Back exercise program. Powerful Tips on How to Build Your Back! Exercises for the lower back on the simulator

We'll talk about which back exercises are the most effective in the gym! And so often, visitors to gyms have a habit of working out only those areas that are visible in the mirror. As a rule, these are chest and shoulder muscles, biceps, press.

But paying attention to the back is imperative, not only to maintain symmetry between the front and back of the body, but also to promote overall health.

A weak muscle corset can lead to poor posture, as well as provoke acute pain, especially when the load on the upper shoulder girdle increases.

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What back muscles do you need to work out regularly? The best back exercises in the gym

Do back exercises in gym essential for the development of a reference V-torso. After all, a sign of an ideal male figure is broad shoulders, embossed chest and narrow waist. In order to achieve this effect, it is recommended to regularly work out the following spinal muscles:

  • lats;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • trapezoidal;
  • straightening the spine;
  • oblique.

The exercises below can be combined into a single training complex, to which you need to devote at least two sessions a month. But it's better to add one exercise at a time to your regular training plans.


This is technically difficult exercise will help to work out the entire back muscle group (from the calf to the shoulder). The effectiveness of training is determined by the fact that when correct execution, 75% is involved muscle mass, including the latissimus and trapezius muscles of the back.

It is very important to follow the execution technique, because any mistakes can lead to serious complications, including hernia and pinching of the vertebral nerves.

It is necessary to start working with a barbell with a minimum weight, not forgetting about a weightlifting belt. For one workout, it will be enough to complete 3 sets of 6 repetitions. After a few sessions, you can increase the weight, while the number of approaches should remain the same.

Bent over barbell row (forward and reverse grip)

If done correctly, it will be possible to take the maximum weight much faster, without fear of the development of a large number of health complications. Depending on the initial physical fitness, you can lift the barbell:

  • with a direct grip (in this case, the trapezius muscles are mainly loaded);
  • reverse grip(the neck is picked up from under the bottom, as a result of which latissimus).

Attention! Lifting the barbell in an incline puts a lot of stress on the lower back, so the exercise is best done at the very beginning of the workout. It is not recommended to lift the barbell in an incline in combination with the classic deadlift.

Wide grip pull-ups

Many athletes have heard that pull-ups directly affect back development. Indeed, pulling up is one of better ways develop the upper shoulder girdle and back as a whole.

But only pull-ups performed with a wide grip will allow you to work out your lats as much as possible. Pull-ups are suitable even for beginners, because it is quite difficult to make mistakes in execution. In very rare cases, pain in the shoulder joints may occur.

But ultimately, you need to learn how to do 82 pull-ups in 5 reps. It is not worth increasing the load further, because this will lead to wear and tear of the shoulder joints. If the reference number of pull-ups has been mastered, then weights can be added, but not increase the number of approaches.

Before each approach to the horizontal bar, it is imperative to warm up the shoulder joints. The pull-ups themselves are a great warm-up before the deadlift.

Exercise: T-bar deadlift

Pulling the T-bar to the chest is one of the classic exercises that is great for those who have trouble picking up a lot of weight while bent over.

Due to the fact that the simulator allows you to emphasize the abdomen and hips, the spine is not loaded. This means that the athlete will be able to do more reps and take more weight. You can lift the T-bar:

  • neutral grip (palms facing each other);
  • narrow grip (palms are maximally brought together);
  • wide grip (handles are spread apart, palms "look" down).

The wider the grip, the better the muscle corset will be worked out. With a neutral grip, maximum attention is paid to the rhomboid muscles, and with a narrow grip, the biceps are additionally pumped.

The exercise is performed at the end of the workout, according to the system of "failure" repetitions. This means that the lifting of the T-bar must be performed as many times as there is enough strength, and after the onset of characteristic symptoms, add another 2-3 repetitions.

If there is no special simulator in the gym, then you can lift a regular fixed bar, with a counterweight on the working side. In this case, it is important to ensure that the legs are bent at the knees, and the abs are as tense as possible. Otherwise, squats and bends with weights will be performed, which will not affect the development of the back in any way.

Row of the lower block with direct and reverse grip

This exercise will pump even the smallest back muscles. The advantage of pulling the lower block is that even women, as well as people with a minimum level of physical fitness, can perform it. The load is adjusted by increasing the weight, as well as changing the width of the handle of the exercise machine.

With the classic traction of the lower block (straight neutral grip) the latissimus muscles are being worked out. If you perform the exercise with a wide handle, then the load will be transferred to the rather specific zones of the trapezius and rhomboid muscles.

The deadlift is best done right after the deadlift. It is enough to complete 3 sets of 15 repetitions. It is very important to control the pace and spend at least four seconds holding the handle of the simulator against your chest, and the same amount of rest between repetitions.

If the exercise seems too easy, then it is recommended to complicate it not only by increasing the weight, but also by changing the grip. By performing a reverse grip row of the lower block, you can work out almost all areas of the back and biceps. The reverse grip is often used by athletes who have already "taken" the maximum weight when performing classic thrust the lower block.

Upper block thrust

The thrust of the upper block is also considered one of the lightest and relatively safe workouts for back development. The simulator will be the way out for those people who have not yet mastered the wide grip pull-ups.

Due to the possibility of increasing the load, the thrust of the upper block is also suitable for those who have already reached the reference 82 repetitions and wish to develop further.

Narrow and neutral grip activates biceps and groups muscle fibers which are located closer to the center of the back. But wide grip will allow you to work out all the zones of the broadest muscles. Working with the upper block is great for building muscle.

