Speech exercises for adults who stutter. Breathing exercises are a good help for children who stutter. Methods for eliminating logoneurosis for adults

Breathing exercises have found wide application in the fight against stuttering due to its high effectiveness.

Stuttering is a common speech pathology that brings many problems to people who suffer from it. However, doing the exercises every day will help get rid of not only speech impairment, but also the reasons that provoked its development.

Breathing exercises for stuttering can completely improve the patient’s speaking function, provided that all rules of implementation are regularly followed.

What is stuttering

A disorder in the rhythm and tempo of speech is called stuttering.

It most often affects boys between the ages of two and five years.

It is during this period that children actively begin to use phrasal speech. Accordingly, any negative factors (pathologies nervous system, psychological problems, frequent colds) may cause disturbances in speaking function various types, including stuttering.

A hereditary predisposition to this disease cannot be ruled out either.

If symptoms of stuttering occur in a child, it is necessary to visit several specialists with him - a neurologist, psychologist and speech therapist.

The physiology of stuttering consists of the following processes occurring in the human body:

  • There is an imbalance in the transmission of nerve impulses to the area responsible for speech reproduction.
  • Muscle spasms, so-called “cramps,” appear. In the organs of the articulatory apparatus (tongue, larynx, lips, pharynx). The diaphragm, muscles of the chest and peritoneum also take part in the pathological process.
  • Patients who stutter are characterized by high emotionality and psychological imbalance.
  • There is a constant upset, tense facial expression.
  • Words are pronounced with a noticeable lengthening, uncontrolled stops in the process of pronunciation - rrr-rya-bina, bb-bit.
  • Tremor of the mouth muscles is observed.

Important! Stuttering is much easier and quicker to correct if you consult a doctor as early as possible. A child, faced with strong communication tension, may refuse to talk at all.

Voice formation, breathing, articulation are three inextricably linked processes. Accordingly, breathing exercises will be very useful for restoring speaking function in any type of stuttering, as well as normalizing the nervous system.

However, for the patient to fully recover, comprehensive treatment is necessary. Often, along with breathing exercises, they are used drug therapy and various psychotherapeutic techniques.

General characteristics of breathing exercises

Patients who stutter will receive great help in the fight against the disease. breathing exercises, specially selected by a doctor after a medical examination.

It consists of exercises of varying difficulty.

Breathing exercises for stuttering, if performed regularly, will help establish the correct rhythm and tempo of speech.

Initially, the exercises are carried out without turning on the voice function, then they are complicated by playing sounds.

In order to achieve maximum effect From gymnastics it is necessary to understand the main tasks that this technique solves. For example, such as:

  • Maintaining the correct balance of inhalation and exhalation.
  • Increased abdominal muscle tone.
  • Development diaphragmatic breathing.
  • Independent regulation of respiratory rhythm.
  • Formation of relaxed breathing when speaking.

Systematic implementation of breathing exercises for stuttering will teach the patient to inhale the required amount of oxygen when speaking, gradually give self-confidence, and completely eliminate the pathology.

However, you should be patient. Getting rid of stuttering is slow. Treatment requires great effort, but the prognosis is favorable for pathology of any severity.

Strelnikova method

There are a large number of breathing techniques for stuttering. Strelnikova’s gymnastics are considered the most effective.

The technique for performing basic exercises can be found in the table below.


Execution algorithm.

  1. You must stand straight.
  2. Close your lips.
  3. Bend your arms at the elbows and raise them up.
  4. Take eight noisy breaths through your nose. At this time, squeeze your palms.
  5. Exhale through the mouth, with lips parted, smoothly without delay. Unclench your palms.
  6. Pause 2-3 seconds.
  7. Repeat the exercise 24 times.

It is necessary to control the shoulders, make sure that they do not rise while working on breathing

Shoulder straps

  1. Place your hands clenched in fists on your waist.
  2. Take eight active full breaths and smooth exhalations.
  3. While inhaling, push your fists down with force. Return while exhaling.
  4. Pause 3 seconds.
  5. Repeat the cycle 12 times
  1. Bend over with your arms down.
  2. Take eight breaths.
  3. As you exhale, return to a standing position.
  4. The break is about three seconds.
  5. Repeat 12 times.

To make it easier to imagine how it’s done this exercise, it is necessary to visualize that a car tire is being inflated with a hand pump

The lesson takes approximately fifteen minutes. Gymnastics should be done regularly twice a day: morning and evening.

There are some rules to follow when performing breathing technique. For example, such as:

  • Attention should be directed specifically to inhalation (only through the nose, noisy and sharp, reminiscent of clapping your hands).
  • Exhalation is passive, silent through the mouth.
  • All movements are performed only simultaneously with inhalation.
  • The set of exercises is carried out in any convenient position for the patient.

Important! You need to know that during the period when the patient breathes using this technique, he may feel dizzy. If such a manifestation is present, the exercises should be performed while sitting.

When the child stops experiencing difficulties during exercise, the doctor adds more complex exercises.

To consolidate breathing techniques during communication, you need to remember the following basic aspects:

  • Before you start talking, it is very important to take a breath.
  • Words are pronounced as you exhale, one exhalation - 3-4 words.
  • Abdominal breathing (belly) should be present.
  • Try to inhale during pauses that correspond to the meaning of the conversation.
  • When reproducing speech, you need to monitor the condition of the muscles - avoid tension in the face, neck, and articulatory apparatus.

Breathing exercises for stuttering, like any other type of therapeutic intervention, have its contraindications.

For example, such as:

  • Various acute conditions (fresh traumatic brain injury, high body temperature, pain).
  • Increased arterial and intracranial pressure.
  • Urolithiasis disease. With this disease, the doctor is selective in the choice of exercises. For example, a technique such as a “pump” can provoke an exacerbation.
  • Spinal column injuries.
  • Congenital heart disease is a relative contraindication. It is possible that the doctor will allow you to do the exercises after making some restrictions, depending on the severity of the disease.

Necessary conditions for performing breathing exercises

In order to achieve the most positive effect when performing exercises for stuttering, you must follow the following rules:

  • Always ventilate the room before classes.
  • Keep the room clean, regularly wipe off dust, and carry out wet cleaning.
  • Do not exercise in a room with high humidity.
  • You cannot start breathing exercises on an empty stomach, but it is also not recommended with a full stomach. After eating, at least 2 hours should pass.
  • It is necessary to avoid physical fatigue and get enough sleep.
  • It is important for a patient struggling with stuttering to add sports activities that have a beneficial effect on the heart, nervous and respiratory systems (running, swimming, skating, skiing).
  • It is necessary to improve the diet. The child needs to eat lean meat, dairy products, fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, sea fish, and cereals. It is better to organize four meals a day, observing the exact timing of meals.
  • If the patient has complaints of difficulty breathing (rhinitis, cough), it is better to postpone classes until complete recovery.

It is important to understand that breathing exercises for stuttering in children should evoke positive associations. You can’t yell at your baby while doing exercises or force him to train. It is necessary to maintain a calm, favorable environment in the family. The baby must trust his parents and feel their support.

One of the constant signs of stuttering is impaired speech breathing. In addition to the possibility of the appearance of convulsive activity in the muscles of the respiratory apparatus, impaired speech breathing in people who stutter is expressed in the following indicators: insufficient volume of inhaled air before the start of a speech utterance, shortened speech exhalation, immaturity of coordination mechanisms between speech breathing and phonation.

Work on the formation of speech breathing includes the following stages:

1) Expanding the physiological capabilities of the breathing apparatus (establishing diaphragmatic-costal breathing and forming a long exhalation through the mouth).

2) Formation of a long phonation exhalation.

3) Formation of speech exhalation.

The formation of speech exhalation is of fundamental importance for the organization of smooth speech. It is known that fluency of speech is a holistic, continuous articulation of an intonationally and logically completed segment of an utterance in the process of one continuous exhalation.

Considering that people who stutter have shallow, insufficiently regular breathing, in which the muscles of the chest, especially the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle are in a state of excessive tension, most practitioners use diaphragmatic-costal breathing, which is often called diaphragmatic breathing, to correct stuttering. With this type of breathing, the work of the abdominal muscles is of particular importance.

Diaphragmatic-costal breathing begins in a lying position. It is optimal that diaphragmatic breathing is carried out against the background of muscle relaxation. As a rule, during this period, people who stutter are already familiar with the elements of relaxation.

In preschool age, the formation of diaphragmatic breathing must be carried out on initial stage in a lying position. In this position, the muscles of the whole body relax slightly and diaphragmatic breathing is established automatically without additional instructions.

In the future, various game techniques are used to train diaphragmatic breathing, its strength and duration. The following must be taken into account: methodological instructions.

1. Breathing exercises should be organized in such a way that the child does not focus on the process of inhalation and exhalation.

2. For children preschool age breathing exercises are organized in the form of a game so that the child can involuntarily take a deeper breath and exhale longer.

3. All exercises for training speech breathing are associated with performing two main movements:

the arms from the “sideways” position move “anteriorly” with the girth of the chest, or from the “above” position they move downwards. Body movements like

usually associated with a downward or sideways tilt. 4. Most exercises for preschool children include exhalation with articulation of consonants (mainly fricatives) or phonation of vowel sounds, which allows the speech therapist to auditorily control the duration and continuity of exhalation, and subsequently forms biological feedback in the child.

Everyone good day! Did you know that exercises for stuttering in children bring almost 50% of the results in the treatment of this disease? The main thing here is regularity of classes and perseverance. But will a child really want to do something if he doesn’t feel like it? And monotony will depress him. But there is a way out! And now I will tell you about it.

But in order for the baby to perform them with pleasure, you need to interest him. How? Of course, with a game! Therefore, it is better to say not: “Let’s go and work out,” but: “Come on, let’s go and play!” And so that the baby does not get tired of the monotony, you need to make sure that the games are different.

  • Articulatory.
  • Muscular (learn to relax).
  • Breathing exercises

    At all, breathing technique- a very useful thing. It helps not only with stuttering, but also speeds up the process of speech development. The most common is the Strelnikova charge. The point is that during various physical actions the baby inhales and exhales according to the rules. There are quite a lot of manipulations aimed at relaxation, the ability to control breathing, and the development of speech abilities.

    In addition to such a large-scale technique, I can offer simpler options, but this does not reduce their effectiveness.

  • We clap our lips against each other like fish.
  • Let's imagine that the tongue is a toothbrush! Ask your baby to brush his teeth with his tongue while his mouth is closed.
  • Muscular gymnastics

    Now let’s learn to speak loudly and confidently. During the exercises, ask the baby to hold his head straight and look straight into your eyes. This is so important in a conversation! Eye contact. When the child gets used to it, he will not feel constrained or embarrassed.

  • Chanting the same vowels, just change not the volume, but the intonation: angry, affectionate, sad, cheerful.
  • An imaginary ball hits the floor with the sound MO, the wall with the sound ME, and so on.
  • And finally, let’s adjust the sense of tact in speech.

    Rhythmic gymnastics

    I remember in 5th grade I started attending school lessons dancing. There they were selected according to the following principle: the teacher tapped a melody with a key, and we had to repeat it. We do something similar when treating stuttering.

    Let's start with something simple. Knock 2 times, then 2 more. Let the child repeat. Now we complicate the task: knock 2, then 3 times.

    Types of exercises

    Stuttering is a serious speech disorder that is not immediately treatable. And the treatment here is multifaceted. In fact, it is necessary for the child not only to learn to speak correctly, but also to consolidate these skills. And this can only be done through everyday manipulation.

    Well it's simple! After all, exercises for stuttering in children are aimed at developing the following systems:

  • Respiratory.
  • Voice.
  • Development of a sense of rhythm.
  • Do you see how much work needs to be done? There is no talk of monotony! Well, now that it is clear that it is possible to interest a child, let’s talk about the essence of each technique.

  • Let the baby lie on his back. Place a soft toy on his tummy. Now you need to inhale, inflating your stomach. The toy will rise up. This is followed by a smooth exhalation with the sound “pfff”. At the same time, keep your breathing even and calm.
  • We blow cotton balls. Make small balls of cotton wool and blow along with your baby. First, the manipulation can be done on a smooth table. And then complicate the task: lay down a terry towel. Pieces of cotton wool will cling to the fibers. Thus, the baby will develop an interest in sports, he will take in more air and blow longer.
  • And soap bubbles! Well, what child doesn’t like to let them in? Both fun and useful at the same time!
  • You can blow into the water through a straw. Can you imagine how much delight this will bring to the little one?
  • Tell me, do you know more? similar examples? Would you like to share? Well, for now I’ll tell you about articulation!

    Articulation gymnastics

    Articulation gymnastics for stuttering is recognized as one of the most effective. Still would! After all, the muscles of the articulatory apparatus are trained here! See for yourself:

  • We puff out our cheeks and let them down. Now we inflate each cheek separately.
  • Using the tongue, press on one or the other cheek alternately.
  • Puff out your cheeks and close your mouth. Now we hit the cheeks with our fists so that the air comes out with noise.
  • Bite your upper lip, then your lower lip.
  • In addition, you can ask the child to cough several times or yawn with his mouth open. The main thing is to be systematic! And don’t forget about complexity.

    Have you noticed how a child who begins to stutter speaks? Speech is intermittent, sometimes there is not enough air to say even a word. And with all this, his muscles begin to tense, any: face, neck, shoulders. Moreover, the cause of the disease does not matter.

    Well, you need to learn to relax. Ask your child to tense any part of his body, for example, clench his fists tightly for 5 seconds. Now ask to relax as much as possible. Do the same with the other part of the body.

    Voice gymnastics

    Organize a small performance just for family members. Then you can invite friends whom the baby knows well. This method helps you learn not to be afraid to speak loudly and openly in public.

    Along with this, use other simple actions:

    • Singing vowels: AOIE, any other combinations. At the same time, adjust the volume: loud, quiet, loud, now quieter and quieter.
    • Instead of sounds, you can clap your hands to poetry. For example: “The Bunny was Abandoned by the Mistress. " take simple and easy to remember rhymes. Yes, experts also advise singing folk songs or nursery rhymes.

      With constant and painstaking work, such speech therapy training will give excellent results. Dear adults, the health of the baby depends on our attitude! Believe and everything will work out!

      Now tell me how you have to get rid of the disease? Which game exercises do you know? Leave comments and become blog subscribers. Until next time. Bye!

      Card file on speech therapy on the topic:
      Corrective games to eliminate stuttering in preschoolers 4 – 7 years old


      Corrective games to eliminate stuttering in preschoolers

      This paper presents games for correcting stuttering in preschool children. The recommended games are selected taking into account didactic principles, the nature of gaming activities, age and individual characteristics of children, stages of correctional work and lexical topics. The presented games reveal one of the aspects of pedagogical influence on children in a comprehensive method for eliminating stuttering.

    • SPEECH LIMITATION STAGE (silence mode and whispered speech)
    • Objectives of the stage: education in children of general and voluntary motor skills and facial muscles through the use of relaxation exercises, articulatory gymnastics, speech therapy rhythms; practicing speech breathing: duration, smooth exhalation; education of auditory attention and auditory memory, visual attention and visual memory; arbitrary command through development personal qualities: endurance, concentration, imitation through teaching games, game rules, elements of creative play.

      Week 4 – “Kindergarten”, “Toys”

      Goals. Relieving excessive excitability. Eliminate the habit of accelerated and incorrect speech. Prepare the nervous system of children for the formation of correct speech skills. Cultivating patience and perseverance. Silent games help create a protective regime and make it less burdensome for children.

      An adult puts an hourglass in a prominent place and announces: “The tongue has been hanging out for a long time. He got tired and fell silent. Whoever speaks first gets a forfeit.” For a certain time, the child is asked to silently and calmly engage in drawing, modeling, putting together puzzles, etc. The losing child, by prior agreement, must give up his favorite toy or badge, etc. The adult hides the forfeit and then gives it away as a win in the next game.

      "The Good Wizard is Sleeping"

      The conditions of the game are told in the form of a fairy tale: “...The good giant worked a lot for people, sowed fields, built beautiful houses. He was tired and fell asleep. Therefore, people throughout the city remain silent, no one talks. So you don’t wake him up, play with toys silently, build a city out of cubes. Get busy with the designer. Draw this kind giant as you imagine him...” To encourage children, you can

      assign the title of “Honorary Guard” or award a “Magic Wand” (a beautiful “magic” wand prepared in advance),

      The adult offers the child other conditions for the silent game: “...Now we will go to the theater. In the auditorium you are supposed to sit quietly, not talk, so as not to disturb others...” At this time, the child watches for himself or shows his dolls pictures. At the end of the game, the title “Best Spectator” is awarded.

      An adult talks about the library and tells the conditions of the game: “...In the reading room, all the people read silently. You can’t talk so as not to disturb others...” You can advise your child to set up a library for his toys. In front of each one, put a book that must be read (looked at). At the end of the game, the child receives the title “Excellent Reader.”

