Soccer ball sizes 4 and 5. Buy balls at a good price. Other criteria and companies

Today we’ll talk about a rather banal topic. We will discuss the size of a soccer ball, or rather the FIFA standards that they impose for gaming areas if it is necessary to hold some kind of official game. You can kick in your yard of any quality, but on professional level this will not be allowed.

So, our goal for today is to figure out what criteria are used to evaluate modern soccer balls, what sizes they come in, and what certificates they are awarded.


Since football rules are the same for everyone and are followed in all countries of the world, this means that the size of a football should be fixed for each type of football. This unity of standards applies only to those matches that take place under the auspices of FIFA, but, as you yourself understand, these are almost all serious competitions on our football planet.

Oddly enough, there are uniform standards for balls that all manufacturers must adhere to. For those who are not in the know, these standards were once developed by the Danes Select Sport at the request of FIFA.

Compliance with established standards is awarded with three special logos, but before you learn about their purposes, you first need to understand how exactly they are tested.

Ball tests

Today, all balls for official games are tested for 8 main parameters:

  1. Sphericity.
  2. Circle size.
  3. Moisture resistance.
  4. Bounce height.
  5. Holding pressure.
  6. Balance.
  7. Strength.

The table below shows more detailed figures for each item for big football.

It's the same thing, but for futsal.

How is testing done? Yes, it’s very simple: take a ball, inflate it with compressed air to 0.8 bar and at an air temperature of approximately 20 degrees (relative humidity within 65%) it is tested for 24 hours.

And here, in fact, is the table of ball sizes.


The presence of a “stamp” from FIFA indicates that the size of the soccer ball, as well as its other parameters, are normal, that everything has been checked by serious adults who have given the green light to use the sphere for playing at the highest level.

These logos come in the following types:

  1. FIFA Approved. Indicates FIFA approval. The highest quality standard. In addition to the eight tests above, to achieve this standard, the ball is additionally tested for strength by hitting a steel plate 2000 times at a speed of 50 km/h. If the ball retains its original characteristics after such abuse, it receives the highest quality stamp.
  2. FIFA Inspected. For this standard, it is enough to pass only 6 out of 8 tests.
  3. IMS. An analogue to this standard is FIFA Inspected. The quality is the same, but in official games can not use. This is a note for those who want to buy a quality ball, but do not want to overpay for unnecessary logos from the main football office.

The thing is that the certified companies that FIFA trust to test do not do it for free, of course. Let's say these experts found out the size of a soccer ball and received their penny, which was already included in the cost of the ball. And the more expensive the testing, the more expensive the ball will ultimately cost.

This is another hint that if you need a good ball for training and games not at the official level, it will be enough to choose a model with the IMS logo and you will be happy.

To play basketball you should choose the ball wisely. This item is the main thing you need on the basketball court.

It seems that all the balls are the same: round, tightly inflated, orange, with black stripes. However, they vary in size.

The whole point is who is it for? Sports Equipment.

Basketball sizes: numbers 3, 5, 6, 7. Which ones don't exist?

Basketball accessories may look the same, but... have a gradation in diameter and weight.

This is due to the fact that different teams play with balls of different sizes: men's, women's, children's and mini-basketball teams.

The smallest ones are used for dribbling training players.

Issued V four options : these are sizes with numbers 7, 6, 5 and 3. There are no other sizes.

  • Seven: diameter - 749-780 mm, weight 567-650 g.
  • Six: 724-737 mm, 510-567 g.
  • Five: 690-710 mm, 470-500 g.
  • Three: 560-580 mm, 300-330 g.

Standard and large diameter

"Sevens"- the largest of those officially accepted. However, accessories are also standard according to FIBA. size six(they play with these slightly smaller shells women's teams).

Dependence on the player's age

If we are talking about young basketball players, then with big and heavy balls It’s too early for them to work. It’s too difficult to hold a “grown-up” object in small hands, and even to throw a weighty projectile to the basket - problem. For them, a smaller and lighter option is optimal.

