Rubbing your palms is beneficial. Rules for Tibetan longevity gymnastics. Stimulating the endocrine system

The good health and longevity of the people of Tibet have aroused interest in physical exercise , the implementation of which is a mandatory daily ritual for them.

Gradually, information about him spread outside of Tibet and is finding more and more supporters.

In an ever-accelerating pace of life, people are looking for ways to maintain their health while spending minimal amounts of time on it.

One of these methods of healing is a set of exercises drawn from Tibetan culture.

Gymnastics Tibetan monks, which takes just five minutes every morning, continues to gain popularity for the following reasons:

  • such activities take virtually no time, which meets the requirements of a modern person;
  • Tibetan gymnastics does not require any equipment. sports equipment or additional equipment;
  • a set of exercises can be performed literally without getting out of bed, so it is perfect for those who, having woken up early in the morning, do not feel strong enough to active activities sports;
  • the example of the Tibetan monks themselves, systematically practicing these activities - their good health and excellent physical development;
  • Undoubtedly, the atmosphere of some mystery that envelops everything connected with the culture of the Tibetans also plays a role.

Who benefits from the Tibetan exercise system?

Gymnastics of Tibetan monks, taking five minutes every morning, can benefit almost anyone.

Gymnastics of Tibetan monks: five minutes every morning will be enough to keep the body in good shape.

This set of exercises does not imply that a person has special training and, at the same time, contributes to the normalization of the activities of various organs and systems of the body.

Something to remember!

Five-minute morning exercises Tibetan monks, despite their beneficial features, during exacerbation of some chronic diseases should be limited.

If in doubt, it is advisable to consult your doctor.
Doctors recommend regularly cleansing the body. Castor oil is used to cleanse the body. Benefits of castor oil.

Positive effects of Tibetan gymnastics

Tibetan gymnastics classes for a short time will allow you to experience their effectiveness.

Gymnastic exercises bring the following benefits to the body:

  • gradual slowdown of the aging process;
  • increased emotional background, since gymnastics can stimulate the production of endorphins;
  • relieving stress and preventing its negative effects on the body;
  • activation of many metabolic processes and, as a result, an influx of strength and energy;
  • optimization of the functioning of all organs and systems;
  • optimization of the hormonal state of the body by normalizing the functioning of the endocrine glands (due to the pronounced beneficial effect on the endocrine system, this set of exercises is called “hormonal gymnastics”);
  • strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels;
  • getting rid of excess fat, reducing body volume;
  • an influx of vitality due to the activation of energy metabolism;
  • tightening of muscles and skin that have lost tone;
  • healing of the skin and its derivatives - nails and hair;
  • prognostically – increase in life expectancy.


An immediate effect should not be expected; The gymnastics of Tibetan monks, which take five minutes every morning, are designed for long-term, systematic, daily performance of a set of exercises.

Despite the normalization of certain processes, A clear subjective improvement in well-being may not occur immediately.

Against the background of systematic implementation of the complex Tibetan exercises Exacerbation of a person’s chronic diseases may develop.

In case of such diseases, experts recommend taking a short break from daily exercise., and after stabilizing the condition, start exercising again, increasing the intensity of the exercises gradually, listening to your feelings.

How to safely cleanse your body: Sodium thiosulfate. How to take to cleanse the body. Reviews from doctors

Five minutes every morning for Tibetan monks’ gymnastics: features and rules of implementation

The main condition under which this technique shows a positive result is the regularity of the exercises.

Experts say that the maximum break you can afford is 2 days, but such breaks are not welcome, especially during the first month (provided that there are no exacerbations of chronic pathologies).

Basic rules that should be followed when practicing Tibetan gymnastics:

  • it is known that Tibetan gymnastics is most effective when performed in the early morning hours, as Tibetans do;
  • exercises are performed on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before breakfast;
  • It is necessary to perform a set of exercises on a flat, soft surface;
  • it is extremely important to monitor your breathing: it should be even, slow and deep;
  • each exercise must be repeated 30 times;
  • the frequency of exercise should approximately correspond to the heart rate;
  • after performing a set of exercises, it is strongly recommended to drink a glass of warm water to optimize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as activate the lymphatic system;
  • by doing Tibetan gymnastics the emotional mood is very important; you should do it with pleasure, this significantly affects its effectiveness;
  • It is strongly recommended to avoid negative emotions - this will make Tibetan gymnastics classes more effective, and the onset of the first results faster;
  • I'll have to forget about it forever bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol or taking drugs is unacceptable.