      “...In the seas, at different depths, it is very interesting: amazing fish swim there, beautiful algae and corals grow on the rocks, and huge crabs hide under the stones... Brave scuba divers in masks sink to the bottom of the sea, silently studying its inhabitants. You can’t talk underwater - otherwise you might choke...” It’s good to choose game props for this plot: shells, pebbles, create algae, fish, underwater inhabitants, or offer to draw and cut it all out. At the end of the game, the child receives the title “Best Scuba Diver.”

      Adults tell the child about photo hunting and introduce the rules of the game: “...There are special hunters - they come into the forest not with a gun, but with a camera. They take pictures of wild animals. To do this, you need to approach the animal very quietly. You must be able to silently, calmly sit in a shelter, waiting for an interesting bird to appear. You can’t talk now - the photo hunt begins...” You can make a camera, look at illustrations of books and magazines. Talk about the habits of wild animals. A child can make a photo album “My Hunt,” that is, draw animals on separate sheets of paper. At the end of the game, the child is awarded the title “Skilled Photo Shooter.”

      “...Travelers walk along mountain paths. There are snow-capped peaks all around. These are very beautiful, but dangerous places. You can’t talk: the sound of a voice can cause the hanging caps of snow to fall off, causing a collapse. In the mountains, during difficult crossings, complete silence is always observed...” Here you can use a backpack, a stick, a compass, and sports shoes. At the “rest” you can sing songs and listen to a clear reading (story) by an adult. At the end of the game, the child is awarded the title “Brave Tourist”.

      “...Let's see if all your toys are healthy. The bear's paw comes off. The hare seems to have pain in his ears. We need to heal them. Who can do this? You? Fine! So you are a doctor! Your toys are sick - now they need silence...” The doctor calmly treats the toys. At the end of the game, the child receives the title “Good Aibolit.”

      Before the game starts, the adult says: “Early in the morning, a fisherman sits with a fishing rod on the bank of the river. He will put a worm on a hook and throw a fishing line into the water. They sit quietly so as not to scare the fish, and look at the float. As soon as the fish starts to peck at the worm, the float will move and go under the water. Then the fisherman pulls out his fishing rod and on the hook the reward for silence and patience is a silver fish. You, fisherman, silently and calmly catch a fish, and at the end of the game we will together count your catch and examine the caught fish.”

      Silent games can be played based on the plots of literary works that an adult reads. The child listens silently, imitates the character’s action, and pronounces individual words or onomatopoeia. Silently draws or makes crafts on the topic of what he listened to.

      Games to develop auditory attention

      Target. Determining the direction of sound.

      Equipment. Bell (bell, rattle)

      Progress of the game. Children sit with their eyes closed, the speech therapist gives a quiet signal with a bell. Having opened their eyes, the children look at the speech therapist; at his command, one person shows the direction of what they heard.

      Target. Education of inhibitory reactions.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist tells the children how self-possessed, collected, and calm astronauts should be, and suggests that the children not do anything without being told to do anything. For example, the word “carry out” is taken as a signal. The speech therapist invites the children to stand up, they sit. Then he says: “Do it” - the children stand up. Or: “Raise your hands up” - the children sit quietly. “Raise your hands up, do it” - the children follow the command.

      Target. Development of coordination of movements and sense of rhythm.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist knocks on the tambourine quietly, then loudly and very loudly. Children perform movements according to the sound of the tambourine: they walk on their tiptoes to a quiet sound, at full stride to a loud sound, and run to a louder sound. Whoever makes a mistake ends up at the end of the column. The most attentive will be ahead.

      Target. Development of movement coordination.

      Equipment. A small bright toy.

      Progress of the game. The children stand in a semicircle. The speech therapist shows the toy that they will hide. The child driving moves aside, and at this time the teacher hides the toy behind one of the children’s backs. At the signal from the speech therapist: “It’s time,” the driver goes to the children, who quietly clap their hands. As the driver approaches the child who has the toy hidden, the children clap louder; if he moves away, the clapping subsides. By

      By the strength of the sound, the child guesses who he should approach. After the toy is found, another child is assigned as the driver.

      "Sun and Rain"

      Target. Development of coordination and tempo of movements.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist tells the children: “Now we’ll go for a walk. There is no rain. The weather is good, we will collect leaves. You walk, and I will ring the tambourine, you will have fun walking to the sound of it. If it starts to rain, I'll start banging on the tambourine. And when you hear, you should quickly go into the house. Listen carefully".

      Target. Formation of diaphragmatic breathing.

      Progress of the game. The child, who is in a supine position, places his palm on the diaphragm area. An adult pronounces a rhyme:

      The hippos lay, the hippos breathed.

      Then the tummy rises (inhale),

      The exercise can be performed in a sitting position and accompanied by rhyming:

      The hippos sat down and touched their bellies.

      Then the tummy drops (exhale).

      "Fish on the Waves"

      Purpose of the game. Formation of diaphragmatic breathing.

      Progress of the game. Children are in a supine position. The child's hand rests on the upper abdomen (diaphragmatic region). A toy fish is placed on the stomach. The speech therapist invites the child to rock the fish as if it were swimming on the waves. The child’s attention is drawn to the fact that his stomach is “breathing well.” The exercise lasts 2-3 minutes and is performed effortlessly to avoid hyperventilation and increased muscle tone.

      Purpose of the game. Cultivating the correct breathing rate.

      Progress of the game. Children sit cross-legged, hands on the back of their heads. Calm inhale, pause for three seconds, bend forward - exhale. Return to the starting position - inhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

      Purpose of the game. Formation of the correct breathing rhythm.

      Progress of the game. Children stand straight, raise their hands up to get apples from a high branch - inhale. Pause for three seconds. After all, you have to get the apples and pick them. Lower your arms, tilt your body forward and down - exhale. The apples must be put in the basket. Repeat 3-4 times.

      "Let's play the harmonica"

      Purpose of the game: formation of the correct breathing rhythm.

      How to play: Children stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on their belts. Inhale, pause for three seconds. Tilt in left side- exhale slowly. The right side stretches like an accordion. Inhale to the starting position. Pause for three seconds. Tilt to the right - exhale slowly. The left side is stretched like an accordion. Repeat 3-4 times.

      Purpose of the game: to develop a smooth continuous air stream.

      Progress of the game: the child is asked to blow on the feather for a long time so that it smoothly deviates.

      Goal: development of speech breathing, formation of the ability to exhale smoothly and for a long time (without taking in air).

      Equipment: leaves of different trees.

      Progress of the game: children sit on chairs at the table. The speech therapist guides their actions: “They took maple leaves in their right hand, brought them to their mouth, blew without puffing out their cheeks, and released the leaves. They sat down on the table. They took oak leaves in their right hand. And now the aspen leaves. birch trees rowan. etc.

      Goal: to develop uniformity of breathing and smooth exhalation.

      Progress of the game: children inhale through their nose and exhale smoothly through their mouth, as if warming their hands. Repeat 3-4 times.

      Goal: to develop smooth exhalation.

      Progress of the game: the speech therapist places in front of the children a picture or a model of a fire with strips of thin red paper. Children are encouraged to fan the dying fire by inhaling through their nose and exhaling slowly through their mouth.

      Goal: to develop a long-lasting air stream.

      Equipment: bottles with a narrow neck with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm.

      Progress of the game: each child is given a bubble; at the signal “Sasha’s kettle is boiling,” one of the children (Sasha) blows into the hole of the bubble to make a whistle. To do this, you need your lower lip to touch the edge of the neck and the stream to be strong.

      Goal: development of a long, directed oral exhalation, activation of the lip muscles.

      Equipment: bird figures cut out of thin paper and brightly colored.

      How to play: two birds are placed on the table at the very edge at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Two children sit opposite the birds. At the signal “The birds have flown!”, the children begin to blow on the bird figures. The adult makes sure that the children do not puff out their cheeks when blowing on the paper birds. The child is warned that the figure can only be moved with one exhalation, and that it is forbidden to blow several times in a row.

      Goal: to develop a long continuous oral exhalation.

      Equipment: 2-3 brightly colored paper butterflies (a thread 50 cm long is tied to each butterfly and attached to a cord at a distance of 30 cm from each other, the cord is stretched between two posts so that the butterflies hang at the level of the child’s face).

      Progress of the game: children sit on a chair, and the speech therapist says: “look how beautiful the butterflies are: red, yellow, blue. There are so many of them. They look like they're alive! Let's see if our butterflies can fly. (Blows on butterflies.) Look, they’ve flown! Try it too! Which butterfly will fly farthest?

      The child stands near the butterflies and blows on them. It is necessary to ensure that the child stands straight, does not raise his shoulders when inhaling, blows on one exhalation without taking in air, does not puff out his cheeks, and slightly pushes his lips forward. The child should blow for no more than 10 seconds with pauses to avoid dizziness.

      Goal: improve function external respiration, master the primary techniques of breathing exercises.

      Equipment: small soft toys according to the number of children.

      Progress of the game: For children in a lying position, a light toy is placed on their stomach in the diaphragm area. An adult pronounces a rhyme:

      Swing up (inhale)

      Swing down (exhale),

      Hold on tight, my friend.

      Goal: to develop a deeper inhalation and a longer exhalation.

      Equipment: cotton wool ball, cubes.

      How to play: Roll up a ball from pieces of cotton wool. Gate – 2 cubes. The child blows on the “ball”, trying to “score a goal” - the cotton wool should be between the cubes.

      "My balloon»

      Goal: to develop a deeper inhalation and a longer exhalation, to activate the lip muscles.

      Equipment: Balloons.

      How to play: Children must inflate balloons by taking in air through their nose and slowly exhaling it through their mouth. The teacher accompanies the actions with poetic text:

      My balloon, one, two, three.

      Light as a mosquito, look.

      I inhale through my nose, I’m in no hurry,

      I watch my breathing.

      Every day I blow into a balloon

      I conjure my breath.

      I'm trying to inflate a balloon

      And I'm getting stronger.

      Relaxation games

      Target. Teach children to relax their hands, fixing their attention on a pleasant state of relaxation.

      Progress of the game. Children sit on chairs, hands on their knees, legs slightly apart.

      The speech therapist shows and helps children take a resting pose. Then the speech therapist says:

      Hands on your knees

      Firmly, tightly, with tension

      The thumb is pressed against the rest.

      We squeeze our fingers harder -

      The speech therapist approaches each child, lifts and drops the relaxed hand.

      Know, girls and boys:

      Give your fingers a rest!

      Purpose of the game: to teach children to relax their hands, fixing their attention on a pleasant state of relaxation.

      Progress of the game: children sit on chairs. The speech therapist says: “Let’s imagine that we are deer (raises crossed arms above his head with fingers spread wide apart) These are the antlers of a deer! And raise your hands like that! Tighten them (shows tension by pushing your fingers apart with force). The hands became as hard as the antlers of a deer (the speech therapist checks the degree of muscle tension in each child). It's hard for us to hold our hands like that. Tension is unpleasant, quickly lower your hands, drop them on your knees (hands are no longer crossed). Relaxed hands, resting. Listen and do as I do. Inhale - exhale! (twice)"

      The speech therapist reads a poem:

      Look: we are deer, hands on our knees again,

      The wind is rushing to meet us! And now - a little laziness...

      The wind has died down, Hands are not tense

      Let's straighten our shoulders and relax...

      The speech therapist gently moves his fingers along each child's arm from the shoulder to the fingertips.

      Our fingers are resting!

      - Our game is over. You rested a little, calmed down, learned to listen carefully, and, most importantly, you felt how pleasant it was when your hands were not tense. You understand how to relax them, make them soft and obedient!

      The speech therapist asks the children to put their feet on their heels and, while pronouncing the text, the speech therapist presses their toes to the floor with force.

      What are these strange springs?

      rest on the shoes?

      Put your socks down

      Press the springs

      Press harder, press harder

      No springs - rest!

      The legs are not tense and relaxed.

      Target. Relaxation of leg muscles.

      Progress of the game. Sitting on chairs. Speech therapist. Imagine your legs tanning. (The speech therapist shows how to stretch your legs forward while sitting on a chair.) We raise our legs, hold them... Our legs are tense! (The speech therapist approaches everyone and checks the tension of the leg muscles.) Now let’s lower our legs and repeat the exercise. Children listen to the text and do the exercise.

      We sunbathe beautifully

      Raise your legs higher!

      We hold... We hold... We strain...

      (Legs sharply lower to the floor.)

      Legs are not tense

      Our game is over. You rested a little, calmed down, understood how to relax your legs.

      Purpose of the game: to teach children to relax their legs.

      Progress of the game: children stand in a semicircle. The speech therapist invites children to turn into horses. Children-horses stand in the cold for a long time, they need to warm up. Children hold their hands in front of their chest somewhat tensely and stand on one leg. The second leg, bent at the knee, touches the toe to the floor. They drop their relaxed arms and change legs. Return to the starting position. Repeat 3-4 times.

      Purpose of the game: development of coordination and precision of movements.

      Progress of the game: children march to the beat of a tambourine, and perform movements with louder beats. One loud blow - arms to the sides, two loud blows - arms up, three loud blows - sit down, the tambourine is silent - stop, hands on the belt, children roll from toe to heel - “rocking chair”.

      "Let's go for a walk"

      Purpose of the game: to develop precision movements.

      Progress of the game: children stand in a circle. The speech therapist says: “We are going for a walk with you. The weather is rainy. Show us what we will wear.” Children stand up and show how and what they

      They will put them on, and they will name the clothes in a whisper. They pick up umbrellas. The speech therapist continues: “We went outside, and it was raining, there were a lot of puddles all around. What do we do?" Children show with their movements how they cower, open umbrellas and carefully walk through puddles: softly, on tiptoes, they go around large puddles, and jump over small ones.

      Purpose of the game: to teach children to relax their hands.

      Progress of the game: children sit on the floor or on chairs. The speech therapist tells them what strong brushes hands of boxers, rowers, shows how to perform the exercise (squeezes the fingers tightly). Children repeat. The speech therapist explains further how strongly boxers and rowers push their legs and gives a sample. Children squeeze their toes tightly, pressing them against the sole. And then the athletes rest. Children forcefully straighten their fingers and toes and relax, dropping their arms along the body and stretching their legs. After resting, the “athletes” begin training again.

      Goal: correction of motor impairment using relaxation methods.

      Progress of the game: Take a heavy weight with your right hand, lift it up, lift it, lift it, hold it, throw it. (Children tensely slowly raise their right arm up, then relax it and throw it along their body, and do the same with their left arm.) We lift a heavy barbell with both hands.

      We bent down, picked up the barbell, lifted it, lifted it, reached up with our arms, held the barbell, threw it. (Children relax and throw their arms along their sides.)

      We are strong. (Children tensely bend their elbows and press their clenched fists to their chest.) We are weak. (Hands fall powerlessly down. Repeat 2-3 times.) We rest after exercise. Sit comfortably on the chairs. Hands are on your knees. Close your eyes, relax. We rested. Open your eyes, look at me. Look at me, Sasha, look at me, Dima. We had great rest. (The speech therapist gradually transfers the children from a relaxed state to an alert state.)

      Exercises to activate nonverbal communication methods

      - Depict early autumn. Early autumn has a light tread and a cheerful face. She is joyful, generous, kind, beautiful. Depict late autumn: late autumn is sad, sad. Depict a crying autumn.

      — We saw a morel mushroom. Wrinkle your face. Show how surprised you were to see a huge fly agaric. Stretch your face and open your mouth. Raise and lower eyebrows. When the eyebrows are raised, the eyes open wide; when lowered, they almost close.

      — We peel and eat the onions. Onions make your eyes water. He's bitter. Garden scarecrow. Show: you were scared of the garden scarecrow. Draw a scary scarecrow so that all the birds are afraid of you.

      - Express pleasure from the pleasant smell of strawberry jam, the smell of a rose, the aroma of an apple.

      Sweet apple. Convey an emotional state: you are eating a sweet apple, sweet grapes, sour lemon, tart persimmon or quince.

      Express your state in situations: you see a worm in an apple, a worm is gnawing on an apple.

      An apple fell on our heads.

      — Show how animals prepare for winter: a hedgehog climbs into a hole; the bear looks for a place for a den, and then goes to bed; The squirrel puts pine cones and mushrooms in her pantry.

      - Depict the actions of a gardener: how he digs holes, plants fruit trees, whitewashes tree trunks, prunes, sprays trees, etc.

      — Convey the behavior of animals through facial expressions and movements: a raccoon gargles in the water, a badger hides in a hole, a hedgehog is looking for a place to hibernate, a giant elk walks through a swamp, a squirrel gnaws nuts.

      Bear in a den. Autumn. The bear chooses a place for a den, lies down and falls asleep. Winter. The bear is in hibernation. Spring. The bear wakes up, turns its head, stretches out its legs one by one, yawns, stretches, and then leaves the den. Summer. The bear eats raspberries and catches fish.

      Bear cubs and bees. The cubs were looking for honey and rocking the tree together. Show how the tree sways. Depict how a bear climbs on it, puts its paw into the hive, eats sweet honey, expressing pleasure. The bees attack and sting the bear, it hurts him. Show how the bear waves, runs, and then jumps into the water. Depict: you feel sorry for the bear.

