and coordination of all leg muscles involved in running. Specific running exercises will enhance the specific physical and technical fitness required for running. Each of these exercises is a separate accented element of running.

SBU is precisely a set of exercises, so you always perform at least 5 exercises in a series. Experienced coaches include the SBU complex in every warm-up. The length of the segment for performing SBU depends on the purpose of the exercise and the preparedness of the performer. For special warm-up– from 20-40m; for training – 60-70m. The number of repetitions is from 1 to 6 times.

Why perform SBU

Special running exercises used for three purposes:

1. As part of a warm-up, to activate and warm up target muscle groups. The length and intensity of the exercises will be small (20-40 m; 1-2 series).

2. As with a means of correcting running technique. Obviously, it is extremely important for beginners to perform SBUs in every workout. Correction of physical deficiencies in running technique should take place while the body is fresh and adequately responds to a small load (40-50 m; 2-3 series).

3. As a means of special physical training for a runner. For example, the “deer run” exercise is often used as the main block in training, and is performed in repetitions of 8 to 12 times at maximum intensity, lasting from 60 to 100 m. This type of training is used by trained athletes to develop strength endurance.


1. Jumps with step setting or “spring”

Execution technique: reminiscent of jumping rope, but with forward movement. The push-off occurs from the forefoot, not the heel. After pushing off, bend your thigh slightly at the knee joint and lift it up a little. Landing occurs practically on two legs at the same time: first on the pushing leg, and then actively on the swing leg. The movement is short – half a foot.

Task: the main focus is on muscles and ligaments ankle joint, producing repulsion.

Frequent mistakes: weak push-off, wide strides, arms bent at the elbows.

2. Running with high hips

Execution technique: when pushing off with the supporting leg, you need to raise the thigh of the swing leg high. High frequency hip lift. Stand high on your feet without dropping onto your heel. When landing, the leg is firmly placed on the support. The emphasis in the exercise should be on removing the leg from the support, and not on placing it. In this exercise, the torso takes a vertical position, but the center of gravity must be transferred to the shoulders. The arms are bent at the elbows, working in the same way as when running.

Objective: impact on the muscles of the anterior thigh, feet, hip flexor muscles, improving intermuscular coordination.

Common mistakes: shoulders pulled back, resulting in the back being tilted away from a vertical position, thigh not parallel to the ground, incorrect use of the arms, failure when landing.

3. Running with shin overlapping

Execution technique: elastic running, alternately bend your legs at the knee joint, throw your shin back to your buttock. The torso is slightly tilted forward, the arms work in the same way as when running.

Task: warming up the knee joint and the muscles of the back of the thigh.

Frequent mistakes: lack of elasticity when placing the foot on the surface, excessive torso tilt forward, hip movement forward when folding the leg, arms not bent at the elbow.

4. Heel-to-toe roll

Technique: soft roll from heel to toe followed by hard pushing. The landing is soft. Starting from the heel, a force is made through the big toe, followed by pushing forward and up, after which the landing is again on the pushing leg and then a symmetrical action with the other leg. The torso takes a vertical position during the exercise. Relax your arms and maintain balance only through slight rotations in your shoulders.

Task: to work the muscles involved in pushing.

Common mistakes: Bend your knee too much when landing.

5. Multi-leaps or “deer running”

Technique: mix of jumping and running. Trainers recommend imagining an obstacle in front of you, for example, a wide puddle, over which you need to jump with one leg, while bending the knee. The second leg is always straight.

When pushing off, the pushing leg is fully straightened, while the swing leg, bent at the knee joint, is sharply carried forward. When landing, the foot is planted with an active raking movement using the entire foot. The arms work in opposite directions, with a very wide swing: this is how balance is maintained. The torso is in a slightly forward position.

Objective: development of the muscles of the back of the thigh and calf muscles, as well as the levator ligaments. Multi-jumps are often used in the jumping training of athletes and serve as a good means of developing strength endurance.

Common mistakes: hind leg bent, due to which there is a jump along the trajectory of a semicircle, a weak push forward, a short and non-intensive step. This is the most difficult exercise for beginners, because... due to the unpreparedness of the muscles and ligaments, it is difficult to make a sharp swing of the knee forward and upward, while keeping the other leg straight.

6. Running on straight legs

Execution technique: active, quick extension of the swing leg, at approximately an angle of 45°. The knee is straight. The foot must actively meet the support in order to push the body forward. The torso is in an almost vertical position, the arms do active work, as in running.

Objective: development of the calf muscles, levator ligaments, as well as the muscles responsible for adducting and abducting the hips.