Something to remember!

The exercise system that came from Tibetan monks is not a replacement for yoga, fitness, swimming, aerobics and other sports. People who are accustomed to such activities should not abandon them after starting to study according to the Tibetan system.

Exercise technique

The complex consists of several simple exercises, the sequence of which is quite easy to remember.

Execution order Exercise How to do it What is the effect of the Tibetan monks' gymnastics, which takes five minutes every morning?
1 Rubbing the palmsThe morning ritual should begin with the procedure of rubbing your palms against each other until you feel that they are gradually becoming hotter. The duration of the exercise is 5-7 seconds.Activation of blood circulation in the vessels of the hands, as well as normalization of the tone of biologically active points located on the palms. Lack of warming of the palms, as well as their moisture, will signal the presence of problems with blood vessels.
2 Light pressure with your palms on the eyeballsThe exercise is performed 30 times, after which you need to leave your palms in this position for half a minute.It is known that such an exercise increases the nutrition of the eyeball, which helps improve vision.
3 “Pumping” the earsClasping your fingers at the back of your head, press your palms to your ears and press on them.This exercise designed to improve hearing, and, in addition, helps cure certain diseases. It can cause exacerbation of chronic ear diseases, but over time it also gets rid of them.
4 FaceliftLight rubbing manipulations are performed in the direction from the chin to the ears with hands clenched into fists.This manipulation will not only help tighten the oval of the face, but will also significantly reduce the double chin.
5 Forehead massageIt is performed by movements from one temple to another, with palms placed on top of each other.Activates blood circulation in the vessels of the head, helps cleanse the paranasal sinuses and activate the pituitary gland.
6 Massage of the crown areaIt is performed using stroking movements from one ear to the other (through the crown) with the palms, placing the left one on top of the right.Able to normalize and stabilize blood pressure, and also helps restore mobility in the shoulder joints.
7 Massaging thyroid gland The right palm should be placed on the thyroid gland area, and the left should make slow movements towards the navel.Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid glands and other endocrine glands.
8 Abdominal massageIt is performed with folded palms in a clockwise direction.Gently activates intestinal motility, and the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.
9 Warm up the joints and rotate the limbs; shakingWhile lying on your back, you should shake your raised limbs for 30 seconds, and then make several rotational movements with your hands and feet.Normalizes hemodynamics in the joints of the limbs.
10 Foot rubbingIt is carried out in a sitting position. It is especially recommended to work on the middle area of ​​the foot and toes. You should start from the heels, gradually rising to the knee.Activates blood circulation in lower limbs, and also increases the tone of biologically active points located on the foot.

A useful technique for promoting health: Strelnikova. Breathing exercises to improve the health of the body. Exercises and rules. Video.

In what cases is Tibetan gymnastics not suitable?

Despite the obvious beneficial effects of Tibetan gymnastics on the body, there are, nevertheless, conditions that prevent such exercises. In any case, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the possibility of doing even five minutes every morning, the gymnastics of Tibetan monks.

Contraindications to gymnastics include:

The Tibetan monks' gymnastics, which takes five minutes every morning, helps restore tone to the body, however, for comprehensive health improvement, other aspects should not be neglected healthy image life.

Useful videos about the gymnastics of Tibetan monks

From this video you will learn what it is and why the gymnastics of Tibetan monks is needed, which takes only five minutes every morning:

This video will introduce you to hormonal Tibetan gymnastics exercises and all the necessary information about it:


Morning exercises Tibetan lamas takes no more than 7 minutes, but gives a colossal effect!

1. When you wake up, lie down with your eyes closed for five minutes. Then rub your hands until they become hot. Then massage your ears (the ear is the control panel for the entire body): take the index, thumb and middle finger in a handful and rub the ear from top to bottom 30 times ( thumb it is located behind the ear).