This exercise is a great warm-up for your shoulder joints. It is enough to complete three sets of 12 repetitions. But if the athlete uses the maximum weight, then it is better to work with the simulator after pre-warming up the muscles and classic pull-ups.

One-handed dumbbell row

This exercise allows you to work both sides of your back while controlling the weight for your working and non-working arms. The range of motion also increases significantly. If, when performing the deadlift, the bar rises only to the level of the press, then when working with dumbbells, you can bring the elbow beyond shoulder level.

This engages virtually all of the muscles in the upper back. Thanks to the support with the non-working hand on the bench, the risk of improper work with dumbbells is significantly reduced. The torso is easy to control, fatigue does not come as quickly, which allows for more reps.

One-arm dumbbell lifts are usually done in the middle of a workout. It is enough to complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions.


Hyperextension - refers to a very easy exercise, therefore suitable for women and beginners. It is not easy to make lifting the body more difficult, so the number of approaches can be determined using the “to failure” method. Athletes often perform hyperextension during breaks between basic approaches... The technique is quite simple:

  1. Fix the legs so that the hips lie completely on the bench with an angle of 45 degrees;
  2. Cross your arms over your chest;
  3. Raise a completely straight back until the body is in a position perpendicular to the floor;
  4. Slowly take the starting position.

Also, you can perform hyperextension from a classic bench or on a Roman chair.

Post-workout back recovery

If the whole workout was devoted to the development of the back, you need to pay attention to the high-quality recovery of the body.

First, it is necessary to abandon any stress on the broadest muscles, otherwise the risk of injury will increase several times. Secondly, it is advisable to visit a massage therapist who will help prevent the development of painful symptoms.

You can also drink potassium and do some back stretching exercises (for example, pull your knees to your chest, or try to reach your feet with your palms from a sitting position).

We recommend reading an article on how to build back muscles. In it, you will find additional exercises and a completely different approach to pumping up your back muscles, as well as various tips to strengthen the back.

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Many men and women want their backs to have a beautiful relief, and their muscles to be in good shape. But if you do the exercises incorrectly or overload your back and spine, there is a risk of injury. Therefore, it is important to know the features of training the latissimus dorsi.

Latissimus muscles- decoration of the whole torso. They make the back strong and wide. Latissimus dorsi- These are flat muscles that lie on top of the extensors of the spine.

Back exercises can be done both in the gym and at home.

Back muscle anatomy

There are several muscle groups in the back:

  • Lattice and trapezoidal occupy the main part, starting at the spine and then passing along the lateral side of the body. They make up the largest amount of muscle mass in the back and they contain the main strength. The trapezius is the dominant muscle group in the upper back.
  • Rhomboid, infraspinatus and small round muscles run diagonally across the upper back. They are worked out with traction exercises.
  • Muscles responsible for straightening the spine- dominant in the lower back, located vertically along the spine.

With the right exercises, you can use all your back muscles. A complex lesson includes increasing muscle mass, working with the broadest muscles and training other groups.

Back training features

Frequent injuries when exercising in the gym and at home are injuries of the back and spine.

This is due to non-compliance with safety rules and training features:

  • Back workout for guys and girls can be combined with tasks for triceps, legs, biceps and shoulders.
  • If your work is connected with a large physical activity, trainers advise doing 3-4 approaches per workout. If there is no constant load on the back, you can increase the number to 6-8.
  • The optimal amount is 2-3 back exercises. If the goal is bump and muscle building, do 10-15 reps. If the goal of the workout is to increase strength, 5-7 repetitions will be enough.
  • Be careful with your choice of exercises and the number of sets. Too much stress can cause spinal injury.
  • In your first bodybuilding sessions, use only light weights. Even if you think you can handle more stress. In order not to injure the back, you first need to strengthen the musculo-ligamentous apparatus.

Back muscle training rules

In order for the classes to be effective, follow these simple rules that will increase the effectiveness of the exercises:

Basic back exercises

With the basic exercises, you will master the technical side of back training. And you can start doing more challenging exercises.

Exercises with a crossbar allow you to use the muscles of the back, forearm, and biceps.

Do 10 times in 4 sets.


This exercise is one of the most effective for building strength, strengthening the muscles of the back and spine.

  • I. p. - deep squat. The bar should be gripped with an overhead grip.
  • The hips should be pulled back, with your heels pushing off the floor, and lifting out of the squat. Keep your back muscles tense and your posture straight.
  • Slowly lower your hips down until you touch the barbell to the floor.

Do 6-12 reps for 3-4 sets.

This exercise has a positive effect on the back muscles and on the oblique muscles of the abdomen.

Do 3-4 sets of 10-14 reps.

Lifting dumbbells in a lying position

Exercise effectively targets the latissimus dorsi and core muscles.

Do 10-14 reps for 3-4 sets.

Isolation exercises for the back

The purpose of this complex- muscle strengthening and is done at the end of the session. Thanks to this, those fibers that "rested" during the execution of the main elements are included in the work.

Weighted exercise

Standing bent over dumbbell lift with one hand

It is aimed at working out not only this muscle group, but also the trapezius, biceps and forearm.

Repeat 8-12 times for the right hand. The same number of repetitions for the left. Follow 3-4 approaches.

Lifting the bar to the belt

The main emphasis in this exercise is on the lumbar and latissimus muscles.

  • I. p. - feet shoulder width apart. Take the barbell with a wide upper grip.
  • With your knees bent, lean forward. The bar hangs freely in outstretched arms. Arch your back slightly.
  • Raise the barbell to belly level and lower it.