      Repeat and use facial expressions and gestures. My eyebrows are furrowed and knitted. Teeth clenched. Lips tightly compressed. The nostrils are widened and quivering. I clench my fists.

      Teacher. Imagine that you are in a fairy forest. Many different animals live in it. Draw a hare, wolf, fox, bear, dog, cat, frog. And now we turn into fairy-tale birds and fly freely, flapping our wings. We have strong and strong wings. Birds fly freely and easily.

      — “Conversation through glass”

      Children are divided into two groups. One is in the store, the other is on the street. They forgot to agree on what to buy, and the exit is at the other end of the store. They are separated by thick glass (showcase). You can only communicate with gestures. The task of the group in the store is to guess what the other group is asking them to buy.

      Games and exercises for establishing contact using speech and non-speech means

      — Exercise “Friendship begins with a smile.” Children sitting in a circle hold hands, look their neighbor in the eyes and silently give him the kindest smile (one at a time).

      - Game “Let's say hello”. Children, at the teacher’s signal, move chaotically around the hall and say hello to everyone who meets on their way. You need to greet in a certain way: one clap - children shake hands, two claps - they greet with their shoulders, three - they greet with their backs.

    • CONNECTED SPEECH STAGE (4 – 5 weeks)
    • Objectives of the stage: education of conjugate pronunciation, speech breathing; lengthening of exhalation, soft voice delivery, unity of vowel sounds in onomatopoeia and words,

      prosodic side of speech, imitation, activity, elements of creativity through teaching the rules of games. Correction of motor skills and sound pronunciation disorders.

      Week 1 – “Vegetables”

      Week 2 – “Fruits”

      Week 3 – “Autumn”

      Week 4 – “Trees”

      Equipment: paper boat, basin of water.

      How to play: Place a light paper boat in a basin of water, blow smoothly and for a long time so that the boat floats. An adult pronounces a Russian folk saying:

      Breeze, breeze, pull up the sail!

      Drive the ship to the Volga River.

      Material: several loose pieces of cotton wool.

      Progress of the game: the speech therapist shows a piece of cotton wool and tells the children: “The weather outside is wonderful today. The snow is falling! Olya got dressed and went for a walk. A large and beautiful snowflake landed on her (blows on a piece of cotton wool), and the snowflake flew away. Do you want to blow on a snowflake?” An adult gives the child small loose pieces of cotton wool and shows how to blow. The exercise is performed 2-3 times.

      Equipment. One scented flower or scented handkerchief.

      Progress of the game. Children take turns approaching a vase with a flower and smelling it. As you exhale, in conjunction with the speech therapist they say: “Okay; Very good; Very pleasant smell; Very fragrant flower, etc.”

      Progress of the game. Starting position: children spread their arms in front of them, depicting a “tire”. As they exhale, children, in conjunction with the speech therapist, slowly pronounce the sound “SH-SH-SH”. At the same time, the arms are slowly crossed, so that the right hand rests on left shoulder and vice versa. Rib cage at the moment of exhalation it contracts. Taking the starting position, children involuntarily inhale.

      Target. Development of speech breathing and conjugate pronunciation.

      Progress of the game. I. p.: raise your arms to the sides and move them back a little, like wings, inhale. Exhaling, the children say in conjunction with the speech therapist: “J-J-J”, lowering their hands down. Taking the starting position, children involuntarily take a breath.

      Progress of the game. I. p.: put your hands on your belt. Slowly tilt your torso forward without lowering your head down. Pronounced in conjunction with the speech therapist: “G-a-a.” Taking a starting position, inhale.

      Games to develop the prosodic side of speech

      Goal: formation of rhythmic movements.

      Progress of the game: children stand in a circle. The speech therapist invites children to become telegraph operators for a short time: “I will transmit a message to you by telegraph, and you receive it.” The speech therapist claps out various rhythmic patterns, and the children take turns repeating after him.

      Target. Development of rhythmic speech, coordination of speech with movements.

      Progress of the game. Children, together with a speech therapist, say a rhyme and hit the ball on the floor (for each line - four hits of the ball).

      We taught a little counting

      And they hit me with the ball.

      Goal: formation of speech rhythm, development fine motor skills.

      Progress of the game: children sit on chairs, hands at chest level, fingers right hand touch the fingers of the left. Children use their fingers (starting with their thumbs) to tap out the rhythm of the poem, which they recite together with the speech therapist.

      Ducks, geese and turkeys

      And we went home.

      Progress of the game: children stand in a circle. The speech therapist invites the children to “turn” into drums, says: “Look how I do and then repeat with me,” says slowly “Bam-bam-bam-bam,” for each syllable he stomps alternately with his right and left foot, then tempo pronunciation speeds up.

      Purpose of the game: normalize the tempo of speech.

      Progress of the game: children stand in a semicircle, speech therapist stands in front of the children. The speech therapist talks about how when it rains outside, little children of rain run across the glass - drops. Listen to our rule: “Listen carefully, do not disturb others, and then repeat with me.” (The speech therapist and children repeat the rule.) The children, together with the speech therapist, recite the text (the speech therapist gives a sample in advance):

      A drop - one, a drop - two. slowly

      Drop slowly at first: gradually

      The drops began to ripen, to medium

      Drop drop catch up: and quickly

      Equipment: balls for each child.

      How to play: children squat down, with a ball lying on the floor in front of each one. Holding the ball with one hand, the children tap the rhythm of the poem on it with the other hand, pronouncing it together with the speech therapist. The speech therapist monitors the correct execution of the exercise.

      My cheerful, ringing ball,

      Where did you run off to?

      Red, yellow, blue,

      Can't keep up with you!

      Games to develop the skills of rational vocal delivery and voice production

      Progress of the game: children are divided into groups. One of the groups is “echo”. The first group of children loudly pronounces vowel sounds (a, o, u) or combinations of vowels (au, ua, oa, ui) together with the speech therapist. The second group (“echo”), together with the speech therapist, quietly repeats. Then the groups change roles.

      Material: a picture with a drawn ladder or a mock-up of a ladder, pictures of animals (dog, cat, rooster, beetle, mosquito).

      Progress of the game: in front of the children on the board is a picture with a drawn ladder or a model of a ladder. As the game progresses, the speech therapist places a figurine of a specific animal on each crossbar. Children, together with a speech therapist, pronounce onomatopoeia, changing the pitch and strength of their voice. The speech therapist begins the story:

      “There is a ladder in the yard. There are five steps on it. A dog jumped onto the bottom step and barked (the children, together with the speech therapist, pronounce in a low and loud voice: aw-aw-aw.). The cat jumped onto the second step and meowed (the children, together with the speech therapist, say in a quieter and higher voice: meow-meow-meow). A rooster jumped up onto the third step and crowed loudly (children say in a loud and high-pitched voice: ku-ka-re-ku!). A beetle flew onto the fourth step. He sat down and buzzed: zh-zh-zh (children pronounce low and quiet

      Progress of the game. Children stand with their backs straight; holding dolls in their hands. The speech therapist shows how to rock the doll, chanting “Ah-ah-ah” in a drawn-out, soft attack. The speech therapist performs the exercise together with the children.

      Target. Overcoming the hard vowel attack.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist shows a picture to the children, which depicts a train going in the distance. The speech therapist shows how the train hums quietly and lingeringly: “Oooh.”

      Equipment: Bibabo doll (or soft toys), wolf and bear. Wolf and bear masks. Letter "U".

      Progress of the game: children sit on chairs. The speech therapist says: “Imagine that we came to the forest. (Gestures for the children to get up from their chairs.) A strong wind has flown to visit the trees and is shaking them. Let's show how the tree branches sway and the wind hums in them. (Children sway, holding their hands above their heads, hum low, drawn out, muffled: ooh-ooh.) And far, far away the train is traveling. (The speech therapist lines up the children accordingly.) Ahead of the train is a steam locomotive. He pulls all the trailers behind him. The chimney of a steam locomotive looks like the letter “U”. (Shows a card with a letter.) And you all make your lips a tube and sing a funny song from the locomotive. And this train carries passengers. He brought lumberjacks with axes into the forest. (He stops the train with a gesture.) The lumberjacks immediately picked up their axes and got to work: “Uh-uh!” (They chop wood together, then one at a time.) And in the thicket of the forest, a small clumsy bear cub was walking (puts a doll on his hand), such a bumpkin. He walks and waddles (shows the doll, and then all the children). “A smart child is my little bear,” said the mother bear. And she named her baby after the largest polar bear (if the children don’t guess, the speech therapist will advise) Umka. Little Umka hears: the wind is howling, the locomotive is humming, the lumberjacks are cutting down. (All actions are depicted accordingly by children.) I was very scared. Covering his ears with his paws, he runs around, waddles around even more out of fear, whines in a thin voice: “Uh-oh.” (The doll shows.) Umka wants to go home to the den, but out of fear he forgot the way home. What should Umka do? And then Umka’s friend, a wolf cub named U, comes running to help Umka (if the children don’t come up with a nickname, the speech therapist suggests - Ulka, puts the wolf doll on left hand). Ulka ran up to the bear cub, took him by the right paw (shows on the dolls) and together they howled in unison, scaring the lumberjacks: “Oooh!” Umka cheered up and tried to howl louder and more terribly. The animals began to have fun. Umkin's fear disappeared. And they danced together (the dolls are spinning, bouncing rhythmically, coming together, diverging): “And-them! Uh-uh!”

      Progress of the game: children stand in a circle. The speech therapist begins to tell the story, the children follow each other in a circle (when pronouncing sounds, the children stop, turning their faces in the circle).

      “Once upon a time there were two girls: Mashenka and Dasha. They gathered in the forest to pick mushrooms, took baskets and went. We walked along a forest road, avoiding stumps. Suddenly Mashenka tripped over a stump, fell and hurt her leg. Mashenka rubs her bruised knee and says: “A-a-a-a-a.” (The children say together with the speech therapist: “Ahhhh.”) Mashenka and Dasha went on. We approached the Christmas tree, and there was a big fly agaric. The girls were surprised: “Ohhhh.” (Children and speech therapist: “Ooooh.”) The girls move on. Suddenly they hear something buzzing: “Uuuuu.” (Children and speech therapist: “Uuuuu.”) And this is a steam locomotive. The girls have moved on railway, went out into the clearing and saw a house. Dasha's grandmother lived there. The girls began to call her: “Hey, grandma!” (Children and speech therapist: “Oh, grandma!”). And in response the girls heard: “Wa-wa-wa.” It was my sister Marina who was crying. (Children and speech therapist: “Wa-wa-wa.”) The grandmother gave the girls milk and treated them to pies.”

      Material: 2 pictures, one shows a light breeze shaking grass and flowers, and the other shows a strong wind shaking trees.

      Progress of the game: children sit on chairs, the speech therapist shows them pictures and says: “We went for a walk in the forest in the summer. We are walking through a field, the sun is shining, a light breeze is blowing and the grass is swaying.

      and flowers. He blows quietly, quietly, like this: “oo-oo-oo.” (The speech therapist pronounces the sound “U” quietly and for a long time.) Then the story continues: “We came to the forest, picked flowers and berries, and got ready to go home. Suddenly a strong wind blew, it boomed loudly “oooh”. (The children, together with the speech therapist, pronounce this sound loudly and for a long time.) The children repeat, together with the speech therapist, how a light breeze blows and how a strong wind hums. The speech therapist ensures that children maintain the same voice strength.

      Progress of the game: children stand in a circle, the speech therapist says: “Imagine that we went for a walk and saw such a soap bubble (children make a large circle), we touched it, and it burst: shshsh (pause) shshsh (pause) shshsh (children, together with the speech therapist, repeat with given pauses). We took a pump and pumped up the bubble sss (pause) sss (pause) sss. And he became big (the children make a circle again).”

      Exercises and games to develop the paralinguistic subsystem

      — A light autumn breeze is blowing: “U-u-u-u-u-u-u,” (Quiet). The leaves (fingers) barely move. A strong wind blew: “Uh-uh-uh-uh!” (Loud). We got lost in the forest, we shouted: “Ay!” (First loudly, then quietly).

      — Game “Wolf Cubs”: children first pronounce oooh sound loudly, drawn out, then quietly, etc.

      - Game “Echo”: one part of the children shouts loudly: “Ay!”, and the other answers more quietly. Then vice versa.

      — Exercise “Steps”. Raising and lowering the voice when pronouncing vowel sounds.

      Games and exercises for the development of general motor skills, coordination of movements, and relaxation

      Progress of the game: I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. The speech therapist explains to the children that they must lift a heavy barbell. Children bend down, take an imaginary barbell, straighten their arms above. Then they bend over, their arms hang freely, relaxed.

      We're getting ready for a record

      Let's play sports. (Incline)

      We lift the barbell from the floor... (Straighten up)

      The speech therapist touches the muscles of the shoulder and forearm of the children, draws their attention to tension and subsequent relaxation.

      Our muscles are not tired -

      And they became even more obedient!

      It becomes clear to us:

      Purpose of the game: to teach children to relax their arms, legs and body.

      Progress of the game: children stand in a semicircle. The speech therapist says: “Imagine that we are on a ship. Rocks. To avoid falling, spread your legs wider and press them to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back. The deck rocked - we press our right leg to the floor (The speech therapist gives a sample of the exercise: the right leg is tense, the left leg is relaxed, slightly bent at the knee, with the toe touching the floor). Straighten up! Relaxed! It swayed in the other direction (the left leg is tense, the right leg is relaxed). Straighten up, listen and do as I do. Inhale - exhale!

      The deck began to rock.

      Press your foot to the deck!

      He presses his leg tighter,

      And let’s relax the other one!

      The exercise is performed first for the right leg, then for the left. The speech therapist draws children's attention to the tense and relaxed state of the leg muscles

      - Now sit down and listen. (the speech therapist speaks slowly and calmly)

      Hands on your knees again

      And now - a little laziness...

      And the whole body is relaxed...

      Our muscles are not tired and have become even more obedient.

      Our game is over. You rested a little and calmed down. We understood how you can relax your arms, legs and whole body.

      Target. Relaxation of the abdominal muscles.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist asks the children to imagine that they are inflating a balloon.

      I. p.: sitting, hand on stomach. The children take a breath. The speech therapist shows how the abdominal wall rises - “a balloon is inflated”, and explains how the stomach tenses. The shoulders do not rise. Then the children exhale, the stomach drops.

      This is how we inflate a balloon!

      And we check it with our hands. (Inhale.)

      The balloon burst - we exhale,

      We relax our muscles!

      Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

      - Our game is over. You rested a little and calmed down. We understood how you can relax your arms, legs and whole body.

      Target. Relaxation of the core muscles.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist reads a poem, and the children pretend to be the doll Masha.

      And we have a doll Masha,

      Our rag doll

      The doll is soft like cotton wool

      There is not enough hardness in it.

      Goal: Development of general motor skills through relaxation, development of speech breathing.

      Progress of the game: children stand in front of the speech therapist. The speech therapist informs the children that they are now turning into plants. “It hasn’t rained for a long time, and the plants have withered. First the heads drooped, then the leaves, and then the entire stem bent down to the ground. Show how the vegetables have wilted. On the count of “one” children lower their heads, on “two” they drop their arms along the body, on “three” they squat down. Suddenly it began to rain and the vegetables began to come to life. (The exercise is repeated in reverse order.) After the rain, a breeze blew, and the stems swayed and made noise. Look, children, how to do it (demonstrates a calm inhalation without raising the shoulders and a long exhalation while pronouncing the sound w). The breeze blew (children raise their hands above their heads), the stems rustled (by shaking their hands, children pronounce the sound w), the breeze died down (children calmly lower their hands down).

      Goal: development of coordination, switchability of movements.

      Progress of the game: children stand in front of the speech therapist. The speech therapist reports: “To become an astronaut, you need to be strong and resilient. Let's practice.

      The speech therapist conducts relaxation exercises with children in combination with breathing exercises:

      · heels together, toes together, bend your back, inhale, make a mill with your hands, lower your hands down, exhale;

      · sit down, back straight, arms down along the body, rising smoothly on your toes, inhale, squatting, exhale;

      · hands on the belt, smoothly rising on the toes, inhale, stand on the toes - pause, lowering to a full foot, exhale.

      Speech therapist. To become an astronaut, you need to be attentive. I'll check if you're attentive or not.

      To the quiet beats of the tambourine, the children walk in a circle, a change of beat means a change of direction of movement. The tambourine fell silent - the children stopped.

      Progress of the game: the speech therapist chooses the driver with a counting rhyme:

      At Liteyny Bridge

      I caught a whale in the Neva,

      Hid it behind the window

      The cat ate it.

      Two cats helped -

      Now there is no whale.

      Don't you trust your friend?

      Get out of the circle.