2. Place your right palm on your forehead (on the eyebrow line), cover it with your left palm, focus on the third eye point (between the eyebrows) and move the skin of your forehead left and right with your palm 30 times. (By the way, this also helps a lot with headaches).

3. Make a fist with your knuckles thumbs Massage your closed eyes 15 times - from the nose to the ears. This exercise improves vision and blood supply to the brain.

4. Place your right palm on the thyroid area, your left palm on top and move your hands, pressing lightly, from top to bottom - from the throat to the solar plexus 30 times.

5. Lying down, pull in and inflate your stomach as much as possible – 30 times. Breathing is voluntary. All congestion in the digestive tract goes away.

6. Lying on your back, slowly, while inhaling, first pull your right knee to your chest - 15 times. Then the same amount - left.

7. Place your right hand on the solar plexus, your left hand on top, make circles around the stomach with clockwise pressure - 30 times.

8. Legs extended, hands on the back of the head, inhale - raise your legs behind your head, exhale - lower them. You need to do this 10 times. Improves male potency and digestion. Very good for the spine.

9. Sit on the edge of the bed, eyes open, left leg Place it on your right knee and rub the indentation on your foot with your knuckles 30 times. The same with the right leg. This stimulates all organs.

10. While sitting, place your right palm on the back of your head, your left hand on top and move your hands, pressing, left and right 15 times.

After gymnastics, drink half a glass of warm water (or better yet, 1-2 glasses at normal room temperature).

It's amazingly simple hormonal gymnastics which has been widely practiced by Tibetan monks for hundreds of years. Gymnastics is carried out every morning as soon as you wake up. The exercises take only 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the degree of mastery of the exercises, and allow you to maintain the normal functioning of the body and all hormonal organs throughout the day. In practice, the use of Tibetan gymnastics increases life expectancy by an average of 25–30 years. When starting gymnastics, you must simultaneously understand that it is incompatible with drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, not to mention drugs. This gymnastics seems to put you on the rails. healthy life in rhythm with the Universe, because it must be completed before 6 am.

Gymnastics is very simple to perform and accessible at any age. The only condition for this simple gymnastics is that the exercises should begin before 6 am and be performed regularly every day. Gymnastics should be performed lying down, immediately after waking up, and it is advisable to perform it not on a soft bed, but on a relatively hard base, best on the floor on a carpet or on the floor on a hard mattress (you can also do it right in bed, if the mattress is hard enough and does not fail).

In the process of performing gymnastics, after some time certain problems may arise. pain syndromes in different “critical” places of your body. There is no need to be afraid: chronic diseases will go away. Approximately in 6 months daily exercise you will be abandoned almost everything or everyone chronic diseases, depending on the state of your body at the time of starting exercise. Your inner state is of no small importance: your attitude towards people and the world, as well as your position in life. For those who are optimistic and believe stronger, the results will come much faster.

But in any case, after almost a year and a half of doing the exercises, all chronic diseases will definitely leave you, the main thing is the unwavering will to do them every day.

The purpose of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is promoted for health improvement and longevity: it is not for nothing that Tibetan monks are famous for their good health, eternal youth And long life. It is believed that she:

  • supports the normal functioning of all body systems;
  • puts things in order hormonal background;
  • improves vision and hearing;
  • slows down the aging process in the body, rejuvenating it;
  • treats any disease, including bronchial asthma;
  • increases the life expectancy of an ordinary person by 20–30 years;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • eliminates cellulite and “orange peel”;
  • has a tightening effect, makes the facial contour clear, smooth, beautiful, eliminates double chin and jowls;
  • perfectly awakens, increases strength, tones, improves mood, gives inexhaustible energy and vigor throughout the day.

In order for the hormonal gymnastics of Tibetan monks to have such a wonderful effect on the body, it is recommended to perform it according to certain rules.

Exercise No. 1. Starting position – lying on your back. Raise your arms above you, folding your palms towards each other.

