Relaxation in dou exercises. Relaxation exercises for children of middle and older preschool age. Exercise “Bird spreading its wings”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 14 “Baby”

CYCLE OF CLASSES ON RELAXATION IN A Speech Therapy Group for Different Ages with TNR for the 2015 – 2016 academic year

Prepared by: teacher-psychologist MADOU "Kindergarten No. 14" Kumova O.M.

Relaxation (from lat. "Relaxation" – relaxation)– deep muscle relaxation, accompanied by the release of mental stress.

In the psychological regulation of the activity of the human body, relaxation is understood as a decrease in overall psychological activity against the background of a decrease in muscle tone.

Purpose of relaxation: removal muscle tension and emotional arousal. Relaxing, the nervous system switches to an economical mode. The latter creates the most optimal conditions for restoring biological potential.

Relaxation in kindergarten carried out with children of the TNR group (severe speech disorder i.e. stuttering). Speech defects in children are often associated with nervous disorders: neuroses, neurasthenia, etc. Therefore, such children need treatment, and this treatment should be carried out in three directions: physiological, speech therapy and psychological.

Relaxation is part of psychological treatment. She helps every child get rid of accumulated internal negativity, bad mood, grievances and doubtful thoughts. During relaxation, a feeling of freedom, lightness and calm comes. This state helps the child to easily perceive and assimilate new material, enjoy life, and forget failures faster.

Relaxation occurs in stages:

  1. Relaxation of arm muscles (4 – 5 min.);
  2. Relaxing the leg muscles (4 – 5 min.);
  3. Working on breathing;
  4. Work and relaxation of the muscles of the forehead, eyes, speech apparatus (4 – 5 min.).

Having learned to relax, each child receives what he previously lacked. This equally applies to any mental processes: cognitive, emotional or volitional. In the process of relaxation the body the best way redistributes energy and tries to bring the body to balance and harmony.

By relaxing, excited, restless children gradually become more balanced, attentive and patient. Children who are inhibited, constrained, lethargic and timid acquire confidence, cheerfulness, and freedom in expressing their feelings and thoughts.

The classes are based on the developments of I.G. Vygodskoy, L.P. Uspenskaya. From books: N.V. Klyueva, Yu.V. Kasatkina “Teaching children to communicate” , M.I. Chistyakova "Psycho-gymnastics" , various publications from the directory "Teacher-psychologist at preschool educational institution" .

Long-term planning of relaxation exercises in a group with TNR



An introductory conversation about relaxation, the importance of rest, relaxation in people's lives.

What do you think relaxation is? (relaxation, rest).

Why do people need to rest? (so as not to get sick, not to die from fatigue).

How do people relax? (in a dream, lying on a sofa, bed, etc.).

Do people’s hands get tired? (Yes), From what?

Exercise "Fists" .

"Hands on your knees,

Fists clenched

Firmly, with tension

Fingers pressed (squeeze fingers)

We squeeze our fingers harder -

Let's release and unclench..." (unclench) (2 times).

Exercise "Humpty Dumpty" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the arm muscles.



(3 times).

Exercise "Slow motion"

Goal: teaching a resting pose.



Exercise "Sipping" .

They stretched their arms and legs and smiled at each other.

Lesson No. 2. Period __________________


Exercise "Humpty Dumpty" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the arm muscles.

“Humpty - Dumpty sat on the wall, (torso turn left - right),

Humpty - Dumpty fell in his sleep" (torso tilted forward, head and arms hanging).

Exercise "Smile - get angry" .

Exercise "Magical dream" .

Goal: teaching a resting pose.

“The tension has flown away...

And the whole body is relaxed, (2 times)

It's like we're lying on the grass

On the green soft grass...

The sun is shining now...

Our hands are warm...

The sun is hotter now...

Our feet are warm...

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

Lips are warm and limp

And not at all tired,

Lips part slightly

Everything is wonderfully relaxing, (2 times)

And our obedient tongue

I'm used to being relaxed.

We understand what it is

State of rest..." (pause)

"We rested peacefully,

We fell asleep in a magical sleep.

It's good for us to rest!

But it's time to get up!

Stretch! Smile!”


Exercise "Bumps" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the arm muscles.


Exercise "Springs" .

Put your socks down

Press the springs...

No springs - rest!

Hands are not tense

Legs are not tense

And relaxed..."

Exercise "Smile - get angry" .

The children are sitting. They smile - the whole body is relaxed, everything around is good. But suddenly we got angry - our eyebrows frowned, our hands rested on our sides with fists, our whole body tensed. And again everything is fine, we smile.

Exercise "Slow motion" .

“Everyone can dance, jump, run, draw,

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.

We have this game - it’s very easy, simple,

Movements slow down and tension disappears.

(Children lie on the carpet, arms along the body, legs slightly spread).

And it becomes clear that relaxation is pleasant.”

(Rest lying on the carpet, listening to calm music).


Exercise "Barbell" .

Goal: tension - relaxation of the muscles of the arms, legs and body.

We raise "imaginary" the barbell while straining the muscles of the arms, legs and torso. Then we relax and drop the barbell.

(lean forward)

We will lift the barbell from the floor (straightens up, hands up)

We hold it tight...

And we quit!

Our muscles are not tired

And they became even more obedient.

It becomes clear to us:

Relaxation is nice."

Exercise "Smile - get angry" .

Goal: relieving tension from facial muscles.

The children are sitting. They smile - the whole body is relaxed, everything around is good. But suddenly we got angry - our eyebrows frowned, our hands rested on our sides with fists, our whole body tensed. And again everything is fine, we smile.

Exercise "Slow motion" .

Goal: mastering and consolidating the resting pose.

“Everyone can dance, jump, run, draw,

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.

We have this game - it’s very easy, simple,

Movements slow down and tension disappears.

(Children lie on the carpet, arms along the body, legs slightly spread).

And it becomes clear that relaxation is pleasant.”

(Rest lying on the carpet, listening to calm music).

Lesson No. 1. Period ____________________


Exercise "Bumps" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the arm muscles.

Imagine that you are cubs and your mother bear is playing with you. She throws bumps at you. You catch them and squeeze them forcefully in your paws (voltage). But the cubs are tired and drop their paws along the body - the paws are resting. And the mother bear again throws cones to the cubs...

Exercise "Springs" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the leg muscles.

“Our arms are trying so hard, let our legs relax!” . Let's imagine that we put our feet on springs. They jump out of the floor and push the toes of our feet so that they rise up, and the heels continue to rest on the floor. Now we press on the springs. Tighter! Stronger. Legs are tense! It's hard to stand like that. Stopped pressing. My legs relaxed. Have a nice rest. Inhale - exhale!

“What are these strange springs that rest on the shoes?

Put your socks down

Press the springs...

No springs - rest!

Hands are not tense

Legs are not tense

And relaxed..."

Exercise "Frogs" .


“Pull your lips straight to your ears!

The frogs will love it!

I'll pull - I'll pull

And I won’t get tired at all!

Lips are not tense

And relaxed."

Exercise "Sleeping Kitten" .

Goal: mastering and consolidating the resting pose.

(voltage) (relaxation).


Exercise "Deer" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the arm muscles.

“Look: we are deer,

The wind is rushing towards us!

The wind died down

Let's straighten our shoulders

And now a little laziness...

Hands are not tense

And relaxed.

Know girls and boys,

Give your fingers a rest!

Restoring breathing.

Exercise "Springs" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the leg muscles.

“What are these strange springs that rest on the shoes?

Put your socks down

Press the springs...

No springs - rest!

Hands are not tense

Legs are not tense

And relaxed..."

Exercise "Proboscis" .

Goal: relaxation of the speech apparatus.

Pull out lips "proboscis" (as in the articulation of sound "y" ) .

“I imitate an elephant,

I pull my lips with my proboscis,

Lips are not tense

And relaxed."

Exercise "Slow motion" .

Goal: mastering and consolidating the resting pose.

“Everyone can dance, jump, run, draw,

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.

We have this game - it’s very easy, simple,

Movements slow down and tension disappears.

(Children lie on the carpet, arms along the body, legs slightly spread).

And it becomes clear that relaxation is pleasant.”

(Rest lying on the carpet, listening to calm music).


Exercise "Bumps" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the arm muscles.

Imagine that you are cubs and your mother bear is playing with you. She throws bumps at you. You catch them and squeeze them forcefully in your paws (voltage). But the cubs are tired and drop their paws along the body - the paws are resting. And the mother bear again throws cones to the cubs...

Exercise "Barbell" .

“We are preparing for a record, we will play sports, (lean forward)

We will lift the barbell from the floor (straightens up, hands up)

We hold it tight...

And we quit!

Our muscles are not tired

And they became even more obedient.

It becomes clear to us:

Relaxation is nice."

Exercise "Ball" .

“This is how we inflate a balloon!

And we check with our hands (inhale).

The balloon burst, we exhale,

We relax our muscles.

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply..."

Exercise "Magical dream" .

“The tension has flown away...

And the whole body is relaxed, (2 times)

It's like we're lying on the grass

On the green soft grass...

The sun is shining now...

Our hands are warm...

The sun is hotter now...

Our feet are warm...

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

Lips are warm and limp

And not at all tired,

Lips part slightly

Everything is wonderfully relaxing, (2 times)

And our obedient tongue

I'm used to being relaxed.

We understand what it is

State of rest..." (pause)

"We rested peacefully,

We fell asleep in a magical sleep.

It's good for us to rest!

But it's time to get up!

Stretch! Smile!

Lesson No. 4. Period ____________________


Exercise "Humpty Dumpty" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the arm muscles.

“Humpty - Dumpty, sat on the wall, (torso turn left - right),

Humpty - Dumpty, fell in his sleep" (torso tilted forward, head and arms hanging).

Exercise "Ship" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the leg muscles.

“The deck began to rock!

Press your foot to the deck!

We press our legs tighter,

And we relax the other one.

Hands on your knees again

And now a little laziness...

The tension has flown away

And the whole body is relaxed...

Our muscles are not tired

And they became even more obedient.

Exercise "Magical dream" .

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

The children lie face up on the carpet, the music is not loud. The psychologist says slowly:

“The tension has flown away...

And the whole body is relaxed, (2 times)

It's like we're lying on the grass

On the green soft grass...

The sun is shining now...

Our hands are warm...

The sun is hotter now...

Our feet are warm...

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

Lips are warm and limp

And not at all tired,

Lips part slightly

Everything is wonderfully relaxing, (2 times)

And our obedient tongue

I'm used to being relaxed.

We understand what it is

State of rest..."

"We rested peacefully,

We fell asleep in a magical sleep.

It's good for us to rest!

But it's time to get up!

Stretch! Smile!

Lesson No. 1. Period ____________________


Exercise "Barbell" .

“We are preparing for a record, we will play sports, (lean forward)

We will lift the barbell from the floor (straightens up, hands up)

We hold it tight...

And we quit!

Our muscles are not tired

And they became even more obedient.

It becomes clear to us:

Relaxation is nice."

Exercise "Curious Barabara" .

Goal: relaxation of the neck muscles.

“And Varvara is looking up!

Comes back -

Relaxation is nice!

The neck is not tense

And relaxed."

“And Varvara is looking down!”

The neck muscles are tense!

Comes back -

Relaxation is nice!

The neck is not tense

And relaxed."

Exercise "Silence" .

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

“Hush, hush, silence...

You can't talk...

And we’ll sleep quietly.”

Exercise "Do as I do" .

Lesson No. 2. Period ____________________


Exercise "Deer" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the arm muscles.

Let's imagine that we are deer. Raise your arms above your head, cross them, fingers spread wide. These are the antlers of a deer! Tighten your arms. They have become hard! It is difficult and uncomfortable for us to hold our hands like this. Tension is unpleasant. Quickly lower your hands, drop them onto your knees. We relaxed our hands. Calmly. Inhale - exhale.

“Look: we are deer,

The wind is rushing towards us!

The wind died down

Let's straighten our shoulders

And now a little laziness...

Hands are not tense

And relaxed.

Know girls and boys,

Give your fingers a rest!

Breathe easily, evenly and deeply.”

Exercise "Athletes" .

(all muscles tense)

Come on, smile quickly!”

Exercise "Frogs" .

Goal: relaxation of the speech apparatus.

Lips retract as if pronouncing a sound "AND" , and then return to their place.

“Pull your lips straight to your ears!

The frogs will love it!

I'll pull - I'll pull

And I won’t get tired at all!

Lips are not tense

And relaxed."

Exercise "Magical dream" .

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

The children lie face up on the carpet, the music is not loud. The psychologist says slowly:

“The tension has flown away...

And the whole body is relaxed, (2 times)

It's like we're lying on the grass

On the green soft grass...

The sun is shining now...

Our hands are warm...

The sun is hotter now...

Our feet are warm...

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

Lips are warm and limp

And not at all tired,

Lips part slightly

Everything is wonderfully relaxing, (2 times)

And our obedient tongue

I'm used to being relaxed.

We understand what it is

State of rest..." (pause)

"We rested peacefully,

We fell asleep in a magical sleep.

It's good for us to rest!

But it's time to get up!

Stretch! Smile!”

Lesson No. 3. Period ____________________


Etude "Four forces" .

"Earth" - hands down;

"Water" - hands forward;

"Air" - hands up;

"Air" - rotation by hands.

Restoring breathing.

Exercise "High Chair" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the abdominal muscles.

Restoring breathing.

Exercise "Mouth shut" .

Exercise "Self-relaxation"

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

"We are resting peacefully,

We fall asleep in a magical sleep...

It's good for us to rest... (pause)

But, it's time to get up!

We clench our fists tighter,

We raise them higher.

Let's get up!"

Lesson No. 4. Period_____________________


Exercise "Screw" .

Exercise "Swing" .

Duration – 1 min.

Exercise "Frogs" .

Goal: relaxation of the speech apparatus.

Lips retract as if pronouncing a sound "AND" , and then return to their place.

“Pull your lips straight to your ears!

The frogs will love it!

I'll pull - I'll pull

And I won’t get tired at all!