      To the sound of a tambourine, the children pass the ball to each other; the sounds stop - the children hide their hands behind their backs. The speech therapist, together with the driver, says: “Come on, show me your hands. Do you have the ball, tell me?” The child addressed by the driver opens his palms in front of him. If the driver guesses the child with the ball, he leads, and the driver takes his place. If the driver does not guess correctly, the children and the speech therapist tell him: “Look more closely, now drive again,” and the driver and the speech therapist turn to another child.

      Target. Development of coordination of speech with movements

      Progress of the game. Children dance in a circle. After listening to a speech therapist’s speech sample, the children repeat the text with him and perform the necessary movements.

      The wind blows, blows, blows, blows. (The children stopped and shook their hands from side to side.)

      Tears yellow leaves from a tree. (Children spin around in place.)

      And the leaves fly and circle along the path. (Children jog on their toes in a circle.)

      Leaves are falling right under our feet. (Children, turning around themselves in place, squat.)

      Games - dramatization of poems

      Target. Cultivating expressiveness of movements and speech, improving attention.

      Progress of the game. Having distributed the roles using a counting rhyme, the children put on caps and masks of mushrooms: fly agaric, chanterelle, volnushka, morel, porcini mushroom. Everyone repeats the words of the role with a speech therapist.

      Leading. Top-top-top, five steps. (Children walk in a circle and stop.)

      There are five mushrooms in the forest. (Each mushroom shows itself. The fly agaric walks, raising its head arrogantly.)

      I am a red fly agaric! The mushroom is dangerous. (Wags his finger.)

      (The fox runs on its toes.)

      And the second one is a fox, a red pigtail.

      The third mushroom is the volnushka, pink ear. (Points with his hand, tilting his head.)

      (The morel walks forward, spreads its arms wide to the sides, and smiles.)

      And the fourth mushroom is the morel, a bearded old man.

      (The porcini mushroom, stepping forward, spreads its arms wide to the sides and smiles.)

      The fifth mushroom is white, eat it boldly.

      S. Marshak “Gloves”.

      The kittens lost, the kittens ran,

      Gloves were found on the road

      And they ran home in tears. And laughing, they ran home

      - Mom, mom, I'm sorry, - Mom, mom, don't be angry!

      We cannot find, because we were found,

      We can’t find the modem Because we were found

      — Lost your gloves? - Did you find the gloves?

      Those are bad kittens. Thank you, kittens.

      I won't give you any pie today. I'll give you some pie for that.

      Meow-meow, I won’t give you, Mur-mur-mur, pie!

      The speech therapist draws children's attention to voice intonations for playing the roles of cats and kittens, to playing out the movements of small kittens and cats in different moods.

      "Visiting grandma"

      Target. Teaching elements of creative play.

      Equipment. Handkerchief, stick.

      Progress of the game. One of the children is given a handkerchief and given a wand.

      Speech therapist. Grandma has returned. Mashenka and Dasha, meet grandma.

      The speech therapist teaches children how to conduct a dialogue in this situation, giving each a speech sample. For example, a speech therapist: “Hello, grandma!” Masha and Dasha talk to the speech therapist:

      “Hello, grandma!” The speech therapist turned to the grandmother: “Hello, granddaughters!” Child with speech therapist: “Hello, granddaughters!” Etc.

      Target. Teaching creative play.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist tells the children about the vegetable store, shows them pictures, reminds them about visiting the store, and reads a story about vegetables. Then the children, together with a speech therapist, prepare a play area and choose a seller. A speech therapist with children talks through options for dialogues between buyers and sellers.

    • REFLECTED SPEECH STAGE (4-5 weeks)
    • Objectives of the stage: education of reflected speech; work on phrases and prosodic components of speech, development of motor skills (the ability to relax muscles); continued training in games and game rules; education of voluntary behavior.

      Week 1 – “Mushrooms”

      Week 2 – “Wild Animals in Autumn”

      Week 3 – “Clothing. Shoes. Hats"

      Week 5 – “Food”

      Breathing games

      Material for onomatopoeia

      Target. Development of speech breathing.

      Tilt down, hands in the lock: “Wow!”

      The engines are started. As you exhale, say: “R-r-r.”

      The tires are inflated. As you exhale, say: “shhh - shhh”

      Airplanes hum: "Uh-oh."

      Carpenters work with a plane. As you exhale, say: “Ding”, “Ding”, “Ding”.

      Mechanics work on a machine. As you exhale, say: “zhzhzh!”, “zhzhzh!”, “zhzhzh!”

      Working on the phrase and its lengthening

      Cooks try cookies. As you exhale, say reflectively: “Oh, delicious!” “Very tasty shortbread.”

      Sailors measure the depth of the river. As you exhale, say: “Very deep!” “Very deep river!”

      The drivers take to the road. As you exhale: “Very slippery!” “Very slippery snowy road!”

      Lumberjacks lift a log. As you exhale, say: “Oh, how hard!” “Oh, what heavy pine logs!”

      Progress of the game. At the command of the speech therapist, children inhale through their noses, sticking out their stomachs, and count from 1 to 5 as they exhale.

      Target. Development of speech breathing, lengthening of phrases.

      Equipment. A bowl of fruit, a fragrant flower or a scented handkerchief.

      Progress of the game. Children take turns approaching a bowl of fruit and smelling it. As you exhale, repeat after the speech therapist: “Good,” “Very good,” “Very pleasant smell,” “Very fragrant flower.”

      Target. Development of speech breathing, education of reflected pronunciation.

      Progress of the game. Children take a deep breath, hold their breath, and as they exhale repeat the speech therapist’s saying:

      It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.

      Games for the development of prosodic components of speech

      Goal: formation of speech rhythm.

      Progress of the game: roles are distributed between the children (cucumber, tomato, cabbage, carrot), the speech therapist recites poetry, after which the children repeat the words after him and clap the rhythm.

      We brought a lot of vegetables for the children.

      We have a rich harvest, look, guys.

      And I, children, am a tomato, round and red.

      In the morning I put on a satin suit.

      I am a green cucumber from the garden bed,

      I came to your party, hello guys.

      Juicy cabbage is dressed up in a hundred clothes,

      All the clothes are without fasteners, and there are a lot of clothes.

      And I, the children, their sister, the yellow carrot,

      I’m shining like a firebird and dancing deftly.

      We guys are very glad that we ended up in kindergarten.

      Everyone is happy to dance and have fun here today.

      Goal: formation of speech tempo.

      Progress of the game: children stand in a circle, holding hands. The speech therapist reads the poem in full, the children stand and listen. Then the speech therapist reads line by line, and the children repeat each line after him. When the poem begins to be read, the children lead a round dance, the speed of movement corresponds to the tempo of speech pronunciation:

      Barely, barely, barely slowly

      And then, then, then, faster

      Everybody run, run, run!

      Run faster, run faster

      The carousel is all around, all around! slower

      Hush, hush, don't rush!

      Stop the carousel. slowly

      Equipment: toys “puppy”, “brush”

      Progress of the game: the speech therapist says that a puppy came running to the children (shows a toy). The puppy was frolicking on the street, got dirty, needs to be cleaned... The speech therapist gives the instruction: “First listen and watch, remember everything and repeat.” The speech therapist pronounces the rule in a lower tone of voice, slightly slower. Children repeat. The speech therapist shows how to brush the puppy, saying at different rates (first slow, then moderate, fast): “I clean the puppy with a brush, tickle its sides.” The speed of movements corresponds to the tempo of pronunciation. Children repeat.

      Purpose of the game: Development of coordination of movements, strength of voice, education of rhythmic movements.

      Progress of the game: The speech therapist chooses a driver who will be an owl. The rest of the children repeat after the speech therapist:

      Quietly: “Owl, come to us!” The owl doesn't move, it sleeps.

      Louder: “Owl, come to us!” The owl gets up, looks around, flaps its wings.

      Loudly: “Owl, come to us!” The owl flies, and the children clap in time with the flapping of their “wings.”

      Target. Development of tempo and rhythm of speech, coordination of speech with movements

      Equipment. Balls for every child.

      Progress of the game. Children, following the speech therapist, repeat the counting rhyme and hit the ball on the floor (for each line - four hits).

      Rain, rain, don't let it rain,

      You, rain, have pity on us,

      We want to play with the ball

      And tell the counting rhyme.

      Target. Development of tempo and rhythm of speech, coordination of speech with movements.

      Progress of the lesson. The speech therapist reads a quatrain. Children repeat it and clap their hands in time with the poem (four claps for each line).

      Autumn has come to visit us,

      She makes the kids happy

      Decorated our garden

      Progress of the game. Children, following the speech therapist, repeat the text of the poem and hit the floor with their heels (four hits for each line).

      One two three four,

      The boots helped us:

      We clicked our heels.

      Purpose of the game: Development of coordination of movement and speech, tempo and rhythm.

      Progress of the game: children stand one after another, speak behind the speech therapist and perform movements.

      They walked and walked, there was a lot of snow around, they sat down, made snowballs, threw them, and walked again. They walked, walked, walked, found the skis, started skiing: one-two, one-two, wave of one hand, wave of the other, and they came home.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist asks to show the children how birds cry:

      "Cows and Calves"

      Progress of the game: children are offered a plot picture “In the meadow”. Children are divided into 2 groups. The speech therapist addresses the first group: “Cows are grazing in the meadow, they are calling their calves. What do they call them?”, gives a sample, says in a low loud voice: mu-mu-mu. Children of the first group repeat. “The calves frolicked in the meadow and ran far away. How do they respond to cows? The speech therapist addresses the children of the second group, gives a sample, and says in a high, quiet voice: mu-mu-mu. Children repeat. Then the groups change roles.

      Target. Development of intonation colors of speech.

      Progress of the game. Children reflectively pronounce the nursery rhyme with a given intonation (sad, happy, with pity, surprised).

      So that it doesn't go out.

      Target. Development of intonation expressiveness of speech.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist asks you to repeat the phrase, emphasizing the highlighted words with your voice.

      A girl plays in the garden with a doll. (The girl is playing, not the boy).
      A girl plays in the garden with a doll. (And didn’t just take her there).
      A girl plays in the garden with a doll. (And not in the park, not in the forest).
      A girl plays in the garden with a doll. (And not with another toy).

      Goal: formation of pauses in speech.

      Progress of the game: during the game, each child learns one role. The child, listening to the speech therapist’s speech, repeats with him line by line:

      A fat-bellied tomato climbed over the fence.

      Like a cheerful red ball, (pause, breath)

      Rolled to the market, (pause, breath)

      He ran around row after row, (pause, breath)

      As I walked, I put on my robe, (pause, inhale)

      took the place of the seller (pause, breath)

      Near the cucumber guy. (pause, breath)

      “I sell tomato juice.” (pause, breath)

      “Come play with us!”

      Goal: Developing the ability to use a loud voice.

      Equipment: Toy bear, bunny, fox or other animals.

      Progress of the game: At a distance of 2-3 meters from the children, the speech therapist places the toys and says: “It’s boring for the bear, the bunny and the fox to sit alone. Let's invite them to play with us. For them to hear us, we need to call loudly, like this: “Bear, go!” Children take turns, following the example of a speech therapist, calling a bear, a bunny and a fox and playing with them. The speech therapist makes sure that the child calls the toy loudly, but does not scream.

      Muscle relaxation games

      Target. Relaxing the neck muscles

      Progress of the game. I. p.: sitting. The speech therapist asks the children to turn their heads to the left so that they can see as far as possible. Muscles are tense. Then the children return to their original position, the neck muscles are relaxed. Then the children turn their heads to the right, feel the tension in their neck, and return to their original position.

      And then forward again -

      Let's rest a little here.

      And Varvara looks up!

      And now he looks down -

      The neck muscles are tense!

      The neck is not tense.

      - Our game is over. You rested a little and calmed down.

      Target. Relaxation of the muscles of the speech apparatus (lips).

      Progress of the game. I. p.: sitting. The speech therapist asks the children to stretch their lips “proboscis” and draws the children’s attention to how their lips tense. Then the teacher asks the children to return their lips to their original position.

      I imitate the elephant:

      I pull my lips with a proboscis.

      And now I'm letting them go

      And I return it to its place.

      Lips are not tense

      Progress of the game. I. p.: sitting. The speech therapist shows children the movement of their lips corresponding to the articulation of sound and... Fixes children's attention on the tension and relaxation of the lips.

      Pull your lips straight to your ears!

      The frogs will like it.

      I'll pull it and stop.

      And I won’t get tired at all!

      Target. Relaxation of the muscles of the speech apparatus (lower jaw).

      Progress of the game. I. p.: sitting. The speech therapist shows the children how to clench their teeth tightly, and the children repeat. Draw children's attention to the tension in their jaws, that this is unpleasant.

      Then he asks to unclench his jaws.

      We will clench our teeth tighter,

      And then we’ll unclench them.

      Lips part slightly

      Everything is wonderfully relaxing...

      Games for coordination of speech and movements

      Goals. Development of coordination of movements, tempo and rhythm of speech.

      Progress of the game. Two children stand next to each other. The first one walks in a circle with very long steps and repeats after the speech therapist: “Uncle Styopa, the long-legged one, walked along the road.” The second one runs after him in a circle and repeats: “The little boy ran along the path after his uncle.”

      First. Uncle Styopa looked around, but didn’t say a word.

      Second. Little Thumb grinned - he had caught up with Uncle Styopa.

      Goals. Development of coordination of movements, tempo and rhythm of speech, fine motor skills.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist reads the beginning and invites the children to count the fruits by bending their fingers.

      We bend each finger,

      Together we count the apples:

      One apple, two apples,

      Three apples, four apples,

      Five apples, six apples,

      Seven apples, eight apples,

      Nine apples, ten apples.

      “We are going with you to the garden”

      Target. Coordination of speech with movements, development of rhythm and tempo.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist reads the couplet, and the children repeat it and reproduce the movements in accordance with their content.

      We are going with you to the garden,

      There we will see leaf fall.

      The wind blows in our faces

      A cloud is floating across the sky,

      The cloud is bringing us rain.

      The rain drips and pours,

      He doesn't let us go out.

      We opened our umbrellas

      Sheltered herself from the rain.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist reads a poem, and the children depict how trees come to life in the spring and shed their leaves in the fall. Then they repeat the exercise: pronounce the text, accompanying it with appropriate movements.

      In spring the trees come to life

      The buds on them swell,

      Leaves grow on them.

      In autumn the leaves fall.

      The wind blows - the leaves are spinning

      And they lie quietly on the ground.

      Target. Development of coordination of speech with movements, tempo and rhythm of speech.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist reads a poem while simultaneously showing the named body parts. Then the children repeat each line after the adult and also show parts of the body.

      We name the words:

      Forehead, back of head, head,

      Neck, shoulders, fingers, nails,

      Fists, palms, elbows,

      Nose, stomach, knees, heels,

      Lips, hips and shoulder blades...

      We study body parts

      We call body parts.

      Target. Development of coordination of movements, rhythm and tempo of speech.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist reads the poem and invites the children to perform the movements described in it. Then the children repeat the poem after the speech therapist.

      In winter we play in the snow, we play, we play.

      We walk through the snowdrifts, we walk, we walk.

      And on skis we run, we run, we run.

      On ice skates we slide, we slide, we slide.

      And we sculpt the Snow Maiden, we sculpt, we sculpt.

      We love the winter guest, we love, we love.

      Progress of the game. At the bakery. Children distribute the roles of cashier and customers. The speech therapist gives speech samples. "What do you want to buy?" The cashier repeats. Speech therapist. “I want to buy a bun for 5 rubles.” The buyer repeats, etc.

      Target. Continue teaching children games and game rules. Teach communication with a partner, the ability to monitor the play of others. Education of voluntary behavior.

      Progress of the game. The roles of mom, dad, and children are distributed. Mom gives the children a task: prepare dinner. To do this, they need to go to the store and buy the necessary products.

      Under the guidance of a speech therapist, children conduct dialogues with the cashier, each other with the drkg, mom and dad, who praise the children for their work.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist introduces children to the words: clinic, doctor, call, ambulance. Next, the situation of “calling a doctor at home” is played out. The speech therapist shows a doll with a bandaged ear and says: “Masha cannot go to kindergarten. Her ear hurts. We need to call a doctor,” gives examples of calling a doctor by phone. Children repeat reflectively. In the dialogue, the child calling the doctor indicates his first and last name, age, address and disease. The following situation is “The doctor has arrived”: he examines the patient, listens, puts a thermometer, writes a prescription.

    2. Objectives of the stage: Continued work on the prosodic components of speech; education of a long exhalation, a soft voice, continuous pronunciation of a phrase, correct pausing, tempo, rhythm, intonation expressiveness; developing the ability to answer a question with a complete phrase, in one word, working on dialogical speech; education of personal qualities: activity, initiative, independence, creativity.

      Week 1 – “Winter”

      Week 2 – “Wintering Birds”

      Week 3 – “Animals of cold countries”

      Week 4 – “Animals of hot countries”

      5th week – “ New Year»

      1st-2nd weeks – Vacations

      Week 3 – “Winter Fun”

      Week 4 – “Furniture”

      Week 5 – “Home. Construction"

      Target. Development of phrasal speech. Correct construction of the phrase.