Perform 6 – 10 short rubbings by pressing the pads of your palms against each other. At the same time, carry out diagnostics of your body - if between the palms after rubbing it is dry and hot, then this means that everything is in order with the body. If it's warm and you can't warm it up bottom part palms to the point of fervor, this indicates that your biofield is halved. If there is no warmth at all and your palms are even damp, then this indicates that you are developing serious vascular problems. And these hormonal exercises specifically aimed, among other things, for treatment vascular diseases. No matter what your palms are like after diagnosis, you need to continue the gymnastics.

Exercise No. 2. Starting position - lying on your back, place the hot spots of your palms, place the pads on your closed eyes (eyeballs).

Without lifting your hands, apply light pressure on the eyes. One pressure and release of pressure - one cycle, one second, a total of 30 pressures must be performed. In total, approximately 30 seconds are spent on the exercise. In this case, you must count to 30. If you have problems with your eyes, then leave your palms on your eyes, without looking up, slightly pressed for another 1-2 minutes. This exercise improves and restores vision. At this moment, the eyeball and all receptors are supplied with energy. Vision will improve gradually. The engineer mentioned above, at the age of 84, does not use glasses. In addition, at present he has practically no gray hair, although at the age of 58, when he received the gift of this gymnastics, he was completely gray.

Exercise No. 3. Starting position: lying on your back, placing your palms on your ears.

We begin to press rhythmically, without lifting our palms, on our ears. We press 30 times, 30 movements - 30 seconds, while doing the same counting.

Exercise No. 4. Starting position - lying on your back, place your hands in front of your face, fold and clasp four fingers into fists, and thumbs in a free state protruding upward. Next, we place our thumbs behind the ears, below the ear, the remaining fingers are clenched in a fist, and we touch our face with our fingers.

Smoothly touching your face with your fingers, lower your hands to your chin, without lifting your fingers from your face. After this, with clenched fingers, we begin a smooth tightening of the facial skin from the chin to the ears, without lifting the fingers from the face. We smoothly tighten the skin of the face, moving our hands from the chin along one line to the ears. The thumbs reach the starting position behind the ears (hands down from the ears to the chin and hands up from the chin to the ears in one line - one cycle, complete 30 cycles in total).

Exercise No. 5. Starting position - lying on your back, place your right palm on your forehead, and press your left palm on top of your right.

We move the palms, touching the forehead, from temple to temple (from left to right, from right to left - one cycle, perform 30 cycles in total), i.e. only 30 seconds, 30 cycles of movements.

Exercise No. 6.

We perform a flight of arms above the head - an arch of the arms. (Flight - moving the hands from the forehead to the back of the head and from the back of the head to the forehead - one cycle, 30 cycles in total), i.e. only 30 seconds, 30 cycles of movements.

Exercise No. 7. Starting position - lying on your back, place your right palm above the crown of your head, at a distance of 4-5 cm from the head, press your left palm on top of your right hand.

We perform a flight of arms above the head with an arch of the arms (flight is moving the arms from the left ear to the right, from the right to the left ear - one cycle, 30 cycles in total), i.e. only 30 seconds, 30 cycles of movements.

Exercise #8. Starting position - lying on your back, place your right palm on the thyroid gland, press your left palm on top of your right hand.

We move the left hand through the air along the body from the thyroid gland to the navel and back to the right hand - one cycle, a total of 30 cycles, 30 movements of the left hand to the navel and back. On the thirtieth time, both hands, pressed against each other, pressing them to the body, slide onto the stomach.

Exercise No. 9. Starting position - lying on your back, place your right palm on your stomach, press your left palm on top to your right hand.

We carry out circular movements clockwise along the stomach, lightly pressing on the stomach with your palms. One revolution is one cycle, a total of 30 cycles, 30 revolutions, 30 seconds.

Exercise No. 10. Starting position: lying on your back, raising your arms up.

We perform 5-6 circular movements with the hands clockwise and 5-6 circular movements counterclockwise. Next, without lowering your hands, you need to lightly and finely shake your hands for 4-5 seconds.

Exercise No. 11. Starting position – lying on your back, raising your legs up.

Perform 5-6 circular movements ankle joints clockwise and 5-6 circular movements counterclockwise. Next, without lowering your legs, lightly and finely shake your ankle joints for 4-5 seconds.