Lips are not tense

And relaxed."

Exercise "Self-relaxation"

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

Children relax lying on the carpet, listening to calm music. After 4 - 5 minutes the music gradually stops.

"We are resting peacefully,

We fall asleep in a magical sleep...

It's good for us to rest... (pause)

But, it's time to get up!

We clench our fists tighter,

We raise them higher.

Let's catch up! And they smiled at each other!

Let's get up!"


Exercise "Squirters" .

Goal: tension in the arm muscles.

Exercise "Springs" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the leg muscles.

Our hands try so hard, even if our legs relax.

Let's imagine that we put our feet on springs. They jump out of the floor and push the toes of our feet so that they rise up, and the heels continue to rest on the floor. Now we press on the springs. Tighter! Stronger. Legs are tense! It's hard to stand like that. Stopped pressing. My legs relaxed. Have a nice rest. Inhale - exhale!

“What are these strange springs that rest on the shoes?

Put your socks down

Press the springs...

No springs - rest!

Hands are not tense

Legs are not tense

And relaxed..."

Exercise "Sun and Cloud" .

Goal: Focus on relaxing your breathing.

“The sun went behind the cloud, it became cold”

Children huddle together to keep warm and hold their breath.

“The sun came out from behind the clouds, it became warm.”

Children relax. Exhalation.

Exercise "Self-relaxation" .

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.


Exercise "Screw" .

Goal: relaxation of the muscles of the body and arms.

I. p.: standing, legs slightly apart. Hands simultaneously follow the body in the same direction. Duration – 1 min.

Exercise "Mouth shut" .

Goal: relaxation - tension of the facial muscles.

We purse our lips so that they are not visible at all. We close our mouth. We squeeze our lips tightly and tightly. They feel uncomfortable. Letting go of the lips. That's how soft they became.

Exercise "High Chair" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the abdominal muscles.

I.p.: the child lies on his back, arms along the body. Slowly he begins to rise and sit down, as if on a chair. The abdominal muscles sometimes tense and then relax.

Restoring breathing.

Exercise "Self-relaxation" .

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

Children lie on the carpet and relax to the music. After 4 - 5 minutes, the music gradually stops. Children open their eyes, clench their fists, stretch, smile and stand up.

Lesson No. 3. Period_____________________


Exercise "Deer" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the arm muscles.

Let's imagine that we are deer. Raise your arms above your head, cross them, fingers spread wide. These are the antlers of a deer! Tighten your arms. They have become hard! It is difficult and uncomfortable for us to hold our hands like this. Tension is unpleasant. Quickly lower your hands, drop them onto your knees. We relaxed our hands. Calmly. Inhale - exhale.

“Look: we are deer,

The wind is rushing towards us!

The wind died down

Let's straighten our shoulders

And now a little laziness...

Hands are not tense

And relaxed.

Know girls and boys,

Give your fingers a rest!

Breathe easily, evenly and deeply.”

Exercise "What - what - what" .

Goal: removing speech restrictions.

Etude "Four forces" .

Goal: development of attention associated with the coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

The players stand in a circle. The presenter says the words:

"Earth" - hands down;

"Water" - hands forward;

"Air" - hands up;

"Air" - rotation by hands.

Restoring breathing.

Exercise "Silence" .

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

Children lie on their backs, relaxing all their muscles and closing their eyes. Relaxation takes place to the sound of calm music:

“Hush, hush, silence...

You can't talk...

We are tired - we need to sleep - let's lie down quietly on the bed...

And we’ll sleep quietly.”

Exercise "Do as I do" .

Goal: development of attention, activation in class.

Demonstration of movements by a psychologist or a child.

Lesson No. 4. Period_____________________


Exercise "Curious Barabara" .

Goal: relaxation of the neck muscles.

I. p: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, head straight. Turn your head as far as possible to the left, then to the right. Inhale and exhale. The movement is repeated 2 times in each direction. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

“Curious Varvara looks left... looks right...

And then forward again - here he will rest a little

The neck is not tense, but relaxed.”

Raise your head up and look at the ceiling for as long as possible. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

“And Varvara is looking up!

Comes back -

Relaxation is nice!

The neck is not tense

And relaxed."

Slowly lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

“And Varvara is looking down!”

The neck muscles are tense!

Comes back -

Relaxation is nice!

The neck is not tense

And relaxed."

Exercise "Athletes" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the muscles of the legs and core.

For the first part of the poem, children stand on one leg with their arms outstretched to the sides. (all muscles tense). The second part is muscle relaxation.

“You need to play sports, train every day,

Hands to the side, don't fall, it's very difficult to stand like that,

Don't put your foot on the floor! We strain all our muscles,

Now we relax them, lower our hands down.

Come on, smile quickly!”

Exercise "Self-relaxation"

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

Children relax lying on the carpet, listening to calm music. After 4 - 5 minutes the music gradually stops.

"We are resting peacefully,

We fall asleep in a magical sleep...

It's good for us to rest... (pause)

But, it's time to get up!

We clench our fists tighter,

We raise them higher.

Let's catch up! And they smiled at each other!

Let's get up!"

Exercise "Do as I do" .

Goal: development of attention, activation in class.

Demonstration of movements by a psychologist or a child.

Lesson No. 1. Period_____________________


Exercise "Humpty Dumpty" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the arm muscles.

“Humpty - Dumpty sat on the wall, (torso turn left - right),

Humpty - Dumpty fell in his sleep" (torso tilted forward, head and arms hanging).

Exercise "Breeze" .

"The wind blows in our faces,

The tree swayed...

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter

The branches are getting higher! Higher!".

Exercise "Smile - get angry" .

The children are sitting. They smile - the whole body is relaxed, everything around is good. But suddenly we got angry - our eyebrows frowned, our hands rested on our sides with fists, our whole body tensed. And again everything is fine, we smile.

Exercise "Magical dream" .

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

The children lie face up on the carpet, the music is not loud. The psychologist says slowly:

“The tension has flown away...

And the whole body is relaxed, (2 times)

It's like we're lying on the grass

On the green soft grass...

The sun is shining now...

Our hands are warm...

The sun is hotter now...

Our feet are warm...

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

Lips are warm and limp

And not at all tired,

Lips part slightly

Everything is wonderfully relaxing, (2 times)

And our obedient tongue

I'm used to being relaxed.

We understand what it is

State of rest..." (pause)

"We rested peacefully,

We fell asleep in a magical sleep.

It's good for us to rest!

But it's time to get up!

Stretch! Smile!”

Lesson No. 2. Period_____________________


Exercise "Fists" .

Goal: tension, relaxation of the arm muscles.

"Hands on your knees,

Fists clenched

Tight with tension

Fingers pressed (squeeze fingers),

Squeeze your fingers tighter

Let go, let go."

Exercise "Breeze" .

Goal: relaxation of the muscles of the arms and body.

I.p.: standing, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt.

"The wind blows in our faces,

The tree swayed...

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter

The branches are getting higher! Higher!".

Exercise "Humpty Dumpty" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the arm muscles.

“Humpty - Dumpty sat on the wall, (torso turn left - right),

Humpty - Dumpty fell in his sleep" (torso tilted forward, head and arms hanging).

(3 times).

Exercise "Self-relaxation"

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

Children relax lying on the carpet, listening to calm music. After 4 - 5 minutes the music gradually stops.

"We are resting peacefully,

We fall asleep in a magical sleep...

It's good for us to rest... (pause)

But, it's time to get up!

We clench our fists tighter,

We raise them higher.

Let's catch up! And they smiled at each other!

Let's get up!"

Lesson No. 3. Period_____________________


Exercise "Icicle" .

Goal: relaxation of arm muscles.

IP: standing, hands up. (Frozen icicle).

  1. – the hands hung. (Started to melt).
  2. - hands hung to the elbows.
  3. – hands hung to the shoulders. (The icicle has completely melted)

Repeat 3 times.

Exercise "Barbell" .

Goal: relaxation of the muscles of the arms, legs and body.

“We are preparing for a record, we will play sports, (lean forward)

We will lift the barbell from the floor (straightens up, hands up)

We hold it tight...

And we quit!

Our muscles are not tired

And they became even more obedient.

It becomes clear to us:

Relaxation is nice."

Exercise "Smile - get angry" .

The children are sitting. They smile - the whole body is relaxed, everything around is good. But suddenly we got angry - our eyebrows frowned, our hands rested on our sides with fists, our whole body tensed. And again everything is fine, we smile.

Exercise "Magical dream" .

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

Children relax lying on the carpet, listening to calm music. After 4 - 5 minutes the music gradually stops.

Lesson No. 4. Period_____________________


Exercise "Screw" .

Goal: relaxation of the muscles of the body and arms.

I. p.: standing, legs slightly apart. Hands simultaneously follow the body in the same direction. Duration – 1 min.

Exercise "Swing" .

Goal: muscle relaxation after tension.

I. p.: standing, one leg is put forward, the other is behind.

Rocking: transferring body weight from one leg to the other, then forward, then back.

Duration – 1 min.

Exercise "Frogs" .

Goal: relaxation of the speech apparatus.

Lips retract as if pronouncing a sound "AND" , and then return to their place.

“Pull your lips straight to your ears!

The frogs will love it!

I'll pull - I'll pull

And I won’t get tired at all!

Lips are not tense

And relaxed."

Exercise "Self-relaxation"

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

Children relax lying on the carpet, listening to calm music. After 4 - 5 minutes the music gradually stops.

"The eyelashes are drooping,

The eyes close.

We are resting peacefully...

We fall asleep in a magical sleep...

Breathe easily... Evenly... Deeply...

Our hands are resting...

They rest and fall asleep...

The neck is not tense

And relaxed...

Lips part slightly

Everything is wonderfully relaxing

Breathe easily... Evenly... Deeply...

We rested peacefully

We fell asleep in a magical sleep...

It's good for us to rest

But it's time to get up!

Let's squeeze our fingers tighter

We raise them higher.

Let's reach out! Smile!

Lesson No. 1. Period_____________________


Exercise "Snowman" .

Goal: tension, relaxation of the muscles of the arms and body.

For the first part of the poem, children "roll up" snowball. Then they depict a snowman: hands on the belt, back straight, muscles tense, smile.

The snowman has melted, the muscles are relaxed, the arms fell down, the head is lowered.

“Come on, buddy, be brave, buddy, roll your snowball in the snow.

He will turn into a snowball and become a snowman.

His smile is so bright! Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom!

But the sun will be a little hot - alas! And there is no snowman."

(2 times).

Exercise "Proboscis" .

Goal: relaxation of the speech apparatus.

Pull out lips "proboscis" (as in the articulation of sound "y" ) . Lips tensed. We lower the proboscis. Now your lips are soft and relaxed (mouth slightly open, lips relaxed).

“I imitate an elephant,

I pull my lips with my proboscis,

And now I release them and return them to their place.

Lips are not tense

And relaxed."

Exercise "Breeze" .

Goal: relaxation of the muscles of the arms and body.

I.p.: standing, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt.

"The wind blows in our faces,

The tree swayed...

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter

The branches are getting higher! Higher!".

Exercise "Swimming in the clouds" .

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

Exercise "Sipping" .

Lesson No. 2. Period_____________________


Exercise "Icicle" .

Goal: relaxation of arm muscles.

IP: standing, hands up. (Frozen icicle).

  1. – the hands hung. (Started to melt).
  2. - hands hung to the elbows.
  3. – hands hung to the shoulders. (The icicle has completely melted)

Repeat 3 times.

Exercise "What - what - what" .

Goal: removing speech restrictions.

“What - what - what, what - what - what - my shoulder hurts.

Chu - chu - chu, chu - chu - chu - if it hurts, go to the doctor.

Chu - chu - chu, chu - chu - choo - no, I don’t want to see a doctor.

Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha - I’ll cry at the doctor’s.

Chi - chi - chi, chi - chi - chi - the doctors help.

Chu - chu - chu, chu - chu - chu - well then I'll go to the doctor.

Che - che - che, che - che - che - we dream about the ball.

Chi - chi - chi, chi - chi - chi - we really need balls.

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo—buy us a ball.

Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha - now there are two balls in the river.

Chi - chi - chi, chi - chi - chi - we need balls again.

Che - che - che, che - che - che - we dream about the ball.”

Exercise "Ball" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the abdominal muscles.

Let's imagine that we are inflating balloon. Place your hand on your stomach. Inflate your stomach as if it were a big balloon. The abdominal muscles tense. This intense tension is unpleasant! Let's not inflate a big balloon. Let's take a calm breath into the stomach so that you feel a slight muscle tension with your hand. Shoulders cannot be raised. Inhale - exhale! The abdominal muscles relaxed.

“This is how we inflate a balloon!

And we check with our hands (inhale).

The balloon burst, we exhale,

We relax our muscles.

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply..."

Exercise "Magical dream" .

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

"The eyelashes are drooping,

The eyes close.

We are resting peacefully...

We fall asleep in a magical sleep...

Breathe easily... Evenly... Deeply...

Our hands are resting...

They rest and fall asleep...

The neck is not tense

And relaxed...

Lips part slightly

Everything is wonderfully relaxing

Breathe easily... Evenly... Deeply...

We rested peacefully

We fell asleep in a magical sleep...

It's good for us to rest

But it's time to get up!

Let's squeeze our fingers tighter

We raise them higher.

Let's reach out! Smile!

Everyone open their eyes and stand up!”

Lesson No. 3. Period_____________________


Exercise "Deer" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the arm muscles.

Let's imagine that we are deer. Raise your arms above your head, cross them, fingers spread wide. These are the antlers of a deer! Tighten your arms. They have become hard! It is difficult and uncomfortable for us to hold our hands like this. Tension is unpleasant. Quickly lower your hands, drop them onto your knees. We relaxed our hands. Calmly. Inhale - exhale.

“Look: we are deer,

The wind is rushing towards us!

The wind died down

Let's straighten our shoulders

And now a little laziness...

Hands are not tense

And relaxed.

Know girls and boys,

Give your fingers a rest!

Breathe easily, evenly and deeply.”