Frequent mistakes: strong deviation of the body back, bent legs, marking time without moving forward.

7. Cross step

Execution technique: performed both right and left side. The exercise is performed on a high foot. Step with your right to the right side, and then step with your left back behind your right leg. After this, again step with the right to the right, and then step with the left but forward with the right foot.It is performed with alternating twisting of the torso in the pelvic area. During the cross step, the arms are raised to the sides to shoulder level.

Objective: developing mobility in the hip joint, strengthening the muscles of the foot and muscle groups that adduct and abduct the hip.

Common mistakes: insufficient rotation of the pelvis.

8. Added steps

Execution technique: movement occurs sideways in a straight line, avoiding changing trajectory. An active push of the foot up and at the same time to the side, while spreading the hips wide. The result is a wide lateral step. The hands work alternately, meeting and diverging in front of the chest. Performed both right and left side.

Task: active work ankle ligaments, development of the adductor and abductor muscles of the thigh.

Common mistakes: moving along a curved line (miscoordination), weak push-off with the foot.

9. Pushing

Execution technique: slightly reminiscent of the “spring” exercise, but the process of pushing out with each step is much stronger. High hip extension during take-off. The pushing leg is straight. The swing leg moves up along the pushing leg. Maximum long hover in the air.

Objective: development of foot ligaments and technique of pushing off the surface. Development of coordination.

Common mistakes: swaying of the body when hanging in the air, weak repulsion, too soft landing and at the same time bending the knee of the supporting leg too much.

How to do SBU correctly

Special running exercises (SBU)– very active, intense movements with high amplitude, therefore, it is important to warm up well. Warm-up jogging (at least 10 minutes) and then a set of stretching exercises.SBU is performed on a flat surface: stadium paths, lawns, dirt paths in the park. If possible, avoid asphalt and concrete surfaces, as this puts a lot of stress on the joints. Don't rush your movements. The main thing here is the amplitude and coordination of movements, and not the speed of performing each action.

Don't forget to jog for 10 minutes and stretch for 5-10 minutes.

The exercises given are basic. There are many more focused exercises that suit a specific sport or distance.

Other sets of exercises:

When I was a completely inexperienced beginner, I thought that SBU was fun: a crowd of adults jumping funny and doing other strange body movements :) I myself also participated - not quite understanding why and, most importantly, how to perform these funny running exercises. After several training sessions with Volodya and thorough adjustments to my SBU technique, my opinion changed dramatically. It turned out that when correct execution It’s not easy at all, and I don’t get the same kind of soreness as after well-trained running exercises, even after a marathon.

Today on the blog there is a useful post with an even more useful (and beautiful!) SBU video from Vladimir Stalinsky, Smart Running trainer and author YouTube channel for beginner runners.

Most running enthusiasts already know that there are some SBUs, and that they need to be done in order for the running technique to be better - this is the impression, in short, that hovers in the minds of novice runners.

What are special running exercises? This is a different means of training from running, which, oddly enough, improves running, that is, we train to run, not just by running.

What is the trick of the SBU?

Exercises for runners are a means of training not only running technique, but also strength qualities. So, SBU have a positive effect on:

  • coordination of movements
  • straightness of running
  • "compact" running (prevents laxity)
  • posture, hand behavior, body and head position, gaze
  • breath
  • foot placement
  • performance of all leg muscle groups
  • strengthening core and back
  • relaxation while running
  • running rhythm

These are the main and general advantages of the SBU. Each runner can take something different from this or that exercise, depending on the correct selection of the necessary exercises, the number of series and length of segments, and most importantly, the place in training process among other types of training. So, maximum effect is only possible when working with a trainer.

What are the difficulties of doing running exercises?

When making SBU, you should understand that tomorrow there will be no tangible result - there will be a minimal effect that will come thanks to strength growth, and not technical growth. I talk about the main difficulties of implementation in my videos, but they are summarized there. Many problems associated with practicing exercises are individual, that is, everyone interprets the SBU in their own way and comes up with their own version of execution, often even very funny :)

Main mistakes when performing SBU:

  • incorrect posture
  • stiffness of movement
  • difficulty breathing
  • look at the floor
  • overexertion of the whole body
  • constant tension, rather than alternating relaxation and tension

SBUs are also difficult because we do not see ourselves from the outside during execution, so video filming can significantly facilitate the formulation of the task and show the real picture of the exercises. Photos are less useful here than videos.

What does a workout look like?