Exercise No. 12. Starting position – sitting on the floor.

We rub the feet, either separately or with both hands at the same time - whichever is more convenient. If your feet are dry, you can lubricate your feet with vegetable oil, preferably olive oil. If you feel pain when rubbing your feet, it is better to massage this area thoroughly.

Exercise No. 13. Starting position – sitting on the floor.

We perform smooth light massaging-rubbing-stroking of the shins of the legs with the movement of the hands outside down up. Then lightly massage your knees clockwise. After this, we perform light massaging-rubbing-stroking of the thighs with a movement from the outside inward.

After completing the exercises, the body is completely awakened, not only an increase in strength and general tone is felt in the body, but also some kind of youthful, as in childhood, joy of life and energetic readiness for a new day.

After gymnastics, it is very good to drink a glass of warm, hot water: this will help to more actively launch your lymphatic system and wash the walls of the digestive tract.

Thank the Higher Powers for the Gift of Grace that you received in the form of this gymnastics!

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics consists of performing these exercises: its description is detailed and clearly revealed in the video from Olga Lvovna Orlova (Kalpashvini). It will help you figure out unclear places and do everything correctly. Be sure to watch it before you try gymnastics.

Good health to everyone and for long years active, creative, joyful life!

Video publications

Top 3 Video lessons of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is of a healing nature. This training method became known about 30 years ago. They first started talking about it in the Soviet Union. When Soviet workers were sent to the mountains of Tibet to build a power plant, they became closely acquainted with the culture of this amazing people for the first time. A video with Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed will allow even a beginner to master this technique.

What does a person get by doing Tibetan gymnastics?

What struck people most was how good the older people looked. And, as it turns out, the secret to their longevity and good health is quite simple. Carrying out simple exercises, the monks could:

  • Improve hormonal levels;
  • Normalize the functioning of many organ systems;
  • Restore lost vision and hearing;
  • Fill the body with vital energy;
  • Make the body more flexible;
  • Acquire correct posture;
  • Rejuvenate the body;
  • Extend life by more than 20 years.

Video on the topic

Tibetan gymnastics in bed – video:

All of the above effects are the advantages of this amazing technique. But its main advantage is that it only takes 5 minutes to complete the exercises. But this is extremely important, since not every person can find the time to do exercises that take a long time.

That is why if you are interested in the issue of “reviving” your own health, we strongly recommend that you pay attention to this simple, but at the same time very effective gymnastics. However, you should not be afraid that to complete it you may need Sports Equipment, the cost of which is sometimes quite high. For classes you will not need to purchase anything extra. You can perform the complex simply while lying on your bed.

Olga Orlova – Tibetan hormonal gymnastics on video:

Some also doubt that they will be able to start classes without having a certain physical training. This is wrong! Even a person who has never played sports can master the technique without any problems. All you need is the desire to become more beautiful and healthier. By devoting just 5 minutes a day to such gymnastics, you are guaranteed to improve your health.

It is worth noting that the presented complex contains some exercises that are familiar from childhood. For example, the well-known “Birch” is such an exercise. But, as it turned out, its benefits are much greater than any soviet man could imagine. After all, it helps cure cancer! Therefore, if you really want to know the secrets of the longevity of the Tibetan people, be sure to check out this complex.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed – video:

In the 80s, a group of Soviet specialists installed a power plant in the Tibetan mountains. There they met monks from a local monastery. The head of the brigade extended the power line to them. The monks had nothing to repay for this generous gift and they thanked the workers by sharing with them the secrets of gymnastics for longevity.

20 years later, one of the engineers of that brigade told this story in Komsomolskaya Pravda. At the age of 80, he felt great thanks to practical training using the Tibetan method.

To be honest, I did not find this issue of Komsomolskaya Pravda on the Internet. I learned this story from Olga Orlova’s video, thanks to her for making this technique accessible to everyone.

Hormonal gymnastics complex while lying in bed

Exercises of this gymnastics are done while lying in bed after waking up. Best before 6 am. No special skills are required for this, everything is very simple and does not take much time, 5-10 minutes a day is enough. The main thing is to follow the steps of the actions; the exercises are done in combination, and not separately.