      Equipment. Scene pictures.

      Progress of the game. The plot picture is shown. The teacher comes up with it a short phrase(from two to three words), then invites the children to add one new word to the phrase. Each child called extends the phrase by one more word.

      For example, an adult says: “Tanya is playing.” The child repeats the sentence and adds: “Tanya is playing outside.” The next one repeats the sentence and adds: “Tanya is playing outside in the sandbox.”

      Target. Correct construction of the phrase. Improving orientation in space.

      Progress of the game. Children are given the task to name their neighbor on the right. Speech therapist: “Vanya, who is sitting to your right?” The child answers: “Sonya is sitting to my right.” Etc

      Goals. Development of coordination of speech with movements.

      Improving the spatial organization of movements.

      Strengthening the skill of dividing words into syllables.

      Work on the syllabic structure of words.

      Practice hitting the ball off the floor with both hands.

      Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other, while saying the rhyme:

      Let's play together with the ball

      And we call clothes (any theme).

      The child on whom the ball landed names any item of clothing by syllables and beats off the number of syllables with the ball on the floor, then passes the ball nearby standing child. The next one names another item of clothing and so on in a circle.

      (skirt, trousers, jacket, ru-bash, pi-ja-ma, socks, etc.)

      "We're walking along the path"

      Development of tempo and rhythm of speech.

      Walking sideways with an extended step.

      Equipment. Gymnastic sticks for everyone.

      Progress of the game. Form into columns of two. Children lay out paths on the floor gymnastic sticks and are built at the beginning of the path.

      Children pronounce the rhyming text and walk along the path sideways with an extended step.

      Sideways, sideways along the path

      I'm walking, look.

      Having passed the path, the children return to the column with the words:

      My legs are not tired

      I can still go.

      Target. Development of expressiveness of speech, combination of speech with movements. Reinforcing the concept of “right-left”.

      Equipment. Stork cap, basket.

      Progress of the game. One child portrays a stork. They put a stork cap on him. A few steps away from him stands another child with a basket. He got lost in the forest. Seeing a stork, the child turns to him:

      Stork, long-legged stork,

      Show me the way home.

      Stomp your right foot

      Stomp your left foot

      Again - with the right foot,

      Again - with the left foot,

      Then with your right foot,

      Then with your left foot,

      Then you'll come home!

      The child with the basket performs all the movements that the stork tells him about, and then sits down.

      Target. Developing expressive speech and the ability to change the timbre of the voice.

      Equipment. Mask of a bear and any other animal (wolf, fox, hare, etc.)

      Progress of the game. The teacher chooses two children: one will be a bear, the other, for example, a wolf. Children meet each other halfway. When they meet, a dialogue occurs between them:

      Wolf. Where are you going, bear?

      Bear. To the city, to look at the Christmas tree.

      Wolf. What do you need it for?

      Bear. It's time to celebrate the New Year.

      Wolf. Where will you put it?

      Bear. I’ll take it to the forest, to my home.

      Wolf. Why didn’t you cut it down in the forest?

      Bear. It's a pity, I'd better bring it.

      "Visiting the Queen"

      Equipment. Cat mask hat.

      Progress of the game. There is a dialogue between two children:

      -Where were you today, pussy?

      - The Queen of England!

      - What did you see there at court?

      — I saw a mouse on the carpet.

      - Where did you buy it, sir?

      That red tomato?

      - That's an impolite question!

      This is my own nose!

      - Well, I went home.

      Gray wolf in a dense forest

      I met a red fox. (The fox and the wolf walk towards each other.)

      — Lizaveta, hello! - Dogs.

      - How are you, toothy? - Is he alive, dear little kuman?

      “Things aren’t going well,” I barely dragged my feet.

      the head is still intact. - How are you doing, fox?

      - Where have you been? — I was at the market.

      - On the market. - What did you see there?

      - What did you buy? — I was counting ducks.

      - Pork. - How much was it?

      - How much did you take? - Seven from eight.

      - A tuft of wool, - How much is it?

      ripped off the right side, - Not a single one.

      the tail was chewed off in a fight. - Where are these ducks?

      - Who bit it off? - It's in my stomach.

      Goals. Development of coordination of movements, tempo and rhythm of speech, fine motor skills, spatial orientation.

      Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle. One child holds a ball, an adult asks him: “Where will you throw the ball?” The child throws the ball to the right (left), depending on what each of them wants, and then through the circle to anyone, while they say: “I throw the ball to the right, I roll through the circle.”

      Goal: developing the ability to use different tempos of speech, developing the pitch of the voice.

      Equipment: bear and hare masks, toy Christmas tree.

      Progress of the game: roles are distributed among the children (bear, hare). Words are learned in advance. The speech therapist says: “The bear is big and clumsy, which means he will speak slowly, deliberately, in a low voice. And the hare is nimble, which means he will speak quickly in a high-pitched voice.” A scene is played out.

      -Where are you going, bear?

      - Look for a Christmas tree in town.

      -Where will you put it?

      - To the house, I’ll take it to my place.

      - Why do you need it?

      - It's time to celebrate the New Year.

      - Why didn’t you cut it down in the forest?

      - It's a pity, I'd better bring it.

      Purpose of the game: eliminate accompanying movements by performing targeted movements.

      Speech therapist. Let us remember, children, how some birds flew away to warmer lands. You are migratory birds. You, Alyosha, what kind of bird will you be?

      Alyosha. I will be a nightingale.

      Children can say: “I will be a swallow”, “I will be a cuckoo”, “And I will be a crane”, etc.

      Speech therapist. At first, the birds took a long time to learn to fly, they either raised their wings or lowered them. (Children smoothly raise their arms to shoulder level and lower them, bending their elbows, imitating the movements of wings.) The legs were also stretched: they bent, straightened, and then began to fly. (Children squat and stand up. Then, standing on one leg, they swing the other leg back and forth, bending it at the knee. The same is done with the other leg. Then they run in a circle on their toes, simultaneously imitating the movements of the wings with their hands.) Migratory birds flew away, and We still have wintering ones left. While the children are performing the movements, the speech therapist asks them questions: “Where did you fly to? For what? What do you eat?"

      Goal: elimination of accompanying movements and motor tricks by performing targeted ones.

      Progress of the game: the speech therapist reports that it is very cold outside and in order to go for a walk you need to dress warmly. The speech therapist follows him and the children “put on” a fur coat.

      Speech therapist. What did I wear?

      Children. You put on a fur coat.

      The speech therapist “puts on” the boots, and the children repeat. The speech therapist asks the question again: “What did I wear?” The children answer. Etc.

      Purpose of the game: to develop the ability to feel the rhythmic pattern of a poem.

      How to play: Children stand in a circle. The teacher is the leader. He has a ball in his hands. He begins a sentence and throws the ball - the child finishes the sentence and returns the ball to the adult:

      My favorite toy…

      My best friend….

      My favourite hobby….

      My favorite holiday….

      My favorite cartoon...

      My favorite fairy tale...

      My favorite song….

      Progress of the game: children stand in a semicircle in front of the speech therapist. The speech therapist says: “We will go to visit the doll Masha by bus. Who drives the bus?

      Children. The bus is driven by a driver.

      Speech therapist. Select a driver.

      Children choose a driver. He gets into the cabin of a bus built from chairs, the rest of the child passengers sit on the bus, buy tickets, and conduct dialogues.

      1st passenger. Please give the conductor five rubles.

      2nd passenger. Please take a ticket.

      1st passenger. Thank you.

      2nd passenger. Please.

      Speech therapist. Who checks the ticket?

      Children. The ticket controller checks the tickets.

      Speech therapist. Igor, you will be the controller, check the tickets.

      Igor. Your ticket?

      1st passenger. Please.

      Igor. Thank you. Your ticket.

      "Birthday Preparations"

      Progress of the game: children sit on chairs. The speech therapist reports that one of the children has a birthday soon (for example, Dasha), and all the children (including Dasha) need to prepare for this day, everyone goes to the store. The role of the seller is a speech therapist. He asks the children questions: “What do you want to buy? Who are you choosing a gift for? What toys do you like? Dasha, what will you treat your guests to? What will you buy?

      Progress of the game: Speech therapist: Guys, imagine that we came to Christina’s birthday. What should we do when Christina opens the door for us? Listen to see if I'm thinking correctly. I need to say hello to Christina.

      Speech therapist: We must congratulate her.

      Speech therapist: We need to give her a gift right away.

      Speech therapist: If we all give her gifts together right away, without undressing, Christina will be confused. It will not look solemn. It is better to give the gift later, in the room. Let's think about how we can all congratulate Christina at once. Perhaps you could read her a little poem. Do you think Christina will like it?

      Speech therapist: I propose to say the following lines:

      Happy Birthday Happy Birthday

      Happy jam and cookies day!

      Speech therapist: Now repeat it together so you don’t forget.

      Children: Happy birthday, happy birthday. Happy jam and cookies day!

      Speech therapist: Now we are ready, we can call the apartment.

      Children imitate the sound of a bell. Styopa imitates opening doors. Then the children recite the poem in chorus.

      Christina, thank the guys and invite them to come in. Say, “Thanks, guys. Please come in and take off your clothes.”

      Children walk through and imitate actions: unfasten buttons, take off outerwear, hats, boots.

      Speech therapist: Christina, we need to show the guys where to hang their coats. Say this: “You can hang your coat here.”

      Christina: You can hang your coat here.

      Speech therapist: Savely can’t reach the hanger, offer him help: “Savely, let me help you.”

      Christina: Savely, let me help you.

      Speech therapist: So we undressed. Christina, we need to invite the guys into the room. Say this: “Guys, please go into the room, make yourself comfortable.”

      Well done, Christina! You were very polite to the guys. They really liked everything. They promise you that they will come to visit you again.

      "Address to a passerby"

      Purpose of the game: formation of social relations.

      Progress of the game: Speech therapist: Guys, imagine, it’s time for us to go on a visit, and it’s bad to be late. Let's think about how to find out whether we are late or not if we don't have a watch. Perhaps we should turn to a passerby. Do you agree?

      Speech therapist: I will be a passerby. Andrey, ask me about the time. Ask like this: “Please tell me what time it is?”

      Kirill: Please tell me what time it is?

      Speech therapist-passerby: Ten minutes to ten.

      Kirill: Thank you very much!

      “Where did the table come from?”

      Progress of the game: A driver (table) is selected and the corresponding movements are performed according to the text.

      - You tell me, tell us, table,

      Where did you come to us from?

      (Children walk in a circle holding hands.)

      - I came from the forest.

      -What were you doing in the dense forest?

      - I was a creaking tree,

      The wind played with the leaves,

      I rocked the birds on the branches.

      - How did you swing the birds on the branches?

      I swung birds on the branches.

      (Sway from side to side.)

      - How did you become a table?

      “The loggers came and cut me down with a saw.

      How did they cut you down with a saw?

      - That's it, that's it,

      And they cut me down with a saw.

      - What happened to you then?

      “Then a timber truck arrived and took me to the factory.

      - How did he take you?

      - Like this, like this

      He took it to the factory.

      (Children run in a circle.)

      - What happened to you then?

      - And then, and then

      I became a beautiful table.

      - Where did you end up from the factory?

      He began to live in houses,

      Target. Education of continuous pronunciation of phrases, correct pausing, tempo, rhythm, intonation expressiveness of speech. Work on dialogical speech. Development of coordination of speech with movements.

      Progress of the game. Children lead a round dance. An adult in the role of winter enters, bows, addresses the children, the children perform movements according to the text, conduct a dialogue:

      - So I came to visit you!

      - We are very glad that you came!

      — Tell me, guys, how did you spend your day?

      - We'll tell you everything in order. We did exercises in the morning!

      - And then we sat down for breakfast and ate everything without a trace.

      - They started putting on fur coats, everyone went for a walk together

      - Like this and like this, and like this and like this.

      “And then they took shovels and raked away the fluffy snow.”

      - And then they took the brooms and swept away the fluffy snow.

      “Then they caught wet snow and made snowballs out of it.”

      — Then we went skiing.

      “Then they made a train out of a sled, and they carried each other in it.

      “Then we were called into the group, they cleared the snow from our clothes.

      “Then we had lunch and fell into a deep sleep.

      - Well, I see, kids, you had a nice day. Goodbye!

      - We are very glad that we came. Come tomorrow afternoon, we will sing a song for you.

      - Like this and like this, like this and like this (sing any familiar song).

      - I’m not in a hurry. If you ask, I’ll dance!

      Everyone dances together.

      "Preparing for the New Year"

      Children go to the store for the Christmas tree market. The role of the seller is a speech therapist. He asks the children questions: “What do you want to buy? Where will your Christmas tree be? What toys do you like? After this, the children go to the “winter forest” to get a Christmas tree. Preparing for a hike: find out by asking questions what to take with you into the forest, how to prepare skis, sleds, what to put in backpacks. During play, a speech therapist helps children develop a play situation. For example: “Let’s go, carry heavy backpacks” - children imitate the gait of people carrying heavy things. “We’re resting. We chop branches, dry twigs, make a fire. We warm ourselves by the fire and drink hot tea from a thermos.” Children act out these situations. Then they prepare a place for the tent, stretch it, and relax in the tent. After rest they go to the forest;

      They notice how deep the snow is, what birds and animals they noticed in the snowy forest. The children gathered in the clearing and, in response to the speech therapist’s questions, told who saw what.

      The speech therapist invites the children to invite the children to go for a walk in the winter forest. Children, answering the speech therapist’s questions, tell how they are going for this walk: putting on winter clothes, taking skis, sleds, thermoses with hot tea, etc. Children leave kindergarten on skis.

      Children walk in alternating steps, imitating skiing, and say the text:

      We're going skiing

      We're rushing down the mountain

      We love fun

      A speech therapist leads children into the winter forest:

      — We approached the river, on the other bank there was our forest. Now let's skate along the river. What are the skates jingling about?

      Children perform movements and say:

      We are running, we are running forward,

      On transparent strong ice,

      Speech therapist. Let's go to the forest. The snow in the clearing is fluffy, silvery, just begging to be picked up, let's play snowballs. (Children play to music.)

      Speech therapist. While you were playing, it began to snow, listen to how it falls:

      They rustled and barked.

      They squealed and clanged.

      Motorcycles crackled and slammed...

      — And it snowed the quietest of all. (Children spread their arms to the sides, raise their faces up, as if snowflakes are falling on them.)

      Speech therapist. We went out to the edge of the forest, from there there was a descent to the river, we went sledding. (Children stand in pairs one after another and “ride” on a sled, then make a snow woman. They froze, warmed themselves by the fire, drank tea, it became warmer and returned home on skis. They undressed and came back to the group.)

      Speech therapist. We had a nice walk in the forest. What did you ride?

      - Skiing, sledding, skating.

    3. INDEPENDENT SPEECH STAGE (14 - 18 weeks)
    4. (education of prepared independent speech based on the material of retelling and education of independent speech based on the material of the story)

      The tasks of cultivating independent speech based on retelling material: teaching word-for-word retelling of a prepared text with subsequent dramatization, retelling of events, actions based on materials from various games; fostering activity, independence, and voluntary behavior in all types of games.

      Week 1 – “Man. Its structure"

      Week 2 – “Family”

      Week 3 – “Professions”

      Week 4 – “Army”

      Week 2 – “Pets”

      Week 3 – “Poultry”

      Week 4 – “Spring”

      Week 1 – “Birds of Passage”

      Week 2 – “Space”

      Week 3 – “Transport. Traffic Laws"

      Week 4 – “City”

      Week 5 – “Theater”

      Week 1 – “Insects”

      Week 3 – Pisces

      Week 4 – “Flowering trees and shrubs. Flowers"

      Week 5 – “School”

      Progress of the game: The speech therapist tells the children that a book with poems fell on the floor, and words fell out of the last lines of the poems, asks the children to help return the words to their place. Gives instructions: “Listen to the poem, select the right one from several words - the one that suits the rhythm and meaning.”

      On the pole, branches, on the roof

      He builds nests where he is higher,

      Eats frogs that are caught

      With a long, white beak... (parrot, stork, swan)

      They are found in a variety of seas

      And they are dangerous if they are nearby.

      Can even eat a chair leg

      If it smells edible, - ... (fish, whale, shark)

      Who's flapping its wings?

      Is there any other flower more beautiful?

      And she looks like a bug

      Ballerina... (bird, butterfly, dragonfly)

      Purpose of the game: education of independent speech, correct tempo of pronunciation, voluntary behavior.

      Progress of the game: the speech therapist invites children to fly into space. To become an astronaut, you need to be smart. The speech therapist selects the person on duty and tells him: “Duty officer, play the game “What will the astronaut take on a flight?”

      The attendant hands out pictures: an umbrella, skates, a rocket, a watch, a book, a doll, a spacesuit, a pencil, a helmet, a toothbrush, a tape recorder, a tracksuit. Children select what the astronaut needs for the flight and make up a story, for example: “The astronaut will fly in a rocket. The rocket is his home. And the astronaut will take books, paper, and pen into his home. He will be in space observing the stars and recording. When he gets tired of working, he reads a book, relaxes, and listens to music. An astronaut needs to go into space. He has a spacesuit and helmet for this. To be strong and healthy, an astronaut does exercises in space. He needs a tracksuit."