Do 8-10 lifts for 3-4 sets.

Do 10 lifts, 3-4 sets each.

Dumbbell Pullover Raise

Do 8-10 lifts for 3-4 sets.

Exercises on simulators

One-handed horizontal row of the lower block from a seated position

In addition to this group of back muscles, stabilizing muscles are actively involved in this exercise.

  • The D handle should be level with chest... Keep your back straight and look straight ahead. With all your strength, rest your feet on the stops.
  • With a parallel grip, grab the handle with one hand, the other should rest on your thigh. Pull the handle backward with your elbow behind your back. Make sure that the body remains stationary.
  • Hold this position, focusing on the tension in the muscles of the back and shoulder. Then go back to and. P.

The 30º row is a classic exercise for increasing back muscle mass.

Do the exercise 8-10 times for 3-4 sets.

One-handed horizontal row with added rotation

By adding the element of rotation to the exercise, you engage the stabilizing shoulder muscles and improve general development upper back.

  • I. p. - while sitting, place the handle in the shape of the letter D at the level of the abdomen. Keep your back straight.
  • With your right hand, grasp the handle with an upper grip. Left hand place on your thigh. The legs should be slightly bent at the knees.
  • As you exhale, pull the handle, pulling the shoulder blade back. Rotate the housing at the same time. Hold this for 1 second, then take SP.

Do 8-10 reps for 3-4 sets.

Exercises for the trapezius muscle

Weighted exercise

Do 12 lifts in 3 sets.

Front Barbell Shoulder Raise

  • I. p. - put your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a barbell with a straight grip and lift it in front of you.
  • Exhaling, raise your shoulders to the highest possible height and hold them for a second. After taking a breath, return to I.P.

Do 8 lifts in 3 sets.

Power lifting dumbbells overhead

One of the most effective exercises for working out this muscle group. Depending on your endurance, you can use larger weights.

  • I. p. - place a dumbbell between your legs. Squat down to take it.
  • Sharply pushing the thigh away, quickly rise and lift the dumbbell over your head.

Repeat the lift 10 times in 3 sets.

Lifting the bar over your head

  • This exercise helps to increase the strength of the upper back.
  • You need to hold the bar over your head, lifting your shoulders and squeezing the trapezius muscles.
  • Tighten your muscles for 3 seconds, then gradually relax them.
  • Do 10 times in 3 sets.

Exercises on simulators

Lifting the barbell on the Smith machine

This exercise has a positive effect on the muscles of the upper and middle back, shoulders. Place the plank at mid-thigh level. Feet should be hip-width apart. Keep your back straight, lift the barbell, keeping it in a straight grip.

As you exhale, raise your shoulders to ear level. While inhaling, hold this position for 2-3 seconds, then return to SP. Do the lift 12 times in 3 sets.

Reverse Grip Pec Deck Exercise

This task effectively works the middle and lower parts of this muscle group. Lock the machine seat at the lowest level. Grasp the handles of the simulator with a reverse grip.

Begin to pull back the handles of the simulator, using the trapezius muscles. Withdrawing them as much as possible, fix this position for a second. Then gradually take I. p. Do 10 reps.

Pulling the block to the side with two hands

Exercise for trapezium using a rope on the simulator

To do this, you need to fasten a special rope (rope) in the middle or upper part of the simulator.

  • I. p. - while standing, bending your knees, grab the rope with both hands. Move 1-1.5 meters away from the simulator.
  • Pull the string towards your chin so that it is parallel to the floor. The shoulder blades should be brought together and the elbows should be above the shoulders.
  • Return to SP without sudden movements.

Perform 15 repetitions of 3 sets.

Exercises for the muscles of the lower back

It is better to leave this group of exercises at the end of the lesson. Strengthening the lumbar muscles reduces the risk of back problems.

Weighted exercise


This exercise uses almost all of the muscles in your back and is needed to build muscle mass.

Do 10-15 repetitions of 3-4 sets.


Before proceeding of this exercise, take care of a good stretch of the lower back and the back of the thigh. The main technical points of this exercise are the same as in the regular deadlift.

Perform 10-12 repetitions of 3-4 sets.

Sumo pull

This deadlift is similar to the classic one, but there are important differences. One is that leg stretching is important for this exercise. Also, the feet should be rotated 45º degrees, and the legs should be set wide enough.

Do 15-20 reps for 3-4 sets. Increase your weight gradually.

Forward bends using a barbell

This exercise is most effective for training your lower back:

  • Feet shoulder width apart. Take a barbell with a wide grip, place it on the trapezoid and stand straight.
  • I. p. - stand up straight, bend your back a little in the lower back. The muscles in your lower back should be tense, and your legs should be slightly bent at the knees.
  • On a deep breath, slowly lean forward while pulling your pelvis back.
  • When the body is parallel to the floor, take the SP.

Perform 10-12 bends in 3-4 sets.

Exercises for the lower back on the simulator


Hyperextensions are suitable for beginners and those with a weak back. This exercise does not overload the spine and joints, maintains muscle tone.

Do 10-12 repetitions of 3-4 sets.

Smith Machine Reverse Grip Row

Thanks to this grip, the biceps work more actively and the lower back muscles receive a greater load. Bend about 45º, using your legs and hips a little while lifting heavy weight... Do 8-10 reps for 3-4 sets.

One-handed barbell row in the Smith machine

  • I. p. - standing sideways to the simulator. Grab the bar in the center, one leg slightly behind, knees bent.
  • Try to pull the bar as high as possible.