Exercise No. 1

Lying on your back, raise your arms up and bring your palms together, then make 10-20 short rubbing movements (palms up and down). With the help of this simple action, the general state of the biofield is diagnosed. If your palms are dry and hot, then everything is fine with the energy of your body, if they are slightly warmed up, then there are some malfunctions, and if they are cold or moistened, then this indicates problems with the vegetative-vascular system and a low level of energy. Regardless of the result, we move on to the next exercise.

Exercise No. 2

We apply the heated pads of our palms to our closed eyes and make light pressing movements. 30 movements of 1 second are enough. It's best to count to yourself. If you have poor vision, then leave it on your eyes for 1-2 minutes after the thirtieth press of your palm. This will warm the eyes, nourish them with energy and help restore vision.

Exercise No. 3

Repeat the first exercise and place your palms on your ears and do the same rhythmic pressing actions as in the previous lesson. We count 30 movements of 1 second.

Exercise No. 4

We put our fingers together in a gesture indicating “class!” (4 fingers in a relaxed fist, thumbs pointing up). Place your fists on the lower part of your face so that your thumbs are behind your ears. We begin to move our hands up and down, from the ears to the chin and in the opposite direction. It turns out to be a kind of facelift. Perform 30 times.

Exercise No. 5

Place your right palm on your forehead and press it down with your left palm. We move our hands from one temple to another and back. Within 30 seconds we do 30 movements.

Exercise No. 6

This exercise can also be done lying down, but a pillow must be placed so that the head is slightly tilted. We place the left palm on the right and raise it above the head at a distance of about 5 cm. We make 30 movements from the crown to the forehead and in the opposite direction.

Exercise No. 7

The hands are in exactly the same position as in the previous exercise. But this time we move our hands along a trajectory - from the left ear to the right and back. We do it 30 times.

Exercise No. 8

We put right hand on the thyroid gland, and with our left hand we describe an arc from the thyroid gland to the navel and in the opposite direction. For the 30th time we apply left hand to the right and lower it onto your stomach.

Exercise No. 9

In the position in which we finished the previous step, we begin to stroke the stomach clockwise. Only 30 revolutions.

Exercise No. 10

We raise our arms and legs to a vertical position and make circular movements with our hands and feet. Several times in one direction and several times in the opposite direction. Then we begin to shake our hands and feet. This activity can be divided into 2, separately for the arms and separately for the legs, or can be done together.

Exercise No. 11

We sit down and rub our feet. First the feet, then we go higher and massage the kneecaps, then the thighs.

Pleasant results from the technique can be felt after the first lesson. The brain awakens from sleep faster, the body is filled with a charge of vigor and strength. The joints warm up and blood begins to circulate better. But to improve the health of the body and for more noticeable effects, it is necessary to exercise daily for several months.

Here is a list of the positive results that this gymnastics promotes:

  • improved vision and hearing
  • normalization of blood pressure
  • body rejuvenation
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • boosting immunity

From the reviews of people who have been practicing this technique for a long time, we can conclude that with its help you can get rid of chronic diseases and even tumors. It seems fantastic that such simple steps can bring such results. Although all this has a completely understandable justification, because during these exercises the points responsible for different organs are massaged, internal energy flows are activated and chakras are opened.

Contraindications for Tibetan gymnastics

There are no strict contraindications for performing Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. But it is better to refrain from it after operations and during pregnancy. If you doubt whether you can perform these exercises, consult your doctor.

It should also be taken into account that if you have chronic diseases, then during a course of hormonal gymnastics, symptoms may intensify. These side effects are associated with the fact that the disease is, as it were, drawn out of the body. In her video, Olga Orlova says that after 2 weeks of daily practice, her ear pain intensified, but she continued the practice and soon got rid of chronic inflammation.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, reviews and results

There are not many reviews on the Internet regarding this gymnastics and some of them are contradictory. You can find both positive and negative. To believe them or not is up to each individual.

Here are a few for example positive feedback which I found:

The complex consists of 11 exercises of 30 seconds each, so it turns out that 5 and a half minutes are enough to complete it. I think that such a simple and fast technique deserves attention. If you haven’t tried it yet, then try it, and if you are already practicing it, then share your impressions in the comments to the article.