Restoring breathing.

Exercise "Barbell" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the muscles of the arms, legs and body.

“We are preparing for a record, we will play sports, (lean forward)

We will lift the barbell from the floor (straightens up, hands up)

We hold it tight...

And we quit!

Our muscles are not tired

And they became even more obedient.

It becomes clear to us:

Relaxation is nice."

Exercise "WITH" .

Goal: removing speech restrictions.

Exercise "Slow motion"

Goal: teaching a resting pose.

“Everyone can dance, jump, run, draw,

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.

We have this game - it’s very easy, simple,

Movements slow down and tension disappears.

(Children lie on the carpet, arms along the body, legs slightly spread).

And it becomes clear that relaxation is pleasant.”

(Rest lying on the carpet, listening to calm music).

Lesson No. 4. Period_____________________


Exercise "Curious Barabara" .

Goal: relaxation of the neck muscles.

I. p: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, head straight. Turn your head as far as possible to the left, then to the right. Inhale and exhale. The movement is repeated 2 times in each direction. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

“Curious Varvara looks left... looks right...

And then forward again - here he will rest a little

The neck is not tense, but relaxed.”

Raise your head up and look at the ceiling for as long as possible. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

“And Varvara is looking up!

Comes back -

Relaxation is nice!

The neck is not tense

And relaxed."

Slowly lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

“And Varvara is looking down!”

The neck muscles are tense!

Comes back -

Relaxation is nice!

The neck is not tense

And relaxed."

Exercise "Springs" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the leg muscles.

Our hands try so hard, even if our legs relax.

Let's imagine that we put our feet on springs. They jump out of the floor and push the toes of our feet so that they rise up, and the heels continue to rest on the floor. Now we press on the springs. Tighter! Stronger. Legs are tense! It's hard to stand like that. Stopped pressing. My legs relaxed. Have a nice rest. Inhale - exhale!

“What are these strange springs that rest on the shoes?

Put your socks down

Press the springs...

No springs - rest!

Hands are not tense

Legs are not tense

And relaxed..."

Exercise "Ship" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the leg muscles.

Let's imagine that we are on a ship. Rocks. To avoid falling, spread your legs wider and press them to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back. The deck rocked, we press our right leg to the floor, the left one is relaxed, slightly bent at the knee, with the toe touching the floor. Straighten up! Relaxed your leg. Swung in the other direction, pressed to the floor left leg. Straighten up! Inhale - exhale!

“The deck began to rock!

Press your foot to the deck!

We press our legs tighter,

And we relax the other one.

Hands on your knees again

And now a little laziness...

The tension has flown away

And the whole body is relaxed...

Our muscles are not tired

And they became even more obedient.

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...”

Exercise "Swimming in the clouds" .

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

Calm music sounds. The psychologist slowly pronounces the words:

“Lie down and find a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Breathe easily and slowly. Imagine that you are in nature in a beautiful place. Today is an unusually good day. You are warm and feel good. You are absolutely calm.

You lie down and look up at the clouds - big, white, fluffy clouds in a beautiful blue sky. Breathe freely. As you inhale, you begin to gently rise above the ground and slowly, gently rise up towards a large fluffy cloud. You rise even higher to the very top of the cloud and gently sink into it. Now you are floating on top of a big fluffy cloud. Your arms and legs are spread freely to the sides, and you are floating on the largest and softest cloud that you can currently see in the sky.

Ah, now it’s time for us to descend back to the ground... Tell yourself to your cloud and it will smoothly and softly float lower and lower until it reaches the ground...”

Lesson No. 1. Period_____________________


Exercise "Icicle" .

Goal: relaxation of arm muscles.

IP: standing, hands up. (Frozen icicle).

  1. – the hands hung. (Started to melt).
  2. - hands hung to the elbows.
  3. – hands hung to the shoulders. (The icicle has completely melted)

Repeat 3 times.

Etude "Four forces" .

Goal: development of attention associated with the coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

The players stand in a circle. The presenter says the words:

"Earth" - hands down;

"Water" - hands forward;

"Air" - hands up;

"Air" - rotation by hands.

Restoring breathing.

Exercise "Z" .

Goal: removing speech impediment.

Please note: the tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the back of the tongue is moderately elongated.

“For - for - for, for - for - for - there is a goat tied here.

PS - PS - PS, PS - PS - PS - the goat has little grass.

Zu - zu - zu, zu - zu - zu - we untied the goat.

For - for - for, for - for - for - a goat climbs into the garden.

Zu - zu - zu, zu - zu - zu - we tied the goat.

For - for - for, for - for - for - there is a goat tied here.”

Exercise "Sleeping Kitten" .

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

Imagine that you are cheerful, mischievous kittens. Kittens walk, arch their backs, wag their tails (voltage). But the kittens got tired...they started yawning, lay down on the mat and fall asleep. Kittens' tummies rise and fall evenly, they breathe calmly (relaxation).

Lesson No. 2. Period_____________________


Exercise "Fists" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the arm muscles.

"Hands on your knees,

Fists clenched

Firmly, with tension

Fingers pressed (squeeze fingers)

We squeeze our fingers harder -

Let's release and unclench..." (unclench) (2 times).

Pay attention to unpleasant sensations during tension of the arm muscles and vice versa, at the moment of relaxation!

Exercise "C" .

Goal: removing speech restrictions.

“Tse - tse - tse, tse - tse - tse - here's a fairy tale about an egg.

Tso - tso - tso, tso - tso - tso - the chicken laid an egg.

Tsu - tsu - tsu, tsu - tsu - tsu - the fox reaches for the egg.

Tsa - tsa - tsa, tsa - tsa - tsa - shoot the fox from the egg.

Tsu - tsu - tsu, tsu - tsu - tsu - don’t let her near the egg!

Tso - tso - tso, tso - tso - tso - we ourselves will eat the egg.

Tsy - tsy - tsy, tsy - tsy - tsy - drove away? Well done!

Tse-tse-tse, tse-tse-tse - here’s a fairy tale about an egg for everyone.”

Exercise "Smile - get angry" .

Goal: relieving tension from facial muscles.

The children are sitting. They smile - the whole body is relaxed, everything around is good. But suddenly we got angry - our eyebrows frowned, our hands rested on our sides with fists, our whole body tensed. And again everything is fine, we smile.

Exercise "Magical dream" .

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

"The eyelashes are drooping,

The eyes close.

We are resting peacefully...

We fall asleep in a magical sleep...

Breathe easily... Evenly... Deeply...

Our hands are resting...

They rest and fall asleep...

The neck is not tense

And relaxed...

Lips part slightly

Everything is wonderfully relaxing

Breathe easily... Evenly... Deeply...

We rested peacefully

We fell asleep in a magical sleep...

It's good for us to rest

But it's time to get up!

Let's squeeze our fingers tighter

We raise them higher.

Let's reach out! Smile!

Everyone open their eyes and stand up!”

Lesson No. 3. Period_____________________


Exercise "What - what - what" .

Goal: removing speech restrictions.

“What - what - what, what - what - what - my shoulder hurts.

Chu - chu - chu, chu - chu - chu - if it hurts, go to the doctor.

Chu - chu - chu, chu - chu - choo - no, I don’t want to see a doctor.

Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha - I’ll cry at the doctor’s.

Chi - chi - chi, chi - chi - chi - the doctors help.

Chu - chu - chu, chu - chu - chu - well then I'll go to the doctor.

Che - che - che, che - che - che - we dream about the ball.

Chi - chi - chi, chi - chi - chi - we really need balls.

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo—buy us a ball.

Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha - now there are two balls in the river.

Chi - chi - chi, chi - chi - chi - we need balls again.

Che - che - che, che - che - che - we dream about the ball.”

Exercise "Shadow" .

Goal: language awareness own body, developing attention to the feelings of others.

Children are divided into pairs. One of them will be a man, the other will be his shadow. A person makes any movements, the shadow repeats. Moreover Special attention care is taken to ensure that the shadow acts in the same direction as the person.

Exercise "Curious Barabara" .

Goal: relaxation of the neck muscles.

I. p: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, head straight. Turn your head as far as possible to the left, then to the right. Inhale and exhale. The movement is repeated 2 times in each direction. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

“Curious Varvara looks left... looks right...

And then forward again - here he will rest a little

The neck is not tense, but relaxed.”

Raise your head up and look at the ceiling for as long as possible. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

“And Varvara is looking up!

Comes back -

Relaxation is nice!

The neck is not tense

And relaxed."

Slowly lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

“And Varvara is looking down!”

The neck muscles are tense!

Comes back -

Relaxation is nice!

The neck is not tense

And relaxed."

Exercise "Slow motion"

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

“Everyone can dance, jump, run, draw,

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.

We have this game - it’s very easy, simple,

Movements slow down and tension disappears.

(Children lie on the carpet, arms along the body, legs slightly spread).

And it becomes clear that relaxation is pleasant.”

(Rest lying on the carpet, listening to calm music).

Lesson No. 4. Period_____________________


Exercise "Screw" .

Goal: relaxation of the muscles of the body and arms.

I. p.: standing, legs slightly apart. Hands simultaneously follow the body in the same direction. Duration – 1 min.

Exercise "Swing" .

Goal: muscle relaxation after tension.

I. p.: standing, one leg is put forward, the other is behind.

Rocking: transferring body weight from one leg to the other, then forward, then back.

Duration – 1 min.

Exercise "Frogs" .

Goal: relaxation of the speech apparatus.

Lips retract as if pronouncing a sound "AND" , and then return to their place.

“Pull your lips straight to your ears!

The frogs will love it!

I'll pull - I'll pull

And I won’t get tired at all!

Lips are not tense

And relaxed."

Exercise "Self-relaxation"

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

Children relax lying on the carpet, listening to calm music. After 4 - 5 minutes the music gradually stops.

"We are resting peacefully,

We fall asleep in a magical sleep...

It's good for us to rest... (pause)

But, it's time to get up!

We clench our fists tighter,

We raise them higher.

Let's catch up! And they smiled at each other!

Let's get up!"

Lesson No. 1. Period_____________________


Exercise "Pea" .

Exercise "Curious Barabara" .

Goal: relaxation of the neck muscles.

I. p: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, head straight. Turn your head as far as possible to the left, then to the right. Inhale and exhale. The movement is repeated 2 times in each direction. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

“Curious Varvara looks left... looks right...

And then forward again - here he will rest a little

The neck is not tense, but relaxed.”

Raise your head up and look at the ceiling for as long as possible. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

“And Varvara is looking up!

Comes back -

Relaxation is nice!

The neck is not tense

And relaxed."

Slowly lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

“And Varvara is looking down!”

The neck muscles are tense!

Comes back -

Relaxation is nice!

The neck is not tense

And relaxed."

Exercise "Silence" .

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

Children lie on their backs, relaxing all their muscles and closing their eyes. Relaxation takes place to the sound of calm music:

“Hush, hush, silence...

You can't talk...

We are tired - we need to sleep - let's lie down quietly on the bed...

And we’ll sleep quietly.”

Lesson No. 2. Period_____________________


Exercise "Deer" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the arm muscles.

Let's imagine that we are deer. Raise your arms above your head, cross them, fingers spread wide. These are the antlers of a deer! Tighten your arms. They have become hard! It is difficult and uncomfortable for us to hold our hands like this. Tension is unpleasant. Quickly lower your hands, drop them onto your knees. We relaxed our hands. Calmly. Inhale - exhale.

“Look: we are deer,

The wind is rushing towards us!

The wind died down

Let's straighten our shoulders

And now a little laziness...

Hands are not tense

And relaxed.

Know girls and boys,

Give your fingers a rest!

Breathe easily, evenly and deeply.”

Restoring breathing.

Exercise "Springs" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the leg muscles.

“What are these strange springs that rest on the shoes?

Put your socks down

Press the springs...

No springs - rest!

Hands are not tense

Legs are not tense

And relaxed..."

Exercise "Proboscis" .

Goal: relaxation of the speech apparatus.

Pull out lips "proboscis" (as in the articulation of sound "y" ) . Lips tensed. We lower the proboscis. Now your lips are soft and relaxed (mouth slightly open, lips relaxed).

“I imitate an elephant,

I pull my lips with my proboscis,

And now I release them and return them to their place.

Lips are not tense

And relaxed."

Exercise "Slow motion" .

Goal: mastering and consolidating the resting pose.

“Everyone can dance, jump, run, draw,

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.

We have this game - it’s very easy, simple,

Movements slow down and tension disappears.

(Children lie on the carpet, arms along the body, legs slightly spread).

And it becomes clear that relaxation is pleasant.”

(Rest lying on the carpet, listening to calm music).

Lesson No. 3. Period_____________________


Exercise "Flowers and Rain" .

  1. "What beautiful flowers!" "tulip" ) ;
  2. (the children dropped their hands);
  3. “First the heads went down” ;
  4. ;
  5. .

Exercise "Ship" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the leg muscles.

Let's imagine that we are on a ship. Rocks. To avoid falling, spread your legs wider and press them to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back. The deck rocked, we press our right leg to the floor, the left one is relaxed, slightly bent at the knee, with the toe touching the floor. Straighten up! Relaxed your leg. It swung in the other direction, we pressed our left leg to the floor. Straighten up! Inhale - exhale!

“The deck began to rock!

Press your foot to the deck!

We press our legs tighter,

And we relax the other one.

Hands on your knees again

And now a little laziness...

The tension has flown away

And the whole body is relaxed...

Our muscles are not tired

And they became even more obedient.

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...”

Exercise "Frogs" .

Goal: relaxation of the speech apparatus.

Lips retract as if pronouncing a sound "AND" , and then return to their place.

“Pull your lips straight to your ears!

The frogs will love it!

I'll pull - I'll pull

And I won’t get tired at all!

Lips are not tense

And relaxed."

Exercise "Self-relaxation" .

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

Children lie on the carpet and relax to the music. After 4 - 5 minutes, the music gradually stops. Children open their eyes, clench their fists, stretch, smile and stand up.

Lesson No. 4. Period_____________________


Exercise "Squirters" .