Do 8-10 reps for 3-4 sets.

It is not at all necessary to include all of these exercises in your workout. It will be enough to do 2-3 exercises for pumping muscles, but with high quality. And then you will have a prominent back, and the muscles will be strengthened.

Working out in the gym, men pay special attention to training the back, since a harmonious silhouette of an athlete is impossible without well-developed lats. If girls mainly train the muscles of the legs, and this is logical, then the top priority for a man should be training the latissimus dorsi muscle. A wide back helps to hide body imperfections. Such as a wide waist, narrow Men are always attracted by the workout of the back. How to pump up wide back, every beginner wants to know too.

Back muscle structure

To understand how a back training program is designed for weight, you need to understand the structure of its muscles and their functions. are divided into deep and superficial.

The first type includes:

  • transverse spinous muscles, the function of which is to stabilize the spine, they consist of rotator cuff muscles, multifidus and semi-spinal muscles;
  • the extensor muscles function as the movement of the spine; consist of iliocostal, longest and spinous;
  • diamond-shaped, trapezoidal and, facilitate the movement of the shoulder girdle.

The second type includes:

  • the broadest muscle, the function of which is to stretch the arm back and down;
  • square, responsible for lateral bending.

What muscles should you pay attention to?

It is the upper body workout that worries beginners. Everyone wants to know how to pump up a wide back.

The shape of this part of the body, its width can be changed by pumping the lats, or, as athletes say, the wings. Increasing this area creates the V-shape that athletes strive for.

Also, a beautiful torso is formed due to This muscle group is divided into 3 regions: top, middle and bottom. Special attention paid to the top - the area between the shoulders and the neck.

Back extensor training allows the spine to become hollow, and this creates the effect of a muscular back. In addition, the extensors help to work with large weights while pumping up other parts of the body.

  • Pull-ups.

By changing the width of the grip, you can work out different areas of the back. The wider the grip, the more the lats are involved. When doing the exercises, you need to pull with your back, and turn off the biceps, do not pull your shoulders to your ears.

If you have a small weight, it is easy for you to pull up, then you need to use additional weight - a belt with pancakes or dumbbells, you can also use weights with sand.

If, on the contrary, you cannot tighten your own weight, then you can perform the exercise on the "Graviton" simulator, where a weight is placed, which is a counterweight.

  • Deadlift.

To perform this exercise, you need to have pumped abs and back extensors, which will help to avoid injury.

To begin the exercise, place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly and slowly lower the barbell down in one line, without bending the body forward. The bar should slide along the knees along the same path.

  • Bent-over barbell row.

Position - feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent at an angle of 45 degrees, the spine is in a straight line. Pull the bar to the stomach so that it slides over the thighs.

Isolated exercise technique

Isolated exercises help to strengthen the muscles at the end of the workout and use the fibers that are not affected by the basic ones.

  • One-handed dumbbell row.

Rest your left foot and left hand on the bench, back parallel to the floor, in right hand grab a dumbbell and start pulling with your back, bending your elbow. At the top point, you do not need to unfold your back.

  • Row in the T-trainer.

The principle of execution is the same as in the barbell deadlift. This exercise includes back mass training if there are any injuries.

  • Row from the upper block.

A good alternative to pull-ups. Sit on a bench, grab the handle with a wide grip and pull down with your back, your arms should be relaxed.

  • Traction from the lower block.

Sit on a bench, keep your back straight and start pulling the machine, bringing your shoulder blades together.

  • Hyperextension.

We lie down on the bench, the pelvis is on the pillow, lower the body down without rounding the back, raise the top until the back is in line with the legs.

Back muscle mass training program

Depending on the training goals, a specific program is selected. By including / excluding some exercises, you can change the load on the muscles.

All men are interested in how to pump up their backs. The training program is varied.

This complex will help to pump all parts of the back and represents 4 training options that will need to be alternated.

It is very important to do 5 minutes of cardio before starting the warm-up exercises, and also do a couple of no-weights warm-up sets.

Back workout
the exercise approaches repetitions
first, fifth weeks
pull-ups4 max
superset: pull from the upper and lower blocks4 10
bent-over barbell thrust4 10
second, sixth weeks
superset: pull from the upper block + chin-ups4 10 and 15
pull from the bottom block3 max
reverse thrust4 10, 10, 8, 6
pull from the lower block with one hand3 10
third, seventh weeks
pull-ups4 max, 10, 8.8
pull from the upper block3 10
bent-over barbell thrust4 8, 6, 6, 5
traction from the lower block with hands alternately4 15
fourth, eighth week
triset: chin-ups + pull-ups from the top + from the bottom blocks3 by 10
pull from the upper block3 12
reverse thrust3 max

Sports nutrition for workouts

Training for back mass is quite laborious and requires significant energy costs, therefore, it is rational to use supplements to increase endurance and the speed of recovery of the body.

For the growth of muscle mass, you can use a gainer, protein and creatine, for recovery - glutamine, to protect muscles from decay - BCAA. All this will contribute to the speedy achievement of the goal.

Consultants will tell you which company is the best to choose sports nutrition. Today there are many manufacturers, each of which adds some flavor to their product.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition, since the lack of nutrients will prevent your muscles from growing. You need to eat daily the required amount of protein and carbohydrates per kg of body. If you create a lack of any component, but train hard, you will not achieve the result. Muscle grows with the right amount of carbohydrates and proteins. Protein is the main food source for muscles, it is found in chicken breasts, eggs, cottage cheese.