How do children play basketball?

Suitable size basketballs for children 5 : this is how children's teams play at competitions according to age up to 12 years. Besides, "fives" are used during mini-basketball competitions.

Photo 1. A boy holds a basketball of the correct size for him in his hand under the guidance of a coach.

If the athlete is very small, a beginner, then for the first single training they occasionally take "threes".

Which one is suitable for men?

Men play with big and heavy balls - "sevens". The standard of such a projectile is free: the difference in mass fluctuates around almost 100 grams. In other categories this parameter is less.

Factors to consider when choosing

Choosing a basketball accessory by size - important point, but pay attention not only to the dimensions. There are also nuances, such as if a person plays on the street playground or in the gym.

Photo 2. Universal orange basketball from Spalding Never Flat Indoor/Outdoor.

For the first option, choose a category on the street outdoor, for the second - indoor. There is no need to buy an expensive professional ball for street play. It is better to take a cheap rubber or synthetic one. This projectile doesn't matter won't last long. Street use, impacts on asphalt, and dust wear out such a ball. But that's what it's designed for.

To play indoors, it makes sense to buy expensive and professional attribute made of composite artificial leather. The difference is not only in price. Ball marked indoor keeps its shape well, fits more comfortably in the palm of your hand, and when used only in the gym, retains its playing characteristics and quality for a long time.

Important! Indoor ball several times more expensive, and also more rigid (greater risk of injury). Such sports equipment unsuitable for outdoor use as they quickly deteriorate, lose their appearance and shape from humidity, dust and other unsuitable conditions.

Other criteria and companies

If a person acquires a ball in sports store, then you should make sure that it is properly inflated.

This means that when you press hard with your finger, the surface is pressed through no more than half a centimeter. If it's less inflated, then perhaps it's leaking air somewhere, and you'll have to pump up regularly projectile

A ball that is too inflated and cannot be pressed with your finger can quickly lose its shape when it hits the floor in play.

Attention! If the projectile is ordered from an online store, then most likely you will have to inflate it yourself: for sending from balls the air is released.

The rebound of the projectile is also important from the surface, which is checked as follows: the object is thrown freely from shoulder height.

It should bounce up to the waist: no more and no less.

If a person plans to play basketball more or less seriously (not to mention at a professional level), then it is worth taking care of purchasing decent sports equipment.

They are made by companies that specialize in making basketballs. Good brands Nike, Spalding, Molten, Wilson, Mikasa.

Reference! Sometimes novice players draw an analogy with leather footballs and want to buy a basketball accessory made of genuine leather. However, such attributes are a thing of the past. Today, durable synthetic materials suitable for the specifics of this game are used.

If you love playing soccer, then you've most likely wondered how much a soccer ball weighs. Of course, in most cases such a question will not come to mind, but sometimes you want to know the details about what equipment everyone plays football with. It turns out that everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that there are different soccer balls, and each of them has its own standards. So if you are interested in how much it weighs, then first of all you should determine what kind of ball we are talking about. There are five different standards, each of which has its own purpose and, of course, its own size and weight.

Size 1

When you are watching TV and see an advertisement for a soccer ball or some other soccer product, the question that may well come to your mind is how much does the soccer ball you see on the screen weigh? However, you don't have to wonder about this because the size 1 ball is most often used on the screen or on advertising banners. It is not suitable for playing football and is a promotional product - accordingly, it has no weight standards. Most often, it is significantly smaller in size than professional balls, so it has less weight. So don't pay attention to promotional products. If you want to know how much a soccer ball that is actually used in the game weighs, then you need to look at other sizes.