Goal: tension in the arm muscles.

Sharply lower your hands from top to bottom one at a time, as if clapping your palms on water.

Exercise "Barbell" .

Goal: relaxation of the muscles of the arms, legs and body.

“We are preparing for a record, we will play sports, (lean forward)

We will lift the barbell from the floor (straightens up, hands up)

We hold it tight...

And we quit!

Our muscles are not tired

And they became even more obedient.

It becomes clear to us:

Relaxation is nice."

Exercise "Pea" .

Goal: relaxation of the tongue muscles.

The tongue is pressed against the cheek and presses on it, as if a pea is hidden behind the cheek. It is uncomfortable for the tongue to be in this position, and we return it to its place. He is relaxed, resting.

Exercise "Slow motion"

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

“Everyone can dance, jump, run, draw,

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.

We have this game - it’s very easy, simple,

Movements slow down and tension disappears.

(Children lie on the carpet, arms along the body, legs slightly spread).

And it becomes clear that relaxation is pleasant.”

(Rest lying on the carpet, listening to calm music).

Lesson No. 1. Period_____________________


Exercise "Tulip" .

Purpose: relieving muscle tension in the arms and body.

  1. "What beautiful flowers!" (children stand with their arms raised, hands pointing "tulip" ) ;
  2. “It hasn’t rained for a long time. The flowers have withered..." (the children dropped their hands);
  3. “First the heads went down” (heads bowed, shoulders relaxed);
  4. “Then the whole stalk bent down to the ground.” (bend over with relaxed arms);
  5. “Suddenly the rain started dripping and the flowers slowly began to come to life” (repeat movements in reverse order).

Exercise "Let's sunbathe" .

We hold, we hold, we strain,

Exercise "Breeze" .

Goal: relaxation of the muscles of the arms and body.

I.p.: standing, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt.

"The wind blows in our faces,

The tree swayed...

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter

The branches are getting higher! Higher!".

Exercise "Clouds" .

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

“Imagine a warm summer evening. You lie on the grass and look at the clouds floating in the sky - such white, large, fluffy clouds in the blue sky. Everything around is quiet and calm, you feel warm and comfortable.

You begin to slowly and smoothly rise into the air, higher and higher, towards the very clouds. Your arms are light, light, your legs are light, your whole body becomes light, like a cloud. Here you are swimming up to the largest and fluffiest, most beautiful cloud in the sky. Closer and closer. And now you are already lying on this cloud, you feel how it gently hugs you, this fluffy and tender cloud... You feel good and pleasant. You are relaxed and calm.

But then a cloud dropped you into the clearing. Smile at your cloud. Stretch and open your eyes. You had a good rest on the cloud. Oh, now we’re back to kindergarten again.”

Lesson No. 2. Period_____________________


Exercise "Bumps" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the arm muscles.

Imagine that you are cubs and your mother bear is playing with you. She throws bumps at you. You catch them and squeeze them forcefully in your paws (voltage). But the cubs are tired and drop their paws along the body - the paws are resting. And the mother bear again throws cones to the cubs...

Exercise "Springs" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the leg muscles.

Our hands try so hard, even if our legs relax.

Let's imagine that we put our feet on springs. They jump out of the floor and push the toes of our feet so that they rise up, and the heels continue to rest on the floor. Now we press on the springs. Tighter! Stronger. Legs are tense! It's hard to stand like that. Stopped pressing. My legs relaxed. Have a nice rest. Inhale - exhale!

“What are these strange springs that rest on the shoes?

Put your socks down

Press the springs...

No springs - rest!

Hands are not tense

Legs are not tense

And relaxed..."

Exercise "Smile - get angry" .

Goal: relieving tension from facial muscles.

The children are sitting. They smile - the whole body is relaxed, everything around is good. But suddenly we got angry - our eyebrows frowned, our hands rested on our sides with fists, our whole body tensed. And again everything is fine, we smile.

Exercise "Slow motion" .

Goal: mastering and consolidating the resting pose.

“Everyone can dance, jump, run, draw,

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.

We have this game - it’s very easy, simple,

Movements slow down and tension disappears.

(Children lie on the carpet, arms along the body, legs slightly spread).

And it becomes clear that relaxation is pleasant.”

(Rest lying on the carpet, listening to calm music).

Lesson No. 3. Period_____________________


Exercise "Deer" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the arm muscles.

Let's imagine that we are deer. Raise your arms above your head, cross them, fingers spread wide. These are the antlers of a deer! Tighten your arms. They have become hard! It is difficult and uncomfortable for us to hold our hands like this. Tension is unpleasant. Quickly lower your hands, drop them onto your knees. We relaxed our hands. Calmly. Inhale - exhale.

“Look: we are deer,

The wind is rushing towards us!

The wind died down

Let's straighten our shoulders

And now a little laziness...

Hands are not tense

And relaxed.

Know girls and boys,

Give your fingers a rest!

Breathe easily, evenly and deeply.”

Restoring breathing.

Exercise "Barbell" .

Goal: tension and relaxation of the muscles of the arms, legs and body.

“We are preparing for a record, we will play sports, (lean forward)

We will lift the barbell from the floor (straightens up, hands up)

We hold it tight...

And we quit!

Our muscles are not tired

And they became even more obedient.

It becomes clear to us:

Relaxation is nice."

Exercise "WITH" .

Goal: removing speech restrictions.

“Sa - sa - sa, sa - sa - sa, oh - oh! The wasp is flying!

Sy - sy - sy, sy - sy - sy - we are not afraid of wasps!

Su - su - su, su - su - su - did any of you see the wasp?

Sy - sy - sy, sy - sy - sy - we didn’t see the wasp.

Sa - sa - sa, sa - sa - sa - guess where the wasp is.

Xia - Xia - Xia, Xia - Xia - Xia - here's to catching a crucian carp!

Behold, behold, behold, behold, behold, behold, everyone caught crucian carp.

Xia - Xia - Xia, Xia - Xia - Xia - they didn’t catch the crucian carp.

Xia - Xia - Xia, Xia - Xia - Xia - there lived two geese.

Xia - Xia - Xia, Xia - Xia - Xia - that’s the whole story!”

Exercise "Slow motion"

Goal: teaching a resting pose.

“Everyone can dance, jump, run, draw,

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.

We have this game - it’s very easy, simple,

Movements slow down and tension disappears.

(Children lie on the carpet, arms along the body, legs slightly spread).

And it becomes clear that relaxation is pleasant.”

(Rest lying on the carpet, listening to calm music).

Lesson No. 4. Period_____________________


Exercise "Flowers and Rain" .

Purpose: relieving muscle tension in the arms and body.

  1. "What beautiful flowers!" (children stand with their arms raised, hands pointing "tulip" ) ;
  2. “It hasn’t rained for a long time. The flowers have withered..." (the children dropped their hands);
  3. “First the heads went down” (heads bowed, shoulders relaxed);
  4. “Then the whole stalk bent down to the ground.” (bend over with relaxed arms);
  5. “Suddenly the rain started dripping and the flowers slowly began to come to life” (repeat movements in reverse order).

Exercise "Let's sunbathe" .

Goal: tension, relaxation of the leg muscles.

IP: Children lie on the floor on their backs.

“We sunbathe perfectly, we raise our legs higher.

We hold, we hold, we strain,

Tanned, lower it, legs are not tense and relaxed.”

Exercise "Breeze" .

Goal: relaxation of the muscles of the arms and body.

I.p.: standing, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt.

"The wind blows in our faces,

The tree swayed...

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter

The branches are getting higher! Higher!".

Exercise "Clouds" .

Goal: self-relaxation, stress relief.

IP: the children are lying on the carpet. The psychologist says:

“Imagine a warm summer evening. You lie on the grass and look at the clouds floating in the sky - such white, large, fluffy clouds in the blue sky... Everything around is quiet and calm, you feel warm and comfortable. You begin to slowly and smoothly rise into the air, higher and higher, towards the very clouds. Your arms are light, light, your legs are light, your whole body becomes light, like a cloud. Here you are swimming up to the largest and fluffiest, most beautiful cloud in the sky. Closer and closer. And now you are already lying on this cloud, you feel how it gently hugs you, this fluffy and tender cloud... You feel good and pleasant. You are relaxed and calm. But then a cloud dropped you into the clearing. Smile at your cloud. Stretch and open your eyes. You had a good rest on the cloud. Oh, now we’re back in kindergarten again.” .

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - kindergarten No. 277


Collection of relaxation exercises

Compiled by:

Chernyak Elena Anatolevna,

musical director

Yekaterinburg city

Children, as a rule, are constantly busy with something. In preschool age, they spend most of their time playing games and doing activities. The intensity of the educational process and a long stay in a team lead to overwork. Therefore, time for rest must be included in the child’s daily routine.

What could a vacation be like?

    Healthy sleep


    Switching to another activity

One of the routine moments of a preschool institution is daytime naps. Children's activities are structured taking into account switching to another type of activity. And it would be good to introduce children to another way of good rest - relaxation.

Relaxation is The best way getting rid of stress, anxiety and uncertainty, one of the ways to overcome internal tension. Relaxation is accessible to almost everyone and requires almost no aids or time. The ability to relax is useful not only for relieving tension - without it it is impossible to master techniques that allow you to know yourself more deeply. All relaxation techniques are based on muscle relaxation. A person is a single whole, and mental stress leads to increased muscle tension. The opposite is also true. If you manage to reduce muscle tension, nervous tension decreases.

Therefore, the sooner a person masters relaxation techniques, the easier it will be for him to resist life’s troubles.

Using the exercises presented in the collection will help children learn in a playful way to take a resting pose, relieve muscle tension in the arms, legs, abdomen, body, neck, speech apparatus, as well as learn the formula for correct speech and confident behavior.

All exercises are accompanied by a poetic text, accessible to children of junior, middle and senior age. preschool age.

The exercises are recommended for use both by teachers in groups, in music, physical education, speech therapy classes, and by parents. Relaxing with your child will help parents restore peace of mind after a busy day at work.

A good addition to the exercises would be pleasant, calm instrumental music combined with the sounds of nature.

The main condition for mastering the skill of relaxation is systematicity. Choose a suitable time during the day for relaxation and perform one or two exercises.

Be sure to smile after this!

Your body has had a wonderful rest!

Exercise 1

Relaxation of arm muscles

Teacher: Guys, let's sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back. Let's place our hands loosely on our knees, legs slightly apart. (The teacher shows and helps the children take a resting pose)


Everyone can dance

Jump, run, draw,

But not everyone can do it yet

Relax, rest.

General rest formula pronounced by the teacher in a quiet voice, at a slow pace, with long pauses. We have a game like this -

Very easy, simple:

Movement slows down

The tension disappears...

And it becomes clear:

Relaxation is nice!

Exercise 2


Teacher: Squeeze your fingers and fist (shows hands on knees) stronger. To make the bones turn white. That's how tense your hands are! A lot of tension! It's unpleasant for us to sit like this. My hands are tired. Stop squeezing your fingers and straighten them. So the hands relaxed. They are resting. My hands became warmer. It became easy and pleasant. (The exercise is performed three times.)

Now listen and do as I do. Calm inhale - exhale, again: inhale - exhale...

Hands on your knees

Fists clenched

Firmly, with tension,

Fingers are pressed.

Thumb pressed against the others.

We squeeze our fingers harder -

We release, we unclench.

It is easy to lift and drop each child's relaxed hand.

Know, girls and boys:

Give your fingers a rest!

Exercise 3

Teacher Let's imagine that we are deer. (Raises crossed arms above his head with fingers spread wide.) These are the antlers of a deer! And raise your hands like that! Tighten your arms. (Shows tension by forcefully spreading his fingers.) His hands became hard, like the antlers of a deer. (The teacher checks the degree of muscle tension of each child.) It's hard for us to hold our hands like that. Tension is unpleasant. Quickly put your hands down. Drop it on your knees. (Arms are no longer crossed.) Hands relaxed. They are resting. Listen and do as I do. Inhale - exhale! (Twice.)

Look: we are deer,

The wind is rushing towards us!

The wind died down

Let's straighten our shoulders

Hands back on your knees

And now - a little laziness...

Hands are not tense

And relaxed...

The teacher lightly moves his fingers along each child’s arm from the shoulder to the fingertips.

Know, girls and boys:

Give your fingers a rest!

Our game is over. You rested a little, calmed down, learned to listen carefully, and, most importantly, you felt how nice it is when your hands are not tense. You understand how to relax them, make them soft and obedient!

Exercise 4

Relaxing the leg muscles

Teacher: Children, take a resting pose. Hands on knees... Calm down. Listen and do as I do (Repeat exercises “Fists”, “Deer” under the command and demonstration of the teacher,) They clenched their fists, harder, so that the bones turned white. Now they have unclenched and relaxed. Now they raised their arms above their heads, like the antlers of a deer. Now they lowered it and relaxed.

Also, in subsequent classes, the teacher repeats the previous exercises with the children with or without poetry; at the end of the repeated exercises, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the pleasant sensations from muscle relaxation, for example: “Hands free, relaxed, good!” At the discretion of the teacher, the repetition can be completed either with the words of the teacher or with poetry.

For example:

Hands are not tense

And relaxed...

Our hands try so hard

Let your legs relax...

Exercise 5


Teacher: Imagine that we put our feet on springs. These springs jump out of the floor and push the toes of our feet so that the feet come off the floor and rise upward, and the heels continue to rest on the floor. (The teacher shows the movements.) Let's press our feet to the floor again... Stronger!.. Stronger!.. Oh, how hard!.. Legs are tense... Stopped pressing on the springs. Your legs are relaxed!.. How nice!.. Let’s relax... Listen and do as I do. Inhale - exhale! (Twice.)

What are these strange springs?

Are they resting on their shoes?

Children raise their toes, their heels are pressed to the floor at this moment.

Put your socks down

Press the springs

Press harder, press harder

No springs - rest!

Hands are not tense

Legs are not tense

And relaxed...

Know, girls and boys:

Give your fingers a rest!