Most often, SBU are made in blocks/series, but there are also circuit training, where exercises are done without division into series. In general, most runners will only need to use a series of exercises that I videotaped. But it often happens that some people do not need to do some exercise and it is much more important to do another. You can’t do this without a coach or very detailed self-analysis.

Between exercises you can walk, if you are more prepared you can jog, and between series you can do the same.

Deserves special attention hill running exercises. This is much more difficult, but also more effective, only here the dosage and clarity of the task is even more important.

There are also types of training where the runner performs one or two exercises, but under certain conditions, and a certain number of times. This is done when the coach already knows the runner well and understands what exactly needs to be brought into his running thanks to this or that exercise.

Now let's get started. To watch the video, click on the picture or the name of the exercise.

1. Introduction

The first video was an introductory one, in which I introduce viewers to the process.

2. Shin wrap

In the second video I start with the simplest SBU.

3. Running with high hips

By the end of this exercise, there is usually a desire not to raise the hip high, and to quickly get to the end of the segment; at this moment you need to monitor your breathing and frequency, this will help you return to the regularity of the execution.

After running with a high hip lift, scissors are usually performed, but it seemed to me that this exercise is not very important for beginner runners, and I did not include it in this series at all, so next - jumps on the feet, or as it is also called - straight legs .

4. Jumping on each foot

5. One-legged running jumps

I don't know why, but next exercise one of my favorites. I call it running with a basket :) Because in a simplified version it looks like a walk in the forest with a basket. And I also love it for the ability to soar and feel the flight phase.

6. Jumping feet with alternating hip extension

The sixth exercise is the most fun. Something like a dance.

Most often, it’s done anyhow, it’s even run over, but here it’s worth thinking about why you’re jumping around and struggling with these exercises, and understand that they help if you do them correctly, which means they require a high-quality approach.

7. Running with high hips - version 2

This is a more rhythmic exercise than #3, which causes a lot of problems for beginners.

8. Deer run

One of the most beautiful running exercises. Allows you to effectively practice pushing and the work of all muscle groups when pushing off while running.

9. Lunges

One of the final and one of the calmest exercises to perform. It says a lot about the runner: whether he is in a hurry or not, how tense and constrained he is in running.

10. Jumping on one leg

An exercise that everyone knows, because back in school, during physical education, we jumped on each leg. Remember?

These jumps have a more "kinky" version known as the "flea" - this is where the push leg goes under the buttock for a stronger new jump. But doing a flea is much more difficult than just hopping on each leg.

This is what the main exercises look like and this is what the video series looks like, which I am closing for now, but perhaps in the future it will be continued with new videos.

It is also worth saying that each SBU already has millions of names, there is no need to focus on this. Most likely, some of them are already familiar to you under a different name, so be it :)

What happens if you do running exercises incorrectly?

But this is no less interesting than what will happen if you do the SBU correctly :) During incorrect execution, mistakes are learned and transferred to running, and here the effect of memorization is much stronger and getting used to the incorrect execution occurs faster. So you need to perform all the exercises clearly, slowly, with an understanding of what is happening, controlling your movements. That is why runners are recommended to work with a coach at least at the beginning of their journey, and better yet, all the time.

Taking this opportunity, I wanted to write that on my channel There are videos not only about SBU, but also a lot of tips for beginner runners and other videos about running. Come in, subscribe, I will be glad.

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How to improve your mechanics and move to a natural running technique? I will answer this question in this chapter and tell you how to do it, and in the next I will offer you a set of exercises and an eight-week training plan that will help you transform into a healthier, smarter runner.

It will be easier than you think, although it will take some time. But once you make the necessary changes, you will then reap their benefits throughout your life. Specific running drills highlight and train specific aspects of proper running technique.

Group 3

1. Jumping exercises.

Although it is difficult to quantify natural running technique, every runner can and should regularly work on improving their running technique based on the various elements of natural running. This will not only increase its effectiveness, but also lower the threshold of fatigue and allow you to recover faster after hard training and competitions.

During the first two weeks of transitioning to natural running, I recommend running on natural surfaces with no shoes on for more than 5-10 minutes per workout.

The greatest benefit will come from running in lightweight shoes with flexible soles and low heel-to-toe angles (0 to 5 mm), which allow you to feel and interact with the surface, supporting the foot-brain-body connection. If you run in traditional running shoes, gradually move to lighter shoes that allow you to feel the surface before you start running barefoot. By “gradually”, I mean that you should change the shoes themselves immediately, but first run in them for short distances. At the same time, the transition to new shoes should be final and irrevocable: shying away from old sneakers to new ones and back will only increase the duration of the transition and prolong the life of bad habits.