Size 2

The second size is used to create balls that small children use to train. Also, even professional football players practice their technique with their help, since these balls are much smaller and lighter than standard ones. How much should a soccer ball of this size weigh? Its weight is extremely small - it should not exceed 280-285 grams. However, these numbers by themselves do not yet mean anything. Because the question immediately arises: how much does a soccer ball weigh at the championship? professional teams? After all, now there is simply nothing to compare with. Therefore, it is worth continuing to consider the sizes of the balls and their corresponding weight parameters.

Size 3

The next size is intended for training youth teams from 8-10 years old and older. In this age young football players already have a more formed body, their limbs become stronger, therefore the weight of the ball increases sharply - from 280 to 340 grams. However, it is worth noting that it should not exceed this indicator, because then it will already have to be classified as “Size 4”.

Size 4

The fourth size is already much more common - it is intended for playing futsal, as well as for women's football. Depending on the purposes, this ball can have different weight ranges. For example, to play mini-football, it must weigh at least 370, but not more than 425 grams. If we are talking about women's football, then the weight of the ball should not exceed 390 grams, but cannot be lower than 350 grams. This size also includes futsal balls, the weight of which should be in the range from 400 to 440 grams.

Size 5

Well, it's time to take a look at the ball, which is produced in huge quantities and is used more often than all four previous sizes combined. The fifth size is used for playing professional football, in all championships at local or international level. Its weight should not exceed 450 grams at the start of the game and should not fall below the end of the game. These balls undergo rigorous testing before they are mass produced and supplied for use in various competitions around the world.

The birthplace of futsal or mini-football is Brazil, on whose famous beaches arose in the 20s of the last century. a new game, which quickly crossed borders and gained popularity in most countries of South America.

In 1930, the first rules of the game were developed, and in the 50s, national federations, which in 1960 united a confederation of South American countries. On its basis, in 1971, the International Federation of Indoor Football, abbreviated as FIFUSA, arose.

In 1982, FIFUSA hosted the first Futsal World Championship. The game began to spread in Europe, although the rules of the game were somewhat different from the rules established in South American countries. The game differed not only in the rules, in the requirements for goals scored from outside the penalty area, in contact wrestling, in the replacement of players, but also in the size and weight of the ball. However, thanks to the same roots, there was much in common between sports disciplines. Fighting games were played on courts of equal size, generally corresponding to handball courts. The gates were also borrowed from the “hand ball”. There is also a rule adapted from basketball: if a team’s players have collectively committed more than five rule violations, each subsequent one is punishable by a penalty. Game time is limited to two halves of twenty minutes.

The growing popularity of “minor football” attracted the attention of the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA), which took under its auspices the type of “minor football” that was guided by the European version of the rules. This game is called mini-football.

In 1989, FIFA held the first mini-football world championship, which was won by... Brazil. Thus, two competing federations emerged, one of which “played! According to the new FIFA rules, and the other according to the old ones, from FIFUS.

In a situation of rivalry between closely related sports, the one that had more financial resources began to win, i.e. powerful FIFA. Naturally, a number of Brazilian futsal players chose to switch to the more promising mini-football. A way out of the current situation, i.e. the existence of two parallel organizations could lead to the entry of FIFUS into the ranks of FIFA as a collective member. To facilitate integration, FIFA is gradually reforming the rules of futsal, achieving rapprochement with futsal. To emphasize the unity of the two games, FIFA renamed futsal to futsal. So now mini-football does not exist - there is futsal according to FIFA rules and futsal according to FIFUS rules.

Futsal and mini-football in Russia

Already in 1959, i.e. a year after entering Europe, futsal began to be cultivated in Latvia, which was then part of the USSR. Then amateurs in Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Lithuania and Georgia began to become interested in it. In 1972, Dynamo Kiev took part in a mini-football tournament organized in Austria. After this, it was decided to use mini-football tournaments as stages of pre-season training for teams major league. Soon, mini-football was officially recognized: a mini-football committee arose within the structure of the USSR Football Federation and the first national championship was held.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Mini-Football Association (AMFR), a member of FIFA, took up the development of mini-football. Even earlier, in 1991, the Russian Futsal Federation arose, which became a member of FIFUSA. The two organizations practically did not overlap with each other in their activities. Each held the Russian Championship in its own way, and each achieved success on the international stage. Russian national teams, both futsal and futsal, have won European championships, and Russia also has trophies at the youth and women's levels.