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

Exercise 6

"Let's sunbathe"

Teacher: Imagine your legs tanning. (The teacher shows how to stretch your legs forward while sitting on a chair.) We raise our legs, hold... hold... Our legs are tense! (The teacher approaches each of the children and checks the tension in the leg muscles.) Now let's put our feet down. Let's repeat the exercise. Our tense legs became hard, like stone. And then the legs got tired and rested, relaxed!.. It felt so good, pleasant, the legs were relaxed. Listen and do as I do. Inhale - exhale!..

We tan great!

Raise your legs higher!

We hold... We hold... We strain...

Tanned! Let's lower it!

(Legs sharply lower to the floor.)

Legs are not tense

And relaxed...

The exercise is repeated three times. The hands are relaxed, lying on the knees. You can invite children to feel the tension of the leg muscles with their hands, and then compare them with their relaxation.

Teacher: Our game is over. You rested a little, calmed down, understood how to relax your legs.

Exercise 7

Relaxation of the muscles of the arms, legs and core

Teacher: Children, let's start the game. Place your hands on your knees, calm down. (Children take a resting pose.)Listen and do as I do:(The formula for general rest is given. All exercises from previous lessons are repeated.)

Exercise 8


Teacher: Let's play sports. Get up! Let's imagine that we are lifting a heavy barbell. Bend over, take it. Clench your fists. Slowly raise our hands. They are tense. Hard! We held the barbell... Our arms got tired and we dropped the barbell. (Arms drop sharply and hang freely along the body) The hands are relaxed, not tense, resting. Easy to breathe! Listen and do as I do. Calmly inhale and exhale!

We're getting ready for a record

Let's play sports.

(Lean forward.)

We lift the barbell from the floor...

(Straighten up.)

We hold it tight...

The teacher touches the muscles of the children's shoulder and forearm, draws their attention to tension and subsequent relaxation.

And we quit!

(The exercise is repeated three times.)

Our muscles are not tired -

And they became even more obedient!

It becomes clear to us:

Relaxation is nice.

Exercise 9


Teacher: Let's introduce ourselves! imagine that we are on a ship. Rocks. To avoid falling, spread your legs wider and press them to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back. The deck shook - we pressed our right foot to the floor. (The right leg is tense. The left leg is relaxed, slightly bent at the knee, with the toe touching the floor) Straighten up! Relaxed! It swung in the other direction - we pressed our left leg. (Left leg is tense. Right leg is relaxed.) Straightened up. Listen and do as I do. Inhale - exhale!

The deck began to rock.

Press your foot to the deck!

We press our legs tighter,

And let’s relax the other one!

The exercise is performed first for the right leg, then for the left. The teacher draws the children's attention to the tense and relaxed state of the leg muscles.

    Now sit down and listen. (The teacher speaks slowly, calmly.)

Hands on your knees again

And now - a little laziness...

The tension has flown away -

And the whole body is relaxed...

Our muscles are not tired

And they became even more obedient.

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

Our game is over. You rested a little and calmed down. We understood how you can relax your arms, legs and whole body.

Exercise 10

Relaxing the abdominal muscles

Teacher: Let's start the game. Place your hands on your knees, calm down. (A formula for general rest is given, and after it, exercises to relax the arms, legs and body are repeated briefly three times.)

The tension has flown away

And the whole body is relaxed.

Exercise 11

Teacher: Let's start a new exercise. Let's imagine that we are inflating a balloon. Place your hand on your stomach. (Children place their palm on the diaphragm area.) Inflate your stomach as if it were a big balloon. Then the abdominal muscles tense. (The teacher shows how the abdominal wall rises with exaggerated inhalation.) This is a lot of tension, unpleasant! Let's not blow up a big balloon. Let's inflate our belly calmly, as if we had a small balloon. Let's take a calm breath into the stomach, so that you feel a slight muscle tension with your hand. Shoulders must not be raised!

The teacher goes around all the children and checks whether they are completing this task correctly. For clarity, you can stand nearby, put the child’s hand on your stomach, on the diaphragm area, and offer to inhale and exhale at the same time as the speech therapist. At the same time, the child continues to control the contraction of his own muscles during breathing with his second hand.

Breathe! Exhale! The abdominal muscles relaxed. They became soft. Now it's easy to take a new breath. The air itself easily enters! And exhale freely, unstrained! Do as I do.

This is how we inflate a balloon!

And we check it with our hands. (Inhale.)

The balloon burst - we exhale,

We relax our muscles!

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply... (Repeat 3 times.) Our game is over. You have rested a little, calmed down, your arms and legs have relaxed, you can breathe easily and pleasantly.

Exercise 12

Relaxing the neck muscles

Teacher: Children! Let's start the game. Take a resting pose. Listen and do as I do. (A formula for general rest is given, and then exercises to relax the abdominal muscles are briefly repeated.)

Exercise 13

"Curious Barabara"

Teacher: Now we are doing a new exercise. Turn your head to the left, try to turn it so that you can see as far as possible. Now the neck muscles are tense! Touch the right side of your neck and feel the muscle tension. We return to the starting position. Look straight ahead. The neck muscles relaxed. It's easy to breathe. Now turn your head to the right. Even more! Try to see as far as possible on the right. Now the muscles of the neck on the left have tensed and become like stone. It's even hard to breathe... Look straight. The neck muscles relaxed. It's easy to breathe. (The teacher approaches each child and teaches him to feel the tension and relaxation of the neck muscles.) Listen and do as I do.

Curious Varvara Looks to the left... Looks to the right...

And then forward again - He’ll rest a little here.

The neck is not tense! And relaxed-a-ble-on...

(The movements are repeated twice in each direction.)

- Now raise your head up. Look at the ceiling. Tilt your head back more! How tense my neck is! Unpleasant! It's hard to breathe!.. Straighten up! It became easy, I could breathe freely. Listen and do as I do.

Now slowly lower your head down. The muscles of the back of the neck become tense. They became hard. Stand up straight. The neck is relaxed. Nice! Breathes well. Do as I do.

And now he looks down - The neck muscles are tense!

Coming back – Relaxation is nice!

The neck is not tense, And relaxed...

    Our game is over. You rested a little and calmed down. Your arms, legs, neck are relaxed. Hands and feet became obedient. You can breathe easily and pleasantly.

Exercise 14

Relaxation of the muscles of the speech apparatus (lips, lower

Teacher: Children, let's start the game. Sit in a resting pose. (The general rest formula is given) Listen and do as I do: inhale - exhale!.. Arms, legs, relaxed, relaxed. The whole body is relaxed. (Exercises are repeated to relax the neck muscles.)

Exercise 15


Teacher (shows how to stretch out lips): Stretch out your lips with a proboscis. Lips tensed. And now they have become soft, relaxed. (The teacher shows a calm position of the lips. The mouth is slightly open, relaxed.) Listen and do as I do.

I imitate the elephant:

I pull my lips with a proboscis.

And now I'm letting them go

And I return it to its place.

Lips are not tense

And relaxed...

All subsequent exercises to relax the muscles of the speech apparatus are repeated three times. Children can feel the tension and relaxation of their lips by touching them with a clean finger.

Exercise 16


Teacher: Watch carefully as I do the next exercise. (The teacher shows the movement of the lips corresponding to the articulation of the sound “I”. Fixes the children’s attention on the tension and relaxation of the lips.)

Now listen and do as I do.

Frogs will like this:

Pull your lips straight to your ears!

If I pull, I'll stop.

And I won’t get tired at all!

Lips are not tense

And relaxed...

Exercise 17


Teacher: Now imagine that you are cracking a hard nut. Clench your teeth tightly. Like this. (The teacher shows how to clench your teeth.) The jaws tensed and became like stone. It is unpleasant. Unclench your jaws -

it became easy, the mouth opened slightly, everything was relaxed. Listen and do as I do.

We will clench our teeth tighter,

And then we’ll unclench them.

The lips part slightly...

Everything is wonderfully relaxing...

    You learned to relax your speech apparatus.

Exercise 18

Teacher: Guys, stay in a resting position. Now, when I read poetry, you will close your eyes. Begins a new game"Magical dream". You won’t really fall asleep, you’ll hear everything, but you won’t move or open your eyes until I give you permission. Listen carefully and repeat my words to yourself. No need to whisper. Rest quietly with your eyes closed. The “magic dream” will end when I say loudly: “Open your eyes! Get up!”

Attention... The “Magic Dream” is coming... (In a quiet voice, slowly, with long pauses, a new formula for general peace is given.)

Eyelashes droop... Eyes close...

We are resting peacefully... (Twice.)

We fall asleep in a magical sleep...

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

Our hands are resting... Our legs are also resting...

Resting... falling asleep... (Twice.)

The neck is not tense. And relaxed-a-ble-on...

The lips part slightly...

Everything is wonderfully relaxing. (Twice.)

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

Long pause. Children emerge from the “Magic Dream”:

We rested peacefully, fell asleep in a magical sleep...

Louder, faster, more energetic:

It's good for us to rest! But it's time to get up!

We clench our fists tighter and raise them higher.

Stretch! Smile! Everyone open their eyes and stand up! - The game is over. You rested a little, calmed down, your arms, legs, whole body relaxed, and your lips and lower jaw also relaxed.

Exercise 19

Relaxation of the muscles of the speech apparatus (lips, jaw,

Teacher: Children, let's start the game. Take a resting pose. Arms and legs are not tense. Relaxed. The whole body is relaxed. The neck is not tense. Relaxed. Breathe easily, evenly, deeply! (Exercises are repeated to relax the lips and lower jaw.)

They stretched their lips forward - they... Relaxed.

They stretched their lips - and... Relaxed.

They clenched their teeth... Relaxed. (Three times.)

The lips and lower jaw relaxed...

Exercise 20

"Angry Tongue"

Teacher: Today we will learn to relax the muscles of the tongue. (The teacher shows how the tip of the tongue presses forcefully against the upper teeth. He explains that the tongue tenses at the same time, that this tension is unpleasant) Tongue down! He relaxed, as if he was sleeping... Listen and do as I do.

Something happened to the language:

He's pushing his teeth!

As if he wants them for something

Pull it out by the lips!

He returns to his place

And wonderfully relaxing.

Exercise 21

Teacher shows how, holding the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, arch the back of the tongue into a high mound. He explains that holding this tension for a long time is unpleasant. Asks the children to repeat this exercise several times. When performing the exercise, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that when the tongue relaxes, a pleasant sensation occurs.

Teacher: Listen and do as I do!

The back of the tongue now

It will become a little hill for us!

I'll tell her to melt -

I don't like tension.

The tongue returns to its place

And wonderfully relaxing.

Exercise 22.

Teacher: Children, remain in a resting position. comes to us "Magical dream".

Our hands are resting...

The legs also rest...

They rest... They fall asleep... (Twice)

The tension has flown away...

And the whole body is relaxed... (Twice)

Lips are not tense

Open and warm. (Twice.)

And our obedient tongue

I'm used to being relaxed. (Twice)

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

Exercise 23

Relaxation of the speech apparatus.

Inducing a state of calm and relaxation by presentation

Teacher: Children, take a resting pose. Our arms and legs are relaxed. The whole body is not tense. Relaxed. (Exercises are repeated to relax the lips and lower jaw.) Pull your lips forward ("Proboscis")- relax. Stretch your lips ("Frogs")- relax. We clench our teeth tightly ("Nut")- unclench - relax. We rest our tongue on the upper teeth ("Angry Tongue")- relax. We rest our tongue on the lower teeth ("Slide")- relax. Our speech apparatus is relaxed!

Exercise 24.

Teacher: Children! You already know how to relax. Your arms, legs, speech apparatus relaxed according to your desire. Stay in a resting pose! Listen! The "Magic Dream" comes...

The tension has flown away...

And the whole body is relaxed... (Twice.)

It's like we're lying on the grass...

On the green soft grass...

The sun is shining now...

Our hands are warm...

The sun is hotter now...

Our feet are warm...

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

Lips are warm and limp,

But not at all tired.

Lips part slightly

Everything is wonderfully relaxing... (Twice)

And our obedient tongue

I'm used to being relaxed! (Long pause)

We understand what it is

State of rest...

Game over. You rested well, calmed down and relaxed.

Exercise 25.

Formulas for correct speech and confident behavior

Teacher: You have learned to speak easily and beautifully. Always and everywhere speak as you do in class. And so that everyone can remind themselves of the correct speech, I will introduce you to special commands that the Ruler of the City of Beautiful Speech likes to repeat (fairy tale “City of Beautiful Speech”). You will hear them when the “Magic Dream” comes. Remember them and remember them often so that you always speak only beautifully. Take a resting pose. The "Magic Dream" is coming

The tension has flown away... And the whole body is relaxed...

The lips part slightly...

Everything is wonderfully relaxing...

And our tongue is obedient.

I'm used to being relaxed!

A little louder, imperative:

We are always calm! (Twice)

We always speak beautifully

Boldly and leisurely! (Twice)

We definitely remember

What did you learn in class? (Twice)

Every day - always, everywhere, in class, in play,

We say loudly and clearly, We are never in a hurry!

It's good for us to rest...

- The “Magic Dream” is over. You are well relaxed and rested. You will hear our special commands in the next lesson and remember them even better.

Exercise 26.

Formulas for correct speech and confident behavior (continued)

Teacher: Take a resting pose. Listen, remember new special commands. The “Magic Dream” is coming! The tension has flown away... And the whole body is relaxed...

The lips part slightly...

Everything is wonderfully relaxing...

And our tongue is obedient.

I'm used to being relaxed!

A little louder:

We are always calm! (Twice)

We always speak beautifully

Boldly and leisurely!

We definitely remember

What did you learn in class?

Every day - always, everywhere,

In class, in play,

We speak clearly,

Because we're in no hurry! (Twice)

We take breaks! (Twice)

Let's highlight the drum sound! (Twice)

And it’s easy for us to say!

And I don’t want to rush!

So calm, so nice

We speak - and everyone understands!

It's good for us to rest... But it's time to get up!


We are cheerful and vigorous again. And ready for classes!