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    Back training is a fundamental factor in the further and development of the growth of the athlete's musculature. The dorsal corset is involved in almost all basic exercises, and in terms of its size, this muscle group ranks second, second only to the legs. How to train correctly and which back exercises to choose? Let's consider further.

    General anatomy

    Before choosing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, let's understand the anatomy of this part of the body. As in the case of the pectorals, the back is not one muscle, but a group different muscles responsible for different joints. Most of them are the deep muscles of the back, which are responsible for fine motor skills torso. It is pointless to swing them separately, since they are already involved in almost all exercises to strengthen the back.

    If you do not take into account the deep muscles, then all the muscles of the back can be divided into several groups:

  1. Latissimus dorsi - are responsible for the reduction of the arms. Consist of two beams: the middle one (responsible for the thickness of the back) and the lateral one, located next to serratus(responsible for the appearance of the so-called "wings" of the athlete).
  2. The rhomboid muscles of the back are located in the upper layer and run along the entire back. Responsible for leading the scapula back. They consist of three different beams, each of which works with any movement.
  3. Trapezius muscles of the back. Responsible for the rotation in shoulder joint... Consist of three beams: middle, upper and lower.
  4. Lumbar muscles. Despite the fact that they cannot be called the largest, they are responsible for stabilizing the hull and require a separate deep study. form a muscle corset that keeps the human body in a straight position. They participate in almost all exercises as a fixing stabilizer for the body.
  5. Body extensor muscles - thin muscles running along the entire spine. Correct posture and keep the body in a straight position. Participate in all types of tilt rods.

It takes a holistic approach to target all of these muscle groups. Moreover, it is advisable to work out each muscle group at different angles, which will ensure local growth muscle group.

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The general principles of back pumping are very specific in nature and require strict and strict adherence to certain rules.

  1. Do not use basic exercises in the first months of training. The reason is that under the large muscle groups lie a huge number of small muscles that can be easily injured if the muscle corset is not sufficiently developed. That is why any trainer will advise in the first month in the gym to use back exercises with dumbbells or exercises on a block simulator. Isolation loading allows you to use fewer small muscle groups and has a fixed amplitude, which is safe when working with small weights. Only when you prepare your muscle corset for serious stress, you can proceed to the classics in the form of deadlifts and bent over rows.
  2. If you want to increase the result with the deadlift, do not use the deadlift. As strange as it may sound, however, the most powerful exercise for the back muscles - deadlift - does not allow for a constant progression of loads. This is because the psoas and accessory muscles fatigue faster than the rhomboid muscles. Therefore, if you are stuck in, it is worth working out all the auxiliary exercises on the back in the gym and only then return to the deadlift.
  3. Rigorous technique. Unlike stretching the muscles of the arms or legs, sprains and micro-dislocations of the back are fraught with prolapse of a hernia or problems with the spine in the future. It is better not to chase weights and do exercises in the border technique: this is dangerous to health.
  4. Large muscles respond well to heavy weights. Even if constant growth is not your goal, remember that high reps with low weights will not help your back workout.
  5. Do not use a safety harness. While it is an important safety component in training, the belt restricts movement in the lower back, which is why lumbar muscles and the extensor muscles of the back stop participating in the exercise. It is better to use lighter weights and choose a smoother progression of loads.
  6. Base + isolation. Like any other large muscle group, the back is trained in 2 stages. First, the basic pre-fatigue with extremely heavy weights, then the target finishing of the muscle group in the simulator. This provides a large load, and therefore a large one.
  7. Don't use two basic exercises on the same day. Try not to combine deadlifts and bent over rows, as well as deadlifts and sumo rows.


The set of exercises for the back traditionally consists of basic exercises, although most coaches do not recommend starting the base for the reasons described above. Consider a complete range of gym and home exercises.

The exercise Major muscle group Accessory muscle group Exercise type Home / for the hall
WidestBottom of trapezoid + back surface hipsBasicFor home
Diamond-shapedLatsBasicFor the hall
Diamond-shapedLattice + trapezoid + hamstringBasicFor the hall
the broadestRhomboid + trapezoid + hamstringBasicFor the hall
Diamond-shapedBottom of trapezoid + latsBasicFor the hall
Back straightenersBasicFor the hall
Bar Row with narrow setting handsLatsTrapeze + back straighteners + back of the thighBasicFor the hall
Median bundle of rhomboidLats + bottom of trapezoid + hamstringBasicFor the hall
Back straightenersTrapezium + rhomboid + latsBasic leverFor home and hall
Diamond-shapedTrapeze + rhomboid + lats + hamstringBasic leverFor home and hall
Spine extensorsInsulatingFor the hall
Spine extensorsDelts + triceps + hamstringsInsulatingFor the hall
Bicep training with cheatingLatsInsulatingFor the hall
Bottom of trapezoidTop of trapeziums + upper deltasInsulatingFor the hall
Pull of the vertical blockLatsDiamond-shapedInsulatingFor the hall
LatsTrapeze + bicepsInsulatingFor the hall
Horizontal block pullDiamond-shapedLatsInsulatingFor the hall
Back straightenersRhomboid + Lats + HamstringInsulatingFor the hall
Top of trapezoidInsulatingFor the hall
Shrugs with a barbell behindBottom of trapezoidTop of trapezoidInsulatingFor the hall
Accent trapeze topThe middle of the trapezoidInsulatingFor the hall
Spine stabilizersWhole bodyComplexFor home
Spine stabilizersWhole bodyComplexFor home
Bent-over dumbbell setBottom of trapezoidRear bundle of deltasComplexFor the hall
LatsTrapeze + rhomboid + hamstringComplexFor the hall


To work out the back, four main exercises are traditionally used in a complex manner.