Futsal ball size

Historically, in Russia they play with a futsal (previously called mini-futsal) ball of size 4. The weight of these balls is 400–440 g, the diameter of the circle is 62–64 cm. At the same time, Select designated such balls as balls of size 3, because objectively they do not fit the FIFA criteria for a size 4 ball, namely the circumference should be 63.5–66 cm. Thus, a real futsal (mini-soccer) ball has a size of 3.5, but Select designated it as 3, and in Russia it called 4. For all models of futsal (mini soccer) balls designed in 2008, the size will be indicated in cm, i.e. the circumference will be indicated.

The Select assortment also includes an Indoor Five model specifically for classic mini-football, weighing 330–360 g and with a circumference of 64–66 cm, those. Slightly larger and lighter than the traditional Russian size 4 ball. The Indoor Five model was developed specifically for indoor sports, for playing on hard surfaces in collaboration with the federations of the Scandinavian countries. Select designates its Indoor Five size as 4, but for “our” futsal, it is a size 4.5. Despite the parameters differing from those traditional for Russia, the ball is very popular among buyers.

Soccer ball is also necessary for carrying out training sessions, and for match meetings at the professional and amateur level. For a spectacular and effective game of football, you need not just a round projectile - only sports equipment from branded manufacturers will allow both football players and fans to enjoy the game. The online store has a wide selection of balls for professional players and for those who are just learning the basics of football. These are models for playing on artificial and synthetic turf, on clay, and on hard indoor surfaces. Equipment from Nike, Adidas, Puma, Select, Uhlsport will last for more than one season in various weather conditions and during intense play.

When choosing and purchasing a soccer ball, pay attention to a number of criteria:

· covering - natural or artificial turf, soil, gym;

· size – children's soccer balls (size 3-4), futsal balls (size 4) and soccer balls (size 5);

· tire material - polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride, Genuine Leather;

· type of stitching - thermal stitching (the camera frame and panels are glued in a special form at high temperatures), manual and machine stitching with nylon thread.

Professional balls for big football, used in official competitions under the auspices of FIFA and UEFA, based on the results of quality tests, special licenses are obtained:

· FIFA Approved: tests for weight, circumference and sphericity, as well as moisture absorption, rebound, pressure loss and sphericity retention after 2000 blows of a certain force;

· FIFA Inspected or IMS: same tests except 2000 shots.

The models presented in the online store website comply with international standards and are designed for matches of the highest level.

Brands - manufacturers

The legendary soccer balls from Adidas should rightfully be put in first place:

· professional models certified by a renowned football association;

· models belong to the middle and high price categories;

· professional Adidas soccer balls are used at all major world competitions;

· most teams are professional football leagues and national football teams use exactly this equipment;

· manufacturing technologies are constantly being improved: new panel shapes are being developed, aerodynamic characteristics are being improved, and the latest models use an innovative method called thermal cross-linking.

The American concern Nike is a prominent competitor to Adidas products: thanks to the use modern technologies and product quality, the company managed to obtain the status of the official supplier of equipment for games of professional teams - Nike soccer balls are used at top-level competitions.

Select is not yet such a popular brand, but footballs from this manufacturer, intended for amateurs and professionals, show themselves only with the best side. Thanks to the top level of quality and reliability, they are used in games in Russian First division and other official match meetings.

Buy balls at a good price

You can buy soccer balls from 320 rubles, of various sizes and characteristics, in the online store website: game balls, training balls, souvenir balls and high-tech balls - any model presented in the category corresponds to the manufacturer’s description. Play football, score brilliant goals and win, and the equipment purchased here will help you with this!