The "Magic Dream" has ended. You had a good rest and relaxed.

Exercise 27.

Teacher: Children! Our classes are over. Now you know how easy it is to speak when there is no tension. Always speak as fluently as you would in class. And if you are in a hurry and feel that some word is not coming out, don’t worry, stop, relax, take a calm breath and continue speaking smoothly, clearly, effortlessly... Always remember the commands of the Ruler of the City of Beautiful Speech! Now repeat them after me:

We always speak beautifully

Boldly and leisurely!

We speak clearly,

Because we're in no hurry!..

Then the teacher invites the children to pronounce those formulas of correct speech that they remember.


    E.V. Zakharevich. School of unboring health. Primer-guide for caring parents. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Ves”, 2003. - 144 p.

    I. Kulintsova. Stress/health of a preschooler. - M., 2008, no.

“People who know how to relax not only have greater mental flexibility, but are also better able to deal with stress.”

R. Copelan

In the modern world with huge information flows that have fallen on our children, most of them are characterized by an imbalance and mobility between the processes of excitation and inhibition, increased emotionality, and motor restlessness. In the process of development, education and training, preschoolers receive a huge amount of information that they need to learn. Active mental activity and accompanying experiences create excessive excitement in the nervous system, which, accumulating, leads to emotional overload. As a result, preschoolers develop fears, inappropriate behavior, anxiety, and lack of self-confidence. How can we help children avoid this?

It is known that during emotional stress, when a child is very excited, agitated, or depressed, excess tension occurs in certain muscle groups. Children cannot get rid of this tension on their own; they begin to get nervous, which leads to tension in new muscle groups. Children need to be taught to feel this tension, change its degree or remove it completely by relaxing certain muscle groups. When muscles relax, emotional tension weakens or disappears completely. .


Relaxation technique- this is the best way to learn to recognize the existing tension in the muscles and get rid of them.

Relaxation(from Latin relaxation - weakening, relaxation) - deep muscle relaxation, accompanied by the release of mental tension. Relaxation can be either involuntary or voluntary, achieved as a result of the use of special psychophysiological techniques.

As you know, emotions and feelings are difficult to regulate by will. Adults need to remember this when faced with unwanted or unexpected childhood emotions. You cannot demand from a child not to experience what he experiences and feels; You can only limit the form of manifestation of his negative emotions. Our task is not to suppress or eradicate emotions, but to teach children to feel their emotions, manage their behavior, and hear their body.

Children really like doing relaxation exercises because they have an element of play. They, unlike adults, quickly learn the difficult ability to relax.

Having learned to relax, each child receives what he previously lacked. This equally applies to any mental processes: cognitive, emotional or volitional. In the process of relaxation, the body redistributes energy in the best possible way and tries to bring the body to balance and harmony.

By relaxing, excited, restless children gradually become more balanced, attentive and patient. Children who are inhibited, constrained, lethargic and timid acquire confidence, cheerfulness, and freedom in expressing their feelings and thoughts.

Such systematic work allows the child’s body to relieve excess tension and restore balance, thereby maintaining mental health.

Features of performing relaxation exercises.

Features of performing relaxation exercises by children of primary preschool age: - The time to complete one exercise is no more than 2-3 minutes. - Most exercises are aimed at relaxing certain muscle groups. - Relaxation includes both repeated performance of one exercise and a set of 3-4 exercises for different groups muscles. - End the relaxation only on a positive note.

Features of performing relaxation exercises by children of senior preschool age:

The time to complete one exercise is no more than 4-5 minutes.
- During one lesson, you can use exercises from different blocks, depending on the focus of the GCD.
- Relaxation includes a set of 3-4 exercises for different muscle groups.
- A session of complete relaxation is carried out with musical accompaniment and text aimed at calmness and restoration of strength.
- The main task of performing the exercises is to teach children recovery techniques for further independent use.
- End the relaxation only on a positive note.

Training session (basics of relaxation).

Choose a place on the carpet or warm floor where you can sit with your child. You are close, but do not touch each other.
1. You need to lie on your back so that you can relax comfortably and pleasantly with me for a few minutes. We'll just talk and relax and rest. You see that I am also here on the mat with you. Close your eyes and imagine that you are holding heavy sand balls in your hands. Squeeze the “balls” tightly in your fists, hold tight while I count to ten. Ten – release the “balls” from your hands. Do you feel how light your hands have become? Relax your hands, let your palm and fingers rest.
2. Imagine that your shoulders have become tiny, like Thumbelina's. Squeeze your shoulders, make them small, press your shoulders as close to your neck as possible. I will count to ten, and at “ten” - straighten your shoulders, let them become free, like the wings of a bird. Feel how the tension (fatigue) leaves your shoulders.
3. Close your eyes again. Now we will relax the facial muscles, so open your mouth wide, as wide as possible, and I count - one, two, three - relax your mouth, close it. Is it really good? Lift the tongue in your mouth up and press it to the roof of your mouth, press it tightly and tense your jaw, hard! One-two-three - lower the tongue. The face became calm and relaxed. Now try to make a “scary face”! Wrinkle your nose, frown your eyebrows, purse your lips angrily! - One, two, three - Smile, you were just joking, right? All the muscles of your face have relaxed, do you feel how light your face has become?
4. Close your eyes again. Imagine that you need to run very quickly along a track. Your legs tensed, your tummy tightened, and you “ran”! I count to ten, and you keep your legs and tummy tense, as if you were still running. Ten – you’ve arrived, the end of the race, you’re first! Now you can rest and relax, your legs have become warm and tired, your tummy is soft and heavy - rest, let your legs and tummy also rest and relax. 5. Your eyes are closed. Listen to what I’ll tell you: You and I now find ourselves in a sunny clearing, where grasshoppers quietly chirp, colorful butterflies fly and birds sing faintly. The breeze easily touches your face, arms and whole body. You are very warm and pleasant, you are resting and relaxing. (Quiet relaxation music sounds - “Sounds of Nature”). 6. I will count from ten to one, and when “one” sounds, you will open your eyes, and all your strength will return to you, your mood will be joyful and cheerful.

Relaxation classes and relaxation exercises can be conducted not only by a psychologist, but also by kindergarten teachers and parents of children.

1. Before doing the exercise with children, try it yourself.

2. Do not forget that tension should be short-term, and relaxation should be longer. Draw the children's attention to how pleasant a state of relaxation and calm feels.

3. Before each exercise, set the children up and find a way to interest them.

6. Repeat each exercise no more than 2 - 3 times. Don't use different exercises at the same time.

7. New relaxation exercises should be learned systematically with children.


"Smile" Children lie down on the carpet. They close their eyes. “Who ran, jumped and skipped fast today. He, of course, is not tired, but his head is tired, It’s always time for her to think. You just need to lie down, remember the sun, the sea. Look inside yourself and see a star next to the moon. Here she is shining and smiling. And it lights up from the moon. If you saw this. Open your eyes, look at your friends, smile.

"Elephant" Place your feet firmly, then imagine yourself as an elephant. Slowly shift your body weight onto one leg, raise the other high and lower it to the floor with a “rumble.” Move around the room, alternately raising each leg and lowering it with the foot hitting the floor. Say “Wow!” as you exhale.

"Bell" Children lie on their backs. They close their eyes and relax to the sound of the lullaby “Fluffy Clouds.” “Awakening” occurs to the sound of a bell.

"Summer Day" Children lie on their backs, relaxing all their muscles and closing their eyes. Relaxation takes place to the sound of calm music:

I'm lying in the sun,

But I don't look at the sun.

We close our eyes and rest.

The sun strokes our faces

May we have a good dream.

Suddenly we hear: bom-bom-bom!

Thunder came out for a walk.

Thunder rolls like a drum.


Hush, hush, silence! You can't talk!

We are tired - we need to sleep - let's lie down quietly on the bed

And we will sleep quietly.


Children lie on the carpet with their eyes closed. “It suddenly became quiet, quiet. The sun fell asleep. The dandelion has been sleeping for a long time, and so has the grasshopper. But the cuckoo doesn’t care, she can’t sleep. Everyone is cuckoo-coo-coo, echoing behind the window. I’ll rest a little, and now I’ll look out the window.

"Friendly children"
The children are lying on the carpet. “There are friendly children in our garden, I really want to calm them down. Close your eyes friends and imagine. Lake, swans, beautiful sky. Well, now imagine a wave. I want to shower you with it. Scary? Not at all. Lie down some more. Well, now open your eyes together.”

Children lie face up on the carpet. There are stars on the ceiling. “Eyes look at the beautiful sky. See how many stars there are in the clear sky. You can count them, or you can choose one. And make your wish. One, two, three, accept my wish, little star!”

"Fish" Children sit and look at the panel “Fish in the Sea”. "The sea is agitated, the sea is agitatedetsya. I really want to fight the sky. The fish keep swimming and without stopping. Close your eyes and follow. Open your eyes and find the same fish.”

" Rain "
Children lie on the carpet, on their stomachs, with their eyes open. “The rain is dripping and dripping on the roof. I can no longer hear him. The eyes close and meet the sun. I see the sun in the distance and a boat on the river. The rain suddenly poured down like a river, I opened a large umbrella. The rain is running away, I open my eyes.”

1. “Parsley”: the whole body is soft, rag-like, relaxed (15-20 sec).
2. “Pinocchio”: the whole body is tense, hard and wooden (10-15 sec)
3. “Petrushka” again

Exercises to relax the whole body:

"Birds" Children imagine that they are little birds. They fly through the fragrant summer forest, inhale its aromas and admire its beauty. So they sat down on a beautiful wildflower and inhaled its light aroma, and now they flew to the tallest linden tree, sat on its top and felt the sweet smell of a flowering tree. But a warm summer breeze blew, and the birds, along with its gust, rushed to the babbling forest stream. Sitting on the edge of the stream, they cleaned their feathers with their beaks, drank clean, cool water, splashed around and rose up again. Now let’s land in the coziest nest in a forest clearing.

"Slow motion" Children sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back, place their hands loosely on their knees, legs slightly apart, close their eyes and sit quietly for a while, listening to slow, quiet music:

Everyone can dance, jump, run, and draw.

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.

We have a game like this - very easy, simple.

Movement slows down and tension disappears.

And it becomes clear - relaxation is pleasant!

“We stretched and broke” Stand up straight. As you inhale, stretch strongly upward, stretching your arms, tensing your body. Gradually exhale and relax your body. First, relax your hands, then your elbows, then completely (your arms fall down). Relax your neck (head drops to your chest). Relax your back muscles and bend in half. The body relaxed and sagged. Relax your knees and fall gently to the floor. Lie like this.

"Left and Right" Left hand tense, right relaxed; the right hand is tense, the left is relaxed. The left leg is tense, the right leg is relaxed; the right leg is tense, the left leg is relaxed. Close your right eye, draw three circles clockwise with your left, three circles counterclockwise. Close your left eye, draw three circles counterclockwise with your right eye, and three circles clockwise.

RELAXATION FOR SENIOR GROUP CHILDREN. "Clouds" Imagine a warm summer evening. You lie on the grass and look at the clouds floating in the sky - such white, large, fluffy clouds in the blue sky. Everything around is quiet and calm, you feel warm and comfortable. With each inhalation and exhalation, you begin to slowly and smoothly rise into the air, higher and higher, towards the very clouds. Your arms are light, light, your legs are light. your whole body becomes light as a cloud. Here you are swimming up to the largest and fluffiest, most beautiful cloud in the sky. Closer and closer. And now you are already lying on this cloud, you feel how it gently strokes you, this fluffy and tender cloud... (pause - stroking the children). Strokes..., strokes... You feel good and pleased. You are relaxed and calm. But then a cloud dropped you into the clearing. Smile at your cloud. Stretch and on the count of three, open your eyes. You had a good rest on the cloud.

Waterfall" Imagine that you are standing near a waterfall. Wonderful day, blue sky, warm sun. The mountain air is fresh and pleasant. You can breathe easily and freely. But our waterfall is unusual; instead of water, soft white light falls in it. Imagine yourself standing under this waterfall and feel this beautiful white light flowing over your head. You feel it pouring over your forehead, then over your face, down your neck... White light flows over your shoulders... helping them become soft and relaxed... (pause - stroking the children). Let the light stroke your hands and fingers. This amazing waterfall of white light flows around your entire body. You feel completely calm, and with each breath you relax more and more. Now stretch and on the count of three, open your eyes. The magical light filled you with fresh strength and energy.

Relaxation exercises to relieve tension from the muscles of the torso, arms, legs


Imagine that you are cubs and your mother bear is playing with you. She throws bumps at you. You catch them and squeeze them forcefully in your paws. But the cubs are tired and drop their paws along the body - the paws are resting. And the mother bear again throws cones to the cubs... (repeat 2 - 3 times)

Sun and Cloud” Imagine yourself sunbathing in the sun. But then the sun went behind the cloud, it became cold - everyone huddled together to warm up (hold their breath). The sun came out from behind the clouds, it became hot - everyone relaxed (as they exhaled). Repeat 2 – 3 times.

Playing with sand" Imagine that you are sitting on the seashore. Pick up sand in your hands (as you inhale). Clenching your fingers tightly into a fist, hold the sand in your hands (hold your breath). Sprinkle sand on your knees, gradually opening your hands and fingers. Let your arms fall powerlessly along your body, too lazy to move your heavy arms (repeat 2-3 times).

Ant" Imagine that you are sitting in a clearing, the sun is gently warming you. An ant crawled onto my toes. Pull your socks towards yourself with force, keep your legs tense and straight. Let's listen to which finger the ant is sitting on (holding your breath). Let's throw the ant off our feet (as we exhale). Socks go down - to the sides, relax your legs: rest your legs (repeat 2-3 times).

Relaxation exercises to relieve tension from facial muscles

Bee" Imagine a warm, summer day. Expose your face to the sun, your chin will also sunbathe (unclench your lips and teeth as you inhale). A bee is flying, about to land on someone's tongue. Close your mouth tightly (hold your breath). When chasing away a bee, you can vigorously move your lips. The bee flew away. Open your mouth slightly and exhale lightly (repeat 2-3 times).