Video master class on hormonal gymnastics

Video by Olga Orlova with a detailed explanation of gymnastics

Sincerely, Ruslan Tsvirkun.

Hormonal gymnastics is designed to improve the functioning of the endocrine system. The activity of all organs is regulated by nervous and humoral factors. In the first case we are talking about activities nervous system, in the second - the endocrine glands.

The full secretory functionality of the endocrine glands is of decisive importance in ensuring the normal functioning of the body.

Hormones and hormonal gymnastics

Dosed physical activity has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels, but relaxing, specific practices are important. This is yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, self-massage of active points and others. Each of the proposed methods can be considered as hormonal gymnastics.

Modern man lives under conditions of chronic stress - unfavorable environmental conditions, poor-quality food, problems at work and in the family, adaptation to changing conditions, and other negative factors.

To protect the body, the brain increases the concentration of stress hormones. First of all, it is cortisol, adrenaline, norepinephrine. They, in turn, affect the levels of other hormones.

Stress hormones reduce the secretory activity of the thyroid gland, which leads to failure metabolic processes and deterioration of the nervous system. They negatively affect reproductive function, disrupting the balance of sex hormones.

Using any of the gymnastics, training, and relaxation practices aimed at reducing the level of stress hormones and stabilizing the overall hormonal status – required condition full functioning of the body.

The purpose of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

Numerous reviews from those who have tried it speak of its effectiveness. Exercise helps maintain the health of the endocrine glands, and therefore the whole body as a whole. The complex helps to increase vitality and get rid of chronic diseases.

  • visit a trainer;
  • do gymnastics daily;
  • The favorable time for performing the complex is the morning hours (optimally in the range of 5-8 hours, immediately after waking up);
  • You can do exercises without getting out of bed, if it is hard or on the floor;
  • each movement is performed for 1 second, repetition rate is 30;
  • maintain consistency and accuracy of exercises;
  • Don't hold your breath.

Tibetan gymnastics is work with biologically active points, biofield, and internal energy flows.

It is very important to monitor the dynamics of your health:

  • what sensations arise during the initial lessons;
  • when and how the first positive result was achieved;
  • what sensations arise during a break in classes.

The first noticeable results appear after approximately 3-6 months regular classes . According to reviews, during this time there is a chance to get rid of some chronic diseases. Practice has confirmed the effectiveness of hormonal gymnastics for women who are experiencing age-related changes (menopause).

Normalizing hormonal status requires a lot of time, so when choosing Tibetan gymnastics you need to be patient and not wait quick results. The body’s reaction to any specific technique is individual, and improving the endocrine system is a long and complex process.

Therapeutic effects of Tibetan gymnastics

The whole complex includes 11 exercises, the total duration of the lesson is about 10-15 minutes. Detailed description execution techniques, videos with comments can be easily found on the Internet. The main therapeutic effect of each exercise:

  1. oxygen enrichment;
  2. normalization of hormones;
  3. stress suppression;
  4. face lift;
  5. cleansing the maxillary sinuses, activating the pituitary gland;
  6. stimulation of blood circulation in the brain;
  7. strengthening shoulder girdle, blood pressure regulation;
  8. activation of the thyroid gland;
  9. improvement of stomach function and intestinal motility;
  10. activation of capillary blood circulation, restoration of joint function;
  11. stimulation of biologically active points on the feet.

Hormonal yoga, as Tibetan gymnastics can be called, promotes rejuvenation, strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the senses, and enhances activity digestive system, normalizes blood pressure, has a general strengthening effect.


Despite all the harmlessness of morning hormonal exercises, there are contraindications to its implementation. The complex is not recommended for the following diseases and conditions:

  • exacerbation of heart pathologies;
  • stomach ulcer in the acute stage;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • exacerbation of arthrosis, arthritis;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • pregnancy;
  • postoperative rehabilitation.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is a specific technique that has contraindications. Therapeutic effectiveness is achieved by activating biologically active points associated with the endocrine and other organ systems. Positive results can be achieved provided that the complex is performed accurately and regularly.