  • Deadlift. The main exercise in CrossFit. It engages all major muscle groups with a strong emphasis on the rhomboid back muscles. First of all, this exercise develops the thickness of the back.

    © luckyguy123 -

  • Pull-ups. Homemade bent-over barbell row. Differs in low injury risk and fixed body weight, which allows you to work out the back in multi-repetitions. For the progression of loads, weights are used. The main focus of this exercise is on the latissimus dorsi.

  • Bent-over barbell row. A heavier version of pull-ups, which is distinguished by a strict technique of execution and large weights. The main load falls on the lats; depending on the angle of inclination and the width of the grip, both the thickness and the width of the back can be worked out. Perfectly works the bottom!
  • Barbell pull to the chin. The only thing basic exercise with an emphasis on trapezius exercises.


    But the number of exercises for the isolated study of the back is much greater. This includes working with simulators (pulling blocks), and types of shrugs, and even a cheating version of pumping biceps, which was used by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    The main task of isolation exercises is not only to give a suitable load on the target muscle group, but also to work out the small deep muscles that are not involved in basic exercises due to a different amplitude.

    Traditionally, there are 3 main isolation exercises in the back room.

    • Wide Grip Rows. Preparatory exercise for rod pull in a slope.

      © Makatserchyk -

    • Pull of the horizontal block to the belt. Not a bad alternative to deadlifts.

      © tankist276 -

    • Exercise that works the top of the trapezoid.

      Exercise at home

      Building your back at home is not easy. It has to do with the anatomy of movement. It is not possible to repeat them without weighting or special load. And those exercises that allow you to load your back with your own body without special equipment are ineffective if we talk about serious loads. Consider the basic exercises for the back at home.

      • Pull-ups. Serious complex exercise, which can be performed even without a horizontal bar. It is enough to have a sturdy door that can support your weight. You can also use any other similar devices.

      • Boat. A good exercise that develops the rhomboid and latissimus dorsi muscles. The technique is extremely simple: lie on the floor, slightly raise outstretched arms and legs.

      • Bridge. Static exercise With own weight, which perfectly develops the back extensors without injury. Suitable for recovery workouts or supportive workouts. Recommended for anyone seeking to develop not only strength, but also the flexibility of the back muscles.

        © vladimirfloyd -

      • Farmer's Walk. This exercise is in the home exercise category because it can be done with any home weight. It is enough to take 2 dense bags, fill them evenly with books and proceed. Develops all muscle groups with an emphasis on trapezius muscles... There are options in the form of lunges, which additionally load the leg muscles.

        Exercise in the gym

        For the development of the back, a huge range of various exercises is provided in the gym, both with free weights and with specialized equipment or simulators. Consider the main exercise exercises developing the back:

        • Safe analogue of full-fledged pull-ups. It has a more isolated load due to the shutdown of the muscles of the press and legs.

          © Makatserchyk -

        • Reverse grip row of the upper block.

          © Makatserchyk -

        • . An excellent basic exercise that engages all muscle groups with a strong diamond focus. It has no analogues for home or with free weights. It is considered the most natural exercise for working out the back with the least trauma.

        • Crossover thrust. It is performed in the same way as in a block trainer. The key difference is the freer amplitude. Thanks to the adjustment, the lats and rhomboids are worked out at a more difficult angle. Ideal for those who do not perform basic exercises for one reason or another.

        • Lower crossover linkage.

        • Hyperextension. The only serious isolating exercise in the gym, which will strengthen the lower back and reduce the risk of injury in the back in the future.

          © Makatserchyk -

          Complexes for the development of the back

          Consider the main training complexes for the development of the back in the gym and at home.

          Note: there are no circuit trainings in the table, because their the main task- not to use the back muscles, but to give a powerful hormonal anabolic impetus for the further formation of the body.

          Complex Exercises Task
          Split into lats

          Cheating biceps curl - light weight.

          The main task is to focus on the lagging lats. Great for helping to increase the number of pull-ups and back width by developing the wings.

          The biceps curl is used to increase the flexor force of the arm to lift the restriction in the weights.

          Split into rhomboidWarm-up deadlift - 20 times an empty bar.

          Block pull to belt 5 * 20

          Clean biceps curls on Scott bench 3 * 8

          A good complex for working out the thickness of the back, more difficult, but giving a serious basis for further training in any sport.

          Biceps training allows you to increase working weights in the future.

          Profiled workoutWarm-up deadlift - 20 times an empty bar.

          Deadlift 5 * 8 (70% Rmax).

          Block pull to belt 5 * 20

          Barbell Row 5 * 8 (70% RH).

          Row T-Bar 5 * 5 (60% of Max)

          Row of the upper block for the head 5 * 20.

          Broaching the bar to the chin 5 * 5

          Shrugs with dumbbells 3 * 3 (max possible weight)

          Hyperextension max * max

          Suitable for athletes who can afford a full day of back training. The best option for professionals.
          PreparatoryTraction of the upper block or pull-ups 3 * 12

          Pull of the horizontal block 3 * 12

          Hyperextension max * max

          It is used in the first month of training, since the muscle corset is not yet ready for the profile circuit training... Optimizes the tone of small muscle groups.
          RestorativeBridge 5 - for a while

          Farmer's Walk 100 Steps Light Weight

          Hyperextension max * max

          Negative pull-ups on a counterweight machine 5 * 3

          Body tilts in different directions

          Hanging on the horizontal bar for a while

          Suitable for recovery muscle tone after long break or after injury. All weights and repetitions are individual. After completing the recovery course, it is recommended to study the preparatory complex for another month.