Swing" Imagine a warm, summer day. Your face sunbathes, the gentle sun caresses you (facial muscles are relaxed). But then a butterfly flies and lands on your eyebrows. She wants to swing like on a swing. Let the butterfly swing on the swing. Move your eyebrows up and down. The butterfly has flown away, and the sun is warming (relaxation of the facial muscles) (repeat 2-3 times).



"Balloon" Goal: relieve tension, calm children. All players stand or sit in a circle. The presenter gives instructions: “Imagine that now you and I are going to inflate balloons. Inhale the air, bring an imaginary balloon to your lips and, puffing out your cheeks, slowly inflate it through parted lips. Watch with your eyes how your balloon gets bigger and bigger. "As the patterns on it become larger and larger. Have you imagined it? I also imagined your huge balls. Blow carefully so that the ball does not burst. Now show them to each other." The exercise can be repeated 3 times.

"The Ship and the Wind" Goal: to get the group into a working mood, especially if the children are tired. "Imagine that our sailboat is floating on the waves, but suddenly it stopped. Let's help it and invite the wind to help. Inhale the air, draw in your cheeks strongly... Now exhale noisily through your mouth and let the wind break free pushes the boat. Let's try again. I want to hear how the wind rustles! "The exercise can be repeated 3 times.

"Gift Under the Tree" Goal: relaxation of facial muscles, especially around the eyes.
"Imagine that the New Year holiday is coming. You have been dreaming about a wonderful gift for a whole year. So you approach the tree, close your eyes tightly and take a deep breath. Hold your breath. What lies under the tree? Now exhale and open your eyes. Oh, miracle! The long-awaited toy is in front of you! Are you happy? Smile." After completing the exercise, you can discuss (if the children want) who dreams of what.

" Blind dance" (The game is played to music). Goal: developing trust in each other, relieving excess muscle tension. “Split into pairs. One of you gets a blindfold, he will be “blind”. The other will remain “sighted” and will be able to lead the “blind”. Now hold hands and dance with each other to light music (1-2 minutes). Now switch roles. Help your partner tie the headband." As a preparatory step, you can sit the children in pairs and ask them to hold hands. The one who sees moves his hands to the music, and the blindfolded child tries to repeat these movements without letting go of his hands for 1-2 minutes. Then the children change roles. If an anxious child refuses to close his eyes, reassure him and do not insist. Let him dance with his eyes open. As the child gets rid of anxiety, you can start playing the game not while sitting, but moving around the room.

"Tree" Standing or sitting at a table, place your legs together, feet should be pressed to the floor, arms down, back straight. Take a calm breath in and out, calm your breathing and smoothly raise your arms up. Hold them at ear level, palms facing each other, fingers together. Stretch your whole body. Focus your attention on your spine. Breathing is voluntary, calm. As you stretch up, imagine a strong, strong tree. Its roots are deeply rooted in the ground. A tall, slender trunk reaches towards the sun. Your body, like a tree, fills with strength, vigor, and health. Hold the pose for 15-20 seconds. Then gently lower your arms and relax, taking two or three calm breaths in and out, lengthening the exhalation.

"Swan" Goal: relieve tension in the back, strengthen the back muscles, improve blood circulation in the spine and mobility in the shoulder joints.
Sit with your back touching the back of the chair, or stand up straight. Lower your arms, pull your shoulders back. Clasp your hands behind your back and slowly lift them up without tilting your torso. Pay attention to the area between your shoulder blades, feel the warmth between them and smoothly lower your arms. Relax by taking a few calm breaths in and out.


The ability to relax helps some children relieve tension, while others help them concentrate and relieve excitement. Relaxation is induced through specially selected gaming techniques.

As a result of dosed use of relaxation exercises in the daily routine, children become more balanced and calm, increased anger, irritability, tension, anxiety and fears are eliminated, which contributes to a favorable psychological environment in the group.

List of used literature.

1. Bryazgunov I.P., Kasatikova E.V. Restless child. – M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2002.

2. Kosheleva A.D., Alekseeva L.S. Diagnosis and correction of child hyperactivity. – M.: Family Research Institute, 1997.

3. Shmigel N.E. Relaxation is not just relaxation, but the health! // "RiTM Psychology for everyone." - 2011. - No. 9. - P.11 - 14.

4. Shmigel N.E. If you control your breathing, you control your life // "RiTM Psychology for everyone." - 2011. - No. 10. - P.15 - 18.

Using relaxation exercises when working with children.

Modern preschoolers are sometimes no less busy than adults. By visiting kindergarten, various clubs and sport sections, they receive a large amount of information, get tired physically and emotionally. After all, you need to be on time everywhere!

Such stress has a negative impact on children's health. This is why it is so important to use relaxation exercises when working with preschoolers.

For some reason, it is generally accepted that relaxation and meditation methods are only for adults. In fact, this is not entirely true. Yes, frankly speaking, it is difficult to explain to a three-year-old child what meditation is. Therefore, relaxation of preschool children requires a special view and approach. The main thing is to use it correctly and skillfully.

The nervous system of a preschool child is far from perfect. It is difficult for children to control the processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system. This explains restless sleep or problems falling asleep after active games. First of all, this applies to active children. But despite this, there are many ways in which you can calm a “runaway” child.

To form a child’s emotional stability, it is important to teach him how to control his body. In the process of development, education and training, children receive a huge amount of information that they need to learn. Active mental activity and accompanying emotional experiences create excessive excitement in the nervous system, which, accumulating, leads to tension in the muscles of the body. The ability to relax allows you to eliminate anxiety, excitement, stiffness, restore strength, and increase your energy supply.

Having learned to relax, each child receives what he previously lacked. This equally applies to any mental processes: cognitive, emotional or volitional. In the process of relaxation, the body redistributes energy in the best possible way and tries to bring the body to balance and harmony.

Children learn this difficult skill of relaxation very quickly. Even we, adults, have a lot to learn from them in this!

By relaxing, excited, restless children gradually become more balanced, attentive and patient. Children who are inhibited, constrained, lethargic and timid acquire confidence, cheerfulness, and freedom in expressing their feelings and thoughts.

If we purposefully teach children to relieve excess tension and restore balance, we will help maintain the health of our children!

Relaxation exercises focusing on breathing

“Lazy cat.”

Raise your arms up, then stretch them forward, stretching like a cat. Feel the body stretch. Then sharply lower your hands down, pronouncing the sound “a”.

“Blow out the candle.”

Take a deep breath, drawing as much air into your lungs as possible. Then, stretching out your lips with a tube, slowly exhale, as if blowing on a candle, while pronouncing the sound “u” for a long time.

Exercises to relax facial muscles

“Naughty cheeks.”

Take in air, puffing out your cheeks strongly. Hold your breath, slowly exhale the air, as if blowing out a candle. Relax your cheeks. Then close your lips with a tube, inhale the air, sucking it in. The cheeks are drawn in. Then relax your cheeks and lips.

“The angry one has calmed down.”

Tighten your jaw, stretching your lips and exposing your teeth. Growl as much as you can. Then take a few deep breaths, stretch, smile and, opening your mouth wide, yawn:

And when I get really angry, I tense up, but I hold on.
I squeeze my jaw tightly and scare everyone with a growl (growl).
So that the anger flies away and the whole body relaxes,
You need to take a deep breath, stretch, smile,
Maybe even yawn (open your mouth wide and yawn).

“Mouth sealed.”

Purse your lips so that they are not visible at all. Close your mouth tightly, squeezing your lips very, very tightly. Then relax them:

I have my own secret, I won’t tell it to you, no (purse lips).
Oh, how difficult it is to resist saying nothing (4–5 s).
I will still relax my lips and leave the secret to myself.

Neck muscle relaxation exercise

"Curious Barabara".

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, head straight. Turn your head as far as possible to the left, then to the right. Inhale and exhale. The movement is repeated 2 times in each direction. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

Curious Varvara looks left, looks right.
And then forward again - here he will rest a little.
Raise your head up and look at the ceiling for as long as possible. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:
And Varvara looks up the longest and farthest!
Coming back – relaxation is nice!
Slowly lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:
Now let's look down - the neck muscles have tensed!
Let's go back - relaxation is nice!

Hand muscle relaxation exercises


Lower your hands down and imagine that in your right hand there is a lemon from which you need to squeeze the juice. Slowly clench your right hand into a fist as tightly as possible. Feel how tense your right arm is. Then throw the “lemon” and relax your hand:

I will take a lemon in my palm.
I feel like it's round.
I squeeze it slightly -
I squeeze out lemon juice.
Everything is fine, the juice is ready.
I throw in the lemon and relax my hand.
Perform the same exercise with your left hand


(alternating movement with tension and relaxation of the arms).

Standing opposite each other and touching your partner’s palms forward, straighten your right arm with tension, thereby bending your partner’s left arm at the elbow. At the same time, the left arm is bent at the elbow, and the partner’s is straightened.


What a wonderful day today!
We will drive away melancholy and laziness.
They shook their hands.
Here we are healthy and cheerful.

Leg muscle relaxation exercises


Imagine yourself on a ship. Rocks. To avoid falling, you need to spread your legs wider and press them to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back. The deck rocked - transfer your body weight to your right leg, press it to the floor (the right leg is tense, the left leg is relaxed, slightly bent at the knee, with the toe touching the floor). Straighten up. Relax your leg. It swayed in the other direction - I pressed my left leg to the floor. Straighten up! Inhale-exhale!

The deck began to rock!

Press your foot to the deck!

We press our legs tighter,

And we relax the other one.


Our legs flashed
We'll gallop along the path.
But be careful
Don't forget what to do!


Place your feet firmly, then imagine yourself as an elephant. Slowly shift your body weight onto one leg, raise the other high and lower it to the floor with a “rumble.” Move around the room, alternately raising each leg and lowering it with the foot hitting the floor. Say “Wow!” as you exhale.

Whole body relaxation exercises

"Snow Woman"

Children imagine that each of them is a snow woman. Huge, beautiful, sculpted from snow. She has a head, a torso, two arms sticking out to the sides, and she stands on strong legs. Beautiful morning, the sun is shining. Now it starts to get hot, and the snow woman begins to melt. Next, the children depict how the snow woman melts. First the head melts, then one hand, then the other. Gradually, little by little, the torso begins to melt. The snow woman turns into a puddle that spreads across the ground.


Children imagine that they are little birds. They fly through the fragrant summer forest, inhale its aromas and admire its beauty. So they sat down on a beautiful wildflower and inhaled its light aroma, and now they flew to the tallest linden tree, sat on its top and felt the sweet smell of a flowering tree. But a warm summer breeze blew, and the birds, along with its gust, rushed to the babbling forest stream. Sitting on the edge of the stream, they cleaned their feathers with their beaks, drank clean, cool water, splashed around and rose up again. Now let’s land in the coziest nest in a forest clearing.


Children lie on their backs. They close their eyes and relax to the sound of the lullaby “Fluffy Clouds.” “Awakening” occurs to the sound of a bell.

“Summer day.”

Children lie on their backs, relaxing all their muscles and closing their eyes. Relaxation takes place to the sound of calm music:

I'm lying in the sun,
But I don't look at the sun.
We close our eyes and rest.
The sun strokes our faces
May we have a good dream.
Suddenly we hear: bom-bom-bom!
Thunder came out for a walk.
Thunder rolls like a drum.

"Slow motion".

Children sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back, place their hands loosely on their knees, legs slightly apart, close their eyes and sit quietly for a while, listening to slow, quiet music:

Everyone can dance, jump, run, and draw.
But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.
We have a game like this - very easy, simple.
Movement slows down and tension disappears.
And it becomes clear - relaxation is pleasant!


Hush, hush, silence!
You can't talk!
We are tired - we need to sleep - let's lie down quietly on the bed,
And we will sleep quietly.

The institution where I have been working as an educational psychologist for the fifth year is unique in its purpose. This preschool for children from families at social risk. Children raised in the Nest kindergarten are deprived of parental attention, love and care - hence their fears, inappropriate behavior, anxiety, and self-doubt. The problems of our children are aggravated by the fact that they spend most of their lives within the walls of a preschool institution with a 24-hour regime.

Most of our children are characterized by impaired balance and mobility between the processes of excitation and inhibition, increased emotionality, motor restlessness, 78% of children have serious neurological diagnoses.

The desire to help made me search and try a lot. The result of these searches is a system of measures I have developed to relieve psycho-emotional stress, which includes the “System of relaxation exercises for preschool children”, “System of working with a dry pool”, training sessions with children, etc.

The ability to relax helps some children relieve tension, while others help them concentrate and relieve excitement. Relaxation is induced through specially selected gaming techniques. Each one is given a figurative name, which captivates children. They perform relaxing exercises, not just imitating the leader, but transforming themselves, entering into a given image. Most children perceive these exercises correctly and relax well. This can be judged by the child’s appearance: a calm expression on his face, even rhythmic breathing, sluggish obedient hands that fall heavily, some yawning, a drowsy state, etc. Experience shows that as a result of using relaxation, many children improve their sleep, they become more balanced and calm.

“Relaxation breaks” are included in the daily routine of the kindergarten. In the proposed complex, the exercises are scheduled weekly, taking into account the stages of work (according to E. Jacobson):

1. The first exercise is aimed at muscle relaxation in contrast to tension, can be used in the UGG complex: as a physical exercise in class, at any scheduled moment during the day;

2. The second exercise is muscle relaxation by presentation. It is carried out once a day, after a day's walk.

Since our children lack positive tactile sensations, elements of tactile interaction between the presenter and the child (“the breeze strokes you”) are introduced into the mood plot. This has a positive effect on the relaxation response.