      Speech therapist. I see that you are strong and trained, attentive and smart. But astronauts spend a long time in space, they are alone there, and it is important that they know how to joke, make each other laugh, and not give in to sadness. Now I’ll see who can tell the funniest poem or nursery rhyme.

      Children can tell the following:

      Come on, children, everyone to bed!

      It's time to sleep a long time ago

      It's already dark outside.

      And the owl to the owlets:

      Ready to sleep until morning!

      Night in the forest - it's time to get up!

      Little bunny, sit on me, I’ll give you a ride!

      No, no, I don’t want to, uncle hedgehog, I don’t want to!

      On the fence, felt boots were drying upside down,

      This means that these felt boots got wet upside down.

      Oh, you were scared of the hare who was gnawing cabbage!

      So I didn’t see the hare, I was scared by the crunch.

      Children evaluate whose nursery rhyme was the funniest and funniest.

      Speech therapist. And the last test. Astronauts keep in touch with the Earth both on television and radio. They must speak clearly, clearly, so that they are heard and understood on Earth. I will test you in this test too.

      On the aspen tree the dewdrops sparkled like mother-of-pearl in the morning.

      On the window, a cat deftly catches a tiny midge with its paw.

      Khariton has four crayfish and three newts in his aquarium.

      Yashka in a cap rides on a turtle.

      Near the bell stake.

      Thirty-three trumpeters sound the alarm.

      Chock-chock, the heel hit a twig.

      Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets.

      Hush, mice, cat on the roof.

      Goals: learning to retell, practicing pausing using the material of a poetic text.

      Progress of the game: the speech therapist says: “Let's show what we have been doing since the morning. What game should we play?

      Children: Marina's affairs

      Speech therapist: Masha, start!

      Got up early in the morning

      Each child performs one exercise to relax the muscles of the arms, legs, and neck.

      Speech therapist. Misha tried hard to do his exercise. Misha, continue exercising.

      Got up early in the morning

      Misha: And like this (shows). Igor made the bed most carefully. Igor, continue exercising.

      Igor: And like this (shows). Sashenka washed her face most carefully. Sasha, continue exercising.

      Sasha: She did this (imitates putting on a dress). Everyone dressed correctly, but Dima dressed best of all.

      She put me on the bus.

      Speech therapist: Remember what Marinka did. Anyone who remembers the order of Marinka’s case will tell us.

      The children retell the story, the speech therapist helps them with leading questions, and then asks everyone to evaluate their friend’s retelling.

      Target. Teach retelling using supporting pictures.

      Progress of the game. While reading the story, the speech therapist puts object pictures on the board. Children use supporting pictures to pronounce the story independently. When pronouncing each sentence, children reproduce its rhythmic-intonation pattern: they place their leading hand on the thigh near the knee and make light pressure with their fingers while pronouncing each word, excluding conjunctions and prepositions (methodology by L.Z. Harutyunyan).

      This is our street. On one side of the street there are multi-storey buildings. These are residential buildings - people live in them. On the other side of the street there are various institutions. Here is a grocery store, they sell food here. Here is a hairdresser, they do hair here. Here is a clinic, people are treated here. Here is a cinema where they watch films. And then the savings bank, where money is stored. There is a school next to it, children study here. In the middle of the street is a roadway with cars driving along it. But the sidewalks are for pedestrians. Our street is beautiful and convenient.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist reads the story and, in accordance with its content, places pictures on the playing field. The children retell it. When pronouncing each sentence, children reproduce its rhythmic-intonation pattern: they place their leading hand on the thigh near the knee and make light pressure with their fingers while pronouncing each word, excluding conjunctions and prepositions (methodology by L.Z. Harutyunyan).

      This is the road. Cars are driving along the road. Here comes a bus, it transports people. A dump truck is driving behind him, transporting cargo. Behind him is a fuel tanker, it transports gasoline. A milk tanker is moving behind the fuel tanker, carrying milk. And here is a car with traffic police in it. She keeps order on the road. There are many different types of transport on the street.

      Progress of the game. While reading the story, the speech therapist puts corresponding pictures of wild animals on the board. Children use supporting pictures to pronounce the story independently. When pronouncing each sentence, children reproduce its rhythmic-intonation pattern: they place their leading hand on the thigh near the knee and make light pressure with their fingers while pronouncing each word, excluding conjunctions and prepositions (methodology by L.Z. Harutyunyan).

      Adult animals and their cubs were walking in the forest. The kids ran away and got lost. The animals began to look for them. The bear found the cubs and took them to the den.

      The wolf found the wolf cubs and led them to the den. The fox found the cubs and led them into the hole. The squirrel found the squirrels and led them into the hollow. The badger found the badger cubs and led them into the hole.

      Creative retelling followed by dramatization

      "The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster"

      Target. Teach children to convey the content of a fairy tale sequentially, coherently, in compliance with the prosodic components of speech: pauses, intonation, soft voice delivery. Develop imagination, activity, expressiveness of movements in a dramatization game based on a fairy tale.

      1. Reading by a speech therapist of the fairy tale “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster.”

      Questions for children. Where did the fox and the hare live? What kind of hut did the fox have? What kind of hut did the hare have? What happened to the fox's hut in the spring? Who did the fox ask? What did the fox do with the hare? Who helped the bunny? Who drove the fox out?

      2. Retelling excerpts from a fairy tale.

      Speech therapist. They walked, walked, walked, and found a hut. Whose is it?

      Children. This hut is a rabbit hut.

      Speech therapist. Why did you decide so?

      One of the children retells a fragment of a fairy tale about a hare's hut.

      Speech therapist. Here's another hut. Whose is it?

      Children. This is the fox's hut. (Retell the corresponding passage of the fairy tale.)

      Speech therapist. Children, look what is lying by the stump?

      Children. Here is a basket, and in it are hats.

      Speech therapist. We found ourselves in a fairytale forest. You, Sasha, spin around and turn into a cockerel. (The children take turns turning into fairy tale characters.) I, too, will spin around and turn into a storyteller.

      3. Children dramatize a fairy tale.

      It's nice in the forest in spring,

      But it's time for us all to go home.

      One two three four five,

      Become kids again.

      Children spin around and take off their masks. The speech therapist asks questions, answering which the children retell episodes of the fairy tale.

      The tasks of independent speech based on the material of the story: to teach children a descriptive story, a story from memory, a creative story.

      “What did the postman bring us?”

      Equipment. Toys, package.

      Progress of the game. The toys are placed in a box - a parcel. The postman comes and brings a parcel. The teacher takes out the toy first. The speech therapist tells what she received: names the object, describes it, determines the shape, color. Can tell you how to play with it.

      Then the children take turns taking the toy and the box and telling the story according to the model given by the teacher.

      “When does this happen?”

      Equipment. Pictures of nature in different times of the year.

      Progress of the game. Children classify pictures according to the seasons, giving them descriptions: “In this picture, white snow is winter.” “The leaves are yellow, it’s raining – it’s autumn.” Etc.

      Equipment. A series of pictures “Zoo”, placed in different places of the room.

      Progress of the game The speech therapist invites the children to go to the zoo. Children go outside and get on the bus (children play the roles of conductor, passengers, driver). A bus with children drives up to the zoo, get off the bus, go to the ticket office, buy tickets and, presenting them to the controller, enter the zoo. The teacher takes the children to each cage with an animal, gives a sample description of this animal, then the children make up their own stories.

      Target. Teach children to write a descriptive story.

      Equipment. A picture of a pike.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist invites children to write a story about a pike. He helps if necessary.

      There is a pike in front of you. This is a river fish. She is predatory - she feeds on small fish. She has a head, gills, fins, a tail, and sharp teeth. Pike is covered with scales. You can cook fish soup from pike and make cutlets.

      Equipment. Pictures depicting items needed by a doctor.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist puts pictures on the board depicting objects needed by the doctor and offers to write a story about it.

      The profession of a doctor is very important. The doctor treats people. He works in a clinic and hospital. The doctor needs: a gown, a cap, a thermometer, a syringe, medications, prescriptions. The patient comes to the doctor and talks about his illness. The doctor helps the patient.

      Target. Strengthen the skill of descriptive storytelling in children.

      Equipment. Pictures of flowers.

      Progress of the game. Children sit around a table on which pictures lie face down. One child is a gardener. He goes around all the children and says: “I have a big garden. Come to me, Dima, pick something.” The child, whom the gardener called, chooses a picture for himself, looks at it and describes it so that the children guess which plant is picked.

      Then the child who drew the picture becomes a gardener. The game continues until all the pictures have been sorted out.

      Stories from memory

      “How we congratulated our soldiers”

      A sample story based on collective experience.

      Target. Teach independent storytelling.

      “We prepared in advance for Defender of the Fatherland Day. The group was decorated with balloons and flags. Then we drew greeting cards for dads and grandpas. And we also drew large drawings for the guests. I drew a tank - a tiger. It was large, with a muzzle and a hatch. Dad liked my drawing. He looked, smiled and said thank you.”

      Then the children play defenders of the Fatherland, assign roles, remember military professions, and who needs what.

      Sample stories based on individual experience.

      “On the weekend, I went to the circus with my mom and dad. We got there and undressed. There were a lot of people in the lobby, everyone was taking pictures with different animals. Then we went to our seats. The show was interesting. There were acrobats, aerialists, clowns, dogs, parrots, and in the second part there were tigers. I liked them the most. They followed the trainer's commands. I really enjoyed the circus."

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist invites the children to pack a backpack for school and talk about how they will do it.

      In the morning I will wake up, wash my face, have breakfast and get dressed. I'll put on... Then I'll put my school supplies in my backpack. I'll put... Then I'll zip up the backpack. I'll put on my shoes and close the door. I'll leave the house. I will go along the path to school.

      Sample stories based on the work done.

      Target. Teach the planning function of speech, retelling the work done.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist invites the children to make a silhouette of a cow from geometric shapes and talk about the work done.

      I made a silhouette of a cow from geometric shapes. The figures are made of cardboard.

      There are 11 figures in total: two squares, four triangles and five rectangles - one large and four small. For the body I took two squares; for the tail - one triangle; for the neck - also one triangle; for the ears - two triangles. For the muzzle I took a large rectangle. And for the legs - four small rectangles. I connected the shapes and it turned out to be a cow.

      Equipment. 11 geometric shapes (they are cut from a square measuring 10x10 cm).

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist invites the children to make a silhouette of a kitten from geometric shapes, then talk about the work done.

      I made a silhouette of a kitten from geometric shapes. The figures are made of cardboard.

      There are 11 figures in total: two squares, four triangles and five rectangles - one large and four small. For the body I took two squares, for the head - four triangles, for the legs - four small rectangles, for the tail - a large rectangle. I connected the shapes and I got a kitten.

      Topics of stories from memory: “Interesting adventure”, “Family holiday”, “Excursion”, “Walk”, “New book”, etc.

      Target. Education of independent speech.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist invites the children to come up with a story about summer.

      Summer has come. The sun began to get hotter. Many flowers have grown. Many insects appeared. They are everywhere: in the air, on the ground, in the trees, in the water. They fly, they flutter, they flutter, they crawl, they jump. Birds are singing all around. They catch insects and feed their chicks. Children and adults swim in the river and sunbathe on the shore. They go to the forest to pick mushrooms, berries and flowers. In summer people relax. This is my favorite time of the year.

      "Visiting the astronauts"

      Target. Cultivating independent speech, the ability to play creatively, fostering activity and initiative.

      Progress of the game. Speech therapist. To become an astronaut, you need to be strong and resilient. Let's practice.

      heels together, toes together, bend your back, inhale, make a mill with your hands, lower your hands down, exhale;

      sit down, back straight, arms down along the body, rising smoothly on your toes, inhale, squatting, exhale;

      hands on the belt, smoothly rising on the toes, inhale, stand on the toes - pause, lowering to a full foot, exhale.

      Speech therapist. To become an astronaut, you need to be attentive. I'll check if you're paying attention or not.

      To the quiet beats of the tambourine, the children walk in a circle, changing the beat means changing the direction of movement. The tambourine fell silent - the children stopped.

      Speech therapist. Well prepared. Our cosmonauts are about to fly into space. They had it there incredible adventures, and which ones you can come up with yourself.

      Target. Nurturing independent speech, activity, initiative, and creativity.

      Progress of the game. The speech therapist invites children to come up with a story about an uninhabited planet.

      “Once upon a time, two friends: Nikita and Aristarchus ended up at the cosmodrome. There the spaceship was preparing for departure. The boys wanted to see what was inside the ship. They sneaked onto the ship unnoticed, started playing and did not notice how the ship took off. When the guys woke up, the ship had already arrived on another planet. The astronauts got out, and the children also ran out of the ship unnoticed. There were mountains and sand. The children approached a high mountain, and an iron creature that looked like a dog ran towards them. The dog brought the children to its owners. These were robots. They turned out to be friendly. The children saw that many robots moved slowly. It turned out that there is acid rain on their planet and this causes the robots to rust and break down. The boys wanted to help the robots. They ran to the astronauts and told them everything. The astronauts were at first angry with the boys, but then they helped the robots and gave them lubricant. And the boys were made to promise that they would no longer run away without the permission of adults.

      They decided to call this planet “Zhelezyaka”.

      "Flight to Venus"

      “A research spacecraft has arrived on Venus.

      Believing that Venus was uninhabited, the astronauts wanted to take samples of soil and rocks from the planet's surface. But during the research, the astronauts encountered the inhabitants of the planet Venus - creatures covered with stone armor. These creatures turned out to be unfriendly. The astronauts could not defend themselves, and had to flee to the ship. It took them a lot of difficulty to raise the spaceship under a hail of stones. But the friendly work of all team members helped them escape and return to earth with samples.”

    5. Belyakova L.I., Dyakova E.A. Speech therapy. //Stuttering. A textbook for students of defectology faculties of higher pedagogical educational institutions. 2nd edition, expanded and revised. – M.: V. Sekachev, EKSMO-Press Publishing House, 2001.
    6. Volkova G. A. Game activity in eliminating stuttering in preschool children. – M., 1983.
    7. Vygodskaya I. B., Pellenger E. A., Uspenskaya L. P. Elimination of stuttering in preschoolers in play situations. A book for speech therapists. – M. “Enlightenment”, 1993.
    8. Mikhailova Z.A. Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers. – M.: Education, 1985.
    9. Nishcheva N.V. System of correctional work in a speech therapy group with general speech underdevelopment. – SPb.: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2003.
    10. Rozhdestvenskaya V.I. Speech education for stuttering preschoolers. – M, 1960.
    11. Seliverstov V.I. Speech games with children. M.: VLADOS, 1994.
    12. Smirnova L.N. Speech therapy for stuttering. Classes for children 5-7 years old in kindergarten. A manual for speech therapists, educators and parents. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006.
    13. Cheveleva N. A. Correction of stuttering in children. – M.: Education, 1964.
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    Logoneurosis is a problem in which a person cannot speak correctly due to speech defects that are formed due to mental disorders, stress, or are a congenital pathology. There are exercises for stuttering that can help you get rid of it permanently or temporarily.

    Causes of stuttering

    Logoneurosis is a violation of the tempo, rhythm and smoothness of the sound of the voice, which is caused by spasms of the labial or lingual muscles. A person begins to stutter suddenly, and the defect intensifies each time. Usually the disease manifests itself in childhood from 3 to 6 years, when speech is not fully formed.

    Causes of stuttering:

    • Psychological - associated with a person’s psychological state; sudden fear or a stressful situation can cause stuttering.
    • Physiological - logoneurosis as a result of the disease. It can be hereditary or infectious: rickets, whooping cough, measles.
    • Social - the result of abuse of a person in childhood.
    • Frequent quarrels in the house, punishment and beating of children lead to stuttering. It can be formed due to the careless attitude of parents to the sound of the child’s speech, which is fraught with omissions of letters and syllables, rapid, incoherent speech.

    Provoking causes of logoneurosis are the formation of speech defects due to overwork, after suffering from an illness, prolonged exposure to the TV screen or playing video games.

    Ways to get rid of illness for children

    To avoid the formation of logoneurosis in a child, parents must follow the rules of upbringing and daily routine.

    1. Having identified problems with speech, you should seek help from a speech therapist and psychologist. Doctors will help you cope with nervous tension and correct defects thanks to a variety of ways to produce sounds.
    2. Having taught children to proper nutrition, you will provide your little body with vitamins and energy for rapid development.
    3. By observing a sleep schedule (from 2 to 6 years old, 2–3 hours during the day, about 10 hours at night, over 7–8 hours at night and preferably 1 hour during the day), you will help your child cope with stress.
    4. By protecting your child from stress, not swearing in the presence of the child, and not using corporal punishment, you will create conditions for harmonious development.