          Breeding hands with a chest expander

          Dead weight with a rubber band.

          Horizontal pull-ups with harness

          Farmer's walk


          Shrugs with any available weight

          Deadlift of any available weight

          Everything that can be squeezed for the back at home, in order to somehow seriously load it.

          Exercises with non-standard equipment

          If you have a chest expander, fitball, or rubber band(), choose the appropriate one from the exercises presented. They will significantly diversify your load and allow you to work your muscles from a more natural angle. Suitable for both home and hall.

          1. Reduction of the shoulder blades with a chest expander. Unique exercise, which works simultaneously on the rhomboid and broadest muscles of the back. It is considered one of the most difficult. Has the most natural amplitude for humans.


            And finally, I would like to debunk one popular female myth that exercises for losing weight on the back do not exist. The back can lose weight, that is, atrophy with specific loads on drying and when adjusting the diet. For example, if you use a workout in a multi-repetition mode. But the back itself does not lose weight, it is just that the muscles acquire tone and look fit. As for local fat burning, it also does not exist. Therefore, instead of torturing yourself with ineffective exercises, it is better to delve deeper into nutrition and try to combine serious basic complexes with a calorie deficit in the diet.

How to pump up a powerful wide back? How do you achieve the coveted V-shape? What exercises are most effective in building your back? How to train your back so as not to get injured and what exercises to choose if you already have problems with your back? You will learn about this by reading this article: "Exercises for the muscles of the back."

Back muscles

The back is a muscle mass, second only in volume to the muscles of the legs. This is a huge muscle group that includes muscles located in layers of different depths. Within the framework of this article, we will consider muscles only from the point of view of bodybuilding, therefore, we list the muscles that form the external relief of the back (from top to bottom):

  1. Neck muscles (belt muscle of the head);
  2. Trapezius muscles;
  3. Rhomboid muscles;
  4. Latissimus muscles;
  5. Infraspinatus muscle;
  6. Large and small round muscles;
  7. Muscles - extensors of the back.

The muscles of the back are involved in almost all traction movements (lats, rhomboids), in which they are assisted by the posterior deltoids and biceps. Also, the back muscles work in the extension of the body (extensors of the back), lifting the shoulders (trapezoidal), in bringing the shoulder to the body (lats).

Exercises to strengthen back muscles

Why do you need to strengthen your back muscles? The answer to this question lies on the surface. First of all, you need to strengthen the muscles of the core to which on the back can be attributed long muscles extensors. Along with your abs, a trained core will give you the confidence to perform any hard exercise you will avoid the risk of injury. Secondly, a trained strong back is the key to the health of your spine. Third, a trained back creates balance for the often pumped pectoral muscles, which in turn is fraught with injuries to the deltoid muscles of the shoulder joint.

The very first exercise you should include in your training program is hyperextension.

Classic hyperextensions are performed in a special simulator. Resting the heels on special stops, we begin the extension, keeping a slight deflection in the spine. At the top point of the amplitude, we avoid excessive lordosis - hyperextension of the spine. We make movements smooth, without jerking. On inhalation, we lower the body to the bottom by 2 counts, on exhalation, we raise the body upward by one count. We do 15-20 reps. When the extensor muscles are sufficiently strengthened, you can use weights - pick up a disc, dumbbell or kettlebell.

There are many variations of hyperextensions (on a fitball, on a horizontal bench, etc.). Some of them concentrate the load on the hamstrings and gluteal muscles, take this into account, and in training to strengthen the muscles of the back, use hyperextension specifically on the extensors of this part of the body.

Train your back muscles at least once a week (if you are training on a split program). If you are a beginner, one workout for all muscles of the back in a strength, high-volume manner will be enough (if more often, then the muscles will not have time to recover and the risk of overtraining will increase).

If you already have a certain base and you need a certain specialization, whether it be working on the width or thickness of the back, or you need good detailing and separation of individual muscles on the back, then in your case, you can split the back workout into 2 times a week. In one workout, do, for example, basic back exercises, and in another, work specifically on the lagging factor.

Try to do a peak contraction in all exercises - for a split second, hold the muscles in a contracted state at the point of amplitude with the greatest load.

Stretch your working muscles after each set.

Basic back exercises

Pull-ups are deservedly considered the most effective of the basic back exercises.

Wide-grip pull-ups work the lats of the back very efficiently, which gives the back width and helps to achieve a V-shaped contour. At the same time, pull-ups are not isolated exercise, it involves the shoulder and elbow joints, and from the muscles - in addition to the lats - they assist deltoid muscles(posterior bundle), biceps shoulder (biceps) and other stabilizing muscles.

Due to the fact that so many muscle groups are involved, this exercise works effectively for strength and mass - it causes a hormonal surge and, as a response to it, a noticeable anabolic effect in the form of muscle growth.

Performing pull-ups for the development of the back muscles, one should try to "disconnect" the biceps from the work as much as possible. For this:

  • You do not need to bend your elbows to the end in order to come out with your chin over the bar (as in classic pull-ups);
  • It is necessary to try, as it were, to pull the bar to the chest, bringing the shoulder blades together;
  • mentally concentrate on the work of the broadest muscles. You need to pull your body up without bending your elbows, but due to the fact that you pull your elbows down.