Week of the month



1) “Sunny Bunny”
2) “In the clearing”

1) “Butterfly”
2) “Magic dream”

1) “Smile”
2) “In the clearing”

1) “Sunny Bunny”
2) “Magic dream”

1) “Bee”
2) “The Flutter of a Butterfly”

1) “Varvara”
2) “Waterfall”

1) “Swing”
2) “The Flutter of a Butterfly”

1) “Bumps”
2) “Waterfall”



1) “Pick an apple”
2) “Balloon”

1) “Icicle”
2) “Snowflakes”

1) “Cold-hot”
2) “Balloon”

1) “Barbell”
2) “Snowflakes”

1) “Sunny Bunny”
2) “Flight of a bird”
1) “The Rag Doll and the Soldier”
2) “Lazy people”

1) “Humpty Dumpty”
2) “Flight of a bird”

1) “Jewel”
2) “Lazy people”



1) “Everyone is sleeping”
2) “Quiet Lake”

1) “Ant”
2) “Rainbow”

1) “Playing with sand”
2) “Quiet Lake”

1) “Screw”
2) “Rainbow”

1) “Sunny Bunny”
2) “Clouds”

1) “Barbell” (poems)
2) “Stream”

1) “Sun and Cloud”
2) “Clouds”

1) “Deer”
2) “Stream”



1) “Fists”
2) “Sea holiday”

1) “Pump and ball”
2) “In the clearing”

1) “Sunny Bunny”
2) “Sea holiday”

1) “The Rag Doll and the Soldier”
2) “In the clearing”

1) “Butterfly”
2) “Magic dream”

1) “Ant”
2) “Waterfall”

1) “Playing with sand”
2) “Magic dream”

1) “Cold-hot”
2) “Waterfall”


1) “Humpty Dumpty”
2) “Balloon”

1) “Sunny Bunny”
2) “Lazy people”

1) “Jewel”
2) “Balloon”

1) “Playing with sand”
2) “Lazy people”

1) “Everyone is sleeping”
2) “The Flutter of a Butterfly”

1) “Butterfly”
2) “Flight of a bird”

1) “Screw”
2) “The Flutter of a Butterfly”

1) “Ant”
2) “Flight of a bird”



1) “Pick an apple”
2) “Rainbow”

1) “Barbell” (poems)
2) “Stream”

1) “Sun and Cloud”
2) “Rainbow”

1) “Varvara”
2) “Stream”

1) “Smile”
2) “Quiet Lake”

1) “Bee”
2) “Clouds”

1) “Swing”
2) “Quiet Lake”

1) “Humpty Dumpty”
2) “Clouds”

Moods for relaxation

When using relaxation techniques, it is important to adhere to the technique of a gradual transition into a state of relaxation. It is recommended to perform the exercises accompanied by pleasant, calm music.

Stage 1

Lie down comfortably and relax.

Stage 2

Feel and “examine” your entire body with your mind’s eye, evoking a feeling of warmth, and consistently “examining” all its parts: head, arms, legs, torso. It is advisable to close your eyes while doing this.

Stage 3

A feeling of pleasant warmth, pleasure, peace, comfort from a relaxed body.

Introductory part before each setting

Children lie down on the carpet and make themselves comfortable. The arms are extended along the body, relaxed. Legs straight, not crossed. Quiet calm music is playing.

Leading.“Lie down comfortably. Close your eyes. We breathe calmly and evenly. Let's give our legs and arms a rest, stretch and relax them. Let's be silent and listen to the sounds around us... (pause). Listen to your breathing... (pause) Breathing is smooth and calm. Allow your body to relax and rest... (pause). Listen to what I want to tell you..."

Relaxation mood

Balloon And"

Imagine that you are all balloons, very beautiful and cheerful. They cheat you and you become lighter and lighter. Your whole body becomes light and weightless. And the arms are light, and the legs have become light, light. The balloons rise higher and higher. A warm gentle breeze is blowing, it gently blows on each ball... (pause - stroking the children). Blows on the ball..., caresses the ball... You feel at ease, calm. You fly where the gentle breeze blows. But now it's time to return home. You are back in this room. Stretch and on the count of three, open your eyes. Smile at your balloon.


Imagine a warm summer evening. You lie on the grass and look at the clouds floating in the sky - such white, large, fluffy clouds in the blue sky. Everything around is quiet and calm, you feel warm and comfortable. With each inhalation and exhalation, you begin to slowly and smoothly rise into the air, higher and higher, towards the very clouds. Your arms are light, light, your legs are light. your whole body becomes light as a cloud. Here you are swimming up to the largest and fluffiest, most beautiful cloud in the sky. Closer and closer. And now you are already lying on this cloud, you feel how it gently strokes you, this fluffy and tender cloud... (pause - stroking the children). Strokes..., strokes... You feel good and pleased. You are relaxed and calm. But then a cloud dropped you into the clearing. Smile at your cloud. Stretch and on the count of three, open your eyes. You had a good rest on the cloud.

“Lazy people”

Today my children did a lot of activities, played and were probably tired. I suggest you be a little lazy. Imagine being lazy and lounging on a soft, soft carpet. Everything around is quiet and calm, you breathe easily and freely. A feeling of pleasant peace and relaxation covers your entire body. You rest quietly, you are lazy. Your hands are resting, your legs are resting... (pause - stroking the children). Your arms are resting..., your legs are resting... Pleasant warmth covers your whole body, you are too lazy to move, you feel good. Your breathing is completely calm. Your arms, legs, whole body are relaxed. A feeling of pleasant peace fills you from within. You rest, you are lazy. Pleasant laziness spreads throughout the body. You enjoy complete peace and relaxation, which brings you strength and good mood. Stretch, shake off your laziness and, on the count of three, open your eyes. You feel well rested and in a cheerful mood.


Imagine that you are standing near a waterfall. Wonderful day, blue sky, warm sun. The mountain air is fresh and pleasant. You can breathe easily and freely. But our waterfall is unusual; instead of water, soft white light falls in it. Imagine yourself standing under this waterfall and feel this beautiful white light flowing over your head. You feel it pouring over your forehead, then over your face, down your neck... White light flows over your shoulders... helping them become soft and relaxed... (pause - stroking the children). And the gentle light flows further along the chest of..., along the stomach of... Let the light stroke your hands and fingers. The light flows through your legs and you feel how your body becomes softer and you relax. This amazing waterfall of white light flows around your entire body. You feel completely calm, and with each breath you relax more and more. Now stretch and on the count of three, open your eyes. The magical light filled you with fresh strength and energy.

Relaxation exercises to relieve tension from the muscles of the torso, arms, legs

“Sleeping kitten”

Imagine that you are cheerful, mischievous kittens. Kittens walk, arch their backs, and wag their tails. But the kittens got tired...they started yawning, lay down on the mat and fall asleep. The kittens' bellies rise and fall evenly, they breathe calmly (repeat 2 - 3 times).


Imagine that you are cubs and your mother bear is playing with you. She throws bumps at you. You catch them and squeeze them forcefully in your paws. But the cubs are tired and drop their paws along the body - the paws are resting. And the mother bear again throws cones to the cubs... (repeat 2 - 3 times)

“Cold - hot”

Imagine that you are playing in a sunny meadow. Suddenly a cold wind blew. You felt cold, you were frozen, you wrapped your arms around yourself, pressed your head to your hands - you warmed up. We warmed up, relaxed... But then the cold wind blew again... (repeat 2-3 times).

“Sun and Cloud”

Imagine yourself sunbathing in the sun. But then the sun went behind the cloud, it became cold - everyone huddled together to warm up (hold their breath). The sun came out from behind the clouds, it became hot - everyone relaxed (as they exhaled). Repeat 2 – 3 times.


Imagine that you are holding something very valuable and dear to you in your fists and someone wants to take it away from you. You clench your fists tighter and tighter... even tighter, your bones have already turned white, your hands begin to tremble... But the offender has left, and you unclench your fists, your fingers become relaxed, your hands lie calmly on your knees... they are resting... (repeat 2-3 times ).

“Playing with sand”

Imagine that you are sitting on the seashore. Pick up sand in your hands (as you inhale). Clenching your fingers tightly into a fist, hold the sand in your hands (hold your breath). Sprinkle sand on your knees, gradually opening your hands and fingers. Let your arms fall powerlessly along your body, too lazy to move your heavy arms (repeat 2-3 times).


Imagine that you are sitting in a clearing, the sun is gently warming you. An ant crawled onto my toes. Pull your socks towards yourself with force, keep your legs tense and straight. Let's listen to which finger the ant is sitting on (holding your breath). Let's throw the ant off our feet (as we exhale). Socks go down - to the sides, relax your legs: rest your legs (repeat 2-3 times).

Relaxation exercises to relieve tension from facial muscles


Imagine that you see in front of you in the picture a beautiful sun, whose mouth has spread into a wide smile. Smile back at the sun and feel how the smile goes into your hands, reaching your palms. Do it again and try to smile wider. Your lips stretch, the muscles of your cheeks tense... Breathe and smile..., your arms and hands are filled with the smiling power of the sun (repeat 2-3 times).

“Sunny Bunny”

Imagine that a sunbeam looks into your eyes. Close them. It ran further down the face. Gently stroke it with your palms: on the forehead, on the nose, on the mouth, on the cheeks, on the chin. Stroke gently so as not to frighten the head, neck, tummy, arms, legs. He climbed up the collar - pet him there too. He is not a mischievous person - he catches and caresses you, and you pet him and make friends with him (repeat 2-3 times).


Imagine a warm, summer day. Expose your face to the sun, your chin will also sunbathe (unclench your lips and teeth as you inhale). A bee is flying, about to land on someone's tongue. Close your mouth tightly (hold your breath). When chasing away a bee, you can vigorously move your lips. The bee flew away. Open your mouth slightly and exhale lightly (repeat 2-3 times).


Imagine a warm, summer day. Your face is tanning, your nose is also tanning - expose your nose to the sun, your mouth is half open. A butterfly flies, chooses whose nose to sit on. Wrinkle your nose, raise your upper lip upward, leave your mouth half open (hold your breath). To chase away the butterfly, you can vigorously move your nose. The butterfly flew away. Relax the muscles of the lips and nose (as you exhale) (repeat 2-3 times).


Imagine a warm, summer day. Your face sunbathes, the gentle sun caresses you (facial muscles are relaxed). But then a butterfly flies and lands on your eyebrows. She wants to swing like on a swing. Let the butterfly swing on the swing. Move your eyebrows up and down. The butterfly has flown away, and the sun is warming (relaxation of the facial muscles) (repeat 2-3 times).


1. Use of individual exercises to relieve psycho-emotional stress during the day (at the discretion of the group teacher).

2. Using individual exercises as part of an individual correctional lesson(at the discretion of kindergarten specialists).

All classes are conducted under the direct supervision and supervision of a teacher.

Each exercise requires repetition from 3 to 5 times.

Exercises in a “dry” pool help relieve muscle and emotional tension. While “swimming,” the child feels constant skin contact with the balls, thereby receiving a whole body massage. Proprioceptive and tactile sensitivity is stimulated. Balls in the pool act as a general massage, influencing the relaxation of muscle hypertonicity and inhibition of hyperkinesis, that is, games and exercises in a “dry” pool are important for the psycho-emotional development of the child.

  • The lesson should be conducted in a playful way.
  • The lesson is conducted in a favorable emotional environment and arouses interest.
  • Activities should be used taking into account the child’s capabilities.
  • It is necessary to encourage the satisfaction that the child receives from the activity.
  • The total duration of the lesson is 15-20 minutes.
  • Frequency of classes: 1 time per week.
  • Classes are conducted individually.
  • Uniform: T-shirt and shorts.

Lesson stages

I - Introductory part

Target. Creating a game situation.

II, III – Main part.

II – Massage and strengthening of the muscles of the upper limbs.

III – Whole body massage, development of general mobility.

IV – Final part.

Target. Muscle relaxation, positive attitude.

Set of exercises “On the lake”

Part I. Introductory part

“You and I came to the lake. We will swim and relax. The water in the lake is warm, gentle. You feel good and pleasant. But before you swim, I suggest you play with the water.”

Part II “Playing with water”

Target. Massage and strengthening of the muscles of the upper limbs.

Exercise No. 1 “Colorful circles”

I.p. the child is kneeling in front of the pool.

“Dip your right hand into the “water” and “draw” large multi-colored circles (rotational movements right hand). Do the same with your left hand" (3-4 times).

Exercise No. 2 “Sun”

“Now put both hands into the “water” and “draw” the sun with both (rotational movements of both hands at the same time)” 3-4 times.

Exercise No. 3 “Rainbow”

“You have both hands in the “water” and you will try to “draw a rainbow (simultaneous movements with both hands from left to right and back)” 3-4 times.

Part III “Swimmer”


  • Promote full body massage and overall mobility development

I.p.: lying on stomach

Exercise No. 1

Arms are straightened, extended upward. Movements are made with the arms like swimming, raking the balls away from oneself to the sides, then performing the same movements towards oneself (4-5 times)

Exercise No. 2

The arms are pressed along the body, the head is raised. Movements are made with the legs like swimming, raking the balls away from oneself to the sides, then performing the same movements towards oneself (4-5 times).

Exercise No. 3

Arms are straightened, extended upward. Synchronized exercises are performed with legs and arms, similar to swimming (4-5 times).

Part IV “Rest”


Alternate tension with relaxation, regulate breathing, help reduce psycho-emotional stress.

I.p. : lying on your back

"Imagine that you are lying on the very shore of a lake in the water. The water is warm, gentle. Everything around is calm and quiet. You feel good and pleasant. Close your eyes, listening to my voice:"

Exercise No. 1

“Listen to your breathing. Breathe evenly and calmly. Inhale and exhale slowly” (2-3 times).

Exercise No. 2

“Straighten your fingers, stretch so that all the muscles of your body tense, your arms and legs become heavy, as if they were made of stone (10-15 sec). Now relax, rest - your body becomes light as a feather” (2-3 times) .

Exercise No. 3

"My hands are relaxed, they are like rags...

My legs are relaxed, they are soft..., warm...

My body is relaxed, it is light..., motionless...

It’s easy and pleasant for me...

I can breathe easily and calmly...

I'm resting... I'm gaining strength..."

Freshness and vigor come into me...

I'm light as a ball...

I am kind and friendly with everyone...

I had a good rest!

I am in a good mood!

Get up, class is over.