    Methods for eliminating logoneurosis for adults

    To relieve an adult from stuttering, the cause of the disease is first determined. An experienced psychotherapist should find out and discuss it with the patient, and a speech therapist, based on the conclusion of the first one, will offer a method of getting rid of logoneurosis.

    1. Increase your self-esteem: stuttering can be directly related to complexes and fear of seeming inappropriate, fear of a large audience. To prevent these situations from causing speech defects, take up public speaking.
    2. Use affirmations to establish a positive psycho-emotional background.
    3. A set of phrases that need to be repeated can help: “I am healthy, my speech is fine,” “I am beautiful and healthy, I enjoy every day.”
    4. Avoid visiting crowded places where you feel uncomfortable.
    5. Perform breathing exercises when stuttering: every time you are nervous, you need to take a deep breath and exhale slowly several times, which will allow you to calm down and concentrate on the correct presentation of your thoughts.
    6. Train your speech correctly: using tongue twisters for stuttering is great for correcting minor speech impediments.

    Follow a daily routine: sleep 8 hours and eat right.

    General rules for performing exercises

    Exercises against stuttering can be performed at home; for this you need to follow the rules:

    • Inhalations should be short and quick.
    • As you exhale, you need to relax and push out the air without making noise.
    • The movements are carried out while inhaling; when exhaling, you should not make any effort.
    • When inhaling, maintain rhythm.
    • Counting to yourself to 8 will help you concentrate.
    • Gymnastics for stuttering should be performed in a comfortable position.

    Anti-stuttering techniques

    Using logorhythmics for correction - great way get rid of stuttering. The exercises can be done independently or with a trainer. When correcting speech defects, developing logical thinking and physical fitness they will help you get in shape quickly.

    Breathing exercises

    Articulatory gymnastics for stuttering is used to improve the general condition of the body and highly concentrate on pronunciation.

    1. Feet should be shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms should be bent at the elbows and pressed tightly to the sides, palms should be turned toward the floor. Take a deep breath, clench your palms into fists, exhale briefly, unclenching your hands. You need to repeat the exercise at least 5 times, pausing for a few seconds.
    2. Keep your back straight, legs together. Hands at your sides, clench your hands into fists and press them to your waist. As you inhale, lower your arms down towards the floor. When performing the exercise, tense your shoulder part. Repeat 10 times.
    3. Feet shoulder-width apart, take a deep breath and lean forward, try to reach the floor, your back should not be straight, but slightly rounded. Repeat 10 times.
    4. Stretch your arms forward and begin to slowly squat, turning your body to the side. Inhale as you squat, and as you exhale return to the starting position. 8 approaches in each direction.
    5. Hands at your sides, feet shoulder-width apart, body relaxed. As you inhale, hug yourself by the shoulders, slightly throwing your head back, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat 20 times. Pay attention to your health: if you are prone to fainting, do the exercise without tilting your head.
    6. Place your legs at a comfortable distance and bend down as you inhale, rise as you exhale. Then inhale and tilt the body back, exhale - starting position.
    7. As you inhale, stand up straight and relax, lower your head to your shoulder, while exhaling, take the starting position, repeat 10 times in each direction. The exercise should be done quickly.

    Breathing exercises for stuttering help improve the flow of oxygen to nerve endings and trigger brain activity.

    Working on breathing will improve the quality of diction and strengthen the muscles of the diaphragm.

    Rehearsals in front of the mirror

    A technique that all actors and announcers use is speaking the text while looking in the mirror. Thanks to frequent study of poetry, tongue twisters and other material, a person remembers how to pronounce words correctly.


    Meditation will help you stay calm by entering a state of light trance. This should be done in a calm, quiet environment, separating yourself from all problems. Relaxation in meditative practices is the main condition for the effectiveness of the procedure. Abstracting from problems, a person immerses himself in his own world, where he is healthy and is not interested in speech defects.

    Meditation will teach a person to breathe correctly and use his voice. To immerse yourself in a state of light trance, you need:

    • Turn on calm music.
    • Light the aroma lamp.
    • Essential oils

    Stuttering, as a consequence of neurosis, can be weakened with the help of aromatic oils, which have a calming effect. Lavender, tea tree, thyme will help you relax and free your thoughts from negativity.

    When taking a bath, you should add 4 drops of lavender to promote sleep and calm a person before an important event. Rubbing into the skin is also effective. You need to take a couple of drops of tea tree oil and rub it on your wrists and the hollow of your neck.


    Maintain silence when stuttering, this will help relieve stress on the vocal cords and relieve muscle spasms. During the day, use it to relax.

    Children can be offered a game during which they need to remain silent. For example, depict a sea animal.


    The exercise therapy complex will help get rid of muscle tone and spasms. Massage of the cervical collar area is used.

    You can use self-massage in the throat area. To do this, carry out stroking movements, rising from the base of the neck to the chin.

    Alternative Exercises

    Breathing exercises:

    • Sit comfortably and tilt your head forward, take a deep breath, hold the position for 5 seconds, exhale - starting position. Repeat 20 times.
    • Make circular rotations with your head to the left and right side 10 times, 2 approaches.
    • Sit comfortably and relax, raise your arms up for a deep breath, feel how the air fills your lungs, exhale - lower them, repeat 20 times.


    Exercise helps in treating the disease. A person is able to independently cope with the proposed breathing exercises and help himself in solving the problem of speech impediment.

    Stuttering (logoneurosis) in children appears due to tension or spasms in the speech apparatus, which contribute to stammering, stretching and repetition of words. Fluency of speech is impaired.

    Stuttering in children is accompanied by spasms of the vocal cords, tongue, lips, and breathing problems. Children suffer when talking.

    In trying to cope with stuttering on their own, children make the situation worse. Before starting treatment, parents should show the baby to a speech therapist, psychologist, or neurologist.

    What treatment for stuttering in children should be chosen at home?

    General information

    When stuttering, the rhythm, tempo, and smoothness of voice, speech, and breathing are disrupted. It often appears suddenly and gets worse. Logoneurosis may not manifest itself for a long time and may occur in a stressful situation.

    Causes of stuttering:

    1. Physiological. Diseases of the nervous system that are associated with birth trauma, hereditary predisposition and other factors. Stuttering occurs due to a disorder in the subcortical regions of the brain. The disease is also provoked by diseases of speech ailments (pharynx, larynx, nose), typhus, measles, whooping cough, rickets.
    2. Psychological. Sudden strong psycho-emotional shock. Many cases of stuttering in children over three years of age are associated with inappropriate behavior of animals.
    3. Social. Insufficient work of parents on the formation of the baby’s speech provokes rapid speaking. Sound pronunciation and pronunciation of words while exhaling are impaired. Stuttering can occur when studying several languages ​​at the same time, the child is overloaded educational material. Especially if the material is not age appropriate. The parents' attitude towards the child is too strict.
    4. Sometimes retraining left-handed to right-handed can also be a cause of stuttering.

    Provoking factors:

    • overwork;
    • illness;
    • troubles in the family, school;
    • excess protein foods;
    • the violation occurs during the period of tooth growth, during adolescence;
    • infectious diseases;
    • overgrowth of adenoids, making nasal breathing difficult.

    What to do if a child stutters?


    External manifestations vary depending on the cause and severity. But there are also common signs:

    1. Speech spasms. The baby begins to repeat the first letters or syllables in words: m-m-car, k-k-cow. It is also possible to develop a persistent stutter with pauses, gaps in speech: “h... hello, cat.”
    2. Breathing is impaired. Children who stutter do not use their diaphragms and their breathing is shallow.
    3. Wrong intonation. Speech becomes monotonous, inexpressive, and unemotional. Intonation and content do not match. A person who stutters sometimes appears irritable and rude.
    4. Changes in the mental sphere, which come out through certain reactions of the body: sweating, cheeks turn red, heart rate increases, fear of speaking in public, enuresis, nervous tics, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, poor appetite, sudden mood swings.

    How to cure stuttering in a child?


    Treatment of stuttering in preschool children includes a number of activities that are aimed at strengthening the child’s nervous system and developing speech skills.

    A favorable atmosphere in the family is the main aspect that should help the baby heal. The atmosphere should be friendly and calm. If parents fully communicate with a stuttering child, this will help him faster than medication.

    Often stuttering appears during intensive speech development, at 2-3 years, when it is very difficult to diagnose the presence of a problem. How to rid a child of stuttering at home?

    1. It is necessary to save the child from a psychologically traumatic situation. If this happened in kindergarten, you must temporarily refuse to attend (at least 1-2 months). Early action will improve the prognosis.
    2. Sometimes it helps the child change of scenery, moving, trip to the country, travel, sea.
    3. There should be a gentle speech regime at home. If symptoms worsen, you can play “Silence” and communicate with your child using gestures.
    4. Children should not read books that are not age appropriate. You can't read him scary stories at night.. The child will be constantly afraid of something. You need to start by looking at the pictures. You can make up your own stories.
    5. Television programs and cartoons tire and overstimulate a child. Especially those viewed before bedtime or not appropriate for his age.
    6. If parents overindulge the child and fulfill all his whims, even a slight contradiction to his desires can traumatize his psyche.
    7. The requirements for the child must correspond to his age.
    8. You can’t overload him with too many impressions. during the recovery period. Also, failure to adhere to the regime at this time can lead to stuttering.
    9. Parents should not intimidate the child or leave him alone in the room, especially if it is poorly lit, punish. As punishment, you can force him to sit quietly in a chair for a while or deprive him of participation in his favorite game.
    10. In kindergarten or school, educators or teachers should establish contact with a stuttering child, try to eliminate the causes of this disease, and not focus attention on this pathology. He needs to be careful not to be teased by other children..
    11. You need to speak to your child clearly and smoothly, don’t tear a word away from another, don’t rush. But you cannot speak in syllables or in a chant.
    12. You should treat him evenly and not exaggerate your demands. He will benefit from getting closer to the most balanced children. He will imitate them and learn to speak expressively and fluently.
    13. Children who stutter are not involved in games that may be overstimulating or require participants to make individual speeches. But at the same time, Such children will benefit from round dance games or games that require choral responses.
    14. A child who stutters should not be asked first in class.. It is better to ask him after a student who answered the question well. If the child answers hesitatingly or cannot begin, the teacher should help him pronounce the phrase or distract him with another question.
    15. Music, dancing, singing classes are very useful. They develop correct speech breathing, a sense of tempo and rhythm.
    16. Children who stutter must be under the supervision of a speech therapist and neuropsychiatrist at all times.
    17. If stuttering started due to jealousy to a younger brother or sister, the mother should pay enough attention to the older one and involve him in family affairs. You can give him his old toys if he wants.
    18. They help Board games, cubes, lotto, mosaic, constructors, drawing(anything and anywhere). You can draw with your finger on foggy glass, with chalk, with your palm, with watercolors, gouache, with or without a brush. Improves finger motor skills. Modeling from clay and plasticine is useful. Clay is more pliable; plasticine can activate some physical obstacles. Playing with water, sand or snow is soothing.
    19. Many children who stutter can speak without hesitation with small children, toys, animals, or with a mask on their face. You can invent performances and give the child the role of a courageous and independent person. You can use masks of animals or fairy-tale characters. Such performances are used in the technique of play therapy. Nervous tension and fears are eliminated, personal conflicts are resolved.
    20. If your baby is hysterical or crying, he should not speak out loud.. A sob provokes the repetition of syllables and words even in adults. The child needs to be calmed, distracted, and picked up. He should know and feel that his mother is always there and will protect him.
    21. There is no need to rush the child. If you need to hurry so as not to be late somewhere, you need to better organize time or help him eat or get dressed quickly.
    22. If your baby absolutely does not want to sleep during the day, you should not force him.
    23. Some children who stutter fidget with small objects. This helps them release tension.


    Breathing exercises for stuttering in children will make the voice more natural and freer. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the entire respiratory system.

    The diaphragm is trained, the process of voice formation is involved, breathing becomes deeper, and vocal cords more mobile.


    • Do not practice in a dusty or damp room.
    • you can’t exercise after eating;
    • the child should be dressed in loose clothing that will not restrict movement;
    • the child should not be overtired; if he is ill, classes should be postponed;
    • dose classes and pace;
    • the inhalation should be short and sharp, the exhalation should be calm and silent;
    • movements should only be inhaled, in a marching rhythm;
    • counting in gymnastics by 8, counting mentally;
    • breathing exercises are performed standing, sitting, even lying down.

    Sets of exercises to correct stuttering:

    1. "Palms". Stand up straight, bend your arms at the elbows, showing your palms to the audience and pointing your elbows down. Take a noisy short breath, bending your palms. Then exhale freely and silently. Perform 2 times with 4 breaths. Pause between them for 4 seconds, lower your hands.
    2. "Epaulettes". They stand up straight, clench their fists, and press them to their waist. Push your fists down as you inhale, tense your shoulders, and stretch your arms toward the floor. Perform 8-12 times. You should not raise your fists above your waist.
    3. "Pump". Stand up straight, legs slightly apart, shoulder-width apart. You need to stretch your straight arms to the floor, at the same time lean forward and take a noisy breath. The back is rounded. Perform 4 movements, repeat 12 times.
    4. "Cat". Stand up straight, arms along the body, legs shoulder-width apart. They squat, as if dancing, at the same time make a turn to the right and take a noisy breath. Straighten up and take a calm breath. Squat again, turning to the left. Repeat 12 times for 8 breaths.
    5. "Hug Shoulders". The arms are bent at the elbows and directed downwards. Inhale noisily, arms sharply hug yourself by the shoulders, exhale freely. Perform 12 times with 8 breaths each.
    6. "Pendulum". Feet shoulder width apart. They lean forward, reach their hands to the floor, and take a sharp, noisy breath. Lean back, inhaling sharply.
    7. "Head Turn". Feet shoulder width apart. The head is turned to the right simultaneously with a noisy inhalation. Turn your head to the left at the same time as you exhale imperceptibly. Should not be done with breaks or pauses.
    8. "Ears". Feet shoulder width apart. Tilt your head to the right, ear to shoulder, inhaling noisily through your nose. After the left ear to the shoulder, inhale. They shake their heads a little from side to side. They look straight ahead.
    9. "Pendulum head". They lower their head, look at the floor with a sharp breath. They raise their heads, look at the ceiling, take a noisy breath. An imperceptible exhalation while moving the head to another position.
    10. "Roll". Left leg put forward, right back on the toe. Squat down, transfer the weight of the body to the right leg with a noisy inhalation. I exhale, squat, transfer the weight to my left hand with a sharp inhalation.
    11. "Forward Step". Feet shoulder width apart. The left leg is raised to the waist, bent at the knee. The toe of the left foot is pulled towards the floor. Lightly squat on the right leg while inhaling sharply. The same is done with the right leg. Your back should be straight, your gaze straight ahead, your head should not be tilted. A sharp inhalation should come with a sharp movement, the exhalation should be calm and unnoticeable.
    12. "Backward Step". The left leg is sharply pulled back, and the right leg is squatted lightly. Noisy breath. The same with the right leg. Do 4 exercises, 8 approaches.

    How to eliminate stuttering with the help of speech therapy and logorhythmic exercises?

    Speech therapy and logorhythmics

    Speech therapy exercises are aimed at improving the mobility of the articulatory apparatus. Speech becomes clear.

    Exercises should be repeated at every opportunity, and the child should enjoy these activities.

    Logorhythmics uses exercises accompanied by music and movements. You need to start with breathing exercises:

    1. Blow soap bubbles.
    2. Blow dandelions, fluff or cotton wool from a notebook sheet.
    3. Blow on a paper boat. He is put into a bowl of water, then the child must blow, competing to see whose boat can float farther. If you blow for more than 7 seconds, your child will become dizzy.
    4. Puff out your cheeks and hold your ears. Show and hide the tongue. Make a little face in front of the mirror.
    5. Inflate the balloons. Buy colorful balloons and inflate them with your child. Then deflate them and inflate them again.

    Exercises for stuttering:

    1. The child walks in a circle and at every step says, “We are a funny carousel, opa-opa-opa-pa-pa, tatati-tati-tata.”
    2. Jumps on the right and left legs, saying alternately: “Clap-top-clap! Oof-iv-af! Up-tap-tap! Tap-tip-rap-rap-tip-tap!”
    3. The parent rhythmically waves his arms (like a conductor), and the child chants any words, syllables, vowels.
    4. The child claps his hands for each vowel sound. If this works, add a foot stamp for each vowel sound. The child should not be afraid or embarrassed.
    5. Invite the child to read a short children's poem to calm music. The child should not break the rhythm. Gradually, provided that this exercise is successfully completed, longer and more complex poems are taken. The child can recite a poem he knows, but must keep in time with classical or instrumental music.
    6. It is useful to “slap” poems. Clap on the downbeat of the verse: “Our Tanya is Crying Loudly...”

    Also, in combination with other exercises, voice and articulation exercises will help.

    To relieve a child from stuttering, a special massage is given. It will help eliminate logoneurosis with acupressure. Acupressure for stuttering in children restores and regulates the speech center.