One more nuance. During pull-ups, especially when doing a lot of sets and reps, your forearms will "clog", which will prevent you from performing the maximum number of reps that your lats are capable of. To avoid this, use special straps. Undoubtedly, you need strong forearms, but let's train them separately and not by training the back.

Pull-up options:

You can further concentrate the load on the lats by performing pull-ups behind the head.

If you are unable to pull up with your own weight, use the gravitron counterbalance trainer. You can also ask your training partner to "nudge" you at first until you can do the movement yourself.

That pull-ups are exceptional male exercise- a myth. Pull-ups are perfect for the beautiful half of humanity in the development of the back. And the wide (within reason) back perfectly emphasizes the narrowness of the waist and creates an hourglass-shaped silhouette.

Stand in front of the barbell, bend over to parallel with the floor. Maintaining a deflection in your back, grab a barbell with a medium grip. As you exhale, pull the barbell to your belt, while inhaling, slowly and under control, lower the barbell to its original position.

You can do the exercise with a reverse grip. Vary the width and type of grip so that you get the most out of your target muscle group, the lats.

T-bar deadlift

Biomechanics exercise similar to the previous exercise. Watch your lower back and in any case do not allow a hunched, "round" back - this is fraught with injury to the spine.

There are options for doing the exercise with the chest resting on the bench.

Most, so to speak, a basic exercise. King of the base. An exercise that engages virtually all muscles in the human body. Champion among exercises that stimulate the secretion of testosterone, triggering anabolic processes and thereby muscle growth. The exercise is technically difficult and traumatic. This exercise is not recommended for beginners who have not mastered the technique and have not trained their core muscles. It is recommended that you learn the exercise technique under the supervision of an experienced instructor or an advanced training partner.

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart parallel to each other. The legs are almost close to the bar. Throughout the entire range of motion in the spine, it is necessary to maintain a slight deflection. Take your pelvis back. We take a barbell shoulder-width apart. Often, a "raznogo" is used - one hand grasps the bar from below, the other - from above. Pulling the pelvis forward and lifting your back, lift the barbell, leading it along the lower leg. Mentally push through the floor with your heels - this will help you perform the movement correctly. Straighten your back. Slowly reverse the movement.

There are many options for performing the deadlift: sumo deadlift, deadlift on straight legs, deadlift from an elevation, deadlift with dumbbells, etc.

Dumbbell row with one other in an incline to the belt

Stand with your knee on a horizontal bench. Lean against the bench with the same name. Take the other dumbbell off the floor. Energetic, but not sharp movement, by contracting the muscles of the back, pull the dumbbell to the pelvic area. Do not lift the dumbbell to your chest. In this case, your biceps will take on the main load. Forget your forearm, think of it as a hook, and pull your elbow up and back at the expense of your back.

Execution option: pulling dumbbells simultaneously with two hands with an emphasis on the chest on an incline bench:

Isolation exercises for the development of back muscles

This classification is rather arbitrary, since exercises on block trainers and in simulators of the "hummer" type, more than one joint is often involved and can formally be considered basic. Nevertheless, these exercises, in terms of their biomechanics (a given trajectory and the absence of a noticeable load on the stabilizing muscles), can be considered isolating.

Extension of the upper back. Grasp the handle with a wide grip. Get down on the bench. Lower the handle behind your head (option: to your chest) as you exhale. As you inhale, slowly raise the handle to its original position.

Grasp the handle (options: narrow or wide grip). Sit on a bench with your legs slightly bent. Lean forward, stretching your lats. Straighten your back, but without swinging and inertia. Pull your elbows behind your back, bringing your shoulder blades together. Do not go too far behind the vertical and do not allow the counterweight to rise due to inertia. Return slowly to the starting position after the peak contraction. Traditionally, while pulling - exhale, when releasing the load - inhale.

Hammer cravings

Rows in a Hammer-type lever trainer. Alternatively, alternate pulling with each hand different types grip.

Bringing straight arms to the body in a crossover (pullover on the block)

Grasp the straight handle on top block crossover. Tilt your body forward slightly, keeping your back straight. As you exhale, lower your arms straight down to your hips. While inhaling, return to the starting position. A good "finishing" exercise after a heavy base with a small weight in order to catch up in the lats with more blood.

Exercises to increase back width

Exercises to increase the thickness and depth of the back

1. Bent over barbell

2. T-bar deadlift

3. Horizontal rods

Back exercises for problems

If you have an unhealed back injury. Or if you have had injuries in the past and fear a relapse, you obviously need to be extra careful with your choice of back exercises, as well as with care in choosing working weights, and with extra care in exercising technique.

Back exercises for scoliosis and osteochondrosis

If the spine is curved, axial loading should be avoided.

  1. Pull-ups
  2. Vertical rods on the block

Important: Avoid any exercise that causes pain!

A set of exercises for the back with dumbbells

  1. Dumbbell Deadlift
  2. Dumbbell row alternately to the belt in the slope
  3. Lying dumbbell rows on an incline bench
  4. Shrugs with dumbbells for trapezius muscles

A set of exercises for the back with a barbell

  1. Deadlift (or options)
  2. Row of the bar in an incline to the belt
  3. T-bar deadlift
  4. Shrugs on a trapezoid with a barbell

Preventing Back Training Injury

A healthy back is the key to your athletic longevity, so you need to be very careful about injury prevention. Choose your working weights carefully, do not chase the weight in order to surprise someone in the gym. Remember - the main thing is technique. Light weight lifted with ideal technique will give you much more than excessive weight with incorrect technique and will save you from injury. Use a lifting (athletic) belt.

5 back exercises for girls:

Safe back workout from Kostya Bublikov