    The specialist applies pressure to acupuncture points (sensitive points) on the head, neck and shoulders. Apply pressure only with the pads of your fingers and perform massaging circular movements.

    This massage will relieve tension from facial muscles, will calm the nervous system. Movements must be smooth and careful, otherwise the ligaments may be damaged.

    Massage is given to young children at the first symptoms of stuttering. Full body massage is also provided for general wellness therapy.

    A relaxing bath will help. While swimming, you can do exercises, but with play. This will make it easier to interest the child.

    During play, a child's brain activity increases. In warm spring and summer, it is useful to do exercises in the fresh air.

    Classes must be regular. This is the only way to restore the speech apparatus.

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    • Causes
    • Symptoms
    • Diagnostics
    • Treatment
    • Forecasts
    • Prevention

    The formation of speech in children is a very complex process in which the respiratory tract, lungs, glottis, soft palate, teeth, tongue, lips, and brain are involved. If there is a malfunction in the functioning of any of these organs, and even more so in the brain structures, speech problems may be diagnosed. Among them, the most common is stuttering, which is defined as a periodic spasm of the upper respiratory tract, leading to difficulty pronouncing words. Some doctors equate it with neuroses.

    This phenomenon interferes with the child’s social adaptation, and in its advanced form will affect his further success in education. It is very important to help people who stutter at an early stage of speech development in order to cope with this illness before school.


    The disease is described even in ancient historical manuscripts, but the causes of stuttering in children became clear only thanks to the Russian scientist I.P. Pavlov, who, having formulated the concept of higher nervous activity, helped to understand the origin of neuroses. Violations can be determined by internal or external factors.

    Brain pathologies

    Predisposition to diseases of this nature can be explained by the following reasons:

    • heredity;
    • intrauterine infections during pregnancy;
    • fetal hypoxia;
    • prematurity;
    • birth injuries;
    • choleric temperament.

    In most cases, this kind of problem is determined by genetic abnormalities. If a child began to stutter as soon as he learned to speak, the reasons should be sought specifically in brain pathologies.

    External influences

    But if a child begins to stutter later, at 3-4 years old, the reasons must be sought in external circumstances. The disease could be triggered by the following factors:

    • CNS infections: meningitis, encephalitis;
    • brain injuries: concussion, bruise;
    • diabetes;
    • functional immaturity of the cerebral hemispheres in children under 5 years of age: such stuttering goes away without medical intervention;
    • infections of the ears, upper respiratory tract;
    • diseases that provoke weakening of the body: worms, rickets, frequent acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections;
    • concomitant diseases, secondary conditions: insomnia, enuresis, increased fatigue, nightmares;
    • psychological trauma: from fright, fear, chronic stress;
    • improper upbringing: spoiling, pampering, or, on the contrary, too high demands;
    • problems with the formation of children's speech: if the parents themselves speak quickly and nervously;
    • imitation of adults.

    Parents must understand why their child stutters: this will help choose the right course of treatment and protect him in the future from such provoking factors (meaning external).

    A lot depends on the emotional environment in which he grows up. If it is favorable, the baby feels parental care (in moderation), is not deprived of love, has never experienced serious stress, and has no problems with speech. If everything is exactly the opposite and the family suffers from constant conflicts, the baby becomes pinched, and as a result he is diagnosed with stuttering in one form or another.

    Through the pages of history. First detailed description stuttering can be found in the writings of Hippocrates, and this is the 4th century BC. e.


    The clinical picture of the disease is characterized by one very important feature. If stuttering is caused by neurosis, it intensifies with psycho-emotional stress, but practically disappears in a calm environment.

    If the cause is brain pathology, the problem will be permanent. In this case, muscle spasms of the tongue, larynx, palate, and diaphragm manifest themselves in various speech disorders:

    • forced pause at a certain place in the word: dog;
    • repetition of the same sound when the child stutters on the first syllable or sound: s-s-dog, so-so-dog;
    • combination of two previous types speech disorder.

    Additional symptoms of stuttering are:

    • tension, nervousness of the child;
    • grimacing, which in certain cases reaches nervous tics;
    • isolation, which can develop into social phobia;
    • psychological discomfort during communication;
    • neurological disorders: tearfulness, irritability, various phobias, aggressiveness, poor sleep.

    Stuttering creates logophobia in a child - this is the fear of verbal communication with other people. He expects his failures in advance, is afraid of misunderstanding and ridicule, withdraws and refuses to talk. That is why the role of adults in his life is so important: they must help him overcome all these barriers.

    Correction of speech disorders is possible and brings good results with regular classes, but everything will depend on what form of stuttering the baby suffers from.

    With the world - one by one. The most famous stutterers are the prophet Moses, the orator Demosthenes, the physicist Isaac Newton, the writer Lewis Carroll, the beautiful Marilyn Monroe, the politician Winston Churchill, the actor Bruce Willis and many others.


    Exist different kinds stuttering, each of which is characterized by its own characteristics and requires a specific correction scheme. On this moment Over time, there are several classifications of this speech disorder.

    Depending on the reason:

    • pathological/genetic stuttering is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the brain;
    • nervous is explained by problems with the nervous system.

    Depending on the speech:

    • tonic stuttering, when a child makes a forced pause at a certain place in a word;
    • clonic, when there is a repetition of the same sound, syllable or word;
    • mixed, when a combination of tonic and clonic stuttering is diagnosed.

    Depending on the form of the disease:

    • a permanent form in which stuttering is a constant companion of the child in any situation;
    • wave-like form, when it increases or decreases from time to time, but does not go away at all;
    • a recurrent form is the appearance of stuttering after a period of its absence.

    When examining a child, a speech therapist identifies the type of stuttering he has and after that prescribes one or another correction method, each of which is selected individually. The main thing is to take the baby to a specialist on time and complete the entire treatment path. And you have to start with the usual diagnostics.

    Interesting fact. According to historical sources, in Ancient Rome stuttering was treated by cutting the tongue.


    A comprehensive examination of children with stuttering involves consultation with the following specialists:

    • speech therapist;
    • pediatrician;
    • neurologist;
    • psychologist;
    • psychiatrist.

    Using various tests and instrumental examinations, doctors check:

    • medical history;
    • heredity;
    • information about the early development of the child - psycho-speech and motor;
    • circumstances and time of stuttering;
    • localization, shape, frequency of speech spasms;
    • features of speech rate, voice, breathing;
    • accompanying disorders (motor or speech);
    • logophobia.

    Children who stutter are examined for sound pronunciation, lexical and grammatical content of speech, and phonemic hearing. The speech therapy report contains a description of the form, degree of stuttering and the nature of the seizures. The pathology must be differentiated from tachylalia, dysarthria, and stumbling.

    To identify organic damage to the nervous system, a neurologist may prescribe:

    • rheoencephalography;
    • MRI of the brain;
    • EchoEG.

    Only after all these examinations can doctors tell how to cure stuttering in a child in one case or another, because each of them is individual and almost unique. Complete recovery can only be guaranteed regular classes, perseverance, desire and strict adherence to all recommendations of specialists. Treatment must be comprehensive.

    According to statistics. Stuttering is diagnosed in 4% of children and only 2% of adults.


    What does comprehensive treatment of stuttering in children mean? It involves the correction of speech disorders in several directions at once. Not only professionals in specialized conditions should work with the child. Much depends on home activities, which must be organized by the parents themselves. This is the only way to get rid of this pathology forever and send your child to school without any complexes.

    Professional correction

    It is quite logical that parents are interested in which doctor treats stuttering in children: a neurologist and psychologist determine only its causes, a psychotherapist can prescribe, if necessary medications. But only a speech pathologist-speech therapist eliminates primary and secondary disorders of speech function with the help of specific correction programs selected individually.

    There are special speech therapy exercises which allow you to work on the fluency of children's speech and develop breathing when speaking. As a result, the child overcomes the stuttering barrier and begins to speak at the right pace. Classes will be effective only if the environment is favorable.

    • Funny carousels

    The speech therapist and the child slowly, measuredly walk in a circle and at each step say the phrase: “We are funny carousels - oops-opa-opa-pa-pa, tatati-tati-tata.”

    • Conductor

    The speech therapist rhythmically waves his hands. For each swing, the child chants vowels, syllables, words - whatever he wants.

    • Happy chickens

    The child alternately jumps on one leg or the other, pretending to be a chicken and each time changing the usual phrase: “Clap-clap-clap! Tap-tap-tap! Oof-iv-af! Tap-tip-rap-rap-tip-tap!”

    • Teddy Bear

    The speech therapist pronounces various words into a chant, very slowly. For each vowel sound, the child must clap his hands. Gradually the exercise becomes more complicated: along with the slam, he must also stomp his foot.

    • Artists

    Invite your child to recite any short poem by heart, but in a sing-song voice, accompanied by calm music (it is better to take a classic or an instrumental melody). The task is to get on the beat. If the little patient completes the task well, you can take a longer poem.

    However, correction of stuttering in preschool children is not limited only to fun speech therapy exercises. Since this is not only a psychological and speech problem, but also a physiological one, it requires the intervention of other specialists in the treatment process. For example, a massage therapist.


    To eliminate your child’s stuttering, sign him up for a massage with a specialist. It is not recommended to do it yourself at home, because you can accidentally damage the muscle or larynx. Only an experienced children's massage therapist specializing specifically in the treatment of speech disorders can guarantee the effectiveness of the procedure.

    The basic rules for carrying it out are as follows:

    • slow and leisurely pace;
    • creating an atmosphere of calm, comfort and warmth for the little patient;
    • the sound of soothing music;
    • warm hands of a masseur.

    The procedure is carried out sequentially in zones:

    1. upper shoulder girdle;
    2. facial muscles;
    3. lips;
    4. larynx.

    The main goal of such a massage is to relax the muscles that are in constant tone in a stutterer. The full course consists of 12 procedures. If necessary, it is repeated after 2 weeks.

    In order for speech therapy correction of stuttering in children and massage to be most effective, doctors may recommend drug therapy for disorders of the nervous system.


    Anti-stuttering medications are prescribed only for severe mental and nervous system disorders. For the most part, these are anticonvulsants, sedatives or tranquilizers (in extreme cases). It can be:

    • Phenibut;
    • Galoper;
    • Haloperidol in different variations: decanoate, acri, apo, ratiopharm;
    • Glycine;
    • Gopantam;
    • Pantogam;
    • Pentocalcin;
    • Senorm;
    • Tenoten;
    • Magne B6;
    • Citral;
    • Phenazepam;
    • Tazepam;
    • Sibazon;
    • Elenium.

    You can also find a homeopathic cure for stuttering for children, which will also have a powerful calming effect. Large selection:

    • Notta;
    • Baby Ced;
    • Nervochel;
    • Valerianahel;
    • Bunny;
    • Leovit;
    • Edas;
    • Naughty;
    • Dormikind.

    You cannot independently select medication treatment for stuttering for a child. If the nature of the speech disorder is not at all a problem of the nervous system, such therapy will aggravate the patient’s condition. Only a neurologist or psychotherapist can advise you on this issue. Even herbal medicine is not always indicated.

    Folk remedies

    Sometimes doctors may recommend treating stuttering in children with folk remedies, i.e., sedative herbs. You can collect them yourself, or you can buy ready-made pharmaceutical preparations and brew them in dosages recommended by a specialist.

    Help relieve tension:

    • valerian;
    • motherwort;
    • herbal mixture of dry mint, valerian, nettle, chamomile;
    • gargling with a decoction of white ash or fragrant rue;
    • nettle juice;
    • goose cinquefoil;
    • hops and heather;
    • viburnum berries.
    • honey (in any form).

    If a child stutters, parents should understand that simply rinsing with herbal decoctions and honey compresses on the tongue will not be able to eliminate such a severe speech disorder. They will only help the main course of therapy, but are not an independent and full-fledged direction in the treatment of childhood stuttering. Game activities will be much more effective.


    To support speech therapy exercises and enhance their effectiveness, parents can conduct games for children who stutter at home.

    You should not select them yourself: it is better to consult with a specialist who is already working with the child. Taking into account his individual speech development (read about norms and deviations of speech development for children 3-4 years old here), the defectologist will select the most optimal options. Here are the most popular ones.

    • Unlucky artist

    The child looks at the pictures and names inconsistencies with reality: for example, autumn is depicted, but the leaves on the trees are green. The competitive aspect is important here: he must do it as quickly as possible.

    • Farm

    The child must repeat, after the adult, the sounds made by various pets. At first he does it slowly, in a sing-song voice, trying not to stutter. As soon as he starts to succeed, the pace needs to be accelerated.

    • Creation

    If the child draws well, invite him to draw something and at the same time give comments, tell him what he is depicting. Usually, in a creative impulse, tension is relieved and speech becomes smoother. Instead of drawing, it could be sculpting, singing or other hobbies.

    Playful activities with children who stutter at home train and reinforce correct speech and behavior skills in difficult conditions. This is a unique, but very necessary bridge for transferring acquired skills from gaming conditions to ordinary ones. And most importantly, the child learns to behave correctly in different speech situations, which develops in him the necessary attitude towards others and the team.

    Breathing exercises

    Breathing exercises, which are carried out first with a specialist, then with parents at home, will help relieve a child from stuttering. The technique of A. N. Strelnikova is especially popular.

    Its task is development correct breathing with impaired speech functions. It is ideal for classes with children both 3 years old and 6 years old, i.e. age restrictions No. Includes breathing exercises that combine short and sharp inhalations with movements. The activity of various parts of the body provokes a rush of oxygen to the tissues.

    • Pump

    The child takes a vertical position. Hands down. He takes a short, sharp breath, leaning forward at the same time. The back is rounded, the head goes down. Then he rises slightly, while exhaling (either through the nose or through the mouth).

    The entire exercise should consist of 8 breaths, 12 repetitions with an interval of 5 seconds. But the child may not immediately cope with such a volume. Come to it gradually. If your baby complains of dizziness or lower back pain, let him try the “pump” from a sitting position next time.

    Since this breathing exercise puts a colossal load on various organs, there are several contraindications for its implementation: head injuries, problems with the spine, high blood pressure(and any - arterial, intraocular or intracranial), stones, myopia, poor health, exacerbation of any diseases.

    • Hug your shoulders

    This exercise is performed from a vertical position. The arms are bent, the hands are raised at shoulder level. The child should bring them towards each other, while simultaneously taking a short, noisy breath. He should seem to hug himself by the shoulders, while his elbows converge on his chest.

    At correct execution exercises, the arms should be parallel to each other, and not, as often happens, crosswise. At the moment of exhalation (it can be done through the mouth or through the nose), the arms diverge, forming a square. The total number of breaths is 8. In total, the exercise must be done 12 times at short intervals. Contraindications: heart failure and other serious diseases.

    These breathing exercises will help cure stuttering in preschool children so that there are no problems with learning. In two months, with correct technique their implementation, deep and smooth breathing appears, which was not there before. And the next examination will show that the vocal cords have become flexible and mobile.

    Parents must understand that it is impossible to treat stuttering in children at home without the involvement of specialists. To eliminate this serious speech deficiency, massage, speech therapy exercises, and medication therapy are needed. Only a set of measures will give the desired result.

    This is interesting! In 1841, Dieffenbach, a German surgeon, proposed treating stuttering by removing part of the tongue muscles.


    Naturally, every parent worries about whether a child’s stuttering can be cured. Forecasts depend on many factors (the patient’s age and the form of the disease), and in each case they are individual:

    • if treatment was carried out in a timely manner, it will be much easier to get rid of the pathology;
    • if there are congenital pathologies of the speech apparatus, the prognosis promises to be no longer so favorable;
    • recovery also depends on the form of stuttering: respiratory spasms can be treated easier and faster than tonic ones;
    • the greatest effect can be achieved if the child is only 3-5 years old: starting from the age of 12, the disorder is no longer so easy to correct;
    • Under the influence of psychological factors, stuttering may cause a relapse of the disease.

    The main thing is that parents must understand what to do if a child stutters: help him in any way, involve specialists, create a favorable psychological atmosphere. And it’s even better to do everything possible to prevent this problem from arising at all, that is, engage in prevention.

    Did you know that... Is there an international stuttering association that has its own Charter on the rights and responsibilities of all people who stutter?


    Stuttering in children can be avoided with the help of appropriate preventive measures:

    1. Creating a friendly, supportive atmosphere in the family.
    2. No conflicts between parents.
    3. Exclude horror stories and films from a child's perspective.
    4. If your baby is afraid of the dark, be sure to leave the lamp on at night.
    5. Give him more love and care, but at the same time do not pamper him or overestimate his demands.
    6. We need to protect him from psychological trauma.
    7. Mother's careful attitude towards her health during pregnancy.

    As practice shows, calm children who grew up in a favorable atmosphere and do not experience a lack of parental love and care rarely suffer from stuttering, if the problem is not due to inheritance or genetics.

    If this does happen, you don’t need to consider your child special and different from everyone else. This speech disorder is a common condition that can be cured. This should give hope for recovery and full social adaptation.